Home Wisdom teeth Mesotherapy for hair side effects. Mesotherapy against hair loss

Mesotherapy for hair side effects. Mesotherapy against hair loss

Thin, lifeless hair prevents any girl from feeling attractive and beautiful. But how can you restore your hair’s fullness and shine if expensive shampoos and masks don’t help?

Hair problems can arise due to poor nutrition, lack of vitamins, hormonal surges, and pregnancy. In such cases, it is worth understanding that regular shampoo cannot cope with such factors. And then you can turn to a procedure such as hair mesotherapy.

Indications and effectiveness of the procedure

To diagnose the exact cause of hair disease, you need to consult a trichologist. He relied on the following evidence:

  • increased greasiness of the head;
  • brittle and dry hair;
  • dandruff;
  • hormonal changes;
  • profuse hair loss;
  • diffuse and focal baldness;
  • hair damage after dyeing, bleaching, curling;
  • regular use of straighteners and hair dryers;
  • itching of the head and seborrhea.

The main advantage of head mesotherapy is its non-surgical nature and high effectiveness.

Injection therapy is indicated for all hair types: dry, oily, normal. It can solve quite a lot of problems of the scalp, but it does not have a beneficial effect on dormant bulbs and dead follicles.

With the help of mesotherapy you can achieve the following results:

  • increase thickness and strengthen hair;
  • stop or reduce hair loss;
  • stimulate blood supply for new hair growth;
  • provide the follicles with the necessary nutrition;
  • normalize functioning sebaceous glands;
  • increase the active growth phase.

Progress of the procedure: you need to be alert!

In order to avoid unforeseen situations, first of all, you should pay attention to the fact that the mesotherapy procedure was carried out using exactly the means that you chose and paid for.

An unscrupulous specialist may demonstrate one drug and inject a completely different one or a banal physical one. solution. There will be no harm from this, but no benefit either.

For this reason, try to ensure that the drug is drawn into the syringe before your eyes.

It is also necessary to check the expiration date of the drug. “Industrial” or “ready-made” products can be stored for a month provided they are in a cool place and away from contact with air.

Mixed meso-cocktails from different ampoules cannot be stored. Such products should be thrown away immediately after the procedure.

Main contraindications

Prohibitions and contraindications for hair mesotherapy are divided into two types: conditional and absolute.

At conditional contraindications the effect of the drug can cause the development of both negative and positive consequences, depending on the personal characteristics of the patient.

  1. Conditional contraindications include:
  • (the procedure is allowed with the consent of the parents);
  • fear of pain or reduced pain threshold - with such indications, dizziness and fainting cannot be ruled out;
  • predisposition to hypertrophic and keloid scars - in such cases fibrosis may develop at the injection site;
  • pregnancy – may cause intolerance to the session due to increased sensitivity;
  • menstruation - marks after injections can be much more pronounced, sensitivity may increase;
  • hypotension (low blood pressure) – possible fainting and weakness;
  • colds – against their background, immunity decreases, which leads to adverse consequences during the procedure.
  1. Absolute contraindications are indicators under which scalp mesotherapy cannot be performed, even if you really want to. And in no case should you hide from a specialist a disease that is included in the list of contraindications, because the outcome of such a procedure may become unpredictable!

Absolute contraindications include:

  • epilepsy;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases in acute form;
  • oncology;
  • tendency to allergies or to specific components of the drug;
  • breastfeeding or pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • chronic and autoimmune diseases;
  • psoriasis;
  • mental or emotional disorders;
  • use of vasodilators, anticoagulants or fibrinolytics.

Possible complications

If hair mesotherapy is not performed successfully, the following complications may develop:

  • hematomas;
  • infections;
  • allergy;
  • granulomas and skin necrosis;
  • headache;
  • redness and peeling of the skin, itching;
  • severe pain.

But you shouldn’t immediately abandon the procedure after reading the impressive list of complications. They all happen for the following reasons:

  • violation of antiseptic and aseptic rules;
  • inaccuracy of medical history data (hiding existing diseases);
  • mixing incompatible products in one syringe;
  • lack of knowledge of a specialist in mesotherapy techniques or little work experience;
  • the use of drugs that are not intended for such a procedure;
  • Incorrect depth and volume of product injected.

Rules for the rehabilitation period

IN rehabilitation period it is necessary to follow the rules that will help speed up healing and get desired result. Do not do it:

  • massage skin heads;
  • are under sun rays;
  • go to the bathhouse or solarium;
  • use any hair care products;
  • swim for 10 hours and do not wash your hair for 2-3 days.

