Home Gums Home birth: an unjustified risk or the right fashion? Childbirth at home at home, what to do if it starts? What to do if you gave birth at home.

Home birth: an unjustified risk or the right fashion? Childbirth at home at home, what to do if it starts? What to do if you gave birth at home.

Natalia Kotlar, midwife, psychologist, teacher, has been preparing pregnant couples for soft natural childbirth. Mother of 5 children. She took part in the birth of more than 700 water children: “If you really want to, you can fly to the stars. There would be a desire. So: preparation courses for childbirth (3 months), special gymnastics for pregnant women (taking into account laziness, requiring special attention instructor), swimming in the pool in a group for expectant mothers, psychological preparation for such important event. You want the birth to go as well as possible for you, and most importantly, the baby is born easily and healthy”!?

Anna Titova, midwife. Graduated from Rostov medical University(faculty of higher nursing), is now retraining to become a midwife (she will receive a diploma in June): “Literally the other day I had a first-time mother who is somewhat similar to the heroine of the letter. I was very happy when the guys told me that they wanted to give birth solo. But they didn’t fare well good waters and they called me. Honestly, I don't like it overweight women in childbirth. And it’s not even about playing sports. Just excess weight it is not only outside, but also inside. And sometimes this is an additional obstacle for the baby to pass. Our birth ended successfully, although it took a lot of effort. Good birth you need to earn it: prepare physically, psychologically, spiritually. We eat to live, not the other way around. Gluttony is considered one of the main sins. I myself sometimes eat meat, I love sweets, but in everything you need to know when to stop. The heroine certainly has every chance of giving birth at home, because she was already able to give birth to a baby without intervention.
I wish the woman to change her diet, which will be beneficial not only for her health, but also for all family members.”

Yulia Shelepina, psychologist, natural childbirth specialist, co-founder of the Birth organization, mother of 5 children, four of whom were born at home: “An interesting position... I really want to ask the girl a counter question: why do you need this at all?

In principle, you can give birth at home - before, everyone gave birth without thinking about it. Now there is a choice... It's not a matter of lifestyle or food system and (oh horror!) not even climbing. Home birth is like a conscious necessity when you simply cannot do otherwise. Can't you imagine... If this is so, it will work out. If for the sake of curiosity - I don’t know - is it worth it? It's not bungee jumping or parachute jumping, it's not diving in the Red Sea, it's not for the adrenaline! And this is not a catalog service. This will change your whole life.
In fact, if someone wants to give birth at home, they just does it does not ask for advice or permission. It just does everything. In 15 years of working in this field, I have not delivered births to a single climber, skydiver, etc. (Me included...) All women are simply not very athletic and not focused on the right lifestyle. Except maybe one or two...

Olga Verba is a doctor with 11 years of yoga practice experience. She studied Buddhist and Hindu Vedic scriptures and practices, while always remaining a fan of the Slavic spiritual heritage. Mother of two children born at home. Currently - teacher of perinatal yoga at the Prana Yoga Center » , presenter of the “Maternal Yoga” seminars »

Good afternoon
After reading the letter, I conclude that you are quite a hardy woman - babywearing a 10-kilogram child is no joke :). I myself gave birth to two at home, but I’m not capable of this :), even carrying five kilograms in a sling was not easy for me.
Previous experience of childbirth without an epidural or induction is also a very indicative illustration of your overall health.
Are you really a little jealous of all of the above? Do you want to give birth at home? Really want to?
Who will stop you then :))?
Now let's get serious.
“Actively correct lifestyle » - a very flexible concept, everyone has their own measure in this, you understand it yourself, right?
You are asking if anyone like you gave birth at home and safely. I have many friends who gave birth at home, I know entire communities of such mothers. I see that many of them began to take special care of their health already in connection with pregnancy, and having recovered well and prepared for childbirth, they gave birth safely at home.
A planned or already occurring pregnancy can be an excellent reason to do yoga/swimming/hardening/adjust your diet. This happens to most women who consciously want to give birth at home, without any violence against themselves, quite naturally, even dads are enthusiastically involved in this generally healthy lifestyle.
Although, of course, it’s better to do some kind of “physical exercise” » even before conception.
If you want to give birth at home, then know that this is not nearly as risky and dangerous as it seems at first glance, and at the same time, childbirth in a maternity hospital may not be as safe as it seems at first glance. If you consciously choose, just prepare for them, and then even with myopia you can give birth on your own, without cesarean.
Best regards, Olga Verba.

