Home Prosthetics and implantation This treatment method is effective and painless. Effective treatment for heel spurs

This treatment method is effective and painless. Effective treatment for heel spurs

These effective methods are applied depending on the characteristics female body and the state of its endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems.

How to treat cervical osteochondrosis in women:

depends on the age of the patient, specific features the female body and the state of its endocrine, immune and cardiovascular systems.

For women, neurologists put treatment first folk remedies, regular gymnastics and only then - the use of medications.

Timely contact with a neurologist at the first or second stage of osteochondrosis development allows for effective treatment only in natural ways:

folk recipes, exercise therapy, massage and diet adjustments.

Almost all of them can be used at home.

The incidence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system (including osteochondrosis) predominates in women. A significant increase in the disease occurs during menopause.

Three features of the treatment of osteochondrosis in women

In most cases unpleasant symptoms Osteochondrosis can be eliminated by normalizing hormonal balance and the state of the nervous and vascular systems.

One of the causes of osteochondrosis in women– constant hormonal fluctuations during reproductive age and a sharp cessation of estrogen production during menopause.

And the normal production of estrogen is the body’s natural defense against negative factors, affecting the condition intervertebral discs.

Pain syndrome with osteochondrosis in women manifests itself more intensely, which allows for timely detection of the disease.

Also, symptoms of osteochondrosis in the weaker sex occur in more early age and are much more pronounced than in men.

This happens because women have a more fragile structure of bone segments spine, as well as the female body is predisposed to vascular diseases, which reduces the intensity of blood circulation and provokes the appearance of osteochondrosis.

According to medical statistics, diseases in which the spine is destroyed (this includes osteochondrosis), about 30 million people suffer in Russia, 20 million of them are women over 30 years old.

Chamomile relieves inflammation and pain due to osteochondrosis. Can be used internally as a tincture and externally (as a compress)

1. Folk recipes

IN in this case folk recipes are infusions for oral use And external compresses.

For women, these products are good because they warm up and help strengthen the neck muscles, which are less developed in them than in men.

Infusions that are useful to drink

    Pharmaceutical chamomile


    St. John's wort

    Dandelion root

What compresses to use

1. For compresses, use the cake left after preparing these infusions - which is very convenient.

2. You can make compresses based on crushed burdock leaves, garlic cloves or Indian onions.

2. Physical therapy exercises

Three rules of physical education:

  • You can start classes only after removing pain syndrome and exacerbation of the disease.
  • You need to exercise regularly, you cannot take long breaks or train more often than prescribed by your neurologist.
  • Exercise should not cause fatigue or tension in the neck muscles .

Below - p growth and effective complex exercises, which takes just 6 minutes a day.

According to reviews from patients, it is very important that the complex can be completed really quickly, since many do not have enough time or willpower for long, persistent and regular training.

Block No. 1

Initial position

Sit on the floor, stretch your legs, keep your back straight.

1. Place your fingers on your forehead and temples.

While tilting your head forward, counteract it with your hands, pressing on your forehead and temples. Perform for at least 10–15 seconds.

2. Slowly tilt your head back and turn it slightly to the side.

Hold the position for 10 seconds, then return to the starting position. Perform in the opposite direction.

3. Bend your head forward and touch your chin to your chest.

Place your clasped hands on the back of your head and lift and tilt your head several times.

Performing exercise 3 of block No. 1 uses all the muscles of the neck.

Beneficial effects of this block of gymnastics:

  • remove headache,
  • stimulate blood flow in venous vessels,
  • improve the functioning of the nerve plexus of the cervical spine.

Block No. 2

Initial position

Sit on a chair, knees together, rest your shoulder blades on the back of the chair.

1. Rest your hands on the seat, perform smooth head tilts: exhale - back; inhale - forward. Then, in the same mode, tilt your head to the sides.

2. Place your hands on the back of your head, with your elbows out to the sides. Overcoming the resistance of your hands, tilt your head back.

Beneficial effects of exercises in block No. 2:

relieve muscle spasms,
restore muscle elasticity,
increase the flow of nutrients to the discs and tissues of the spine.

When performing the exercises from block 2, it is important to keep your back straight and your shoulder blades pressed against the back of the chair.

3. Massage and self-massage

Massage movements must be performed with great care and always remember the fragility of this part of the spine in women.

It is best to initially consult with an experienced massage therapist and do self-massage several times under his supervision.

Simple massage techniques (self-massage) for the neck with osteochondrosis in women:

Starting position – sitting, feet shoulder-width apart, bending your knees at a right angle.

The back is straight.

For greater comfort, you can sit at the table, so you can lean your elbows on it, and you don’t have to keep your arms suspended.


First, press your palms firmly against the skin of your neck. Start from top to bottom, from the bottom of the hair growth to the shoulders, simply stroking the neck with your palms.

We stretch our muscles.

Then, along the same trajectory, with the edges of your palms, each on its side of the neck, begin to squeeze the muscles. You can do it with both hands at the same time or alternately. This technique is called squeezing.


Afterwards, rub your neck with your fingertips, moving your hands towards each other, along the back of the head from the ears to the midline.
Using the pads of your thumb and four other fingers, grab the neck muscles and press them, pulling them slightly and simultaneously shifting them towards the four fingers.

Important point– you need to knead the muscles on each side of the neck with the opposite hand, that is, we massage the right neck with the left hand, and the left one with the right hand.

Completion of the massage.

Complete the massage with smooth stroking with both hands at the same time, along a line from the back of the head to the upper corners of the shoulder blade. If you stroke with one hand, the movements go towards the deltoid muscle.

To enhance the effect of express massage, you can follow the above scheme by stroking, squeezing and rubbing the large muscles going to shoulder joints from the neck.


PIt is also useful to use your fingertips to find points of particular muscle tension - to the touch they look like dense nodules on muscle tissue.

Try to influence them by pressing with screwing movements of your fingertips.

It is better to act gradually, do not rush and in no case allow severe pain!

