Home Smell from the mouth Left ovary behind the uterus reasons what to do. Changes in the location of the female reproductive organs The location of the right ovary along the rib of the uterus

Left ovary behind the uterus reasons what to do. Changes in the location of the female reproductive organs The location of the right ovary along the rib of the uterus

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Elena asks:

Hello! Please tell me, I checked the fallopian tubes (hysterosalpingography), and this is what my doctor wrote in the conclusion: “on HSG (3 images) the uterus was contrasted triangular shape medium size, smooth contours, deformed right corner, uterus deviated to the left, right fallopian tube was not contrasted, left fallopian tube was contrasted in all sections, tortuous, ampullae. the section is saccularly expanded, in the abdominal cavity contrast is detected in the left sections in a small amount. conclusion: the patency of the left fallopian tube is preserved by the left-sided sactosalpinx, the patency of the right fallopian tube in the intramural section is impaired, (coarse adhesions?) adhesions of the abdominal cavity." Tell me, is it possible to conceive a child with such a conclusion?, one doctor says that it is possible conservative treatment try to somehow resolve the adhesions, but another doctor says that only laparoscopy, what do you advise me? there was no pregnancy

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

This conclusion indicates that the right fallopian tube is not passable, and the left one is conditionally patent, tortuous, and only a small amount of contrast entered the abdominal cavity.
I believe that conservative treatment is powerless here; it is only a waste of time and money. I also don’t really believe in restoring tubal patency using laparoscopy. Even if it is possible to achieve visual patency, it is almost impossible to effectively restore the function of the fimbriae (villi).
I would recommend an IVF protocol (mini IVF, for example) as the most rational method of treatment. Although, if you are not psychologically ready for IVF, then you can start with laparoscopy; in this case, it is recommended to get pregnant in the first 6 months. after surgical intervention.
If pregnancy does not occur, then IVF remains an option.
I wish you success!

Olga asks:

Hello, please advise me on the results of the ultrasound. We are planning our first child, we had a cleanse in January, no treatment was prescribed, three months passed, I had an ultrasound and here is the conclusion. Hyperplasia of the endometrium and enlocervix. Extension cervical canal. Multifollicular structure of the ovaries. Increase in size, cystic change? (house. Foll.?) left ovary. Paraovarian cyst on the left. Free fluid behind the uterus. My doctor is on vacation, no one knows when, and I’ve read everything on the Internet. Explain what awaits me and how can I cure all this?(

Answers Zinovieva Svetlana Igorevna:

Hello Olga! How old are you? Are your menstrual cycles regular? Are your periods heavy? What is the thickness of the endometrium according to ultrasound and on what day menstrual cycle Was an examination carried out? How many antral follicles are visualized on ultrasound? Why weren’t you prescribed any therapy after the cleansing? Blood test for sex hormones and hormones thyroid gland did you pass? If you wish, please write in more detail. It is impossible to make a diagnosis based on ultrasound findings alone. If endometrial hyperplasia is confirmed, cleaning will again be required, because After the first episode, it was rational to take hormone therapy. Follicular cyst in the left ovary is questionable, according to the ultrasound examination it is not clear whether it is a cyst or dominant follicle. But nothing critical has been identified, don’t worry. All this can be corrected. I wish you success!

Veronica asks:

Good afternoon Please tell me, we really, really want children, I’m already 30. Is it normal that the M-echo is 5.5mm and what should I do? Before this, I took Progenova and Duphaston for 3 months, but this is the first month since I stopped drinking them. I did an ultrasound on the 20th day of MC:
size of the uterus: length 49mm, anteroposterior 32mm, transverse 49mm. Resp. age normal, borderline with uterine hypoplasia of the 1st degree.
Median M-echo 5.5 mm, endometrium resp. early stage phases of MC secretion, uniform, homogeneous, smooth, clear contour. There are no inclusions in the uterine cavity.
In the retrouterine space there is a small amount of free fluid, the height of the column is 15 mm - postovulatory.
Ovary: the right one is usually located, size 35*29*28mm, small follicular structure, contains a hypoechoic inclusion 19*16mm mesh echo structure with thick walls - corpus luteum.
The left one is usually located, size 27*17*16 mm, small follicular structure.
What does all this mean, is it normal or not and what should I do?
Thank you very much in advance!

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

You have endometrial hypoplasia caused by estrogen deficiency in the first phase of the cycle. With this thin endometrium Implantation (engraftment) of the embryo is impossible, which is why you do not get pregnant. You need the help of an experienced specialist, preferably a reproductologist, who can grow the endometrium to the required thickness. I would recommend taking Femoston 2/10 (the composition is the same as Proginova and Duphaston in one drug), while taking it you can become pregnant. You won’t be able to get pregnant without taking the medications, and you can’t stop taking them in your situation either. Dynamic monitoring with ultrasound is necessary to adjust the dose of estrogen. It may be necessary to add Divigel to Femoston. The fact that the corpus luteum is observed on ultrasound is good, it means ovulation is taking place, you just need to help the embryo take root.

