Home Stomatitis Rating of the best hypoallergenic formulas for baby food. Hypoallergenic formulas for infants What is a hypoallergenic formula

Rating of the best hypoallergenic formulas for baby food. Hypoallergenic formulas for infants What is a hypoallergenic formula

In children, including newborns and infants, they are becoming more common every year. Various manifestations food allergies(skin rashes, dry skin, diathesis, intestinal symptoms, etc.) in varying degrees severity is recorded periodically or constantly in more than 50% of children infancy. And even more children have high risk development of allergies.

As allergens - food components that cause reactions hypersensitivity with skin or/and intestinal symptoms, – with food allergies in infants, cow's milk protein is most often the protein. Therefore, for the treatment and prevention of allergies, a special line of mixtures is used (more about them in our article). The cow's milk protein in their composition is crushed to such an extent that the body does not recognize it as an allergen.

What you need to know about hypoallergenic baby formulas

Indications for use

Let's start by determining the indications for prescribing a hypoallergenic mixture to a child. There are few of them:

  • (for cow protein and goat milk) in infants who are on artificial or mixed feeding;
  • treatment of children with malabsorption and digestion syndrome (acute intestinal infections, non-infectious diarrhea, celiac disease, galactosemia, etc.);
  • malnutrition;
  • medicinal mixtures can be used for feeding.

Please note: an allergy in a breastfed baby is not an indication for switching a child to formula, even the most wonderful and hypoallergenic! In the event that a child with symptoms allergic disease receives only breast milk, required; For children receiving , the timing of the introduction of complementary foods and their composition are reviewed, but a transfer from natural to artificial feeding is under no circumstances prescribed!

Types of hypoallergenic mixtures

Hypoallergenic mixtures are divided into several types, differing from each other in composition, manufacturing method and indications for use.

According to their purpose, hypoallergenic mixtures are divided into two types: preventive and. In this article we will look at mixtures prophylactic use.

Preventive hypoallergenic formulas are prescribed to children receiving artificial or mixed feeding if they have a high risk of developing allergies (with a burdened allergic history - allergies in the mother and/or father). Also, preventive formulas can be used in children with first and/or mild symptoms allergies. In the case of moderate and severe food allergies, preventive mixtures are prescribed after achieving a long-term stable remission (for 3 months or more there are completely or almost completely no symptoms of the disease) as a kind of transitional step from therapeutic mixtures to normal nutrition.

Hypoallergenic breast milk substitutes differ in composition and production method (partial or complete) and in the type of protein fraction that has undergone hydrolysis (casein and whey hydrolysates). There are also differences in the carbohydrate component: hypoallergenic mixtures can contain only lactose or be low-lactose, lactose-free.

In terms of composition, hypoallergenic formulas are usually well adapted (their composition is as close as possible to the composition of breast milk), they have an optimal vitamin and mineral balance, but there may be a lack of age adaptation (when there are no formulas 1 and 2, taking into account the different needs of children under 6 months and older). Mixtures latest generation are additionally enriched with components important for the full development of the baby (, nucleotides, etc.).

Important! Soy mixtures and mixtures are not hypoallergenic! Both types of food can be used when feeding children with an allergy to cow's milk protein, but intolerance reactions to soy protein and goat's milk protein can also develop. Breast milk belongs to dairy-free, lactose-free medicinal formulas, and artificial substitutes based on goat's milk are not medicinal - it is a regular adapted formula (usually of high quality), it is simply prepared not with cow's milk, but with goat's milk.

General information about preventive hypoallergenic mixtures

When preparing preventive formulas, cow's milk protein is subjected to partial hydrolysis, resulting in the formation of small molecules (peptides) - compared to whole protein, they are easier to digest and assimilate in the child's intestines and therefore are less likely to cause allergic reactions.

