Home Coated tongue You'll want to laugh out loud for an adult script about the underwater world. Entertainment script “In the sea kingdom”

You'll want to laugh out loud for an adult script about the underwater world. Entertainment script “In the sea kingdom”

Participants in the scenario: Presenter, Pearl Mussel, Seahorses, Brush, Starfish, Cancer, Pike, Goldfish, Student, Kolya the Fisherman.

The hall where the holiday is held imitates the depths of the sea; there should be algae, water inhabitants (fish, octopuses), underwater grottoes, etc.

There is a large panel on the stage showing Neptune wandering along the seabed. And they swim around him different fish and many different shellfish.

Children enter the hall to the music. At the entrance they are met by “guards” - guys dressed in seahorse costumes (green or brown suits), with caps in the shape of a seahorse silhouette on their heads, and pikes in their hands.

The seahorses, after meeting the children, line up in front of the stage, raise their pikes in greeting and hit them on the floor three times. One of the presenters, Zhemchuzhnitsa, appears on stage. (A high school girl in a bright naval dress, with a pearl-shaped crown on her head.)

Pearl oyster. Hello, dear guests! I, Pearl, am glad to see you in our underwater kingdom! I know that your desire to learn as much as possible about the inhabitants of the blue expanses brought you here. Welcome!

First Seahorse. Here you will find many strange plants and mysterious living creatures.

Second Seahorse. Our underwater forest is a land of mysteries and wonders. To avoid getting lost in the forest, you need to work together. Are you guys ready for this journey? Children. Ready!

Ershik the questioner runs in. (The dark suit has a large round collar with scales. A question mark is attached to the chest from the collar to the waist - an appliqué made of white thick paper or fabric. The question mark appears on the suit. Headdress: on a blue strip of paper that is attached around the head there is a brightly colored pipe cleaner).

Ershik. What's happened? Where I am? Why is our underwater kingdom so noisy? What? Where? Why?

Pearl oyster. Calm down, baby! These guys are our friends. They read a lot of books about the underwater world. But they want to know even more. Let's help them. But first, meet the guys.

Ershik. Hello guys! I am Ershik. But for some reason everyone calls me “Question”. Do you have any idea why? ( Children answer.) Yes, I am a very fast fish. I swim a lot, see a lot, and the more I see, the more I want to know. So I ask everyone questions. It's so interesting! True, the seahorses are laughing at me. They like to stay in place for a long time, attaching their tail to the algae, and, having settled comfortably on them, remain motionless for hours. Their tail is an anchor. ( Points to the skaters who sat on the edge of the stage.)

Pearl oyster. Don't mind them baby, just let them laugh. Better look under what motto the guys searched for interesting material.

The pearl oyster reads the poster aloud: “If you are inquisitive, you will be knowledgeable.”

Ershik. Great words! I want to know a lot. The only problem is that I can’t read, but there are so many interesting books here!

Pearl oyster. But the guys have read these books and will be able to answer your questions, no matter how many there are.

Ershik. Fine! Then listen, guys, to my questions!

He lives in the deep end

Master of the depths

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. ( Som.)

How many years can a pike live? ( Up to 300)

Guys, maybe you also know sea proverbs?

Children. Where there is no pike, the crucian carp is the owner.

On a wide river there are fish in narrow places, on a narrow river - in wide ones.

In a deep river, fish in the shallows; in a shallow river, fish in a pool.

Pearl oyster. Well done boys! We coped well with Ershik's questions. Are you satisfied, Ershik, with the guys’ answers?

Ershik. Very! It even became fun, I wanted to play.

Pearl oyster. Please! The game is called "Capricious Burden". Two teams of five people play. In front of each team is a lake. At a distance of five to seven steps from him is the second. There are five nameless fish swimming in the first lake. Each team member catches ( hand) fish, signs the name on it with a pencil, without letting go of the pencil right hand, puts the fish on the fishing rod ( meter long stick) and carries the fish on a fishing rod with his left hand to the second lake. He runs back, passes the pencil to the second team member, etc. The team that moves the fish faster and correctly identifies their names wins.

The game is being played. The winning team is awarded prizes.

Ershik. Although it’s fun, friends, it’s time for us to hit the road! We would like to take a ride into the depths of the sea, to visit a starfish...

Well, the question is... on what?

The First Seahorse. Hey guys, well done! Underwater skates! How long do we have to sit here? Let's entertain the guests and take them across the sea with songs and dances!

Music is playing. Children perform a dance.

The Starfish appears.


Good afternoon or good evening

I want to tell all my friends.

And rejoice at the meeting,

I'm in a hurry, of course.

How was your trip? Are you lost? After all, my possessions are 2.5 times larger than land. But man has long been attracted by the secrets of the depths, and perhaps the day will come when he will build himself a home under water. Let's imagine for a moment. There are cities and towns under the water, cabbage and cucumbers in the garden beds, hedgehogs in the forests, cows and bulls near the houses. Since these will be civilians, they will hand over the sword and saber to the museum for storage.

Ershik. Thank you, Starfish, for the interesting story, but it seemed to me that your story contained a secret. Guys, have you guessed what the secret of the story is?

Children name the plants: seaweed and sea cucumber; fish: hedgehog, goby, cow, saw, sword, saber.

Starfish. Can you find them in the drawings that hang in your room? ( Children name and show sea plants and fish.) And this task turned out to be up to you. Well done boys. And depict the other inhabitants of the depths of the sea yourself, the way you imagine them.

Several people are called and they receive the package. It contains a box of markers, a sheet of paper on a tablet and on each sheet the name of sea animals or plants.

Now compare your drawings with what the underwater inhabitants you depicted actually look like. (Shows drawings.)

Guys, I prepared for you a pleasant surprise. Here he is! ( Anxiously searching and not finds.) But where is he? Seahorses, have you seen?

A claw protrudes from behind the stage. On the other side is the mouth of a pike. Then Cancer and Pike appear simultaneously.

Cancer. Ha ha! There's no surprise for you! Not to be seen! It was we, the water robbers, who kidnapped him!

Pike. So be it! We have hidden it safely and will keep it vigilantly! ( Crayfish and Pike sit on opposite sides of the stage.)

Starfish (addressing the guys). Guys! What do we do? How do you find out where they hid the surprise?

Children express their guesses.

Ershik. And this is what I came up with! It is necessary, firstly, to closely monitor them, in case they give away the place where they hid the surprise, and secondly, it is necessary to divert their attention. I wish we could come up with something so that they couldn’t take their eyes off us!

