Home Prevention Invasive and non-surgical liposuction. Types of liposuction

Invasive and non-surgical liposuction. Types of liposuction

Liposuction without surgery at an affordable price!

If they bother you a lot body fat on the hips, abdomen, cervical or scapular areas, and you understand that Plastic surgery– not your option, cosmetologists advise you to take a close look at the procedure called cavitation, in Podolsk, has been practiced by specialists of the Unimed+ Cosmetology Clinic for many years with good results.

Used in cavitation, studied and repeatedly properties of ultrasound that have proven their harmlessness and effectiveness. The procedure is performed on an outpatient basis, without requiring any incisions or injections.

The pain of ultrasonic liposuction is comparable to the effect of this sound on nociceptors during an ultrasound of any organ. And provided that the cycle of procedures is carried out professionally and certain rules are followed, after its completion, cavitation does not require repetition.

Physical concept of cavitation

Physicists use the term “cavitation” call the formation in a separate section of a liquid medium (not in its entire thickness, as happens during boiling) of bubbles filled with liquid vapor.

This phenomenon can develop when the movement of one of the water layers accelerates - at the boundary between layers, or when the properties of a separate section of the liquid change, which can occur under the influence of high-frequency sound passed through it (such a wave will transfer its energy to the water).

The latter phenomenon is called acoustic cavitation and is used to correct localized fat deposits.

Gas-filled cavities in a liquid medium treated with ultrasound appear locally - in the zone where it reached a level above the pressure exerted by saturated steam.

Then, due to a decrease in the average hydrostatic pressure, the gases contained in any liquid medium of our body begin to form bubbles by diffusion.

Gas cavities grow until the pressure at the place of their formation drops to a certain critical value, which is below saturated vapor pressure. If the pressure in this area increases sharply, or the cavitation bubble enters an area of ​​high hydrostatic pressure, it will collapse, forming a shock wave.

And since bubbles tend to expand and contract, while heating inside to a fairly high temperature, when they collapse, an exothermic reaction occurs.

Cavitation non-surgical liposuction

If on subcutaneous layer fat
If a person is exposed to sound with a frequency of 37-45 KHz (but less than 70 KHz) and a pressure of about 0.6 kiloPascal, gas-filled bubbles will form in it.

By reducing the sound frequency, you can achieve an increase in cavitation cavities. Expanding in the interadipocyte tissue, they will compress fat cells from the outside, and forming directly in the fat, liquefy it.

When the threshold pressure is reached, the gas spheres burst, and the resulting hydrodynamic shock damages the adipocyte membranes. The most filled cells “burst” first, because the tension of their membranes is maximum.

Triglyceride fats released from cells with damaged membranes enter the intracellular intercellular space. Next, about 90% of them enter the blood, and less than 10% are absorbed by the lymph. Lipids pass through the liver, from their particles glucose molecules are formed, which are spent on the needs of the body.

Low-frequency ultrasound does not damage epidermal cells, myofibrils, or vascular walls due to their different properties from adipocyte tissue. Before internal organs the sound of the above characteristics “does not reach”.

According to mechanical, thermal and cavitation effects such non-surgical liposuction is recognized as safe by the American FDA Association. They also proved that ultrasonic waves also benefit the organs surrounding the fat layer:

  • perform a kind of cell massage
  • due to thermal effects, they accelerate metabolic processes and oxygenation
  • revascularization of treated tissues is activated
  • increase the flow rate of interstitial fluid and lymph
  • mobilize fibroblasts necessary for the synthesis of the dermal framework.

In terms of its effect, the technique can be comparable to liposuction surgically . Besides:

  • the procedure is painless
  • you can work on several distant zones
  • no invasiveness required
  • there is no need for anesthesia or local anesthesia - side effects of local and systemic drugs are eliminated
  • there is no “washboard” feeling under the skin, as with classic surgical liposuction
  • results can be seen after 2-3 procedures
  • absence of hematomas, swelling, scars or redness in the cavitation area
  • there will be no scarring
  • no lengthy or complex preparation required
  • no sagging skin after cavitation (ultrasound provides a skin lifting effect)
  • convenient schedule of procedures: weekly, 5-8 times
  • In addition to removing fat, a lifting effect is achieved and improves skin tone and texture
  • the price of cavitation is many times lower than surgical correction
  • there is no need to limit your usual schedule of attending other procedures or wearing devices after treating fat deposits with ultrasound –

These are the positive properties
which a well-executed cavitation possesses
. Podolsk is regional center, in which cosmetology clinics have opened and continue to open, but please note: ultrasonic liposuction manipulation must be carried out by a qualified specialist who:

  • knows how to absolutely accurately select the operating parameters of an ultrasonic device
  • knows topographic anatomy vessels, endocrine and internal organs and will not be affected by ultrasound of the same characteristics as for treating the subcutaneous layer of adipocytes
  • taking into account contraindications to the procedure
  • will be able to help with the development of complications of cavitation
  • will definitely complement acoustic liposuction with the necessary procedures, having previously discussed this with the patient.