However, the ability of peptides to cause allergies is directly related to their molecular weight, and with partial hydrolysis this parameter remains quite high (more than 5000 daltons). In cases where the child is already sensitized to cow's milk protein (he has already had obvious allergic reactions to it), high molecular weight peptides will still be recognized as an allergen, and the use prophylactic mixture Such a child will be accompanied by allergies.

Therefore, prophylactic mixtures are not used to treat moderate and severe forms food allergies, but find wide application in the prevention of allergies or their exacerbations, and can also give positive result when feeding children with mild symptoms allergies.

Preventive measures include the following: popular brands mixtures (all of them have the prefix hypoallergenic - HA, or low-allergenic):

  • "NAN hypoallergenic";
  • "Nutrilak GA";
  • "Nutrilon GA";
  • "Frisolak GA";
  • "Hipp GA";
  • "Humana GA";
  • "Similak GA";
  • "Selia GA";
  • "Mikamilk Lux GA";
  • "Bellakt GA";
  • "GA Topic";
  • "Enfamil Comfort GA".

“Agusha Gold” also belongs to the preventive mixtures - it also uses hydrolyzed protein, but there is no GA labeling.

Features of preventive mixtures:

  1. Enriched with protein (compared to “standard” mixtures). The exception is “NAN GA”, its protein content is normal.
  2. Proteins are represented by partial hydrolyzate of whey protein, there is no casein (except for “Selia GA” and “Agushi Gold” - they contain a mixture of casein and whey hydrolysates).
  3. The fat content in preventive mixtures is slightly lower.
  4. Hypoallergenic human milk substitutes have a bitter taste (due to broken down protein) and are often caught and bad smell. This is a property of all hypoallergenic formulas, due to which introducing them into the baby’s diet after breast milk or a regular formula that has a sweet taste requires some perseverance from parents. In order for the baby to quickly get used to the unusual taste, on the first day it is allowed to give a mixture of lower concentration. In the future, children get used to it and stop refusing food.
  5. When feeding a child with preventive hypoallergenic formulas, or a gray tint is normal phenomenon, due to the presence of protein hydrolysate.
  6. Any hypoallergenic mixture can cause intolerance reactions (allergy) and regurgitation in some babies. Therefore, the mixture should be selected on the recommendation of a doctor, under his supervision and strictly individually.

Now let’s talk about individual brands of preventive hypoallergenic mixtures:


Manufacturer: Nestlé. Available for different ages: “NAN GA 1” – up to 6 months, 2 – from 6 months to a year. "NAN GA 1" and 2 are an adapted milk formula for artificial feeding. There is also “NAN GA” under the numbers 3 - from one year, 4 - from 1.5 years - baby milk to replace cow's milk.

Features of the mixture:

  1. Carbohydrates in the NAN GA 1 mixture are 100% lactose, as in human milk. This is good, since lactose is the most physiological lactose, which the baby’s body is capable of fully digesting and assimilating. But if the baby has signs of lactase deficiency, NAN GA 1 will not be suitable.
  2. “NAN GA” is enriched with polyunsaturated fatty acids – arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acids, the content of which in the diet is extremely important for the development of the nervous, immune systems and vision of the child.
  3. The mixture contains probiotics – live bifidobacteria BL (in “NAS 1”), a complex of live bifidobacteria and lactobacilli (“NAS 2”), which will be an additional advantage for food allergies, when the composition of the child’s intestinal microflora is often disrupted and immunity suffers.
  4. NAS also contains nucleotides necessary for the maturation of immunity, gastrointestinal enzymes and many other processes.
  5. The disadvantage of the mixture is its rather high osmolarity (total concentration of dissolved substances), which creates an excessive load on the child’s immature kidneys and intestines. The NAN mixture has an osmolarity of 320 mOsm/kg, which, however, is still within the range permissible norm for artificial human milk substitutes.

The mixture "NAN GA" is quite expensive. Feedback from parents is mostly positive, but there are complaints about poor tolerance - constipation, the appearance or worsening of rashes after consuming the formula, and the child’s refusal to accept the formula.

