Home Coated tongue Roskontrol eggs. Chicken egg

Roskontrol eggs. Chicken egg

As the famous song says, eggs are a must in the house. This is a lifesaver for all housewives. In the morning, you can whip up a pretty decent breakfast from eggs. At holiday dinners, eggs can decorate the table. They are not only added to salads, but also filled with various fillings, decorated with mushrooms, bunnies, mice, and flowers cut out of them. Also, without eggs you cannot make good baked goods, homemade ice cream, meringues, casseroles and cream. But, of course, all of the above is made only from fresh, high-quality eggs. How can you find out which eggs are best in the store?

Learning to read secret signs

The eggs that supermarkets and small shops offer us are necessarily labeled. And, if you understand these strange letters and numbers, you can learn a lot of interesting things about eggs.

If we want to buy the freshest eggs, we need to look out on the shelves for cassettes with eggs marked with the red letter “D”. This letter means that the eggs are “diet”. Why is not clear, but only eggs laid no more than 7 days ago have the right to be called dietary. As soon as this period has expired, all eggs turn into “table eggs” and receive a blue letter “C” on their barrel.

Table eggs are real “long-livers”. The shelf life of such eggs depends on the conditions in which they are stored. If table eggs are kept at a temperature no higher than two degrees Celsius, then they can be sold for three months. At a storage temperature of up to 20º C, table eggs will be of quite good quality for 25 days. But no one in the store will tell you how many and where which eggs were stored. Therefore, you should focus on the sorting date: the “fresh” it is, the higher the likelihood of buying fresher eggs. By the way, this date and the letters “C” and “D” may not be put on the eggs themselves, but all the information may be written directly on the packaging. Now it’s up to you to choose: with us anyone can write on anything.

But eggs are also divided into categories, which poultry farms are obliged to inform us about with a certain number, which, again, is applied either to the egg itself or to the packaging. The criterion by which eggs are awarded one category or another is mass. The largest eggs, weighing 75 grams or more, belong to highest category and are marked with the letter “B”. Selected eggs are slightly inferior to them. The weight of eggs in this category ranges from 65 to 74.9 grams. The following categories are marked with numbers: eggs weighing from 55 to 64.9 grams - number “1”, weighing from 45 to 54.9 grams – number “2”, very small things weighing from 35 to 44.9 grams – number “3”.

The secret is that the quality of small eggs is sometimes no worse than large ones. It’s just that small eggs are usually laid by young chickens just starting their career at a poultry farm. By the way, most recipes in which eggs are mentioned as an ingredient do not require the outstanding physical properties of this product. On the contrary, the most popular eggs are medium-sized, weighing approximately 55 g. So if you have an idea to amaze your family with scrambled eggs from large eggs, buy eggs of the highest category, and eggs of the first category are perfect for other needs.

When choosing eggs in the store, remember that stale eggs are lighter than fresh ones. A good egg feels pleasantly heavy in the palm of your hand, but if the egg is suspiciously light, and even when you shake something in it, something flops around, you shouldn’t take it.

Appearance, color and purity

It doesn't matter what color the egg is. Whether it is white or brown - this does not affect its taste in any way. But the degree of contamination of the shell can tell a lot. Usually eggs at poultry farms are not washed with anything. They are protected by nature itself, and long time can be stored at room temperature without much harm to themselves. But as soon as you wash an egg, its shelf life is catastrophically reduced. Therefore, slight dirt, stuck straws or streaks on a intact, strong shell are considered completely acceptable. On the contrary, an unusually clean egg should alert you. But too contaminated shells are undesirable. A dirty egg signals that the conditions at the poultry farm are not very good. And who will lay good eggs in bad conditions?

As for the shell, it must be strong, without cracks or chips. Pathogenic bacteria can get into the egg through microscopic cracks, and no one wants to get salmonellosis. Therefore, do not hesitate to open the egg cassette in the store and inspect the eggs very carefully.

