Home Coated tongue Make fir oil using the cold method at home. Fir preparations for the treatment of various diseases

Make fir oil using the cold method at home. Fir preparations for the treatment of various diseases

Good day to all readers of my humble website “”, and in today’s article I will tell you how you can cook it yourself fir oil at home.

I'm sure many of you have heard about medicinal properties this product. For those who do not belong to this group of readers, let me briefly remind you of the areas of application of fir oil. So, it is used to treat:

  • peripheral diseases nervous system
  • radiculitis
  • eczema
  • bronchitis
  • chronic sore throat
  • pneumonia
  • rheumatism ()
  • many joint diseases
  • cholelithiasis
  • in cosmetology

The secret of unique healing properties fir oil is that it contains more than 35 very different biological active substances. Phytoncides kill microbes, and vitamins and essential oils perfectly stimulate and restore the body's defenses, strengthen the immune system.

Of course, fir oil can be easily purchased, but in this article we will still talk about how to make it yourself. And you will always have time to buy!

Recipe for making your own fir oil

So, how can you make fir oil? The main problem you may encounter is the lack of fir needles. If you can get pine needles, then you shouldn’t have any problems with cooking in the future. The recipe is quite simple and straightforward.

Take fir needles and cut them together with branches without shoots 1 - 1.5 cm long, fill a 2 liter jar with them. Just keep in mind that you don’t need to stuff it to the brim, but rather at a distance of 5 cm from the top.

Next, fill everything with vegetable or olive oil to the level of fir cutting. Close the jar with a metal lid (only without a rubber band) and place it in an enamel pan, on the bottom of which place thin twigs.

The pan needs to be filled approximately halfway with water, be sure to cover with a lid and bring to a boil on the fire.

When the oil boils, reduce the heat and cook the entire contents for exactly 5 hours. At the same time, be sure to monitor the amount of water. It will boil and as it boils you need to add boiling water.

After 5 hours of cooking, remove the pan from the stove, remove the jar of pine needles from it, drain the oil into another, clean jar, squeeze out the pine needles, and then throw away.

The jar needs to be filled with new ones fir branches and pour in the oil that you drained, that is, the oil that was previously boiled for 5 hours.

After this, you can turn off and pour the oil into bottles or vials.

Several recipes for using fir oil

For radiculitis and diseases of the peripheral nervous system

Take a small amount of fir oil (store-bought or prepared according to this recipe) and carefully rub it into the lumbar area and other problem areas.

Before rubbing, be sure to take a hot bath or at least warm it up.

The course of treatment for the above diseases ranges from 10 to 15 similar procedures, after which, as a rule, noticeable relief occurs.

For wet eczema

For eczema, an ointment made from some animal fat helps a lot ( goose fat, pork fat, badger lard or regular baby cream) and fir oil, in a ratio of 6/3. The recipe for preparing and using the ointment is as follows:

Mix everything well and apply to sore spots. Place compress paper on top and tie it. Such compresses should be done 2–3 times a day. The course of treatment is from 12 to 24 days.

The same ointment can be used to remove bedsores and diaper rash by rubbing the sore spots with it.

Treatment of chronic sore throat with fir oil

For chronic sore throat, in addition to lubricating the tonsils, you need to put 1 - 2 drops of oil into your nose. Naturally, this should be done only if the oil does not cause allergies in the patient.

For bronchitis and pneumonia

To treat these diseases, it is recommended to wipe yourself with fir oil and do simple inhalations. Pour boiling water into the pan, add 2-4 drops of fir oil, cover your head with a blanket and breathe.

It is necessary to rub fir oil into collar area back, as well as in the chest area, at least 4 - 5 times a day. It can also be useful to massage your feet.

After rubbing the patient, you need to wrap him in the same compress paper, wrap him well in a blanket and let him drink tea.

That's all for me. As you can see, preparing fir oil, even at home, is not at all difficult and it is not at all necessary to buy it. All you need to prepare it is the presence of fir needles.


This oil is called the forest doctor: healers have always used it in medical practice life-giving properties of fir oil balms. Now it is successfully applied modern medicine. It is a cosmetic, medicinal and disinfectant, a source of energy, wellness. The scope of application has no boundaries.

What are the benefits of fir oil?

An oil extract is obtained from young tree branches, cones, and pine needles by distillation. The substance affects viruses, bacteria, fungus. Contains provitamins, phytoncides, oleic and lauric acids, campherene, carotene, tannins. Together they serve to strengthen the body, restore harmony and peace. The price of the product is low. As for beauty, the Siberian elixir is the first assistant in cosmetology.

