Home Prevention Cosmetic procedures after eyelid blepharoplasty. Why do you need a massage after blepharoplasty and what complications will it help eliminate?

Cosmetic procedures after eyelid blepharoplasty. Why do you need a massage after blepharoplasty and what complications will it help eliminate?

Surgeries to change the appearance of the eyelids and rejuvenate this area are considered low-traumatic. With them, damage to living tissue is minimal. However, blepharoplasty after surgery will require some recovery efforts and limitations. When will the pain stop bothering you, will it be possible to “go out into public”? This largely depends on the patient’s behavior during the rehabilitation period.

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How long will it hurt?

The presence of pain after blepharoplasty is natural. The operation involves cutting the skin, damaging the mucous membrane and small vessels. But since the area of ​​the injured areas is small, the sensation can rather be characterized as discomfort. It will be stronger in the first 48 - 72 hours after the intervention. Increased sensitivity of the eyelids can persist for up to 5 - 7 days, while pronounced swelling persists.

But every day the discomfort will weaken. As a rule, you do not need to take pain medications after blepharoplasty. But if the need arises, then analgesics are sufficient.

Removing stitches after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the doctor removes the sutures after 5 days, if postoperative period proceeded without problems or complications. During this same period, it is allowed to begin washing, so the wounds can be washed with antiseptic solutions (Chlogexidine, Miramistin). Such care will ensure rapid drying of the wound, reducing the risk of inflammation and the penetration of an infectious agent to zero.

Blepharoplasty: how long does it take for the suture to heal?

The sutures are removed already on the 4th day after blepharoplasty (they can be left for another 2-3 days), but they take a long time to heal. It takes time for the scar to form and for its further resorption, and this may take 4 weeks.

Healing proceeds much faster if physiotherapy and specific medications are used.

Blepharoplasty: how long does it take to heal?

After blepharoplasty, the eyelids take quite a long time to heal, because the sutures are removed only 4-6 days after the operation - the process of complete rehabilitation begins. It has several periods:

  • Granulation of the scar occurs within 1-4 weeks after removal of the sutures - a new, thin one grows connective tissue, by the end of the month a small pink scar remains at the site of the seam;
  • The transformation of the scar into a white thin strip occurs within 30-60 days - it becomes almost invisible and does not protrude above the surface of the skin.

The total recovery time after blepharoplasty is 2-3 months. And this “works” only if the operation went without complications, there were no serious side effects and the patient himself did not violate the rules of the rehabilitation period.

The final result after blepharoplasty

The final result can be assessed only 2 months after blepharoplasty, but even in this case, you need to make a “discount” for the fact that complete rehabilitation takes place within six months. Even if there is no visible swelling, excess fluid still remains in the soft tissues, but blood circulation and lymph flow were not completely normalized.

Much depends on how successful the operation was, whether there were complications in the early recovery period, and whether the patient followed the doctors’ recommendations during rehabilitation. In some especially difficult cases, the final result can be seen only after 6-8 months.

Before and after blepharoplasty

First day after blepharoplasty

On the first day after blepharoplasty, the patient must comply with the following doctor’s instructions:

  • peace and rest - it is advisable to observe strict bed rest, do not strain the facial muscles;
  • applying cold compresses to the eyes every 2-3 hours for 10 minutes, they can be replaced with ice;
  • take painkillers if necessary.

The doctor may prescribe eye drops and carrying out special gymnastics for the eyes, an individual scheme for carrying out these manipulations will be selected.

Rehabilitation by day after blepharoplasty

The rehabilitation period after blepharoplasty can last 30 days or 60 - it all depends on how well the operation was performed. If we consider a problem-free option, then the doctors’ recommendations will be as follows:

  • The first 4-5 days. Do not go outside, rest and complete calm are prescribed. Typically, hospitalization of the patient is indicated for this period.
  • Day 6 You can take a shower, but the water should be warm, the streams should not be strong, and washing should be done without rubbing the eyelids.
  • Day 7 Often during this period it is allowed to use decorative cosmetics, but it is worth consulting with your doctor about the advisability of such manipulation.
  • Day 14 - physical activity is allowed, although it will still not be possible to fully engage in sports - fast running, jumping, strength and cardio training at full strength are prohibited due to the risk of blood flow to postoperative wounds.
  • Day 15 Allowed to be worn again contact lenses– swelling and irritation have already passed and the lenses will not act as an additional irritant.
  • Day 20 Staying in direct sunlight is allowed, but visiting a solarium or sunbathing on the beach is only possible with the use of creams with sun filters in the composition.

As for rehabilitation from a medical point of view, doctors give the following schedule for its implementation after bleapharoplasty:

  • 1 day after the operation - the patient takes painkillers, ice is applied to his eyelids;
  • within 3 days – application eye drops With antiseptic properties, eye exercises may be prescribed;
  • 4-5 days – a doctor is visited, the stitches are removed;
  • Day 6 – even the patches are removed from the eyelids;
  • 7th and 8th days – swelling sharply decreases, bruises partially disappear;
  • 10-11 days – the skin in the area of ​​the operation becomes absolutely healthy and visually attractive: bruises and pinpoint hematomas disappear.

