Home Prevention What number indicates the sebaceous gland in the picture? Biology test on the topic "Metabolism"

What number indicates the sebaceous gland in the picture? Biology test on the topic "Metabolism"

“My friend, let us dedicate our souls to the Fatherland with wonderful impulses!” Analysis of the poem “to Chaadaev”.

The theme of freedom continues in other poems of the poet, but the most striking and significant of the youthful freedom-loving works is “To Chaadaev” (1818).

Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev is one of the brightest and most remarkable personalities of Pushkin’s era.
Pushkin and Chaadaev met in 1816 in the Karamzin house. Chaadaev is 22 years old, he is a cornet of the Life Guards Hussar Regiment, covered in the glory of the battles of the War of 1812, who reached Paris with the Russian army. Pushkin is a lyceum student, he is 17 years old. They quickly became close and, despite the age difference, became friends, and then friends. Pushkin admired Chaadaev, absorbed his freedom-loving speeches like a sponge, and drew his friend in the margins of his manuscripts.

This is the person to whom one of the best poems Pushkin.
Let's read it.

What does it sound like? What intonations predominate in it?

The poem sounds upbeat, solemn, it inspires to fight for the happiness of the Fatherland, calls to serve it. It is this high call that is the leading intonation of the work.

In what ways is the poem “To Chaadaev” consonant with the ode “Liberty”? What images of him resonate with her?

Both “To Chaadaev” and “Liberty” are devoted to the same theme, and in both works there is a passionate call to the fight for freedom:
"Tyrants of the world! Tremble! / And you, take heart and listen, / Arise, fallen slaves.”

“While we are burning with freedom, / While our hearts are alive for honor, / My friend, we will dedicate our souls to the Fatherland’s beautiful impulses!”

Many of the images in them have something in common: “an autocratic villain” - “the wreckage of autocracy”, “Holy liberty”, -unjust power” - “under the yoke of fatal power.”

Which of these images, in your opinion, is the leading image in the poem “to Chaadaev”? This is “Holy Liberty”, which the Fatherland and the lyrical hero of the poem crave; he awaits it “with languid hope.”

How do you see this “Liberty”? Draw a verbal portrait of her.

Ninth graders often draw the image of a young girl in a white dress standing on top of some cliff or rock. The wind blows her loose hair and flutters her dress. Clouds are rushing over the girl’s head, illuminated by the rays of the sun, and at the foot of the cliff the sea is raging...

What do you think in Pushkin’s poem suggested the image of a girl to you?

Yes, the very feeling of the poet, who is impatiently waiting for a meeting with “Holy Liberty,” “like a young lover awaits / The minutes of a faithful date.” He associates liberty with his beloved.

What does this comparison of the poet make you think about?

Liberty is desired for him just like his beloved: it evokes languor, trembling, hope in his heart...
How are the images of Liberty and the Fatherland connected in the poem?

The Fatherland calls for help (“Let us heed the call of the Fatherland”) because it suffers “under the yoke of fatal power,” it is waiting for liberation from it, waiting for “Holy Liberty.”

Freedom is what she needs, like air, like bread, like water... Think about the poet’s invoking words, full of youthful strength:
While we are burning with freedom,
While hearts are alive for honor,
My friend, let's dedicate it to the Fatherland
Beautiful impulses from the soul!

In what sense is the word “honor” used here?

Honor here is synonymous with conscience - an internal call to goodness, denial of evil, nobility. If “hearts are alive for honor,” it means that you will not remain indifferent to the fate of the Fatherland, which means you will join the battle for its freedom.

And thanks to the common efforts of the faithful sons of the Fatherland, the “star of captivating happiness” will certainly rise over Russia, that is, it will become free, only “debris” will remain from the autocracy, on which the names of those who
dedicated “the beautiful impulses of his soul” to the Fatherland.

Please note that this poem seems to be framed by the motif of a dream:
“youthful fun has disappeared, like a dream ...” and “Russia will awaken from sleep ...”,
What is the meaning of this motif at the beginning of the poem and what is it at the end?

At the beginning, the dream is an illusion associated with the hope for change, which ardent young hearts await “with languid hope.” In the end, the dream is associated with the centuries-old torpor of Russia in the shackles of slavery - serfdom, and it is from this torpor that the country must rise. The illusion of “quiet glory”, a peaceful appeal to justice dissipates, “like a dream, like morning fog”, the “calling of the Fatherland” becomes more audible.

