Home Wisdom teeth What is the name of the Scottish Sheepdog breed? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog): a kind shepherdess or an elegant aristocrat

What is the name of the Scottish Sheepdog breed? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog): a kind shepherdess or an elegant aristocrat

Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)










Tendency to train


Attitude towards children


Security and guard qualities


In the fifties of the twentieth century, the series “Lassie” was released. The main role in the film was played by a collie dog ( collie). Millions of people who watched the series fell in love with this dog. This caused the popularity of the breed to soar to the highest level.

Everyone wanted to have their own Lassie at home. The Scottish Sheepdog (collie, Scotch collie, Scottish collie) is a herding breed. She is extremely devoted to all family members, very smart and sensitive. In a word, the collie is a real find for those who value the listed qualities in pets.

History of the breed

The history of the Scottish Sheepdog begins in the distant past in the highlands of Scotland. In ancient times, owners of herding sheepdogs called them “coels” and “collis”. After some time, the name “collie” appeared. According to some assumptions, it is believed that translated from Saxon it sounds like “dark”. The fact is that the Scottish sheep, which were guarded by collies, had a black muzzle, hence the name.

There is a second translation option with the subsequent appearance of the name. "Collie" literally means "helpful". This is what the owners decided to call the pet, who helped in everything, and whose main purpose was to work as a shepherd.

About two thousand years ago, Roman occupiers brought dogs with them to the islands of Britain, which became the founders of the Scottish Sheepdog. At first, representatives of the breed were similar in size to today's border collies; the main color of the animals was black. Over time, as a result of selection work, collies became ideal shepherds, grazing and protecting herds of goats, sheep and other livestock. Their appearance has also changed for the better.

How the popularity of the Scottish shepherd breed grew not only in its homeland, but also in other countries, can be traced by dates:

  • 1860 - Queen Victoria, during her stay in Scotland, was extremely pleased with the beautiful, intelligent dogs with a luxurious mane on their necks; these were Scottish Sheepdogs. The ruler brought several collies home with her and ordered them to be bred. This is where work began on improving this breed in England. In the same year, collies participated for the first time in a dog show in Birmingham.
  • 1879 - The Scottish Sheepdog became a pet in America.
  • 1886 - The first American Collie Club was created.

Breed standard

There are two types of Scottish Sheepdogs, distinguished by their coat type. There are long-haired collies and medium-length collies. Long-haired representatives of this breed are considered more popular and widespread.

The ancient ancestors of modern Scottish Sheepdogs, who had to work on farms in their homeland, were more seasoned, hardy and strong. Today's collies are more graceful and pampered. Adult height 55-65 cm. with weight 25-35 kg.

A muscular, long, beautifully curved neck holds a head in the shape of a clearly defined cone. The outline of the head is smooth, the skull is flat. Triangular ears are not large. When the dog is calm, they are pressed back; if he is alarmed by something, the ears are raised and tilted forward. The almond shape of the eyes creates the appearance of a cunning expression on the muzzle. There should not be the slightest hint of aggression in your gaze. Eye size is average. Nose is black. The jaws are strong and have a scissor bite.

The body is long, the back is straight, the chest is low. The legs are quite long, straight with muscular thighs. The step is long, light, movements are smooth. The tail is fluffy, long, saber-shaped. If the collie is in calm state, the tail is lowered downwards, but if the dog is in an excited state, it raises it to the level of the back.

The coat is thick and hard. There is a dense undercoat. Distinctive feature is a luxurious mane and collar. According to the standard, the following colors are allowed:

1. Tri-color - the main color is black, there are red tan marks.
2. Sand – there are shades from light golden to mahogany. Straw and cream shades are not welcome.
3. Blue – light colors should be the main ones.

Any color should have large white spots. The Scottish Sheepdog has a beautiful white collar, white markings on the muzzle, white tip of the tail and white “socks”.

In addition to long-haired collies, there is an American type of Scottish Sheepdog with short hair. It is worth noting that the FCI does not recognize the short-haired collie as a separate breed. These dogs are distinguished by a wider muzzle and larger, more powerful size. Shorthaired collies come in a variety of colors. For example, a dog with a white coat and small markings of any color on the head and body looks very beautiful.

