Home Wisdom teeth Inflamed hood on a wisdom tooth. Wisdom tooth hood removal

Inflamed hood on a wisdom tooth. Wisdom tooth hood removal

Sometimes, when teething, a hood appears on the wisdom tooth. In dentistry, this condition is called pericoronitis. There are two ways to solve the problem - removing the hood or wisdom teeth. If measures are not taken in time, an abscess may develop, and subsequently sepsis. To avoid complications, it is recommended to start treatment when the first symptoms appear. After surgery, inflammation and pain disappear, chewing and speech normalize. During the rehabilitation period, it is important to follow the rules of oral care and hygiene.

Wisdom teeth are the eighth teeth, so dentists call them eights or third molars. Their eruption is possible at any age, and their absence is considered normal. The end position promotes overhang of the gum, which forms the hood of the wisdom tooth. Overhanging tissue makes chewing and swallowing difficult and leads to accumulation of pathogenic microflora, interferes with normal tooth growth.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Pericoronitis is an inflammation of the hood over the wisdom tooth, in most cases associated with the eruption process.

The dental hood traps food debris and contaminants and provokes the spread of the inflammatory process to soft tissues and bones located in close proximity to it. The condition is characterized by sharp pain, swelling and decay of the gums, and disruption of the functioning of the entire dentofacial apparatus.

The main reasons for the appearance of a hood

The hood over the wisdom tooth forms a cavity in which liquid, food debris, and dirt are retained, that is, pathogenic microflora is constantly present. This creates conditions conducive to increased reproduction and spread of harmful microorganisms. The result of gum growth on the wisdom tooth is inflammation, suppuration, and acute pain.

Symptoms of pericoronitis

Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood resolves against the background of increasing pain symptoms. Patients complain of painful swallowing, chewing, talking, and often people cannot even open their mouths. Severe inflammation is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, the lymph nodes may be enlarged. Complications when there is a hood on the tooth can be phlegmon, abscess, osteomyelitis, sepsis.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Pericoronitis is easily confused with other diseases that do not affect the teeth. For example, with pharyngitis, laryngitis, otitis, sore throat, rhinitis, even the common cold. This is due to the fact that the pain is wandering in nature, and the nearest organs are involved in the inflammatory process - ear, throat, nose.

According to symptoms and timing, pericoronitis is classified into 3 forms. They are presented in the table.

Order number Name Symptoms and complaints Duration of the disease, examination results Treatment recommendations
1 Superficial or catarrhalThe condition is generally satisfactory, the mouth opens freely, there is no pronounced swelling.The hood is clearly visible, the problem arose recently.The position of the tooth is clarified using an x-ray. early treatment the outcome is favorable.
2 PurulentThe patient's condition sharply worsens, the pain increases, there is an increase in body temperature, mouth opening is limited, the lymph nodes under the jaw are enlarged and painful when pressed.The swelling spreads to the soft tissues of the cheek and face, abundant formation and discharge of pus occurs, there is an unpleasant odor, and the pathological process develops over several days.Anti-inflammatory drugs are taken locally and orally, antibiotics are prescribed if necessary, excision is carried out after the acute inflammatory reaction.
3 ChronicThere is constant moderate pain on the affected side, with periods the condition worsens, body temperature is normal.The gums are swollen, hyperemic, sensitivity is increased, suppuration is observed, the process can last a long time.IN urgently the source of infection is eliminated; without treatment, severe complications are likely to occur.

Treatment methods

Treatment is aimed at relieving discomfort and inflammation, preventing the spread of the inflammatory process into the deep structures of the jaw. When contacting dental clinic In a patient with acute pain, an urgent excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth is performed. If the crown of the tooth is damaged and there is not enough space in the row for normal position one more unit, then the wisdom tooth itself is removed under the hood.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Excision of the hood over the wisdom tooth

Pain is the main symptom of hood. To get rid of pain, you need to relieve inflammation. The inflammatory process can only be stopped by removing the cause of its development. Therefore, if the hood over the wisdom tooth is inflamed, it is cut off surgically. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and takes only 2-3 minutes. The surgeon excises part of the gum with a scalpel, completely freeing the erupting surface of the dental unit. Next, disinfection and hemostatic measures are carried out, no stitches are applied. If hygiene and care are observed, the wound after excision of the hood of a wisdom tooth will quickly heal.