Elena asks:

Hello, Igor Evgeevich, I was pleasantly surprised that you answered)
The examination (ultrasound) was carried out on the 8th day of the cycle. Menstruation is profuse (7 days), but the cycle is stable (25-27 days), in the middle of the cycle aching pain in the lower abdomen and small discharge (bright red), literally a drop - as they previously explained to me, these are signs of ovulation. This was also confirmed by basal temperature. Ovulation occurs every month on the 13-14th day of the cycle. Can there be a liquid strip on the 8th day of the cycle? I donated hormones:
at 3 dmc
TSH 0.559 (ref. interval 0.27-4.2)
st4 12.58 (12-22)
сТ3 4.33 (3.1-6.8)
prolactin 223 (102-496)
at 21 dmts
progesterone 15.63
estradiol 1163
on 8dmts
FSH 3.82
LG 5.85
17-hydroxyprogesterone 0.21
testosterone 0.138
DHEA - SO4 81.24 (98.8-340)

As I understand it, not all hormones are normal?

Regarding checking the patency fallopian tubes. Please tell me if this is harmful and why? And how does this happen?

I also have blood type 1 negative Rh, I have only one pregnancy and one childbirth ( C-section).
Thank you very much for being here)

Answers Palyga Igor Evgenievich:

Hello, Elena! Sex hormone levels are normal. Checking the patency of the fallopian tubes using echosalpingography (ultrasound of the fallopian tubes) or metrosalpingography (X-ray) is a harmless technique without side effects. The only thing is that after metrosalpingography you cannot plan a pregnancy during the examination cycle due to a certain dose of radiation. It is virtually difficult to judge the origin of the liquid streak; in principle, it can appear during ovulation. How do you know that ovulation occurs precisely on the 13-14th day of the breastfeeding cycle, is this confirmed by folliculometry? If this is just your guess based on measurements basal temperature(a long-outdated method, by the way), then it is rational to undergo folliculometry and plan conception precisely during the period of ovulation.

Svetlana asks:

Hello. Please advise me on the results of the ultrasound. We are planning a pregnancy. There were no births or abortions. An ultrasound was done on the 14th day of the cycle. The uterus is visualized anteflexio, saddle-shaped, dimensions 55x42x56 mm. The contour is smooth, the boundaries are clear. The myometrium is homogeneous. M-ECHO-9 mm, three-layer. The cervix is ​​without features. A small amount of free fluid is determined in the pouch of Douglas. The right ovary, dimensions 28-19 mm, V = 6.2 cm3, normal size, contains a corpus luteum 15 mm in diameter. Left ovary, dimensions 25X16 mm, V=3.5 cm3, normal size.

Answers Pivovarova Tatyana Pavlovna:

I congratulate you, everything is fine with you, pregnancy should occur on its own and very quickly. Ultrasound results indicate normal size of the uterus, inner layer(M-exo) corresponds to the day of the menstrual cycle. The ovaries are normal size, a small amount of fluid in the pouch of Douglas means that you have ovulated, so the contents of the follicle are determined behind the uterus.

Louise asks:

Good afternoon, we sent you for a study of the pelvic organs to plan a pregnancy.
discovered a 32 by 23 cyst-like structure in the left ovary with heterogeneous internal contents and the presence of septa without signs of blood flow
In the results of the study they wrote: echographically ovulatory cycle. An additional cyst-like structure adjacent to the left ovary, possibly arising from it, is differentiated from a sactosalpinx.
Normally they could not prescribe a treatment plan and generally explain what it was
After some time, I found out that I was pregnant. Can this affect the fetus?? Very worried(

Answers Luzan Elena Alexandrovna:

Hello Louise! Congratulations! Don't worry, you can't do it now). In all likelihood, a simple follicular cyst was discovered in the left ovary. Cysts up to 3 cm in women of reproductive age are normal. These cysts occur when the dominant follicle or corpus luteum does not regress, but continues to fill with fluid. These physiological cysts do not require observation. They resolve on their own, usually within 1-2 months. None for pregnancy or fetus negative influence I couldn't bear it. Do a reference ultrasound or during a routine ultrasound during pregnancy, ask to pay attention to the left ovary. There is no point in taking a blood test for the CA-125 tumor marker, since during pregnancy, as with endometriosis, it can be elevated, and the result is unreliable. Be healthy!