For hair

Dandruff and flaking of the scalp will go away by adding 1-2 drops of fir to the shampoo. A combination of 3 tablespoons will help your hair. mustard powder, diluted with warm water, and 2-3 drops of fir balsam. Pharmacy products inferior to blue clay in the consistency of thick sour cream if you add a couple of drops of concentrate to it. It is useful, according to the instructions, to combine fir balsam with other oils. Use the resulting substance as a mask.


  • fir balm – 2 drops;
  • castor, Burr oil– 1 drop;
  • dry yeast - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion juice;
  • sea ​​salt - a pinch

Mode of application:

  1. Dissolve yeast in warm water, add other ingredients.
  2. Apply the mask to the roots of your hair, cover your head with polyethylene and a towel (for warmth).
  3. Wash off after 2 hours.

For face

Fir “doctor” fights skin aging; you just need to add a couple of drops to your usual cream. They will provide cells nutrients, will make the skin elastic, reduce the number of wrinkles, and remove bags under the eyes. This is especially important for older women. Before applying to a damp, clean face, leave all parts together for 30-35 minutes. Ingredients:

  • apricot kernel or wheat germ oil – 15 ml;
  • fir extract – 4 four drops;
  • concentrated solutions of vitamins A, E – 1 drop each.

Other recipes:

  1. Oily skin loves whipped chicken protein with fir resin (4 drops). Apply the mixture in layers, and when the mask dries, wash off.
  2. Dry skin will be helped by mashed potatoes with cream and fir remedy (3 drops). Keep the mask on for a quarter of an hour.
  3. If you add 7 drops to half a glass of warm water, freeze and wipe your face, it will stop sweating in the heat.
  4. A guaranteed method of rejuvenation is 10 g of baby cream and 4-6 drops of oil.\

Treatment with fir oil

This oil dissolves salts in joints, relieves pain from neuritis, rheumatism, gout, and osteochondrosis. This is one of the best ways treatment of colds and flu. 10-minute inhalations with 2-3 drops of extract, rubbing of palms, feet, chest. For foot or nail fungus, an excellent remedy is warm applications of sunflower oil with fir oil extract. Hypertonic disease cannot resist the folk healer.

Mode of application:

  1. Moisten a piece of sugar with three drops of fir extract.
  2. Take twice a day for 1 month.
  3. For older people, repeat treatment after 3-4 months, for young people - after 6.
  4. The same method is successful with varicose veins. If there is no discomfort, the areas of blockage can be massaged with light circular movements with fir remedy for 3-5 minutes. (at least 2 times a day).
  5. After a month of the course, a break for 3 weeks. Then repeat the treatment.

For a runny nose

For a runny nose, fir extract applied to the nose has an effect. But you need to bury a mixture of fir and sea ​​buckthorn oils in equal parts and warm boiled water:

  1. Dilute 2-3 drops with 100 ml of heated water. Place the solution into the nostrils a few drops at a time. This procedure dangerous for children.
  2. Mix 1 tsp. vegetable and 3-4 drops of fir extract. Drop into each nostril 3-4 times throughout the day.

For acne

Pimples and blackheads respond to fir oil, fungal diseases skin. It regulates functions sebaceous glands, tightens pores, fights comedones and oily shine. The procedures effectively cleanse the skin of impurities. An excellent mask is easy to prepare at home:

  1. For one tablespoon, add 2-3 drops of a mixture of milk thistle, black cumin, avocado, and grape seed oils.
  2. Keep on face for 25 minutes, rinse.
  3. For acne, apply the product pointwise using a cotton swab.

Against cough

Essential oils for bronchitis and other colds that are accompanied by cough are very effective:

  • Inhalations have magical properties. Drop 5-6 drops of essential oil into a bowl of boiling water, cover your head with a towel, inhale the healing vapors for 5 minutes. Do inhalations 2 times a day, if there is no fever.
  • A medicinal drink is useful. Put honey (a teaspoon) and 6 ml of fir extract into a glass of juice (not citrus). Drink 3 times a day before meals.

Against skin diseases

The product promotes healing burn wounds, diaper rash, bedsores, but it must be diluted with baby cream or animal fat. At trophic ulcers, weeping eczema, purulent wounds An ointment made from internal pork fat with the addition of fir oil in a ratio of 3 to 1 has a healing effect. Treat the wound with the ointment, apply a bandage, cover with wax paper, fix for 15-20 minutes 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 weeks.

How safe is oil treatment?