It is those who hear this “calling” who are able to destroy Russia’s centuries-old sleep and return it to a free, full life.

Consider G. Klodt’s illustration for Pushkin’s poem “To Chaadaev.” What does it remind you of?(Emblem, coat of arms.)

Decipher the symbols of this emblem: the torch is a symbol of freedom burning in the chest of the lyrical hero, the chains are a symbol of slavery, the scrolls symbolize the poetic word, a call to action and at the same time their outlines resemble a lyre.

Why do you think the artist chose this style?

The poem itself is in many ways akin to the emblem of freedom fighters, this is evidenced by the images-symbols, images-emblems that we find in the work.

In the coat of arms and emblem, all symbols have their own meaning, carry a certain idea, they themselves unfold only when you look at them; Likewise, in Pushkin’s poem, images - symbols do not require explanation; they themselves lead both the visual and semantic series, suggesting thoughts, actions, deeds.

That is why this poem was so loved by the future Decembrists, and that is why copies of it were found on almost all those arrested in connection with the uprising.


This poem is one of the most famous
political works of Alexander Sergeevich
Pushkin. It is written in the genre of a friendly message -
nia. In the 19th century it was a common literary
tour genre, which Pushkin often turned to
co. A friendly message implies the utmost
sincerity, but this does not mean at all that poetry
the creation was created only for the named person - it
addressed to a wide range of readers.
It is known that Pushkin did not plan to publish
message “To Chaadaev”. However, the poem
recorded from the words of the poet during reading in a narrow
circle of friends, began to be passed from hand to hand
and soon became widely known, although omitted
it was highlighted only in 1829. Thanks to
the author gained the reputation of a freethinker, and
the poem is still called literary
anthem of the Decembrists.
The poem is addressed to one of the remarkable
neyshik people of his time and a close friend
Pushkin - Pyotr Yakovlevich Chaadaev. At 16 years old
Chaadaev joined the Semenovsky Guards Regiment, with
which he traveled from Borodino to Paris. In 1818
the year when the poem was written, he served
in the Life Guards Hussar Regiment, later became famous
great philosopher and publicist. It was for Pushkin
an example of commitment to liberation ideas
(in 1821 Chaadaev became a member of the secret Decembrist
social society "Union of Prosperity").
in the first lines of the message “To Chaadaev” contains
there is a hint of the carefree youth of two young
of people. Peaceful pleasures and fun, hopes
Fortunately, dreams of literary fame bound the friends together:

Love, hope, quiet glory
Deception did not last long for us,
The youthful fun has disappeared
Like a dream, like morning fog...
The epithet quiet (glory) indicates that
friends dreamed of quiet, peaceful happiness. Talking about
that “young fun” has disappeared, Pushkin cites
a capacious and vivid comparison: “like a dream, like a morning
fog". And in fact, neither from sleep nor from morning
there is nothing left of the fog.
There is obvious disappointment in these lines
reign of Alexander 1. It is known that the first
the steps of the young emperor inspired his subjects
hope that his reign will be liberal
(Alexander 1 even discussed with his closest friends -
our plans for transforming Russia into a constitutional
monarchy), but this hope was not justified.
In conditions of political oppression and lack of rights, the “quiet
glory" was simply impossible.
Then the poet says: “We are waiting for... a moment of freedom-
ity of the saint ", the epithet of the saint testifies
about the high understanding of “liberty”. Comparison:
“How a young lover waits / For faithful minutes
dates,” emphasizes the poet’s passionate desire
wait for “holy freedom” And even confidence in
making this happen (sure date).
The poem contrasts two images:
“fatal power” and “fatherland”:
Under the yoke of fatal power
With an impatient soul
Let us heed the calling of the Fatherland.
The epithet fatal gains more power
(power) - cruel, inhuman. And the poet's homeland
calls her father; choosing from a range of synonyms
the most intimate and soulful meaning.
It is important to note that the poet speaks not only about his
feelings - it expresses the thoughts and desires of many
their like-minded people: “But there’s still something burning inside us -
Lanier"; “We wait with languid hope,”
What does the “star of captivating happiness” mean?
which one should rise? In political vocabulary
of that era, the word “star” often symbolized
revolution, and the rising of a star - victory in liberation
body struggle. No wonder the Decembrists Kondraty
Ryleev and Alexander Bestuzhev named their al-
manah "North Star". Of course, Pushkin did not
accidentally chose this word in a message addressed to
to your friends.
Addressing the reader with a fiery appeal:
“My friend, let’s dedicate / Beautiful souls to the fatherland
impulses,” the poet expresses confidence that
“Russia will awaken from sleep, / And on the ruins of self-government -
stya / / They will write our names!”, The words “the wreckage of sa-
autocracy" means the coming fall of the autocracy
viya. The poet calls for selfless service
homeland, to the fight for freedom. For him, the concepts of “pa-
triotism" and "freedom" are inseparable from each other. But
Pushkin understands that he will voluntarily make concessions
the king will not agree. That is why in recent