When can I go to work?

No one wants to notify plastic surgery strangers, appearing in public with bruises and swollen eyes. In addition, rehabilitation after eyelid blepharoplasty involves no stress on the eyes and muscles for some time. But not everyone can afford it long time not to work because of the desire to be beautiful. Therefore, recovery time is extremely important for many.

With a normal recovery period, swelling and bruising practically disappear in 10 - 15 days. Residual visible manifestations at this point can be masked with cosmetics (if the doctor does not object). But even without it, many by this time appearance will no longer let you know about the operation. So an unpresentable appearance, as a reason not to go to work yet, disappears after 2 weeks.

By this time, you can also give the body a load. Of course, you shouldn’t carry heavy loads just yet, but you can already work on a computer, with documents, a cash register, etc.

Sick leave after blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty is not a life-saving procedure necessary operations, That's why sick leave on rehabilitation period is not issued. Obtaining such a document is possible only if the recovery occurs with complications that require the patient to stay in a clinic or hospital.

How to speed up rehabilitation

Recovery after blepharoplasty should not consist only of bed rest. Moreover, it is indicated only in the first hours after surgery. There are active measures that will bring the moment of complete external recovery and well-being closer. The timing also depends on general condition health and age.

The speed of rehabilitation also depends on what kind of intervention was performed. For example, if it affected only the skin, as with ethnic blepharoplasty, recovery will be completed earlier than after removal of hernias and a circular lift.

General requirements

Since the recovery process depends on many factors, care after blepharoplasty should take into account several aspects:

Use of external products

In the first days after surgery, cool compresses will help reduce swelling and discomfort. Since the seams are usually sealed with adhesive tape, they cannot be touched yet. After it is allowed to be removed, you will need to treat these lines with an antiseptic, which the doctor will recommend (for example, solutions of furatsilin or chlorhexidine).

Do I need to put something on my eyelids after blepharoplasty? You should also ask your doctor about this. Some experts are not in favor of using external remedies unless there are complications. Others consider it necessary to apply Levomekol ointment to the seams to prevent infection or Lyoton to speed up the disappearance of bruises.

To combat dry eyes, artificial tears are prescribed. But they should not be injected without the appointment of a specialist.


You should not touch your face unnecessarily after surgery to avoid infection and stretching of the skin. Therefore, massage of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is allowed only after a week. It is better to entrust it to a specialist. Lymphatic drainage massage is indicated. It will help reduce swelling and accelerate tissue regeneration. Thanks to manipulations they become invisible.

An important consequence of the procedures is the prevention of complications of blepharoplasty such as eyelid asymmetry and ectropion.

You can do it yourself acupressure. Very carefully, with clean hands, treat the areas at the outer corners of the eyes, the edges of the lower eyelid, and the eyebrow area.

Eyelid exercises

Gymnastics of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is also an important condition for recovery. It helps resolve bruises, remove excess fluid, and counteract complications. Minimum physical activity Tones the muscles of the periocular area, improving the results of plastic surgery. With it, discomfort goes away, the functions of the visual organs are restored faster.

  • Warm-up test. First look forward, move your gaze to the left, then to the right, up and down. You need to do the exercise slowly, 5 times.
  • Raise your face up, look at the ceiling. You need to blink intensely for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
  • Close your eyelids, count to 3 and open your eyes wide, look into the distance. Then return to the previous position, trying to keep your eyebrows motionless. Do it 5 times.
  • Cover your eyes by placing your fingers on your eyelids. You can't put pressure on them. Try to slowly open your eyes without removing your fingers. Do this 5 times.
  • Move your head back while looking at the tip of your nose. After 5 seconds, you need to straighten up and look in front of you. Close your eyes, index fingers applying it to your temples. Using gentle movements, pull the skin to the side, making a “chinese”. Repeat 5 - 6 times.

To learn what exercises for the eyelids and skin around the eyes are recommended to be done after an eyelid lift to speed up recovery, watch this video:


Eyelid resurfacing after blepharoplasty not only helps to create fresher skin, but also smoothes out scars. Therefore, sometimes the procedure is prescribed after a month or two to allow the tissues to grow together and the scars to form. It involves exposure of the skin to a laser beam for several minutes. It is pre-treated with an anesthetic.

Simultaneously with the effect on the surface of the skin, the deeper layer is heated. This stimulates the division of collagen and elastin cells, that is, the rejuvenation process. Scars, on the contrary, become flatter and less noticeable.

The ideal appearance is not achieved immediately. At first, the skin will be reddish, crusty, and inflamed, but after 2 weeks the color and appearance will return to normal. All this time you need to use ointment and hide from the sun.

