Home Children's dentistry How to determine the sex of newborn kittens. How to distinguish a male kitten from a girl: a newborn, in the first days of life

How to determine the sex of newborn kittens. How to distinguish a male kitten from a girl: a newborn, in the first days of life

In a house where a small kitten appears, the question often arises - what gender is the fluffy charmer? It is often difficult to determine at first glance whether it is a boy or a girl. The genitals of kittens are poorly visible, so a person who does not often deal with furry babies sometimes needs help to find out whether a cat has settled in his house or a male cat.

When is the sex of kittens determined?

Determining the sex of small kittens is quite difficult, because the genitals of small cats and female cats look almost the same.

It is most convenient to do this immediately after the kittens are born or in the first week of their life, when the kittens’ fur is not yet thick and does not cover the genitals. At the age of 2–3 weeks, it is almost impossible to distinguish male kittens from female kittens. The genitals are not yet formed and are poorly visible, and the fur is thickening.

You can determine the sex of a kitten with complete confidence when it is three months old. By this age, the genitals are fully formed, and it becomes possible to distinguish a cat from a cat at first sight.

At three months, the gender of a kitten can be determined at first sight

In kittens of large breeds, such as the Maine Coon or British cat, maturation occurs somewhat later.

In addition, by three months the body structure of kittens becomes close to the proportions of an adult animal, which makes it possible to determine the sex without looking under the tail.

Video: how to determine the sex of a newborn kitten

How to distinguish a cat from a cat

The easiest way to determine the sex of a kitten is to look under its tail:

You can also determine the gender by running your finger over the kitten's belly. If the kitten is male, then a bulge will be felt on the tummy. Males also have thicker fur in the scrotum area.

The easiest way to determine the gender of a kitten is by comparing it with other kittens in the litter.

How to behave correctly with kittens at this moment

When determining the sex of kittens, it is important to know how to do it correctly:

Other distinctive features

Besides primary sexual characteristics, there are several other differences between male cats and female cats.

Owners often doubt who they have in their hands: a boy or a girl? How to distinguish a cat from a cat? By what signs can you find out the gender of a kitten?

How to find out the gender of a kitten

Any adult knows the difference between a cat and a cat. The main difference is the external genitalia. Males have testes (testes), females have a genital slit (vulva). But such differences are noticeable only in adult pets, when the testes have already descended into the scrotum and become visible. While the males are still small, it is extremely difficult to recognize them by this sign, because you will still notice 2 holes under the tail. Therefore, there are other signs that allow you to recognize who is in your hands: a boy or a girl.

The easiest way to determine the gender of a kitten is while it is still very small (when there is no thick coat of fur that prevents a close look). You just need to act very carefully so as not to harm the baby. Take the baby with washed hands, wiped dry, making sure that the mother cat is not against your manipulations.

Place the baby on your palm with his tummy and very carefully lift his tail. You need to evaluate the shape of the natural holes and the distance between them. This will be the main difference between a cat and a cat.

So, in the male you will see 2 rounded holes, the distance between which is approximately about a centimeter. Many people compare this arrangement of holes to a colon. Between these “points” testicles will appear in the near future. Sometimes, with very careful palpation, you can find “peas” in this place. Just don't press too hard or disturb the baby. If you press hard, you can injure the kitten.

In the female, the distance between the holes is very small, they are practically adjacent to each other. In addition, the lower hole will be “elongated” (after all, a genital slit). Therefore, this arrangement is compared to an exclamation mark, only upside down.

With age, the distance between the “points” in males increases and is “overgrown” with hair. In females, such “fouling” is not observed, and the distance between the holes becomes about a centimeter.

How to distinguish an adult cat from a cat

Of course, if the cat is not neutered, then distinguishing the animals is easier than ever. The external genitalia will give away the male and female. The task becomes more complicated if the cat is castrated and his testicles have been removed. Therefore, to determine the floor, you need to estimate the distance between the holes. In males, even castrated ones, it is large (considerably more than a centimeter), while in cats the anus and genital opening are located very close to each other.

There are still ways to determine the sex of a cat, but they are rather “folk” because they do not provide a 100% guarantee.

Folk signs when determining gender

Avid cat lovers will tell you the difference between a cat and a cat, without looking under the tail. Just by looking at the pet’s face and holding the pet in their arms, they will say with a 99% probability whether they are now seeing a male or a female.

