Home Children's dentistry Methods for treating scoliosis. Conservative methods of treating spinal curvature

Methods for treating scoliosis. Conservative methods of treating spinal curvature

Pathological curvature of the spine can radically change the patient’s life, even leading to disability. Scoliosis must be treated - medicine has no doubt about this. But how exactly is a topic for discussion. Let's consider the options offered by conventional and oriental medicine.

The human spine has 4 physiological curves: the sacral and thoracic sections are curved backward (natural kyphosis), the lumbar and cervical sections are curved forward (natural lordosis). Evolutionarily, they arose as an adaptive reaction of the body to vertical position, turning the spinal column into a powerful shock absorber capable of withstanding numerous static (stationary) and dynamic (in motion) loads. Physiological norm the bends of natural kyphosis and lordosis do not exceed 20–40 degrees. Each vertebra has an almost regular rectangular shape and the same height, and consists of body, which bears the main load, temples, forming the spinal canal, and processes(epiphyses and apophyses), connecting the vertebrae into a single column. A slight deviation from the norm is interpreted as functional impairment, significant deviation from the physiological position and/or anatomical shape of the vertebrae - pathological deformation spinal column , which is called scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.

Thus, not all deviations from the norm are pathological - many spinal conditions can be defined as poor posture, which is not a disease. However, such a violation should not go unnoticed and requires timely correction.

As a rule, scoliosis progresses only during the growth of the spine, that is, until the age of 18, and much less often, until the age of 25. But it should be understood that the progression of the disease is pushed incorrect conditions education, work and life. In this context, progression of scoliotic disease is possible at any age.

Features of treatment of scoliosis in children and adults

Scoliosis can be either congenital or acquired. At the age of 5 to 15 years, the child’s body is in a phase of active growth. Exactly for this life period educational development falls out. The schoolchild sits down with books and notebooks, spends many hours at the computer, often neglecting physical activity. The teenager does not notice that he is bending too low, constantly putting one shoulder higher than the other. And if he does notice, he doesn’t attach any importance to it. Meanwhile, incorrect posture is the cause of scoliosis only in some cases, and in others it is its symptom. Curvature of the spine appears as a consequence of numerous pathological processes in the body, when the vertebrae not only shift, but change their structure. The first and main goal of treating scoliosis in adolescents and children is to return the vertebrae to a physiological position. A young body has a high chance of self-recovery. When pathological process has already been launched, the patient is prescribed special orthopedic correctors, and in especially severe cases - surgery. The spine is stabilized using plastic and metal structures. It is important to understand that surgical treatment does not eliminate scoliosis, but stops the development and reduces the harmful effects on other body systems.

A completely different story is “adult” scoliosis. It becomes a consequence of a whole “bouquet” or one of the problems: osteoporosis, tuberculosis, osteochondrosis, vertebral hernia, spinal injury, oncology, as well as curvature that was not cured in childhood. As soon as the spine is formed, deviations from the norm begin to manifest themselves in the form of pain, numbness or tingling in the back, arms, and legs. Then disorders arise in other body systems: circulatory, respiratory, digestive. A frequent companion is intercostal neuralgia, familiar to most. Over the years pain syndrome It only gets worse, so scoliosis requires treatment.

Note that at the preclinical stage, the external symptoms of scoliosis are indistinguishable not only for patients, but sometimes for many orthopedists. Therefore, in some cases, after consultation with specialists, it makes sense to resort to the tools shown in early diagnosis .

Early diagnosis- at preclinical, subclinical and clinical stages- includes:

  1. Visual inspection.
  2. Computer optical topography (COT).
  3. Electromyography (EMG).
  4. Control of osteotropic hormonal profile (OSP).
  5. Determination of neuropeptides “R-FPA” and “L-FPA”.

Certainly, early diagnosis should be based on knowledge and understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of idiopathic scoliosis, which means that the fight against the disease should be waged on four fronts:

  1. Bone vertebral column (“case”) - magnetic therapy, photodynamic therapy, hormonal profile correction.
  2. Spinal cord - polarization of the spinal cord, drug therapy is possible.
  3. Brain - polarization of the brain, drug therapy is possible.
  4. Muscle corset - selective electrical and magnetic stimulation of paravertebral muscles, compensation of neuropeptides is possible.

