Home Prevention Why does my stomach hurt after childbirth? Postpartum abdominal pain: normal or cause for concern? Severe abdominal pain after childbirth.

Why does my stomach hurt after childbirth? Postpartum abdominal pain: normal or cause for concern? Severe abdominal pain after childbirth.

The period after the birth of a child is called rehabilitation, because during this time the woman is recovering from the colossal load that she endured. All organs and systems of the body, which have experienced severe stress, return to normal. If your stomach hurts a month after giving birth, this may well be normal. However, you should also be aware of some signs that warrant seeking qualified help.

Dangerous symptoms accompanying abdominal pain

Abdominal pain that bothers you a month after giving birth may not pose any danger or, on the contrary, require immediate medical intervention. Pay attention to the occurrence of dangerous symptoms that may accompany pain:

  1. temperature increase;
  2. the pain becomes acute, almost unbearable;
  3. pain is accompanied by discharge with clots;
  4. painful sensations are concentrated in the abdomen, but radiate to the back;
  5. dizziness;
  6. vomiting or severe nausea;
  7. my stomach and lower back hurt.

If you experience several (two are enough) symptoms listed above, then it is better to seek the help of a specialist to avoid complications.

Causes of abdominal pain a month after childbirth

If you experience pain and discomfort in the abdomen after childbirth, this can be explained by both physiology and pathological reasons. It is important to identify them in time, because some require treatment, while others can be dealt with quickly and independently. During the birth of a child, the woman’s body, muscles and internal organs experience significant overloads, so it takes time for them to fully recover.

Physiological causes of abdominal pain after childbirth

Hormone production

As you know, hormones play a very important role important role in the female body, largely determining well-being and mood. After childbirth, hormonal levels undergo major changes, for example, oxytocin is actively produced. This hormone is responsible for uterine contractions, stimulating the uterus to return to its previous size, this causes pain.


Breastfeeding itself does not cause abdominal pain. This happens due to the fact that during lactation the production of oxytocin continues, which provokes uterine contractions, as discussed above.

Pathological causes of abdominal pain after childbirth

Digestive system disorders

Pain in the lower abdomen can be caused by disorders digestive system. This happens due to the consumption of foods that cause gas formation, or due to a lack of fiber in the diet, which leads to the same consequences.

Hip discrepancy

Pain in the lower abdomen a month after childbirth may indicate that time is needed for recovery. hip joint in case of strong divergence. Sometimes it takes up to six months to get back into shape and get rid of new pain.


Endometritis is an inflammatory process on the lining of the uterus. This happens most often after a cesarean section, when germs and infection get inside. You can recognize it by the elevated temperature and discharge that comes with clots of pus.

Placenta in the uterus

If your stomach hurts a month after giving birth, this may be a serious reason to seek help. medical care. It is possible that after the birth of the baby, the placenta did not completely come out of the uterus. In this case, these residues could stick to its wall and provoke the formation of blood clots. This may be the beginning of the rotting process.

The gynecologist must conduct a thorough examination and prescribe an ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis.

Inflammation of the appendages

Postpartum inflammation of the appendages can be identified by a nagging pain that is localized in the lower abdomen. It may not be strong, but it is permanent.


Peritonitis is a dangerous infection that requires immediate medical attention. Its symptoms are severe pain that cannot be tolerated and a significant increase in temperature.

Vertebral displacement

Vertebrae that during labor activity have shifted, this is a problem that can cause trouble even several months after giving birth. You can recognize it by pain in the lower abdomen and lower back. This pain often radiates throughout the back in the spinal region and intensifies with any physical activity.

Abdominal pain after childbirth: occur against the background of physiological processes, such as hormonal changes and lactation, or with pathologies such as indigestion, hip discrepancy, endometritis, placental remnants in the uterus, inflammation of the appendages, peritonitis, vertebral displacement

Treatment of abdominal pain after childbirth

Treatment is always prescribed by a doctor after an appropriate examination. How it goes depends on the cause of the pain being correctly identified. The earlier it is diagnosed, the less serious the complications will be.

Treatment of abdominal pain with surgical methods

Curettage of the uterine cavity

If the placenta remains in the uterus, then its remains are scraped out. This is operational medical intervention followed by antibacterial therapy.

Appendix removal

Peritonitis is treated by urgent surgical intervention and surgery is performed.

Drug treatment of endometritis

If the diagnosis of endometritis is confirmed, treatment is prescribed in the form of therapy using a variety of medical supplies. In addition, it must be combined with good nutrition and rest.

Treatment of vertebral displacement

Displacement of the vertebrae that occurred during labor is treated with manual therapy.

Normalization of digestion

Digestive problems can be eliminated by creating a complete, balanced diet that includes foods rich in fiber. Don't forget about this necessary for the body dairy products that can restore digestion and improve intestinal activity.

Attentive attention to any manifestations of imbalance in the body will allow you to get rid of adverse consequences in time. This is especially important when the body has recently suffered severe stress associated with childbirth.

Childbirth is a complex process associated with certain unpleasant sensations. However, it is a mistake to believe that after the birth of a child they will all end at once. The most common symptom for many mothers is pain after childbirth. What are they connected to? What are they? Why do they appear? And is it really possible to fight them?

What kind of pain can occur in women in labor?

Most often, women in labor experience unpleasant sensations in the lumbar and tailbone areas. Sometimes headaches and discomfort in the chest, back or abdomen may occur. At the same time, it is accompanied by unpleasant, pulsating or pulling, sharp or, conversely, dull spasms that hinder movement. In addition, for example, back pain radiates to other parts of the body, which leads to certain problems when feeding the baby, walking, lifting objects of different weights, etc.

Should you worry when your stomach hurts?

One of the most common problems faced by young mothers is unpleasant discomfort in the lower abdomen. But should you be scared, let alone panic, when your stomach hurts after childbirth? To answer this question, it is worth considering the possible causes of this disease, which may be physiological or pathological.

It's all due to oxytocin

There are quite a lot potential causes associated with pain in the lower abdomen. Moreover, each of them is characterized various symptoms. For example, if there is a cramping or nagging pain, this indicates that you are actively producing a special hormone, oxytocin. It is he who helps the uterus, which has opened and increased in size, to take its original shape.

Sometimes a woman in labor experiences unpleasant and wave-like sensations, which intensify while breastfeeding the baby. In this case, the culprit of the trouble is also oxytocin, released as a protective barrier from external irritants and again leading to involuntary contraction of the muscles of the uterus. As you can see, in both cases the stomach hurts after childbirth for completely normal physiological reasons. As a rule, such pain is not protracted and goes away after 5-10 days.

When should you sound the alarm?

When the pain in the abdominal area becomes prolonged (does not stop for more than a month), you should urgently consult a doctor. Its cause may be, for example, the presence of placenta remnants inside the uterus, which did not come out with the fetus, but, on the contrary, stuck to the walls and provoke inflammatory processes in the body.

In addition, pain after childbirth in the abdominal area can occur when pathogenic bacteria and microbes enter the uterine mucosa. Most often, this occurs when basic hygiene rules are not observed during surgical intervention by doctors (caesarean section).

In a word, if the pain does not go away for a long time, but is complicated by inflammation, purulent discharge, increased body temperature or any other unpleasant moments, consult a doctor immediately.

Why do headaches occur after childbirth?

Some women in labor experience frequent migraines during the postpartum period. In most cases, they appear in those women who had headaches before pregnancy. Less often, women who refuse traditional breastfeeding of babies become victims of migraine.

The most common causes of headaches include:

  • excess progesterone and estrogens in the body;
  • use of oral contraceptives without prior consultation with a doctor;
  • stress;
  • fatigue;
  • lack of proper sleep.

Why does my chest hurt?

Many mothers complain that their breasts hurt after childbirth. What is this connected with? As practice shows, discomfort in the chest area often occurs due to enlargement of the mammary glands during restoration processes in the uterus and abdomen, during times of stress.

In addition, pain in the chest and chest area may be associated with the recovery of the ribs, which open during pregnancy to make room for the unborn baby.

It also hurts and feels like it is “filling up”, “becoming like stone” during the flow of milk. Moreover, if you do not feed the baby on time, milk stagnation will occur and, as a result, mastitis will develop.

It is very important, when your chest hurts after childbirth, to identify the true cause of the discomfort. To do this, you should exclude external irritants and contact a specialist.

What is the reason for back pain?

Acute or nagging pain in the back (lower back) - many mothers know firsthand about this unpleasant moment. It can be either constant or “wavy”, that is, it either stops or worsens.

Such back pain after childbirth is associated with a number of reasons, including restoration of the position of bone tissue. Let us remember that during pregnancy the pelvic bones diverge and facilitate the passage of the newborn through the birth canal.

In the postpartum period, a systematic restoration of the original position of the bones occurs. However, normalization of bone tissue affects both muscles and nerve endings, which causes discomfort in the lower back.

Why do postoperative sutures hurt?

Many women who have undergone surgery (caesarean section, suturing the perineum for ruptures) have pain in the sutures after childbirth. Why is this happening? Most often, such pain is associated with certain actions of the woman in labor. For example, it occurs when bending, squatting and lifting weights too often.

Less commonly, pain is associated with frequent constipation. It can also appear during early sexual intercourse (it is not recommended to have intimate relations earlier than 2 months after the birth of the child).

If you have pain, redness, swelling and purulent discharge, you should immediately go to the doctor.

What should you do if you have pain?

If you experience discomfort in your chest, back, abdomen or head after giving birth, you first need to determine the cause. For this, it would be better to see a specialist. And then all you have to do is follow the advice of the doctor who prescribes individual treatment.

For example, for pain after childbirth in the perineal area (at the site of sutures), it is recommended to use the “Rescuer” wound healing cream. Also, women in labor with similar problems should not eat foods that can cause constipation.

In order to minimize pain after surgery, it is necessary to maintain personal hygiene and properly care for sutures. Therefore, the seams on the perineum must be washed regularly with water, using only smooth movements. In case of inflammation, alternate rinsing plain water and potassium permanganate.

If your breasts hurt due to too much milk flowing in, you need to purchase a breast pump, express and put your baby to the breast more often. For back pain, use cooling ointments to relieve discomfort. Manual therapy, light massage and therapeutic exercises will also help in these cases. It is also recommended to perform the “cat” exercise more often. To do this, you need to get on all fours, raise your head up and at the same time arch at the waist, then lower your head down and round your back. Perform this exercise three times a day for three sets.

If you are postpartum, go for walks more often. fresh air, do yoga, get enough sleep. may be associated with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, so in this case A bland diet is usually prescribed.

In a word, for any pain and possible deviations from the norm, consult a doctor. And then you will be able to avoid complications.

Possible causes Treatment Tips

The rehabilitation period after the birth of a child is different for all women. Many people experience stomach pain after childbirth, and this frightens young mothers. In fact, if these sensations are short-lived and quite tolerable, they are considered normal.

The muscles and internal organs have been subjected to enormous stress, and the body has been in a state of stress for some time. This is what determines the pain during this period. However, if they do not go away for too long and cause unbearable discomfort to the woman, this cannot be tolerated. Therefore, it is so important to understand the causes of these painful and unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen.