Thanks to the massage of the points, you will soon feel how tension leaves the muscles, and the nodules can no longer be felt. published. If you have any questions about this topic, ask them to the experts and readers of our project

P.S. And remember, just by changing your consciousness, we are changing the world together! © econet

Bronchitis rarely develops on its own. This is usually a consequence of viral diseases. If bronchitis is detected early, treatment will not take more than 10 days. Otherwise, catarrhal bronchitis will become chronic, which takes a long time to treat and is not always successful.

Asthmatic form of bronchitis more common in smokers and those who suffer allergic diseases. Before starting treatment, you need to make sure of the diagnosis, since bronchitis can be similar to pneumonia and tuberculosis.

Step-by-step treatment for bronchitis

Only complex therapy can stop the disease in short term. Use of medications in combination with drugs traditional medicine will eliminate cough and other manifestations of bronchitis. The emphasis in treatment is on drug therapy and regular inhalations.

Drug therapy

Bronchitis often occurs against the background of the flu and is accompanied by characteristic symptoms: cough, runny nose, fever, sore throat. The following drugs come to the rescue:

  • antivirals– standard of treatment – ​​“Arbidol”. In case of a complicated course of the disease, antiviral drugs are offered in the form of injections. “Cycloferon”, “Interferon” are suitable for injections;
  • antibiotics– the need to use antimicrobial drugs is determined by the doctor. Traditionally, macrolide antibiotics are prescribed - Sumamed, Azithromycin, or penicillins - Amoxiclav, Amoxicillin. The doctor may prescribe cephalosporins - Ceftriaxone, or sulfonamides - Biseptol;
  • expectorants– mucolytics – “Bromhexine”, “Ambroxol” - can reduce the viscosity of secretions. The group of drugs of natural origin includes Gedelix, Pertussin, Alteyka. Resorptive agents include Amtersol syrup;
  • immunomodulators– refer to auxiliary medications and shorten the recovery period after illness. “Immunal” and “Derinat” have proven their effectiveness.


Inhalations help to liquefy and remove sputum. For children, procedures are performed using a nebulizer.

  • Steam inhalations with decoctions are available for adults medicinal herbs. Inhalations with Lazolvan and Ambrobene are effective. The medicine is diluted with saline solution in a 1:1 ratio. The procedures are carried out daily, but not more than 5 days.
  • Inhalations of slightly alkaline mineral water – “Borjomi”, “Narzan” - will bring benefits. They soften the mucous membrane, remove phlegm, and prevent overdrying. At obstructive bronchitis Inhalations with Berodual and Atrovent are prescribed. For bronchial asthma, Pulmicort will help.

Procedures are carried out an hour after eating and no earlier than half an hour before meals. Percussion massage will help enhance the effectiveness of treatment. To facilitate nasal breathing and expectoration, patches with eucalyptus and camphor are used.

When to take antibiotics

Antibacterial therapy is not always justified, since the disease is often viral in nature, less often fungal. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics leads to increased allergic manifestations, provokes coughing and shortness of breath. The exception is purulent bronchitis. At the same time, signs of general intoxication of the body, high temperature, and loss of strength are observed. Such manifestations indicate the addition of a secondary infection.

Antibiotic is selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogen. For this purpose, they carry out bacteriological examination. The treatment regimen for children is drawn up individually based on the clinical picture, the child’s age and response to drugs.

Traditional medicine recipes

Treatment at home involves not only taking medications, but also alternative medicine. For a long time, mild forms of bronchitis have been helped by:

  • breathing exercises;
  • rubbing with badger and bear fat; V
  • influence on acupuncture points;
  • cans on the back.

The treatment method is determined by the form of the disease. For prolonged bronchitis, time-tested shock therapy is offered.

For acute bronchitis

At the first signs of the disease, self-massage, drinking plenty of fluids and steam inhalations will help. Children are given medications through a nebulizer. At the same time, use homemade decoctions, balms and syrups. If the temperature rises, warming procedures are canceled.

The following recipes have proven effective:

MedicinePreparation and use
Dry heating For this purpose, use mustard or calcined salt. Thermal procedures are shown in initial stage diseases when the inflammatory process has not reached its maximum. Mustard is poured into socks and they go to bed in this form. The method is suitable for treating children younger age. Heated salt is placed in a bag and applied to chest. You can put mustard plasters on your shoulder blades and calves.
Preparations with lard For obstructive bronchitis, animal fats will be of particular benefit. It is recommended to prepare a drink from lard and hot milk. Take 1 tbsp per glass of liquid. l. lard and the same amount of honey. The mixture is drunk in the morning and before bedtime. The remedy will be useful for sore throat, sore throat, cough and loss of voice. You can make another medicine from lard: mix butter and lard in equal proportions, add aloe juice, a little cocoa and honey for taste. Use 1 tsp, diluted in a glass of hot milk.
Radish juice with honey A reliable way to treat bronchitis in adults and children. To prepare the product, take a medium-sized round black radish, extract the pulp from the core, and pour in honey. After the root vegetable gives juice, drink 1 tsp of liquid. 3 times a day. The recipe is universal and safe. It is suitable for the treatment of bronchitis during pregnancy. It is recommended to drink radish juice both in the acute phase and to prevent exacerbation.
Onions with honey This remedy works no worse than honey and radish syrup and counteracts infections. To prepare, take 500 g of onion, 3 tbsp. l. honey, 300 g sugar. The ingredients are mixed and poured with a liter of water, put on fire and simmer for 3 hours. Strain and drink 1 tbsp. l. 5 times a day. Store in the refrigerator and warm to room temperature before use.
Honey cake To prepare a compress, take honey, flour, mustard powder And vegetable oil. The ingredients are mixed so that a thick and viscous mixture is obtained. It is applied to a napkin and placed on the chest.
Oats Helps with severe coughs and cleanses the lungs. Pour a handful of oats into a heat-resistant container, pour warmed milk and put in the oven for an hour. Cool the finished mixture to room temperature and take throughout the day. The product is suitable for the treatment of incipient bronchitis in children.
Ginger tea Increases immunity, accelerates blood, speeds up the body's recovery process, fights sore throat and dry cough. Ginger is included in the list of effective adaptogens and improves performance. To prepare the drink, take 500 ml of boiling water and a 3 cm long root, crush it, add water and infuse in a thermos, drink throughout the day with honey and lemon.