  • Muzzle. In cats it is wider, in cats it is elongated and narrow. The nose of males is also wider than that of females. But if there is no one to compare with, there is no such experience in dealing with meowing pets, then the likelihood of making a mistake is high.
  • Gait. Usually females are more graceful, move smoothly, barely audibly. But there are also individuals who move around the house with such a stomping sound, as if a herd of elephants had run through.
  • Behavior. Cats sleep more time, while cats want to explore everything around them, are more curious and are worse at being handled. Females are more clean, ready to constantly lick themselves. In addition, in most cases a girl will refuse to drink or eat from dirty bowls, while a cat is less picky.

  • Color. It is no secret that tri-colored cats cannot be found (extremely rare, only due to a genetic mutation, so cats with tri-colored colors are infertile). Also, if you notice a tortoiseshell coloration, you can be sure that this is a female. You can be guided by the same confidence if you see an animal with a calico color in front of you. But if in front of you there is a purr with fur of a red hue (some call it the color of cinnamon), then in front of you is a real male. It's all to do with genetics. You can't argue against her.

Even experienced breeders and veterinarians are not always able to determine the gender of a cat up to 3 months old. The genitals are not yet fully formed, but cats and female cats look similar in appearance at an early age. But there are several signs by which kittens can be distinguished.

How to determine the sex of a newborn kitten

A good way to find out the sex of newborn animals is to examine their genitals.

A cat or cat will have a difference:

  1. In girls, the vulva is located close to the anus, at a distance of about 5 mm. Outwardly, both organs resemble the letter i or a semicolon.
  2. Newly born boys have colon-like genitals. 1 - 1.5 cm from the anus there is a scrotum with testicles, under it there is an opening of the foreskin. Males also have more fur between their anus and penis than cats.
  3. Another sign is to run your index finger over your stomach. If the baby is male, a slight bulge will be felt.

It is easier to identify kittens at a young age from the same litter, since the difference is determined by comparison.

If you need to find out the gender of one cat or kitten, it is better to first look at thematic photos or videos.

What can you do

Examine the animal carefully so as not to harm it:

  • The baby is taken with the whole hand, grasping from above, fingers are closed on the chest and stomach;
  • a person should place the baby on the palm of his hand or a flat space;
  • carefully lift the tail and inspect the cat's organ.

What not to do

When visually determining the sex of an animal, it is prohibited:

  • take or pull by the tail, paws, scruff of the neck;
  • taking a newborn from a cat in an angry state;
  • tear off the baby during feeding;
  • take the baby with hands with a smell - the mother may consider him “stranger”;
  • put pressure on the genitals;
  • damage or break off remnants of the umbilical cord;
  • keep the animal for more than 1 - 2 minutes - it may freeze, since thermoregulation has not yet developed.

At what age can you determine the gender of a kitten?

Externally, it is easier to find out the sex of animals when they are 1 week old. They have not yet become completely pubescent, and visibility is better. This is especially true for breeds with long hair or thick undercoat: Persian, British and Scottish kittens.

But at this age it is easy to make mistakes. It is even more difficult to understand the sex of 2-3 week old animals: their fur grows and “blocks” their view.

It is easiest to identify kittens when they are 3 months old, as the reproductive organs are already well formed. You can confidently distinguish boys from girls at six months, when full puberty occurs.

Sexual characteristics in kittens

The main sexual characteristics of cats include:

  • the shape of the genital organs;
  • external signs;
  • behavioral factors.

When they appear (1 - 2 months)

The first sexual characteristics between females and males appear at 1 month. At 4–12 weeks, cats develop testicles: they descend into the scrotum from the abdominal cavity.

In some animals, maturation occurs later. This is what distinguishes large, massive breeds: Britons, Maine Coons, Ragdolls.

At 3-4 months, kittens can already be distinguished by external signs - weight, shape of the muzzle, expression of the eyes. And at 6 - 8 months, in adulthood, behavioral factors appear - cats begin to come into heat, cats mark their territory.

How and why they differ

Newborn cats and male cats look alike.

The first external differences appear at 2 months:

  1. Males grow faster and gain weight, cats are smaller and more graceful.
  2. Females are more playful than males.
  3. The boys' look and facial expression are calm and arrogant. Girls are wary and searching.
  4. Cats have a powerful and deep chest, larger paws with large pads.
  5. Both sexes have nipples, but cats have larger nipples.

These differences can be seen both in the photo (above) and in the video.

Is it possible to determine the sex of a kitten based on other characteristics?

You can also understand what gender a baby is by external differences: face, voice and color.

