Home Gums Why do you dream about ice and water? Dream interpretation of ice cracking Dreaming of falling under the ice

Why do you dream about ice and water? Dream interpretation of ice cracking Dreaming of falling under the ice

  • Primary elements - metal, water.
  • Elements - dryness, cold.
  • Emotions - sadness, fear.
  • Organs - lungs, colon, kidneys, bladder.
  • Planets - Venus, Mercury.
  • Holding ice/snow in your hands/standing barefoot, although you feel cold, and freezing, although nothing external prevents you from leaving - a symbolic manifestation of internal fear, depression and apathy. Holding ice or snow in your hands/standing barefoot in a dream is a yin state of cold outside as a reflection of internal processes. The element that controls the kidneys is cold. The kidneys are afraid of the cold, and the kidneys store the human will to live. External illnesses of cold weaken a person’s will, and the loss of internal control over oneself causes a dream image of ice and snow, on which the dreamer stands and voluntarily freezes. The dream cannot be called completely unfavorable: one’s own body, still having the willpower to resist, warns the dreamer that lack of control over one’s emotions opens the door to kidney disease with already weakened lungs. The decline of internal strength also leads to disorder in business, and then depression will become an element threatening to freeze life. But it’s not too late... Get out of the cold, out of the snow - start fighting, look for a way out of the deadlock. Chopping ice, melting ice/snow and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold). Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health (living water), so in case of illness, sleep foreshadows recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer. Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running in circles. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it. Enjoying the cold in a dream, experiencing an exaggerated need for it in a dream/walking barefoot in the snow/showering oneself with snow - all this means a dangerous excess of emotions, the fire of which they are trying to extinguish
    cold from outside. The dreamer's internal capabilities (and he knows this) exceed the external possibilities of implementation. External cold is a symbol of adequacy, sobriety, calmness, a comparison between the desired and the possible. The cold will freeze excess self-confidence that threatens self-confidence, which will allow you to draw up an action plan adequate to reality. Sleep is favorable: the body has the strength not only to restore internal balance, but also to prevent its possible disruption, adequacy is a guarantee of success and health. But still, the dreamer should be more restrained and avoid Napoleonic plans. Looking at the expanses of ice and snow with tranquility and pleasure is beneficial: this means the body’s rhythms correspond to the winter season and healthy kidneys. Looking with fear, despondency and longing, especially at dusk, is unfavorable: a weakened body, a discrepancy between one’s own rhythms and the winter season, weak kidneys and lungs.

For a person who saw ice in a dream, the interpreter promises troubles and loss of luck. Some dream books, on the contrary, warn of the end of difficulties. In order to correctly interpret what frozen water means in a dream, you should remember all the details of the dream, the emotional coloring and the general picture of the plot.

Fall into the water

If you fall under an icy crust in a dream, it means a fierce fight against the disease.

The universal dream book believes that you are taking too risky actions at work or in life, which threaten not only your well-being, but also threaten your loved ones.

Roll on the surface

Did you dream that you were skating on ice? Seeing something like this means losing your job, securities or jewelry.

The modern dream book believes that the plot in which you slid on ice foreshadows fun and happy times. If you dreamed that you fell under an ice floe while skating, it means that your friends are not as reliable as they seem. It's better to limit your communication with them.

Walk on the ice

If you dream that you are walking on frozen water, then in real life there will be troubling times, the result of which depends on the outcome of the dream itself.

If you managed to walk on a surface that was cracking and slippery, then you have overcome a difficult path, which means that prosperity will soon come after difficult days and failures.

Aesop's Dream Book states that overcoming difficulties in this way will strengthen you and take you to a new level; a promotion or getting rid of an illness will be a well-deserved result.

Ice cracks

A dream in which the ice is cracked symbolizes the circumstances in which you find yourself. The period now is very difficult and only you can overcome it.

If in a dream you managed to jump out before the ice piece broke, this means the successful resolution of all matters. If you are walking on a thick ice floe, which logically should not crack, but it does, it means that your loved ones are to blame for your troubles.

Ice floes, snow and water

If you dream of ice on the river, this foretells failure in business. Also, the Modern Dream Book interprets this plot as an omen of difficulties in personal and family life that will begin because of someone’s envy.

Dreaming of water and ice is interpreted depending on the circumstances and actions that are accompanied in this picture. Seeing pieces of ice floating on clear water means the end of a quiet life due to the dirty intrigues of others.

I dreamed that there was water with ice in a glass - a disease caused by rash actions.

Night dreams in which you dream of melting ice promise death. But this plot is not always a bad omen. For example, the Wanderers' dream book interprets death not only in its literal meaning. It can mean the end of a love relationship, dismissal from work.