"Nutrilak GA"

Manufacturer: Nutritek, Russia. Available in two versions - 1 (from 0 to 6 months) and 2 (after six months).


  1. The lactose content is reduced (maltodextrin is added), i.e. the mixture can be used in children with poor tolerance to milk sugar.
  2. Omega-3 and Omega-6 added to the mixture fatty acid, including arachidonic and docosahexaenoic acid.
  3. Contains prebiotics (fructo- and oligosaccharides) that promote growth beneficial microflora intestines and forming soft, regular stools.
  4. Presence of nucleotides.
  5. “Nutrilak GA” is enriched with lutein, a substance beneficial for the baby’s vision.
  6. Low osmolarity (220).

The mixture is from the middle price segment, while its composition meets all requirements, and additional components useful for the baby are added. Parents' reviews of the mixture are good; sometimes allergic reactions to Nutrilak GA are noted.

"Nutrilon GA"

Manufacturer: Nutricia, Netherlands. Available in two versions: 1 (from 0 to 6 months) and 2 (from six months).


  1. Carbohydrates in Nutrilon GA 1 are 100% lactose.
  2. Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids are present.
  3. Palm oil (palmitic acid) in the Nutrilon GA mixture is in a position favorable for absorption.
  4. Contains prebiotics – galacto-oligosugars and fructo-oligosugars.
  5. It contains nucleotides.
  6. Osmolarity is high (310).

A mixture from a high price category. It is generally well tolerated. There are allergic reactions, and occasionally problems with stool.

"Frisolak GA"

Manufacturer: Friesland Campina, Netherlands. Available in two versions: 1 and 2.


  1. The carbohydrate component in Frisolak GA 1 is represented only by lactose.
  2. Includes arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. Contains prebiotics – galactooligosaccharides.
  4. Nucleotides are present.
  5. Osmolarity is average, the same as that of breast milk (290).

The mixture is expensive good quality, well tolerated. Parents note the pleasant taste and smell of the mixture, the absence of bitterness characteristic of other hypoallergenic mixtures. Complaints of allergies and constipation are rare.

"Hipp GA Combiotic"

Manufacturer: Hipp, Germany. Available in two versions (1 and 2).


  1. In addition to lactose, it contains starch. Starch, on the one hand, promotes rapid satiety, prevents overeating and improves the taste of the mixture. On the other hand, the introduction of starch into formula for children in the first six months is not recommended, since enzymes for its digestion begin to be produced at approximately 3–4 months. In children under 3 months of age, starch can cause colic, increased gas formation, and bowel disorders.
  2. Hipp GA contains a complex of prebiotics (galactooligosaccharides from lactose) and probiotics (live lactobacilli).
  3. There are no nucleotides.
  4. “Hipp GA Combiotic 1” refers to therapeutic and prophylactic mixtures, since the protein in its composition is subjected to deep breakdown. This formula can be prescribed to children with existing allergies (with mild to moderate manifestations). "Hipp GA Combiotic 2" contains partially hydrolyzed protein.
  5. Osmolarity is low (255).

The mixture is expensive, high quality. Not too bitter, quite pleasant to the taste. The mixture is not available in all stores and pharmacies; it can be difficult to buy.

"Humana GA"

Manufacturer: Humana, Germany. Available in four versions: “Humana GA 0” – liquid sterile milk formula, ready to use (no need to dilute, just need to be warmed up) – for babies from birth; “Humana GA 1” – for babies from 0 to 6 months; “Humana GA 2” – for children older than six months; “Humana GA 3” – from 10 months.


  1. Carbohydrates, in addition to lactose, are represented by maltose and dextrin. Humana GA 1 contains only lactose.
  2. The composition includes arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. The presence of prebiotics, although indicated separately, refers to natural galacto-oligosaccharides from lactose, which are present in all hypoallergenic mixtures.
  4. There are nucleotides.
  5. Osmolarity is low (265).