In the face

You can tell a cat from a cat by its face. In males it is massive, with a wide nose, forehead and large cheekbones. They also have thicker necks. A feminine characteristic is refined, petite features.

By voice


Only cats are tortoiseshell or tricolor. This is due to genetic characteristics. The X chromosomes are responsible for the transmission of orange and black colors. If an animal has both shades, it is 99% female. In 1% of cases, such a fur coat occurs in males due to genomic disorders. They have 3 chromosomes - XXY - and are sterile.

Most often cats have red coats. It also depends on genetics. They receive the red color gene from their mother. But cats must adopt two such genes from both parents at once.

The sex of small kittens can be recognized by several traits. In the first days after birth, it is recognized by the shape of its genitals, and sometimes by its color. And when the animal reaches 3 - 4 months - based on external signs: face, voice and weight.

The dilemma of how to identify a female cat among newborns worries both experienced breeders and lovers of these mustachioed animals. Finding out the gender of the pet is important in both cases for planning the future of the animal.

However, despite the fact that sex differences seem obvious, it is very difficult to determine them in a kitten until he reaches the age of three months. In order not to rely only on intuition, you should use several practical recommendations on how to determine the sex of a pet.

Newborn kittens

During this period, difficulties in determining the gender of a kitten are due to the fact that in the first few days after its birth, the male and female organs of a newborn baby look the same. And yet, there are some signs of how to determine whether the resulting baby is male or female.

Before you begin to “identify” the sex of an animal, you need to remember what to do first.

  1. Be sure to wash your hands well with gentle soap, without strong fragrances. After this, your hands should be treated with a chlorhexidine solution and, without wiping them with a towel, warm them by rubbing them against each other.
  2. Make sure that the kitten’s mother is nearby, sees all the owner’s manipulations and does not object to them.
  3. The kitten should be picked up carefully and placed in the palm of one hand, belly down.
  4. Then, as carefully as possible, lift the animal's tail.

Do not do it:

  1. Ignore hygiene.
  2. Treat the animal roughly, forcefully and inappropriately.
  3. Forcibly tear the newborn away from the mother during feeding or sleep, and take the baby away from her to another room.
  4. Grab the kitten by the withers and pull on the paws or tail.
  5. Press on the location of the genital organs.
  6. Examine the kitten while holding it in your arms for more than three minutes because:
  • he can absorb the smell of his owner, and this will push his mother away from him;
  • he may become hypothermic, because kittens have not yet developed thermoregulation;
  • this can cause the kitten to become stressed.

In order to understand how to determine whether a baby is a male or female, you should be guided by two reasons:

  1. If the kitten is a cat, then the distance between its anus and the urogenital opening is more than 1 centimeter. Such details as testicles are not observed in a newborn kitten, so visually, both holes resemble two points. The photo below will illustrate the difference in the genitals of newborn kittens.
  2. If the kitten is a cat, then its urogenital opening and anus are located at a distance of no more than 1 centimeter from each other. Visually, both holes look like a point and a longitudinal one.

One month old kitten

If the owner of the animal wants to find out where the cat is and where the cat is, then you need to wait. This is due to the fact that the testes in cats do not descend into the scrotum until exactly three months of the animal’s life.

But there is a simple way to identify a male cat among kittens. Before executing it you should:

  1. The owner should wash, dry and sanitize their hands. Keep them warm.
  2. Carefully place your pet, paws up, on your hand or lap.
  3. Slowly, using a finger and light pressure, move along the abdomen down to the anus. If the kitten is a cat, then in the process of moving his fingers under them, the owner can feel two “peas”, which are the testes. If the kitten is a cat, then there cannot be any “peas”. The location of the genital organs can be clearly seen in the photo below.

During this examination, you should not handle the kitten roughly or press hard on the genital area. Palpation should also be carried out as carefully as possible around the organs, and not over them.

Photo of the location of the genital organs in kittens:

Habits as a way to determine gender

Another way to recognize where a cat is is from habits, since a living creature has only its own character traits. In this regard, it is possible to find out the gender of a pet using the following criteria.

  • Indifferent to the owner.
  • They behave independently.
  • Active hunters.
  • They fiercely protect their personal space and are active in games.
  • Very clean.
  • If a cat has marked its territory, it can also scratch objects surrounding the area.
  • They are carefree and reach out to their owner, happily making contact with him.
  • Affectionate.
  • Lazy, and mostly sleep or eat.
  • They devote little time to self-care.
  • Cat . His urine has a strong pungent odor.

