Home Prosthetics and implantation What questions does the dentist ask during the appointment? Category: General questions of dentistry

What questions does the dentist ask during the appointment? Category: General questions of dentistry

Vafin Stanislav Mansurovich, chief physician of the Swiss dental clinic Swiss Smile, orthopedic dentist, associate professor

Who are braces indicated for and is there an alternative to them?

Braces are recommended for almost everyone who has erupted permanent teeth, that is, starting from the age of 14. An alternative to braces are soft aligners, with which treatment is more comfortable, faster and more predictable. Therefore, if your case does not require complex treatment, we recommend correcting your bite using aligners.

How have standards in dental treatment changed in recent years?

Behind last years A lot has changed in the standards of dental treatment. First of all, microinvasive technologies appeared. If earlier we tried to cut off at least 1.5 mm of tissue in order to make a beautiful restoration, now there is no need to do this: thin veneers, neat crowns, veneers without preparation, veneers on a refractor - today there are more and more restorations that do not require filing , which means they cause minimal damage to the enamel.

In addition, dentistry has become more diverse digital technologies. Previously, we predicted something based on our own experience. It is now possible to accurately measure muscle tone, the position of the upper and lower jaw. We now carry out most of the work with a “digital clone”, and not with the patient himself (we take all measurements on a 3D scanner).

How to choose the right anesthesia?

First of all, the patient must know about his allergic reactions. Before treatment, a special questionnaire is always filled out. If you are not allergic to any drugs, give preference to the safest and least harmful anesthesia. For this, we use the STA computer anesthesia system, which allows you to “drip” and, most importantly, painlessly inject the anesthetic exactly in the amount that you need.

In what case does it make sense to save a tooth, and when is it better to place an implant?

That's a moot point. It was on this topic that most of the reports were presented at the last conference of the European Aesthetic Dental Society. As a rule, if the tooth is more or less healthy (preserved hard tissues), then, of course, it makes sense to save him. However, if there is perforation in the root, root caries, or other defects that are very difficult or impossible to restore, it is best to replace such a tooth with an implant.

In addition, if you want a 100% guarantee, an implant is also recommended in this case. If up to this point you have repeatedly treated this tooth, then the effect of the next treatment is extremely low. Unfortunately, bacteria penetrate very deeply into all channels and additional branches, and it is extremely difficult to completely remove them from there.

Therefore, sometimes we decide in favor of an implant even on those teeth where treatment could be performed. However, many patients choose to save time and money and forget about problems with a specific tooth for 30-40 years.

Veneers: for or against?

The positive aspects include a beautiful snow-white smile that will not darken or fade over time. Today, there are thin veneers that require minimal or no preparation - these are the veneers we recommend. They have practically no contraindications, except for wrestling or other complex physical activities.

The negative aspects include: constant maintenance, possible chipping if you, say, bite a metal object (for example, a fork or spoon) with force. On the other hand, this can also happen to your own tooth. Therefore, speaking about veneers that do not require preparation, it is difficult to find disadvantages.

What are the characteristics to choose the right dental clinic?

First of all, you need to understand that dental clinics are different levels, as well as car services, restaurants, etc. If you want to get a very high-quality service, it cannot be cheap. The same veneer costs differently in different clinics. The doctor’s education, qualifications and many other factors are added to the price of the veneer.

If you choose quality, of course, we should be talking about premium clinics. It’s good if friends and acquaintances recommend the doctor to you. After all, at first all restorations look quite good, but no one knows what will happen to it in 15 years. In turn, poor-quality restoration can crumble and crack after 1-2 years, causing discomfort and additional financial expenses.

If you are choosing between several doctors: look at their work (on Instagram, Facebook profile or other online resources). In addition, after the first consultation you will be able to receive a financial plan for treatment and, based on this, make a decision.

Shebanova Evgenia Mikhailovna, dental hygienist at the Swiss dental clinic Swiss Smile

How often can cleaning and whitening be done?

