Home Plaque on the tongue Measures aimed at the prevention of diabetes mellitus. Scientific electronic library

Measures aimed at the prevention of diabetes mellitus. Scientific electronic library

Diabetes is a chronic and very insidious disease. It can cause serious cardiovascular and neurological complications and even death.

But is it possible to prevent the development of pathological changes in the body? Prevention diabetes+ type 2 diabetes mellitus will completely prevent this disease or at least significantly delay its onset with hereditary predisposition.

To understand whether the prevention of the development of diabetes mellitus is effective, let us dwell in more detail on the classification of the disease. In medicine, its two types are distinguished - the first and second.

First type

SD-1 (insulin-dependent, juvenile) is characterized by irreversible destruction of pancreatic cells and the development of absolute insufficiency of the hormone insulin. May be autoimmune or idiopathic. As a rule, it is associated with genetic (sometimes hereditary) anomalies and develops regardless of the action of environmental factors.

This form of the disease is characterized by a sudden onset, severe course and progressive development of complications. Glycemia in patients is controlled by regular injections of insulin.

Note! Most often, CD-1 is diagnosed in children and young adults, but it can occur at any age.

Second type

DM-2 (insulin-independent) diabetes can develop against a background of a slight decrease in insulin secretion. The main thing in the pathogenesis of the disease is the formation of resistance (insensitivity) of peripheral cell receptors to the hormone.

In addition to hereditary predisposition, the influence of which is less pronounced than in DM-1, there are the following factors disease risk:

  • obesity (especially in the abdominal type);
  • chronic pancreatitis, cysts, cancer and other lesions of the pancreas;
  • frequent viral infections;
  • stress;
  • elderly age.

Prevention of serious hormonal disorders will help prevention: type 2 diabetes responds well to it.

Prevention of type 1 diabetes

Type 1 diabetes accounts for less than 9-10%. In Russia, the incidence of them is 14.7 cases for every hundred thousand.

How can insulin-dependent diabetes be prevented: the prevention of pathology is conditionally divided into primary, secondary, tertiary.

Table 1: Levels of preventive measures to prevent T1DM:


Primary prevention diabetes mellitus is most relevant for children and adolescents at high risk of the disease.

It can be assessed for:

  • specialized genetics consultation;
  • typing HLA haplotypes;
  • the presence of CD-1 in blood relatives.

Note! The risk of developing IDDM in the presence of this pathology in one of the parents or siblings usually does not exceed 5-6%. At the same time, relatives with CD-2 are not taken into account, since these forms of hyperglycemia are inherited independently of each other.

The complexity of all preventive measures lies in the lack of information about the factors that trigger the autoimmune process in the body. Most of the research results (TEDDY, TRIGR, TrialNet Nip, etc.) are advisory in nature.

So, what is primary prevention - type 1 diabetes can be prevented if:

  1. Minimize the possibility of infection with Coxsackie B viruses, measles, chicken pox, mumps, CMVI (there are data according to which these infections can become triggers of an autoimmune process).
  2. Exclude cow's milk protein from the diet of children under 2 years of age.
  3. Breastfeed a baby under 6 months old.
  4. Eliminate gluten-containing foods from the diet of children under 1 year old.
  5. During pregnancy and lactation, consume a sufficient amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3.


Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus should be carried out by those patients in whose body pathological autoimmune processes have already developed in relation to the islets of Langerhans of the pancreas.

They can be determined by the presence of specific markers in a laboratory blood test:

  • ICA, antibodies to pancreatic islet cells;
    anti-GAD65, antibodies to glutamate decarboxylase;
  • IAA - AT to the hormone-insulin;
  • IA-2beta - antibodies to pancreatic tyrosine phosphatase, etc.

Important! Pathological antibodies appear in the blood of the disease several years before the manifestation of the disease.

There are a number clinical research oral administration of insulin to persons with high antibody titers aged 3-45 years in order to reduce autoimmune destruction of the pancreas.


The most widely used in medicine is tertiary prevention of this form of the disease. For maximum effectiveness, it should be started in the first weeks after diagnosis.

It is known that after the manifestation of the disease, about 10-20% of pancreatic beta-cells still retain their functional activity. The task of medical measures is to preserve the remaining foci and, if possible, activate its regeneration.

Currently, the prevention of diabetes mellitus tertiary includes a number of areas:

  1. Antigen-specific therapy, which consists in the use of autoantigens involved in the destruction of pancreatic cells.
  2. Antigen-specific therapy, which includes drugs that block mediators of the autoimmune process. Among them are Rituximab, Anakindra, etc.

In conclusion, it should be noted that despite the advances in medical science, reliable and safe methods for preventing the development of DM-1 in patients with a genetic predisposition have not yet been developed.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

This type accounts for up to 90-95% of all cases of the disease. Among the reasons for the sharp increase in its prevalence are:

  • urbanization;
  • features of the lifestyle of a city dweller;
  • malnutrition;
  • an increase in the prevalence of obesity.

Familiar to all physicians clinical feature NIDDM is a long and asymptomatic course. Most patients are not even aware of pathological changes in the body and learn about their diagnosis by accident.

This is interesting. According to statistics, for every identified patient with type 2 diabetes, there are 2-3 people with hyperglycemia who are unaware of problems with carbohydrate metabolism.

That is why screening preventive examinations have importance in diagnostic endocrinology.

Check Yourself: Diabetes Risk Groups

Persons at risk for NIDDM should be especially attentive to their health.

Factors that allow a patient to be classified in this category include:

  • age over 40-45 years;
  • high BMI, abdominal obesity;
  • aggravated hereditary history of diabetes;
  • hypodynamia;
  • impaired glucose tolerance;
  • gestational diabetes or the birth of a large fetus (> 4.5 kg) in history;
  • AH, CVD diseases;
  • dyslipidemia;
  • PCOS in women.

As in the case of type 1 diabetes, the prevention and treatment of type 2 diabetes in men and women consists of three stages.

Table 2: Levels of preventive measures to prevent T2DM:


Since both hereditary predisposition and environmental factors are distinguished in the etiology of CD-2, the disease can be prevented (or delayed for a long time) by adjusting the lifestyle.