Veronica Matvienok, instructor for preparation for natural childbirth, Nizhnevartovsk

Children often come to us offering something new. Here we are, living and living, and suddenly he, a guest, an envoy, anyone, will live with us. For a long time. And even with commander potential. And he begins to pull mom somewhere. This is cool! Mommy asks questions, looks for something and makes new discoveries. And daddies suddenly respond to the call. At least repairs are already a tradition in pregnancy. What a pregnancy without renovations in the apartment. Well, for some, general cleaning, from child to child, is also not bad. And someone changes apartments, too, beauty.
Let's prepare for childbirth, effectively live through pregnancy, and for the result - a happy birth of a baby. And everything will be, elastic muscles, a good supple body, relaxation, mood, kindness in the soul. You don’t have to do the splits and you don’t have to do yoga. But doing something is more interesting than doing nothing. You open some doors for yourself, you look, and there are another ones, what’s behind them? You open it again. So until childbirth. You look around, WOW! How much we have walked, how many interesting things we have seen, and what is amazing, in ourselves.
Well, if you want to give birth at home and do nothing out of habit, then what’s the point? You need to work at home and give birth. It's better in the maternity hospital anyway. There they will take responsibility for you, degenerate everything for you, separate it, sew it up if necessary, control it and tell you when you can go.
By the way, before maternity hospitals, everyone gave birth at home, and no one did yoga, and, strangely, it worked for almost everyone.

Maria Malyarskaya, home midwife

Great. Today, home birth has truly become an attribute of the “natural lifestyle” » , i.e. mom does yoga, eats non-genetically modified products from an eco-village, wraps herself in two children whom she breastfeeds until school, dives into an ice hole while pregnant, and naturally she cannot afford to lower the bar, betray the idea and give birth in any way other than in nature without any help.

It's harder for these women because they don't have the support of the straight community because they're hanging out with... traditional medicine, because they are influenced by the opinions of their husband, mother and friends, because they don’t know anything and they’re scared. And if, despite all this, they still decide to give birth to their child themselves, they do it very responsibly, prepare for independent childbirth, go to courses, learn to give birth, read books, change their worldview. And someone succeeds. Someone joins the first group. And some remain in the usual circle for now. The main thing is that during childbirth the woman finds herself in a place where she feels calmer and more reliable. Nothing else matters.
There is always the possibility of another pregnancy and another little person who will teach the mother something, and she can change her ideas and lifestyle.

If you take courses and learn how to give birth, then your myopia will not hurt, especially since you have already given birth to one in much more extreme conditions.

Marina Erko, mother of three children, perinatal psychologist, aspiring home midwife, Kyiv

Head of the Center "World of Harmony". Supporter of a natural approach to life. Initiated into Zhiva, clairsentient. Slavic name of Mirodar.

In fact, there are plenty of women who live just like you and still give birth at home.
Any organism, even one living far from harmonious conditions, knows how to find the optimal balance of internal components for childbirth. And if something is missing, it signals problems to its owner - physical or emotional, and sometimes external. Just so that she prepares what exactly she and her sources lack for a successful birth. The place of birth is not even of fundamental importance here.
So if you are attentive to yourself and are sure that the body does not want to behave differently now - you give it everything it asks for, then there is nothing to worry about) Moreover, the first experience of childbirth confirmed this to you.

All the best to you!

Marina Semakova, midwife, osteopath, psychologist

First of all, you need to understand yourself, and for this I recommend that a pregnant couple answer the questions: where will I give birth - maternity hospital or at home (this is the space in which this event will happen), how I give birth (it is now very fashionable to discuss water, land, vertical, etc. births), and with whom I give birth, I mean a specialist (midwife, chief physician etc.) and even the most main question: why at home or maternity hospital, in water or on land and why with this specialist. By answering these questions, you will first of all be able to determine for yourself whether childbirth is for you, how you understand this event, is it a purely medical act or something more, and if more, then what do you expect from childbirth.
And one more thought - no matter where you give birth, you will give birth everywhere, no one will give birth for you (I don’t take into account caesarean section). And in order for the birth to be successful, a pregnant woman must be ready on three sides: her physical body, her psyche and her knowledge about childbirth. Childbirth can probably be compared to the performance of an athlete at the Olympics, he can talk a lot about, for example, his high jump, but does not prepare his physical body, or vice versa, he pays too much attention to the physical body, but at the same time he is terribly afraid of performing or not knows the theory of jumping (for example), then of course this athlete’s performance at the Olympics will not be successful. This is roughly how childbirth is.

Giving birth at home is not the best decision a pregnant woman can make. In this case, there is a very high risk of severe, unpleasant and even fatal consequences. It is especially not recommended to carry out independent childbirth for those in risk groups, these are:

Women aged 25 years and older;

Primipara women;

Women who have undergone a caesarean section.

First steps during rapid labor

But what to do if labor begins quickly and it is not possible to get there? Firstly, you need to calm down and not give in to panic. Moreover, this should be done not only by the woman in labor, but also by the one (especially the one) who is next to her. Now rationally approach the assessment of the time available and only then take any measures.