It is recommended for everyone, without exception, to brush their teeth at least once every six months. Thanks to this procedure, all deposits, plaque and tartar are completely removed. However, if you wear braces or aligners, cleaning should be done every 2-3 months. The same frequency of dental visits is recommended for smoking people. In addition, for such patients, a special gentle cleaning has been selected, which allows you to keep the enamel healthy even with frequent exposure at her. Regarding whitening: average frequency visiting this procedure - no more than once a year. The effect of whitening lasts much longer if you properly monitor oral hygiene, as well as initially maintain the effect with the help of preventive procedures.

Does it make sense to whiten teeth with strips and trays?

No, there's no point in that. On this moment There are many types of clinical whitening. These procedures are tested and certified; they do not harm teeth. The whitening system should always be selected by a doctor who can advise based on individual characteristics patient.

Are irrigators necessary, or is this pure marketing?

Such a thing as a irrigator should definitely be in your arsenal if you care about oral hygiene. The irrigator works in combination with other means (brush, dental floss). We use a brush to clean plaque from the surface of the tooth enamel, remove it from the contacts with a floss, move it, and then use an irrigator to wash it with toothpaste from the inside and outside of the surface of the teeth. That is why these products need to be used comprehensively. If you simply use floss without an irrigator, periodontitis may develop or tartar will begin to accumulate. If we only use an irrigator, then there is a risk of “washing” and “polishing” the dense stone on the contacts between the teeth.

Are electric toothbrushes harmful or beneficial?

Electric brushes are very effective. For example, they are suitable for children, who, as we know, often do not brush their teeth well. They are equipped with a pressure sensor, meaning there is no risk of recession (gum loss) or thinned enamel. Today, many manufacturers have released soft heads for electric toothbrushes, so they can be considered as safe as possible.

Which type of whitening should I choose, who should not get veneers, and can I get caries? BeautyHack learned the answers to these and other questions from three leading dentists.

Alexander Gazarov (@gazarovalexandr) Dentist, orthopedist, surgeon, founder of the Studio modern dentistry Alexandra Gazarova"

How often should you have your teeth cleaned by the dentist?

Dentists recommend doing professional hygiene oral cavity once every 4-6 months. But this recommendation is not for everyone. The frequency of visits to the hygienist may depend on many factors: availability bad habits, such as smoking, on the mineral composition of saliva (because of this, stones - periodontal deposits are formed differently), on how well developed self-hygiene skills are - some brush their teeth well, so they need professional cleaning less often. There are rare patients for whom we recommend cleaning once a year. In any case, this is decided individually at an appointment with a hygienist.

What is better: dental floss or irrigator?

Dental floss and a waterpik serve slightly different functions: if I had to choose one, I would prefer dental floss because it's convenient to take with you. And if we talk about independent modern approach to home hygiene, then dental floss does not exclude an irrigator, and vice versa. Dental floss better cleans the interdental spaces from food debris, and the irrigator does a better job of cleaning the periodontal sulcus and pathological pockets.

Do I need to change my toothpaste periodically?

Undoubtedly. Toothpaste should not be the same all year round - it should be changed periodically. I recommend having several toothpastes at home: for gums, whitening and for sensitive teeth, For example. It’s better to alternate them and don’t get hung up on just one. Consult your dentist about the toothpastes that are indicated for you.

Should you brush your teeth before or after breakfast?

Eternal question! In theory, if after brushing your teeth in the evening you didn’t get up to snack on a couple of cookies at night, then your teeth are clean in the morning and there are no soft dental deposits on them. The only thing that exists after sleep is the desquamated epithelium from the inner surface of the lips, cheeks and tongue, which was not washed off with a sufficient amount of saliva and water. This is the reason unpleasant odor from the mouth in the morning. Therefore, I would recommend just rinsing your mouth before breakfast and brushing your teeth after breakfast.

Caries is contagious - fact or fiction?

Perhaps caries can be called a contagious disease, because it is caused by pathogenic microflora, which can be transmitted by contact. Therefore, I assume that it is possible to become infected with caries.

But you need to understand that the presence pathogenic microflora does not mean caries. It is present in the oral cavity of every person, but caries is a consequence of poor hygiene and it develops differently in everyone. Are pathogenic bacteria that cause dental caries transmitted? Yes. Is tooth decay itself contagious? I doubt.

Why does a tooth change color after nerve removal?

After nerve removal, a tooth changes color only if low-quality filling materials were used or the treatment was carried out incorrectly. Modern classical endodontics (this is the science of root canal treatment) provides protocols in which the tooth does not change color after removal.