Tips for using fir oil will help you get the benefits by choosing available and effective methods healing:

  1. External use of the oil is permissible in diluted form, with open wounds the procedures should be abandoned.
  2. Testing is important: drop a drop on the bend of the elbow and observe the skin reaction.
  3. Do not use internally for kidney problems, gastritis, or ulcers.
  4. There are contraindications for patients with bronchial asthma; it is dangerous for young children and breastfeeding young mothers.
  5. Fir oil is not allowed during pregnancy.
  6. It cannot be combined with alcohol: the healing power of fir will not manifest itself, the effect will be unnoticeable. The harm can be serious, so it’s better not to risk it.

How to choose good fir oil

You can buy oil in pharmacies and stores healthy eating, online stores. The main thing is to look at the catalog and read in the instructions whether the substance is well purified. The test shows: a drop of natural extract evaporates without a greasy trace, otherwise it is counterfeit with a cheap vegetable oil. Do drops added to the cream separate it? This means you bought a fake. The label will help partly. If it states that fragrances have been used, the product is unsuitable. It is best to use trial and error to choose fir oil from a specific production.


The price of fir oil varies depending on the volume and manufacturer. You need to read the instructions to see if this is the right drug. The oil is used for oral administration, as a cosmetic or for the sauna. Wholesalers who prefer to buy a drug in an online store need to choose a price, order delivery of products, determine the timing and convenient method of delivery. Average cost:

  • In Moscow and the region, 10 ml can be inexpensive: from 50 rubles. (for wholesale purchases the price is reduced to 40) to 140. In other pharmacies you can buy at a price of 90-133 rubles.
  • A larger volume - 25 ml - is estimated from 45 to 300 rubles.
  • 30 ml cost starting from 125 rubles. per bottle.
  • 50 ml cost 140–210 rubles.
  • You can buy 200 ml at a price of 500 rubles.


Rhinitis is an inflammation of the nasal mucosa, accompanied by a feeling of congestion and the appearance of mucous or mucopurulent discharge. Various are used for treatment medications (saline solutions, decongestants, topical corticosteroids and herbal preparations), including homemade ones. Let's look at how to make fir oil at home and the basic rules for using it for a runny nose.

Fir oil, widely used in the treatment of pathologies of the ENT organs, has many healing properties. It includes bisabolene, cineol, camphor, terpenes and plant phytoncides, causing the following effects:

  • Immuno-strengthening - regular use of fir oil helps strengthen the body's defenses and prevents infectious and inflammatory diseases of the ENT organs.

  • Decongestant - fir oil effectively eliminates swelling of the mucous membrane and a feeling of nasal congestion due to rhinitis and sinusitis.
  • Anti-inflammatory - the use of healing oil for colds promotes rapid relief inflammatory process in the affected organs.
  • Expectorant - allows the oil to be used for upper respiratory tract infections (pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis).
  • Antimicrobial - thanks to cineole, which is part of the oil, pathogenic microorganisms (bacteria, viruses, fungi) that lead to the development of diseases are effectively destroyed.
  • Cleansing - when used intranasally, the product promotes good hydration of the mucous membrane, removing accumulated impurities and mucus.

Most often, otorhinolaryngologists use fir oil in their practice. It effectively relieves inflammation, eliminates nasal congestion, pain and sore throat, and soothes irritated mucous membranes.

The industrial production of fir oil is often disrupted; improper transportation and storage also affects the properties of the natural product. It was noted that the best results and effectiveness are shown by fresh fir oil, the production of which is not difficult.


The main rule for preparing fir oil at home is to use high-quality raw materials. To make fir oil yourself, you will need:

  • Young tree cones, still green.
  • Inflorescences, thin shoots.
  • Branches with needles and the needles themselves.

Plant materials should be collected from young fir, one and a half to two meters high, growing in a sunny clearing in a forest or planting. The best time The period for harvesting is considered to be from mid-March to early September. In the spring it is better to collect young cones and shoots, and in the fall pine needles should be harvested.

It is very important that the tree looks healthy and has a developed, dense crown. Harvesting parts of plants growing near the road or in dusty places is strictly prohibited.

Classic cooking method

A simple way that even a beginner can make fir oil is the infusion method. For this you will need:

  • Collect young shoots and cones of the plant, wash them thoroughly with cold running water and dry.
  • Grind the plant material into small pieces.
  • Fill pre-sterilized 0.5-liter jars tightly to 3/4 of the volume with cut shoots.
  • Pour the raw material with refined vegetable oil (it is best to use olive oil), heated to 80 degrees.
  • Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it in a cool, dark place (cellar, pantry) for 40 days.
  • After this time, the jars must be opened, the resulting oil heated to 50 degrees and poured into the new shoots.
  • The infusion procedure is repeated, after which the resulting composition must be carefully filtered and bottled.