These features are generalized, and the animal may have individual character traits.

Coat color as a way to determine sex in kittens

To recognize where a cat is where a cat is, a medically based theory will help, according to which, if it is a cat, then it has a red “fur coat.” Tortoiseshell kittens are usually female.

The color of a kitten's coat directly depends on the number of X chromosomes in the pet's body. Female kittens with 2 X chromosomes have a tortoiseshell color, but male kittens with 1 X chromosome cannot have this coat color. If a cat was born wearing such a three-color “fur coat,” then there is a high probability that he will not be able to have offspring.

Of course, nature can give an animal any color, but information on how to identify a female cat is based on the most likely color distribution in boys and girls. It should be noted that kittens with white and black fur can be either male or female.

Folk signs as a way to determine gender

Another way to identify a male cat is to rely on the experience accumulated over the years by cat owners. Some argue that you can determine the sex of kittens by:

  1. Look. Cats look more wary, and cats have a confident look.
  2. Wool. Cats have thick hair between the genitals, but cats, on the contrary, have practically none.
  3. Urine. Male secretions have a strong odor.
  4. Tail. When a kitten lowers its tail to the floor when drinking, this indicates that there is a cat in front of the owner; if the tail is raised, then the cat is in front of the owner.
  5. Morde. Facial expression and features can also help the pet owner recognize the gender of the animal. Males, as a rule, have sharp and large features, while female cats have soft and smooth lines of features.
  6. General appearance. Male kittens have a strong and visually large build, while female kittens have a petite and graceful build.

In the photo below, you can see the difference in appearance between cats and cats.

  1. According to a special period in the life of cats. When she rubs against furniture and things around her, she does not allow herself to be held in her arms and strongly arches her back. Cats, during the period of sexual desire, meow loudly, become aggressive and mark their territory. In order to save both of them from “suffering”, the animals are brought together for mating. If the owner has not seen this process, and he is tormented by the question of how to determine that the cat has covered the cat, then he should monitor the animals. If the pets do not observe the behavior that was before mating, or after some time it turns out that, then the answer to this question is positive.

In conclusion, it should be said that it is possible to determine what gender a kitten is before it reaches three months of age, guided by the above recommendations.

A veterinarian can determine the sex of a kitten of any age, but it is not easy for a non-professional to cope with this task, especially when the cubs are still very small. However, having the necessary knowledge, good eyesight and observation skills, it will not be difficult to find out the gender of kittens on your own. When is the easiest time to determine the sex of an animal? How to determine the gender of a kitten based on the structure of its genitals? How to distinguish a cat from a female cat by physique and voice?

At what age is it easiest to determine what gender a kitten is?

The more time has passed since the kitten was born, the easier it is to understand what gender it belongs to. Any person can determine the gender of a 2-3 month old animal. By this age, kittens’ genitals have completed their formation; in boys, the scrotum is clearly visible, in girls, the genital slit is clearly visible.

It is possible to determine the sex of a kitten immediately after birth, but inexperienced owners often have difficulty with this. If you cannot immediately determine your gender, you should try again after 7 days. This time is considered appropriate - a week-old baby has already grown a little, moreover, in the first weeks of life, the eyes of representatives of the cat family are usually still closed, the animals are not distracted by external stimuli and behave more calmly.

There is practically no fur in the genital area of ​​a newborn kitten, which simplifies the task. From 10 days of age, the fur begins to grow rapidly, covering the external genitalia. Hairs make examination especially difficult in kittens of long-haired breeds.

From the 10th week, the testicles begin to increase in size. By 1.5 months, the testicles are already clearly visible. After a few more weeks, behavioral traits characteristic of different sexes appear. Boys are more energetic and playful, fight more actively for the mother's nipple, and are characterized by dominant behavior. They are calmer and make contact with people more easily. Kitties are more clean and spend a lot of time caring for their fur coat. From the moment of puberty, cats begin to mark their territory. Cats can also leave marks, but their smell is less pronounced.

Is it possible to distinguish a newborn male kitten from a girl?

It is possible to determine the gender of a newborn kitten. There are distinctive features that allow you to do this. It is easier to notice them if there are several cubs, since usually there are both males and females in the litter, which allows you to make a comparison and draw the right conclusion.

Immediately after birth, male cats can be distinguished from male cats externally only by differences in the structure of their genitalia. Other signs that make it possible to judge gender appear much later, therefore, if there is only one animal, and the cubs have no experience in determining the sex, it is very easy to make a mistake.

