Home Gums Massage - health and beauty. Interesting facts about massage Articles about general massage

Massage - health and beauty. Interesting facts about massage Articles about general massage

Just 20-25 years ago, an attempt to find any scientific work devoted to the mechanism of the physiological action of massage would have been doomed to failure.

Despite the fact that the beneficial effects of massage have been known since ancient times, it, along with other methods alternative medicine, was not considered something that was worth seriously studying. It was only in the late 1980s and early 1990s that the rapid development of skin science began to change the attitude of scientists towards massage.

As science discovered more and more aspects of the relationship between the skin and the nervous, immune and endocrine systems, more and more researchers began to wonder: what happens in the skin during rhythmic pressure, stretching, rubbing, tapping, stroking, gripping and other mechanical influences produced by the hands of a massage therapist or mechanical massage devices? How do fragrances, heat and cosmetics influence these changes? Are these changes limited to purely local processes, or does massage also cause systemic effects? This has led to a sharp increase in the number of scientific studies on the effects of massage. However, for a number of reasons, the science of massage still lags somewhat behind other areas in cosmetology science.

The most significant obstacle to the development of a scientific basis for massage therapy is the availability of multiple massage techniques. They are aimed at achieving specific goals and imply a specific impact. MASSAGE APPLIED for cellulite, for sculpting the figure, relieving stress, relieving pain, improving lymph circulation (lymphatic drainage)... Alas, the scientific literature does not reflect all this diversity. Most often, researchers take one type of intervention, such as rhythmic stretching or vigorous rubbing, and study its effect. At the same time, such aspects as the massage therapist’s individual technique, combination different techniques, the atmosphere of the massage session, the action and interaction of the cosmetics used, etc., remain aside, since they are very difficult to subject to quantitative analysis.

Another obstacle is the difficulty of selecting a control group. In drug and cosmetic research, the gold standard is the double-blind, placebo-controlled study. In such studies, firstly, neither the subjects nor those who use a particular method or agent should know what is an active drug and what is an inactive drug (placebo), and, secondly, the appearance of the placebo should be as close to appearance active drug to exclude psychological effects. This is not possible with massage, so almost all studies are not convincing and reliable enough. For example, one study compared massage sessions with reading aloud sessions of equivalent duration, and another compared vigorous rubbing versus gentle stroking. Of course, there is no need to talk about a double-blind method in these cases.

Finally, since massage is still not considered a subject worthy of study, it is not easy for Western laboratories to obtain funding for such research. Therefore, in most cases, studies are conducted on small groups, which reduces the reliability of the results.

Despite all these limitations, science physiological influence massage has already received a number of interesting data that allow us to provide a basis for many massage techniques and techniques.

IMPACT OF A MASSAGE SESSION, regardless of the method, can be compared to a symphony in which overall effect is achieved precisely by the sound of the entire set of sounds, a combination of notes and musical instruments. Unfortunately, studying such a “symphony” using scientific methods is not easy. Therefore, scientists break it down into “notes”, studying individual effects. This is similar to the method used by Salieri from Pushkin’s “Little Tragedies,” who tried to “believe harmony with algebra.” Although this approach does not allow us to know what happens during complex exposures, it can nevertheless provide valuable information.

Massage procedures, regardless of the type of techniques performed, have a complex effect on the body. Scientists are studying these complex effects while at the same time trying to isolate individual aspects.

For example, in one study, scientists determined what happens to skin fibroblasts during rhythmic stretching. Something similar happens with skin fibroblasts and connective tissue with massage and exercise. It turned out that with such a mechanical effect in connective tissue fibroblasts, the secretion of growth factor decreases (Connective Tissue Growth factor- CTGF), resulting in decreased secretion of proteins - collagen and elastin. This effect is useful in case of risk of formation of adhesions and scars after surgical operations. It has long been noted that strict bed rest after surgery increases the risk of adhesions and scars, while moderate exercise and massage reduce this risk. However, in the case of anti-aging cosmetic procedures on the body, the purpose of which is precisely to enhance collagen synthesis, this effect will contradict the action of other cosmetics.

At the same time, it turned out that with intense massage, microtraumas are formed in the skin and muscles - microtears and sprains. It doesn’t sound very pleasant, but in response to these microtraumas there is a sharp stimulation of tissue regeneration, much like in response to peelings, which ultimately leads to accelerated healing of damage, increased collagen synthesis and skin rejuvenation.

Vigorous rubbing of the skin leads to an increase in the level of substance P (substance P), a neuropeptide that causes vasodilation, increases inflammation and sebum secretion. Vasodilation increases blood flow to the skin and increases its temperature, which improves metabolism and promotes release fatty acids from adipocytes. Therefore, this effect allows you to achieve a reduction in fat deposits and improve the condition of skin with signs of cellulite. However, the same effect can worsen the condition of oily, problem skin, since both inflammation and increased sebum secretion underlie the exacerbation of acne. A gentler massage performed by gliding strokes, on the contrary, reduces the secretion of inflammatory cytokines, reducing inflammation.

Rhythmic stretching of adipose tissue, achieved by massage or exercise, inhibits the differentiation of fat cells. It was previously thought that the number of adipocytes remained constant throughout life, but it is now known that when existing adipocytes fill with fat and stretch, the adipose tissue mobilizes stem cells from which new adipocytes form. Thus, not only the volume, but also the number of adipocytes increases, which further complicates the fight against excess weight. Regular intense massage and physical exercise can block this process.


Massage has long been used to combat stress, reduce pain, and promote relaxation. Now these effects of massage have been scientifically confirmed. For example, according to researchers from Los Angeles (USA), just one 45-minute session of classical massage or European massage (called “Swedish” abroad) causes a significant decrease in the amount of stress hormones in the body, such as vasopressin, cortisol and adrenocorticotropic hormone . In addition, an immunomodulatory effect is observed: massage increases the number of circulating lymphocytes, but reduces the level of various interleukins and interferon gamma. Gentle stroking performed as a control had a significantly smaller effect.

Another study showed that after a massage, activity in the areas of the brain responsible for feelings of pleasure increases. Interestingly, the same areas are activated by opioids. Because opioids not only produce feelings of pleasure but also help reduce pain and anxiety, these findings may help explain the analgesic and anti-stress effects of massage.

