Home Hygiene What to put on a dog's wound to heal it. Methods for treating purulent wounds in dogs

What to put on a dog's wound to heal it. Methods for treating purulent wounds in dogs

No matter how attentive the owner is, not a single dog is immune from injury. A pet can cut its paw while walking, suddenly get involved in a squabble with friends and get bitten - in short, there can be a lot of cases, and every responsible owner should be prepared for them.

First of all, if the wound is deep, it is necessary to stop the bleeding by applying a tourniquet and bandage and take the dog to a veterinary clinic as quickly as possible. In other cases, it is enough to treat the wound yourself, using a suitable product, which should always be in your first aid kit. What could be such a remedy?

Contrary to stereotypes, this is by no means iodine or brilliant green. Why? - These products burn mucous membranes and cannot be used to disinfect wounds. Yes, you can treat undamaged areas of the skin around the wound with iodine or brilliant green, but such protection is ineffective, because the microbes that get into the wound will not be destroyed.

Iodine and brilliant green can have a toxic effect on a small cat or dog!

Hydrogen peroxide is also not the best solution, despite the fact that it is quite suitable for treating a wound. When applied to a wound, peroxide begins to foam and mechanically pushes out dirt. However, the product does not have a disinfectant effect and, therefore, is not highly effective.

But chlorhexidine, also a familiar remedy, is your almost ideal assistant. Chlorhexidine – powerful antiseptic. It can be applied to a wound, it does not burn and is not addictive. The only drawback is the low spectrum of damage (when compared with by special means for wound treatment).

We said above that chlorhexidine is an almost ideal means for disinfecting wounds. The ideal remedy (without any practical means) is truly considered to be specially developed high-quality drugs for the treatment of wounds and infections. Like chlorhexidine, they are non-irritating, do not require rinsing after use, and are not addictive. But, unlike chlorhexidine, such drugs have a much higher lethality. For example, a solution of Vetericin in just 30 seconds leads to the death of 99.999% of bacteria, viruses, fungi and spores, including coli, staphylococci, streptococci, Pasteurella, Moraxella bovis, Actinomyces and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Quite an impressive list! But can such effectiveness be combined with absolute safety? - Maybe. Interestingly, the main active components of the same “Vetericin” are hypochlorous acid (HOCI) and electrolyzed water (H 2 O) - components similar to those produced immune system substances. To a certain extent, these components are native to the body and do not affect negative impact on healthy tissues.

When treating a wound with special products, it is very important to follow the instructions for use. In general, treatment is carried out approximately 3-4 times a day until healing occurs. In case of inflammation, purulent discharge, etc., contact your veterinarian as soon as possible.

Take care of your pets, and let reliable helpers always be at your fingertips - both at home and while traveling!

Dogs, even those that live in apartments, can be easily injured. If the owner notices an open wound, then measures must be taken immediately. The point is that any damage skin may lead to infection. Naturally, this will greatly affect the pet’s well-being. Every owner of such an animal should know how to treat wounds on dogs. How to do this and what drugs to use will be discussed in the article.

Types of wounds

Wounds do not appear on their own. They are applied by some object. It is depending on the nature of the latter that veterinarians divide wounds into the following types:

  • Chipped. This type of damage occurs upon contact with a sharp object. Accordingly, the latter easily penetrates living tissue. Depending on the type of damaging factor, the wound channel has either smooth or rough edges.
  • Cut. This type occurs most often. The most affected area is the paw. Wound formation occurs due to tissue dissection with sharp objects. In most cases, the damaged area has smooth edges.
  • Chopped. Quite a serious type of damage. When a wound of this type is inflicted, deep layers of tissue are destroyed. Often, with chopped injuries, nerve fibers are also damaged. Lymphatic and blood vessels may also be affected.
  • Bruised. This type of wound is caused by a blow from a blunt object. Bleeding may be minor. The skin is compressed during such an injury.
  • Torn. This type of injury occurs when struck tangentially by a pointed object. Not only are they involved upper layer skin, but also tendons and blood vessels. Lacerations are serious because they quickly become infected.
  • Firearms. This wound can lead to the death of the animal. The damage is deep, the bleeding is intense.
  • Bites. Can be obtained from fights with other dogs. With such wounds there is a high probability of contracting rabies.

It is worth noting that combined wounds can occur in dogs. For example, bruised-lacerations, stab-bitten, stab-cut, and so on.

Deep wounds

What to do if a dog has a wound? How can you treat it if it is quite deep? Every owner should know that first aid is provided immediately. Before using any preparations, the injured surface must be washed to remove dirt. The hair around the wound should also be trimmed. If foreign objects are noticed, carefully remove them. The following drugs are ideal for rinsing: Miramistin, Chlorhexidine, Formalin. These solutions have an antiseptic effect, so they perfectly disinfect the wound surface.