Starfish. It's possible! Hey goldfish! Help us out! ( Goldfish dancing slowly.)

Graceful, smooth

The fish are spinning

And then with the wave,

They frolicked merrily.

Pearl oyster. Our Ershik was thinking about something. Does he want to ask a question?

Ershik. Where are the fish's eyes? Where is the fish's tail?

Pearl oyster. What kind of strange questions are you asking?

Ershik. These are not questions, this is a game. It's called "The Cheerful Artist"

Two guys are chosen to play. They are blindfolded and led to easels. In front of the easels is a box of colored crayons. At the Leader’s command, the children must take crayons and draw the part of the fish that the Leader names. Then follow the steps he suggested and continue drawing.

Pearl oyster. So, pay attention! Take crayons and draw the eye of a fish. Put the chalk back in place. Make a circle! Again! Take chalk and draw a fin. Now change the chalk. Draw the scales! Fine! Sit down twice. Draw the body. Two steps back, two steps forward. Change the chalk. Draw the tail. Open your eyes. Aw, you got some funny fish! It’s really like, “Where are the fish’s eyes? Where is the fish's tail?

Starfish (addressing Pike, who is sitting on the stage). Why are you Pike, looking so intently at Cancer, not taking your eyes off? Are you bored, or what?

Pike. No. This, Cancer is looking at me, it would be better to listen to what they say about me.

Cancer. Here's another! I really need to hear about you! Now, if only they would tell about me, otherwise about the pike - what a miracle!

Starfish. Guys, can you name the cartoons where Pike and Crayfish act together? ( Children call the cartoon “Beavers are on the trail” and Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer”.)

Cancer. It would be nice to listen to the fable!

The children read Krylov’s fable “Swan, Pike and Cancer” in their faces. During reading, Cancer becomes restless. The pike, on the contrary, is happy.

Pike. It turns out that it is very pleasant to listen to yourself. Do you know anything else interesting, so that there is at least something about me, about Pike?

Children tell stories from the “It's Interesting” series

The performances conclude with reading the story “Honored Pike.”

Student.“Once upon a time in Lake Shchuchye there lived a well-known pike. She was famous not for her size, but for her elusiveness: she would either tangle a fishing line in a snag or catch it with her teeth. So many fishermen hunted for her - all in vain. And suddenly it all ended at once. It was a harsh winter with little snow. The water froze almost to the bottom. Many fish suffocated underwater. When the ice melted, we found the well-deserved pike in shallow water. Nine spinners stuck into her mouth. That's how many anglers the pike has outwitted! The fishermen were very sorry that they did not save the pike in winter...

Pearl oyster. Guys, do you know how it was possible to save pike and other fish in a pond? ( The guys answer: “We had to make an ice hole”).

Pike (crying). Oh, what sad story. But it turns out that people don’t always scold me either... But I also bring benefits, although they are called predatory fish. I am an underwater orderly, because I destroy sick fish and thus clean water bodies.

Cancer. It was you who boasted! Just think, the guys know a lot about her! But they don’t know anything about other fish.

Ershik. No, they know!

Cancer. No, they don't! Come on, I'll check! Everyone stand up and listen to me carefully. If I call sea ​​fish, you must raise your arms above your head and clap your hands,

If I name a freshwater fish, sit down. If the guys don’t make a mistake, it means they are really inquisitive and know a lot.

(He turns to the side and whispers: “How can I confuse them? Oh, that's how I came up with it").

Guys, guys! You may not even think about it yourself! As soon as the fish is in the sea, I will raise my claw, and you clap! So, let's start!

(Cancer names fish: loach, cod, crucian carp, pike perch, goby, ide, etc. During the game, he sometimes raises his claw incorrectly to confuse the guys. But the guys don't fall for his tricks.)

Cancer. My affairs are bad! The guys didn’t give in to me and managed to distinguish between sea and freshwater fish. Maybe you also know aquarium fish?

Starfish. They not only know them, but even depicted them in their drawings. ( Starfish shows drawings, children talk about their favorite fish.)

Cancer. They read books, solve riddles, know how to play, dance too.... But they probably don’t know how to sing.

Ershik. You're wrong, Cancer! We can sing too. Look and listen. ( Children sing and dramatize the song “Kolya the Fisherman”.)


Where have you been, Kolya?

The whole squad was looking for you.

You're soaked to the skin on a dry day,

And we want to know what’s wrong with you?


Kolya, Kolya the fisherman,

How big is your catch?

How often has the float been dipped?

Who did you get hooked on?

Aren't you lazy, Kolenka?

Sitting above the river all day?

You know, the hunt was great,

And I only caught a perch.

What time!

Apparently he is very big,

Since you couldn’t take it with you?

We can help, don’t worry,

Show me the perch soon!


Kolya, Kolya, dear,

Still, you are a bad fisherman,

Unfortunately, you love to compose,

But we give the essay a “five”!

Come on! (Leaves.)

Cancer. Just think - they can sing! But they don’t know how to observe. While they were singing and playing here, they lost one of their friends, and they didn’t even notice! Ha ha ha!

Ershik. Trouble! Trouble! Someone else was hidden by these villains. Who is not among us, guys? ( The children discovered the absence of the Pearl Oyster.) What to do? What should I do? Looking for the surprise that the Starfish has prepared for us, or our friend the Pearl Oyster? ( The children unanimously decide to save the Pearl Oyster.) Then it's all about searching! Maybe we can find traces of her?

The children scatter all over the hall, and one of them finds a bag with grains of river sand and a riddle note: “Who walks with his feet, and listens with his feet?” (Pearl mussel. Mollusk.)

Starfish. What relation can these grains of sand have to the Pearl Oyster? ( The children answer that when a grain of sand gets into a pearl oyster, a pearl grows around it.)

Starfish. So we are on the right track.

The sounds of music are heard, and the Pearl Oyster appears. She carries a huge shell. Cancer and Pike run away in fear.

Pearl oyster. Thank you, Dear friends that they didn’t leave you in the lurch. ( Bows to the guys.) I want to thank you too. ( Presses on the sink. It opens slowly. In it - books for kids.) In memory of this holiday, where we made so many inquisitive, cheerful and kind friends, accept these memorable gifts!

All participants in the matinee sing the song “Smile” and leave the hall to the music.

with elements of a competitive program dedicated to
Neptune's Day "Underwater kingdom - Neptune's state"

Characters: Presenter
Kikimorka's little devils

Volunteers line up the children.
The presenter calls the residents to the performance.

