Home Tooth pain What is bee moth used for? Tincture - method of application. Bee moth (wax moth): possible treatment options and reviews Bee moth tincture purpose treatment

What is bee moth used for? Tincture - method of application. Bee moth (wax moth): possible treatment options and reviews Bee moth tincture purpose treatment

Specialists involved in bee breeding know that such a dangerous pest as wax moth can be beneficial. Moth tincture is used not only in folk, but also in traditional medicine.

It is not known exactly when exactly the larvae of this butterfly began to be used to create a medicinal product. However, studies have confirmed that their use in the preparation of the extract has a beneficial effect on the human body. This drug helps cure many different diseases.

This unattractive small butterfly is a close relative of the clothes moth. Bee moths belong to insects from the Lepidoptera family of the same name. These butterflies are different variety of food preferences. Gardeners and gardeners suffer especially hard from them, since wax moths feed on the leaves of apple and pear trees, berries and flowers. In addition, they can settle on cereals.

There are even species of moths that eat animal carcasses. There are also moth-like butterflies that live along the banks of reservoirs. However, the only moth that is most popular is the one whose caterpillar eats wax.

For bees moth is a real disaster. Just a few caterpillars can destroy an entire hive. In addition to wax, this pest feeds on beebread, honeycombs and honey. After the invasion of a small butterfly, the bee colony may not survive the winter. The female moth invades the hive at night in order to lay eggs unhindered, since the bees sleep at this time of day.

Honey contains many more useful components than plant nectar. That is why insects that eat bees accumulate a lot of energy and various substances. Feeding on wax, beebread and honey, the wax moth absorbs all the benefits.

Moth moth larvae contain There are many different substances that have excellent stimulating and antioxidant effects, allowing the use of medicinal preparations prepared on their basis for the treatment of various diseases.

Useful components of the extract

The product made from moth larvae is a brown liquid. In its composition there are many useful substances:

Indications for use of fireweed tincture

This product has pronounced antibacterial and antiviral effects. Therefore, it is widely used in the treatment of various pathologies. The result after using the tincture is noticeable almost immediately. In addition, such a drug is non-toxic, therefore, the likelihood of side effects is extremely low. The only limitation to using the tincture is an allergic reaction to bee products. Moth extract helps get rid of many ailments.

Therapy of bronchopulmonary pathologies

A tincture based on wax moth helps in the treatment of colds, emphysema, chronic and acute bronchitis, and asthmatic attacks. After taking this remedy, the protective and drainage functions of the respiratory organs are restored, as a result of which spasmodic phenomena and wheezing disappear, and overall well-being improves.

Elimination of tuberculosis with moth extract

Bee moth tincture is often used for treatment of the lymphatic, visual, digestive, genitourinary and nervous systems, as well as the respiratory organs. In other words, such a remedy has a complex effect on the body, thereby ensuring the fastest cure.

Bee moth extract is best used as part of conservative treatment. This healing drug will enhance the effect of traditional medicines and minimize the number of negative consequences that arise after their use.

The tincture of fireweed is also capable of increase the body's defenses. The anti-tuberculosis effect of such a drug has been proven during various studies. It contains special enzymes that have a detrimental effect on microorganisms that provoke the development of tuberculosis.

Bee moth tincture in the fight against cancer

Of course, the moth extract will not eliminate malignant formations, but it can have a pronounced antioxidant and immunostimulating effect, which will significantly alleviate the patient’s condition. This healing drug will improve the body’s overall resistance and reduce the degree of intoxication, and it will also saturate it with essential vitamins and biologically active substances.

Tincture based on wax moth for cardiovascular pathologies

The product obtained from bee products can provide pronounced therapeutic effect for the following problems:

  • Hypertension;
  • Angina pectoris;
  • Myocardial infarction;
  • Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

14 days after consuming the product from moth larvae, cardioprotective and cardiac restorative qualities begin to appear. Symptoms of heart failure disappear completely or become less pronounced, blood pressure normalizes, and even scar changes in the myocardium disappear. In addition, moth tincture prevents the occurrence of blood clots and the development of atherosclerosis.