From chronic

With a long course of the disease with frequent relapses proven traditional medicine will help:

MeansPreparation and use
Herbal tea It is necessary to mix dried herbs of calendula, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile and calamus root in equal proportions. Pour 1 tbsp. l. collect with a glass of boiling water, keep on fire for 5 minutes, wrap and leave for 45 minutes. Drink a glass of the decoction three times a day. The drug has anti-inflammatory and expectorant properties, treats chronic bronchitis and counteracts relapses.
Garlic oil To prepare the remedy, take 5 crushed cloves of garlic, mix with butter (100 g) and a pinch of chopped dill. The product is used to make sandwiches. It is recommended to consume garlic oil 3 times a day for 3 weeks.
Juice therapy In case of advanced bronchitis drug therapy will complement the intake of freshly squeezed juices. They help improve immunity and improve sputum discharge. The intake of healing juices is alternated. Useful properties raw beets have. It removes toxins, improves blood composition and suppresses the activity of pathogenic microorganisms. The juice from fresh beets is squeezed out, put in the refrigerator for 3 hours and only then drunk. Lingonberry juice has an expectorant effect and improves immunity. Cabbage juice treats coughs and relieves wheezing.
Milk with soda Restores the functions of the vocal cords, coats the throat, treats tonsillitis and pneumonia. For a glass of hot, but not boiling milk, take ½ tsp. soda and 1 tsp. honey, mix and take warm.
Propolis tincture To prepare a healing tincture, take 5 parts of propolis and 17 parts of vodka and infuse it in a dark place for three weeks. Take 10-15 drops daily in the morning. Therapy is continued until symptoms completely subside. Propolis improves immunity, suppresses the activity of infectious agents and cleanses the body of toxins.


Non-drug treatment will bear fruit if bronchitis is mild. Breathing exercises, traditional medicine preparations, thermal procedures and vitamin therapy will restore health. If health worsens, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, immunomodulators and adaptogens. Bronchitis is fraught dangerous complications, and therefore they try to stop the symptoms as quickly as possible and prevent the disease from becoming chronic.

Scientists have long noticed that sunlight has a beneficial effect on the course of certain diseases, helping to prolong remissions and even reverse the development of existing symptoms. Conducting research in this direction, they invented an effective treatment method - photodynamic therapy.

What it is?

Photodynamic therapy is a technique based on the unique properties of light rays: under certain conditions, when they penetrate into cells, they provoke the development of reactions that cause their death.

The main condition under which light rays acquire destructive power is increased tissue susceptibility. Doctors make tissues more susceptible using special drugs. The medicine is applied to pathologically changed areas of the skin or taken orally by the patient (taking into account in which organs it accumulates in maximum concentrations). After a certain period of time, a stream of light rays is directed at the patient’s body (or part of the body). Within a few weeks or even days, a significant improvement in condition or complete recovery is noted.

In what areas of medicine is this method used?

Today photodynamic therapy is successfully used:

  • dermatologists – in the treatment of psoriasis, acne, vulgar warts and papillomas, furunculosis and fungal infections;
  • dentists – in the fight against periodontitis, peri-implantitis, gingivitis, alveolitis and other inflammatory diseases;
  • oncologists – in the fight against cancer of the esophagus, lungs, stomach, breast, skin, superficial soft tissue tumors and neoplasms internal organs– in combination with other treatment methods;
  • otorhinolaryngologists – in the treatment of oncological pathologies;
  • gynecologists - for the elimination of papillomas and condylomas of the genital organs, leukoplakia of the vulva, defects of the mucous membrane of the cervix;
  • urologists – to fight tumors Bladder, prostate adenoma.

Thus, this technique has found its application in almost every field of medicine, thereby significantly expanding the capabilities of doctors and increasing the chances of patients to successfully get rid of many serious diseases.

What do you need to remember?

The use of drugs that increase the sensitivity of tissues to light rays is accompanied by a number of side effects, including a general increase in the body’s sensitivity to sunlight. Therefore, after treatment it is necessary to limit the time spent outside and be sure to use sunscreen. Not only should light be avoided, but also high temperatures: do not use the sauna, if possible do not use a hot hairdryer. Detailed recommendations given by the attending physician.

Acupressure therapy is carried out by specially trained medical personnel manually using acupuncture ebonite rollers of various configurations. Acupressure therapy is carried out for 10-15 minutes by influencing the muscular frame of the spine along the massage lines of the back, depending on the individual characteristics patient's skin.

Acupressure therapy activates the flow of biocurrents, which leads to stimulation of the trophic (nutritional) functions of the cells of the muscular frame of the spine. This type of therapy uses physical properties ebonite, which, when rubbed, becomes electrified with positive charges. When sliding along the patient’s body, natural negative charges of static electricity are created in the surface tissues, which help improve the trophism (nutrition) of the spinal muscles and strengthen the muscular frame of the spine, and the formation of adequate (normal) reflex reactions.

The treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not just at relieving pain, therefore acupressure therapy is not used, as independent method, but is included in various treatment complexes as one of the stages of the course of treatment for patients. Acupressure therapy is used in conjunction with cupping massage or myofascial (manual) massage.

Doctors will provide you with the necessary and most effective program therapeutic measures and procedures, taking into account the nature of your disease, your physical state and your age.

The method of treating diseases is based on the mobilization and use of the reserve forces of the body itself, which makes it possible to achieve maximum effect using internal resources. Special gentle techniques are used to treat patients.