Prevention checklist for people with risk factors includes:

  • Correction of lifestyle and nutrition(all recommendations of the doctor the patient must comply with for life):
    1. normalization of body weight;
    2. hypocaloric diet;
    3. a sharp restriction of easily digestible carbohydrates and fats in the diet;
    4. presence in daily menu fresh vegetables, fruits;
    5. fractional meals 4-5 r / day;
    6. thorough chewing of food;
    7. compliance with an adequate diet;
    8. increasing the level of physical activity;
    9. support of relatives and medical staff.
  • According to the doctor– medical correction of obesity. The drugs of choice are:
    1. Sibutramine;
    2. Orlistat;
    3. Metformin.
  • Drug treatment of atherosclerosis and dyslipidemia. The currently preferred agents are statins (Atorvastatin, Simvastatin).
  • antihypertensive therapy:
    1. beta blockers;
    2. diuretics;
    3. ACE inhibitors;
    4. calcium antagonists.

This is interesting. The means of alternative medicine have also proven themselves well. A drug based on Jerusalem artichoke concentrate Noteo is widely known: prevention of diabetes is carried out by lowering sugar levels, strengthening immunity, thinning blood, normalizing metabolism, and improving bowel function.


  • impaired glycemia - at a glucose concentration of 5.6-6.0 mmol / l in capillary (peripheral, from a finger) blood;
  • NTG - with sugar above 7.8 mmol / l 2 hours after oral administration of glucose solution.

Apart from general rules The lifestyle interventions described in the section above have 4 goals for people with prediabetes:

  • weight loss (more than 5% of the original);
  • a decrease in the fat content in food (should be less than 30% of the daily calorie content, for saturated animal fats - less than 10%);
  • regular consumption of vegetables and fruits (more than 15 g fiber / 1000 kcal);
  • Physical exercise at least 4 r / week.

Their achievement allows minimizing the risks of pathological hyperglycemia formation.

In addition, according to the doctor's indications, Metformin may be prescribed for prophylactic purposes.


Prevention of complications in diabetes mellitus consists in drug correction of hyperglycemia, dyslipoproteinemia, hypertension and other risk factors. Target values the main laboratory parameters are presented in the table below.

Table 3: Target values ​​of analyzes for SD-2:

Thus, measures to prevent the development of diabetes include mandatory screening studies, as well as correction of lifestyle, physical activity and nutrition. The epidemic nature of CD-2 indicates the need to introduce early detection and prevention of the disease at the state level.

Questions to the doctor

Absence of clinical manifestations

Greetings! My name is Marina, I am 48 years old. Recently I was invited to the clinic for a physical examination, I decided to check my health. Sugar was increased - 7.4. I retaken it in another laboratory on an empty stomach - 6.9. Is it diabetes? I have no complaints, I feel great, there were no diabetics in my family.

Hello! Most likely, you have developed diabetes. The great insidiousness of this pathology lies in the long asymptomatic course: many patients learn about pathological changes in the body only after the development of severe complications.

You are lucky - you were diagnosed with the disease on time. Be sure to contact the endocrinologist to draw up a plan for further action.

Probability of Inheritance

I have diabetes (type 1) since childhood. Now my husband and I are planning a child. Can my illness be inherited from him? How to prevent it?

Hello! CD-1 is inherited in both the female and male lines. The probability of transmission of the disease from mother to future offspring does not exceed 3-7%. You can read more about preventive measures above.

Treatment of diabetes. Prevention of diabetes

Prevention of diabetes

First of all, heredity plays an important role in the pathogenesis of diabetes. That is why already at this stage we can safely say that the risk of developing diabetes for a person if one of the parents was sick or sick is 30%, if both are about 60%. It should be remembered that diabetes is not only a hereditary disease. The combination of risk factors in various combinations, according to many endocrinologists, equalizes the risks with aggravated heredity. So, for example, an obese person who often suffers from viral diseases has a risk of developing diabetes in the same 30%.

Currently, we can safely say that diabetes is an almost incurable disease. With its treatment, it is possible to achieve stable remission (lack of clinical symptoms and complaints), however, it is almost impossible to completely restore the function of pancreatic cells / cell tolerance to insulin. That is why the prevention of diabetes among the above risk groups plays an important role, because the disease is easier to prevent than to treat.

In modern medicine, all prevention of diabetes mellitus is classified into primary and secondary.

Primary prevention of diabetes

Under the primary means the prevention of the development of diabetes as a disease - the elimination or reduction of the influence of risk factors, lifestyle changes, preventive measures, both in risk groups and among individuals.

The main preventive measures for type 2 diabetes mellitus (non-insulin dependent) should include the rationalization of adult nutrition, adequate dosing of physical activity, prevention of obesity and its correction (treatment) if necessary. At the same time, foods that contain easily digestible carbohydrates (sugar, cakes, pastries, etc.) or animal fats should be excluded from the diet or limited. These recommendations can help prevent the development of diabetes in risk groups - among people with a family history of obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, women with gestational diabetes or similar episodes in the past.

Unfortunately, it can be stated that these measures are aimed only at reducing the influence of risk factors, but cannot be fully called the prevention of diabetes. At the development stage, there are now diagnostics that allow you to determine the risk of developing diabetes at the earliest stages, however, they are only designed to determine the risk of developing diabetes, and not to prevent its development.

Secondary prevention of diabetes

Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus - measures aimed primarily at preventing the complications of diabetes mellitus and its further progression.

Among the complications of diabetes mellitus in modern endocrinology, it is customary to distinguish early and late (chronic).

TO early complications include those states for the development of which little time is needed - hours and days. Among them are:

  • 1) Hypoglycemia - a decrease in blood sugar levels below the maximum allowable values ​​(on most scales below 3.3 mmol / l). The causes can be many factors, ranging from overdose hypoglycemic drugs or insulin and ending with malnutrition, diet, excessive exercise, or drinking large amounts of alcohol. The terminal state of this complication is called hypoglycemic coma and can lead to serious consequences.
  • 2) Hyperglycemia - an increase in blood sugar levels above the maximum allowable values ​​(according to various scales above 5.5-6.7 mmol / l). The main reason for this condition is skipping the intake of insulin, which causes a rapid increase in blood glucose. The terminal state of this complication - hyperglycemic (hyperosmolar) coma - is accompanied by loss of consciousness and can pose a threat to the patient's life.
  • 3) Ketoacidosis is a disorder caused by the accumulation of ketone bodies (fat breakdown products) in the blood and their effect on the central nervous system. Prolonged ketoacidosis (not to mention ketoacidotic coma) leads to damage to vital organs and systems, sometimes incompatible with life. It should be noted that ketoacidosis and ketoacidotic coma are direct indications for hospitalization of a patient in a hospital for health reasons.