At what months of pregnancy can teeth be treated?

The most optimal period for dental treatment during pregnancy is the second trimester, 4th, 5th and 6th months. You need to understand that the only relative contraindication is X-ray examinations, taking antibiotics and other medications that are contraindicated during pregnancy. Everything else in dental practice, including pain management, has no restrictions during pregnancy and lactation.

In what cases are teeth treated under general anesthesia?

There are a number of indications for treatment under general anesthesia, but basically it's baby shower- When difficult case or the child is uncooperative. This anesthesia is used if there are various psycho-emotional disorders in adults, allergies to local painkillers, complex surgical operations And so on.

How do you know when a tooth needs to be removed and when it can still be treated?

There can be a lot of indications for tooth extraction - there are more than 20 of them in total. Therefore, it is up to the competent attending physician to decide whether to remove the tooth or leave it.

Is it necessary to treat caries at the initial stage if the tooth does not hurt?

It depends on the person’s approach to their own health. Someone brushes their teeth, and someone treats them. It's the same with caries. I can definitely say that caries almost never hurts. Very rarely in my practice does a person complain about a tooth affected by caries. Therefore, it is better to treat it initial stage, when it is superficial and has not reached the nerve - so as not to trigger and be subjected to additional treatment, because then it will be more difficult, and longer, and more expensive. To diagnose hidden caries, it is important to visit the dentist for preventive examination semiannually.

Milana Chibirova (@stomatolog_milana_ch) Dentist, aesthetic dentistry

Which whitening method is the safest?

Professional whitening allows the procedure to be carried out completely safely for both the enamel and internal tissues of the teeth. Naturally, with a qualified approach and correctly selected exposure time, otherwise, tissue burns, including the internal dental nerve, are possible.

Among the most effective, professional and safe methods of changing teeth color are the following:

1) LumiBrite whitening: one of the safest methods - it allows you not only to change the shade of your teeth, but also to create a protective layer of enamel. Use is possible in case of increased tooth sensitivity.

2) Amazing White whitening: despite the fact that the system contains peroxide, the professional gel for dentist work is enriched useful substances, which neutralize harmful effects, allowing you to achieve excellent results.

3) Photo whitening (in particular - ZOOM): is carried out by applying a special gel to the surface of the teeth, the elements of which are activated by an ultraviolet lamp.

4) Laser whitening: to a greater extent, this is getting rid of plaque and tartar, due to which the teeth are cleaned and become whiter, but they will not become whiter than the natural color of the tooth enamel.

How to prolong the whitening effect?

There are two complementary methods. Firstly, you need to reduce the amount of consumption greatly coloring products such as coffee, tea, wine. Secondly, dentists have dental maintenance cosmetics for teeth. It will also help you maintain your whiteness. Well, if you also quit smoking, your teeth will be the first to say “thank you.” However, there are factors that we cannot influence, such as enamel porosity and individual characteristics.

What type of whitening carries a risk of damaging the enamel?

There will be no risk of damaging the enamel if the doctor chooses the correct bleaching method and exposure time. That is why professional whitening must be carried out under the supervision of a qualified dentist.

Can everyone have their teeth whitened?

There are a number of contraindications, including claustrophobia, impaired jaw mobility due to diseases of the temporomandibular joint, a reduced sensitivity threshold, oral diseases and the most common fear of dental procedures.

Do toothpastes work to whiten teeth?

There are many varieties of toothpastes on the market - they all differ in their composition, whitening effectiveness and durability of the final result. Any whitening toothpastes work on the principle of affecting tooth enamel using special components. The result of this is its lightening by one or more tones. Wherein active substances dissolve pigment spots, removing dark coating from the teeth. Some pastes use abrasive components (silicon oxide, dicalcium phosphate) as whitening agents, while others use chemical substances(hydrogen peroxide, for example).
The size of the abrasive particles will affect the quality of the bleaching and its delicacy. The smaller particles in this paste gently polish the teeth, while the larger ones have a more active effect on the enamel, which can cause its thinning. We also note that you should not use whitening paste for people with dental caries, artificial crowns or braces. This will make the tone uneven.