However, it is not entirely clear whether the reduction in stress is due to the massage itself or just the general calming effect of the procedure: a cozy environment, a relaxed body position, etc. For example, in one study the effect of a 20-minute massage session was compared with the effect of 20 - a one-minute read-aloud session. Although the subjects showed a clear reduction in stress hormones such as vasopressin and cortisol, all of these effects were exactly the same in both groups. Of course, when interpreting this unexpected result, one must remember that reading can only cause psychological relaxation (and then depending on what exactly is being read), while massage affects the entire body: muscles, blood flow, lymph flow, etc. The anti-stress effect of massage makes a great contribution to its effectiveness, since stress is important factor in the development of many aesthetic problems - for example, under stress it worsens barrier function skin, which can lead to acne worsening. Aromas such as lavender, sandalwood and jasmine, as well as the smells of fruits and berries, can enhance the anti-stress effect of a massage.


Massage is one of the key tools in body shaping and the fight against cellulite. What do scientists say about its effectiveness? A recent study conducted in Turkey compared the effects of classical massage, manual lymphatic drainage and connective tissue massage. As a result, the maximum reduction in the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer on the thighs - by 3 millimeters - was achieved in the connective tissue massage group, followed by manual lymphatic drainage (2.2 mm), while classic massage reduced the thickness of the fat layer by 1.7 mm. However, the thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen after connective tissue massage decreased by only 0.64 mm, and classical massage reduced the thickness of the fat layer by 2 mm. On average, all groups showed a decrease in hip volume by 0.5 centimeters and waist volume by 0.1 centimeters for all types of massage.

The fact that different parts of the body react differently to the same influences has been confirmed by other tests. For example, a study conducted in Brazil on the effect of complex anti-cellulite therapy, including radiofrequency effects, infrared radiation, as well as vacuum and manual massage, showed that this therapy significantly reduces the appearance of cellulite on the buttocks, but has no effect on the thighs.

The most well-studied effects of massage are its lymphatic drainage and anti-stress effects. Since poor circulation in adipose tissue is one of the reasons for the development of cellulite and the appearance of excess fat deposits, and stress often leads to overeating, these types of massage have a beneficial effect in the fight against cellulite and excess weight.

Massage and oxytocin

It has been found that massage also increases the production of the hormone oxytocin. This hormone is best known for causing uterine contractions, but it also plays a significant role in social behavior - stimulating mother-child bonding, reducing aggression and increasing trust. Therefore, a massage before any cosmetic procedures will help increase confidence in the specialist performing the procedure, as well as reduce nervousness.

Does massage affect genes?

Research recent years made it possible to identify another interesting effect of massage - the effect on the level of gene activity and their expression. It is now known that genes have their own “switches” and “volume controls,” that is, in different cells at different times, the same gene can work at full capacity, or it can be muted or even turned off. With age, more and more genes in more and more cells are in a “switched off” state, which leads to various negative consequences, such as decreased collagen synthesis and the appearance of wrinkles, the development of age-related diseases, decreased levels of antioxidants, slower skin regeneration, etc. However, modern research has shown that gene activity can be influenced. For example, many plant components, such as resveratrol from grapes or the biologically active peptide GHK, used in cosmetology, can “turn on” genes that are turned off during aging. Turns out, similar action enjoy physical exercise and massage.

In particular, according to French scientists, 12 sessions of mechanical massage lead to significant changes in the gene expression profile of adipose tissue, activating genes responsible for the mobilization of fat from adipose tissue. If, after a massage session, a lipolytic agent is passed through adipose tissue and the same is done with adipose tissue that has not previously received a massage, then the activation of lipolysis after the massage will be much higher.

According to Japanese scientists, a 40-minute traditional Japanese massage activates up to one thousand genes associated with the functioning of the immune system.

The most interesting data were obtained from studies related to the influence baby massage on the body of premature babies. It turned out that massage given to such children stimulates the expression of the interleukin-1 gene in the brain, which, in turn, accelerates brain maturation and the development of visual function.

Research into the effect of massage on genes is just beginning, but based on the results obtained, one can judge the great potential of massage therapy.

Information about the effect of massage on nervous system, immunity, gene expression, growth factor secretion, adipose tissue and circulation, obtained from a review of modern scientific works, undoubtedly do not yet reflect the full wealth physiological effects massage, but already allow us to provide a solid basis for existing techniques. Massage has antifibrotic, decongestant, anti-stress, immunomodulatory effects, it also stimulates blood circulation and lipolysis, which allows you to confidently use massage to solve a variety of aesthetic problems. A promising new direction is the study of the effects of massage on gene expression. We need to wait for new results in this area. But the greatest opportunities open up in the development of synergistic procedures, including the complex effects of massage and cosmetics.

For example, preparations containing GHK and decorinil peptides increase the effectiveness of cosmetic massage aimed at stimulating blood circulation and increasing skin elasticity, since these substances not only stimulate collagen synthesis, but also reduce the risk of scar formation by reducing the level of the TGF-beta cytokine, while at the same time contributing proper organization collagen fibers. At the same time, massage ensures better penetration of these drugs into the skin.

Preparations containing lipolysis activators, such as caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, seaweed extract, coffee, guarana, etc., work in synergy with sculpting massage. Preparations with a decongestant effect, such as extracts of ivy, horsetail, mallow, butcher's broom, horse chestnut and arnica, go well with lymphatic drainage and anti-cellulite massage. And the warming effect of the massage can be further enhanced by means that cause local vasodilation and an increase in skin temperature. Finally, the anti-stress effect of massage can be enhanced by essential oils, which have a relaxing and anti-stress effect.