Removing a hood over a wisdom tooth

If excision of the hood over the tooth does not produce results, then the figure eight is removed. The indication for removal of an erupting tooth is the progressive nature of the disease, an increase in symptoms, and repeated relapse. The operation is carried out only after removal acute stage inflammatory process. In this case, the doctor has to remove the hood over the wisdom tooth.

The doctor cuts the gum, allowing free access to the end tooth. Now the surgeon can grab the tooth and pull it out along with the roots. Eights are large in size, so sometimes a specialist has to divide them into parts and remove them from the gums one by one. Leftover after surgical intervention the hole is disinfected. The bleeding is stopped by applying a cotton pad. In some cases, they resort to suturing.

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! General anesthesia is administered to the patient at individual request when there is panic fear before any dental procedures. However, such a condition in medical practice is extremely rare.

After the procedure, swelling of the gums and face remains for several days, and minor pain persists. If medical recommendations are strictly followed, the normal state is restored within 2-3 days. If discomfort persists and progresses for several days in a row, you should seek the help of your doctor again.

Indications for treatment

The growth of wisdom teeth is activated at the age of 20-25 years. In this regard, they received their familiar name of “wise men”. By this moment, the human jaw is completely formed; there is no room left for a new unit in the row. What is a wisdom tooth hood? This is the part of the gum that hangs over the tooth when it begins to erupt outward.

Indications for excision of the hood over the tooth:

  • formation of a gum pocket near the tooth;
  • acute inflammatory process of the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • painful reaction to any movement of the jaw, associated with a violation of the quality of life.

Removal of the hood and tooth is carried out:

  • for recurrent pericoronitis, when treatment of the hood over the wisdom tooth has already been carried out previously and did not give a positive result;
  • when not correct growth figure eight, which creates crowding, grows into the bone or soft tissue of the face;
  • an impacted tooth that cannot erupt on its own, interfering with the normal functioning of other organs;
  • in the absence of neighboring molars (antagonists), since the growth of the figure eight in this case is associated with additional difficulties.

What complications can occur if you refuse treatment?

The terminal units of the dentition, due to their distant location, are practically not washed by saliva. Meanwhile, it is saliva that cleanses oral cavity and protects it from bacteria. Due to the same distance of the outer teeth in the mouth, their hygiene is also quite difficult. As a result, inflammation and pain increase with a vengeance, leading to various negative consequences. At the same time, the hood over the wisdom tooth hurts greatly, the gums and cheek swell, pus forms, which is swallowed and enters the body. The infection can enter any organ and system and cause other serious illnesses, internal inflammatory phenomena.

What can you do at home if the hood over your wisdom tooth is inflamed?

If a wisdom tooth has a hood, then the only correct solution is to contact a specialist. To relieve pain before visiting a doctor, you can take a painkiller tablet (Pentalgin, Analgin, Ketanov). You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or calendula to relieve the inflammatory reaction. Good to take advantage of soda solution, which has pronounced disinfectant properties.

From ready-made solutions, it is recommended to rinse the mouth with Chlorhexidine at a concentration of 0.05% in order to disinfect the mucous surface. For pain relief, rub into the gums dental gel Holisal. It is applied in a thin layer every 4-6 hours, it is cooling and temporarily relieves pain and swelling. At acute pain You need to go to the doctor urgently!

Dmitry Sidorov

Orthopedic dentist

Important! Warming procedures are contraindicated, as they accelerate the growth of pathogenic microflora, which means they lead to the rapid spread of inflammation.

When the doctor has performed the procedure to excise the gum pocket, you should abstain from food and drinks for the next hours. It is important that a blood clot forms at the site of the wound. In the future and the next day, a gentle menu of liquid and semi-liquid consistency is recommended. If your gums hurt for several days after removing the hood, you need to visit the dentist again. Perhaps this will be an indication for removing the figure eight.


A hood on a wisdom tooth is a common phenomenon that accompanies the process of eruption of the outermost units in a row. To avoid complications, it is necessary to stop the inflammatory process in a timely manner and begin surgical treatment. Eruption of third molars can be facilitated by excision of the hood and disinfection of the source of infection. If this procedure does not help, the wisdom tooth is removed. After removal, the doctor prescribes antiseptic rinses, painkillers and hemostatic agents. A repeated examination will ensure the successful outcome of the operation and the normal progress of gum healing.

