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What jobs are considered prestigious?

Choosing future profession, many wonder whether it will always be in demand and well paid. These criteria often determine the prestige of the job. The list of modern prestigious professions primarily depends on trends in the personnel management market.

Prestigious work with high salary usually implies greater responsibility, communication skills and the ability to cope with stress.

In addition, you need to constantly improve, learn and think outside the box in order to interest an employer and advance your career.

High level managers

According to Forbes magazine, one of the most prestigious jobs is working as the head of banking institutions and international companies.

The salary of the chairman of the board of a bank, for example, is about $2,000,000 per year.

Heads of analytical departments and general directors receive slightly less.

To become such a leader, you must have a good education(preferably MBA courses) and speak several foreign languages.

A prerequisite for this job is resistance to stress and the ability to make quick decisions. The disadvantage of the profession is the irregular working hours, since most high-level managers work 14–16 hours a day.

Top Manager for Internal Communications

This position is especially necessary in large companies with a very large staff.

The manager seems to perform quite well at first glance. simple tasks: establishes communication between subordinates and managers, develops a corporate style, etc.

In fact, this work involves constant communication with company employees, holding various events to increase motivation, managing corporate publications and analyzing employee feedback.

A person with experience working with different target groups can apply for this position.

IT specialists

In this area there are the most prestigious professions in Russia. The demand for is growing every year. This is due to the large-scale computerization of society.

And, despite the fact that young people are actively developing in this area, there are not enough real specialists.

In order to truly get high paying job programmer, you need to be fluent in the programming language and have experience working on various projects.

An indisputable advantage will be international certificates confirming the level of professionalism.

Chief Accountant

This profession still remains in demand and prestigious, since it depends on the chief accountant financial activities companies. The salary of a specialist depends on his work experience and professional suitability.

On average it is 50,000 – 60,000 rubles. The responsibilities of the chief accountant include responsibility for paying taxes and fees, as well as maintaining financial records of the enterprise and an accounting archive.


Due to the development of the restaurant business, the profession of a chef is more relevant today than ever. True professionals in their field often become no less famous than actors or singers.

But it’s not even fame that attracts many people who love to cook, improve themselves and achieve career heights in this area. Rather, it is the prestige of the profession and high salaries.

A chef, first of all, must not only cook deliciously, but also have all the qualities of a leader and be able to quickly respond to unusual situations.

In addition to talent, it is important to have a good education and experience working with the world's leading chefs.

PR specialist

Many people have a rather vague idea of ​​what this person does. Moreover, the profession in Russia is often associated with political PR of the 90s.

Today PR managers are engaged in creating and supporting positive opinion society about a company, product or person. But this work is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

A true specialist must have sufficient knowledge in various fields, including psychology, journalism and marketing.

A particular advantage is the availability of international certificates, for example, CERP accreditation. The responsibilities of a PR manager may differ slightly depending on where he works - in a company or a private agency.


Work in the trade sector is now one of the most prestigious. Highly qualified specialists who are able to professionally study customer tastes and promote products are in demand in almost all companies.

Often, marketers are invited to work in industrial holdings and banks. This profession is also good because it allows you to make a career.

That is, having started your activity as a simple marketer, you can eventually grow to become the director of the marketing department. To do this, a specialist must have analytical thinking, stress resistance and communication skills.

Working professions

Among a large number of very diverse professions, blue-collar professions remain in demand. For example, it is impossible to do without builders, mechanics, plumbers, etc.

“The starting salary of a welder who knows, for example, two types of welding - argon and welding with a coated electrode - is about 70-90 thousand rubles”

– explains Natalia Zolotoreva, director of the department of state policy in the field of workforce training.

Prestigious jobs can easily be obtained by graduates with education in the field of instrument engineering, marine and rocket and space technology, as well as food production.

Various defense enterprises require specialists in prototyping (computer modeling), mechatronics (specialists in setting up automated production) or operators of computer-controlled machine tools.

Prestigious working professions are:

  • Graphic Designer;
  • Cosmetologist;
  • Masters of carpentry and carpentry and decorative works;
  • Database administrator;
  • Metrologist;
  • Mobile roboticist.

Read also: Especially if the specialist has several degrees in different fields (for example, technical + economic) and knows several languages.

