Home Oral cavity Kota warm wet nose. Why does a cat have a hot nose

Kota warm wet nose. Why does a cat have a hot nose

Many cat owners are convinced that a hot and dry nose in an animal is the first and unmistakable sign that their pet is sick. This is a very common misconception - the temperature of the nose lobe does not reflect the overall body temperature, and even more so does not always signal an illness. However, there is such a possibility; it needs to be checked and ruled out immediately.

The cat's nose is a mirror of health

Upon discovering that their beloved cat's nose has suddenly become hot and dry, most owners begin to worry if the animal is sick. Do not rush to conclusions - a cute cat nose may well deceive you.

The "mirror" of the cat's nose reflects the state of her health

You need to understand that your pet's nose can become moist due to two factors: due to the secretion of the nasal glands, or simply due to the fact that the cat often licks it. So she regulates the work of her individual temperature sensor, which in fact is the “mirror” of the nose. The sensitive skin on it and the epithelium in the nostrils are protected by physiological lubrication - if this does not happen, numerous receptors that are responsible for smell may suffer. Therefore, prolonged dryness and elevated temperature of the nose in a cat is a signal of a failure in the normal functioning of her body.

Do not forget that your domestic cat is a descendant of wild hunters, whose wet nose helped to determine the direction of the wind and "catch" the smell of prey.

What should be the nose of healthy cats and cats

The nose of a healthy pet should be moderately warm and slightly moist - this is considered a physiological norm. But here there are some nuances. In some breeds of cats, for example, in Bengals, a dry nose is a natural breed property, which in this case is just an indicator that the cat is healthy. But in Persians, the nose, on the contrary, may seem too wet - the fact is that in this breed the muzzle is flattened and after the usual cat licking, the nose remains wet longer.

Bengal cat by nature should have a slightly overdried nose.

Even the type of food your pet is on can affect the moisture in the nose. It has been observed that cats that eat mostly dry food have a wetter nose than those that eat natural food. The fact is that animals that consume "drying" need more drink, respectively, they urinate and lick their nose more often.

In a healthy cat, which is in good physical and psychological shape, the nose should not be hotter than its body temperature, moistened, not change its normal color and have a uniform elastic structure of the skin on the lobe.

Constantly licking the nose, the cat moisturizes it

A cat's nose may seem hot only according to our subjective feelings, because the animal's body temperature is two degrees higher than a human's. A wet nose is always cooler than a too dry one, because moisturizing the lobe also helps to cool it.

When a dry and warm nose is the norm

There are many moments in which a hot and dry nose should not alert you at all. This state is natural for a cat that has just woken up: its temperature balance is just being rebuilt from sleep to wakefulness, and very soon everything will return to normal.

After sleeping, the cat's nose is hotter than usual

Also, fever and dryness of the nose may indicate that:

  • the cat is overcooled or, conversely, overheated;
  • the nose is polluted and cannot secrete a natural secret;
  • the animal leads a sedentary lifestyle;
  • the cat was in the sun for a long time on a hot day;
  • too dry or stale air in the room;
  • the pet is frightened or is experiencing stress for any reason;
  • the cat is in labor or has recently given birth to kittens.

In all these cases, the "sensor" of the cat's nose will not be in an alarming state for long - feel it after a while and make sure that there is no reason to worry. But if the symptoms do not disappear for a long period and other signs of ill health are added to them, here you really should be worried, find the reason for this condition of your pet - and take urgent measures.

Feel the cat's nose several times - how long does it stay hot?

Hot and dry nose in a cat or cat as a sign of illness

There are, of course, situations when you should urgently pay close attention to such symptoms and their accompanying signs:

  • and her nose became too dry or too wet (snot appeared) - this indicates the onset of a cold;
  • the cat rubs its nose and eyes with its paws, tearing appears - perhaps this is how an allergy manifests itself (most often - to chemicals used in cleaning);
  • cracks, sores, crusts form on the nose - these are signs of a dermatological disease;
  • in addition to the nose, the ears became hot and reddened, hot paws and skin in the groin - the temperature increased;
  • the animal is very thirsty;
  • the nose changes color - turns red, turns blue or becomes pale;
  • breathing and heartbeat noticeably quicken;
  • vomiting and diarrhea appear - it is especially dangerous if blood is present in the stool;
  • the cat becomes lethargic, lethargic, refuses to eat - it looks like she is sick, you need to urgently measure the temperature, but not with your fingers, but with a thermometer.

A sick cat's nose may be damaged

Your pet's personal belongings should include their personal thermometer. Electronic is better than mercury - it is safer and gives faster readings. It is clear that the cat's temperature is measured not in the armpit and not in the mouth, but in the anus. The normal range is 38-39 degrees. Temperatures up to forty degrees should not be brought down with medication.

Do not put a thermometer under the cat's armpit, but insert it into the anus

Dry hot nose can be one of the manifestations of a serious illness. But, as a rule, this is far from the only and not the first symptom of the disease - other, more obvious signs will have time to signal it. Prolonged dryness and fever of the cat's nose can be included in the overall clinical picture with such problems, for example:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • infection;
  • kidney disease;
  • poisoning, digestive disorders, excess hair in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal pathology;
  • tumor.