Limitations in everyday life

Recovery after blepharoplasty is not only necessary measures, but also prohibitions. What to avoid during the rehabilitation period:

  • Alcohol, coffee and smoking. They disrupt blood circulation, increase swelling and provoke vascular damage, that is, bruising.
  • Wearing contact lenses. They can cause further eyelid injury, pain, and infection.
  • Physical activity. For the first 2 weeks you shouldn’t even put your head down, there is a risk of injury and complications.
  • Eye strain, that is, reading, working on a computer, watching TV. They will make you feel worse and may cause complications.
  • Combing out seams. This is a direct path to infection and worsening the effect of the operation.
  • Taking blood thinning medications. They will slow down the healing process and may cause complications.
  • Heat in all forms. Hot food, sauna, solarium or open sun interfere with tissue regeneration and can cause bleeding.
  • Do not eat salty, spicy, fatty foods. This food stimulates the retention of swelling on the face.
  • Use of cosmetics. The skin of the eyelids after blepharoplasty is more vulnerable than usual, and after traditional surgery, stitches remain on it. Therefore, for at least 2 weeks, creams and serums are not care products, but sources of infection and irritation.

How to coat stitches after blepharoplasty

After blepharoplasty, the seams need to be smeared:

  • Contractubexom is a gel that reduces the growth rate of connective tissue in the incision area. This makes scar formation almost impossible. Apply only after the stitches have been removed.
  • Hydrocortisone ointment – ​​accelerates healing, prevents the development of infectious and inflammatory processes. The drug is made on the basis of hormones, therefore it has many contraindications for use.
  • Levomekol - applied immediately after the end of the operation, the bandage with this ointment is changed daily. It prevents the development inflammatory processes, corrects metabolism and regeneration processes in the dermis.
  • Cream based on Chinese mushroom (extract) – stimulates healing, has a weak antiseptic effect. The product should be used after the stitches are removed, problem areas are lubricated 2 times a week, the course of therapy is 15 days.

In any case, specific instructions regarding the treatment of sutures after blepharoplasty will be given by the attending physician.

Eye drops after blepharoplasty

Eye drops are prescribed by a doctor, but it is generally accepted to carry out the following therapy after blepharoplasty:

  • Sofradex drops – 2 drops in each eye;
  • Dexamethasone drops - 2 drops in each eye 15 minutes after using the first drug.

Such manipulations should be performed 3-4 times a day. The course of therapy is short, lasting only 5 days until the stitches are removed. Drops reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, accelerate healing surgical wounds and have a mild anesthetic effect.

Additionally, Actovegin gel may be present in the regimen; it is placed in each eye 15 minutes after the last drops administered.

What to apply to bruises after blepharoplasty

Bruises after blepharoplasty are considered normal occurrence, their resorption can be accelerated with specific medications, which should be applied to problem areas 2-3 times a day. These include:

  • BruiseOff– it perfectly masks hematomas (there are components foundation) and accelerates the process of their disappearance;
  • Traumeel-S– promotes rapid tissue regeneration, accelerates the resorption of hematomas of varying complexity and extent.

Using these drugs, already on the 6th day it is possible to completely get rid of bruises. You can also use folk remedy– sour cream and tea mask. You need to mix already brewed tea (namely leaves) and high-fat sour cream in equal proportions, put the mixture on gauze napkins and apply them to your eyes for 5-10 minutes. This procedure should be carried out 2 times a day.

Any anti-bruise remedy can only be used after consulting a doctor.

Microcurrents after blepharoplasty

Microcurrents help to quickly recover after blepharoplasty - a physiotherapy procedure, the essence of which is the effect of low-frequency current on the skin. Manipulation is painless for the patient, the result will be:

  • muscle restoration through maximum relaxation;
  • correction of all physiological processes at the cellular level of the dermis;
  • Darsonval after blepharoplasty

    Darsonval is a procedure during which the nerve endings are exposed to high-frequency currents, and after blepharoplasty this gives concrete results:

    • acceleration of blood circulation;
    • complete saturation of tissues with oxygen;
    • rapid cell regeneration.

    The course of such physiotherapy lasts 15-30 days. Darsonval is contraindicated for:

    • presence of pacemakers;
    • any diseases of the heart and vascular system;
    • previously diagnosed rosacea;
    • oncological pathologies.

    The physiotherapy procedure is prescribed on the 2-3rd day of the postoperative period, when the doctor becomes clear whether there will be complications and how quickly the rehabilitation will proceed.

    Watch this video about how the rehabilitation period proceeds after blepharoplasty:

    Effect of the operation

    Blepharoplasty helps to get rid of excess skin around the eyes, improve their shape, and remove asymmetry. The results are a rejuvenated face, elimination of bags under the eyes, overhanging upper eyelids. But it is necessary to take into account the tissue trauma that occurs during the operation. So improvements can be clearly seen only after one and a half to two weeks.

    Immediately, the reflection in the mirror will not please you due to swelling of the eyes, hematomas, noticeable stitches from classical intervention or bruises on the whites of transconjunctival surgery.

    When and how can you paint your eyes after blepharoplasty?