First group therapeutic measures are aimed at monitoring and managing the growth process, namely at correcting:

  • hormonal status;
  • functions of the brain and spinal cord;
  • vegetative (autonomous) functions nervous system;
  • vertebral growth zones;
  • muscle tone.

Second group therapeutic activities are designed to provide a favorable background for the success of the first group. It includes:

With progressive scoliosis, the process of overcoming pathological mechanisms cannot be quick, and sometimes it lasts for 5–6 years.

Treatment options for scoliosis

Conservative therapy

The prospect of getting rid of scoliosis depends on the depth of the problem. Curvature at an early stage can be corrected relatively easily. Treatment of scoliosis in adults is usually a lengthy process. In this case the following applies:

  • Orthotics(corsets, belts, insoles). The basis of scoliosis therapy in classical medicine. In the treatment of the spine, “active” corsets are used, which not only fix the torso, but also affect the arcs of curvature (Chenault corsets). You can often hear about the treatment of scoliosis orthopedic insoles. This method is rather preventive. It is known that flat feet deprive the foot of shock-absorbing properties, so micro-impacts from the outside are completely transferred to the joints and spine. Insoles smooth out the negative effect. The torso is also supported by a special bandage, which is used to fix the intervertebral discs and spinal axes. Thus, any muscle tension does not have a detrimental effect on the back. The disadvantages include a long period of wearing, stretching for years, and a large number of contraindications: tissue atrophy, problems with blood supply to the lumbar region, osteoporosis, pregnancy, etc.
  • Medicines. These are vitamins and restorative drugs that the doctor prescribes as an addition to the main treatment. Analgesics can be used to relieve pain in severe forms of scoliosis. Mild hormonal therapy may be used.
  • Lifestyle change. Refusal from an eternally sitting position with a skewed back, selection of a school desk in accordance with the child’s height. Curvature is the body’s desire to take a stable position. And the arch that appears in the lower back with S-shaped scoliosis is an attempt to find a balance to the curve that has already formed above. These measures are a mandatory addition to the others; unfortunately, they are often no longer applicable without corsetry.
  • Diet therapy. Diet will not get rid of scoliosis, but it will contribute to complex treatment. You will need to exclude spicy and salty dishes, smoked meats and alcohol from the menu and focus on plant-based, dairy products, cereals, lean meats, and eggs. The key elements are potassium and magnesium salts. Vitamin D monitoring is necessary.
  • Exercise therapy. A set of exercises is prescribed at all stages, including not only treatment, but also prevention of scoliosis. Strengthening the back muscles creates a strong muscle corset, which stabilizes the spine and prevents or corrects deformation. Contraindicated physical activity only to those patients who experience significant back pain, have problems with breathing and circulation.

Basic exercises for the treatment of scoliosis:

  1. Lie on your back, put your hands behind your head. Fulfill circular movements legs, simulating cycling, 30–40 seconds in 2–3 approaches.
  2. Without getting up, perform the “scissors” exercise vertically and horizontally the same number of times.
  3. Stand up, spread your arms to the sides, press your fingers to your shoulders. Perform circular rotations with your elbows back and forth - 2-3 sets of 30 seconds.
  4. Extend your arms, turn your palms up. Squat, standing on your toes, 10 times.
  • Swimming. Relieves the spine, strengthens muscles, forms correct posture, trains breathing. Serves as an addition to complex therapy for children and adults.

    In Soviet times, orthopedists actively advised those who had back problems to sleep on the floor or on a very hard mattress. Modern medicine made adjustments to these recommendations. Today it is recommended to sleep on boards only in adolescence and if the curvature continues to increase. In other cases, a medium-hard mattress is allowed, and after 20 years it must be replaced with a softer one.

