Home Prevention Medicinal herbs for weight loss. Herbal medicine: how to drink herbs to lose weight without harming your health? Herbs that reduce appetite

Medicinal herbs for weight loss. Herbal medicine: how to drink herbs to lose weight without harming your health? Herbs that reduce appetite

Without a modern arsenal of medicines, medical equipment, or hospitals, our ancestors used the gifts of nature, accumulating knowledge about the miraculous properties of plants and herbs for centuries. In the absence of nutritionists, proper diets, diets, gyms and special weight loss programs, previous generations grew up as surprisingly healthy people, “not burdened” by extra pounds of weight. What are the secrets of traditional medicine and do herbs help you lose weight?

Types of herbs and how they burn fat

Losing weight using herbal therapy will take longer than overseas pills or miracle fasting diets. Herbs for weight loss are useful as a way to get rid of excess weight and to restore healthy functioning of the body.

Girls who want to adjust their figure parameters, cleanse the liver and intestines of toxins, note a lasting effect after a couple of weeks. For those with a high body mass index, a collection of herbs for weight loss will help you lose weight when included in your diet:

  • Fat burning. Ginger, turmeric, and lemongrass effectively break down lipid deposits in problem areas of the abdomen, hips, and waist.
  • Diuretic herbs. Chamomile, senna, and burdock will help remove excess fluid reserves for the purpose of losing weight. When using these herbs, a rapid weight loss effect is observed - up to 2 kg in the first couple of days.
  • Bile excretors herbs that normalize liver function while losing weight. Being waste, toxins negatively affect metabolic processes, immunity, and general condition. Cleansing the body will restore healthy skin, speed up the processes of burning internal fat and losing weight.
  • Metabolism enhancers herbs. The laxative effect of sea buckthorn, dill, senna, and fennel is actively used in weight loss for obese people. Lingonberry leaves, licorice, and rhubarb help normalize metabolic processes in the digestive tract.
  • Reduces appetite when losing weight herbs. Spirulina, kelp, and bladderwrack algae have the property of expanding in the stomach, creating a deceptive feeling of fullness for a long time. Angelica vulgaris and marshmallow (root) envelop the intestinal walls, “deceiving” the receptors and giving a signal of satiety.

To reduce appetite and lose weight quickly

The main problem of those who want to get rid of excess weight is... no, not laziness, but a banal feeling of hunger. Accustomed to significant volumes of food intake, the stomach does not feel full when portion sizes are reduced, and the brain sends a signal about the need to “refuel.” Sea herbs will come to the rescue for weight loss - algae that cope with the feeling of hunger: by swelling and slowly digested by the intestines, they stimulate a feeling of satiety.

Herbs with an adhesive, mucous base will be no less effective for losing weight. Marshmallow root, sesame, flaxseeds, pre-steamed with boiling water or soaked in kefir overnight, when consumed for breakfast, will give a feeling of “fullness,” reducing appetite and the urge to snack.

Diuretic herbs

When losing weight, the effect of losing excess weight is provided by herbs that have diuretic properties: bear's ears, chamomile, horsetail, plantain, burdock. By expelling excess fluid from subcutaneous fat, weight loss diuretics accelerate the body's metabolic functions by destroying low-density lipids. In order not to disturb the water-electrolyte balance of the body, when taking herbal decoctions, replenish fluid reserves by drinking at least 2 liters of clean drinking water per day.

Laxatives to cleanse the body

Herbal preparations with a laxative effect help get rid of slagging: Altai senna, dandelion, buckthorn bark, anise, yarrow, Caucasian hellebore. Pour a glass of boiling water over a tablespoon of herb and let it brew for 20 minutes. A decoction for weight loss, which has cleansing properties, should be used between meals in a dosage of 50-100 ml.

To improve metabolism

Gifts of nature that have the effect of stimulating the digestive system, while simultaneously improving the body's metabolic abilities, should be classified more like seasonings. By adding ginger, anise, turmeric, rosemary, hot red pepper to ready-made dishes, you will achieve significant success in losing weight. By breaking down fatty acids and protein foods, these seasonings prevent excess calories from being absorbed, depositing in folds on the stomach or waist.

In what proportions should I use herbs and how should I take them?

For those wishing to lose weight, freshly prepared decoctions and infusions of herbs, which should be prepared for 12-14 hours of use, are beneficial. The average volume of diuretic, choleretic herbal teas for weight loss taken throughout the day is from 500 ml to 1 liter. To saturate your body with useful microelements, replenish your supply of vitamins and not be hungry, eat up to 300-400 g of seaweed (fresh) daily or take at least 2-3 tbsp. spoons of dry, finely chopped plants.

Add fat-burning spices as a weight-loss seasoning to meat, fish, and sweet (but dietary!) dishes. Be careful with the proportions: by improving metabolism, they can cause an increase in appetite. Therefore, try to follow the principles of rational nutrition and include physical activity.

