Home Oral cavity Healthy lifestyle: ten basic habits. Is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle? A person leading an unhealthy lifestyle

Healthy lifestyle: ten basic habits. Is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle? A person leading an unhealthy lifestyle

Let's consider the qualities of a leading person healthy image life.


A healthy lifestyle usually refers to activities aimed at preventing diseases, as well as promoting health in general.

Human health depends on:

  • lifestyle;
  • environment;
  • genetic characteristics;
  • healthcare.

A person’s lifestyle creates the prerequisites for the development of certain life activities. This affects a person’s life expectancy, as well as his role in society.

In general, a healthy lifestyle involves a specific form of activity that is aimed at improving health, which in turn allows you to be more effective in your life. different types activities - in the family and at work.

Qualities of a person leading a healthy lifestyle

The qualities of an individual are expressed by his mental characteristics, character traits, temperament, behavior patterns, and also affects interactions with other people, the environment and oneself. Moreover, human qualities include certain skills, abilities and knowledge.

A healthy lifestyle itself, on the one hand, reduces a number of negative character traits. A person's absence bad habits already makes him stand out among people who have such habits. In general, bad habits are a consequence of not understanding something or not wanting to perceive something, or it can be imposed from the outside. With growth personal development The need for bad habits gradually disappears, as an understanding of the true essence comes. In other words, with sanity comes an understanding of what a person needs and what harms him. Knowing this, a person changes his behavior pattern to a more profitable one - to a healthy lifestyle.

Common sense is the basis. Then, depending on his goals and objectives, the person manages his life in ways that are more beneficial to himself. And the result of this behavior is an increase in self-confidence. Confidence based on personal practical experience. New traits are acquired and old traits are improved. There are many of them and they are positive, as they provide benefits to a person.

On the pages of glossy magazines and on television shows, all celebrities look young and sparkle with health. Haters always accuse them of excessively retouching photos and regularly going to plastic surgeons. However, many stars deny this and claim that the matter is proper nutrition and active lifestyle.

Ekaterina Andreeva (56 years old)


Thanks to her youth, the presenter information program“Time” on Channel One has become a meme. Andreeva is 56 years old, and she looks the same as she did 20 years ago during her first television broadcasts. Fans joke that she is an alien, but in fact the secret of her beauty is much more prosaic.

Ekaterina Andreeva plays sports and eats right. In addition, the TV presenter believes that the most important point for a woman’s beauty is strong and healthy sleep. And it will be no less useful to smile after waking up.

David Beckham (42 years old)


One of the most sought-after football players in the world, it is therefore not surprising that he leads a healthy lifestyle and follows a special intensive training program. The athlete also regularly goes out into nature, eats right and has accustomed his entire family to this lifestyle.

In their in social networks he tells subscribers about the importance of motivation. David Beckham admitted that he would never have achieved such success in football if he had not been angry with his school teacher. physical culture, who said the athlete was too small and weak to play for England.

Pink (38 years old)


The American singer was able to achieve amazing results in working on her body. During her second pregnancy, the 38-year-old star gained more than 20 kg, but was able to regain her original weight and slim figure. Her Instagram- real proof that a child is not an obstacle in the pursuit of ideal parameters.

Pink often shares pictures and videos of herself playing sports with her child. Mothers who do not have time to monitor their figure due to constant troubles with the baby can follow her example.

These questions can be answered by epigenetics - a science that studies changes in the activity of genes that do not affect the DNA structure. We are publishing a review of a book by German neuroscientist Peter Sporck about one of the most promising scientific disciplines.

The emergence of epigenetics.

Peter Sporck writes about a relatively young science. The name "Epigenetics" appeared in 1942, when Conrad Waddington, a biologist from England who laid the foundations of systems biology, proposed this term as a cross between "genetics" and Aristotle's "epigenesis" - the doctrine of sequential embryonic development. We know about Aristotle's classic experiment with breaking chicken eggs- with his help, the philosopher was able to establish that the heart is formed first in the embryo, and the emergence of internal parts precedes the development of external ones. In the 1940s, when scientists still did not understand the physical nature of the genome, Waddington's assumption about the epigenetic landscape was revolutionary.