  • Massage. Treatment of scoliosis with massage is prescribed for adults and children. It reduces the arc of curvature, relieves tension in the muscles, stretches shortened muscles, and tones overstretched ones. Contraindications include pain and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Manual therapy. This is a set of procedures, which is also called “hand treatment”. Allows you to relieve pain, restore blood circulation, and restore joint mobility. Claims to be the most natural and therefore safe, but is contraindicated for tumors and internal inflammatory processes. Manual therapy used in isolation from a complex of orthopedic measures does not make much sense. As part of complex therapy, it can be implemented in aggressive and gentle modes. Aggressive therapy is used in difficult cases and can be quite painful; it is contraindicated in patients over 60 years of age.
    Errors during execution can lead to severe consequences. Therefore, for the successful use of manual therapy in the treatment of spinal curvatures, a highly qualified specialist is especially important.
  • Reflexology. A procedure during which biologically active points exposed to heat or special medical needles. The main effect is on the muscles. The fibers become more elastic, tissue inflammation goes away. As a result, the pain disappears. There are practically no contraindications.
  • Approaches oriental medicine . Tibetan doctors practice herbal medicine, carry out deep acupressure, reflexology sessions, kinesiotherapy, gentle manual therapy, activating vital energy and forcing the body to restore strength on its own. Other techniques include moxotherapy and hirudotherapy. The result is a noticeable improvement in well-being, slowing down the development of scoliosis up to a complete stop.

These are, perhaps, the main components of background and main therapy in conservative treatment. They are widely used in the initial stages of the disease.

Surgical treatment of scoliosis

Of course, not everyone is lucky with early diagnosis, and often the disease has to be fought at the final stage of the disease, when it is impossible to do without surgical intervention.

Modern step-by-step surgery with incomplete growth the spine is designed to provide:

  • preservation of the growth of the spinal column;
  • epiphysiodesis (alignment, articulation) of the spine along the convex side of the main curvature;
  • preservation and restoration of the physiological curves of the frontal and sagittal profiles of the spine and the balance of the torso;
  • minimizing the loss of surgical correction during the patient’s growth period (preventing further progression of the deformity);
  • correction of curvature in all 3 planes and polysegmental fixation of the spine using metal structures (special instruments).

Indications for a phased surgical correction consider:

  • the angle of curvature of the spine is over 50 degrees;
  • significant growth potential of the spine;
  • age up to 12 years;
  • lack of effect from conservative treatment.

It is important to note that the issue of the need for surgical correction of scoliotic deformity is controversial. In a manual for doctors of the FSBI Novosibirsk Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics named after. Ya.L. Tsivyana" in relation to progressive neuromuscular scoliosis it is said that the indication for surgical correction should be considered a deformity of 20–25 degrees, that is, the threshold of II and III degree expressiveness.

Absolute contraindication the patient's serious condition caused by functional disorders in the most important organs and systems of the body: forced vital capacity (FVC) is reduced to 60% of the age norm or more, there is circulatory failure and decompensation of the cardiovascular system. List of relative (temporary) contraindications also “tied” to pathologies in vital organs and systems: hormonal disorders, kidney disease, liver disease, heart disease, blood disease, oncology, exacerbation chronic diseases respiratory system.

Treatment of scoliosis at different stages of development

Orthopedic doctors distinguish 4 stages of scoliosis development.

  • 1st stage: the angle of curvature does not exceed 10 degrees. The most difficult to diagnose. The patient does not feel pain and does not pay attention to changes in posture. Detecting the curvature so early can be considered great luck. Treatment for grade 1 scoliosis is massage and physical therapy.
  • 2nd stage: arc angle - from 10 to 25 degrees. The second arch is just beginning to form, and asymmetry of the shoulder blades appears when tilted. The patient is prescribed a massage, a set of physical exercises, and wearing a corset for several hours a day (usually at night). There is no pain, so no medications are prescribed.
  • 3rd stage: angle from 25 to 50 degrees. Severe form. The asymmetry of the shoulder blades is added by the rib hump, which is clearly visible from the side. The deformation begins to affect the functioning of the chest, respiratory organs, and cardiovascular system. The patient is prescribed to wear a corset for at least 16 hours a day. Treatment of grade 3 scoliosis involves complex therapy: swimming, exercise therapy, manual procedures, massage. Sometimes drug pain relief is required. In severe cases, the doctor may decide to undergo surgery.
  • 4th stage: the most severe, the angle of curvature is above 50 degrees. The deformation of the body is clearly visible, almost always leading to disability. The only treatment for grade 4 scoliosis is surgery.