  • Specialists in the field of nanotechnology;
    There is a huge future in this area, as it is becoming necessary in a variety of fields, for example, in mechanical engineering, medicine and space technology.
  • Biotechnologists;
    These specialists, using microbiology and genetic engineering create completely new products. This profession will be in demand in medicine and pharmacy.
  • Logisticians.
    Professionals who know how to manage material and information technology in the field of commodity distribution, will only become more in demand every year.
  • When choosing a specialty, it is necessary not only to study the most prestigious professions in Russia, but also to take into account your talents and qualities. This is the only way to find not just a prestigious and highly paid job, but also your life’s work.

    When looking for a promising job or in an effort to get an up-to-date education, many look through the TOP of highly paid professions in Russia. After all, everyone wants to have a profitable, in-demand and

    Doctors occupy the top seven places on the list of the most prestigious and lucrative professions in America. For example, an anesthesiologist in the United States earns an average of $290 thousand per year. The salary of a surgeon is 260 thousand dollars, a gynecologist - 210 thousand, and so on. Even a store director in America receives a more modest salary than nurse anesthesiologist.

    5. Financier, economist.

    6. Businessman.

    7. Deputy, minister, civil servant.

    8. Computer company employee, programmer.

    9. Auditor, accountant.

    10. Show business worker.

    It is worth noting, however, that the most highly paid professions in Russia are constantly changing, as their demand changes. Today, lawyers are no longer the specialists who earn the most. Many legal workers have very low salaries. And finding a job in your specialty immediately after receiving your diploma is very problematic. So girls who graduated from law school have to work as secretaries in courts, where there is neither prestige nor profit.

    Prestigious and highest paid professions in Russia

    What specialties are guaranteed to generate income? One can argue with the VTsIOM rating, because a minister’s salary cannot be less than the salary of a lawyer or even a director. The highest income in our country comes from the profession of “high-ranking official,” and hardly anyone will dare to argue with this.

    Next on the list of “The highest paid professions in Russia” is a management position in the field of gold, aluminum, nickel and copper. These professions have always brought good profits, and this will continue until natural reserves on Earth run out. Entrepreneurs take third place on the list. Fourth - bankers and those close to them.

    The salary of a bank employee has always been high, and to this day the situation has remained the same. But getting a job as a manager of a large organization is not so easy. Fifth place in the ranking was also given to specialists working in the field of innovation. And if you believe the forecasts of sociologists, then very soon it will be possible to rely on technical specialties, the profitability and prestige of which will increase significantly.

    In general, we can summarize that the profitability of a profession, of course, matters, but it is still better to focus not only on this factor. You should like the work and match your interests and character. After all, everything in the world is constantly changing, and it is quite possible that the very profession that you have chosen for yourself will become the most profitable and in demand.

    The carefree summer season has passed, school has begun, and future school graduates are faced with an important, life-changing dilemma. Is it worth continuing education after 9th or 11th grade? What professions will be in demand in the future? Which educational institution and choose the direction of preparation? Many have already made up their minds, others are acting on the advice of their parents, and some are still thinking about it. To help tomorrow's applicants, we present an overview of the most in-demand and highly paid professions in Russia.
    Let us immediately inform you that the rating was prepared on the basis of official statistics from the Ministry of Labor and social protection population Russian Federation for 6 months of this year and contains only vacant positions.
    Therefore, the answer to the question: “What are the highest paid professions in Russia?” – will seem unexpected to many. The reason is that among those represented there are no consistently staffed specialties related to finance, bureaucracy, energy resource extraction, or service in law enforcement agencies.


    1 - captain of an ocean liner

    The ranking of highly paid professions is headed by the captain of a civilian ocean-going merchant ship - the average monthly salary is about 500 thousand rubles.
    The demand from potential employers is impressive. Why is it the most popular? There are several determining factors:

    • Less than 10 educational institutions throughout the country provide training for seafarers. Most train naval specialists
    • the requirements for men who want to master the best of the top highly paid professions are extremely high: the availability of the necessary personal qualities, physical endurance, moral stability, sailing experience
    • high rates of shipbuilding, commissioning of new ships

    The following fact is even more surprising: maritime personnel are needed almost everywhere. Just look, for example, at the list of in-demand professions in Australia.