The Scottish Shepherd feels comfortable when kept in an apartment. Collies can also be kept outside, but such an affectionate and friendly dog ​​deserves to live next to its beloved owners. Give her a place in the house to sleep and rest, buy toys, a bed, bowls for water and food. An active herding dog also needs to release pent-up energy. Therefore, walk her every day, giving her the opportunity to run around. You need to walk twice a day, morning and evening.

At the first glance at a long-haired Scottish Shepherd, it becomes clear that the coat of such a pet must be carefully cared for. The daily combing procedure takes at least 15 minutes. For this you will need combs: a comb with small teeth and a standard brush. You need to comb it carefully, lifting the long hair up so that the teeth of the comb reach the roots of the hair.

The lush mane, tail and “pants” of the collie require special attention and time. In these places, tangles most often form due to the owner’s oversight. For smooth-haired representatives of the breed, it is enough to brush them once a week.
In addition to hair care, hygiene procedures are required, thanks to which not only the beauty of the dog is maintained, but also its health:

  • Bathing. The Scottish Shepherd needs to be bathed once every two months. In cases of severe contamination, bathing is not planned. For water procedures It is recommended to purchase a softening shampoo from veterinary pharmacies.
  • Ears. Once a week we treat the ears with a special solution. During the procedure, we inspect for injuries, inflammation or excessive accumulation of secretions.
  • Teeth. To prevent your dog from having an unpleasant odor from his mouth and to reduce the risk of tartar formation, you need to brush your pet’s teeth regularly.
  • Claws. Nails need to be trimmed as they grow. Otherwise, they will interfere with the pet’s movement. Usually, a collie, being an active dog, wears its claws off on the road surface.
  • Eyes. If discharge from the eyes accumulates, they should be carefully removed using a napkin soaked in boiled water or chamomile solution. If such accumulations appear regularly, it is worth taking your dog to the vet, as this may be a symptom of infection.

You need to feed your Scottish Shepherd high-quality products or premium dry food. If you choose a natural feeding method, keep in mind that the collie’s diet should include fish. At least once every 30-40 days, such a pet needs seafood. If you want to please him with treats, treat him to a slice of cheese or biscuits. It is strictly forbidden to feed collies lard, legumes and flour products.


Despite their strong body, Scottish Shepherds are predisposed to certain diseases:

  • – accompanied by attacks, convulsions, involuntary urination.
  • Dermatitis– accompanied by itching and inflammation of the skin.
  • Vitiligo– disruption of melanin production.
  • Entropion- turn of the century. Requires surgery.
  • Collie eye syndromehereditary disease, which is characterized by abnormalities in the development of the dog’s eyes.
  • Ectopic ureters– a congenital, often hereditary, disease in which the flow of urine into the bladder is impaired.
  • Pemphigus foliaceusautoimmune disease skin.
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)– a developmental anomaly in which an additional row of eyelashes appears behind normally growing ones.
  • Deafness– most often it is congenital.
  • – joint deformation.
  • Elbow dislocation.
  • Aspergillosis– infectious pathology of a fungal nature.
  • Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia– a disease of the immune system when it destroys its own red blood cells.
  • Gastrointestinal disorders– diarrhea, volvulus, bloating.

The owner of a collie should be aware that such dogs are extremely sensitive to medical drugs. Therefore, self-medication is not recommended; before giving your pet any medicine, be sure to consult a veterinarian.


You cannot find a more loyal dog than the Scottish Shepherd. She is ready to protect the life of not only the owner, but also all family members, even if it may cost her life. The collie strives to imitate its owner in everything, adapting to his image. This dog is sociable, friendly, and it’s hard for him to be alone. The shepherd's instinct leads to the fact that the collie always tries to gather all the household members in one place. In the company of people or pets, the Scottish Shepherd feels happy.

Treats children with love and care. Collie is an ideal nanny who is not only ready to play with children for days, but also to protect them and protect them from dangers. He is wary of strangers, but when he sees that they do not pose a danger, he willingly plays with them and behaves as if he were old acquaintances.

Little puppies are very inquisitive, so you need to make sure they don't get into trouble. The activity of collies knows no bounds; they are ready to play, participate in competitions, and go for morning runs with their owner. Representatives of the breed are distinguished by their intelligence and intelligence, they have excellent memory and acting talent. Aggression is not inherent in Scottish Shepherds.