Elizabeth asks:

Please tell me, 30.04 there was a surgical abortion, the blood came out well for a day, then spotting brown discharge so far, a little, there was more, now a daily pad per day. 15.05 ultrasound done: the contours of the uterus are clear, the shape is spherical, the size has increased. length 48 mm, anterior/posterior 53 mm, width 59 mm, volume 78.7, the structure of the myometrium is not changed. M-echo: thickness 12 mm, clear boundaries, uneven contour, echo structure changed. The endometrial layers are heterogeneous in structure and uneven. in thickness, in the bottom area along the anterior wall, the echo structure is 15*10 mm with a pronounced vascular pedicle. The uterine cavity is expanded to 4.7 mm due to the heterogeneous liquid component. The structure of the cervix is ​​changed due to single cysts with echogenic contents up to 9.9 mm, endocervix up to 7 mm with bright small inclusions. The ovaries are normal. Pathological image. not detected in the pelvis, free fluid in small quantities. Conclusion: echo signs of chorionic polyp, unclear hematomas; secondary inflammatory changes in the endometrium. The polyp is clear what kind of hemotameter it is. There is no immediate way to see a doctor. What to do. Inject oxytocin and noshpa. Or wait for your period, it should arrive on May 30. I'm very afraid. Or repeated scraping is inevitable.

Answers Petropavlovskaya Victoria Olegovna:

Elizabeth, good afternoon. A hematometra is an accumulation of blood in the uterine cavity, which must exit through the genital tract. If you are not bothered by fever or pain in the pelvic area, then this is not Emergency, but waiting until menstruation is also not advisable. If you were prescribed no-shpu + oxytocin, then inject these drugs for at least 3 days. While using them, your cervix should relax with the help of no-shpa and the uterus should contract with the help of oxytocin and push out the contents. At the same time, you will have more abundant bloody issues. After this, it is necessary to undergo ultrasound control. Do not delay to prevent inflammatory process in the uterine cavity. If after taking the drug nothing changes with menstruation, then we can discuss the issue of repeat curettage.


Hello. Please tell me what the phrase from the pelvic ultrasound report can mean - the left ovary is not visualized. Does this mean that the ovary is no longer there? If so, where could he have gone? In WHAT cases is the ovary not visible? Thank you.

Answers Pivovarova Tatyana Pavlovna:

Good afternoon, Tatyana! This means that with an ultrasound of the pelvic organs, the ovary is simply not visible. The reason may be a large accumulation of gases and feces in the intestines (poor preparation for the study), which interferes with an adequate examination, or an unusual location of the ovary (for example, behind the uterus) either due to adhesions or individual characteristics buildings. He couldn't go anywhere. Good luck to you!

Maria asks:

Good afternoon. I am 27 years old. My husband and I have been trying to have a child for 3 years, but it just hasn’t worked out. I just came from the ultrasound and they gave me a conclusion: Ultrasound signs of a dominant follicle of the left ovary, free fluid in the posterior fornix.
Day 16 of the menstrual cycle. The uterus is located retroflexio, oval in shape, not enlarged. Dimensions: length 44.1 mm, anterior-posterior 33.6 mm, transverse 48.7 mm. Cervix: 35.3-26.2-30.2mm. The uterine cavity: not deformed, not dilated. The endometrium thickness is 7.7 mm, the structure is homogeneous. Corresponds to the 1st phase of the menstrual cycle. Appendages on the right: the tube is not visualized. Right ovary 30.4-18.9-23.4 mm volume 7.0 cm cubic. Follicles 3-4 mm. Left ovary 36.1-22.0-22.3 mm, volume 9.2 cm cubic. Follicles 3-4 mm. Contains a dominant follicle, 18.6 mm. The posterior fornix contains approximately 5-6 ml of free fluid.
I am plump, height 174, weight 115-120 kg. The doctor was asked if this affects the fact that I can’t get pregnant and was told no. They also said that the egg does not open.
Please tell me, are all these indicators listed above, are they all bad?
Thank you very much in advance

Answers Bosyak Yulia Vasilievna:

Hello Maria! Firstly, excess weight always (!) affects work endocrine system, since adipose tissue is a depot of estrogen. The question arises - why do you weigh 120 kg at 27 years old? Have you had your thyroid function checked? Have you taken a glucose tolerance test? Are your periods regular? How many days does the menstrual cycle last? Obesity occurs at what age? A diagnosis cannot be made based on an ultrasound report alone, please understand correctly. According to the ultrasound scan, there is a dominant follicle; whether ovulation is taking place is a question. It would be rational to undergo an ultrasound scan in a few more days. My husband needs to have a spermogram. If pregnancy does not occur for more than 1 year of open sexual activity, we can talk about infertility and it is necessary to establish a clear reason for this.

Maxim asks:

Hello. I suffer from hepatitis C. There is no opportunity for treatment yet.
I took the tests in December 2013. Here's the result:
Genotype 3 RNA (quantitative) 2.7. 10 7 IU/ml
Total bilirubin: 10.0 µmol/l
ALT 17.6 u/l
AST 19.4 u/l
Cholesterol: 2.44 mm/l
Almost a year later, I took the tests in October 2014. Here's the result:
Total bilirubin: 19.7 µmol/l
ALT 53.0 mmol/tsp.
AST 48.0 mmol/tsp.
Cholesterol: 3.5 mm/l
Please tell me how much my tests have worsened (especially ALT, AST, bilirubin and cholesterol)? Does this mean that the viral load on the body is increasing? Thanks in advance for your answer.