Episode No. 1. “Everyone for the holiday!”
The song "Carnival" is played. The mermaids come out.
1- Listen, watch people
There will be a meeting with Neptune here
2- We walked by rivers, seas,
King Neptune met with us
3- He gave his regards to everyone
He will be visiting soon.
4- Occupy all seats.
It's time to start the holiday.

The presenter comes out.
Presenter - Hello, guys!
The children answer.
To greet the guest amicably,
We need to say loudly to everyone:
"Volga, Volga, stir up,
King Neptune, appear quickly! "Everyone repeats these words.
No, he can't hear us, he can't see us,
We repeat again:
"Volga, Volga, stir up,
King Neptune, appear quickly! »
Fanfare sounds. Neptune appears in the hands of a trident.
He goes to the throne, sits down, and his retinue sits around.
Neptune - I am the ruler of all seas and oceans,
Large rivers and small rivulets.
I'm a restless, busybody,
I live in an underwater country.
My last name is Neptune
Popularly known.
Good evening, girls and boys.
Glad to see you happy and healthy,
Modest and agile.
Am I right,
Is this the best yard, friends?
Children - Yes!
Neptune - You are dancers and singers, brave and well done.
You dance, you sing. In general, you have a fun life.
So show me your talents.
I’ll sit and watch and give you the rewards.
But the most important thing is that I will hand you the key to the sprinklers.
And now I will introduce you.
Your assistants, friends.

Neptune - There's a whole platoon of mermaids
From the green sea waters.
Go out to the music
Mermaids - We are mermaids, long hair,
We are deep spirits.
We love to sing and dance
And tickle the kids.
Neptune - And here are the little sea devils,
Very brave guys.
Go out to the music
Little devils - Malice and deceit are alien to us little devils
We are the guardians of the underwater kingdom.
We won't touch you, friends.
You can't be a bully. It's a pity…
Presenter - To begin with, to relieve yourself, I’ll tell you some riddles.
I am the beginning, you are the end

Presenter - King Neptune, we are glad to see you
And for you we dance the fiery Lambada.
Guys, are you dancing with us?
Children dance Lambada, volunteers and heroes help children.

Episode No. 3. “Theft.”

There is noise and screaming. Kikimora appears in the kingdom.
Kikimora - Yeah, weren't you waiting for me?
And I took it and came!
Neptune - You swamp soul, why did you come here?
There are good guys here, we can do without you.
Kikimora - I am a swamp monster, a natural Kikimora.
I won’t leave for anything, I’ll start dancing now.

Neptune - Guys, should we let her dance?
Guys - Yes!!!
Kikimora - I call my girlfriends - kikimorok. Kikimorki!
The kikimorki and Vodyanoy run out and dance.
(during the dance, the trident is stolen, but no one notices).

Kikimora - Well, how are we, old man, did we play well?
We can't do that yet. Forward! (laugh and run away)

Neptune - Yes, the guys danced well, and Kikimora did well.
You made me happy.
Presenter - Oh, great Neptune, they didn’t order execution, they ordered mercy.
While everyone was singing and dancing, Kikimora stole the trident.
Sad music is playing.
Neptune - Oh, now I'm powerless,
And you won't help me, friends. (sit on the throne)
Little devils - Now Neptune is in despair,
Mermaids - Can't move or speak.
Together - We must help him!

Episode #4. "Tests".
Presenter - To awaken Neptune, you and I need to divide into teams. Our volunteers will help you. Look, they have colored leaves in their hands that they will stick on you. Don’t lose them, it will be clear which team you will be on.

Little devils - Neptune needs to be given strength.
Yes, you can dance.
But show off your dexterity and dexterity in sports competitions.

1- Boats
2- Swamp
3- Sack Run
4- Buckets

Neptune - Well, I was convinced myself -
The shift is growing strong.

Presenter - Well done, it worked. But that’s not enough, let’s sing a song together!
Song "Scarlet Sails"
Presenter - We talked Neptune, gave him strength,
but he is still in despair. Is it all in vain?
Mermaids - No, there is one more chance.
We are announcing a beauty contest!
The competition is held to music, the girls walk around the stage as if on a podium.

Neptune - I am full of strength and confidence. Thank you guys.
You saved me, because the world is ruled by kindness and beauty.

Episode No. 5. “The Triumph of Kindness.”

Kikimora and Vodyanoy appear.
Kikimora - Ha ha ha. Awoke. And we have a trident!
(menacing music sounds)
Hey, trident, send Neptune into the depths of the sea,
and put me on the throne!
One two Three! (music ends abruptly)
The spell does not work because the trident only works for Neptune.
Neptune - Well, that's it, my patience is over.

The melody of “Chase” sounds. The little devils run after Kikimora and Vodyany, catching them in a “sea” trap.
Kikimora and Vodyanoy - Oh, cold water, we don’t want to go there,
You might catch a cold.
Don't drown us, don't take it upon yourself.
You'd better forgive us.
Presenter - Neptune! Let's forgive them.
Even though they did wrong,
But the guys were amused.
Neptune (addresses the guys) - Well, what can we forgive?
Children - I'm sorry.

Kikimora - Well, by chance, well, jokingly,
Lost my way.
Vodyanoy - Yes, I am a child of nature,
Don't judge me
I will be kind to you.

Neptune - You see, guys, with evil and cunning
you won't achieve anything.
Because the world is ruled by friendship, kindness and beauty!

Presenter - Great king, have you forgotten anything?
Neptune - Oh, really!
Congratulations to all the guys.
I am glad to present you with awards.
Presentation of awards.
Presenter - Water procedures are very good
Now we will shower each other with all our hearts.
Neptune - I order: “Take the sprinklers in your hands.”
And create a friendly FOUNTAIN in the center.”

Neptune points his trident and the children begin a fireworks display of sprinklers.
The song "Carnival" is played.

The final. Exit of all participants.

That's it - Even though we feel sorry to part,
It's time to go to sea.
Presenter - I kind words remember
King of gray Neptune.
Neptune - And I will go into the depths of the sea
And I will while away the time.
Farewell! Next summer
I'll be waiting for you here again!

The heroes say goodbye to the children and sail away. The song “In the Sea World” is playing.

"New Year's adventures in the underwater kingdom"

script for children senior group 2016-20017

Our dear guests! We hasten to congratulate everyone.

May good luck and success come to you in the coming year!

May it be for you, good people who are not afraid of worries,

He will be not just new, but happy New Year!