What drinks are bad for your teeth?

All sweet carbonated drinks contain great amount Sahara. It, in turn, has not only an immediate harmful effect (since it is “food” for harmful microorganisms, causing caries, various inflammatory processes and other troubles), but also long-term harmful effects (changing the composition of saliva).
Sweet carbonated drinks, including diet ones (with sweeteners), contain large amounts of acids that destroy tooth enamel. However, it is very simple to neutralize the effect of acids - you need to rinse your mouth clean water. The problem is that many people drink carbonated drinks instead of water. Moreover, they drink gradually, in small portions. That is, they increase the exposure time to acids.
Harmful nutritional supplements in carbonated drinks they disrupt metabolism, changing the composition of saliva and interfering with the absorption of vitamins and minerals (this especially applies to drinks containing caffeine).

What can a coating on the tongue indicate?

The tongue is a muscular organ covered with a mucous membrane. The number of bacteria accumulating on it depends on its structure. They are the cause of plaque on the tongue and bad breath. There is less plaque on the front part of the tongue - it is cleared while moving in oral cavity. The back part is in contact only with the soft palate. This is where bacteria accumulate the most, which is why the coating on the root of the tongue is thicker. Alcohol abuse, smoking, poor diet, infections, chronic diseases create ideal conditions for the growth of bacteria.

What can cause tooth mobility and how to avoid it?

Similar problems arise in many people, especially in old age. Teeth have a kind of shock absorber or balance, the violation of which leads to loosening and tooth loss. The cause may be periodontitis, periodontitis or a damaged jaw. With these diseases, the connection between the gum tissue and bone is disrupted, which leads to loosening of the tooth. Also, teeth become mobile due to: deep bite, smoking, stress, heavy load on the tooth surface, diseases thyroid gland, mechanical injuries. Symptoms include dental plaque, increased viscosity of saliva and pain when eating.

Which brush to choose - electric, ultrasonic or regular?

I am for an electric or ultrasonic brush. Electric is an economical option, ultrasonic is many times more expensive, but its efficiency is higher. Thanks to the generator, the bristles make up to one hundred thousand revolutions per minute, which an electric device cannot yet do - its performance ranges from 5 to 30 revolutions. But electrical equipment avoids harmlessness - it has fewer contraindications for use.
Ultrasound has a powerful effect on the surface of teeth, which sometimes leads to unwanted side effects, such as: destruction of crowns and fillings (due to the difference in vibrations of foreign bodies and the teeth themselves that occur during the cleaning process); destruction of enamel in weakened areas; inflammation of the gums and areas near the roots of the teeth.
As for a regular brush, with proper selection and use you can achieve the desired result.

What can cause increased tooth sensitivity?

There are many reasons for developing tooth sensitivity, which include:

1) Abrasion of tooth enamel as a result of using a toothbrush with hard bristles or brushing too vigorously;

2) Erosion of tooth enamel caused by exposure to foods and drinks with a high content of acidic substances;

3) Erosion of tooth enamel caused by bulimia or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD);

4) Recession of the gums, which causes exposure of the tooth root.

Kristina Mesropova (@kristinames) Dentist, founder of the Avicenna network of clinics and training center

What types of veneers are there and how to choose them?

Veneers are ceramic coverings on the front teeth. They are also called lumineers or ultraneers - the only difference here is in the thickness of the lining and the amount of tooth enamel ground. And composite veneers, veneering, componeers are the restoration of the anterior group of teeth with filling material. Ceramic veneers are certainly more practical and aesthetically beautiful, but the choice also depends on clinical picture and the wishes of the patient.

How to care for veneers?

Just like taking care of your teeth. We must not forget about professional hygiene once every six months. It’s better to give up bad habits - this includes the habit of biting nuts or opening bottles with your teeth. You need to choose high-quality oral hygiene products, brush your teeth properly and use an irrigator.

Are there any contraindications for installing veneers?

Yes, these include the presence of caries and its complications, gum disease (periodontal disease and periodontitis), bruxism, that is, teeth grinding, and some types malocclusion(for example, straight bite).

What types of braces are there and what are they made of?