The wisdom tooth is the eighth tooth. Its painful growth is characterized by the formation of a dense film that must be excised. In this article you will find a description of the process of removing a wisdom tooth hood, find out how long it takes for the wound to heal, what the cost of the procedure is, and see photos.

The molar erupts starting at the age of 16, when the gum is already formed, but can grow in at different ages, and in some representatives of humanity it never appears, which is not a pathological disorder. Because the last tooth is a rudiment.


The hood on the wisdom tooth is characterized by a dense, leaky cover, which is formed from the mucous tissue of the gums during eruption. That is, it is a tissue film localized over the erupting molar.

Between them there is a small space into which microscopic food debris penetrates. Further, these particles are transformed into a favorable habitat for pathogenic microorganisms, against the background of which infection occurs with further suppuration. Thus, an inflammatory process occurs, leading to loss of gum tissue density and bleeding.

Inflammation of the gum mucous membranes is called pericoronitis. In this case, immediate treatment in a specialized clinic is required. Otherwise they may start irreversible consequences in the oral cavity.

Signs and complications

Symptoms appear with increasing force as purulent exudate forms. In the primary stages, the pathology is practically asymptomatic, but as soon as food penetrates under the mucous formation and begins to immediately decompose, the patient experiences the following symptoms:

If the wisdom tooth hood is not excised at this stage, the inflammation rapidly progresses, causing:
  • swelling becomes extensive;
  • the gums become hyperemic, redness spreads to the cheek;
  • a significant amount of pus is released from the hood, which can be released spontaneously or with the help of pressure;
  • pain increases when opening the mouth, chewing, talking, swallowing food;
  • the functionality of the jaw is impaired (partially immobilized);
  • body temperature suddenly rises;
  • lymph nodes under the jaw enlarge;
  • persistent appears headache;
  • the patient feels weakened.

Swelling and pain radiate to the face, jaw, and ears on the affected side of the gum.


Indications for the procedure

The procedure for excision of the tooth hood is carried out in cases where pericoronitis goes from initial stage to the next one. Surgical intervention is necessary, since the disease entails many complications. Main indications:

  1. The presence of purulent fluid between the growing wisdom tooth and the hood, which causes persistent putrid smell from the oral cavity.
  2. Persistent pain, strong pain threshold, inability to chew food.
  3. Transfer of pain to the face, temples, auricle.
  4. Development, that is, the inflammatory process in soft tissues acute nature. This leads to constant pain.
  5. Swelling of the lymph nodes and persistent heat bodies.

Regular drug therapy Helps eliminate symptoms temporarily. If you take antibiotics that neutralize harmful bacteria, the drugs will stop the development of pathogenic microflora. However, for as long as a person takes them.

This is due to the fact that between the formed cover and the tooth there is a space into which food debris penetrates again and again, causing decay. If we talk in simple words, then after each course antibacterial therapy, the cycle of food penetration, infection and further suppuration begins anew.

Preparatory stage

Excision of the hood is a surgical intervention, so there are preparation rules that will ensure a favorable outcome of the operation.

Standard preparation:

  1. The doctor collects the patient’s medical history - questions him about the symptoms that appear, possible reason inflammatory process on the gums, studies general medical information about existing chronic pathologies and past illnesses.
  2. Urine and blood are collected for general and clinical analysis. The presence of viruses for hepatitis, HIV, and syphilis must be detected.
  3. To exclude an allergic reaction to drugs that will be used during surgery, a test is performed to determine the body's reaction. If an allergen is detected, the medication is replaced with another remedy.

Dental examination:

Thanks to radiography and computed tomography The inflamed area is carefully examined. Three-dimensional diagnostics are carried out, which makes it possible to examine and evaluate the condition of the dentofacial area in 3 planes. Is being studied jawbone, the structure of the root part of a growing molar, the correct development of the tooth.

Based collected materials a decision is made on the actions of the upcoming operation - the time of the procedure, the amount of work, and the sequence are calculated. Medical staff prepares in advance necessary tools. If the tooth grows correctly, only the hood is resected. If the molar does not develop properly, the entire tooth is removed.