Elimination of male diseases

Fire treatment is especially effective for infertility and prostate adenoma. The active ingredients in the tincture increase desire, improve sperm activity and increase testosterone.

Treatment of influenza and respiratory diseases with tincture

Wax moth extract contains lysine. This substance is responsible for tissue regeneration and growth, normal production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. In addition, taking this healing tincture helps to quickly recover from injuries and surgical interventions. The ingredients present in its composition will be useful for those who regularly experience increased physical and mental stress.

Wax moth helps to increase dynamics of nervous processes that occur in the brain, improving muscle tone. In addition, it provides the body with a sufficient amount of microelements and nutrients. This drug is recommended for people who plan to stay young for a long time, as it stops the aging process.

The healing effect of the tincture is reinforced by the fact that the moth butterfly feeds on beekeeping products, which are present in its larvae for some time. All useful components after processing go into the moth extract. It is thanks to bee products that the healing effect occurs.

In addition, the body of small moths synthesizes the enzyme cerrase, which helps process wax. When interacting with alcohol it destroys the bacterial membrane, provoking the development of tuberculosis. This remedy can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

People who are actively involved in sports are also advised to drink a tincture of the larvae of this moth. After all, it helps to quickly restore the body’s strength after grueling physical activity.

Making wax moth extract at home

Making your own healing remedy from bee moth is not at all difficult. To prepare it you will need 10 grams of developed but not pupated larvae. They must be placed in a dark glass container and filled with alcohol at a temperature of at least 70 degrees. It will be enough to take 100 ml of ethanol. The resulting mixture should be set aside to infuse, shaking it occasionally. After a week, the tincture is filtered and then put in the refrigerator. It can be stored for about 12 months.

Preparation of ointment from moth tincture

The first step is to make an extract from the moth moth. For such purposes, you will need approximately 30-50 grams of its larvae. They should be filled with alcohol, and the liquid should only slightly cover the organisms. The product must be infused for at least 5 days.

Then into the finished extract you need to add 50 grams:

  • Calendula oils;
  • Beeswax;
  • Propolis.

The mixture is placed in a water bath and brought to a thick consistency, then cooled. This ointment is popular because it is made exclusively from natural ingredients.

This product helps a lot in the treatment of female and peptic ulcers, sinusitis, burns, otitis, toothache and sore throat. To relieve inflammation and discomfort during inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, the ointment must be slightly warmed in a tablespoon and dripped into the nose. For otitis media, it should be used to lubricate the ear. To do this, soak a cotton swab in ointment and insert it into the diseased organ. The flagellum should be changed several times a day.

The ointment will also help fight tonsillitis, just lubricate the tonsils with it. To eliminate fibroids, it is advisable to take 10 drops orally 3 times a day. To reduce pain and inflammation during exacerbation of an ulcer, it is also better to eat one third of a small spoon before meals. Burns are regularly lubricated with tincture ointment for faster wound healing.

Recommendations before taking wax moth extract

Before you start using the tincture, you should definitely check how the body reacts to it whether the drug will provoke an allergy. Among other things, you need to thoroughly study the bee moth treatment regimen.

It is best to discuss the optimal dosage and method of use with a specialist. Do not forget to perform a contact test as follows: one drop of this medicine should be diluted in a dessert spoon of water, then smear a little tincture on the inside of the lower lip. If after 1 hour there is no swelling, redness, rash, tingling at the site of application or itching, then the drug is not dangerous.

The first intake of moth extract should be started with caution. In general, in the first days it is advisable to use it only in the morning. If the drug does not cause any side effects, the dose can be increased.

Negative consequences and contraindications for use

Healing preparation based on wax moth larvae has enormous energy power. That is why it should not be taken by people with an immediate reaction of the vascular system to various medications and great sensitivity. They should be prepared for the fact that their blood pressure may rise after consuming fireweed. In this case, it is advisable to take a short break, reduce the dose or completely stop taking the tincture, so as not to harm your health.

Of course, it is better to accustom your body to the extract from moth larvae or take special medications at the same time. After all, this remedy can affect blood vessels, and its moderate use can, on the contrary, help stabilize blood pressure.