Training and education

Collies are smart, so training them is not at all difficult. Sometimes, having noticed a weakness in the owner, the pet can be stubborn, cheat and pretend that he does not understand the trainer’s requirements. Such tricks need to be stopped, but not with rudeness and physical punishment, but with calm persistence, consistency and rewards for excellent academic results.

From the age of two months we begin to teach the puppy the simplest commands. Having mastered the basic, basic requirements, the dog is ready for a more complex training course. Including agility. Dog handlers recommend spending one week studying one command. Of course, each dog is individual; when choosing a sequence, you must be guided by the abilities of your pet.

  • The first mention of collies dates back to the fourteenth century and belongs to the poet Chaucer.
  • A collie named Dick earned military glory by detecting 12,000 mines during his service. Including a huge land mine under the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. Despite three wounds, the dog lived to a ripe old age and was buried with full honors.
  • The lack of aggression in Scottish Sheepdogs is explained by the fact that wolves were exterminated in the British Isles. Therefore, unlike other herding dogs, the duties of the collie did not include fighting predators; the dogs only herded livestock.
  • Collie wool is medicinal; products made from Scottish Shepherd wool (socks, belts...) not only save you from the cold, but also relieve pain and heal from illnesses.
  • During the Russo-Japanese War, collies were used as orderlies, and during the Great Patriotic War they delivered secret documents.
  • The female role of Lassie in the famous series about a collie dog named Lassie was always played by collie boys.

Pros and cons of the breed

A pet in the form of a Scottish Shepherd is suitable for almost everyone. Despite this, before buying a collie puppy, you should familiarize yourself with the main pros and cons of the breed.


1. Intelligence and intelligence.
2. Beauty.
3. Devotion.
4. Love for children.
5. Ability to withstand heat and cold.
6. Lack of aggressiveness.


1. Difficult care.
2. Requires daily long walks.
3. Increased sensitivity to medical drugs.

A charming dog with kind eyes and an innate talent for organizing is the most succinct description of the collie dog breed. The pet was born for a loving family and cannot stand loneliness and screams. A friendly, affectionate dog will keep athletes company, look after children, and accompany his adored owner on a city walk. The breed is great for novice dog breeders.

Collies are a large group of breeds. Almost every continent has its own collie. There are Australian, English, American, and New Zealand breeds. According to the FCI (International Canine Federation) classification, dogs belong to the group of shepherd dogs. All collies are united by their graceful exterior, energy and herding abilities. The group was originally bred to herd sheep. The article is about the Scottish Sheepdog or Collie itself.

Description of the collie dog breed

Scottish Sheepdog - elegant dog with an elongated muzzle and triangular protruding ears. Representatives of the breed have different colors with a constant “collar”, drooping tail and warm thick coat. The historical path of the dog is long, so the standard has changed several times. The latest collie breed standard adopted by the FCI in 2011 is presented below.

  • Weight . Body weight, depending on the variety, ranges from 20-34 kg for males and 18-26 kg for females.
  • Height at withers. The breed is classified as a medium-sized dog. The height of males is 56-61 cm, females - 51-56 cm.
  • Color. Three types of color are recognized as standard. Sable can vary from light (golden) to dark tones. Cream and straw colors are considered defective. Tricolor dogs have a black back and tan stripes on the face and legs. Blue merle or merle is a shade of blue with dark spots, sometimes with red stripes on the face and legs. Regardless of color, collies have white hair on the neck (collar), legs, and tip of the tail. Red or chocolate color is common in the Border Collie, which is a separate breed, but not in the Shetland Sheepdog.
  • Lifespan. On average, pets live 14-16 years.
  • Character . The collie becomes attached to its owner and his family, gets along well with children, and is patient and obedient. Loves walking, running, sports.
  • Intelligence. It lends itself well to training, quickly remembers commands, and demonstrates intelligence.
  • Security and guard potential. Can be used as a guard dog, but is better as a companion.


Collie has always been people-oriented, and therefore is distinguished by its good nature, cheerfulness, and sociability. Herding instincts help to look after children, which is why the Scottish Shepherd is an excellent nanny. Takes care of collies and all pets. It is almost impossible to see aggression in a dog's entire life. Despite their flexibility and kindness, representatives of the breed have disadvantages, due to which the dog is not suitable for every owner. The table shows the positive and negative sides keeping a collie.