Miller's explanation of the dream

Miller's dream book claims that this symbol is a harbinger of severe disasters, often caused by ill-wishers.

For a young woman, walking on a thick layer of frozen water in a dream promises exposure in her love affairs.

Dreaming of ice floes floating on the water predicts numerous failures and troubles that are provoked by someone’s envy.

Eating ice in a dream means a sharp deterioration in health.

Various interpretations

If ordinary “hard workers” from the village dream of snow and ice, then a wonderful harvest awaits them. Shereminskaya’s dream book promises an increase in wages for employees, and a lucrative contract for businessmen. However, positive changes will not come immediately; first you need to go through a difficult time.

If you dreamed of a frozen river, then there will be stagnation in business or relationships. Such a pause will allow a person to reflect on his business affairs or the usefulness and expediency of his relationships with certain people, whether they are romantic or friendly.

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    I dream of a lake - a dugout, with a diameter of 7 meters, a depth of 4 meters. At the bottom lies a huge turtle with a diameter of 4 meters, supposedly in hibernation. Paws and head are visible. The water is pure, like crystal and frozen into ice. The awakening of spring in nature. I am surprised by her larger size than she breathes, and I want to show her to the whole world. There are 2 laptops on the ice - one is mine and I woke up. The feeling is pleasant.

    In a dream, with two buckets of water, she was sliding on the ice. In order not to fall, she relaxed, slid steadily, did not spill water, and reached the end, stepping on solid ground.

Ice is a rather controversial symbol in dreams. It can be interpreted as a favorable or negative sign. Dreaming of ice denotes obstacles in the implementation of planned activities, cooling of the tender feelings of a couple in love, conflicts with family and close friends. The positive thing is that the bad influence of the dream on the dreamer’s life can be avoided. To do this, you should think about your behavior and actions performed in relation to your close circle.

Dreams about ice can have completely contradictory and unexpected interpretations. In order to accurately find out the meaning of a dream, you need to remember all the smallest details of the dream:

  1. Seeing water turning into ice in a dream is a sign of unforeseen obstacles in business. In order to solve unexpected obstacles, the dreamer will need to turn to close people.
  2. A dream about an ice hole is a symbol of danger not only to the health, but also to the life of the dreamer.
  3. If villagers dreamed of snow and ice, this is a favorable symbol that promises a good harvest; for office workers, the dream foretells an increase in wages, and for entrepreneurs, the signing of a lucrative contract.
  4. If the dreamer dreams of an icicle, then this foreshadows a cooling of romantic feelings. The feelings that the dreamer experiences for his other half will no longer be as ardent as before. A break in the relationship between a loving couple is possible. Seeing an icicle on a tree is a sign that the dreamer is interested in a representative of the opposite sex. If the icicle was hanging on the roof of the house, you need to visit or call your parents.
  5. The modern dream book claims that cracked ice symbolizes the unstable position in which the dreamer is currently located. However, the owner of the vision will be able to independently overcome all difficulties and obstacles on the way to his plans. Having time to jump out of the water before the ice completely breaks is a very favorable symbol that portends good luck and success in all areas of life.
  6. Seeing frozen water on houses means a deterioration in your financial situation or health; on fences means parting with your loved one.

Dream interpretation ice

The interpretation of what ice means in dreams is very multifaceted. The usual meaning of this symbol is a stop in business and love, coldness of expressed emotions, concentration on one’s own person. Many dream books say that seeing ice in a dream means experiencing in reality sensations akin to diving into an ice hole.

If you dreamed of ice, the dreamer needs to be prepared to be responsible for all the work done. Not even the smallest mistake will escape the eyes of your superiors. Love relationships seem to be covered with a crust of ice - no sympathy, no understanding.

To explain why ice is dreamed of, you need to analyze a lot of symbolic meanings. Esoteric and archetypal interpretations will also be important here. Because ice is a derivative of water, which is the source of life.

If you dreamed about ice

In many cases, seeing ice in a dream is not a positive omen. Most often it is a gradual stop to the frantic rhythm of life. But the most terrible thing is not this – but my own feelings from this state of affairs.

A person becomes like Kai from the fairy tale of the same name about the Snow Queen - leisurely and indifferent. He is deprived of the vital fire, and even if some sparks arise in the soul, the dense ice crust does not allow them to penetrate the heart. This condition quickly transforms latent depression into a state of complete apathy.

For the most detailed interpretation of what ice means in dreams, it is important to remember as many details as possible:

  • Where exactly you saw ice in your dream (on the river, the sea, or at home in a glass) - the scale of future incidents will depend on this.
  • What it was like (clean and transparent, or dirty, melting as an option).
  • The dreamer's actions with this substance (prick, break, break, walk or ride on ice).

