Home Tooth pain DPT vaccine complications. Side effects, reactions and consequences after DPT vaccination in children

DPT vaccine complications. Side effects, reactions and consequences after DPT vaccination in children

Good day, dear readers. In this article we will look at what possible side effects and complications are possible after DTP vaccination. You will also find out what preventive measures you can follow and how to behave in cases of atypical reactions.

Typical symptoms after vaccination

When this vaccine is administered, in almost all cases, signs may appear that indicate that the body is reacting normally to the vaccine. Parents should be prepared for such manifestations and not be afraid of them. As a rule, the doctor warns about such reactions and emphasizes that you should not worry, everything will pass in a day or two.

These symptoms include:

  1. Moodiness.
  2. Inhibited behavior.
  3. Decreased appetite.
  4. Sleep disturbance.
  5. Temperature up to 37.6 degrees.
  6. Redness and/or hardness at the injection site.

Reaction to DPT vaccine

The body's response to the vaccine may vary. The occurrence of specific reactions is possible. Moreover, some of them will indicate that the body is fighting, which means active production of antibodies has begun. In addition, some reactions will not be to the vaccination itself, but to mechanical damage to the skin when the needle is inserted.

You need to know that these reactions are divided into local and general.

As a rule, all side effects appear on the first day. What if your baby has symptoms? viral infection later than two days after the vaccine was administered, then this is a virus, and not a reaction to the vaccine.

It is important to know that if serious side effects occur, you should seek medical help. These include:

  1. Hyperthermia from 39 degrees and above.
  2. Prolonged and non-stop crying for more than three hours. The baby sheds tears because of strong pain.
  3. Swelling at the injection site greater than 8 cm.


Local manifestations are usually represented by the following conditions:

  1. Redness of the injection site.
  2. Compaction, lump formation.
  3. Edema.
  4. Cough, inflammation of the tonsils.
  5. The child cannot walk due to pain at the injection site.

If compaction occurs, doctors do not recommend doing anything. As a rule, it resolves within a maximum of 14 days. This is a physiological process triggered by the occurrence inflammatory reaction at the injection site. The lump will decrease as the vaccine is absorbed.

A lump appears if the doctor, when injecting it, does not enter the muscle fiber, but the subcutaneous fatty tissue. There are significantly fewer vessels, which significantly slows down the absorption process. In addition, a lump may occur in cases inflammatory process due to violations of asepsis rules. In such a lump, pus will begin to develop. It is imperative to open and clean such a formation.

Redness is also a response to the introduction of foreign bodies and needle penetration into the baby’s skin. As a rule, it goes away very quickly, without additional help.

When manifested severe pain, and this may be due individual characteristics Each child must be given pain relief, but only as prescribed by a doctor. If it doesn't go away for a long time, contact a specialist for help.

The appearance of a cough on the first day after vaccination occurs if abnormalities in the functioning of organs have already been diagnosed respiratory system. This is a reaction to the introduction of the pertussis component. Usually, special treatment does not require. It often happens due to contact with a carrier of the virus in the first time after vaccination.


Such reactions include:

  1. Hyperthermia.
  2. Moodiness.
  3. Lethargy.
  4. Anxiety.
  5. Stomach upset, vomiting. As a rule, in cases of intestinal infection.
  6. Decreased appetite.
  7. Disturbance in sleep duration.

Parents should understand that a slight increase in temperature will certainly be present after vaccination, but this is the body’s natural response to the vaccination, and not some kind of deviation from the norm. This is why doctors recommend taking antipyretics on the day of vaccination and especially before bedtime. Of course, if hyperthermia rises above 39, then this is a reason to sound the alarm and call an ambulance.

After the first vaccination, my son did not experience any negative reactions. After the second, the baby began to become moody and have a worsening appetite, although I did not attribute this specifically to the vaccination. And after the third administration of DTP, local reactions already appeared, in particular redness and thickening. But everything resolved on its own and the redness went away. So this vaccination did not bring us any serious changes in the body.

DTP vaccination, consequences in children

Such manifestations occur extremely rarely. Out of 100 thousand children who have been vaccinated with DTP, two have complications. They can be represented by the following deviations:

  1. Anaphylactic shock.
  2. Hives.
  3. Angioedema.
  4. Encephalitis.
  5. State of shock.
  6. Meningitis.
  7. Quincke's edema.
  8. Encephalopathy.
  9. Convulsions (in the absence of hyperthermia).

It is worth noting that complications, as a rule, arise against the background of existing abnormalities in the functioning of the central nervous system or if the child is allergic. It is important to inform your doctor about your toddler’s diagnoses in a timely manner. In addition, you must follow all recommendations for preparing for vaccination.

Precautionary measures

To eliminate possible side effects after administering the vaccine, you must follow all the rules for preparing for this vaccination:

  1. If your little one has already started introducing complementary foods, do not add new foods a week before and after vaccination. The same applies to a woman who is breastfeeding.
  2. Bring only a completely healthy baby to the appointment.
  3. Don’t forget to visit your pediatrician, and if you wish, you can take clinical tests blood and urine to avoid the possibility of the onset of a cold or other abnormalities.
  4. If you know about the presence of any chronic pathologies or serious deviations in the development of your little one, be sure to notify the specialist before vaccination. This also applies to negative reactions during the previous administration of DPT.
  5. Make sure to follow aseptic standards to reduce the risk of infection. It is also necessary that your little one is purchased before vaccination.
  6. Start giving an antihistamine a couple of days in advance, especially if your child has a history of allergic reactions.
  7. Be sure to give an antipyretic after vaccination and at night. It is also recommended to give something against allergies. If the next day the temperature still rises, it is also recommended to bring it down. Antihistamines are given up to three days after vaccination.
  8. Before vaccination, the child should not be overfed. It is better if, on the contrary, he is slightly hungry. In the first three days after vaccination, it is also not recommended to overfeed the baby; it is better to focus on drinking plenty of fluids and frequent walks in the fresh air.

