Home Prevention How long does bleeding last after cesarean section? How long does bleeding last after caesarean section?

How long does bleeding last after cesarean section? How long does bleeding last after caesarean section?

Not all women know how long spotting lasts after caesarean section. Some people mistakenly confuse them with menstruation, others naively believe that there is no special daub in postpartum period, in general, there should not be. Doctors are rushing to dispel myths and explain that caesarean section is a complex operation when surgeons have to cut not only the peritoneal cavity, but also the uterus in order to remove the child.

Discharge after surgery is inevitable, but has nothing to do with uterine bleeding or they do not have periods. These are lochia, consisting of blood, mucus, and particles of dead epithelium. Their departure is inevitable, since the uterus is severely injured and needs healing and restoration for some period of time. However, women should know acceptable standards by volume, color, consistency, composition, smell of discharge.

Discharge after caesarean section - how long will it last?

Each female body is purely individual, but nevertheless doctors have established certain standards for how much discharge should normally occur after a caesarean section. The structure, shade, volume, character, intensity will gradually change taking into account the contractile activity of the myometrium in the uterine cavity.

Caesarean section, as opposed to natural birth, leads to excessive injury to the muscle fibers in the uterine cavity, so the healing process often becomes protracted. On average, the duration of discharge is 1.5 months and this is not a pathology. The normal recovery process occurs approximately in the following order:

  1. The first week (7-9 days) after surgery is the peak of bleeding activity. The permissible dose is 500 ml per day, and women have to change pads every 2-3 hours. In addition, the increased stimulation of uterine contractility and the active expulsion of accumulated contents outward can be influenced by putting the baby to the breast, physical strain, heavy lifting, stress, and anxiety. The process of breastfeeding itself leads to an increase in the production of oxytocin and activation of uterine contractions. This is the norm.
  2. The second week - a gradual decrease in the volume of discharge, a change in color to a browner shade.
  3. Week 6 – weak ointments of a lighter shade disappear.
  4. Week 8 – minor light and even colorless ointments, very similar in appearance with discharge accompanying pregnancy. At this stage, the recovery period after surgery is considered complete. Interior epithelial layer The uterine cavity is regenerated and restored, and discharge stops.

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Women should not rejoice if lochia stops earlier than expected and lasts less than 1 month. If the discharge lasts no more than 5 weeks, then there is a high probability of developing an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity due to the accumulation of mucus and blood clots, which are impossible for them to come out for some reason. If the discharge lasts longer than 10 weeks, then this is a sign of endometritis with an infectious course. Prolonged discharge (over 2 months) is not considered normal. Especially if the ointments released suddenly stop, then begin to leave again with a suspicious tint and an unpleasant odor. This may indicate pathology, so it is advisable for women to consult a doctor in a timely manner.

If a woman breastfeeds her baby, then the first normal menstruation will come no earlier than in 8-9 months. But there are exceptions when the first menstruation occurs 2 months after childbirth.

The reason may be:

  • low hemoglobin level;
  • poor contractility of the uterus.

This does not indicate the development of pathology or the presence in the uterus residual effects placenta. However, it would not be superfluous for women to consult with their doctor in time.

What are the types of discharge after cesarean section?

Discharge after cesarean section varies. But do they all indicate a successful passage? recovery period? Let's look at lochia by volume, color, and smell. Knowing the standards, it will not be difficult for young mothers to navigate on their own and understand when they can calmly survive such a phenomenon, and in which cases they need to sound the alarm and contact specialists.


Normally, during the first 7 days, the discharge is abundant and deep red in color. The presence of clots in the composition is acceptable, but in small quantities.

Further, the quantity and density of the contents begins to decline. Lochia becomes more mucous, transparent and after 2.5 weeks acquires a light, whitish tint similar to ordinary leucorrhoea. Partial presence of yellowness is acceptable due to the increased number of leukocytes in the blood. This is a natural process when the body fights infection, but no other side effects(itching, burning) in the genital area should not be present.