Tincture of bee moth, bloodworm or wax moth is a promising, but little-studied beekeeping product. This insect is a pest that destroys honeycombs and interferes with the development of bee larvae. Moth worms are able to feed on wax, which is how it got its name. Beekeepers fight moth with various methods - freezing, cauterization, chemicals, and only a few know about the healing qualities of preparations based on it. Scientists know almost everything about the development, nutrition, and structure of the insect, but very little about the benefits that the moth can bring.

In folk medicine, wax moth tincture has long been used as a remedy for consumption (tuberculosis) and age-related disorders, but at the end of the 19th century, the Russian scientist I.I. Mechnikov provided a scientific basis for these theories; his research was continued by homeopathic physician S.I. Mukhin. Subsequently, data appeared on the composition and mechanism of the therapeutic action of the extract, which made it possible to reveal its potential as a biostimulant with a wide spectrum of action. During World War II, Soviet scientists developed products with adaptogenic, immunostimulating properties for use at the front, and one of them was wax moth tincture. The research was kept secret due to its special importance, but in recent decades, interest in this remedy has been awakening again in the scientific community.

Bee moth tincture is a brown liquid that contains:

    • free amino acids – 20 out of 28 known (glycine, alanine, serine, lysine, histidine, arginine and others);
    • monosaccharides;
    • disaccharides;
    • nucleotides;
    • fatty acid;
    • bioactive compounds;
    • trace elements (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, zinc, molybdenum, cobalt and others);
    • enzymes;
    • aromatic compounds.

The unique properties of the moth tincture are a direct consequence of the insect’s diet. The larvae feed on wax, beebread, and honey, which contain many biologically active components that affect the functioning of the heart, the condition of blood vessels, and the composition of the blood.

The following compounds deserve special attention:

Cerase and protease are enzymes with an antibacterial effect similar to the effect of the enzyme lysozyme - it destroys the cell walls of bacteria. It is assumed that due to the action of this compound, the tincture has a bactericidal effect on Mycobacterium tuberculosis - the tuberculosis bacillus, therefore, since the 17th century, the main indication for its use was tuberculosis. The drug also promotes the resorption of blood clots in blood vessels and tissue restoration in the post-infarction state. Interestingly, cerase and protease are the digestive enzymes of the wax moth, necessary for the absorption and processing of wax.

Ecdysteroid hormones. In the body, they participate in protein biosynthesis, affect the activity of the nervous system, cell division and tissue regeneration. In some respects, these hormones are close to anabolic steroids, but do not cause androgenic or other pathological changes. It has been experimentally proven that taking them has the following advantages:

      • antihyperglycemic effect - they bring blood sugar levels to normal by transferring glucose from the blood to glycogen in the liver;
      • the hypocholesterolemic effect of hormones is due to the suppression of cholesterol biosynthesis and inhibition of its absorption in the intestine;
      • hepatoprotective properties are manifested in the ability to stimulate the restoration of liver tissue during hepatitis and protect them from oxidative processes in diabetes;
      • hormones stabilize cell membranes, protecting tissues from destruction and damage;
      • in case of anemia, ecdysteroids activate hematopoiesis and the production of red blood cells;
      • adaptogenic and tonic qualities that help increase the body's endurance and increase resistance to the effects of adverse factors of an endogenous and exogenous nature.

Gamma-aminobutyric acid, which has hypotensive and anti-stress properties.

An important feature of the action of bee moth tincture is its ability to slow down blood clotting and reduce blood pressure due to optimization of the condition of the heart and blood vessels, as well as smooth muscle contractions. Cardioprotective properties are also manifested in increased resistance to drugs used to weaken myocardial contractility - cardiac glycosides. Due to the nature of their absorption, they can easily cause an overdose, especially with long-term use, but the tincture neutralizes their toxic effect due to its antioxidant properties.

Moth tincture is also used to treat diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, gynecological pathologies and reproductive disorders, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as general problems with immunity, metabolism, and nervous system disorders.

Preparation of the drug

The main difficulty in preparing tinctures is getting high-quality raw materials. Only large bee moth larvae are used. The closer they are to the period of pupation, the less they synthesize digestive enzymes, and those that are too young do not contain sufficient nutrients.

The basis of the moth tincture recipe is live larvae, so it is mainly prepared by beekeepers themselves.