The Unimed+ Cosmetology Clinic in Podolsk meets all these requirements.

Cosmetologists have not only passed the necessary certification to carry out ultrasonic lipolysis, but also always discuss with each patient the possible effect achieved by cavitation and those actions that will help strengthen and fix it.

Who needs ultrasonic cavitation

If you notice at least one of the following symptoms, non-surgical liposuction is what you need:

  1. deposits that you don't like on your stomach
  2. cellulite
  3. local accumulations of adipocyte tissue of any location
  4. Irregularities, tubercles, and lumps appeared under the skin as a complication of surgical liposuction.

Using cavitation
Ultrasound can remove lipomas (“fat”) on the body without performing anesthesia or scalpel incisions.

Cavitation will be effective if the thickness of the skin-subcutaneous fold exceeds 2 cm, if the person weighs at least 10 kg excess weight.

This is an ideal method to get rid of fat for those who, due to common diseases carrying out is contraindicated invasive liposuction who, taking care of their health, is ready to follow a maintenance diet (it incorporates the principles of healthy eating).

Contraindications to cavitation

Although non-surgical liposuction is considered a well-proven procedure, the complications of which the Unimed+ Clinic has not recorded in 5 years of working with it, the technique has a number of contraindications:

  1. diseases of the hepatobiliary zone (most of the fat will pass through the liver)
  2. excess body weight of 100% or more
  3. pregnancy
  4. When using cavitation for lipolysis on the abdomen, umbilical hernias are contraindications
  5. cardiological pathology
  6. lactation period
  7. diabetes
  8. Cavitation cannot be performed in the area of ​​unhealed wounds.

Execution method

Ultrasonic cavitation in Podolsk at the Unimed+ center will be carried out after a person has visited a preliminary consultation, where he will be examined by a specialist, questioned and prescribed, if necessary, examinations for possible contraindications to manipulation.

3 days before the chosen date, you need to give up lipid-rich foods, but drink 1.5 or more liters of liquid per day. No other preparation is required.

The cavitation procedure itself is performed as follows:

  • you need to free the problem area from clothes and lie down on the couch
  • the doctor selects the required area
  • in this localization mechanical actions are performed aimed at accelerating the movement of lymph here
  • this area is treated with gel, as a result, the transducer (attachment) moves easily over the skin, and ultrasound breaks down fat
  • the area where an excessive number of adipocytes is localized is treated by a cosmetologist with an ultrasonic transducer, which is not similar to an ultrasound sensor, but there is no difference in sensations
  • The phenomenon of cavitation in the treated adipocytes is produced by moving the manipulator in the direction of the regional lymph nodes along the massage lines. The scanning system controls the uniformity of the distribution of ultrasonic vibrations in the hypodermis
  • The procedure is painless - the most you will feel is a slight warmth in the treated area.

Ultrasonic cavitation as a procedure lasts 30-45 minutes, and after it it is recommended lymphatic drainage massage or myostimulation, which will help facilitate the drainage of adipocyte breakdown products.

The total duration of the entire manipulation in combination with myostimulation or lymphatic drainage massage lasts just over an hour, maximum 90 minutes. The frequency with which cavitation should be repeated is once a week or 5 days (this will be determined by our specialist who has sufficient experience in this).

You need to keep in mind: due to the extensive fatty load on the liver, Unimed+ Clinic specialists will not treat more than 2 areas in one visit.

One acoustic cavitation procedure can trigger the breakdown of up to 500 g of triglycerides enclosed in the membrane, and in a course of 5-10 sessions you can lose a maximum of 10-12 cm of waist or hip volume. The effect will occur the sooner and will last longer, the shorter the period of time that has passed from the formation of fat accumulations to the visit to the doctor.

If you do not agree to let the lipolysis process take its course and wait for the disease to recur, follow these recommendations:

  1. have a preventive consultation with a doctor at least annually
  2. follow a low carb diet
  3. drink sufficient (30-40 ml per kilogram of your own weight) amount of liquid
  4. eliminate physical inactivity
  5. watch your weight.

Healthy eating
in the post- and interprocedural period is to limit the intake of foods rich in fats and carbohydrates, the mandatory inclusion of fresh gifts of nature, seafood in the menu, fermented milk products, lean meats, fish and poultry. Be sure to take vitamin and mineral complexes.