    After blepharoplasty, you can wear makeup only after 2 weeks - you need to wait until the wounds heal well. Decorative cosmetics should be selected hypoallergenic and of high quality. It is strictly forbidden to apply cosmetics to scabs or areas of irritation, and the products themselves should have a light, soft structure.

    What you need to consider when using decorative cosmetics after blepharoplasty:

    When can you go to the bathhouse after blepharoplasty?

    You should avoid any thermal procedures during the rehabilitation period, so you can go to the bathhouse only 2 months after blepharoplasty. This recommendation is related to the specifics of the procedure - when the whole body is heated, blood flow increases, arterial pressure and this can provoke a rush of blood to the scars and active growth of connective tissue. The result will be swelling and pinpoint hemorrhages in the surgical sites.

    The same rule applies to solariums, saunas and exposure to the open rays of the sun.

    How long after blepharoplasty can eyelash extensions be done?

    Any manipulations around the eyes, including eyelash extensions, can be done without
    earlier than 2 weeks after blepharoplasty. The master must be warned that eyelid correction surgery has recently been performed.

    The glue for eyelash extensions and the material itself should not cause allergies, because in this case they may develop late complications rehabilitation period.

    Before eyelash extensions, you need to consult with your doctor - there may be a ban on such manipulations even after 2-3 weeks of recovery. This depends on the speed of regenerative processes in the dermis, the general well-being of the patient, the presence/absence of complications and side effects.

    When can you get Botox after blepharoplasty?

    You can inject Botox to eliminate facial wrinkles only after 2 months. You will definitely need to consult with the doctor who performed the operation about the advisability of such rejuvenation. Often a ban on the administration of botulinum toxin is placed for 6-12 months.

    This does not mean that you should get Botox injections before blepharoplasty - the operation requires complete muscle relaxation, which can be achieved with botulinum toxin present in the tissues.

    Selection of a doctor, preliminary – important conditions success. But the measures taken for rehabilitation mean no less. To bring your appearance to perfection, you don’t need titanic efforts. Enough of following medical prescriptions and healthy image life at least during this period.

Eyes are one of the most ruthless signs that reveal age. Wrinkles, folds, bags over the eyelids do not look aesthetically pleasing and cause a lot of grief for women. What to do? Don't despair! Modern cosmetology offers wide range appearance correction services. Blepharoplasty is one of the effective ways rejuvenation of the lower and upper eyelids.

Blepharoplasty can be called a delicate and complex corrective procedure aimed at removing fatty hernias and bags under the eyes, eliminating ptosis, and strengthening muscle tone.

According to the method of execution, blepharoplasty is divided into classical and laser, when the surgeon uses a laser rather than a scalpel to cut the skin.

The laser procedure has undeniable advantages over the classical one:

  1. The cut is much thinner.
  2. The amount of bruising and swelling is minimized, so there is no need to use microcurrents and other restorative procedures.
  3. Sutures and scars after blepharoplasty are excluded.
  4. Risk infectious complications less.

Ultrasonic lifting is one of the most popular types of anti-aging procedures that laser blepharoplasty offers. Ultrasound penetrates deep into the skin without disturbing its structure. Damaged collagen fibers are restored, and skin covering acquires firmness and elasticity. The technique is safe and does not cause discomfort, however, this does not mean that ultrasound does not have disadvantages. The result of an unsuccessful procedure is over-tension of the skin, which negatively affects the patient’s appearance.

Laser resurfacing is also popular, using a carbon dioxide laser to evaporate upper layer skin.

Microcurrents activate the process of tissue repair at the cellular level, accelerate cellular metabolism and stimulate healing.

According to women, microcurrents are effective means to eliminate the consequences of blepharoplasty.

Lymphatic drainage massage is one of the effective methods remove swelling and hemorrhages after blepharoplasty. It stimulates the outflow and circulation of lymph from injured tissues, due to which compactions and swelling go away faster. Massage improves blood circulation, so hematomas resolve safely, sutures heal better, and scars become almost invisible.

As a rule, surgeons recommend doing simple eye exercises after surgery. This will restore activity eye muscles and “disperse” stagnant lymph. Reviews from women indicate that gymnastics also helps eliminate swelling as quickly as possible.

If you follow the advice of cosmetologists and implement proper care, the effect of blepharoplasty will amaze you. You will look like you are 10 years younger.

What to do if complications arise?

Complications after the procedure are divided into early and late. Laser blepharoplasty eliminates them.

TO early complications relate:

Late complications:

  1. Scars, scars, seals. If they do not go away after the rehabilitation period, they need to be smeared with special ointments to smooth them out. Laser resurfacing, ultrasound, microcurrents, mesotherapy, and gymnastics will help get rid of them.
  2. The seams have come apart. IN in this case they are re-sutured.
  3. Different eyes after blepharoplasty. To eliminate it, the “Hot Eyes” operation is performed.
  4. The eyelids do not close, lacrimation, as if during conjunctivitis. If the eyes do not close, it is usually recommended to have another blepharoplasty.