Let the music play loudly

Hurry to our elegant hall,

Here we go guys

Our New Year's carnival.

"New Year's Dance"

1 child-

Thank you, Zimushka, for your affection,

For lace patterns a fairy tale,

For the song of a gentle blizzard,

Similar to the sound of a pipe!

2 child

We bow to you, Winter:

You've shoveled a lot of snow,

She covered forests and fields with them.

Mother Earth is pleased.

3 child

There is no reason to be bored with you:

We're flying down the hill on a sled,

And we love skiing and skating

We're playing with your snowballs.

We celebrate the New Year with you,

We dance with you,

We sing at the Christmas tree, have fun,

Morozov, we are not afraid of blizzards!

The song “Winter is coming to our housewarming party.”

(children sit on chairs)

The Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden: Friends, I am called Snow Maiden,
I'm not afraid of the cold.
I'm not afraid of the winter blizzard,
I'm even friends with her.
Frost is my dear grandfather,
Snowflakes are my relatives.
In the silence, the wilderness of the forest
I have a house.

And on New Year's holiday

I'm invited today.
Visiting children in kindergarten,
A song with Grandfather Frost
I love the guys very much.
The one who sings the song
He will be happy all year long.

Song "Winter's Tale"

1. Quietly humming a fairy tale,
Winter floats by in the twilight.
Covering with a warm blanket
Land, and trees, and houses.
Light snow swirls over the fields,
Like stars are falling from the sky.
Lowering his furry eyelashes,
A dense forest slumbers in silence.

2.Golden owls sleep on Christmas trees
In the fabulous glow of the moon.
Snowdrifts sleep at the edge of the forest,
Like big white elephants.
Everything changes shape and color,
The windows of sleepy houses are turned off,
And winter, telling a fairy tale,
She slowly falls asleep on her own.
And winter, telling a fairy tale,
Slowly falls asleep on her own...

Snow Maiden: Here is that picture song
Like a thin piece of ice.
How can I not drop it?
The song wouldn't be broken.

(There is a well in the corner, the Sea King sits behind it. A terrible laugh is heard)

Snow Maiden: Oh, someone is laughing scary.
Being alone in the forest is dangerous.
We must hurry to grandpa,
I just want to drink.
I'll look into the well,
Is there still water in it?
(Places the ice song on the floor)
I'll lower the bucket
Let me grab some water.

(The Snow Maiden lowers the bucket and slowly pulls it out. Two hands of the Sea King are reaching behind the bucket.)

Sea King:

There is plenty of water in the bucket.

Pull, Snow Maiden, the bucket.

(The Sea King appears)

Snow Maiden: Who are you?

M. Ts: I am the King of the Sea

Since childhood I have not liked goodness,

I do only evil with Baba Yaga.

And no your New Year

He won’t come to visit the guys.

(addresses the Snow Maiden)

Where is the song, grandfather's gift?

Did you manage to hide it?

Snow Maiden: No, I won’t show you for anything

M. Ts: I’ll find that song myself!

(finds and takes)

Oh, here she is!

Snow Maiden:

Please give it back!

M. Ts: I’ll break your song,

I will turn the fragments into water.

I won’t let you go to the holiday.

(calls Baba Yaga)

Baba Yaga fly quickly.

Hide the Snow Maiden in your hut.

(B. Ya appears and steals the Snow Maiden)

Host: What should we guys do?

Let's call Santa Claus for help. He is a wizard, he will definitely figure out how to save the Snow Maiden, how to find the New Year's song. And there are so many of us, we will help him.

Let's all shout loudly:

“Santa Claus hurry to the Christmas tree!”

(everyone screams)

Father Frost:! (Santa Claus enters the hall)

Hello, dear guests!

Hello my little friends!

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

Congratulations to all of you!

I wish you all a lot of joy, love!

Don’t sneeze or get sick, have good health.

It's fun to laugh at the Christmas tree and don't be afraid of Santa Claus!

Why don’t the fairy lights light up on your Christmas tree?

Not in order!

Come on, my magic staff,

Light up our Christmas tree.

Well, we will help you

Let's say together: “One, two, three-

Our Christmas tree is on fire! (does not burn)

Apparently, they ate little porridge,

Maybe the children got sick?

(Touches the forehead of one and the other child with his hands)

Why are you shouting so quietly?

Or don't you want to help me?

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, our children can scream loudly.

Let's try it one more time.

(As usual, after multiple “persuasions” the Christmas tree lights up)

Santa Claus: there is nothing more interesting,

How wonderful is it on such a day?

Happy New Year to you,

Celebrate the holiday with you.

Come on guys, take me into your round dance

Let everyone dance and sing in this hall today!

Round dance song "Santa Claus is our New Year's guest"

Santa Claus: well, hold your nose, because that’s why I and Frost!

Well, take care of your hands, keep them away from the frost

Game "I'll freeze"

Host: Santa Claus, we won’t let you out of the circle. (Children hold hands, Santa Claus tries to deceive them.)

Santa Claus: Guys, what do you like to do in winter?

Presenter: And the guys will now tell you and show you.

Game “What we like in winter” (children sit on chairs)

Father Frost:

You danced, sang and played well.

I got there by road!

The path was hard for me,

And I would like a little

Sit and relax.

Presenter: Grandfather Frost, sit down on a chair and relax. Yes, listen to the poems of our guys. They were waiting for you and preparing for you.

Children read poetry.

1. Santa Claus, you are the kindest,
But I wasn’t bad either -
I was doing the cleaning
I decorated the Christmas tree with my mother.

And all year I was obedient
And not harmful... Well, almost.
I collected my toys
And there are a lot of them, keep in mind!

I hope it's under the tree
I'll find a surprise soon.
After all, I've been waiting for him for so long.
Santa Claus, hurry up!

2. Who believes in a wonderful holiday -
Open the doors wider!
New Year is on its way,
He wants to come visit us.

Santa Claus under our Christmas tree
I put a pile of gifts.
There is no bottom in the magic bag,
Enough miracles for everyone!

3. A fairy tale opens the doors to winter.
And the Christmas tree is shining with lights.
We have not waited for this day in vain!
The New Year is rushing to meet us!

Confetti and bright firecrackers -
What fun it is all around!
Lots of different sweets, toys,
Everything is covered in snowy silver!

Father Frost:

And you told the poems

And you played with me

Have you guys seen my granddaughter Snegurochka?

I collected all the gifts and showed her the way, but I don’t see the gifts and I don’t hear the Snow Maiden.