As an example, consider two drugs that work in synergy with anti-cellulite procedures. The first preparation is a soft, pleasant-smelling cream containing caffeine, extracts of red pepper, chestnut and papaya. The product has a noticeable warming effect that lasts up to 1.5-2 hours. Papaya extract contains proteolytic enzymes that break down the ligaments between the horny scales, which facilitates the penetration of other active ingredients into the skin. Chestnut extract has an anti-edematous effect, and caffeine stimulates the breakdown of fat. The second preparation is a gentle soufflé that has a cooling effect. The composition includes kiwi and papaya extracts, rich in proteolytic enzymes, horse chestnut extract and caffeine. After using these drugs, the effect of smooth and elastic skin is created, signs of cellulite are reduced, fat breakdown and blood circulation are stimulated. The use of such products after a massage can significantly increase both the effectiveness of the procedure and the effect of the drugs themselves.


Since scientific research into the effects of massage is just beginning, not all of the claimed effects of massage can be scientifically proven. However, the data already obtained is impressive. It can be seen that massage affects skin fibroblasts, fat cells, on gene expression, on hormone secretion, and on the central nervous system. In addition, massage can both reduce pain and inflammation and lead to the formation of microtraumas, against which inflammation can develop. All this imposes great responsibility on the massage specialist. Constantly improving techniques and techniques, as well as complementing the massage synergistically active drugs, you can reduce the risk of unwanted effects of massage and enhance, as well as direct its positive effects in the right direction, successfully solving the problems of combating age-related skin changes, cellulite and excess weight.

Question: How do you convince a client that they should get massage sessions two to three times a week to fully recover from an injury? Sometimes clients don't want to come even once a week...

Answer: This question is often asked to me by beginning massage therapists working in the field of therapeutic orthopedic massage. Working with people who have suffered trauma and are in pain is not the same as giving a relaxing massage. It can be effective even if the client comes once a week, twice a month or even once a month - it all depends on the level nervous tension client.

25.02.2020 / 96 /

Basic techniques and techniques help achieve the highest results

First-class massage therapists - what is their secret?

If you watch how the most famous massage therapists, the largest specialists in our field, known for their skill and thousands of satisfied students and clients, work, you will see that during their work they use basic, basic massage techniques and techniques. What is special about them then?

24.02.2020 / 276 /

Question: Is it true that Dupuytren's contracture can lead to a person being unable to straighten his fingers?

Answer: Yes its true. Dupuytren's contracture is a connective tissue disease in which there is thickening and fibrous degeneration of the palmar fascia (aponeurosis). In the most severe cases, Dupuytren's contracture leads to the inability to straighten the fingers - they are constantly in a bent state.

21.02.2020 / 142 /

The rectus femoris muscle bisects the front of the thigh and is located between the sartorius muscle and the tensor fasciae lata. The rectus femoris muscle is the longest of all four heads of the quadriceps femoris muscle - it is the only one that crosses hip joint and is located most superficially. The rectus femoris muscle is bipennate - its fibers run obliquely in relation to the tendon located in the middle, attaching to it on both sides.

20.02.2020 / 229 /

Often, people whose lives are full come to massage therapists’ offices. negative emotions. Their psyche needs support and attention. They look forward to each session in order to quickly tell the massage therapist all the details of the recent quarrel, resentment and trouble. Since problems never leave such people, they always expect help from you. During the session, they may cry and ask you for advice.

18.02.2020 / 624 /

The most common cause of neuralgia sciatic nerve(sciatica, lumbosacral radiculitis) - one of the longest nerves of the human body, which runs from the sacral plexus to the foot itself - is pinched. As you can imagine, in this case a person feels the strongest sharp pains which occur suddenly, tingling, tissue numbness, loss of sensitivity and others often develop neurological symptoms. Due to severe pain, some people with this problem have difficulty walking or standing.

17.02.2020 / 952 /

Question: Pain between the metatarsal bones indicates overstrain of which muscles?

Answer: Dorsal interosseous muscles of the foot.

The dorsal interosseous muscles of the foot are located between the metatarsal bones of the foot, filling the interosseous spaces. These muscles help stabilize the foot when walking or running.

14.02.2020 / 434 /

The human psyche knows how to cope with extremely difficult experiences, the memories of which bring severe pain– she takes them out of the plane of consciousness into the unconscious. Such a mechanism psychological protection received the name “repression” in psychodynamics. For example, many adults who have received serious psychological trauma in childhood, they cannot remember the circumstances and facts associated with it - all this is stored deep in the subconscious. Memories of these events can bring great pain, and therefore our psyche keeps them away from consciousness.

Massage has been used for many centuries as an effective method of treating and restoring the health of the patient. In modern medicine, a lot of attention is paid to this area.

  1. A simple light touch on the palm of your hand can work wonders, namely slowing down your heart rate and lowering your heart rate. arterial pressure. The principle of stroking during massage is based on this effect. The body calms down, stress is relieved, stroking with hands primarily affects the nervous system.
  2. Humpback whales weigh more than 50 tons and reach 20 meters in length, and even they cannot ignore the effect of stroking. These large creatures hold their heads above water for hours for affection. The principle of stroking is calming and appealing to many animals.
  3. The history of massage begins before our era. One of the ancient sources is the Chinese book of kong fu, which contains not only wrestling techniques, but also methods of treating dislocations and muscle spasms with massage. For many millennia, the knowledge and skills of massage techniques were stored and passed on exclusively by clergy.
  4. After heavy physical activity or sports, it is recommended to get a massage. Lactic acid is not only released from the muscles during exercise, but is easily removed by massage. By following this recommendation, the next morning will be painless and cheerful.
  5. Recent medical research confirmed that massage improves the growth and development of newborns. All premature and delayed babies physical development Pediatricians prescribe massage. It has been proven that the recovery process of children has the best results with proper regular massage.
  6. Veterinarians also took massage into circulation. Australian scientists conducted a farm experiment with piglets. Regularly massaging the backs of small pigs speeds up the animals' growth by 35%.
  7. Massage is rich in beneficial effects for human health. For therapeutic purposes, massage is also used for somatic diseases (asthma, rheumatism, hypertension, etc.).
  8. If after a massage the thirst for water and urination increase, this indicates favorable outcome treatment and quick recovery body.
  9. A rash after several massage sessions should in no way be considered a negative effect. The body and skin are cleansed and restored.
  10. Head massage not only relieves stress and tension, but also reduces headache and also stimulates hair growth. True, a method against baldness has not yet been developed.