In conclusion, we can say that with the right selection of a specialist and your attentiveness, you can significantly reduce the development of negative consequences.

Dandruff, intense hair loss, split ends, lifeless strands, lack of volume in the hairstyle - all this interferes modern woman be confident in yourself and your appearance. There are many reasons for such negative phenomena: vitamin deficiency, hormonal disorders, daily stress, diets, poor nutrition, taking depressants or antibiotics, pregnancy and childbirth. So you don’t even know what to grab in order to somehow help your own hair. No store-bought products or homemade masks can save you. And now it’s time to think about one of the modern procedures, which heals, nourishes and beautifully and carefully cares for the most lost curls. This is mesotherapy for hair, which today has settled not only in beauty salons, but has also moved into the home.

The Greek name for this procedure speaks for itself: “meso” is translated as middle, and “therapy” is treatment. The drug is injected precisely into the area that is damaged and cannot fully function without outside help. It is this area of ​​the scalp that can be regenerated using various cosmetic preparations therapeutic effect. They are injected with a special gun for hair mesotherapy or manually with a syringe. Through a sterile needle medicinal solution injected into the scalp. The methodology for carrying out this procedure involves the following steps.

1. After examining the problems, the necessary cocktail is selected, which comes in different compositions.

2. The patient lies on his back.

3. The head is treated with an antiseptic (alcohol, ether, chlorhexidine, betadine).

4. The solution is injected under the skin to a depth of 2–3 mm (the same middle, mesoderm layer of the scalp).

5. Injections are injected at a distance of 1 cm (approximately) from each other.

6. After mesotherapy, the skin is cleansed with ethyl alcohol.

7. In the salon, each session lasts half an hour.

8. The first 4 procedures are carried out once every 7 days, the last 4 - once every 14 days.

9. Cosmetologists claim that mesotherapy of the scalp gives more effective results in the fall (September–October) and spring (April–May).

Of course, if this procedure carried out in the salon, there are more guarantees that it will pass without undesirable consequences and will meet all expectations. Moreover, it is much calmer when, at such crucial moments, a professional is nearby who will answer all your questions and control the process from start to finish. However, those who simply don’t have time to go to salons can be advised to purchase a mesoroller, and then mesotherapy for hair at home will be quite accessible to every beauty.

And yet, salon mesotherapy for hair turns out to be many times more effective, since everything is taken into account individual characteristics the patient's body. In what cases is there a reason to decide on it?


Many people mistakenly believe that mesotherapy is prescribed for hair loss - and this is the whole purpose of this procedure. However, this is not the case. The range of recommendations for its implementation is much wider:

  • hair loss (alopecia);
  • ringworm;
  • seborrhea;
  • split ends;
  • dandruff;
  • lifeless, thin strands;
  • damaged curls (after sunburn or tanning, vitamin deficiency, long-term use of medications, etc.).

If anything from this list occurs in your case, be sure to choose mesotherapy as a life-saving remedy. But remember the contraindications for this procedure.


So, according to your indications, hair mesotherapy is suitable for you: contraindications are the only thing that can prevent you from resorting to this unique procedure. Among them:

  • allergies, individual intolerance to the drug, its components;
  • pregnancy;
  • epilepsy;
  • diabetes;
  • immunological diseases;
  • lactation;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • blood or skin diseases;
  • active bacterial or viral infections;
  • long-term use of anticoagulants (for example, aspirin).

If you are not sure that these diseases are absent in your body, it is better not to take risks and choose some other means or procedures to improve your hair health. You need to check especially carefully whether the scalp will react to the vitamin “cocktail” with an unexpected allergic reaction, because its composition is very active. What kind of drugs are these?

Vitamin “cocktails” for mesotherapy

Drugs injected under the scalp for hair treatment are carefully selected by the attending physician, cosmetologist, trichologist - that specialist who approaches each of his patients individually. What preparations for hair mesotherapy can you choose?

1. To improve blood circulation: buflomedil, ginkgo biloba, pentoxifylline, minoxidil.

2. To stimulate hair follicles: silicon, amino acids.

3. Antiandrogenic effect: finasteride, plant extracts.

4. Anti-inflammatory action: zinc, salicylates, selenium, keratin, amino acids, biotin, vitamins B, A, magnesium and copper.

It can be very difficult to choose such a vitamin “cocktail” for yourself, because it is so difficult for an unenlightened person to understand this variety. In any case, mesotherapy remains one of the most popular procedures, as it has a number of advantages.

Benefits of the procedure

Mesotherapy for hair is so loved by patients and cosmetologists because:

  • saves time;
  • has no age restrictions;
  • highly effective;
  • painless.