Even an experienced breeder will not be able to diagnose a dangerous disease just because the cat's nose has become hot and dry. It is easy to make a mistake in the diagnosis, even on the basis of the totality of external signs.

The main thing that the owner of a sick animal should do before contacting a veterinarian is to measure the temperature of his pet. At home, its indicator will be more accurate than in the clinic, where the cat usually experiences additional stress that aggravates the patient's condition.

What can you do on your own

If nothing serious has happened, the owner himself can bring things back to normal - there are a lot of such situations, we will describe only the most common ones.

Nose pollution

If you forget to regularly clean your pet's nose, then heavy pollution will make it difficult for him to breathe and interfere with the development of physiological lubrication. As a result, thermoregulation will be disturbed and the nose will become hot. A dirty nose must be carefully cleaned both from the outside and from the inside so as not to damage sensitive tissues. After 15–20 minutes, all the parameters of his condition are normalized.

Clean your cat's nose well and she will immediately feel better.


All cats love warmth and can doze off “in the sun” with pleasure. But a long stay under the scorching sun will definitely not do them any good. Cases of burns are more frequent than one might think, especially in animals with delicate pink noses.

In a sunburned cat, the nose becomes red, hot, and painful. After some time, the skin on it will be rough, rough and overdried. Immediately apply anti-burn agents, moisturizers and anti-inflammatory agents - for example, Panthenol. Apply the medicine carefully so that it does not get into the nostrils, and repeat the procedure more often, as the product is absorbed.

Cats with pink noses get burned more often than others

Allergy to chemicals

Many animals, like people, are prone to allergies. Keep this in mind when cleaning your apartment - poorly rinsed cleansers can cause considerable harm to your inquisitive cat, which literally sticks its nose into all corners of the house.

You clean up with gloves, and, possibly, in a respirator, and the cat's nose is not protected by anything ... Aggressive chemicals, getting into the respiratory organs, can cause a severe allergy in the animal, and the nose will react first: its temperature will rise, leaks or rashes will appear.

Chemicals can cause allergies in cats

It is urgent to carry out repeated wet cleaning, wash with clean water all the remnants of chemicals that provoke irritation and allergic reactions. At the same time, consult with your veterinarian: what antihistamines and at what dosage should be given to your cat.

When is the help of a veterinarian required?

Do not self-medicate and do not waste time, at the slightest suspicion that the animal is sick, contact the veterinarian. Only a doctor can conduct all the necessary studies to clarify the picture of the disease, make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe an effective treatment.

A signal for an urgent visit to the veterinarian can be either the fact that the cat's nose remains hot and dry for more than half an hour for no apparent reason, or additional alarming symptoms that were described above. Timely seeking medical help can save your pet's life - for example, in case of poisoning.

The most common disease that causes a cat's nose to become hot is rhinotracheitis, a viral infection of the upper respiratory tract. An infected cat is in a depressed state, and its nose from overdried soon becomes wet, outflows appear from it, from the eyes, from the mouth ... the nose turns red, covered with wounds and crusts. It is difficult for a cat to breathe and eat, the digestive and nervous systems suffer. If this disease is not treated or treated incorrectly, the cat can get serious complications and even die.

Video: what to do if the cat has a cold

What to do if a kitten has a dry nose

The body of a kitten, like any small child, is characterized by an increased metabolism. His nose reacts to all sorts of changes much faster than that of an adult animal. And the system of thermoregulation at an early age is still unstable and imperfect.

During one day, your fluffy baby's nose can become hot, and cool, and dry, and wet many times. It depends on a very large number of factors: whether the kitten was sleeping or actively playing, how long ago he ate and how satisfying, and even on what his mood is.

The kitten's nose is sensitive to its condition

Such fluctuations are generally absolutely natural and should not cause alarm in the owner, if they are not accompanied by other alarming signs: the behavior and activity of the baby does not change, his appetite does not worsen.

Newborn kittens often have dry noses when they have a careless mother who does not lick them too hard. Babies don't know how to do it on their own. In this case, you need to come to their aid and at least two or three times a day wipe the muzzles with warm boiled water.

During feeding, the kitten's nose becomes hot

The noses of such babies become hot whenever they suck milk - for this you have to work hard and the blood rushes to the muzzles. It is necessary to ensure that the kittens can breathe freely and their nostrils are not clogged. Otherwise, they will not be able to eat properly. You can clean the spouts with the smallest syringe with a rubber tip.

The condition of the nose mirror - both in an adult animal and in a baby - can tell a lot about an attentive owner. But the kitten has more risks, especially if it is not vaccinated: diseases develop very quickly in childhood. In addition, a hot and dry nose can signal helminthic invasion or poisoning. In such cases, you should immediately seek veterinary help.