Answers Zaitsev Igor Anatolievich:

Hello, Maxim. Formally, the tests have become worse, but the increase in ALT and AST should be regarded as minimal (up to 3 upper limits indicator is normal), which cannot but rejoice. My advice to you. All these tests, including viral load, do not reflect the real picture. You need to monitor the development of fibrosis in the liver. To do this, you need to do a biopsy or tests that replace it (FibroTest). Yes, FibroTest is expensive, but it must be done once every 2-2.5 years. And you will have objective information about hepatitis activity (the rate of disease progression) and the stage of the disease (the severity of fibrosis). The results of the FibroTest can be compared and clearly understand whether the disease is progressing or not. When you have completed the FibroTest, you can come to the hepatocenter for a consultation. Best regards, I.A.

Maria asks:

Hello! Please, please answer my question. I no longer know what to do or who to believe, it’s very scary! PLEASE EXPLAIN! I have never been and never am sexually active. It all started with the fact that in 2007 I was diagnosed with a paraovarian cyst between the uterus and the left ovary, dimensions: 78.5×67.4×77 mm, capsule thickness 2.5 mm. (the study was transabdominal, menstruation was irregular). It so happened that in subsequent years I was not checked, my periods became regular. In August 2012, my left side hurt very badly and my temperature rose, we called ambulance and I was taken to the hospital, where the gynecologist felt me, did an ultrasound (transabdominal - did not reveal anything), said that there was no cyst, and sent me home to treat my kidneys! But since the temperature did not subside (37.5-37.7) and my side continued to hurt, I went for a paid ultrasound (transvaginal), where the conclusion was echo signs of an increase in the size of the left ovary (inflammatory origin cannot be excluded) and the nurse sent with this result to my gynecologist, who examined me, said that the cyst was very large, it was necessary to urgently operate, and immediately called an ambulance. They took me again to the same hospital as the first time, a different doctor examined me, again she said that I had nothing and they wouldn’t operate on me, although she rewrote my gynecologist’s report and prescribed anti-inflammatory pills and sent me home again! After taking the pills, my temperature dropped, but it still doesn’t go away completely, about 37, the highest 37.3 happens mostly from 4 pm to 8-9 pm, not always. In April 2013, I decided to bring the matter to an end, and went again for a paid ultrasound (transvaginal) on the 5th day of menstruation, where they revealed echo signs of a paraovarian cyst on the left, near the left ovary, measuring 47x39 mm. The worst and most incomprehensible thing happened today, May 6, 2013, on the 7th day of my period: I went for a repeat ultrasound at the hospital, where our gynecologist sent me, before that I had already visited their gynecologist, she said it was a cyst There are medium sizes. They began to examine me with a transabdominal examination and!!! They said THERE IS NOTHING! And it was also written that NOT THE LEFT BUT THE RIGHT OVARY was enlarged by 23.5 ml. But my mother and I didn’t believe it, because our gynecologist said that it wouldn’t go away on its own. The doctor called another one, they studied my old ultrasounds for half an hour, then she looked at me again, also transabdominal, another one and!!! she said THAT I HAVE 2 OF THEM!!!. In front and to the left of the uterus 1) 64.9×52.5 mm. (new) type may be follicular, due to inflammation or hormonal imbalance 2) 43.2 × 33.9 mm (old). Their gynecologist sent them to sign up for a laparoscopic procedure and said that they would not touch the ovaries. Is it possible, in 1 day, for the SAME ultrasound to show different results? The bladder was not full, I didn’t drink any water at all and went to the toilet before, because... I thought there would be a transvaginal examination, but they told me that the bladder was full! How could the first specialist not notice such large cysts? Are there really such specialists now? In general, I got the impression that they rewrote the diagnosis from old ultrasounds, just to get rid of it. And why didn’t the gynecologist even figure out what kind of second cyst this was, and did the operation immediately? Is it possible not to affect the ovary if there is a cyst on it? What should I do now? Do I need to do an ultrasound for the 3rd time and where? Could there be a fever from a cyst? Before my period, I felt pain for several days when I felt my stomach, from different sides, but with my period everything went away. Do I need to follow any diet before the ultrasound? Can the second cyst disappear? Which examination is better – transabdominal or (transvaginal)? Can I do an ultrasound in different clinics on the same day? Thank you in advance.

