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Is it difficult to get into college? Foreign students storm Russian universities

Sometimes people ask me whether it is difficult to enter a theater (creative) university. As you understand, this question is especially of concern to those who are planning to enroll there. The answer they often hear from my lips leaves them shocked. They are starting to distrust me, and for good reason. Because my answer is not at all what they most often expect to hear. My answer sounds something like this: “Why do you need this? Why should you go there?
Apparently I should have answered completely differently. Probably, I should immediately describe all the features and hardships... Well, or the beauty and beauty of everything that is called “the life of a theater university student.” But I won't do either one or the other. Because…
Because I definitely wish you a fulfilling, interesting and fun student life. After all, the life of a student at a theater (creative) university cannot be compared with any other. This is the most intense emotional shock I have experienced in my life. Yes, of course, before entering I had a completely different life. The life of a banking analyst. And theatrical life left such a mark on me precisely as the antithesis of my previous life. Maybe. But still, it was bright. And it was a shock.
I didn't eat or sleep. He came to the cultural center (and RATI-GITIS rented a site there due to the overcrowding of its own premises) on Marxistskaya, before dawn, and immediately grabbed the first students who had not slept by the scruff of the neck to prepare a sketch or excerpt with them. And he would leave rehearsals, sometimes at one in the morning, using whatever he could to get to Konkovo, where I lived then. I can't say I LIVED it. I just WAS THERE. And sometimes, returning to work at the bank (where I continued to work for some time) - I was completely DIFFERENT. And it was very noticeable. And this caused aggression among many.
I was there. Four years. I described my adventures a little in the book. If you want, fill in your details in the form on the right (below the cover photo with the inscription “Confession of a person from the outside”) and you will receive it. This is an autobiographical story. Nothing was made up there, and almost nothing was cut out. There are quotes, conversations and comments from masters, actors, guys from GITIS - my classmates. There are the most dramatic moments and “debriefings”. There is truth and justice. And there is injustice too. I wrote this book and posted it - so that you, dear applicants who are still applicants, understand HOW this can be for you. And HOW it will be (probably). And how this could end next. Well, then...
Another reality will come. As usual, they will forget to prepare you for it. But even if they do prepare it, so what? Doesn't matter. Reality will grab you by the scruff of the neck and throw you out into the icy wind. There will be no one there except you. The kind, dear walls of the university will end, and the good (or not so good) teachers will go somewhere. Your close associates, friends, all those with whom you slept on the couch, ate with a guitar, shared sketches and props, will scatter, disperse. They'll all go somewhere. And what will happen next? So what is next…
You will be left alone. And with this tough world. How I once stayed with him. And then he went on alone. Or almost alone. What happened next? What happened next?
I won't bore you with such explanations. What happened next was further. I will tell you about this, but a little later. Now is not the time.
Please understand that I am not advocating anything. I'm not trying to dissuade you. Go and may luck smile on you. And may success be with you. But don’t say later that you weren’t warned.
One more thing. I think that serving the theater now (not wandering around hack-houses, and not running around enterprises waiting to snatch at least something) is the toughest thing I know. Because at first it will not bring you anything. And he will experience it. Sometimes there won't be even a piece of bread, as it happened to me. However…
Forget it. Why am I telling you all this? Here you are standing in front of me. So young, beautiful and joyful, and look trustingly into my eyes. And I’m babbling something about my cockroaches. Certainly. No need. Go boldly. And remember. You will need a lot of strength. But the sweeter the luck will become.
Don't think about anything. Just go. And I will pray for all of you. And with God.
Alexander Barinov

Russia has been and remains one of the main centers of high-quality and accessible education for foreign citizens. Over the past 3 years, 15 thousand foreign students have entered Russian universities on a budgetary basis in 659 specialties.
In an interview with RIA Novosti, Lyubov Glebova, the head of the Rossotrudnichestvo department, said that applicants from 198 countries around the world have the opportunity to send electronic applications to study at Russian universities. And many specialties are open to them, from technical to medical.

Every year the number of people wishing to study in Russia increases. For example, in 2015-2016, more than 270 thousand students studied at Russian universities, which is 50 thousand more than in the previous academic year.

Most foreign students come from Central Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

Among foreign citizens, the most popular are the Russian Peoples' Friendship University (RUDN), Moscow State University(MSU), Higher School of Economics (HSE).

We decided to find out what it was like to study at Russian universities, and asked HSE student, citizen of Kyrgyzstan Aisuluu Dzhamangulova, about it.

Is it difficult to enter a Russian university?

In fact, a lot depends on the preparation of the applicant himself and the chosen university. For some it is not difficult to get into Harvard, but for some it is difficult to get into universities in their countries. We can definitely say that you need to have good preparation and know the purpose for which you are studying. If we talk directly about admission to the Higher School of Economics under the quota of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, citizens of the CIS pass a simplified version of the competition. We don’t write exams, we don’t take tests like for example Russian students, just collect Required documents and prove at the interview that you have potential, and you know exactly why you need this education.

