Home Tooth pain The role of food eggs in human nutrition article. Eggs

The role of food eggs in human nutrition article. Eggs


Preparation of small-sized semi-finished products from pork and lamb

Preparation of portioned semi-finished products from pork and lamb

1. Natural cutlets from lamb and pork, cut portions from the loin at an angle of 45° along with the rib bone. The flesh of the cut pieces is trimmed along the rib by 2-3 cm, the bone is peeled, the cutlets are beaten and the tendons are cut.

2. Chops from lamb and pork, cut from the loin at an angle of 45° along with the rib bone. The pulp is trimmed along the stone, the stone is cleaned, the pulp is beaten, the tendons are cut, sprinkled with salt and pepper, soaked in lezone and breaded .

3. Escalope- cut the loin without rib bones into portions 1.5-2 cm thick, beat it, cut the tendons. Use 1-2 pieces per serving.

4. Schnitzel chop- cut the ham pulp into portions 1.5-2 cm thick. Beat the pulp, cut the tendons, sprinkle with salt, pepper, soaked in leison, breaded in breadcrumbs and given the appropriate shape.

5. Karski style shashlik- cut the loins one piece per serving and marinate. For marinating, place chopped meat in a non-oxidizing container, sprinkle with lemon juice or vinegar, add finely chopped onions, ground pepper, salt, parsley and dill (you can add vegetable oil), mix everything and put it in the refrigerator for 4-5 hours. The kidneys are marinated along with the meat. Before frying, first put half a kidney on a skewer, then put the meat and the other half of the kidney.

6. Brass lamb, pork- cut portions from the shoulder (for pork - from the neck) at an angle of 45°, 2-2.5 cm thick.

Small-piece semi-finished products for frying.

Caucasian style shashlik- cut the pulp of the loin and ham into pieces in the form of cubes weighing 30-40 g and marinate. Before frying, put 5-6 pieces on a skewer.

Roasting- cut from loin and ham in the form of sticks weighing 10-15 g.

Small-piece semi-finished products for stewing.

Stew- cut pieces of lamb or pork brisket together with the bone into cubes weighing 30-40 g, 3-4 pieces per serving.

Pilaf- cut the shoulder and brisket into pieces in the form of cubes weighing 15-20 g, 6-8 pieces per serving.

Goulash- cut pieces from the shoulder and neck parts of pork into cubes weighing 20-30 g with a fat content of no more than 20%.

ticket number 2

Mechanical cooking of vegetables is carried out in a vegetable shop.

Methods for cleaning vegetables: manual, mechanical.

Rules for cleaning tubers and root crops. Technology system Processing of potatoes and root crops consists of the following operations: sorting (sizing) by quality and size, washing, peeling, post-cleaning, washing and cutting. Sorting and sizing help rational use, reduce waste .

Cabbage. The top contaminated leaves of white, savoy and red cabbage are removed, the outer part of the stalk is cut off and washed. The head of cabbage is cut into two or four parts and the stalk is cut out

Cauliflower in darkened places, clean it with a grater or knife; it is also dipped in acidified or salted water to remove the caterpillars.

Cucumbers, lettuce, greens, pumpkin first sorted, and then peeled, washed and cut. Greens and lettuce are washed in plenty of running water.

The greens and roots of red radishes are cut off, then washed; the skin of white radishes is peeled.

Onion. U onions The bottom is cut off and the dry scales are removed.

Pea and bean pods. Damaged pods are rejected. The end of the pod is broken and the vein connecting the valves is removed.

Tomatoes (tomatoes) are sorted by size and degree of maturity (ripe, unripe, overripe), and damaged or dented specimens are removed. Then they wash and cut out the place where the stalk is attached.

Eggplant sort, cut off the stalk, wash, scald old eggplants and peel the skin.

Capsicums (hot and sweet) are sorted, washed, cut in half lengthwise, seeds are removed along with the pulp and washed.

pumpkin wash, cut off the stalk, cut into several parts, remove the seeds, peel and wash.

Waste standards listed in the collection of recipes. Their quantity depends on the quality of the vegetables, the cleaning method and the time of year - more in spring than in autumn.

Slicing vegetables, its purpose, Slicing vegetables contributes to their more uniform heat treatment and gives dishes a beautiful appearance, improves taste.

Slicing methods. Chop vegetables mechanically or manually

Cutting forms. The simplest, most common forms of cutting potatoes include: strips, cubes, sticks, mugs, slices, wedges.

Complex (curly) cutting shapes include: barrels, pears, garlic, balls, spirals, shavings. In this case, potatoes are cut manually using the grinding method.

The onion is cut into rings, half rings, slices and small cubes.