What to do if negative reactions occur

What should parents do if there is some kind of negative reaction?

  1. If the temperature rises, and this is most likely the case, give the baby an antipyretic, preferably in suppositories, to speed up the absorption process. As a rule, on the third day the temperature no longer rises. The exception is hyperthermia at 39 and above. In this case, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.
  2. If redness, swelling, thickening or lumps appear, you should not take any special measures. As a rule, everything goes away in the next few days, some symptoms can last up to 14 days, no more. But in cases of severe swelling, more than 8 cm, consult a doctor immediately. In cases of a painful lump, too. Its cause could be infectious process and, as a result, the accumulation of pus under the skin. In such cases, the baby will, at a minimum, be prescribed antibiotics, and at maximum, the lump will be opened to pump out the pus.
  3. If a cough appears no later than 24 hours after vaccination, this is the body’s reaction to the pertussis component and also does not require any treatment. But if it lasts a week, contact a specialist. And if the cough appears a few days after the vaccination, then it has nothing to do with DPT. It is possible that after vaccination the baby’s immunity weakened for a short period and the child managed to become infected.

Of course, the occurrence of any reactions after the introduction of the vaccine will most likely be observed. But you shouldn’t panic too much right away or rush to refuse the vaccine. Remember that serious complications occur in very rare cases, and the side effects are incomparable to how infection with whooping cough, tetanus or diphtheria can affect a toddler’s body. So, carefully consider whether you need to refuse the DTP vaccination or whether it is still worth giving it to your little one. I wish you and your children health!

Adsorbed liquid DTP vaccine is combination drug, which contains a suspension of killed microbial cells Bordetella pertussis at a concentration of 20 billion/ml, 30 flocculating units Anatoxinum diphthericum and 10 toxoid binding units Anatoxinum tetanicum.

One vaccination dose, which is 0.5 ml, contains at least 30 IU (international immunizing units) Anatoxinum diphthericum, 40 or 60 MIE Anatoxinum tetanicum, 4 MPE (international protective units) pertussis vaccine.

As a preservative in the composition DTP vaccines includes thiomersal (merthiolate). The concentration of the substance is 0.01%.

Release form

Ampoules of 1 ml (corresponding to the volume of 2 doses), 10 ampoules per package.

The drug is white or slightly yellowish color a suspension that, when standing, separates into a loose sediment and a clear liquid. The sediment breaks up easily when shaken, and the substance acquires a uniform consistency.

pharmachologic effect

Purified antibacterial vaccine , allowing the child to form a specific acquired Aactive immunity to pathogenic microorganism invasions .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

DTP vaccination - what is it? Wikipedia provides the following decoding of DPT: adsorbed for prevention, and, consisting of killed m germ cells of pertussis bacillus And sorbed on purified diphtheria (Anatoxinum diphthericum) and tetanus (Anatoxinum tetanicum) toxoids .

Carrying out vaccination in accordance with the approved vaccination schedule contributes to the formation of specific immunity against diphtheria (Diphtheria), tetanus (Tetanus), whooping cough (Pertussis) .

The pharmacokinetics of the drug have not been described.

Indications for use of DTP

What kind of vaccine is this, and when should vaccination start?

The suspension is intended for routine immunization against diphtheria (Diphtheria), tetanus (Tetanus) And whooping cough (Pertussis) . Vaccination is carried out according to a special scheme in accordance with the vaccination schedule for children over 3 months developed based on WHO recommendations and approved by the Ministry of Health.


Having found out from the doctor what the DPT vaccination is, parents will also learn that not everyone can get it.

Contraindications for vaccination are:

  • progressive diseases neurological diseases;
  • presence in the anamnesis of indications that the child has experienced events unrelated to hyperthermia generalized seizures (afebrile seizures) ;
  • a strong reaction in a child to the previous administration of the DTP vaccine, which was expressed in the form of hyperthermia in the first 2 days after injection of the drug (with a temperature of up to 40 degrees Celsius and above), the appearance of hyperemia with a diameter of more than 8 cm and swelling at the injection site;
  • complications that developed after the previous administration of DTP vaccine;
  • severe form of congenital or acquired.

There are also a number of temporary contraindications for vaccination. Vaccination is delayed:

  • if the child is diagnosed acute infection (V in this case the decision on the duration of medical withdrawal should be made by the doctor on an individual basis, taking into account the severity and duration of the disease);
  • if the child has an aggravation chronic illness (vaccination is allowed no earlier than a month after all its manifestations disappear);
  • if there are infected people in the child’s immediate environment acute infection People;
  • if the child has experienced stress in the recent past (divorce, moving, death of a relative, etc.).

On the day of vaccination, the child’s temperature must be measured. In addition, he is examined by a doctor. If there is any doubt about his condition, an in-depth examination is carried out, which involves blood and urine tests, and also, if necessary, the involvement of specialists for consultation.

Children for whom the drug is contraindicated can be immunized ADS toxoid .

If the child has already been vaccinated twice, the course of immunization against tetanus And diphtheria is considered completed; If the child has only undergone primary vaccination, then further immunization is continued toxoid , which is administered to the child once, but not earlier than 3 months later.