To prepare the extract, alcohol with a strength of 40% and larvae are used in a ratio of 1 to 10. For reference: one large larva weighs about 0.2–0.25 grams. The composition is infused in a dark place and then filtered. The infusion time according to the recommendations of different authors varies from a week to two months. To prepare a 20% tincture, the proportion of components will be 1 to 5.


For tuberculosis and other serious diseases, the dosage is increased to five drops per ten kilograms of weight three times a day. Before the first use, you must make sure that there is no allergy or individual intolerance by starting with a few drops.

The usual course of taking the tincture is three months with a break of two weeks. Other authors recommend taking the drug without interruption during the first year, and then two courses per year.

Traditional medicine specialists allow the use of tincture in children - a drop for each year of life for a month, but there are no studies on the effect of the drug on the body of children and pregnant women, so the use is, in fact, at your own peril and risk.

Precautionary measures

No potentially toxic or tissue-damaging compounds were found in the tincture, but the peculiarities of its action require careful use in the following cases:

      • with low blood pressure;
      • with bleeding disorders or concomitant use of anticoagulant medications;
      • during pregnancy due to its myotropic effect and relaxing effect on the state of the smooth muscles of the heart and uterus.

Clear contraindications to the use of bee moth tincture are individual intolerance or reaction to alcohol.

Wax moth tincture has a biostimulating effect on the body, including cardioprotective, hypotensive, adaptogenic, antioxidant, and hypocoagulant properties. Potentially, it can be used in therapeutic practice as a means for recovery after heart attacks and strokes, as well as during increased physical or emotional stress.

Dear reader of my blog! Today I will tell you about the large wax moth. In Ancient Greece it was called the “golden butterfly”. Perhaps many of you do not know what it is. Large wax moth - otherwise known as bee moth. This is a moth moth, a pest of bee hives. And it causes a lot of harm to beekeepers, but it also turns out to bring considerable benefits.

Why is she a pest? Yes, because at the initial stage of its development the caterpillar begins to feed on the bee’s reserves: honey and beebread. She then proceeds to eat the wax honeycomb, frames and insulation material in the hives. When there are too many of these caterpillars, they begin to eat each other. Bee colonies weaken and may die or leave the hive. Thus causing quite a lot of harm to bee colonies.

But in addition to the harm caused to bee colonies, wax moths are very beneficial in the treatment of certain human diseases. What is the benefit?

Let's start with the history of the development of medicine in Russia.

In the 17th century, wax moth larvae extract was used to treat cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases. And at the end of the 19th century, the scientific community first learned about the wonderful medicinal qualities of the wax moth. The Russian scientist and doctor Ilya Ilyich Mechnikov, while studying the effects of phagocytosis and immunity, discovered the beneficial properties of the bee moth.

Together with P. Erlich, Mechnikov was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1908 “for his work on immunity.” As K. Merner from the Karolinska Institute noted in his welcoming speech, “after the discoveries of Edward Jenner, Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch, the main question of immunology remained unclear: “How does the body manage to defeat pathogenic microbes that, having attacked it, were able to gain a foothold and began to develop?”

Mechnikov noticed that preparations made from wax moth larvae have a certain therapeutic effect in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and lung diseases, in particular consumption, as tuberculosis was previously called.

Trying to create a vaccine against tuberculosis, Mechnikov conducted a lot of research with wax moth larvae. It turned out that the larval tissues contain a large number of various useful substances - polyunsaturated lipids, essential amino acids, vitamins, microelements and enzymes. The most unique enzyme was the cerase enzyme. What is unique is that the enzyme cerase is capable of dissolving wax-like formations.

Why is tuberculosis so difficult and long to treat? Yes, because the tuberculosis bacillus exists in the human body in a waxy capsule. And in order to dissolve this wax capsule and kill the bacteria living inside, very potent chemotherapy drugs and antibiotics are needed. And we know how detrimental they are to our lives.

Mechnikov, in his research, noticed how cerase acts on the waxy shell of the tuberculosis bacillus. And using extracts from the brachialis moth in his practice, he achieved good results in the treatment of patients with tuberculosis. When using wax moth extract, the waxy cassula dissolves, thereby leaving tuberculosis bacteria defenseless against the protective immune barrier.

