Home Pulpitis Druid zodiac signs by date of birth. Full information by date of birth

Druid zodiac signs by date of birth. Full information by date of birth

Druids were the name given to the priests of the Celtic tribes. These were sages who possessed secret magical knowledge. Great importance their beliefs included trees, plants and animals. The Druids believed that a person, like, for example, a tree, has its own advantages and disadvantages, and character.

Based on this, the Druids created a calendar of trees and flowers by date of birth, by which you can not only find out the future and fate, but also determine your patron.

The principle of the Druid horoscope

The Druid horoscope dates back more than 2000 years. Its main principle is based on the belief in the unity of man and nature. Celtic priests believed that a person born in a certain period of time was protected by his tree, plant, stone or animal. The calendar is based on the movement of the Earth relative to the Sun.

The fate and character of a person, according to their beliefs, depend on the location of the celestial body from the Earth at the moment of birth. Distinctive feature This is because each sign has two validity periods.


According to the Druid calendar, each tree corresponds to the characteristics of the people whose patrons they are. The Celtic horoscope of trees is designed to determine a person’s destiny and strengthen his spirit and body. By communicating with his patron tree, a person will be able to develop positive features character, gain good health and peace of mind.

  • Apple tree (December 23 – January 1; July 25 – July 4). This tree gives optimism, high intelligence, responsiveness and openness. People born during periods of the patronage of the Apple Tree lead an active lifestyle. They are sociable and inquisitive. Disadvantages include excessive naivety and gullibility.
  • Fir (January 2 – January 11; July 5 – July 14). Most often, introverts are born during these periods. They love solitude, peace and quiet. Representatives of this horoscope sign are tactful, polite and show virtually no emotions, especially in public. Despite this, people born under the sign of Fir are very purposeful and patient.
  • Elm (January 12 – January 24; July 15 – July 25). Practical people are born under the Elm sign. calm people who value comfort, stability and consistency. They manage things easily in work and business. As a rule, they quickly achieve financial success.
  • Cypress (January 25 – February 3; July 26 – August 4). These people are distinguished by their slender figure and attractive appearance. Representatives of this sign value family in life. They are sociable and have many creative talents. Well-developed intuition helps people of this horoscope sign to avoid mistakes and choose true friends in life. Their disadvantage lies in their excessive ease of character and pliability.
  • Poplar (February 4 to 8; August 5 to 13). These are mask people. To society they want to appear successful, brave and cheerful. But in fact, deep down they are modest and indecisive. They often need the support of loved ones to achieve their goals. If it is not there, then they may become depressed. Special attention People of the Poplar sign pay a lot of attention to their appearance - they love to experiment with hairstyles, makeup and wardrobe.
  • Kedr (from February 9 to 18; from August 14 to 23). Kind, open and cheerful individuals are born under the sign of Cedar. Their sincerity and gentle character often attract people to them who want to take advantage of their responsiveness and kindness. They value freedom and take their work and goals seriously.
  • Sosna (from February 19 to 29; from August 24 to September 2). Those born under the auspices of this tree are very stubborn and persistent. They clearly know what they want from life and make long-term plans. They like to defend their point of view, argue and protest. It is difficult to lead them astray or persuade them to change their decision.
  • Willow (from 1 to 10 March; from 3 to 12 September). These are people whose decisions often depend on their mood. If they are bored, they go on adventures and invent adventures for themselves. At the same time, Willow endowed them with creative abilities and a rich imagination.
  • Lipa (from 11 to 20 March; from 13 to 22 September). Hardworking, practical people. They do not like to conflict and try to avoid intense emotions. At the same time, they often do not have clear goals in life and principles by which they can make decisions.
  • Hazel (from March 22 to March 31; from September 24 to October 3). Reliable friends, responsible workers and caring spouses. They have little interest in money. Family, love and friendship come first. Secretive character. They say about such people - “on your own mind.”
  • Rowan (from 1 to 10 April; from 4 to 13 October). Active, sociable and emotional personalities. A strong sense of justice helps them defend their interests. Such people achieve success both in their careers and in their personal lives because they clearly understand what they want to get in the end.
  • Maple (April 11 to 20; October 14 to 23). Those born under the sign of Maple are drawn to knowledge from an early age. They are well-read, erudite and smart. However, to achieve success they often lack patience and perseverance. In communication they are pleasant and interesting, but they often forget about their promises.
  • Walnut (from April 21 to 30; from October 24 to November 2). They are leaders by nature. They crave recognition, respect, demand support from loved ones, but, as a rule, they themselves are rarely interested in the problems of others. Very contradictory, moods often change, as do decisions.
  • Jasmine (from May 1 to 14; from November 3 to 11). People of this sign are hardworking, sociable and not afraid of difficulties. However, their nature often depends on the circumstances. When everything is good in life, they are kind and welcoming. If a bad streak comes, representatives of this sign become insidious and evil.
  • Chestnut (from May 15 to 24; from November 12 to 21). Freedom-loving, sociable and self-centered. They love to be the center of attention. Easy-going, they always find a way out of a difficult situation. Often they do not accept generally accepted rules and principles.
  • Ash (from May 25 to June 3; from November 22 to December 1). These are career people. They think logically and practically, weighing the pros and cons. Self-confident, valuing their time and energy. Reliable and responsible in any matter.
  • Hornbeam (from 4 to 13 June; from 2 to 11 December). Strong in spirit and strong-willed individuals. They do not like change, preferring to be content with old foundations, principles and traditions. They value stability, tranquility and...
  • Figs (from June 14 to 23; from December 12 to 20). Freedom-loving and independent individuals belong to this horoscope sign. They have extraordinary thinking, unstable moods and creativity. The support and care of loved ones is important to them. Often give in to temptation.
  • Oak (March 21). It is physically strong and spiritually strong people. They are distinguished by their desire for justice and the desire to live according to their conscience. Simple, open, truth-loving, with a strong sense of responsibility and duty.
  • Birch (June 24). People with pure souls are born under this sign. They are patient, easily make concessions, and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved one. In addition, they have a rich inner world and creative abilities.
  • Oliva (September 23). This tree patronizes cheerful people. It gives them courage, responsiveness and easy character. Women of this sign are often happy in marriage.
  • Buk (from December 21 to 22). People of this sign are accustomed to taking everything from life. They are maximalists, self-confident, and often take risks. Their goals, at the same time, are simple and practical - a roof over their heads, a profitable business, family and children. Book never stops there, constantly dreaming of something more.