Where is my Snow Maiden, what happened friends?

Father Frost:

Well, it’s okay, I have a magic saucer with a poured apple, it will tell us where to look for the Snow Maiden.

(Takes out a saucer with an apple from the bag)

Roll, roll, apple,

Roll, roll, pour.

Show us, apple, where is my granddaughter Snow Maiden.

(Looks at the saucer, is surprised, for example, raises one eyebrow.)

Oh, I see, I see the forest is dense, in the dense forest there is a big house

He stands on chicken legs

Yaga is snoring on the stove there.

And my granddaughter is sitting in the corner

She's making something there.

The robbers are sitting around and watching her with all their eyes.

Oh what to do how to be

And how to free the Snow Maiden?

Host: Children, will we find the Snow Maiden?

We are her friends, will we save her?

Santa Claus, take out your staff and start casting magic with it.

Ded Moroz: Yes, that’s right! (knocks the staff 3 times)

magic staff, help us,

Show the way to the forest kingdom! One, two, three, find the Snow Maiden!

(Baba Yaga appears)

B. I: I, Granny Yaga! What do you want kids?

Why did they show up without asking? Why did you end up here?

D. M: Hello Grandma Yaga! We've got a problem!

We lost Snow Maiden and all the gifts were gone.

Do you hear the old corga, can you take the gifts,

but you won’t see the Snow Maiden.

I'll reveal my secret

She is not in the forest kingdom

There are young grannies - my granddaughters are mischievous.

They can sing and dance,
You can take them with you.....

Dance "Babki Yozhki"

D. M: With you - Yagulechki I can go anywhere,

but without the Snow Maiden I’m in trouble.

Help your grandfather and tell him the whole truth.

And I’ll invite you to the holiday and treat you to sweet tea

Little hedgehog grandmothers: We had one like this.

But our evil granny, she disliked the Snow Maiden and dragged her off to the sea kingdom..

B. I: Hey you cute girls

You've got it all mixed up old ladies,

I haven’t seen the Snow Maiden,

I was resting on the stove.

D.M: Oh, you old Yaga

I'll freeze you!

Better run to the forest

And wait for your granddaughters there.

(Baba Yaga runs away from Santa Claus to the music)

D.M: Well, guys, let’s look for our Snow Maiden?

Where is my magic apple?

Roll, roll, apple,

Roll, roll, pour.

Show us, apple, where is my granddaughter Snow Maiden?

(takes out an apple and rolls it on a plate)

Yes, she is with the king of the sea Neptune himself

In the underwater kingdom. What should we do?

Host: Well, take out your magic staff.

Santa Claus: Yes, that's right! (knocks the staff 3 times)

magic staff, help us,

Show me the way to the underwater kingdom! One, two, three Look for Snow!

Presenter: Children, stand up in a big circle

Keep looking for our Snow Maiden!

Game "Search"

(The lights on the tree go out, Neptune appears.)

Neptune: I am the Mighty King of the Sea! You shouldn't be joking with me!

Why did you show up without asking?! How did you end up at sea?!

Kwakunya: Kwaki is here, your sea!

Neptune (lovingly): Oh, my little green one!

Kwakunya: Kva-kva...

Neptune: Oh, my bug-eyed one!

Kwakunya: Kva-kva...

Neptune: Do you love me?

Kwakunya: Like my own mother! Like your own dad!

Neptune (menacingly): So why are you making me bored?

Kwakunya: Croak or croak, I have prepared a surprise for you. (Claps three times)

(Mermaids with pearls come out to music)

Mermaids: we are little mermaids - girlfriends, we have pearls as toys

We are beautiful in appearance, we have sensitive hearts.

Our hair curls in waves, we frolic on the waves ourselves,

we love music and dancing... everyone will like it, there is a chance!

We are friends with the fish in the sea! And we serve Neptune faithfully!

"Dance of the Oriental Mermaids."

Neptune: Well, Kwakunya, I was surprised! Well, Kwakunya, I made you laugh!

What, I didn’t see any fish? You are so impudent, bug-eyed!

It was in vain to drag the mermaids, Well, what is the use of mermaids?

Everything is the other way around for us. And on land - New Year

Neptune: People dance in circles,

Near the forest Christmas tree - There is a holiday in this winter!

Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are bringing them a cartload of toys.

We sit alone in the water even on holidays.

There is no one to sing and dance with, so we will grow old,

And for the New Year we will be left without guests again.

Kvakunya (joyfully): What will I tell you, king...

Neptune: What you say is stupid... however, you're a bastard.

Kwakunya: Will you listen or not,

I want to give one piece of advice.

We, croak-quack, stole the gifts,

The Snow Maiden was bewitched.

And now the New Year is upon them (shows index finger up)

Now he definitely won’t come!

Neptune (rubs his hands excitedly):

Great idea, Kwakunya. Let's go get ready for the holiday.

Neptune and Kwakunya are about to leave, music sounds and comes towards them

They come out and Santa Claus notices Neptune. Kwakunya hides behind Neptune's back.

Santa Claus: oh, deceiver! Well, you are a rogue! After all, my Snow Maiden is here!

I'm a wizard - a sorcerer! Let her go quickly!

From your sea depths!!! You are a villain, but you are a man!

Neptune: No, I don’t have any Snow Maiden! (Angrily shakes his beard).

Santa Claus: Oh, yes, the king of the sea,

Why are you shaking your head?

You know, you're deceiving us,

You'll regret it now.

I'll play the pipe

This won't do you any good!

Neptune: I’m not afraid of your pipe and I won’t give up the Snow Maiden!

Santa Claus imitates playing the pipe. Under cheerful music Neptune and Kwakunya begin to dance. At the end of the dance, Neptune begins to sigh heavily and fan himself.

Neptune: I don’t want to dance with you -

What kind of troll-la-la is this!

Legs themselves, themselves, themselves,

They dance the pretzel themselves!

Oh, I can't take it anymore! And now I'm going to fall!

The music stops.

Neptune: Okay, okay, don't bother

Don't wake up the sea kingdom!

Here she is...

(Claps his hands, the pirates bring out the Snow Maiden)

Neptune: Santa Claus, too much of a deal: I’m giving you my granddaughter Snegurochka,

but I ask for a ransom for it - I want your magic pipe and for you to invite me to a holiday. I'm bored! I'm sad!

Santa Claus: We welcome guests, you are welcome

For the sake of such a holiday, I don’t even feel sorry for a pipe!

