Home Gums Typology of characters. Ernst Kretschmer: biography E Kretschmer explained the character by the following factors

Typology of characters. Ernst Kretschmer: biography E Kretschmer explained the character by the following factors

In the world psychological science there is no single typology of characters, but the vast majority of psychologists proceeded from the following basic general ideas:

a) having formed quite early, the character of a person manifests itself in the period of later life as a more or less stable mental formation;

b) the combinations of features included in the character are not random. Together they represent systems that are clearly distinguishable by types, which allows us to build a typology of characters;

c) in accordance with the typology of characters, most people can be divided into certain groups.

Attempts to construct a typology of characters have been repeatedly made throughout the history of psychology. The most famous are the following typologies of character by K. Kretschmer, E. Fromm, K. Leonhard, A.E. Lichko.

All typologies proceeded from a number of general ideas:

1. The character of a person is formed quite early in ontogeny and throughout the rest of his life manifests itself as more or less stable.

2. Those combinations personality traits that enter into a person's character are not accidental. They form clearly distinguishable types that make it possible to identify and build a typology of characters.

3. Most of the people in accordance with this typology can be divided into groups.

Typology of characters according to E. Kretschmer

In the work “Body Structure and Character”, E. Kretschmer tried to link psychological characteristics with the structural features of the human body. He argued that a certain constitution corresponds to a certain psychological warehouse of a person. On the basis of observations, he came to establish a connection between the types of physique identified by him, types of character and psychological characteristics of the individual.

E. Kretschmer built his typology on the features of a person's physique, he tried to find signs by which it would be possible to diagnose mental illnesses in the clinic.

As a result of a large number of anthropometric studies (measurements of body parts), Kretschmer identified four main constitutional types:

leptosomatic - characterized by a fragile (asthenic) physique, tall stature, narrow shoulders, flat chest, long and thin limbs.

picnic - a person with pronounced adipose tissue, full, small or medium height, with a protruding belly and a round skull.

athletic - characterized by well-developed muscles and a strong physique; usually high or average height, broad shoulders and narrow hips.

dysplastic - a person with a disproportionate body structure, characterized by various deformations.

Studies conducted by V. I. Kulikov also confirm the presence of polar human types, which have certain morphological and psychological characteristics. In his work "Individual Test", " Word portrait"He describes the following group of morphological features related to the types of human constitution identified by E. Kretschmer.

Table 1. Morphological features identified by E. Kretschmer

Main characteristics


It is distinguished by its narrow complexity, which manifests itself in all parts of the body and types of tissues. Asthenic has narrow shoulders, pelvis, skinny neck, thin limbs. Due to such an elongated physique, the asthenic seems to be taller than he really is. The fat and muscle components are extremely poorly developed. There is practically no fat deposition in asthenics. The bones are also thin, but in relative terms, they appear to be the predominant component of the body. The chest is long, narrow and flat, with a sharp epigastric angle (formed by the lower ribs converging towards the sternum). The abdomen is thin, sunken, flat. The face is narrow, elongated, with a weak "runaway" chin and a protruding nose. described in detail the shape of the nose of asthenics, for example, spoke of its narrowness, sharp lowered tip, which in reality is more racial than constitutional feature. Asthenic features develop in early childhood and remain constant at all ages. Neither in childhood nor in old age, asthenics do not show a tendency to accumulate fat or develop muscles. The specificity of this type, associated with sex, is manifested in a greater frequency of short stature among asthenic women.


It is characterized by a strong development of bone and muscle components.

The shoulders are wide, the chest is wide and convex. The epigastric angle is close to a straight line. The abdomen is elastic, with a pronounced muscle relief. In general, the body expands towards the top. The neck is massive, it seems even more massive due to the large development of the trapezius muscle. The bones are massive and thick, which is due to the significant development of muscles. The arms are somewhat elongated, with a large muscular relief. The growth of such people is average or above average. The face of the athletes is rough, high, somewhat angular, with a pronounced bony relief. Superciliary arches are strongly developed, cheekbones protrude, the lower jaw is wide with a large "strong-willed" chin. The nose is large, blunt. A characteristic athletic-type complex develops during puberty, and after 25 years it becomes even more distinct.