Among the ice

If you dreamed of ice, then in order to understand the scale of the impending events, it is important to remember exactly where it was. Seeing yourself among the ice in the sea means that you will have to struggle with the difficulties of life for a long time, and you have every chance of simply falling into apathy.

It is much easier to explain why you dream of ice on a winter or spring river. Being on the river at any time of the year means trying to comprehend the flow of life. And if it is hidden under a thick layer of ice, it means that a serious obstacle will appear in your life.

If you dreamed of ice on the sea

If in a dream you noticed an ice hole, be careful before every word spoken. Your life can change radically in just a short time.

On the sea

This is what the modern dream book says: ice that has completely frozen the sea means that your soul has become covered with a shell and does not allow heat to enter. And people who love you share it with pleasure. You are now at a crossroads and it seems that life has no meaning and all your efforts that were invested in an important project are just wasted time.

  • Walking on thin ice at sea means you are too keen on risk and are capable of harming not only yourself, but also others.
  • Seeing how the ice on the sea has cracked under your feet - you are now on the verge. And the correctness of the chosen path will determine whether you get everything or nothing.
  • The ice that has bound the sea melts, releasing a large amount of water, it foams heavily and rages - an unpleasant situation at work will give rise to a lot of gossip about your person. Your reputation will suffer significant damage.

On the river

To see how all the waters on the river are covered with a dense crust of ice - your business will stop and freeze for some time. To get out of this suspended animation, you will need to make a decision that will affect not only the course of the matter, but also your entire life.

  • Please note that the ice on the river is very thin, but you still want to stand on it - you are too risky, you should not accept a tempting but unrealistic offer.
  • Spring ice drifts on the river, everything is melting, and the water is very noisy - a series of events will change your opinion about several people at once. Perhaps you will quarrel with someone, and this will leave a serious mark on your soul.
  • Riding a sleigh on a frozen river - the fun will end very sadly.

About the significance of the ice hole on the river

If you dreamed of an ice hole

Seeing an ice hole on the river has a very serious symbolic meaning. Water is a symbol of life. Ice is the limiting factor of its flow. He does not exclude this life, but also does not allow it to flow in the necessary direction. In this case, the ice hole can be interpreted as a portal or a special opportunity to change your life.

Whether these changes will be positive or negative will be determined by the water that the ice hole hides.

  • Clean and bright water, seeing the bottom, its smallest details - you will be able to absorb important information that will affect your worldview.
  • Dark muddy water, an ice hole, frightens with its depth and uncertainty - you will have to work on yourself for a long time.
  • Make an ice hole yourself, try, feel the heat in your body from the work done - you are trying to overcome the calm and a certain coldness in the relationship, forgiving your partner for his selfishness.
  • If you slip on the ice and fall into a hole - if you manage to get out, then you can overcome significant hardships in life.
  • To pull out a fish means the birth of a child.

Being in a river while ice is forming

Very unusual are dreams in which the river is covered with ice while the dreamer is in the water. Such a vision appears very rarely, and not to every dreamer.

Its symbolic meaning is the understanding of time and space. Information that has always been on the surface, but you could not process and accept it, will open up and become clear to you.

  • Swimming, swimming enthusiastically, and then noticing that ice has formed from the water, standing on it - your decision to change your lifestyle is commendable, but a fanatical passion for something can cause harm.
  • Sail in a boat and stop because the water is frozen - your natural course of life will be disrupted.
  • Finding yourself under water while the surface is covered with a crust of ice, not finding a way out and waking up is a complete destruction of your past worldview (perhaps you will change your religion). On the other hand, such a dream may indicate a serious illness and long-term treatment.

Quality characteristics of ice

The appearance of ice is very important for the adequate interpretation of dreams. Because, like water, in a dream it can be clean and transparent, or cloudy and dirty.

What was the ice like?

In the first case, we can talk about radical changes within the dreamer’s personality - new knowledge, rethinking of the meaning of life and the resulting apathy. But cloudy and dirty ice, especially if it melts on the road under your feet, is a problem with physical health.

The darker the ice crust, the longer the treatment will be.

Interpretation in different sources

Many dream books agree that such dreams exclusively bring problems and misfortunes. Some talk about a scandal among colleagues or life-threatening adventures. More modern interpretations tend towards this explanation: dreams of ice precede the cooling of relationships and the emergence of apathy towards others and oneself.

Ancient Slavic dream book

In ancient times, it was believed that ice seen in a dream in the middle of summer warned that the planned business would bring irreparable harm to the dreamer. Even if, at first glance, it seems that this is an absolutely safe activity.