The oil obtained by this method has the highest concentration useful substances. The prepared fir extract should be stored in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at room temperature, in dark glass containers.

Alternative way

For those who do not want to spend several months obtaining fir oil, there is quick method preparation, which is more labor-intensive compared to infusion. To make your own fir oil using this method, you need to follow a certain algorithm:

  • Thoroughly washed, dried fresh pine needles should be folded into a jar (1 liter), not reaching the top 5 cm.
  • Pour the prepared raw materials with any oil (sunflower, corn, olive) so that it completely covers the coniferous blank.
  • Close the jar tightly with a lid and place it on water bath into a large saucepan filled with water to the level of the needles.
  • After five hours of cooking, you need to open the jar, pour the oil into another container with fresh pine needles and repeat the process again.
  • The finished oil is poured into prepared containers and closed tightly.

The resulting natural medicine, after consultation with a specialist, can be used to lubricate inflamed tonsils for tonsillitis and tonsillitis, instilled into the nose for infectious and chronic rhinitis, and used for inhalation for inflammation of the ENT organs. Baths with fir oil and aromatherapy are popular to prevent colds.

Doctors note the best effect from using self-prepared fir oil.

Fir oil is a product made from fir needles and young shoots. Moreover, mainly its white, balsamic and Siberian appearance. It is obtained by steam distillation of raw materials. It has long been known for its biological activity, the ability to heal various diseases, alleviate the condition of the body, make it more active and efficient.

Essential oil among disinfectants, medicinal and cosmetic natural remedies. It is distinguished by its environmental cleanliness, since the source material for it - fir trees - grows only in clean places, unpolluted by industry and waste. Basically, in Russia these are the forests of Eastern Siberia, where the anthropogenic pressure on nature is quite low.

Externally, the oil is a colorless or slightly colored liquid, which has a pronounced pine aroma. Sprayed in a room, it destroys pathogenic microorganisms in it, helps eliminate unpleasant odors, filling the space with pleasure, subtle aroma coniferous forest.

The effect of fir oil on the body is soft, “non-intrusive”, how does it differ from most known ones natural preparations. It can cause harm very rarely, and only after excessive, long and unprofessional use.

Fir oil is soluble in mineral and vegetable oils, diethyl phthalate, benzyl benzoate, ethanol; weak - propylene glycol, glycerin; does not dissolve in water.

Properties of fir oil

The oil contains cineole, borneol, n-cymene, sabinene, y-bisabolene, 3-carene, α-phenchene, α-thujene, santhene, camphene, β- and α-penenes, terpinolene, y- and α-terpinenes, dipentene, limonene, trans- and cis-β-ocimene, myrcene.

One of the most significant components in fir oil is bornyl acetate. This substance has a complex composition in which it contains acetic acid and borneol. In addition, the oil is rich in other components, among which the following are isolated and most studied for their effect on the body:

  • tannins: give the oil anti-inflammatory properties, promote a vasoconstrictor effect on the intestinal wall, and the growth of pathogenic microorganisms; used by the pharmaceutical industry in the production of drugs that help fight poisoning;
  • carotene: known for its protective functions, preventing the destruction of cell walls by free radicals; promotes faster recovery epithelium; doesn't allow sun rays provide directly harmful effects on the skin; thanks to it, the body better fights tumors; this substance provides a person with “night” vision;
  • Vitamin C: is the most powerful antioxidant known; has a positive effect on the functioning of the internal glands, reducing the reproduction of cholesterol and pigment substances; directly affects the state of the immune system, helps the body fight allergic influences;
  • tocopherols: have an antioxidant effect; have an impact on metabolic processes at the tissue level, make capillaries more elastic, restore reproductive function, help reduce the size of atherosclerotic plaques.

This list of properties of fir oil is not exhaustive. It also contains other substances that also have a beneficial effect on human body, on his condition.