In each of the described cases, revaccination should be carried out ADS-M-anatoxin in 9-12 months.

If a complication appears after the 3rd vaccination with DPT suspension, for the first revaccination, which is carried out after 12-18 months, you should use toxoid ADS-M . Subsequent booster vaccinations should be carried out at ages 7 and 14, and every 10 years thereafter. Used as a vaccine preparation ADS-M-anatoxin .

Side effects of DTP vaccination

Everyone knows what kind of DPT vaccine it is. The vaccine is very reactogenic - many vaccinated children may develop short-term symptoms in the first 2 days after the injection. adverse reactions local and general- and therefore causes a lot of doubts and fears among mothers.

Consequences of DTP vaccination, which are the norm

Since the suspension is a substance that can cause an immune response in the body, the reaction to its administration can be quite strong. As stated above, reactions to vaccination can be both local and systemic, and it is very important to clearly distinguish normal phenomena from post-vaccination complications.

Vaccination reactions are considered to be side effects that appear in the first 3 days after the injection. All symptoms that appear after this period are not related to vaccination. The category of normal consequences after DTP vaccination includes slight soreness at the injection site (due to a violation of tissue integrity), redness and swelling of tissues.

Quite often, on the day of vaccination with DPT suspension, a vaccination against is immediately given: after the child has been vaccinated against diphtheria , tetanus And whooping cough , a vaccination dose is dropped into his mouth live polio vaccine for oral administration (OPV) or administered inactivated injectable polio vaccine (IPV).

The reaction to the DTP vaccine and polio most often manifests itself with the same symptoms as the reaction to the DTP vaccine.

Describing the pros and cons of vaccines, Dr. Komarovsky notes that both OPV and IPV are equally effective and are equally well tolerated by the child, however, in extremely rare cases (less than once in a million), the administration of OPV can cause the development of vaccine-associated virus (VAP). IPV contains killed viruses, so VAP is not possible after its administration.

Sometimes (very rarely) in young children after oral administration polio vaccine symptoms may appear intestinal dysfunction , which go away on their own after a few days.

In isolated cases, childhood vaccinations against polio may become complicated incurrent diseases affecting the intestines and respiratory tract .

Vaccination is stressful for most children, so in addition to a mild immune response, which is expressed in the form of headaches, malaise, weakness, dizziness, digestive disorders and hyperthermia, the child may also experience behavioral reactions.

Quite often, after vaccination, a child cries (sometimes for a long time), becomes capricious, becomes restless and irritable, refuses to eat, does not sleep, or, on the contrary, sleeps longer than usual.

These phenomena are also considered normal.

Systemic reactions to vaccination

Systemic (general) adverse reactions reflect how the child’s body as a whole responded to the administration of the drug. As a rule, they appear several hours after the injection and are expressed in the form of refusal to eat, general malaise, and hyperthermia.

There are three degrees of reaction to vaccination: weak, moderate and severe.

Weak reaction accompanied by a slight general malaise and an increase in temperature to 37-37.5°C. A temperature of 38°C after vaccination (plus/minus degrees) and a moderate deterioration in general health are a manifestation of a reaction of moderate severity.

Strong reaction a reaction to a vaccine is considered to be one that is accompanied by a significant rise in temperature (above 38.5°C) and a sharp deterioration in the child’s general condition (lethargy, refusal to eat, adynamia ).

If in the first 2 days after vaccination DTP temperature rises to 40°C, further immunization is carried out with the drug ADS (or ADS-M). This phenomenon is no longer normal, but is regarded as a complication after DTP vaccination.

There is no relationship between the severity of the body’s reaction to vaccination and the number of injections. It is believed that the reaction to the first injections of the drug is most pronounced. This is due to the fact that the child first encounters whooping cough antigens And diphtheria and tetanus toxoids , And his the immune system works more actively.

Reaction to the second vaccination and reaction to the third vaccination in healthy child are of a lighter nature.

The reference books indicate that with each subsequent administration of the DPT vaccine general reaction the body becomes less pronounced, and the local one, on the contrary, becomes brighter.

That is, after the first vaccination at 3 months and 2 vaccinations, which are administered one and a half months after the primary immunization, the child may have a fever, moodiness, etc., but the reaction to revaccination (4th dose of DPT vaccine) is accompanied by good general health, but decent compaction and soreness at the site of injection of the suspension.

How many days does the temperature last after DTP vaccination and what should be done to help the child?

After administration of the suspension, the temperature may remain elevated for up to 5 days. Since this reaction is so common, parents should prepare for it in advance.

In case of temperature rise Komarovsky E.O. recommends keeping powders for preparing rehydration solution at home ( Humana , Electrolyte etc.), as well as in suppositories, syrup, in syrup or solution.

At temperatures up to 38°C (especially before bedtime), it is better to use suppositories; if the temperature rises above 38°C, you should give liquid forms antipyretic drugs (primarily Ibuprofen ).

If the effect cannot be achieved using paracetamol And ibuprofen should be given to the child Nimesulide .

In addition to application antipyretics It is also recommended to provide the child with plenty of fluids (it is considered optimal to use rehydration solutions ) and limit any food as much as possible.

Is it possible to go for a walk after DPT vaccination?

It is believed that after vaccination you should not go for a walk. Why? Yes, because, supposedly, a child after vaccination is more susceptible to infections.

What does Dr. Komarovsky say about this? Walk! If the child normal temperature and his well-being, walks in the fresh air cannot harm him. But for a walk it is better to choose not a playground, but, for example, a park.