Massage is not only useful and pleasant, many Eastern sages saw in it the secret of health and longevity!

1. The touch of a massage therapist can lower your heart rate and lower your blood pressure.

2. Massage stimulates the production of endorphins (the body's natural painkillers), so a mother's hug can help reduce baby's pain.

3. Skin is the most large organ in the human body. There are approximately 5 million sensory receptors on our skin, 3,000 of which are located on the tip of our finger. Every time we massage, our brain receives signals because skin cells send them along nerve fibers from the skin to the brain. The signal is transmitted at a speed of 120 meters per second, which allows us to feel everything in an instant.

4. An hour-long massage has a beneficial effect on the body, just like 7-8 hours of sleep.

5. Massage may be the oldest form. medical care. Drawings of the Egyptian tomb of Akmantor show 2330 BC. (also known as the "Tomb of the Doctor"), depicts two men having their legs and arms massaged.

6. Julius Caesar received massages every day to treat his epilepsy.

7. Hippocrates, father modern medicine, widely promoted the use of massage. He called it "anathripsis" - which means "to rub."

8. B ancient Greece Olympic athletes received massages after training. The attendants who performed the massage were very knowledgeable about muscles and their biomechanics during physical exercise, they can be considered the very first sports massage therapists.

9. In 1996, massage was officially used as a primary medical treatment for the first time at the Atlanta Olympics.

10. Massaging the upper, middle and lower outer parts ears once a day, you will improve your immune system.

11. People with digestive disorders who massaged three times a day for ten days gained weight faster and left the hospital six days earlier than those who did not.

12. Massage is very popular among different age groups: years (17%); years (26%); years (20%); years (17%); years (15%); And over 65 years (5%).

13. Women love massage more than men. Research shows that 60 percent of all massage consumers are women.

Do you know that:

  • We have about 5 million touch receptors on our skin, 3 thousand of them are on our fingertips.
  • The professional touch of a massage therapist can slow down your heartbeat and also lower your blood pressure.
  • Julius Gaius Caesar constantly performed massage to prevent epilepsy!
  • In 1996, for the first time, massage was officially included in the list of services provided. medical services during the Olympic Games in Atlanta.
  • Massaging and lightly stroking your ears just once a day will improve your immune system.
  • According to the American Medical Association (AMA), about 70% of Americans will have back problems as they age.
  • Specialized massage improves blood flow, relieves pain, and also relieves flu symptoms.
  • Massage increases the level of endorphins (the hormone of happiness and pain relief).
  • 60 minutes of massage is comparable to 7-8 hours of sleep.
  • Bob Hope (famous Hollywood actor who starred in such films as "Forest Gump", " Big Night Casanova”, etc.) lived more than a hundred years, only because, as he himself said, he had a massage every day.
  • A general massage can be done even if you are fully clothed.
  • Perhaps a massage, the most old way human health, since images very similar to the massage procedure were found on Egyptian graves.
  • Massage can be done on a massage table, chair, bench, bed, you can massage the whole body and individual parts, with or without oil.
  • There are more than 75 massage techniques.

Massage is truly one of the most useful inventions of mankind. Its benefits are beyond doubt: it gives pleasure, relaxes, harmonizes the body and mind and, most importantly, heals! Almost every person has been to a massage therapist at least once in their life. Many people dream of a massage, but cannot afford it due to being too busy. Fortunately, there are currently many massagers available that you can buy for use at home, and if you have enough money, we advise you to order a massage therapist at home and you will receive complete satisfaction from the massage at any time and in a comfortable environment.

2) 60 minutes of relaxing manual massage can be compared to a deep 7-hour sleep.

3) Massage is considered one of the most ancient ways human health. It is still impossible to determine in which country it originally originated. It is believed that massage developed in different countries ah parallel.

4) Massage increases the level of endorphins (happiness hormones) in the blood.

5) B Ancient Rus' bath procedures combined with massage. The massage was carried out using a broom. A lot depends on what and how the broom is made of. They were made from branches of birch, oak, linden, fir and even coniferous trees!

6) Regular scalp massage stimulates hair growth.

7) Women turn to massage therapists more often than men.

8) The most productive devices for home massage massage chairs are considered.

9) A general massage can be done even if you are dressed.

10) Our skin is dominated by receptors responsible for touch. In total, there are about five million touch receptors on human skin! There are approximately 170 nerve endings per square centimeter of skin. Their largest accumulation is on the lips and fingertips.

11) The famous commander and politician Gaius Julius Caesar loved massage and considered it a way to prevent epilepsy.

12) Most people who dream of a massage want to feel, first of all, relaxation and comfort, relieve stress, and also relieve pain.

13) There are over 50 manual massage techniques. In a massage chair, the number of different massage combinations can reach 500.

14) Massage can improve blood circulation, oxygen exchange, relieve pain and minor inflammation of tissues and muscles, alleviate asthma attacks, improve mood and relieve depression.

15) Countries in which massage is still one of the most popular methods of treating diseases are India, Japan and China. Since ancient times, knowledge about the healing power of massage in these countries has been passed on from generation to generation.

Interesting facts about massage from around the world

Hello, dear ones. Add interesting facts about massage from all over the world, which were collected by people from all over the world, to your knowledge about a person.

What is massage?

Massage is stroking, from which every living being experiences pleasant sensations, becomes relaxed and calm. This is the basis of massage.

1. From light stroking, a person goes into a comfortable, relaxed state. Even if you touch the hands very gently, the patient’s blood pressure will decrease and the heart rate will slightly decrease. Numerous experiments have shown that in this way people can be transferred to a calm state.

2. It turns out that even the largest animals on the Planet - humpback whales - derive unprecedented pleasure from massage. Their length reaches 19 meters, and their weight reaches 53 tons. But even these giants are ready to keep their heads above water for several hours in a row just to be stroked.

3. The Indians and Chinese were the first to describe massage methods. They wrote a unique book “Kung Fu” 3 thousand years BC.

In it they described not only all kinds of exercises, but also the main massage methods that can be used for dislocations, rheumatism, muscle spasms. In ancient times, only church ministers could practice massage.