Complications after surgery, expressed in painful sensations, if you follow all the doctor’s recommendations, they will pass in one or two months and will remain only in memories, but the excellent result, regardless of what technique was used - ultrasound, laser or classic blepharoplasty - will delight you for a very long time.

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty will require the patient to follow all the doctor’s recommendations.

Under this condition recovery period will pass easily and without any consequences for the patient’s body.

Skin healing depends not only on a successful operation, but also on the characteristics of the patient himself - his age, individual tissue structure, and the presence of chronic diseases.

Typically, the recovery period lasts two weeks, then the patient returns to his usual lifestyle.


There is practically no pain, however, some consequences cannot be avoided. The skin of the eyelids is thin and sensitive, easily injured.

Therefore, after the operation they appear unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Edema, they most often cause anxiety in patients. Swelling of the eyelids for 7-10 days should not be a cause for concern. This is a normal skin reaction to intervention. Every day the swelling will decrease; cooling compresses speed up this process.
  2. Bruises (subcutaneous hematomas) occur due to damage to blood vessels during surgery. Although external manifestations hematomas look unsightly, they do not pose a danger to the patient.

    Bruises disappear after 2-3 weeks. For hematomas large sizes the surgeon may additionally perform a puncture to remove residual blood.

  3. Discomfort in the eyes. Pain, a feeling of dryness, stiffness of the eyelids, photophobia, and lacrimation often accompany blepharoplasty.

    Antiseptic eye drops are prescribed to eliminate symptoms. They moisturize the mucous membrane of the eyeball and help avoid infection.

All consequences will disappear on their own after some time without medical intervention. Blepharoplasty is a low-traumatic operation, therefore special actions the patient is not required.

As with any other cosmetic surgery, it is important to follow a number of recommendations from your doctor. This is a condition for speedy recovery and prevention of complications.

Prohibitions by day

In the postoperative period, you need to lead a moderate lifestyle and give up bad habits.

Any activities that load the organ of vision are limited - watching TV, working at the computer, reading literature. Strain on the eyes will increase unpleasant symptoms (dryness, lacrimation) and slow down the rehabilitation period.

Heavy physical labor, tilting the body leads to blood flow to the eyeballs and causes swelling.

What should not be done during the rehabilitation period:

  • visit the bathhouse and sauna, take a hot shower for a month. All thermal procedures may cause bleeding;
  • wash your hair for the first 3 days;
  • You can apply makeup and retouch your eyes after 10-12 days, avoiding the area of ​​the postoperative scar;
  • visit the pool, dance, aerobics and others active species sports for 30 days;
  • lift weights and bend over sharply for a month, this helps to avoid increased intraocular pressure;
  • rub the damaged area of ​​skin with your hands or stretch it for 10 days, otherwise the risk of wound infection increases;
  • wear contact lenses for 2-3 weeks so as not to cause irritation of the conjunctiva and not to introduce pathogens;
  • drink alcohol, drink coffee, smoke for 2-3 weeks. Bad habits impair blood circulation, which will lead to swelling and vascular injury.
  • eat spicy and salty foods, as they retain fluid and thereby increase swelling;
  • put your eyes straight Sun rays for several weeks;
  • eat citrus fruits, take blood thinners for 10 days to avoid bleeding.

All recommendations on lifestyle and restrictions are given by the doctor. If they are followed, it is possible to avoid complications and prevent the appearance of keloid scars. Accept any medicines permitted only after consultation with a surgeon.

How is recovery going?

Blepharoplasty surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia. Usually the patient goes home on the first day, but sometimes he remains under observation medical personnel throughout the day.

If suture surgical material was used, it is removed 6-7 days after the intervention; for this you will have to visit the clinic plastic surgery. Today, absorbable sutures that do not require removal are more often used.

Granulation postoperative incision lasts for 1-4 weeks. In this place, connective tissue appears, which grows with small blood vessels.

A month after blepharoplasty, a thin, unnoticeable scar remains. Rehabilitation is completely completed after 2-3 months. The scars after the incision become invisible, and the person can enjoy an excellent aesthetic result.

The duration of recovery depends on the type of intervention performed.

Lower eyelids

After surgery, ice packs are applied to the eyes for 24 hours. The aseptic patch should remain for 3 days, then the fresh scar is lubricated with Levomikol.

During this period, dressings are carried out daily with treatment of the incision sites with antiseptic solutions, for example, furatsilin.

On the seventh day, to reduce the hematoma, Lyoton gel is used, which is carefully applied to the eyelids, but it is forbidden to apply it directly to the scar.

Upper eyelids

The recovery period takes a little longer, however, swelling and bruising are less pronounced. Recommendations are the same as for blepharoplasty lower eyelids.


This is the most gentle operation, since the incision is made along the inner lining of the eye. Overlays suture material not required since the skin is not damaged.

The mucous membrane at the incision sites heals quickly. Rehabilitation takes place in as soon as possible without pain.


The recovery process is very fast because laser ray leaves behind thin cuts.