The optimal anti-relapse measure would be lipolytic mesotherapy. This is an injection technique that uses a special line of drugs.

The doctors of the Unimed+ Clinic have proven their competence in conducting ultrasonic cavitation. We carefully examine patients before performing this manipulation, and also warn them what sensations during and after the procedure they should pay attention to and tell the doctor performing it.

We emphasize that ultrasonic cavitation will be especially effective if you combine the efforts of the doctor and the patient in the common cause of combating local fat deposits.

Come to the Unimed+ Clinic and see for yourself!

Price for cavitation in Podolsk at the Unimed+ Clinicfrom 1000 to 2000 rubles 1 zone(price for one body zone - hips + buttocks or stomach + sides)

Modern beauty standards require sophisticated forms, and every day we struggle with extra centimeters and kilograms. Often this struggle not only does not bring results, but is also harmful to health. That is why liposuction, as a fast, reliable and relatively simple way to correct the figure, is so popular. Moreover, in addition to surgical methods to get rid of extra centimeters, today there are less invasive ways to combat fat deposits - microsurgical radiofrequency liposuction, as well as quite effective non-surgical techniques.

The specialists at the liposuction center offer you the most full review techniques - from the latest hardware innovations to proven classics of liposuction:

Liposculpture - a new direction of traditional surgical liposuction

Despite the emergence of dozens of new hardware techniques, it is still in demand. Moreover, today this is the lot of the most sophisticated and demanding patients - Hollywood stars, highly paid models, rich and famous socialites. Why? Because liposuction has experienced a rebirth, turning into a jewelry manual technique of body liposculpture.

At the BeautyLine clinic, this method is presented by the famous Italian plastic surgeon Marco Merlin. He conducts jewelry mini-operations under local anesthesia. The fat is removed manually using very thin cannulas through tiny punctures. The main advantage of corrections from the Italian maestro of plastic surgery is a fantastically accurate and impeccably beautiful result.

The manual liposuction procedure performed by the famous Dr. Merlin is a guaranteed effect and minimal trauma. No scars, bumps or unevenness - filigree Italian technology is flawless High Quality! Russian patients most often have their facial contours corrected by Professor Merlin (chin, jowls). The second most popular procedure is manual.

Microsurgical liposuction

The high level of equipment of the liposuction center allows us to offer patients the most modern and effective hardware methods for combating fat deposits. Perhaps the most effective of them is the method. This is a unique technique that combines the advantages of surgical and non-surgical liposuction.

It is as radical as surgery (BodyTite allows you to remove up to 6 (!) liters of fat in one session), and in terms of safety and rehabilitation time it is close to some non-invasive methods. At the same time, thanks to a large number of specialized attachments, BodyTite allows you to equally successfully correct the most delicate areas (face, legs, knees) and remove large amounts of fat from the abdomen or thighs.

The main advantage of BodyTite liposuction is the unique double effect of this micro-surgery - you not only remove fat, but also tighten your skin at the same time! For patients over 30-35 years old, this is perhaps the best, if not the only, method that guarantees simultaneous removal of unwanted centimeters and a good tightening. Even sagging skin in older patients - a typical contraindication for liposuction - is not a problem for radiofrequency liposuction, which can be performed at any age!

Its secret is that radio waves not only easily melt fat, which is then sucked out through a thin cannula, but also warm up and tighten the skin. The low invasiveness of the method is ensured by the fact that capillaries damaged during liposuction are immediately coagulated, and virtually no blood loss occurs. And this means that this method allows you to remove a significantly larger volume of fat without risk to the patient.

Radiofrequency liposuction at the Beauty Line clinic is performed by one of the most experienced plastic surgeons in this field, Dr. Ageshina. She believes that this method is in many ways similar to, but has several noticeable advantages over it, the main one of which is the effect of simultaneous skin tightening.

Svetlana Evgenievna Ageshina was trained in liposuction using the BodyTite method in Israel, and now she herself conducts master classes on this technique for Russian specialists. She says that in order to clearly show how the skin contracts during the procedure, she asks her trainees to measure the distance between two points on the body (for example, between moles). During the procedure, this distance immediately becomes shorter by 2-3 centimeters, and 2 weeks after it is reduced by another half.

  • You can learn more about how the liposuction procedure is performed using the BodyTite device on the BeautyLine clinic website.

Three most popular non-surgical techniques

Radiofrequency liposuction Tite-FX uses the same principle of destruction of fat cells as the BodyTite method, but is performed non-surgically. This non-surgical method, like BodyTite, is based on radio wave impulses, but liposuction does not require incisions or punctures - the effect on fatty tissue it turns out only “from the outside.”