Deep wounds pose a danger to the animal’s life, so it is imperative to seek qualified help. They will be able to examine the damage and apply stitches if necessary. It is thanks to the latter that you can avoid

In order to prevent the growth of pathogenic microflora, veterinarians most often prescribe antibiotics. In this case, medications are suitable wide range actions.

Purulent wounds

Was your dog's paw injured? How to treat a wound if the purulent process has already begun? Owners need to understand that, in addition to the formation of exudate in the wound channel, other symptoms will be present. These include: decreased appetite, increased temperature, and apathetic state of the pet. If suddenly this happens, veterinarians recommend starting a course antibacterial therapy. As a rule, its duration is no more than 14 days. It necessarily includes drugs from the following groups:

  • Tetracyclines - "Doxycycline".
  • Penicillins - “Amoxicillin”, “Ampicillin”, “Sinulox”.
  • Cephalosporins - “Cephalen”, “Cefalexin”, “Cefotaxime” (effective for severe purulent processes).

This is important: if the wound is infected, stitches cannot be applied!

Weeping laceration

The risk of infection of the damaged area of ​​the skin in dogs is quite high. Therefore, if an animal has received a laceration, it is important to immediately take measures to disinfect it. The fact is that contamination with pathogenic microorganisms occurs at a very high speed. Therefore, it is important to know how to treat a dog’s lacerated wound in order to stop the development of the inflammatory process. Most often, an ointment is prescribed for this. Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, erythromycin, tetracycline are excellent. If infection has already occurred, you will have to take a course of antibiotics.

It is also very important to take into account that if the rules of antisepsis and asepsis are violated during treatment, exudate may be released from a lacerated wound. In this case, veterinarians refer to it as weeping. The liquid itself consists of blood plasma, leukocytes, lymph and other products. It is not difficult to understand on your own that the wound has begun to get wet. In addition to the formation of liquid, a sharp bad smell. The animal's behavior immediately changes; it is accompanied by a depressed mood and apathy.

If your pet has a weeping laceration, then in addition to the main therapy, it is necessary to use treatment aimed at removing this fluid. First of all, it is important to follow the rules during processing. If your dog has this area that is very painful and constantly itches, it will be necessary to take analgesics and antihistamines. medications. The most commonly prescribed drugs are Tavegil and Suprastin.

Superficial wound

In dogs, superficial wounds can appear quite often. As a rule, they do not pose a great danger to the pet’s life, so the owner can handle them himself. First aid is next steps:

  • Removing hair from the injured area of ​​the skin.
  • Cleaning from foreign objects and dust. For this you can use Chlorhexidine. A lot of owners are interested in whether it is possible to treat a dog’s wound with peroxide. Yes, of course you can. To do this, simply moisten a cotton swab in the solution and treat the edges of the wound. By the way, it should be noted that hydrogen peroxide is also excellent in cases where blood is bleeding from the damaged area.

  • After treating a wound, it is important to prevent the possibility of infection. To do this, you will need to apply ointment and bandage it. This will also prevent the dog from constantly licking the wound surface. If, nevertheless, the animal constantly tries to tear off the bandage, then it will be necessary to wear a special collar.

Why do veterinarians recommend using Chlorhexidine for many types of wounds? The fact is that this solution is very convenient to use. Not only is it effective antibacterial agent, but also does not cause any pain during processing.

"Miramistin" and "Furacilin"

So, if the owner is faced with the question of how to treat a dog’s wound, then attention should be paid to the following two drugs.

The first is Miramistin. It has excellent bactericidal properties. Ruthlessly destroys any pathogenic microflora. Ingredients: benzyldimethyl ammonium chloride monohydrate ( active substance) and water as an excipient. A wound treated with this remedy does not fester or become inflamed. Thanks to the special formula “Miramistin”, the regeneration of damaged tissue occurs quite quickly. It is also worth noting that this solution does not cause burns.

Most veterinary clinics use Furacilin to treat wound surfaces. This drug is widely used. It is completely odorless, so it will not irritate the animal. Also, importantly, it does not cause irritation. To prepare the solution, you need to take one Furacilin tablet and dissolve it in warm water (100 ml). Can be used not only for superficial wounds, but also for purulent ones.