They heal without scar formation, in addition, during the operation with high temperature"soldered" blood vessels. This means that swelling and bruising will be minimal.

Asian eyes (Singaporean)

This is a rather complex intervention, during which not only excess skin is removed, but also the shape of the eyes is corrected.

The rehabilitation period lasts 2 weeks.


A short operation, its duration is half an hour. During this time, the surgeon introduces drugs that dissolve fat pads.

Rehabilitation lasts 3 days.

Skin care

Proper eyelid skin care is of great importance. Immediately after the intervention, you should use cooling bandages and compresses on the eyes, the procedure is carried out every few hours during the first two days.

After the operation, the doctor applies a sterile gauze bandage or an antiseptic patch to the eyes; these protective agents are removed for 2-3 days.

If surgical intervention The procedure was successful and no special ointments were required. Bruising and swelling will go away on their own.

The doctor will prescribe the medicine (if necessary), for example, Levomikol ointment is used to speed up tissue healing.

Use regular cosmetical tools care for the skin of the eyelids during the rehabilitation period is prohibited. As soon as the wounds heal, the doctor prescribes an ointment with Chinese mushroom extract. The product improves skin elasticity. Apply the ointment twice a day for two weeks.

You should wash your face after blepharoplasty carefully. Mild soap is used to cleanse the skin. It is not recommended to touch your eyelids for the first 7 days.

You can take a shower on the second day after the intervention, however, you need to make sure that water does not get on the postoperative scars.

Exercises and massage

Gymnastics is an important component of the recovery period. Exercises strengthen the muscles of the periorbital region, promote fluid removal, get rid of swelling, and reduce the risk of postoperative complications.

You can start classes on the second day after the intervention.

  1. Look in front of you, look left and right, then up and down. Repeat slowly on each side.
  2. Raise your eyes to the ceiling and blink several times.
  3. Close your eyelids tightly and hold in this position for 3 seconds, then open your eyes wide. You can't move your eyebrows.
  4. Place your fingers on your eyelids, but do not press on them. Try to open your eyes without removing your hands.
  5. Tilt your head back, while your gaze should be fixed on the tip of your nose. Slowly return to the starting position.
  6. Close your eyes and place your fingers on your temples. Gently move the skin to the side so that the eyes become narrow, like Asians.
  7. Pull the edge of the lower eyelid with your finger, being careful not to touch the postoperative area. Look at the ceiling for a few seconds.

All exercises are repeated 5-6 times at a slow pace.

You can start massage on the seventh day after surgery.

Use your fingers to press on the points located in the outer corners of the eye, lower eyelid, and eyebrows.

Patient calendar

Let's consider the key points of the postoperative period by day:

  1. 1 day. Swelling and bruising are noticeable. When you return home, immediately apply a cooling compress to your eyelids. Take pain medication if necessary.
  2. 2 -3 day. Start doing a set of exercises recommended by your doctor. You can wash your face and take a warm shower, but you should make sure that dirty water didn't get into my eyes. Be sure to bury antiseptic solution. Observe visual restrictions (no need to spend a long time reading literature).
  3. 3 -5 day. If self-absorbable sutures were not used during the operation, you should visit the clinic to remove the suture material.
  4. Day 6 You can remove the antiseptic patch applied to the skin.
  5. Day 7 Bruising and swelling of the eyes are noticeably reduced. You can begin your work duties, but using decorative cosmetics is prohibited. You should wear sunglasses when going outside.
  6. Day 10 Hematomas are almost invisible. If missing discomfort, you are allowed to paint your face.
  7. Day 14 Thin threads are located in the folds of the skin and are practically invisible.
  8. 45 -50 day. All consequences of the procedure disappear completely. You can lead your normal lifestyle and resume sports.


After the intervention, the following physiotherapy procedures are recommended:

  1. Soft peeling. Solutions with minimum concentration fruit acids, they moisturize the skin, neutralize bags and blue spots around the eyes. A combination of peeling and massage is effective, but these cosmetic procedures carried out a week after the operation.
  2. Lymphatic drainage massage designed to remove metabolic products and toxins from the skin by stimulating lymph flow. The procedure has a tightening effect on the skin.
  3. Lifting and moisturizing of the skin. The patient is prescribed ultrasonic lifting in a later rehabilitation period.

    The procedure is carried out using agents that have absorbable and anti-inflammatory properties. The doctor may recommend using drugs such as Lidaza, Mexidol.

  4. Microcurrent therapy– exposure to a weak pulsed current on the skin. Restores cell energy, accelerates tissue regeneration, relieves painful manifestations, improves microcirculation.

All cosmetic and physiotherapeutic procedures relieve the effects of surgery and shorten the rehabilitation period.

The video provides information about indications for blepharoplasty and additional recommendations for the recovery period.

One of the first targets of aging is our eyes. It is from them that one can determine the age of a person. In addition, bags under the eyes or fine wrinkles, they are also called crow's feet, give the face a gloomy and tired look. They can even add years to young girls.