Pay close attention to such physiological manifestations in your cat as dryness of the nose and an increase in its temperature. In most cases, there are no serious problems behind them, but situations in which urgent medical care is needed are also quite possible.

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Almost any owner can panic when a cat has a hot nose. For most owners, their furry friends have long ceased to be just ordinary pets. Many owners treat cats and cats as full-fledged family members, and sometimes as small children. Pet illness for such people can be a real tragedy. But even those who treat their pets are not as fanatical as responsible owners are always trying to notice the poor health of their cat.

From drink to kisses and from there to sexual petting, nothing can stop him but your pet's gaze. You have two options: either you continue as if nothing, or you take letters on the subject and you take it out of the room. It depends on each person and the comfort of the two people; although, frankly, if one isn't worried and the other doesn't say anything, that moment has lost all its magic.

Sexual intercourse can be damaged because you or your partner do not feel comfortable while your dog or cat is watching. Also, because in many cases it happens right there when your pet is more curious and their gaze seems prejudiced.

The prevailing stereotype

There is an opinion among the people that if a cat has a hot nose and ears, this is the first and surest sign of temperature. In this article, we will try to figure out how true this statement is. It will also be useful for all owners to know whether it is really worth worrying every time a cat has a hot nose.

And this is at best when your pet is only voyeuristic, because what and what to do when he gets curious. First of all, you must also analyze the situation for him, if, for example, every night, and only out of nowhere, someone comes to take possession of this space and, above all, be with its owner. That is, on the one hand, it is clear that your dog judges you or not?

To the question you probably asked if you know about this act, the answer is yes, or maybe you have forgotten your super feelings and that when we have sex there is an exchange of fluids, but above all hormones literally "skin color", and this instinctively attracts them.

Features of thermoregulation

First of all, never forget that, as nature intended, a cat's body temperature is normally almost 2° higher than that of a human. Sometimes this causes the owner to feel that the pet's nose is a little warm, while the cat itself can feel great. You also need to remember that all the mechanisms of thermoregulation in cats work very well. The temperature on certain parts of their body can change throughout the day, and this is normal. If a cat has a hot wet nose, and after 30-40 minutes it becomes absolutely normal (warm or cool), this means that there is no reason to worry. Most likely, the warming of the nose was provoked by non-fatal factors for the life of the cat, which increased the overall temperature. At the same time, the mechanisms of thermoregulation independently coped with this problem.

If your dog is not voyeuristic, that is, about those who only look, but rather intrude, two things can happen: the first and perhaps less serious, but no less uncomfortable, is to draw smells to sniff with more intensity and even lick . The second thing that can happen is that you become aggressive, feel jealous, and defend your territoriality with barking and worrying.

Therefore, to avoid all these situations, it is best that before sex you carefully take the dog or cat into the room and, if possible, entertain him with your favorite toys or a delicious snack. No way in the world, you lock him in another room or in the bathroom, because you complicate things and you can't be calm until the dog stops barking. Closing is stressful for them, so they will look for ways to let them know how to bark or tear things up.

Should I be worried?

In fact, cats are such vulnerable and gentle creatures that many household factors can provoke a short-term increase in temperature or make their nose warm. Answers to the question "why does the cat have a hot nose?" there may be several:

  • the pet is sleeping or has just woken up, and after he has warmed up in a dream, his temperature is slightly elevated;

For thousands of years, domestic cats have hunted small parts, mice, small birds, etc. To feed myself. Eating pieces of meat from their prey provided the proteins needed for survival, and with them the water present in the tissues. Fortunately, today dry foods are made that allow them to be fed comfortably, although wet food must be given daily. Wet foods are beneficial in preventing future kidney problems. There are even cat experts who recommend that cats consist of 60% wet food and 40% dry quality food in their entirety throughout the day.

  • the cat experienced stress (the appearance of another pet in the house, moving to a new place, someone shouted at him loudly);
  • the animal was frightened of something (loud noise, barking dog, vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • the furry friend showed too much activity, played, jumped, etc.

The cat has a hot nose: what to do?

First of all, of course, do not panic. If the pet has ordinary ears, behaves in the usual way, eats and drinks water, remains active and mobile, then the animal should simply be carefully observed over the next few hours. Most likely, this symptom will go away on its own.

Puppies should be fed high quality food. Kitten food is also fed to puppies from 4 weeks of age. To complete the diet, you must daily, with wet flour, snacks or sashemi, especially for your age. When a cat is a puppy, we can give you thousands of rich things that will make them cuddly, that will help them to be strong and healthy. For example: natural yogurt, fresh cheese, natural tuna, yorkie or turkey ham, chicken or cooked turkey They like to suck booze!

If we add rice rice or noodles, it should be in a small amount, as the cat's digestive system is better at digesting animal proteins. Feeding an adult cat Domestic cats reach sexual maturity at about 7-8 months. From this age, we can consider them adults. Adult cats should be fed quality food appropriate to their circumstances. If after castration, take the weight, we will try to play with it and we can give you a boost if necessary. In addition to quality food, we recommend feeding cats wet food every day.