Time estimate - will we make it or not?

In most cases, pregnant women tend to panic and tell others that the process has begun and the baby will soon be born. However, this is not always the case. At this point, it is very important to understand at what stage the birth process is.

1. Contractions.

If a pregnant woman feels a contraction of the uterus after a certain, uniform interval of time, which is at least 3 minutes, then these are contractions. Then you have about two more hours left. Your actions in this case should be to get to maternity hospital. Of course, each case is individual, and if you really understand that you will not have time to get there during this time, then it is better not to take risks, but to use the time of contractions to prepare for the birth at home. It is better to do this at home than in a car.

2. Pushing.

A pregnant woman feels an unbearable desire to go to the toilet “in a big way”; uterine contractions occur every 1-2 minutes. This process is called pushing, with it you have practically no spare time and it’s time to give birth.

Unfortunately, there are situations when a pregnant woman has to give birth on her own, without anyone’s help. And this is despite the fact that late-term pregnant women are categorically not recommended to remain alone for a long time. Independent childbirth is an unpleasant situation, but not fatal. The main thing is to adhere to a certain plan of action and have at least some information about the house.

Actions to be taken by a woman in labor

First, prepare everything that you might theoretically need during the birth process. Boiled warm water, disinfection solution - alcohol, cologne, iodine, clean sheets (rags, T-shirts), a rubber bulb for sucking mucus from the mouth and nose of a newborn, sharp scissors or a knife (if time permits, dip the device in the disinfectant solution for a few minutes ).

Secondly, find a place where you will be as comfortable as possible. Place the necessary things at hand. Remove clothes completely or just bottom part, whatever is more convenient for you. If possible, place a mirror in front of your lower body. This will make it easier for you to have an independent birth at home. Home births must be constantly monitored.

Third, accept what is comfortable correct position body: ideally half-sitting or lying down. You need to put something hard under your back so that you can rest. Bend your legs at the knees.

Fourth, try to be as nervous as possible and focus on Start pushing.

In the antenatal clinic, all expectant mothers are told and shown. Most often, during the birth process, this information disappears from the mother’s head, and then midwives come to the rescue. In our case, you give birth on your own, without anyone’s help, there is no one to tell you what and how, so remember everything that is necessary as soon as possible.

The right approach to pushing

So, while pushing, the woman in labor should press her chin to her chest, bend her knees as much as possible and hold them with both hands. Take a deep breath and hold your breath; during these actions you need to push, that is, direct pushing actions towards the perineum. Then exhale smoothly and take a deep breath again and push. During one contraction, a woman in labor must push at least three times.

So, we continue the birth at home without assistants. As soon as the woman in labor feels that the baby's head has come out birth canal, she needs to place her hands under the buttocks and thus hold the newborn’s head. We continue to push the baby out, all that remains is for the hangers to go through, and the body and legs will pop out instantly. That's it, the baby was born. But we carry on birth process.

What to do after the baby arrives

The new mother should carefully, slowly, place the baby on her stomach or, if the length of the umbilical cord allows, on her chest. Next, clear the baby’s nose and mouth of mucus so that he can take his first breath. Wipe the child's face with a damp, clean cloth. The woman in labor needs to remember that she also needs to give birth to the “baby’s home” - the placenta. Then proceed to cutting the umbilical cord.

How to properly trim and process the umbilical cord

After the baby is born, it is very important to properly cut the umbilical cord that connects him to his mother throughout pregnancy. This process is much easier than giving birth independently at home. . It is enough to have information. So, it is necessary to tie the umbilical cord 10-12 centimeters from the newborn’s navel with threads soaked in water. After 10 centimeters, tie it again. Using sharp scissors, cut the umbilical cord and treat it with iodine, alcohol or, as a last resort, brilliant green. Do

Afterwards you need to wrap yourself in warm, clean clothes. The woman in labor should hold the baby to her chest and remain in this position until the ambulance arrives, which will take mother and baby to the hospital for a detailed assessment of the health of both.

The actions during a home birth with an assistant are practically no different from those performed during the process. independent childbirth. Only the position of the woman in labor is simplified, since the process is controlled by another person who will help perform certain actions, including providing the first care for the baby.

Practice shows that childbirth can be carried out at home. The reviews are very varied: some advise trying to avoid this, others, on the contrary, recommend it. In theory, everything usually goes without complications, but in reality a number of troubles can arise.

In order not to find yourself in a situation where you have to give birth at home, do not forget to immediately contact the ambulance!

If a woman does not have time to get to the maternity hospital, and the baby is about to be born, she needs to deliver the baby herself. What needs to be done and how to help the baby be born?