Treatment of scoliosis is one of the most difficult problems in orthopedics. The main task of not only the doctor, but also the patient is to timely assess the risk and eliminate “dangerous” factors, ensure a normal regime of rest and physical activity.

Scoliosis or pathological curvature of the spine is a fairly common orthopedic disease that occurs as a result of a sedentary lifestyle, systematically incorrect posture in schoolchildren and the popularization of computer technology.

Scoliosis mainly manifests itself during puberty. Progressive scoliosis can lead to problems with the lungs and heart, limitations in physical activity, and in severe cases, deformities.

Early diagnosis, careful monitoring, wearing a bandage and surgical intervention are the main methods for detecting and treating scoliosis. The disease is practically not cured completely; its development, at best, can be stopped or slowed down.

1. Treatment of scoliosis with physical exercises

Before choosing a set of exercises, you should definitely consult your doctor. The fact is that scoliosis comes in different forms, and therapeutic exercises for each of them have their own specifics. It is important to note that if you have scoliosis, it is forbidden to jump, do acrobatics, gymnastics, or exercises with strength.

One of best exercises designed to stop the development of scoliosis, is a gymnastic stick, which should be applied to the back at shoulder level and clasped with your hands. You should be in this position for at least two hours a day.

Another excellent exercise that will help relieve tension from the vertebrae and can stop the development of scoliosis in the upper back is the “ball” exercise. You need to lie on your back and rock from side to side. After this, you should clasp your knees with your hands and roll back and forth.

The abdominal muscles will be well strengthened by the “boat” exercise. You need to lie on your stomach with your arms stretched out in front of you. Arms and legs should be raised at the same time, trying to give the body a boat shape. Then you should relax. Repeat the exercise 10-15 times.

In addition to physical exercise, you need to constantly monitor your posture. It should be noted that with scoliosis, the spine involuntarily strives to take a comfortable position, and it is very difficult to keep your back straight. Therefore, schoolchildren with spinal curvatures are recommended to do their homework while lying down.

2. Compresses

Scoliosis is accompanied by pain, which can be relieved with compresses. You can apply a compress with tincture of dandelion or chestnut flowers to the affected areas. Fill a two-liter container one-third full with flowers, pour in 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 10 days, stirring gently from time to time. Dilute the prepared solution with water and use for night compresses.

3. Massage

Oregano oil effectively relaxes the back muscles, which experience enormous stress due to scoliosis. You should massage the area of ​​the curvature of the spine using oil obtained from oregano. Besides, essential oil oregano stimulates work immune system. At long-term treatment There is some improvement in the condition. For maximum effect, treatment must be combined with physical exercise.

4. Magnesium and calcium

Green leafy vegetables, high in calcium and magnesium, are the main building blocks for new bone cells. Calcium and magnesium ions supplied with food are absorbed by the body much better than synthetic ones. Therefore, along with the above remedies, you should also review your diet. IN daily menu You should include magnesium-rich foods such as spinach, chard, kale and other green vegetables, as well as almonds. walnuts, cashews, pumpkin seeds, oatmeal, bananas, dark chocolate, sesame seeds and low-fat yogurt.

Curvature of the spine is a serious problem, although many do not pay due attention to it. Yes, at first scoliosis causes virtually no discomfort, and it seems that it will always be this way. But gradually the condition worsens, and after 5-7 years the impact of spinal deformity on the body becomes more noticeable. If measures are not taken in time, the problem can only be eliminated surgically, and even then not always without a trace. Let's look at how to cure scoliosis at home and what you need for this.

It develops more often in children and adolescents, and is treated more effectively in them. In adults, curvature of the spine rarely appears, but getting rid of it is much more difficult due to the less plasticity of the skeletal system. For this reason, children's scoliosis can be cured at home (except for advanced cases), while adults will only need surgical intervention.

This disease has several classifications. First of all, it is divided into congenital and acquired. The first type is less common and refers to pathologies intrauterine development, you cannot cure it on your own. The second type develops due to various reasons, the most common of which are low physical activity and prolonged stay in an uncomfortable position. In the early stages, such scoliosis can be easily cured with the help of special exercises and massage.