In the modern pace of life, our hair is under extreme stress, which affects its condition in the most deplorable way. In order to somehow make their existence easier, once a year you must definitely decide to medical procedure, which will become a real salvation for them. Vitamin “cocktails” do not just nourish the roots from the inside: they restore damage, regenerate tissue, and improve dysfunctional functions. Give your curls an unearthly glow of youth and beauty, health and extra thickness: mesotherapy for hair is what they need.

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Mesotherapy for hair is increasingly gaining popularity. In pursuit of beautiful hairstyles, women are not afraid of the pain of injections. Yes, and men with thinning locks or baldness can agree to a similar experiment to improve hair growth.

The advantage of mesotherapy for hair loss is that medicine acts directly on the hair follicle, supplying it with all the necessary nutrients. But for beauty injections to be most effective, you should contact a cosmetologist at initial stages hair diseases. As a rule, mesotherapy for hair is not carried out at home.

Essence of the procedure

Most mesotherapy sessions are aimed at eliminating cosmetic defects in appearance. The most popular of them is facial mesotherapy, but mesotherapy of the scalp and other parts of the body is used with no less success.

The procedure itself involves injections of beneficial substances into the scalp. The advantages of this method include relatively low pain, non-surgical technology, and high efficiency.

Scalp mesotherapy is suitable for any hair type - oily, dry, normal. At the same time, a number of problems associated with their growth are solved. But if there are dead follicles or atrophied bulbs, then this method will not restore them.

The main goals of the procedure:

  1. Stop hair loss.
  2. Extension of their active growth phase.
  3. Delivery nutrients to the hair follicles.
  4. Restoration of lost functions of the epidermis in the head area.
  5. Strengthening hair and increasing hair density.
  6. Improving blood circulation in the hair root system, which stimulates hair growth.
  7. Normalization of the sebaceous glands of the scalp.

Indications and contraindications

The procedure is indicated in the following cases:

  1. For hair loss up to various degrees baldness, if this problem is associated with hormonal imbalance.
  2. Dry and brittle hair.
  3. Section at their tips.
  4. Problems such as seborrhea, dandruff or itchy scalp.
  5. Poor hair growth due to exposure to ultraviolet radiation, medication, dietary nutrition, chemical hair coloring, perming or bleaching.
  6. Ringworm, which manifests itself as baldness.
  7. Changes in hair structure after pregnancy.
  8. Having gray hair at a young age.

Mesotherapy for hair has contraindications:

  1. If you have an individual intolerance to 1 or more components of mesococktails for injection.
  2. Periods of pregnancy and lactation.
  3. Tumors of a malignant or benign nature.
  4. Endocrine disorders.
  5. Reduced immune system.
  6. Poor blood clotting and diseases of the hematopoietic system.
  7. Cholelithiasis.
  8. Inflammation of areas of the skin associated with a viral, fungal or bacterial infection.
  9. Taking medications that affect blood clotting, such as anticoagulants or antiplatelet agents.
  10. Menstrual period.
  11. Mental disorders, including epilepsy.

Main stages of the procedure

Many people are concerned about how a hair mesotherapy session will go, how painful the injections are scalp heads.

Experts assure that there is no cause for concern. The procedure is simple, but at the same time effective. First, the cosmetologist selects necessary medications, after which he injects them under the skin to a depth of 2 mm. Wherein important vessels And muscle are not affected. This means that mesotherapy used to improve hair quality does not pose a threat to human health.

Injections are carried out using a special syringe with a long thin needle made of durable steel.

There is also a hardware method of administration. Although there is not much difference between these 2 methods.

Watch a video of the scalp mesotherapy procedure:

Preparations for mesotherapy

To carry out the procedure, they are used, which include the following components; they can be in one preparation separately or in combination:

  1. Amino acids.
  2. Vitamins from group B.
  3. Zinc.

If the goal of the procedure is to get rid of gray hair and prevent its appearance, then melanin is included in the product.

Ready-made cocktails are more expensive, but the proportions of all components are clearly defined in them. If you mix manually, it is not always possible to comply with all the indicators, and the result is often unsatisfactory.

In cosmetology clinics with a good reputation, the client is required to bring a document confirming his health: the person should not have diseases that may be a contraindication for hair mesotherapy.