Vibration traction of the spine

Since ancient times, Japanese healers have recommended the exercise to improve well-being and treat many ailments. gold fish" In one of the provinces of Japan, they use an amazing method of reviving fish, which children use in their games: they hold the fish - silver crucian carp or other freshwater fish - by the tail and swing it from side to side, then lifting it, then lowering it into the water, chanting: “Come to life.” ! Come alive! If you come to life, we will release you into the stream!” For a long time, no one could understand the meaning of this game until the day the game became one of the rules of the Nishi Health System as the most useful method of restoring the vitality of the human body.

Technologically, the principles of the “Goldfish” exercise were implemented by modern engineers in the “Swing Machine” apparatus, which is used for vibrational longitudinal traction of the spine. The device allows longitudinal traction of the patient’s ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine due to wave-like vibrations of the entire spinal column and brings him into a state of complete muscle relaxation.

Vibrating longitudinal traction of the spine helps those who suffer from:

incorrect posture
dysfunction of the digestive system
abnormal metabolism
vegetative-vascular dystonia
physical inactivity

The use of the vibration longitudinal traction procedure allows you to:

Eliminate stress on pinched nerve roots from elements intervertebral disc, “fell out” into the spinal canal.
Eliminate areas of swelling of pinched nerve roots.
Free the spinal cord and nerve roots from compression spinal cord.

Vibration traction is aimed at increasing intervertebral distances, relieving (relieving, suppressing) pain and restoring the structure of intervertebral discs of the entire affected segment (area) of the spine by increasing lymph and blood supply.

The principle of the effect of this procedure on the patient’s body is based on the well-known postulate oriental medicine: the power of blood circulation lies primarily in the efficient operation of capillaries. The use of the simulator ensures the performance of effective capillary exercises that stimulate blood circulation throughout the body. It gets rid of blood vessels and nerve endings from excess pressure, muscle atrophy and congestion. This ensures better blood circulation for body cells and peripheral nerves.

The procedure for vibrating longitudinal traction of the spine consists of the following steps:

The patient lies on his back, placing his heels on the comfortable stand of this device.

The device begins to swing the patient's legs, and the patient's spine begins to bend in the same way as that of a swimming “goldfish”. The swinging time is regulated by specialists in accordance with the testimony of the attending physician. The speed mode (oscillation frequency) is selected by the doctor individually depending on the neurological and orthopedic picture of the patient’s disease.

The average time of the procedure for vibrating longitudinal traction of the spine is 15 minutes, which in terms of its healing effect on the body corresponds to 10,000 steps.

As a result of regular use of this treatment procedure:

posture problems are corrected
back and spine diseases are cured
irritation of the spinal cord roots is eliminated
blood circulation improves
breathing and heart function improves
the functioning of the intestines, skin, endocrine glands is normalized
gets lost overweight
tension and stress are reduced.

Relaxation-vibration longitudinal traction of the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the spine is used as one of the stages of the course of treatment and allows you to consolidate the results of the main element of patient treatment (myorelaxation traction traction of the spine).

Vacuum therapy, back treatment, application and description, vacuum therapy procedures

Currently, the ancient type of massage, which has been very popular in eastern countries for many centuries. This type massage got its name vacuum massage or vacuum therapy. Vacuum therapy came to us from the East (Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Thailand). In the East, cupping has long been used to improve the health of the body, often combining vacuum therapy and acupuncture. In eastern countries, jars of various sizes and shapes were used; not only glass jars were used, but also ceramic and bamboo jars.

Vacuum therapy is applicable both for back pain and muscle pain, and for general prevention body, because Vacuum therapy helps remove toxic substances from the body, which ensures the release of soft tissues from metabolic products that have accumulated in them for years.

Vacuum therapy treatment

Pvacuum therapy procedures are carried out manually using medical cups by influencing the patient’s muscular frame along the massage lines of the back. Vacuum cupping massage is carried out for 10-15 minutes, depending on the individual characteristics of the patient’s skin. The duration of the procedure is individual, until uniform, persistent hyperemia (redness) appears. The more weakened the patient is and the more easily subcutaneous hemorrhages (bruises) form, the shorter and softer the massage.

INvacuum cupping massage, as a rule, is carried out every other day. This is due to the fact that the course of vacuum therapy, included in the complex of therapeutic measures, alternates with myofascial (manual) massage. If the goal is to get rid of any specific diseases, then the course plan is drawn up individually by the attending physician.

Specialists begin and end any cupping massage procedure with stroking, taking into account the direction of the venous and lymphatic pathways.

Vacuum therapy is:

One of the most effective and accessible physiological methods of healing the body without the help of medications. This method works through the mobilization of the human body’s own resources, helping it get rid of the disease using its own strength.
Effective and one of the most effective methods of preventing various diseases.
A method that promotes rapid and safe relief (relief) of pain syndromes during various diseases.
A method that activates microcirculation of all fluids in the body, which promotes rapid renewal and rejuvenation of tissues.
A method that promotes rapid and high-quality cleansing of the body from accumulated toxins.

Vacuum massage has a remarkable healing effect for muscle pain in the back and causes significant relaxation. But vacuum massage can be performed on the whole body. In addition, vacuum massage tones the muscles, performing a slight lifting (tightening), restores skin elasticity, and promotes the resorption of scar tissue.

Based on the principles of reflexology, according to which the surface of the body is divided into zones closely related to the function of internal organs, the vacuum created during massage affects not only skin receptors, but also active points. This leads not only to local, but also to a general healing effect on the body, relieving nervous fatigue and stress.

The appearance of redness on the skin in the massage areas is not a complication, but a normal reaction of the skin to a vacuum massage; they will go away on their own in a fairly short time.

The role of stains that appear after exposure to vacuum is very important. The substances contained in the stain are nothing more than substrates of one’s own blood. We can say that the substances contained in the spots have an exclusively healing effect on the body. This means that vacuum therapy is an autohemotherapy that helps increase immunity in weakened and long-term ill people.