According to the form of deformation, scoliosis can be:

  • C-shaped - curvature occurs in one arc to the right or left;
  • S-shaped - the spine curves along two arcs in both directions at once;
  • Z-shaped - the most complex type, which is formed by three bends and affects all parts of the spine.

Scoliosis is classified according to the location of the curvatures:

  • chest;
  • cervicothoracic;
  • thoracolumbar;
  • cervical;
  • lumbar;
  • sacrolumbar;
  • total.

But the most basic is the classification of the disease according to the degree of curvature. This parameter determines the complexity of the deformity, and the choice of treatment method depends on it.

Degree of curvatureDescription

The angle of curvature is 5-10 degrees, visually expressed by a slight stoop, one shoulder being slightly higher than the other. It does not pose a health hazard and is not accompanied by pain.

The angle of curvature is 11-25 degrees, the asymmetry of the shoulder blades and the presence of arched bends of the vertebra are clearly visible. There is no danger to health, but there is discomfort and mild back pain.

The angle of curvature is 26-50 degrees, the deformation of the spine and chest is clearly visible. Most patients develop a rib hump. As a result of the curvature, compression and displacement of internal organs occurs, disrupting their functions. Feels constant severe pain in the back and chest, tingling in the fingers or numbness periodically appears.

The angle of curvature exceeds 50 degrees. Deformations of the torso, asymmetry of the legs are clearly expressed, and gait is disturbed. Internal organs are subjected to severe compression, blood circulation is disrupted, very severe pain is felt in the back, chest, hip joint, limbs go numb.

Diseases of degrees 1 and 2 are treated at home, and are almost always successful, provided that all procedures are performed regularly and in full. Scoliosis of the 3rd degree is more difficult to cure, but it can also be done without surgery. But grade 4 is considered the most severe, and serious surgery is required to eliminate the deformities.

If you want to find out in more detail and also consider diagnostic methods, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Magnetic posture corrector

What is the treatment

Treatment of scoliosis is carried out only in a comprehensive manner, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve a positive effect. The complex of therapeutic measures includes special gymnastics, massage, physiotherapeutic procedures, as well as wearing orthopedic corset in case of significant distortions. A prerequisite is to change the daily routine and eliminate all factors that provoke spinal curvature.

You need to start with a visit to the doctor and examination: for treatment to be effective, it is necessary to accurately determine the degree of deformity and select the appropriate exercises and procedures. In addition, the specialist takes into account the patient’s age, maximum permissible loads, individual characteristics body.

It will not be possible to cope with this on your own, without the appropriate medical skills, but it is quite possible to cause harm with incorrectly selected procedures.

Prices for orthopedic corsets and posture correctors

Video - Quick diagnosis of scoliosis and postural disorders


General physical activity and special exercises allow you to develop and strengthen your muscle corset, correct your posture and reduce the load on the vertebrae. You should do therapeutic exercises every day, at least for 15-20 minutes, but you also shouldn’t get too tired. You should not expect a quick result: it usually takes from six months to 8-9 months, depending on the severity of the curvature. Exercise therapy does not require special equipment; all exercises can be done at home, in a comfortable environment.

If you want to know in more detail what needs to be done, you can read an article about this on our portal.

Video - Gymnastics for scoliosis


With the help of massage, tension is relieved from the muscles of the convex areas and the muscles of the concave areas, which do not receive required load V Everyday life. Massage can be performed at home by inviting a specialist, or you can sign up for massage room. In case of scoliosis of the 1st degree, massage can be done by someone close to you, having previously become familiar with the technique. As in the case of exercise therapy, it is necessary regularly over a long period.

Wearing a corset

An orthopedic corset is designed to maintain the spine in the correct position, but can only be used in combination with other therapeutic measures. The attending physician must select it, so you cannot buy such a corset yourself or borrow such a corset from friends. You need to wear it constantly, about 10-12 hours a day, taking it off only for sleep and hygiene procedures. It is necessary to periodically check the condition of the spine using x-rays to adjust treatment if necessary.

Folk remedies

In home treatment, traditional medicine is also used to reduce pain. Basically, these are compresses and medicinal baths, for the preparation of which medicinal plants, salt, honey and other components are used. Folk remedies themselves cannot cure scoliosis, but in combination with exercises and massage they have a certain effect, speeding up the recovery process.