Preparatory measures regarding the oral cavity:

  1. At acute course carry out the disease fully surgical intervention problematic, so preparation is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process. To do this, the doctor recommends rinsing the mouth for a certain time. Antiseptic solutions are used and disinfectant compresses are applied.
  2. If there are other diseases, such as caries, the dentist will treat it, since the presence of dental diseases can lead to complications after surgery.
  3. It is advisable to have a dental examination.
  4. During such preparation, the patient should take painkillers with anti-inflammatory properties (in the form of tablets, dental drops).

Progress of the operation

Excision of the hood is carried out in outpatient setting gradually after completion preparatory activities:

  1. A local anesthetic is administered. At allergic reactions and during pregnancy, anesthesia is not used.
  2. The patient waits 10 to 15 minutes until sensitivity is lost.
  3. Excision is performed: the doctor makes a mark of the removal site. Next, using a laser (scalpel), an incision is made into the fragment and excised. In this case, the coronal area of ​​the molar should open completely.
  4. Immediately after the hood is cut, the area is treated with antiseptic solutions that contain hemostatic agents.
  5. Then the wound is washed to remove purulent exudate, particles of remaining food and blood fluid.
  6. A compress containing antiseptic ointment. Feature - application is carried out after the bleeding has completely stopped.

About what to do after surgical procedures at home, your doctor will tell you. Antibacterial drugs are assigned based on individual characteristics specific organism.

Nuances of recovery

How long does it take for a wound to heal? It turns out that the duration of recovery processes depends on many factors - the degree of neglect of the disease, individual characteristics. The level of healing of the patient plays an important role. For example, if there is diabetes mellitus, rehabilitation will take longer because the wounds long time do not tighten. The doctor sets a date for the patient next appointment for postoperative examination.

The patient must adhere to the following rules:

  • It is forbidden to eat or drink water for several hours;
  • in the first days it is undesirable to use the operated side for chewing food;
  • You will have to brush your teeth carefully, avoiding the area of ​​inflammation;
  • Do not rinse intensively;
  • cooked dishes must be at room temperature, that is, not hot or cold;
  • the food is extremely soft;
  • You should not visit a bathhouse or sauna during the rehabilitation period;
  • give up heavy ones physical activity- carrying heavy loads, power types sports

Post-surgical drug therapy is prescribed:

  1. If accompanied by pain, you can take analgesic drugs. The following tablets are considered the strongest: , . You are allowed to consume no more than 4 units per day.
  2. You need to rinse your mouth antiseptic solution miramistina. This drug eliminates the inflammatory process, promotes the regeneration of damaged tissues and relieves pain. Especially if it hurts a person to swallow. used for rinsing and irrigating the cavity and larynx. A maximum volume of 15 ml can be used in one procedure. Irrigation is carried out with a special spray of the same name. The number of daily procedures ranges from 3 to 5 times.
  3. Another antiseptic is furatsilin solution. It is prepared independently from a dry powder mixture, which can be purchased at a pharmacy. There is a tablet form. For preparation you will need 0.02 grams of the drug. Dilute with warm water and rinse your mouth several times a day.
  4. What else should I rinse with? To disinfect a wound, brew chamomile and sage herbs. Take 2 tsp. collection, pour boiling water (200 ml) and let it brew until warm state(maximum 20 minutes). Rinse several times a day. Before each procedure, pour out a little broth, strain it and dilute it slightly with water.
  5. To relieve pain and heal a wound, purchase. It has an analgesic and healing effect. In addition, it eliminates the inflammatory process, neutralizes heat in the area of ​​inflammation and destroys pathogenic bacteria. If it hurts to close your teeth when chewing food, apply the gel before lunch. You can use it at other times. Be sure to rinse your mouth thoroughly before use to remove any remaining food. The analgesic effect lasts for a minimum of 2 hours and a maximum of 8 hours. You can apply a compress with Cholisal gel three times a day.
  6. Antibiotics are not prescribed in all cases. The drug is selected by the doctor.

After having to cut the gum, the patient must follow all the doctor’s instructions. Otherwise, the wound will take a long time to heal. In general, recovery takes from a week to 10 days.

Why do you need to remove the eight?