The Celtic Druid flower horoscope consists of 30 signs, each of which is the patron of a certain period of the year. Information about your flower calendar sign helps you find out your negative and positive sides character. In addition, your patron plant can be used as a protective amulet.

  • Foxglove (21 to 31 March)– prudent and thrifty natures. They are distinguished by perseverance, activity and desire for independence.
  • Magnolia (from April 1 to April 10)- have pronounced leadership qualities. They are hardworking, value comfort and coziness.
  • Hydrangea (from April 11 to April 20)- These are generous, kind and generous people. But often they lack perseverance and patience to achieve it.
  • Dahlia (21 to 30 April)– have analytical warehouse mind. They do not like criticism and are afraid of being rejected in society. At the same time, they quickly adapt to circumstances and people.
  • Lily of the valley (from May 1 to May 10)- These are modest, sensitive and vulnerable individuals. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies. Demanding both of themselves and of those around them.
  • Purslane (from May 11 to May 21)- changeable natures. They often seek personal gain without caring about the problems of loved ones. Adventurers in life often get into trouble.
  • Chamomile (from May 22 to May 31)– successful businessmen and careerists, always find a way out of a difficult situation. They are confident in themselves and know what they want from life.
  • Bell (from June 1 to June 11) These are conservative people. They honor traditions and moral principles, value family, love and friendship. Reliable and responsible.
  • Daisy (from 12 to 21 June)– individuals who value stability, tranquility and a measured life. They would rather spend time at home in a cozy chair than a noisy party.
  • Tulip (from June 22 to July 1)– these are people who are open to everything new. They are energetic, active and sociable. Whatever they undertake, success is always guaranteed.
  • Waterlily (from July 2 to July 12)– these are people who quickly get used to circumstances. No matter what changes around them, they will always find a place in the Sun.
  • Violet (from July 13 to July 23)– friendly, but unsociable personalities. They trust only close friends. Representatives of this sign are in no hurry to reveal their true essence to other people.
  • Rosehip (from July 24 to August 2)– stubborn, complex people. They rarely compromise and give in in disputes. At the same time, they are very brave and sincere.
  • Sunflower (from August 3 to August 13)– are often born selfish and ambitious individuals. Despite this, they are quite self-critical and know how to work on their shortcomings.
  • Rose (13 to 23 August)– leaders by nature. In difficult situations they rely only on themselves. Deep down they are sensitive and vulnerable.
  • Delphinium (from August 24 to September 2)- love solitude. These are modest and timid people who do not know how to stand up for themselves.
  • Carnation (from September 3 to 11)– hardworking and responsible people. They love to command and lead. They do not tolerate betrayal and lies, and they always tell the truth straight to the face.
  • Astra (from 12 to 22 September)- economical, thrifty and thrifty people. They often occupy leadership positions or strenuously strive for this. They are distinguished by courage and perseverance.
  • Veresk (from September 23 to October 2)– people who spend their whole lives striving for ideals in everything. They appreciate beauty, art, love. They are often very self-critical and have a lot of complexes.
  • Camellia (from October 3 to October 13)– adventurous and courageous people with a light character, perseverance and perseverance.
  • Lilac (from 14 to 23 October)– representatives of this sign remain youthful and energetic for a long time. They are self-confident and are often fickle in love.
  • Freesia (from October 24 to November 2)– hardworking, responsible people who you can rely on in difficult times. In business they are prudent and practical.
  • Orchid (from November 3 to 12)- mysterious and secretive people who know how to achieve their goals.
  • Peony (from November 13 to 22)– confident and purposeful individuals. Very loving, gentle and attentive nature.
  • Gladiolus (from November 23 to December 2)- often have their head in the clouds, dream of the best, but make little effort to achieve their plans.
  • Dandelion (from December 3 to 12)– characterized by a desire for everything new and unknown. They are independent and persistent, but often suffer because of their laziness.
  • Lotus (from 13 to 22 December)– people with a conservative mindset who value stability. They are very organized and neat in their work and affairs.
  • Edelweiss (from December 23 to 31)– think clearly, set clear and realistic goals, are decisive and reliable.
  • Gentian (from January 1 to January 10)- loyal and sensitive people. In society they are often modest and closed, trusting only close people.
  • Thistle (from January 11 to January 20)– value family comfort, friendship and love. Good-natured, generous and open people.
  • Immortelle (from 21 to 31 January)– strong-willed and physically strong people with a tendency towards loneliness and solitude.
  • Mistletoe (from 1 to 10 February)– reckless, cheerful natures, living one day at a time. They don’t make long-term plans, but they like to dream.
  • Belladonna (from 11 to 19 February)– have a good sense of humor, a sharp mind and quick wit. Sociable and able to find mutual language with any person.
  • Mimosa (from February 20 to 29)– capricious and fickle natures. They can be very sensitive and touchy. They do not tolerate criticism.
  • Poppy (from March 1 to March 10) These are people who are diplomats. Any difficult situations and they try to resolve conflicts peacefully.
  • Lily (from March 11 to March 20)– sophisticated and elegant people who attract representatives of the opposite sex.


The horoscope of stones consists of 13 signs, which determine the pronounced character traits of a person born under the auspices of a particular mineral.