By analogy with a geographical landscape in which there are rivers flowing from source to mouth, one can imagine the development of an organism as the flow of a river - the source is in in this case will become conception, and the mouth will become maturity. However, we should not forget about the relief along which the river bed runs: this metaphor can be used to indicate external conditions that influence the development of the organism. An avalanche, rockfall, or even an earthquake can change the flow of a river. Adapting to new conditions, the organism undergoes mutations, which forms the basis of variability - the most important part of biological evolution.

In the 60s and 70s, active study of genes began. Now we all know that many genes contain information about the structure of the cell and how it functions and are active throughout a person’s life. However, scientists are faced with the fact that many genes work inconsistently, and the mode of their activation depends on external factors. It is precisely these mechanisms that epigenetics deals with - a science that studies changes in gene activity that do not affect the DNA structure. Thus, the view that all functions human body due to the sequence of the DNA chain, is refuted by epigenetics. In other words, epigenetics can explain how our environment can influence our genes to turn on and off. First Nobel Prize for discoveries in the field of epigenetics was awarded only in 2006 - these were scientists from the USA.

Second code.

Spork compares human genes to computer hardware. It's good to have an expensive video card and a powerful processor. But what about the software? Without it, is it possible to perform the most basic action - type text, look at an image? Epigeneticists do just that software our body. In the near future, scientists intend to explore how, by changing our lifestyle, we can learn to control our genes and prolong the life of ourselves and our descendants.

Genetics and its notorious branch, eugenics, assumed that only genetic material influenced the developmental state of an organism. Randy Jertle, a biologist from Duke University (Durham, USA), refuted this with the help of a clear experiment: he gave genetically identical laboratory mice different foods during pregnancy. Mice born from mothers consuming food with dietary supplements were healthy and brown, while mice deprived of such food were born yellow and sickly. These changes will further affect the entire subsequent life of the animals: poor nutrition turned off some genes in them that determine coat color and disease resistance. The genes of the embryos at the time of feeding were already formed and were not affected - therefore, something else was affected. It is precisely these mechanisms of influence that epigenetics deals with - “above - Genetics”, which studies epigenomes located, as it were, above the genome of cells.

The truth is that if only a genome consisting of just four different components, a kind of “Wiring Circuit”, determined our development, then we would all be about the same. “Even Chimpanzees would be little different from us,” writes Spork. It is thanks to the epigenome, the “Second Code,” that our body is able to build cells different types- hair, liver, brain - although they have the same genome. The epigenome is thus a guide to how to control the genome. It is he who is responsible for the activation and deactivation of certain genes and programs the rate of cell aging. It is obvious that if each cell simultaneously read all its genes and synthesized all possible proteins, the body would not be able to function. What we were taught in school, that cells pass on only their genome, no longer corresponds to scientific reality. In fact, cells inherit the epigenome.

The impact of epigenetics on gerontology is enormous. Scientists now know that despite the existence of an unchanging genome, a person's fate is largely in his own hands. “Change your Lifestyle - and you will Begin a Chain of Biochemical Changes that will Imperceptibly, but Steadily Help You and, Possibly, All Your Descendants until the End of Their Life on Earth,” suggests Shpork. And, despite the fact that this statement is similar to what all world religions promise, it has strict biological foundations.

Since the landmark completion of the Human Genome Project in 2003, scientists have faced new challenges. Pharmacists were already hoping for new gene drugs, but it turned out that failure of the function of a specific gene rarely leads to the development of a disease that can be diagnosed in advance. Everything turned out to be much more complicated than it looked at the beginning. Scientists have learned that the genome is not a stable text. The number of genes can increase, for example, 16 times, and the genes themselves can be modified, split and joined again: such genes are called transposons.