Using stains, you can accurately assess the processes occurring in deep soft tissues. Anyone who has at least once experienced a cupping procedure knows that after it, spots form on the body. The process of stain formation occurs during the first four sessions. In subsequent sessions, their development is reversed, that is, the spots completely resolve and no longer form.

What happens during vacuum therapy?

Vacuum massage is performed using special medical cups, under the influence of which quite strong pressure drops are created on certain areas of the skin and muscle integument of the patient’s body. Skin and soft fabrics are pulled inside the can, where very deep treatment of soft tissues occurs over a large area simultaneously.

The action of cupping massage is based on a reflex method, based on the occurrence of hyperemia (redness) of the skin by the vacuum created in the cup, which causes a local rush of blood and lymph to the skin from deep-lying tissues, which has a reflex effect on the vessels of internal organs. In addition, biologically formed active substances, stimulating metabolic and recovery processes.

When performing cupping massage, the following results are achieved:

Improves peripheral circulation of blood, lymph and interstitial fluid
The phenomena of stagnation are eliminated, metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body are enhanced.
Toxins that are under-oxidized and harmful substances
Accelerates the process of tissue regeneration (renewal) and rejuvenation
The body's supply of blood, oxygen and nutrients
The skin becomes elastic, its resistance to temperature and mechanical factors increases.
The contractile function of muscles improves, their tone and elasticity increase
Increased mobility of the ligamentous apparatus
The overall immunity of the body increases.

In the process of carrying out a vacuum massage, due to horizontal-vertical pressure differences inside the jar, a kind of vascular gymnastics occurs, that is, alternating expansion and contraction of the blood and lymphatic vessels.

In this case, the so-called “dormant” capillaries, that is, non-functioning capillaries, are included in the work. Due to dynamic transverse compression and stretching of the deep structures of soft tissues, the processes of circulation of interstitial fluid are activated.

Benefits of vacuum massage

How is vacuum massage different from other types of massage? Impact on the patient’s body during all procedures classic massage does not penetrate beyond the tissue surface. It is absolutely impossible to get to the deep structures in which stagnation accumulates and intensifies throughout life, with the help of hands, even very skillful ones. The impact exerted during a vacuum massage is energetically stronger and more effective, since the depth of “working” of soft tissues directly depends on the strength of the impact.

Advantages of vacuum massage over classic:

Depth of tissue treatment: the method has no analogues in terms of the depth of impact on soft tissues
prolonged (long-term) effect: one session of vacuum massage has an effect for 3-5 days
visual control: by the presence of spots and (or) swelling, one can judge with a high degree of reliability the presence of congestion in a particular area of ​​the body, and in the absence of spots, the effectiveness of treatment
The vacuum massage method is at the same time a simple, accurate and affordable diagnostic method.

Unlike drug therapy and classical massage, vacuum massage actively promotes the removal of toxic substances - metabolic products (metabolites). Vacuum therapy does not block metabolic wastes inside the body, but, on the contrary, helps remove them outside, freeing soft tissues from metabolic products that have accumulated in them for years.

The therapeutic effect of vacuum therapy is also associated with:

with active lymphatic drainage and vascular “gymnastics”, which occur as a result of horizontal-vertical pressure difference
with the prevention of many serious diseases - the development of vascular atherosclerosis, coronary heart disease, neoplasms (tumors)
with a clear anti-stress effect
with activation of the body’s immune system, multiple increases in resistance to infections
with structural and functional renewal of tissues and the body as a whole, that is, rejuvenation of the body
with the activation of metabolic-regulatory processes, as a result of which they intensively “burn”, reduce fat deposits, and reduce body weight
with moderate physical stress on the body, which is quite easily tolerated.

And at the same time, the vacuum therapy method is absolutely physiological, harmless to humans and is a universal means of rejuvenation, prevention and treatment. And what is especially important is that this method does not violate the human biofield.

Indications for the use of vacuum therapy

Pathology of the musculoskeletal system: osteochondrosis, back pain, arthrosis, scoliosis
neurological disorders and pathology of the vascular system: neuritis and neuralgia, headaches and insomnia, neuroses, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, psycho-emotional stress, endarteritis, cerebrovascular insufficiency
internal illnesses: Chronical bronchitis and pneumonia, bronchial asthma, vegetative-vascular dystonia, hypertension, peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum
urology, gynecology: impotence, enuresis, ischuria, congestive-inflammatory processes of the genitourinary area
dermatology: neurodermatitis, urticaria, chronic furunculosis, dermatoses
cosmetology: premature skin aging, cellulite, premature aging.

Contraindications for use

Malignant and benign formations
Skin diseases (eczema, dermatitis, purulent and fungal infections skin)
Large pigment and birthmarks at the site of impact
Tendency to bleed
convulsive states(epilepsy)
Decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system
Blood diseases
Acute infections
varicose veins II- III degree
myocardial infarction in the acute period
GB ( hypertonic disease) III degree
Second half of pregnancy.

Cups are not placed on the area of ​​the heart, eyes, ears, nipples of the mammary glands, or on the stomach for pregnant women. Vacuum massage procedures are prescribed and performed only by medical personnel.

Hirudotherapy - treatment and application of the procedure

Hirudotherapy - treatment using medicinal leeches - is a method of medicine recognized since ancient times.

Hirudotherapy - back treatment

Of course, no one catches medicinal leeches with a net in a pond, like Duremar in the fairy tale about Pinocchio. If only because in the wild they swim dirty, lazy and well-fed. Medicinal (medical) leeches are bred in special medical laboratories or in special factories, where they undergo the strictest quarantine, and then they are sold in pharmacies.

A medical leech in hirudotherapy is a “disposable instrument” (used only once), which completely eliminates infection of the patient. Hirudotherapy has no analogues among modern methods treatment and is an excellent remedy for the treatment of a number of diseases, since it does not introduce substances into the bloodstream that have side effects.