Neptune: Well, so be it! Here is your granddaughter, Santa Claus!

Santa Claus: The children have been waiting for us, it’s time to return.

Magic staff, help us!

Bring us back to the happy holiday soon! (knocks 3 times).

(Music sounds, the lights on the tree come on and the lights in the hall also turn on).

Santa Claus: Snow sparkles on the road,

The ice sparkles like silver.

Everything is beautiful, like in a fairy tale,

Oh yes, a miracle - New Year!

Snow Maiden: Today we have fun,

We are celebrating the New Year.

And all the guests and all the children

We invite everyone to join the choir.

Song “One, two, three, the Christmas tree burns”

Santa Claus: We made you happy, we made you happy, and you deserved the gifts.

Snow Maiden, granddaughter, where are the gifts?

Snow Maiden: Oh, Santa Claus, they stayed in the underwater kingdom!

Neptune: Well, this problem can be fixed. The magic pipe will help us.

Well, I’ll cast my net

And I will take out the gifts

Here's a magic ball for you.

(Santa Claus throws a ball behind the scenes and says magic words.)

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

Help, Sea King

Pull, pull - one, two, three.

Here are the gifts - look!

(Santa Claus pulls out his felt boots).

Apparently the ball rolled into the locker room.

(Santa Claus throws the ball a second time and says the magic words).

Santa Claus: You roll, roll, ball

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

Help, King of the Sea

Pull, pull - one, two, three.

Here are the gifts - look!

Santa Claus pulls out a pan.

Santa Claus: Don't worry, children.

Apparently the ball rolled into the kitchen.

Santa Claus throws the ball a third time and says the magic words.

Santa Claus: You roll, roll, ball

Through west to east,

Through the north, through the south,

Come back after making a circle.

Help, Sea King..

Pull, pull - one, two, three.

Here are the gifts - look!

Santa Claus tries to drag and fails. He says it’s hard and leaves to get the bag and bring gifts.

Santa Claus: There's a whole cart of gifts here.

(Gift distribution)

Santa Claus: And now the hour of farewell has come.

Santa Claus gives the following order:

Don't be sick, don't be bored

And don't forget me!

And me next year

I will come to visit you again

The heroes say goodbye and leave.

Host: We wish you all a Happy New Year,

So that life would be without grief and worries,

We wish you health and joy,

Let the New Year be happy!

Khvostikova Elena Aleksandrovna, teacher-organizer of the yard club “Ak Zhelken” of the House of Children's Creativity in Aksu, Republic of Kazakhstan.
Description of work: This development is intended for organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children of primary and secondary age. school age in the summer in the courtyards at the place of residence, in school camps, in children's holiday camps. By simplifying the riddles and removing the competition with phraseological units, the event can be held in older groups kindergarten. It does not require special expensive equipment. Homemade sprinklers from plastic bottles, disposable cups, water containers - everything is accessible and simple. Children love to play with water and splash around, especially in hot weather. They will have tremendous fun during this event.
Target: Organizing exciting, useful leisure time for children on a hot sunny day.
- to introduce to healthy image life;
- develop attention, logical thinking, coordination of movements, agility and speed, fine motor skills, ability to act on a signal;
- develop children’s activity, desire to achieve success, and sociability;
- provide an opportunity to spend your free time well and with health benefits.

Progress of the event.

Leading: Hello guys! It's no secret that every child loves summer. Because in summer you can spend a lot of time outside, go to the beach and swim! Do you guys like summer? (Yes...) Do you like to swim? (Yes...) Today my assistants and I will hold a game for you competitive program"Water fun" All our competitions, one way or another, will be related to water.

Have you heard about water?
They say she is everywhere!
In a puddle, in the sea, in the ocean
And in the water tap.
Like an icicle freezes
Fog creeps into our house,
It's boiling on the stove,
The steam of the kettle hisses,
Dissolves sugar in tea
We don't notice her
We are used to the fact that water is
Our companion always!
We can't wash ourselves without it.
Don't eat, don't get drunk!
I dare to report to you -
We cannot live without water.

Leading: To start our competition program, we need to divide into teams. To do this, each of you, in turn, will lower your hand into the “puddle” and take out from it a droplet with the number 1, 2, 3 or 4. This will be your team number.
The children are divided into teams.
Leading: Did everyone get a drop with a number? Fine! And now, I ask all players to take their places under the appropriate number and choose a team captain.

Leading: Our first competition is called “Water, water, water all around!” Each team will be asked a riddle about water in any of its manifestations. For each correct answer, the team will receive one point. If a team cannot guess the riddle, the right to answer passes to other teams. They can earn half a point.
Tasks of the competition “Water, water, water all around!”:
1. What are the names of all the seas and oceans taken together? (World Ocean.)
2. Not the sea, not the land - ships don’t float, and you can’t walk. (Swamp.)
3. There is water all around, drinking is a problem. (Sea.)
4. It pours into it, pours out of it, and weaves itself along the ground. (River.)
5. Falling from a great height, he roars menacingly and, breaking against the stones, rises up in foam. (Waterfall.)
6. In the middle of the field lies a mirror, the glass is blue, the frame is green. (Lake.)
7. Walks underground and looks at the sky. (Spring.)
8. Without a tongue, but speaks, without legs, but runs. (Creek.)
9. He walks and walks along the sea, but when he reaches the shore, he disappears. (Wave.)
10. Doesn’t burn in fire, doesn’t drown in water. (Ice.)
11. In a new wall, in a round window, the glass was broken during the day, but replaced during the night. (Ice hole.)
12. There was a blanket lying, soft, white, warming the earth. The wind blew, the blanket bent. The sun was hot, the blanket began to flow. (Snow)
13. Who beats and taps on the roof all night, and mumbles, and sings, and lulls you to sleep? (Rain)
14. And not snow, not ice, but with silver he will remove the trees. (Frost)
15. It flows, it flows - it won’t leak out, it runs, it runs - it won’t run out. (River.)
16. There is a commotion in the yard: peas are falling from the sky. Nina ate six peas and now has a sore throat. (hail)
17. She is silent in the cold winter, but talkative in the spring. (River.)
18. Without arms, without legs, but runs. (River.)
19. What can’t you hold in your hands? (Water)
20. I run to Mother River and cannot remain silent. I am her own son, and was born in the spring. (Creek)
21. He came from heaven and went to earth. (Rain.)
22. He doesn’t know grief, but she sheds tears. (Cloud.)
23. What can’t you wash your face or get drunk without? (Without water.)
24. There was a snowball lying on the mountain, and he ran from the mountain on foot, he met a field - he began to gurgle, he met the sea - he became silent. (Creek)

Leading: Well done boys! They completed the task well. Let's sum it up...