It may happen that labor is in full swing, and the baby will be born in the near future, but you don’t have time to get to the maternity hospital. In this case, the main thing is not to panic and gather strength.

To rush or not?

First you need to determine what stage of labor you are at. If the uterus periodically tenses and then relaxes and this happens at regular intervals, then these are contractions. If the maternity hospital is 2-3 hours away, you need to go urgently. There is a chance that you will have time to get to a medical facility before the end of labor.

If you feel that the uterus is contracting after 1-2 minutes and at the same time there are sensations as if you really want to go to the toilet “in a big way,” then this is pushing. Then it’s better to stay where you are and not try to get to the maternity hospital in time.

First actions

On the road
You need to decide whether someone can help you. For example, if you are traveling on a train, bus, etc., immediately notify the driver or conductor that you are giving birth. Ask those around you if there is a doctor among them, and if not, then ask one of the passengers to help you.

At home
If you are at home alone, try to find a helper among your neighbors. And, of course, call 03 and call for an ambulance. When receiving a call, the dispatcher or ambulance doctor will be able to advise you over the phone until the doctors arrive. You can also call the maternity hospital (the telephone number of the maternity hospital is sometimes indicated on the exchange card). Its employees will be able to tell you what and how to do. If there is no helper, the main thing is not to panic, concentrate, since only you can help the baby be born.

Preparing everything you need

During the birth process you may need the following things:

  • iodine or any other disinfectant solution (brilliant green, potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, vodka, cologne);
  • clean diapers, sheets or shirts, T-shirts, any cotton fabric;
  • threads, a piece of bandage or strips of clean cloth;
  • scissors or knife, blade;
  • pure water(ideally boiled);
  • rubber bulb or any thin elastic tube.

If possible, the knife and threads should be boiled or immersed in an alcohol solution.

Actions during childbirth with an assistant: what to do for a woman in labor

  1. Remove all clothing below the waist.
  2. Take a half-sitting position, leaning your back against something hard, or lying down.
  3. Try to relax and focus on the birth process.
  4. When you start pushing, you need to take a deep breath, hold your breath, press your chin to your chest and push hard, directing the force to the perineum. Then you need to exhale smoothly, take a deep breath again and continue pushing. During one contraction you should push 3 times.

Actions during childbirth with an assistant: what to do for an assistant

  1. Wash your hands with soap and then wipe with alcohol, iodine or other disinfectant solution.
  2. Place a clean sheet or diaper under the woman in labor.
  3. Treat the external genitalia, perineum and inner thighs of the woman with a disinfectant solution (this should be done from the perineum to the thighs), after moistening a piece of cotton wool or bandage in it.
  4. Place your hand on the perineum as soon as the head begins to appear and move its tissue away from the fetal head (this will help avoid ruptures).
  5. Manage the laboring woman's efforts: as soon as the baby's head is half born, the woman should be asked not to push, but to breathe frequently and shallowly, inhaling air through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.

After full birth fetal head

  1. After complete birth of the fetal head, ask the woman in labor to start pushing again, placing left hand from below under the baby's head.
  2. After the fetal head turns to face the woman’s right or left thigh, you need to slightly lift it up - this will give the opportunity for the lower shoulder to be born, and then carefully move it down - the upper shoulder will appear, and then the entire fetus.
  3. The newborn should be positioned below the woman's perineum - on the floor if the woman in labor is lying there, or on a stool if she is positioned on an armchair or sofa.
  4. Use a rubber bulb or tube to suck out mucus and amniotic fluid from the baby's nose and mouth.

Umbilical cord treatment and first care of a newborn

  1. Tie the umbilical cord of a newborn with threads or a bandage in two places - 10 cm above the navel and stepping back another 10 cm from the first knot. Then cut the umbilical cord with scissors or a knife, lubricate the cut with iodine, alcohol or vodka and make a bandage from the bandage.
  2. Wipe the baby's skin to remove amniotic fluid and lubricant using a diaper or any clean cloth, and then wrap the newborn in a clean diaper or sheet.
  3. Place the newborn on the mother's chest.

How to help a woman in labor come out of labor

  1. Ask the woman to push after separation of the placenta (signs of separation of the placenta are bleeding and lengthening of the umbilical cord) and gently pull the umbilical cord to remove it.
  2. Place the afterbirth in plastic bag or wrap in a clean cloth.
  3. Place an ice pack and a bottle of water on the woman's lower abdomen. cold water or any package from the freezer, wrapped in a clean cloth.
  4. Wash or wipe the woman’s perineum with a clean cloth, and if there are tears, treat them with iodine or another disinfectant solution, then cover the woman in labor with a sheet or blanket.