Scientists placed bets on a kind of gene sweepstakes - they had to guess how many genes a person would have at the end of the research. Estimates varied - the number of genes jumped from 27 to 160 thousand. After the completion of sequencing of the human genome in 2003, it turned out that the amoeba's genetic code is two hundred times longer than the human one - the latter is only about 22 thousand genes. Why is the complexity of organisms not reflected in their DNA, or perhaps more complex organisms have more compact DNA? But what then to do with yeast, whose DNA is two hundred times shorter than human DNA?

Epigenetics has answered the question of how a person can have fewer genes than an amoeba or a weed: higher organisms capable of synthesizing many protein variants from one “Scheme”. In other words, the whole point is in gene regulation - it appears only in complex organisms, and the more complex it is, the more diverse its life activity is organized. Thus, despite the small number of genes, humans, thanks to their epigenome, are much more complex than other organisms. The same thesis of epigeneticists also answers another popular question: why are we little different from chimpanzees if the coincidence of our genomes is 98.7%? Although differences in genetic material are minimal, epigenetic differences are enormous.

Another question that could have been asked of evolutionary biologists several decades ago is how humans adapt to external environment in the long term? Previously, science knew only about two extremes - evolution, which takes thousands of years, and hormonal changes, which work super quickly. However, between them there was an important middle mechanism - epigenetic switches. They are the ones who shape our adaptation to environment for a period commensurate with the period human life. It is especially important that the changes they make will have a long-term effect - even if new signals do not enter the cell. This makes it clearer why our mother’s diet or early childhood experiences can influence the rest of our lives. But one should not think that the epigenome is an absolutely immobile system. A person is capable of changing the properties of his body, both for the better and for the worse.

Is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become an essential condition for achieving success in modern society.

More and more often, when applying for a job, a person may hear such a requirement as the absence of bad habits. And states around the world are trying to combat the bad habits of the population. This is how smokers suffer, who can “burn their lungs” only in specially designated places. The sale of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited to children and adolescents. And all this is not accidental. Modern man and he himself gradually begins to realize the harmfulness of bad habits.

For example, a habit such as smoking can not only lead to lung cancer and gradually destroy your health. In addition to shortness of breath, frequent dizziness, the smoker loses a lot of free time. The myth that smoking calms his nerves, in addition to paying for his own health, also costs him a blow to his personal budget. A person who smokes a pack a day could use the money he saves to travel to public transport every day. And when lighting a cigarette, next to a child or just his friends, the smoker involuntarily makes them breathe harmful substances. Hence the attitude of society towards smokers. Many friends, colleagues, acquaintances would prefer not to communicate with a smoker while he is smoking. And the happiest smokers are those who can say: “I quit smoking.”

Leading world experts in the field of medicine, psychology and nutrition give different tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Among them, of course, are such as daily exercises exercise, maintaining personal hygiene, moderate and healthy eating, regular but moderate sex life, healthy sleep, at least eight hours. But doctors all over the world also advise people leading a healthy lifestyle to constantly think about something good and spread positive energy.

Nature has endowed each person with his body and mind. And if someone likes to spend their time on hospital beds, treatment for diseases that have become the reasons for their bad habits, constant stress and conflicts with others, then this is their choice. Whether to lead a healthy lifestyle or not is undoubtedly the choice of each of us.

A person who wants to live his life rejoicing in his victories, having many friends around him and steadfastly enduring all the challenges thrown at him by life and society will make a choice only towards a healthy lifestyle.

Is it worth leading a healthy lifestyle?

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle has become an essential condition for achieving success in modern society. More and more often, when applying for a job, a person may hear such a requirement as the absence of bad habits. And states around the world are trying to combat the bad habits of the population. This is how smokers suffer, who can “burn their lungs” only in specially designated places. The sale of alcohol and tobacco products is prohibited to children and adolescents. And all this is not accidental. Modern man himself is gradually beginning to realize the harmfulness of bad habits.