If the owners notice a hot nose in the cat, they should worry and get to the veterinarian as soon as possible in cases where at least one of the following symptoms is added to this:

  • the animal does not drink water for a long time;
  • the cat refuses to eat;
  • avoids the owners, hides, does not want to play, does not go to the hands;
  • shows aggression, runs, rushes around the apartment, behaves irritably;
  • the animal, on the contrary, becomes apathetic, falls into melancholy;
  • there are signs of a cold: sneezing, red eyes;
  • fluid flows from the nose, discharge appears.

How to take your pet's temperature

You should not postpone a visit to the doctor in cases where the cat has a hot nose for a long time and at the same time he has a lack of appetite and apathy. But in order to understand whether the hot nose really signals us about the temperature and whether it is worth putting the cat under stress by taking him for an unnecessary examination to the clinic, you can measure the temperature at home, on your own.

For many reasons, the most important is that it provides protein-rich food, through which the combined water facilitates the function of the kidneys. In our hands try to do it wrong. The inferior food sold in supermarkets or large format white brands is not of the quality that ensures good health for our cat, they are cheap meals loaded with paint, flavor and a marketing plan designed for what we consider to be the best food for our felines.

Remember that you feed yourself pizzas and rolls every hour of the day, they know well but do not feed and harm them over time. Also, we can always give them rich things that are either like them or intercalate them with latita: for example: natural yogurt, fresh cheese, natural tuna, yorkie or turkey ham, chicken or turkey cooked only with water, which they like to suck caldito! , if we add rice or noodles, that is, in a small amount, because they absorb it worse. If the cat is being fattened until it becomes harmful to his health, he may be provided with a light food, even one specialized for that purpose.

In cats, this is done basally (that is, through the anus). Few cats will accept this master's idea with enthusiasm, and you need to be prepared for the fact that the animal will resist and will not sit quietly for 5 minutes with a thermometer in the pope. Therefore, it is desirable that the procedure is carried out by 2 people, one of whom could hold the fluffy patient well all the time. In this case, it is desirable that the body of the thermometer be plastic, not glass.

Or also, instead of buying jars, eat your chicken or rabbit and let him eat cooked chicken with cooking broth. Provides protein and lots of water and just fat. The importance of water. Cats are animals that usually drink little water, have their body adapted to get it from hunting prey. It is very important to have fresh, clean water at our cat's disposal, in short, water that "invites" to drink. That's why our cat's drinker must be made of porcelain or glass.

Plastic drinkers make their water supplies tasty and therefore tend to drink less. How many times have our cats climbed up the sink or sink to turn on the faucet? That they want to drink fresh and oxygenated water. In addition to having an activated carbon filter that purifies and purifies the water elements.

It must be remembered that the body temperature of our tailed friends is several degrees higher than that of humans. So indicators in the region of 38 ° -39 ° for cats are acceptable. But the temperature above 39 ° should be a signal that it is time to show the pet to the veterinarian.

Hot and red ears

One of the symptoms of real problems with cat health can be a dry and hot nose at the same time, as well as red hot, "flaming" ears. This condition may indicate an infection with an ear mite. Also a bad signal is dry ears and a specific, unpleasant smell from the auricle. This may be a sign of simple or already purulent otitis media. In such a situation, do not waste time. Take your cat to the vet as soon as possible.

The clinical signs developed by the cat will depend on which blood vessels are damaged and which organ supplies blood. When the blood vessels in the abdomen are affected, the cat's stomach swells with a fluid called ascites. When the blood vessels in the chest are damaged, fluid drains into the chest, reducing the lungs' ability to expand, so the cat has difficulty breathing.

These cats would have so much virus in their effusion that all the antibodies are bound to it, and don't test it on its own. In bacterial peritonitis and pleurisy, the number of white blood cells in the effusion is much higher, and the cytologist usually sees bacteria. Cytology of pleural effusions is useful in differentiating it from lymphocytic lymphosarcoma, as the predominant cell is a lymphocyte and they are often malignant.

Many of us, madly in love with our cats, notice they have a hot nose, immediately run to the computer and start looking in various forums for advice on what to do. Having read the advice of various "breeder experts", the owners risk only aggravating the condition of their furry friend. On the Internet, you can read absolutely ridiculous advice, for example: pour a teaspoon of vodka into a cat's mouth, pick herbs by the road, mix an Aspirin or Paracetamol tablet into food.

Such methods, especially with the use of alcohol, can undermine the health of even an absolutely healthy animal.

Be aware that cats with other chronic infections may have similar hematologic changes. Clinically, the cat must have lost weight and usually has ocular signs such as iritis, retinal blood vessel infiltration, keratotic, water precipitators, or vitreous flare.

Submit samples using the analysis request form with your address. Companion Animal Diagnostics University of Glasgow Veterinary School. Cat corona virus antibody test. However, testing may be useful to obtain an antibody concentration that can be used as a comparison when the test is repeated 2-3 months later to determine if the antibody concentration is decreasing.