For answers to tasks 29-32, use a separate sheet. First write down the number of the task (29, 30, etc.), and then the answer to it. Write down your answers clearly and legibly.


Wolverine - carnivorous mammal of the mustelid family, a representative of the genus Gulo, translated from Latin as “glutton”. Wolverines weigh from 10 to 25 kg, females are about 10% smaller and 30% lighter than males. The wolverine's body length is up to 1 meter. Externally, the wolverine resembles a dwarf bear or badger. Its body is squat, its paws are short with large claws.

The feet are disproportionately large - 10 cm wide and 9 cm long, which allows the wolverine to easily move through deep, loose snow. This plantigrade behavior gives the wolverine an even greater resemblance to a clubfooted bear.

The wolverine's teeth are powerful and have sharp edges. The hair is thick, long, and coarse. The fur color of the wolverine is brown or brown-black.

The wolverine is common in the taiga and forest-tundra of Eurasia and North America. Usually the wolverine lives alone, zealously defending the boundaries of its territory from individuals of its own sex. Unlike most mustelids, which lead a sedentary lifestyle, the wolverine constantly wanders in search of prey in its “individual area.” It is surprisingly hardy and usually travels up to 45 km per day. Outwardly, it seems that wolverine is clumsy and clumsy. This is a dangerous misconception. Wolverine is strong and can kill a deer single-handedly. She easily climbs trees, has sharp eyesight, hearing and excellent sense of smell. This allows her to find carrion under a layer of snow. Wolverine is omnivorous. Its diet includes: hares, rodents, eggs, black grouse, fish, insect larvae, berries. Often the wolverine steals prey from traps and ruins the winter quarters of hunters. It can eat leather bindings on skis at night, chew through the wall of a food box and completely eat its contents. But the wolverine should not be considered a voracious and useless animal. She is a nurse, destroying sick, weakened animals, and does not allow contagious diseases to spread among animals. Once every two years, wolverines have offspring: two or three blind cubs that open their eyes only five weeks after birth. The mother is solely responsible for raising the offspring. Wolverine cubs taken from nature become accustomed to humans and become completely tame.

1) Where is wolverine common?

2) What family does the wolverine belong to?

3) How many cubs are born to a wolverine?

Show answer

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

1) Wolverine is common in the taiga and forest-tundra of Eurasia and North America.

2) To the mustelidae family.

3) Two or three

Using the table "Maximum lifespan of some vertebrate species", answer the following questions and complete the task.

1) Which of the reptiles presented in the table has the longest life expectancy?

2) Which fish lives the longest?

3) Does the lifespan of an animal depend on its metabolic level?

Show answer

The correct answer contains the following elements:

1) Galapagos tortoise.

3) Depends. The higher the metabolic rate, the shorter the life expectancy.

Look at the tables and complete tasks 31 and 32.

Dmitry's training consisted of a half-hour warm-up in the form of rhythmic gymnastics and jogging, which lasted exactly an hour.

Using the data from tables 1 and 2, offer Dmitry a menu that is optimal in terms of calorie content, allowing him to compensate for energy costs.

When choosing, keep in mind that Dmitry monitors the vitamin C content of his food and loves a chicken sandwich and a waffle cone.

In your answer, indicate energy costs, recommended dishes, calorie content of lunch and the amount of fat in it.