Possible reasons

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this phenomenon may be due to: physiological reasons, and pathological. If you determine in a timely manner why this happens and what causes these pains, they can either be avoided altogether or reduced to a minimum. Among the most common causes, doctors name the following factors.

Drawing, cramping pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is caused by the active production of oxytocin by the body. This is a hormone that provokes active contractions of the uterus. During this period, her muscles are in good shape, as this organ returns to its former shape and size (read more about the restoration of the uterus here). This is the main cause of pain in the lower abdomen after the birth of a baby. The second factor that explains why the stomach hurts after childbirth is breastfeeding. During lactation, a woman’s breast nipples become irritated, and this provokes even greater production of oxytocin. Accordingly, the uterus begins to contract even stronger and more actively, causing pain. Severe pain in the abdomen after childbirth, which does not stop after a month, is already a serious pathology, the causes of which can pose a danger to the health and life of the young mother. And one of them is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. It simply might not have been completely removed from there after the birth of the child. In this case, its particles become stuck to the wall of the uterus. This provokes the formation of blood clots and the process of rotting. Next reason- endometritis (inflammatory process of the uterine mucosa). It is most often diagnosed in women who gave birth not naturally, but by cesarean section. During this operation, infections and microbes often enter the uterus. As a result, after childbirth, the lower abdomen hurts greatly, the temperature rises, and there is bloody discharge with purulent clots. Salpingo-oophoritis (postpartum inflammation of the appendages) is another cause of discomfort after the birth of a baby. If it is present, at first there are mild but nagging pains in the lower abdomen, which do not go away over time. If the pain is unbearable and is accompanied by high fever, the cause may lie in peritonitis - a dangerous infectious disease that will require immediate treatment. If the lower abdomen and lower back hurt, radiating to the spine, we may be talking about a postpartum injury, namely, a displacement of the vertebrae. As a rule, such sensations can be disturbing even six months after childbirth, and they usually manifest themselves when physical activities or when walking, when there is a large load on the spine. Sometimes a woman may find that her lower abdomen hurts a month after giving birth: the cause may be improper work gastrointestinal tract. Most often this happens due to a lack of dairy products and fiber in her diet. This leads to fermentation and gas formation processes, which create unpleasant painful sensations in the abdominal area. If the pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is characterized by burning and rawness, this is due to the process of urination, which returns to normal within 3-4 days after the birth of the child. Over time, these unpleasant sensations pass. In some cases, the stomach may hurt due to severe divergence of the hip joint during labor. The process of its recovery can be quite long - up to 5 months, depending on individual characteristics woman's body.

This is why after childbirth the stomach hurts, just like during menstruation: everything is explained by normal or pathological physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body. If they are short-lived and pass quickly, there is no need to worry or panic. If a week has passed since giving birth and the pain still persists, you should definitely consult a doctor. You may need to undergo a course of treatment to avoid complications.


If pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is due to pathological causes and is not normal, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It will depend on what kind of disruptions occurred in the woman’s body after the birth of the baby.

If after childbirth your stomach hurts a lot due to the placenta remaining in the uterus, this problem can be solved with the help of surgical treatment. Blood clots and placenta particles are scraped out to avoid postpartum infection. After this, it is assigned antibacterial therapy. If severe pain in the lower abdomen is caused by beginning and developing endometritis, a comprehensive conservative treatment. It includes antibacterial, infusion, detoxification, sedative, desensitizing and restorative therapy, and the use of uterine contractions. To limit inflammation, a therapeutic and protective regimen is prescribed to normalize the central nervous system. It will also be necessary good nutrition, which will contain a lot of proteins and vitamins. If a lot of time has passed, and the pain in the lower abdomen, radiating to the spine, makes itself felt (this may be after 3, 4 months), you need to contact a specialist to check whether the vertebrae were displaced during childbirth). In this case, manual therapy will be required. If peritonitis has been diagnosed, immediate surgery is required. For problems with the gastrointestinal tract, doctors usually recommend a special diet. Since pain in the lower abdomen due to this reason can manifest itself 1 or even 2 months after childbirth, a woman needs to include more dairy products and those rich in fiber in her diet from the very beginning.

So the treatment of such painful sensations after childbirth is determined by the reasons that caused them. But what to do if unpleasant, cramping abdominal pain after childbirth is the norm (caused by natural contractions of the uterus), but prevents you from enjoying the birth of your baby in the first days after the long-awaited birth? Some useful recommendations will help you deal with them.

To smooth out painful sensations in the lower abdomen after childbirth, try to follow simple recommendations:

try to determine their cause, and for this you need to know how long the stomach hurts after childbirth: no more than 5-7 days, if it is a natural contraction of the uterus, and the nature of the pain should be pulling, cramping, but tolerable; if this continues for too long (1, 2, 3 months or even longer), this is not the norm, and you need to seek diagnosis and treatment from doctors as soon as possible; the seams are treated daily with green paint to speed up their healing; In order for the uterus to quickly acquire its previous shape, you need to perform special exercises; On the 5th day after discharge from the maternity hospital, you must visit an antenatal clinic.

If you know why the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth and how long it can last within the normal range, this issue will not cause concern for the young mother and will allow her to enjoy communication with her baby. Timely measures taken will reduce pain and prevent the risk of unwanted complications and consequences dangerous to the health and life of a woman.

Childbirth is a very complex process, during and after which significant changes occur in the body. Unfortunately, many women in the early postpartum period are deprived of the opportunity to devote sufficient time to their health, since all their attention is focused on the newborn baby. Therefore, they practically do not pay attention to pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth, considering them normal occurrence. Usually this is true, but in some cases such pain can become symptoms of a dangerous disease.

During childbirth, tissue ruptures and ligament sprains often occur. In some cases, doctors have to stitch the woman in labor, which causes discomfort for a long time.

The main reason why a woman experiences pain in her lower abdomen after childbirth is contraction of the uterus. Spastic phenomena intensify when the baby is breastfed, since the oxytocin produced during this process causes intense contraction of the uterine muscles. Therefore, the more often a woman breastfeeds her baby, the faster the uterus will recover. In the first time after the birth of the baby, uterine contractions during feeding are so strong that they resemble labor pains. But their intensity decreases sharply in the interval between latching the newborn to the breast. Such cramping pains continue on average for 1.5–2 weeks after childbirth.

During the period when the uterus contracts, thereby causing pain, do not forget that the internal organs located next to it also affect this process. For example, a full bladder, putting pressure on the uterus, can increase pain in the lower abdomen, which is why doctors recommend going to the toilet at the first urge.

If delivery is carried out by cesarean section, then after it a scar remains on the uterus. Like everyone postoperative suture, he's still for a long time reminds of itself: tugs, causes aching pain. Typically, a cesarean section scar heals within a month to a month and a half after the operation. To prevent it from breaking apart and becoming inflamed, the young mother should carefully observe personal hygiene and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Nagging pain in the abdomen after childbirth can be a consequence of uterine curettage. IN maternity hospital All women should undergo an ultrasound examination 2–3 days after birth. It allows you to determine whether there are pieces of the placenta, fertilized egg, or dead epithelium left in the uterine cavity.

If the examination shows the presence of any clots in the uterus, the doctor prescribes a drip to the woman with drugs that increase contractions of the uterus and help “cleanse” it. When it turns out that these measures are not enough, a decision is made to perform aspiration. This procedure quite unpleasant and painful, performed under local or general anesthesia (depending on the type of curettage), and for a long time reminds of itself with pain in the abdomen.

An injury to the pubic bone during childbirth can cause abdominal pain. This pain goes away on its own after a certain period of time.

Alarming symptoms

Usually, when a woman has a stomach ache after childbirth, this is a completely natural and harmless process. But it should be understood that all pain should become less noticeable and short-lived over time.

Ideally, a month after giving birth, a woman in labor should not experience abdominal pain. Why does it happen that even after 1.5–2 months a woman is still bothered by unpleasant sensations? Perhaps the cause of the pain lies in the development of a hidden disease or in the exacerbation of a chronic problem. In any case, this symptom requires examination and appropriate medical correction.

Often the cause of abdominal pain is caused by disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Stress, lack of sleep, and changes in diet, especially during breastfeeding, cause intestinal problems. First of all, a young mother should adjust her diet, excluding from it foods that are difficult to digest, as well as everything that can cause bloating and indigestion. If there is no relief within a month, you will need to consult your doctor again. Very dangerous symptom is an increase in body temperature and increased pain in the lower abdomen in combination with the appearance of bloody discharge, especially if this occurs a month after birth. Around this time, endometritis may develop in the uterine cavity, caused by a bacterial or fungal infection introduced during a cesarean section or cleaning. Gradually increasing abdominal pain may indicate inflammatory processes in the tubes and cervix. Pieces of the placenta and amniotic membrane remaining in the uterus can trigger the process of decay, which will require mandatory hospital treatment under the supervision of a doctor. Sharp pain radiating to the spine can be caused by injuries or pinched vertebrae. In this case, it is necessary to diagnose the spine to identify the cause of the pain. After which the doctor will prescribe a course of procedures and, if necessary, medication.

A woman should definitely seek help from a doctor if she has the following symptoms:

duration of pain more than 1.5–2 weeks; increase in pain intensity; increase in body temperature; poor health, weakness.

As practice shows, all women experience pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth.

This is a natural process caused by physiological changes in the mother's body.

However, every mother should be attentive to her health and ensure that, against the background of minor pain, the development of hidden diseases does not begin. After all, a problem identified in time is much easier to cure than an advanced disease.

Very often, after childbirth, a woman faces the problem of pain in the lower abdomen.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of them are physiological in nature, some are associated with certain pathological conditions. Let's look at them in more detail and try to understand why the stomach hurts after childbirth, how it hurts and how long these pains can last.

Causes of abdominal pain after childbirth

Pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature is associated with the fact that after childbirth the uterus still continues to contract, and this is a completely natural process. Doctors perceive complaints about this kind of pain positively. This is explained by the fact that after the birth process, a large amount of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions, is released into the blood. This hormone regulates labor pains.

These pains continue until the uterus returns to its previous state. After all, from the size of a large ball it should decrease to the size of a fist.

These pains can become more severe when a woman begins to breastfeed her baby, since during this physiological process there is also increased production of oxytocin, which leads to increased uterine contractions.

Typically, such pain in the lower abdomen persists after childbirth for 4-7 days. To reduce pain, you can do special exercises. If after childbirth your stomach hurts very much, you should definitely consult with your doctor about prescribing painkillers.

The lower abdomen hurts after childbirth even after a cesarean section. This is also a variant of the norm. After all, after all surgical intervention Painful sensations remain at the incision site for some time. In such a situation, a woman needs to monitor the condition of the seam and maintain hygiene. After a certain time, the pain will stop.

Pulls bottom part abdomen and after curettage, which is done if after childbirth a woman has traces of placenta. After this, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen for quite a long time.

If a woman had ruptures during childbirth, the stitches may hurt. Moreover, pain from the perineum can move to the lower abdomen. In such a situation there is also no reason to worry, since such pain goes away as the sutures heal.