If you were sliding on the ice

  • Sliding on fresh ice means getting into a difficult situation. If you managed to slide masterfully and not fall, you will be able to find a way out of this situation.
  • A high ice slide means difficulties. Being at the top and looking down - get a promotion by completing a dangerous task. To be below and see that the ice wall is huge - it is difficult for you to overcome your own confidence in the inviolability of the rules adopted in childhood.
  • Slipping on the road because there was a frozen puddle under your feet - if you fell on the ice and felt severe pain, you will suffer from the selfishness of your other half. Just slip and not fall - the relationship will be strained, but will not completely deteriorate.
  • Riding horses along a road covered with ice - you are planning a very risky event. It can end very badly - someone can lose their health or even their life.

Miller's explanation

Miller's rather popular dream book speaks of a series of failures if in a dream you had to slide on ice. But he considers ice transparent and playing with bright colors in a dream in the sunlight to be a unique opportunity to transform his life for the better, says Miller’s dream book.

  • Sliding on ice in a dream means balancing between two different opinions.
  • A high ice slide, sliding down it is dangerous fun.
  • Driving at high speed on a road covered with ice - even the most ordinary task you undertake turns into an amazing and dangerous adventure.
  • Slipping because the frozen water was covered with snow under your feet is ignorance in a difficult situation. Slipping, although you definitely saw the ice, means making the wrong decision.
  • Melts in a glass, rushes to pour juice or whiskey - the most ordinary things will seem surprising to you, says Miller’s dream book.

Freud's Dream Book

This interpreter, who is guided by the principle of aggressiveness and sexuality, says that ice is a subconscious, and in some cases, conscious restraint of emotions. You may be worried that such a surge will be inappropriate, but then you definitely won’t wait for the moment you need.

  • Sliding on ice is a symbol of sexual intercourse. If you are afraid to slide and feel uncomfortable, it is difficult for you to show your best side in front of a new partner.
  • There is an icy crust on the road, driving along it at high speed - you are able to escort the partner you met literally five minutes ago to bed. Do not forget that this can be very dangerous not only in terms of diseases, but also basic personal safety rules.
  • Slip and fall - one careless word from your partner can ruin an intimate date. If you slip and don’t fall, you can get out of a difficult situation.
  • Ice melting in a glass - you can please your partner in the way he wants. If it melts right in your hands, you will adapt to each other very quickly.
  • Breaking pieces of ice or crushing for a cocktail is a craving for unusual pleasures.

Ice in a dream portends many disasters. Evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you in the matter that is most dear to you.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clear water means that your happiness has come to an end, which will be to blame for the envy of others.

Seeing yourself walking on ice means that you are risking your peace of mind and the respect of others for fleeting joys.

For a young woman to walk on ice in a dream means that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Ice according to Hasse's dream book

Seeing obstacles of various kinds, walking on them is a successful obstacle; to crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Ice according to the Family Dream Book

Ice - dreams of disasters. For example, ill-wishers will harm you in a matter that is important to you.

Ice floating in a stream of clean water means that someone else's envy will put an end to your happiness.

Walking on ice in a dream means you will have to risk your peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.

If you dreamed that you were making ice, pacify your selfishness, otherwise you cannot avoid failure in business.

Swimming in ice water promises pleasure that will be interrupted by some event.

Ice according to the dream book of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

Ice in a dream is a reflection of your restraint and coldness.

If the ice looks beautiful, shimmering in the rays of the sun, the dream means that by showing restraint in some matter, you have every chance of achieving success.

Mountains of simple, nondescript ice often portend a decline in interest in some business or a cooling of relations with someone close to you. The dream suggests that the reason for this most likely lies in you.

Melting ice in a dream is a very good sign. In the near future, your affairs or relationships with others may begin to improve noticeably.

Ice according to the latest dream book by G. Ivanov

Ice - you will be adamant when declaring your love.

Drifting on an ice floe means you will find yourself isolated; to a serious disagreement with the people you were relying on.

Ice according to the Spring Dream Book

Glacier - To be in a glacier (in a cellar) - to burial.

Dreaming of drifting ice - Radical, big, gradual changes for the better.

Ice according to the Summer Dream Book

Glacier - To dream of a glacier coming down from the mountains is a sign of a natural disaster.

Ice according to the Autumn Dream Book

Glacier - Seeing a glacier descending from the mountains means love is waning.

Ice according to the dream book from A to Z

Making ice portends failure in business due to excessive stubbornness and selfishness.

Seeing ice in a dream portends material damage, loss of a friend, failure in love.