For example, a habit such as smoking can not only lead to lung cancer and gradually destroy your health. In addition to shortness of breath and frequent dizziness, the smoker loses a lot of free time. The myth that smoking calms his nerves, in addition to paying for his own health, also costs him a blow to his personal budget. A person who smokes a pack a day could use the money saved to travel by public transport every day. And by lighting a cigarette next to a child or just his friends, the smoker unwittingly forces them to breathe in harmful substances. Hence the attitude of society towards smokers. Many friends, colleagues, and acquaintances would prefer not to communicate with a smoker while he is smoking. And the happiest smokers are those who can say: “I quit smoking.”

And the cause of how many ruined lives was alcoholism. At first it started simply with a can of beer, and sooner or later ended with binge drinking. While a modern and conscious person improves and learns something new, the alcoholic spends his time in vain. And this is the stupidest way for a person to live his life.

Many people, especially young people, like to say that a bottle of beer in the evening is not alcoholism. But, nevertheless, often a bottle of beer turns into two, three, four. The next morning, a person feels sleep-deprived, tired, as if he had worked all night. After a “happy evening” there always comes a “sad morning”. Your productivity decreases, your colleagues start grumbling at you, you don’t want anything from life. Just go to bed.

Meanwhile, the people around you are smiling, they are full of energy, ready to work at full capacity. All because they chose a healthy lifestyle for themselves. It's not difficult at all. When you wake up, you need to do exercises. And it’s better if time and opportunity allows for a jog. fresh air. It may be difficult at first to force yourself to get up earlier in the morning to do this. But a charge of energy and positivity for the whole day will be guaranteed. You need to eat healthy food and not sit in front of the computer at night.

People who have realized the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are statistically much more likely to achieve success in life. They have more beautiful wives more prestigious job, better car. All this is only because they do not spend their energy fighting bad habits. It's simple - they just didn't instill these habits in themselves. Healthy people do not waste time on dubious pleasures in the form of alcohol or tobacco euphoria and the restoration of the body the next day. At this time, a person leading a healthy lifestyle does everything to achieve his dream. And, naturally, such a person achieves his dream much earlier.

How much trouble such a problem as drug addiction has brought to the world. How many adults and children's lives did she take? The funds allocated to combat drug addiction in the world would be sufficient to defeat hunger. And yet, this problem is not getting any smaller. More and more people are losing their lives after experiencing “unearthly pleasure” once. And did they feel it? Most likely no. But this problem would not exist if humanity treated its life consciously.

Leading a healthy lifestyle today is the style of a modern and successful person. A person who understands that his life should not be wasted on trifles. A person who realizes that his body is beautiful and needs to be taken care of. That you shouldn't spoil yours internal organs. Only by leading a healthy lifestyle can a person achieve harmony.

The world's leading experts in the field of medicine, psychology and nutrition give various tips on maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Among them, undoubtedly, are such things as daily physical exercise, personal hygiene, moderate and healthy nutrition, regular but moderate sex life, healthy sleep, at least eight hours. But doctors all over the world also advise people leading a healthy lifestyle to constantly think about something good and spread positive energy.

Good relationships with your loved ones, friends, colleagues and acquaintances are also one of the principles of a healthy lifestyle. Healthy man, being in constant harmony with himself, finds harmony with the world around him.

IN modern world, where a person is under greater pressure than before, maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the main guarantee for any person to achieve their goals. Complicating the social way of life, increasing all kinds of risks, including environmental, psychological and personal. All this can cause negative changes in human health. Constant stress at work can lead first to nervousness and then to prolonged depression. And all these challenges modern society, but this is far from full list, today modern man must confront.

Nature has endowed each person with his body and mind. And if someone likes to spend their time on hospital beds, treatment for diseases that have become the reasons for their bad habits, constant stress and conflicts with others, then this is their choice. Whether to lead a healthy lifestyle or not is undoubtedly the choice of each of us. A person who wants to live his life rejoicing in his victories, having many friends around him and steadfastly enduring all the challenges thrown at him by life and society will make a choice only towards a healthy lifestyle.

Although genes play significant role in the formation of the physique, recent research has shown that we are able to influence this situation and manifest them better side. At any point in our lives, adipose tissue cells can increase or decrease, and this depends rather on lifestyle (diet and physical activity) than from genes.