To prepare a delicious, healthy herbal tea for weight loss, you will need:

  • Dry herbs(pharmacy collection or collected with your own hands). For a glass of boiled water you will need a tablespoon of plants that affect weight loss processes.
  • Boiled water. The temperature for preparing and infusing the decoction is 90⁰C. If you don’t have a thermos, boil the herbal tea in a saucepan with water; however, such tea will lose some of its beneficial substances and microelements during heat treatment.
  • Thermos. To reveal the bouquet of herbal aromas and let the weight loss tea brew, it will take from half an hour to two hours. Then the finished infusion should be filtered.

Rules for taking herbal drinks for weight loss

  1. Volume. Take a decoction of medicinal herbs diluted with water in a ratio of 1:1 in 100 ml portions.
  2. Time of receipt. Most herbal infusions for weight loss are taken 25-30 minutes before the main meal. Choleretic drugs are effective on an empty stomach. Take metabolism-stimulating seasonings with meals.
  3. Frequency of use. A proper diet for weight loss involves 5-6 meals a day. Consequently, you will drink herbal tea 7-8 times a day: in the morning on an empty stomach, before each meal and before resting at night.
  4. Course duration. Do you want to ensure weight loss with herbs minus 25 kg per month? Brew fresh infusions daily, alternating a variety of herbs; balance your diet and add physical activity. The results of such a complex effect on the body for the purpose of losing weight will be clearly noticeable in a couple of months.

List of the most effective herbs and herbs that promote weight loss

When choosing what herb to drink to lose weight, please note that herbalists and nutritionists say that the best herbs for weight loss are those that grow in your area. The body's genetic memory helps to get the effect faster and more reliably, and local plants speed up metabolic processes without causing allergic reactions.

Altai herb senna for excess weight

Official medicine uses the laxative effect of anthraglycosides contained in senna herb in the treatment of chronic constipation, as well as obesity of II and III degrees. Cassia, as this plant is otherwise called, has been known since ancient times. Used as a component in the collection of herbs for the purpose of weight loss.

A tablespoon of senna in combination with dandelion and peppermint is diluted with half a liter of boiled water and infused for 15 minutes. When taking ready-made cassia tablets, do not forget that they contain a concentrate of the active substance, so violating the dosage can lead to gastrointestinal problems. Give preference to ready-made weight loss teas with senna herb as an ingredient.


The miraculous properties of hellebore are associated with enhanced cleansing of the body from accumulated toxins. The more slagging, the longer the process of losing weight. By removing harmful salts and toxins, hellebore herb simultaneously deprives you of useful substances necessary for the healthy functioning of the body. Therefore, follow the recommendations of a nutritionist to avoid intoxication and side effects:

  • Dosage. The daily dose for weight loss is 0.2 g or a quarter of a teaspoon.
  • Application time. After a night's sleep, on an empty stomach, drink hellebore. For rapid weight loss, between meals and herbs should pass from half an hour to two hours.
  • Diet. Eating rationally in small portions, predominating in the diet of slowly digestible carbohydrates, plant foods, and proteins will help enhance the weight loss effect of hellebore herb.


Marjoram, familiar to housewives and used as a seasoning, is a mysterious herb called “bardakosh” that helps with weight loss. The spice, rich in pectin, rutin, tannins and carotene, has been known since the times of Ancient Egypt. The wise Avicenna described bardakosh as a “herb for exhaustion,” noting the unique properties of the plant to effectively promote weight loss.

By increasing blood circulation, marjoram helps improve the supply of nutrients to muscle mass, burning fat reserves. Tannins and pectins gently cleanse the intestines, and diuretic properties help remove excess fluid, reducing weight. An infusion of a teaspoon of herbs and 250 ml of boiling water is effective for weight loss. Dividing the portion into two parts, take half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach and before going to bed at night.


This plant of the willow genus feels great, taking root on the branches of fruit trees, poplars, acacia, and birches. Ball-shaped bushes of grass with a diameter of a meter, bloom in the spring, producing snow-white fruits. Organic acids, carbohydrates, phenols, as well as valuable higher fatty acids, together have the properties to stimulate the process of losing weight up to 5 kg per week.

The disadvantages of using herbs include the abundance of natural plant poisons, which in case of overdose cause intoxication of the body. The duration of one course is 14 days with an interval of 2-3 weeks. Side effects may include mild dizziness and nausea. Therefore, before using mistletoe for weight loss, consult a specialist who will tell you the correct dosage regimen and permissible dosage.

Common winterweed

The richest chemical composition, including polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, sterols, aliphatic carbohydrates, organic acids, makes wintergreen an effective remedy for weight loss. The herb helps people who are “a little overweight” and diagnosed with “obesity” of II and III degrees to lose weight.

Providing a complex effect on the body through a diuretic effect; the ability to remove toxins, cleansing the bile ducts; Coating the intestines and giving a feeling of fullness, wintergreen is included in popular teas for weight loss. The course of admission is up to 3 months. With toxins, the grass leaches potassium, which is necessary to maintain a healthy heart system. Taking vitamins and increased consumption of foods rich in potassium will help compensate for the lack of this most valuable mineral.

