Home Stomatitis What does a veterinarian do at work? Veterinarian (Veterinarian)

What does a veterinarian do at work? Veterinarian (Veterinarian)

A veterinarian is a doctor. And even though he treats animals and not people, this is a difficult job that requires excellent education and practical experience. Therefore, university graduates are required to work as a veterinary assistant for at least two years, and only after that can they begin general practice. Working with animals is less responsible from a financial point of view, compared to treating people.

You probably won't go to jail for negligence. But from a moral point of view, the responsibility is equal. Profession the vet will do those who are ready to take responsibility for other people's lives. If this doesn’t scare you, let’s talk about its features, pros and cons, training, career prospects and average salaries.

Description of the profession veterinarian

Veterinary medicine is the science of prevention, diagnosis, treatment of diseases and injuries in animals. And not only at home, as many applicants mistakenly think. Dogs and horses, cats and cows, hamsters and tigers living in the zoo equally need treatment. During your training, you can independently focus on studying certain groups and species of animals, but educational standards uniform and know, in particular, the features of anatomy and diseases of the large cattle you will have to too.

A veterinarian's responsibilities may vary depending on the position they hold, as well as the organization for which they work.

Thus, the assistant surgeon cannot perform operations independently - his task is to help and learn during the work. Livestock specialist with veterinary education can specialize in breeding breeding animals and increasing their efficiency. But the basic responsibilities of all specialists are:

  • Diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases in animals.
  • Restoration or elimination of reproductive function.
  • Increasing the efficiency of animals for the benefit of agricultural enterprises.
  • Carrying out laboratory tests, observation, research.
  • Selection of the optimal course of treatment, medications, therapeutic methods.

An important responsibility of veterinary surgeons is to perform operations and rehabilitation. Oncologists – selection of a course of chemotherapy or radiation. In veterinary medicine there are a number of narrow specializations similar to “regular” ones. medical practice. A specialist can be a surgeon, therapist, ophthalmologist, oncologist, psychiatrist, and so on. A veterinarian can partly be the same dog handler, adjusting the dog’s behavior and studying its psychology. The range of responsibilities is extremely wide and always depends on the position and place of work of the specialist.

Where can you get an education as a veterinarian?

It is much easier for a specialist with a higher education to count on a successful career. To do this, it is better to immediately enroll in a university, or apply to a prestigious college, and then receive an accelerated higher education in absentia. The more reputable the educational institution, the better.

However, to a greater extent career depends on the personal success of the specialist and his qualifications. The vet needs good education like any doctor. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the TOP 5 Russian universities training specialists within this profession:

  • Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named after. Scriabin.
  • Agrarian University named after. Timiryazev.
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
  • Novosibirsk Agrarian University.
  • Kazan Academy of Veterinary Medicine named after. Bauman.

Among the subjects that must be passed within the framework Unified State Exam biology, chemistry and Russian language. Sometimes chemistry is replaced by mathematics. It is necessary to contact the admissions office in advance and clarify the list of subjects. Remember that the university can independently conduct exams and take into account the various achievements of applicants. We recommend that you do not rely solely on information from the official websites of educational institutions - mistakes can be made everywhere. Take the time to contact members of the admissions committee.

What personal qualities should you have?

First of all, it is a love for animals. It's hard to do well what you hate with all your heart. Therefore, listen to yourself: do you really love them? Are you ready not only to spend everything with them work time, but also dedicate your life to them? Try to get rid of rose-colored glasses in advance. According to statistics, at least 30% of veterinary graduates do not work in their specialty. It would be sad to spend at least 4 years learning a profession you don’t need.

If you are confident in your decision, pay attention to other personal qualities that a specialist should have:

  • Resistance to stress.
  • Care, patience.
  • Extraordinary intelligence.
  • Constant desire to develop.
  • Strength of will.

What does willpower do on the list? Judge for yourself: during training you will probably have to dissect the same frogs. For many this is a trifle, but for some it is a real tragedy. In the course of your work, you will have to deal with hopeless animals and see a lot of tragic deaths. Only strong-willed person with nerves of iron. The rest are trying to “run away” from problematic clients and focus on private practice related to the prescription of medications and vaccinations.

Pros and cons of being a veterinarian

On the one hand, this is an important, necessary and truly kind profession. Your life is filled with new meaning, you can save animals from imminent death and bring sincere joy to their owners. At the same time, the salaries of specialists in this industry are far from the maximum, especially when working in government institutions. Not everyone can build a successful career. In addition, the profession is less respectable than the same doctor, although no less important. We recommend weighing the pros and cons in advance.

Key advantages veterinarian professions:

  • An important, useful, critically needed specialty.
  • The opportunity to save animal lives every day.
  • Decent wages in private clinics.
  • Career prospects for qualified specialists.
  • A truly enjoyable job for people who love animals.