If you ask the clinic how to treat wounds on dogs, many doctors recommend special sprays. These include:

  • "Chemi-spray." Sold as a solution in a spray bottle. Ingredients: chlortetracycline hydrochloride and gentian violet ( active ingredients) and auxiliary components. Has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. Works great against fungi of the genus Candida. When applied to the wound surface it does not irritate it. But the disadvantages include a pungent odor, so some owners treat the animal with fresh air. Before applying the drug, it is important to remove crusts, pus and, if any, dirt from the wound. The course of treatment should not last more than 10 days. Apply the spray three times a day.
  • "Vetericin". Ingredients: sodium hypochloride and sodium chloride, hypochlorous acid, phosphates and electrolyzed water. This spray is a universal remedy. Therefore, if the owner does not know how to treat a wound after a tick on a dog, you can opt for this particular drug. It is used for any wounds without exception. Has a healing effect and antimicrobial. Used 3-4 times a day. It must be sprayed directly onto the wound if it is open, or under a bandage. The duration of the course is unlimited. This drug can be used until complete

  • "Aluminspray". Includes: active ingredient aluminum oxide and auxiliary glue BF-6, ethanol, Can be used for all types of wounds. Veterinarians recommend this drug when treating sutures. Has an antiseptic and enveloping effect. Apply to the damaged area of ​​skin once a day. The duration of the course is no more than 10 days. Spraying must be carried out while holding the bottle at a distance of 15-20 cm.

When owners are faced with the question of how to treat wounds on dogs, the first thing that comes to mind is a solution of brilliant green or iodine. Yes, indeed, they can lubricate an injured surface. However, it is very important to remember that veterinarians under no circumstances recommend treating the wound itself. The fact is that these solutions are alcoholic, so they can cause burns and irritation. Naturally, this will cause severe pain to the animal. Therefore, iodine or brilliant green can only be used to treat the edges of the wound.


So, this material described how to treat wounds in dogs. It is very important for the owner to know how to properly provide first aid to the animal. If the injuries are not of a complex nature, then you can cope on your own using the medications described above. However, in serious cases, especially with inflammatory and purulent processes, it is usually impossible to do without taking antibiotics. Therefore, to prescribe treatment it is necessary to mandatory contact a veterinary clinic.

Dogs, regardless of breed, are very active animals. They can get hurt during training or fights with “relatives”. Serious injuries sometimes require stitches. Every owner of such a pet should know how to treat an open wound on a dog.

An active dog sometimes gets into fights, and even a well-mannered pet can become a victim of an attack by stray animals. A four-legged friend can step on glass or other sharp objects or get caught on something both outdoors and indoors. An animal is not always able to discern danger, so responsibility for its safety lies entirely with the owner.

Try to choose safe walking routes, look through the clearings where your pet frolics for the presence of cutting and piercing objects. Don’t let your dog get into a fight or be attacked by other dogs, because a stranger or stray animal can not only injure your four-legged friend, but also infect with rabies.

If the injury is severe, the dog may lose a lot of blood. Large wounds require suturing of the skin. Lacerated wound domestic dog may take a very long time to heal, suppuration is possible, and also more severe consequences such as sepsis and even gangrene.

Video “General principles of treating a dog’s wound”

In this video, a veterinarian will tell you how to properly treat wounds in dogs.

Main types of wounds

Abrasions and scratches

Abrasions and scratches are the most common injuries that pets can receive, even during a daily walk. Most often they occur on the paws and back. It is enough to treat them with hydrogen peroxide or Furacilin solution, apply a patch or bandage and treat them with Chlorhexidine for several days.

Cut and chopped

Incised wounds have smooth edges. When the wound is dangerous, with severe bleeding, it is imperative to apply a tourniquet to stop it. Don't forget to record the blending time. The tourniquet is applied for 2 hours. After the bleeding has stopped, the open wound should be treated and a sterile bandage applied, and then take your pet to the veterinarian.

Once you have cleaned the wound, you can assess the depth and width of the cut. If it is not deep and no more than 2 cm wide, then you can do without stitches. If the wound is deep and widely dissected, then you need to resort to the services of a surgeon.

A dog's most vulnerable spot is its paw. After treating the wound, its edges need to be brought tightly together, apply an adhesive plaster and a fixing bandage. If the bleeding does not stop, you can press a cotton swab soaked in hydrogen peroxide tightly to the wound and bandage it.

Preparations for treatment and treatment

If you are the owner of a playful pet, then in your first aid kit you should always have an adhesive plaster, dressing material, hydrogen peroxide, Furacilin solution and a tourniquet to stop bleeding.

To treat wounds, it is good for every dog ​​owner to have Chlorhexidine in the first aid kit. This product will remove dirt and prevent infection by pathogenic microbes.

Antibacterial treatment of the wound surface can be carried out with Miramistin solution. The product does not cause burns to mucous membranes and will effectively protect against bacteria and viruses. The drug prevents wound suppuration and also has regenerating properties.