Monastic fee

Monastic tea, containing herbs for weight loss, is safe to consume: the strictly adjusted proportion of each ingredient dates back to the distant 19th century. A successful combination of laxative, diuretic, stimulant, and appetite-reducing properties helps you lose from 3 to 10 kilograms in a month. The packaging of the monastery collection contains:

  • Fennel. The fruits of the plant affect the feeling of hunger, reducing the craving for gluttony, accelerating weight loss.
  • Chamomile. The herb effectively removes fluid, improving digestion and stimulating the processes of lipid breakdown.
  • Linden blossom. By normalizing hormonal balance and putting the endocrine system in order, the flowers of the plant are useful for weight loss with their toxin-cleansing properties.
  • Black elderberry flowers. They enhance metabolic processes during weight loss by improving the functioning of the digestive system.
  • Dandelion. This herb restores potassium reserves, which are rapidly eliminated from the body during weight loss.
  • Senna. Having a laxative effect, cassia herb helps cleanse the liver of toxins.
  • Peppermint. This aromatic medicinal herb reduces the frequency of the urge to “snack something” by affecting satiety receptors.

How to brew herbal tea for weight loss: recipe

What recipes for herbs, infusions and miraculous teas can be prepared at home for weight loss:

  1. Delicious, aromatic ginger tea will energize you in the morning and put you in a great mood. To prepare 300 ml of ginger drink, peel the fresh root of the plant and place 4-5 circles in a cup. A slice of whole lemon will add piquancy to your weight loss tea. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for 1 hour. A teaspoon of honey will help soften the sharp, tart-bitter taste.
  2. A morning infusion of oregano, lemon balm with lemon and honey, drunk on an empty stomach, will start the metabolic processes of losing weight, gently ridding the body of toxins and extra pounds. Half a teaspoon of freshly grated citrus zest, a spoonful of each type of herb, should be poured into a glass of boiling water. Cover with a lid and cool to 40-50⁰. Strain, adding honey and a slice of lemon to the weight loss tonic drink.

Harm and contraindications to the use of herbal remedies

Herbs for weight loss can be harmful to health if they are collected in environmentally unfavorable areas, in cities, along highways or roads. If you do not live far from a noisy metropolis, give preference to ready-made herbal preparations sold through pharmacy chains.

To avoid health problems, those who decide to lose weight using herbs should undergo a medical examination with a visit to their doctor, and, if necessary, to specialized specialists. By visiting a nutritionist, you can work together to develop a weight loss program using herbal remedies.

There are contraindications to the use of a “herbal” diet:

  1. Liver diseases, chronic kidney diseases.
  2. Stomach or intestinal problems requiring medication.
  3. Pregnancy, breastfeeding.
  4. Individual intolerance to the components of the fees.
  5. Allergic reactions to herbs.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)


There are many diets that help you get rid of extra pounds, remove inches from your waist or hips. However, not all of them will provide health benefits. Traditional healers recommend losing weight with the help of natural medicinal plants. Find out everything about what herb to drink for weight loss, how to infuse a drink at home or make a herbal mixture.

What herbs help you lose weight

In the distant past, it was difficult to find a house in Rus' in which various herbs would not hang at the entrance: St. John's wort, chamomile, thyme, coltsfoot. Our ancestors used them as a home first aid kit. Today, the popularity of herbs and traditional medicine has decreased, but in vain, because a properly compiled mixture will help get rid of many diseases.

Each plant in nature has its own purpose: some are good for relieving the runny nose, others treat radiculitis. Losing weight with herbs will be effective if you can correctly arrange the plants together. To achieve results, it is important to be able to distinguish the principles of the influence of herbs on the body, and they can be fat burning, diuretic or laxative, improving metabolic processes or reducing appetite.

Fat burning

The first thing that anyone who wants to lose a few extra pounds should focus on is cleansing the body. Almost all herbs for weight loss that burn fat are aimed at this effect. Accumulating in the body, they begin to stimulate active blood circulation, help remove toxins and improve lipid metabolism. Ask folk experts what herb you can drink for weight loss and the answer will be:

  • parsley with dill;
  • fennel;
  • anise;
  • caraway;
  • yarrow;
  • mess;
  • green tea.


It is worth noting right away that neither herbal diuretics nor pharmaceutical ones will help you burn a layer of fatty tissue. When taking herbal diuretics, fluid leaves the body, which will immediately return if you drink an extra glass of water. However, diuretic herbs for weight loss can also be useful. For example, if an overweight person has a tendency to puffiness. Herbs with diuretic effects include:

  • goose cinquefoil;
  • horsetail;
  • dandelions;
  • immortelle;
  • Tibetan barberry - goji berries;
  • corn silk;
  • tansy;
  • lingonberry leaves.


Excessive accumulation of food debris in the intestines can lead to fermentation in the intestines, gas, bloating and general intoxication. Herbs for digestion and cleansing the body will relieve you of such problems. They normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, delicately cleanse the intestines, remove toxins and other decay products. What herb to drink for weight loss with a laxative effect? The following plants are suitable:

  • buckthorn bark;
  • anise;
  • Caucasian hellebore;
  • licorice;
  • joster berries.