Cabbage is cut into strips, in small steps (squares), chopped for minced meat

THE IMPORTANCE OF EGG DISHES. Their the nutritional value determined primarily by the content of proteins, fat, vitamins A, D, B1, B 2 , a large amount of all the mineral substances necessary for humans (iron, phosphorus, calcium, sulfur, etc.), as well as fat-like substances (cholesterol and lecithin), which affect the vital processes of the body. Compared to the white, the yolk contains more nutrients. Duck and goose eggs are not used in catering establishments.

Eggs are boiled in the shell and without the shell. To boil one egg, take 250–300 g of water. Depending on the cooking time, you get an egg of different consistency: soft-boiled, “in a bag”, hard-boiled.

SCRAMBLED EGGS Place the eggs in boiling water and cook for 2.5–3 minutes from the moment the water boils. Soft-boiled eggs have a semi-liquid white and a runny yolk. Eggs are usually served hot for breakfast, 1-2 pieces each. per serving, placed on a plate or inserted into special stands in the form of glasses.

EGGS “IN A BAG” Eggs are boiled in the same way as soft-boiled eggs, but for 4.5–5 minutes. Cool in cold water and release in the shell in the same way as soft-boiled eggs, or carefully peel by dropping in cold water, then heated and used for clear broth, eggs on toast with sauce. In an egg boiled “in a bag”, the yolk and main part remain liquid, and the outer layers of the protein coagulate and form a kind of “bag”, in which most of the egg ends up.

HARD BOILED EGGS Boil the eggs for 10–15 minutes. After washing cold water served in shells or used in peeled form for salads, cold dishes, soups, sauces, stuffing. Hard-boiled eggs have completely thickened, dense whites and yolks. You cannot increase the cooking time for eggs, as they become hard, elastic and much more difficult to digest.

To prevent eggs from leaking during cooking, if a crack appears in the shell, salt is added to the water, which creates an osmotic pressure in the solution that is higher than the pressure inside the egg. The difference in these pressures prevents the contents of the egg from leaking out. In a boiled egg, not cooled in cold water, you can see the darkening of the top layer of the yolk due to the formation of iron sulfide from hydrogen sulfide of the white and iron of the yolk. Rapid cooling of an egg in cold water prevents the combination of hydrogen sulfide with iron and the yolk does not darken.

EGGS WITHOUT SHELL (POCHED) Add salt and vinegar to a pan of water, bring to a boil, stir the water to form a funnel in the middle, into which the shelled egg is placed. Cook at low boil for 3-4 minutes, remove with a slotted spoon, and trim the whites that have spread around the edges with a knife. The yolk should be inside the white and have a semi-liquid consistency. Use eggs boiled without shell, cold or hot. Served on white bread toast with sauce or with hot meat dishes.

ticket number 3


Introduce students to the role of eggs in human nutrition.
- Introduce the signs of good quality of an egg and teach how to divide an egg into categories.
- Cultivate aesthetic taste, instill skills of culture and accuracy.

TYPE OF LESSON: combined.

EQUIPMENT: 3 boiled eggs (different sizes), one raw egg, a glass of water, salt, a set of weights and scales from the physics room, table “Structure of an egg.”



Greeting students.
- Checking readiness for the lesson.


Today in the lesson in the “Cooking” section you should get acquainted with the role of eggs in human nutrition, learn how to determine the good quality of an egg and divide eggs into categories. It was no coincidence that I chose this topic; nowadays, grocery store shelves are filled with products that contain a large number of different food substitutes, dyes and additives. And sometimes they have the worst effect on the human body. best influence. It is not at all necessary to satisfy the feeling of hunger with the help of such products; you can simply eat a chicken egg, after all. which can be prepared from eggs quickly and tasty - a lot.

A chicken egg is a nutritious product containing proteins, fats and mineral salts.

(Write the diagram on the board.)

The most valuable part of an egg is the yolk. It is rich not only in proteins, fats, minerals, but also in vitamins - A, B1, B2, D, E.

Now let’s look at the structure of the egg (you can use a ready-made table, if you don’t have one, make a drawing on the board and label the parts of the egg).

2. Protein
3. Yolk
4. Hailstone
6. Puga

According to their shelf life, eggs are divided into:

  • dietary – shelf life no more than 7 days,
  • canteens – shelf life more than 7 days.

There are several ways to determine the good quality of an egg:

1. Transillumination method.

You need to hold the egg up to the light. If the egg is fresh, the white will be clearly visible and the yolk will be, although faint, noticeable. If the egg is not translucent, it means it is not benign.

2. Boiled egg method.

A fresh boiled egg has a spherical yolk, and the white fits tightly to the shell. If an egg has been stored for a long time, it dries out and an air space - puga - forms between the white and the shell.