In general, after vaccination it is recommended to limit communication with other people. The child's body forms immunity To serious illnesses, so contact pathogenic microorganisms , the sources of which may be others, he should not.

Complications with DTP vaccination

Post-vaccination complications manifest themselves in the form of hyperthermia (temperature rises to 40°C or more), febrile And afebrile seizures , episodes of piercing persistent monotonous crying/screaming, pronounced hypersensitivity reactions.

Given the likelihood of developing immediate hypersensitivity reactions, after administration of the suspension the child should be under medical supervision for half an hour.

The vaccination room must be provided with funds antishock therapy .

Research results indicate that the cause of complications after vaccination may be:

  • non-compliance with vaccine storage rules;
  • violation of the DTP vaccination technique;
  • non-compliance with vaccination rules (including failure to clarify contraindications);
  • individual characteristics (for example, strong on the second and third administration of the vaccine);
  • associated infection against which vaccination was carried out.

Compaction after DTP vaccination. What to do?

The thickening and redness after vaccination are associated with the presence of the adsorbent Al(OH)3 (aluminum hydroxide) in the suspension - a compound that increases the immunogenicity of the administered DTP vaccine and promotes the formation of the so-called vaccine depot.

The adsorbent provokes the development of an inflammatory process at the site of administration of the suspension, due to which a greater number of cells immune system can “get acquainted” with the vaccine preparation.

That is, if the vaccination site is red and swollen, but the swelling does not exceed 5 cm in diameter, the child is active and does not limit the movement of the leg, this is normal.

This allows you to create a focus of inflammation and attract to it a large number of those responsible for the immune response, which will multiply and create a special population T lymphocytes - memory T cells . These cells store information about antigens , which acted previously and form secondary immune response .

You should know that when an injection is given in the buttock, infiltrates occur more often than when the drug is injected into the thigh. The speed of resorption of the infiltrate also depends on where children are vaccinated: after an injection into the buttock, the swelling takes a little longer to go away.

There is no need to touch the injection site, knead it, rub it, or apply compresses, since these actions can provoke the development of .

Dr. Komarovsky writes that in cases where the appearance of a lump after DTP vaccination is not accompanied by a rise in body temperature and severe pain, the child generally feels well, and his activity and behavior are normal, parents have no reason to worry.

If there are still concerns, the doctor may advise the child to have an ultrasound of the soft tissues in the projection of the compaction. Typically, infiltrates resolve for quite a long time, especially if the drug is injected into an area of ​​the body with a small amount blood vessels .

Situations when the lump begins to bleed or fester require immediate consultation with a doctor.

Cough after DTP vaccination

Colds have no connection with vaccination. The effect of the vaccine is aimed at activating a certain part of the cells immune system , colds are associated with the failure of other cells.

Ability to produce T cells The child has memory even before birth, but the ability to resist pathogenic microflora , which causes colds, is formed no earlier than 5 years.

Dr. Komarovsky states that cold And cough after vaccination it is atypical reactions for the administration of a vaccine preparation, and most often they become the result of a violation of the basic rules of child care (including incorrect actions of parents immediately after vaccination) or the addition of additional infections (most often) against the background of “busy” immunity.

Rash after vaccination

Rashes after vaccination sometimes appear directly on the site skin near the injection site, and sometimes on the entire surface of the body.

For some children, this may be a normal reaction to vaccination, and all its manifestations disappear on their own, without requiring treatment.

However, if the child has a tendency to allergies , it is recommended to seek advice from a specialist who can help determine whether the rash is caused by the administration of the DTP vaccine or allergies . In addition, quite often the appearance of a rash is associated with errors in the child’s nutrition.

If the child has allergic disorders , then they give him before the vaccination. Start reception antihistamine It is advisable 2 days before vaccination and in a maintenance dosage. Suprastin considered the most powerful in suppressing allergies However, this drug may cause side effects (including increased drowsiness).

If necessary, the drug continues to be given on the day of vaccination and for another 2 days after it.

Child limps after vaccination

Lameness after vaccination is associated with injections that are given in the thigh muscle. Because the child muscle mass is not yet sufficiently developed, the drug is absorbed rather slowly, which causes some pain when walking and stepping on the foot.

To help the child recover faster, he is given a massage and provided with normal physical activity.

If a child refuses to step on his feet or walk at all, it is recommended to lay him on the bed and do exercises with his legs. Equally useful may be water procedures and vigorous rubbing with a towel soaked in warm water.

As a rule, lameness goes away within a week at most.

Swollen leg after vaccination

Swelling of the leg is most often a consequence DPT revaccination(local reactions after administration of the 4th dose of the vaccine usually occur violently). If the swelling is severe and the leg is hot, it is recommended to show the child to a surgeon.

Instructions for use of the vaccine

What is the DTP vaccine for and where is the injection given?

Many parents, along with what the DPT vaccine is for, are also interested in the question “where is the injection given?” The adsorbed DTP vaccine is administered exclusively intramuscularly. Previously, the injection was given into the gluteal muscle, but the structure of the child’s buttocks is such that there is a fairly large layer of fatty tissue there.

The penetration of the suspension into adipose tissue provokes the formation of a long-absorbing infiltrate and reduces the effectiveness of vaccination.

Currently, the vaccine preparation is injected into the anterior outer part of the child's thigh. Children over one and a half years old are vaccinated in the deltoid muscle (in the upper third of the shoulder). A child over 7 years old is allowed to inject the suspension under the shoulder blade (in this case, special needles are used for hypodermic injections).

