Home Coated tongue The dog eats plastic bags. The dog ate a plastic bag: what to do

The dog eats plastic bags. The dog ate a plastic bag: what to do

First of all, dog owners should know that eating various inedible objects, in particular plastic bags, can lead to tragic consequences of death for the animal. Therefore, it is very important for people keeping dogs to know the rules of behavior in this case and the correct sequence of actions taken.

Why might a dog eat a bag?

The dog has been domesticated by humans for a very long time, but one should not completely forget about its wild past, because the animal’s instinctive base of a wild predator has been preserved.

It should be remembered that even a cute little dog will be a carrier of the genes of wild free animals. Therefore, all domestic dogs will be prone to eating inedible objects that in some way remind them of edible ones, such as shape or smell. In ordinary nature, this is quite normal behavior, since in natural environment Animals usually do not encounter harmless-looking objects that can cause serious harm to the body.

I must say that plastic bags dogs usually consume due to the smell of food they emit. This aroma may even be completely invisible to humans; only a dog’s very developed sense of smell can sense it.

Dangers of a dog eating a bag

Typically, young animals tend to eat bags; more experienced animals, through trial and error, already know that this should not be done.

If the package gets inside the dog, there are two options. Very often the package comes out on its own naturally with the next chair. But it is possible that events inside the body will go according to a bad scenario and the package will remain inside.

If the package remains inside the stomach for for a long time, and this is very possible, especially if the dog is small and the bag is large, this can lead at best to gastritis, at worst to gastric obstruction, food rotting and peritonitis, and then fatal outcome animal.

Already in the process of eating a plastic bag, the dog may choke and choke, which may lead to suffocation.

An eaten package can also lead to intestinal obstruction and to a fatal outcome, since even if it leaves the stomach, it will go further along the digestive tract in an undigested form.

How to tell if a dog has eaten a bag

If the owners of the animal saw with their own eyes the process of absorbing the package, but could not stop this action, measures to remove the package can begin very quickly.

But very often the dog eats this thing unnoticed, being out of the human observation zone.

Therefore, people keeping animals should always monitor the condition of their pet very carefully.

A dog that refuses to eat, is lethargic and inactive, with a swollen stomach, and has sudden difficulties when going to the toilet, most likely swallowed an inedible object.

If there are no symptoms, but the dog’s owners have some suspicions, it is better to take an x-ray of the stomach with a contrast agent, since the plastic bag is colorless and will not be visible on a regular image.

What action to take if your dog swallows a bag?

The steps to retrieve the package will vary depending on the amount of time that has passed since the package was consumed.

A bag that has just been swallowed by a dog and is still in the esophagus can be removed using an endoscope by contacting a veterinarian.

Also in this case, you can try to induce vomiting at home using saline solution, mustard or hydrogen peroxide. These substances will need to be poured into the animal’s larynx using a syringe. If vomiting occurs, the plastic bag should come out.

If more than 6 hours have passed since the package was ingested, it is in the animal’s stomach. In this case, it is possible to use petroleum jelly as a laxative. The amount of oil that will need to be given to the animal will need to be calculated based on its weight.

It is important to remember that using Vaseline, and not another type of oil, can give the desired result. Taking herbal or olive oil It will not have a laxative effect, since these oils are completely absorbed by the animal’s body. Vaseline or mineral oil, causing a laxative effect, will leave the dog’s body unchanged.

If the measures taken did not produce results, and the package has already been inside the body for a long time, you will need surgical abdominal surgery and assistance from qualified surgeons.

Before this, it will be necessary to give the dog an X-ray of the stomach with a contrast agent, so that the surgeon knows exactly in what place and condition the swallowed plastic bag is located.

Measures to prevent your dog from eating bags

In order to protect your pet as much as possible from negative consequences problems that occur if a plastic bag remains in the stomach for a long time, people who keep dogs at home must follow certain preventive measures:

  1. Do not leave plastic bags at home within the dog’s reach, and carefully monitor the dog during walks.
  2. It is enough, and most importantly balanced, to feed the animal so that it does not have the need to look elsewhere for the missing microelements.
  3. Using competent training methods, instill in your dog a negative attitude towards plastic bags.
  4. Carefully monitor sudden changes in the dog’s health and behavior in order to prevent fatal consequences in a timely manner.

Most dogs are overly curious, especially young ones. They often “test their teeth” on everything they come across. Therefore, situations arise when four-legged pets swallow an inedible object, including a plastic bag. Most often, this does not cause problems, since a foreign object, having passed through gastrointestinal tract, comes out naturally. But there are times when an object gets stuck in the stomach or intestines. What to do if the dog ate the bag?

Symptoms when a foreign body enters a dog’s body

There are signs that indicate obstruction of the stomach or intestines. They do not always correspond only to this condition, but should be a “wake-up call” for the owner to examine the dog.