Actions during childbirth without an assistant

Until the fetal head is fully born

  1. Find a comfortable place and remove clothing from your lower body.
  2. Sit in a half-sitting position, leaning your back against something hard if possible, and bend your knees.
  3. Place something clean under yourself and, for ease of monitoring the birth of the baby, place a mirror in front of the perineum.
  4. You need to push as described above.
  5. As soon as the baby's head is born, you need to place your hands underneath the buttocks and support it.

After complete birth of the fetus

  1. After the baby is born, it is necessary to gradually, slowly pull it along the pubis and place it on your stomach.
  2. Wipe your newborn's nose and mouth with a clean cloth.
  3. Attach the baby to the breast.
  4. When a contraction occurs, push hard so that the placenta is born.
  5. Tie and cut the umbilical cord as described above.
  6. Wrap the child in something warm, and if there is nothing, then place him on your chest and cover him with your clothes.

After childbirth - to the maternity hospital

After the end of labor, the woman and the newborn must be taken to the maternity hospital as soon as possible. An obstetrician-gynecologist will examine the birth canal and, if any ruptures are detected, will close them. And the pediatrician will examine the newborn and properly treat the umbilical cord. After these procedures, mother and baby will be transferred to the postpartum ward and will be monitored for several days.

It is permissible to give birth outside a maternity hospital only if there is no way to get to it
no possibility. It is strongly discouraged to deliberately give birth at home.
Only in the maternity hospital will both the woman and the baby be provided with qualified medical care.
assistance and all measures were taken to avoid serious complications.

Photos used in this material belong to shutterstock.com

Home birth: features, preparation for childbirth, safety. Pregnancy is a difficult time for a woman, associated with both physical and moral problems. The expectant mother is overcome by all sorts of doubts, including the question - where to deliver the pregnancy? Which one to choose medical institution so that the birth is guaranteed to end safely.

IN last years More and more women are coming to the conclusion that staying in the maternity hospital will be a difficult ordeal for them. That is why they choose home birth – a technique with a thousand-year history.

Indeed, women gave birth to children a thousand and ten thousand years ago. In those days there were simply no hospitals, and women in labor were delivered at home. The process was sometimes controlled by midwives, but this was not always the case. Of course, the lack of proper hygiene and the general savagery of the population often led to sad consequences. Nowadays, everything has changed and childbirth at home is a fairly safe process, of course, provided that all instructions and recommendations are followed.

The advantage of giving birth at home is obvious - the woman is in familiar, comfortable conditions. Calmness, confidence, the feeling that “even the walls help” are very important for pregnant women. Pregnancy requires a woman to exert both moral and physical strength- of course, it will be much easier for the woman in labor if she is in a familiar environment.

However, despite the obvious advantage of giving birth at home, the risks are enormous and can lead to a catastrophic outcome. This must be taken into account. Before deciding to have a home birth, spouses need to carefully understand the issue and take into account all the details.

Preparing for home birth

Why did the fashion for home birth arise?

The popularity of home births is associated with a global trend of growing mistrust in medical intervention as such. The process of relieving a burden is natural for female body, and several thousand years ago it took place in natural conditions. Many women want to return to this naturalness and believe that medical intervention will only harm the body of the mother and the baby. The relative “advantages” of home birth include the following circumstances:

  • Only close people gather around a woman, those whom she wants to see at this moment;
  • the woman in labor, being the mistress of the house, in a psychological sense is also the mistress of the situation; it seems to her that she is in control of her body;
  • not used during childbirth medical supplies and techniques: anesthetic, forceps, stimulation and episiotomy;
  • choosing a position for childbirth on an intuitive level;
  • using the “water birth” technique (by the way, it is the most popular for home births;
  • absence of foreign influence on the uterus, artificial contraction;
  • favorable psycho-emotional background;
  • the mother immediately sees the baby and makes contact with him;
  • isolation from the hospital environment, in which microflora may well be present, causing allergies, infections in mother and child;
  • absence psychological pressure, requirements for vaccinations for the newborn;

It is these factors that become decisive for expectant mothers in terms of abandoning hospital births. Of course, they need to understand that, relying on the strength of their own body and the help of Mother Nature, they are taking serious risks. To minimize risks, serious prenatal preparation is necessary.

Celebrities who gave birth at home

Women from show business, cinema, and television are increasingly choosing home births. In the US, it has become a celebrity craze. The popularity of the technique is growing due to the fact that “stars” talk about their experience in the press, on TV, in in social networks. Giving birth to a child in your own apartment or house seems to women a very pleasant and successful outcome of pregnancy. Moreover, the experience of celebrities in most cases is positive.

Film stars M. Streep, D. Connelly, P. Anderson, D. Moore, top models S. Crawford, M. Bialik, J. Bundchen and other famous and successful women gave birth at home. At the same time, both mothers and children are completely healthy.