How many times is DTP vaccination given?

The primary immunization regimen involves the administration of 3 doses of the vaccine, which are administered to the child in the first year of life. A healthy child under 12 months of age who has no contraindications to vaccination is administered the DTP vaccine at 3, 4.5 and 6 months (the interval between injections must be at least 30 days). Next, revaccination is carried out.

It is unacceptable to shorten the intervals between vaccine administrations.

Timing of DPT revaccination

What is revaccination and how many times is revaccination done? Revaccination is an event whose purpose is to maintain the immunity that has developed after previous vaccinations.

DPT revaccination is carried out once every 1.5 years. If the timing of vaccination has been changed, 12-13 months after the child receives the third vaccine dose of the drug.

Preparing for vaccination

Mandatory conditions for successful immunization are good condition the health of the child (including on the day of vaccination), high quality of the vaccine product and compliance with the conditions of vaccination.

  • reduce the load on the child’s intestines (that is, limit the amount and concentration of food the child receives);
  • make sure that the child has a bowel movement within 24 hours before vaccination (if there is none, before going to the clinic, you should give the baby a glycerin suppository or do a cleansing enema);
  • Do not give 2-3 days before vaccination (vitamin D is responsible for the regulation of Ca metabolism in the body, and Ca metabolism disorders underlie the development of allergic reactions; therefore, even a slight overdose vitamin D may cause the child to tolerate vaccination less well);
  • to reduce risk allergic reactions 3 days before the vaccine is administered (and within 3 days after it) give to the child (1 tablet per day);
  • if the pediatrician insists on taking antihistamines , they should be taken in combination with calcium gluconate ;
  • do not feed an hour before vaccination and as long as possible after it (it’s good if you can wait 3 hours);
  • avoid fluid deficiency (including not dressing the child too warmly so that he does not sweat or lose fluid before vaccination);
  • Do not introduce new products for several days.

Instructions for DTP

The DPT vaccine is used to immunize children from 3 months to 4 years of age. If the child is ill whooping cough , used for vaccination ADS toxoid .

A single dose of suspension is 0.5 ml. Before administering the suspension, the ampoule should be heated to body temperature (holding it in the hand) and shaken thoroughly to form a homogeneous suspension.

If it is necessary to increase the interval before the next vaccination, vaccination should be carried out as soon as possible, as soon as the child’s health condition allows.

If a child under 4 years of age has not received the 4th dose of DPT vaccine, use ADS toxoid (designed for children from 4 to 6 years old) or ADS-M-anatoxin (intended for children over 6 years old).


There are no reports of cases of overdose.


The DPT vaccine can be administered on the same day as the vaccine against polio (OPV or IPV), as well as with other vaccines of the national vaccination calendar (the exception is ) And inactivated vaccines , which are used for epidemic indications.

Terms of sale

The drug is intended for use in medical institutions.

Storage conditions

The vaccine retains its pharmacological properties at a temperature of 2-8 degrees Celsius. Transportation of the suspension must also be carried out in compliance with the specified cold chain (this requirement is regulated by SP After freezing, the drug is considered unsuitable for use and must be disposed of.

Best before date

18 months.

special instructions

How does DTP stand for?

Parents of young children who are faced with vaccination for the first time quite often have questions “What is DTP?” In international nomenclature, the vaccine is known as DTP. Decoding DTP (DTP) is quite simple: adsorbed vaccine for the prevention of Diphtheria (diphtheria), Tetanus (tetanus), Pertussis (whooping cough) .

What kinds of vaccines are there and which vaccine is better?

DTP vaccine is used for prevention of diphtheria, whooping cough and tetanus in children under four summer age. Today, in clinics and vaccination centers, along with the domestic DTP drug, more modern imported vaccines are often used.

Some of them, like DPT, are three-component, while others allow immunization, including against polio, hemophilus influenzae and hepatitis .

As an alternative DPT doctor can advise the child's parents to enter registered in the country, foreign analogue- For example, Bubo-Kok , Tetrakok or .

Since as part of DTP pertussis component is present in an undigested form (the suspension contains inactivated (killed) cells pertussis ), the drug belongs to the category whole cell vaccines .

Undivided microbial cells represent a whole set of substances foreign to the child’s body, so the reaction to the DTP vaccine is often quite violent (as well as to the drug Tetrakok , which is also whole cell vaccine ).

Unlike these agents, in vaccines Infanrix And Pentaxim The pertussis component is represented only by the main elements (fragments) of the microbes Bordetella pertussis.

These drugs induce the same level of immunity as their whole-cell analogues, however, they produce significantly fewer reactions.

Therefore, if parents have the opportunity to choose which one is better to vaccinate - DPT or Infanrix , DTP or Pentaxim — it is better to give preference to a foreign drug.

Persistent symptoms allergic disease are not contraindications to vaccination. DTP injection is permitted against the background of appropriate therapy.

Children whose weight at birth did not exceed 2 kg, with normal psychomotor and physical development vaccinated according to the standard scheme. Low body weight is not a reason to delay immunization.

It is prohibited to administer the suspension:

  • from ampoules with no markings;
  • from ampoules with damaged integrity;
  • if the drug is expired or stored incorrectly;
  • if the drug has changed physical properties(if undeveloped flakes appear in it or it changes color).

The vaccination procedure (including opening of ampoules) is carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis and antiseptics. After opening the ampoule, the unused drug must be disposed of.

The administration of the vaccine must be registered in the established accounting forms, indicating the date of administration, the expiration date of the suspension, the batch number, the manufacturing company, and the characteristics of the reaction to the administration.