After this, the necessary components for the hair meso cocktail are selected; they consist of 2-5 components. Each substance has its own focus to provide a beneficial effect on the scalp:

  1. Vitamins from group B help normalize metabolism and the production of color pigment.
  2. Copper peptide and zinc are ideal for androgenetic alopecia. They affect the enzyme that causes dystrophy hair follicles ov (especially these components are indicated for men).
  3. Amino acids help give hair strength and strength. This is achieved through the formation of keratin fibers.
  4. moisturizes the skin and promotes the growth of healthy and renewed hair.
  5. Growth factors VEGF, bFGF, IGF-1 nourish hair, thereby accelerating its growth. And by increasing blood circulation, the follicle starts working.
  6. Coenzyme Q10 saturates the scalp with oxygen, hair becomes thicker and stronger, and becomes silky.

By purchasing professional products for injections, be careful not to buy a counterfeit product.

The best results to date are shown by the following brands:

  1. Mesoline from MD Skin Solutions.
  2. F-Hair from Fusion Mesotherapy.
  3. XL Hair by Aesthetic Dermal.

These preparations for hair mesotherapy were developed in the world's best laboratories and underwent appropriate testing. They do not give side effects and show good results. Such products eliminate many problems associated with the scalp, but their treatment is not cheap.

Benefits of therapy

Mesotherapy against hair loss has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. The composition can be selected individually. All components have their advantages; there are no harmful elements in the cocktails.
  2. All drugs are delivered directly to the hair follicle.
  3. The injections provide an additional stimulating effect.
  4. Several problems are solved simultaneously.

The main advantages of mesotherapy for hair also include high efficiency and virtually no side effects and complications. In addition, the patient only rarely experiences pain from the procedure. Mesotherapy can be performed at any age, as well as combined with other methods of therapy.

Penetrating into the deep layers of the scalp, meso-cocktails not only promote healthy hair growth, but also treat the entire body. At the same time, the functioning of many organs and systems improves. The problem of dandruff is eliminated, the sebaceous glands begin to work in the correct mode.

After 1-2 sessions you will not be able to see the result, because... Hair problems can take months or even years to heal. In order for hair to begin to grow from a damaged bulb, it takes time to restore it. And for this you will have to supply it with nutrients more than once.

1 course contains from 8 to 10 mesotherapy sessions. After this period, it will be possible to evaluate the result. Gradually, strong and healthy hair begins to appear in place of weak and thin hair. Hair acquires shine, becomes manageable and silky. Here are some photos before and after hair mesotherapy:

But even in this case, more than one course of mesotherapy will be needed for the desired result to be good.

Side effects

Scalp mesotherapy is a therapeutic procedure like any other, and sometimes it can be accompanied by unpleasant moments. Fortunately, almost everyone side effects are temporary. On the first day, a person may experience itching and tingling at the injection site. It is worth waiting out this time without touching your head or scratching painful areas.

It is forbidden to wash your hair for 24 hours after the session. In order not to complicate the situation, try to sweat as little as possible; to do this, do not wear hats and do not appear in the sun for 1-2 days.

Other side effects include: swelling, red spots at the injection sites, minor bruising.

A doctor who conducts a mesotherapy session for the scalp is called a trichologist. Try to find out more about the doctor and his procedures, because... Despite the fact that the technique is simple to perform, in the hands of an inexperienced doctor it can cause a number of complications. Not to mention the desired result.

Hair mesotherapy is not carried out at home, because... The procedure must be carried out by a specialist in a highly sterile room.

Under the influence of negative factors, hair becomes dull, brittle and begins to fall out. Sometimes it is not possible to save them with the help of cosmetics and it is necessary to resort to more serious procedures, one of which is mesotherapy.

What is mesotherapy for hair, what is the procedure for, and who is it recommended for? In addition, you will find Photos Before and After the procedure, reviews and 1 video review, the cost of the procedure and much more in our review article.

Mesotherapy– This is a non-surgical, cosmetic procedure. Thanks to it, the scalp is saturated with minerals, vitamins, trace elements and thiamines that were lost by the body during aging, illness or stress.

Injected under the scalp active drugs . The essence of the technique is the introduction into the dermis of the head special compounds saturated with vitamins and beneficial microelements.

The concentration of useful substances in the drug must be quite high, which leads to higher prices for ampoules for mesotherapy compared to conventional vitamins or lotions.

Nutrients are delivered directly to hair follicles, which significantly increases their absorption by the body.

!It is important to know It was first used in France by Dr. Michel Pistor more than half a century ago and was used mainly to relieve pain.

The manipulation in question strengthens hair, activates blood circulation to the scalp, and also has the following indications:

  • damage to hair growth;
  • increased fragility, dryness, split ends;
  • itching, seborrhea, ;
  • ringworm;
  • hair loss after childbirth and changes in its structure;
  • early appearance of gray hair;
  • hair thinning;
  • deterioration appearance hair due to frequent dyeing or perming procedures.