The composition may contain mucus and discharge after cesarean may come out in large pieces. It's not scary. This is how the uterus is freed from products intrauterine development fetus, residual effects of damaged endometrium due to burst vessels and wounded tissue after surgery. The main thing is that the duration of the passage of clots is no more than 1 week, and the composition does not contain particles of pus.

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Pus – a clear sign development of infection, inflammatory course in the uterine mucosa. This is endometriosis when additionally present elevated temperature, the lower abdomen hurts with a feeling in the perineum, foul-smelling greenish discharge is discharged.

Completely colorless, watery lochia with discharge in the form of liquid transudate can indicate pathology. This is a sign of poor circulation in the area blood vessels. If the smell of rotten fish is present, then gardnerellosis or vaginal dysbacteriosis can be suspected. Required drug treatment underlying disease.


It is the color that can indicate the norm or pathology of the secreted lochia. It is normal for them to be red at first, and then gradually acquire a browner tone. Departure is acceptable pink discharge and even with a slight yellowness. But other colors should alert and force a woman to see a doctor:

  • a pale yellow tint is acceptable for scanty lochia in the 3rd week after cesarean section;
  • bright yellow tint with putrid smell– a sign of endometritis, and when a rich yellow color appears, we can talk about an advanced stage of the disease;
  • a green tint is a sign of the development of an inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. The addition of pus should be a reason to immediately contact a doctor and conduct an examination. Common reason– infection of surgical sutures or the uterine cavity, when drug treatment or repeated curettage is required;
  • a white, almost transparent shade is the norm and does not threaten a woman’s health, but if there are no other unpleasant symptoms: sour putrid smell, curdled consistency of lochia, itching and burning in the perineum. This indicates an infectious course in the uterine cavity, when it is necessary to take a culture test, identify the pathogen and undergo a course of treatment;
  • h - the norm, if, again, there is no putrid odor and pus in the discharge. The reason may be hormonal changes in the body and the composition of the blood during the postpartum period in women.

When should you see a doctor?

It is extremely important for young mothers who have had a caesarean section to monitor their health. In particular, take a closer look at the discharge to see if there is a danger of developing pathology. After all, any, even minor, deviations in the secreted lochia should be a reason for immediate contact with doctors.

It’s bad when the discharge is prolonged and lasts more than 2 weeks. Also, their rapid cessation becomes extremely suspicious. For some reason, the accumulated particles of blood and endometrium cannot come out naturally. Pathology can be provoked by spasms or bending of the cervix.

Bleeding after caesarean section – common occurrence, which you shouldn’t be afraid of. It will be a little more abundant than after childbirth that occurred natural way, and will require regular medical supervision. The discharge, which is called lochia, includes blood and remains of placental tissue, has its own characteristics that allow us to judge the state of the woman’s body.

How long should the bleeding last and what should it look like?

During a caesarean section, the process of lochia leaving the body is as follows:

Postpartum period Description
3 days Copious and bright red discharge, frequent changes of sanitary pads are required, and the blood contains a large number of clots. Characterized by a musty smell. Sometimes this period can last up to 5 days.
5 days Brown discharge, the abundance of which is significantly reduced. The average blood loss for the entire period at this point is about 500 ml.
1.5-2 months Dark discharge, spotting in nature.
At the end of 2 months The discharge becomes lighter and becomes indistinguishable from normal vaginal discharge.
More than two months Indicate availability possible complications in the uterus and require contact with a specialist.

Features of discharge in in this case are:

  • despite some average indicators, it is impossible to determine the specific “normal” volume of blood that a woman can lose (everything is individual, depending on the mother’s body and childbirth);
  • the release of lochia may be accompanied nagging pain lower abdomen, as during menstruation;
  • the amount of discharge increases when a woman is breastfeeding or on her feet;
  • a brown tint and the disappearance of clots indicate the return of the female body to normal.

These are all normal features associated not only with a cesarean section, but also with a long absence of menstruation during pregnancy.