    2 – aircraft commander

    The second place in the top 10 list of highly paid professions in Russia is confidently occupied by another representative of the Russian transport industry - air travel.
    The specialty of an aircraft commander (average salary of 320 thousand rubles) turned out to be in demand due to an acute shortage of personnel.
    Many experts explain this fact by the massive transition of Russian pilots to work for Chinese aviation companies. However, the forecast for 2018 is that the outflow will stop, the position will no longer be included in the list of in-demand professions.

    3 – chief technologist of the gold mining industry

    The top three winners in the ranking of the highest paid professions in Russia are closed by the chief technologist of the gold mining industry (average monthly salary 312 thousand rubles).
    According to many analysts, soon the “palm” in the demand for specialists among the extractive industries will once again return to the oil industry. The reason is the launch of large-scale projects in the vastness of Siberia and the Far East.
    Therefore, when looking through the review of the most in-demand professions of 2018, do not be surprised if you see the position of head of an oil production site somewhere in the Primorsky Territory, Yakutia.

    4 – head hockey coach

    Why was the head coach of the hockey team among the top 10? Let's name a few reasons:

    • Hockey, along with football, are popular sports. About 65 thousand people play hockey in our country, the fifth world figure (ahead are Canada, the USA, the Czech Republic, Sweden), the number of amateur hockey players goes beyond reasonable limits
    • the number of officially registered teams, including women's, youth, children's and youth teams, exceeds three hundred
    • Only 12 universities train coaching staff, 4 are specialized in hockey (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Omsk, Chelyabinsk)
    • Even the clubs of the most elite Russian league, the Continental Hockey League, carry out a huge rotation of coaching staff. Based on the results of the 2016–2017 season alone, 20 new specialists were recruited to work as head coaches (a total of 27 teams compete)
    • The average salary of the head coach of a hockey team is high - 300 thousand rubles.

    5 – construction site manager

    The most in-demand profession in construction is site manager. There has been a steady decline in volumes across the country new development by 10–15%, however, the influx of young personnel continues.
    Therefore, many experts predict a reduction in demand for the specialty. The expected result is that the ranking of the highest paid professions 2018 will be without representatives of this industry.
    We've reached the middle of the rankings! But all of the above-mentioned in-demand professions in 2018 in Russia are more suitable for men. Where are the high-paying professions for girls? Go ahead…

    6 – dentist

    The position of a doctor, suitable for representatives of the fair half of humanity, was in the sixth position of the top ones. The average salary of a dentist in Russia is about 200 thousand rubles.
    True, it is worth saying - in order to obtain the necessary permission to independently medical practice in this specialty, you must graduate medical university, duration of study is 7 – 8 years.

    7 – risk manager

    The list continues with a new specialty that originated in America and subsequently became widespread throughout the world.
    The main tasks of a risk manager are strategic management of the company, identifying potential dangers of doing business, identifying and analyzing existing risks.
    Train a specialist like this wide range It’s not easy, so it’s unlikely that there will be an appropriate area of ​​training in Russian universities. However, the work is interesting and highly paid, salaries are about 200 thousand rubles.

    8 – electrical engineer

    What “domestic” professions will be in demand in Russia in 2018-2025? “Our national” specialty – electrical engineer – is in eighth position in the ranking!
    The truth remains a mystery how the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection calculated the average size wages (195 thousand rubles)?

    9 – analyst in the field of information science and computer technology

    The Russian labor market is full of vacancies in the field of computer science and computer technology. What profession is the most profitable among them: programmer, web designer, database administrator? The answer is simple - analyst, average salary - 195 thousand rubles.

    10 – co-pilot of the aircraft


    The second ten ranking of the most popular specialties are: architects, design engineers, pharmaceutical chemists, marketers, PR managers, ecologists, IT specialists, tourism industry workers, therapists, logisticians.