No matter how great the temptation is to “save” your sick tailed friend on your own, remember that only a doctor should prescribe any drug to an animal, just like a person. If a cat shows symptoms of a real illness, find the money, time and show it to the veterinarian, because the most important thing is not to harm the animal with your care.

Do a test before pairing it with another cat that we already know if it's positive or negative. It is important that cat breeders avoid infecting their animals or animals with others by crossing antibody positive cats with only positive cats and antibody negative cats with negative cats.

In control programs, cats are tested every 2-3 months when the cats' antibodies are reduced to zero and then placed with a negative group to prevent re-infection. It may even be wise to quarantine and analyze cats when returning from crosses or cat exhibits.

Animals also get sick, but unlike people, they cannot tell where and what hurts them. Therefore, the owner needs to note signs that are abnormal for his pet - excessive anxiety, unnaturally long periods of sleep, increased excitability, appetite, stool, diuresis, discharge from the nose, eyes, mouth, and other points. Many questions arise from owners, especially inexperienced ones, about a cat's nose. What should it be? Cold or warm, wet or dry? And if the cat has a dry nose and is hot, does this mean that the pet is sick? In fact, a cat's dry nose in itself does not indicate her illness, but in combination with other signs, it may indicate a problem in the animal's health.

Kittens of different sizes in the litter. Diarrhea around 5-7 weeks of age Sneezing or eye tearing. Remember that all the clinical signs described above can be caused by other treatable diseases. Take your cats to the veterinarian for a checkup if any of these symptoms show up and are optimistic.

The first thing you need to do is make sure your cat is healthy. If your cat has always been eating good food and suddenly loses its appetite, this is something you should be worried about right away - especially if you are overweight. If you've recently lost or gained weight or, it's time to visit your veterinarian. Once problems are diagnosed and treated, your cat's appetite should return quickly.

Why does it happen?

If the cat's nose is dry and warm, this does not mean that he is sick. There are several reasons why a cat's nose is dry:

  • If the animal has just woken up, his nose will almost always be dry and warm. In a dream, a cat does not lick its lips, which means it does not moisturize its olfactory organ. After a while, the nose will become damp and cool. This is normal and is not a cause for concern.
  • If the cat ran, jumped, played, or spent a lot of time in the open sun, then his nose could dry out under the influence of his own body temperature, indoor or outdoor air temperature, as well as from wind and dust. When the cat calms down and moves into the shade or into the room, everything will be back to normal. The same applies to cases when the cat was lying near a hot radiator or in a room with excessively dry air. Central heating batteries dry out human skin, let alone a sensitive cat's nose.
  • When it is too cold outside or indoors, the cat does not lick its nose, and it becomes cold, but dry. This is also a variation of the norm. Having come into heat, the cat will again begin to lick, moistening the nose.

What should be the nose of a healthy cat?

A healthy cat has a wet, cool, and slightly slippery nose. The cat regularly licks it, and besides, it is covered with a special secret that creates a protective mucous membrane. The nose for a cat is not just an organ of smell. She determines with its help the direction of the wind, the temperature of the object, and even touches her nose along with vibrissae. The constant moisture of the surface of the nose increases its sensitivity, while the dry nose cracks, causes discomfort and does not cope with its functions.

Cat food preferences and bad habits

If your cat has no health issues, you may need to consider the possibility that your cat has developed bad habits. For example, providing your cats with extra treats throughout the day that are more palatable and interesting than your normal diet may cause your cat to develop an over-groomed appetite over time. If you have a lot of people at home who like to give your cat treats or some special foods throughout the day, this can lead to serious problems like obesity.

A very small kitten has a dry nose due to the fact that he still does not know how to lick himself, and the moisturizing secret is not yet released due to age.

When is a dry nose a sign of illness?

A dry nose in itself is not a sign of a disease. If it is dry and hot, while the ears are also hot, then we can talk about an increase in the cat's body temperature. The temperature of cats and other animals is measured rectally, carefully inserting a thermometer 1 cm into the anus and holding it for about a minute.

Some cats endure hunger until they are given something that tastes better than dry cat food. This is where you need to make some changes and stop reinforcing this bad behavior. Human foods and excess sweets only cause weight gain and do not provide a balanced diet. Your cat needs nutritional balance and enough every day to stay healthy.

Stop giving extra food and special treats and limit yourself to daily scheduled meals. If possible, put a small amount of food in the feeder several times a day, as cats tend to be "big claws". Put the right amount of food at the same time every day and wait for it to be eaten. If your cat does not want to eat the food you offer, please try again later. If you still don't want to eat him while he's healthy and not obese, wait about a day and hopefully hunger will take over.

The normal temperature in a cat is 38-39 degrees, in bare-haired breeds the norm is 39-40. In kittens and pregnant cats, the norm shifts by 0.5 degrees up. An increase of one degree is not critical, but a higher temperature requires urgent advice from a veterinarian.

Finding that the cat's nose is not properly moistened, you need to watch the animal.