There are two ways to straighten teeth. The first is installing braces. They come in metal, sapphire, porcelain and plastic. They can be located on both the external and internal surfaces of the teeth.
The second option is to wear plastic Invisalign aligners. They are transparent and very easy to use, but, unfortunately, not in everyone clinical case fit.

How to properly brush teeth with braces?

It is necessary to do professional hygienic cleaning see a dentist, regularly use an irrigator and maintain oral hygiene using an orthodontic toothbrush, a monotuft brush and interdental brushes.

How often should you use mouthwash?

Rinse aids are an additional hygiene product, and the frequency of their use depends on the composition and recommendations of the manufacturer. It is important to pay attention to antibacterial components in the composition - for example, chlorhexidine. Long-term use of such rinses causes yellowing of the enamel and dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity.

Is it necessary to remove wisdom teeth?

If wisdom teeth erupt smoothly, do not bother you, are involved in the act of chewing and are in contact with antagonist teeth, then they should not be removed. In the opposite situation, this is a reason for removal.

Why do wisdom teeth grow horizontally?

Ancient people had larger jaws - since the food was tougher, wisdom teeth helped chew it thoroughly. Today, the need for this has disappeared; we began to consume refined and processed foods that are easy to chew with 28 teeth. At the same time, the jaw itself atrophied somewhat, that is, it decreased, but the size of the teeth remained the same. This is why wisdom teeth often grow horizontally.

What can cause bleeding gums?

There are several reasons, and they can be divided into groups:

1) gum disease (periodontitis, gingivitis);

2) hormonal disorders;

3) lack of vitamins C, P, B12, folic acid;

4) use of medications (medicines that can reduce blood clotting);

5) poor oral hygiene;

6) general diseases body.

What are the consequences of an incorrect bite?

An incorrect bite can lead to damage and wear of teeth and gum disease. It is also directly related to changes in the mandibular joint.

Text: Anastasia Speranskaya

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Surgical dentistry

Dentist, orthopedic surgeon Sergei Cherkasov answers the questions.

- What to choose: implantation or prosthetics? What is the difference?

With bridge prosthetics, two adjacent teeth are involved and they have to be ground down. In this case, it is recommended to change crowns every 5-7 years.

During implantation, the load is placed on only one tooth and the implant can last 20 years or even more under conditions of quality care.

The cost of both prosthetics and implantation is approximately the same - 45-60 thousand rubles. But if we talk about which method is more promising, then this is, of course, implantation.

Many people worry that implants and dentures will look unnatural, and that installing a crown is a very painful process. Is it so?

- These are groundless fears. In most cases, if severe atrophy has not occurred, it is possible to make the implant as similar as possible to your own tooth. In addition, installation of the implant and prosthesis is absolutely painless. Pain may occur after an implant has been installed or teeth have been ground (during prosthetics). But these discomfort easily relieved with painkillers.

- How is the implant installed, and how long does this process take?

- The implant installation procedure itself takes about 30 minutes. This is provided that there is enough bone tissue. But here important point: The implant takes four months on average.

Before starting the procedure, the patient and I analyze all the pros and cons and look for contraindications for implantation. If there are none, a computed tomogram is prescribed to determine the amount of bone tissue and the need for its augmentation. Based on this, a decision is already made: an implant is needed or not. Because sometimes bone augmentation can be more expensive than installing an implant.

-Is it necessary to install an implant if a piece of a tooth breaks off?

- If the tooth root is intact and there are no inflammatory processes, then here there is a question not about implantation or prosthetics, but about installing a regular filling.

-Are there any contraindications when installing an implant?

- Yes. For example, diabetes. If sugar is higher required level, then the implant simply will not take root. Some doctors do not take this fact into account, and then questions arise: why did the implant fall out?

Therefore, in this case, consultation is necessary. If you reduce sugar to a certain level, then implantation is quite possible. But this is only if the patient is interested in this and follows all the recommendations.

- Regular professional hygiene. In general, any person is recommended to do this procedure once every six months. For those who have implants, it is better to do this 3-4 times a year. Plus, we prescribe physiotherapy and plasma lifting to patients - these procedures help maintain healthy gums and teeth, which has a beneficial effect on bone tissue.

- Can the bite change after wisdom teeth are removed?