Medicinal properties of fir oil

Thanks to its rich composition, fir oil is one of the best natural remedies that can help the human body fight various ailments:

  • it helps to regenerate skin, after receiving damage or injury;
  • it affects general state body, improving its tone;
  • it quickly strengthens defense systems and helps improve immunity;
  • it blocks the development of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • it reduces pain in most diseases;
  • it does better job prostate gland in men, ovaries in women;
  • it allows you to quickly cleanse the lungs and bronchi of the mucus that accumulates in them during colds;
  • it humiliates or completely blocks the manifestations of intoxication;
  • it, when used regularly, minimizes colds in humans;
  • it calms the nervous system, allowing you to effectively resist stress;
  • it has a relaxing effect on the muscles;
  • it is an excellent remedy from fatigue.

All of the above was known long ago and in the time of Hippocrates, among the people who inhabited Ancient Rus'. Confirmed today official medicine and is applied in practice.

Fir oil has long been considered by healers and doctors as an excellent analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, bactericidal, disinfectant. When consumed, it strengthens the human body, tones it and calms it.

The oil is often recommended as a prophylactic to prevent different states body. They cure lung diseases; it gives amazing results for ARVI, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, flu. Taking the oil helps fight pneumonia, an infection that inflames the upper Airways. At the same time, the drug makes the patient less irritable, calms him, and helps remove accumulated mucus from the body.

The presence of phytoncides and provitamins in the oil leads to strengthening protective systems body. The beneficial effect of the drug on hypothermic and frostbitten tissues has long been noticed. Its analgesic properties help treat gout, rheumatism, osteochondrosis, neuralgia, arthrosis, and neuritis. Reducing painful sensations, the oil simultaneously reduces swelling resulting from diseases.

The effect of fir oil on blood vessels and the heart has been noticed. Its use leads to a narrowing of the former and an increase in myocardial contractility. Its ability to restore impaired blood flow, raise arterial pressure with him low values. The oil is used as an additional remedy for urological and gynecological problems.

With the help of fir oil, the central nervous system is quickly and effectively normalized. People get rid of stress chronic fatigue. They stop suffering from neuroses and insomnia; Their sleep is normalized, their tone rises, and the lost state of peace and harmony appears.

The use of fir oil in cosmetology

Cosmetologists use fir oil, usually in exceptional cases, when they have to decide serious problems, turning into acute form. With the help of the drug, swelling is effectively removed, acne, furunculosis, and pustular rashes are treated.

With oil you can achieve the disappearance of wrinkles on the skin and its sagging. Moreover, the drug acts equally well on mature, aging, and fading facial skin, its tightening and rejuvenation is noticeable.

Oil occupies a special place in the treatment of feet. It is effective against dermatosis and excessive sweating.

Fir water

This water is prepared by dripping 3...5 drops into a glass of water. fir oil. The resulting liquid is used for rinsing during morning and evening hygiene. To feel the result, you need to rinse for 3…4 weeks.

Fir water should be used as a preventive measure to strengthen teeth and gums. Usually they rinse their mouth with it after brushing their teeth - in the morning, in the evening. Fir water should be kept in your mouth for about 5 minutes. It is worth doing courses of such rinses, which should be 20...25.

Recipes for treatment with fir oil

Treatment of colds with fir oil

It is effective to use fir oil at the first sign of a cold. If you have headache, you feel weak in the body, chills, then you can take a hot (+40°C) bath, in which you must first dissolve 15 ml of oil extract. Stay in the bathroom for 20 minutes, while maintaining the temperature of the water in it at the same initial level.

If you take a bath correctly, then after 7...10 minutes a slight tingling sensation will appear in your groin. After finishing your bath, you need to massage your feet, neck, and chest with the same fir oil, wrap yourself well in something warm, and be sure to put woolen socks on your feet.

Dry inhalations with fir oil are effective for colds. To do this, paper or cloth is placed next to the sick person, onto which oil is first applied. The latter, slowly evaporating, destroys with its vapors pathogenic microbes indoors, leading to faster recovery.

Going to the bathhouse will help with a cold. Especially if, while steaming, you drop a couple of drops of fir oil onto the hot stones. By relieving a cold, you will also strengthen your immune system and nervous system, and relax.

When your throat becomes inflamed due to a cold, you should lubricate your tonsils with fir oil. At first, you will feel a slight burning sensation, which will quickly pass, and at the same time your well-being will improve.

Treatment of a runny nose with fir oil

They use essential fir extract and make it acupressure; To do this, drop oil on your fingers and massage the skin next to the nostrils; when you find the right point, you will feel a slight pain; massage is carried out clockwise - first do 40 circular movements fingers, then 2 min. in any direction; the nose should begin to breathe - if this does not happen, then the massage needs to be continued;

  • A runny nose will go away if you put some drops in your nose water solution fir oil; prepare it by first dripping 3 drops. in 50 ml of water.