The mixture is expensive. Parents note improved digestion in children fed the Humana formula (colic goes away, stool normalizes). But cases of intolerance are also possible.

"Similac GA"

Manufacturer: Abbott, Spain or USA. Available in two versions - 1 and 2.


  1. Carbohydrates are represented by maltodextrin.
  2. There are arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. Presence of prebiotics – galactooligosaccharides.
  4. Nucleotides are present.
  5. “Similac” is the only brand of hypoallergenic mixtures that does not contain palm oil. The issue of the dangers of palm oil is quite controversial, but the manufacturer himself claims that its presence in baby food causes constipation and has a bad effect on absorption.
  6. Contains lutein.
  7. Osmolarity is low (133).

The mixture is expensive. Reviews from parents are different: for some children it suits perfectly, for others it causes allergies and diarrhea.

"Selia GA"

Manufacturer: Celia, France. Available in a single version without division by age, for feeding from birth to one year.


  1. Carbohydrates – lactose and maltodextrin.
  2. Arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids are absent.
  3. The composition includes probiotics - live bifidobacteria BB.
  4. No nucleotides.
  5. Celia GA proteins are represented by a mixture of casein and whey hydrolysates. The advantages of one or another protein fraction are controversial; experts do not have a consensus on this issue. Generally speaking, casein hydrolysates are less allergenic, but have a worse taste and lower nutritional value.
  6. Compared to other brands of HA formulas that have several forms of release, “Celia” is less adapted, since there is no conversion of protein and other components depending on the age of the child, while in the first and second half of life the needs of children are somewhat different.

The mixture is relatively inexpensive, good price-quality ratio. Not very popular, sometimes difficult to buy.

"Mikamilk Lux GA"

Manufacturer: Moscow Golden-Domed, Russia or Nutribio, France. Available in a single version.


  1. Carbohydrates: lactose, dextrin maltose, rice starch.
  2. Does not contain important arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. Does not contain pre- or probiotics.
  4. There are no nucleotides in the composition.
  5. The composition is not adapted to the child’s age (there is no separation before six months and after six months).
  6. Osmolarity is above average (310).

The mixture is inexpensive. The main composition (proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamin and mineral complex) is quite capable of satisfying the child’s needs.

But: some important components for the development of organs and strengthening the immune system are missing, starch is present, the presence of which in the diet of infants under 3 months is undesirable, the composition is not adapted. The mixture is rarely found on sale.

"Bellakt GA"

Manufacturer: Bellakt, Belarus. Available in two versions (1 and 2).


  1. Lactose-free mixture.
  2. Contains arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. Contains prebiotics – fructo- and galacto-oligosaccharides.
  4. It contains nucleotides.
  5. Osmolarity is average.

The mixture is relatively inexpensive, with an enriched composition. Generally well tolerated. The absence of lactose makes it possible to prescribe it to children who are prone to allergies and have signs of severe or moderate lactase deficiency.

"GA Topic"

Manufacturer: prepared in Germany by order of UniMilk, Russia. Available in two versions (1 and 2).


  1. Carbohydrates are represented by lactose, maltodextrin and starch. It also contains glucose syrup, which, although it helps improve taste, is extremely undesirable in the nutrition of babies in the first half of the year.
  2. No arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. No pre- or probiotics.
  4. Does not contain nucleotides.
  5. Osmolarity is low (250).

The mixture has a low cost, but at the same time it is not without its drawbacks (starch, glucose in the composition, lack of components important for the health and development of the child). Not too common.

"Enfamil Comfort GA"

Manufacturer: Mead Johnson, USA. Available in a single version - for feeding children from birth to one year.


  1. Carbohydrates include lactose and corn syrup.
  2. Contains arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. There are no pre- and probiotics.
  4. Contains nucleotides.
  5. In terms of the amount of protein and other components, it is poorly adapted to the child’s age.
  6. Osmolarity is average (290).