It is characterized by a tendency to fat deposition with a relatively weak development of the muscle and bone components. The chest and belly of the picnic are large, wide and voluminous. The neck is short and thick. The body, on the other hand, is long. The chest is convex, noticeably expanding downwards, barrel-shaped. The epigastric angle is wide. The belly is thick. The arms and legs are short, plump, with poorly developed muscles. The face of picnics is wide, rounded, due to abundant subcutaneous fat it seems flattened. The forehead is wide and convex, the nose is of medium size, with a straight or concave back. Lower jaw seems wider due to plump cheeks. The picnic type, in contrast to the asthenic and athletic, reaches full development only after 30 years, although the tendency to develop this type appears much earlier.


It is characterized by a tendency to fat deposition with a relatively weak development of the muscle and bone components. The rough outline of the body differs significantly depending on whether it has a fat belly or a thick neck. Attachment of signs of other types can completely obscure the dysplastic picture, with careful consideration and measurement, characteristic dysplastic components are found.

Combinations with different types are not uncommon - in this case, this type has the above features.

Thus, we can do the following, that the selection of their types by E. Kretschmer was carried out, guided by the method of observation. His constitutional scheme had a specific practical purpose - diagnosing people by their morphological features. He quite rightly believed that there are connections between the mental and constitutional characteristics of the individual. With this approach, the special importance attached by Kretschmer to the description of the physique looks quite reasonable - it can be assessed at a glance at the first meeting with a potential client. The face, according to E. Kretschmer, is " calling card individual constitution.

Thus, E. Kretschmer, in accordance with the previously identified body types, distinguishes three types of temperament:

Table 2. Types of temperament types identified by E. Kretschmer

temperament type

Descriptive features


Leptosomatic, or asthenic, physique. Closed (the so-called autism), prone to fluctuations in emotions from irritation to dryness, stubborn, inflexible to change attitudes and views. With difficulty adapts to the environment, prone to abstraction.


Picnic physique. Emotions fluctuate between joy and sadness, easy contact with the environment, realistic in views.


Athletic physique. At mental disorders predisposition to epilepsy. Calm, unimpressive, restrained gestures, facial expressions. Low flexibility of thinking, it is difficult to adapt to a change in the situation, petty.

The division of people into types, of course, is arbitrary, but it helps to determine the main and secondary features that are characteristic of a particular employee. At the same time, the right way of personal development is the ability to correctly see in oneself and others strong and weak sides of all three components, in accordance with which to develop that sphere of personality, which is the least expressed. It should, however, be remembered that the way of life and the whole life path personality either retains or changes the correspondence of the picnic type - emotional-communicative psychological organization, asthenic type- cognitive, athletic - practical. In addition, there are fewer absolutely “pure” body types than mixed ones (there are also pyknic-asthenic, pyknic-athletic, asthenic-athletic). Knowledge of the typology of employee behavior is essential for the practice of personnel work. For example, it is known that asthenics - "thinkers" are easier to master at work in design and design and technological departments (draughters, technicians, engineers, etc.), as well as those related to accounting and control (accounters, operators, inspectors, state acceptance workers , accountants, etc.). The use of picnic communicators is expedient in departments of industrial and economic education, in work related to the selection, placement and education of workers, in services social development. For example, it is quite obvious that the emotional-communicative type of a personnel worker or a factory psychologist can have more universal qualities of trust. Athletic practitioners are quicker than others to master at various levels of management, therefore, with appropriate training, it is better to use them in positions of foremen and managers of a higher rank directly related to the production of material values. Where precise fulfillment of duties and unquestioning obedience, rigid functional interdependence of team members is required, an athletic practitioner will be in his place.

Types of temperament E. Kretschmer - classification of temperaments based on body features. Kretschmer organized his own laboratory of constitutional and labor psychology, which he directed until his death.

Among his publications (there are more than 150 of them), a special place is occupied by works on the ratio of body constitution and character. In the early 1920s, he experienced a special creative upsurge, and at that time his main work appeared, which brought him worldwide fame - "Body structure and character." Here, an examination of about 200 patients was described - based on many calculations of the ratio of body parts, Kretschmer identified the main types of body structure (clearly expressed - leptosomal, or psychosomatic, picnic, athletic, and less certain - dysplastic). He correlated these types of constitutions with the mental illnesses described by Kraepelin - manic-depressive psychosis and schizophrenia, and it turned out that there is a certain connection: people with a picnic type of constitution are more prone to manic-depressive psychoses, and leptosomal ones are more prone to schizophrenia.