During hirudotherapy session leeches are placed on the area of ​​the organ that needs to be cured: on myofascial formations (spasmodic muscles). The placement of leeches should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, since only he can correctly determine the point of influence and the number of leeches.

The leech performs a whole range of activities with the patient’s body:

Activates blood microcirculation
improves tissue saturation with oxygen and nutrients
dissolves blood clots and prevents the formation of new ones
improves immunity
restores the biofield
cleans up congestion.

Hirudotherapy gives a good effect and as an additional method of treatment. In addition, the leech is energetic. It releases bioenergy and distributes it; the leech restores the human energy-producing apparatus (cells and organs) that has been damaged as a result of the disease, that is, it normalizes human energy metabolism.

Treatment with hirudotherapy

Hirudotherapy is used to restore normal physiological processes occurring in the deep tissues that surround the spine. Complexity, consistency and systematic application hirudotherapy for treatment diseases of the spine allows you to achieve the following positive results in a safe and painless manner:

Eliminate inflammation in the affected areas of the ligamentous-muscular system of the spine
eliminate the load on the pinched nerve roots by the elements of the intervertebral disc that has “fallen out” into the spinal canal
reduce areas of swelling of pinched nerve roots
eliminate compression of the intervertebral discs by the vertebrae
increase diastasis (distance) between the articular surfaces of the intervertebral joints
normalize lymphatic and venous drainage
release the nerve formations of the spine (spinal cord and nerve roots of the spinal cord) from compression
optimize nerve conduction
restore the balance of muscle tone and motor segment function
form adequate reflex reactions
restore the altered physiological curves of the spine to normal
relieve pain syndromes and restore the structure of the intervertebral discs of the entire affected segment of the spine by increasing lymph and blood supply, improving the trophism of the spinal muscles, strengthening the muscular frame of the spine, eliminating the phenomena of lymphostasis (stagnation), increasing metabolism and skin respiration, increasing muscle tone and elasticity.

Hirudotherapy - history of origin

Hirudotherapy (from the Latin “Hirudina” - leech) is treatment using leeches. Many people consider hirudotherapy an old, ancient method. Yes, hirudotherapy can be called an old, even ancient method, because even on the frescoes of the tombs of the pharaohs, treatment with leeches was depicted. The leech is as old as the world itself, but in medical purposes it began to be used about 3,000 years ago.

Medicinal properties of leeches for a long time were unrecognized by official science. Only in the last hundred years have scientists begun to study the leech, which resulted in the emergence of a separate direction called hirudotherapy. To date, the synthesis ancient techniques and enormous knowledge modern medicine contributed to the achievement of unique results through hirudotherapy.

Hirudotherapy used for medicinal purposes a thousand years before the birth of Christ. Medicinal leeches were used by the Egyptian pharaohs; there are references to leeches in the Bible and Koran.

Later, judging by medical treatises, hirudotherapy helped alleviate the suffering of patients of great doctors - Hippocrates, Galen, Paracelsus, Avicenna, Indian and Chinese doctors. Medieval Europe regarded leeches as a proven and officially recognized treatment for most diseases.

Hirudotherapy became especially widespread at the end of the 18th and first half of the 19th centuries. In pre-revolutionary years, leeches were used as aspirin in modern times. But such luxury was available only to noble ladies, who were completely transformed by placing a leech behind their ears. The complexion became glossy, ruddy, a sparkle appeared in the eyes, and the high chest heaved excitedly, radiating energy. In a word, hirudotherapy made women irresistible.

Hirudotherapy in Russia - the path from the traditional medicine method to the official “Hirudotherapy” method

In Russia, hirudotherapy has always been a traditional method of treatment, which has been used by our grandparents for centuries. Leeches were used by both traditional healers and medical luminaries. Moreover, Russia has always been rich in powerful pond farms, and until the beginning of the 20th century, leech was an item of state income Russian Empire- it was bought by France, England, Germany, Italy, Switzerland, Austria, the USA and Canada.

However, doctors were overzealous with the use of leeches - they prescribed them for all diseases and charged 200 pieces per session. The uncontrolled use of leeches was followed by discrediting the very idea of ​​hirudotherapy and the refusal of many doctors from this method.

They also abandoned hirudotherapy due to the so-called pharmacological boom of the 50s. At that time, antibiotics, heart medications, and blood pressure lowering agents were invented, which led to the pills being credited with the power to cure any disease, and hirudotherapy as a branch of medicine faded into the background. However, by the 90s, the World Health Organization had accumulated very impressive statistics of deaths caused by side effects medicines. Therefore, the last decades traditional medicine, in particular, hirudotherapy, has again become the object of attention of doctors and research centers around the world. Hirudotherapy is currently gaining increasing popularity geometric progression popularity because healing effect This technique has been proven by its centuries-old use.

Hirudotherapy allows you to get the following results - improving blood circulation, lymph and energy, eliminating congestion, relieving swelling, inflammation and getting rid of pain. Hirudotherapy today is an official medical method registered by the Russian Ministry of Health.

Who is this leech?

The medicinal leech has five pairs of eyes on its head, and in its mouth there are three jaws with chitinous teeth. The leech hears well and understands smells. In addition, the leech itself finds a place to bite through the skin - these are biologically active points, as with acupuncture.

With the help of sharp jaws, the leech bites the skin to a depth of 1.5 mm and sucks blood in a volume of 5-15 ml. After a hirudotherapy session, wounds may bleed for up to a day (3-24 hours). But this is absolutely not dangerous. During one treatment session, the patient is usually given from 5 to 7 leeches.

Despite the fact that the leech affects the skin, its enzymes penetrate deep into the tissue, because The leech produces a special enzyme, hyaluronidase, which increases the sensitivity of tissues and, as a conductor, carries along all other enzymes, delivering them to the desired organ.

Substances from the salivary glands of leeches have a pronounced absorbable effect. They eliminate adhesions and scars. Under the influence of leeches, benign tumors, nodes, and cysts are reduced.