  • Rhinestone (from December 24 to January 20)– people of this sign are distinguished by their desire for freedom and independence.
  • Olivine (from January 21 to February 17)– nature has endowed these individuals developed intuition and extraordinary thinking.
  • Coral (from February 18 to March 17)- These are spiritually rich individuals with a deep inner world.
  • Rubin (from March 18 to April 14)– people who are strong in spirit and body. They are driven by great goals and extraordinary ideas.
  • Moonstone (April 15 to May 12)– people born under this horoscope sign are very sensitive, vulnerable, and often have extrasensory abilities.
  • Topaz (from May 13 to June 9)– disciplined and organized individuals. Very punctual and responsible.
  • Almaz (from June 10 to July 7)- These are individuals with a developed sense of duty and responsibility. They value family and love.
  • Red carnelian (from July 8 to August 4)– creative people who do not tolerate lies and betrayal. Very sensitive and capricious.
  • Amethyst (from August 5 to September 1)- wise, creative people with a rich inner world. Good advisors and interesting conversationalists.
  • Emerald (from September 2 to September 29)- beautiful people both in soul and body. They have good taste and are drawn to art.
  • Opal (from September 30 to October 27)– people born during this period of time have strategic thinking, endurance and prudence. Dangerous enemies and true friends.
  • Jasper (from October 28 to November 24)- these are people striving for constant development. They are energetic and purposeful.
  • Lapis lazuli (from November 25 to December 23)- cunning and calculating individuals. They will always find a way out of any difficult situation.


According to pagan beliefs, each of us has our own totem - an animal similar to us in character. Like other Druid calendars, the animal horoscope is divided into periods. There are 13 of them in this calendar.

  • Deer (from December 24 to January 20)– those born under this sign love to travel and learn something new. They are proud and noble.
  • Crane (from January 21 to February 17)- harmonious developed people with many talents and abilities. They can find their calling both in creativity and scientific activity.
  • Seal (from February 18 to March 17)– these people constantly strive for excellence. They want to change the world for the better, they are driven by high goals and utopian dreams.
  • Bear (from March 18 to April 14)– physically strong, strong-willed and self-confident people. They value family and friendship, prefer stability rather than something new, unknown to them.
  • Snake (from April 15 to May 12) These are people who are inventors. They have healing abilities, wisdom and prudence.
  • Bee (from May 13 to June 9)creative personalities, very energetic and inquisitive. They often occupy leadership positions and have authority in society.
  • Otter (from June 10 to July 7)– They are distinguished by their broad outlook and extraordinary thinking. Always positive, they love change and travel.
  • Cat (from July 8 to August 4)– honest, loyal and talented. They do not care about public opinion and other people's unsolicited advice. They go their own way.
  • Salmon (from August 5 to September 1)- insightful and attentive natures. They climb quickly career ladder due to his stubborn nature.
  • Swan (September 2 to 29)– calm, sensitive and good people. Loyal, dedicated and honest.
  • Goose (from September 30 to October 27)– have a sharp mind and a good sense of humor. They often find themselves in creativity and art.
  • Owl (from October 28 to November 24)– emotional and passionate natures. Wise and smart beyond their years. They attract people to themselves, especially representatives of the opposite sex.
  • Raven (from November 25 to December 23)- prudent, practical and sometimes insidious people who look for profit in everything. There is a predisposition to extrasensory perception.

Celtic or Gaulish) is built on the principle of “its own” tree for each person. Therefore, it is not surprising that the Druid calendar that you will use is associated with trees. The priests of the cult of nature divided the year into periods according to their calendar. The signs of the Druids strictly correspond to a certain time period and each was patronized by a certain tree-sign. It is interesting that in the Druid horoscope the signs had two periods of action, corresponding to two annual solstices. It was believed that the tree that was active at the time of man’s appearance in the world had the greatest power. You can get from this plant vitality, communicating with him. The connection between the characters of trees and people is considered just as close. Each plant has certain traits (advantages or disadvantages). These traits are indirectly inherent in people. In addition, everyone requires certain conditions for development, prosperity, and fruiting. It is good to plant a patron tree near the house. And if this is not possible, purchase crafts from its wood.

Druid horoscope table
Determine the name of your tree by date of birth
Name of the sign1 validity period2 validity period
Apple treeDecember 22 - January 1June 25 - July 4
FirJanuary 2 - January 11July 5 - July 14
ElmJanuary 12 - January 24July 15 - July 25
CypressJanuary 25 - February 3July 26 - August 4
PoplarFebruary 4 - February 8August 5 - August 13
KartasFebruary 9 - February 18August 14 - August 23
PineFebruary 19 - February 28/29August 24 - September 2
WillowMarch 1 - March 10September 3 - September 12
LindenMarch 11 - March 20September 13 - September 23
HazelMarch 22 - March 31September 24 - October 3
RowanApril 1 - April 10October 4 - October 13
MapleApril 11 - April 20October 14 - October 23
NutApril 21 - April 30October 24 - November 2
JasmineMay 1 - May 14November 3 - November 11
ChestnutMay 15 - May 24November 12 - November 21
AshMay 25 - June 3November 22 - December 1
HornbeamJune 4 - June 13December 2 - December 11
FigsJune 14 - June 23December 12 - December 21
OakMarch 21 - spring equinox
BirchJune 24 - summer confrontation
OliveSeptember 23 - autumnal equinox
BeechDecember 21/22 - winter confrontation

Description of the signs in the Druid horoscope

Apple tree(23.12 - 01.01 and 25.06 - 04.07)
The apple tree is beautiful, charming and friendly. She emanates vibes of warmth and positivity that charm and attract people to her. People who are patronized by this tree are sensitive and emotional, honest, disinterested and open, therefore they are quite easy to fool, but they cannot be considered naive simpletons. Most likely, these are typical philosophers and dreamers who love life, are happy with what they have, and therefore they do not have the slightest desire to surprise anyone or convince anyone of anything. They are smart, thoughtful, erudite and have excellent logic, which is why among them there are so many people who succeed in scientific activities. Although, it should be noted that culinary experiments attract them no less than scientific theories. Apple tree people are hedonists and love the little joys and pleasures of this world, so they prefer to live for today. They often have a penchant for fantasies and some illusions, but their powerful intellect and logical mind do not allow them to completely escape reality, directing them into the realm of meditation and other spiritual practices. The following were born to the Druids under the sign of the Apple Tree: Rubens, Henry VIII, Rousseau, Georges Sand, M. Nexe.