Key flaws veterinarian professions:

  • Difficult, extremely responsible work.
  • Low salaries for assistants and other low-skilled employees.
  • The need to contact animal owners who are not always objective.
  • Difficult career growth, the need to work as an assistant after graduation.
  • Not the highest salaries.

It is better to consider the pros and cons with an objective assessment of your own prospects. If you cannot count on entering a university and are forced to settle for secondary education, if you are not ready to climb the career ladder for at least 5-7 years, there are more disadvantages. If you sincerely love animals, are ready for constant self-education, for regular training, if you are not afraid of responsibility for the lives of someone’s beloved pets, this profession will certainly suit you.

Where to work and how to build a career

After graduating from university, the specialist must work as a veterinary assistant for at least two years.

Without this, it is impossible to start a full-fledged practice. Next, you will need to undergo certification, receive identification documents and start working in a new status. Where can veterinarians work:

  • In clinics and laboratories.
  • At veterinary stations.
  • In circuses and zoos.
  • At agricultural enterprises.
  • In the field of control of products of animal origin.
  • In fisheries, in nurseries.

Until recently, many veterinarians conducted private practices - they provided services at home, and a kind of " ambulance for animals". Now they are trying to begin to control the industry, it is possible that in the near future private specialists will find themselves outside the law. At the same time, nothing will prevent an experienced veterinarian from starting his own business - opening a private clinic or laboratory, pet store or nursery.

Career prospects directly depend on the qualifications of a specialist and his place of work. The easiest way to achieve success in work is after graduating from reputable universities. The path of a specialist with secondary education will be more difficult - he will spend additional time on distance learning and will have a diploma that is less in demand among employers.

How much does a veterinarian earn in Russia?

The average salary of specialists in this field is 28 thousand rubles. In Moscow it is 33 thousand rubles, in remote regions – 25 thousand rubles. The most profitable is the opening own business. Veterinarians working in private clinics and laboratories earn on average 3-4 thousand rubles more than their colleagues holding similar positions in government institutions.

Regarding the increase wages As you grow in your career, it is present, but not as pronounced as in many other specialties.

That is, if the difference between the salaries of an ordinary administrator and a TOP manager is obvious, then in the salaries of an experienced veterinary surgeon and assistant it is expressed in 5-7 thousand rubles. However, it is possible to build a successful career and achieve high wages. The key conditions for this are to constantly develop, do your job well and constantly look for vacancies with a higher salary.


A story about the veterinarian profession should begin with a description of the disadvantages of this profession. This is the only way to remove the rose-colored glasses from the majority of applicants who dream of “positive work with animals.” This is an extremely complex, responsible, but respected and truly important specialty. But it is important to be prepared for it. At the same time, you should not count on high salaries in the first 2-3 years of work. As you grow in your career, you will be able to increase your income, but maximum performance he will achieve it only by opening his own clinic.

Maria Kositsyna

Editor of the Info-Profi portal, head of the center for supporting student projects at Tyumen State University.

The vacancy of a veterinarian is quite popular on job sites. This is due to the fact that everything more people has pets, which, just like people, require from time to time medical care. In addition, with the increased demand for veterinary services, many specialists are opening clinics with wide range services. And these clinics require doctors with experience or with a special specialization profile: veterinary cardiologist, veterinary ophthalmologist, veterinary dermatologist, veterinary surgeon, veterinary dentist.

Working as a veterinarian requires certain special education, higher or secondary, however, as practice shows, often ordinary doctors begin practicing with animals. And often, the real smart diagnosticians and therapists are human surgeons, traumatologists and other specialists. People who either love animals very much or who turn out to be doctors by fate go to work as this specialist.

However, we should not forget that this is not just a doctor for animals living at home - such a doctor is rather a private veterinarian, he has a private practice. However, there are a lot of state farms and livestock farms, poultry farms, where veterinarians are also required. In such organizations vet. The doctor monitors the health of cattle, pigs, rabbits, birds and other animals raised by humans.

Doctor vacancies in livestock farming or private farming are rare, but the vacancy of a home veterinarian private clinic can be found often. The services of this doctor are not cheap, but in the regions the amounts are falling significantly.

Wage level

The histogram shows the change in the level of average wages in Moscow:

Number of vacancies in % by salary range in Moscow:

Work vet. becoming a doctor in Moscow is quite prestigious, but at the same time, this work requires certain sacrifices and, most importantly, the ability to quickly and correctly diagnose an animal. In a sense, this work is not for every doctor; it requires even more endurance and at the same time concern than, say, the work of a pediatrician. After all, animals cannot tell where and why something hurts them. Therefore, high professionalism in diagnostic qualities and ability to handle sick animals and successful treatment guarantees the veterinarian recognition, high and stable income, and a regular clientele.