Late complications take months or years to develop. Among them, the main ones are:

  • 1) Diabetic nephropathy - damage to the small vessels of the kidneys, characterized by the appearance of protein in the urine, a decrease in its amount, swelling and pain in the lower back. Depending on the degree of nephropathy, it can lead to chronic kidney failure varying degrees gravity.
  • 2) Diabetic neuropathy also refers to chronic complications diabetes mellitus. This condition is characterized by peripheral nerves due to circulatory disorders and accumulation of toxic products. The main symptoms are numbness, pain and convulsions - can progress for a long time, gradually reducing the quality of life of patients.
  • 3) The diabetic foot is skin changes, articular problems and disorders of the innervation of the feet caused by long-term diabetes mellitus. Circulatory disorders can lead to trophic ulcers, innervation - to numbness of the skin of the legs up to the complete loss of all types of sensitivity. At the same time, any scratch or abrasion is characterized by very poor healing dynamics, which often causes quite a lot of discomfort to a diabetic patient.

If, nevertheless, the development of diabetes mellitus could not be prevented, treatment involves a lifelong correction, because diabetes is not just a disease, but a very special lifestyle.

Necessary measures in the treatment of diabetes

In the first place in the treatment of diabetes should be a diet in which the intake of fats, cholesterol and foods containing sugar should be especially severely limited.

In addition to diet, physical activity should also be controlled, which should not reach a degree above moderate (as we have already indicated, excessive physical stress provokes a sharp increase in glucose consumption and can lead to hypoglycemia).

Depending on the type of diabetes mellitus and the severity of the process, as well as the presence or absence of complications, it is recommended to take hypoglycemic drugs or insulin, dosages and frequency of use are calculated individually based on the analysis data (in particular, the glycemic profile).

Important at the same time chronic disease is the constant monitoring of blood sugar levels (according to most recommendations, it is necessary once a week - two weeks). In addition, it is periodically necessary to monitor the functions of other organs, in particular the kidneys and liver, the state of the retina, etc.

It is also important to indicate the features of the course of diabetes mellitus in people of different sexes and age groups.

diabetes mellitus in children

So, diabetes mellitus in children is mainly type 1 diabetes (insulin-dependent) and is characterized by a rather aggressive course. Type 2 diabetes develops more often in people over 45 years of age, and affects mainly men. At the same time, diabetes mellitus in men has more vivid symptoms than diabetes in women. This is due, on the one hand, to hormonal features, on the other hand, with stress factors, which men are more susceptible to and more difficult to endure.

Prevention and treatment of diabetes mellitus at the Institute for Advanced Medicine

Diabetes is one common causes seeking medical help from specialists medical center Institute for Advanced Medicine.

Extensive experience with patients with diabetes is confirmed by the feedback of our patients. Yes, this disease cannot be cured, but carrying out the necessary prevention of diabetes mellitus is the most important event that can be done during the "reverse wave" session. The "reverse wave" method allows the body to independently activate internal mechanisms aimed at balanced work of the endocrine system.

Do not wait possible complications diabetes, heal your body now!

Diabetes mellitus has become such a common disease that every literate person who cares about their health should know what diabetes prevention is.

Primary prevention

Prevention of diabetes is divided into primary and secondary. The primary prevention of diabetes is to follow a series of rules that will help prevent a person from getting sick. To do this, you need to monitor your weight, eat right, be in motion as much as possible.
Of course, there are factors that no one can influence - this is a hereditary predisposition, age and developmental features in the womb, but realizing that this can lead to illness, everything should be done to prevent it.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes

Prevention of type 2 diabetes should begin, first of all, with diet. Compliance healthy eating touches on this moment everyone. The excess amounts of fats and simple carbohydrates that are found in products offered on every corner easily lead to various problems when they are consumed. This is manifested in the fact that intestinal problems develop, immunity decreases, extra pounds are gained, the body's tolerance to glucose is impaired, and diabetes mellitus appears. Diet to prevent diabetes great value, and is an essential factor not only for disease prevention, but also for successful treatment.

Prevention in type 2 diabetes is not only to reduce the consumption of carbohydrate foods, but also to limit animal fats and replace them with vegetable ones. The diet should be dominated by fresh vegetables and high in fiber, which slows down the absorption of carbohydrates in the intestines.

But no diet will help if you maintain a sedentary lifestyle. When unable to practice strength exercises, you can just take daily walks at an average pace, practice morning exercises, go swimming, ride a bike, go to the gym.

You should keep yourself busy and communicate with nice people. This will save the body from unnecessary psycho-emotional overload, each of which can lead to the development of diabetes or deterioration in this disease.

Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in children consists of the same rules as in adults, it is especially necessary to pay attention to their implementation if there is a hereditary tendency for the baby to violate carbohydrate metabolism. Taste preferences formed in the early age, and if the child eats rationally, then the risk of pathology is reduced many times over. Not bad if the kid will attend sports section, more often walk on the street. At the same time, the time spent at the desk and computer should be reduced to the minimum reasonable limits.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus in women should include the possibility of developing gestational diabetes in pregnant women, which can then turn into an insulin-independent form of the disease after childbirth. Therefore, if there are relatives suffering from this disease, in case of overweight, wrong mode day and poor nutrition, pregnancy should be planned in advance. It is necessary to pass all the tests, determine the degree of risk, review the diet and do special exercises. During gestation, you should regularly donate blood for sugar.

Prevention of type 1 diabetes

Primary prevention of type 1 diabetes should start at birth. Its measures include:

1. Mandatory breastfeeding. Prevention of diabetes mellitus in children involves the use of mother's milk for food, since in the first year of a child's life it is a source of immune bodies, which helps prevent infectious and viral diseases. In addition, artificial mixtures contain cow's milk, which can adversely affect the functioning of the pancreas.

2. In some cases, in order to avoid the development of inflammatory processes caused by pathogenic microorganisms and viruses, children are recommended to take immunomodulating agents like interferon.

Prevention of complications of diabetes

The most dangerous thing in diabetes is the development of complications. They can be acute, in the form of a coma, and chronic (in this case, the internal organs are affected). More often acute conditions occur in the insulin-dependent form. Therefore, the prevention of complications in diabetes mellitus necessarily includes strict control of blood sugar, regular visits to an endocrinologist, compliance with all recommendations, the use of insulin and hypoglycemic agents.

Among the defeats internal organs most often found:

1. Diseases of the heart and blood vessels, as well as problems of cerebral circulation. According to statistics, mortality from coronary heart disease and the development of acute pathology of cerebral vessels in diabetics is much higher than in other people. Therefore, the second most important indicator that needs to be monitored constantly is blood cholesterol. It is also necessary to constantly monitor the level blood pressure, do not eat fats of animal origin, stop drinking alcohol and smoking.