  • Men:
    Usually they are not tall, but they can boast of an excellent physique and ideal posture. They can hardly be called handsome, but they have plenty of charm. Thanks to their friendliness and sociability, these men rarely go unnoticed by the opposite sex.
  • Women:
    In her early youth, the apple tree girl is very active and emotional; she wants bright impressions and strong emotions, although often this only brings negative experiences. Having become a mature woman, she still strives for big and bright love, but more soberly and judiciously. Apple trees are very charming, and therefore they never lack admirers.
  • Relationship:
    If the apple tree is lucky to meet a person who fully meets its requirements, then their harmonious union and perfect couple One can only envy it in a kind way. Both the woman and the man who are protected by the apple tree are very reliable and faithful in any relationship.

Fir(02.01 - 11.01 and 05.07 - 14.07)
Fir is capricious, so it is not always easy to communicate with it, much less live under the same roof. Fir people are not afraid of isolation and loneliness, and in big company they often feel uncomfortable, preferring to isolate themselves and retire away from noise and traffic. They often feel lonely, even if they have a lot of friends. In the Druid horoscope, Fir is a noble tree, so you can rely on these people without hesitation. In any situation, they maintain presence of mind, hope, and faith. These people are very intelligent, have analytical skills and love research work. They are proud, ambitious and stubborn, which is especially evident in the way they move towards their goals. These are very integrated individuals who know how to work hard and hard, as a result of which they can easily make an amazing career. These people are also somewhat intractable, and they are quite difficult to please. They are sharp-tongued and categorical in expressing their opinions, although they are not particularly talkative. They are also quite demanding and stubborn. The following people were born under the sign of Fir: Joan of Arc, Napoleon Bonaparte, A. Tolstoy, J. Galsworthy, Maupassant.

  • Men:
    These are hard workers who persistently achieve success, because nothing is given to them for free or for nothing. They are characterized by a somewhat hypertrophied responsibility, and when solving life or work problems, they manage to choose the most difficult solutions. Fir men are famous for their ability to create difficult situations and then heroically fight them.
  • Women:
    A man who gets a fir woman as his wife can safely be called a lucky person. She is very responsive, knows how to support and encourage and will always find a way out of practically hopeless situation. Among the minuses, it is worth noting its excessive legibility, pickiness and meticulousness.
  • Relationship:
    The love of a person patronized by fir can be boundless and all-encompassing, but in any relationship they are quite demanding and do not accept compromises. They always want more, because they know their worth, and this price is quite high.

December 23 – December 31; June 25 - July 4

Young ladies-Apple trees are women created for family life. They are kind, patient and generous. And most importantly, Apple trees are great mothers. True, they are too caring. “The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree” - this is not about the law of nature, but about the fact that the Apple Tree lady prefers to keep her loved ones closer. And, by the way, not only children.


January 01 - January 11; 05 July – 14 July

If you tell the young lady-Spruce that she is too prickly, you can hit her in the face with a spruce paw. Not prickly, but fluffy! And elegant, of course. And in general, Spruce is the most important tree. True, it’s better to dance around the young lady Elya at a respectful distance: Elya loves when everyone admires her, but only a select few are allowed into her inner circle. And yes, gifts, garlands and glass balls await the chosen ones.



January 12 - January 24; July 15 – July 25

The Elm lady’s life motto is: “If you need to explain, then don’t explain.” She sincerely does not understand why people constantly complicate everything, but she does not teach anyone to live more simply: everyone has fun as they want, in the end. But why should she be drawn into these games? No, the Elm lady does not agree. Her whole life is neatly laid out on shelves and all her moves are recorded. So if someone wants to conquer her, they need to be simpler. Even simpler. More!


January 25 - February 03; July 26 – August 04

Cypress, as you know, is either a tree or a shrub. I mean, both. Both are very ancient. The Cypress young lady has a dual nature, it’s true. But her life principles are simple and correct, like ancient commandments. And no, she's not boring. Exactly the opposite: she is a party girl and a crowd lover. It’s simply more convenient for the crowd to preach about all sorts of things like “don’t commit adultery.”


February 04 - February 08; 05 August – 13 August

Poplar is a tree that can grow at incredible speed and in any, even the most unfavorable conditions. The Poplar young ladies are just like that: in any situation they see the positive sides and come out of any troubles without losses. True, sometimes it seems to others that there are too many Poplar young ladies: wherever you look, she’s everywhere! However, this is a seasonal phenomenon: poplar fluff, heat, July...


February 09 – February 18; August 14 – August 23

Cedar is a unique tree, no matter how you look at it. And very, very expensive. In general, this is all you need to know about the Cedar lady. She is definitely not like everyone else. This is the problem: Cedars always choose extremes. Either the Cedar lady is smarter than everyone, more talented than everyone, more beautiful than everyone, or... No, not worse than everyone. The second extreme is fierce misanthropy. Fortunately, Cedars know how to move from one extreme to another (never lingering in the golden mean).


February 19 – February 28/29; August 24 – September 02

Do you know why ship masts are made from pine? That's right, because the pine tree is very tall, perfectly straight and does not like to grow branches on itself. This, in general, is an ideal description of the Pine lady: she has a sharp mind, iron logic, she always looks at the root and directly says what she thinks. And, of course, she is a perfectionist. Everything must be either perfect or not at all. Pine would be unbearable if it weren’t for the same ship theme: “Yo-hoho and a bottle of rum” happens to the Pine lady regularly. Usually on Fridays (because it's the perfect day, yes).