Ice on the river means a delay in business due to the machinations of enemies seeking to harm you in any way.

Walking on snow-covered ice means you will start an enterprise that will bring the desired income.

Skating on ice means that you are in danger of losing your job or any valuables that you value very much.

If you fall into an icy hole, you risk the well-being of loved ones out of selfishness and thirst for profit.

Seeing a hole in the ice means vain efforts to realize illusory hopes.

Making a hole in the ice means you will experience severe fright in reality.

Ice fishing in a dream means danger is approaching, which you can notice in time.

Seeing spring ice drift means that your luck is coming to an end and a streak of bad luck is setting in.

Moving from shore to shore, jumping from ice floe to ice floe - in reality, commit a crazy act that will bring you bad fame.

Ice melting in a dream means that a business that causes you a lot of trouble will soon bring you joy and wealth.

Icy branches and wires studded with huge icicles foreshadow temporary difficulties and illness that you will suffer on your feet.

Sucking or gnawing on ice or drinking water with ice means bad news from distant relatives.

Finding yourself in icy water in a dream means you will experience frustration in a conversation with a person who is not able to listen to you and interrupts your interlocutor at every word.

Ice falling from the freezer compartment of the refrigerator during defrosting is a sign of your failure due to your impatient desire to get ahead of events.

To suffer from ice in a dream means that you will meet a misogynist whose heart will thaw when he meets you.

A car slipping on ice portends hardships and hardships, after overcoming which the annoying little things in life will no longer drive you crazy, you will simply stop taking them seriously.

Adding ice to alcoholic drinks marks a turning point in a crucial trial for you.

An iceberg seen in a dream is a sign of meaningless changes in life.

Ice according to the dream book of Simon Kananita

Ice - damage, loss.

Seeing ice and snow are obstacles of various kinds; walking on them is a good obstacle; crash - you will learn a lot of fear; to see in the forest is vain efforts, illusory hopes.

Ice according to Fedorovskaya’s dream book

If you dreamed of ice, soon you will have to thoroughly help one of your relatives or friends.

You dreamed that you were breaking ice - in the near future you will have to solve some important family problem by force.

A dream in which you watched someone break ice means that one of your relatives will solve an important problem for your family.

If you dreamed that you were melting ice, you will soon have troubles, and you will make significant profit from them.

You watched someone melt ice - one of your friends will have to work hard, and you will make a significant profit from this.

If you dreamed that you were sucking ice, you will be deceived.

Ice according to the Esoteric Dream Book

Ice - cooling.

There is - cool down. You will stop worrying; hatred and jealousy will let you go.

Ice field - tranquility, mental relaxation.

Broken ice, ice drift - your peace has come to an end, you will be overwhelmed by emotions.

Someone is holding, someone is eating - in whom you are interested, will cool off towards you, become indifferent.

Ice according to the dream book of a modern woman

Ice in a dream portends many disasters due to ill-wishers.

Seeing ice floating in a stream of clean water means the end of a quiet life, which will be blamed on the envy of others.

Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people because of fleeting joys.

Gnaw or suck ice in a dream, or drink water with ice - may portend illness.

Ice according to Azar's dream book

crash on ice - you will know fear

Ice according to Evgeniy Tsvetkov’s dream book

Ice is a nuisance; a lot of difficulties.

Ice according to the Modern Dream Book

Seeing ice in a dream is a harbinger of great misfortune, and evil people will try to hit you where it hurts most.

If you dream of ice floes in a stream of clear water, in real life your happiness will be overshadowed by envious friends.

Walking on ice in a dream is a sign that in reality you will risk a comfortable life and universal respect for fleeting pleasures

If a young woman dreams that she is walking on ice, the dream warns her that only a thin veil hides her from shame.

Icicles on the eaves of houses - dream of poverty and lack of comfort. Health deterioration is also possible.

Seeing icicles on a fence is a sign of suffering of the flesh and spirit.

Seeing icicles on trees means that your prospects will become even gloomier.

Icicles on coniferous trees portend that a brilliant future will be hidden under the shadow of doubt.

If in a dream you make ice, in real life you will fail because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Sucking ice means illness.

Drinking ice water in a dream is a warning: beware of losing your health in real life due to a frivolous lifestyle.

Seeing yourself swimming in icy water is an omen that the anticipated pleasures will be interrupted by unexpected events.

Ice according to the Eastern Dream Book

If you dreamed of ice, be prepared for adversity and beware of being hit in the most vulnerable place.

A dream in which you see ice floes in a stream of clear water means: your serene existence may be overshadowed by envious friends.

If you walk on ice, it is possible that you will part with your usual comfortable life of your own free will.