Improves metabolism and promotes weight loss

Slow metabolism is a common problem for people who are overweight. Herbs that speed up metabolism in the body will help increase energy consumption. However, you should drink tinctures from such plants with caution: they can increase your appetite. If you are not afraid of such side effects, then try making herbal decoctions for weight loss:

  • ginseng;
  • guarana;
  • coltsfoot;
  • birch buds and leaves;
  • red pepper;
  • ginger;
  • nettle;
  • celery.

To reduce appetite

The main rule of most diets is the need to reduce not only calories, but also the amount of food consumed per day. Not many people who lose weight find this barrier easy. The following herbs for reducing appetite and losing weight will help muffle the feeling of increasing hunger and be content with a small portion of healthy food:

  • fucus;
  • flax-seed;
  • spirulina;
  • marshmallow root;
  • medicinal angelica;
  • bran;
  • sage.

How to lose weight with herbs

Fat burning with the help of herbs must be combined with dietary nutrition and an active lifestyle, but this will not be enough for effectiveness. When losing weight using medicinal herbs, it is extremely important to consider several rules:

  • Infusions, teas, decoctions for weight loss, etc. cannot be taken whenever you want. As with any other dietary nutrition, a systematic approach is needed here. Otherwise, such weight loss methods may cause digestive problems, liver or kidney problems, bile stagnation, allergic reactions or other problems.
  • Any herbal weight loss drinks should not be drunk for too long. The optimal course of a plant-based diet is one and a half to two months. Then the body will need a break to recover.
  • You should not believe the assurances of traditional healers that rapid weight loss of 25 kg per month is possible with herbs. The extra centimeters and kilograms will go away slowly, approximately 600-900 grams per week. But the result will be much more stable than following a simple diet.
  • Diuretic plants not only remove harmful substances from the body and relieve fluid stagnation, but they also flush out calcium. To protect your bones, teeth, hair, nails, in parallel with such drinks when losing weight, you need to take special vitamin supplements.

In addition, not everyone can practice herbal medicine. Losing weight with herbs is strictly contraindicated for people with abnormal liver function or kidney pathologies, gastrointestinal disorders or allergies. Many herbal teas should not be drunk after conception or while breastfeeding. In order not to guess what herbs to drink to lose weight in the stomach or other parts of the body, you need to consult a doctor or an experienced herbalist before taking it. The specialist will definitely tell you about all the details, contraindications, but will also determine the optimal dosage.

How to take herbs for weight loss

From medicinal herbs you can prepare wonderful decoctions, make tinctures, and brew tea. Sometimes herbal remedies for weight loss are crushed in a mortar and used as a flavor enhancer for snacks or savory baked goods. To correctly calculate the dosage, you should strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of the herbal mixture for weight loss or in the folk recipe. It is worth remembering that herbal diuretics and fat-burning supplements should be taken before bed. Herbs to speed up metabolism - before training, and diuretics and laxatives for weight loss - on weekends or after work.

Special decoctions for weight loss help normalize the functioning of the digestive system, reduce appetite and cleanse the intestines of toxins. You need to drink them before each meal, first half a glass, then increasing the dosage to 200 ml. Try preparing decoctions using the following two recipes:

  1. Take equal parts of strawberry leaves, mint leaves, birch leaves, fennel, nettle and rosehip. Mix all the herbs well and measure exactly 1 tbsp. l. Fill the composition with two hundred milliliters of hot water and place it on top of a pan of boiling water. Boil the weight loss drink for a few minutes, cover with a plate or lid. Let the weight loss drink brew for several hours.
  2. Pour two tablespoons of dill seeds and the same amount of burdock with hot water. Place the bowl in a steam bath, cover with a lid and simmer for 20-30 minutes. Before taking the herbal decoction, cool and be sure to strain.


If you don’t have time to stand at the stove, but want to say goodbye to those extra centimeters, then try preparing an infusion of herbs for weight loss according to one of the following recipes:

  1. In a glass, mix equal amounts of dill and flax seeds, dried chamomile, buckthorn and some dandelions. Pour boiling water over the mixture and place a saucer on top of the glass. Brew the weight loss infusion for no longer than 15 minutes, then remove the herbs and drink the drink immediately.
  2. Combine equal amounts of nettle leaves, common yarrow and nettles. Pour boiling water over the dry mixture and let the herbs steep for a few minutes. Then cool the infusion slightly and take 1/3 cup per day.
  3. Steep sage, angelica and flax seeds for 20 minutes. Strain the cooled decoction for weight loss through a sieve with fine holes and take each time before meals.

Drainage tea

When losing weight, this drink will relieve puffiness and help remove unnecessary fluid from the body. However, unlike diuretics from the pharmacy, they act much softer and more delicately, and you can prepare drainage teas from herbs for weight loss in your own kitchen, spending mere pennies on making a collection. See for yourself by mastering a few simple recipes:

  • Grate fresh ginger root. Mix it with half a garlic clove, 10 grams of liquid honey and 30 milliliters of lemon juice. Pour boiling water over the resulting set of ingredients and drink throughout the day.
  • Let two tablespoons of calendula steep in 400 ml of boiling water for about 10-15 minutes. Pass the weight loss drink through a fine mesh sieve and take ½ glass an hour before meals.
  • Take 6-8 currant leaves, birch leaves or coltsfoot inflorescences. Pour boiling water over the composition of herbs for weight loss and drink herbal tea throughout the day.