Mesotherapy has the following

  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • gallstones;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • exacerbation chronic diseases;
  • viral infections and acute respiratory infections;
  • allergy to the components of the administered drug;
  • oncology;
  • formation of keloid scars;
  • diabetes;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • decreased immunity;
  • menstruation;
  • blood diseases and blood clotting disorders;
  • inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • vascular pathologies;
  • pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • mental disorders (neuroses, epilepsy).

Possible complications

The procedure can lead to a number of complications:

  • the appearance of granulomas;
  • hematomas;
  • blood clotting disorder;
  • scratches and small scars;
  • redness of the skin.

Mesotherapy has the following advantages:

  • high efficiency;
  • minimum complications;
  • Suitable for people of different age groups;
  • active components penetrate deep into the scalp, resulting in healthy and thick hair;
  • Time saving - the procedure takes 40 minutes and is usually carried out 1-2 times a week, this is an undeniable advantage over external means that must be used every day;
  • Additional stimulation of the skin.

The procedure has minuses:

  • soreness, the intensity of which may vary depending on the depth of administration of the cocktail;
  • not guaranteed effectiveness, since mesotherapy may not give the expected result or it will be unstable.

Effect after the procedure

With the help of mesotherapy the following effect is achieved:

  • hair follicles become strong;
  • blood circulation and hair structure improves;
  • the appearance of new hairs.

If you compare the strands before and after mesotherapy, it is noticeable that after the course of treatment they become shinier, thicker and healthier.

Before and After Photos

Types of mesotherapy for hair

There are the following types of mesotherapy:

  • Allopathic(classical) - this version of mesotherapy is indicated for baldness and other serious disorders of the hair follicles. May consist of various kinds vitamin, amino acids, lipolytics, antioxidants, which are selected individually for each patient. Example of drugs that can be used: Fusion Mesotherary, BCN Scalp, Dietbel: DERM – 36.
  • Homeopathic– prescribed for preventive purposes and for general strengthening hair. Differs from allopathic in lower concentration active ingredients. Normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands and improves the appearance of hair. Eliminates the body's addiction, there are no side effects or allergic reactions. Medicines from brands such as Rivitacare (France), Mesopecia (USA) and Dr. can be used. Corman (Israel).
  • Microelement– the composition includes various microelements: iron (Fe), copper (Cu), magnesium (Mg), zinc (Zn). The composition of the cocktail is determined after spectral analysis of the hair and relevant tests.
  • Multicomponent– the composition includes a complex combination of vitamins, amino acids, microelements and plant extracts. It has wide range actions and is used for various hair problems.
  • Oxygen (non-injection)– a thin oxygen stream under high pressure (2 atmospheres) is directed to the skin and penetrates deep, nourishing the hair follicles.

How is the procedure carried out?

2 days before the procedure, you must stop taking medications that reduce blood clotting. Injections are carried out in compliance with the rules of antisepsis and asepsis, the doctor conducts a test to identify allergic reactions. Use disposable syringes, needles and medical gloves.


  1. The scalp is treated with an antiseptic.
  2. The cocktail is mixed right before its administration in front of the client so that he can control what is going to be administered to him.
  3. The resulting drug is administered by microinjection at a distance of 1.5-2 cm from each other.
  4. To reduce pain syndrome, you can ask a specialist to change the needle on the syringe, since the sharper it is, the less pronounced the discomfort will be.
  5. After the procedure, the scalp is re-treated with an antiseptic.

The duration of the procedure is 30-40 minutes. When all manipulations are completed, the client can immediately return to their usual activities.

!Interesting To carry out mesotherapy, special disposable needles are used, the thickness of which is 0.3 mm; they are found on sale labeled “for mesotherapy.” The occipital and lateral parts of the head are most sensitive to pain.

Tools for the procedure

Mesotherapy can be carried out not only using injections with needles, we will consider all possible options:

  • Needlesclassic way administering the drug using the finest needles is considered the most painless. The injection can be given not only in the scalp, but also in the neck or top part backs.
  • Mesoinjector– medications are administered using a special hand-held device equipped with a roller with thin needles. The doctor runs a roller over the scalp, making many micro-punctures, after which a vitamin cocktail is applied to the skin.
  • Gun– the procedure is performed using a special device in the form of a pistol, the physiotherapy procedure is faster and less painful than with a mesoinjector.

Mistakes during mesotherapy and possible complications

After manipulation the following consequences are possible:

  • swelling of the scalp;
  • pain at the injection sites;
  • minor bruises in places where small vessels of the dermis were injured;
  • crusts at the site of dermal punctures;
  • itching that occurs immediately after the procedure and lasts for 2 days.