You can find out the sex of a newborn kitten using a blood test. DNA testing is carried out in veterinary clinics. The study allows you to get an error-free result, but requires significant financial costs, so it is used infrequently.

The most reliable way is to determine gender by external sexual characteristics (description and photo)

The main way to determine the gender of a kitten is by examining the external genitalia. To do this, it is recommended to choose a well-lit place, but sunlight should be avoided - if the baby has recently opened his eyes, bright light can harm him. If you have no experience in determining the sex of kittens, it is better to examine several animals at once, calling household members for help, or one after another to notice the difference.

For examination, choose a time when the kitten is well-fed and calm. It is impossible to tear him away from food - neither the mother nor the baby will like it. Hands are washed with soap and rinsed thoroughly. The skin should not smell - representatives of the cat family are very sensitive to odors.

The kitten should be carefully picked up (they should be warm), stroked and warmed. If he behaves restlessly and breaks out, you should wait to determine the sex.

Inspection time is limited to 1–2 minutes. There are several reasons for this:

  • Body heat regulation in small kittens is poorly developed; the animal can become hypothermic.
  • From being held for a long time, the kitten develops a foreign smell. The cat may react negatively to it, even abandon the baby and deprive him of milk.
  • A lengthy examination can be stressful for the kitten.

Determining the sex of the cub is as follows:

  • The kitten is placed in the palm of your hand or placed on a diaper with its tummy up or down, as is more convenient.
  • Carefully, without tugging, retract the tail and assess the distance between the anus and the urethra. In female cats it is significantly less than in female cats. In newborn females this value is 3–5 mm, in males it is about 10.
  • Determine the shape of the opening of the urethra. In cats it is round or oval, in cats it is oblong and looks like a vertical line (see photo).
  • The fur in the genital area is assessed. In females it is less dense. To reduce the procedure time, you can photograph the desired area and slowly examine it later, comparing it with a visual aid.

Some breeders sterilize kittens not suitable for breeding at 2–4 months of age. The scrotum of such kittens is not visible. A small neutered cat can be distinguished by the shape of the genital openings in the manner described above. The presence of a scar will indicate that the cat is male if the cat was castrated 3 months ago or later.

The palpation method will help you find out the sex of the animal. It is used to determine the presence or absence of testicles. With the index finger and thumb closed, the genital area is probed. If a swelling or pea-shaped area is felt between the anus and the urethra, this is a cat; a flat area is a cat. During manipulations, you should not put too much pressure on the genitals so as not to damage them. Veterinarians recommend not to take risks and postpone this procedure until the kitten reaches one month of age.

Is it possible to distinguish a male from a female by appearance - muzzle, physique, voice?

Theoretically, you can recognize where a boy is and where a girl is by the voice, structure of the animal’s muzzle and body. This method cannot be called reliable, since these signs largely depend on individual characteristics. It takes experience to learn to distinguish the traits characteristic of babies of different sexes.

Males have a more massive build, their chest is wider. Their paws and head are larger, the back of their nose and cheekbones are wider. The girl's body is more graceful, her muzzle is thinner, and has smooth lines. Males are more active than females in producing milk, growing faster and gaining weight. Large kittens most often turn out to be boys, but there are exceptions. These differences do not become visible immediately, but only after several weeks.

It is believed that you can distinguish a small cat from a cat by its voice. In males it is lower and coarser than in females. The latter are more “talkative”, communicating using a drawn-out squeak. The method of determining gender by voice cannot be called reliable, because if something bothers babies, they will make plaintive squeaking sounds regardless of gender, and the tone of the voice largely depends on the characteristics of a particular animal.

An additional sign of gender is color

Sometimes you can tell a cat from a cat by the color of its fur. Determining the sex will not be difficult if the kitten has a tortoiseshell color, consisting of 3 colors - black, red and white. The first two are present in significant quantities, but the presence of the latter is not always noticeable. Their intensity varies from bright to muted (beige, cream, brown, ash, blue).

Tortoiseshell Maine Coon kitten

The fur of tortoiseshells consists of irregularly shaped markings, spots and stripes. Due to the genetic characteristics of the inheritance of coat color, a kitten with this color is 99% likely to be female. As a result of a gene defect, in rare cases, tortoiseshell seals are born; such animals are naturally infertile. Breeds that are characterized by this coloring are British, Maine Coons, Sphynxes, Persians, Cornish Rexes, but it is also found in outbred animals.

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