March 01 – March 10; September 03 – September 12

The character of the Willow lady can be understood simply by looking at this tree: here she stands by the water, her branches hanging sadly, and mesmerizes everyone with her melancholy beauty. Young Lady Iva is a born actress. She is also a born manipulator. She knows how to suffer like no one else - and mainly from love, of course. And the reason for her suffering is ready to crawl after her on his knees for years, clutching a diamond necklace in his teeth.


March 11 - March 20; September 13 – September 22

Linden needs little to be happy: a cozy home, books and a cat. And to good people gathered and killed all the bad ones. The latter, unfortunately, is impossible, so the Linden lady prefers to spend her life in her inner Mongolia, where there are no stupid and evil people. True, a world without stupid and evil people becomes very boring, and then the Linden lady comes up with them on her own. And, so that what he has invented does not go to waste, he writes books or paintings about them. Usually very popular.


March 22 - March 31; September 24 – October 03

Larch wood is famous for two qualities: firstly, it is extremely resistant to moisture. Fill it, drown it - it won’t rot. Secondly, it is extremely difficult to drive a nail into larch, and once it is driven in, it is impossible to pull it out. No way. In general, you understand, right? The Larch Young Lady does not burn in fire, does not drown in water, and flies through copper pipes with a whistle. And does she treat those she dislikes like nails? He ignores it for a long time and patiently, and then breaks it in half with one blow.


April 01 - April 10; October 04 – October 13

Everyone loves rowan: it is very beautiful, and its berries are absolutely irreplaceable. Birds eat them, and people make delicious infusions from them (and little people spit berries through tubes, and this is a terrible weapon!). Everyone also loves the young lady-Rowan, because she has a rare gift: she knows how to find a common language with everyone and manages to see something good in the very last scoundrel. Holy woman!


April 11 - April 20; October 14 – October 23

The Maple Lady is a real monster. No, really. She is inhumanly attractive, and her mind is dangling under her feet. The question arises: why on earth did the Universe bestow so many gifts on one person? Where's the catch? We answer: the catch is in the sense of humor. The Maple lady has a unique one. Some sensitive ones cry and run to the pond with a changed face when the Maple lady deigns to joke.


April 21 - April 30; October 24 – November 02

The Nut Lady is perhaps the only sign that has nothing in common with its green prototype. No tasty fruits for you, no excellent wood for you. Although no, you can find something in common: the nuts are extremely tasty, but very, very insidious: it seems like you’ve eaten a handful, but bam! — I gained my daily calorie intake. This is the Nut lady: she is insidious and merciless. But only with those who are going to take advantage of the fruits of her labors without permission. Oh, how they will regret it!


May 01 – May 14; November 03 – November 11

Thin branches, delicate flowers and a magical, intoxicating aroma - why did nature create jasmine so beautiful? Obviously, everyone should buy into the fragile beauty of the young lady Jasmine and dedicate poems and songs to her, and at the same time arrange an ideal (and expensive, yes) garden for her. And only then, when the intoxicating effect of the aroma ends, it becomes clear that young lady Jasmine is not a flower, but a real iron lady: strong, purposeful and stubborn. But it will be too late, yes.


May 15 - May 24; November 12 – November 21

The Chestnut Lady is a magnificent heroine, a defender of the offended and oppressed and a fighter for justice. Do you think she is very unhappy and suffers from the imperfections of this world? Nothing of the kind: she is in love with life - in any of its manifestations. She likes to protect and protect the offended, and to poke the offenders with a stick: they twitch so funny!


May 25 - June 03; November 22 – December 01

The Vikings made runes from ash wood because, according to legend, the tree of life called Yggdrasil was an ash tree. By the way, in order to get the first runes, the supreme god Odin hung on Yggdrasil for 9 days. So those who need something from the Ash young lady should prepare for a long siege. No, she's not greedy. She just takes a long time to make a decision. Those who are going to marry her should stock up on special patience. You won't get off with nine days!


June 04 – June 13; December 02 – December 11

The Hornbeam young lady has a habit of looking down on those around her a little, and she, in general, has reasons for this: she is responsible and fantastically efficient, and therefore successful. And everyone around is goofballs, yes. But in fact, the Hornbeam young lady is simply very tender and vulnerable, and thus protects herself from evil scoundrels. Another thing is that half of the evil scoundrels were invented by her, but these are details. A little paranoia is not even a vice, it’s just a nice feature.


June 14 - June 23; December 12 – December 20

A fig is a fig tree, and that, in fact, says it all. “Screw you!” - this is the life motto of the Fig young lady. No, she's not greedy at all. She is emotional, unpredictable and fickle, and those around her constantly ask her to do something unbearably boring. Work, for example, or there measured family life. “What a melancholy!” - thinks the young lady-Fig and dives headlong into creativity. Or on an adventure. Or somewhere else, and she won’t tell you where exactly.


March 21 - March 22

A young lady born under the sign of Oak can easily be called an oak - she will not be offended. Young ladies-Oaks never get offended at all, because it’s too petty. What is the significance of these squabbles in the face of Eternity? Yes, the Oak lady is going to live forever, just so you know. And she almost succeeds. That’s why she has so much strength and so much will that it’s high time to distribute the surplus to those in need.


June 24

By the way, the ancients used birch branches to ward off evil spirits. The birch lady will also not tolerate any evil spirits next to her: no scandals, no intrigues, no vile games. Wherever Berezka goes, an atmosphere of comfort, peace and joy reigns everywhere. It is completely unclear how this happens, given that Birch loves people about the same as evil spirits. Well, you get the idea.