- As a rule, no. Wisdom teeth are vestigial organs. In ancient times, when people ate hard foods, their teeth “walked” and gaps appeared between them. Wisdom teeth were designed to correct this and “collected” the teeth.

Now man has mastered fire, food has become soft and there is not enough space for wisdom teeth. They begin to grow and shift the teeth. Typically, if there is not enough space for them, they are removed to maintain a favorable bite.

- What could be the consequences if you don’t remove it? inflamed tooth wisdom?

The maxillofacial region is abundantly innervated, there are many vessels and nerves. So if a tooth becomes inflamed, it is better to consult a doctor immediately so that it does not turn into a more serious pathology.

Dental treatment

Dentist-therapist Varvara Kulikova answers the questions.

- Is it possible to take painkillers before going to the dentist?

In principle, it is possible, but it is worth remembering that then the picture will be blurred. It is possible that a person will come to the doctor and will not be able to accurately determine which tooth ached because he stopped pain syndrome tablets.

But if the pain is severe, you can take a painkiller, but don’t get carried away. But it’s better not to self-medicate. Some people go to extremes, even applying garlic to a sore tooth.

- What to do if complications arise after treatment?

- Be sure to run to the doctor. If you are in an area where there is no dentist nearby, you can use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. And if you are in a city where dentistry is on every corner, it is better to immediately go to acute pain to the doctor.

- How often do fillings need to be changed?

You need to remember that you need to visit the dentist once every six months. The body is alive, some changes are constantly happening in the mouth. We remember that teeth are not renewed, they are alone for life. Something is constantly happening in the mouth.

There may come a time when it is necessary to change the filling, but the person will not even guess about it, because he will not see it himself. Therefore, it is better to visit a doctor once every six months and check the condition of the fillings in good lighting. In general, everything is individual and depends on hygiene: how many times a person brushes his teeth and with what. The worse the hygiene, the shorter the shelf life of the fillings.

Nowadays, dental centers offer services for individual selection of hygiene products. What it is?

- The patient is asked to undergo a simple “language” test, which shows how well he brushes his teeth. Plus, doctors select hygiene products based on the size of the teeth and interdental spaces. Nowadays there are a lot of products for cleaning teeth, starting with special foams and ending with interdental brushes. Choosing, you can break your head. The service of individual selection of hygiene products can help with this.

- Why is caries dangerous? Why is it better not to delay going to the doctor even at the slightest sign?

- Firstly, if delayed, the treatment will be deeper and therefore more expensive. A superficial caries can be cured using special technology, which is now widespread in Khabarovsk. This is absolutely painless treatment within the enamel. The tooth is covered with special solutions, with the help of which carious tissues and infections are removed, and then the tooth is hermetically sealed.

Previously, when we saw such caries, we told patients that we would not treat it because we would have to drill out the field in order for the filling to hold. Now there is a remedy that helps treat a tooth without preparation.

There is no need to be afraid to go to the doctor, because dentistry is now practically painless. Pain is possible only in extreme cases, when a person has endured caries. Materials for treatment are now of higher quality.

- How often should you change toothbrushes and toothpastes?

I recommend doing this every two to three months, depending on how the person brushes their teeth and how hard they press on the brush. If the pressure is strong, the brush becomes unusable faster. As soon as you see the bristles worn out, you need to change them.

It's the same with toothpastes. I recommend alternating them, for example, using fluoride paste in the evening, and using enzymes in the morning, which keep the mouth clean for a long time. Rinse aids can be used. With good hygiene, they allow you to prolong the feeling of cleanliness and prevent the spread of germs.

You can learn more about oral hygiene directly from your dentist by visiting him. Experts advise having your teeth examined every six months, regardless of whether your teeth hurt or not. Diagnostics on early stages helps maintain a beautiful smile and avoid additional expenses in the future.

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Hi all! My name is Kuznetsova Marina Vladimirovna, I am a practicing dentist-therapist and orthopedic dentist, I run the Telegram channel @dentaljedi about my daily medical routine. In my practice, I often encounter many questions from patients, and most of them are very similar to each other: how to choose the right toothpaste, how to achieve a snow-white smile, how to defeat caries once and for all?

Especially for website I will try to answer in detail the most common questions and debunk popular myths about dental care. The article does not replace specialist advice and is not scientific, but is for informational purposes only.

