Home Coated tongue Games to do spinal surgery. Operation games

Games to do spinal surgery. Operation games

Welcome to the world of Doctor Simulator Games and operations in Russian! Today we are playing in the hospital emergency care: we are treating a girl with a sore back and severe curvature of the spine. Here is the complete and improved game “Do surgery urgently! Scoliosis" (Operate Now! Scoliosis Surgery) - with research, preparation and surgery in Russian.

According to the plot of the game, you are the doctor on duty at the hospital, helping the girl Lisa find out the causes of her back pain. Poor posture is visible to the naked eye; this is one of the signs of scoliosis. IN initial stages the disease subsides with physical therapy, But severe forms require only surgical intervention! Schedule tests and get ready to operate!

How to play

Expand the game field to full screen: it’s more convenient and you can see small details better.

  1. At the start of the game, set “Russian” in the language bar to understand the nurse’s advice during surgery.
  2. Follow the instructions, find the x-ray room doors and take a picture of the spinal column.
  3. Based on the X-ray results, prepare the sick girl for surgery; you need to correctly fix her spine and perform the operation with maximum precision.

If you like playing virtual surgery, check out other releases of the realistic doctor simulator.

Little Masha always dreamed of becoming a doctor, or at least a nurse! But the girl is still too young to go to college! She first needs to finish school, as many as eleven grades, and then study for another five or six years to become a good doctor. This made the girl very upset. And our online game creators felt very sorry for her, and so they created it especially for her game about surgerybscoliosis. After all, as it turned out, her help was needed by cyclist Dasha, who was riding her bike in the game and fell. As it turned out, the first lady broke something, and there was no one to help her, because all hospitals are now closed, and traumatologists are on vacation. Therefore, the victim asks for help from you, my Dear friends, well, and especially from Masha, who re-read all the specialized medical books. But she still can’t do it alone, so you simply have to help her and save the life of our athlete in the game!

All I can tell you is, “Doctor, you are needed in the operating room. This patient is counting on you!” After all, it is so. So let's get to the game! First you need to check what the girl is hurting and do an x-ray. He showed that the patient's spine was curved. She is led to three doors. The first is an office with a cardiogram. Second check x-ray. And the third ECG. You need to guess which door she should be sent to first. If you do not guess correctly the first time, then one hundred points are deducted from you. After this, she needs to be given anesthesia. You will see all the devices on the display at the bottom of the screen. With their help, you can accomplish anything! If you do not have time to complete everything on time, then you will again be deducted one hundred points. Then, you need to choose from the accessories what you need: a bottle and a syringe. If you did right choice, then the game - scoliosis surgery operation continues until you make a mistake!

Well, then in the game you need to lubricate the stomach to the chest with a swab moistened with alcohol and mark a strip where you need to cut. Then use your shoulder blades to push back the skin and see the curved and damaged spine and do everything that needs to be done in the game and stitch it up again. That's all! You saved a person's life. And now in two weeks she will be able to go on a new bike ride! This is how great medicine works miracles! The main thing is to do everything correctly and on time, so as not to cause harm! And for this, you should study well and be attentive, as well as remember all the tips and rules! Well, now I can praise you! After all, you did very well with a game about surgeonsbscoliosis! I am sure that all doors to the world of medicine are open for you! So keep playing Online Games and discover many new talents and abilities in yourself! And also cheerfully lift your mood and positive emotions. Enjoy!

If you dream of saving people's lives, then first practice on virtual patients. Operation games are a great trainer for your surgical skills! Operation games for girls are an opportunity to look at your dream profession from the inside. If you want to prove to everyone that not only men can become a good surgeon, then start with the operation game. Having acquired basic skills, you will be able to master the medical school program much easier in the future!

Dreams high

When we hear from someone that he “wants to become a doctor,” we can be sure that this can be perceived as “I want to save people.” And if you really dream about achieving high goal, about serving humanity, then you definitely have a direct path to becoming a surgeon.