Among Russian celebrities the technique is not so common. Domestic “stars” prefer to give birth in conditions medical clinic in Europe or the USA.

One example of home birth is the singer Masha Makarova, who performed in the group “Masha and the Bears” in the 90s. Now Masha - mother of many children. Singers Sasha Zvereva and E. Selikhova gave birth at home. The ladies speak only positively about the experience.

In 2005, M. Makarova, while in her home in the Moscow region, gave birth to twin girls. In 2010, she gave birth to a healthy son in the same way. Sasha Zvereva, with the support of her family, gave birth in a bathtub filled with water, filming the birth process on video. The birth was successful. Elena Selikhova gave birth with the help of her husband, who took special obstetric courses in advance and learned how to give birth at home.

Note! In the West, home births have been legitimized, that is, in the process mandatory An experienced obstetrician-gynecologist takes part. In our country, home births are not provided for by law. Accordingly, all responsibility for this procedure and its outcome falls on the parents.

Preparing for home birth

The second step is selecting a school that trains parents who decide to go through the birth process at home. More and more such schools appear every year. During the classes, a man and a woman will have the opportunity to strengthen (or, on the contrary, become disappointed) in their decision. The couple will meet experienced obstetricians and receive a visual understanding of the birth procedure.

Note! The medical institution must be notified about a woman giving birth at home; the maternity hospital that will accept the woman when a complication occurs should be chosen in advance. Another the most important moment- transport. A car ready to take a woman in labor to the hospital should be on duty at the entrance.

What is needed for a home birth?

Strong contractions can come suddenly, so parents need to prepare for them in advance. Here's what you'll need for a home birth:

  • Bath or pool for childbirth. If a regular bath is used, it must be washed thoroughly using neutral disinfectants. You can use an inflatable pool: to avoid unforeseen situations, keep the pump and hose at hand.
  • Large oilcloth.
  • Diapers, clean sheets.
  • Enema.
  • A container made of clay or crystal: the placenta will be sent into it.
  • Small rubber bulb: with the help of this device it is necessary to free the baby’s mouth and nose from mucus.
  • An ice-filled heating pad that can be used to stimulate uterine contractions. The heating pad should be kept in the freezer compartment of the refrigerator.
  • Strong scissors (the obstetrician will use them to cut the umbilical cord).
  • Silk thread.
  • Hydrogen peroxide for leather treatment.
  • A bucket of cold water, which may be needed to resuscitate the baby.
  • Ice cubes of antiseptic decoctions. Decoctions are made from nettle, chamomile, calendula and water pepper, then frozen in the refrigerator. After the placenta is removed from the vagina, bleeding may occur - in this case, cubes are used.
  • If the woman in labor has lost a lot of blood and strength, decoctions of galangal root, nettle or water pepper are used. A woman should take the decoction orally. Also, to restore strength, you need a rosehip decoction.
  • For washing after childbirth, decoctions of chamomile, oak bark and yarrow are used.

How to physically prepare the body for childbirth at home?

Childbirth is huge exercise stress on the body. Naturally, it is necessary to prepare for this event in advance. In order for a woman to be confident during labor, she needs to use her prenatal time effectively. It is highly desirable that the expectant mother and fetus approach the birth stronger.

There are several complexes for this physical exercise, conventionally called “fitness for pregnant women”. It is very important that the exercises are not local, but permanent, daily. This means that a woman needs to exercise at least three times a week. Pilates and fitball are considered the optimal fitness complexes for pregnant women. The aqua variety of Pilates will also be extremely useful.

Pilates has the following beneficial qualities:

  • teaching chest breathing to help with contractions;
  • getting rid of inflammatory processes in the legs and arms associated with congestion of muscles and joints;
  • restorative and relaxing effects;
  • beneficial effect on hip area, which bears the main load when labor activity;
  • strengthening effect on the spine.

Aqua Pilates is a unique set of exercises that combines the benefits of Pilates and water procedures. By engaging in this type of fitness, a woman in labor will achieve many benefits:

  • relaxation of the muscle frame, getting rid of excess tension;
  • increased blood flow in the uterine area and overall improvement circulatory system body;
  • unlike outdoor fitness, in water a woman is in a more comfortable environment, which allows her to avoid overheating;
  • water eliminates fatigue, relieves stress and depressive states, leads to internal balance;
  • Aqua Pilates also includes training in diving and holding your breath, which is extremely important during childbirth;
  • The exercises used in aqua Pilates are aimed, among other things, at giving the fetus the correct position in the uterus, which will facilitate its exit.

Note! Women with a pregnancy period of at least 12 weeks of varying levels of physical fitness are allowed to take Aqua Pilates classes.