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

Let's sort it out in order. Firstly, a paraovarian cyst usually does not give rise to fever. To be on the safe side, you definitely need to submit general analysis urine. Secondly, the same ultrasound cannot give different results; in addition, transabdominal ultrasound must be performed with a full bladder. I advise you to undergo a control ultrasound (preferably transvaginally) after your period, on the 7-9th day of your pregnancy. from an experienced specialist. If you have a cyst, you can take Tazalok for 3 months. and get tested for the CA 125 marker. Then act according to the situation, if the cyst shrinks, then just follow it once every 6 months. observe. If it does not improve and continues to bother you, then plan a laparoscopy. The occurrence of cysts during sexual abstinence is a typical phenomenon, unfortunately.

Marjane asks:

Hello! According to my ultrasound, the position of the uterus is anteversio. length 67.6 mm anterior-posterior 48.9, width 61.7 mm, myometrial structure is homogeneous, the uterine cavity is expanded to 10.7 mm filled with heterogeneous hyperechoic contents Cervix 31.9 * 32.6 mm, homogeneous structure
ovaries right 32.0*17.6mm at the angle of the uterus

left 32.6*16.9mm at the angle of the uterus
structure follicles small, multiple
This is the fourth time I’ve had a miscarriage on the 8th day, my fetus is dying, what’s causing this, help?
and what medications should I take now? Thank you,

Answers Korchinskaya Ivanna Ivanovna:

The ultrasound conclusion is normal, the only thing that can be complained about is the heterogeneous hyperechoic content in the uterine cavity, most likely it is blood, but by the 8th day after the miscarriage it should no longer be there, this needs to be monitored. Regarding fading pregnancy in the early stages, we can say the following: they are caused either genetic pathology, then you and your husband need to undergo karyotyping, or due to an infectious factor, you need to donate blood for torch infections. If the above indicators are normal, an immunological provoking factor is possible, in which case it is rational to donate blood for antibodies to hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and antiphospholipid antibodies. It is necessary to establish the cause of the fading, otherwise the situation will repeat.

Answers Gritsko Marta Igorevna:

It is necessary to clearly differentiate the diagnoses of “multifollicular ovaries” and “polycystic ovaries”. Multifollicular ovaries are a temporary phenomenon that just needs to be observed after 1-2 months. a similar ultrasound picture should pass. Polycystic disease will not go away on its own; it is accompanied by a characteristic ultrasound picture, changes in the level of sex hormones and symptoms - irregular periods, lack of ovulation. You need to undergo a control ultrasound scan in a month on the 7-9th day of m.c. If the picture does not change, you need to take a blood test for FSH, LH, prolactin, estradiol, which are taken on the 3-5th day of the m.c. and progesterone, which is given on the 21st day of m.c. If you are also concerned about delayed periods, you will need to prescribe COCs to regulate hormonal levels.

Antonina asks:

Good afternoon, please explain to me the results of hormone tests
9th day of the cycle
TSH - 1.41 NORMAL: 0.35-4.94 µIU/ml
FREE TESTOSTERONE - 1.5 NORMAL: (pg/ml) female. ovulation 0.0-4.1 median -1.3, postmenopause 0.1-1.7 median -0.8
LH - 6.20 NORMAL: mME.ml female fol.f -1.8-11.78 med. -3.98, ovul.peak - 7.59 - 89-08 honey. - 26.0, lut.f - 0.56- 14.0 med. - 2.79, permanent men. -5.16 - 61.99 med. -25.73
FSH - 2.90 NORMAL: follic phase 3.03-8.08 mIU/ml, ovulatory peak 2.55-16.69 mIU/ml, luteal phase 1.38-5.47 mIU/ml, postmenopause 26, 72-133.41 mIU/ml
PROGESTERONE - 0.5 NORMAL: follic phase PROLACTIN - 217.53 NORMAL: female 68.6-617.3 mIU/ml
ESTRADIOL - 402 NORMAL: folic phase - 77.07-921.17 pmol\l median 198.18, ovulator peak - 139.46-2381.83 med.-719.32, luteal phase - 77.07-1145, 04 median - 363.33, menopause - 33.7-528.48 median -102.7
The question is what else... we are planning a pregnancy and I was constantly prescribed Duphaston without the results of hormones... after which functional cysts appeared twice! I understand this drug is not suitable for me?
and one more question...based on an ultrasound, I was diagnosed with a 32 mm left ovarian cyst on the 8th day of the cycle. and in the right one, for the past year they have found a hyperechoic formation of 10 mm; it does not grow or decrease! the doctor tells me not to pay attention to it, that this is the norm for the ovary, but I’m afraid that I won’t be able to get pregnant or it will interfere with pregnancy! what to do? We did a laparoscopy on the right ovary 2 months ago, a cyst formed and it turned out to be functional... but why didn’t they remove the hyperechoic one then? Could they not have seen him? Or what were the reasons for that? Or is it really not going to hurt? please answer... according to laparoscopy, the tubes are passable, there is no endometriosis, the cyst is functional, the only thing is that the walls of the ovaries are compacted, they made incisions, if I wrote correctly! Tell me what are the chances of getting pregnant and carrying a baby! thank you very much in advance!