1. How to overcome your fear of dentists?

“Nice to meet you, I’m your dentist Marina Vladimirovna.”

Almost everyone is afraid of dentists, and this is normal: after all, during treatment, the doctor violates your personal space, and all manipulations are carried out directly in your oral cavity, and this cannot but frighten you. There are a few useful tips in this case:

  • The most important - do not reach for acute pain! When the tooth is “painful”, the anesthesia will have a worse effect, you will be nervous and the intervention will take quite a long time.
  • Before your appointment, you should not drink strong sedatives, coffee or energy drinks, because they can interact with the anesthetic (strengthen or inhibit its effect). Try to calm down on your own, without the help of any medications. If you are still very worried, try drinking before going to the doctor Herb tea . It seems like nonsense, but in fact, for many patients it helps to calm down a little. AND do not drink alcohol under any circumstances: anesthesia may simply not work, and it is fraught with complications. Be sure to tell your doctor about the medications you are taking.
  • If possible, then It's better to meet with your doctor first, come to him for a consultation, draw up a treatment plan. Next time you will be more comfortable and there will be less fear.
  • Treatment should be planned from simple to complex. It is recommended to start with cleaning, then treat minor caries, and lastly deal with root canal treatment and extractions (which is why you should not wait until there is acute pain). You will get used to the doctor and the environment in the clinic and will gradually be able to easily tolerate more serious interventions.
  • Try to schedule your doctor's visit in the morning. This way you will be calmer and won’t have time to “wind up” yourself. Also gets a little stronger in the evening painful sensations. If possible, take a day off from work on this day.

2. Why does caries form and how can its formation be prevented?

In short, the mechanism of caries occurrence is as follows: first, an acidic environment is formed (causes may be acid-producing bacteria in plaque, or food products with an acidic pH). An acidic environment contributes to the leaching of minerals from the enamel and disruption of its structure. Gradually, a gap or cavity forms in the enamel, then it begins to deepen, and the enamel gradually breaks down.

You can deal with this as follows:

  • Take good care of your teeth, carry out remineralization of enamel. You can saturate the enamel with minerals at home using special means. The most popular of them are R.O.C.S. Minerals, Tooth Mousse.
  • Do not allow teeth to remain in an acidic environment for a long time. If you ate candy, drank a glass of soda during lunch, rinse your mouth with foam or mouthwash, or at least drink it with water.
  • Do not drink soda, juice, fruit drinks and other similar drinks after brushing your teeth before going to bed. At night, saliva is practically not produced, which means that the process of demineralization of the enamel will take about 8 hours. After brushing your teeth, you can only drink water at night.

3. How to properly care for your teeth?

  • Brush your teeth with a medium-hard toothbrush 2 times a day for at least 3 minutes(brushes with soft bristles are more suitable for people with sensitive teeth). It is important to clean each tooth from all sides using sweeping movements from top to bottom. home A mistake that almost everyone makes is brushing with movements from right to left.. With this technique, plaque and bacteria only clog even deeper under the gums and into the teeth.
  • If you have braces/crowns/implants, it is recommended to use an irrigator and special brushes for more thorough hygiene.
  • It is necessary to visit the dentist's office for a preventive examination every six months and carry out professional hygiene. Even if you brush your teeth correctly, there are hard-to-reach areas that only a dentist can clean. Also, during the examination, you can identify problems in the bud and quickly eliminate them (for example, cure superficial caries).
  • Remember to change your toothbrush every 2-3 months. An old brush can also be replaced with a new one after professional hygiene at the dentist, since under the old plaque there were different kinds microorganisms that have now disappeared, as well as after a cold or bronchitis. As for electric toothbrushes, they can be a great way to motivate a person to brush their teeth regularly, but a regular toothbrush does the job just as well—you just have to try harder.

4. How to choose toothpaste?

The main thing in brushing your teeth is correct technique. If you brush your teeth for 30 seconds, even the most expensive toothpaste won't help you.

If you don't have dental problems ( increased sensitivity, bleeding gums, and so on), you can use any toothpaste (except abrasive). If you are concerned about a specific problem, it is worth consulting with your dentist and choosing a toothpaste that is designed to solve it. By choosing the pasta yourself, you risk wasting money.