Sometimes not only excision of the hood is prescribed, but also resection of the eighth tooth. There must be the following reasons for this:

  1. The eight is growing in the wrong direction.
  2. Lack of free space for the eruption of the third molar.
  3. There are no neighbors near the wisdom tooth, which will create difficulties for the person in the future.

The gingival hood does not appear above the fully erupted tooth, but above its elements, so removing the figure eight is a complex procedure. It is impossible to pick up a growing molar with conventional instruments, since there is no approach point. As a result, the dentist uses a drill to cut the tooth into pieces and then remove it from the socket.

The procedure takes much longer than with conventional hood excision. There is a risk of damage to the tongue if the patient accidentally jerks. And for many people, such an operation causes unjustified fears. For these reasons, removal of an undetected figure eight is carried out under general anesthesia, if there are no contraindications to this - for example, during pregnancy general anesthesia prohibited. The healing time of such a wound varies individually.

What can you do at home?

There are times when a person, due to certain circumstances, does not have the opportunity to urgently see a dentist. Then, if the hood hurts, you can do the following:

  1. Rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and salt. Take the components in equal proportions. For 200 ml of warm water (necessarily boiled) you need 1 tbsp. l. mixtures. The procedure is carried out every 2 hours.
  2. To relieve pain, use iodine, but not often, as the drug causes a burn.
  3. Make herbal teas. Take oak bark, chamomile, sage and calendula in equal proportions. Separate 2 tbsp. l. collection, pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for an hour. After straining, you need to rinse the cavity 4-6 times a day.

Please note that these recipes traditional medicine contribute to the temporary elimination of unpleasant symptoms. To get rid of the problem, treatment is necessary!

What can happen if you refuse treatment?

Complications that arise if a person does not want to carry out therapeutic measures in dentistry:

  • pericoronitis acquires chronic form;
  • spread of infection to other teeth;
  • disruption of structure bone tissue;
  • formation of phlegmon;
  • emergence;
  • infection and inflammation lymph nodes;
  • abscess development;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into the bloodstream, which disrupts the functioning of other internal systems and organs;
  • pathological eruption of the molar.

If the tooth is in the wrong direction, the following consequences arise:
  • the root system of neighboring teeth is damaged;
  • is being formed malocclusion;
  • bone tissue is destroyed;
  • the mucous membranes of the cheeks are injured.

Avoid such pathological disorders can only be done in one way - by promptly applying for qualified help to dentistry.

Video: excision of the hood of a wisdom tooth.

Cost of the procedure

The cost of excision of a hood on a wisdom tooth consists of the following components: anesthesia, additional diagnostics, procedure, drugs used. On average, in Russia it ranges from one and a half thousand rubles to 5,000.

If it is necessary to remove the figure eight with simultaneous excision, the cost increases to 4000-7000 rubles. Therefore, check in advance how much the procedure costs in a particular clinic.

Removing a wisdom tooth hood involves excision of the gum mucosa, which partially covers the crown.

Removal is required if the gums become inflamed and cause pain during the eruption process. In some cases, excision of not only the hood, but also the wisdom tooth itself is required.

What is a hood over a wisdom tooth?

The hood of a wisdom tooth is a free space (a kind of pocket) that is formed between the erupted third molar, or figure eight (this is also the name of the chewing organ that appears at a conscious age) and the surface of the gum overhanging it.

The hood often traps food debris, which accumulates and creates favorable conditions for the development of pathogenic microorganisms.

Under their influence, an inflammatory process develops, accompanied by the accumulation of purulent masses.

Externally, the hood looks like a round, inflamed area of ​​gum that rises above the erupting wisdom tooth.

The causes of the inflammatory process of the hood over the wisdom tooth are:

  • insufficient width of the dental arch, due to which the wisdom tooth cannot fully erupt;
  • special location of the tooth. If the third molar is located parallel or at an angle to the row, then an inflammatory process develops;
  • eruption of only one part of the tooth, while the other part remains in the bone;
  • thickening of the oral mucosa in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth.

Symptoms of inflammation of the hood include the following:

  • severe swelling and redness of the gums;
  • difficulty swallowing;
  • swelling and tenderness of the submandibular lymph nodes;
  • smell of rot from the mouth;
  • swelling of the cheek;
  • the wisdom tooth is rotting;
  • discharge of purulent masses from under the hood;
  • inability to completely close or open the mouth;
  • headache, dizziness;
  • increase in body temperature.