Is it possible to wet the DPT injection site?

When a DPT injection is given, parents are warned that the child should not be bathed for some time. On Dr. Komarovsky’s website it is written that one should refrain from bathing only on the day of vaccination (theoretically, it is considered possible for a child to be infected through an injection wound), after which the child is bathed as usual.

If after vaccination parents wet the injection site, it’s not a big deal.

If the temperature rises, bathing is replaced by wiping with wet wipes.


Level 4 ATX code matches:

AKDS-M , DPT-Gep-V (DTP vaccination and hepatitis together), (including Penta, IPV), Bubo-Kok , Bubo-M , .

The DTP vaccination, according to the vaccination calendar, is given to the baby four times: the first time at three months, then, if there are no contraindications, two more with an interval of 45 days. AND last vaccination DTP, which is already called revaccination, is done at one and a half years. Then revaccination is needed, but with the vaccine, without the pertussis component.

How does DTP stand for?

The abbreviation DPT stands for: Adsorbed Pertussis-Diphtheria-Tetanus Vaccine. That is, three vaccines are introduced into the baby’s body at once, the task of which is to create immunity against these three diseases. The most aggressive among these three vaccines is pertussis. The fact is that traces of pertussis toxin and lipopolysaccharide were previously found in this vaccine. And it is to them that the DTP vaccine owes its sad fame.

Consequences of DPT vaccination: is everything within normal limits?

According to statistics, about 95% of toxic reactions to the administration of DTP vaccine occur on the first day after vaccination. To be fair, it must be said that a serious reaction to the DTP vaccine is rare.

After vaccination with DTP, the temperature may rise. And your pediatrician will likely warn you that this may be the case. An increase in temperature is considered a normal reaction to the administration of the DTP vaccine if it does not exceed a level of 37.5 - 38 ° C. In this case, there is no need to give the baby antipyretic drugs.

If the temperature rises to 38.5 °C, the baby must be given an antipyretic. Ask your pediatrician in advance what exactly, and he will give advice based on your baby’s age. Keep in mind that sometimes DTP vaccination provokes a rise in temperature to 39 ° C or higher! This is a reason to see a doctor.

An increase in temperature may be accompanied by sleep disturbances and lethargy of the child. If these symptoms persist for three days after DTP vaccination, this is also considered normal. If the child's condition does not return to normal within three days, you should consult a doctor.

DTP vaccination often produces lumps at the injection site. Do not rub this area, do not heat it. The seal can persist for a month and normally goes away on its own, without presenting any particular danger. If touching the lump causes pain to your baby, consult a doctor. Also, do not delay visiting a doctor if the size of the lump increases and exceeds the size of a small pea.

Cough after DTP vaccination:

Despite the fact that one of the components of the DTP vaccine is pertussis vaccine, coughing should not occur after administration of the vaccine. If you notice this symptom, immediately consult a doctor - at this time the baby’s immunity is strained by the administered vaccine, which makes the penetration of other infections into the baby’s body easier, and their severe course and even the occurrence of complications more likely.

Reaction to DPT vaccine: severe case

Sometimes after a DTP vaccination, a child develops high-pitched scream syndrome. This complication usually occurs in children under 6 months of age. The main symptom of this complication of DTP vaccination is obvious: the baby screams at high tones and it lasts from an hour to 10 hours. This neurological complication from DTP vaccination is associated with quite complex disease processes occurring in the child’s brain. Seeing a doctor is a must!

Convulsions after DTP vaccination occur in approximately 10 cases per 10,000 vaccinations. Most often, convulsions occur against a background of high fever during the first two days after the vaccine is administered. Sometimes there is loss of consciousness. Essentially, these are low-grade seizures that often accompany high body temperature.

Exacerbation concomitant diseases Against the background of DTP vaccination, this is a fairly common situation. And its severity can be very different: sometimes after vaccination the baby’s diathesis flares up with renewed vigor (in no case provoke the child’s body to this by introducing new complementary foods for at least ten days after the DTP vaccination). Sometimes asthmatic syndrome debuts for the first time. It cannot be said that the DTP vaccine is definitely to blame for the occurrence of asthma in a child: a predisposition to this probably lay dormant in the child’s body. DPT can act as a provocateur.

Be attentive to your baby, don’t panic if there is a normal reaction to DPT, but don’t hesitate to contact your family doctor if you have any concerns.

And try to get vaccinations on schedule; they are scheduled so that children receive them during the most risky periods for the appearance of a particular disease.

The DTP vaccine is an immunobiologically active product, after the administration of which the child’s immune system begins to produce antibodies. This causes the formation of immunity to the pathogens of tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. However, due to the nature of the vaccine, complications and side effects sometimes occur after DTP vaccination in children.


Why do children react hard to DTP?

Side effects children develop DTP after vaccination because The vaccine contains whole cells of whooping cough bacilli (Bordetella pertussis). And in the cell wall there are special substances - peptidoglycans, which are not destroyed and circulate in the body for a long time, constantly provoking the production of substances that support inflammation (pro-inflammatory cytokines). Temporary and moderate production of cytokines is useful in the first stages of interaction with a microbial cell, but constant synthesis leads to the maintenance of a chronic inflammatory process and can lead to organ destruction and proliferation of connective tissue.

Pros and cons of vaccination

What are the reactions to the DTP vaccine?

IN official instructions on the use of the vaccine there is an indication of the occurrence side effects, which can develop in the first two days. They can be varying degrees severity, but all these phenomena are reversible. They should not be mistaken for complications that occur in rare cases.