A well-known odorless product, Furacilin, is widely used. In order to prepare an antiseptic solution for treating a wound, it is enough to dissolve one tablet in 100 ml of warm water. The product is used to treat both clean and purulent wounds.

Antiseptics suitable for treating injuries in humans - brilliant green and iodine - are not recommended by veterinarians for use on animals. They can cause burns and dry out the skin.

Powders and powders have antiseptic property, they are good to use for weeping wounds. The damage is covered with powder 1-2 times a day until the surface is completely dry. These products include Iodoform powder, Edis powder powder, and Gentaxan powder.

After applying powders, to accelerate wound healing and regeneration of the skin, ointments are used, which are applied in a small layer and rubbed in lightly. These include “Levosin”, “Fastin”, “Ranosan”.

A universal remedy for dogs with a strong antimicrobial and wound-healing effect is Veteritsin. The drug can be simply sprayed onto the wound surface or applied 3-4 times a day to a napkin soaked in it.

A wound is a mechanical damage to the integument or organs with a violation of their anatomical integrity. In a wound, it is customary to distinguish between edges, walls, bottom and cavity. The space between the edges of the wound is called the wound opening, and the space between the walls of the wound is called the wound canal. Puncture and wound wounds usually have a deep and tortuous canal; superficial damage to the canal does not. If, as a result of injury, some part of the dog’s body is completely perforated, then veterinary specialists call such a wound a through wound. In this case, an inlet and an outlet are distinguished. When there is a perforation of the wall by a wounding object anatomical cavity(capsule of the joint, pleura, peritoneum) then such a wound is called penetrating. A penetrating wound has only one entrance hole.

Classification of wounds in dogs.

Depending on the nature of the wounding object and the mechanism of action, veterinary specialists distinguish several types of wounds.

Puncture wound occurs in dogs when long pointed objects are inserted into tissues. In this case, the nature of tissue damage depends on the shape of the wounding object. Piercing objects with a sharp end easily push tissue apart; blunt ones with rough surfaces tear tissue, crushing and crushing them along the wound channel.

Incised wound in a dog it is formed in a dog when tissue is cut with sharp objects. An incised wound has smooth edges and walls and is manifested by significant gaping, especially in the middle part of the wound, and bleeding. Moreover, the sharper the object, the less necrotic tissue is visible along the wound channel.

Chopped wound. By the nature of the damage, a chopped wound is similar to a cut one, but it destroys not only superficial, but also deeply located tissues, large vessels, nerve trunks, bones, joints and other parts of the body. With a chopped wound, the gaping and pain are severe; bleeding is weaker than in a cut wound.

Bruised wound in a dog it occurs as a result of exposure to a blunt object. In the area where the object is exposed, the dog’s skin ruptures, severe bruise muscles, tendons, nerves and other tissues or their crushing and crushing, sometimes bone fractures occur, and small hemorrhages appear. Bleeding from a bruised wound is absent or insignificant. A strong pain reaction in a dog quickly weakens, as the nerve endings temporarily lose the ability to conduct impulses (wound stupor). Muscles deprived of blood supply and innervation provide a good nutrient medium for development. wound infection and purulent-putrefactive inflammation in the tissues adjacent to the wound canal.

Laceration in dogs it occurs when tissues are torn by sharp-pointed objects that act in an oblique direction (claws of various animals, barbed wire, etc.). When examining a lacerated wound, a veterinarian sees a large number of torn muscles, fascia, vessels and other tissues, which create a favorable environment for the development of wound infection.

Crushed wound occurs in a dog under the influence of significant force and pressure from a blunt wounding object. In such a wound, tissues and organs are crushed and soaked in blood; fragments of fascia and tendons hang from the wound.

Bite wound is caused by the teeth of animals, such a wound is especially dangerous when bitten by wild animals (foxes, raccoons), so it is possible for a dog to become infected with a disease that is especially dangerous for dogs and humans, such as rabies (). This wound is manifested by symptoms of crushing, bruising and tissue rupture.

Gunshot pit. Most common in hunting animals service dogs. A gunshot wound is accompanied by tissue damage not only in the area of ​​direct contact with the wounding object (bullet, etc.), but also beyond it. The destruction of tissues during a gunshot wound depends on the mass of the wounding object, the speed of its flight upon impact and the speed of absorption of the force of this object in the tissues. In the resulting gunshot wound, 3 zones are distinguished (from the surface to the depth): the 1st zone (wound channel zone) is a wound channel with crushed tissues, foreign bodies, microbes and blood clots; The 2nd zone (zone of traumatic necrosis) directly surrounds the wound channel and is adjacent to it; The 3rd zone (zone of molecular shock, or necrosis reserve) is a continuation of the 2nd zone. Zone 3 is characterized by the absence of tissue necrosis, but tissue viability can be severely impaired. The edges of a gunshot wound are uneven, swollen, with bruising and marginal necrosis. Gunshot wounds in dogs are sometimes through and have two holes. The entrance hole at the wound is round, triangular or star-shaped. The exit hole is usually larger than the entrance hole, often with torn, everted, scalloped edges.