    The specialty of psychology, so beloved by many applicants, is not on the list. Enter the search query, “what are the highest paid professions in Moscow?” – the position is not even in the distribution received. There is reason to think about the salary for graduates choosing professions after 9th or 11th grade.
    Let us remind you that earlier the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection published a rating of industries with the highest and lowest salaries. Specialists in the financial banking sector receive the most (average salary 78 thousand rubles), and agricultural workers receive the least (21.4 thousand rubles).
    The main conclusion that comes to mind is that a truly decent, well-paid job can only be found with a specialized higher education.
    The main thing is to follow the advice of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius: “Choose a profession that you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

    Today, everyone strives to work in a prestigious job and receive a higher salary. At the same time, be considered a highly qualified specialist and be in demand. That is why a list of the most prestigious professions was created modern world. And if you are interested in it, then the information will be relevant for you.

    Admission to higher education educational institution involves a serious choice of future specialty. At the same time, the list of prestige criteria includes not only the requirement of high wages. It will be important to have an interest in the chosen profession. If you don’t like your future job at the training stage, then you shouldn’t expect great things when finding a job.

    The list below will help those who are graduating from school and still haven’t been able to decide what to be in adulthood. The list contains the most prestigious specialties that exist today, offering good income and demand for specialists.

    First place - lawyer. The most prestigious procession. The popularity of the specialty is confirmed by numerous applicants seeking to get into the law school for this specialty. It is immediately worth noting that admission to a law university is a labor-intensive and expensive process that has not changed for fifteen years. At the same time, everyone who graduated from a higher educational institution and received a specialist diploma can be confident in the future. Their profession will always be in demand and well paid.

    Second place - an employee of an IT department or company. Thanks to the hourly development of computer technology, many enterprises and institutions need specialists who can deal with IT communications. The most important thing is that technology has reached all areas of human life, which means that a graduate will be able to find a job in any field where computers are used. At the same time, you should count on a good salary if they are confirmed high level qualifications and knowledge. Therefore, the profession of an IT employee can be safely placed on the second line of the prestige rating.

    Third place - manager. Not everyone fully understands what exactly a person who proudly calls himself a manager does. This procession does not imply a narrow focus of learning. During the study process, all areas of the work of an enterprise, organization or institution will be affected, and all business niches will be studied. Almost every company. Aspiring to development, she has a manager's specialty on her staff. As a rule, people in this profession are engaged in advertising companies and management actions. If you are ready to constantly be in the process of learning and are ready to take responsible decisions, then the profession of a manager is for you.

    Fourth place - fashion designer. Specific profession. Unfortunately, not everyone can master it, but in terms of searching for vacant positions, meeting the need for a fashion designer is difficult and practically impossible. But nevertheless, this is one of the prestigious specialties. Its prestige lies in the fact that a person devotes himself completely to his chosen craft. It is always creativity, an opportunity for self-expression, but the main thing is consistency and loyalty to the profession. A fashion designer will never refuse to be a fashion designer, which is why there are no vacancies.

    Fifth place - accountant. Many people have the impression that working as an accountant is not at all prestigious, that it is a routine job that is poorly paid and poorly valued. It is worth noting that highly qualified specialists receive a lot of money for their knowledge and skills. Especially if you have experience, the person will be in demand at a variety of enterprises. Accountants, like lawyers, will never be left without work. Therefore, when faced with a choice, think about accounting, maybe this is where success and recognition awaits.

    Sixth place - bank employee. After graduating from school, many people decide to enter banking, considering this the most prestigious and in-demand occupation. However, the fact that this profession is only in sixth place somewhat reduces its attractiveness. Depending on what position you hold in the banking structure, you can talk about the solidity of work in the bank and the size of your salary. If you work in a state bank, then the wages here are low; employment in a private financial institution gives you the option of a higher salary.

    The seventh place in our ranking goes to the marketer. This is where life is interesting and eventful. Here, surveys are conducted every day, new products that have entered the market of goods, services, etc. are analyzed. This is a very interesting specialty.

    Eighth place - psychologist. The salary of the chosen specialty depends on where exactly the specialist works. If this is a government institution: a kindergarten, a school, then you won’t have to count on high wages, but there will be a lot of work. However, working in private institutions will allow you to ensure a decent life.

    Ninth place - doctor. The specialty is in demand and will always be needed. The doctor is called upon to help society, while being responsible and not afraid of difficulties. Not everyone can take responsibility for other people's lives.