The price of the mixture is closer to the expensive ones, with an enriched composition. Disadvantage - there are no formulas for children from birth to six months and older than six months.

"Agusha Gold"

Manufacturer: Wimm-Bill-Dann, France, Denmark or Russia. Available in two versions (1 and 2).


  1. Carbohydrates are represented by lactose and maltodextrin.
  2. Contains arachidonic and docosahexaenoic fatty acids.
  3. The composition contains prebiotics (fructo- and galacto-oligosaccharides) and probiotics (bifidobacteria).
  4. Contains nucleotides.
  5. Proteins are a mixture of casein and whey hydrolysates.
  6. Contains lutein.
  7. Osmolarity is average.

A mixture from the middle price segment, of good quality, enriched with valuable components. Quite common, available in many stores baby food and pharmacies. Feedback from parents is mostly positive.

Some tips for selecting hypoallergenic mixtures for preventive purposes:

  1. For children with a burdened allergic history, but without signs of allergies and lactase deficiency, the optimal mixtures are “Frisolak”, “Nutrilon”, “Humana”, NAS, “Nutrilak”. These mixtures contain lactose - the most physiological and easily digestible carbohydrate, similar to lactose in breast milk.
  2. If there are signs of lactase deficiency, you should start with mixtures with reduced content lactose (Nutrilak, Agusha Gold, Celia). Lactose, albeit in small quantities, helps support lactase production and activity, promotes calcium absorption and is a natural prebiotic. Lactose-free ones (“Bellakt”) are best used only in cases of severe or moderate lactase deficiency.
  3. For mild manifestations of allergies, it is also better to use low-lactose mixtures, since partial lactase deficiency almost always develops against the background of allergies.
  4. Children who are on mixed feeding and receive most of the important components from mother's milk can be given inexpensive and poorly adapted formulas (Tema, Mikamilk) - of course, provided they are well tolerated. For artificially-fed children, it is better to select mixtures that are more balanced in composition, even if not from the highest price category (Nutrilak, Agusha Gold, Bellakt, Celia).
  5. In the first half of the year, it is undesirable to use brands with starch and glucose (“Mikamilk”, “Tema”).
  6. If the child is already receiving a hypoallergenic formula, absorbs it well, does not refuse food and is fine, continue to feed him with the same formula, moving to the next formula as he gets older (2 or 3 if available). There is no need to replace, for example, an inexpensive mixture with one that seems better in composition. It makes sense to switch to another brand only if you don’t have enough money to constantly buy expensive breast milk substitutes.
  7. If for any reason (poor tolerance, baby’s refusal of formula, high cost, etc.) you have to change the brand, introduce the new product gradually. An abrupt change is permissible only in case of severe intolerance reactions (acute allergic reaction, vomiting, etc.).


The choice of hypoallergenic mixtures for preventive purposes is very wide, and they sometimes differ quite greatly both in composition and in cost. Which specific brand is best for your child is a complex question, and should be decided together with a pediatrician or allergist. Important additional factors when choosing a brand of mixture are the cost of the product and its prevalence in Russian market– be sure to take these points into account, because you will need to feed your child formula for at least a year, buying from 4 to 8–10 packages per month. Consider whether you can afford to constantly purchase expensive mixtures or take the time to search for the right brand in different pharmacies and stores in the city.

The “Doctor Komarovsky School” program talks about choosing a preventive formula for a child with risk or obvious allergies, as well as about allergies to the formula itself:

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Being a mother is a responsible and troublesome task. You could even say that this is the mission, the purpose of feminine nature. You need to know what is good for the child and what should be categorically abandoned. Motherhood in itself involves taking on serious responsibility in a woman’s life. Perhaps its most important task, because what could be more important than health your own child?