Prices for traditional medicine for back pain

Exercises to treat scoliosis

A huge number of exercises designed to eliminate scoliosis have been developed, and in each specific case the doctor selects them individually. But there is a basic complex that is suitable for all patients with 1st and 2nd degree curvature. These exercises are simple, you can perform them in any convenient place, so for home treatment this option is the best solution.

Before you start the exercises, you need to warm up thoroughly: bend a few sides and back and forth, move your arms vigorously, tilt your head, and squat a couple of times. You should do gymnastics on an empty stomach, in a quiet and comfortable environment, so that there are no distractions.

IllustrationDescription of the exercise

You need to lie on your back, stretch your arms along your body. When inhaling, both hands are raised behind the head, touching back side palms on the floor, when exhaling, lower to the starting position. All movements are smooth, measured, the exercise is performed 5-6 times.

Lie on your back, raise your arms and press them to the floor behind your head. Next, within 3-5 seconds, begin to simultaneously stretch your arms and heels, as if stretching your spine in length. Relax for two seconds and repeat again. This must be done at least 5 times.

Lying on your back, one arm is extended along the body, the other is thrown up. Then they change their position, and so on about 10-12 times. The movements are measured, but quite energetic.

You need to lie on your back, stretch out well, straighten your spine. Next, they raise one leg, bending it at the knee, lower it, and raise the second. Each leg must be raised at least 5 times without stopping.

Lying on your back, extend your arms to the sides with your palms facing the floor. Next, they lift them above themselves, without bending their elbows, and join their palms. Lower it back to the starting position and repeat again. Perform at least 10 times.

Lie on your back, extend your arms parallel to your torso. Next, lift one leg and bend the knee. Keeping this leg suspended, lift the other one towards it. Now lower the first leg, followed by the second. Perform 5-7 times.

Lie on your back, stretch your arms parallel to your body, legs bent. Now you need to raise your pelvis, stay in this position for 3-4 seconds, and lower yourself to the floor. Perform at least 7 times.

You need to lie on your stomach and stretch your arms out in front of you. Now you should strongly stretch your legs and arms at the same time, stretching your spine. Hold your back in this position for 3-4 seconds, then relax. Repeat 8-9 times.

Lying on your stomach, bend your arms and bring them together in front of you, resting your forehead on your hands. Next, begin to raise and lower both legs at the same time, not too fast, but not too slow. You need to repeat it at least 10 times.

Lying on your stomach, you need to rest your forehead on your hands connected to each other. Then you should raise your shoulders and head as high as possible and lower yourself to the floor again. This is done about 5-7 times.

Lying on your stomach and placing your hands under your forehead, bend both legs at the knees. Next, lift each leg up in turn, trying to straighten it as much as possible. Repeat 7-10 times.

You need to lie on your stomach and rest your forehead on your hands. Then they raise top part the body, without removing its hands from the head, spreads both arms to the sides and connects them again, lowering itself to the starting position. The exercise requires some effort, and not everyone can do it right away. You need to repeat it at least 3-4 times, but better – at least 5.

Lying on your stomach, stretch your arms to the sides. Raise your head, both arms and one leg up at the same time and hold for 4-5 seconds. Repeat the action, but with the other leg. This must be done 5-7 times.

Lying face down, put your hands behind your head and connect them at the back of your head. Elbows touch the floor. Now you need to raise your elbows as high as possible without moving your hands. Raising your elbows, you need to try to squeeze your shoulder blades closer together. Repeat 10 times.

You need to get on all fours, keep your feet together, knees slightly apart. It is advisable to place your hands as far away as possible. Now you should sit on your heels without lifting your palms from the floor. You need to arch your back smoothly, holding your head between your hands. Repeat 5-7 times.

Standing on all fours, you need to raise and extend one arm and the opposite leg at the same time. Hold the pose for about 3-4 seconds, return to the starting position, repeat the same with the other arm and leg. Perform at least 5 times.

Standing on all fours, you need to lift the bent leg and move it to the side, then return to the starting position and move the other leg. Repeat 10 times.