4. Relaxing strokes are given to all professional athletes, especially after heavy strain on the muscles. Such actions are useful for everyone who receives sufficient strength training.

This is done in order to remove as much lactic acid as possible from the human body, which accumulates in muscle tissue after intense physical activity. At the same time, the body throws out 15% more accumulated nitrogenous components.

5. Massage is also useful for babies, they begin to grow better, become stronger and more resilient. All premature babies are immediately given relaxing strokes. Studies were conducted in which two groups of premature babies were selected.

Some children received regular massage treatments, while others did not. Babies from group 1 began to gain weight well: half the initial weight than babies whose mothers did not bring them to relaxation sessions.

6. More recently, massage rooms have even appeared for animals. Australian specialists have developed a special program according to which the backs of small pigs should be massaged from time to time. This method accelerated the growth of piglets by 30%.

7. Everyone knows that massage is used not only for relaxation, but also to achieve a therapeutic effect. Massage movements help improve breathing in children and adults with asthma. Healing procedures can relieve frequent headaches, relieve unpleasant tension in the body and reduce stress.

8. It is very useful to massage before starting intense strength training; the procedure improves gas exchange in the body by 10-20%. After exercise, the level of gas exchange can more than double.

9. Massage can contribute to better urination, which will then continue throughout the day.

10. If you massage your head more often, it will not only relieve muscle tension, but also speed up hair growth. But the effectiveness of massage movements against baldness has not yet been proven.

Dear readers, now you know how beneficial massage treatments are. The blog articles contain many descriptions of simple techniques that will help improve the condition of the entire body. Subscribe to my blog, find useful recommendations and become healthier!

  1. The first to describe the basic techniques of massage were representatives of China and India. In particular, a book of kung fu, which dates back to the 3rd millennium BC. e., in addition to various exercises, it contains a description of massage techniques for dislocations, muscle spasms, rheumatism, etc. Moreover, in those days only clergy were trusted to perform massage.
  2. Massage can have not only a relaxing, but also a healing effect. In particular, it can improve breathing in children with asthma, reduce stress, relieve tension and headaches.
  3. The massage stimulates urination, which continues for 24 hours after the session.
  4. According to research, massage stimulates infant growth, which is especially important for premature babies. The experiment showed that such children who regularly received massage weighed almost half as much as their premature peers who attended the sessions.
  5. Light stroking and touching gives a feeling of relaxation and comfort. The main effect of massage is based on this. By the way, if you lightly touch a person’s hand, his heart rate will immediately slow down a little and his blood pressure will drop, as well as a feeling of calm.
  6. Head massage is extremely useful for stimulating hair growth and general relaxation. However, its effectiveness against baldness has not yet been proven.
  7. If you massage immediately after intense physical activities, then the body will secrete 15% more nitrogenous substances, and this will also speed up the removal of lactic acid that accumulates in the muscles after heavy exercise.
  8. A massage performed before active sports improves gas exchange by%, and after physical exercise it can more than double.
  9. Even humpback whales, the most large mammals on the ground. The animals, which can reach 19 meters in length and weigh 53 tons, love to stick their huge heads out of the water and allow themselves to be petted for several hours on end.
  10. For some time now, massage has been used not only for people, but also for animals. Thus, in Australia, a special pig breeding program has been developed, which requires periodic massaging of the backs of piglets. It is noteworthy that these measures helped accelerate the growth of the pig population by approximately 30%. In addition, cow massage is an integral part of the production of the famous Japanese marbled beef - one of the most expensive products in the world.

There is a new boom in the market of exotic cosmetic procedures - snail therapy. Main characters.

Any massage is a relaxing effect on the body, a pleasant treatment. Honey massage.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a massage technique that is carried out along the lines of lymphatic drainage, beneficially.

A loved one becomes a kind of prism of perception; he gives meaning to everything. We are.

Thai massage is very popular among tourists from all over the world. Moreover, .


Humor, myths and interesting things about massage

15 messages

In every field of activity, sometimes disputes and disagreements arise. However, the incorrect statements that exist in massage practice are the machinations of amateurs or, more often than not, formed from the unsuccessful experiences of clients of massage parlors. So, debunked myths about massage:

1. “Massage must be performed constantly. The more often the better."

No. Massage is a therapeutic procedure and should be performed in courses depending on the recommendations of the specialist and the patient’s condition. A course of massage treatment should be done at intervals of 1.5-3 months. But if we are talking about self-massage, then it can be performed daily, especially in combination with other hygiene procedures.

2. “Massage is a type of manual therapy and vice versa.”

This statement is not true, since these are different treatment methods. With the help of massage, a specialist influences, first of all, soft fabrics(skin, muscles). And the area of ​​activity chiropractor- These are, first of all, bones and joints.

3. “The most effective are foreign types of massage (Thai, Tibetan, “lomi-lomi”)”

It is a myth. The “classical” massage technique, as well as techniques using it, are the most developed. This massage technique has the most significant scientific basis for its effects.

4. “Massage increases muscle strength.”

This statement is fundamentally incorrect. Massage is an excellent way to restore muscles after excessive physical activity. Massage can be used to prevent post-workout fatigue. Massage does not affect muscle strength; physical strength can be increased through physical education.

5. “During a real massage, the patient should experience pain.”

Pain during a massage is an obvious technical mistake of the massage therapist. With reflex or point impact, pain is possible, but it must be strictly controlled. This unpleasant feeling should disappear during the massage and in no case intensify.

Relax! Relaxation is the key to longevity! =)

The word "massage" can be translated from Arabic as “to press gently,” and in Greek it means “to touch” or “to move with the hand.”

And the term “SPA” has been known since the times of ancient Rome. Emperor Nero, while relaxing at one of the water healing resorts, was so inspired that he uttered the historical phrase: “Health through water.” Translated from Latin it means Sanus per Aquarm. This is how the abbreviation SPA appeared.

Massage has come to us since very ancient times. For example, in China it was described back in the 3rd millennium BC. e., and in India it is mentioned approximately 700 BC. e. In ancient Rome, massage was used after battles to eliminate bruises and swelling on the body. And the Greeks already in the time of Hippocrates considered massage good remedy in the fight against many diseases. Its significance is evidenced by the phrase of the same Hippocrates that “A doctor must be able to do many things, but, of course, he must master the art of massage.”