Every mother knows that there is nothing better than breastfeeding. But if for some reason this becomes impossible, you have to look for an alternative. It’s good when a woman manages to breastfeed her baby for at least three months. In some cases, the mother is left without milk immediately after giving birth. Many women fall into despair, especially those who have given birth to their first child. An unpleasant surprise in the form of a lack of milk can befall every young mother, so you should not be sad and tear your hair out. There is a way out - the dairy exists. In this article, the hypoallergenic mixture “NAN” is presented to the attention of readers. Perhaps the information below will help someone make their individual choice.


"NAN hypoallergenic 1", reviews of which are mostly positive, is an excellent replacement for breastfeeding. If it really turns out that you are not able to feed your baby naturally, formula will help. Don't despair and neglect modern achievements Sciences. Choosing for the baby proper nutrition from infancy, you will protect him from problems with the digestive system in the future.

“NAN hypoallergenic 1” has a good composition. Reviews from pediatricians only emphasize the need to purchase products from this company. This mixture is as close as possible to breast milk. The composition includes palm oil, various vitamins necessary for the growth and development of a newborn, microelements and prebiotics. The package contains a special measuring spoon, which is very convenient for scooping out the dry mixture. One jar lasts a long time, so you don’t have to constantly overpay. There is also a measuring chart and cooking instructions. Inexperienced parents do not need to worry - all the necessary steps are described in detail.

Impressions of mothers

“NAN hypoallergenic 1” has many advantages over other mixtures. Reviews about it help new parents understand the issues that concern them and make sure of the undeniable quality of the product. Mothers' impressions of the formula are in most cases positive. Women note that children have a good appetite, healthy sleep, regular bowel movements. Only in some cases did someone experience negative changes caused by intolerance to individual components contained in the composition.

Does not cause allergies

It is known that not all formulas are equally good; many of them are simply not suitable for your child. It is clear that no one will want to experiment with their baby again. It would be too cruel to him. Sometimes a baby has an allergy caused by a specific mixture. If this happens, the first thing that comes to mind is to change products as soon as possible and choose the most suitable one.

The mixture “NAN hypoallergenic 1” practically does not have such a negative quality. Reviews about it allow you to make right choice. The mixture is precisely aimed at minimizing any irritation in the child and relieving symptoms of discomfort in the gastrointestinal tract.


Sometimes it happens that you are looking for something and just can’t find it. This problem will not arise with the product “NAN hypoallergenic 1”. Reviews of the mixture confirm the fact that it is easy to find in any store. Go to a large supermarket or just go to a pharmacy - the product will be right in front of your eyes. Take it off the shelf, read the ingredients, instructions for use, and finally, ask a sales consultant. The availability of this product only adds to its enormous advantages over other analogues. This means that you don’t have to run around looking for formula when you need to feed your baby. This is what “NAN hypoallergenic 1” represents. Product reviews are quite convincing and you can trust them.

Cooking time

The mixture dissolves easily and quickly in water. It does not form lumps, which means the baby will be comfortable. The preparation itself also does not take much time: just dissolve one measuring spoon in warm boiled water, shake the bottle - and tasty dish ready! It’s simple, even a very young mother can cope with this task. The main requirement here, perhaps, is the quality of water: you cannot add raw water taken from the tap, too hot or cold.

Many parents note that the baby does not have constipation, and there is always an excellent appetite for this mixture. There is also a separate place to store a spoon, which is also very convenient. There is no need to handle the dry mixture with your hands and then prepare it for your baby.


What is the most important thing in baby food? Of course, it must taste good in order for the baby to like it. “NAN” is sweet, but, fortunately, does not cause diathesis. The baby will be happy to eat a delicious mixture prepared for him with love. Inexperienced mothers often say that they regret that they do not have milk, and even partly feel guilty about it. In fact, if you look into it, there’s nothing wrong with this: you can always choose the right one for your baby. good nutrition. The NAN hypoallergenic 1 mixture has all the necessary characteristics for the development and growth of a baby.