Another cause of abdominal pain physiological nature is that after childbirth you have to re-establish the process of urination. At first this is accompanied by a raw pain and burning sensation, but then everything returns to normal and the pain goes away.

All of the above causes of abdominal pain after childbirth are natural character, and there is no point in worrying about them.

Pathological abdominal pain after childbirth

But it also happens that abdominal pain can be caused by certain pathological changes in the body, which are worth paying special attention to.

Such changes include endometritis - inflammation of the endometrium - the layer lining the uterus. It can occur after birth by cesarean section, when pathogens enter the uterus. With endometritis, abdominal pain is accompanied by fever, bloody or purulent discharge.

Sometimes the cause of pain can be an exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. In this case, you need to try to adjust your diet. You should eat little, but quite often, and drink more fluids.

Very often after childbirth a woman loses her appetite. Eating as needed and resulting in constipation can also cause abdominal pain. Therefore, the nutrition of a woman who has given birth to a child should be complete, regular and balanced.

If symptoms of pathological conditions occur, it is very important to consult a doctor in a timely manner to prevent complications of the disease.

The birth of a child is the most powerful test that women have to experience. The birth of a new person radically changes a mother’s life, and therefore is never easy. However, the joy of the birth of a baby is so great that this alone makes up for all the torment experienced.

Unfortunately, the trials don't end there. Often a woman also has to endure a variety of pains after childbirth. And here you need to understand what is a physiological process and what should be alarming. After all, sometimes pain is a signal that foreshadows not entirely pleasant consequences...

Normal postpartum condition

The first thing a woman in labor should understand is that immediately after the baby arrives, she does not immediately become the same. Childbirth is a physiological process, but it is associated with enormous risks. The body undergoes the greatest stress. Even the birth process, which took place classically without any complications, injures many organs.

For example, the inner surface of the uterus. After the baby is born, it is a bleeding wound. After all, the placenta was attached to it for a long time by many vessels, which were damaged during childbirth. Therefore, it is quite natural that all women have a stomach ache after childbirth. And this is accompanied by bleeding in the first three to four days.

Secondly, the uterus begins to contract and recover, clearing itself of everything unnecessary. And this process also cannot be completely painless. Often, a nursing mother has to endure sharp spasms similar to contractions. Often they intensify precisely at the time when the baby begins to suckle the breast or she has to express milk. This is quite normal and even useful. In this case, the recovery of the mother’s body occurs faster than that of those who do not have the opportunity or desire to breastfeed the child.

Often pain prevents a woman from moving because it is associated with postpartum trauma. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae periodically during physical activity There is discomfort in the lower back. The pain can “radiate” to the lower back, to the tailbone. Sometimes she seems to be “pulling” her leg, her crotch. Gradually these unpleasant painful sensations pass. Due to the fact that the hip joints are greatly separated during childbirth, pain in the lower abdomen and back can cause anxiety for a woman for quite a long time. Sometimes the recovery process takes up to six months. But this is also quite natural.

A chair is not only a piece of furniture...

The uterus is very close to the rectum. Feces, especially their accumulation in large quantities, put pressure on her. This interferes with her normal recovery. In order for the uterus to contract faster, you need to regularly empty the intestines. And doing this after childbirth can be quite difficult. And very often, instead of answering the woman in labor’s question: “Why does the uterus hurt?”, the doctor asks when the last stool was and how hard it was.

It is very important to restore normal bowel function as soon as possible. This determines not only how quickly the belly will disappear and the figure will become the same, but also how long the painful sensations in the uterus will go away. And normal stool of a woman in labor often guarantees the health of the baby. This is especially important for a nursing mother. Since the use of medications and products with a laxative effect can affect the baby’s condition, it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Constipation and hard stools can cause hemorrhoids. Although this disease often manifests itself in some women immediately after childbirth - from severe overexertion. In both cases, the symptoms of this disease cannot be called pleasant and painless. Except balanced nutrition women are helped by cool baths, cooling lotions, and antihemorrhoidal creams.

Important! You should not take hot baths during inflammation of the anus. This may make the condition worse.

Poor nutrition can cause more than just constipation. Causing increased gas formation, provoking fermentation in the intestines, it causes discomfort, puts pressure on the uterus, interfering with its normal restoration. Because of this, pain and an unpleasant feeling of bloating occur in the abdomen. Typically, eliminating certain foods (dairy, fiber, yeast-containing foods) from the diet will help relieve these symptoms.

Just like constipation, frequent loose stool. It can cause dehydration, weakness, and anemia. And, of course, this is also accompanied by increased pain.

That is why every woman in labor should be very attentive to her feelings and remember that a chair is not just a piece of furniture. The health of a woman and her baby depends on its qualitative and quantitative characteristics.

Sometimes pain in the lower abdomen is associated with urination. It is accompanied by rawness and burning. This is also a physiological process. Usually after a few days this all goes away without a trace.

When is abdominal pain dangerous?

It is clear that usually the physiological process of restoration of the body in postpartum period accompanied by pain. And this is a completely tolerable condition. It is caused by contraction of the uterus and cleansing of its cavity. If the pain is strong enough and does not stop a month after the birth of the baby, you should sound the alarm. This can be a very dangerous symptom.

One of the causes of pathology is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. Particles of the baby's place sometimes stick (grow) to the uterine cavity. After childbirth, such dead pieces of flesh cannot come out spontaneously; they begin to rot inside. This is fraught with infection.

Usually the process is accompanied by bloating, pain, fever, nausea, and malaise. In addition to these symptoms, you should pay attention to the discharge. They may contain blood clots and pus. There is also a specific smell.

If the doctor diagnoses placenta remains inside the uterus, a decision is usually made to perform a “cleansing”. Although modern medicine already has the opportunity in some cases to correct the situation with medication.

Important! If particles of dead tissue are observed in the uterine cavity, this is a very serious violation. postpartum process. You cannot correct the situation on your own at home; you can only significantly worsen the situation.

With this pathology, you cannot take medications that open the cervix, use alcohol, or use a hot bath. These procedures may cause heavy bleeding, which even doctors will not be able to stop. You shouldn't risk your health and life.

Severe pain in the lower abdomen may also indicate the onset of an inflammatory process in the uterine mucosa. This disease is called endometritis. Most often it is observed in women who were forced to undergo surgery - a “caesarean section”. During the operation, germs and infection enter the wound. In addition to pain, patients also have a high temperature, the discharge is heavily stained with blood and there is the presence of pus in it.

Very serious pathology is peritonitis. This infectious disease is also accompanied by unbearable pain and fever.

Tears during childbirth

They are especially often observed in firstborns and when a large child appears. Tears, cracks and cuts can be on the labia, on the cervix. Sometimes obstetricians apply stitches. In any case, these are additional injuries, which, naturally, are not felt by the woman in the most pleasant way. The wounds sting and sometimes cause nagging pain.

The most unpleasant thing is that they can become infected. Therefore, the first rule: keep it clean!

After each urination, you should wash the perineum with warm water, possibly with the addition of potassium permanganate. During the first days, it is recommended to use baby soap for regular washing after visiting the toilet. Twice a day it is recommended to lubricate the external seams and tears with a strong (brown) solution of potassium permanganate. If the seams hurt after childbirth , it is recommended to apply cool compresses to this area. You should not sit down at first, especially if you feel pain. If necessary, you can use a special pad. You cannot lift weights, run, walk a lot, or make sudden movements. It is recommended to change the pad after each urination. It is strictly forbidden to use tampons after childbirth until the onset of your first menstruation!

Correct discharge guarantees normal recovery

The first week after childbirth is associated with the greatest discomfort for a woman. When the uterus contracts, blood and lochia are released. But there is no need to be afraid of this. Rather, you need to worry if they are absent. This pathological condition is called lochiometra. It is accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and often its enlargement, a feeling of fullness.

Important! If you notice that the pad remains completely clean already in the first week, you should urgently consult a gynecologist.

Discharge accompanies uterine contractions for 42-56 days. Their color gradually changes. Lochia by the end of this period is less abundant, similar to “daub” in last days menstruation, lighter and more transparent than those that were at the very beginning. And if, a month after giving birth, a woman is still leaking copious amounts of bloody discharge, which is accompanied by abdominal pain and cramps, this should not be left to chance. Surely this condition is associated with pathology. Therefore, a visit to the doctor in this case is mandatory.

The recovery process should be gradual. Every day the stomach should shrink, lochia should become less abundant, and the pain should subside.

Important! If you notice that the process is going in the opposite direction (the abdomen increases, additional pain appears, unpleasant sensations of fullness inside, foreign odors), you should not try to get rid of the symptoms on your own.

This may be an infectious disease that cannot be cured at home. Is it worth repeating that the later the patient goes to a medical facility, the more severe the consequences?

Just like too scanty lochia, excessively dangerous copious discharge. Usually they are also accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen. These symptoms can be caused by a variety of infections, the onset of an inflammatory process, or increased physical activity, stress, or injury. A woman must understand that her body is very vulnerable after childbirth. What goes unnoticed before pregnancy, without consequences, can now cause a serious illness. And not only herself, but also the person most dear to her - her child.

Symphysiopathy – what is it and how to treat it?

When talking about the pain a woman has to endure after childbirth, we cannot fail to mention the pubic joint. It is the pubic bone that often begins to hurt for many people during pregnancy. And these painful sensations do not leave some even after childbirth.

The symphysis is the connection of the pelvic bones in front. It consists of cartilage and ligaments. During pregnancy, the pubic joint withstands enormous loads. Sometimes the joint is very stretched. The process of childbirth itself contributes to this. Women with a narrow pelvis and a large fetus are especially susceptible to this. The ligaments of the symphysis are not very elastic, so the recovery process is extremely slow.

It is impossible to cure symphysiopathy. Recovery usually occurs over time. The doctor can only help reduce symptoms, relieve strong pain syndromes. Sometimes symptoms of symphysiopathy appear after several years, for example, with increased physical activity. Sometimes pain in the pubic joint occurs as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable positions (for example, during yoga), injuries, or cycling. This can be quite unpleasant and painful, but it has virtually no effect on your overall health.

If a woman continues to have pain in her pubic bone after childbirth, she is recommended:

regular intake of medications with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D; consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium; daily sunbathing or walking outdoors; changing body position every half hour; reducing physical activity; wearing special bandages (prenatal and postnatal); taking acupuncture courses; massage; electrophoresis; ultraviolet irradiation.

If the pain is very severe, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with medicines. Sometimes, in particularly severe cases, surgery is required.

Back pain

Very often, after the birth of a child, a woman is tormented by pain that does not seem to be directly related to the process of the birth of the baby. Well, how can we explain that now that there is no fetus inside and the load has decreased significantly, the lower back continues to hurt? It turns out that this is not a pathology at all, but a natural process.

Stomach and back still hurt after childbirth a long period. This happens because during pregnancy the abdominal muscles diverge and become deformed. These changes resulted in the formation of a “hollow” in the lower back. Incorrect body position resulted in pinching of the intervertebral nerves. Gradually these symptoms will pass, but at first it is quite normal for a woman to experience some discomfort.