Treatment of cough with fir oil

1…2 drops fir oil is diluted with vegetable oil (sunflower, olive); the resulting solution is applied to the tongue - closer to its root; this way you can get rid of cough in 2 days;

  • take 6 ml. fir oil, add juice (citrus juice is not allowed) and tsp. honey; stir; drink the heated mixture, one teaspoon at a time, before meals, three times a day;
  • take a bowl and pour hot water and drip 2...3 drops into it. fir oil; lean over the bowl, covering yourself with a towel; breathe in pairs until the water in the bowl cools; inhalations are carried out 2 times. per day, at least an hour after eating; During the procedure, a cough may begin - do not panic - you need to clear your throat and continue inhalation;
  • for children: pour warm water into a basin, drip 3...5 drops into it. fir oil; the baby's legs are floating; The oil should not be used for children under 3 years of age.

Treatment of bronchitis with fir oil

This disease can be cured using various recipes that involve fir oil - procedures, for example, are as follows:

  • take a thermos, fill it with boiling water, add 1 drop. fir oil; make a paper bell, insert it into the hole of the thermos and breathe through it with your mouth; duration of the procedure – 5 minutes; during this process, drops of oil are added to maintain the level of its vapor constant;
  • inhalation can be done differently - in a container with hot water drip 2...3 drops. oil, bend over it and cover the top of the head, for example, with a towel; breathe oil vapors for 3...5 minutes;
  • alternately with inhalations, you can take a hot (30°C...35°C) bath, to which 3...5 drops are added. fir oil; You can stay in it for up to 15…20 minutes;
  • after inhalation or bath, drink 2...3 drops. fir oil, rub it on your back, chest, feet; then they wrap themselves in something woolen and drink Herb tea; such procedures should be done on days 4…5;
  • such complex treatment bronchitis is very effective and allows you to get rid of it in 4...5 days.

Treatment of sinusitis with fir oil

3...4 times a day you need to bury the oil in the nostrils (3...4 drops each);

  • help with sinusitis inhalations; Boil water in a saucepan, add 8...10 drops to it. oil, breathe in its vapors, covering your head with a towel; Duration of the procedure is 15 minutes.

Treatment of throat with fir oil

If throat problems are caused by a sore throat, then you can cure the latter as follows:

  • make a tampon from gauze or cotton wool, moisten it with fir oil and periodically lubricate the tonsils (3...5 rubles per day);
  • take a 3- or 4-layer gauze napkin, apply fir oil evenly on it and apply a compress to the throat - keep it for 20 minutes; Then they rub oil on their feet, chest, back, wrap themselves in a blanket and warm up.

Treatment of arthrosis with fir oil

Baths with fir oil

For arthrosis of the hand joints, baths are an ideal option. They take plastic bag, pour 1.5 liters of fir water into it (obtained, alternatively, from fir concentrate, which is diluted with 5 parts of water). A bag of water is placed, for example, in a pan containing water heated to 40°C.

Hands are inserted inside a plastic bag and held in it for 15 minutes. The water temperature is maintained at the original level by adding boiling water to the pan. After the bath, the joints of the hands should be massaged using fir oil.

The fir water in which the procedure was carried out is not poured out - it is placed in a jar, closed with a lid and stored in a dark place. Water is used during the next procedure, which is carried out the next day. They do it according to the same scheme and conditions as the first. The only difference is that you cannot pour water into a plastic bag and the sediment that appears in the tank must be poured into the sink.

More than 2 r. It is not recommended to use fir water. To achieve a noticeable effect, it is necessary to carry out 15…20 procedures. The described procedure is also used in the treatment of leg joints. The only difference is that you will need much more capacity bigger size, and much more fir water will be consumed.

If you have problems with the amount of fir water, you can prepare the solution differently:

  • take 1...1.5 liters of water, add 50...60 drops to it. (for local baths 90...100 drops) fir oil, shampoo or liquid soap;
  • the mixture is poured into a plastic bag and everything is done as described above.

Compresses with fir oil

Arthrosis is treated with compresses, the number of procedures is 30...40:

  • fir extract is heated to a temperature of 40°C;
  • fold gauze into 3 layers, soak in heated extract;
  • put a compress on the sore joint once a day, time - 15...20 minutes; It’s better to do this before bedtime;
  • After the compress, rub the oil into the skin above the joint.

Dental treatment with fir oil

Using fir oil, you can successfully treat gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, and periodontal disease without seeking help from a specialist. True, you will have to be patient, since the procedures need to be carried out for 25...30 days and repeated after 3...4 months. break.