Important! At the first symptoms of inflammation of the space between the gum and wisdom tooth, you should consult a doctor, since in advanced cases the infection can spread to the surrounding tissues and cause a life-threatening condition - sepsis.

What does a hood look like over a wisdom tooth?

Why should the hood be removed? What's stopping him?

Pericoronitis can provoke the advancement of pus and pathogenic microorganisms into the bones and deep into the soft tissues

When the hood over the wisdom tooth becomes inflamed, or pericoronitis, the patient’s cheek and gums swell, which causes pain and makes it impossible not only to chew food, but also to fully open and close the mouth.

Pericoronitis also causes foul, rotten breath. It is caused by the fact that pus is released from under the hood.

Inflammation is also dangerous because it occurs in the area of ​​the masticatory muscles and can provoke almost complete closure of the mouth.

Under such conditions, the dentist, due to his mouth not opening enough, will not be able to immediately provide assistance to the patient.

Pericoronitis can provoke the movement of pus and pathogenic microorganisms into the bones and deep into the soft tissues, which causes the formation of submandibular or peripharyngeal phlegmon.

This condition is fraught with blood poisoning and the spread of infection throughout the body.

Indications for removing the hood above the figure eight are characteristic symptoms, indicating pericoronitis, as well as an increase in body temperature, which does not return to normal for a long time, the development of gingivitis.

Note! In some cases, it is not the hood that is removed, but the problem tooth-eight itself. It is recommended to remove it immediately in case of severe and traumatic eruption of the third molar, abnormal tooth growth, or lack of sufficient space for it.

First aid

If you have symptoms of an inflammatory process in the hood above the figure eight, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid life-threatening consequences.

But sometimes the pain and discomfort caused by this deviation occurs suddenly, and the patient cannot get an appointment with a doctor for a certain time.

Such emergency situations you can do this:

Important! Under no circumstances should you try to open it yourself at home, much less cut off the hood.

It is impossible to cope with the inflammatory process at home, so delaying a visit to the doctor is strongly not recommended.

Preparing to remove the hood

It is permissible to take a painkiller to suppress severe pain.

Before performing an operation to excise the hood, the specialist must prepare the patient for this manipulation.

To do this, it is necessary to relieve the acute inflammatory process.

This goal is achieved by rinsing the mouth with a decoction of medicinal chamomile or a solution with soda and salt.

It is permissible to take a pain reliever to suppress severe pain.

Also, before scheduling an operation, radiography and tomography are prescribed to assess the condition of the jaw bone tissue, blood and urine tests are performed, and the presence of diseases such as syphilis, hepatitis, and HIV infection is determined.

How is gum excision performed?

Excision of the inflamed area of ​​the gum above the wisdom tooth consists of several successive stages.

This process includes next steps:

After the operation, the doctor gives the patient recommendations regarding the care of the operated area during the rehabilitation period.

In the first 2-4 hours after surgery, it is forbidden to eat.

Features of the recovery period

Rehabilitation period after the hood is cut over the figure eight, it lasts 4-5 days, but with significant trauma it lasts up to 7-10 days.

For recovery period The patient is bothered by pain and inflammation. In some cases, body temperature may increase.

In order for the healing process to proceed without complications, treatment is necessary:

After each meal, you should thoroughly rinse your mouth with warm water.

Drugs of this group will definitely be required, since in all patients after surgery and the disappearance of the effect of anesthetics, severe pain.


The average cost of an operation to excise a figure eight hood is on average 1,500 rubles (the price depends on the complexity of the procedure, the status of dentistry and other factors).


Contraindications that prevent surgery to remove the hood over the third molar are periods of exacerbation chronic diseases, general serious condition of the patient.

In such situations, experts discuss everything possible options, with the help of which you can improve the patient’s well-being.

Pregnancy is not absolute contraindication to carry out this operation. During the period of gestation, excision is performed, but without the introduction of anesthetic agents.

Possible complications

Even after surgery to remove the area of ​​gum overhanging the wisdom tooth, complications can occur.