Poisoned wound in dogs it occurs as a result of bites by poisonous snakes and insects, when stung by wasps, bees, or when various toxic substances and pesticides enter the wound.

Combined wounds. In combined wounds, veterinary specialists note elements of tissue dissection combined with bruising or crushing, puncture injuries - with tissue bruising or rupture, etc. Therefore, it is customary to distinguish between a stab-bruised wound, a stab-cut wound, and a bruised-lacerated wound.

Dog owners should keep in mind that all accidental wounds at the time the dog receives an injury or immediately after an injury become contaminated with a variety of microorganisms that enter the wound with dust, foreign bodies, hair, etc. In the case when purulent or putrefactive tissue inflammation develops in the wound, we speak of an infected wound.

Clinical symptoms of wounds in dogs.

Wounds in dogs are characterized by pain, gaping and bleeding. There is often dysfunction of the affected organ. Pain in a dog it occurs at the time of injury and gradually begins to decrease over time. Intensification of local inflammatory processes in the wound leads to increased pain, and a decrease - painful sensations. The pain reaction in a dog is especially pronounced when tissues that are rich in nerve endings are damaged (periosteum, skin in the genital area, peritoneum, cornea). Injury to parenchymal organs in dogs does not cause severe pain. The intensity and duration of a dog’s pain reaction depends on the location of the wound, the nature of the damage, and the individual reactivity of the dog. Dogs, like cats, are very sensitive to pain and can die from pain shock. Adult dogs, unlike young ones, react more strongly to pain.

Pain in a dog can be determined during a clinical examination, when the pain reaction is accompanied by an acceleration of heart contractions, its severe anxiety and pupil dilation.

Gaping wound is accompanied by a divergence of its edges and walls in the dog. Gaping is expressed when the dog receives cut, chopped and lacerated wounds. With puncture wounds there is no gaping.

Bleeding, which occurs during injuries, directly depends on the damaged blood vessels and the type of wound itself. Bleeding in a dog can be external, internal, arterial, venous, capillary, parenchymal and mixed (arteriovenous). According to the time of origin, bleeding can be primary and secondary, according to frequency - single and repeated.

The dysfunction in a dog is determined by the location of the injury.

What tests are carried out in dogs when they receive a wound?

When a dog with a wound is admitted to a veterinary clinic, veterinary specialists use general, local and special examination.

At general research the veterinary specialist establishes the age of the injury, the type of wounding object, how first aid was provided, etc. The dog's body temperature, pulse, and respiration are measured; carefully examine the condition of the visible mucous membranes, and auscultate the heart.

In the event that there is a wound in the area abdominal wall and pelvis, urine and feces are examined for blood, in case of injuries in the area chest perform percussion and auscultation of the lungs. In the case when a dog is admitted with a bandage applied, the veterinary specialist, after removing it, determines the smell and character purulent discharge, determines the presence of skin damage, inflammatory phenomena, thrombophlebitis, lymphangitis, inflammation of regional lymph nodes.

By palpation, the veterinarian determines changes in local temperature, sensitivity of the skin itself (anesthesia, hyperesthesia), the presence of fluctuation (hematoma, abscess), fibrinous (fibrin clots) or gas ( anaerobic infection). When examining the wound, the nature of epithelization and the size of the epithelial rim are determined. After all this, the veterinarian begins an internal examination of the wound received by the dog. When conducting an internal examination, a veterinarian uses a rubber or ebonite catheter or a metal probe. If necessary, carry out contrast radiography. After an internal examination of the wound, the wound exudate is examined using physicochemical and microbiological methods. To clarify the type of wound infection, bacteriological examination of the exudate is carried out.

To rule out internal bleeding, as well as fractures resulting from injury, your dog will be given an x-ray at the veterinary clinic. If damage is suspected internal organs The dog is prescribed an ultrasound.

Healing a wound in a dog. Wound healing in dogs can be primary or secondary intention.

Healing of a wound by primary intention in a dog is only possible with an anatomically correct connection of the edges and walls of the wounds, which should not contain dead tissue after the bleeding has stopped. By primary intention, clean surgical and fresh accidental wounds heal in dogs, after their appropriate treatment in compliance with the rules of asepsis and antisepsis (surgical excision of dead tissue, application chemicals, antibiotics, removal of foreign bodies).