What are the most effective herbs for weight loss?

Many weight loss experts recommend using a multi-component pharmacy herbal collection for weight loss. This approach allows you to get several effects at once: cleanse the intestines of toxins, burn subcutaneous fat, get rid of fluid, speed up metabolism, and reduce food consumption. However, not everyone can follow this approach when losing weight. In this case, herbalists suggest choosing just one of the most effective herbs.


Senna is considered one of the most common laxative herbs in Russia. However, you need to drink it with special care, because weed for weight loss has such unpleasant side effects as diarrhea and colic. In addition, the Altai herb senna is addictive when used regularly. Therefore, teas, extracts or infusions from it are drunk for no longer than one month.

To prepare a cleansing infusion, you need:

  1. Take half of one teaspoon of herb, pour one cup of boiling water.
  2. Cover the infusion with a lid for 10 minutes, then filter the liquid.
  3. It is advisable to drink the drink on an empty stomach, in small sips.
  4. If necessary, you can add a little honey to the infusion.

Caucasian hellebore

This weight loss herb contains a huge amount of useful antioxidants, so hellebore is able to cope with several tasks at once: support the functioning of the liver and kidneys, help remove excess fluid, protect the body from harmful toxins. Hellebore herb for weight loss is prepared according to this principle:

  1. Take two teaspoons of crushed hellebore leaves and pour a glass of boiling water.
  2. Then wrap the container with any thick cloth and leave for at least 2 hours.
  3. The herbal medicine should be drunk 1 glass a day every morning for two weeks.


In folk medicine, mistletoe is used as a hemostatic plant and is often used to treat abrasions, wounds or burns. However, it will also be very useful for those who want to quickly say goodbye to kilograms. The herb mistletoe for weight loss is used in the form of a tincture with the addition of linden, which must be drunk according to a certain scheme:

  1. On the first day, prepare a drink consisting of 4 tbsp. l. linden leaves steamed in a liter of boiling water. Before drinking, the linden herb must be steeped for 2 hours.
  2. The next day, replace the linden with the same amount of mistletoe herb.
  3. On the third day for the drink, take only 2 tbsp. l. mistletoe for the same amount of water.
  4. On the fourth day, add juice from one lemon to the herbal tea.
  5. To lose weight, you need to drink the fat-burning infusion throughout the day, replacing regular water with it.

Honey stevia

Still wondering what herb to drink for weight loss? Then try stevia. This is the lowest calorie plant, because per 100 grams of leaves there are only 18 kilocalories. The herb stevia for weight loss is simply a storehouse of beneficial properties. It helps remove cholesterol, normalizes glucose levels in the body, helps give up sugar, muffles the feeling of hunger and stimulates the immune system. Stevia can be added to your daily tea and coffee. Often the leaves of the herb are added to compotes or cocktails for weight loss, and they are used to sweeten porridges and dietary desserts.


The herb with the amazing name bardakosh is familiar to many cooks, because in the kitchen it is a famous seasoning - marjoram. In cooking, it is often added to fish dishes, soups or vegetables, used in canning, for preparing alcoholic beverages and flavoring tea. In folk medicine, bardakosh is good for weight loss. It helps speed up metabolism, remove waste products and reduce appetite. The herb is brewed like regular tea, carried in a thermos, and drunk in small sips.


Hi all!

Spring has come, it's time to lose weight! I suggest we talk about herbal teas for weight loss!!!

Let's prepare a homemade mixture for weight loss according to the recipes of oriental medicine.

This is quite a responsible and not easy task, but if you know the main points, then it won’t be difficult to do, it will take a minimum of time and the effect will exceed all your expectations.

Herbal infusions for weight loss - rules for compiling

So, let's look at the main important points on how to prepare herbal teas for weight loss:

1. It has been scientifically proven that most people gain weight when they are in a state of tension or stress, eating problems with large amounts of food.

Therefore, any weight loss collection should contain one or two soothing medicinal plants:

  • valerian
  • motherwort
  • hawthorn
  • mint or lemon balm

2. A person can gain weight as a result of an imbalance in his hormonal balance, so the following phytohormones must be present in the weight loss formula:

  • licorice
  • sage
  • black cohosh

3. Recipes for weight loss must contain components that stimulate or normalize metabolism:

  • turmeric
  • kelp
  • rose hip
  • Eleutherococcus

4. An obligatory component of weight loss preparations are diuretics, because significant weight loss occurs due to water loss:

  • birch
  • horsetail
  • nettle
  • parsley
  • dill

5. The fifth component of the collection of herbs for weight loss can be laxative herbs used to cleanse the intestines and choleretic herbs:

  • Senna
  • buckthorn bark
  • zhoster
  • yarrow
  • dandelion
  • immortelle
  • tansy
  • chamomile

Knowing all this, you can easily and simply create any recipe for collecting herbs for weight loss.

The main thing is to take into account the possible contraindications of each herb and take in larger quantities the one whose effect you most need.