Another magical property leech secretion is the ability to break down fats and cholesterol. This allows the use of leeches in the treatment of atherosclerosis and obesity.

Properties of leeches - improve metabolic processes, cleanse the blood and rejuvenate the body are widely used in cosmetology. With the help of leeches you can improve the condition of your skin and complexion, treat cellulite and correct weight.

Description of the treatment procedure

The leech is like a living pharmaceutical factory; it injects a whole range of biologically active substances into the patient’s blood through its saliva, and the patient’s body effectively uses them for self-regulation internal processes. Therapeutic effect Hirudotherapy consists of several factors: reflex, mechanical and biological.

Reflex factor - a leech as a “living needle” has a powerful reflexogenic effect, successfully replacing acupuncture. Therefore, leeches are usually placed in such a way that they bite the patient's skin only at reflexogenic points (i.e., acupuncture points). This process is painless, since the leech immediately releases an analgesic into the patient’s blood. In addition, leech saliva also has an antibacterial effect.

Mechanical factor - leeches exert a purely mechanical effect on the blood flow. This refers to the sucking of blood and its prolonged flow from the wound after a bite.

Biological factor - leeches release their saliva into the bloodstream, which contains more than 100 different biologically active substances (natural medicinal substances), the mild healing effect of which leads to the normalization of the functioning of the human body. The main element is hirudin, an enzyme that the leech injects into the patient’s blood.

The saliva of leeches contains biologically active substances that, when entering the human blood, produce anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects, reduce blood clotting, normalize blood pressure, lower cholesterol levels, regulating lipid metabolism, increase trophism (nutrition) of tissues, have a beneficial effect on hematopoiesis, activate and strengthen the immune system.

In addition to curing a specific disease, leech has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole (improves sleep, appetite, improves mood, normalizes metabolism and immunity). To some extent, this is a consequence of normalizing blood flow in tissues and increasing blood oxygen saturation.

All biologically active substances in saliva inhibit the growth of microbes, restore blood flow to the site of inflammation, and provide nutrition and regeneration in tissues.


Unlike any medicine, hirudotherapy has a very long, prolonged effect on the patient’s body and can do a lot. Its main advantage is that it does not give negative consequences, does not cause allergies. Hirudotherapy- a real find, both for patients and doctors. Hirudotherapy is a very effective addition in the treatment of a number of diseases from various fields of medicine (neurology, gynecology, urology, etc.). Hirudotherapy is used to restore normal physiological processes. As a result of the use of hirudotherapy, the following occurs:

Unloading and recovery vascular blood flow
introduction of biologically active substances
reflexogenic effects on acupuncture points
pronounced analgesic effect
elimination of edema
cleansing of internal organs
decline blood pressure
restoration of immunity
anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effect
analgesic effect
lower cholesterol levels
restoration of damaged tissues
normalization of endocrine metabolism
energy restoration.

Hirudotherapy restores the body's energy, improves mood, well-being, reduces anxiety, irritability, increases performance, sexual and creative capabilities, awakens the best spiritual qualities (joy of life, energy, love for oneself and others, tolerance, etc.).


Treatment with hirudotherapy is not advisable if the following contraindications occur:

Blood clotting disorders (hemophilia)
malignant tumors
anemia of various types (significant decrease in red blood cells)
acute heart attack myocardium
acute period stroke
history of poor tolerability of hirudotherapy (medical history).

Back massage, therapeutic back massage, back massage in the prevention of spinal diseases, spinal treatment

Back massage(from the Greek “massо” - crush, squeeze with hands) is medical procedure, known to various peoples of the world for more than 3,000 years. Hippocrates also believed that massage “heals both body and soul.” The history of the origin of the word “massage” is of great interest. For example, some authors believe that it came from the Arabic “mass” or “masch” - “gently press, touch”, others are inclined to the Greek “masso” - “to squeeze with hands”, others - to the Latin “massa” - “sticking” to the fingers."

Back massage treatment

The treatment provided is aimed at eliminating the cause of the disease, and not just at relieving pain, therefore back massage included in various treatment complexes as an auxiliary method of treatment.

The effectiveness of treatment is increased due to physiological (under the weight of your own body) extension of the spine (traction) and a specially selected set of effects on the damaged area of ​​the spine, which, as a result, accelerates the process of your recovery and prevents further progression of the disease.

You will no longer be bothered by pain in your legs, back, tired muscles, joints, or headaches. The effect of treatment is achieved as quickly as possible. After the first procedure you will receive positive result and you will feel much better.

Massage of the back and other areas is a remedy for almost all diseases

Back massage is the most ancient and truly miraculous procedure that provides effective treatment; back massage is the most favorite and widespread method among patients of relieving tension and getting rid of many diseases. Back massage and other parts of the body are used in almost all cases, because it allows you to get rid of all diseases, with the exception of precancerous conditions and oncology.

Back massage helps restore youth, health and beauty, as well as get rid of tension and pain in the back, neck and other parts of the body.

Massage of the back and other areas is beneficial for everyone - adults, children, and the elderly confirm the healing properties of massage, and doctors observe significant improvements after this procedure. Back massage is a powerful preventive and therapeutic tool. Treatment with hands can relieve a person from such unpleasant factors that even the most expensive and complex medicines cannot cope with - back massage helps to achieve peace of mind, helps restore the physical functions of the body, restores health, youth and beauty.

The essence of the massage is as follows: a mechanical effect is performed on the surface of the back or other part of the body through special techniques. Back and organ massage Human massage is mainly done with hands; there is also hardware massage, for which special tools are used. Massage allows you to relieve fatigue, get rid of pain in the back, arms and legs; massage is also used as preparation for heavy physical activity, so massage is often given to athletes and those people whose work requires heavy physical and mental stress. Massage is used not only to treat diseases and relieve tension in the back and other parts of the body, massage is also actively used to achieve massage for hygienic and cosmetic purposes.