Possible complications

Bleeding after a cesarean section may be a cause for concern if any of the following situations occur:

  • Sudden and sharp increase in discharge. This situation can arise even at the end of the second month after childbirth. It is associated with problems with uterine contraction, the development of which is provoked by the appearance of a suture, called hypotonic bleeding. It can cause anemia and other consequences of severe blood loss, so you should consult a doctor immediately if this situation occurs. If changing pads begins to be required once an hour or more often, this requires an immediate call to the ambulance.
  • Long-term lack of reduction in bleeding. Caused by the same reasons and requires the same measures.
  • The appearance of a sharp unpleasant odor, which occurs during the first week after cesarean section, usually occurs on the fifth day and indicates the development of endometritis or inflammation of the uterus. He is accompanied by fever and abdominal pain.

  • Abrupt cessation of discharge or cessation of discharge long before the end of 6 weeks after cesarean section. This situation may indicate a posterior bend of the uterus, due to which the remains of the placenta and blood cannot safely leave the body and provoke the occurrence of inflammation and purulent processes.
  • The presence of a cheesy structure of discharge, accompanied by itching in the vagina. This is a sign of thrush, which can be caused by antibiotics.
  • Availability purulent discharge or discharge unusual color. May be signs of various problems.
  • Bright red color of discharge after 5 days.
  • Too much long discharge. When it comes to the question of how long bleeding lasts, the answer is clear: the norm is no more than two months.

All this points to the need medical care. Characteristic symptoms The development of many diseases can also be caused by unexpected blood appearing in the urine. As a rule, this occurs after the main bleeding has ended.

Some other diseases can also provoke this situation. In any case, this is a reason to consult a doctor.


Prevention of the development of diseases and complications after cesarean section includes the following points:

  • urination at the first urge (filled bladder puts pressure on the uterus and prevents its contractions);
  • breastfeed the baby more often (this, on the contrary, causes increased contractions of the uterus and speeds up its recovery);
  • change the gasket at least once every 3-4 hours to avoid the formation of a harmful environment;
  • do not use pads with fragrances or tampons, which prevent the normal release of blood clots from the vagina, which, in turn, causes inflammation;
  • after each visit to the toilet you need to wash yourself with warm water, preferably boiled;
  • the entire period while the eruption of lochia lasts (i.e. about 2 months), you cannot take a bath;
  • during the same period, douching should not be used;
  • if possible, you should be on your feet more, this also helps restore normal uterine tone;
  • It is not recommended to use antibiotics.

Personal hygiene during this period is one of the most important moments, which a woman should pay attention to.

Under no circumstances should any bleeding features that arise be left to chance: unusual color, quantity. Any deviations from the norm require contacting a specialist, as they can lead to serious complications.

Menstruation after cesarean section

The appearance of regular periods after childbirth is always related to whether the woman is breastfeeding. Their occurrence delays the production of prolactin in the mother’s body, a hormone responsible for reducing the likelihood of re-conception somewhat.

Although it is important to remember that the possibility of becoming pregnant again soon after giving birth is possible, and it is also quite high. Prolactin is not a natural contraceptive. This is especially important to know for young women who often refuse conventional contraception during lactation.

Typically, menstruation begins again six months after childbirth and can be extremely irregular at first.

Features of feeding a child can delay or accelerate its appearance:

  1. If a woman has a lot of milk, and she does not wean the baby and does not introduce complementary foods, menstruation may not begin for quite a long time.
  2. When complementary foods are used almost immediately and the baby is weaned, menstruation may begin faster than usual.

Sometimes menstruation occurs only after a woman completely stops breastfeeding.

After a cesarean section, vaginal discharge is normal for a woman. This is due to the fact that the microflora and damaged mucous membrane must be restored. The duration of discharge should last from one and a half to two months. However, the nature of the discharge is constantly changing due to the restoration processes in the woman’s genital organs.

During the first week, the discharge is red with a musty smell. They are associated with the contractile activity of the uterus, during which the remains of the placenta and blood are released from it. Number of discharges per day should not exceed 100 ml. Walking promotes increased blood flow physical exercise, breast-feeding. This is due to increased contractility of the uterus. Such discharge resembles heavy periods after a cesarean section.

After a week, the nature of the discharge changes, it becomes darker and browner. Their number decreases sharply due to the fact that the uterus has taken its original position and contractions do not occur. However, they last much longer and end by the fourth week after cesarean section.