Herbal recipes for weight loss

So, let's look at the most popular recipes for preparing herbal teas for weight loss:

Weight loss collection No. 1:

  • buckthorn bark - 3 tbsp
  • parsley root - 1 tbsp
  • fennel seeds - 1 tbsp
  • 1 tbsp. sweep, pour 1 cup of boiling water and let steep for half an hour.
  • Drink the entire infusion in the morning, on an empty stomach.

Weight loss collection No. 2:

  • buckthorn bark -2 tbsp
  • seaweed - 2 tbsp
  • nettle - 1 d.l
  • yarrow - 1 tbsp
  • licorice root - 1 tsp
  • Eleutherococcus tincture - 1 tsp

Mix the herbs, pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the evening with 1 glass of boiling water and leave in a thermos overnight. In the morning, squeeze and strain.

Take 3 tbsp 30 minutes before meals

Weight loss collection No. 3:

  • dandelion and parsley root
  • fennel – 1 tbsp

Mix the herbs, measure 2 tbsp. collection, pour boiling water (500 ml) and leave for 30 minutes. Drink 3 tbsp before meals

Weight loss collection No. 4:

  • Licorice root and anise fruit - 2 tbsp each
  • Horsetail 1 tbsp

Prepare the infusion in the same way as indicated above. Take 50 ml three times a day (before meals).

Weight loss collection No. 5:

  • Yarrow and mint - 1 tbsp each
  • Parsley root, buckthorn bark, corn silk, dandelion leaves - 2 tbsp each
  • Chicory root – 2 tbsp
  • Brew the mixture in the evening, placing it in a thermos (2 tablespoons per 500 ml of water).

Take 30 ml three times a day (before meals).

Herbal infusions for weight loss are used in a course for 1 month, if they contain laxative herbs, for no more than 1 week.

When preparing medicinal preparations for weight loss, it is necessary to take into account all possible contraindications of medicinal herbs and their compatibility.

Lose weight wisely, lose weight correctly!

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Medicinal plants have long been used by medicine in the treatment of various ailments, including obesity. Herbs for weight loss have a beneficial effect on the body’s self-cleansing processes, normalize the functioning of the digestive system, and also improve overall well-being.

  1. Plants that help restore metabolism - elderberry flowers, coltsfoot, birch leaves, nettles, etc.
  2. Herbs with laxative properties - senna, dill, buckthorn, yarrow, laxative joster, anise, trefoil, chamomile, etc.
  3. Herbs that cleanse the intestines and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract - buckthorn bark, fennel, parsley, anise, hellebore, dill, laxative joster, etc.
  4. Herbs with a diuretic and choleretic effect - wintergreen, cinquefoil, barberry, dandelion, horsetail, tansy, bear's ear, strawberry leaves, milk thistle, knotweed, immortelle, corn silk, etc.
  5. Plants that affect appetite - marshmallow root, flax seeds, angelica officinalis, algae (spirulina, bladderwrack), etc. suppress hunger.
  6. Herbs that speed up metabolism and increase calorie burning are mainly seasonings turmeric, rosemary, ginger, green tea, red and cayenne pepper, dandelion, plantain, etc.

Any of these herbs can be used individually, or you can use herbs (mixtures thereof) taking into account the expected effect.

Video: herbs that help you lose weight.

The nuances of losing weight with herbs

The use of herbal infusions for weight loss should be carried out in courses and strictly according to the instructions. Their unsystematic and excessively long use is dangerous for the development of unwanted side effects in the form of allergies or digestive system disorders.

Usually, to eliminate excess weight, a 1.5-2 month course of using herbal remedies is recommended. After such a therapeutic course, a break of 8 months is required. Then the course can be repeated. Such courses can be conducted no more than 1-2 times a year.

Weight loss when taking herbal decoctions will occur much more slowly (approximately 500-800 g per week) than with any diet, but the end result lasts for a longer time.

Herbs for weight loss, harm

The use of herbal infusions and decoctions is, of course, a more gentle method of weight loss for the body, but, like any method, it can cause harm to the body. Any plant has its contraindications and side effects that can lead to serious problems in the body. It should also be taken into account that many plants are contraindicated for long-term use. Therefore, before using herbal remedies, it is important to consult with a specialist for any contraindications to them.

Contraindications to the use of herbal teas for weight loss

  1. Individual intolerance.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys in chronic form.
  3. Highly active hepatitis.
  4. Pregnancy period (fraught with miscarriage).
  5. Diarrhea.
  6. Presence of a tendency to allergic reactions (it is recommended to start taking small dosages, gradually increasing them, while simultaneously observing the body’s reactions).
  7. Pancreatitis.

The main points of losing weight with herbal infusions

Losing weight when taking infusions and decoctions of herbs can be achieved not only by losing fat reserves, but also by cleansing the body, removing stagnant fluid, normalizing metabolism, and reducing appetite. That is why it is recommended to use not one, but several herbs (multicomponent mixtures) with different properties to affect the body in all directions - cleansing, weight loss, general strengthening.