According to WHO statistics, in modern world Every third child is at risk of developing allergies. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 was developed specifically for such children. The mixture is used to feed newborns up to 6 months who are susceptible to this disease. The product is made on the basis of whey proteins, which have undergone hydrolysis, and is used when the mother has insufficient breast milk or is unable to breastfeed. Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 mixture is allowed to be used as a child’s only food.

Product composition and nutritional value

Nutrilon Hypoallergenic reduces the risk of atopic dermatitis and allergies to cow's milk protein. The mixture contains the following components:

  • lactose;
  • mineral and vitamin complex;
  • whey proteins that have undergone hydrolysis (due to this, the risk of allergies is significantly reduced);
  • prebiotics and emulsifier;
  • various vegetable oils- coconut, palm, sunflower;
  • fish fat;
  • L-carnitine;
  • choline, taurine, inositol.

The nutritional value per 100 ml of the finished mixture is indicated in the table:

Indicator, unit of measurement Per 100 ml of mixture
Protein, g1,5
Fat, g3,4
Vegetable fat, g3,3
Linoleic acid, mg421
Arachidonic acid, mg11
Carbohydrates, g7,2
Lactose, g6,9
Prebiotics, g0,8
Minerals, g0,32
Sodium, potassium, chlorides, calcium, mg25 / 73 / 41 / 46
Phosphorus, magnesium, iron, mg26 / 5,1 / 0,53
Zinc - mg, copper, manganese, selenium, mcg0,5 / 40 / 7,5 / 1,5
Molybdenum, chromium, iodine, mcg1,4 / 1,2 / 12
Vitamin A, D3, E, K1, mcg50 / 1,2 / 1 / 4,4
Vitamin B1, B2, niacin, B5, B6, folic acid, B12, mcg50 / 100 / 0,43 / 0,352 / 40 / 8,4 / 0,16
Biotin, vitamin C, inositol, choline, mg1,8 / 9,1 / 4,1 / 10
Carnitine, taurine, nucleotides, mg1 / 5,3 / 3,2
Energy value, kcal65

Nutrilon Hypoallergenic strengthens the child’s immune system, which is especially important for children prone to allergies. It contains a complex of prebiotics, which are similar in properties to the substances contained in breast milk. They help form natural defenses against infections.

Instructions for use

When introducing a new mixture, the child’s digestive system must adapt to the assimilation of the new product, since the activity of some enzymes, the rate of processing of components, and stool change.

The new infant formula should be given in small quantities from a separate bottle at the beginning of feeding before the usual formula. Gradually, the volume of the new mixture increases, and the old one decreases. This will make it easier for the digestive system to get used to the new product. In addition, during this time you can evaluate the baby’s reaction to the new composition.

An approximate scheme for introducing the mixture is described in the table:

100 ml of prepared mixture = 90 ml of water and 3 measuring spoons. 1 spoon contains 4.6 g of powder. The introduction of a new composition should take place after consultation with a pediatrician and under his supervision.

The table below provides approximate feeding recommendations based on the age of nursing infants. artificial feeding, if Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 1 is used as the only mixture:

From 6 months to a year use Nutrilon Hypoallergenic 2.

The volume of infant feeding presented in the table is an approximate value, since it depends on many factors, such as:

  • age;
  • appetite.

Method for preparing the mixture:

  1. 1. Wash your hands with soap.
  2. 2. Sterilize the bottle and nipple.
  3. 3. Boil water and cool to 40 degrees. Re-boiled liquid cannot be used.
  4. 4. In accordance with the table, measure the required amount of water.
  5. 5. In order to measure the dry mixture, it is recommended to use a measuring spoon. Remove the slide with a knife or using the device on the jar.
  6. 6. Add the required number of level measuring spoons to the water. Adding more or less formula than normal can negatively affect the child's health.
  7. 7. Close the bottle tightly with the lid and shake in a circular motion until the composition dissolves.
  8. 8. Remove the cap and replace it with the nipple.
  9. 9. Drop the mixture onto the inside of your wrist to check the temperature of the finished mixture.
  10. 10. Use the prepared composition for 50-60 minutes.