For many owners, cats become full-fledged members of the family. They worry when pets feel unwell, lose their appetite, become lethargic. Often cat owners are guided by the pet's nose. In this article, we will talk about what to do when a cat has a dry nose and why it happens.

Many owners are concerned about the question of what should be the nose of a healthy kitten. First of all, a healthy nose is a wet and cold nose that slips a little. It has to do with the nature of the animal. In fact, cats are predators, for which the nose is the main assistant in the hunt. A wet organ helps to determine where the wind is blowing from - this is necessary so that the victim does not smell the cat's smell. That's why having a wet nose is important.

When determining the health of a pet, it is necessary to take into account the type of activity of the kitten. If he just woke up or was engaged in active games, then he may experience dry nose. This is due to the fact that pets have a higher body temperature than their owners, in connection with this, the evaporation of moisture occurs more intensively. The physiological causes of dryness are:

  • awakening;
  • active games;
  • hot room;
  • sharp fright;
  • prolonged exposure to the sun;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

What are the signs that you need to see a veterinarian?

If the kitten has the following symptoms, then you should seek the advice of a veterinarian to identify the causes of the pet's ailment:

  • malaise, lethargy, apathy;
  • dry and hot nose;
  • cold and pale nose;
  • change in the color of the organ (blue, yellowish, red, white).

The owner should know that a pale and cold organ in a kitten is a sign of:

  • chronic illness;
  • hypothermia;
  • stress
  • low body temperature;
  • poisoning;
  • complete lack of appetite.

A white and warm nose is a sign of a violation of the kitten's circulatory system. Blue and hot organ speaks of:

  • heart failure;
  • inflammation of the respiratory organs;
  • oxygen starvation.

When a kitten has a hot and red organ, then this is a sign:

  • infectious disease;
  • rhinitis;
  • mechanical damage.

If a kitten has a hot, dry nose and warm ears, then this is not necessarily a sign of illness, because the babies have not yet established heat exchange, and their body temperature is higher than that of an adult pet. This may be due to the work of the body and its protection from hypothermia.

What signs will help determine the onset of the disease?

In addition to the signs listed above, the kitten also has other symptoms that indicate the onset of the disease. These include:

  • increase or decrease in the number of trips to the toilet;
  • diarrhea or stools with blood;
  • vomit;
  • increased anxiety of the animal;
  • hair loss;
  • increased thirst;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • deep breathing;
  • nasal discharge.

With these symptoms, you should consult a specialist, only he can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment. You can not self-medicate, as this will only aggravate the situation.

Often a dry nose in a kitten is an indicator of problems with the intestines, namely the presence of wool in the gastrointestinal tract. This is the only indicator of this problem.

What should the owner do to help the cat?

The first thing the owner needs to do if he finds a dry nose in a cat is to observe its general condition. Maybe she has a fever. Hot ears confirm the presence of high temperature. It would be useful to measure the temperature several times a day, this should be done rectally. Readings up to 37-38 degrees are considered the norm, if it has risen above 38.5, then you need to contact a veterinarian. When a kitten's temperature reaches too high, then he can be helped by the following manipulations:

  • moisten the kitten's coat with water from time to time;
  • under the neck or on the inside of the thigh put a bag with a cold;
  • provide access to clean and fresh water.

Only a veterinarian can determine why the temperature has risen, and only he can give advice on the choice of antipyretic drugs.

Now you know why a cat has a dry nose. There can be many reasons for this, and they are not always signs of a disease. If they coincide with a dry nose, then you should not wait for the kitten to feel better on its own and it is better not to postpone a visit to the veterinarian.

It has already become a habit for cat owners to determine the health / ill health of their beloved mustachioed pet by the state of his nasal mirror. This is partly true. But not always a dry nose in a cat is an indicator of poor health. When to start sounding the alarm, and when is it enough just to wait a while, and everything will become wet and cold again without outside interference? Why does a cat have a dry nose?

If the cat is healthy

In healthy baleen predators, the condition of the nose varies depending on many factors. A cat's nose becomes dry or wet depending on the physiological state of the animal - this organ never becomes constantly wet and cold. Those. a cat has a dry and warm nose even in a normal physiological state. The question remains only in the surrounding conditions and the period of time when it becomes wet again.

The wet and damp nose of a cat allows her to determine the direction of the wind in order to hide her own scent from those who are planned to be hunted. A dried up organ can no longer perform such functions.

When a warm, dry nose is considered normal:

  • the cat is sleeping or has just woken up (should be moistened within half an hour after sleep);
  • a period of increased physical activity - running, jumping, pampering with the owner;
  • dry air in the dwelling or the cat was for a long time near warm heating appliances;
  • sudden fear, stress;
  • prolonged exposure to the open sun (literally dries up);
  • the nasal mirror is soiled (the ability to stand out to the nasal secret is lost).

Dry, hot nose in kittens during the day is much more common than in adults. This is due to an imperfect system of thermoregulation and should not alert the owners if the kittens are outwardly healthy, active and with a good appetite. This is a kind of self-defense against the likely hypothermia of mustachioed babies.