Homemade and exotic eggs

Eggs from domestic chickens can be bought at the market or near it from grandparents and young people who will swear and swear that everything is the freshest and most best quality. The risk of such a purchase is minimal if a person sells behind the counter and has a certificate from a veterinarian proving the quality of the product. But in all other cases, it is better not to buy eggs: it is not known how long they were stored and under what conditions.

Some people love exotic things, and are not averse to purchasing an ostrich egg on occasion. The taste of such an egg is almost indistinguishable from a chicken egg, but it can feed a whole family. Ostrich eggs can be stored for three months. Thanks to their strong shell, ostrich eggs tolerate transportation well. It’s just that these eggs are not sold in supermarkets yet. But at specialized farms they can be ordered without problems in Russia.

It is difficult to classify quail eggs as exotic. After customers appreciated the taste of these eggs and learned about their beneficial properties, quail eggs are constantly presented on store shelves. Quail eggs should also be checked before purchasing: they have a very fragile shell and often crack and dry out. To avoid buying quail eggs that have been sitting on the counter for too long, evaluate them by weight. A good quail egg is relatively heavy, while a dried one is very light. And remember, you should not eat these eggs raw, no matter how home-grown healers recommend this method. You can boil a quail egg in a couple of minutes, and it practically does not lose its beneficial properties.

As for duck, goose and turkey eggs, they are checked for suitability and eaten in the same way as chicken eggs, only you can’t find them in stores, and if you buy them, then from familiar breeders in your grandmother’s village, or from a trusted owner of a neighboring farm.

Trust but check

For complete peace of mind Eggs bought in a store can be checked again for suitability at home. To do this, simply dip the egg into a glass or jar of water. A fresh egg will sink, a slightly resting egg will float approximately in the middle, and a rotten one will float.

For fans of fresh eggs, we can offer you the opportunity to construct a simple ovoscope. IN cardboard box You will need to place a light source, preferably a more powerful one, and cut a 4 cm hole in the lid. The egg placed in this hole will be illuminated from below. This way you can see what kind of yolk is in it, whether the air chamber located at the blunt end is too large, whether there are blood inclusions in the yolk, etc.

Eggs that have passed all the tests and are found to be suitable are best stored not on the refrigerator door, but on the top shelf, in a plastic container.

From which factors depends on the size of the egg, how can you distinguish a fresh egg from an old one, how to understand the numbers on the packaging, and most importantly, which birds lay the best eggs? Since eggs are a very delicate subject, let's try to understand these issues.

On our shelves shops you can only find chicken and quail eggs, and why not, for example, pheasant or turkey, or duck. In Asia, duck eggs can be bought without any problems.

Turns out, there are not many birds in the whole world from which you can get eggs - only a dozen. Chickens and quails lay eggs more often and better, so their eggs are put on a conveyor belt. Geese and ducks lay eggs ten times less often, and they are five to six times more likely to suffer from salmonellosis. As a result, eggs of these birds are not produced for sale in Russia.

It is believed that the most powerful Quails have immunity, so their eggs are less likely to be infected. In addition, quail eggs contain the most B vitamins and microelements compared to other eggs.

However, as scientists say, the differences between chicken And quail eggs began to be erased when quails began to be raised in the same way as chickens. This depends on the fact that the quality of eggs largely depends on the feed. But in terms of content useful substances Still, the quail egg is in the lead: it contains a lot of phosphorus, iron, potassium, almost 5 times more than a chicken egg.

If we compare by the brought benefit, ostrich eggs can compete with quail eggs. It is good to make an omelet from an ostrich egg, since such an egg weighs more than one kilogram in its raw form, and an omelet from it can feed about 10 people.

But still on shelves Most often we find chicken eggs in stores. The freshest chicken eggs are considered. They are very easy to recognize; there should be a red letter “D” on their shell. Note that an egg no older than seven days is considered dietary. Already on the eighth day the egg is considered a table egg. A table egg is distinguished by a blue marking with the letter “C”; its shelf life is 25 days.

The most delicious egg- this is an egg, after which three or four days have passed. In it, all the protein and yolk enzymes are in that ideal state in which our body can easily absorb them. During these three to four days, it is better for the eggs to ripen at room temperature.