Performed while kneeling. You can also do the exercise while sitting on your heels, if that is more convenient. Cross your fingers and extend your arms, palms up, as high as possible. Hold the spine in this position for several seconds, then lower your hands behind your head. Repeat 10 times.

Standing on your knees and lowering your arms along your body, tilt your torso back. The back should remain as straight as possible. Repeat at least 5 times.

If any of the described exercises are too difficult, give it up temporarily and try again when the spine has developed a little, that is, after a few days regular classes. You should not overstrain your back, especially in the first days.

If you want to learn more about a home set of exercises, you can read an article about it on our portal.

Video - How to cure scoliosis at home

Scoliosis - clinics in Moscow

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Scoliosis - specialists in Moscow

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Scoliosis is a disease that causes a displacement of the spinal column several degrees from the vertical axis.

Most often, pathology develops during puberty, which is due to rapid growth muscle tissue of the back and ligaments.

According to medical statistics, today various forms Scoliosis affects at least one child in ten. The main causes of pathology are, for example, leading a sedentary lifestyle, intensive physical exercise, not corresponding to age limits, not correct position at the desk during educational process, unhealthy diet.

Timely detection of scoliosis with subsequent development of an individual treatment regimen is especially important, the absence medical care can lead to deformities of the spinal column and disruption of the functioning of internal organs.

Symptoms of teenage scoliosis

At the initial stages of development, it is quite difficult to independently diagnose scoliosis in adolescents, since severe symptoms There are no spinal column deformities.

  • periodic headaches, dizziness, increased fatigue, decreased performance.
  • Stooping, poor posture.
  • Finding the lines of the shoulders, forearms, nipples on different levels.
  • Lowering the head.
  • Protrusion of costal arches.
  • Protrusion of the right or left shoulder blade.
  • Impaired functioning of internal organs.
  • Heart failure, expressed in the appearance of shortness of breath, difficulty breathing.

Even if there is only one symptom of adolescent spinal scoliosis, treatment, staging accurate diagnosis should be carried out immediately. To identify the disease, methods such as computed tomography and radiography are used.

It is important to remember that the absence timely treatment Scoliosis during puberty can lead to noticeable visual disproportions of the figure, as well as disturbances in the functioning of internal organs.

The most severe forms of scoliosis in adolescents can lead to significant loss of ability to work and acquisition of disability.

Treatment rules

Treatment of scoliosis in adolescents is selected in accordance with the degree of deformation of the spinal column and the age category of the patient. Monitoring the patient and using treatment methods such as massage and physical therapy are used if the angle of curvature does not exceed twenty degrees.

Against the background of a greater degree of curvature of the spine from the axis, as well as with the progression of the disease, the use of competently selected therapeutic complex, in the most severe cases including surgery.

In the process of selecting treatment methods, the specialist relies on the following rules:

  • gender. In adolescence, girls are more predisposed to the development of pathology.
  • Age. Once a teenager reaches the age of fifteen, the risk of progression of the disease decreases significantly.
  • Location of deformed areas. The thoracic spine is especially susceptible to the appearance of curvature.
  • Presence of underlying diseases. In such situations, treatment is mandatory, regardless of the degree of curvature of the spinal column in adolescents.

Distinctive feature Scoliosis in adolescents is a rapid development and progression of the pathology.

To prevent further deformation of the spinal column, constant monitoring of the patient's condition is necessary.

Treatment regimen

Is it possible to cure scoliosis in a teenager and what measures taken will be effective in this or that clinical case, depends on the patient’s compliance with the treatment regimen.

Its main conditions are:

  • use of properly selected furniture in everyday life.
  • Sleep on a specialized orthopedic mattress.
  • Moderate sports and exercises to build a muscle frame and correct posture.
  • A rational nutrition plan to provide the body with essential vitamins

Of no small importance is a rational diet to provide the body with the necessary vitamins and microelements, the deficiency of which can lead to disruption of the growth processes of the back muscles and bone skeleton.


Treatment of scoliosis in adolescents

Treatment methods

A considerable number of parents ask the following question: what to do if a teenager has scoliosis?

The selection of a suitable treatment regimen is carried out exclusively by a specialist; choosing therapeutic measures on your own is strictly unacceptable.