When a dry nose should alert

If the nasal mirror has dried up, and this symptom is accompanied by other manifestations, then these symptom complexes should be treated with increased attention. A hot nose in a cat should alert if this fact is noted for a long time (for example, it is constantly dry throughout the day).

The following accompanying symptoms should attract attention:

  • the cat/cat is lethargic, lethargic, practically does not eat anything, does not want to play;
  • thirst may be observed (due to dehydration, a secret is no longer produced, which makes the nose wet);
  • sleep a lot and for a long time (it seems that the animal sleeps around the clock);
  • along with a hot nose, the cat has noticeably hot ears (usually a sign of fever);
  • rapid shallow breathing (normal - from 16 (18) to 33 breaths per minute) or accelerated heart rate (pulse is normal 100-120 beats / min in adults, up to 140 beats / min in kittens);
  • on the contrary, slow and deep breathing;
  • nasal discharge of any manifestation and sneezing;
  • any change in color (blue, yellowish, intense red or white, almost discolored).

If a warm and dry nose is accompanied by the following signs, then this is already a reason for a mandatory visit to the veterinarian (especially if the signs are pronounced):

  • there are changes in the frequency of visiting the toilet, and it doesn’t matter if it increases or, conversely, decreases (on average 1-2 (3) times a day defecation, 2-3 times urination);
  • change in the state of feces - usually in the direction of diarrhea (especially if with bloody impurities);
  • nausea (the cat begins to lick frequently, often, because salivation increases at the time of nausea) or obvious vomiting is observed;
  • the liquid secreted from the nostrils is opaque, with an unpleasant odor;
  • body temperature rose to 40C.

Why does the nose feel dry and hot?

If the physiological causes of drying and warming of the nose are discarded and the time period during which this fact is observed begins to alarm, then the cat is definitely sick. The exact cause and diagnosis can only be made by a veterinarian after a full-time examination and the necessary tests (if necessary) for the animals.

Possible causes of dry and hot nose:

  • internal infections (viral or bacterial);
  • inflammatory process of any localization;
  • wool in the stomach or intestines;
  • dehydration due to diseases or adverse conditions in which the cat / cat is kept;
  • urolithiasis and any pathology of the kidneys;
  • cat colds;
  • nose injury;
  • poisoning or indigestion.

How to help a pet?

What to do if the cat has a dry nose? Of all the possible reasons why the olfactory organ is hot and dry, owners of mustachioed pets can only try to normalize the body temperature, because. with this symptom, it is most often increased. It is better not to engage in self-diagnosis and self-treatment, because. There are many different reasons for this condition, it is almost impossible for a non-specialist to determine the exact cause! Temperature measurement is the first and most important thing that a pet owner should do when a long-term warm and dry nose is detected.

An elevated temperature in cats (up to 40C) is strongly not recommended to be knocked down with medicines. The three main steps to reduce body temperature without medication: give the cat cool (not cold!) Water, wet the coat, and apply something cold to the groin and armpits. Any other assistance should already be provided by a veterinarian after an accurate diagnosis has been established.

Question-answer: if the nose ...

very cold but pale

Usually, such a condition is accompanied by a lack of appetite due to poisoning, and can also be a sign of hypothermia or internal chronic pathologies, including problems with the heart. Stress and shock also cause a cat's nose to turn white (without drying it out).

warm and white

Definitely the problem lies in the dysfunction of the hematopoietic and circulatory systems. A visit to the veterinarian is required.

hot and intense pink/red

Perhaps there was a bruise of the nasal mirror, there are infectious diseases or there is rhinitis (both infectious and allergic origin).

hot and very humid

When there is a transition from dry to wet and cold, the nose first becomes wet and then cools. If this state does not last long, then everything is going as it should - the owners just got to the moment when it still had time to cool down. But if the condition is long and the nose remains hot, but wet, you need to measure the body temperature, perhaps it has risen.

blue or blue-violet plus hot

This is the first sign of oxygen starvation and / or heart failure, when an acute lack of oxygen in the tissues of the body is detected. Inflammatory processes in the lungs can also contribute to the cat's nose turning blue.

dry and lethargic

Any sign that complements a dry and warm nose indicates an unhealthy pet. The task of the owner of a mustachioed pet is to determine the body temperature and seek the advice of a veterinarian to find out for sure what happened to the animal.

hot ears and dry nose

The classic manifestation of an increase in body temperature. If the ears become noticeably hot and dryness of the nasal mirror is noticed, be sure to measure the temperature (rectally)!

the cat does not eat and the nose is dry

Also a clear sign of unhealthy animal. Causes range from poisoning to serious infections. A veterinarian will help you better understand the cause.

There are many reasons why the nasal mirror gets warmer and dries out. Not all of them are associated with any disease. If, with such a symptom, the cat feels great, and nothing in her behavior alarms the owner, it makes sense to just wait for a while when the nose becomes wet and cold on its own. However, any of the accompanying signs of a deviation in health status is a clear reason to visit a veterinarian!