How does the enzyme cerase work in cardiovascular diseases? In addition to the ability to dissolve the waxy membrane, cerase is capable of transforming scar connective tissue into muscle contractile tissue. Which is very important during rehabilitation after myocardial infarction. In my practice of working at the Tentorium company, when using Formula Ra in one patient after a myocardial infarction, after 6 months, the cardiogram showed that conductivity had improved in the place where the scar had formed after necrosis.

A similar effect of moth can also be used in the healing of ulcers and scar changes in peptic ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

Preparations prepared from wax moth larvae are widely used in the practice of traditional healers.

It is not at all difficult to prepare a tincture - an extract of wax moth larvae at home. To prepare it, it is necessary to take well-developed larvae, without signs of pupation.

5 grams of larva are placed in a dark glass container, 50 ml of 70 degree ethyl alcohol is added and incubated for 7-8 days. Strain before use.

Although you can buy this extract at the pharmacy, if possible, prepare it yourself.

Use for medicinal purposes

For medicinal purposes, adults should take the extract 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day, diluting the extract in water. Children are recommended to take 1 drop of extract per year of life with water according to age. Wax moth larvae extract is taken for 3 weeks with a break of 1 week. Then the course is repeated.

The duration of the course is determined by the nature of the disease. So, in case of tuberculosis or myocardial infarction, a course duration of up to 6 months may be required. But after this the result will be obvious.

Use for prophylactic purposes

For prophylactic use, the extract is taken in the same dosages, but 1 time per day.

Contraindications for use are intolerance to bee products.

What preparations contain bee moth extract?

The most famous companies that produce tinctures with wax moth larvae extract are the Galleria Melonella product line, which in addition to the extract contains medicinal herbs (chaga, coltsfoot, rowan, rose hips, hawthorn, etc.).

The first beekeeping company, Tentorium, also released Formula Ra dragees. In addition to the extract of wax moth larvae, the dragee contains propolis, pollen, high-quality honey, and the dragee is covered with a microspherical wax shell, which protects the contents of the dragee from external atmospheric influences (humidity, sunlight).

This dragee contains trace elements: potassium, sodium, calcium, chlorine, magnesium, iron, chromium, cobalt, molybdenum, silver, zinc, manganese, copper, selenium, etc. Contains vitamins B, PP, C, E, A, folic acid.

It was with the use of Formula Ra that I received excellent results in recovery after myocardial infarction, secondary infertility and tuberculosis infection.

I think that I have proven to you that, in addition to harm, the bee moth brings a lot of benefits. Therefore, if possible, be sure to try using it, at least for preventive purposes.

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video about wax moths and honey.

Be healthy!

Everything in this world was not created by chance. Even dangerous insects, poisonous plants, and predatory animals can bring a lot of benefits if you use them wisely. One such organism is the bee moth. It would seem that she does harm by eating bee products, and at the same time has so many beneficial properties. Below we will look at what diseases it treats and how to use bee moth tincture.

Wax moth

The bee moth, or wax moth, enters the hive and lays eggs there. It is known that she does this in the dark. After a certain period of time, larvae emerge from the eggs. They are the ones who eat even beeswax.

Due to the fact that the larva has a special enzyme in its body, it can carry out its harmful activities. Throughout its stay in the hive, the larva, eating useful products such as honey, wax, pollen and other waste products of hymenoptera, accumulates many useful substances. This is why it is so popular in the treatment of many diseases. It is used to create drugs in pharmacology and folk medicine. The tincture made from an insect such as the bee moth is especially in demand. We will discuss the method of application below, and now let’s talk about the benefits of the product.

Useful properties of fireweed

Bee moth has many beneficial properties, here are some of them:

  1. The unique enzyme cerrase destroys the walls of bacteria.
  2. The larvae are resistant to the pathogens of plague and diphtheria.
  3. Can destroy the waxy membranes of tuberculosis bacteria.
  4. Helps activate recovery processes in the body.
  5. Effective against fungal diseases.
  6. Helps restore the immune system.
  7. Normalizes hemoglobin levels and the number of red blood cells.
  8. Promotes the resorption of scars on the heart muscle.
  9. Reduces blood pressure.
  10. Helps in the treatment of infertility and improves sexual function in men.
  11. Has a good anabolic effect.
  12. Relieves stress.
  13. Softens the effect of steroid drugs.