It is worth noting that in lately This industry has also been influenced by trends in human medicine - now you can find advertisements saying that a homeopath is needed. Talented and energetic doctors are always ready to be hired as veterinary assistants. a doctor or nurse, an orderly in any specialized institution, or at first to work on the night shift. But in any case, work for the veterinarians. There is always a doctor in the capital for those who are looking for one.

Probably, each of us has many acquaintances (adults and children) who are not indifferent to the suffering of our little brothers. Children have a special love for animals. And adults are happy to tell them that there is such a profession as a veterinarian. That in addition to “urban” animals, doctors are also expected in the countryside, because proper care of animals is very important in agriculture and livestock farming, since the success of this entire industry directly depends on it.

And if this interest in living creatures is genuine and not limited caring attitude only to pets, then the child will most likely choose the profession of a veterinarian after graduating from school.

Let's try to imagine short description This type of activity, we will consider all the existing pros and cons of this difficult craft, where patience and stress resistance, compassion and love for living beings are important.

Who is it?

A veterinarian is a doctor who specializes in treating domestic and farm animals. This is a highly sought after profession. At the same time, there are not so many truly qualified specialists today.

Since ancient times, people have tried to uncover the main causes of diseases that caused livestock to die out or become sick, they learned to diagnose diseases, described and classified them, and appropriate treatment methods were developed for many animal diseases. On this moment There is a whole science - veterinary medicine, which deals with the recognition and study of various diseases to which animals (domestic, wild, exotic, agricultural) are susceptible, and compiles a detailed description of them.
A veterinarian deals with the treatment and prevention of animal diseases, conducts medical and cosmetic procedures, consults in veterinary clinics or works on visits to livestock farms.

This is predominantly mental work, where what is most important is correct conclusions doctor But no one excludes that sometimes the veterinarian will need to work with his hands.
The profession of a veterinarian is not the easiest to master. Required to graduate medical school, have a good memory and great attentiveness. In addition, the profession of a veterinarian requires great resistance to stress.

Let's look at all the pros and cons of this profession. This will be especially true for children who are just starting to think about what they will do in life.

Advantages of working with animals

Let's look at all the available advantages of working as a doctor for our little brothers.

  1. A good specialist will always be in demand on the labor market. Currently, medicine is experiencing a shortage of highly qualified veterinarians. Of course, the advantages of this profession for many begin with this fact.
  2. If you have altruistic needs, then you can fully realize them in the work of a veterinarian. These are quite important advantages of this activity.
  3. You will always have a job (even in a crisis) if you are a professional. Of course, for those who want to be confident in the future, this fact can be counted as a significant advantage.
  4. In this job you will be able to fully realize your mental potential. For talented and capable people this fact can be considered a plus.

Disadvantages of this choice

Below are all the disadvantages of this type of activity.

  1. To master the profession of a veterinarian, you will need to study long and hard and obtain a higher education at a medical institute. For those who are not used to waiting a long time and studying a lot, the disadvantages of this work begin precisely from this point.
  2. The work requires great stress resistance and composure. For people with weak psyches, these are significant disadvantages. Sometimes you will have to see the suffering of unfortunate animals, and sometimes you will have to observe deaths. It's always very difficult psychologically.
  3. Absence as such career ladder. Of course, this can be considered a disadvantage by those who need career growth. The maximum you can achieve is to become a high-profile specialist and receive decent money for it. Or you can open your own clinic.
  4. The work of a doctor is not easy, you will have to make responsible decisions. This feature may be perceived as a disadvantage by those who are not used to taking responsibility.

As you can see, the pros and cons in this profession are a very relative concept. For capable and hardworking people, minuses are pluses, but for narrow-minded and irresponsible people, all the pluses will look like minuses. In any case, you should think ten times before deciding to become a veterinarian. After all, the fate of many creatures will depend on your actions.

Who will you work with?

As a rule, Dr. Aibolit treats mainly pets and farm animals for our little brothers. Sometimes - and wild animals from the zoo or dolphinarium. Sometimes you even have to work with animals that are on the verge of extinction or animals suffering from poachers.

Birds, among other things, very easily transfer diseases between relatives.

From medical practice

A veterinarian’s working day is not always calm: examinations, vaccinations, recommendations. There are also emergency cases when you have to save an animal from certain death. Here are a few situations that any animal therapist may encounter:

  1. Fracture of a cat's spine. This problem is quite common. As a rule, this happens after the animal falls from high altitude. This is very dangerous situation, and if measures are not taken in time, then you can get several more injuries and complications. Therefore, do not hesitate surgical intervention in such a case.
  2. Polycystic kidney disease in a cat. Unfortunately, kidney problems are quite common among our beloved felines. You can feed them higher quality food as a preventive measure, but don’t hesitate if you suddenly notice symptoms in your pet. of this disease, otherwise you will have to undergo surgery in especially severe cases.
  3. Lumbosacral stenosis in four-legged canine friends. This disease is caused by an initially incorrect structure of the spine, or more precisely, by the fact that some vertebrae have not fused together correctly. The most common dog breeds that suffer from this problem are Jack Russell Terriers and Scotch Terriers. Stenosis can cause your pet great discomfort when moving, so it is better not to delay treatment. qualified assistance. You will most likely need surgery.