Table - Positive and negative traits of the breed

In many ways, the character of a dog depends on genetic inheritance, maintenance, care and education. When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its mobility and curiosity. Little “shepherds” willingly make contact, do not show aggression, and are not cowardly.

Origin history and interesting facts

The homeland of the collie is considered to be Great Britain, more precisely the highlands of Scotland. The first descriptions of a dog similar to a Scottish Sheepdog date back to the 14th century. However, the origin and beginning of the history of the collie breed has several versions. According to one of them, the shepherd dog was brought to England by Roman legionnaires, according to another, the breed originated on British soil. Some experts believe that the ancestor of the modern collie is the Icelandic dog. On average, the age of the breed is estimated at two to three thousand years.

Collie has always been considered an assistant to shepherds and lived exclusively in rural areas, distinguished by a gentle and sociable disposition. The lack of aggression is explained by the main tasks of the breed. Wolves, as the main threat to herds, were practically exterminated. Therefore, the Scottish Sheepdog had to round up the sheep and ensure that the animals did not stray from the herd. To reason with ungulates, a dog can use its teeth. However, due to the structure of the collie's jaw, it did not bite through, but pinched the sheep.

The breed moved into comfortable palaces and apartments thanks to Queen Victoria. It was she, admired by the dog’s attractive appearance, agility and good nature, who became the first breeder of the “aristocratic” line of collies. Already at the end of the 19th century, the first breed standard was formed.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the four-legged shepherdess was exported to Russia, Australia, and the USA. In Australia and New Zealand, the breed was crossed with dingoes and new species were bred, which were used exclusively for herding. In European and American clubs, the collie was valued as a companion dog.

The collie became popular when the television series Lassie was released. First role famous dog performed by a male named Pal. The breed was contacted family people who want to buy a smart nanny for their children.

The famous English writer Sir Terry Pratchett mentions in his book “The Little Free Folk” two shepherd dogs - Thunder and Lightning. The dogs helped herd mother Bohlen's flocks of sheep. It is easy to guess that we are talking specifically about Scottish Sheepdogs, since the book contains hints of the landscape and myths of Scotland.


There are two types of breed - long-haired and short-haired collies. Both varieties have some differences in appearance and character.

  1. Long-haired look. A model of aristocracy and obedience. The variety is more massive, males weigh 26-34 kg, females - 19-26 kg. The main distinguishing feature of the exterior is a thick, soft, warm undercoat and long awn. Thanks to his calm, friendly, patient disposition, he is suitable for the role of a companion and nanny.
  2. Smooth-haired look. An elegant and “light” dog. Males weigh 20-29 kg, females - 18-25 kg. The exterior is distinguished by a thick undercoat and short, stiff hair. Compared to their “furry” relatives, they show more activity, curiosity, and sociability. Some representatives of the breed may express distrust of strangers, but they rarely show aggression. Shows good guard and hunting instincts.

Despite the similarity of origin and appearance Collie and Sheltie are two separate breeds. The ancestor of the second is the Border Collie, not the Scottish Sheepdog. Therefore, the Sheltie cannot be considered a miniature collie.

Requirements for maintenance and nutrition

The size of an adult collie allows you to keep the dog in a city apartment. However, given the pet’s active nature, it is necessary to provide an environment for walking and active play. The dog can be kept outside if there is a warm and fairly spacious booth. The soft and warm undercoat will prevent the dog from freezing even in winter.


You should carefully choose what to feed your Scottish Shepherd, as the breed is prone to allergies and food poisoning. You need to make a choice between dry and wet food. The first includes dry granules, the second includes canned meat for dogs and natural products (meat, vegetables, fruits, milk). Mixing food types is not recommended.

“Drying” should be purchased only of the highest class, containing all the necessary substances. This type of feeding is more economical and convenient, as it does not take time to prepare. Owners will have to create an individual menu themselves, based on the experience of dog breeders and the advice of veterinarians. The table shows foods that should be included in your pet's diet and which should be avoided.

Table - Permitted and prohibited food products

The dog must be fed strictly at the same time. Puppies from two to eight months are fed four to five times a day in small portions. By the age of one and a half years, food intake is reduced to three times. An adult dog is fed twice a day.


Collie is a herding dog, and therefore she prefers fresh air and running next to a person than lying on the sofa. The pet requires walks and not just “on business”. Being locked up and alone for a long time, the collie begins to behave destructively and bark out of boredom. The Scottish Shepherd is always ready to play and run, so you should not deprive your pet of such pleasure.