Local reactions

Occurs at the injection site:

  • redness;
  • swelling, no more than 8–10 cm in diameter;
  • tissue compaction;
  • painful sensations.

General reactions

DTP vaccination can have the following consequences for the child’s body:

  • increased body temperature;
  • nervous excitement;
  • slow reactions from the outside nervous system;
  • sleeping too long;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stool disorder;
  • decreased appetite.


Possible complications:

  • convulsions (usually associated with fever);
  • episodes of high-pitched screaming;
  • allergic reactions;
  • hives;
  • polymorphic rash;
  • Quincke's edema.

Treatment of side effects

These phenomena do not require treatment as such and go away on their own within 1–3 days.

However, you can relieve the main symptoms:

  1. If body temperature rises to 38.5ºС or to 38ºС, if there were previously convulsions against the background of the increase, use antipyretic drugs. For example, Ibuprofen (from 3 months) or Paracetamol (children from 6 years).
  2. For redness and swelling - antihistamines, for example, Fenistil, Suprastin (from 1 month of the child’s life).
  3. For nausea and vomiting, give more fluids, preferably special ones. saline solutions, and do not force feed.

The drug and dose are prescribed strictly by a doctor; you cannot prescribe medications to a child yourself.

Fenistil (370 rub.) Hydrovit (105 rub.) Nurofen (95 rub.)

How to avoid side effects?

The child should be examined by a pediatrician and specialists (mainly a neurologist) and have normal test results. If there is a predisposition to allergies, then the vaccination is done while taking a precautionary antihistamine (for example, Fenistil).

The video explains how to prepare your child for vaccination. Taken from the channel “Doctor Komarovsky”

It is recommended to monitor the child’s bowel movements 1–2 days before vaccination. If necessary, give laxative foods, drinks or mild laxatives, for example, Microlax (allowed for use from birth). The vaccination is carried out on an empty stomach or an hour after eating.

  • do not overheat the child with excess clothing;
  • if you still sweat, then before the procedure, unfasten your clothes and allow some time to restore the thermal balance - “cool down”;
  • do not overcool;
  • give enough fluid.

After vaccination, certain standards are also required:

  • You should sit in the corridor for 20–30 minutes after the procedure, in case severe allergic reactions develop;
  • a walk is possible in the absence of fever or any other reaction to the injection;
  • sometimes doctors recommend taking antipyretics without waiting for the temperature to rise;
  • You can bathe your child, but it is important not to rub the injection site with a washcloth/soap;
  • carefully monitor the child for 2–3 days;
  • Do not try to feed the child if his appetite has decreased; it is enough to give him more liquid.

Today, you can often hear from young mothers about refusing any vaccinations for their baby. Parents are often afraid of complications that arise in the post-vaccination days.

Any intervention in the human body can have two scenarios - benefit or harm. But sometimes it is difficult to imagine what will be better - to postpone the vaccination and possible complications after it or expose the child to the risk of contracting a serious illness, after which the baby may simply die.

Today we will look at the DTP vaccine and talk about complications that arise after the vaccine. What is a normal reaction of the body, and what should alert parents and be ready to provide the child with the right help.

Is DTP vaccination necessary?

Modern medicine is quite developed and offers cures for almost all diseases. But for some reason, we still hear reports about the mortality of children and adults from acute respiratory infections or influenza.

People do not always strive to seek medical advice and proper treatment, so advanced situations arise when it is no longer possible to help.

DTP vaccination is aimed at developing natural immunity against three serious viruses:

  • whooping cough;
  • diphtheria;
  • tetanus.

The causative agents of these diseases can easily enter a person. The consequences after infection are very serious. Sometimes there is not enough time for proper treatment. Some symptoms of whooping cough and diphtheria are similar to the common cold. The person does not understand that he is infected with whooping cough or diphtheria.

DTP vaccination allows the body to develop antibodies in advance, which, if infected, will immediately begin to fight the enemy and prevent complications. This will allow the person not to progress the disease to a critical state.

To form an immune response to whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus, it is necessary to administer DPT or DPT vaccines several times.

In children, vaccination is carried out three times up to a year, and then drugs are used for revaccination, that is, to prolong the effect. You cannot get one vaccination and consider yourself safe for the rest of your life.

8–10 years after vaccination, the immune system weakens and reacts incorrectly. Therefore, it is necessary to administer a new dose of DTP vaccine. After 7 years of age, serum without a pertussis component is used for children, because the main risk of infection exists only for a small child.

Reaction to DTP vaccination - complications or normal

If your baby has yet to receive the DPT vaccine, then you should not ask incompetent friends about complications. All children are different and cope with any change differently. Vaccination is individual procedure. Concerning questions should be asked to a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist who plans the timing of childhood vaccinations.

Say that easy vaccination, and you will not notice changes in the condition and behavior of the newborn, it is impossible. There will be a reaction, but everyone has their own way.

Please note that manifestations after vaccination can be general and local.

External reactions after DTP

Local reaction after DTP is changes in the injection area. Redness, induration and slight swelling on the thigh are considered normal.

Let us remind you that any vaccination in children under 3 years of age should be done in the leg, or more precisely, in the top part. The thigh of newborns has the most developed muscle and has little subcutaneous fat.

Until a certain time, vaccines were placed in the buttock. The butt has a large amount of fat to protect the baby from serious injuries if it falls. If the serum gets into fat layer, the medicine is not absorbed into the blood and does not give the desired effect. With stagnation, sepsis could form, which was a serious complication. The site of inflammation had to be opened, which caused trouble and pain for the baby.