Show tables

Energy and the nutritional value products

Energy costs pi various types physical activity

155. Read paragraph 39. List the functions that the skin performs.

  1. protection
  2. allocation
  3. mitigation
  4. elasticity
  5. breath
  6. insulation
  7. energy reserve.

156. Name the three layers of skin and label them in the picture.

I - dermis
II - epidermis
III - hypodermis.

Indicate the numbers that indicate in the figure:

adipose tissue - 9
living epidermal cells - 2
dead epidermal cells -1
skin receptors - 3
hair follicle - 5
sebaceous gland - 7
sweat gland - 8
blood vessels - 4
hair shafts - 10, 6
muscle that lifts the hair -11.

157. Answer the questions.

1) Where in the skin is the pigment that produces tanning found?
- epidermis.

2) What receptors are located in the skin?
- sebaceous, sweat glands, hair phyllicles, blood and lymphatic vessels.

3) What is the importance of sweat glands?
- selection of unnecessary elements and cooling.

4) How is goose bumps formed?
- the pilomotor reflex occurs, it consists of excitation of the autonomic peripheral nerve endings, which are responsible for the contraction of the muscles of the hair follicles

5) How to prove that hair shafts and nail plates have neither nerves nor blood vessels?
- we cut them and it doesn’t hurt us.

158. Execute practical task No. 2 on p. 209 textbook. Record your results.

Oily areas of facial skin: with soap and water.
Dry areas of facial skin: water without soap or decoctions.

160. Fill out the table indicating first aid for burns and frostbite.

161. Study paragraph 42. Write captions for the picture.

1 - cortex
2 - medulla
3 - pelvis
4 - renal artery
5 - renal vein
6 - ureter.

162. Name the structure that is the functional unit of the kidney.

163. Complete the text by inserting the missing words.

Two processes occur in the nephron: filtration and reabsorption.
Blood filtration is carried out in a capsule. As a result of filtration, primary urine is formed, which is blood plasma in composition. Reabsorption occurs from primary urine into the walls. As a result, secondary urine is formed containing oxalic and other acids.

164. List measures to prevent kidney diseases.

  1. eat less salty
  2. eat less spicy food
  3. keep your feet warm
  4. heredity
  5. do not drink carbonated drinks

165. Solve crossword number 9.

1. Complete absence vitamins
5. Food product, decomposes into glycerol and fatty acid.
6. Subcutaneous fatty tissue.
10. Maintaining a constant body temperature.
12. The organ in which glycogen is deposited, non-essential amino acids are created, ammonia is converted into urea.
14. Organ connecting the kidney to the bladder.
15. Catalyst protein.
16. Urinary organ.
17. Biologically active substance obtained from food.

1. An enzyme that breaks down starch.
2. A pancreatic enzyme that breaks down proteins into amino acids.
3. Horny formation located on the last phalanx of the finger.
4. Disease caused by vitamin D deficiency in children.
7. The process leading to cooling of the body due to the skin glands.
8. Secretion secreted by the liver.
9. Upper layer skin.
11. Middle layer skin.
13. Kidney excretion product.

The skin consists of epidermis, dermis and subcutaneous fat.

The cells of the inner layers of the epidermis are constantly dividing, while the middle layers are filled with keratin (keratinized). The outer cells of the epidermis are dead and gradually fall off, taking away microbes and fungi with them. In inner layer the pigment melanin is formed, which blocks the ultraviolet rays of the sun and gives the skin color, as well as vitamin D.

Dermis contains

  • receptors and nerves - provide skin sensitivity
  • blood capillaries- serve as a blood depot and regulate heat transfer (it increases when the carillaries expand)
  • sweat glands secrete sweat (water, salts, urea); As sweat evaporates, the body cools down
  • sebaceous glands - secrete sebum, which lubricates and gives elasticity to the epidermis and hair
  • hair follicles - contain
    • living part of hair
    • sebaceous gland
    • nerve ending
    • muscle that lifts the hair (contracts in cold weather, “goosebumps” appear on the skin)

Subcutaneous fatty tissue softens mechanical stress, reduces heat transfer, and stores fat.