Of course, therapists or, say, ophthalmologists are also very necessary. After all, who without these doctors will treat our colds or check our eyesight? But if in the practice of a local therapist only once or twice during a career some out of the ordinary case can happen, then for a surgeon the struggle between the life and death of a patient is routine everyday work.

It is not without reason that prizes and awards in the field of medicine are most often received by surgeons who have worked on incredibly complex and delicate operations. After all, every mistake by a surgeon can be very costly, and success can turn into a real triumph for all medical science. Therefore, before you decide to master this profession, you need to answer yourself the question: is this your place? Are you ready for such responsibility?

From expectations to reality

You can fully feel the importance and severity of this work only when you find yourself in the operating room - preferably in the surgeon's place. But who would let a schoolgirl with a scalpel in her hand operate on a living person?.. However, there is a way out. Operation games are a real chance to get a glimpse, but still look at the life of a surgeon, see the operation through his eyes and feel whether the sight of a sick person gives you more fear or a desire to help, at all costs.

The next step, when the operation games for girls have already been completed, will be for you to go to the anatomical museum. There you can see it live various organs human body, preserved in glass tanks. And if even their appearance does not lead you astray and does not make you run away into the open air in fear, then this will mean only one thing: it’s time for you to attend a real operation - at least as a spectator!

Behind a professional

A trip to a real hospital differs from a game operation in that everything will be serious here. Yes, you won’t be able to influence events in any way (probably for the better for now), and the outcome of the case will in no way depend on you; but you will see everything in the smallest detail and detail.

Because learning from an experienced surgeon is an integral part of educational process future doctor, observation facilities are available in almost every operating room. If we are talking about large-scale abdominal surgery, then they usually offer to watch her from above, through thick glass on the ceiling of the operating room. If you happen to have an eye operation, then for observation you will be given your own optical installation eyepiece - similar to those used by the surgeon and assistant during the operation.

Try it yourself

Only towards the end of training in medical school you will receive the right to participate in the operation - not yet as a surgeon, but only as an assistant. But this position is also important and honorable! In each operation game, you, as a virtual surgeon, will have your own assistant, and you will be able to understand what invaluable help this person provides during the operation.

When it comes to surgical intervention, everything should be done as quickly as possible, and the doctor should be completely focused on his patient. Is it imaginable to get distracted! These are not games for you, surgery is a serious stress for the body, and if you leave the patient to the mercy of fate for even a couple of seconds, everything can end very sadly. The assistant's task is to provide the surgeon with the most comfortable working conditions, in which he will not have to think about anything other than the operation itself. Need scissors? Scalpel? Bandage? All this should be in the hands of the surgeon at the first request - or even a second before he has time to voice it.

...and don't try to repeat it!

I hope there is no need to say that the skills acquired in games need to be carefully preserved until the time when medical school remains a passed stage, and “surgeon” turns from a dream into your profession. Operation games for girls are just games, and successful completion any of them (even several times!) in no way makes you professional doctor. You will need many more years of hard study to earn the right to actually pick up a scalpel.

Therefore, you should not try out the “skills” you just learned on your younger sister, or even on your cat - unfortunately, such failure to comply with safety precautions can have worse consequences than just a scolding from your mother! If you really can’t wait to work not only with the mouse, but also with your hands, use a doll or other old toy as an exhibit - but only if you really don’t mind throwing it in the trash after that.

Have patience, study hard, and one day your dream will definitely come true - you just have to wait. All, even the greatest, surgeons once started small, which means that with due diligence, a wonderful path awaits you. And your task is to walk through it with dignity, without losing kindness and love for your patients.

Bright and exciting operation games will open doors for you to completely new world- world modern medicine. Learn new things and strive for your dreams more and more confidently every day - this is the key to success! During the game, performing an operation is an opportunity that the great doctors of the past were deprived of. But we collect best games so that you have this opportunity. Check out our website - we will keep our collection as complete and fresh as possible!