Currently, such problems do not arise because the injection is given into the muscle. Complications in the form of inflammation may appear if the mother does not properly care for the vaccination site.

Post-vaccination complications of a local nature manifest themselves in lameness or temporary immobility of children, when the leg is swollen and it is painful for the baby to lean while walking.

Individual manifestations are expressed in infants, when the baby stops even crawling or rolling over. Everything goes away in a few days. The serum dissolves and the pain disappears. During this period, you can use resorption gels or a compress with Vishnevsky ointment.

Carefully! Sometimes well-wishers advise applying an alcohol compress to the injection site. But alcohol only has a warming effect and will not relieve swelling. Alcohol vapor is well absorbed through the skin, which can harm the baby, causing intoxication.

General symptoms

After observing patients who were vaccinated with DPT, certain manifestations were noted after vaccination. The most frequent symptoms included in the following list:

Increased body temperature

The average thermometer readings usually do not exceed 39 degrees. It should be noted that in some babies it can rise to 40 or higher. Typically, temperature fluctuations last no more than three days.

If the situation does not change after the third day, then there are complications. This indicates the penetration of another virus into the body that is not related to the vaccine.

Post-vaccination complications occur due to weakened immunity, which is aimed at producing antibodies to serum components. Heat signals the development of some disease. It is necessary to report all the symptoms to the doctor, give the baby an antipyretic, or apply a compress to the forehead and wipe with a damp towel.

Intestinal disorders

They are a manifestation of the body’s reaction to vaccination in the form of vomiting or diarrhea. Diarrhea can be sporadic or continuous.

  • Diarrhea occurs if children have problems with digestion or any organ. A weak stomach always reacts to a new product.
  • Diarrhea can also be a reaction to the polio vaccine if it was administered orally in the form of drops.

Typically, the nurse warns parents not to give the child anything to drink or eat for an hour so that the vaccine is well absorbed. If the mother does not follow the post-vaccination recommendations, diarrhea may occur. It usually goes away on the first day and does not require treatment. For prevention, you can give Enterosgel, which will collect toxins and eliminate diarrhea.

But sometimes bacteria can join a weakened body, causing intestinal disorders. Then the diarrhea becomes prolonged and can cause harm to the child in the form of dehydration.

Limit the baby from new foods and walks in crowded places, communication with other people's animals to avoid development intestinal infections, which will be signaled severe diarrhea at the baby's.

Rash all over the body

Appears as allergic reaction on vaccine components. It is necessary to monitor how the rash spreads:

  • It can appear in only one place or cover the entire skin.
  • Rarely, but there are situations when a rash on the body is not a manifestation of an allergy, but side complication. A child may have chickenpox, which appears due to a weakened immune system by vaccination.

Then the rash has a different character - not small dots, but a red spot with a watery head. This spot appears in single quantities or spreads throughout the body. Another difference between chickenpox is that the rash begins to itch very much. The itching does not go away until the rash crusts over, which indicates the passing of the disease.

If you see a rash on your baby in the post-vaccination days, be sure to call a doctor and give him an antihistamine.

The temperature can rise not only from vaccination, but also due to the development of chickenpox. Sometimes it reaches 40 degrees. The disease is more severe because the body has to fight more than one virus. Chicken rash- this is rare, because it is not always possible for an infected person to be near the baby at the time of vaccination or after it.

Allergic rash

Usually appears on the first day and even in the first hour. Dangerous allergies that cause swelling respiratory tract(Quincke). In this case, a rash may not appear, but it will be difficult for the child to breathe due to the rapid development of edema.

When receiving the first DTP vaccination, it is advisable to spend 40 minutes or more near the clinic in order to have time to receive necessary help. The temperature may remain normal.

Subsequent vaccinations are usually canceled or prescribed ADS vaccine without pertussis component. Serum ADS is less reagent and is usually tolerated without serious complications.

Cough and snot

This is another one side symptoms after DTP vaccination. The whooping cough component is a weakened form dangerous virus. Direct contact causes the disease coughing. It can reach such a form and frequency that a person cannot breathe air. This cough is especially difficult for young children. Their lungs are very weak and may simply not withstand endless attacks. Cough with whooping cough has a paroxysmal character.

After DPT vaccination, some children may develop a cough. But these are not complications, but a reaction to the whooping cough component. Typically, such a cough does not require a special solution and goes away within a few days.

Temperature and cramps

These are the side symptoms that parents fear most. Convulsive state can occur in two cases:

The temperature rose, which provoked convulsions. The parameters usually exceed 39 degrees. To a small organism this temperature is undesirable, so it is necessary to bring it down and constantly monitor general condition baby. Temperature can be reduced:

  • antipyretic drugs;
  • warm water-based compress;
  • rubbing.

The temperature of the compress should be equal to body temperature to prevent shock spasms.

Cramps can occur not only due to fever. Sometimes the temperature on the thermometer is below 38, and the child has a seizure. This indicates damage to the central nervous system in the brain area. Such complications are very dangerous and can harm the development and growth of the baby.


We talked about complications after DTP vaccination, which are possible in the first days after vaccination. Many mothers share their stories on forums where they learned about the dangers of vaccinations several months or years later. Facts noted:

  • disorders in the speech apparatus;
  • mental activity;
  • irritability for any reason, frequent tearfulness;
  • child's exposure to frequent acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections.

There is no reliable information that the listed symptoms arose as complications of DTP vaccination. But it is also impossible to say that the vaccine does not harm health.

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