According to you request The freshness of eggs must be checked in the store with a special device - an ovoscope. This device allows you to look at the size of the air chamber at the blunt end of the eggs. It is believed that the larger the air chamber, the older the egg.

For dietary eggs The size of the air chamber should be no more than 4 mm in size; for table eggs this value is 9 mm. It should be noted that it is the blunt end facing up that should be stored in the refrigerator.

What to do if you don’t have it at hand ovoscope? You need to weigh the egg in your hand and look at the quality of the egg shell. If the egg is heavy and its shell is matte, it means the egg is fresh; if the egg is light and glossy, then most likely you have a spoiled egg.

Important role mass plays eggs. It is believed that if an egg is heavier than 75 g, then it must be classified as the highest category (the letter “B” is printed on its shell). Eggs weighing 65-75 g are classified as selected; they can be recognized in the store by the letter “O” on the shell. Eggs belonging to the first category (number "1" on the shell) should weigh 55-65 g, respectively, the second category (number "2") - 45-55 g, and, finally, eggs of the third category, weighing approximately 35-45 g (number “3” on the shell). Let's give an example: if in front of you is an egg with “C1” printed on it, it means it is a table egg of the first category, “D2” means a dietary egg of the second category.

Not worth it believe because the larger the egg, the better and tastier it is. It turns out that such large eggs contain more water, A nutrients less, and older chickens lay such large eggs.

Eggs of the second or third category Buyers in stores try not to take them, but in vain. Such eggs are laid by young chickens, and they are much tastier than eggs obtained from older chickens.
However, eggs of the first category are considered the best in terms of balanced composition.

Now in stores You can find various enriched eggs; they contain increased levels of iodine, selenium and other useful substances. To obtain such eggs, chickens are fed special additives. But it is impossible to determine by eye in a store how healthy this egg is.

You can also find eggs with the name "premium". If you follow all the rules, the production of such eggs requires strict controlled conditions for feeding chickens and keeping them. This requires special certification, which currently does not exist in our country.

IN some In cases, you can find eggs with the inscriptions “bio eggs”, “organic control” and other similar inscriptions. This is just a publicity stunt. For example, abroad such an inscription means that the chickens were raised free-range and fed natural food. But in our country there are no real requirements for such inscriptions, and therefore such advertising inscriptions do not guarantee anything.

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Chicken eggs are an indispensable element of the human diet. It is not recommended to eat them raw; there is a risk of infection with salmonellosis; in addition, raw egg whites are only partially absorbed by the body. How long to boil eggs? Depends on what result you want to get and, of course, the size of the egg. On average, a hard-boiled egg takes 8-15 minutes, a soft-boiled egg takes 2-3 minutes, and a bag takes 4-5 minutes.

In stores you can find eggs of categories “D”, which means “dietary”. This type of store must sell within 7 days. Category “C” can be on the shelves for up to 25 days. Eggs are also marked according to size. The largest and rarest ones weigh more than 75 grams. They are marked with the letter “B” - the highest grade. Select "O" weigh from 65 to 74.9 grams. Category 1, “1”, from 55 to 64.9 grams; Category 2, “2”, from 45 to 54.9 g. And the smallest eggs, the third category, weigh from 35 to 44.9 grams. Moreover, the quality and beneficial features eggs do not depend on size in any way.

The benefits of eggs are obvious: they contain vitamins and valuable fatty acids. Two or more thirds of the egg consists of protein, and the protein itself is made up of water, protein, a very small amount of fat, carbohydrates, glucose, enzymes and B vitamins. The yolk is 8 times more caloric than the protein. That is why those who are losing weight are advised to prepare meals only from proteins. The yolk of a large egg contains approximately 4 and a half grams of fat, 139 mg of cholesterol, 2.7 grams of protein and a negligible amount of carbohydrates. In general, the calorie content of an egg is 158 kcal per 100 grams.

For a fan-based study, Roskachestvo selected the most popular table eggs of the highest and selected categories among Russians - a total of 28 brands. All, with the exception of one Belarusian, are domestically produced.