Thanks to such benefits of massage, as the absolute naturalness of the effect, the absence of side effects and accessibility, therefore massage is not only a treatment for back pain, but also a very popular health, cosmetic and therapeutic procedure all over the world.

How does massage work?

First of all massage has an effect on the human nervous system by irritating nerve endings embedded in the skin, muscles, tendons, joint capsules, ligaments and vascular walls. Then, along sensitive pathways, the impulses caused by this irritation are transmitted to the central nervous system and reach the corresponding parts of the cerebral cortex. There a general reaction occurs, causing physiological changes in the body.

During the massage Along with the nervous factor, the humoral factor is also taken into account (from the Greek word “humor” - “liquid”). The fact is that under the influence of massage, biologically active substances (tissue hormones) are formed in the skin and enter the bloodstream, with the help of which vascular reactions, transmission of nerve impulses and other processes occur.

Another important factor in the impact of massage on the human body (mechanical) manifests itself in the form of stretching, displacement, pressure, leading to increased movement of lymph, blood, interstitial fluid, removal of dead skin cells, etc. Mechanical impact during massage eliminates congestion in the body, enhances metabolism and skin respiration in the massaged area of ​​the body.

Massage helps keep the skin healthy and elastic, prevents premature formation of wrinkles and sagging. Under the influence of massage, the skin is freed from dead cells of the stratum corneum, blood vessels dilate, sweating increases, and activity is normalized. sebaceous glands, tissues become elastic and resilient. Massage increases blood circulation, which stimulates metabolism and, as a result, fat is released from cells and subsequently removed from the patient’s body.

Types, forms and purposes of massage

Depending on the purpose for which massage is used, it can be divided into the following types: therapeutic, segmental reflex, hygienic, self-massage and others.

Depending on the area of ​​influence of massage techniques, there are various forms of massage: general massage and local (local) massage.

Depending on who performs it, massage is divided into: massage performed by a massage therapist, self-massage and mutual massage.

Depending on the purposes of massage, they are distinguished: preventive, sports, therapeutic, cosmetological, gynecological and urological.

The methods of massage also differ (how the massaged area is affected): foot, manual, hardware, combined.

A whole range of diseases can be treated with acupressure. This ancient art is one of the types of reflexology - a technique based on influencing certain areas and points nervous system patient.


Massage is most effective for disorders, diseases and damage to the nervous system:

Headache and sleep disturbances
increased irritability
general fatigue syndrome
vertebrobasilar insufficiency
vegetative-vascular dystonia
neurocirculatory dystonia
increase or decrease in muscle tone
consequences of injuries to the central nervous system
consequences of cerebrovascular accident
cerebral palsy (CP)
neuralgia of various types
radiculitis of various localizations
diencephalic syndrome

Massage is included in the treatment complex for many diseases of internal organs, injuries and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. It can be used as an independent or auxiliary method of treatment, including in various treatment complexes.


Under no circumstances should you carry out massage treatments in the following cases:

in acute febrile condition
acute inflammatory processes
bleeding and bleeding
ulcers, wherever they are
skin diseases(eczema, boils, lichen, phlegmonous processes, inflammation of superficial lymphatic vessels, skin rashes)
damage or severe skin irritation;
excessive excitement or fatigue after a big day physical activity
inflammation of the veins, vein thrombosis and large varicose veins.

You should also not massage birthmarks, malignant and benign tumors. It is not recommended to massage the abdomen during hernia, pregnancy and menstruation, and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, as well as after meals. To conduct massage sessions, in any case, you must consult a doctor both about your body’s capabilities for massage and about the choice of a specific type of massage.

Pathologies of the cervix are often asymptomatic, and yet they increase the risk of cancer. But now problems in this area can be solved quickly, effectively and painlessly. After photodynamic therapy, the cervix remains elastic, which is especially important for women who are about to give birth.

Laser photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a gentle, non-contact and painless method of treating cervical pathology, which is performed without anesthesia. PDT does not cause complications; it leaves no scars or stitches. For complete cure One session is enough. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis.

Avoid surgery

Photodynamic therapy is used to treat underlying diseases and precancerous conditions of the cervix:

  • endometriosis (proliferation of the epithelium of the inner wall of the uterus);
  • cervicitis (inflammation);
  • ectopia (erosion);
  • ectropion (protrusion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal into the vaginal lumen);
  • leukoplakia (coarsening of the mucous membrane);
  • dysplasia;
  • various types of cervical tumors.

This effective innovative method allows you to get rid of pathology at an early stage, without surgical intervention, thus preventing the development of malignant processes.

Light treatment

The PDT method is based on the use of low-energy laser beam a certain wavelength. The pain threshold is not reached, so the patient does not experience discomfort.

A photosensitizer gel applied to the affected area absorbs the laser light and “triggers” a chain of chemical reactions. Having received an “impulse” from the laser, the photosensitizer gel “transmits” it to the oxygen contained in the cells. Oxygen becomes active and destroys pathological cells.

Healthy cells are not affected, since the photosensitizer “marks” only diseased cells. The affected tissue of the cervix is ​​eventually replaced by healthy tissue.

Main advantages of the PDT method

  • minimal local impact on tissue;
  • absence of systemic effects on the body (the procedure is carried out without anesthesia);
  • no postoperative stitches;
  • preservation of the anatomy of the cervix and its functions;
  • possibility of outpatient treatment in one session;
  • painless, effective, fast.

Photodynamic therapy at ON CLINIC

The procedure is carried out using a Biospec laser photodynamic therapy installation, which produces a laser beam of a certain wavelength. As a photosensitizer, gynecologists at ON CLINIC use the gel “Photoditazin”, produced from the blue-green algae spirulina (Spirulina platensis). It is quickly eliminated from the body (98-99% after two days) and has virtually no side effects.

The gynecology department of ON CLINIC is equipped with the latest equipment that allows for painless, non-contact treatment of cervical diseases, in particular photodynamic therapy.

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