The dental treatment procedure is as follows:

  • on index finger fix 2 layers of bandage, apply 6...8 drops on it. fir oil;
  • massage the upper gum with your finger, then add 3...5 drops. oils, proceed to massage the lower gums;
  • everyone does massage oral cavity with the same bandage, adding 2...3 drops. drug;
  • wipe all teeth with fir oil.

The first procedures may be accompanied by bleeding from the gums. This is not scary - it only confirms that you have problems with your gums and need to be eliminated. In 4...6 days. treatment of gums with fir oil will no longer cause bleeding, and the gums will become stronger.

For toothache, you can also use a little fir. Make a cotton swab, apply the drug to it and apply a compress to the sore tooth; You need to keep it for 10...20 minutes, after 1..2 hours. The compress is applied again.

Periodontal disease is also treated by applying fir oil to the gums. Do this after eating, after 20...25 minutes. A compress is prepared from gauze, bandage, cotton wool, soaked in a fir preparation and kept on the gums for 15...20 minutes. The effect of the procedures will increase significantly if you add oil obtained from peach and sea buckthorn to fir oil. Their proportions to fir oil are equal.

Other recipes with fir oil

Treatment of ears with fir oil

Depending on the ear problem, treatment may vary:

  • with tinnitus, pharmaceutical fir oil will help if you massage the lobes with it, rub it around the ears and behind them; Doing an oil massage costs up to 4 rubles. per day.

Treatment of herpes with fir oil

This unpleasant rash can be treated well with fir oil; last with a cotton swab 3...5 rubles. a day to lubricate herpes sores; the effect of treatment will increase significantly if, in addition to fir, you use camphor and tea tree oil; The described procedure makes the rash disappear after 2…3 days.

Knee treatment with fir oil

Using this drug, they achieve relaxation of periarticular tissues during inflammation. knee joint, withdrawals pain syndrome; for this, take 2...3 drops. oils and rub the skin in the problem area of ​​the sore knee; the effect of rubbing will be more noticeable if you take a bath or steam in a sauna before it.

Treatment of angina pectoris with fir oil

For angina pectoris, taking a spoonful of sugar inside, into which 5...6 drops are first dripped, helps. fir oil; should be taken once a day;

  • if there is pain, then you need to rub the chest in the heart area with fir oil; For the procedure you need 10...12 drops. The drug.

Treatment with fir oil of the liver

Fir water helps better with liver diseases; prepare it from a liter of water, 5 drops. fir oil - beat the mixture to uniform distribution oils, since they are completely insoluble in water; It is better to use a mixer for whipping;

  • are treated by taking fir water internally, half a glass a day, 3 times; usually do this before meals, about half an hour; An overdose of water is not dangerous; drinking it will help those who suffer from enterocolitis, anacid gastritis, and colitis.

Treatment of psoriasis with fir oil

Despite external manifestation diseases, for its treatment drink fir water; do this three times a day, drinking half a glass of liquid at a time; the usual course is 1.5 months, then 2 months. rest, after which they drink fir water again, but for 30 days.

Treatment of burns with fir oil

If you have skin burns, you should often treat it with fir oil; The treatment site is kept open.

Treatment of prostatitis with fir oil

Prostatitis is one of the most common problems among men today; they treat it in different ways, but the following recipe helps: you need to purchase candles made from cocoa butter at the pharmacy; 10 drops are dripped onto the candle. fir oil and inserted into the anus at night; They usually do this every day for up to a month.

Fir oil and treatment of kidney stones

The sequence of measures for this disease is as follows:

  • At first they drink 3 times a week. per day, decoctions prepared from diuretic herbs and natural juices (beetroot juice should not be taken);
  • the second week they continue to drink the same, but add 5 drops to it. fir oil;
  • A second course of kidney treatment with fir oil can be carried out after 3 weeks.

Treatment of the trigeminal nerve with fir oil

Despite the complexity of the disease, fir oil helps to quickly (3 days) get rid of unpleasant painful sensations; to do this, it is rubbed frequently with a cotton swab (6 rubles per day) into the skin in the area where the nerve is located; do this easily, as it can cause burns.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with fir oil

Pure fir oil is not used for this disease; it is mixed in equal quantities with castor and the mixture is smeared hemorrhoids, going out;

if the hemorrhoids are internal, then the same amount of sea buckthorn oil should be added to the fir oil; tampons are moistened with the mixture and inserted into the anus; You need to put tampons on at least 3 times. in a day.