It is convenient if there is free space near the house where you can play ball with your dog. If the owner likes to run, rollerblade, bike, or ski, you can take your pet for an active walk. The collie runs happily even in the snow without feeling the cold.

The owners note that the collie does not like scattered groups on walks and tries to herd people into a group by barking. The shepherd's instinct tells the dog that all members of society - the "herd" - must stick together.

External care

The long-haired collie requires careful grooming due to the nature of its coat. It is recommended to brush your dog, especially during the shedding period. This will save the apartment from hairballs, and the dog from tangles and an ugly appearance. Otherwise, the collie does not require special care. The table shows standard cosmetic procedures which should be carried out regularly.

Table - Grooming procedures required for collies

ExteriorWhat to do
Wool- Comb 2-3 times a week;
- bathe with shampoo once every 2-3 months and when soiled;
- wash paws after walks
Teeth- Clean at least 2 times a week;
- give special chewing bones
Eyes- Wipe every day with a damp swab;
- inspect for redness and discharge
ClawsTrim once a month
Ears- Clean once a week with an antiseptic;
- trim overgrown hair if necessary;
- examine for the presence of inflammatory processes

If you notice thick discharge from the eyes, nose, or ears, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

Training issues

Collie is one of the smartest dogs. Representatives of the breed can cope with the work of a guide, rescuer, and nanny. They are playful, but unobtrusive, and feel their owner well.

Even an inexperienced dog breeder will enjoy training a collie at home. Commands are given easily, the dog quickly understands what is required of it. With a patient approach, without aggression, and gently overcoming the pet’s stubbornness, owners will quickly see positive results.

It is important to start socialization early so that the dog does not grow into a fearful and timid creature. Take your puppy out into the city, introduce him to new places and people, take him on trips. After completing a general training course (GTC), having mastered the basic commands, you can engage in sports with your pet. The collie excels in agility, frisbee, flyball, and pitch-and-go.

The dog is sensitive to the atmosphere in the house. Therefore, quarrels, screams and scandals between household members can negatively affect the pet. The collie will become fearful, withdrawn and nervous.

Diseases and treatment

Despite its energy and cheerfulness, the collie dog breed acquired several genetic diseases during the selection process. It is not necessary that your pet will develop possible diseases during its life. However, you need to be prepared for health deterioration due to reasons beyond the dog owner’s control. The breed is predisposed to the following diseases:

  • eye development anomaly- can lead to blindness, to identify it you need to undergo special tests;
  • entropion or inversion of the eyelid- corrected surgically;
  • congenital deafness- more common in blue merle collies with light eyes;
  • degenerative myelopathy- leads to paralysis, diagnosed by specialists;
  • skin lesions - dermatitis, pemphigus, treated with medication;
  • epilepsy - detected by ultrasound of the brain, incurable;
  • ectopic ureter- creates a risk of infection of the genitourinary system.

Many representatives of the breed are sensitive to medications, including anti-worm medications. Before purchasing medicine, go through medical examination dogs and consult a professional veterinarian.


Despite the onset of the first heat in a six-month-old bitch, she will only be able to become a mother at the age of 18-24 months. Males are ready to untie by the age of two years. Mating is carried out on days 9-14 of the cycle, when ovulation occurs, and is repeated after one or two days. It is easy to find out about the readiness of mating by the playful behavior of the bitch towards the opposite sex.

If pregnancy occurs, the calcium content in the diet should be increased until the end of the puppies' feeding period. Pregnancy lasts 56-66 days. Starting from day 30 it is necessary to reduce physical exercise, increase the amount of vitamins and minerals in your daily diet. Collies do not have problems with childbirth; the bitch is able to give birth on her own without human help. However, it is better to be monitored by a veterinarian throughout the pregnancy.

Prospective parents must have pedigree and titles to prove they meet the standards. It is not advisable to breed dogs “without clan, without tribe”. It is not necessary for a bitch to have puppies; this does not affect her health in any way.

TOP nicknames

Collie combines aristocracy with rural good nature. Therefore, ringing but noble nicknames are suitable for representatives of the breed. It is recommended to choose English names. Examples of nicknames are given in the table.

Table - Name options for dogs

Try to choose nicknames that are not similar to the sounds of the commands. Otherwise, the pet may get confused and not understand what is required of him. Say the name softly, clearly and loudly. Use your pet's name during praise, play, and on walks so that the dog has a positive association with the name.