2. The problem of the organs of vision. Often in such patients, cataracts, glaucoma, are detected. The state of such diseases can be really improved only in initial stages their development. This means that methods of preventing diabetes should include regular visit oculist.

3. The development of diabetic neuropathy can only be stopped by constant monitoring of blood sugar and maximum efforts to normalize it.

4. Pathology of the kidneys. If nephropathy occurs, it is recommended to revise the diet, and reduce the intake of protein foods.

5. Infections. In order to prevent suppuration of wound surfaces, and the development of a generalized process, it is recommended to carefully treat any external damage. antiseptics. Be sure to also visit the dentist, and sanitation of foci of infection in the body.

Prevention of diabetes is the way to health. Timely measures taken will make it possible to exclude the appearance of the disease in people at risk, and for those suffering from an illness, they will become a saving panacea.

In the mirror of statistics

Worldwide, 6% of the population suffers from diabetes. Every year, this serious disease is diagnosed in 6 million people. In America, one in ten people has diabetes. Every 7 seconds, doctors on the planet make this disappointing diagnosis to different patients. More than a million amputations are performed annually, associated with complications caused by diabetes, and stopping damage to the kidneys, blood vessels, eyes, and heart.

Nearly 700,000 people with diabetes go blind, and another 500,000 people have kidney failure. Diabetes claims 4 million lives every year. And by 2013, diabetes may become the most deadly disease. According to lethal statistics, diabetes is no longer inferior to AIDS and hepatitis.

Definition of diabetes

Diabetes mellitus is one of the most complex chronic autoimmune diseases. It occurs due to a malfunction in the metabolism of carbohydrates, more precisely, due to an increase in blood sugar levels. The development of diabetes is associated with a deficiency of the hormone insulin produced by the pancreas.

If diabetes is not treated and the diet is not followed, the disease will lead to the worst scenario.

Risk factors for diabetes

Diabetes is considered a young disease.

In the middle of the last century, scientists were able to determine the differences between the types of the disease and determine the treatment system for each.

But questions about how to properly treat diabetes, why it appears and whether patients have a chance for a cure remain unanswered.

Even despite nanotechnology, numerous experiments and studies, it is impossible to fundamentally solve these problems in the prevention of diabetes. Diabetes can occur due to the influence of certain external factors or internal causes associated with heredity and the peculiarity of the organism.


Statistics and observations of specialists clearly reflect the first cause associated with heredity. Type I diabetes can be inherited with a probability of 10% on the paternal side and 2-7% on the maternal side. When diagnosing the disease in both parents, the risk of its transmission by inheritance increases to 70%.

Type II diabetes can be inherited with a probability of 80% from both mother and father. In the case when both father and mother are insulin-dependent, the threshold for the manifestation of the disease in children approaches 100%, especially in the absence of diabetes prevention. Most often this happens in adulthood. The percentages may be different, but doctors are sure of one thing - diabetes is inherited.

There is such a thing as body mass index. It can be calculated using the formula: weight in kilograms divided by height in meters squared. If the figures obtained range from 30 to 34.91, and obesity is of an abdominal nature, that is, the appearance of the body resembles an apple, the predisposition to diabetes is very high.

Waist size also matters. The body mass index can be high, and the waist is less than 88 cm in women and 102 cm in men. Wasp waist not only looks beautiful, but is also a protection against diabetes.

condition of the pancreas

Diseases of the endocrine glands, tumor of the pancreas, its damage due to trauma, pancreatitis - all these factors lead to pancreatic dysfunction, which results in the development of diabetes mellitus.


Influenza, smallpox, rubella, hepatitis provoke the disease. The bottom line is the trigger mechanism. This means that a simple viral infection will not lead to diabetes in the average person. But if the patient is at risk (he is overweight and has a genetic predisposition), even an elementary cold can cause diabetes.

Diabetes mellitus, present in the genes in standby mode, may never manifest itself unless such negative circumstances as malnutrition, the presence of bad habits, lack of walks in the fresh air, stressful situation, sedentary lifestyle.

All these external causes, which can be completely suppressed, increase the risk of disease.

Memo on the prevention of diabetes

We offer to study the reminder for the prevention of diabetes. These are the main recommendations on how to prevent diabetes. Sticking to them will not be difficult:

  1. Observe the regime of the day;
  2. Do not overwork and do not be nervous;
  3. Hygiene and cleanliness around you is the key to health;
  4. Do exercises, go in for sports;
  5. Don't smoke or drink;
  6. Visit a doctor, take tests;
  7. Eat right, do not overeat, read the composition of the products.

Prevention of diabetes in women

Women whose weight has increased by more than 17 kg during pregnancy, as well as happy mothers who have given birth to a baby of 4.5 kg and above, are also at risk. It is better to start prevention after childbirth, but do not delay this process. Diabetes mellitus develops gradually, and its appearance can take up to several years.

Among the main preventive measures for women, the following are common:

  • Weight recovery;
  • Healthy lifestyle;
  • Physical exercise.

How to prevent diabetes in a child

Prevention of childhood diabetes should start at birth. If the child is on artificial nutrition, that is, uses special mixtures, and not breast milk, it is necessary to transfer it to a lactose-free diet. The basis of standard mixtures is cow's milk, which negatively affects the work of the pancreas.

Another important measure is the creation of a healthy environment for the child and the implementation of preventive measures for viral infections.

Diabetes mellitus of both types is considered a female disease. But men at risk can also get it. To get a quick positive result prevention should begin as early as possible.

  • To carry out measures for the prevention of obesity and normalization of weight;
  • Organize proper nutrition;
  • Stop smoking and drinking alcohol once and for all;
  • Control jumps in blood pressure (if there is a predisposition to them) by taking hypertensive drugs;
  • Consult a doctor at the first signs of illness, after 40 years of age, undergo annual preventive examinations from specialists, take a blood test for sugar levels;
  • Do not take medicines without the consent of the doctor;
  • Avoid stressful situations, control the increased emotional background with sedatives;
  • Timely treat infectious diseases that can cause diabetes;
  • Get active, do not ignore exercise and your favorite sport.

All these tips will not only prevent the development of diabetes.

But they also normalize the work of internal organs, help maintain normal weight and improve heart rate.

Prevention of diabetes mellitus: difference by type

Type 1 diabetes occurs due to insufficient production of insulin by the body. Patients with this type require daily artificial injections of insulin into the body. This type used to be called insulin-dependent or youthful. They affect 10% of diabetics.

Type II diabetes mellitus is a disease that occurs due to insulin resistance. In this condition, the cells do not properly use the hormone insulin. This form was called non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, or adult.