After completing health sessions, you must adhere to the following care recommendations:

  1. Within 2 days Avoid being in direct sunlight and do not visit the solarium;
  2. For 8-10 hours do not take a bath or shower;
  3. Do not use within a week cosmetical tools hair care;
  4. You can't massage your head within 3-4 days;
  5. It is not recommended to scratch the scalp;
  6. After mesotherapy 2-3 days you can't wash your hair;
  7. Within 3 days it is necessary refrain from drinking alcohol.(alcohol dilates blood vessels and can affect the effectiveness of the procedure).

How many procedures are needed?

To get the maximum result from the procedure, you must complete the full course, consisting of 10-12 manipulations. Course includes 4 sessions with a break of 1 week.

The positive effect lasts for 10 months after completion of the course.

The best preparations for hair mesotherapy, cocktail composition

Cocktails for mesotherapy should be prepared exclusively by cosmetologists before the procedure. For this they can mix various drugs, taking into account the problem that has arisen.

Most often, drugs used for cosmetic procedure, contain the following components:

  • animal and artificial origin – collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid, stem cells;
  • vitamins B, E, P, C;
  • amino acids - participate in the creation of keratin fibers and are building materials for hair;
  • hyaluronic acid – nourishes and moisturizes hair from the inside;
  • minerals: sulfur, phosphorus;
  • Coenzyme Q10;
  • copper and zinc peptides – accelerate hair growth;
  • glycolic and pyruvic acids;
  • plant extracts – artichoke, chamomile.

!Interesting Sometimes some meso-cocktails may include the pigment melanin, which inhibits premature graying.

Ampoules for hair mesotherapy – TOP 8 best drugs

To carry out the procedure, drugs such as:

  1. It contains growth factors, copper peptide, hyaluronic acid and coenzyme Q10.
  2. It contains B vitamins, zinc, plant extracts of gingo biloba and zantella asiatica.
  3. It contains activators of metabolism at the cellular level, multivitamin complexes and stimulants that improve blood flow.
  4. Mesopecia complex. It is developed on the basis of finesteride, pyrodoxine, D-panthenol, biotin.
  5. Hairloss cocktails. They were developed using azelaic acid, which stimulates hair growth. The composition also contains zinc, D-panthenol, gingo extract, minoxidil.
  6. It is based on B vitamins, sulfur, amino acids and zinc.
  7. Designed to treat hair follicles. The composition contains growth factors, coenzyme Q10, hyaluronic acid, copper peptide.
  8. This remedy has proven itself effectively in the treatment of hair loss, thinning and structural damage. In addition to biomimetic peptides, the composition includes nucleides, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, amino acids and antioxidants.

Mesotherapy for hair at home

It is contraindicated to perform injections into the scalp yourself at home. The procedure is quite complex and requires careful selection of components, despite this, the procedure can still be done.

This is a hand-held device, the equipment of which consists of a roller and a handle. It is to the roller that many thin needles are fixed. The principle of operation of the device is that first a special preparation is applied to the skin, and only then many punctures are made through which it penetrates inside. This procedure is painful but quick.

What result should you expect?

This procedure is one of the most effective in combating hair loss and stimulating hair growth. The areas of baldness instantly heal, the strands begin to actively grow, and their quality improves. The following results were recorded:

  • Slowing down hair loss;
  • Improving the appearance of hair;
  • Disappearance of split ends;
  • Acceleration of growth;
  • Improving blood circulation in the scalp;
  • Cleansing dandruff;
  • Normalization of the sebaceous glands, reduction of oily hair.

The first results are noticeable after 3-10 procedures.

Where to do it and how much do the procedures cost?

Hair mesotherapy can only be performed in a specialized clinic, and the drugs must be administered by a qualified specialist.

The cost of the procedure depends on the type of drugs used. The price of one session will be 1500-4000 rubles. a course consisting of 10 sessions will cost 17,000-50,000 rubles.

Hair diseases cause various factors and in modern world there are a lot of them: aggressive impact environment, poor nutrition and diets, stress, sedentary lifestyle, chronic diseases, lack of vitamins and microelements in the body and this is just the tip of the iceberg. Mesotherapy is designed to solve almost any hair problem, let’s figure out whether this is really true...

What is scalp mesotherapy?

Mesotherapy is an injection method to deliver to the scalp the substances necessary for the normal functioning of hair. This is a cocktail of biologically active substances and vitamins that hair needs daily and which are supplied to the hair in insufficient quantities along with food.