Unlike aqua Pilates, fitball is suitable for all expectant mothers, regardless of the stage of pregnancy. The level of physical fitness does not play any role. A fitball is a large diameter ball made of durable material. The fitball is unstable and it is quite difficult to maintain balance on it, which allows you to:

  • increase coordination;
  • stimulate muscles, effectively distributing the load across the entire muscle frame;
  • improve metabolism in the body;
  • increase blood flow, blood circulation;
  • intensify metabolic processes in the body, removal of toxins;
  • training of vertical positions.

In addition, fitball - excellent remedy changes in the position of the fetus in the uterus. If the child is positioned poorly, practicing on a large ball will help him find a comfortable position.

Note! The fitball should be selected taking into account the height of the pregnant woman. You cannot inflate the fitball “all the way” - it must sag under the weight of the body.

Features of psychological preparation for childbirth

In psychological preparation, proper morale and attention from family and friends are key. It should be borne in mind that psychology when preparing for childbirth at home is no less important than physical training. How strong a woman’s psyche is, the more successful the resolution of the burden will be. It is extremely important that the mother in labor feels confident, calm and relaxed. Relatives should also prepare, because nervous people nearby will disturb the pregnant woman.

Important point! Future mothers and fathers need to model the process in advance and understand what will happen during childbirth. You need to find out in advance what unforeseen situations and complications may occur that can frighten future parents. Training videos, specialized courses, conversations with professionals - gynecologists, obstetricians, and doctors will help with this.

Self-hypnosis is very useful in psychological preparation. The more often a woman repeats to herself “the birth will be wonderful”, “everything will be fine”, “my body will cope, you need to trust nature”, “me and the baby are completely safe”, “my child is completely fine”, “I am completely healthy” and I’m ready for a home birth,” “everything will go well,” “my baby will be born in his own home, not in a hospital.”

All these phrases, despite their outward insignificance, will put a woman in the right mood and relieve her of anxiety.

Note! Great way overcome psychological uncertainty and decide to give birth at home - communicate with couples who have already gone through this process. Like-minded people will talk about all the pitfalls, share their feelings, pros and cons. Communication with a woman who gave birth at home will help you tune in to the upcoming event.

The correct attitude of relatives is also very important. Support from loved ones is the most important thing for any person. Relatives must understand that home birth is your choice. Obstructing the chosen technique can only cause harm. Closest relatives who plan to take part in a home birth should undergo special training.

Features of choosing a doula (midwife for childbirth)

Women who decide to give birth at home need to select a doula in advance - this is the common name for a professional midwife whose responsibilities include supervision and guidance. When there is a person nearby with extensive experience in childbirth, this has a beneficial effect on psychological condition women in labor.

Choosing a doula is a rather complicated matter, in which several factors need to be taken into account:

  • mandatory presence of specialized education, confirmed by documents: diplomas, licenses, certificates;
  • a woman must have not only the experience of a midwife-doula, but also her own experience of giving birth to a child at home;
  • a competent midwife will encourage a pregnant woman to attend without fail antenatal clinic, will focus on medical tests, will study the medical record, finding out general state women's health;
  • a good doula will definitely tell you to the expectant mother about probable risks;
  • With the participation of the pregnant woman and her husband, the midwife will draw up a detailed birth plan, answering questions that future parents may have with great interest.

Note! The main criterion for choosing a midwife-doula is trust. It is very important that the woman completely trusts the maternity assistant. Trust is the key to success and a way to avoid trouble.

Midwives are trained in specialized centers. You can also find a doula at courses for expectant mothers, or using the advice of friends. There is no need to rush in this matter: you need to look through as many applicants as possible, getting to know them, talking with them, and finding common ground.

What is a home birth like?

Any birth, at home or under the roof of a medical institution, begins the moment a woman feels the first contractions. At this point, you need to do an enema and inform the midwife by phone that the process has begun. At first, contractions are quite tolerable - they allow you to calmly prepare for childbirth.

The doula, having received the signal, must quickly come to her ward’s house. The woman in labor tells the midwife about the dynamics of contractions, first of all, about their dynamism and strength. During strong contractions, a woman should take the optimal position - the one in which the contractions are least sensitive. This can be a sitting, standing, lying position. It is likely that a woman in labor will feel better while taking a bath or moving around the house at a leisurely pace. During contractions, you can moan, but without turning to screaming.

If the duration of contractions is atypical, the midwife may offer pharmacological or homeopathic remedies. It is very important that the doula monitors the fetal heart rate and keeps the process of cervical dilatation under control.

After contractions, the second stage of labor begins – pushing. The location of this process must be determined in advance - it could be a bed or a bathroom. The midwife carefully monitors the process, and at this time the spouse should massage the shoulders and lumbar region women in labor.

The most important stage of childbirth is the appearance of the baby's head. The baby moves forward with the help of a doula, after the head appears, the entire body of the baby comes out of the vagina in about 7-10 seconds.