September 23 – September 24

Olive is an evergreen tree primarily native to the southeastern Mediterranean. Not bad, right? This is roughly how the Olive young ladies manage to arrange their lives: it seems to others that Olive is forever sitting on the shore of a warm and gentle sea and thoughtfully contemplating the beautiful views. It is not known how they manage to do this, but it is known that the olive branch is a symbol of peace. And indeed: the Olive ladies are the most peaceful people in the world. And this cuteness perfectly protects them from evil envious people. How does this happen, huh?!


December 21 - December 22

Beech is a very proper tree: strong, strong, beautiful, and it also grows tasty and nutritious nuts. In general, the Beech lady is a virgin who will achieve success in any business she takes up. But there is a nuance: the Beech ladies are indeed Beeches. But not always, but only if someone encroaches on what is dear to them. Then the young lady Beech turns into a creature, next to which the infernal creature Beech, described by Stephen King, seems like a cute cat.

Let us consider in this article which tree means what according to the horoscope. Also here you can find out by your date of birth which tree according to your horoscope corresponds to you.

Horoscope of trees by date of birth

A handsome and slender man. Does not cause trouble to others, does not empty the pocket of his friend or partner. Requires little, but does not tolerate vulgarities. Despite his grace and rare sensitivity, he can be a titan at work. His intelligence and imagination command respect

He cares about his appearance, sometimes even excessively. He boldly makes life plans and persistently implements them. Thrifty to the point of stinginess. Knows how to lead people. In love, he lacks imagination, but he is a caring husband and homebody

Impressive and emotional. Loves to feast. In such a person there live two natures: sleepy and sensitive. The second is full of anxiety and changeability. According to the horoscope, Verba has a noble character, but it is difficult to live with him because he is capricious, demanding, and hysterical. He suffers a lot in love, but finds a quiet haven in marriage. Often considers himself fickle and intolerant

Restrained, calm, in control. He is demanding of himself and does not tolerate the mistakes of others. Health is unstable. He is respected in the service. Inspires confidence. The nature is noble, sympathetic, although sometimes it can be despotic. Has a sense of humor. Life plans wisely

He is very handsome, but does not use his attractiveness. This tree craves space, is full of liveliness and strength, and has an innate sense of justice. Due to lack of flexibility, he often changes classes and becomes disappointed. However, he knows how to be careful and does not create financial troubles for himself. Attaches great importance to moral rules, which often leads to puritanism. Too intractable to find mutual understanding

Worried about appearance. Leads a correct lifestyle, is disciplined, obligatory, and efficient to the point of excessiveness. Dreams of fame, can inspire admiration and even delight. In love I would like to experience something extraordinary, but more often they love him, not he himself

Slimness and beauty in early youth. Over the years, he creates problems for himself. A good environment can help him. This person should carefully choose his friends and be careful when changing places, since not every environment is conducive to his development.

He is a firm person, although sometimes he is cruel to others. Shows unexpected reactions and excessive claims. According to the horoscope, he cannot adapt to the situation. He enjoys authority, although he is not always loved. Does not rest himself and does not give rest to others

As the horoscope of trees says, the Oak person is viable, desperate, strong physically and mentally. Cannot tolerate medications, ailments, difficulties, or complaints. In love, he becomes a victim of the first languid glance, believing that this feeling will last a lifetime. A man of action. The crown of its caring branches is shelter and protection for the weak

Attractive with its rugged beauty. Always elegant and original. Distinguished by dignity and restraint.

It’s not particularly beautiful, but it’s impossible not to notice. Very impressionable. Loves large space and warmth. In unfavorable conditions it withers. Difficult to bear the vicissitudes of fate

Opens up when you get to know each other, and has a deep feeling. Will be able to resolve any issue. In love he is distinguished by sophistication and easily finds a partner

A solid and tall man, distinguished by rare physical beauty and good health. Confident and decisive. Inspires respect. Hardworking and creative. Partners feel supported by his optimism. Shows leadership talent at work

Often weak and unattractive. But if you get to know him closely, it is impossible not to notice his original mind. Content with little, adapts to any conditions

Full of optimism. Doesn't like loneliness. Prefers to be surrounded by family and friends. According to the horoscope, he is very harsh with his subordinates. Disorganized at work. Impetuous and unrestrained in love

The Maple tree man is timid and shy. Characterized by pride and selfishness. Often cynical. Extraordinarily smart, quick-witted, with a good memory. Difficult in love: together with trust, he strives to impose his whims and will

Modest, but has an amazing influence on people. Personal charm and charm help achieve life goal. Very friendly. Loves to hang out in society. Capricious in love, but honest and decent

Successful, lucky. This person's respect is appreciated.

Naturalness in his eyes is not a virtue. He cares about style and refined manners. And he is accused of capriciousness, aggressiveness and selfishness

A man full of charm, prudence, delicacy. The character is even, calm. In love I am not jealous. Recognizes the partner's right to freedom even when it hurts. Deep thinking person. Loves company smart people. Brings happiness and peace to the home

Despite the fragile and graceful appearance, a strong and durable person. Tirelessly and courageously confronts the difficulties of fate. Shows artistic talent. He loves ardently and passionately, often changes partners. Sociable

According to the horoscope of trees, behind a fragile appearance hides an unusually persistent nature. She is sweet, charming, and you can recognize her from afar by her light gait. Loves to bring joy to loved ones, even to the detriment of himself. Somewhat self-centered

A "pine" person is aware of his charm. Partly proud. Likes to surround himself nice people. Firm and courageous to the point of insolence. A good companion.

This man lacks self-confidence and aplomb. Friendly and welcoming. However, he is capricious and whimsical, so he often remains lonely. His heart is capable of great feeling, but he rarely achieves satisfaction in love. According to the horoscope, Topol is an artistic person and a good organizer. Knows how to be reliable support V difficult moments life

A person with expressive features. Without beauty, one cannot go unnoticed. Not everyone and not everywhere feels good. This tree requires living space and warmth. In unfavorable conditions does not tolerate difficulties well.