Further, he made the assumption that the same features of temperament that are leading in mental illness, can be detected, only with their lesser severity, and in healthy individuals. The difference between illness and health, according to Kretschmer, is only quantitative: any type of temperament is characterized by psychotic, psychopathic and healthy variants of the mental warehouse. Each of the main mental (psychotic) diseases corresponds to a certain form of psychopathy (cycloid, schizoid), as well as a certain “character” (more precisely, temperament) healthy person(cyclothymic, schizothymic).

Most prone to mental illness picnic and psychosomatic. The cyclothymic character, when exaggerated, can reach, through an already abnormal cycloid character variation, to a manic-depressive psychosis. With the schizotimic form of temperament, in case of deviation from the norm, schizoidia occurs, which transforms, with the forcing of painful symptoms, into schizophrenia.

Further Kretschmer singled out seven temperaments, correlated with three main groups:

1. Cyclothymic, based on the picnic physique (a: hypomanic, b: synthonic, c: phlegmatic);
2. schizothymic, based on the leptomsomal constitution (a: hyperesthetic, b: schizotimic proper, c: anesthetic);
3. Viscous temperament, based on an athletic physique, as a special kind of temperament, characterized by viscosity, difficulty switching and a tendency to affective outbursts, the most predisposed to epileptic diseases.
As the main properties of temperament, Kretschmer considered sensitivity to stimuli, mood, pace. mental activity, psychomotor, individual characteristics which are ultimately determined by the chemistry of the blood.

Build and character
You probably met such philistine opinions: “ Fat man better than bad!", " A tall man- more phlegmatic than a short one! etc. These observations are not unfounded. E. Kretschmer, in his book “Body Structure and Character”, published for the first time back in 1921, writes about his observations and connects certain types of “constitutional” body structure with the corresponding types mental manifestations classifying them into groups. Based on his research, we present the classification of E. Kerchmer's psychotypes.
"Leptosomatic" - he is characterized by a fragile, thin physique, tall stature, a flattened chest. The shoulders are narrow, the legs are long and thin.
"Picnic" is an overly obese, short man with a large belly and a round head on a short neck.
"Athletic" - it is characterized by the development of muscles, strong physique, medium and taller height, broad shoulders, narrow hips.
"Dysplastic" is a person with a shapeless, disproportionate body structure. It is characterized by various deformations and deviations from the norm.
All these characteristics are very conditional, they do not take into account gender differences, cultural and age features. And what is most controversial is the discrepancy between the number constitutional types body construction - there are 4 of them, and types of temperament - there are only 3 of them! The author suggests three types of temperaments:
1. "Schizotimik"
2. "Iksotimic"
3. "Cyclothymic"
"Schizotimic" has an ascetic physique, he is closed, balanced, stubborn, prone to fluctuations in emotions, it is difficult for him to change attitudes and views, it is difficult to adapt to the environment.
"Iksotimic" is distinguished by an athletic physique. He is calm, with a restrained facial expression, a little impressionable, with a weak flexibility of thinking, usually a petty person.
"Cyclothymic" - has a picnic physique, is prone to opposite mood swings from sadness to joy, easily contacts people, realistic views are characteristic of him.
Such conclusions are based on observations, but cannot claim sufficient accuracy of the conclusions. Such a classification can hardly be called justified, if only because the principle of comparability is violated, which implies an assessment various types for the same parameters and preferably measurable ones. The no less famous author W. Sheldon is also based on the assumption of the existence of some connection between the structure of the body and the type of temperament. Body constitution and temperament are related. According to W. Sheldon, the structure of the body determines the type of temperament, which is its function. This author, based on the hypothesis of the existence of basic body types, described them in terms borrowed from embryology. Three body types according to W. Sheldon: endomorphic; mesomorphic; ectomorphic.

Series: "Psychological technologies"

This edition includes one of the most important works of the outstanding German psychologist and psychiatrist Ernst Kretschmer, the creator of the theory of temperaments based on the study of physique. In his fundamental work, Kretschmer, using extensive empirical material, shows the relationship between the main types of body structure and predisposition to mental illness. The first edition of the book in Russian appeared in 1924. It was it that formed the basis of this edition. The text is provided with the necessary notes and comments. For psychologists, psychotherapists, social workers, as well as anyone who is interested in the problems of childhood.