Answers Wild Nadezhda Ivanovna:

Tonya! Your tests are normal, except for FSH - it is slightly reduced, but if you have MC. short - then this is a preovulatory decrease and this is the norm. Functional cysts can be treated conservatively, for this purpose low-dose contraceptives are prescribed for 3 MCs, after cancellation there is a “rebound” effect or, in other words, a rebound effect and ovulation occurs, but during lapaparoscopy you were given “incisions” - this is so that the egg can be released and You could get pregnant. But, tell me, have you examined your husband? Take: either cyclodinone or tazalok, Vit E 100 units 3 times a day for 10 days, for 3 months folic acid 5 mg 2 times a day. Drink green leaf tea with honey and pollen, morning and evening. Have your husband examined by a urologist or andrologist.

Ovarian cyst or “fear has big eyes.” Take care of your health!

If the ovary is soldered to the uterus, then this indicates the presence of an adhesive process, as a result of which the appendage fuses with the genital organ. At the same time, scars form and blood supply processes are disrupted, which prevents conception.

The main cause of displacement of the appendage is in the pelvis. The occurrence of an adhesive process in which the right ovary (or left) is affected is influenced by the following factors:

  1. Gynecological operations (abortion, cesarean section), when the integrity of the appendage is disrupted, which provokes deviations in the processes of blood clotting and cell restoration. Instead of regeneration, connective tissue is formed, gluing organs to each other.
  2. Concomitant pathologies reproductive sphere(, endometritis, etc.). Due to the affected cells, the stroma of the appendages suffers, and the processes of local blood supply are disrupted. Abnormal cells begin to divide, pathological tissues grow, which leads to the appearance of scars.
  3. The ovary is pulled towards the uterus under the influence of the following factors:
  • violation of the rules for inserting an intrauterine device;
  • venereal diseases;
  • , in which the tissue of the uterine membrane extends beyond its limits;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • use of antibacterial agents;
  • ruptures during labor;
  • hypothermia;
  • performing hysteroscopy.

Symptoms that the ovary is attached to the uterus

If the left ovary (or right) is located close to the uterus, then initial stage There may be no pathological symptoms. Sometimes clinical picture unfolds several years after the start of the process. The following symptoms occur:

  • nagging pain in the lower abdomen, migrating to the lumbar region;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • discomfort during sports, intimacy;
  • painful periods;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the intestines;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bloody or yellow-green discharge.

A woman has a slight pain in the lower abdomen on the right or left. Changes in unilateral localization and increased severity of the symptom often indicate a complication - a violation of the patency of the fallopian tubes. In this case, menstruation is often delayed by 2-3 months.

In some patients, during adhesions, the ovary descends to the fundus of the uterus. Sometimes an episiotomy causes a change in the position of the reproductive organ itself.

Diagnosis of pathology

To discover that the ovary is located behind the uterus only gynecological examination not enough. Carrying out is required. If this method does not reveal the adhesive process, then laparoscopy is performed. Additionally, MRI is used, which makes it possible to detect small changes in the reproductive system.

Ovarian displacement is also diagnosed by other methods, for example, hysterosalpingography - x-ray examination, in which a contrast agent is injected into the cavity of the reproductive organ and fallopian tubes. The procedure is performed from days 5 to 11 of the cycle. Additionally, the patient is recommended to take a vaginal smear for microflora testing.

Treatment of pathology

If the ovary is located behind the uterus, at the initial stage of the pathology it is possible to use medications:

  • antibiotics;
  • suppositories (for example, Longidase);
  • drugs that eliminate inflammation;
  • enzymes;
  • vitamins and microelements.

It is useful to undergo physiotherapeutic procedures (electrophoresis with the introduction of magnesium, calcium and zinc through skin covering). Thanks to this treatment, the adhesions become thinner and stretched. The patient may be prescribed sanatorium treatment(including mineral waters).

Then, when the ovary is close to the uterus, it is recommended physical activity. In advanced cases, it is carried out, the purpose of which is to separate and eliminate tissues connected to each other. After the operation, a special film is applied to the appendages. In addition, a barrier fluid is used to prevent the formation of new adhesions.

IN rehabilitation period Antibiotics and medications are used, the action of which is aimed at preventing the formation of blood clots. The effectiveness is then assessed surgical intervention. Physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed at the discretion of the doctor. Laparoscopy does not provide a 100% guarantee that the adhesive process will not return again and the ovary will not move again.

Other treatments:

  • laser therapy based on the impact of special rays;
  • electrosurgery aimed at eliminating damaged tissues with high-frequency current;
  • aquadissection, in which adhesions are dissected using a water stream.

If the ovary has gone behind the uterus, then gymnastics aimed at eliminating the adhesive process is advisable. Since the pathology is quite serious, it is better to use methods official medicine, and use exercises with them in combination.