1. What skin structures perform the excretory function?
A) skin receptors
B) sebaceous glands
B) cells of the stratum corneum
D) muscle fibers

2. What is the name? outer layer skin?
A) epidermis
B) dermis
B) papillary layer
D) sebaceous layer

3. What function does the structure of the skin, indicated by the letter A in the figure, perform?

A) raises hair
B) gives strength to the skin
B) secretes sweat
D) perceives external stimuli

4. What number in the figure indicates the sebaceous gland?

A) 1
B) 2
AT 3
D) 4

5. What is the function of the melanin pigment formed in human skin?
A) protects the body from ultraviolet radiation
B) strengthens skin cells
B) serves as a reserve nutrient for skin cells
D) helps the body retain heat

6. The pigment melanin is located in the cells that form
A) sebaceous glands
B) epidermis
B) the skin itself
D) subcutaneous fat tissue

Option 1 Metabolism. Selection. Coverings of the body


2. What process in the human body is classified as energy metabolism?

1) cell division

2) biological oxidation of organic substances

3) absorption of amino acids by intestinal villi

4) synthesis of proteins characteristic of a given organism

3. During plastic metabolism in the human body,

1) protein breakdown

2) formation of water and carbon dioxide from carbohydrates

3) formation of fats

4) breakdown of glycogen to glucose

4. Consider the diagram of the structure of a nephron. What is indicated by the number 1 on it?

1) convoluted tubule 2) collecting duct

3) renal artery 4) nephron capsule

5. If heat generation in the human body exceeds heat transfer, this will ultimately lead to

1) tanning 2) narrowing of blood vessels in the skin

3) formation of vitamin D 4) heatstroke

6. What number on the diagram of the structure of human skin indicates hair follicle?

7. In the process of plastic metabolism in the human body

1) energy is released and ATP is synthesized

2) glycogen is formed from glucose

3) fats are converted into glycerol and fatty acids

4) proteins are oxidized to water, carbon dioxide and ammonia

8. Consider the structure of the skin. What education is indicated by number 1?

1) blood vessel 2) skin receptors

3) smooth muscles 4) hair

9. Consider the diagram of the structure of a nephron. What is indicated by the number 1 on it?

1) renal artery 2) convoluted tubule

3) nephron capsule 4) collecting duct

10. Why does a person shiver when he is very cold?

1) to stop cold penetration through the skin

2) to create additional energy through muscle activity

3) to improve the transmission of the cold signal to the brain

4) to deliver more blood to the surface of the skin

11. A person receives the energy necessary for life in the process

1) growth 2) development

3) breakdown of substances 4) transmission of nerve impulses

12. Which skin structure(s) perform(s) the excretory function?

1) hair roots 2) sebaceous glands

3) stratum corneum cells 4) muscle fibers

13. What function does the skin structure indicated in the figure under the letter A perform?

1) lifts hair 2) gives strength to skin

3) secretes sweat 4) perceives external stimuli

14. What energy transformation occurs in the organ shown in the figure?

1) Thermal energy is converted into mechanical energy.

2) Chemical energy is converted into thermal energy.

3) Light energy is converted into electrical energy.

4) Mechanical energy is converted into chemical energy.