In India and China, massage was performed by clergy. In these countries there were special schools, which taught massage techniques. The most famous school medieval China was in Kanfan. The graduates of this school were called “taosse” (squeezing), and its director bore the honorary title of “heavenly doctor.”

Massage techniques were well known in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians combined it with the effects of the bath. A. Alpinis (1583) describes rubbing and other techniques carried out in the baths of Egypt: “rubbing was widespread to such an extent that no one left the bath without undergoing a massage.”

Touch is the fifth sense.

The tactile sense appears in people very first, in relation to other basic types of feelings, and fades away last.

There are approximately 5 million receptors in human skin. As an organ of touch, the skin is one of the largest organs. The total area of ​​the skin of an adult is about 2 - 2.5 square meters, the weight of the skin is about 3 kilograms. There are 3000 receptors on the tip of the finger.

Skin area 2 sq.cm. contains: more than 3 million cells, from 100 to 300 sweat glands, 50 nerve endings, about 1 meter of blood vessels.

Nothing heals like human touch. Pleasant touches stimulate the release of endorphins, which helps lift your mood and reduce pain.

Studies have shown that lightly holding a person's hand will slow down their heart rate and lower their blood pressure.

Babies born prematurely gained 47% more weight during the first 10 days of life when they were gently stroked for 45 minutes daily than babies who were not stroked but fed the same amount of calories.

Manual (manual) massage is unique in its essence. It can be supplemented, changed, modified, but it cannot be reproduced in any other way, neither now nor in the future.

Massage helps in almost all cases where medications help, and in many more when medications do not help.

There is an opinion that in 80% of cases the disease is associated with stress, and massage relieves stress.

One hour of massage is equivalent to an hour of sleep in terms of the power of its restorative effect on the human body. Doctors recommend using massage as a natural remedy for insomnia, chronic fatigue and general exhaustion.

Even a short 3-5 minute massage restores the function of tired muscles better than a 20-30 minute rest.

Massage promotes blood redistribution and more uniform blood circulation to all parts of the lungs. After performing vibration massage on chest, scientists noted that within 1-2 hours after the procedure, the degree of blood oxygen saturation in the lungs increased by 2%.

Massage performed before physical activity increases gas exchange by 10-20%, and after physical activity - by%. Massage also increases urination. Moreover, increased urination and an increasing amount of nitrogen released from the body continues throughout the day after the massage session.

If children and adolescents hospitalized with mental disorders are lightly rubbed on their backs every day for a short time, their excitability noticeably decreases and positive changes occur in the perception of the surrounding reality.

If people who have had a serious illness are massaged three times a day for ten days after being discharged from hospital, they regain their weight six days earlier than those who do not receive massage.

Massage makes an athlete more flexible, faster, stronger and less prone to injury. Therefore, at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, massage was officially offered as a primary health care option for athletes.

Scientists have long found out that each internal organ has a specific skin zone. When there are diseases of any organs, certain areas of the skin become more sensitive.

It turns out that massaging your feet is very effective in fighting colds. After all, the feet (feet) can be called, without exaggeration, “an anatomical map of our body”, on which all organs and systems are “indicated” by reflex points. In other words, each internal human organ has a corresponding reflex zone on the foot. By activating these zones through massage, you can regulate the functions of all body systems.

According to experts, facial massage, due to reflex effects, has a beneficial effect on all other human organs. After all, on our face there are points that are connected with many internal organs. Influencing active points, the massage therapist stimulates their work. For example, when massaging the tip of the nose, the activity of the heart is normalized, the cheeks - the work of the lungs is facilitated, a honey massage of the forehead affects the functions small intestine, and the chin - the genitourinary system.

Even the largest mammals on Earth enjoy touch and massage. Thus, humpback whales, whose size reaches 19 meters and weigh 53 tons, despite all the reasons to fear humans, are known for their tendency to stick their huge heads out of the water, allowing themselves to be stroked and scratched, sometimes for several hours at a time.

Arterial blockages in rabbits fed a cholesterol-rich diet are 60% less likely when petted regularly than in rabbits fed the same diet but deprived of petting.

Based on scientific data on the dependence of body growth on the function of touch, the Australian Department of Agriculture developed a program for pig breeding, which required regular massage of the backs of piglets. Not surprisingly, these Australian piglets began to grow faster, noticeably faster - by 30%.

In rats that were held in hands for 15 minutes daily during the first 3 weeks of life, the degeneration of brain cells and memory deterioration due to aging were significantly less pronounced than in rats that were not handled.

In India, elephants are given anti-stress massage. Veterinarians believe that elephants are subject to great stress, so they need regular therapy.

The phenomenon of cupping massage originated a long time ago. Even in ancient times, people used “vessels of health” to heal the sick. But the technique of using cupping as a means of curing diseases originates in China and dates back more than 400 years. The role of cans was then played by tall tea cups.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a relatively young method; it was developed by the French doctor Pascal Coche in the second half of the last century.

Wrapping is a body care procedure that has long been famous for its beneficial properties and effectiveness. In the most ancient times, there were recipes for miraculous mixtures and infusions, the preparation of which was considered an art worthy only of the elite. Thus, Cleopatra herself knew about the secrets of blue clay and successfully used it to maintain the beauty of her body.

The extreme benefits of seaweed wraps are due to the fact that, as it turns out, the concentration of vitamins and microelements in seaweed is much higher (sometimes 100 times!) than in land plants.

According to its composition sea ​​water is very similar to human blood plasma, therefore the beneficial components contained in it are absorbed by the body almost 100%.

Fact number 1

A gentle touch to the wrist reduces blood pressure and slows down the heart rate. With this interaction, the person will feel calm.

Fact number 2

Not only people love massage; for example, the huge mammal the Humpback whale can be immobilized for several hours when massaged.

Such a giant grows about 19 m with a mass of 53 tons. As long as he feels the stroking, he will keep his head out of the water for long hours.

Fact number 3

Approximately 3000 BC, massage could only be performed by clergy; this was special knowledge.