Chances of pregnancy

As mentioned earlier, the bending of the ovary behind the uterus (left or right) is often a manifestation of the adhesive process. Difficulties in getting pregnant are caused by an anatomical disorder correct location reproductive organs.

A woman who finds out that her ovary has gone behind the uterus, of course, doubts the possibility of conception. To normalize the condition of the reproductive organs, the help of a qualified gynecologist is required.

To get pregnant, you need to undergo treatment. If it is not effective, then IVF is performed. Since adhesions increase the risk of attachment of the fertilized egg outside the reproductive organ, it is necessary to direct all efforts to eliminate it.

Possible complications

First of all, the gynecologist must assess how mobile the ovaries are and identify the true cause of the displacement. Once a definitive diagnosis is made, treatment is required. Otherwise, the following complications may occur:

  • transition of the adhesive process to neighboring organs, which is fraught with their displacement;
  • disruption of the relationship between the uterus and appendages;
  • deterioration of fallopian tube patency;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • problems with ovulation;
  • bend of the uterus;
  • infertility.

In addition, if the ovary is close to the uterus, this can lead to its prolapse. With timely initiation of therapy, serious consequences can usually be avoided, so every woman is recommended to undergo preventive examinations a gynecologist and do not delay visiting a doctor if you have suspicious symptoms.

The ovaries are a paired reproductive organ female system. The ovaries are located in the pelvis. The structural apparatus of the ovary consists of follicles and ovarian stroma. Normally, the ovaries do not have a membrane, and a mature follicle can burst without difficulty during ovulation and release an egg. The release of the egg from the follicle is called ovulation. Ovulation occurs under the influence high levels(peaks) of luteinizing hormone produced in the brain. This hormone can be released into the bloodstream in a timely manner only when the ovaries themselves are functioning normally, sending hormonal signals to the brain. The ovarian stroma is connective tissue, containing blood vessels through which all necessary substances are delivered to the ovarian follicles for their full functioning.

Ultrasound of the ovaries allows you to safely and reliably study the ovaries, primarily their structure. Ultrasound of the ovaries can be performed through the abdomen with an abdominal probe and using transvaginal ultrasound. Transvaginal ultrasound is the most reliable and exact method Ultrasound of the ovaries.

Ultrasound of the ovaries is normal

Normal sizes ovaries with ultrasound of the ovaries are up to 12 ml 3 for each ovary. At normal ultrasound The ovaries contain up to 12 follicles each. The detection by ultrasound of the ovaries of the number of follicles less than 5 in two ovaries together is an unfavorable sign, most often indicating premature ovarian depletion. On ultrasound examination of the ovaries, the normal ovarian stroma contains a moderate amount blood vessels, medium echogenicity, comparable in color to the uterus. An increase in the echogenicity of the ovarian stroma, an increase in size, and the presence of multiple vessels in them during ultrasound of the ovaries may indicate pathology (polycystic ovaries, inflammation of the ovaries). At Ultrasound of the ovaries Normally, the ovaries are located on both sides of the uterus, at the right and left ribs of the uterus. The ovaries may be adjacent to the uterus or located at a short distance from the uterus - this is the norm for ultrasound of the ovaries. In the vast majority of cases, with ultrasound of the ovaries, especially transvaginal ultrasound, there are no difficulties in detecting the ovaries.

An ovary is not visible on an ultrasound if it is removed during surgery, the congenital absence of one or two ovaries, a sharp decrease in the ovary due to premature depletion or normal menopause, especially with severe swelling of the intestinal loops, a sharp change in the location of the ovaries in connection with severe adhesive disease of the pelvic organs. If the ovary is not visible on ultrasound, and there is no reason to believe that it is missing, an ultrasound scan of the ovaries is performed after preparation. Preparation consists of cleansing the intestines and relieving bloating (fortrans, cleansing enema, espumizan before ultrasound of the ovaries). Normal follicles in the ovary, which can be visualized during ovarian ultrasound, range in size from 1 mm to 30 mm. Follicle sizes of more than 30 mm during ultrasound of the ovaries indicate the formation of a follicular (functional) ovarian cyst. Detection of an ovarian cyst by ultrasound is not difficult. An ovarian cyst looks like a ball on ultrasound varying degrees coloring and structure.

According to the nature of the structure and shade of color, an ovarian cyst on ultrasound can be:

  1. Follicular ovarian cyst ( functional cyst ovary).
  2. Corpus luteum cyst of the ovary.
  3. Endometrioid ovarian cyst
  4. Teratodermoid ovarian cyst (ovarian teratoma, ovarian dermoid cyst).
  5. Cystadenoma, etc.