The most common of these is relapse of the inflammatory process.

This occurs either due to insufficient cutting of the hood or due to certain anatomical features.

If you refuse to see a doctor and undergo surgery, the patient may encounter one of the following complications:

  • transition acute pericoronitis V chronic pathology, which is fraught with transition infectious process to nearby tissues;
  • deterioration of bone tissue;
  • injury to the mucous membranes of the cheek;
  • development of osteomyelitis;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes caused by the spread of purulent masses throughout the oral cavity;
  • penetration of pathogenic microorganisms or pus into the bloodstream, which leads to blood poisoning. This condition is very dangerous and often leads to the death of a person;
  • formation of phlegmon or abscess.

Note! Much greater risk dangerous complications occurs when the patient does not visit the doctor. Pathological process develops quickly and can lead to unexpected outcomes.

Cases in which the hood must be removed along with the third molar

It was mentioned above that there are situations when a wisdom tooth needs to be removed along with the hood.

This is necessary in following cases:

After a thorough examination, the specialist will determine whether there is a need for additional removal of the third molar along with the inflamed hood.

Inflammation of the tissue around the last chewing element during its growth and eruption is common. The stretched mucous membrane turns into a tubercle. Accompanied by pain. The hood on a wisdom tooth is a chewing element covered with gum. The danger of the condition lies in the appearance of infiltration, with severe swelling and increased body temperature. In most cases, removal of the wisdom tooth hood is required.

Overgrown gum tissue over the future last chewing element

If pus appears in the place where the wisdom tooth grows, this indicates a pathological proliferation of bacteria that causes an inflammatory process.

Sometimes even after the hood has been removed from a wisdom tooth, it can form again. The unpleasant picture is complemented by the peculiarity of the structure and location of the roots. They can sometimes run into adjacent teeth and destroy them on the internal level, both during growth and later.

How does a hood appear on a wisdom tooth? Treatment

Long before the wisdom tooth erupts, the hood hurts; in turn, it can appear if a large number of pathogenic microorganisms accumulate in this area. The visible problem will become larger and gradually increase. Long before this, pain is felt due to compression of the nerve endings, which causes unpleasant feeling. And only then the hood of the wisdom tooth grows, stretching the mucous membrane.

An extremely positioned figure eight with such a pathology should be examined by a dental surgeon.

You may need:

  • excision of the wisdom tooth hood, followed by rinsing the cavity with antibacterial agents;
  • and prescribing anti-inflammatory therapy.

And in cases where the hood on a wisdom tooth was cut off and there was pus there, therapy is supplemented by oral antibiotics.

Inflammation and infection of the soft structures surrounding the figure eight during its eruption

Is it necessary to remove the hood over a wisdom tooth?

A common problem, when wisdom teeth hurt under the hood, most often requires surgical incision of the gums. This will help resolve the process less painfully. If there is a small hood over the wisdom tooth, treatment can be carried out by reducing the reaction at the local and general level.

Can be taken:

  • antihistamines (suprastin, diazolin);
  • anti-inflammatory drugs (ibuprofen, diclofenac; paracetamol);
  • make local applications with dioxidine and lidocaine ointment.

If there is a small hood on the wisdom tooth, treatment at home can of course be carried out, but after consultation with a doctor. Since at first it may be minor swelling, and then an infiltrate will appear.

Clinical resolution of the problem will resolve inflammation more quickly. For this purpose it is carried out local anesthesia. And then the excision is done.

What to do after removing the hood from a wisdom tooth, what to rinse with

The recovery period after surgery includes oral care. Although this is not a significant penetration, the incision area is open wound, in which inflammation was present. She needs special attention.

Let's consider the remedies for cases where the hood on a wisdom tooth has been cut off, what to rinse and what to use:

  • weak solution of Furacilin;
  • Cholisal, with analgesic and antibacterial effect;
  • Miramistin.

Do not actively rinse. It is better to use the products in the form of irrigation or applications.

In dentistry, inflammation of the hood of a wisdom tooth is called pericoronitis. If swelling appears, this is obvious signs pericoronitis. In this case, it may sometimes be necessary to remove the wisdom tooth hood.

Wisdom teeth are the most problematic in the human oral cavity.

They are characterized by late appearance and rapid removal, since almost immediately after eruption, this type teeth begin to destructure and change color.