Summing up, I would like to once again note the fact that the work of a veterinarian is an extremely responsible matter, requiring those who want to do it a lot of willpower, patience, intelligence, and, most importantly, sincere love for animals. Only these skills will allow you to achieve heights in such a difficult craft. We wish you to find your calling and hope that today you were able to obtain all the necessary information on the issue that interested you. Perhaps the description of this particular profession interested you most.

website is a modern service for selecting a veterinarian and services for animals. When an animal gets sick, owners are at a loss because their pets cannot communicate what is hurting them. In any big city There are many veterinary clinics; it’s easy to get lost in their lists, losing precious time, on which the very life of Murzik or Lord often depends.

Internet service site brings together the best representatives veterinary profession- here you can leave your data as an employee of a progressive and proven company the best side clinics and a private veterinarian. The presence of healthy competition ensures high level professionalism of doctors. Finding a good veterinarian is now much easier with Ravet.

Veterinarian selection service, veterinary services and providing related services for animals will turn frantic searches into a coherent system of solutions. On the site everyone can find full list doctors with a detailed but rather concise description of the level of education, specialization, work experience, medical qualification category, cost of admission, and also read reviews about veterinarians.

The creators of the service made sure in advance that the visitor quickly made a choice and understood which veterinarian the pet needed in each specific case. This is also given here important indicator, as a doctor’s rating on the website, formed on the basis of several fundamental factors, the main one of which is the presence of positive reviews from grateful clients.

Animal therapy is not limited to helping cats and dogs. Other animals often get sick, so the specialization of veterinarians varies, namely:

  • ornithologists - doctors for birds;
  • ratologists - specialists in rodents;
  • herpetologists are a highly specialized area of ​​veterinary medicine for the treatment of exotic animals;
  • Ichthyopathologists are doctors for aquarium fish.

If necessary, surgical operations are also performed at home:

  1. castration;
  2. sterilization;
  3. C-section;
  4. childbirth;
  5. removal of tumors of various origins.

And even removing tartar from animals and performing ultrasound examination at home.

Clients often leave reviews about veterinarians. You can always get acquainted with the opinions of other people and choose the right doctor. Thanks to the public service, the website will allow the owner of any animal to short time do right choice regarding the need to provide specialized veterinary care to your pet!

Vet(from lat. lat. veterinarius- relating to draft animals, veterinus- draft animal) - a doctor who treats animals. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in biology (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Veterinarians work at stud farms and poultry farms, at fish and fur farms, in nurseries, farms, in production and veterinary control departments at meat processing plants, at meat and dairy and food control stations, in laboratories, and at the Research Institute of Veterinary Sanitation.

Foreign veterinarians specialize in treating different categories animals: small domestic animals, agricultural and exotic. And the training of, for example, American veterinarians lasts eight years.

The Russian system is structured somewhat differently. Until recently, our veterinary medicine focused primarily on the needs of agriculture. Now universities are opening departments of small domestic and exotic animals, but studying at the institute takes only five years, and graduates receive the qualification “general veterinarian.”

However, veterinary clinics employ doctors who specialize in something more specific: traumatologists, surgeons, orthopedists, ophthalmologists, laboratory specialists, etc. Therefore, experts advise choosing a priority area for yourself at the very beginning of your studies and studying the relevant subjects with redoubled diligence and, while still a student, get a job in veterinary clinics and gain experience.

The Association of Veterinarians insists that a diploma from a veterinary academy is not a reason to call oneself a serious specialist. Every registered veterinarian who wishes to treat animals should begin their career as an assistant. It is quite possible to get such a job while studying. Also, future veterinarians successfully work as nurses or orderlies.


Veterinary clinics. Agricultural enterprises.

Salary as of 04/02/2020

Russia 15000—90000 ₽

Moscow 20000—80000 ₽

Important qualities

A veterinarian must love and have compassion for the animals he treats. This is the main thing. You also need responsibility, good memory, good motor skills (without manual dexterity it is impossible to perform therapeutic manipulations).

Knowledge and skills

You need to know the physiology and diseases of animals, master treatment and examination methods, and know modern medicines.

Training to become a veterinarian

The profession of a veterinarian is taught in both higher and secondary specialized educational institutions. Only a specialist with a higher veterinary education can work as a veterinarian. To work as a veterinary assistant, it is enough to graduate from technical school.

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