When the ideal collection for you is ready, you can proceed directly to its use. The infusion must be taken fresh, preferably in the first half of the day forty minutes before or after a meal (the intake can be divided into two times in the morning and at lunch, 100 ml each). That is, in the morning you brew it, infuse it and drink it, the next day you prepare a new portion of the infusion. And so on for 1.5-2 months. For greater effectiveness, taking herbal infusions can be combined with diets, physical activity, wraps, baths (with infusions of birch leaves, coltsfoot, oregano). The latter perfectly cleanse the skin, stimulate the removal of toxins and excess fluid, thereby improving the condition of the skin, smoothing it and reducing cellulite.

In pharmacy chains you can buy so-called herbal teas for weight loss, these are the same collections of medicinal herbs. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and become familiar with the contraindications.

Video: Herbs for weight loss in the program “About the Most Important Thing”

Herbs for weight loss, effective recipes

Collection No. 1.

Coltsfoot – 50 g.
Yarrow – 50 g.
Buckthorn bark – 50 g.
Immortelle – 50 g.
Marshmallow root – 50 g.

2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are brewed with 250 ml of boiling water, placed in a water bath for 15 minutes, then infused for another 40-60 minutes under a lid and a towel. Next, the infusion is filtered and brought to the original volume (250 ml) with warm boiled water. The infusion should be drunk warm. After taking the infusion, you should not eat anything for two hours. Take the weight loss infusion twice a day 40 minutes before or after meals.

Collection No. 2.

Birch buds – 50 g.
Strawberry leaves – 50 g.
Chamomile flowers – 50 g.
St. John's wort – 50 g.
Immortelle – 50 g.

Brew 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture with 250 ml of boiling water, leave in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for another 40-60 minutes under a lid and a towel. Then filter the prepared infusion, bring the liquid to the initial volume (250 ml) with cooled boiled water. It is important to drink the infusion warm. After taking it, you should not eat anything for 2 hours. Drink twice a day 40 minutes before or after meals.

Collection No. 3.

Chopped dandelion root – 20 g.
Fennel fruits – 20 g.
Buckthorn root – 60 g.
Chopped parsley root – 20 g.

Take 4 tbsp. l. collection, brew 1 liter of boiling water, hold in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for 40 minutes, wrapping it well. Next, filter the infusion and add boiled water to the initial volume. Drink 250 ml 4 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Collection No. 4.

Blackberry leaves - 60 g.
Birch leaves – 20 g.
Coltsfoot – 10 g.
Corn silk – 20 g.
Sena – 10 g.

Mix the herbs, take 2 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 500 ml of boiling water. Keep in a water bath for 15 minutes, remove and leave for 40 minutes. Then filter the prepared infusion for weight loss and take 100 ml 15 minutes before breakfast and lunch.

Collection No. 5.

Buckthorn bark - 40 g.
Chamomile flowers – 20 g.
Ground flax seeds – 10 g.
Dill seeds – 10 g.

Mix all the ingredients, take 4 tablespoons of the mixture and pour 1 liter of boiling water. Leave the mixture for 2 hours under a lid and a towel. Strain and squeeze the finished infusion. Drink 200 ml 5 times a day half an hour before meals.

Recipes for herbal drinks for weight loss

Calendula with milk.

Marigold flowers (calendula) – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 125 ml.
Milk – 125 ml.

Pour the herb into a tea cup and fill it halfway with boiling water, let it stand for 20 minutes and top up the liquid with milk. The drink is ready! Take 4-5 cups during the day. Prepare a fresh drink every time.

Green tea with ginger and cinnamon.

Boiling water – 250 ml.
Green tea – 1 tsp.
Ginger powder – 1 tsp.
Cinnamon – 1 pinch.

Mix all ingredients in a cup and add boiling water. Wait 10 minutes and the drink is ready! During the day you should drink 4-5 cups.

Chamomile with honey for weight loss.

Chamomile – 2 tsp.
Cool boiling water – 250 ml.
Liquid honey – 1 tsp.

Brew chamomile with boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, strain and mix with honey. Take 4-5 cups of drink per day.

St. John's wort tea for weight loss.

St. John's wort herb – 1 tsp.
Boiling water – 250 ml.

Brew the herb like tea and drink 5-6 cups per day.

Rosehip tea for weight loss.

Rose hips – 4 pcs.
Boiling water – 250 ml.

Brew rose hips in a cup and leave for 15 minutes. Take 4-5 cups throughout the day.

It is advisable to drink any of the herbal drinks 30 minutes before or after a meal.

Fees can be compiled according to your own preferences, do not be afraid to experiment. Just before you start, get examined for the presence of hidden diseases and contraindications to taking certain herbs. Be healthy and good luck!

Since ancient times, herbal medicine has come to the aid of people in the treatment of many diseases and helped in solving various problems with appearance, including those associated with obesity.

Therefore, it is quite natural that today herbs are used not only to improve health, but also in the fight for a beautiful, slender figure.

Herbs for weight loss can be used as a stand-alone means to gain slimness, as well as in combination with various other methods of getting rid of extra pounds - fasting, dieting and fitness.

At the same time, herbs will help not only simply lose weight, but will also rid the body of waste and toxins, normalize the functioning of the intestines and digestive system.