  • Vomit;
  • Diarrhea;
  • Abdominal pain;
  • Lack of appetite;
  • Tension during bowel movements;
  • Weakness;
  • Changes in behavior;
  • Cough.

The dog ate the bag, your actions

If you see that your pet has eaten a bag, do not immediately panic. There is a high probability that he will come out on his own with the next stool, especially if the bag has been chewed.

However, the package may remain inside the stomach for long time. This option is possible, especially if the dog is small and the package is large. At best, this will lead to gastritis. But Obstruction of the stomach or intestines, food rotting, peritonitis may occur. Each of these situations can lead to the death of your pet.

If an animal eats a plastic or cellophane bag, it may choke or choke, causing suffocation.

If, after observing your pet for two days, you are convinced that the package has not come out, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

The clinic will ask you to do x-rays with contrast, which can reveal intestinal obstruction. This procedure takes several hours. Therefore, the dog will have to be left in the hospital or visit the doctor several times. An X-ray without contrast will not give results, since polyethylene does not block X-rays. When diagnosing intestinal blockage, it is necessary surgical intervention.

In rare cases, the package remains in the stomach for a long time without manifesting itself in any way. After a certain period of time, it moves out of place and clogs the intestines. Therefore, if the dog is unwell (persistent vomiting), even if you are not sure that the pet ate the bag, it makes sense to take an x-ray.

Ultrasound does not always reveal intestinal obstruction - X-ray with contrast is a more reliable diagnostic procedure.

It is possible that the dog has eaten the bag and is not bothered by anything. Then you just need to wait for the natural release of the foreign body. To speed up the process, you can give your pet Vaseline oil, which facilitates the passage of feces. The oil is given orally, two to four times a day - one teaspoon per 10 kilograms of the dog's weight, until stool appears. Vaseline oil should not be given for more than two days - it disrupts normal absorption in the intestines.

If during defecation you notice that only part of the bag has come out, do not pull on the protruding part. You should cut off the hanging part with scissors and wait until the whole package comes out on its own.

How to prevent the bag from getting into your dog's body

Situations in which your pet might swallow a plastic bag should be excluded:

  • The trash can should be in a locked place that the dog cannot open on its own;
  • You cannot leave bags and packages with food - meat, sausage, etc. in packaging;
  • Packaging of products that are tasty from the dog’s point of view should be thrown away immediately after unpacking, out of reach of the pet. As a rule, dogs do not swallow bags without an attractive smell (but this is also possible);
  • The dog’s diet must be balanced so that it does not look elsewhere for the elements it needs;
  • Carry out proper training creating a negative attitude towards plastic bags in your pet;
  • Walk your dog on a leash or muzzle;
  • Monitor sudden changes in the behavior and health of the animal in order to take timely measures to prevent the death of the pet.

First, let's talk about safety precautions: do not allow situations in which the dog has the desire and opportunity to eat bags.

  • Close the garbage can (if necessary, use the latch!).
  • Do not leave shopping bags (meat, sausages in packaging) unattended. (Don’t leave it without packaging either, if you want the food to come to you too.)
  • Any packaging containing something tasty should be immediately thrown out of the reach of the dog. Dogs rarely swallow bags without an attractive smell, but such perverts do exist. In this case, you can only sympathize: hide all the packages, do not leave the dog unattended, lock your pet in a room in your absence. safe place(dog cages are not evil or violence, they are a safe house while the owner is away).
  • Walk your pet on a leash and/or muzzle.

But I think if you are reading this article, the above tips are overdue.

What to do if your dog has already eaten the bag

If your dog ate the bag, don't panic. It is very likely that it will come out naturally, especially if the dog chewed it.

Observe the dog's condition for several days: if vomiting occurs, do not feed the dog, do not give it any medications and immediately take it to the doctor, warning that the dog recently ate the bag.

The doctor will conduct a series x-rays with contrast (this will take several hours, you will have to leave the dog in the hospital or come several times) to detect intestinal obstruction. An X-ray without contrast may not be useful: polyethylene does not block X-rays, but the first image is usually taken before contrast material is injected. If an intestinal blockage is confirmed, surgery will be required. (And no, “lots of x-rays” are not bad for your dog!)

Very rarely foreign body can lie in the stomach for a long time, without showing itself in any way for the time being. At some point it moves and clogs the intestines. Even if you are sure that your pet is Lately did not ingest anything “like that”, do not refuse an X-ray examination with contrast to detect intestinal obstruction if the dog has persistent vomiting.

Ultrasound by indirect signs can also help detect intestinal obstruction, but x-rays with contrast are still more reliable.

If nothing bothers the dog, wait for the package to come out naturally. To be on the safe side, you can give Vaseline oil (not castor oil or any other oil!) - it will facilitate the passage of feces. Vaseline oil (sold in a pharmacy) is given orally at the rate of approximately 1 teaspoon per 10 kg of dog weight, 2-4 times a day, until stool appears. You shouldn’t give it for more than a couple of days: the oil disrupts normal absorption processes in the intestines. If, after defecation, only half of the bag comes out of the dog, and the rest sits firmly in the intestines, do not pull on the hanging part. Just cut off what's on the outside with scissors and wait for the rest to come out on its own.