With age, problems with the eyelids appear. The upper eyelid droops over the eye, and unwanted bags appear on the lower eyelid. Excess liquid drunk before going to bed at night affects the swelling of the eyelids in the morning. In such a situation, biorevitalization will help to positively solve this problem. A more complex problem with excess skin hanging over the eyelids can only be solved by blepharoplasty.

How is rehabilitation after blepharoplasty performed?

Postoperative rehabilitation lasts up to 12 days; physical procedures after blepharoplasty play a special role. For some time, there is moderate pain in the area of ​​surgery, slight discomfort is noticed in the form of heavy eyelids and mild eye irritation.

  • During the postoperative period, swelling and bruising appear on the face, so ice is applied to the site where the surgical intervention was performed.
  • On the second day after surgery, the patient needs to perform special eye exercises prescribed by the doctor.
  • For two or three days you should not strain your eyes by reading, watching TV shows or working at the computer.


Not often, but it happens that after the operation, a person cannot completely close his eyes. All temporary inconveniences will disappear soon (unpleasant sensitivity to light and lacrimation).

  • In the first three days after surgery, you need to put special eye drops in your eyes. antiseptic drops which prevent infection from developing.
  • You can start using cosmetics only after ten days.
  • It is not recommended to wear lenses for two weeks after rehabilitation. Replace contact lenses with comfortable glasses.
  • Bruises will disappear in ten days, and hematomas formed on the whites of the eyes will go away only after three weeks.

Sports activities, visits to baths and saunas will be strictly prohibited, and food taken should not be salty or spicy. You should not drink large amounts of water.

During rehabilitation, drinking alcohol and smoking is strictly prohibited. Smoking has never improved anyone’s health or good complexion, therefore, it becomes possible to get rid of this problem forever in the postoperative period. bad habit in order to maintain an attractive appearance for many years.

Sutures after plastic surgery are removed within three to six days. After the operation, the patient will return to his usual rhythm of life in six to twenty days. The scars will be visible for about two weeks; on the eleventh day it is allowed to use concealers.

How to speed up recovery?

  • To prevent bleeding due to high blood pressure, avoid hot showers and baths.
  • Physical exercise are strictly prohibited in gym, fitness center and at the dacha, replace them with physiotherapy. After blepharoplasty, only they are indicated.
  • When going outside, wear tinted glasses, as they will not only protect your eyes from bright light, but will also hide the marks from the operation.
  • It is necessary to coordinate the use of medications with the plastic surgeon.

A slight swelling will be visible for several months. To shorten the rehabilitation period, it is useful to perform all physical procedures after blepharoplasty prescribed by the doctor.

Microcurrents, massage and gymnastics for blepharoplasty

Microcurrents after blepharoplasty have a gentle effect on the vital activity of skin and muscle cells, blood vessels lymphatic vessels. This has a beneficial effect on the removal of stagnant fluid, improves the appearance of the skin, and forms the correct oval of the face.

Microcurrent therapy is completely painless, removes irritation, reduces swelling, inflammation, and helps wounds and scars heal faster. It is useful to carry out in the presence of acute or chronic pain, before surgical intervention and after it, to strengthen the tone of the muscles around the eyes.


This therapy actively combats acne and cellulite, treats hair, arthritis and rheumatism.

The main use of microcurrents after blepharoplasty in hardware cosmetology is lifting, otherwise called tightening. This therapy ideally stimulates processes that affect the youth and elasticity of the skin - cell metabolism, blood microcirculation. Thanks to these actions, facial skin is tightened.

Such stimulation simultaneously affects the skin, blood vessels and muscles, saturates the deep layers of tissue with moisture, removes toxins, awakens cell activity, improving blood circulation many times over.

Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids is performed in the following cases:

  • bags under the eyes and the appearance of excess skin around the eyes;
  • the presence of small and large wrinkles near the eyes;
  • for swelling under the eyes.

How will massage of the lower eyelids help after blepharoplasty?

One of the unwanted complications after surgery is inversion of the lower eyelid, in which they do not close completely. This problem occurs when the skin is removed excessively or when postoperative recommendations are not followed.

To correct this situation, it is enough to perform special gymnastics and lymphatic drainage after blepharoplasty. This type Massage will greatly increase the circulation and outflow of lymph from the damaged tissue, and this will lead to the rapid removal of swelling. A course of massage will improve blood flow in facial tissues, which will have a beneficial effect on healing postoperative sutures and scars.

Exercises and gymnastics for the eyes after blepharoplasty

A combination of special exercises for the eyes after blepharoplasty, which plastic surgeons recommended for patients, it ideally stimulates the activity of the eye muscles, and through their active work, blood flow increases and stagnation of subcutaneous lymph is eliminated.

Systematic implementation of special eye exercises for several weeks will accompany the rapid elimination of postoperative edema and will create excellent conditions for rapid resorption of hematomas. Such gymnastics restores tone to the circular muscles of the eyes.

Before doing gymnastics for the eyes after plastic surgery, you need to do a little warm-up: first look forward, then move your eyes to the left until they roll back, after a while - to the right, then up and down (need to be done 5 times).