The main essence of the procedure is the introduction of special cocktails under the scalp, the composition of which depends on the problem being solved, the condition of the skin, as well as a number of other factors.

There are two types of mesotherapy: allopathic and homeopathic. Allopathic cocktails include hyaluronic acid, vitamins, vascular agents, growth factors, they have a targeted effect on the hair, instantly act on the hair follicles and improve the hair structure. Homeopathic cocktails are less concentrated and cannot give an instant effect; they are aimed at restoring all body functions. Allopathic cocktails are used more often in the treatment of hair loss, while homeopathic cocktails are used when not special problems with hair and the effect is less.

Therapeutic cocktails for mesotherapy can vary from: different manufacturers. All cocktails are aimed at specific hair problems: improving vascular tone of the scalp, strengthening hair follicles, slowing down hair loss, activating hair growth and awakening new ones, nourishing the scalp with nutrients and vitamins, treating the manifestations of seborrhea of ​​the scalp and others.

The most popular manufacturers

  • Aesthetic Dermal: XL Hair;
  • Mesodermal: Mesopecia;
  • Fusion Mesotherapy: F-Hair;
  • MD Skin Solutions: Mesoline Hair;
  • ID Farma: oligoelements ZN-SE-SI;
  • BCN Scalp: Hair loss cocktail.

The specialist (cosmetologist, trichologist, dermatologist) who will perform mesotherapy for you must undergo a special training course in mesotherapy and have the appropriate ID or certificate!

Mesothepapia for hair loss

Hair loss is the most common reason When women turn to a dermatologist (trichologist), hair loss is considered a disease of the 21st century. You can overcome hair loss after the cause of hair loss is found out and accurate diagnosis. Hair loss may be a sign serious problems with the body, hair as an external “indicator” of a girl’s health. To find out, the trichologist can additionally prescribe a consultation with a gynecologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, neurologist, sometimes a hematologist, immunologist.

Hair loss treatment consists of eliminating the cause of hair loss, supporting the body from the inside ( medicinal preparations), external remedies and methods for treating hair loss. As we see, it is important A complex approach and one of the treatment methods may be mesotherapy.

When traditional methods do not help cope with hair loss, mesotherapy can come to the rescue, but it is not a panacea for hair loss, you should not place high hopes on it, especially with hair loss. If the cause of the hair loss is not determined, mesotherapy will only temporarily reduce the hair loss, which will resume over time.

Features of mesotherapy for hair

When performing mesotherapy for hair, special cocktails are introduced into the scalp, which include a number of substances that help improve the condition of the hair. Substances that should be included in mesotherapy preparations:

  1. B vitamins, especially B3, B6, B9, B12, B5 and B7 (biotin), they are actively involved in metabolic processes, as well as vitamins A, E, K, C;
  2. A number of microelements: zinc, iron, copper, silicon, potassium, magnesium, selenium;
  3. Amino acids - they are indispensable in the formation of keratin fibers and the hair shaft (arginine, cysteine, glycine, ornithine, glutamine);
  4. Coenzyme Q10 is an antioxidant, activates hair growth and strengthens it, improves microcirculation of the scalp. And it also blocks hormonal reasons alopecia (hair loss);
  5. D-panthenol, which accelerates cell recovery, restores damaged tissue and promotes normal keratinization of the scalp and hair;
  6. Hyaluronic acid— it is indispensable for active hair growth, strengthens follicles and moisturizes the scalp.

The drug may contain more than 4 active ingredients for the prevention and treatment of hair in both women and men.

Mesotherapy on hair acts in two ways:

  1. Special cocktails, which are selected individually for each patient, are delivered directly to the roots of the hair, to the depth where shampoos, tonics, balms and, accordingly, do not reach useful material cocktails are well absorbed by hair follicles.
  2. Due to the injection method of administering the drug, massage is also performed, thanks to which active substances better delivered to the hair roots. Irritant effect causes increased blood flow to the scalp, resulting in increased metabolic processes in tissues.

After a course of mesotherapy, both the hair structure and its appearance improve. The first results will be noticeable, on average, about a month after the start of the course, and a pronounced effect is promised 5-6 months after the course of mesotherapy, this is due to the hair growth cycle.

Preparation for scalp mesotherapy

It is very important to find out the reason for the deterioration of hair condition (loss, dandruff, dryness, fragility), if you find the reason, this is already half the battle in treatment. First, you need to visit a trichologist (dermatologist, cosmetologist), who should examine the condition of your hair and scalp, and also refer you for some tests ( general analysis blood, analysis of iron levels, hormones and vitamins). After studying the test results, the doctor selects the necessary medications for mesotherapy; if there are no contraindications to the procedure, then you can set a date and prepare.