3. Salt method.

Pour water into a glass and dissolve 1 tablespoon of salt, then lower the egg (draw on the board and in students’ notebooks).

If the egg sinks to the bottom of the glass, it means it is fresh; if it floats just above the bottom, it is not fresh enough. If the egg floats to the top, it is of poor quality. (This method is shown as an experiment.)

All of you have probably paid attention to the fact that some eggs are more expensive, while others are cheaper. This depends on the category of the egg, which depends on the weight or size of the egg. Typically, the weight of a chicken egg ranges from 40 to 76 grams, depending on this the category is assigned.


Now, by weighing, we will find out which category these 3 boiled eggs belong to; they are different in size, which means their weight will be different. By finding out the weight, we can determine which category which egg belongs to. (Categories are weighed and distributed.)


To summarize the lesson and find out what new you learned during the lesson, you are asked to solve a small crossword puzzle.


  1. The "shell" of the egg.
  2. Film under the shell.
  3. The yolk hangs on them.
  4. It depends on the size of the egg.


  1. The air space between the shell and the white.
  2. "Chick".
  3. Fills the space between the yolk and shell.


The composition of eggs attracts attention high level"balance biologically active ingredients. Squirrels. The quantity and quality of protein in the white and yolk are different. Egg white contains mainly ovoalbumin (69.7%), conalbumin (9.5%), ovoglobulin (6.7%), ovomucoid (12.7%), ovulation (1.9%), lysozyme (3 %), avidin (0.05%). Of these proteins, ovoalbumin and conalbumin have the greatest biological value. Avidin is able to actively bind to biotin (vitamin H) and form a biologically inactive biotin-avidin complex, leading to the development of a state of vitamin deficiency. It should be noted that another egg white protein, lysozyme, which has antibiotic properties, is structurally close to the avidin-biotin complex and the identity of these compounds is possible.

Thus, eggs are a significant source of animal protein, and highest quality. Evidence of this is the adoption of egg white as the international standard for assessing protein quality different products. All essential amino acids are maximally balanced in the egg. The ratios of tryptophan, histidine and threonine are especially favorable, which provides optimal conditions for tissue protein synthesis and growth processes. In this regard, eggs should be included in the mandatory range of baby food products.

Fats. A whole egg contains about 12% lipids, i.e. about the same as protein. This provides a natural balance of protein and fat in a 1:1 ratio. Lipids are represented mainly by triglycerides - 7.45%) and phospholipids - 3.39%. The main part of phospholipids is lecithin, the amount of which in the yolk is 8.6%, or 1.6 g. Lecithin contains up to 75% choline; about 50% of the lecithin in the yolk is associated with vitellin. In addition to lecithin, the yolk contains cephalin and sphingomyelin, which have the same biological activity, like lecithin.

A whole egg contains 570 mg of cholesterol per 100 g of edible portion of the product. On this basis, atherogenic properties were attributed to eggs and they were strictly limited in the diet of older people. This issue is currently being studied and may be revised.

Cholesterol in the yolk is predominantly in a free state (84%) in a mobile, unbound form. The ratio of lecithin to cholesterol in eggs is favorable, and like no other product, the lecithin content exceeds the cholesterol content (6: 1).

Vitamins. Eggs are a source of vitamins. They all are well represented fat soluble vitamins. The most important aspect of the vitamin activity of eggs is their high choline content. In terms of choline content, eggs are second only to phosphatide concentrates, in which its content is 5 times (sunflower concentrate) and 10 times (soybean concentrate) higher.

Mineral elements. Great importance eggs are also a source of phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc, copper, etc. Eggs contain quite a lot of potassium and sodium.

The digestibility of heat-treated eggs is better than raw eggs. Under the influence of heating to 80 ° C, the antitryptic enzyme present in raw eggs is destroyed, and the unfavorable avidin-biotin complex is also broken down. All components of the egg are well digestible: proteins - 98%, fats - 96%.

Eggs are among the most valuable food products, which not only increase the energy content of food, but also its biological value and significantly improve taste, expand the range of dishes in enterprises baby food. Only chicken and quail eggs come here, since the eggs waterfowl are often infected with paratyphoid bacteria. All nutrients eggs are balanced in both quality and quantity, but the most nutritious part is the yolk. The average weight of a chicken egg is 45 g. Chemical composition The yolk is significantly different from that of the white. The yolk contains on average 48.7% water, 32.6% lipids, 16.6% proteins, 1% carbohydrates and 1.1% minerals. Protein contains: 87.9% water, 10.6% proteins, 0.9% carbohydrates, 0.4% minerals, 0.03% lipids. The dry matter in an egg consists mainly of proteins.