A dream in which she walks on ice warns a young woman: she should be more careful in her actions, because with her behavior she can attract too much attention from others.

A dream in which you make ice warns: you risk failure because of your selfishness and arrogance.

Sucking ice means illness.

A dream in which you drink water with ice warns: your frivolity can lead to serious consequences and illnesses.

If you are swimming in icy water, you shouldn’t really count on your planned vacation; it may be interrupted by unforeseen circumstances.

Ice according to Schiller-Shkolnik's dream book

damage, loss and failure.

Ice according to Catherine the Great's dream book

Ice - You see ice in a dream - your business is in danger; you have not shown sufficient resourcefulness, and now your financial situation is very unstable; If you do not take urgent, skillful action, then financial collapse and all the resulting disasters await you. You see ice floes floating in the water - someone who is very jealous of you will do everything to destroy your happiness; there is a high probability that he will succeed. It’s as if you are walking on ice - because of little you will risk a lot; you take risks too lightly. You are cooking in a dream - you will not be successful in business in the near future; you think more about your own benefit than about the overall success with your business partner - this is your weak point. It's like you're swimming near ice floes - you'll find pleasure where you didn't expect to find it. You see ice on the roof of the house (icicles) - this is an unfavorable sign for your house; poverty will settle in him, and there will be no place for love; it is likely that you will get sick.

Ice according to the Noble Dream Book by N. Grishina

Seeing ice means worries about the family / trouble in business / bad advisor.

Having it in the house is a disaster.

To walk the fine line and be afraid means life, fate or the soul is on the verge of something dark and unclear.

The ice cracked under you, but you jumped out - the trouble would pass by.

Walking on a slippery slope - you will have to balance between people who have a difficult relationship with each other / the wrong tone in a relationship / the wrong path has been chosen / risk.

Walking along a melting path means an untimely warming in relations with people who have offended you.

Ice according to the dream book of the healer Akulina

You dreamed of Ice and snow, what is it for - To cool relationships with friends. Imagine that the bright sun is shining, the ice and snow are melting before your eyes.

Ice according to the dream book of the subconscious

You dreamed of Ice, what is this for? Do not forget that ice consists of water, and dreams about water are often directly related to the emotional component of a person’s life. The transformation of water into ice can mean the “hardening” of feelings towards a loved one. Accordingly, melting ice in a dream may mean the end of a hostile relationship. Dreams about melting ice also speak of the removal of barriers to creative energy and new opportunities, predicting that inspiration will visit you at home or at work.

Positive value

Dreams about ice not in winter traditionally symbolize a good harvest. This dream can also mean an abundance of fruitful ideas, so think carefully about which “plantings” will need your attention.

Negative implications

A dream in which ice appears may be a warning that it is time to put aside a project that is “on thin ice.” Perhaps such a dream calls for immediate action.

Burning cold in a dream usually symbolizes emotional extremes. For example, the appearance of a freezer or refrigerator in a dream may be a reflection of the emotional "muteness" that you are currently suffering from.

Sit or stand on the ice. A dream in which you are sitting on ice predicts comfort in life. Walking on ice is a risk of financial loss if you are not careful when distributing funds. Strong or thin ice. Be sure to try to remember what the ice was like in your dream. Thin ice - perhaps dangers await you, and thick ice floes can mean that you feel protected even in the face of the difficulties and problems of real life. Skating. Skating on ice implies satisfaction with the work done. Riding with a partner can mean caring about your personal relationships.

Ice according to the yogis' dream book

Ice means that information about what kind of world this is is still “frozen” for you.

Ice according to the Great Dream Book

Seeing ice in a dream means trouble, many difficulties.

Ice according to Artemidor's dream book

You dreamed of Ice - Crossing the river on ice - to the successful and quick completion of a task that at first seemed difficult and risky. Slipping and falling on ice means getting scared and abandoning your plan. Taking ice out of the refrigerator means there will be minor troubles. Sleep on ice. For a woman - to a long delay in fulfilling a desire. For a man - to renounce the desire for revenge.

Ice according to the Explanatory Dream Book

To dream of Ice in the house is a misfortune.

Ice according to the Old Russian Dream Book

Ice - In winter it means nothing, but at unusual times it marks a change in weather.

Ice according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book

What does Ice mean in a dream? 1. When we dream of ice, we pay attention to our emotions. We know that we act colder than we should, do not express warmth and compassion, and therefore put ourselves in a situation from which it will be extremely difficult to free ourselves later. 2. Ice is the personification of rigidity, fragility, which comes from a misunderstanding of what is happening around us and from creating situations in which people cannot communicate with us. Depending on how exactly ice appears in a dream, it can mean impermanence. 3. From a spiritual point of view, ice symbolizes a part of ourselves that has frozen, but which needs to be melted in order to develop further.