A reasonable question arises about what diseases the tincture is indicated for. In what situations is bee fire used?

Indications for use

For what diseases is the tincture indicated? Where can bee moth be used? Let's look at it below.

The scope of application of such a medicinal product as Bee Fire tincture is quite wide. Its properties are involved in the treatment of the following diseases:

  1. Bronchitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, allergic manifestations.
  2. Diseases of the stomach and duodenum, ulcers.
  3. Prevention of giardiasis.
  4. Atherosclerosis, hypertension.
  5. Promotes the resorption of scars after hemorrhage into the heart muscle.
  6. Arrhythmia, heart defects.
  7. Increased thrombus formation.
  8. Infertility, toxicosis, menopausal disorders.
  9. Scars on the skin.
  10. With reduced immunity in order to prevent colds.
  11. For anemia.
  12. Taken by athletes to increase muscle mass and endurance.

If you decide to take a remedy such as Bee Moth tincture, the properties and indications for use must be carefully studied. However, like any drug, there are a number of contraindications.


The most important thing is not to use this remedy if you are intolerant to the components of the tincture. Especially for people who are allergic to bee products, pregnant women and those who are breastfeeding.

You should not take alcohol tincture during exacerbation of the following diseases:

  • acute hepatitis;
  • acute pancreatitis;
  • exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease.

Children under 12 years of age should take the drug with caution. In any case, you should definitely consult a doctor before use.

Cooking fire at home

A simple remedy to prepare at home is bee moth tincture. The recipe and application will be indicated below.

You need to take 5 g of moth larvae. It is very important that they are sufficiently developed and there are no signs of pupation yet. The larvae are placed in a glass vessel, preferably dark in color, and filled with a 70% solution of ethyl alcohol in an amount of 50 g. During the preparation process, the infusion must be shaken periodically. After 5-8 days the tincture is ready.

The prepared solution is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. If the Bee Moth tincture is prepared at home, the indications and contraindications will be the same as those purchased at the pharmacy. You must carefully study all recommendations for use.

How to take the tincture?

As we found out earlier, bee moth tincture helps against a number of diseases. Directions for use for adults are:

  1. If you have chronic diseases, you need to recover after long-term treatment with chemicals, improve your immunity, you need to take up to 20 drops per 50-100 ml of water three times a day. The tincture should be consumed half an hour before eating or an hour after a meal. The course of treatment is 3 months, then you must take a break. If necessary, you can repeat.
  2. When treating infectious and viral diseases, tuberculosis, take the tincture as follows. 30 drops per 100 ml of water three times a day. After taking it for 2-3 months, you need to take a break and then repeat the therapy.
  3. When treating tuberculosis, a gradual increase in dosage is necessary. During therapy, an increase in temperature and increased sputum production are possible, but you should not interrupt the process, you can only reduce the dosage. After the signs of the disease disappear, it is recommended to take the moth tincture for another month.
  4. To prevent colds, take up to 20 drops of tincture, diluting it in water before or after meals. Take for 1 month during seasonal exacerbations of diseases.

Now it has become known how bee moth tincture can be beneficially taken and how to use it for various diseases. Just don’t forget to consult with your doctor.

How do children take the drug?

In order to treat chronic diseases, children are given bee moth (tincture). The method of application is as follows: the dosage is 1 drop for 2 years of a child’s life. Also taken on an empty stomach or an hour after meals. Add drops to water or herbal decoction. The course of therapy can last a couple of months; after a break, treatment can be repeated.

To prevent seasonal diseases, take the tincture once a day, half an hour before meals. Take for 1 month twice a year. After 12 years, the dosage for use is the same as for adults.

Bee moth tincture can be given to small children under 1 year of age only under the supervision of a doctor. It is imperative to take into account the child’s weight when calculating the dosage.