Since gene theory no longer holds the same weight, what determines how thin our figure will be?

If you had the opportunity to spend a day in the company of a slim person who follows a healthy lifestyle, you would certainly notice several things that distinguish him from the majority who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Find out how some people manage to maintain a slim figure and good health into old age and try to adopt these healthy habits.

1. Get enough sleep and wake up naturally. Most people who lead a healthy lifestyle wake up without an alarm clock in a great mood, rested and with a good appetite. They have developed a fitness plan and are sticking to it. Such people fall asleep easily, sleep more soundly, and in addition, they have less need for sleep, i.e. they only need a few hours to recuperate good sleep. It is known that there is a strong connection between lack of sleep and overweight (obesity). Sleep restores the body's strength, helps to rebuild and prepare for a new day.

2. Beready. People who lead a healthy lifestyle prepare sports equipment and clothes for the next day in the evening and plan their routine for the whole week in advance, taking into account sports training. By the way, they take training as seriously as business meetings or social obligations.

3. Do morning exercises. Exercising in the morning is more effective than exercising in the evening, and it fits better into your daily routine. After morning exercises, a pleasant feeling of satisfaction and pride appears, which helps you choose healthy food throughout the day, successfully overcome stressful situations and maintain good mood. Morning exercise is the best start to the day, which ultimately influences many of the decisions we make throughout the day.

4. Plan your diet. People who lead a healthy lifestyle eat at specific times, plan meals based on their workouts, and know exactly what they will eat and when. First, you will have to make some effort to make your choice. healthy food and snacks, but don’t leave nutrition to chance. If you're so hungry that you head to a buffet or order food from a fast food drive-thru, that's the first sign of disaster at hand.

5. Don't dwell on failures. People who lead a healthy lifestyle don't let setbacks stop them on their way to their goals - one missed workout doesn't turn into two or three. After a missed workout, they head to the gym and work out even more intensely. Also, you shouldn’t get too upset and stop your diet because of one piece of pizza or cake. We need to get back to the routine healthy eating, exercise regularly and get enough sleep so that from time to time you can allow yourself a little indulgence and skip a workout, without blaming yourself for all the deadly sins.

6. Change your lifestyle and habits. Slender people did not become this way overnight - it took them much more time. They read a lot about fitness and nutrition, and don't try to transform themselves overnight, gradually changing their habits until they become a natural part of their life. As the sages said, choose the best, and habit will make it pleasant and natural.

7. Learn to distinguish the psychology of success from useless and harmful advice “how to quickly lose weight without effort.” People who lead a healthy lifestyle do not fall for magical means of quickly and effortlessly losing weight and getting healthier. They know that longevity, good health and a slim figure do not come easy, and it takes a lot of effort to enjoy these benefits every day. Remember: if something is too good to be true, it is not true.

8. Reset excess weight and save what you have achieved. People who lead a healthy lifestyle know that diet alone is not enough to lose weight and maintain the achieved weight for a long time. Fitness classes are the key to successful weight loss. Given that regular classes The weight achieved through sports can be maintained for life.

9. Don’t neglect positive auto-training. To save good figure, you need to use positive auto-training techniques. It is unlikely that you will lose weight if you constantly tell yourself “I’m fat” or “I’m lazy.” Repeat the phrases “I am strong”, “I will succeed”, “I take care of my figure”, etc. more often.

10. Set realistic goals. People who lead a healthy lifestyle and watch their figure always strive for realistic goals. Some people want to lose weight to a certain size or parameters. Others use their behavior to support a cause, such as jogging to fight breast cancer or cycling to fight leukemia. Once you achieve one goal, set the next one and make a plan on how to achieve it.

If you dream of a slim, healthy, strong and resilient body, choose at least one of the habits listed above and do not deviate from it. When this habit becomes second nature to you, move on to the next one. Remember - the more healthy habits you have, the easier and richer your life will be, and the more you will be pleased with your reflection in the mirror.

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