A month after the caesarean section, the discharge becomes spotty and lasts for about a week. Then the microflora of the internal genital organs is completely restored, and the woman may notice a clear discharge, which is observed for no more than two weeks. After two months from the moment of cesarean section, all discharge should stop.

On the amount and duration of discharge healthy woman influenced by a number of factors:

  1. The physical condition of the woman. If the mother regularly exercises, vaginal discharge will stop much faster.
  2. The woman's condition after the operation. Increased activity, constant walking helps reduce the duration of discharge.
  3. Breastfeeding a baby. This act promotes the release of hormones that increase uterine contractions.
  4. Frequency of urination. Normal uterine contraction is possible only if the bladder is not full. If it holds back urine, the duration of discharge increases.

How long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section depends only on the woman herself and her behavior after the operation.

Some women who have had a cesarean section may experience symptoms for two months. yellow discharge from the vagina. They are associated with weak contractility uterus, but this condition is not pathological. Also, yellow discharge may appear when the red or brown discharge after a cesarean section ends. In some cases, discharge yellow color indicate diseases that arose as a complication of the operation.

The main cause is endometritis (inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus). It occurs as a focal lesion or spread to the entire mucous layer of the uterus. The disease occurs acutely and is accompanied by endometritis characteristic symptoms:

  • Pain in the lower abdomen and perineum;
  • Discharge after cesarean section with a putrid odor;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Deterioration general condition.

Also, during a cesarean section, the infection could penetrate into the large gland of the vestibule of the vagina. Yellow discharge is noted if light pressure is applied to excretory duct glands. Discharge often appears while walking or after taking a shower. In such situations, the woman unknowingly puts pressure on the excretory duct, as a result, a yellow mark remains on the underwear. Distinctive feature The disease is a slight deterioration in general condition (weakness, drowsiness, fatigue).

Upon examination, the gynecologist discovers an increase in the size of the uterus, soft consistency and pain on palpation, and an open canal of the cervix. Endometritis is caused by infection during delivery.

Brown discharge after cesarean section

Fine brown discharge may accompany the postpartum period and continue during the first month after cesarean section. With uncomplicated course postoperative period Over time, the amount of discharge decreases. If by the end of the month the amount of blood released has not decreased, this condition is considered a pathology and the woman is suspected of having intrauterine bleeding.

The cause of bleeding after cesarean section is uterine suture dehiscence. In addition to the duration of the brown discharge, bleeding can be suspected based on the woman’s general condition:

  1. Pale skin;
  2. Lethargy, fatigue, drowsiness;
  3. Heaviness while walking, especially on steps;
  4. Increased heart rate, decreased arterial pressure, increased respiratory rate.

If the doctor notices a woman’s disturbed condition, he prescribes a medication that confirms the presence of bleeding (decrease in the number of red blood cells, hemoglobin). Ultrasound also helps diagnose the complication, which determines the location of the suture and its condition. Seam divergence occurs for a number of reasons:

  • Increased contractile activity of the uterus, which is caused by constant breastfeeding or the administration of medications;
  • Physical activity of a woman in the first days after a cesarean section, lifting weights;
  • Failure of surgeons to comply with surgical tactics or use of low-quality suture material.

Tactics for dealing with discharge after caesarean section

After a cesarean section, a woman needs to monitor her discharge. Doctors do not recommend using regular pads, as they make it difficult to monitor the amount of blood released, and they are not suitable due to increased bleeding. Women are prohibited from using tampons in the postoperative period, as with them bleeding will continue much longer.

A woman must regularly observe the rules of personal hygiene:

  1. Wash yourself at least twice a day;
  2. The frequency of shower visits may increase depending on the number of visits to the toilet; it is imperative to wash yourself after defecation;
  3. For washing, use warm water to which herbal decoctions (chamomile, calendula) are added;
  4. Bathing is not recommended for prevention inflammatory diseases and reducing the duration and amount of bleeding;
  5. Do not use shower gels or soaps, as they are irritating and cause allergies.