Photo review

Photos of puppies and dogs will make you fall in love with the collie breed completely. Regardless of the length of the coat, this breed looks impressive and attractive.

Cost and where to buy

The cost of a collie puppy will depend on what the dog is taken for. Hand-picked puppies without a pedigree are sold at prices starting from 6 thousand rubles. Participation of such dogs in exhibitions and breeding is impossible. The price of a collie with all documents is 15-35 thousand rubles. Future show-class champions can cost 80-120 thousand rubles. (Cost data is as of February 2018).


Choose only proven collie kennels with a good reputation. Before purchasing, ask the breeder for a puppy vaccination card and pedigree, and inspect the puppy for marks. Conscientious breeders love their pets, keep them well, and protect them. A good nursery means help and support in the future. Any issue can be resolved by consulting with the breeder.

There are a number of Scottish Shepherd kennels in Russia and the CIS:

  • Big Hope in Moscow - http://freya93.wixsite.com/collie;
  • "Nixend" in the Moscow region- http://www.niksend.com/;
  • Lunar Lakes in St. Petersburg- http://lunarlakes.narod.ru/index.htm;
  • "Eldwidge" in Pskov - http://eldvidzh.ru/;
  • "Colli-Berezniki" in the Perm region- http://collie-berezniki.jimdo.com;
  • "Silvent Line" in Tambov- https://silvent-line.jimdo.com/;
  • Lavita in Novosibirsk- http://www.kennellavita.com/;
  • "Daenerys" in Anapa- https://deieneris.jimdo.com/;
  • Prokseny in Minsk - http://prokseny.16mb.com/.

Collie (Scottish Shepherd) - will become a member of the family. You won't be bored with your pet. You can keep a dog both in an apartment and in a private house. Problems with fur will not arise if you comb your pet on time. The breed is not suitable only for very busy people who rarely appear at home.

Reviews: “An excellent option for a gift for a child”

This is a unique breed. I don’t want to offend anyone who has other dogs (they are all beautiful in their own way), but I think the collie is special in every way. I have never seen a more subtle, smart and intelligent dog. She does not need to be ordered, she cannot be pushed. It's enough to ask. You need to talk to her, and the dog will understand you. Amazing quality. I’m generally silent about beauty. But here there is 100% correspondence between form and content. A magnificent animal. It's a pity that there are far fewer of them now than before.

Sergey, http://dogcentr.ru/porody-sobak/sobaka-kolli.html

My collie's name was Cirri... She appeared in our house when I was 14 years old. For two whole years we stood in line at the nursery, waiting for the puppies to appear. To say that this is 25 kg of fluffy happiness is not enough. This was a member of the family... She met and saw off everyone, knew at what moment to approach and just look into the eyes with such a look... which not only made your soul feel lighter. This look changed the perception of the world. Dad started having problems with his back and Cirri herself climbed onto his sofa and lay down on the side along his spine. How she guessed, I don’t know. Then he simply called her and she knew what to do. My collie was kind (all the kids in the yard stroked her and caressed her), faithful and devoted (no matter how much strangers called and beckoned, she never even led), but she also knew how to protect her family (on a walk in the park two tried to approach , in response to the warning that I was with a dog, they grinned, saying that it was a big cat. I felt scared, I called her by name without any “face” and she began to attack them with such aggression and took them away from me. Then she returned with such a face. “What was that?” But Tsirka lived only 11 years... Since then, we have not only had no dog, but also no desire to have one. Probably, this is a tribute to the devotion of our Tsirri. There is no other like her.

Yulena, https://www.sports.ru/tribuna/blogs/sobaki/668373.html

Advantages: Kind, intuitive - developed, obedient, devoted, great friend!

Disadvantages: Every one is needed free time spend playing with this breed.

The Collie breed is a very kind and intelligent dog. I had this breed as a child. I have only positive emotions associated with this dog! She doesn’t bite, she’s not spoiled, she’s kind, very friendly to everyone around her. Great option for a gift for your child, this dog will never cause him any harm!!! I assure you this is the kindest and most loyal dog I know! This will be a real, truly royal gift. They are perfectly trainable, their memory is a hundred times better developed than that of humans! They are used as guides; they have very good instinct and intuition. In addition, they have very beautiful, long and royal fur.