Ice according to the Russian dream book

What does Ice mean in a dream - skepticism, cold attitude; noticeable cooling towards the subject of passion.

Ice according to the Women's Dream Book

Ice - Ice in a dream foreshadows many disasters due to ill-wishers. Seeing ice floating in a stream of clean water means the end of a quiet life, which will be blamed on the envy of others. Walking on ice in a dream means that you risk losing the respect of other people due to fleeting joys. Gnawing or sucking ice (icicle) in a dream, drinking water with ice - may portend illness, as the dream book Ice interprets.

Ice according to a housewife's dream book

Ice - cold emotions. Walking on ice means taking risks; making ice is a failure in business due to selfishness.

Ice according to the Psychotherapeutic Dream Book

Ice in the house is bad luck.

Ice according to the Mayan dream book

Good meaning: If you dreamed that the ice was melting, the events happening around you will not affect your lifestyle in any way. So that no shock touches you, drop a drop of blood into a glass of water, then freeze the water and take it to the cemetery.

Bad meaning: If you dreamed that you were walking on ice, you are now taking a very big risk. To avoid any problems, swallow a small piece of ice in the morning.

Ice according to the dream book of catchphrases

Ice – “to step on thin ice” - a delicate, dangerous situation; “cold as ice” - an impassive, aloof person, “cold” relationships; “ice in relationships”; “freeze negotiations” - slow down, postpone.

Ice according to Italian dream book Meneghetti

Means rigidity, frigidity. Rigidity (lat. rigidus - hard, hard) - difficulty or inability to change the behavior intended by the subject in conditions that objectively require its restructuring. Frigidity (from Latin frigidus - cold) is sexual coldness, manifested in a decrease or absence of libido and specific sexual sensations.

Ice according to Shuvalova’s dream book

A symbol of coldness, lack of feelings or the end of a relationship. but the greatest meaning is not this image itself, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Ice according to the Old Russian dream book

trouble, a lot of difficulties.

Ice according to the Explanatory Dictionary of Dreams

Ice in the house is bad luck.

Ice according to the dream book of the future

Ice - portends disaster: evil people will look for an opportunity to harm you; if you walk on ice in a dream, this means that you risk losing peace of mind and the respect of others because of fleeting joys.

Ice according to the Idiomatic Dream Book

“Walking on thin ice” is a delicate, dangerous situation; “cold as ice” - an impassive, aloof person; “cold relationships” - distance; “ice in a relationship” - separation; “freeze negotiations” - slow down, postpone.

Ice according to the dream book of the past

Ice is a symbol of coldness, lack of feelings, or the end of a relationship. But the greatest meaning is not this image itself, but the action that is associated with it or unfolds around it.

Ice according to the Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

Ice - frigidity, sexual frigidity is a symbol of death. The greatest burden is the role of this image in a dream and the action that unfolds around it.

Ice according to the dream book of relationships

If you see a block of ice in a dream, this means that your sexual relationship is literally dying. You've tried everything, but nothing can bring back interest in each other. The only thing I can advise you to do is break up to test the strength of the relationship.

Ice according to the online dream book

If you see ice, the dream book does not bode well for you. If you are engaged in trading, then your sales will fall, if you play on the stock exchange, you will soon lose.

Walking on a thin ice crust - soon you will need to take a risk or you will find yourself in a very suspicious situation.

You feel that you are sliding along it - in reality, you are a rather insecure person who does not feel solid ground under your feet.

In a dream you suck ice - you may soon get sick.

You walk along it, but are constantly afraid of slipping - in reality, you are surrounded by people who should not be trusted.

If you dream that ice is in your home, expect some troubles.

If it cracked under you, but you managed to bounce back, all difficulties and troubles will pass by from you.

If you dreamed that you were skating on it - you could lose your position, or some values ​​that you greatly value.

A dream in which you jump from one piece of ice to another promises the author of the dream some unpleasant situation, after which he will fall into disrepute.

You see how you throw pieces of ice into some drink - your situation in some court case will soon change.

If you are engaged in melting it, you will have a lot of trouble, but it will bring you a lot of income.

Ice according to the American Dream Book

Ice according to Morozova’s dream book

Getting out on the ice means things will improve.

Catching fish in an ice hole is a risky but profitable business.

Ice according to the Old English Dream Book

Seeing ice in a dream is always bad. It foretells a decline in trade, an unsuccessful game on the stock exchange, and failure in entrepreneurship. It also indicates that your current passionate lover will soon grow cold towards you and leave you. This dream threatens sailors with misfortune at sea. This dream is also bad for the farmer - who will have to endure a terrible lean year.