Prevention of type I diabetes

There is no way to prevent the onset of type 1 diabetes. But there are some recommendations to delay or suspend the development of the disease.

Preventive measures are especially needed by people at risk - who have a hereditary predisposition.

Basic preventive measures for type 1 diabetes:

  • Correct balanced diet. Include vegetables and fruits in your diet. Reduce your consumption of canned foods. Watch out for artificial additives in your food. Diversify your diet.
  • Prevent the development of viral and infectious diseases. Due to the common cold, diabetes can develop.
  • Give up tobacco and alcoholic beverages for good. The harm from alcohol to the body is simply incredible. And a cigarette is unlikely to add a couple of years to life.

Prevention of type II diabetes

At risk are people whose age is approaching 50 years, as well as those who have diabetes among close relatives. The most important prevention for them is the annual control of blood sugar levels. Such a useful measure will allow diagnosing the disease on the very early stage. Early treatment is the key to success.

Most often, type II diabetes affects people who are prone to overweight or already developed obesity. For them, nutritional adjustment is very important, which boils down to following the following recommendations:

  • Despite being overweight, in no case do not starve and do not torture yourself with fashionable and seemingly “effective” fast diets.
  • Eat small meals at specific times.
  • Ge overeat and do not eat without appetite.
  • Include your favorite vegetables and fruits in your diet, let there be a lot of them. And it is better not to eat fatty, canned, floury and sweet.

In addition to nutrition, you must adhere to other recommendations:

  • Go in for sports, include moderate physical activity in your habitual lifestyle.
  • Be in good shape. Keep up your spirits, drive depression away from yourself, avoid stressful situations. Nervous exhaustion is an open door for diabetes.

Primary prevention of diabetes

Primary prevention consists in observing certain rules that will prevent the appearance of diabetes mellitus. Secondary prevention is aimed at preventing complications in an already progressing disease.

But there are factors that a person cannot change or influence on them. These are genetics, heredity, age, development in the womb, characteristics of the body.

Secondary prevention of diabetes

If the disease overtook you, do not despair. It's not a death sentence yet. People live with diabetes, and even with more serious pathologies. Secondary prevention of diabetes mellitus begins with the following activities:

  1. Restriction of light carbohydrates in the diet and maintenance of normal body weight;
  2. Physical activity, taking into account age-related changes;
  3. The use of hypoglycemic agents;
  4. Parenteral administration of multivitamins;
  5. Regulation of blood pressure;
  6. Normalization of lipid metabolism;
  7. Switching to insulin therapy with a weak effect of the diet;
  8. When diagnosing diseases of internal organs, it is necessary to conduct a course of treatment;
  9. Achieving daily normoglycemia (normal blood sugar levels) - in the complex from all the measures taken.

Diet to prevent diabetes

To reduce the risk of diabetes, you need to eat a certain group of foods:

  • Vegetables;
  • poultry meat;
  • Fruits;
  • Juices without sugar;
  • Lean fish.
  • Replace fried with boiled, baked or stewed;
  • Exclude flour, smoked, spicy, salty;
  • Use a sweetener instead of sugar.

Sample menu for one day

For the first meal, cook milk-based buckwheat porridge and fry an omelet from two chicken eggs. As a mini dessert, you can 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese and a handful of berries.

During lunch, you can eat a couple of baked or raw apples, drink 250 ml of kefir and the same amount of rosehip broth.

Lunch will consist of borscht or vegetable soup (150 grams). For the second - boiled chicken breast (150 grams), 100 grams of boiled vegetables or fresh vegetable salad (150 grams).

Treat yourself to a cottage cheese casserole for an afternoon snack. You can also one boiled egg and a glass of low-fat yogurt.

For dinner, options are possible: the first is oven-cooked or boiled fish with steamed vegetables (250 grams), the second is minced meat cutlet with stewed vegetables (300 grams), the third is steamed shrimp with asparagus or other legumes (also 300 grams).

This is just one of thousands of possible diets.

Cook meals with a minimum amount of fat, salt and sugar. Weigh portions. Dieting is your chance to gain health and prolong your life.

What to do to prevent diabetes

A person who leads an active lifestyle and moves a lot is happy and healthy. Find your way to release energy. And we are happy to tell you about the most popular:

  1. Walking. Hiking every day at a distance of up to 3 kilometers reduce the risk of complications by 18%. You can walk in Scandinavian style, in the forest, along the paths - whatever you like. The main thing is comfortable shoes and an interesting companion.
  2. Swimming. A universal remedy for all diseases. The load on the body during swimming develops all muscle groups and has a positive effect on heart rate and the respiratory system.
  3. Bike. This two wheeler can be your best friend. Cycling lowers glucose and strengthens your body.

In order not to become one of the millions of diabetic patients, do not ignore preventive measures. They are known to everyone: nutrition, weight, activity. Life can be interesting, even with such a disappointing diagnosis. The main thing is to find your interest, communicate with like-minded people and never lose heart.

Prevention of stroke with drugs and folk remedies

Stroke prevention is of great importance for every person in our time. Stroke is Negative consequences changes taking place in the brain. This process is characterized by a failure in the blood supply to the cells, as a result of which they die. Symptoms may appear within 24 hours. Sometimes the patient dies instantly. After a stroke, in most cases, the patient is assigned a disability, since serious disorders occur in nervous system. Therefore, it is better to know how to avoid a stroke than to deal with the negative consequences of the disease.

Risk of stroke, causes

Currently, many are asking the question “how to protect yourself from a stroke?” by the most important point is to prevent risk factors.

They, in turn, are divided into three groups:

  1. predisposing factors. They cannot be corrected. These include gender and age, as well as heredity. Basically, the elderly are considered the most susceptible part. In men, this disease can occur much earlier.
  2. behavioral factors. Subject to correction. These include addiction to smoking, drugs and alcohol, frequent stress, depression, heavy stress, taking certain medications, and being overweight.
  3. metabolic factors. These include patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, violation of lipid metabolism and blood clotting.

This pathology occurs due to failures in the blood supply. Numerous experiments prove that the main causes of strokes are interruptions in the work of the heart, problems with blood vessels, as well as changes in blood components. The result is a hemodynamic crisis that occurs in each patient in its own way.

The average pressure by which doctors are guided is 120/80. But for each person, these numbers may vary. When the body is adapted to high blood pressure, its decrease can cause an ischemic stroke. Such jumps are more associated with heart failure. There is a hypotensive crisis.

A coronary crisis can lead to increased heart rate or fibrillation of the left and right ventricles. The result is the instant development of an ischemic stroke.