Healing in the wound begins in the first hours after the bleeding stops and the edges of the wound come together. Hyperemia begins to develop in the wound, the reaction of the wound environment changes to the acidic side, and a thin layer of fibrin falls out of the wound wall, which glues the edges of the wound. On the first day, the wound gap quickly fills with migrating leukocytes, lymphocytes, fibroblasts, and macrophages. The above cells exhibit their plastic and phagocytic functions and form a syncytium. Subsequently, capillaries and nerves grow in the wound channel. The ingrowth of blood vessels and nerves is facilitated by the presence in the slit-like cavity of vasogenic and connective tissue cells that penetrate the fibrinous mesh. After 6-8 days, connective tissue forms in the wound around the vessels. The final and strong fusion of the edges and walls in dogs occurs within 6-8 days. It has been established that prolonged painful stimulation sharply worsens the regenerative process in the wound.

Healing by secondary intention in a dog occurs when the wound is gaping, the presence of dead and foreign bodies in the wound, development purulent inflammation, wound infection, repeated bleeding and contamination. Healing by secondary intention in a dog takes from 1 to 2 months. Healing by secondary intention ends with the formation of a scar.

Treatment. When treating a dog's wound, it must be comprehensive and depend on the time of injury, the nature of tissue damage, the type of infection, and the nature of wound complications. IN complex treatment includes mechanical, physical, chemical and biological antiseptics, pathogenetic therapy.

Mechanical antiseptics includes the removal of crushed and contaminated tissue, foreign bodies, and various microorganisms from the wound. Mechanical antisepsis involves cleaning the wound. Toilet the dog's wounds during first aid and during treatment. The toilet begins with treatment near the wound surface, while the wound is covered with gauze. The hair around the wound is cut or shaved, and the skin is treated with a disinfectant solution, alcohol, rivanol or iodine. Coarse contamination is removed from the surface of the wound with tweezers and treated with a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide or a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Surgical debridement wound treatment is to eliminate the source of infection and intoxication, promotes rapid regeneration of damaged tissues and healing of the resulting defect, and prevents wound complications.

Basically, the following types of surgical treatment are distinguished: 1) Primary early, when performed on the first day after injury; 2) primary late, carried out in the coming days; 3) secondary treatment, used by veterinary specialists in cases where primary treatment was insufficient or not used.

The nature surgical intervention distinguished: complete excision of the wound (wound excision), partial excision, dissection of the wound. Surgical treatment is used in the treatment of fresh contaminated and infected wounds as an urgent and necessary measure.

Emergency care for penetrating chest wounds.

In case of a penetrating wound to the chest cavity, assistance should be provided to the dog in urgently, since a dog may die as a result of developing pneumothorox.

The dog owner must stop air entering the chest cavity as quickly as possible. To do this, treat the skin and fur at a distance of 5 cm from the wound with tincture of iodine, lubricate the wound with Vaseline, apply it to the wound plastic bag, film, apply cotton wool on top and bandage tightly. In the future, we deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

Emergency care for abdominal wounds.

For large wounds abdominal cavity In dogs, intestinal prolapse often occurs. And if the intestines are not damaged, then the dog can be saved.

Help consists of washing the prolapsed intestinal loops with a 0.1% solution of rivanol, furatsilin; when you don’t have them on hand, you can use boiled water. Then, using a clean cloth (towel, gauze, sheet) pre-moistened with a solution of furatsilin, rivanol is carefully inserted through the wound opening into the abdominal cavity. Apply to the wound bandage and deliver the dog to the veterinary clinic as quickly as possible.

All dogs, regardless of breed, are usually very active animals. In addition to banal scrapes and cuts, there are risks of serious wounds during training and fights among themselves. What should the owner do? Minor injuries and abrasions can be treated independently - you just need to know what and how. But the serious ones lacerations should be entrusted to a veterinary specialist, because in most cases, such injuries require stitches and special care afterward.

Classification of possible wounds and actions of the owner when they are detected

The most common occurrences in dogs are:

  • abrasions, scratches, scratches (most often on the back and legs);
  • incised wounds (have smooth edges);
  • bite wounds (bite marks are clearly visible - rounded areas of damage in accordance with the bite of teeth with signs of lung tear);
  • lacerations (have uneven, fringed edges).

Any open wound is accompanied by bleeding:

  • capillary - blood leaks over the entire surface of the abrasion (scratch) in small droplets;
  • venous – the blood is dark and flows out in a uniform stream;
  • arterial - a bright scarlet pulsating or fountain-like stream of blood.

Capillary bleeding can be easily stopped at home without much effort.

For venous and arterial bleeding the dog should be urgently and as quickly as possible taken to the veterinarian, having previously applied pressure bandage. You won’t be able to stop them on your own, because... the situation will require vascular sutures.