How to start taking the tincture

First of all, it is necessary to check how the body tolerates such a drug, whether it will cause an allergic reaction. It is imperative to familiarize yourself with the treatment regimen if you begin therapy with a remedy such as bee moth (tincture). It is advisable to discuss the method of use and dosage with your doctor.

The contact test should be carried out as follows. Dilute one drop of tincture in a teaspoon of water, then drop a couple of drops on the inside of the lower lip. After 30-60 minutes, look for redness, swelling or rash, as well as itching or tingling. If there were no such reactions, then the drug is not dangerous from an allergic point of view.

It is also necessary to start taking the drug with caution. In the very first days, take only 1 time in the morning. If the tincture does not cause any adverse reactions, it can be increased to a therapeutic dose.

If a child will take the drug, such a tolerance test is mandatory. It is necessary to carefully monitor the child's condition while taking the drug.

During such treatment, it is possible to reduce the baby's sleep period, since the tincture has good tonic properties and has many components that increase activity. In this case, you can not stop giving bee moth, but reduce the dose of the drug.

Ognevka in cosmetology

It is worth noting that moth heals wounds and scars on the skin well. It is an excellent rejuvenating agent, easily restores the body’s strength, and increases resistance to infectious and viral diseases. For cosmetic purposes, it can be added to creams and also taken orally.

Bee moth (wax moth or bee moth) is the worst pest in the apiary, but at the same time, bee moth is a significant product in beekeeping; many medicines are made on its basis. The priests of ancient Egypt and long-livers of Japan knew about the healing and medicinal qualities of wax - with its help they strengthened the immune system and prolonged their youth.

But the benefit of this pest is that the caterpillars consume bee products, and not physiological food. In this chemical ratio, the wax becomes inactive. This suggests that it is impossible to find on the planet such a number of substances and compounds of natural origin that can decouple and process wax.

In this article we will look at the medicinal properties of wax moth extract, analyze the indications and contraindications of wax moth tincture, and also learn about the instructions for using wax moth tincture.

The moth, bee moth or wax moth is a silvery moth of the moth species. The wingspan of the male reaches 17-23 mm, in the female - 18-32 mm. Destroys entire bee colonies by laying eggs on honeycombs, from which a worm emerges a week later.

Initially, it eats honey, pollen, and beebread. Then it destroys the remains of cocoons and wax, entwining the passages with cobwebs, destroying dry land and honeycombs. Having reached a size of 17–22 mm, the caterpillars stop eating and pupate.

Wax moth

All beekeepers know that the bee moth is the main pest of honeycombs, but this insect also has positive qualities. It is propagated to create a medicinal product. These wonderful insects contain extraordinary power hidden by nature, the ability to restore a large number of processes in the human body.

Wax moths are the only insects on Earth that eat wax.. The cerraz component (with its help the bee moth processes wax) dissolves the fatty wax enzyme of the epicardium of the tuberculosis bacterium, leaving it without protection. This makes it possible to use the tincture in the treatment of tuberculosis and a host of other diseases.

Treatment of cardiovascular and pulmonary diseases with bee moths was used back in the 17th century.

The extract is prepared from unpupated larvae measuring 10-15 mm, because large ones do not produce the enzyme.

Bee or wax moth tincture, containing a mixture of biological substances, has long been used by folk healers. This is explained by the fact that the goose eats only bioactive beekeeping raw materials.

The bee moth preparation consists of complex chemical elements. These are enzymes such as lipase and cerrase, thanks to them, the moth larva easily digests wax compounds and the wax itself. About twenty nonessential and essential amino acids that have a great therapeutic effect: glutamic and aspartic, proline.

The composition of the drug is filled with a huge number of micro- and macroelements. This includes:

  • Magnesium;
  • Potassium;
  • Phosphorus;
  • Iron;
  • Zinc.

Wax moth larvae

As well as components that have a huge biological effect:

  • Chromium;
  • Copper;
  • Cobalt;
  • Manganese;
  • Selenium;
  • Molybdenum.

Thanks to this, bee moth tincture has the following properties:

Purpose of bee moth tincture:

  • arrhythmia;
  • asthma;
  • chest pain;
  • oncological diseases;
  • tuberculosis;
  • consequences of stroke;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • infertility;
  • haemorrhoids.