There is currently a trend towards "rejuvenation" this disease. All this is due to the frantic pace of life. So at the first sign of a stroke or other problems, you should immediately seek medical help. specialized care. It is better to carry out prevention than to remain disabled or even worse - to lose your life.

The main directions of primary prevention of strokes

Prevention of cerebral stroke is divided into primary and secondary.

These include:

  • rapid identification of the problem and the necessary therapy for patients with primary hypertension;

Strokes are divided into two types:

  1. Ischemic.
  2. Hemorrhagic.

How to prevent a cerebral stroke? The primary prevention of stroke is a series of actions that are aimed at eliminating the development of cerebral circulation disorders. The doctor should give a short lecture on what should be the way of life, diet. Special attention is also paid to some warnings, for example, giving up bad habits. Do not forget about the treatment of heart disease, diabetes and other pathologies.

Drug therapy for stroke prevention

Medical prevention includes:

  • prescription of statins;
  • treatment of hypertension;
  • effective treatment of various infectious and somatic diseases;
  • addition of drug therapy with folk remedies that fight lipid metabolism disorders, as well as normalize blood pressure.

Chronic arterial disease occurs due to a failure in lipid metabolism and the progression of hypercholesterolemia. Cholesterol plaques over time, they accumulate on the walls of blood vessels, thereby slowing down blood flow. There are malfunctions in the work of the heart, brain and other organs of the human body. Plaques can break away from the vessels, leaving negative consequences behind them - ulcers. In this case, tissue nutrition is severely disrupted, a cerebral infarction occurs. How to prevent a stroke? This is a question that worries most of humanity.

Do not turn a blind eye to the increase in cholesterol levels. This condition must be treated, otherwise the risk of stroke increases by almost 30%. Statins are stroke prevention drugs because they fight elevated plasma lipids as well as cholesterol.

How to prevent a stroke?

  • First, you need to restore your normal blood pressure, since its increase often causes the development of cerebral strokes.
  • Secondly, you must adhere to the prescribed treatment by the doctor, as well as follow all the recommendations.

Stroke prevention - antihypertensive drugs. They are taken for a long time, which is determined by the attending physician. Additionally, other medications may be prescribed, including the prevention of stroke with folk remedies.

Primary prevention of stroke in women

Stroke in women, its prevention is practically no different from the rest. In our time, cerebral infarctions have often begun to develop in women from 18 to 40 years old. The point is that this is due to prolonged use oral contraceptives. Also, those women whose pregnancy proceeds with any pathological changes. Migraine is another factor that increases the risk of developing this disease. Can this danger be prevented?

To avoid a stroke, prevention must include many aspects, including:

  • exclusion from the lifestyle of bad habits;
  • periodic measurement of blood pressure to rule out hypertension;
  • following a special diet that includes only healthy foods;
  • when taking contraceptives, constant monitoring by a doctor is necessary;
  • the fight against hormonal disorders and other similar diseases.

To protect yourself from such an ailment as a stroke, you need to monitor the state of your body. If there is any failure, he will definitely report it. Every person feels it, but not everyone seeks help in time. Prevention of stroke in women is no different from men.

Secondary prevention of stroke

Secondary prevention refers to actions that are aimed at preventing a second stroke. It includes both pharmacological and non-pharmacological methods of struggle.

To avoid a stroke a second time, the doctor carries out the following therapeutic measures related to drug methods:

  • prescribing drugs against thrombosis;
  • fight against the normalization of blood pressure;
  • recommendations in the field of folk remedies;
  • surgical intervention.

TO non-drug methods can be attributed:

  • getting rid of bad habits;
  • adherence to a diet aimed at lowering blood cholesterol;
  • the appointment of therapeutic physical exercises, massage, walks in the fresh air;
  • getting rid of excess weight.

Antithrombotic drugs may also be prescribed to prevent recurrent stroke. These include aspirin, clopidogrel and others. The main thing is to do everything according to the recommendations of the attending doctor, then you can warn yourself against a stroke.

The doctor considers every aspect before prescribing a particular drug. Each drug has its own contraindications and side effects. After the examination, the specialist will understand which of them will be the most suitable.

Prevention of strokes folk remedies

Pine cones have always been famous for their useful properties. The phytoncides contained in them help restore immunity, and also fight many bacteria. Tannins have a positive effect on brain cells, so they are often recommended by doctors to patients who have suffered a stroke. In their composition there are a lot of components that can positively affect the entire body as a whole. Pine cone tincture can be made at home.

You will need small cones with seeds, which can be collected as early as March:

  1. Vodka tincture. You will need a one liter jar. Rinse the cones and fill them with a clean jar. Pour the contents with vodka and insist in a cool place for at least 14 days. After the specified time, strain the finished tincture. Use the resulting remedy 5 ml up to three times a day. To determine your course, you need to consult with your doctor. Basically, this period is one year with weekly breaks.
  2. Tincture of pine cones in water decoction. This option is suitable for those patients who cannot drink alcohol. Grind the cones and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Keep in this state on fire for 5 minutes. Drink 50 ml. This must be done up to three times a day.

Spruce cones are also able to have a beneficial effect on the human body.

In addition to preventing stroke, they can fight colds and infectious diseases. They are high in vitamin C, which is essential for boosting the immune system. Collection of spruce cones is best done in early June.

The following are the most affordable options for fir cones:

  1. Cut spruce cones and fill half of a three-liter jar. Fill the jar cold water. In this state, leave the mixture to ferment for 10 days. After that, strain the resulting liquid and pour it into a jar again. cold water. After seven days, the tincture can be used as a medicine. It is allowed to drink no more than 30 ml per day.
  2. For this recipe, in addition to cones, you will need Apple vinegar. Ripe cones are cut and filled with alcohol. For example, for five cones, 200-300 ml will be enough. Within 10 days, the cones should be infused. Then add 5 ml of vinegar to the tincture. The resulting medicine should be added to tea one teaspoon. The course of treatment is 6 months.

The use of herbs in stroke prevention has also become widespread among the population:

  1. After a stroke, doctors recommend drinking a decoction of sage. Over time, the patient's speech will be restored. Sage is brewed like regular tea and drunk several sips three times a day.
  2. A decoction of a mixture of several herbs. This includes plantain, cut grass, St. John's wort, walnuts, gourd, strawberry and calendula. The mixture is boiled well and drunk cold, 50 ml up to three times a day.
  3. A decoction based on celandine. With the preparation of this tool should be careful. This plant is poisonous, but if all the rules are followed, the desired therapeutic effect can be achieved. 15 g of the plant is poured with boiling water. In this state, the celandine should remain for another 30 minutes. The initial dose should not exceed 5 ml. Over time, it can be increased to 30 ml.
  4. To maintain the work of the heart after a stroke, you can prepare a tincture based on spreading jaundice. Brew 5 g of dry grass with boiling water and insist a little. It is necessary to use this remedy 15 ml three times a day.
  5. Thyme tincture will restore sensitivity to the affected parts of the body. For its preparation, you will need 50 g of grass, which must be poured with medical alcohol. Leave in this state for 14 days. Use as a rub.
  6. A decoction of juniper can also be used as a rubbing agent. Boil the crushed leaves of the plant for about half an hour and leave for some time in a thermos. Apply to affected areas of the body as needed.