Since the spine ends at the tailbone, it can also bring suffering to a woman. Women who had spinal curvature before pregnancy are especially often asked why their tailbone hurts. Usually, during pregnancy, although pain in this department is felt, it is perceived as something inevitable. And it goes without saying that after giving birth everything will go away by itself. However, the birth of a child does not reduce the pain, but even increases it.

The reason for this may also be stretching of the pelvic muscles. A large fruit will provoke these symptoms. This situation is especially clear in women giving birth with a narrow pelvis. Many complaints also come from those who were not physically prepared for these tests. That’s why it’s so important to do gymnastics and physical education long before deciding to become a mother.

Birth injuries are often a problem. As a result, there is a displacement of the vertebrae in the area of ​​the sacrolumbar region and hip joints. And if you also take into account the changes in hormonal levels, then it becomes completely clear why the joints hurt. During pregnancy, cartilage becomes softer and more mobile, otherwise the woman would not be able to withstand such a load. After childbirth, a redistribution of the center of gravity occurs. All this cannot but affect the general condition of a woman. Gradually the organs will take their places. But the process is long and, alas, far from painless.

Even internal organs often change their places during gestation, for example, kidneys. They can go down or turn around. And after childbirth you will feel them for a long time dull pain in the lower back, which can radiate downwards, for example, in the perineum and leg.

But it should be noted: overweight ladies and those who did little physical training before pregnancy suffer the most.

Why does my chest hurt?

After childbirth, lactation occurs - the formation of milk in the glands. And often women begin to suffer from unpleasant sensations associated with this process. An interesting fact is that chest pain can also occur in women whose lactation is very weak. Yes, the baby does not have enough milk for nutrition, and it feels like the breast is simply bursting!

In any case, the woman must determine the reason unpleasant symptoms. What exactly causes discomfort?

There may be several reasons:

stagnation of milk in the glands (lactostasis); inflammation (mastitis); stretching of the skin and deformation of the pectoral muscles; cracks in the nipples.


This pathology is observed in most women, especially in primigravidas. The causes of this pathology are:

improper attachment of the baby; incomplete expression of the remaining milk from the breasts; tight bra; hypothermia; bruises; sleeping on the stomach; hyperlactation; narrow ducts; dehydration; lack of sleep of the woman; stress; overwork; abrupt cessation of feeding the baby.

Symptoms of lactostasis are:

severe tingling pain in the chest; fever up to 38 degrees and above; severe engorgement of the mammary glands, heaviness; redness of the nipples; formation of lumps.

Important! A nursing woman should measure her temperature not in the armpit, but in the elbow. Otherwise, an incorrect result is guaranteed due to milk flow.


Inflammation (mastitis) occurs against the background of lactostasis or due to microbes (streptococci, staphylococci) entering the cracks.

Symptoms of mastitis are:

very high condensation of the mammary gland; purplish tint of the skin; temperature above 38 degrees; severe pain in the chest area; distension in the mammary gland; pus is observed in the nipple discharge.

Important! It is better not to treat lactostasis and mastitis on your own, but to consult a doctor at the first signs. With timely and correct diagnosis, these diseases can be treated with medication. With advanced processes, surgical intervention is sometimes necessary.

Stretched skin and cracked nipples

These are simpler pathologies that can often be corrected at home. Usually their symptoms are not associated with elevated temperature, are local in nature. But if a crack in the nipple, for example, is deep enough and it is not possible to cope with it, contacting a specialist will be the best way out in this situation.

Usually, when damage occurs on the skin, it is recommended to lubricate the wound with brilliant green and hydrogen peroxide. Wound healing ointments help well. But here you should be careful: these should not be medications that can harm the baby if they get into his mouth. And they should not taste bitter or have an unpleasant aftertaste.

Today, the industry produces special latex covers that protect nipples from damage during feeding. If the wounds are so painful that it is impossible to do without them, it is worth considering this option.

In order to avoid chest pain, a woman must understand that the most important thing during this period is healthy sleep, good nutrition, walks in the air, peace and good mood. Of course, proper expression of the remaining milk, underwear that does not tighten or squeeze the breasts are the basic rules of a nursing mother.

Important! Don't neglect bras at all. Swollen breasts become quite heavy. Without the support of the bodice, she will not only quickly lose her shape, which then cannot be restored, but also stretch marks, pain, and diaper rash will appear under the breasts.

And every woman should start preparing her breasts for the birth of a baby even during pregnancy. This usually involves massaging the nipples with a terry towel. The skin should roughen a little. But here there is a rule: do no harm! You should act carefully so as not to injure the delicate epithelium; massage rather than tear off the skin.

A woman’s body goes through a recovery stage after childbirth. This period, according to most doctors, is equal to the period of pregnancy. Therefore, you need to be patient, calm, and not get nervous over trifles. But, at the same time, one cannot be carefree and imprudent. Only wise attention to your feelings, knowledge functional features postpartum process, will help you stay healthy, beautiful and, in addition, become happy, raising a beloved and healthy child.

The birth of a child is always a joy in a new family. And, undoubtedly, as nature decreed, the most important role at first for a new person is played by his mother. For her, in turn, this event is also one of the greatest in life and, of course, brings great happiness and pleasure. But all this also has back side- A woman’s health experiences enormous stress both during pregnancy and after childbirth. Sometimes very serious consequences occur, but in this article we will talk about a fairly common postpartum phenomenon - pain in the lower abdomen, and we will try to assess their significance, methods of prevention and treatment.

Why does the lower abdomen and lower back hurt after cesarean section and childbirth?

If after childbirth a woman experiences pain in the lumbar region and lower abdomen, there are no fundamental differences in the reasons for their occurrence, depending on how the delivery took place - by caesarean section or naturally. In addition to the usual aching or nagging pain in the lower abdomen, symptoms such as cramping pain, “lumbago” - especially in the lumbar area, and the release of gases (swelling) occur. Usually, the most intense manifestations are observed in the first weeks after the birth of the baby, then - individually, for some, everything ends quickly and happily, and for some new mothers, similar phenomena have been haunting them for quite a long time.

Almost four months have passed since giving birth, and my lower back still hurts. To this was added pain in the lower abdomen, maybe a month ago. I saw a doctor 1.5 months ago, everything was fine. What could it be? I probably need to go to the doctor again. Has anyone had this? During childbirth, I had an epidural.


4 months have passed since giving birth, for 2 weeks I have been feeling pain in the lower abdomen, cramping pain, terrible gases, I can’t eat normally, I’m breastfeeding and I’m afraid to take anything.

Masha Banisova


When I gave birth, my back and lower back hurt a lot (for about a month). My back pain went away, but about three weeks ago I started to feel pain in my lower abdomen. And after giving birth, there was discomfort when having sex. My lower abdomen started to hurt, so I went to the gynecologist. He looked at me, took a smear, everything was ok. And then he asks if my lower back hurts? I say it hurts. The result is that the lower abdomen hurts because of the lower back, the nerve endings that run along the wall of the uterus hurt, and the lower abdomen hurts because of this, and the lower back hurts because the child put pressure on the pelvis or had a cold.



The causes of such pain can be divided into physiological and pathological. The first category includes factors associated with the general stresses a woman endures during pregnancy and after childbirth on the body and health in general - these are:

  • tension in the hip joint and lower back, created when carrying a child for 9 months;
  • breastfeeding is accompanied by the active production of the hormone oxytocin, which affects the contraction of the uterus, resulting in unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen;
  • overflow Bladder;
  • during a caesarean section, pain in the suture area can provoke or increase discomfort.

  • the development of endometritis (inflammation of the internal mucous membrane of the uterus) is one of the most common postpartum diseases, in addition to pain in the lower abdomen, it is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of purulent discharge;
  • remnants of the placenta on the walls of the uterus can provoke the formation of blood clots and inflammation, which also causes pain in the lower abdomen;
  • osteochondrosis, intervertebral hernia;
  • inflammation of the appendages.

We determine a possible disease by the type of pain

Painful sensations, experienced by women after childbirth, can be divided into several types, taking into account certain provoking factors and diseases:

  1. Pulling and It's a dull pain in the lower abdomen - characteristic of contractions of the uterus due to the release of oxytocin, similar to menstrual pain.
  2. Periodic pain during feeding is also provoked by the production of oxytocin; such pain, as a rule, subsides within a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, when the uterine cavity is restored.
  3. Cutting pain - any sudden sensations should be cause for concern, however, it is worth remembering the consequences of surgery (caesarean section), which is always accompanied by similar discomfort in the suture area, which subsides within 5–7 days.
  4. Cramping pain is similar to pain during feeding due to contraction of the uterus.

Naturally, in order to determine the cause of pain, a woman needs not only to listen to the nature and intensity of pain, but also to take into account other parameters of her health: body temperature, the presence of discharge, the condition of the skin, etc.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

Considering the stress suffered during pregnancy and childbirth, as well as postpartum, any new mother should be attentive to her health, but the main criterion and key to success in recovery is peace of mind. Don't panic, the main thing is to listen to your body.

All of the above types of discomfort are absolutely normal (if they are moderate) in the first month after the birth of the child. If a woman continues to experience severe, unremitting pain in the lower abdomen or lower back after a month has passed since the baby was born, it is necessary to seek medical help from a specialist.

The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe an examination, based on the results of which the causes of the pain will be determined. As a rule, a woman undergoes an ultrasound of the uterus, donates blood, and takes smears - all this will allow the specialist to get a complete picture of what is happening, the main thing is not to panic ahead of time.

Prevention of various types of abdominal discomfort

To minimize postpartum consequences, any woman can take preventive measures independently or with the assistance of a qualified specialist.

How can you prevent or at least reduce the intensity of abdominal and lower back pain after childbirth?

  • keep an eye on general condition health - proper nutrition, adherence to sleep patterns, walks in the fresh air, exclusion of any stressful situations;
  • don’t overwork, don’t lift heavy things, take care of yourself, minimize physical activity;
  • wear a postpartum bandage to support your back and lower back;
  • do light massage abdomen to eliminate gases if necessary;
  • drink herbal teas(chamomile, mint, valerian), but do not overdo it, moderation is important in everything.

Remembering my postpartum period, I can say that it is very important to learn to relax the muscles of the lower abdomen during aching and cramping pain. It’s like during childbirth during marriage - the main thing is not to strain. Of course, this is not easy to implement in practice, but it is worth a try, since the effect is very effective.

Every woman who becomes a mother experiences great joy when her baby is born, but the postpartum consequences for her health can be different and not always pleasant. Pain in the abdomen and lower back in this case is a normal and inevitable phenomenon. The key point in this situation, as in any other situation, remains the woman’s careful and calm observation of her body. Try not to worry and wait it out, taking appropriate preventative measures, but don’t miss out alarming symptoms, which may indicate serious illnesses, and seek medical help from specialists in a timely manner.

Back pain after childbirth, when there is pain and pulling in the lumbar region, requires examination by a specialist. A woman should consult an osteopath or neurologist if she has very severe pain in the lumbar or back area.