There is no need to be afraid of discharge after a caesarean section, as this is a normal condition. However, it is necessary to monitor them, their nature and quantity, and in case of an unpleasant odor or deterioration of the general condition, immediately contact a gynecologist. A woman’s discharge after a cesarean section, how long it lasts, also depends on her compliance with all the obstetrician’s recommendations.

Menstruation after cesarean section

Often a woman may confuse menstruation with pathological discharge after caesarean section.

This is due to the fact that there is no clear time frame for the resumption of the menstrual cycle after surgical delivery. This process is purely individual and depends on the reaction of the woman’s body to childbirth, as well as on external factors:

  • Breastfeeding or feeding the baby with artificial formula. When breastfeeding a child for a year, menstruation may be completely absent and return only after lactation stops.
  • Nutrition of a woman during pregnancy and after it. Nutritious food will help speed up the process of restoring the menstrual cycle.
  • Emotional state, presence stressful situations in the postpartum period. Emotional stress promote the formation of hormones that constrict blood vessels and prevent menstruation.
  • Complications that occurred during pregnancy or after a cesarean section. The resumption of the cycle is also affected by general diseases that were present before pregnancy. All pathologies delay the onset of menstruation.
  • The lifestyle that the woman led throughout her life and after the operation. Bad habits lead to late recovery of the cycle, while physical activity promotes early normalization of menstruation.

It is necessary to worry about menstruation if, after stopping breastfeeding, menstruation does not occur within three months, as well as if the cycle has not been restored within six months after the first menstruation. It is recommended for a woman to consult a doctor if there is an unpleasant smell of discharge or spotting bruises before and after menstruation.

A woman after a caesarean section is advised to do everything to menstrual cycle recovered as quickly as possible, but the discharge did not last long. It is necessary to prevent the development of inflammatory diseases of the reproductive system, which consists of maintaining personal hygiene and abstaining from sexual intercourse.

If deviations from the norm appear in the discharge, you should immediately contact a gynecologist for advice.

Caesarean section is an abdominal operation that is performed when there is no possibility independent childbirth. Regardless of whether natural or surgical childbirth, after the birth of a child, the mother begins to discharge - lochia. Why do they appear, how long do they last and how to take care of yourself during this period?

During the operation, the surgeon cuts not only the abdomen, but also the uterus. Therefore, the opinion that women who give birth by cesarean section should not have discharge is erroneous. The first day after giving birth, the mother is in intensive care because she needs constant monitoring. Doctors monitor the condition of the uterus, because if contraction is insufficient, there is a risk of developing pathological bleeding. Also appreciate cardiovascular system using indicators on the monitor.

After abdominal surgery the uterus is damaged and time is needed to restore its internal mucous membrane. The healing process is accompanied by postpartum discharge (lochia), consisting of mucus, blood and dead epithelium. During the healing process, the shade, structure and volume of the discharge changes. The same thing happens during natural childbirth, only the recovery period is faster.

Video - caesarean section. School of Doctor Komarovsky

Discharge after abdominal surgery

Postpartum discharge – physiological phenomenon through which particles of the placenta and dead remnants of the endometrium are removed from the body.

  1. Vaginal discharge is most abundant in the first week and has a rich red color. They resemble regular periods, but in a much larger volume. Walking, breastfeeding, and changing body position increase blood flow. For the first five days after surgery bleeding about 500 ml is considered normal.
  2. Then the lochia darkens and acquires a brown tint. The appearance of clots - normal phenomenon associated with low mobility of the woman in labor. The discharge is characterized by a specific odor similar to iron.
  3. By the fourth week, the discharge becomes dark brown and its volume decreases significantly. They become scanty and smearing.
  4. By 2.5 months, the discharge becomes transparent and mucous. They do not cause any inconvenience and are odorless.

At what stage the discharge will change color, composition and volume depends on individual characteristics woman who gave birth. But they should start with red, turn brown, and end with mucous and transparent discharge.

Active contraction of the uterus affects the intensity of discharge in initial days after the birth of the child. During abdominal surgery, muscle fibers are damaged, which makes contraction much more difficult. For stimulation uterine contractions It is recommended to lie on your stomach as often as possible, regularly empty your bladder, and put your baby to your chest on demand. Sucking milk increases uterine contractions, accompanied by painful sensations lower abdomen.