    Tenth place - PR workers. The specialty is interesting, attractive and very profitable. Their main task is to come up with an idea, bring it to life and then sell it at a higher price. It is worth noting that this profession is not for everyone, so you should think carefully before going to learn it. A person must have certain qualities: creativity, ability to develop and education.

    Choosing a profession is a difficult matter. After all, from decision taken depends on what a person's future will be like. Therefore, for most people, such a choice is very difficult, especially given the frequent changes in the labor market. And in order to make this process a little easier, let's look at the most prestigious professions, according to Russians. At the same time, we will not focus only on the positive aspects, but will also discuss all the pitfalls that can be expected along the way.

    Choice of profession

    If in the old days the Russian ranking of professions was very different from the foreign one, today everything has changed dramatically. The reason for this is the ubiquitous progress, which equalizes all countries of the world. In addition, this means that the top professions in Russia will not change much in the near future.

    It follows from this that, having mastered one of the following specialties, a person can be calm about his future. After all, having the necessary skills, he will be in demand both at home and abroad. So, let's list the most prestigious professions in Russia.

    No. 1. Banker

    Also in Soviet times many considered working in a bank to be very prestigious. After perestroika, not much has changed - most people still respect bankers. In addition, bank employees receive a good salary, which is a constant advantage of this profession.

    However, there are also disadvantages. In particular, the concept of “banker” is very vague, and not everyone is aware of the fact that it equally applies to both the head of a financial institution and a simple clerk. And often a person has to go through seven circles of hell before he can get to the top of the career ladder.

    No. 2. Medic

    A very prestigious job. The doctor was always respected. And what’s surprising here, because until humanity overcomes all diseases, health workers will be relevant. The obvious benefits include a good salary, useful connections and the opportunity to help people. Besides good specialists can get a job in private clinic, which will further increase their monthly income.

    But you should remember that doctors have the longest training period. Also, these specialists are always responsible for human life, which in itself is a big challenge.

    No. 3. Entrepreneur

    When discussing the most prestigious professions in Russia, one cannot ignore entrepreneurs. Today this type of activity is very popular. Almost every second Russian has thought about opening his own business at least once in his life.
    Unfortunately, the reality is that only a few become successful entrepreneurs. And in the future, no one will be able to guarantee that the business will not “burn out.”

    No. 4. Programmer

    More recently, Russia lagged far behind the rest of the world in the field of IT technologies. However, today things are completely different: only after Last year The demand for programmers has increased two and a half times. And this trend will continue in the future, because the Russian market has just begun to develop, which means that the technical boom is still ahead.

    Among the disadvantages, the difficulty of learning should be noted. Thus, a specialist needs to master not only the basic programming languages, but also learn mind-blowing control. After all, in order to bring a program to its successful release, it is necessary to tirelessly search for and correct errors in the embedded code for several months on end.

    No. 5. Lawyer

    Legal experts never sit idle. For example, lawyers are always able to provide for themselves and their families not only material benefits, but also significant legal protection. The same can be said about other areas of this profession: notaries, prosecutors, judges, legal consultants, and so on.

    However, you should understand that there is very tough competition in this area. Because of this, what educational institution he graduated from and who his mentor was plays a big role in a lawyer’s future.

    No. 6. Marketer

    Considering the most prestigious professions in the world, you constantly come across one fact: marketers are popular in all corners of the planet today. This is due to the fact that entrepreneurs have finally realized how important advertising is in attracting new customers. Therefore, all large companies have their own departments dealing with marketing strategies. As for small businesses, they very often resort to the services of advertising agencies.

    But, again, a good marketer must have a keen sense of all the needs of customers, and not everyone can learn this. In addition, any failure affects not only the specialist’s reputation, but also the organization where he works.

    No. 7. Engineer

    Today Russian market there is an acute shortage of competent engineers. It just so happens that every year fewer and fewer students enroll in technical faculties. On the one hand, this has a bad effect on general development industry in the country, and on the other hand, forces employers to increase the salaries of engineers so that they do not go to competitors.

    Oddly enough, this profession has the fewest disadvantages. You should only remember that studying at engineering and technical faculties requires complete dedication. After all, this is the only way to master all the material that will allow you to become an excellent specialist in the future.

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