Lemon with garlic will help get rid of unpleasant consequences after an illness. It will take 1 kg of this fruit, which must be chopped in a meat grinder. Then mix with sugar (1 kg). The resulting mixture is stored in the refrigerator. The patient should daily use the resulting composition of one teaspoon and a small clove of garlic.

Baths with the addition of sage should be added to lemon therapy. At right approach The patient will be able to return to normal life after four weeks of treatment.

Dates will help facial nerve recover. The crushed product must be eaten after eating two to three times a day. Dates need to be eaten for quite a long time, but the effect will be obvious.

Do not neglect your own health and allow the development of serious diseases. It is better to see a doctor once again in order to take preventive measures in time than to recover for a long time after a pathology - avoid self-treatment.

Diabetes mellitus appears in the presence of burdened heredity, this is typical for both the first and second forms of the disease. But even under the condition of a genetic predisposition for the development overt illness causative factors are required. Their significance differs for types 1 and 2:

To the loss of the ability to respond to the excretion of the hormone predispose:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension and arterial hypertension;
  • stressful situations;
  • lack of fiber in the diet;
  • the predominance of carbohydrate foods;
  • drugs that interfere metabolic processes;

In addition to common risk factors For women, the risk of diabetes increases during pregnancy.. Such diabetes is called and manifests itself during the period of bearing a child, but if recommendations for nutrition and physical activity are violated, it transforms into typical diabetes mellitus.

Prevention of diabetes in women:

  • stick to ;
  • at least 5 times a week to do therapeutic exercises, walking, swimming, running;
  • eliminate the stress factor;

IN childhood the predominant type of the disease is the first - insulin-dependent diabetes. Since he - hereditary disease, The child is shown testing for:

  • glycated hemoglobin;
  • ketone bodies in the blood and.

Infections pose a danger to such children. They are shown immunoprophylaxis with interferon and immunocorrectors. Before the appointment of immunostimulants, vaccines and sera, it is required comprehensive examination including stress tests.

Another factor that provokes metabolic disorders is artificial feeding children. This is due to the fact that cow's milk protein is similar in structure to pancreatic proteins. This leads to immune cells do not recognize the islet tissue as their own, and begin to destroy it. That's why for children with a genetic predisposition to diabetes, breast milk is extremely important.

In men, the most significant in the prevention of disease is a diet with a restriction of fatty foods of animal origin, fried, fatty and spicy foods, alcoholic beverages.

There is a particular danger when taking sweet wines, liquor, liqueurs and cocktails with sugar. They lead to sharp drops glucose, difficulties in selecting a dose of hypoglycemic drugs. In the presence of addiction to alcohol, the risk of neurological complications of the disease increases sharply.

Primary prevention of diabetes begins with identifying predisposing factors:

  • heredity,
  • overweight,
  • accompanying illnesses,
  • bad habits,
  • age,
  • pregnancy planning,
  • exclusion of simple carbohydrates (sugar and white flour), restriction of animal fats;
  • regular physical activity, the minimum duration is 150 min. in Week. Classes must be feasible;
  • normalization of body weight. For her, you need to calculate the calorie content of the diet, taking into account energy costs, the glycemic index, once a week to spend a fasting day;

Secondary prevention is applied to those who already have diabetes. Its goal is to prevent or delay the development of vascular and nervous complications. For this you need:

Tertiary prevention of diabetes is used when complications of the disease occur:

  • (damage to the retina);
  • (impaired kidney function);
  • neuropathy (, autonomic dysfunction);
  • (reduced blood flow to the limbs, internal organs and brain).

General preventive measures:

  • compensate for changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism with the help of drugs;

Diet for metabolic disorders is a mandatory basis for effective prevention. If diabetics need to take into account the amount of carbohydrates () to calculate the dose of insulin, the glycemic index, then for other patients with a predisposition to the disease, it will be enough to remove prohibited foods from the menu. These include:

  • sugar, sweets, honey;
  • jams, preserves, syrups;
  • ice cream, desserts;
  • pasta, white rice, semolina;
  • smoked, salted fish;
  • fatty meat, offal, sausages;
  • cottage cheese above 9% fat, sour cream and cream from 10%.

Healthy foods for the pancreas

Protein source is poultry and lean fish. They are boiled or baked, eaten with fresh vegetable salads. Homemade fermented milk drinks, moderate fat cottage cheese are recommended. Carbohydrates - from whole grain cereals, vegetables. With a tendency to constipation, it is useful to add steamed bran to porridge or dairy products.

Read more in our article on diabetes prevention.

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Risk factors for developing diabetes

Diabetes mellitus appears in the presence of burdened heredity, this is typical for both the first and second forms of the disease. But even under the condition of a genetic predisposition, the presence of provoking factors is necessary for the development of an obvious disease. Their significance differs for types 1 and 2.

First type

Children and young people get sick more often. Often, the first manifestations occur after an infection: mumps, influenza, hepatitis, rubella. Poisoning with medicines, toxins, pesticides can be an impetus for development.

Any of these factors triggers an autoimmune process, as a result of which antibodies are formed in the body against the cells of its own pancreas. This leads to their destruction and an absolute lack of insulin. Manifestations of the disease occur with the almost complete destruction of the functioning islet tissue.

Second type

It prevails in most patients, accounting for almost 90% of all cases. Among all the reasons for its development, obesity comes out on top. Disturbances in carbohydrate and fat metabolism mutually aggravate each other, leading to the rapid appearance of vascular complications.

The main mechanism for the appearance of metabolic disorders is the acquisition of insulin resistance. That is, a sufficient amount of insulin is produced, but the tissues lose their sensitivity to it. To the loss of the ability to respond to the excretion of the hormone predispose:

  • atherosclerosis;
  • hypertension and symptomatic arterial hypertension;
  • repetitive stressful situations;
  • lack of fiber in the diet, the predominance of carbohydrate foods - flour products and sweets;
  • long-term use of drugs that disrupt metabolic processes - prednisone and analogues, diuretics, some pressure drugs, levothyroxine, antitumor drugs;
  • inflammation of the pancreas;
  • polycystic ovary syndrome;
  • age-related changes in the body after 50 years.