Leading: Guys, in the first competition the following question was asked: “What can’t you hold in your hands?”, and you answered it correctly: “Water.” But now we will still try to hold water in our hands. Props: Each team needs a bucket of water, a sponge and a glass.
Exercise: Each participant puts a sponge into a bucket of water, runs to the finishing point, squeezes the water from the sponge into a glass, runs back to the team and passes the sponge to the next player. The team that scores wins more water into a glass.

Leading: When they talk about inseparable friends, they say the following phrase: “Friends do not spill water.” These are the kind of friends you will become in our next competition. Props: plastic disposable cups according to the number of players in each team, rubber bands, water.
Each team member right leg A cup is attached at knee level. The team stands in a line. A certain amount of water is poured into a glass for the first participant, his task is to pour this water to the next one in the chain, and so on. Depending on the modification of the game, the team must either lose as little water as possible, or “deliver” in this way several liters of water into a certain container as quickly as possible.
Based on the results of the competition, the presenter names the most friendly team.

Leading: Since we started talking in phraseological terms. I offer you the next competition “What would that mean?” Props: multi-colored flags, one per team.
Exercise: Explain the meaning of the proposed phraseological units. After consulting, the team captain raises the flag. The first team to raise their flag answers. For each correct answer the team receives 1 point. If the team does not know the answer or has given the wrong answer, the leader answers himself.
1. I took some water into my mouth. - Silent man.
2. As if lowered into water. - Sad man.
3. Pound water in a mortar. - Do useless work.
4. Seventh water on jelly. - Distant relative.
5. It won’t muddy the waters. - Quiet man.
6. You can’t spill it with water. - Inseparable friends.
7. Like looking into the water. - I guessed it.
8. Like two peas in a pod. - Very similar.
9. We went through fire and water. - We tried everything.
10. Like water off a duck's back. – It doesn’t matter.
11. A lot of water has passed under the bridge. - For a long time.
12. Display on clean water- Convict of deception.
13. Everything flows. Everything changes. - Everything moves and stands nothing, like a river.
14. Living water. - Magic water that revives the dead and gives heroic strength.
15. The ice is melting. - The feeling of mistrust and alienation disappears.
16. The ice has broken. - The beginning of something has been made.
17. Muddy the waters. - Deliberately confuse any matter.

Leading: Guys, have you tried diving into the water? ...Did you try to open your eyes in the water?... Was anything visible?... (children's answers). Now you will “dive” under the water and “swim” to the finishing point and back. Our next competition is called “Underwater” Props: a glass of water filled to the brim for each team.
Exercise: The first player raises a glass of water above his head. He walks quickly to the finish point, goes around it and returns back, trying to spill as little water as possible. Passes the glass to the next player.
The team with the most water left in the glass wins.

Leading: To start the next competition, guess me this riddle:
His work is in the depths, at the very bottom.
His work is in darkness and silence.
But who is he, answer the question,
Not an astronaut, but walking among the stars? (Diver.)
That's right, it's a diver. What does a diver do? (children's answers). Our next competition is called “Treasures from the Bottom of the Sea” Props: A large basin of water, at the bottom of which there are various shiny small objects (beautiful buttons, beads, growing toys, shells, slimes, etc.); for each team there is a spoon and a container for collecting “treasures”.
Exercise: Using a spoon, collect as many objects as possible from the bottom of the sea.
At the leader’s signal, the first players run up to a bowl of water, take out one item with a spoon, put it in their cup, run back, pass the spoon to the next player, etc. The competition continues until the “treasures” run out. The team that collects the most items wins.

Leading: Every captain should be able to build a ship, attach sails to it and send it on a long voyage to the open sea! The captains and their teams have colorful origami paper and ingenuity at their disposal.
Task for the team: make a boat from scrap materials and launch it into the water.
The first team to launch their ship into the water wins.

Leading: I have another riddle for you:
He sits by the river, looks at the water: the float has sunk - he has caught a perch. (fisherman)
Leading: Well done, you guessed correctly. It's time for the captain competition. It's called, you guessed it, "Fishing" Props: a hoop, fishing rods with a magnet at the end of a string, a set of fish with clips on their fins.
Exercise: At the leader’s signal, the captains begin fishing. The one who “catch” the most fish will win.
Several options for the task are possible: on each fish with reverse side numbers are written. You need to catch just one fish, but with a higher number, or catch two or three fish and score a higher amount of points.

Leading: Every child in the summer makes sprinklers out of plastic bottles and shoots with a water pistol. Do you like to splash with water in hot weather? …(Yes!!!) Now we’ll see how you do it. Props: water sprayers, inflated balloons for each team, stopwatch or hourglass.
Exercise: Using a water spray, hold balloon in the air for 30 seconds.
One player from each team participates in the competition at a time. At the leader’s signal, they throw the ball into the air and begin spraying it from below from a spray bottle, trying to keep the ball in the air in this way. specified time. Each player who completes the task brings his team one point.
This competition is only possible in calm weather.

Leading: Our final competition is called “Sharp Shooters”. Props: a stool, a light rubber ball, a water pistol or a spray bottle from a plastic bottle.
Exercise: Using a water pistol, you need to try to knock a rubber ball off a stool with a stream of water from a distance of 1.5 meters. Each player is given one try. If no one succeeds, you can shorten the distance and try again.

"In the underwater kingdom"

Informative- game program for 2nd grade students.


    introduce the diversity of the world of seas, oceans and rivers;

    show the inextricable connection between man and nature;

    awaken interest in studying the secrets of nature.

Progress of the lesson.

Leading: Great and interesting animal world seas and oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds. We'll talk about fish. We often have questions: How do they live there? Why don't they suffocate underwater? How do they move without legs and wings?

There are about 200 thousand species of fish on earth. Pisces are children of water: where there is water, there are fish. There are so many fish!

Whatever the fish is, it’s its own, special shape body, your color and your size. Thin and long, like a whip, thick and round, like a ball, tiny - the size of an ant and huge - larger than an elephant. That is, the sizes of fish are very different: from 1 cm to 20 meters. There are herbivorous fish, like sheep and goats, and there are carnivorous fish, like tigers and lions.