It is very good if a born child first finds himself in aquatic environment: this way the transition from one “world” to another is much easier for him. A child caught in the water is pulled out by a doula. Immediately after this, the assistant clears the baby's nose and mouth of mucus and hands it to the mother.

The next stage of labor is the delivery of the placenta. The umbilical cord should not be cut immediately - blood from the connecting tubule must enter the baby's body. The midwife cuts the umbilical cord. After this, the baby is transferred to the care of the father, and the doula helps the woman in labor leave the bath, put on a robe and go into the room with her family.

How to understand that childbirth is going according to a negative scenario?

Everyone who has decided to give birth at home needs to be optimistic, but the occurrence of some problems cannot be completely ruled out. Not a single woman is immune from a negative scenario during childbirth. But when does the moment come when the midwife-doula is powerless and it is necessary to call an ambulance? There are several such cases:

  • Delayed labor: the waters broke more than 10 hours ago, but the baby never came out. The danger of this situation lies in the possible infection of the fetus. In this case, it may well be necessary artificial stimulation uterus, and possibly a caesarean section.
  • A narrow passage in the pelvic area of ​​a woman in labor prevents the baby from quickly exiting. If the child is “stuck,” the midwife will not help: you need to urgently go to a medical facility for a caesarean section.
  • During pushing, the following occurred: a) rupture of the umbilical vein; b) placental abruption; c) rupture of the placenta. All these situations are extremely dangerous for the baby: saving the child is possible only with an emergency blood transfusion within a 15-minute period after the discovery of a complication. Every second counts here. If resuscitation efforts are not initiated within urgently, the child may die or become disabled.
  • The placenta comes out with a delay. The “bag” in which the baby was located may be too tightly attached to the walls of the uterus. In this case, we are talking about saving a woman’s life: emergency surgery is necessary.

Note! Comparative statistics on the mortality of women and infants as a result of home and “medical” births are often published on the Internet. This statistics is dishonest and should not be trusted, because after complications during home births, women are often taken to the hospital in a state where medicine is no longer effective.

Video: The truth about pregnancy and childbirth Isabella Voskresenskaya

Isabella Voskresenskaya talks about home birth. Watch the video! Isabella Voskresenskaya, authors of the project “The main thing is Children. Country Strategy". Many people know her from the film “The Babichie Affair”. So many useful information for those who decide to give birth at home.

Svetlana, 27 years old:

Home birth is like training for an astronaut. If the whole family is not preparing for this event, hoping for a happy occasion, it is better to forget. Nothing good will come of this idea: an unprepared woman in labor, hysteria among relatives... Almost guaranteed complications. I believe that if a woman is not confident in herself, then only the hospital.

Gulchekhra, 25 years old:

It is extremely important that there is complete trust between the spouses, so that they consciously and together make a decision. Also, everyone present should mentally prepare for the fact that the child will appear at home. The human body obeys the laws of nature, and the unexpected can happen. The readiness of relatives and their calmness can save the life of the mother and child.

Alexandra Yakovlevna, 46 years old:

I have extensive experience giving birth to children at home. I am a mother of six children. Everyone is healthy, smart, physically active. There were no complications during childbirth. She gave birth quickly and without problems. I am convinced that you should give birth at home, surrounded by family and friends. As they say, houses and walls help.

Marina, 31 years old:

For me, home birth is a taboo. I don't believe they can go through safely. This complex appeared after my friend lost her child as a result of such a birth. Experts admitted that if the birth had taken place in a hospital, her baby would have been alive. Now my friend has fallen into depression and blames herself for the death of her child. Without the necessary medical equipment, it is impossible to save a baby’s life in case of complications. By the way, the midwife did not suffer the slightest punishment. She only said that the parents were unprepared for a home birth.

Alina, 37 years old:

Throughout my pregnancy I had the mindset of giving birth at home. But then I panicked and ended up going to the maternity hospital. The maternity hospital is special, in which the family is allocated a special ward in which they can create “home comfort”. Of course, such a service costs a lot. The doctor was on duty at the door, but did not go inside. In the end, my husband and a midwife-doula delivered the baby. Everything went amazingly.

Tanzilya, 29 years old:

For me, home birth is something outdated, medieval. I’m afraid to risk two lives at once – the child’s and my own. Of course, someone can say that in the 19th century peasant women gave birth in the field, but we must not forget about the infant mortality rate, which, I specifically inquired about, reached 50%.

Olga, 28 years old:

I noticed that home birth is often chosen by women who did not like giving birth in a hospital environment. I think this needs to be carefully weighed. It is far from certain that the negativity received at the clinic will again fall on the woman in labor. Now there are enough clinics that offer very good, home-like conditions for women in labor.

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