Timely treatment in this case is extremely necessary, because the woman will need to actively move due to the need to care for the child, so back pain, if it appears after childbirth, should be quickly eliminated.

To reduce the intensity of postpartum back pain, doctors recommend calm walks at a leisurely pace, swimming in the pool, and gymnastics aimed at restoring the entire body. Such pain in most cases occurs in those women who have experienced difficult or very difficult childbirth.

Doctors also note that the intensity of pain is not only in the back, but also in the groin and other parts female body in the postpartum period directly depends on the emotional state there is a woman. Depression, anxiety, severe emotional upheaval, stress, all this against the background of hormonal changes in the body after childbirth can significantly increase the intensity of pain.

If a woman experiences severe pain after childbirth, she must definitely seek help from a doctor in order to quickly identify the cause of the ailment and begin to relieve the pain and treat the existing problem.

Quite often, after childbirth, women complain of pain in the area of ​​the coccyx and sacrum. This problem is provoked by injuries to the ligamentous apparatus of the pelvis and the muscles of the pelvic day.

The pain usually intensifies when moving, walking, or trying to stand or sit. If the discomfort is strong enough and does not go away over time, you should seek help from a medical facility.

Used for treatment manual therapy, as well as painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, then such discomfort is usually natural, unless it contributes to the formation of severe and unbearable pain. Therefore, the appearance of such a symptom as slight pain after childbirth in the lower abdomen can be considered absolutely normal.

During childbirth, infections and bacteria can enter the uterine cavity, causing endometritis. The mucous membrane of the uterus becomes inflamed and the new mother experiences a feeling of discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth. There is a high probability that fungus and microbes will enter the body during a cesarean section. Endometritis is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen, high fever, and discharge of pus and blood.

The procedure of curettage of the uterine cavity can also cause pain. A couple of days after giving birth, a woman should be examined by a gynecologist to check for placental remnants or blood clots.

If you do not “clean” on time, a placental polyp may develop. If your lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, one of the reasons may be a placental polyp that has formed.

Pain in the left and right lower abdomen after childbirth appears in this case due to the fact that the remaining placenta accumulates on the walls of the uterus and can provoke the formation of blood lumps. The uterus, trying to get rid of the placenta, begins to contract.

This is the cause of abdominal pain after childbirth. If abdominal pain on the left or right after childbirth does not stop, but only becomes even stronger, you should urgently consult a doctor.

The doctor will help you avoid purulent formations in the uterus.

Abdominal pain after childbirth, similar in nature to menstruation, is a normal phenomenon that should not bother a woman. They are usually quite tolerant. In the first week after childbirth, everything unnecessary comes out of the uterus. And this process should under no circumstances be hindered. Bleeding of this nature is called lochia.

They can last more than one week. Their duration may vary depending on the specific case. The discharge is mucus with bright scarlet blood. Over time, there are fewer and fewer of them, and the color of the lochia gradually becomes lighter. In the absence of any pathologies, pain in the lower abdomen ends before the lochia stops. During this period, a woman should especially carefully monitor the hygiene of her genitals.

Some people experience abdominal pain when breastfeeding. The natural production of the hormone oxytocin makes itself felt.

Every time the baby feeds, the mother can feel the uterus contracting. This is a normal natural process.

In such cases, there is no reason to worry about pain in the lower abdomen. As a rule, it goes away within two weeks.

Breastfeeding thus benefits both the baby and the mother's body. The more often you feed, the sooner the process of uterine contraction will be completed.

Why does a woman have a stomach ache after childbirth? So, in order to find out the reasons for these unpleasant sensations, it is necessary to turn to the woman’s physiology. During the entire period of pregnancy, each woman produces an increased amount of hormones, which are mainly aimed at gradually stretching and relaxing the ligamentous apparatus and muscles. Why is this necessary?

In order for a child to be born unhindered and then develop normally, it is necessary to ensure normal size delivery tract, that is, the uterus. in 9 months of bearing a child, a woman’s uterus should anatomically increase 25 times (in some women it can be either larger or smaller).

This size of the uterus allows a woman to give birth to a baby without any difficulties. After delivery, the uterus physiologically strives to return to its original position, which is an absolutely normal natural process.

During this period, a woman may feel pain of a different nature (from severe to barely noticeable) in the uterus and, accordingly, in the lower abdomen. This means that the uterus has begun to contract.

For some girls, this process occurs very quickly and therefore the pain may be stronger; for others, the uterus “shrinks” quite slowly, as evidenced by a complete or slight absence of pain.


The main reason why a woman experiences abdominal pain after childbirth is the active production of the hormone oxytocin in the body, which triggers the process of intense contraction of the uterus. During this period, the muscles of the uterus become toned, it returns to its former size and shape. This process causes pain, which can be either cramping or pulling.

Let's consider the causes of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth in the context of types of obstetric care:

  1. Natural childbirth. There are plenty of reasons why your stomach may hurt in this case. These include the restructuring of the woman’s body and reproductive organs in the last weeks before childbirth, the birth procedure itself, postpartum hormonal changes, postpartum injuries and surgical interventions by obstetricians or surgeons, diseases of the pelvic organs.
  2. C-section. When a woman in labor gives birth to a child with the help of surgeons: the abdomen is cut from the navel down to the pubis, the uterus is cut, and the fetus is taken out. The procedure is carried out under local anesthesia, naturally, the birth canal is not injured. In this case, the lower abdomen begins to hurt after anesthesia at the site of sutures. The healing layers of living tissue hurt - the first cause of pain in the lower abdomen after “artificial” childbirth.
  3. Hormonal renewal. When breastfeeding, a hormone is produced that causes the muscles of the uterus to contract. The pain in this case increases due to the stitches.
  4. Infection and inflammatory process.

The passage of a child through the birth canal is accompanied by divergence of the pelvic bones, stretching or rupture of tissue.

In addition, a woman in labor often needs medical assistance which involves cutting the perineum.

Discomfort in the lower abdomen should disappear by the end of the month after giving birth. This happens if the pain is natural.

If the discomfort does not go away, it may be caused by pathologies that are dangerous to the life and health of the mother.

You should consult a doctor if a month has passed after giving birth, but the lower abdomen still hurts, and the following symptoms appear:

  • the patient feels weak and gets tired quickly;
  • body temperature rises;
  • the intensity of the pain increases or they are of a pronounced cramping nature;
  • purulent discharge appeared in which blood can be seen.

The main reason for the discomfort of a woman who has given birth is physiological. When a child passes through the body, tissue stretching naturally occurs, microcracks, tears or episiotomy appear.

During a caesarean section, the suture hurts a lot. If the sensations are tolerable, without an increase in temperature, this is a normal recovery stage for the body.

If symptoms appear that are not normal, what is happening indicates an infection or other pathological processes in the body of the postpartum woman. It is necessary to distinguish natural physiological pain in the abdomen from pathological ones that are not the norm.

Standard options

  • Endometritis.
  • Salpingo-oophoritis.
  • Other inflammatory diseases.
  • Anal fissures.
  • Haemorrhoids.

Such pain is provoked by natural physiological processes occurring in a woman’s body.

The pain is especially noticeable in the first week, and then gradually goes away; it appears due to the fact that the genital organs return to normal, microcracks shrink. The pain is aching in nature, very strong at first, and then gradually weakens.

After a caesarean section, of course, your stomach will hurt. It is necessary to follow the rules of hygiene that the doctor prescribed to you, avoid stress, monitor the condition of the seam, after a while the seam will heal and the pain will go away.

Pain may also occur when the wife is breastfeeding. The reason for this is the hormone oxytocin, which affects the contractions of the uterus, and as a result of these contractions, the woman may feel pain in the first days, this will soon pass

Complications of childbirth as a provoking factor for abdominal pain

If a woman had an episiotomy during childbirth, and there were tears in the tissue that required surgical intervention, then, of course, the sutures will hurt (as after any operation). Most often, the pain, of course, is concentrated in the perineum, but it can also radiate to the abdomen, especially its lower part. The sutures gradually fuse together, and the pain goes away on its own.

After childbirth, remnants of the placenta may remain in the uterus; to check this, on the second day the woman is given ultrasound examination, if the placenta was discovered, then scraping is necessary. By its nature, the procedure itself resembles an abortion, so after it you may experience pain in the abdominal area for some time.

Gastrointestinal diseases often worsen in women after pregnancy. Therefore, pain may simply be a response to poor nutrition. A common complication of childbirth for a young mother is hemorrhoids.

If the pain is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and vaginal discharge, purulent or bloody, this may indicate endometritis, that is, inflammation of the lining of the uterus. During childbirth, there is a particularly high probability of developing the disease after a cesarean section, and harmful microorganisms can enter the uterus. You should immediately contact a gynecologist and start treatment, otherwise serious problems may occur.

If pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is constant and intensifying, and it does not stop within three weeks or a month, this may indicate the presence of a serious illness and you should consult a doctor. One of these diseases may be endometritis.

This is a natural phenomenon, because at birth the child passes through the birth canal, stretches and even injures it. Postpartum pain is inevitable and is a normal and natural occurrence that will subside within a week or two as women reproductive system will begin to return to normal and the microcracks resulting from childbirth will heal.

The entire maternity process consists of three periods:

  • smoothing and opening of the cervix;
  • birth of a child;
  • birth of a child's place.

During pregnancy, the reproductive organ increases in accordance with the growth of the fetus, the muscles stretch. During childbirth, they contract rhythmically, expelling the fetus and then the placenta from the uterine cavity.

After childbirth, the uterus reverses its development - it becomes smaller in size, the muscles contract, and their volume decreases several times. The most active muscle contraction occurs in the first hours and days. This process is accompanied by the presence of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth of a pulling nature, but this should soon pass.

The process of reverse development occurs under the influence of the hormone oxytocin. It affects the muscles of the uterus, bladder, abdominal wall, and pelvis, promoting their contraction.

Under its influence, breast milk begins to be produced. The release of oxytocin increases when the baby is latched to the breast.

The nipple and the area around it are abundantly dotted with receptors, upon irritation of which a large amount of oxytocin is produced, the muscles of the uterus contract more strongly under its influence.

When a baby is born by caesarean section, recovery is more difficult and takes longer. The reason for this is the presence of a wound on the wall of the abdomen and uterus.

Pathological causes

Causes of pain in the lower abdomen:

  1. Restoration of the body (in the first days after childbirth).
  2. Gastrointestinal disorders.
  3. Disorders in the genitourinary system.

Nagging pain in the lower abdomen in a nursing mother 6 months after childbirth indicates the appearance of the first menstruation in the coming days. The absence of menstruation in the first 6 months is due to high levels of the hormone prolactin, which is responsible for lactation and affects the menstrual cycle. This period may be shorter or longer. For women who are not breastfeeding, their first menstruation occurs after 6 to 8 weeks.

The causes of pain may be other. Since it is believed that pregnancy does not occur during breastfeeding, women are negligent about contraception.

The appearance of pain in a woman who has recently given birth can be caused by both physiological and pathological reasons. The most common ones are those listed below.