Thanks to the radio waves generated by the device, subcutaneous fat is heated to a temperature of 38-43 degrees, and its cells literally “burst” - the membranes of fat cells are destroyed, and their contents are gradually absorbed and excreted from the body. Radio waves always affect both fat and skin, thickening and tightening it. In addition, after the procedure, the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks on the skin noticeably decrease or completely disappear. The cosmetologist at the BeautyLine liposuction center considers the Tite-FX method to be the most modern and effective.

Cavitation- non-surgical - perhaps the most common non-surgical lipolysis procedure. This method is completely non-traumatic and comfortable for the patient - no discomfort does not occur during liposuction.

Fat cells are gradually destroyed under the influence of ultrasonic waves, and are removed, as with any type of non-surgical liposuction - thanks to the body's natural cleansing systems. Ultrasonic liposuction does not require any punctures or incisions. The destruction of fat cells occurs gradually and evenly, so after the procedure no irregularities form under the skin. The method refers to “office cosmetology” procedures and does not require any rehabilitation.

Another new technique of non-surgical liposuction. At the Beauty Line clinic, using a high-tech LipoCryo device, they perform not only body liposuction, but also a double chin lift, for which this method is simply ideal.

Like all non-surgical methods, it destroys fat deposits without the use of cuts or punctures, affecting fat cells with low temperatures. The applicator attachment of the LipoCryo device captures the fat fold using vacuum and treats it with cold. At the same time, the temperature of the adipose tissue drops to 4 degrees Celsius, which leads to its destruction. At the same time, such cooling is completely harmless to the skin (after all, in winter, for example, the skin of our face and hands successfully withstands even lower temperatures). The procedure lasts about 30 minutes, fat cells are destroyed, absorbed and utilized by the body within 4-6 weeks.

Non-surgical liposuction device based on low-frequency cavitation ultrasound - MegaSon.

The MegaSon ® device (Eun Sung, Korea) is designed for correction and modeling of the figure through non-invasive, non-surgical removal of local fat deposits.
It is important that the ultrasonic liposuction procedure, unlike classical liposuction, takes place without damaging the skin, is painless and does not require rehabilitation period. The method is based on the occurrence of a cavitation effect in fat cells (lipocytes) under the influence of low frequency ultrasound.

Cavitation - (from the Latin cavitas void) is the process of formation in a liquid of cavities (cavitation bubbles, or caverns) filled with gas, steam or a mixture of them. Cavitation can be hydrodynamic or acoustic. Further we will talk only about acoustic cavitation because V aesthetic medicine This is exactly what is used. As you know, ultrasound is an acoustic wave, and body cells contain a large amount of fluid. Thus, the idea arose that cavitation effects could also occur in fat cells, and this idea turned out to be correct.
After numerous experiments, it was discovered that under the influence of low-frequency ultrasound with parameters of 25-70 KHz and a certain flux density of sound energy, a cavitation effect occurs in adipocytes overflowing with fat, i.e. microbubbles are formed. The higher the frequency, the smaller the bubbles, the lower the frequency, the larger the bubbles. The optimal frequency for adipose tissue was 31-43 kHz.

At this frequency, the maximum number of bubbles of the required size is formed. They increase in size, liquefy fat and displace it from adipocytes. Collapse of bubbles also occurs in adipose tissue, releasing a large amount of energy up to 100 kg per cm2.
When the bubbles collapse inside the fat cell, a hydrodynamic shock occurs, a kind of microexplosion. These microexplosions damage the cell membranes of adipocytes. The membranes of the cells most filled with fat are damaged first, due to their greatest tension. The released triglycerides, which make up fats, are removed from the intercellular space through the lymphatic and venous systems.

At the same time, other cells and tissues (muscle fibrils, epidermal cells, vascular endothelium, etc.) are not damaged by cavitation, because are relatively durable and have a sufficient coefficient of elasticity. Many scientific research, which have proven the effectiveness and safety of cavitation.
I would like to note that cavitation is not treated with ultrasound. Ultrasound is used here not as a method of exposure, but as physical factor, which causes a cavitation effect in adipose tissue. In other words, it is not ultrasound itself that affects fat cells, but the formation of microbubbles and their collapse with the release of a large amount of energy, which it causes in fat cells.

Ultrasound with a frequency of 0.8-3 MHz, which has long been used in medicine and cosmetology, cannot cause a cavitation effect in cells and therefore cannot be effectively used to influence adipose tissue. As already mentioned, fat breakdown products and destroyed adipocytes are eliminated from the body in natural ways - mainly through lymphatic drainage. Therefore, after the cavitation procedure, it is necessary to carry out lymphatic drainage. This complementary effect of different physiotherapeutic factors allows you to achieve excellent results. Moreover, the effect is not limited only to the subcutaneous fat layer, but also includes tightening the skin on thinning areas of the body.