Publisher: "Academic project" (2015)


Subsequently, Kretschmer identified seven temperaments, correlated with three main groups:

  1. Cyclothymic - based on picnic physique
    1. hypomanic
    2. syntonic
    3. phlegmatic
  2. Schizothymic - based on the leptomsomic constitution
    1. hyperesthetic
    2. proper schizothymic
    3. anesthetic
  3. Viscous temperament (viskose temperament) - based on an athletic physique, as a special type of temperament, characterized by viscosity, difficulty switching and a tendency to outbursts, most prone to.

As the main properties, Kretschmer considered sensitivity to stimuli, mood, pace of mental activity, psychomotor, the individual characteristics of which are ultimately determined by chemism. In his work "Geniale Menschen" ("Geniale Menschen", B., 1929), for which he began to prepare materials back in , Kretschmer made an attempt to transfer his doctrine of the types of constitution to the field of "spiritual sciences". Conducted research on the constitutional features of criminals, on the basis of which he gave recommendations on conducting rehabilitation work. Subsequently, he tried to bring a biological basis to his teaching - on the basis of understanding the constitution of the body as determined by the individual characteristics of the endocrine gland system (“Körperbau und Charakter: Untersuchungen zum Konstitutionsproblem und Lehre von den Temperamenten”, B., 1951).

  • About hysteria. In this book, published for the first time in , Kretschmer reveals the mechanism of the occurrence of disorders. The book has not been reprinted in Russian for more than seventy years.
  • . The monograph, which has withstood a short time many editions and translated into many languages.
  • Medical Psychology. This book became one of the first textbooks on medical psychology. Kretschmer based it on his theory of constitutional psychology, central position which is a close relationship between the structure of the body and mental life person.



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Psychologists in Germany
  • Born in 1888
  • November 8
  • Deceased in 1964
  • Deceased February 9
  • Psychologists alphabetically

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    Sociability, nobility, diligence, stinginess, swagger, optimism, carelessness, determination, friendliness, exactingness, perseverance, cheerfulness, arrogance, self-confidence, hoarding, caution.

    1) B domestic psychology character is defined as the totality sustainable properties of an individual , in which the ways of response and ways to behavior.

    2) From temperament character traits that determine the dynamics of its manifestation depend.

    3) Character is not inherited and is not an innate quality of the individual, it formed under the influence of living conditions, in the process of education and active interactions with the surrounding world.

    4) The formation of character is especially influenced by his environment.

    5) Features character reflect that How a person acts, and personality traits are something for what he acts.

    6) Character has varying degrees expression: normal characters, pronounced (accentuated) and pathological characters.

    7) Accentuations - these are peculiar sharpenings of character, which are subdivided into overt and covert.

    8) I.P. Pavlov called the character phenotype, and temperament genotype.

    1) The statement is incorrect. Character is not inherited, it is formed during a person's life.

    2) The statement is correct. Character traits are socially typical and individual peculiar.

    3) The statement is correct. Character reveals both personality relationships and the modes of action in which these relationships are carried out.

    4) The statement is correct. Character is a style of social behavior that has developed and strengthened as a result of life influences and upbringing.

    5) The statement is correct. The unity of motives and will is what forms the character of a person.

    6) The statement is correct. Character is a program of typical behavior in typical circumstances.

    7) The assertion is incorrect. With changes in character, behavior cannot but change.

    8) The assertion is incorrect.

    9) Approval

    10) The statement is correct. Character is a set of stable individual personality traits that develops and manifests itself in activity and communication.

    11) The statement is correct. In the types of characters, typicality is manifested, the pattern of combinations of certain character traits with certain personality traits, so that we can talk about personality-characterological types.

    12) The statement is correct. With the development of the personality, a person begins to act more and more normatively: the personality in its development "removes" the character

    1) E. Kretschmer explained the character somatic condition.

    2) Z. Freud believed that the energy source of character is sexual tendencies.

    3) The determinants of the properties of the characters must be sought in the summation genotypic and environmental influences.

    4) For a hysterical accentuator, it is most difficult to endure disregard for oneself.