The body of almost all fish is covered with scales, like chain mail. Fish scales grow throughout their lives, growing in rings. In summer, the fish grows quickly - and the ring on the scales is wide, but in winter it hardly grows - and the ring turns out to be narrow. By the rings, wide and narrow, you can count how many winters the fish has had and how old it is.

Fish are perfectly adapted for life in water. Their bodies are streamlined, and this makes swimming easier for them. The gills extract the oxygen needed for breathing from the water. The tail fin-oar moves the fish in the water. Pebbles - otoliths - float in special chambers in the head; they help the fish maintain balance.

Fish have a swim bladder - no one but fish has one anymore! It helps fish dive, surface and soar in water. And even “talk”! And there is another amazing organ - the lateral line. It allows fish to see without eyes and hear without ears. We have five senses: sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch. And fish have six: they also have a sense of the lateral line. The predator is neither visible nor heard, but the fish already senses its approach - with its sides!

The science that studies fish is called ICHTHYOLOGY. And the people who study this science are ichthyologists.

What types of fish are there? To find out what the names of fish are, books will help us:

N. Sladkova: “Fishes”, “Underwater Newspaper”;

S. Sakharnova: “In the world of a dolphin and an octopus.”


1. Write down the names of books in a notebook.

2. Write down the names of the fish.

Poems have been written about fish, mysterious and enigmatic. Listen to one of them.


Fish, fish - river swallow!

Then you will flash on the hill of a wave,

Then, shaking the grass by the shore,

The sun will shine from the depths.

And when you feel sad in the river -

You will float on a thin shoal,

And involuntarily it will fall from your lips

Bubbles thoughtful trill...

T. Belozerov.

Now you guys have to be very careful to solve the riddles.


For parents and children

All clothes are made from coins. (Fish)

The bait was torn off

And without saying “thank you”,

Floated off somewhere

Impolite... (Fish)

Wags its tail back and forth,

And she is gone, and there is no trace. (Fish)

She lives in the water

There is no beak, but it pecks. (Fish)

Even his pike

Can't swallow. (Ruff)

He's covered in needles, like a hedgehog,

What is the name of the fish? (Ruff)

He lives in the deep end,

Master of the depths.

He has a huge mouth

And the eyes are barely visible. (Som)

At the bottom, where it is quiet and dark,

A mustachioed log lies (Som)

She is the most dangerous of all in the river.

Cunning, gluttonous, strong.

Besides, she’s so mean!

Of course it is... (Pike)

In rivers, oxbow lakes, lakes

There are many thickets in which

And lives in quarries

With freezing water.

And it happens to be silver

And it happens to be golden. (Crucian carp)

Guys, did you have homework: get acquainted with books about fish. We hope that the quiz questions will not cause you much difficulty.

Quiz "Visiting the Goldfish."

1. Who has both eyes on the same side?

(in adult fish, flounder)

2. Who has a mouth on his belly?

3. Which fox kills fish with its tail?

(shark - fox)

4. Which dog doesn't bark?

(The fish is a dog: it does not bark, but it bites hard, and can bite off a finger. The caviar and liver of the dog fish are poisonous.)

5. Which fish builds a nest for caviar?


6. Who swims tail first?

(pink salmon fry)

7. Who flies and not the bird?

(flying fish: can fly more than a hundred meters; in the air it does not flap its fins, but flies like a glider)

8. What fish is domesticated by humans?

(mirror carp)

9. Which fish resembles a chess piece in appearance?

(sea Horse)

10. What fish have antennae?

(sturgeon, barbel, carp, carp, catfish)

11. Why do fish sleep with with open eyes?

(fish have no eyelids)

12. What fish carry weapons on their noses?

(sword - fish, fish - saw)

13. What fish are named after celestial bodies?

(moon - fish, fish-sun)

14. What fish live long?

(beluga up to 100 years old, pike over 100 years old, catfish up to 60 years old)

15. Which fish swims faster than all other fish?

(the speed of the swordfish reaches 25 m/sec.,

and sailfish 130 km/h.)

16. Which fish looked like a board?



From the given names, you guys need to choose the correct answer.

1. Which of these names is the odd one out here? (frog)

2. He lives in the pool itself,

master of the depth. (som)

3. Which of them is called an underwater orderly? (pike)

1. Find the extra name.

2. It pricks like a hedgehog

3. Which fish constantly grows and changes teeth? (at the shark)


“How did fish get their names?”

(about river fish)


These fish always swim on top of the water. This is how they got their name


This fish has very small, barely noticeable scales, and there are no scales at all on its belly.


Instead of ventral fins there are sharp spines - spines. There are also thorns on the back. Because of these spines, even pike rarely touch the fish.


The fish got its name for its red “plumage,” that is, for the color of its fins.

Appearance of this fish: head, tail, spines in the middle.


This fish loves sandy bottoms.


This fish has big eyes - “eyes”. (That’s what eyes were called in the old days)


From a distance it looks like a snake: a flexible body, a small head, very similar to a snake. The fish wriggles and curls with its whole body.


The name of this fish is Greek. Translated into Russian it means “fruit”, “offspring”. And in fact, this fish is very prolific. She has the nickname "water pig" for her habit of burrowing in the mud. This fish is gluttonous and sedentary, so it quickly gets fat.

Pantomime: “Fishing, by the river”

Exercise: Now you guys will need to show your acting skills. Try to convey the content of the story through pantomime.

1st story: One day I put my gear in my bag, put my fishing rod on my shoulder and rode my bike fishing. I positioned myself near the river, baited it, and cast it. I was just about to eat a sandwich when the bite started. He waited for a while and cut sharply. But the huge fish jerked with force, and I, unable to resist, found myself in the water.

2nd story: one evening while fishing, I gathered some brushwood and lit a fire. At the same time, mosquitoes bothered me terribly. Suddenly I heard a splash. Apparently there were huge fish in the nets. I jumped onto the boat, began to row hastily, and then selected the nets. Suddenly the head of such a huge and terrible fish poked out of the water that I, recoiling, tumbled with the boat right into the water.


1. Sakharnov S. In the world of the dolphin and the octopus: stories about marine animals. - M.: “Kid”, 1987. - 120 p.

2. Sladkov N.I. Underwater newspaper. Ed. 2nd, add. - L.: “Det. lit.”, 1973. - 287 p.

3. Sladkov N.I. Fish. Ichthyology in pictures. - M.: Det. lit., 1986. - 32 p.

4. Tambiev A. How to see the seabed? - M.: “Baby”, 1988.

Compiled by: Belousova O.I., teacher at KOU SKOSHI

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