In this article, I will talk about why a cat can have a dry and hot nose. Variants of lethargy and drowsiness of an adult cat and kitten will be considered, as well as the initial symptoms of dangerous diseases that cat owners should pay attention to. And what to do at home.

Why can a cat have a dry and hot nose

Humidity or dryness of the nose is not a physiological indicator of the pet's health; the nose is never constantly wet and cold. Too cold is also an unkind sign, it can talk about hypothermia, poisoning. The nose of a small kitten can be dry and warm several times a day, regardless of sleep and play.

If, of the possible reasons, nothing is alarming, then it makes sense to just wait for a while when the spout becomes wet and cold on its own.

The nose can be dry for a number of reasons:

  • High ambient temperature.
  • Bad ventilation.
  • Low air humidity.

Dryness of the nasal lobe may indicate the presence of internal pathologies, but by that time they are already beginning to manifest themselves and a clinical picture of a particular disease appears.

In this case, the nose becomes dry due to prolonged fever and dehydration - an acute lack of fluid in the pet's body.

Not always a dry nose in a cat is an indicator of poor health

Causes of lethargy and drowsiness in a cat

Due to a number of diseases, a cat can lose activity, sleep a lot, lose its appetite, be lethargic and sad, tend to hide in a dark place.

Most of the diseases are treated, with timely treatment to the veterinary clinic.

What are these diseases:

  • inflammatory processes.
  • Disorders of the heart.
  • Liver failure.
  • Metabolic disorders.
  • Intoxication.
  • Tumors at any stage.
  • Fever or low temperature.

Only by lethargy and drowsiness, as well as during an external examination, it is difficult to determine what exactly the cat is sick with, so it is important to show the pet to the veterinarian.

In addition to these reasons, the cat loses activity in stressful situations, for example, very noisy children came to visit.

The cat has given birth and the nose may be dry. Age also affects the vigor of a pet - with age, animals rest more than play with their owners.

The wet nose of a cat allows it to determine the direction of the wind in order to hide its own smell from those who are planned to be hunted.

Signs of the onset of a dangerous disease

Many dangerous diseases begin with small symptoms, or may not appear at all, as, for example, with kidney disease.

What the owner should pay attention to first of all:


With various diseases, the appetite may decrease, the animal refuses even the most delicious delicacies. In some cases, the appetite increases, the cat becomes insatiable. This appears with pathologies of the thyroid gland.

Temperature increase

Hot ears, nose, paws and inguinal region of the abdomen indicate hyperthermia. Appears in inflammatory diseases of various organs and etiology.

Weight loss

Animals lose weight in disorders of the liver and kidneys, the cardiovascular system. You can find out exactly about the diagnosis when you visit the veterinarian and complete examination of the cat's body.

Decreased activity

The previously playful animal becomes lethargic and apathetic, sleeps a lot and gets up only to visit the toilet and eat food.

Toilet changes

The cat develops diarrhea of ​​various colors, reduced or no urination. The process of going to the tray is accompanied by vocalization and severe pain, there is blood in the urine or feces.

How to treat a cat at home

Treatment of dermatological problems

Dermatitis of different etiologies is treated differently, and owners need to take this into account. In some cases, the use of antibiotics is appropriate, and in some cases, antibacterial drugs will be useless.

First aid will consist in washing the wounds with a solution of furacelin or chlorhexidine.

The use of hydrogen peroxide on the mucous membranes of the skin is unacceptable - serious burns appear.

With allergic dermatitis, hypoallergenic feeds will help, they are in the lines of large premium feed manufacturers.


When the temperature rises, cats need to be given antibiotics, but you should start with the weakest - the penicillin group, for example, 1/8 of the tablet. But specifically about the appointment of antibiotics, you should ask your veterinarian.

In cats, intolerance to paracetamol and aspirin, feeding these drugs can cause the death of a pet.

Intestinal and urinary disorders

These diseases are treated by diet therapy for diseases of these organs. Major pet food companies offer therapeutic diets for these organs. Specifically, about each diet, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Many diseases do not give themselves away from the clinical picture, masking themselves with other pathologies.

Therefore, it is important to visit the veterinarian at least once a year, for the early detection of all diseases. If the disease began to manifest itself, then self-medication will not be the best way out of the situation, since many drugs require dosage adjustments.

What should be the health status of the cat:

  • Temperature 38.0 - 39.0.
  • Weight not less than 2.5 kg depending on the breed.
  • Appetite is moderate, eat the daily ration of food. It can be found on the back of the pack.
  • The nose is warm and moist.
  • Urination 3-4 times a day.
  • Defecation at least 3 times a day, while there must be a formalized feces.
  • The fur is soft and shiny. Moderate shedding.
  • Lack of discharge from the eyes, nose, genitals and anus.
  • The integrity of the skin is not broken.
  • The mucous membranes are light pink in color.

The owner is responsible for the health of his pet.

And the more attentively he will be to his cat and notice the symptoms of various diseases earlier, the faster she will recover from dangerous ailments.

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