15. Prolonged irritation of skin cold receptors leads to

1) the formation of “goose bumps” 2) dilation of blood vessels

3) heat radiation 4) sweating

16. What number in the picture indicates the sebaceous gland?

17. Hemoglobin is a substance formed in the human body as a result of metabolism

1) proteins 2) fats 3) vitamins 4) carbohydrates

18. The greatest amount of heat in the human body is released during work

1) brain 2) stomach 3) skeletal muscles 4) heart

19. Where do lipids go when absorbed? small intestine?

1) lymph 2) tissue fluid 3) intestinal lumen 4) blood

20. Consider the diagram of the structure of a nephron. What is indicated by the number 1 on it?

1) collecting duct 2) renal artery

3) nephron capsule 4) convoluted tubule

21. What happens in the human body when exposed to the cold for several hours?

1) increased sweating 2) increased energy metabolism

3) accumulation of fats 4) dilation of blood vessels

22. What number on the diagram of the structure of human skin indicates the sweat gland?

23. Plastic metabolism in the body is aimed at

1) removal of waste products from the body

2) collection and use by the body of incoming information

3) biological oxidation with energy release

4) synthesis of substances specific to a given organism

24. In the development of fatigue of working muscles in humans, the leading role is played by

1) depletion of ATP reserves in the body in the process of performing work

2) braking nerve centers regulating muscle function

3) start time

4) increasing fatigue in the muscles themselves

25. What number in the figure indicates the renal cortex?

26. Which of the following foods is the best source of carbohydrates?

1) spinach 2) fish 3) beef 4) potatoes

27. What happens in the human body during the process of plastic metabolism

1) absorption of oxygen 2) formation of glucose from starch

3) oxidation of organic substances

4) conversion of amino acids into proteins

28. What is the function of the melanin pigment produced in human skin?

1) strengthens skin cells

2) protects the body from ultraviolet radiation

3) helps the body retain heat

4) serves as a reserve nutrient for skin cells

29. Consider the diagram of the structure of a nephron. What is indicated by the number 1 on it?

30. Calcium is very important for bone strength. Which of the following is a good source of calcium?

1) cheese 2) pasta 3) rice 4) red meat

31. During plastic exchange occurs

1) transport of gases by blood

2) digestion of food in digestive system

3) synthesis of proteins from amino acids

4) breakdown of glucose into carbon dioxide in the cell

32. Where in the human body does secondary urine accumulate?

1) in urethra 2) in bladder

3) in the ureters 4) in the kidneys

33. If a person stays in a hot room for a long time, then

1) the number of leukocytes in the body decreases

2) more blood enters the blood vessels of the skin

3) body temperature decreases

4) metabolism increases

34. Which organic matter is formed in the human body as a result of the course of this chemical reaction?

glucose + oxygen = carbon dioxide + water + ?

1) starch 2) ATP 3) protein 4) DNA

35. What vitamin is synthesized by the cells of the human body with the participation of sunlight?

1) A 2) C 3) B 1 4) D

36. Where do carbohydrates go when absorbed in the small intestine?

1) lymph 2) blood 3) tissue fluid 4) intestinal lumen

37. Consider the diagram of the structure of a nephron. What is indicated by the number 1 on it?

1) renal artery 2) nephron capsule

3) convoluted tubule 4) collecting duct

38. In the process of metabolism in the human body, transformations are possible

1) carbohydrates into fats 2) fats into proteins

3) carbohydrates into proteins 4) vitamins into carbohydrates

39. In regulation carbohydrate metabolism takes part

1) large intestine 2) small intestine

3) thymus 4) pancreas

40. What type of energy ensures the growth and development of cells in the human body?

1) solar 2) thermal 3) chemical 4) electric

41. Consider the structure of the skin. What number on it indicates the epidermis?

42. What number in the picture indicates the renal pelvis?

43. Metabolism and energy conversion represent a unity

1) processes of synthesis and decomposition of substances

2) processes of excitation and inhibition

3) properties of heredity and variability

4) processes of growth and development of the body

44. What tissue cells make up the outer layer of skin?

1) dense fibrous 2) loose fibrous

3) smooth muscle 4) epithelial

45. The main source of heat formation in the body is(are)

1) stomach 2) heart 3) skeletal muscles 4) brain

46. What function do the lungs, skin and kidneys perform in the human body?

1) remove unnecessary substances 2) regulate body temperature

3) transfer nutrients 4) produce antibodies

47. Which of the following is a source of vitamins?

1) food 2) sunlight

3) proteins, fats and carbohydrates 4) mineral water

48. Where in the human body does primary urine form?

1) in the kidneys 2) in the ureters

3) in the bladder 4) in the urethra

49. The human body produces heat as a result

1) oxidation of carbohydrates 2) synthesis of proteins

3) sweating 4) gas exchange in the alveoli

50. In one experiment, a mouse is placed under a metal mesh on a scale and the scales are balanced, leaving the animal to sit for a while. The mouse actively moves around the scales. The experiment lasts about 40 minutes. What could the scientists observe at the end of the experiment?

1) At the moment when the mouse froze, the bowl rose.

2) The moment the mouse moved, the bowl lowered.

3) The bowl with the mouse has become lighter.

4) The bowl with the mouse has become heavier.

51. The reactions of energy metabolism in the human body include

1) oxidation of glucose 2) dissolution of sodium salts in water

3) protein synthesis on ribosomes 4) glucose synthesis in chloroplasts

52. What number in the picture indicates the sweat gland?

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