    5) A character is considered pathological if it has a total manifestation, socially maladapted.

    6) In the character of psychoasthenics, indecision.

    7) Signs of an epileptoid character: irritability, fits of rage and anger, moral defects.

    8) Schizoid Personality adaptive.

    9) The following somatic disorders are characteristic of psychasthenics: increased heartbeat.

    10) E. Fromm defines character as a form in which a person’s energy is channeled into processes of establishing relationships with other people.

    Pairs of concepts are in the following relationships:

    1) Character - Temperament - 4

    2) Personality - Character - 3

    3) Will - Character -2

    4) Accentuation - Psychopathy - 2

    5) Psyche - Character -3

    6) Epileptoid accentuation of a person - Epilepsy - 5

    7) Education - Character -2

    1) Character - Temperament

    2) Character - Deed-

    3) Accentuation of character - Psychasthenia



    1) Abilities are those personality traits that are needed to carry out activities that provide success its implementation.

    2) Abilities are formed and manifested only in activities, and only in one that cannot be carried out without them.

    3) Makings may, to a greater or lesser extent, contribute to the development abilities just like loam or chernozem, to varying degrees, are favorable for the development of plants. But what exactly will grow from a seed - an apple tree or a plum tree - does not depend on the soil, but on what corn was thrown.

    4) Ability is spoken of as individual psychological features, i.e. distinguish those abilities that have psychological nature and vary individually.

    5) Establishing a connection of abilities with successful implementation activities, we limit the circle individually varying features that provide an effective result of activity.

    6) Ability is individual psychological characteristics of a person, expressing his readiness to master certain types of activities and them successful implementation.

    7) According to S.L. Rubinshtein, abilities purchased and used in progress activities; in an undeveloped form, they exist as inclinations and serve to successful development.

    8) B.M. Teplov’s opinion is known that abilities do not exist until activities.

    Pairs of concepts are in the following relationships:

    1) Personality - Abilities -3

    2) Inclinations-Abilities - 3

    3) Abilities - Knowledge -3

    4) Talent-Activity - 2

    5) Abilities - Reflection -5

    6) Genius - Talent - 1

    7) Makings - Brain -4

    1) Ability - Unconditionally - reflex.

    2) Abilities - Activities

    1) Abilities are defined as individual psychological characteristics of a person, individual characteristics related to the success of one or more types of activities, features that cannot be reduced to knowledge, skills, abilities.

    2) Inclinations as anatomical and physiological prerequisites for the development of abilities focused on the content of a particular activity.

    3) According to A.F. Lazursky, the criterion for highlighting the main ability is connection with other tendencies.

    4) The practical implementation of the statement "capabilities do not exist before activity" has led to separation of abilities from generic human qualities.

    5) Functional and operational mechanisms of individual abilities integrated in interaction mode.

    1) Can be classified as ability: The ability to accurately perceive color shades.

    1) Even if in childhood and some ability appeared, this is not a guarantee at all that he becomes talented.

    2) For abilities to be realized, they must be develop.

    3) You can not talk about the ability to draw, if a person was not taught to draw.

    4) “Incapacity” for something is revealed when, other things being equal, a person does not provide an effective result of activity.

    5) With the expressed abilities of parents, they are more likely to create favorable conditions for the development of abilities in children.

    6) Ability is always the ability for something, for a specific activity ; assignments on their own depend on developmental conditions and environmental factors.

    7) Deposits are ambiguous: the same deposit can develop different abilities, depending on the nature of the requirements of the activity.

    Typology of personalities according to I.P. Pavlov.

    Artistic Type:

    1) Persons of an artistic type perceive external world directly, without immediately subjecting it to analysis.

    2) Emotionally, people of the artistic type are sensitive, like to fantasize, and they easily get used to an imaginary image.

    3) It is customary to say about people of an artistic type that they “live with their hearts rather than their minds” more.

    4) The brightness of emerging images, vividness of imagination, richness of emotions make it easier for representatives of the artistic type to master creative activities (painting, sculpture, music, literature, theater, etc.).

    5) When choosing a profession, people of an artistic type are dominated by a tendency to expressive activity, and it is in these areas that they achieve the greatest success.

    6) The artistic type is characterized by the relative predominance of the first signal system over the second, subcortical activity over the cortical one.

    7) People of the artistic type act more under the influence of feeling than the evidence of reason.