It is also worth paying attention to the concentration of fluoride in water supplies in your region: optimal indicator is 0.7–1.2 mg/l. If it is less, you should use fluoride paste. Fluoride is the only substance that can truly prevent tooth decay, which has been confirmed by many years of research. At the same time, there are plenty of articles claiming the dangers of this substance. Fluoride is indeed poisonous, and this is no secret, but it all depends on the concentration, as is the case with all other drugs. To date, there is not a single study confirming the harm of fluorides when using fluoride-containing products for preventive purposes.

5. How to make teeth whiter?

There is such a thing as RDA - toothpaste abrasiveness index. It ranges from 0 to 220. If the paste says “whitening”, most likely the RDA is more than 70, that is, the paste contains a lot of abrasive particles. For teeth, this is akin to sanding the surface. That’s why these pastes say “not suitable for daily use.” If your teeth are not sensitive or bother you, but you are a tea and coffee lover, you can periodically use a toothpaste with a higher RDA.

For sensitive teeth, it is better to choose a toothpaste with the lowest RDA possible.(about 20–40). Do not forget that whitening with toothpastes occurs only by removing plaque from tea, coffee and tobacco. As a result of regular use of whitening pastes, you get your natural teeth color, which is usually yellowish in all people. You can only whiten your teeth several shades in the dentist's office, but keep in mind that you should be careful when choosing the desired shade: it is unnatural snow-white smile It looks ugly and contrasts very strongly with the shade of the eyeballs.

6. What are fissures and why should they be sealed?

Fissures are natural depressions on the chewing surface of the chewing teeth. Their shape is very favorable for the stuckness of food particles and the proliferation of cariogenic bacteria, so most often the formation of carious cavities begins from this surface.

Often used in dentistry sealing fissures to prevent the development of caries in this area. They are cleaned (if necessary), opened and filled with a special sealant. As a result, bacteria in this area do not get stuck and multiply. Fissure sealing can be performed at any age, both for children and adults. In some countries, this procedure is required by insurance.

7. Are veneers safe?

Before and after installation of veneers.

Veneers are ceramic plates that replace the outer layer of the tooth (within the enamel) and thanks to this can correct its shape and color. In part, veneers can be compared to false nails - a thin transparent plate is glued on top and changes the color and shape of the teeth. If you come to a good dentist, then the layer of enamel that is removed when processing the tooth for veneer will not exceed 0.5–0.7 mm, which is insignificant and will not negatively affect the teeth.

In what cases can veneers help you:

  • If you have large gaps between your teeth;
  • If the color of your teeth is uneven, it is difficult to whiten;
  • If you don't like the shape of your teeth (for example, you want to have more square corners, but yours are too rounded, and vice versa).

Veneers can chip under heavy load, so a contraindication for their installation is bruxism (teeth grinding during sleep, the habit of clenching teeth tightly). stressful situations and so on). It is better not to install veneers if at least one chewing tooth is missing (wisdom teeth do not count). The fact is that veneers cannot withstand heavy loads, and in the absence of a fixed bite height (which is only possible if all groups of teeth are present in the oral cavity), all emphasis is placed on the front teeth.

Therefore, before installing veneers, you need to understand chewing teeth, restore chewing function and only then deal with aesthetics.

With time adjacent teeth move, and there is no room left for either a crown or an implant. The upper tooth replaces the resulting hole and moves down. The patient requires expensive orthodontic treatment, upper tooth must be removed, and then both the upper and lower teeth are replaced. The cost of treatment increases significantly.

Another interesting point related to dental prosthetics. On the websites of cosmetologists and plastic surgeons Periodically, there are examples of work to reduce nasolabial folds and raise the corners of the lips. Most often, the appearance of such wrinkles is associated not so much with age-related changes, how many with a decrease in the lower third of the face due to the absence of one or more chewing teeth or due to their severe wear.

Have you noticed that older people’s lips seem to be turned inward, and their facial expression seems to be dissatisfied? This is usually associated with complete or partial absence of teeth. Therefore, before going to the cosmetologist’s office, it is worth restoring your teeth. The absence of even 2-3 teeth can radically change general form faces.

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