Already at that time, the kung fu book described massage techniques and exercises that saved people from muscle spasms, rheumatism, various dislocations and sprains.

Fact number 4

Massage is especially useful after heavy physical activity. In this way, it will release more than 15 percent of nitrogenous substances and quickly remove lactic acid from the muscles, because of this acid we feel tired and sore.

Fact number 5

Massage provides growth and stimulation in infant development, especially for premature babies. Children with this disease experience a 50% increase in weight gain.

Fact number 6

Australian scientists have found that massage for pigs on a pig farm accelerates the growth of animals by 30 percent. That's why they don't care given schedule often get massages.

Fact number 7

Massage has long been used not as a means of relaxation, but also in the treatment of asthma, headaches and stress.

Fact number 8

The massage stimulates urination in the body; after the session, the effect can last for about a day.

Fact number 9

Massage is also useful before starting strenuous exercise, which will help increase the level of gas exchange by a percentage. And after training it will generally increase several times.

Fact number 10

If you want to stimulate hair growth, then a scalp massage will help a lot.

It is difficult to meet a person who would refuse a professional massage, which allows him to relax and get rid of possible pain and even improve your health. Eat incredible facts about massages that remain unknown to the average person, we’ll talk about them. By the way, the word “massage” translated from Arabic means gentle pressure.

Massage appeared in ancient times, as the Indians and Chinese used it to cure rheumatic pain, sprains, and other problems.

Interesting Facts about massage:

  1. Massage can be used in medicinal purposes, for example, it helps improve breathing when coughing, get rid of headaches and stress.
  2. To relax, it is best to massage your head. In addition, it helps stimulate hair growth.
  3. In terms of the power of its restorative effect on the body, an hour of massage can be compared to eight hours of sleep.
  4. It is recommended to massage immediately after intense physical activity, which will increase the amount of nitrogenous substances and also improve the removal of lactic acid.
  5. Another fact about massage concerns the fact that nothing heals a person like touch, which activates the process of producing endorphin - the hormone of happiness that improves mood and reduces pain.
  6. Light hand massage slows down heart rate and lowering blood pressure.
  7. Manual massage is unique, since it is impossible to reproduce it in any other way today.

In conclusion, I would like to say that not only people love massage, but also humpback whales, who are ready to hold their heads above the water for hours to be stroked. In Australia, farms massage the backs of pigs to stimulate their growth.

In this section of the site you will find useful articles, instructions and recommendations on the topic of body massage and other thematic entries.

Why do you need an in-home massage?

There are many advantages to such a service as massage at home, firstly it is effective method for those who simply cannot walk. For example, if a patient has back problems, it will be quite difficult for a patient to regularly visit a massage parlor, and it is also risky. And if you have a fracture or are recovering from a recent illness, then going to a massage therapist on your own will be very difficult. The second positive reason for massage at home is...

Therapeutic back massage

According to statistics, more than half of the people in the world go to hospitals for help because of back problems. A healthy spine is not only a pain-free life, but also the proper functioning of the entire body, including internal organs and metabolism. As soon as you feel the first symptoms hinting at problems in the spine, immediately consult a doctor/massage therapist and do not start the problem. The fact is that the problems...

Why do you need a massage?

This type of massage as a therapeutic one is most often needed by those who have back diseases, neuralgia, sore joints and after various injuries. The properties of this massage, like manual therapy, are determined by the body’s reaction to various mechanical influences. For example, when performing therapeutic massage procedures, different areas of the body and nerve endings are treated, which send signals to the human brain, thereby activating the normal functioning of organs, stabilizing blood pressure and improving metabolism and...

What is therapeutic massage

Therapeutic massage is not only a method that allows you to cure a lot of diseases, it is also an excellent preventive factor for diseases. There are many types of massage effects on the body, with and without the use of additional tools other than hands, complex and local, etc. For example, complex massotherapy- this is a method in which the effect occurs on the entire body, and the local effect is applied to individual zones of the body. Local massage is divided into the following...

What is medical massage

As many already know, medical massage is divided into two components: general and local. The first differs in that different massage techniques are applied to the whole body, and in the second case, only some part of the body is treated. It always depends on the patient's situation. Medical massage is able to cure a lot of diseases of the spinal cord, improve the functioning of the body in terms of improving metabolism and normalizing blood circulation, and also relieve...

Encyclopedia of massage

A good and high-quality massage is not only great way relieve fatigue and relax, it can also cure a lot of diseases and improve the functioning of the whole body! Therapeutic massage is classified into many different subtypes and is developed individually for each patient. In addition, it is also worth remembering that there are contraindications, so if you need a massage for medicinal purposes, be sure to consult your doctor. Also relaxing…

Treatment with acupressure

Zhen-jiu is the name given to treatment using acupressure in China. Any therapeutic massage that came to us from Asia, one way or another, is associated with acupressure. Also medicinal acupressure known under the word “acupressure” and is aimed at warming points of the human body and is often combined with linear movements. The action can occur through fingers, elbows, fists or various tools. The advantage of this type of massage is that…

Acupressure facial self-massage

Acupressure came to us from the east; this technique allows you to activate healthy biological work different parts bodies. Execute this procedure with techniques such as “bodyflex” or “face forming” and combined with techniques from different countries, for example: Japanese acupressure, Chinese and Indian. Acupressure self-massage of the face allows you not only to strengthen the skin and make it elastic, but also to slow down aging. And the essence of the process is very simple, facial massage should be done...

Everything you need to know about back massage

When you perform a back massage, this procedure makes it easier to influence almost the entire body and internal organs. This procedure is useful not only because it allows you to relieve fatigue from the muscles, but also improve blood circulation throughout the body and cure a lot of diseases. Before doing a back massage, it is worth remembering the most important part - these are contraindications. Doing a massage incorrectly can only harm the body, so in advance...

The word "massage" can be translated from Arabic as "gently pressing", and in Greek it means "to touch" or "to move with the hand."

And the term “SPA” has been known since the times of ancient Rome. Emperor Nero, while relaxing at one of the water healing resorts, was so inspired that he uttered the historical phrase: “Health through water.” Translated from Latin it means Sanus per Aquarm. This is how the abbreviation SPA appeared.