Effective treatments for scoliosis in adolescents include exercise suitable species sports, the use of physiotherapeutic procedures, medications for elimination painful sensations and relieving muscle spasms, wearing orthopedic corsets, as well as a number of others.

For getting positive results and preventing the progression of the disease, it is permissible to use one technique or a complex combination of several methods.


Physiotherapy for scoliosis in adolescence is used exclusively as an auxiliary treatment method. The use of methods such as ultrasound, hydromassage, and thermal applications helps stimulate regenerative processes and enhance the effect of basic treatment methods.

To obtain positive results, it is necessary to conduct two courses of physiotherapeutic treatment within a year.


One of the main methods that will help correct spinal curvature in a teenager is physical therapy.

Complexes developed by specialists therapeutic exercises help stimulate blood flow, increase the elasticity of cartilage tissue, mobility of parts of the vertebrae, and strengthen the muscle tissue of the back.

To obtain positive results, it is necessary to perform elements of therapeutic exercises under the supervision of a specialist who will help determine the most suitable exercise options, intensity of loads, and also adjust the teenager’s movements if necessary.

After the patient has mastered the basic elements of an individually developed set of exercises, they can be performed at home.


In addition to sports, treatment for adolescent scoliosis includes: mandatory application massage.

The impact of a specialist on damaged areas helps to increase the tone of muscle tissue, improves their nutrition, and helps relieve inflammatory processes.

Depending on the techniques used, it is permissible to have both a relaxing and tonic effect on the back.


Yoga is one of the non-traditional methods of treatment and is used only on an individual basis.

Performing exercises under the supervision of a specialist helps strengthen muscle tissue, increase flexibility.

In addition, correctly selected yoga elements help eliminate painful sensations and prevent the development of complications.


Most effective method The treatment for scoliosis in adolescents is corsetry, that is, wearing a specialized orthopedic corset that fixes the correct position of the spine and prevents displacement of the spinal column in the future.

Depending on the age of the teenager and the degree of curvature of the spine, the following types of corrective devices are used:

  • rigid corsets. They are used to eliminate scoliosis of the second or more degrees in adolescents.
  • Lumbar and chest corsets. Designed to correct curvatures of the thoracic and lumbar spine.
  • Bandage. Used to treat scoliosis thoracic.
  • Reclinators. Used to treat scoliosis in adolescents in the early stages of development.


How to correct scoliosis in a teenager in the early stages of curvature?

Not a bad way adjuvant therapy is hippotherapy or horse riding. The need to maintain balance and maintain the correct position of the spinal column while riding helps eliminate minor curvatures and improve posture.


Surgical correction of the spine in a teenager is used only in particularly advanced cases, with rapid progression of the disease, as well as against the background of a lack of positive dynamics with long-term use of conservative therapy methods.

Surgery involves fixing the vertebrae in the correct position by fastening them with metal plates.

Distinctive feature surgical treatment Scoliosis requires the use of floating structures that do not interfere with further growth and formation of the bone skeleton.

Non-traditional correction methods

In addition to the widespread methods of treating scoliosis in adolescents, there are also unconventional methods that are used only in some institutions.

Although they are not widely used, their effectiveness has been proven.

Among such methods are:

It is recommended to use unconventional methods of therapy only after agreeing on such treatment methods with a specialist.

Prevention measures

It is much easier to prevent any disease, including scoliosis in adolescents, than to use complex and sometimes ineffective methods treatment in the future.

To prevent spinal curvature during puberty, it is recommended to pay attention to the following rules:

  • organization of sleeping space. The child should sleep on a medium-hard mattress; the best option would be to use orthopedic mattresses. It is advisable to avoid pillows altogether.
  • Moderate physical activity. Regular exercise, long walks, and an active lifestyle will help strengthen the muscle tissue of the back and prevent deformation of the spinal column.
  • Balanced diet. Skeletal deformations are often caused by a deficiency of important vitamins and microelements. To make up for the deficiency useful substances It is necessary for a teenager to organize a complete and balanced diet.

An important element of prevention is preventing excess body weight gain. If a teenager tends to be overweight, it is necessary to structure the menu in such a way as to not only eliminate the consumption of excess calories, but also provide the body with important substances.

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