A pronounced cavitation effect, for clarity, can be observed when low-frequency ultrasound (43 kHz) is applied to egg yolk.

- Fibrous and dense cellulite;
- Local fat deposits;
- Elimination of consequences after surgical liposuction (irregularities and asymmetry).

- presence of active implants ( artificial drivers heart rate);
- cancer, diabetes mellitus, neurological diseases(epilepsy);
- pregnancy and breastfeeding;
- osteoporosis;
- cardiovascular diseases in the stage of decompensation;
- open skin lesions;
- immunodeficiency states;
- herpes (in the acute stage);
- hypo- and hyperthyroidism;
- sharp and chronic diseases liver ( fatty degeneration, hepatitis, etc.) and the gallbladder (cholecystitis, cholelithiasis), pancreas and kidneys;
- chronic skin diseases(psoriasis, vitiligo);
- general obesity;
- keloid scars and skin atrophy.

The pictures show the areas of local fat deposits where classic invasive liposuction procedures are most often performed.
The treated area of ​​skin may turn pink. An internal sensation of warmth and tingling will appear. Hyperemia at the end of the procedure should not be too strong and should not last more than 60 minutes. The slower the movement of the working handle, the stronger the heating of the deep layers of tissue.

To avoid any complications during and after the procedure, it is necessary to consult with a general practitioner to determine whether there are any contraindications to this procedure.
The procedure for non-surgical low-frequency ultrasound liposuction should be performed no more than once a week. This is necessary so that fat breakdown products have time to be completely eliminated from the body. Otherwise, the load on the liver will increase, which can lead to undesirable consequences and to a deterioration in the condition of the body as a whole.
The number of procedures is calculated depending on the thickness of the subcutaneous fat layer. In one procedure, up to 1-1.5 cm of fat layer is removed. A course usually requires 3-8 procedures.
One procedure should not cover a large area of ​​exposure, so as not to increase the load on the liver and excretory organs due to the entry of a large amount of fat cell breakdown products into the blood and lymph. During one procedure, only two symmetrical areas should be treated, each with an area of ​​one palm (for example: the breeches area on both sides, the inner thigh on both sides, etc.).
Between sessions and for 1 (one) week after the last session, various lymphatic drainage measures are recommended: lymphatic drainage massage (manual, vacuum), lymphatic drainage wraps, pressotherapy, etc. It is also possible to carry out mesotherapy with lymphatic drainage drugs.
For better and faster removal of fatty tissue breakdown products from the body, it is recommended to follow drinking regime, namely consumption of up to 3 liters of fluid per day.
It is recommended to move more, walking long distances is especially useful.
Like any course of procedures to get rid of unwanted fat deposits, non-surgical liposuction involves following a diet consisting of low-fat foods and foods of predominantly plant origin.

Reduction in the volume of adipose tissue after the first procedure. Increasing effect of weight loss during a course of procedures.
Lasting results due to physiological characteristics adipose tissue.

Non-surgical correction of the most problematic areas of the body that do not respond to diets and grueling sports training.

Effective fight against:
fibrous and dense cellulite;
local fat deposits;
elimination of consequences after surgical liposuction (irregularities and asymmetries).
Also, cavitation procedures can be used as an additional method in the treatment of general obesity.

Advantages of the cavitation lipolysis method:
- Non-invasive use;
- Efficiency with complete safety, without pain;
- Speed ​​of implementation - 15~20 minutes;
- Duration of the achieved result.

Two advanced handpieces with ergonomic handles generate high-power ultrasonic energy sufficient to reliably destroy fat cells.
Synergism The presence of an additional function in the maniples - red photochromotherapy - enhances the lipolytic effect of cavitation ultrasound and helps improve elasticity and appearance skin in treatment areas.

Safety and painlessness:
A new method of selective destruction of adipose tissue is based on the influence of special low-frequency ultrasound.
The cavitation effect that occurs in fat cells leads to the destruction of lipocytes, and fats and their breakdown products are then eliminated from the body naturally. In this case, the surrounding tissues and organs are not damaged, and the reduction in volume is achieved solely due to fat mass.
It is important that the ultrasonic liposuction procedure, unlike classical liposuction, takes place without damaging the skin, is absolutely painless and does not require a rehabilitation period.

Areas of use:
Reduction of local fat deposits in problem areas:
Waist and belly area
Side surfaces
Hips, riding breeches area
Back, back of necks
Shoulders, arms
Above the knee area

Advantages of the MegaSon device:
- two ergonomic working handles for processing different areas
- additional function of red photochromotherapy in the handpieces
- good power reserve for efficient work
- complete safety for the patient and operator
- a large number of preset settings for ease of use.