Three days before mesotherapy you need to stop taking medicines that can affect blood clotting (painkillers, aspirin, antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs). Do not drink alcohol for two days before and after the procedure. Before the procedure, you should wash your hair, but under no circumstances apply styling products (foam, mousse, hairspray, gel).

How is mesotherapy performed?

As we have already said, it depends on the experience of the doctor lion's share results of scalp mesotherapy, so do not hesitate to ask your doctor if he has a certificate confirming that he has completed a special mesotherapy training course.

To achieve an effective result you need to go through a whole course of mesotherapy, which ranges from 8 to 12 procedures. First, at intervals - one procedure per week, and then once every two weeks, sometimes one procedure per month (3-4 months) is prescribed to maintain the result.

For achievement maximum effect Oral medications may also be prescribed, for example, zinc supplements for oily seborrhea or excessive oily hair, iron supplements for low ferritin or hemoglobin levels, B vitamins or complex vitamins for hair.

As for daily cosmetic care, during the entire course of mesotherapy it is advisable to select products from the series against hair loss: shampoo, mask, tonic, ampoule care.

The average duration of mesotherapy is from 30 to 40 minutes. You can alternate different cocktails after two or three mesotherapy sessions; this is relevant for cases where an accurate diagnosis of hair loss or changes in its structure has not been made.

The procedure can be manual (injections are made with a syringe) or instrumental (injections are made with a gun), it is better when the injections are made with a syringe.

The doctor must use special, extremely thin mesotherapy needles, up to 0.3 mm thick, they are sold in special stores, marked “for meso-injections”, these needles are specifically designed for repeated punctures. During the entire procedure, the doctor can replace the needle 1-2 more times, then the pain syndrome will be less.

For convenience, during the procedure, you lie down or sit on the couch. The procedure is quite painful. First, the doctor treats the scalp with an antiseptic. If you have a low pain threshold, you can use anesthesia (lidocaine solution or mixing mesococktail with procaine solution).

Injections are carried out quite quickly at a distance of 1 to 2 cm along the partings, all over the head (about 100 injections), before piercing the scalp is stretched, so the pain is felt less. After completing the injections, the scalp is again treated with an antiseptic and light massage.

After the first mesotherapy procedures, hair loss may increase, be sure to discuss this with your doctor, perhaps he will prescribe additional vitamins.

After mesotherapy you can't wash your hair on the same day, you need to wait 2-3 days and not visit the sauna, bathhouse, swimming pool, or stay in the sun for several days. And touch your hair and scalp as little as possible.

Strengthening masks and reception will help prolong the effect of mesotherapy.

The main advantages and disadvantages of mesotherapy

Mesotherapy is suitable for all hair types: dry, normal and oily. Mesotherapy for hair is quite effective compared to other hair treatment methods:

  • significant reduction in hair loss;
  • improving blood circulation in the scalp;
  • strengthening hair and stimulating growth;
  • the hair structure improves and becomes thicker;
  • hair becomes thicker;
  • awakening dormant hair follicles;
  • improving the condition of the scalp;
  • treatment of dandruff and oily seborrhea;
  • normalization of the sebaceous glands;
  • hair acquires a natural shine;
  • saturating hair roots with essential nutrients.


  • quite expensive procedure;
  • pain during the procedure;
  • if the technique of performing the procedure is violated, atypical hematomas;
  • as a result of non-compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, infection is possible;
  • possible allergic reactions on the composition of the drug;
  • the doctor may make punctures that are too deep, which may affect the nerve endings;
  • possible redness and scratches on the scalp after the procedure;
  • not all salons use high-quality raw materials, which is why reviews about mesotherapy are so different;
  • headache after the procedure, due to painful stress and muscle tension.

Indications and contraindications for mesotherapy

There are quite a lot of indications for a course of mesotherapy; almost any deterioration in hair condition can be solved using this procedure:

  • intense hair loss;
  • all types of alopecia (diffuse, focal, AGA);
  • hair loss, weakened and Thin hair;
  • dry and brittle hair;
  • slow hair growth;
  • excessive hair splitting;
  • dandruff, oily seborrhea;
  • excessive oily scalp.


Information about contraindications must be discussed with the doctor who will perform mesotherapy.

  • menstruation period;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • poor blood clotting;
  • skin inflammation, wounds, irritation;
  • allergy to cocktail ingredients;
  • diabetes;
  • oncological diseases, neoplasms on the skin;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • cholelithiasis.

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