For prevention, take 15 drops of the tincture in the morning. When treating respiratory diseases, the number of appointments increases threefold.

The tincture contains:

  • isoleucine;
  • acidic peptides;
  • nucleotides;
  • nucleosides;
  • histidine

Tincture of wax moth larvae

Thanks to them:

  • endurance increases;
  • the body's energy supply increases;
  • tissue regeneration occurs;
  • muscles recover after exercise;
  • metabolism increases;
  • Calcium is well absorbed.

This is needed by people who do heavy physical labor, as well as in the postoperative period and after injuries.

There are practically no direct contraindications to taking this drug..

Patients with allergies to one of the bee products should not take the extract. The extract is strictly contraindicated at the time of exacerbation of pancreatitis and hepatitis. It is recommended to drink the drug with caution for people with peptic ulcers, children under 14 years of age, pregnant and lactating women. Before taking, you should consult your doctor.

The effect of bee moth treatment has conflicting reviews. Some say that the result of treatment appeared immediately, others claim that no changes occurred.

Moth tincture

Bee moth extract is a common folk remedy that was previously used to treat tuberculosis and some respiratory diseases. But, after research, we discovered additional possibilities that are used and recommended by modern healers.

This tincture is made from the larvae of the penultimate stage of development of the moth.- the most malicious pest in the apiary. The caterpillar and butterfly secrete a specific enzyme; it smells the same as that of bees. Therefore, the “owners” of the apiary do not mistake them for strangers and do not destroy them.

Fans of beekeeping products may be interested in:

  • Use of bee venom
  • How to use dead bees in medicine
  • What is drone jelly and its uses?

Instructions for use

Now let's talk about using wax moth tincture.

The tincture is taken in the same quantity, regardless of the type of illness and its duration.

For children under 14 years of age, the tincture is given one drop per 12 kg of weight - the extract must be diluted with 30 ml of any liquid. Teenagers can take the adult dose. Adults take the extract three drops per 10 kg of weight. It is advisable to dissolve the drops in water. Before swallowing, you need to hold the tincture in your mouth for a couple of minutes. But the best effect of the extract is taken under the tongue.

The first time you need to take only part of the intended dose. If no reaction occurs, then from the next day you need to increase the amount and take half the dose. When, after taking it, everything is fine again, on the third day you can take the entire calculated dose. After just two days, it is recommended to switch to a two-time dose.

Treatment with the extract should be taken seriously and the drug should be taken daily.

Recipes for tincture of wax moth larvae

But, as with other medications, you should consult your doctor before taking the extract.

Storing wax moth larvae

Folk recipes for preparing tincture from larvae

Moth tincture

This cooking method is extremely simple. For preparation, 5 grams of already developed, unpupated larvae will be useful. Place them in a dark glass container. Add 50 milliliters of ethyl alcohol, at least 70%. Place in a dark place at room temperature for 8-10 days, shaking every day. Strain the finished extract through cheesecloth.


It is very easy to prepare an extract from wax moths: you need to take one glass of the caterpillars of this dirty moth and 1 liter of vodka. All components connect and infuse for 2-2.5 weeks in a dark place. The drug must be shaken daily. After the infusion period has expired, the hood is ready for use!


Take 50 grams of wax moth caterpillars and fill them with alcohol (it should only lightly cover the larvae). In this form, the mixture is infused for five days in a dark place. Then the ingredients are mixed with 200 g of St. John's wort oil and 200 g of calendula oil. Mix thoroughly and add 50 grams of beeswax and propolis. Place in a water bath and, stirring, cook for at least 2 hours. Leave to cool and strain. The ointment is ready for use!

In Japan they use canned caterpillars. They are fried in soy sauce and used as a seasoning. For the modern world, such dishes are rare, a chest of biologically active ingredients, effective biostimulants.

A few nuances that should be taken into account if you want to prepare a high-quality bee moth tincture:

  • temperature, when preparing the drug, should be indoor, otherwise the extract will lose effectiveness;
  • young caterpillars are very delicate biomaterial, so try to do not heat, otherwise they will lose all their healing qualities;
  • necessary for cooking select the youngest larvae, because after pupation a large number of useful elements in their body disappear.

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