Experts also studied the cleanliness of egg shells, which affects the number of bacteria living on its surface. Three did not meet the increased requirements of the Roskachestvo standard for cleanliness trade marks: “Simply ABC”, “Sinyavinskoe” and “Selskaya Nov”.

It is believed that indirect sign The quality of an egg is the purity of its shell, commented Roskachestvo. - Freshly laid eggs from healthy chickens are covered with a bactericidal film, and there are practically no microorganisms on their surface. After four days, the number of viable bacteria on clean shells is reduced by five times, on contaminated shells by three times, and on dirty shells by two times. According to GOST and the Roskachestvo standard, the shell must be undamaged, clean, without blood stains or droppings.

Roskoshestvo also checked the vitamin content of Russian eggs. The standard for these indicators is similar to the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union. As auditors note, the amount of vitamins in a quality product should cover part daily norm human consumption and have the correct ratio of net mass in micrograms per 100 grams of product. Thus, vitamin E in all samples was within normal limits. The content of vitamin D3 in all samples also complied with the current technical regulations of the Customs Union, but in two products - "Chepfa" and Roskar "Yarkovo" it did not coincide with the information indicated on the label. Vitamin A turned out to be the most “deficient” - its reduced content was found in eggs of the brands “Every Day”, Varaksino “Eco”, “Selskaya Nov”, “Praxis”, Poultry Farming Complex “AK Bars”, “Sinyavinskoye”, “Leto”, “Simply Azbuka”, “Fine Food”, “Chepfa”, “Polziki”, Roskar “Extra”, “Gold of the Diet”, Roskar “Activita”. At the same time, the production of enriched with various microelements and unsaturated fatty acids is not regulated by uniform GOSTs - such eggs, as experts note, are produced according to their own technical specifications manufacturers. “At the same time, on the packaging of goods, enterprises indicate “with selenium”, “with iodine”, “with carotenoids”, “with vitamins A, B1, B2, B12, D or E.” This means that any egg must contain the declared elements in the appropriate quantity, otherwise it will be regarded as a violation of consumers’ rights to reliable labeling,” experts explain.

Regarding the content of eggs useful for prevention cardiovascular diseases polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, then experts say that, in principle, there are quite a few of them there.

Natural eggs contain only 0.1 grams of omega-3 acid, experts explain. - This is a relatively small amount, and to meet the daily requirement for omega-3, a person should eat about six eggs per day. However, no doctor will recommend consuming such a quantity of eggs: the dose of cholesterol obtained will cover all potential benefits. To maintain a normal amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids in the body, nutritionists advise eating fish one or two days a week, and the rest of the time maintaining the balance with eggs, linseed oil or walnuts.

Egg lovers are warned that the body receives the benefits of polyunsaturated fatty acids only when their optimal balance is maintained - that is, the combination of both acids is important. Laboratory tests showed that all samples contained sufficient amounts of omega-6, and many had problems with omega-3 content. Both acids were found in optimal quantities in the eggs “Every Day”, “The Most Tasty”, “Polziki”, Roskar “Extra”, “Seimas Gold”, “Summer”, Roskar “Happy Chicken”, Varaksino “Derevenskoe”, Roskar “Activita” " and "Tape".

According to the “freshness” indicator, which was determined by the size of the air chamber between the protein and the inner wall of the shell - professionals call it “puga”, the increased standard (no more than 7 mm) corresponded to “365 days”, “The most delicious”, “Seimovskaya Poultry Farm”, Roskar “Extra”, “Summer” and “Tape”. In a fresh egg, the puga is small in size, but over time the egg begins to “dry out” and the puga begins to increase. Meanwhile, according to another, indirect indicator of freshness, all samples nevertheless passed the test.

An indirect indicator of the freshness of the product is the acid-base balance of the yolk, Roskoshestvo clarified. - The older the egg, the higher its acidity and the lower the pH level. The Roskoshestvo standard for eggs has established a pH level of 5.9 units. According to the results of laboratory tests, all products were able to meet this requirement, that is, all eggs presented in the study were fresh and suitable for consumption.