Do you like how it's designed? educational process at HSE?

In fact, I didn’t expect it to be so difficult and so interesting (smiles). The teachers, the program, and the teaching methods are wonderful. Well, like all students, I can only complain that the workload is very heavy (smiles).

Photo from the personal archive of Aisulu Dzhamangulova.

Are there many students from Central Asia?

Yes, there are a lot of students from Central Asia. They say that it has become especially numerous in recent years, apparently this is the result of certain integration processes.

What advice can you give to applicants who want to enter Russian universities?

The potential of Russian universities cannot be underestimated and at the same time overestimated. Don't be afraid and try. You definitely need to prepare and have a good academic record; for admission, grades obtained in previous educational institutions are considered. Well, and most importantly, I emphasize once again, you need to know why you need this, whether studying at this university will help you realize your plans, whether you are ready to live in Russia for this, away from your family. IN modern world There are a lot of opportunities that open up for active and smart young people. In order not to miss these opportunities, you need to know what you want from life.

If you have asked yourself the question: “How and which Russian universities to enroll in?”, We advise you to read our material.

Many high school students, long before finishing the eleventh grade, think about budgeting. At Moscow State University - because it is so far the only domestic university that is truly ranked among the world's best higher education institutions. There are, of course, MEPhI, MIPT, ITMO and several other equally serious universities, but Moscow State University is much higher in all ratings. And on the budget because not all parents can afford paid education, one might say, even rarely anyone. Competitions for entry into the country's main university are, of course, huge and for almost all faculties. However, if you start preparing on time, then you may well think about how to enter Moscow State University on a budget. Nothing is impossible for a persistent person.

Ways to prepare

First of all, you need to calculate in advance all the paths leading to a university education. Not everyone knows how to enter Moscow State University on a budget if you live in another region and study in a regular secondary school. secondary school. Even those who study at this school best of all have very little chance unless they take care of a high Unified State Exam score and numerous victories at various Olympiads. Especially good All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren, its winners always excel in entrance exams. Moreover, both the winners of this list (even the number of participants in which it is an honor to be included) and the prize-winners have the right to join the number of students of the main

This is the answer to the question of how to enter Moscow State University on a budget. Activity is the main thing for this dream to come true. And this work needs to start early. And if you managed to get into the national team and take part in the international Olympiad in any of the general education subjects, entering Moscow State University on a budget is realistic and very honorable, as they will receive an honored guest. But first you need to collect all the victories at the regional Olympiads, which will require exceptional determination. By the way, winning at the regional level also gives some advantages - in the subject, the knowledge of which is supported by it, the highest exam score is given in the entrance examinations. All that remains is to pass the remaining exams in order to score the necessary (and very high) points.

If there are no privileges

Gifted schoolchildren are always supported for their desire for knowledge and talent. But evidence is needed that all these qualities are present in the applicant. And it’s very difficult to prove anything during the admission process itself, there’s a very big competition, and C-grade students usually don’t even think about whether it’s realistic to enroll at Moscow State University on a budget.

All the best young minds flock here. But it’s possible to enroll at Moscow State University on a budget! The Olympics are not the only way, far from the only one. Therefore, advice to every student, various reasons who has not achieved the listed advantages, you need to believe in yourself and still take up best university country is a federally funded place.

Training courses

In order to confidently submit an application to the admissions committee for the chosen faculty in June, successfully pass all exams and score the required number of points, you need to worry in advance about professional courses at Moscow State University, which were created to help prepare schoolchildren for entrance examinations. The list of those admitted to MSU on a budget is replenished most of all with the names of schoolchildren who graduated from the MSU SSC.

Enrollment occurs after internal exams and based on their results. One of the most effective prerequisites for admission is completion of courses (ninth grades can already begin preparation, but it is also possible from the tenth). Even if the internal exams are not passed well enough to ensure admission, any other university will open its doors to the applicant: the courses provide excellent preparation for studenthood, and the exact and natural sciences are taught there in depth.

If there are not enough points

Many demonstrate very high level knowledge acquired at school, but fail because they are literally one point short of passing. In this case, how to enroll at Moscow State University on a budget? 2017 has already ended for applicants, but in 2018 they will definitely have to try again. And don’t waste this year, but complete the preparatory courses at the university.

Or, in order not to lose a whole year, leave thoughts about it and sign an agreement with Moscow State University and start the first semester on a contract basis. Banks provide loans for this, which are repaid after completion of training, when the graduate begins to earn money. Of course, this is not as good as entering Moscow State University on a budget. Reviews say, however, that many people follow this path.


And more about the Olympics. There are a lot of specialties and areas at Moscow State University, which are also very interesting, where training is carried out only on a contract basis, and budget places are not provided at all. And even under a contract, there are so many people who want to come here that the overall competition every year is simply overwhelming. But there are also non-common ways. For example, the preliminary Olympiad that Moscow State University holds every spring, called “Entrant”.