How long does the discharge last after a caesarean section?

In the first 6–8 days, the discharge is especially strong; this period accounts for most of the fluid released. In the second week, the amount of discharge begins to decrease, and at the end of the month it decreases significantly. At week 5, lochia becomes spotting, and after a week it stops altogether.

Postpartum discharge can last up to 1.5 months, depending on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body, pregnancy and childbirth.

Exact start and end numbers postpartum discharge no doctor can tell. But there are average statistics that need to be compared to and if deviations are detected, immediately consult a doctor.

Pathological discharge

The reason for contacting a specialist may be: a sudden cessation of discharge just a few days after birth, the appearance of an unpleasant odor, a change in the composition of the discharge, or the appearance of itching. The reasons for certain changes are presented in the table.

Change in smell of discharge

An unpleasant, purulent, pungent odor indicates inflammatory processes on the inner surface of the uterus or otherwise endometritis. The disease is accompanied by an increase in body temperature, increased pain in the lower abdomen, and a deterioration in the woman’s well-being.

A sharp increase in the volume of discharge

An increase in the number of lochia and their long-term non-reduction indicate the onset of late hypotonic bleeding. It is after abdominal surgery that this happens most often, since the uterus cannot contract normally due to the suture formed.

Abrupt cessation of discharge

The immediate end of postpartum lochia indicates a possible bending of the uterus. In this case, there is a disruption in the outflow of secretions from the uterus, leading to their stagnation. If not treated promptly, this leads to inflammation or endometritis.

Curdled discharge and itching

Unpleasant sensations in the vagina, itching, burning, changes in the structure of discharge indicate thrush. Its development may be associated with improper hygiene of the woman who gave birth or the use of antibiotics.

Hygiene after caesarean section

In the maternity hospital, you need to wash yourself with warm water several times a day. laundry soap. The first days you need to use diapers, on the third day you can use pads large sizes. It is recommended to change them as they are filled, but at least once every three hours. For convenience, disposable panties are used. The use of tampons is unacceptable to avoid the proliferation of microbes. The suture is changed daily, and ice can be applied to increase uterine contractions. The condition of the seam must be monitored very carefully so that it cannot and does not bleed. Otherwise, a doctor's examination is necessary.

At home, regular washing should be continued until the discharge becomes colorless, approximately 8 weeks. It is forbidden to take a bath, douche or conduct sex life until permission is received from the gynecologist. It is possible to resume your previous life only after the final restoration of the uterus and the cessation of spotting.

Menstruation after cesarean section

After the birth of a child in female body The production of the hormone prolactin begins, blocking the development of follicles in the ovaries and stimulating the formation of milk. At breastfeeding Menstruation usually occurs within 6–7 months; with active feeding, it can occur within a year. At artificial feeding Your period comes in 2–3 months. At first they are irregular, and then the cycle is restored.

Postpartum discharge lasts a different amount of time for each woman, but usually does not exceed 1.5 months. Following personal hygiene rules and regularly changing pads prevent infection. Feeding the baby on demand and lying on his stomach stimulate uterine contractions. Compliance with doctors' instructions will help you overcome the recovery period with ease.

It is important to closely monitor the discharge and if an unpleasant odor appears, sharp increase or stop contacting a gynecologist for advice.

Both after a natural birth and after a cesarean section, the lining of the uterus needs time to recover. If the woman who has given birth does not experience any complications, then reproductive system returns to normal 6 - 9 weeks after surgery. A young mother should especially carefully monitor vaginal discharge after cesarean section. Gynecologists call discharge consisting of blood clots, mucus and dead epithelial cells, lochia. Typically, women who have given birth do not pay attention to special attention on blood flowing from the genital tract, it is considered something like menstruation. But in reality, by how long the discharge lasts after a cesarean section, how it looks and smells, you can learn about the condition of the body.

What is the difference between discharge after cesarean section and after childbirth?

Some people believe that discharge after a cesarean section is not at all different from the lochia that appears during natural childbirth, but this is not so.