    Thinking type:

    1) When choosing an activity, persons of a thinking type tend to exact sciences, philosophy; have a tendency to scientific activity, live more "with the mind than with the heart."

    2) Representatives of the thinking type are characterized by: poverty of emotional response, restraint, dryness in communication.

    3) The tendency of people of the thinking type to abstractions, the ease of logical constructions, the tendency to generalize, theorize, detailed, scrupulous analysis of the phenomena under study create favorable conditions for activities related to operating with abstract material (numbers, diagrams).

    4) Representatives of the thinking type act after careful consideration, weighing and reflection.

    5) The mental type is distinguished by the predominance of the second signaling system over the first, cortical activity over subcortical.

    1) Persons of the middle type are sociable, active, energetic, achieve great success both in work that requires "expressive qualities" and in mental activity.

    2) In the thinking of people of the middle type, analytical and synthetic activity are equally active.

    3) Persons of the middle type are characterized by uniform development signaling systems, approximately the same ratio of the activity of the cortex and subcortex.

    Attempts to construct a typology of characters have been repeatedly made throughout the history of psychology. One of the most famous and earliest was the one that was proposed by the German psychiatrist and psychologist E. Kretschmer at the beginning of our century. Somewhat later, a similar attempt was made by his American colleague W. Sheldon, and nowadays by E. Fromm, K. Leonhard, A. E. Lichko and a number of other scientists.

    All typologies of human characters proceeded from a number of general ideas. The main ones are the following:

    1. The character of a person is formed quite early in ontogeny and throughout the rest of his life manifests itself as more or less stable.

    2. Those combinations of personality traits that are part of a person's character are not random. They form clearly distinguishable types that make it possible to identify and build a typology of characters.

    Most of the people in, in accordance with this typology, can be divided into groups.

    Typology according to E. Kretschmer and A.E. Lichko

    E. Kretschmer identified and described the three most common types of body structure or human constitution: asthenic. athletic and picnic. Each of them he associated with a special type of character:

    The asthenic type, according to Kretschmer, is characterized by a small thickness of the body in profile with an average or above average growth. Asthenic is usually thin and thin man, due to his thinness, seeming somewhat taller than he really is. The asthenic has thin skin of the face and body, narrow shoulders, thin hands, elongated and flat chest with underdeveloped muscles and weak fat accumulations. This is basically the characteristic of asthenic men. Women of this type, in addition, are often small.

    The athletic type is characterized by a strongly developed skeleton and muscles. Such a person is usually medium or tall, with broad shoulders, a powerful chest. He has a thick, high head.

    The picnic type is distinguished by highly developed internal cavities of the body (head, chest, abdomen), a tendency to obesity with underdeveloped muscles and the musculoskeletal system. Such a man of average height with short neck sitting between the shoulders.

    Each of them he associated with a special type of character. Type of body structure, as shown by Kretschmer and partly confirmed latest research in the field of psychogenetics, in a certain way correlates with a tendency to mental illness. For example, manic-depressive psychosis most often affects people with extremely pronounced picnic features. Asthenics and athletics are more prone to schizophrenic diseases. Although Kretschmer's typology was constructed in a speculative way, it contained a number of vitally truthful observations. Subsequently, it was indeed discovered that people with a certain type of body structure are prone to diseases that are accompanied by accentuations of the corresponding character traits.

    Later classifications of characters were based mainly on the description of these accentuations. One of these classifications of character types belongs to the domestic psychiatrist A.E. Lichko.

    Accentuation of character, according to Lichko, is an excessive strengthening of individual character traits, in which there are deviations that do not go beyond the norm in the psychology and behavior of a person, bordering on pathology. Such accentuations as temporary states of the psyche are most often observed in adolescence and early adolescence. The author of the classification explains this fact as follows: "Under the action of psychogenic factors addressing the" place of least resistance ", temporary disturbances in adaptation, deviations in behavior may occur." When a child grows up, the features of his character that manifested themselves in childhood remain quite pronounced, lose their sharpness, but with age they can again appear clearly (especially if a disease occurs).

    The above classification of characters, proposed by A. E. Lichko, should be treated in the same way as the classification. E. Kretschmer. It is also built on the basis of the results of observations and their generalization and in this sense is not scientifically accurate.

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