A man full of personal charm and attractiveness. All his life he loves flirting and adventure. If he finds satisfaction in marriage, he refuses dubious entertainment. I'm ready to give my last penny. His good intentions are often abused

The Druid horoscope will help determine a person’s character, compatibility between lovers, and also tell about future fate. The teachings of the Druids are based on the power of nature, which can change a person’s life.

The Druids believed that each person has his own signs: a certain flower, tree, animal and stone, which are his talismans. The period of each sign occurs twice a year, depending on the position of the sun. In addition, plants have a connection with the seasons and solstices.

Celtic tribes linked human destiny with protective trees. Therefore, they spent a lot of time with such trees and planted them near their homes. It was believed that such a connection would help strengthen the spirit.

Children with early age They taught the tree calendar, according to which you can determine your patron by date of birth. You could even ask your talisman for protection or advice. Druids drew energy for magical spells from trees. They recorded their knowledge and tried to convey it to their descendants.

Video “Druid horoscope: which tree is associated with you”

From this video you will learn about the Druid horoscope.


Capricorns and Cancers born in the second decade are under the protection of fir. These people are very conservative. They do not follow fashion, do not like to change habits, and always prefer quality to quantity. The Druids believed that fir endows its wards with demandingness and pickiness, so it would be quite difficult to win their hearts.

Elm patronizes the third decade of Capricorn and Cancer. Such people are beautiful not only externally, but also internally. They don’t like to bother themselves, so all their thoughts and actions are extremely simple. They don't like excessive attention and inconstancy. Therefore, they choose a partner once and for all. From childhood, they choose their calling and persistently achieve their goals.

Cypress patronizes such zodiac signs as Aquarius and Leo in the first decade. For these people, money is not the meaning of life. Their only goal is to find harmony and personal happiness. But you shouldn’t consider them phlegmatic, because they know how to confront their enemies.

Aquarius and Leo in the second decade are under the influence of poplar. They have extraordinary intelligence, charm and ingenuity. But all these advantages fade under the influence of endless fears and thoughts. Such people are in dire need of love, because without it they see no meaning in life.

Cedar takes care of the third decade of Aquarius and Leo. Men born during this period have self-confidence and dynamism. Women prefer comfort in everything. These people are adventurers. But they are often disappointed if someone doesn't support their crazy ideas.

Pine protects Pisces and Virgos born in the first decade. They enjoy being visible and also learning new things. They are scrupulous, love beauty and comfort, strive to communicate with interesting people. The Druid horoscope claims that such people have a lot of advantages. But they can be called misers, since they show financial generosity only towards themselves.

Representatives of the second decade of Pisces and Virgo are under the protection of willow. They are original and charming, impetuous and mysterious. They always have a favorite hobby that takes up most of their free time. They easily acquire fans, but they are easily offended and hurt.

Linden falls in the third decade of Virgo and Pisces. The tree rewarded its charges with confidence and courage. They are always the life of the party and can benefit from it. These people are born psychologists, although it can be difficult for them to understand themselves.

Wards of the oak tree are Aries, born on the first day of this horoscope. They have strong energy. Proud and fair Aries will not forgive anyone even the slightest mistakes. They deserve respect because they always achieve their goals and never go overboard.

The hazel tree falls in the first decade of Aries and Libra. These are inconspicuous people who are not able to interest. Despite their excessive stiffness and silence, they are quite erudite. They have their own opinion and will not listen to someone else’s.

Rowan falls in the second decade of Aries and Libra. These people are calm and sweet, they have friends in every corner of the globe. It is extremely difficult to spoil their mood, but they often get upset over trifles.

The third decade of Aries and Libra is under the influence of maple. They are cheerful, curious and active people who don't like to sit still. They are funny, but have a little quirk.

Walnut rules over Taurus and Scorpio in the first decade. It rewards manners and sense of style, fidelity, loyalty and beauty. Under this sign excellent strategists are born who always strive to achieve perfection.

Taurus and Scorpio in the second decade are ruled by jasmine. They are gentle and kind, but incredibly vulnerable. They will become the highlight of any company thanks to their talkativeness and good mood. But at heart they are pessimists who are convinced of the imperfection of this world.

Chestnut patronizes the third decade of Sagittarius and Scorpio. They are modest and honest, and have an inner core. They are often unlucky in love due to banal indecision.

The first decade of Gemini and Sagittarius is under the influence of ash. Such people are selfish and demanding not only of themselves, but also of strangers. It is better not to argue with them, since it is almost impossible to prove that you are right.

Hornbeam takes care of the second decade of Sagittarius and Gemini, who do not know how to stand up for themselves. They are mediocre, but dream of fame and publicity.

Gemini and Sagittarius born in the third decade are influenced by figs, which endow them with an easy-going character and originality. They feel like strangers among their own, but do not strive to blend in with the crowd.

People born on the first day of Cancer are under the tutelage of the birch tree. This tree rewarded Cancers with calmness and self-confidence. Such people take on new things without fear and are not afraid of failure.

The apple tree falls in the first decade of Capricorn and Cancer. These people are characterized by determination and a love of comfort. They are easy to deceive, so other people take advantage of the selflessness of the apple tree’s wards.

Olive falls on the first day of Libra. People born on the autumn equinox love warmth and comfort. They are susceptible colds, so they always try to strengthen the immune system. They have no equal in solving logical problems and puzzles.

At the winter solstice, beech trees are born. Capricorns are independent and do not like to ask for help. But you can always rely on them, because they will not refuse their loved ones. Nature often endows these individuals with magical abilities.


The flower horoscope consists of thirty symbols, each of which corresponds to a person’s birthday. Flowers also determine a person's character.