And always, always hide bags and other packaging from dogs. The dog will not draw any conclusions from what happened and, whenever possible, will again eat what attracts it.

Cats are curious creatures. Like small children, they do not always distinguish between what they can eat and what they cannot, so they can eat not only sausage, but also the cellophane that smells of it. What to do if the cat ate the bag? Is this situation dangerous for his life or health or not and is it worth contacting a veterinarian? Here's what modern experts write about it.

Should I worry?

From time to time, cats may eat sausage rinds, Christmas tree decorations, or bags containing meat or fish products. If the piece of polyethylene is small, then there is nothing wrong with it. It leaves the body on day 3-4 along with feces, without causing significant harm to the animal. IN natural conditions cats can eat non-food fibers that they use to clean their stomachs, so it is not surprising that they chew rags, bags and inedible things. Veterinarians advise that if cats start eating bags, bring them grass that has not been treated with chemicals, soft chicken bones or special solid food for animals, which is best selected together with a veterinarian.

Even if a cat, like a dog, eats a large inedible object, it will vomit it. It will not penetrate the intestines and will help the animal cleanse its stomach. It is worth observing the behavior of the animal for 3-4 days. If it hasn't changed, there's nothing to worry about. But if after using the package you find following symptoms, you should immediately contact the clinic, even if the cat has eaten a small piece of cellophane:

  • restless meowing, excitement. The cat begins to fuss and bother the owners, which has not been observed before;
  • constipation, the cat cannot go to the toilet;
  • The belly is enlarged, but the cat won’t let me touch it. In some cases, the animal begins to constantly lick its belly or roll on the floor;
  • persistent vomiting and lack of appetite;
  • constant diarrhea;
  • lethargy, apathy and refusal to eat.

Even if the cat ate a small piece, the symptoms described above may indicate intestinal obstruction or a foreign object in the body that requires urgent intervention from a specialist. If no measures are taken, the animal may die. Therefore, at home it is dangerous to give a cat a laxative or try to induce vomiting. A cat can eat a plastic bag along with its contents. In this situation, the likelihood of intestinal obstruction is reduced, but rough parts from the food bag can injure the intestines and cause alarming symptoms.

Even an ordinary Christmas tree ribbon can be deadly for a cat who decides to play with it. The material from which it is made may be more dangerous than polyethylene and cause severe intestinal obstruction, but the most dangerous are considered to be Christmas tree rain, ribbons for Christmas decorations, foil or rough paper. Therefore, for safety reasons, do not leave your cat unattended where it is standing. Christmas tree or there are bags of food or leftover food lying around. If the cat has eaten cellophane, do not try to remove it completely, as this may damage the esophagus or a piece of cellophane will get stuck in the throat and may cause suffocation. You should not give a laxative, as it will worsen the effect; consult a veterinarian.

After examining the cat, he will prescribe an ultrasound and x-ray. These studies will help determine the localization of polyethylene and general state cat's body. In some cases, a study with a contrast agent is required. If the animal has a severe case and necrosis of intestinal tissue has begun, it will be necessary surgery. In the presence of concomitant diseases or if the cat is over 7 years old, this can be very risky, so it is worth preparing for any outcome. If an x-ray does not confirm intestinal obstruction, and the foreign body does not cause injury internal organs the doctor will most likely prescribe a diet. The cellophane will come out along with the stool.

If the package is stuck in the intestines, a rich and dense diet is required. Under no circumstances should you try to interfere with this process on your own, especially if the cat has eaten a large piece of a plastic bag. In this situation, it is better to contact a veterinarian. Even if a string is stuck in your cat's intestines, do not remove it as it may damage the intestines. It can pass out of the cat’s body with feces on its own, or this will require the intervention of a specialist.

Preventive measures

If a kitten or cat appears in your house, then you need to know what to do so that it does not eat the fish along with the cellophane.

  • Do not throw away the skins of sausages, sausages, bags in which fish or meat was stored in places accessible to the cat. Keep trash bags out of your cat's reach. To prevent your cat from eating the skin of a hot dog or sausage, throw it away in a special bag that will be stored in an inaccessible place. Store used cat food bags there too;
  • If there is a Christmas tree in the room, keep an eye on your pet. To prevent the kitten from eating the rain and tinsel, hang it high from the floor, do not let him play with it;
  • Remove ribbons and threads, especially knitting ones, so that the cat does not eat them, especially if the day before you noticed that he ate a rag or paper;
  • Do not allow the cat to eat a bag that smells of valerian, or blisters for sedatives that contain this herb. Cats often lick things that have come into contact with valerian and can swallow them.

Remember that your pet's health is in your hands. And his well-being, and in some cases his life, will depend on your vigilance and attentiveness.


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