These teeth have an individual development process for each person, that is, when they can appear depends on the shape of the jaw and hereditary factors.

For many, the stage of the appearance of a wisdom tooth is asymptomatic, and for some it causes very unpleasant pain and spasms, worsens their health and provokes swelling.

Process characteristics

In practice, dentists use certain actions to remove the hood of a wisdom tooth:

  1. At the very beginning, anesthesia is used so that the patient feels a minimum pain during the procedure.
  2. Next, certain surgical accessories are used, with the help of which the doctor makes outlines of the affected area and cuts out the inflamed part.
  3. After this, you should wash the wound with the necessary antiseptics, which will help eliminate bleeding and prevent the possibility of infection.
  4. It is obligatory to use medicinal products, which promote the fastest and most effective healing.

Unfortunately, in practice, removing the hood over a wisdom tooth cannot always provide complete confidence that the inflammation has disappeared. It happens in such cases that it can begin to grow again. When the dentist makes an incision on the part that is affected, he barely touches healthy gums

, but the recovery process does not last very long. Always in mandatory

you must follow all the instructions given by the doctor.

Possible complications Sometimes it happens that the procedure for cutting out pericoronitis entails some Negative consequences

. If you do not start treatment in a timely manner and do not attach special importance to the dental hood, then the person will not be able to physically open his mouth at all.

Pericoronitis (perikronaritis) – inflammation of the gum tissue surrounding the tooth Due to the fact that the pressure on masticatory muscle

continues, the mouth may close completely, while the pus begins to increase and fill the entire oral cavity. These actions can lead to complications that require urgent surgery on the outside of the cheek.

Prerequisites for complications

When the eruption action occurs, while only a small part of the crown has protruded, a certain place is created between the mucous membranes into which food particles tend to fall.

Accordingly, it is absolutely impossible to remove this food from there. This is what causes the creation of favorable conditions for the emergence and development of harmful microflora, which contributes to the irritation process.

Signs of pericoronitis

If - this speaks of inflammatory processes gums They are characterized by corresponding pain in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, swelling of the gums, unpleasant smell emanating from a sore tooth and the sensation strange taste. Latest symptoms manifest themselves due to the presence of pus and its constant new formation.

Hood over wisdom tooth

Depending on the form and level of the disease, other characteristic features diseases. These include:

  • Difficulty or inability to open the mouth due to swelling;
  • Pain during swallowing due to swelling;
  • Increased body temperature.

No visit to the dentist yet, but teething? There are some ways to relieve pain at home, but you should seek qualified help from a doctor in any case.

Medical assistance

On this moment used a little various methods for therapy, one of which is the extraction of the eighth tooth. , and what to do after removal to avoid complications - the doctor should explain. Negligent attitude to recommendations is fraught with serious consequences.

To other ways surgical treatment relate:

  1. anesthesia;
  2. excision of the mucosa;
  3. wound treatment;
  4. drug therapy;
  5. follow-up visit to the doctor for a final examination.

It happens that after the initial cutting of the hood, there is a possibility of its reappearance. Then the option of wisdom tooth removal appears.

It should be noted that a highly qualified dentist will be able to easily identify the specifics of the future growth of the eighth tooth.

To avoid troubles and complications, it is better to pull out the tooth immediately than to carry out ineffective therapy. Many people try to endure painful spasms while being treated with various folk remedies , in these cases it is possible to stop the inflammation, but for a short period of time. Because further complications

will be more serious and lasting.

Features of gum excision

Excision of the hood is carried out using accessories such as a scalpel or scissors, after which a gauze swab is placed in the wound.

The pain begins to dull a couple of days after the hood over the wisdom tooth is removed, and the gum healing itself occurs after about a week.

Removing a wisdom tooth hood: the cost of the issue

Very often, the price of this procedure also depends on which clinic the patient goes to, since the amounts in private and state clinics may vary.

The price itself must be directly determined by the attending physician. On average, for a surgical intervention such as removal of a hood over a wisdom tooth, the price will be $25-35.

Video on the topic:

For details about the troubles a wisdom tooth can cause you, namely the removal of the hood, the consequences of this procedure and what can happen after removing the hood of a wisdom tooth, watch the video:

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