Posted by: Karitsky Alexander Viktorovich

Liposuction is a method of removing excess fat tissue in problem areas in order to correct the silhouette. This method is not suitable for the treatment of general obesity. Liposuction is the final stage in the fight against figure imperfections, advisable when the total body weight is within the normal range. There are several ways to destroy fat cells during liposuction: mechanical, radiofrequency, laser and ultrasound. Ultrasonic liposuction has become widespread, especially the non-surgical method of performing this procedure.

How does ultrasound destroy fat cells?

The process of death of fat cells (adipocytes) under the influence of ultrasound is called cavitation. Ultrasound destabilizes the contents of adipocytes, causing the formation of tiny vacuum bubbles in them, bursting and thus causing water hammer, which destroys the cell membrane. The contents of the cells enter the intercellular space, where 90% of it is neutralized by lymph cells as a foreign body and excreted by the liver. The remaining 10% is used by the body as a source of energy.

Fat cells are voluminous and have a stretched membrane, which is why they are vulnerable to ultrasonic waves. On muscle cells, skin cells, blood vessels, ultrasound does not have a destructive effect on nerve endings. And the internal organs and joints remain outside the zone of its influence.

Surgical ultrasonic liposuction can be performed under both general and local anesthesia. The choice of anesthesia depends on the extent of the operation. Subcutaneous fat tissue is treated with ultrasound, and the destroyed fat cells in the form of an emulsion are removed through small punctures in the skin using a hollow titanium tube connected to a vacuum pump. Ultrasound from the inside has a lifting effect on the skin, which allows, in the case of small fatty deposits, to do without additional methods of tightening the skin in the treated area.

This method allows you to avoid large blood losses when removing a significant amount of fat (up to 2 liters per procedure). Ultrasonic liposuction removes fat deposits evenly, without scars, pits and bumps.

Non-surgical liposuction began to be used relatively recently; it became possible after the invention of special devices. The main difference between this technique and surgical liposuction is the preservation of the integrity of the skin. This technique does not require pain relief and does not leave bruises. Fat cells destroyed by ultrasound are removed naturally with the help of the venous and lymphatic systems of the body, breaking down in the liver into metabolites (less complex substances).

Because natural process Since the removal of metabolites from the body is not designed for their huge amount, then in one session of non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction no more than 500 ml of fat can be destroyed. As a rule, 2-3 sessions are required to correct the problem area.

This method allows not only to remove excess fatty tissue in the treated area, but also to remove skin unevenness. The devices currently used for non-invasive ultrasonic liposuction are so “smart” that they themselves strictly control the entire process. In particular, if the ultrasonic wave is repeatedly directed to the same place, the device simply will not turn on. This avoids uneven removal of fat deposits and the “washboard” effect.

To enhance the effect, the method is often complemented by other techniques such as massage and lymphatic drainage.

The results of the procedure should be judged no earlier than a month later, since all this time the adipose tissue continues to be excreted from the body.

Contraindications to ultrasonic liposuction

Ultrasonic liposuction is a fairly serious effect on the body, and it has its contraindications:

  • any disease in the acute stage;
  • severe chronic diseases;
  • violation of the integrity of the skin in the area of ​​intended treatment (scars, rashes, cuts, abrasions, etc.);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • decreased immunity due to diseases or any effects on the body;
  • divergence of the rectus abdominis muscles, abdominal hernia;
  • hip and knee joint prostheses;
  • age less than 18 years;
  • pregnancy and lactation.

This should be remembered

Adipose tissue in the treated areas is not re-deposited, or is deposited as a last resort. But if you don't adhere to the principles proper nutrition, limit physical activity and lead unhealthy image life, fat will accumulate in areas where liposuction was not performed. Any liposuction is only a method of local silhouette correction, nothing more.

Modern beauty standards impose an aesthetic of refined forms. We are strenuously struggling with extra pounds, sometimes resorting to completely blasphemous methods. The relentless pursuit of ideals often causes irreparable harm to health. The focus of our review today is liposuction. Let's figure out what the pros and cons of this procedure are, how liposuction methods differ, and also turn to our inner fears: why are we so afraid of surgical methods?

When diet won't help

The crazy rhythm of the city often simply does not allow us to build a nutritional balance in such a way that meals take place at regular intervals and provide our body with a complete set nutrients, vitamins and microelements. We often eat in fits and starts, and the stress associated with work often deprives us of appetite or contributes to improper absorption of food. “At work I can only force myself to drink a cup of coffee, but in the evening I literally empty the refrigerator,” admits Svetlana. She fights against excess weight tirelessly, but to no avail.