First aid for your pet:

  1. Assess the nature of the wound, how big it is, is there any bleeding and what kind? You can start treating the damaged surface if it is minor and only with capillary bleeding. Wounds up to 2-3 cm in length and no more than 1 cm in depth are considered not dangerous and easy to heal when provided with proper assistance. In all other cases, self-medication can lead to complications.
  2. Trim the hair around the damage (or shave with a clipper, if possible). If this is not possible, try to carefully part the fur to gain access to the wound surface and get a good look at everything.
  3. Wash the damaged area with any antiseptic (chlorhexidine, furatsilin, rivanol or hydrogen peroxide 3%) or ordinary running water, if antiseptic solutions not at hand. With each subsequent rinsing, it is important to remove purulent crusts, dirt, and any foreign bodies clinging to the ointment or fluid released (exudate) during the healing process.
  4. Capillary bleeding is well stopped by hydrogen peroxide and/or powdery wound healing powders.
  5. After washing, you can treat the wound with: iodine, brilliant green, “sealing” spray, powdery wound-healing powder or ointment/cream (one product to choose from).
  6. When found heavy bleeding You should apply a tight, pressure bandage with a bandage or any other available means and take the pet to a specialist. Untimely qualified assistance can cost the pet's life due to heavy blood loss.
  7. If an old purulent wound or abscess (a hot seal at the site of a bite or other type of injury) is discovered, this is a direct path to the veterinarian.
  8. Lacerated (deep) wounds, even in the absence of severe bleeding, must be sutured, so the dog must be taken to the clinic.
  9. The basic rule for treating any wounds is: wet - dry, dry - soak. Those. It is good to treat drying wounds with ointments and liquid forms medicines, wet – better with sprays or powders.

Advice: even if at first glance the wound seems insignificant, after initial treatment you should show the dog to the veterinarian. It is better to receive the approval of a specialist that everything was done correctly than to receive complications from incorrectly provided care in the form of suppuration, abscesses, longer healing and sepsis.

What does a veterinarian do?

  • Depending on the complexity of the wound process, the veterinarian carries out treatment according to all the rules of asepsis and antisepsis, and also, if necessary, applies stitches. They can be applied not only to the skin, but also to deep muscle layers, as well as to bleeding vessels.
  • Anesthesia is usually required for suturing. Depending on the animal's temperament, general condition health and the complexity of the potential surgery, it may be like local anesthesia, so general anesthesia. Sutures are placed in different suture material, depending on the wound in each case, so some stitches will need to be removed after 10-14 days, and some will resolve on their own.
  • The wound is never sutured tightly. A hole is always left through which the inflammatory exudate will drain, which should not stagnate.
  • At purulent wounds and the risk of sepsis, a course of antibiotic therapy is required.
  • The dressing is applied at the discretion of the veterinarian, taking into account the nature of the wound, its complexity and where it is located.
  • If there was extensive blood loss during the injury, then replacement droppers are placed during the operation or immediately after to replenish the plasma deficiency of blood in the body.
  • At the right approach wound healing occurs in 7-14 days. If complications arise, the process may take some time. Often, a skin transplant may be necessary for healing (when the surface is huge and the body’s regenerative (restorative) forces are simply not enough), then treatments alone cannot be done.

List of drugs for treating wounds in dogs

The list of antiseptic and healing agents that can be used to treat a dog is huge. Here is a list of the most commonly used drugs:

Primary treatment of wounds, washing, washing abscesses
Any of the products is directly poured onto the surface, sprayed or injected into the abscess cavity to wash out the inflammatory-purulent exudate. The products are quite cheap and can be used in large quantities.

Hydrogen peroxide 3%

(7-10 RUR/100 ml)


(about 20 rub./100 ml)


(about 100 rub./10 tablets)

Absolutely all powders/powders have excellent antiseptic, wound healing and absorption effects

It is good to use them in deep, wet wounds where there is a cavity pocket. Wounds often fall asleep and are stitched up. The wound cavity is filled generously and tightly with any of these agents and the outflow of the resulting exudate is controlled. The procedure is carried out 1-2 times a day until completely dry or according to the instructions for each drug. Then they usually switch to ointments.

Powder "Iodoform"

(75-105 rub./10 g)

Powder powder Edis

(150 rub./200 g)

Powder Gentaxan

(170-210 rub./2 g)

Baneocin powder

(up to 400 rub./10 g)


(about 100 rub./10 g)

Wound healing, antimicrobial and analgesic ointments/creams are used on dried wounds or shallow weeping wounds.