One of the main reasons for nagging or cramping pain in the lower abdomen in a woman who has recently given birth may be the active production of the hormone oxytocin. It is he who provokes muscle contraction. The uterus is in good shape during this period, because the organ strives to return to its former size and shape.

During the period of breastfeeding, the young mother's nipples become irritated, which provokes increased production of oxytocin, due to which uterine contractions increase, and this causes a rather unpleasant feeling in the lower abdomen.

If a month has passed after childbirth and the lower abdomen hurts, doctors do not rule out the development of endometritis in the woman’s body. This is a dangerous inflammatory process that affects the uterine cavity and is accompanied by high fever, acute pain and vaginal discharge. The pathology requires immediate hospitalization, otherwise death is possible for a patient who has recently given birth.

When your lower abdomen hurts 2 months after giving birth, it won’t hurt to consult a gastroenterologist. This is explained by the fact that the process of labor disrupts and even undermines general digestion, provokes chronic constipation, increased gas formation and flatulence.

A woman experiences difficulty defecating, and discomfort in the abdomen becomes an abnormal norm of life. Treatment is necessary, otherwise doctors do not rule out intestinal obstruction followed by surgery.

If, a month after giving birth, the lower abdomen still hurts, then this may be complications of a planned or emergency cesarean section. In this case, a detailed diagnosis is required, and it is clearly impossible to do without a computer examination of the pelvic organs and consultation with a gynecologist.

So the question of whether the lower abdomen can hurt after childbirth is definitely in the affirmative; remember at least the unpleasant procedure of scraping the placenta after the baby is born. It is important to know how to behave correctly in the event of such alarming symptoms, when to respond to the problem and contact certified specialists.

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this phenomenon can be due to both physiological and pathological reasons. If you determine in a timely manner why this happens and what causes these pains, they can either be avoided altogether or reduced to a minimum. Among the most common causes, doctors name the following factors.

A large number of women who have given birth, even those who have not experienced ruptures, one way or another face such a problem when pain appears in the perineum after childbirth. The appearance of pain in the pubic area after a successful birth can be explained by the fact that a fetus or baby passed through the painful area, as a result of which the tissues in this area were subjected to very strong stretching.

Doctors note that, based on statistics, usually severe pain in the pubic area in women after childbirth goes away within 2-3, 3 days.

It’s another matter if a woman had ruptures during childbirth, tissue rupture in the perineal area. Such pain in the pubic area does not go away immediately and depends on how quickly the tissue can heal.

Pain in the lower abdomen in the groin is also caused by the fact that doctors applied stitches; pain in the area of ​​the stitches bothers the woman especially strongly at the slightest movement. Moreover, pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth after sutures is usually felt both while standing, sitting, and lying down; as soon as you take an uncomfortable position, the lower abdomen immediately begins to hurt.

The time it takes for the stitches to heal is usually about a week, sometimes more. In particularly severe cases, doctors prescribe painkillers to patients to reduce the intensity of pain.

In such a situation, it is important for a woman to remember that if the pain in the lower abdomen does not stop 2 or 3 weeks after childbirth, then she should definitely come for a consultation with her doctor.

Finally, what you have been waiting for for nine months has finally happened. Your baby has been born.

However, you should not rejoice prematurely. The postpartum period very often turns out to be no less difficult than the pregnancy itself.

In most cases, a woman experiences postpartum pain in the lower abdomen, associated with a wide variety of reasons. A woman may have pain in her tailbone, perineum, pubis, back, lower back; abdominal pain after childbirth can appear in many places.

In the first weeks, and maybe even months, after childbirth, the process of healing and rehabilitation of the body occurs, which means that postpartum pain in the lower abdomen should go away completely. If the body has not recovered on its own within a couple of months, or pain appears in the lower abdomen after childbirth, which still has not gone away, you should seek help from a doctor.

The most common pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is pain after a cesarean section. And this is not surprising - after all, such an operation involves surgical intervention and occurs by cutting the abdominal tissue. Pain in the lower abdomen after a caesarean section can remain in a woman for a long time until the tissues are completely restored and acquire the elasticity they need.

If the process of childbirth itself is quite painful, then you should not assume that the restoration of the body will take place without pain.

The cause of the nagging, cramping pain is the activity of oxytocin. This special hormone is produced more intensively after childbirth and provides a good service. After childbirth, the uterus opens and increases in size, and oxytocin helps it take on the desired shape.

When the uterus contracts, the pain often intensifies due to pressure from neighboring organs. It is important to ensure that the bladder does not overfill. Otherwise, it will put pressure on the uterus and aggravate the pain in the lower abdomen.

Some women need stitches if the tissue is torn. Finding foreign body will cause discomfort in the body for some time.

In order to understand what exactly provokes abdominal pain after childbirth, it is necessary to understand the type of such manifestations:

  • Nagging pain, reminiscent of weak contractions, is most often provoked by the active production of the hormone oxytocin. The body takes care to return the uterus to its previous, prenatal state and size. Oxytocin stimulates the contraction of the muscles of the uterus, which leads to some pain. This is a completely natural and normal condition that will pass as soon as the uterus returns to its previous state and size.
  • Lactation also causes the release of oxytocin, which can increase abdominal cramping. This is also a natural reason; the pain will go away after the “pre-pregnancy” size of the uterus is restored.

The rehabilitation period after the birth of a child lasts a month or two months. During this time, the mother's body gradually restores its functions, returning to its usual state.

During this period, many women complain to their doctors that they have pain in their left side, right side, stomach or lower back. The nature of these pains has been studied, all of them can be relieved.

If a month after the birth of the child has not yet passed, then, most likely, the cause is protracted, short-term and sharp pain- contractions of the uterus.

In the process of bearing a child, this organ was subjected to enormous stress. Other organs in the abdomen have also been under severe stress and require a long recovery period.

On average, the pain produced by uterine contractions can last a month or a little more. In the third month after pregnancy, a woman should forget about all unpleasant sensations.

The physiological causes of pain after childbirth cannot be treated with medication.

They can only be softened with the help of antispasmodics, but taking them during feeding is strongly not recommended.

If you are not breastfeeding your child, then you can safely take drugs such as “No-Shpa”, “Drotaverine”, “Bral” and so on.

How to smooth out discomfort in the stomach after childbirth? If you want to alleviate the pain, lie on your back or side and pull your knees towards your chest.

If you have severe pain not only in your stomach, but also in your lower back, then wrap it in a warm shawl or put a heating pad under your side.

Women who have had a caesarean section should carefully treat the external seams on the body with brilliant green or iodine.

You can get rid of uterine pain by carefully performing a specially designed set of exercises.

Remember: intense exercise can contribute to discrepancies internal seams, so do therapeutic exercises smoothly and slowly.

If the stomach hurts severely, for a long time and constantly, and the unpleasant sensations do not leave women even a month after giving birth, then we can talk about the presence in their body of some pathological processes.

Why does the lower abdomen hurt after childbirth and severe pain occur when urinating? In such a situation, we can talk about the presence of any infectious diseases affecting the genitourinary tract.

Often the cause of abdominal pain in young mothers is the remnants of the placenta that were not removed during childbirth.

The placenta attaches to the lining of the uterus and begins to decompose, poisoning the woman’s body with toxic substances.

If abdominal pain lasts a long time, almost without stopping, then the cause of this condition may be inflammation of the uterine mucosa caused by endometritis.

This disease is common in women who have had a caesarean section. Endometritis – infectious disease, it takes a long time to treat.

Additional symptoms of endometritis are bloody vaginal discharge, saturated with clots of pus.

If your left or right side hurts after childbirth, then you need to consult a doctor and ask him to check your body for the presence of inflammation of the appendages.

Light nagging, cramping pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is usually observed in all women. You should pay attention to them only in cases where the pain does not decrease over time or its intensity increases.

It is not always the case that a woman has gynecological problems when her stomach hurts after childbirth. Often pain is caused by disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

Postpartum constipation in women can develop for several reasons. This may be due to physiological changes in the body, including pulled abdominal muscles.

Doctors call the second reason a psychological condition caused by fear of sutures coming apart. In both the first and second cases, doctors do not advise resorting to self-medication, since not all drugs are approved for use during breastfeeding.

Also at this time, gastrointestinal diseases may worsen, especially if they existed before pregnancy.

There are other reasons why your stomach hurts after childbirth. It is necessary to distinguish when pain is caused by natural processes and when it is a dangerous symptom. Therefore, it is important to carefully monitor your well-being and not delay if you experience warning signs Seeing a doctor for timely and competent treatment.

1. Pain in the lower abdomen of a pulling, cramping nature is caused by the active production of oxytocin after childbirth. After all, this hormone is the cause of active contractions in the uterus, the muscles of which are in a state of tone, returning to their former sizes and shapes. This is what causes pain.

2. Breast-feeding. So, during the baby's sucking, irritation of the female breast occurs, which causes increased production of oxytocin. It is not surprising that more active contractions of the uterus begin, accompanied by painful sensations.

3. If after a month the pain in the lower abdomen does not stop, then we can talk about a serious pathology and even a danger to the woman’s life. The most common reason is the presence of remnants of the placenta in the uterine cavity, if after the birth of the baby it was not completely removed. Particles remaining on the walls of the uterus cause rotting and the formation of blood clots.

4. Inflammation of the uterine mucosa or endometritis, which is more common in women who gave birth by cesarean section. After all, during the operation, microbes and infections can enter the uterus, which causes severe pain, fever and the appearance of bleeding containing purulent clots.

5. Postpartum inflammation of the appendages.

6. Peritonitis, which is accompanied by high fever and unbearable pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth.

Both physiological and pathological reasons can cause discomfort and make a young mother think about why her stomach hurts after childbirth. If you establish in time why this happens, you can minimize them or avoid pain altogether.

The main reason why a woman experiences pain in her lower abdomen after childbirth is contraction of the uterus. Spastic phenomena intensify when the baby is breastfed, since the oxytocin produced during this process causes intense contraction of the uterine muscles.

Therefore, the more often a woman breastfeeds her baby, the faster the uterus will recover. In the first time after the birth of the baby, uterine contractions during feeding are so strong that they resemble labor pains.

But their intensity decreases sharply in the interval between latching the newborn to the breast. Such cramping pains continue on average for 1.5–2 weeks after childbirth.

If delivery is carried out by cesarean section, then after it a scar remains on the uterus. Like any postoperative suture, it reminds itself for a long time: it tugs and causes aching pain. Typically, a cesarean section scar heals within a month to a month and a half after the operation. To prevent it from breaking apart and becoming inflamed, the young mother should carefully observe personal hygiene and follow the recommendations of doctors.

Nagging pain in the abdomen after childbirth can be a consequence of uterine curettage. In the maternity hospital, all women must undergo an ultrasound examination 2–3 days after birth. It allows you to determine whether there are pieces of the placenta, fertilized egg, or dead epithelium left in the uterine cavity.

If the examination shows the presence of any clots in the uterus, the doctor prescribes a drip to the woman with drugs that increase contractions of the uterus and help “cleanse” it. When it turns out that these measures are not enough, a decision is made to perform aspiration.