Massage has come to us since very ancient times. For example, in China it was described back in the 3rd millennium BC. e., and in India it is mentioned approximately 700 BC. e. In ancient Rome, massage was used after battles to eliminate bruises and swelling on the body. And the Greeks, already in the time of Hippocrates, considered massage a good remedy in the fight against many diseases. Its significance is evidenced by the phrase of the same Hippocrates that “A doctor must be able to do many things, but, of course, he must master the art of massage.”

In India and China, massage was performed by clergy. In these countries there were special schools that taught massage techniques. The most famous school of medieval China was located in Kangfang. The graduates of this school were called "taosse" (squeezing), and its director bore the honorary title of "heavenly doctor."

Massage techniques were well known in Ancient Egypt. The Egyptians combined it with the effects of the bath. A. Alpinis (1583) describes rubbing and other techniques carried out in the baths of Egypt: “rubbing was widespread to such an extent that no one left the bath without undergoing a massage.”

Touch is the fifth sense.

The tactile sense appears in people very first, in relation to other basic types of feelings, and fades away last.

There are approximately 5 million receptors in human skin. As an organ of touch, the skin is one of the largest organs. The total area of ​​the skin of an adult is about 2 - 2.5 square meters, the weight of the skin is about 3 kilograms. There are 3000 receptors on the tip of the finger.
Skin area 2 sq.cm. contains: more than 3 million cells, from 100 to 300 sweat glands, 50 nerve endings, about 1 meter of blood vessels.

Nothing heals like human touch. Pleasant touches stimulate the release of endorphins, which helps lift your mood and reduce pain.

Studies have shown that lightly holding a person's hand will slow down their heart rate and lower their blood pressure.

Babies born prematurely gained 47% more weight during the first 10 days of life when they were gently stroked for 45 minutes daily than babies who were not stroked but fed the same amount of calories.

Manual (manual) massage is unique in its essence. It can be supplemented, changed, modified, but it cannot be reproduced in any other way, neither now nor in the future.

Massage helps in almost all cases where medications help, and in many more when medications do not help.

There is an opinion that in 80% of cases the disease is associated with stress, and massage relieves stress.

One hour of massage is equivalent to 7 - 8 hours of sleep in terms of the power of its restorative effect on the human body. Doctors recommend using massage as a natural remedy for insomnia, chronic fatigue and general exhaustion.

Even a short 3-5 minute massage restores the function of tired muscles better than a 20-30 minute rest.

Massage promotes blood redistribution and more uniform blood circulation to all parts of the lungs. After performing vibration massage on the chest, scientists noted that within 1-2 hours after the procedure, the degree of blood oxygen saturation in the lungs increased by 2%.

Massage performed before physical activity increases gas exchange by 10-20%, and after physical activity by 96-135%. Massage also increases urination. Moreover, increased urination and an increasing amount of nitrogen released from the body continues throughout the day after the massage session.

If children and adolescents hospitalized with mental disorders are lightly rubbed on their backs every day for a short time, their excitability noticeably decreases and positive changes occur in the perception of the surrounding reality.

If people who have had a serious illness are massaged three times a day for ten days after being discharged from hospital, they regain their weight six days earlier than those who do not receive massage.

Massage makes an athlete more flexible, faster, stronger and less prone to injury. Therefore, at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta, massage was officially offered as a primary health care option for athletes.

Scientists have long found out that each internal organ has a specific skin zone. When there are diseases of any organs, certain areas of the skin become more sensitive.

It turns out that massaging your feet is very effective in fighting colds. After all, the feet (feet) can be called, without exaggeration, “an anatomical map of our body”, on which all organs and systems are “indicated” by reflex points. In other words, each internal human organ has a corresponding reflex zone on the foot. By activating these zones through massage, you can regulate the functions of all body systems.

According to experts, facial massage, due to reflex effects, has a beneficial effect on all other human organs. After all, on our face there are points that are connected with many internal organs. By influencing active points, the massage therapist stimulates their work. For example, when massaging the tip of the nose, the activity of the heart is normalized, the cheeks - the work of the lungs is facilitated, a honey massage of the forehead affects the functions of the small intestine, and the chin - the genitourinary system.

Even the largest mammals on Earth enjoy touch and massage. Thus, humpback whales, whose size reaches 19 meters and weigh 53 tons, despite all the reasons to fear humans, are known for their tendency to stick their huge heads out of the water, allowing themselves to be stroked and scratched, sometimes for several hours at a time.

Arterial blockages in rabbits fed a cholesterol-rich diet are 60% less likely when petted regularly than in rabbits fed the same diet but deprived of petting.

Based on scientific data on the dependence of body growth on the function of touch, the Australian Department of Agriculture developed a program for pig breeding, which required regular massage of the backs of piglets. Not surprisingly, these Australian piglets began to grow faster, noticeably faster - by 30%.

In rats that were held in hands for 15 minutes daily during the first 3 weeks of life, the degeneration of brain cells and memory deterioration due to aging were significantly less pronounced than in rats that were not handled.

In India, elephants are given anti-stress massage. Veterinarians believe that elephants are subject to great stress, so they need regular therapy.

The phenomenon of cupping massage originated a long time ago. Even in ancient times, people used “vessels of health” to heal the sick. But the technique of using cupping as a means of curing diseases originates in China and dates back more than 400 years. The role of cans was then played by tall tea cups.

Lymphatic drainage massage is a relatively young method; it was developed by the French doctor Pascal Coche in the second half of the last century.

Wrapping is a body care procedure that has long been famous for its beneficial properties and effectiveness. In the most ancient times, there were recipes for miraculous mixtures and infusions, the preparation of which was considered an art worthy only of the elite. Thus, Cleopatra herself knew about the secrets of blue clay and successfully used it to maintain the beauty of her body.

The extreme benefits of seaweed wraps are due to the fact that, as it turns out, the concentration of vitamins and microelements in seaweed is much higher (sometimes 100 times!) than in land plants.
The composition of sea water is very similar to human blood plasma, therefore the beneficial components contained in it are absorbed by the body almost 100%.

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