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Games about surgery will be the beginning of the career of a future doctor

Today there are many games related to the treatment of patients. Today they try to treat everyone and everything. The youngest gamers like to actively participate in the recovery process of their favorite dolls or fairy-tale cartoons, but those who are older prefer “adult” games. A special place among these is occupied by virtual operations simulators. Here you can test your own stamina and determination, endurance and self-control. And the game itself cannot be taken other than seriously and responsibly.

The games are largely aimed at making tomorrow's students understand how realistically they see themselves in the role of a physician. After all, playing Doctor Aibolit in a children's sandbox is one thing, but deciding to pick up a real scalpel with a clamp and start cutting a virtual body, even while being well aware that you are acting for the benefit of the patient, is completely different.

IN real life Not only doctors are faced with operations; in order to monitor everything and respond to the slightest changes in the patient’s condition in a timely, clear and quick manner, you need to have a close-knit team that understands each other not just at a glance, but even at a glance. That is why in the operating room together with the operating doctor there are also operating room nurse, anesthesiologist, cardiologist, and in some cases also several assistants.

Excellent preparation

First of all, you need to know that such simulators are not suitable for the faint of heart. Children should not take part in them either. But for those girls who have decided to devote themselves to medicine, such games will bring invaluable benefits. Here you can get acquainted with many nuances in a playful way future profession in general and operations in particular. At the same time, the most important thing that everyone needs to understand is the fact that the venue for such a procedure can only be the operating room. It is clean, sterile, there is always a lot of tools at hand that may be needed in a given situation and, of course, all the necessary equipment. It should be remembered that any carelessness can be fatal, because nothing is at stake, but human life.

Due to the fact that almost all operation games are in Russian, girls can easily understand where they made a mistake and how this or that action should have been done correctly. A lot of attention is paid here to knowledge of anatomy and biology, but these subjects, and even chemistry, are the most important for those who decide to become a health worker. In a form understandable for girls and boys, you can learn about the structural features of certain organs and skeletons, what the patient’s blood pressure should be during surgery, and even why test results are very important for its successful implementation.

Here the girls get acquainted with the sets necessary tools. Of course, everyone knew about the existence of a scalpel before this, and they also guessed what exactly it was needed for. But with the same clamp, not everything is so simple. Judging by the name, this thing should have clamped something, but during surgical intervention it is with the help of a clamp that the incision is opened slightly to ensure better access to the diseased organ. Other instruments are also used here, the names of which are familiar to many, but not everyone is aware that they are used in medicine.

There are also electrodes and a screwdriver and even a saw and drill, but such a tool has nothing to do with construction, but during an operation it can be very useful. For example, an electrode is used to stop the bleeding at the site of soft tissue dissection, and a specific drill is used to make holes in the bone to attach special plates and, if necessary, fix broken bones in the desired position.

How games work

Online today you can directly participate in an operation to remove appendicitis or help a patient who has a displaced comminuted fracture. You can even join the work of neurosurgeons. In addition, any girl can have general idea and about eye and heart surgery.

The operations games themselves are designed in such a way that you are always led along the right path. And if in order to properly assemble a broken bone, you first need to take an x-ray, then so be it. No one is allowed, even while playing, to expose patients unjustified risk. Even the choice of location for the procedure in games is given Special attention, because they are equipped differently.

I’m just wondering what heights the greatest Russian surgeon N.I. Pirogov, who is the founder of Russian military field surgery, could have reached in his time if he had access to such computer simulators. Once upon a time, it was this man, who lived and worked back in the 18th century, who first used anesthesia on the battlefield and became the author of the first atlas on topographic anatomy.

For those who today decided to devote their future to medicine, games about surgery will be very useful. Being a doctor is a calling, and good doctor- talent, and talents, as you know, need help always and in everything. And it is still unknown what heights those who devote their lives today will be able to achieve tomorrow. free time games about performing operations, learning a lot of valuable and useful information about the work of real doctors.

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