An injury to the pubic bone during childbirth can cause abdominal pain. This pain goes away on its own after a certain period of time.

Alarming symptoms

Usually, when a woman has a stomach ache after childbirth, this is a completely natural and harmless process. But it should be understood that all pain should become less noticeable and short-lived over time.

Ideally, a month after giving birth, a woman in labor should not experience abdominal pain. Why does it happen that even after 1.5–2 months a woman is still bothered by unpleasant sensations? Perhaps the cause of the pain lies in the development of a hidden disease or in the exacerbation of a chronic problem. In any case, this symptom requires examination and appropriate medical correction.

Acute or nagging pain in the back (lumbar) area - many mothers know firsthand about this unpleasant moment. It can be either constant or “wavy”, that is, it either stops or worsens.

Such back pain after childbirth is associated with a number of reasons, including restoration of the position of bone tissue. Let us remember that during pregnancy the pelvic bones diverge and facilitate the passage of the newborn through the birth canal.

In the postpartum period, a systematic restoration of the original position of the bones occurs. However, normalization of bone tissue affects both muscles and nerve endings, which causes discomfort in the lower back.

If the lower abdomen hurts after childbirth, this phenomenon can be due to both physiological and pathological reasons. If you determine in a timely manner why this happens and what causes these pains, they can either be avoided altogether or reduced to a minimum. Among the most common causes, doctors name the following factors.

We determine a possible disease by the type of pain

The pain experienced by women after childbirth can be divided into several types, taking into account certain provoking factors and diseases:

  1. Drawing and aching pain in the lower abdomen is characteristic of contractions of the uterus due to the release of oxytocin, similar to menstrual pain.
  2. Periodic pain during feeding is also provoked by the production of oxytocin; such pain, as a rule, subsides within a month, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, when the uterine cavity is restored.
  3. Cutting pain - any sharp sensations should be alarming, but it is worth remembering the consequences of surgery (caesarean section), which is always accompanied by similar discomfort in the suture area, which subsides within 5-7 days.
  4. Cramping pain is similar to pain during feeding due to contraction of the uterus.

Naturally, in order to determine the cause of pain, a woman needs not only to listen to the nature and intensity of pain, but also to take into account other parameters of her health: body temperature, the presence of discharge, the condition of the skin, etc.

Abdominal pain after childbirth when feeding a baby

When your baby nurses, the hormone oxytocin is released, which causes the uterus to contract. It is from these contractions that pain occurs. You shouldn't be afraid of this - it won't always be like this. After just a couple of weeks, breastfeeding will be completely painless.

Here you can give only one piece of advice: the more often you put your baby to your breast, the faster the uterus will contract. This is such a logical circle, thought out to the smallest detail by Mother Nature. By the way, the faster the uterus contracts, the sooner you can begin physical recovery after childbirth, in particular, remove the belly and/or stretch marks on it.

Reasons why a breastfeeding woman has a stomach ache

The joy of giving birth to a child always negates the excruciating suffering that a woman experiences during childbirth. And it seems that everything terrible is already behind us - all that remains is to enjoy a new life filled with meaning. But the joy that a woman experiences after the birth of her baby is overshadowed by postpartum pain in the perineum, back, tailbone and sacrum. However, most often pain accompanies a woman in labor in the lower abdomen.

Very often, after childbirth, a woman faces the problem of pain in the lower abdomen.

There may be several reasons for this phenomenon. Some of them are physiological in nature, some are associated with certain pathological conditions. Let's look at them in more detail and try to understand why the stomach hurts after childbirth, how it hurts and how long these pains can last.

Causes of abdominal pain after childbirth

Pain in the lower abdomen of a cramping nature is associated with the fact that after childbirth the uterus still continues to contract, and this is a completely natural process. Doctors perceive complaints about this kind of pain positively. This is explained by the fact that after the birth process, a large amount of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions, is released into the blood. This hormone regulates labor pains.

These pains continue until the uterus returns to its previous state. After all, from the size of a large ball it should decrease to the size of a fist.

These pains can become more severe when a woman begins to breastfeed her baby, since during this physiological process there is also increased production of oxytocin, which leads to increased uterine contractions.

Typically, such pain in the lower abdomen persists after childbirth for 4-7 days. To reduce pain, you can do special exercises. If after childbirth your stomach hurts very much, you should definitely consult with your doctor about prescribing painkillers.

The lower abdomen hurts after childbirth even after a cesarean section. This is also a variant of the norm. After all, after any surgical intervention, pain remains at the incision site for some time. In such a situation, a woman needs to monitor the condition of the seam and maintain hygiene. After a certain time, the pain will stop.

The lower abdomen also pulls after curettage, which is done if after childbirth a woman has traces of placenta. After this, the woman feels pain in the lower abdomen for quite a long time.

If a woman had ruptures during childbirth, the stitches may hurt. Moreover, pain from the perineum can move to the lower abdomen. In such a situation there is also no reason to worry, since such pain goes away as the sutures heal.

Another reason for abdominal pain of a physiological nature is that after childbirth you have to re-establish the process of urination. At first this is accompanied by a raw pain and burning sensation, but then everything returns to normal and the pain goes away.

All of the above-described causes of abdominal pain after childbirth are natural, and there is no point in worrying about them.

Pathological abdominal pain after childbirth

But it also happens that abdominal pain can be caused by certain pathological changes in the body, which are worth paying special attention to.

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Childbirth is a very complex process, during and after which significant changes occur in the body. Unfortunately, many women in the early postpartum period are deprived of the opportunity to devote sufficient time to their health, since all their attention is focused on the newborn baby.

Therefore, they practically do not pay attention to pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth, considering them to be a normal phenomenon. Usually this is true, but in some cases such pain can become symptoms of a dangerous disease.

During childbirth, tissue ruptures and ligament sprains often occur. In some cases, doctors have to stitch the woman in labor, which causes discomfort for a long time.

During the period when the uterus contracts, thereby causing pain, do not forget that the internal organs located next to it also affect this process. For example, a full bladder, putting pressure on the uterus, can increase pain in the lower abdomen, which is why doctors recommend going to the toilet at the first urge.

If the examination shows the presence of any clots in the uterus, the doctor prescribes a drip to the woman with drugs that increase contractions of the uterus and help “cleanse” it. When it turns out that these measures are not enough, a decision is made to perform aspiration.

This procedure is quite unpleasant and painful, it is performed under local or general anesthesia (depending on the type of curettage), and for a long time it reminds you of abdominal pain.

Usually, when a woman has a stomach ache after childbirth, this is a completely natural and harmless process. But it should be understood that all pain should become less noticeable and short-lived over time.

  • The duration of pain is more than 1.5–2 weeks;
  • Increasing intensity of pain;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Poor health, weakness.

    As practice shows, all women experience pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth.

    This is a natural process caused by physiological changes in the mother's body.

    However, every mother should be attentive to her health and ensure that, against the background of minor pain, the development of hidden diseases does not begin. After all, a problem identified in time is much easier to cure than an advanced disease.

  • Treatment

    If the lower abdomen hurts for more than a month after childbirth, it is necessary to find out why the discomfort does not go away.

    Based on the data obtained as a result of laboratory and instrumental studies, the doctor must make a diagnosis and prescribe comprehensive treatment aimed at eliminating the cause and symptoms of the pathology.

    It is important to remember that the course of therapy should take into account the patient’s condition after childbirth.

    As a rule, pain associated with natural childbirth and the normal course of postpartum period, pass in a month. During the month after birth, physiological sensations are of moderate sensitivity, do not cause severe discomfort, and gradually appear less until they disappear completely.

    The postpartum mother's body temperature does not rise. The woman feels normal, does not feel weakness or loss of strength, and lives a full life.

    If the pain syndrome is severe, associated with increased temperature, weakness, fever, you must immediately seek help from a gynecologist to determine the causes and timely treatment.

    Treatment for inflammatory processes

    In case of inflammatory processes in the uterine cavity or appendages, several comprehensive measures are required.

    • Antibacterial;
    • Infusion;
    • Detoxification;
    • Sedative;
    • Desensitizing.

    Self-medication is contraindicated. Taking medications to contract the uterus is mandatory.

    1. For residual effects in the uterine cavity. If there are remains of pieces of the placenta or umbilical cord, manual curettage is performed. After the procedure, antibiotics are required. The duration of the course is prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.
    2. When the vertebrae are displaced. A set of manual therapy procedures is required.
    3. With peritonitis. Surgical intervention. It is not advisable to delay your visit to the doctor. This is an extremely serious case, complications with a fatal outcome are possible.
    4. For gastrointestinal diseases. A diet is prescribed. Diet variety with vegetables and dairy products. Consultation with a gastroenterologist.

    At pathological manifestations pain, consultation with a specialist is required. Subsequent treatment procedures are prescribed by a gynecologist in accordance with the recommendations. This will allow you to recover faster, stop the progression of pathological processes in the body, eliminate pain and return to normal life. To avoid complications, it is recommended to take preventive measures.

    After discharge from the maternity hospital, in order to speed up recovery and prevent the development of severe pain, it is necessary to adhere to recommendations and preventive measures.

    • If back pain is caused by bone separation, then a simple massage may not only be useless, but in some cases even harmful. In this situation, qualified manual therapy is necessary.
    • If the new mother does not have serious injuries or injuries, then she is prescribed physical therapy.
    • For those women who experience pain in the lower back or any other part of the back after childbirth, a light exercise therapy course developed by a specialist will help.

    Often, along with the back, the stomach hurts after childbirth. This is even more unpleasant.

    If pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth is due to pathological causes and is not normal, the doctor will prescribe treatment. It will depend on what kind of disruptions occurred in the woman’s body after the birth of the baby.

    Objective and effective solution Only a qualified gynecologist can tell you about the need and methods of treating postpartum pain. Self-medication of such pain is categorically unacceptable.

    1 During the first few days after the baby is born, go to the toilet in a standing position.

    2 In case of sutures, treat them only with the means specified by the attending physician.

    3 Perform postpartum gymnastics exercises to restore the muscles of the abdomen and uterus.

    4 Be sure to visit the antenatal clinic on the date recommended by the gynecologist after childbirth.

    Only the attending physician, a specialist in his field, can provide complete and effective treatment for postpartum pain in the lower abdomen that appears on the left or right side of the abdomen. T.

    because even the causes of such a symptom as abdominal pain cannot be determined by a pregnant woman on her own.

    Based on this, self-medication is a categorically unacceptable method of recovery after childbirth. Each case is individual and therefore may have its own specific characteristics, which only a doctor can take into account in treatment.

    Therefore, if you experience severe pain in the tummy after childbirth, consult a doctor and read below recommendations that will be useful if you experience mild pain in the lower abdomen.

    3 Special postpartum gymnastics allows you to restore the muscles of the uterus and abdominal area.

    4 In five days you should come to an antenatal consultation. Usually the doctor himself appoints a day for a visit to him after childbirth.

    Therapeutic measures to eliminate pain are carried out depending on the causes of discomfort. Conduct self-treatment not recommended, as this may negatively affect the well-being of the woman and child.