  • Let's consider which flowers suit people by date of birth, and what descriptions correspond to them:
  • digitalis (21-31.03) - frugality, perseverance, desire for victory;
  • magnolia (1-10.04) - hard work, leadership, calmness;
  • hydrangea (11-20.04) - generosity, kindness, perseverance;
  • dalia (21-30.04) - intelligence, criticism, desire to help;
  • lily of the valley (1-10.05) - modesty, vulnerability, demandingness;
  • purslane (11-21.05) - variability, adventurism, care;
  • chamomile (22-31.05) - ability to conduct business, confidence;
  • bell (1-11.06) - conservatism, reliability, responsibility;
  • daisy (12-21.06) - stability, regularity, comfort;
  • tulip (22.06-1.07) - openness, energy, restlessness;
  • water lily (2-12.07) - the ability to get used to circumstances, care;
  • violet (13-23.07) - friendliness, duality, inconstancy;
  • rosehip (24.07-2.08) - stubbornness, courage, sincerity;
  • sunflower (3-13.08) - selfishness, ambition, self-criticism;
  • rose (14-23.08) - leadership, sensitivity, vulnerability;
  • delphinium (24.08-2.09) - modesty, timidity, ability to stand up for oneself;
  • clove tree (3-11.09) - hard work, responsibility;
  • aster (12-22.09) - thriftiness, thriftiness, courage, perseverance;
  • heather (23.09-2.10) - self-criticism, complex;
  • camellia (3-13.10) - adventurism, perseverance, perseverance;
  • lilac (14-23.10) - energy, inconstancy, confidence;
  • freesia (10.24-11.2) - hard work, mediocrity, practicality;
  • phalaenopsis (3-12.11) - mystery, perseverance;
  • peony (13-22.11) - confidence, determination, tenderness;
  • gladiolus (11.23-12.2) - vulnerability, dreaminess;
  • dandelion (December 3-12) - independence, perseverance, laziness;
  • lotus (13-22.12) - conservatism, organization, accuracy;
  • Leontopodium (23-31.12) - clear thinking, determination, reliability;
  • gentian (1-10.01) - devotion, sensitivity, modesty;
  • thistle (11-20.01) - good nature, openness;
  • mistletoe (1-10.02) - recklessness, impatience, obsession;
  • belladonna (11-19.02) - quick wits, sociability, charisma;
  • mimosa (20-29.02) - capriciousness, inconstancy, sensitivity, touchiness;
  • poppy (1-10.03) - diplomacy, calmness, accuracy;
  • lily (11-20.03) - sophistication, elegance, attractiveness.


The horoscope of stones includes 13 positions, each of which reveals a person’s character. Rock crystal protects people born between December 24 and January 20. They are distinguished by their desire for freedom and personal happiness. Olivine (21.01-17.02) gives intuition, original thinking and the desire for success. Wards of coral (18.02-17.03) are rich spiritually, and those born under the influence of ruby ​​(18.03-14.04) are strong in body.

Moonstone (04/15-05/12) endowed people with sensitivity and compassion. They take the betrayal of loved ones to heart and will always help those who need it. Topaz (13.05-9.06) patronizes disciplined, restrained individuals. In addition, they are incredibly responsible and punctual. Almaz (10.06-7.07) gives wards responsibility and love for family. Creative people born under the influence of red carnelian. They are diligent and demanding, and do not like lies. But if it suits them, they can lie themselves.

Amethyst (5.08-1.09) is a stone of wise and spiritual people. It is interesting to have a conversation with them and spend leisure time. Emerald (2-29.09) - a talisman of beautiful and sensitive natures interested in art. Opal (30.09-27.10) protects hardy and sensible people with strategic thinking. Jasper (10.28-11.24) is a stone of people who constantly improve themselves. Azure (11.25-12.23) protects cunning and calculating people who are able to find a solution in any situation.


The Druids believed that every person has a totem animal with the same character. There are 13 of them in the calendar:

  1. Deer (12/24-01/20). These people love travel and education. Because of excessive pride They cannot always find a common language with their interlocutor.
  2. Crane (21.01-17.02). Harmony, talent and comfort are the motto of the cranes. They can become successful both in creativity and in the exact sciences.
  3. Seal (18.02-17.03). These people strive for perfection, but due to their inherent laziness, they put everything off until later. They strive to change the world, but their utopian dreams are not destined to come true.
  4. Bear (18.03-14.04). The totem animal of strong and self-confident people. They value friendship and pay attention to family.
  5. Snake (15.04-12.05). Creators whose intelligence and prudence can be envied.
  6. Bee (13.05-9.06). Creative and energetic people who want to learn something new. Thanks to their authority among colleagues, they can occupy leadership positions.
  7. Otter (10.06-7.07). Extraordinary individuals with a broad outlook. They are always in a good mood and love to learn new things.
  8. Cat (8.07-4.08). Honest, loving and creative. They will never ask someone else's advice, because they are used to relying on their intuition.
  9. Elk (5.08-1.09). Insightful and responsive people. They can achieve success in business due to their perseverance.
  10. Swan (2-29.09). Reasonable and calm natures. Always help those in need.
  11. Goose (30.09-27.10). One can only envy the calmness and intelligence of geese. They often connect life with art.
  12. Owl (28.10-24.11). Sports and emotional personalities. They are wise and attractive, so they have a wide circle of friends.
  13. Raven (25.11-23.12). Calculating and cunning people. Among them there are magicians and psychics.

The Druids created several calendars, in each of which they identified patrons for people among animals, plants and minerals. Before us is only a simplified horoscope, according to which you can choose your talismans and energy sources. The teachings of the Druids were mainly transmitted orally, so methods of prediction using talismans have not reached us.

The Celts knew how to predict the weather, the fate of a person and his purpose from plants or animals. To do this, the date and time of birth were carefully analyzed, and also compared with natural patrons. As a result, you can get detailed map a person’s life and even predict the date of death.

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