Those who intend to study on a paid basis participate in this Olympiad. Each faculty has information on this matter, where you can also find out all the conditions for participation. Perhaps, after direct communication at the Olympiad, the applicant will no longer be bothered by the question of whether it is difficult to enter Moscow State University on a budget. He will understand that this is incredibly difficult. For example, for the specialty in computer science and applied science there was 425, and for information technology and fundamental computer science - 414. These are very, very high scores.

Admission conditions

Moscow State University is the most prestigious educational institution country, and therefore very few applicants set themselves the goal of entering this university, but even such a few are recruited every year great amount. Any faculty of Moscow State University, any of its specialties require exceptionally high scores on the Unified State Exam. In addition, internal tests are carried out annually with extraordinary tasks that require special knowledge and skills.

And whether it is possible to enter Moscow State University on a budget can only be determined by your own self-confidence. If all the will, all the energy, all the strength is collected and directed towards comprehensive preparation, only then the possibilities become more real. However, starting such preparation a few months before the entrance exams or even a year is too late, since it will not differ too much from the standard one and, of course, will be insufficient. It must be borne in mind that this university gives priority only to the most gifted and well-prepared.

Activity and talent

In order to prove yourself and, perhaps, even be remembered by teachers, you must take part, if not in all, then in as many as possible. more events held by Moscow State University specifically for applicants. It must be said that the university is doing a tremendous amount of work in this regard; talents are not just sought out, they are sort of passed through a fine sieve of all kinds of competitions, competitions, and conferences. And by September, the largest, sweetest raisins are taken out of a huge bag of raisins.

Untalented schoolchildren rarely appear here, and even if they do appear, it is not for long, because they quickly begin to understand whether it is possible to enter Moscow State University on a budget with average abilities. You can, of course, get in with extraordinary luck, but then you won’t even make it to the end of the first semester, because studying here requires extraordinary qualities. It's just difficult to cope with. And therefore the most important question for an applicant it does not begin with “maybe”. “Do I need to go to Moscow State University on a budget?” - this is how it should sound. Because if you make a huge effort, prepare for several years, and then fail to complete your studies, it’s very disappointing.

Events at Moscow State University

First of all, applicants must participate in competitions organized by the university. There are a lot of them at MSU. The most significant of them are the following: Lomonosov, the “Step in Physics” tournament (remote, which is very convenient for residents of places remote from the capital), “Conquer the Sparrow Hills” (Olympiad in various subjects), All-Russian Olympiad in Nanotechnology (online too), International Mendeleev Olympiad (in chemistry), Olympiad for schoolchildren in geology, All-Russian Olympiad in Informatics. And this is not all the events. You need to monitor the MSU website and the faculty that you have chosen to be aware of all offers, terms and conditions.

Schoolchildren with good results, and even more so - prize-winners and winners of such intellectual competitions, have a much greater chance of enrolling at Moscow State University to study on a budget basis. It is this category of applicants that the university will prefer when considering candidates. But without exams, as already mentioned, only the winners are enrolled international olympiads and the All-Russian School. The rest need passing scores as high as possible on the Unified State Examination.

About the competition

The competition at each faculty changes annually, as it depends on the quantity and quality of knowledge of applicants. Passing scores may go up or down a little. Therefore, you need to navigate according to the information that appears on the official website of the university. The deadlines and list of exams for which you need to prepare are also indicated. Depending on the specialization, they also differ in detail.

Additional exams (internal) in a specialized discipline are available only to those applicants who, based on the Unified State Examination results, have scored the minimum passing score (again, the number of points is different for each specialty). Some categories of applicants do not pass internal exams; they are admitted to Moscow State University based on other determining factors. who already have higher education, people with disabilities and disabled people, as well as those entering university after graduating from a foreign secondary school.

How to prepare?

First of all, you need to ensure yourself high scores when taking the Unified State Exam. This will greatly increase your chances of getting into Moscow State University. That is why in the eleventh grade you need to dramatically change almost all your habits, unless they relate to diligence in your studies. Friends, if they are real, will always understand correctly the limitation of communication: after all, this is the desire to fulfill a dream, and determination, and incredible busyness.

IN in social networks It’s better to delete your pages completely. All factors distracting from studying must be eliminated (and still there will not be enough time to study, and that’s right). Only this one at first new life will seem tedious and boring. Motivation is needed here: this Last year before entering best university countries that are precisely those times that determine the rest of our lives. Both the place of study and future career, which I dreamed of.


Tutors can also teach you how to absorb knowledge efficiently. At least two main subjects - mathematics and the Russian language - must be learned thoroughly. You can do this yourself, but it will take more time and effort, because schoolchildren do not yet fully understand what a system is in studying a subject. In any case, you will have to take exams just like this - not at Moscow State University, but at another university, and for a school certificate, system knowledge is a win-win situation.

You can cope without a tutor if you have an exceptionally strong desire, self-discipline and many similar personal qualities. Because you need to use a variety of additional textbooks, reference books, tutorials, collections of special tasks, dictionaries and the like. Of course, it’s difficult to get into Moscow State University. Besides own desire you need to have many possibilities.

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