Let us consider in detail how discharge after a cesarean section differs from discharge after natural childbirth:

  1. After a caesarean section, the genitals are exposed to great dangers, since there is a possibility of developing infection or inflammation. To avoid this, if you have lochia after surgery, be sure to follow all hygiene procedures, washing the perineum several times a day.
  2. Immediately after a caesarean section (for 5-7 days) there is bloody discharge with a large content of mucus; after a natural birth this is not noticed.
  3. When performing a cesarean section, the natural color of the discharge is bright red or rich scarlet; these colors are much brighter than during natural childbirth.
  4. After a cesarean section, the process of healing and normalization of uterine contraction lasts quite a long time, and the duration of lochia lasts several weeks longer, approximately 1-2 weeks.

Which lochia after cesarean section are considered safe?

Discharge after cesarean section is incorrectly considered a pathology. Dead particles of the endometrium, swollen with blood, and pieces of placental tissue come out of the vagina. The body simply gets rid of waste material. The first two or three days of lochia after a cesarean section have a thick scarlet color and are abundant. It is difficult to say how much blood will leak after the operation. It all depends on how long the caesarean section lasts, whether the woman in labor experiences any surgical intervention complications. Gradually the blood darkens, turns from red to brown, and after a few weeks the ichor comes out of the genital tract. After about six weeks, the discharge after a cesarean section thins out, becomes lighter in color, and then disappears.

There is no need to worry if the discharge after a cesarean section looks like lumps. Women who have undergone surgery lead a sedentary lifestyle, so the blood in the uterus thickens. For some mothers, during breastfeeding, the volume of discharge increases and pain occurs in the lower abdomen. This is a natural phenomenon indicating quick recovery. It’s just that the uterus, trying to quickly get rid of dead tissue, actively contracts and pushes out blood and mucus. And the hormone oxytocin promotes intense contraction of the mucous walls of the uterus. Its concentration in the blood increases precisely at the moment the baby suckles at the breast.

How long is normal discharge after a caesarean section?

Most of all, women who have given birth are interested in how much discharge there is after a cesarean section, and how to understand that the restoration of the uterus has taken too long. The faster the reproductive system returns to normal, the sooner the menstrual cycle will be regulated. If everything is fine with the health of the young mother, then the discharge lasts 6 - 9 weeks, that is, about two months. There is no need to worry if bleeding after a caesarean section stops already in the fifth week or continues in the tenth week. Each woman’s body is individual, so short-term and long-term discharge does not necessarily indicate pathologies.

If neither mucus nor blood clots take on a strange color or foul odor, or change consistency, then there is no need to worry, although it is still worth going to a gynecologist for a consultation.

How long does discharge last after cesarean section due to pathologies?

Unfortunately, childbirth is often accompanied by complications. Every woman who has given birth should know how much there's blood coming out after cesarean section, what vaginal discharge looks and smells like in order to promptly identify pathologies and begin treatment. You should definitely contact a gynecologist if nothing comes out of the vagina already in the fourth week after surgery, and also if the uterus takes too long to recover, more than ten weeks. The discharge that quickly stops means that dead endometrial particles and blood clots are simply various reasons can't go outside. They get stuck in the uterus, rot, and cause inflammation.

If the discharge after a cesarean section, on the contrary, lasts for a suspiciously long time, then endometritis may develop or infection V abdominal cavity or pelvic tissues. It is especially dangerous when blood flows profusely from the vagina for more than eight weeks, without changing color or consistency at all. This is a sure sign that the uterus is contracting weakly. To avoid suffering from blood loss, a woman should immediately go to the doctor. It is also an unfavorable symptom if the discharge ends and then suddenly starts again. This means that the uterus is not recovering correctly. Must pass medical examination to find the reason for the deviation. In the first days after surgery, a young mother should monitor the abundance of lochia. Very scanty discharge is a sign of blood clots or clogging of the uterine appendages.