Measures to prevent diabetes

Depending on the age of patients and gender, there are some differences that should be taken into account when planning measures to prevent diabetes.

Among women

In addition to common risk factors for women, the risk of diabetes increases during pregnancy. This is due to the release of contrainsular hormones by the placenta (they interfere with the action of insulin). Such diabetes is called and manifests itself during the period of bearing a child, but if recommendations for nutrition and physical activity are violated, it transforms into typical diabetes mellitus.

To prevent its development, you should:

  • adhere to dietary nutrition;
  • strictly control body weight, with excess, be sure to reduce to normal;
  • at least 5 times a week to do therapeutic exercises, walking, swimming, light jogging;
  • eliminate stress factors;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

The child has

In childhood, the predominant type of the disease is the first - insulin-dependent diabetes. Since it appears in those families where one or both parents are diabetic, or there is a disease in blood relatives, then the child is shown testing for:

  • antibodies to pancreatic tissues;
  • insulin, C-peptide and proinsulin;
  • glucose tolerance;
  • glycated hemoglobin;
  • ketone bodies in blood and urine.

Infections are dangerous for such children. They are shown immunoprophylaxis with interferon and immunocorrectors. Before the appointment of immunostimulants, vaccines and sera, a comprehensive examination is required, including stress tests.

Since autoimmune inflammation is the leading factor in development, cyclosporine is prescribed when antibodies are detected in high concentrations. With early initiation of such therapy, in some cases it is possible to stop the development of the disease or to delay the appearance of the first symptoms for a long time.

Another factor that provokes metabolic disorders is artificial feeding of children. This is due to the fact that cow's milk protein is similar in structure to pancreatic proteins. This leads to the fact that immune cells do not recognize the islet tissue as their own and begin to destroy it. Therefore, for children with a genetic predisposition to diabetes, breast milk is extremely important..


In men

The most significant in the prevention of the disease is a diet with a restriction of fatty foods of animal origin, fried, fatty and spicy foods, as well as alcoholic beverages. Ethanol not only changes the body's response to ingested carbohydrates, but also disrupts the functioning of the liver, which is an organ that can influence the concentration of glucose in the blood.

There is a particular danger when taking sweet wines, liquor, liqueurs and cocktails with sugar. They lead to sharp drops in glucose, difficulties in choosing a dose of hypoglycemic drugs. In the presence of addiction to alcohol, the risk of neurological complications of the disease increases sharply.

Types of preventive measures

In order to prevent the development of diabetes, its consequences, several stages of prevention have been developed.


Designed to reduce the risk of developing diabetes. Predisposing factors are identified for it:

  • heredity,
  • overweight,
  • accompanying illnesses,
  • bad habits,
  • age,
  • pregnancy planning,
  • impaired glucose tolerance.

If the patient is in one of the risk groups, then he is shown:

  • exclusion from the diet of simple carbohydrates (sugar and white flour) and restriction of animal fats;
  • regular physical activity. The minimum duration of loads per week is 150 minutes. Classes must be feasible, with good tolerance, the intensity is gradually increased;
  • normalization of body weight. For her, you need to calculate the calorie content of the diet, taking into account individual energy costs, take into account the glycemic index (the ability to sharply increase glucose levels), spend a fasting day once a week;
  • limiting stress - mastering ways of relaxation, breathing exercises, yoga;
  • preventing contact with sick people during epidemics;
  • quitting smoking and drinking alcohol.

Watch a video about diabetes prevention:


It is applied to those patients who already have diabetes mellitus. Its goal is to prevent or delay the development of vascular and nervous complications. For this you need:

  • constantly monitor the level of glucose in the blood, glycated hemoglobin;
  • bring your carbohydrate and fat metabolism as close as possible to the recommended ones, maintain normal level blood pressure;
  • strictly adhere to the rules of nutrition, since when using prohibited foods, the glucose content rises quickly, and the effect of medicines comes after a while;
  • timely adjust the dose of insulin and tablets to lower blood sugar, with decompensation of diabetes or serious illnesses internal organs (regardless of type) is indicated for intensified insulin therapy.

Each of the consequences of diabetes can have irreversible consequences. To prevent them, you should:

  • be under the supervision of an endocrinologist and related specialists (oculist, nephrologist, cardiologist, neuropathologist);
  • do not violate the terms of the planned examination and self-monitoring of glycemia, blood pressure;
  • compensate for changes in carbohydrate and fat metabolism with the help of complex drug therapy;
  • timely undergo courses of treatment in a hospital, including surgical, rehabilitation in sanatorium-resort institutions in the absence of contraindications;
  • exclude any violations of the diet, bad habits.

Diet to prevent diabetes

Nutrition for metabolic disorders is an essential basis for effective prevention. If diabetics need to take into account the amount of carbohydrates (bread units) to calculate the dose of insulin, the glycemic index, then for other patients with a predisposition to the disease, it will be enough to remove prohibited foods from the menu. These include:

  • pastries from rich or puff pastry, bread made from white flour;
  • cookies, waffles, cake or pastries;
  • sugar, sweets, honey;
  • alcoholic drinks with sugar;
  • packaged juices, nectars, sweet soda;
  • jams, preserves, syrups;
  • ice cream, desserts;
  • snacks, crackers, chips, fast food;
  • dates, raisins, grapes, figs;
  • purchased sauces, semi-finished products, canned food;
  • pasta, white rice, semolina;
  • smoked, salted fish;
  • The source of protein is poultry and lean fish. They are boiled or baked, eaten with fresh vegetable salads. Home-made fermented milk drinks (from starters and milk), cottage cheese of moderate fat content are recommended. Carbohydrates should be obtained from fruits, cereals from whole grains, vegetables. With a tendency to constipation, it is useful to add steamed bran to porridge or dairy products.

    Prevention of diabetes mellitus involves the identification of risk factors in patients. If there is a predisposition, diet, physical activity, regular examination, rejection of bad habits. It is important for children early detection antibodies to pancreatic tissues, immunity correction.

    We recommend reading the article about. In it, you will learn about basic prevention of complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes, precautions for children, secondary prevention of diabetes, as well as what to do during pregnancy and how to avoid acute, late complications.

    And more about Metformin in diabetes mellitus.

    Babies only need breastfeeding. For the second type of disease, the focus is on proper nutrition, weight loss. To prevent the complications of diabetes and their progression is possible only if the blood sugar content is corrected.

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