Boiled eggs. Eggs are boiled soft-boiled, in a bag or hard-boiled. The latter are used mainly for salads and minced meats. For cooking, boilers with a mesh liner are used. Eggs are dipped in boiling water (for 10 eggs - 3 liters of water and 40 g of salt) and boiled: soft-boiled - 3-3½ minutes; in a bag - 4½ - 5½ min; hard-boiled - 8-10 min. They are then immediately immersed in cold water for a few seconds. The shells of boiled eggs must be clean; in soft-boiled eggs, the white, located closer to the shell, is compacted, and the yolk is liquid; Boiled eggs have a firm white and a semi-liquid yolk.

Egg porridge. Eggs are mixed with milk and salt. Pour into a saucepan, add butter, boil while stirring until a loose semi-liquid porridge is obtained. They can also be cooked in a water bath. Served with green peas heated in their own juice. The consistency of the finished porridge is tender and loose; light yellow color, smell of eggs and milk.

Omelettes. There are natural, protein, mixed and stuffed omelettes. To prepare a natural omelette, eggs (and white omelette - only whites) are beaten with a whisk or in a beater with milk and salt, poured into a hot frying pan with oil and fried, stirring. The edges of the finished omelet are folded from both sides towards the middle in the form of a pie. For a steam omelette, the whipped mixture is poured into molds or baking sheets, greased with oil, steamed in pans and boxes with mesh liners, steamers, or in a water bath. For mixed omelettes, fillers (simmered grated carrots, boiled meat minced in a meat grinder with a fine grid, boiled cauliflower etc.) are added to the omelette mixture, steamed or baked. The consistency of omelettes is delicate, homogeneous, slightly elastic, the shape is well preserved; steam omelettes have a light yellow color; for fried ones, the surface is browned, without burnt areas; taste and smell characteristic of eggs. In mixed omelets, the fillings retain their shape and are evenly distributed throughout the mass. Stuffed omelettes are shaped like a pie with filling inside.

Fried egg. Eggs (2-3 pieces per serving) are released into a frying pan heated with oil. To avoid breaking the yolk shell, salt the butter or egg white. Fry until the protein coagulates. When leaving, sprinkle with herbs. Fried eggs are also prepared with tomatoes, green peas, boiled meat products, green onions, boiled potatoes. The whites of scrambled eggs are dense, without dry edges; yolk - retained its shape, slightly thickened, without white spots.

Drachena. Raw eggs(melange, swollen egg powder), milk, flour and sour cream are mixed, salted, poured onto a baking sheet, greased with oil, and baked in the oven. The consistency of the finished product is dense, elastic, but not stale; the surface is browned, without burnt areas.

The most valuable are chicken eggs. The egg contains all the nutrients necessary for human life: water - 74%, proteins - 12.6%, fats - 11.5%, carbohydrates - 0.6%, minerals - 1%, vitamins A, E, B1, B2, D. Energy value 100 g chicken eggs is 157 kcal.

(depending on the timing and methods of storage) Eggs (7 days from the date of laying) Dietary (more than 7 days from the date of laying) Table eggs (no more than 30 days from the date of laying) Fresh (more than 30 days from the date of laying) Refrigerated ( up to 120 days in lime mortar) Limed agricultural products

The type of eggs in the labeling indicates the permissible shelf life: - The letter “D” means a dietary egg, which is sold within 7 days. - The letter “C” means a table egg; such eggs are sold for more than 7 days. The category of eggs in the labeling is indicated depending on their weight: - “B” highest category- 70 grams or more. - “O” selective category - from 65 to 69.9 grams. - “1” first category - from 55 to 64.9 grams. - “2” second category - from 45 to 54.9 grams. - “Small” - less than 45 grams. A stamp is placed indicating the enterprise, the type and category of eggs, the month and date of their laying.

Pour water into a transparent glass. Dissolve a tablespoon of salt in it. Carefully lower the egg into it. A fresh egg sinks and lies flat on the bottom. An egg that is not fresh enough floats up with its rounded end up after 7 days of laying. A stale egg floats to the surface. An egg that is not fresh enough (2-3 weeks old) floats on its sharp end perpendicular to the bottom of the glass.

A fresh egg has a compact, round yolk, held in the center of the egg by a viscous, dense layer of white surrounded by a smaller, thinner layer. In an egg that is not fresh enough, the yolk moves away from the center. The dense layer of protein becomes more liquid, mixing with the outer layer of protein after 7 days of laying. In an egg that is not fresh enough, the yolk becomes less compact, flatter and wider when it is 2-3 weeks old. The protein becomes thinner and takes on a watery consistency. A stale egg has a sharp content bad smell and streaks of blood.

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