They perfectly stimulate granulation (the formation of connective tissue - the tissue that forms scars). Some contain an anesthetic component (Ophlomelit, Levosin, Fastin, Ranosan). May cause drooling due to licking by animals, because bitter. All preparations are applied in a thin layer, lightly rubbing in. It is better to blot the excess with a napkin, because... melt from body temperature, spreading greatly beyond the wound.


(about 120 rub./40 g)


(130-155 rub./50 g)

(80-100 rub./40 g)

(50-85 rub./25 g)

(about 70 rub./10 g)


0.05%, 0.1% and 0.2% solutions are used for washing wounds, as well as in the form of powder or ointment. Do not use on extensive injuries if the dog has problems with the kidneys.

Iodine solution

(17-25 RUR/25 ml)

It is good to treat areas with iodine after removing ticks and abrasions/scratches. Open wounds are best treated only at the edges. Do not lubricate too large wound areas with iodine, because... A dog (especially a small one) may experience iodine poisoning. May cause burning and local irritation, which does not require discontinuation for use.

Brilliant green solution (brilliant green)

(40-74 RUR/15 ml)

The most universal remedy for treating wounds, abrasions, postoperative sutures and so on. Has a pronounced antiseptic and drying effect.


(about 300 rub./100 ml)

Suitable for treating any wounds in animals. Particularly good to use on postoperative sutures. It has not only an antiseptic effect, but also an enveloping effect. Spray at a distance of 15-20 cm above the wound for 1-2 seconds. Usually once a day for 7-10 days is enough. It has no contraindications or side effects.

Chemi spray

(380-500 RUR/200 ml)

A product with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Has a detrimental effect on fungi of the genus Candida. Non-irritating, but with a very strong odor - best used outdoors. It is important to clean the wound before spraying: remove pus, crusts, dirt, necrotic areas, etc. Apply up to 3 times a day, the duration of use usually does not exceed 10 days.


(RUB 1100-1300/118 ml)

A very powerful all-purpose antimicrobial-healing agent for any kind of wound in dogs that can be found. Apply 3-4 times a day - or simply spray on the surface or under the bandage (apply a moistened damp cloth, a bag and a bandage on top). There are no restrictions on days of use - until healing.

Question answer

Are antibiotics prescribed to dogs for wounds?

Yes, very often, for deep and/or old (purulent) wounds, a course of antibiotic therapy is prescribed. Antibiotics are almost always needed after suturing.

How to treat a wound after a tick?

The place from which the tick was removed should be treated generously (but not extensively, namely at the site of the bite) with iodine tincture. Even if parts of the insect’s body remain there, they will be “expelled” from the wound, like splinters, naturally.

What if a dog licks its wounds?

You should not let your dog lick the affected area, because... With her tongue, she can damage the tissue around it and increase the area of ​​the wound surface. For large, deep and post-operative wounds, it is better to apply bandages.

The dog has an ear wound

If the injury is in the middle auricle and not deep, then the treatment is carried out as a normal abrasion. In case of ruptures of the auricle (perforations or torn edges), only a specialist can help by applying sutures. If desired, cosmetic stitches can be applied so that scars at the site of the wound are not visible in the future (this may be necessary for show dogs).

What if a dog's wound does not heal for a long time?

Perhaps an error was made at the time of processing and/or something was not done in good faith. Long-term non-healing wounds dissolve healthy surrounding skin tissue, thereby increasing the area of ​​the injured surface. The four-legged pet needs to be shown to a doctor so that he can inspect the wound and re-treat it from the very beginning (cleaning, rinsing, using wound-healing solutions, ointments, powders, etc.).

What to do if a dog has a wound on its paw?

It all depends on where on the paw the damage is found. Injuries on the folds, as well as in those places where there is constant exposure, are difficult to treat. external influence(for example, an animal constantly steps on this place). The most important condition fast healing- this is peace. If it is impossible to provide rest to the wound, you need to be prepared that it will take a little longer to heal than usual. Also, bandages are almost always applied to such wounds, and ointments/creams are applied under them.

Purulent wound in a dog

The presence of pus indicates that inflammatory process bacteria have joined. Reasons: improper treatment, ignoring the principle “it will go away on its own” or the formation of an abscess. With purulent wounds, you should always take your pet to the veterinarian, because... Simple washings and treatments will not be enough - you need qualified cleaning of the wound cavity/surface, antibiotic therapy and proper aftercare.

How to treat a dog's wound?

If the injury is not deep and is not accompanied by active bleeding (venous or arterial), then there is only one approach: washing with water or antiseptic liquids and treating with a wound-healing component (powder, spray, ointment/cream). The main thing is to follow the basic principle of wound healing: wet - dry, dry - wet. This means that wet areas are best treated with brilliant green or powders, and areas that dry out are best treated with ointments.

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