    Elimination of inflammation

    If the painful sensations are caused by inflammation, then conservative complex treatment is used to eliminate it, which consists of the following types of therapies:

    • general strengthening;
    • antibacterial;
    • detoxification;
    • infusion;
    • desensitizing.

    also in mandatory It is necessary to take medications to contract the uterus.

    Treatment begins with taking antibiotics. In some cases, anti-inflammatory drugs may be prescribed.

    The pain goes away after the inflammation is eliminated. It should be remembered that it is strictly forbidden to use antispasmodics for treatment.

    Elimination of pain in multiparous women

    1. If after childbirth the placenta remains in the uterus, then surgical treatment will be required, that is, curettage of blood clots followed by antibacterial therapy.

    2. Endometritis needs conservative treatment complex treatment with antibacterial, infusion, sedative, detoxification, restorative and desensitizing therapy. It is also possible to use means to enhance uterine contractions.

    When talking about the pain a woman has to endure after childbirth, we cannot fail to mention the pubic joint. It is the pubic bone that often begins to hurt for many people during pregnancy. And these painful sensations do not leave some even after childbirth.

    The symphysis is the connection of the pelvic bones in front. It consists of cartilage and ligaments. During pregnancy, the pubic joint withstands enormous loads. Sometimes the joint is very stretched. The process of childbirth itself contributes to this. Women with a narrow pelvis and a large fetus are especially susceptible to this. The ligaments of the symphysis are not very elastic, so the recovery process is extremely slow.

    It is impossible to cure symphysiopathy. Recovery usually occurs over time.

    A doctor can only help reduce symptoms and relieve severe pain syndromes. Sometimes symptoms of symphysiopathy appear after several years, for example, with increased physical activity.

    Sometimes pain in the pubic joint occurs as a result of wearing high-heeled shoes, uncomfortable positions (for example, during yoga), injuries, or cycling. This can be quite unpleasant and painful, but it has virtually no effect on your overall health.

    regular intake of medications with calcium, magnesium and vitamin D; consumption of foods containing calcium and magnesium; daily sunbathing or walking outdoors; changing body position every half hour; reducing physical activity; wearing special bandages (prenatal and postnatal); taking acupuncture courses; massage; electrophoresis; ultraviolet irradiation.

    For very severe pain, the doctor may prescribe inpatient treatment with medications. Sometimes, in particularly severe cases, surgery is required.

    If the cause of discomfort in the lower abdomen is endometritis, then treatment must be started without delay. A hospital stay is often required to complete the full course of antibiotic therapy, but this depends on the stage of the disease and its severity.

    Antibacterial drugs are prescribed based on the sensitivity of the microflora (Gentamicin, Amoxicillin, Amoxiclav, Lincomycin). Often, the treatment regimen also includes Metronidazole to eliminate anaerobic pathogens, multivitamins, antihistamines, and immunomodulators.

    How to get rid of pain in the lower abdomen after childbirth, what to do?

    Pain in the lower abdomen after the birth of a child is a normal physiological reaction, since the woman’s muscles and internal organs have experienced a heavy load and the body is still under stress. But there are situations when the painful sensations are so intense that it is difficult to endure them. How to evaluate this symptom and what to do to reduce discomfort will be discussed below.

    What to do if lower abdominal pain appears after childbirth?

    In the first week after giving birth, a young mother may experience pain in the lower abdomen. The cause of this condition is most likely the untimely emptying of the bladder, which puts pressure on the uterus, preventing it from contracting.

    This often happens because during labor a woman’s internal organs experience severe tension and for some time after childbirth she simply may not feel the natural urge to urinate. This condition does not require treatment, just visiting the toilet regularly is enough.

    What to do if the perineum hurts after childbirth?

    This condition is typical when there are stitches after an episiotomy or if the woman has torn naturally. In the first days after childbirth, the stitches on the perineum hurt very much.

    In addition, they cause a certain discomfort to the woman - she cannot sit, it hurts to stand, and she can only lie in one position. It happens that the seams become inflamed, then painful sensations increased body temperature and chills are added.

    You should not hide this from your doctor; the sooner you start using anti-inflammatory drugs, the sooner you will return to full life, and you can also avoid suppuration of the sutures.

    Once the stitches have healed, the pain will go away on its own, which usually takes about ten days. For speedy healing, the doctor may recommend that the young mother treat the injury site with Panthenol spray.

    It has an anti-inflammatory, regenerating and reparative effect, due to which skin recover much faster. In addition, it is advisable for a new mother to use special postpartum pads with a sterile, breathable surface.

    In this case, the top layer of the gasket will not stick to the healing seam and further injure it. If a woman gives birth without ruptures, she may also experience pain in the perineum.

    This is due to the strong stretching of the perineal muscles as the baby passes through. This condition is not dangerous and does not require special treatment; in most cases, such pain goes away on its own within a few days.

    What to do if your pubis hurts after childbirth?

    1 calcium deficiency in the mother’s body;

    2 excessive production of relaxin;

    3 hereditary predisposition;

    4 hormonal imbalance;

    5 injuries and damage to the sacrum before pregnancy.

    The pain is sharp and intensifies with any movement. In this case, the woman is recommended to remain at rest as much as possible, observe bed rest, and also constantly wear an elastic bandage belt that secures the pelvic bones. If necessary, the doctor also prescribes painkillers and necessary therapeutic procedures, including therapeutic exercises, electrophoresis, UV irradiation and UHF.

    What to do if your back hurts after childbirth?

    1 lactostasis - stagnation of milk in the ducts of the mammary glands;

    2 fluid retention in the body;

    Physiological pain, which was discussed in the first paragraph of this article, does not require specific treatment and go away on their own, on average within a month after the birth of the child.

    If the doctor you visit determines the pathological nature of the pain that is bothering you, he will prescribe specialized treatment.

    It is unknown how long such treatment will last, but during the period of its completion you will have to strictly follow all the doctor’s recommendations.


    Often, gastrointestinal diseases worsen in women after pregnancy, so pain may simply be a response to poor nutrition.

    Why does my stomach hurt with endometritis after childbirth?

    If a month has passed since the birth, and the pain in the abdominal area does not stop, then this can have serious consequences for the life and health of the young mother. One of the causes of these pains is the remains of the placenta in the uterus. If it is not completely removed after childbirth, then particles adhering to the wall of the uterus provokes purulent inflammation. What else causes pain after childbirth? Stitches after a caesarean section, for example, may itch and even burn.

    The next cause of abdominal pain may well be an inflammatory process developing on the inner mucous membrane of the uterus (endometritis). Most often it is diagnosed in women who have given birth to a child without in a natural way, but with the help of surgery.

    During the operation, microbes could easily enter the uterus, causing the further development of infection. This disease may be accompanied bloody discharge, increased body temperature and pain in the lower abdomen.

    In this case, serious treatment is required.

    Another cause of pain in the abdominal area in a woman who has recently given birth to a baby is salpingoophoritis. Inflammation of the appendages is a very common disease. It is accompanied by abdominal pain that does not go away over time.

    Peritonitis is an inflammation of the peritoneum that causes unbearable abdominal pain and is accompanied by fever. If present, immediate treatment will be required.


    1. Hygiene. After childbirth, especially if there are tissue tears and stitches, it is recommended to wash after each visit to the toilet. In some cases, treatment with antiseptic solutions is necessary.
    2. If there are many seams, it is necessary to treat them with brilliant green or miramistin, chlorhexidine.
    3. It is recommended to perform special exercises to speed up the recovery of muscles and joints.
    4. Refusal of physical activity. In the first period after childbirth, it is not recommended to lift weights, perform heavy physical labor or strength exercises with weight lifting.
    5. Refusal intimacy until the birth canal, external and internal genital organs are completely restored. The duration depends on the severity of the damage, the mother’s well-being and the speed of the recovery period.
    6. Timely examination by a gynecologist. It is recommended to go to the antenatal clinic one month after giving birth for an examination by a gynecologist in order to avoid the development of pathological processes and diseases.

    After the birth of a child, unpleasant sensations are inevitable. They are associated with the fact of the birth of the child, the state of the woman’s health, and the characteristics of the course of pregnancy and childbirth.

    Abdominal pain can occur both after natural delivery and after cesarean section. It is important to distinguish physiological sensations, which do not pose a danger to the health and life of a woman, from pathological ones.

    Their character can change, it is important to monitor this and tell the doctor if there are unusual manifestations. If the pain does not go away for a month, even if it seems normal and physiological, you should seek advice from a specialist to exclude the development of complications.

    To minimize postpartum consequences, any woman can take preventive measures independently or with the assistance of a qualified specialist.

    How can you prevent or at least reduce the intensity of abdominal and lower back pain after childbirth?

    • monitor your general health - proper nutrition, sleep patterns, walks in the fresh air, avoiding any stressful situations;
    • don’t overwork, don’t lift heavy things, take care of yourself, minimize physical activity;
    • wear a postpartum bandage to support your back and lower back;
    • do a light abdominal massage to eliminate gases if necessary;
    • drink herbal teas (chamomile, mint, valerian), but do not overdo it, moderation is important in everything.

    Remembering my postpartum period, I can say that it is very important to learn to relax the muscles of the lower abdomen during aching and cramping pain. It’s like during childbirth during marriage - the main thing is not to strain. Of course, this is not easy to implement in practice, but it is worth a try, since the effect is very effective.

    Tips for preventing postpartum pain - video

    Every woman who becomes a mother experiences great joy when her baby is born, but the postpartum consequences for her health can be different and not always pleasant. Pain in the abdomen and lower back in this case is a normal and inevitable phenomenon.

    The key point in this situation, as in any other situation, remains the woman’s careful and calm observation of her body. Try not to worry and wait it out, taking appropriate preventive measures, but also do not miss the alarming symptoms that may indicate serious illnesses, and seek medical help from specialists in a timely manner.

    In order to prevent situations where after childbirth a woman has severe abdominal pain, it is necessary to adhere to the doctor’s recommendations received upon discharge from the maternity hospital:

    • carefully monitor personal hygiene; during the period when the stitches have not yet healed, it is necessary to wash after each visit to the toilet;
    • if there are seams, treat them daily with brilliant green or other antiseptic;
    • starting from the early postpartum period, perform special exercises that allow you to recover faster;
    • do not lift heavy objects;
    • do not have sexual intercourse until the birth canal is completely restored;
    • At the appointed time, appear for a scheduled examination with a doctor at the antenatal clinic.

    Regardless of the supposed reason why a mother’s stomach hurts severely after childbirth, she should consult a gynecologist for examination. Even if the pain is of a physiological nature, it is better to know about it than to be at a loss or miss the onset of a serious complication.

    Diet after childbirth

    A woman’s nutrition during lactation simultaneously pursues several different goals. Daily diet should not only help saturate the baby, stimulate a sufficient amount of milk in a woman, but also help the physical recovery of the female body after childbirth.

    But still, the main distinguishing feature of the diet during lactation should be the complete safety of products for mother and baby. To do this, all dishes must be fresh and prepared from quality ingredients. This will help avoid digestive problems and constipation.

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