Ultrasound of the ovaries does not provide all the answers to questions about the functioning of the ovaries. During one menstrual cycle, the structure and appearance ovaries changes during ultrasound. Immediately after menstruation, ultrasound of the ovaries normally shows follicles up to 8 mm in size. After 9-16 days from the first day of menstruation, an ultrasound of the ovaries reveals one large follicle. If its size is 10-17.9 mm, such a follicle is called dominant. Normally, there may be several or one such follicle during an ovarian ultrasound. In the preovulatory period (days of the menstrual cycle 11-18), follicles measuring 18-30 mm are detected by ultrasound of the ovaries. Such a follicle is called preovular. With normal hormonal regulation, ovulation occurs within a few hours or days. Most often, there is only one such preovulatory follicle, detected by ultrasound of the ovaries.

After ovulation, an ultrasound scan of the ovaries reveals a corpus luteum at the site of the ovulated follicle. The essence of its work is to provide progesterone to the second phase of the cycle. Progesterone is necessary for the development of pregnancy in the early stages, until the placenta is fully formed. If pregnancy does not occur, the corpus luteum produces progesterone for the normal transformation of the endometrium and prepares it for rejection during the upcoming menstruation. When performing an ultrasound of the ovaries after ovulation (from 12 to 28 days of the cycle), you can evaluate the structure of the corpus luteum. When analyzing blood flow in the corpus luteum during ultrasound of the ovaries using Doppler, one can reliably assume the normality of its functioning. If the corpus luteum functions inadequately, ultrasound of the ovaries reveals a lack of pronounced low-resistance blood flow; the corpus luteum may be cystic and fade ahead of schedule(approximately on day 22 of the cycle). This is called corpus luteum deficiency. Women with corpus luteum deficiency may experience short menstrual cycles (less than 26 days), infertility, bleeding during menstruation (due to endometrial hyperplasia), spotting before menstruation. With an ultrasound of the ovaries after ovulation on approximately the 18th and 23rd days of the cycle, it is possible to dynamically assess whether the corpus luteum is functioning normally. For an accurate analysis, progesterone in the blood is additionally examined.

Naturally, ultrasound of the ovaries is not performed in isolation. Together with an ultrasound of the ovaries, an ultrasound of the uterus is performed; ultrasound with a vaginal sensor is more informative. This ultrasound is called transvaginal ultrasound.

Preparing for an ultrasound of the ovaries

Special training Ultrasound of the ovaries is not required, except for the cases described above, when the ovaries are not visible on ultrasound.

How to do an ultrasound of the ovaries

  • Ultrasound of the ovaries with filling Bladder through the stomach - front abdominal wall(abdominal sensor).
  • Ultrasound of the ovaries with a transvaginal probe (transvaginal ultrasound).
  • Ultrasound of the ovaries with a rectal probe (in virgins, with unsatisfactory results of ultrasound through the abdomen, with atresia (fusion) or severe stenosis (narrowing) of the vaginal opening - more often in elderly patients after perineal surgery).

We provide all types of ultrasound diagnostics:

  • Ultrasound diagnosis of Down syndrome and other chromosomal abnormalities

    Female ultrasound

  • Hydrotubation (echohydrotubation): examination of the patency of the fallopian tubes (ultrasound hysterosalpingoscopy)


Hello! I had an ultrasound today. I'm 22. The date of my last menstrual period is November 6th. Should go on December 4th. Research result: The body of the uterus is determined; in the normal position The boundaries are clear, the contours are smooth, the dimensions are not increased Length 48 mm Anterior-posterior 33 mm Width 43 mm The structure of the myometrium is not changed M-echo thickness 4.8 mm, the borders are unclear, the contours are smooth The echo structure is not changed The endometrium corresponds to the secretion phase The uterine cavity is not deformed, not dilated The cervix is ​​determined; normal size The structure of the cervix is ​​changed due to single liquid inclusions of 2 mm with homogeneous contents (endo-ectocervix cysts), the contour of the endocervix is ​​clear, smooth, not thickened The left ovary is defined, located along the edge of the uterus The usual dimensions are volume 8.0 cm3, the contour is clear and smooth The right ovary is defined , located typically. The usual dimensions are volume 7.9 cm3, the contour is unclear, even The structure of the ovaries is homogeneous, in a section there are up to 10-11 follicles 2-3 mm in the follicular layer, the follicular-stromal relationship is not disturbed, the echogenicity of the ovarian tissue is normal Pathological formations in the pelvic cavity are not determined Free fluid is not determined Conclusion: echo signs of MFN

Good afternoon. You should indicate not only the day of your last menstruation, but also on what day it took place. The first thing that catches your eye is the m-echo, a little too small for the 24th day of the menstrual cycle (if I counted correctly). Further, the location of the ovary at the rib of the uterus (if this was the case before) may indirectly indicate the presence of adhesions, which pull the ovary towards the uterus. As for the follicular apparatus, the number of follicles is slightly higher than normal, so the doctor makes an assumption about MFN. You should contact, donate the necessary hormones, after which you will be selected correct tactics management and treatment.

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