In terms of weight, not all products were up to par either. Since the study involved eggs of selected (marked C0) and the highest category (marked St), they are according to the standards Russian system qualities had to weigh more than 55 grams. Despite the fact that the manufacturers of 13 samples reported compliance with GOST, in fact, only one was able to meet it - under the “Most Tasty” brand. “Other 12 “guested” samples “Okskoye”, “Every Day”, Varaksino “Eco”, “Village Zelenoe”, “Rural Nov”, “FINE LIFE”, “Chepfa”, “Praxis”, “365 days”, “ The Seymovskaya poultry farm, the AK Bars poultry complex, and Sinyavinskoye did not correspond to the “selected” category, which means they misled consumers with their labeling,” experts report. In another five samples produced according to the technical conditions of the enterprises, the specified category of individual eggs by weight could not correspond to the real values ​​- these are the trademarks “Polziki”, “Zoloto Seimy”, Roskar “Activita”, Roskar “Yarkovo” and Varaksino “Derevenskoe”.

As a result, two brands of eggs were recognized as a high-quality product - “The Most Tasty” (produced by PTF “Red Ear”) and “Lenta” (produced by JSC “Volzhanin”). 8 brands were named as high-quality products: Roskar “Mega” (manufactured by PJSC Roskar Poultry Farm), “Leto” - packs of 6, 10 and 20 pieces (manufactured by Belyanka LLC), Roskar “Happy Chicken” (manufactured by PJSC “Roskar Poultry Farm”), “Bird Land” (produced by Volzhanin OJSC), “Simply Azbuka” (produced by Varaksino Poultry Farm LLC), “Fine Food” (produced by Roskar Poultry Farm PJSC).

Doctor Peter

One of the criteria for classifying eggs is the permissible storage duration.

Taking this into account, two groups are distinguished: table and dietary eggs.

  • Dietary eggs are not stored at low temperatures and are sold within seven days. Essentially, it is a very fresh egg. The labeling on this product is usually in red and should indicate the date of its introduction.

Table eggs are stored for no more than twenty-five days at room temperature, in the refrigerator - ninety days. A blue stamp is placed on the shell with the obligatory indication of the category.

In addition, eggs are classified by weight.
Weight allows us to distinguish the following categories:

  • The highest - seventy-five grams or more, denoted by the letters SV.
  • Selected - from 65 to 74.90 grams, marked CO.
  • – from 55 to 64.90 grams.
  • Egg of the second category C2 - from 45 to 54.90 grams. It is distinguished by its small size, as it was demolished by young chickens.
  • C3 - weight from 35 to 45 grams.

When purchasing, you should pay attention to the date the eggs were sorted. After all, the fresher the egg, the better it is. It is advisable that the sorting date be close to the date of purchase.

In addition, the location of egg production matters. It is better to choose instances from your region.

GOST chicken eggs

All chicken eggs must meet the requirements state standard, sanitary and epidemiological rules and veterinary legislation.

GOSTchicken eggs establishes a number of requirements for product quality.

  1. First of all, the shell. It must be clean, without any damage or stains. The presence of stripes and single dots is allowed.
  2. Eggs that are too dirty must be treated with special detergents, but only those that are approved for use.
  3. The contents of the egg should not have any odors: rottenness, rottenness.

An examination is carried out to determine the type and freshness of eggs.

  1. For analysis, several eggs are taken from each batch.
  2. Then ovoscoping is performed, during which the transparency of the egg and the mobility of the yolk are checked.
  3. If damaged eggs are detected and any problems are identified, the entire batch is passed through the ovoscope, after which a conclusion is drawn up about their quality.

Chicken eggs that meet the requirements of GOST are used for industrial processing and sale in stores.

A product with a dirty shell is packaged separately, the container is provided with an appropriate label and sent for quick use in the confectionery and bakery industries.

GOST also establishes the shelf life of eggs - no more than twenty-five days from the date of sorting at a temperature of zero to plus twenty degrees - a household refrigerator.

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