Change in color and odor of lochia after cesarean section

The occurrence of complications after surgery depends on how long the cesarean section lasts and whether the woman in labor has chronic diseases. A change in the color and smell of vaginal discharge can indicate pathological formations in the body. Lochia after cesarean section has an unpleasant, but not strong odor, reminiscent of the stench of a rotting body. But if two or three days after a caesarean section the smell intensifies, so much so that it begins to cause disgust, then reproductive organs is most likely developing infectious disease. Typically, after surgery, a woman is prescribed antibiotics, analgesics, and injections of the hormone oxytocin to improve the contractile function of the uterus.

Normal discharge after a cesarean section is red at first and then Brown color. Any other shade of lochia should cause concern in a young mother, because this is a sign of pathology.

If a woman has white, yellow, or greenish discharge, then she should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. Pus is rich yellow or greenish in color with disgusting smell- a symptom of endometritis, that is infectious inflammation mucous membrane of the uterine wall. With this disease, body temperature often rises and pain in the abdomen and genitals occurs. When the yellow discharge becomes abundant and acquires a mucous consistency, endometritis develops into chronic form. Under no circumstances should the disease be treated independently at home. Most likely, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics or even send you for surgery.

Green discharge after cesarean section is pus. It signals infectious infection uterus and beginning inflammatory reaction. A woman needs to undergo a medical examination to determine the causative agent of the disease.

Unfavorable and danger sign- leakage from the genital tract of a liquid that is clear, like water, and has neither color nor odor. This is probably fluid leaving the body, filling the blood vessels or lymphatic vessels, which indicates a circulatory disorder in reproductive system. If the liquid discharge has the smell of rotten fish, then there is no doubt that dysbacteriosis is developing in the vagina.

White cheesy discharge after cesarean section with a sour odor, accompanied by itching and redness of the external genitalia, is a symptom of the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms. A woman should definitely consult a gynecologist. The doctor will take a vaginal smear for analysis to determine the causative agent of the disease and prescribe the optimal therapy.

Discharge after cesarean section, which is black and odorless, is also considered normal. These discharges after cesarean section are caused by changes in hormonal levels. A deviation will be considered if black discharge begins to appear after a long period after the operation.

Monitor the color of the discharge during the postoperative period and during the recovery period after cesarean section, this will help you avoid possible complications. In the event of complications that may arise, which may be indicated by changes in the discharge, after undergoing a course of treatment, it is possible to normalize the course of the postoperative period and bring the body’s condition back to normal at the very initial stage.

Number and volume of discharge after cesarean section

During the recovery process, you should monitor the amount of discharge, since its volume will indicate how quickly the body recovers after childbirth. Are considered the norm copious discharge in the first days after labor activity, this means that the tubes and uterine ducts are functioning well, there are no blockages or blood clots, and if the discharge is minimal, then you should seek help, as this may be the cause of problems with the functioning of the reproductive organs.

It is important to be able to determine the normal amount of discharge, since continuous heavy discharge after labor is also dangerous. There are several cases to consider that may indicate abnormalities:

  • The volume of discharge has changed dramatically and has become excessively abundant, or the amount of discharge does not decrease for a long time. In the first days, heavy discharge after cesarean section is the norm, however, if you change the pad every hour, heavy bleeding, urgent help is needed.
  • The volume of discharge has become scanty or stopped altogether. This indicates a violation of the outflow of lochia from the uterine cavity, which can be caused by a bend of the uterus or endometritis.

Maintaining hygiene after caesarean section

To avoid complications after surgery, you need to take body cleanliness seriously. A woman who has had a caesarean section should wash herself at least twice a day until the discharge stops. For genital care, it is advisable to use special gels For intimate places and soap without fragrance components. During the first days of the recovery period, a young mother should change pads every three hours. Pads should not be taken daily, but those used during menstruation have high absorbency. A woman who has given birth needs to change her underwear regularly.

To rehabilitation period proceeded without complications, experts advise in the first week after surgery to often lie on your stomach or place some cold object on it. Such measures help improve the contractile function of the uterus, straighten the genital tract, and intensively discharge mucus and blood clots. It is good if a woman who has given birth breastfeeds her baby. This means that a large amount of oxytocin is released into the blood, causing contraction mucous membrane of the uterine wall.

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