After completing the warm-up, proceed to a set of special exercises for the eyelids:

  • First lesson. Raise your head up, move your gaze to the ceiling and start blinking for thirty seconds.
  • Second lesson. Close and at the count of three, open your eyes as wide as possible, look into the distance. Then squeeze your eyelids tightly again so that your eyebrows remain motionless. Repeat this activity 5-6 times.
  • Third lesson. Close your eyes and put it on upper eyelids index fingers. They should be at an angle to the nose or perpendicular to it. Start opening your eyes, despite the resistance of your fingers. After a few seconds, close again. It is very important that the eyebrows remain motionless when performing the exercise.
  • Fourth lesson. Tilt your head back, looking down at the tip of your nose. After 5 seconds, level up and look straight ahead.
  • Fifth lesson “Chinese”. Close your eyes and place your fingertips on your temples. Gently pull the skin back and release. Repeat 5-6 times.

The course of the rehabilitation period is influenced by several factors: age, heredity (thick skin), regenerative abilities of the body, condition of tissues and immune system(if the blood vessels in the eye area are located very close, the recovery process is delayed), the presence of addictions (alcohol, smoking).

To facilitate the recovery process, the rules necessary for this period should be carefully followed. Not only the terms of rehabilitation, but also the final result of the operation depend on your attitude to the process.

Recovery period after surgery

Any operation requires a recovery period, i.e. rehabilitation. The type of operation plays a decisive role in this regard. Blepharoplasty is considered a gentle procedure that affects only the upper tissues, and therefore the rehabilitation period is relatively short.

Bruising and bruising immediately after surgery is a natural occurrence. Moreover, on the third day after the operation they will become more obvious. But then they will gradually fade away. Perhaps by 7-10 days there will be no trace left of them. It’s worth repeating - everything is individual. Age is a significant factor in this regard. The older the patient (patient), the more time it will take for rehabilitation. At 50 years old, swelling may disappear only after two weeks, on the 14th - 15th day.

The full rehabilitation period averages 3 weeks. But it can be longer.

Whether it will be shorter depends on you, on your attitude towards this important moment. Special care after surgery will help improve rapid recovery and will shorten the rehabilitation period. Not a single recommendation should be neglected. Yes, the skill of the surgeon is extremely important, but the rest will be entirely up to you.

Features of recovery after surgery are discussed in the video below:

Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty by day

This is what the rehabilitation period looks like day by day.

Day of rehabilitation periodGeneral stateAcceptable ActionsRecommendations
1 day, the appearance of swelling and bruising.Apply ice and take painkillers.
Day 2The pain persists and the swelling increases.

Increased eye sensitivity.

You can take a shower, but water should not get into your eyes.Cold compress.

Start of eye exercises. Use of antiseptic drops.

Day 3The swelling continues to increase, possibly causing double vision.

Increased eye sensitivity.

The same as on the second day.Cold compress.

Continued exercise for the eyes. Also use antiseptic drops.

4 dayThe swelling begins to go away.Reading is acceptable, but not much.If there is a need to remove sutures, you should visit the clinic to perform the procedure.
5 dayThe swelling becomes even less.Reading is also acceptable.
Day 6A hematoma (bruise) may appear.Loads are still limited.Visit to the clinic. Remove patches, stickers, etc.
Day 7The swelling goes away almost completely.Gradually it is permissible to enter the usual rhythm of life.
Day 8Transitional period between swelling and the natural state.Makeup is acceptable.Physical activity is unacceptable.
9 - 10 dayTransitional, postoperative period.See day 8.See day 8.
11 - 14 daysRecovery natural state, the seams are almost innocent. The bruises “go away.” Unpleasant sensations disappear.You can gradually begin to exercise.

It is acceptable to use lenses.

Up to 60 daysThe disappearance of everyone visible symptoms, restoration of natural functions and reactions.A lifestyle in compliance with the necessary rules. The lifestyle should be gentle.Compliance with individual care recommendations.

Swelling after blepharoplasty by day (before and after photos)


During the two months of the rehabilitation period, all necessary instructions must be followed:

  • Serious sports are excluded,
  • It is not permissible to visit a bathhouse, solarium, etc.
  • When going outside, you should wear sunglasses,
  • It is recommended to use a sunscreen spray for the eyelids,
  • At first, you cannot wear contact lenses; it is recommended to use glasses.
  • Reduce eye strain as much as possible, limit watching TV, reading, computer work,
  • It is better to sleep on a high pillow in order to avoid a rush of blood to the head,
  • Avoid sudden head movements
  • Avoid drinking coffee as much as possible
  • Drink more fluids
  • Reduce the amount of salt in your diet or completely eliminate it,
  • Try to stick healthy eating as much as possible. Milk-vegetable diet is the optimal solution,
  • Follow all doctor's recommendations.

Compliance with these rules will significantly shorten the rehabilitation period and prevent possible complications.

The video below will show how rehabilitation goes with photos day by day:

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