“I preferred not to deny myself the habit of eating a lot and tasty, because I liked my figure. But recently I discovered that the body suddenly began to put “reserves” at the waist, and I simply am not able to change the way I eat!” Anastasia complained to us. And there are many such examples among patients.

There are frequent complaints about the so-called “fat traps” - concentrated accumulations of fat in certain areas: knees, waist, legs, etc. No matter how much a person loses weight, it is impossible to reduce the volume of these areas.

It turns out that not all people can psychologically withstand diets, and sometimes only one “problem” area requires adjustment, and forcing the entire body to lose weight simply does not make sense.

Is fat our enemy?

In the endless marathon of diets, patients begin to hate the very word “fat,” but this is not entirely true. From the school biology course, we are all familiar with the concept of “adipocyte” - a fat cell. This type of cell has been at the center of a debate among scientists for many years: some claim that their number in the body is constant, others insist on the opposite. Why is it important? The fact is that the number and size of adipocytes in our body determines the external shape.

During a diet, fat cells do not disappear anywhere - they simply decrease in volume, which is why fat removal is much more effective. But you can’t overdo it, because our fat layer- not only a source of disappointment: it warms us, saves energy for new deeds and achievements

Weapon Selection

Once we decide to work with problem areas of our figure, the question arises: which method is most effective and safe? Here a vast field of possibilities opens up before us, in which it is easy to get lost. let's consider different variants, and let’s take a closer look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

Let's say right away that most of us are busy people, with irregular work schedules, and often frequent business trips. With such a rhythm of life, a course of massages and the miracles of separate nutrition lose all meaning. We need to get rid of excess fat as effectively, safely and economically as possible. So, we have come close to the concept of “liposuction”.

First of all, you need to understand that not every procedure is called liposuction. Liposuction is exactly that surgical surgery to change the pattern of fat deposits in certain areas of the body. This means that non-surgical liposuction simply cannot exist, since liposuction is literally “fat removal”, while non-surgical methods only offer a means of promoting the breakdown of fat, which is then supposed to be removed from the body through the lymphatic and circulatory systems.

Lipolysis is also not liposuction, since it is a “process of breaking down fat” and not removing it. Fat cells destroyed as a result of lipolysis are not removed from the treated area.

After we have agreed on the terms, we will move directly to the classification.

What types of liposuction are there?

Now in more detail:

Invasive method

Mechanism: after preliminary destruction of the integrity of adipocytes, fat is removed through holes in the skin using a special aspiration device.

Historically, several varieties of classical liposuction have succeeded each other:

1) Dry- a classic version of liposuction, in which excess fat is mechanically removed using fairly thick cannulas attached to an aspirator, without prior tissue infiltration. Rapid movement of the cannulas through the subcutaneous tunnels through the fat deposits causes the fat cells to detach. After which they are pulled by negative pressure into the cannula through the perforations.

2) Wet liposuction is considered a more gentle procedure. An anesthetic solution is first injected into the aspiration zone to soften fatty deposits. Fluid infiltration promotes the rupture of cell membranes, which greatly facilitates the removal of fat.

3) Tumescent liposuction was proposed in 1985. Infiltration is carried out with a special solution, which includes:


Soda solution,


Vasoconstrictor drug.

This combination of components, along with the anesthetic effect, helps to significantly reduce blood loss and reduce the loss of electrolytes.

Minuses: working with large cannulas in classical liposuction, due to the applied mechanical force, inevitably damages the tissue, accordingly, the procedure as a whole is characterized by a greater amount of effort, less precision, increased risk deformations, bruises, increased recovery time after surgery.

What's the result? After such an operation we will have to experience too long painful sensations in the intervention area, and uneven skin will still force you to find time for massages and cosmetic procedures.

Non-invasive method

This is essentially non-surgical liposuction, however, as we said above, this method can be classified as liposuction very conditionally, since it only promotes the removal of fat through the venous or lymphatic system. It is rather lipolysis and today the following types are distinguished:

1) Radiofrequency “liposuction” or electrolipolysis– using two small-diameter electrodes connected to a high-frequency generator electric field, fat cells are destroyed. Electrodes act on fatty tissue in the following way: the inner one is inserted into the adipose tissue under the skin, and the outer one is applied to the surface of the skin from above, opposite the inner one. Radiofrequency liposuction ensures uniform destruction of fat cells, and as a result, eliminates the risk of unevenness on the skin.

Minuses: high risk of tissue burns, vascular blockage, negative influence to internal organs.

What's the result?? Time wasted, money wasted. But there is a high probability that you will have to find both to go to other doctors. It is unlikely that you will want to take risks.

2) Chemical "liposuction"– removal of excess fat by introducing a special preparation into the fat layer. Chemical liposuction allows you to solve the problem of correcting small areas: knees, chin, etc.