The instructions for use provide the following recommendations:

  1. 1. Mix food immediately before use.
  2. 2. Do not leave or use leftover formula for the next feeding.
  3. 3. Do not heat the bottle in the microwave to avoid the formation of hot lumps.
  4. 4. Strictly follow the dosage and do not add other ingredients.
  5. 5. Do not leave the baby alone during feeding.

Children from birth

Infant formula NAN 1 Optipro HA Hypoallergenic from birth 400 g

Did you know that protein determines your child's health for life? It has been scientifically proven that protein is one of the most important nutrients for your child's growth and development, including brain formation, muscle tissue and other organs. The quality and quantity of protein your child gets from food will help lay a strong foundation for his health now and in the future. Properly selected protein in the mixture can reduce the risk of developing an allergy to cow's milk proteins, help the formation of immunity and development digestive system, as well as healthy weight gain. That's why proteins are called the "building blocks of life", and only with the help of the highest quality protein can you lay a strong foundation for your child's development. NAN Hypoallergenic 1 Optipro HA is a hypoallergenic formula intended for feeding healthy children from birth in cases where breast-feeding impossible. It provides your child with all the nutrients necessary for his harmonious physical and mental development. The specially formulated blend of NAN Hypoallergenic 1 Optipro HA has been clinically proven to reduce the risk of developing allergies, particularly atopic dermatitis, in the crucial first years of life. However, it should not be used without consulting a doctor if your baby is already allergic to cow's milk proteins. The introduction of other formula, as well as cow's milk, should be done under supervision medical worker. Optipro HA is an optimized, partially hydrolyzed protein complex, obtained using special technology. It has significantly reduced allergenicity and, as a result, reduces the risk of developing allergies. Live bifidobacteria BL help train and develop your baby's immune system. DHA and ARA are two special fatty acids present in breast milk that play important role in the making immune system baby and promote brain and vision development.

Partially hydrolyzed protein.
. Bifidobacteria BL.
. Smart lipids DHA-ARA.
. Without GMOs, preservatives, dyes and flavors.

To preserve live bacteria, boiled water should be cooled to approximately body temperature (37°C) and then the dry powder should be added. To prepare the mixture, use the included measuring spoon, filled level. Diluting the wrong amount of powder - more or less than the amount indicated in the table - can lead to dehydration of the child's body or malnutrition. These proportions should not be changed without the advice of a medical professional.

Storage conditions:

Before and after opening, store at a temperature not exceeding 25°C and relative humidity not exceeding 75%. The contents of the jar must be used within 3 weeks after opening; it is not recommended to store in the refrigerator.


Lactose, vegetable oils (sunflower, coconut, low erucic rapeseed, palm olein, Mortierella Alpina oil), partially hydrolyzed whey protein, calcium phosphate, magnesium chloride, potassium hydroxide, maltodextrin, fish oil, L-arginine, potassium phosphate, sodium hydroxide , vitamins (C, pantothenic acid, PP, E, B2, A, B1, B6, folic acid, D3, K1, B12, biotin), sodium chloride, L-histidine, choline, L-tyrosine, taurine, inositol, ferrous sulfate, L-carnitine, sulfate zinc, culture of bifidobacteria (not less than 10⁶ CFU/g), nucleotides, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, potassium iodite, sodium selenate.

Nutritional value (per 100 ml of prepared mixture): proteins 1.27 g, carbohydrates 7.83 g, fats 3.39 g, energy value 67 kcal / 281 kJ.

Nutritional value (per 100 g of dry product): proteins 9.75 g, carbohydrates 59.9 g, fats 26 g, energy value 513 kcal / 2148 kJ.

Shelf life: 24 months.

Attention: for feeding children early age Breastfeeding is preferable.

It is necessary to consult a specialist.

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