Treatment of osteochondrosis with fir oil

Massage usually helps - fir oil replaces traditional massage cream for this disease.

Treatment of nail fungus with fir oil

Take a cotton pad, moisten it with fir oil and apply it to the infected area on the nail; remove the tampon after half an hour; usually the infection disappears within 7...10 days;

  • wash your feet using warm water and soap; make a cotton swab, apply 2...3 drops on it. fir oil and rub into the affected area on the nail plate; frequency of procedures per day – 2…3; oil from the nail does not need to be washed off after the procedure;
  • baths with fir oil help get rid of fungus; take a liter of warm water, drip 10 drops into it. oils; place fingers with infected nails in baths and keep for up to half an hour; This procedure can be carried out regularly as a preventive measure.

Fir oil in the treatment of gynecological diseases

Fir oil is a good help in the fight against women's problems, especially caused by infections; To do this, add 8...10 drops to boiled and cooled water (half a liter). fir oil; The resulting solution is used for douching and rinsing of the genitals.

Contraindications to treatment with fir oil

It is not always possible to use fir oil. It's strong active drug, because it can be harmful in some health conditions. It is not recommended for use in children under 3 years of age. The oil is contraindicated for people suffering from epilepsy, kidney pathology, gastritis, and peptic ulcers.

There may be individual intolerance to fir oil. It can cause severe allergies, therefore such people should use other drugs.

It is also not recommended to use fir oil during pregnancy. Especially it concerns early dates when the drug can be most dangerous for both mother and fetus. As a result of research, by the way, it was found that oil used during such a period violates embryonic development child, may lead to renal failure him.

Prepared at home, it is much better than pharmacy.

Fir oil contains 35 biologically active substances. Phytoncides have a detrimental effect on microbes. Vitamins and essential oils stimulate the body's defenses and increase blood circulation.

Fir oil helps a lot at severe cough : 2-3 drops are dripped from a pipette onto the root of the tongue before bed. In the same way, fir oil is taken and for prostatitis, but every other day for a month. With a runny nose Lubricate the nose and bridge of the nose with oil, instill 1-2 drops into the nose several times a day. For chronic sore throat the tonsils are lubricated with fir oil (this treatment is contraindicated for those who are allergic to the oil).

For bronchitis and pneumonia wipe with oil and do inhalations. Rub the oil into the collar area of ​​the back and chest. It is very useful to massage your feet with fir oil 4-5 times a day. After rubbing, the patient should be wrapped in compress paper, wrapped in a blanket, and given diaphoretic tea to drink.

To do inhalation, pour boiling water into an enamel bowl, add 2-4 drops of fir oil, cover your head with a blanket and breathe.

For angina pectoris, as soon as an attack begins, you need to pour 5-6 drops of oil into the palm of your hand and rub into the area coronary vessels- below the nipple. To prevent attacks, it is good to do such rubbing 3-4 times a day, especially during sudden changes in weather.

For radiculitis and other diseases of the peripheral nervous system A small amount of oil should be rubbed into the lumbar area and other sore spots. It would be good to take a hot bath or warm up before doing this. The course of treatment is 10–15 procedures.

For wet eczema An ointment made from any fats (badger lard, goose fat, etc.) and fir oil helps. Ratio: 60–70% to 30–40%. The components must be thoroughly mixed and applied to sore spot, apply compress paper on top and tie. Such compresses should be done 2-3 times a day. The course of treatment is 12–24 days.

Bedsores and diaper rash You can also treat with this ointment and pure oil, wiping the sore areas with a swab.

How to make fir oil at home

Cut the fir needles along with thin branches without shoots 1–1.5 cm in size and place them in a liter or two-liter jar, but not to the top (4–5 cm below the neck of the jar). Fill with vegetable oil (whatever you have in the house) to the fir cutting level. Close the jar with an iron lid without a rubber band, place it in a pan, on the bottom of which you first place some thin twigs. Fill the pan halfway with water, close the lid and put on fire. When the water in the pan boils, reduce the heat and let the pan sit on the fire for 5 hours. Monitor the amount of water and add more as it boils. After 5 hours, remove the pan from the heat, remove the jar of pine needles from it, pour the oil into another jar, squeeze the pine needles well and discard it. Fill the jar with new fir cuttings and fill it with oil that you just drained, that is, already boiled for 5 hours. Next, do the same according to the recipe: place the jar in a pan half filled with water and cook again for 5 hours over low heat. After this, pour the oil into bottles. It can be stored for a long time.

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