Minuses chemical liposuction: subtle effect, the need for repeated injections of a lipolytic drug, the possibility of allergic reactions.

What's the result? Skin looks like it has been attacked huge amount blood-sucking insects, and we are still forced to return to this unpleasant procedure. Having heard from my colleagues and patients numerous negative reviews about chemical non-surgical liposuction, we are convinced of its low effectiveness, therefore we offer our patients more effective, safe and effective solutions in the fight against excess fat.

3) Last years was popular in Russia ultrasonic liposuction: Excess fat tissue is removed as a result of ultrasonic cavitation. Ultrasonic liposuction “cavitation” is performed using a “tube in tube” device, which allows the adipose tissue to be treated with ultrasound. The lipolytic effect is achieved by destroying fat cells, their subsequent emulsification and removal from the body. Non-surgical ultrasonic liposuction for a long time was considered one of the most effective methods the fight against fat deposits until all its disadvantages and side effects have been fully studied.

pros ultrasound liposuction: effective and uniform destruction of fat cells, absence of uneven skin, injection marks and other unaesthetic defects. Ultrasonic liposuction, the price of which is certainly higher than other non-invasive methods, solves several problems at once, including the treatment of cellulite, correction of excess weight and the fight against local fat deposits in hard-to-reach places. In addition, ultrasound liposuction is completely painless and does not require postoperative rehabilitation.

Minuses cavitation liposuction: this type is characterized by a large number side effects:

After the procedure, many patients experience intestinal inflammation, a clear sign which is loose stool. An ultrasonic liposuction machine produces low-frequency ultrasound waves that affect the pancreas and internal organs, which can cause Crohn's disease.

Dehydration of tissues.

Destruction of the skin. Burns during the procedure can be either external or internal, when the blood vessels and nerves of the treated area are damaged.

What's the result?? Non-surgical liposuction cavitation in inexperienced hands is an actual beating of internal organs. The slightest inaccuracy in the angle of impact, for example, in the abdominal area, can cause inflammation of the genitourinary system.

Minimally invasive method

Laser treatment of fat deposits with the immediate removal of destroyed fat cells through micropunctures. Laser liposuction solves the problem in 2 areas:

Fat removal,

Skin tightening.

Surgeons at the Beauty Doctor clinic have proven in practice the absolute effectiveness of this procedure:

1) Laser lipectomy (liposuction)– potentially less traumatic than ultrasonic liposuction and other invasive and non-invasive methods.

The advantage of this type of intervention is due to the development of a technically advanced laser device. The diameter of microcannulas is only half a millimeter. Heating changes the viscosity and structure of fat sucked out through micro-punctures, which minimizes tissue trauma. Delivery of dosed laser radiation is a safe procedure with excellent aesthetic results.

2) Result.

In addition to a significant improvement in body contours after surgery, patients note an increase in skin elasticity and smoothness in the areas of laser treatment. The ability to control the wavelength affecting a specific area allows you to regulate the heating of tissues, and as a result, the degree of skin tightening. For us very important indicator A good result was that almost all patients recommended this procedure to their friends and relatives.

3) Accuracy and precision.

Very often we came across requests from patients to correct local areas with fat deposits: above the knees, in the waist, cheeks, chin, etc. Classic liposuction techniques could not give such an accurate result. In the case of laser liposuction, the patient gets exactly the result he expected, and the healing process is reduced several times.

4) Adverse reactions on the procedure are minor and temporary.

The recovery period is significantly shorter than after classical liposuction and even popular cavitation liposuction.

After the procedure, be sure to wear compression garments. The period of continuous wearing depends on the area of ​​laser liposuction: from 5 days to 3 weeks. Then the surgeon will indicate to you an individual wearing regimen (for example, only at night).

Obvious advantages of laser liposuction: low trauma, reliable control laser exposure, easy maneuverability of the cannula (as a result - the absence of bumps and irregularities), tightening of the skin in the treated area.

Relative minus: It is necessary to wear compression garments.

Why are we so afraid of surgery?

After we have examined in detail the different types of liposuction, we will try to understand: why do many patients prefer non-surgical methods if they do not guarantee the absence of complications and side effects? Maybe it’s all about poor information: when we don’t fully imagine the technique of the operation, it seems to us that this is something scary and incomprehensible, and, therefore, it is better to avoid it. But a high-quality operation saves not only money, but also nerves that you have to spend during exhausting diets!

So, maybe it’s worth learning more about modern plastic surgery techniques? Book a consultation with a plastic surgeon just to overcome stereotypes and understand that modern plastic surgery- This safe way become slimmer, more attractive and change things in yourself that cannot be corrected by other methods.

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