Ice according to the lovers' dream book

If you dream of ice in a stream of clear water, this promises the end of marital happiness due to the envy and intrigue of rivals.

A girl walking on ice will experience shame and betrayal in real life.

Ice according to Martyn Zadeki’s dream book

Ice is bad luck.

Ice according to the Russian dream book

Ice - failures, frozen situation, insoluble problems.

Ice according to the Yellow Emperor's dream book

Chopping ice, melting and drinking water is a symbol of the beginning of a way out of a psychological impasse: the manifestation of internal forces, restoration of the balance between heat and cold, the resumption of proper blood circulation in the channels of the heart (warmth) and kidneys (cold).

Water from melted snow and ice is considered the most beneficial for health (living water), so in case of illness, sleep foretells recovery. The dream is favorable and, even after a difficult winter, promises a good spring for the dreamer.

Sucking ice and snow to satisfy the need for water - a weakened body does not have enough strength to break the pathological physically and psychologically situation running in circles. The body tries to get an influx of fresh energy at any cost and loses its last warmth. The dream foreshadows failure or illness and advises that to prevent this from happening, rest, gain strength and check the choice of goal and means of achieving it.

Ice according to the Dream Interpreter of 1829

Ice means nothing in winter, but at unusual times it marks a change in weather.

Ice according to the Psychoanalytic Dream Book of V. Samokhvalov

Ice is a symbol of oblivion, rigidity and frigidity.

Ice according to the French dream book

Seeing ice in a dream is a good sign, promising a happy meeting.

Ice according to the Tarot dream book

Ice - empty hopes.

Ice according to the dream book for a bitch

Ice - sadness, sadness.

Walking on ice - you should not risk your well-being and respect from the people around you because of a dubious and fleeting hobby.

Ice according to the 21st century dream book

Seeing ice in a dream and crossing it is a sign that everything will be fine, but if it breaks, it means trouble. This dream primarily indicates a state of health.

If you are walking on thin ice, this is a harbinger that you may find yourself in a dangerous situation, causing trouble with a rash act.

Walking on slippery ice in a dream, afraid to stumble, means in reality being surrounded by people who do not inspire confidence. Such a dream can be a warning: if you don’t take care of your reputation, you can lose much more than it seems at first glance.

If in a dream you see yourself surrounded by huge ice floes, it means that you will encounter obstacles that require energetic measures.

Seeing ice in the house means trouble.

Seeing an ice hole means danger.

Falling into an ice hole means that your life is in danger, your outburst of feelings will be incomprehensible and you will encounter deception and resentment.

If you dream that you are walking on ice, but it is summer, there will be a change in life.

A dream in which you see spring ice drifting on a river marks a successful venture related to fishing or trading fish.

Seeing an iceberg in a dream is a sign of a sudden, albeit minor, digestive disorder that may happen to you in the coming days.

Seeing frozen ground in a dream is an omen that you are wasting your strength and energy in vain; now you are stagnating.

Ice according to the Slavic dream book

Ice - to an emotionally cold environment and failure. Moon in Capricorn.

Ice according to Denise Lynn's short dream book

Frozen emotions.

Walking on thin ice means taking risks or being in a suspicious situation.

Sliding on ice means not being confident in yourself, not feeling solid ground under your feet.

Ice according to Denise Lynn's detailed dream book

Ice can be a symbol of frozen emotions. Express yourself and all your emotions. Speak from your heart openly and freely.

Walking on thin ice means taking risks or being in questionable circumstances. Examine your life to see if there is an area in it that only seems reliable, but is actually doubtful.

Sliding on ice means not being confident in yourself, not feeling solid ground under your feet.

Ice according to the Veles dream book

Ice - for good / failure, loss, death, troubles, difficulties; ahead of time - loss, change in weather or in life; in the house - misfortune; walking on ice - to homeland / to death; falling on ice - devoted love / danger; cross the ice - everything will be fine, health; breaks off under you - bad, to failure; to break - benefit; melts - you will die soon; clean - health; dirty - disease; ice floe - danger, hard work.

Ice according to the New Dream Book 1918

Ice is a nuisance, many difficulties.

Ice according to the Ukrainian dream book

Danger, hard work. Ice is a nuisance, many difficulties; breaking the ice is a benefit; slipping is a betrayal in love; danger. If you dream that you are walking on ice, and it’s summer outside, this will be a change in life.

Ice according to the Gypsy dream book

Ice symbolizes unjustified trust. The secrets you shared with someone no longer exist.

Ice according to the dream book 2012

Ice is a reflection of some “slippery” circumstances...

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