Types of herbs for weight loss

Conventionally, all medicinal herbs for weight loss can be divided into several types - depending on their action and effect, due to which extra pounds are lost:

  • herbs, appetite suppressants and suppressing the feeling of hunger: these include flaxseed, marshmallow root, spirulina algae, bladderwrack, angelica officinalis, etc.;
  • herbs, normalizing the functioning of the digestive system and helping to cleanse the intestines: this group includes parsley, anise, dill, buckthorn bark, laxative joster, fennel, etc.;
  • herbs having bile and diuretic effect: herbalists highlight herbs such as cinquefoil, knotweed, horsetail, bear's ear, milk thistle, immortelle, dandelion, strawberry leaves, tansy, barberry, corn silk, etc.;
  • herbs, laxative: this group includes senna, buckthorn, anise, yarrow, laxative joster, dill, trefoil, chamomile, etc.;
  • herbs, normalizing metabolism: this includes coltsfoot, nettle, birch leaves, elderberry flowers, etc.;
  • herbs, contributing to increased energy consumption: Naturally, first of all these are seasonings - rosemary, ginger, red pepper, turmeric, etc.

All herbs for weight loss can be brewed separately or prepared herbal infusions that include components from different groups.

What you need to know about losing weight with herbs

You cannot take herbal infusions and preparations haphazardly, in unlimited quantities - this can lead to undesirable consequences in the form of prolonged intestinal upset or an allergic reaction.

Any herbal infusions cannot be taken for a very long time. Losing weight with the help of herbs, like a diet, should take place in courses.

Average well taking herbal remedies to get rid of extra pounds is 1.5-2 months. Then you must definitely take a break.

If you are planning to lose weight with the help of herbal remedies, keep in mind: the process of losing weight will go very slowly, excess the kilograms will come off gradually– approximately 500-800 grams per week. But the effect of such weight loss will be longer than from a regular diet.

In what cases can herbs for weight loss cause harm?

Despite the fact that most herbal remedies for weight loss are considered gentle, unlike diets or various dietary supplements, herbs can also be harmful. Even the most seemingly harmless and innocuous herbs often become the cause of serious disruptions in the functioning of the entire body. Therefore, before you start taking herbal infusions for weight loss, you should consult with a therapist and find out if there are any contraindications for the use of this or that infusion.

Losing weight with herbs is definitely contraindicated in the presence of chronic diseases liver and kidneys, gastrointestinal tract. You can’t do herbal medicine during pregnancy– Some herbs have an abortifacient effect, and their use can lead to contractions of the uterus and contribute to miscarriage. Use herbs carefully if available tendency to allergies– in this case, you need to start taking it with small doses and carefully monitor the condition of your body, stop taking it immediately if there is the slightest sign of an allergy – rash, difficulty breathing or cough.

How to lose weight with herbs

Losing weight with the help of herbs can occur in different ways: after all, losing extra pounds is not always the reason for reducing the amount of body fat. Depending on the types of herbs, this can be cleansing the body of waste and toxins, getting rid of excess fluid, improving metabolism, reducing appetite, as well as a complex effect if herbal preparations are used that contain many components, each of which has its own targeted effect.

To achieve a good result in the fight against extra pounds, it is best to use an integrated approach - drink multi-component herbal teas. Then gradually a complex healing process will begin in the body, including cleansing, weight loss itself, and health promotion. This approach allows you not only to lose weight, but also to put in order many systems of the body (kidney and liver function, digestive system, metabolism).

Herbal decoctions that are used for weight loss should be cook every day. Yesterday's infusion will no longer have the desired effect on the body, so it is very important to drink a freshly brewed mixture. The greatest effect is achieved by alternating collections: the first week one herbal collection, the second - another, the third - a third, etc.

Herbal teas for weight loss

The simplest collection of herbs for weight loss is prepared as follows:

One plant from each group is taken (i.e. something diuretic, something appetite suppressant, etc.) in equal proportions, the plants are crushed and mixed thoroughly. Then 1 tablespoon of such a herbal mixture is brewed in 250 grams of water, the mixture is infused for an hour, then it can be consumed.

Weight loss training

1 . 20 g dandelion root, 20 g fennel fruit, 60 g buckthorn root, 20 g parsley fruit - 4 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour and take 3-4 times a day, 1 glass before meals.

2 . 40 g of yarrow herb, 20 g of cystosira bearda, 40 g of St. John's wort herb - 4 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for an hour, take 5 times a day, 0.5 cups after meals.

3 . 60 g blackberry leaf, 20 g birch leaf, 10 g coltsfoot leaf, 20 g corn silk, 10 g hay - 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave, take 0.5 cups in the morning before breakfast and before lunch.

4 . 20 g of hay, 20 g of green parsley, 20 g of dandelion, 20 grams of nettle, 10 grams of Italian dill, 10 grams of mint - 3 tbsp. spoons of the collection pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, then take 1 glass 4 times a day before meals.

5 . 40 g buckthorn bark, 20 g chamomile flowers, 10 g crushed flax seeds, 10 g dill seeds - 4 tbsp. spoons, pour 1 liter of boiling water, leave for two hours and take 1 glass 5 times a day on an empty stomach.

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