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Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, - service breed dogs with ancient historical roots. Despite its name, it was brought to Scotland from Iceland about 400 years ago. She has always been valued by both commoners and nobles for her external beauty and easy-going disposition. If earlier its main purpose was to herd flocks of sheep, now it is a devoted friend and companion. Gets along well at home with frequent walking.

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    History of the breed

    In Scotland, collies were brought from Iceland. Further spread around the world occurred due to nomadic tribes. Her ancestors looked more compact and were predominantly black in color. The original purpose of the breed is to guard and herd sheep flocks. Over the years, these qualities have been constantly improved by breeders. Therefore, herding instincts are fixed at the genetic level in them.

    The emphasis was not on the exterior, but on service characteristics: lack of aggression towards animals and people, high performance, endurance, responsibility.

    Scottish Shepherds owe their spread to the interest of Queen Victoria, who brought several representatives of the breed to England. They gained popularity quickly enough, and breeders began breeding them. In 1860, collies were introduced to the public as a versatile breed. By the end of the 80s. came to America, and in 1986 the first club for Scottish Shepherd lovers opened.

    Interesting Facts:

    • As collies became popular and spread throughout much of Europe, the French began to use them in police service due to their keen sense of smell and good sense of smell.
    • During World War II, Russia purchased collies in batches for use as medics and rescuers.
    • Dogs shed once a year, but the fur accumulated over the entire period is enough to knit a sweater for an adult.
    • Collie wool is considered healing, and products made from it are used in the treatment of rheumatism.


    Several breeds are called Scottish Sheepdogs. The most striking of them are the border collie and the bearded collie. There are other types - long-haired and short-haired, about which there is still debate among dog handlers.

    The Collie is a strong, graceful and active dog.. An adult weighs about 25–30 kg with a height of 50–60 cm at the withers. Bitches are usually smaller than males. According to the description of the breed, the physique is strong, muscular, and lean. According to the standard, a collie looks like this:

    • head has a cone-shaped elongated shape, with smoothly flowing outlines. The narrowing is observed from the ears to the black tip of the nose. The forehead is flat. The jaw is well developed, with strong teeth and a scissor bite.
    • Ears set high, triangular. In a calm state, pressed, when interested - erect, but with drooping tips.
    • Neck graceful, elongated, with a slight bend.
    • Rib cage wide, low rise. The stomach is taut. The back is flat, with an increase in the sacrum area.
    • Eyes kind and expressive, small in size, almond-shaped. They have an oblique cut. Usually brown color, but there are blue-eyed ones.
    • Tail long and bushy, drooping when walking.
    • Limbs muscular, powerful, smooth. The paw pads are tightly packed.
    • Wool long, thick, with a dense and uniform undercoat. It forms a kind of mane on the cheeks, nape and thighs.

    There are three standard colors:

    1. 1. Sand white- all shades from beige to orange.
    2. 2. Tricolor- advantage of black color, with occasional splashes of red.
    3. 3. Blue- light tones of silver, marble or resin, with darker tan.

    All colors are characterized by large white spots.

    Among the advantages of the breed are:

    • beauty and aristocratic appearance;
    • kind attitude towards children;
    • high mental abilities;
    • good health;
    • devotion;
    • stable psyche.

    Character and habits

    Scottish Sheepdogs differ from other wolfhounds in their balanced character type.. Initially, they were instilled with the instinct of an adequate assistant, capable of protecting their charges and their owner in case of danger. Today, collies have begun to be used as companion dogs, while trying to preserve the original qualities of the breed. In the modern description of the character of dogs, the following characteristics are present:

    • gentleness;
    • friendliness;
    • restraint;
    • calmness.

    Together with their intelligence and ease of training, such animals are also attracted as guides, assistants for the elderly, and orderlies. These are good watchdogs without a hint of aggressiveness.

    Collies are good-natured when interacting with people, and are especially kind to children.. They not only tolerate their pranks and indulge them in everything, but take on the role of caring guardians and faithful comrades. They often share some of the responsibility with adults, turning into a vigilant nanny. They treat other pets as if they were their own herd, trying to take them under their care as well. They behave warily with strangers.

    Since in the modern world collies do not serve as shepherds, they are not required to have high physical endurance. However, this fact does not cancel daily walks in the fresh air with active games. Without this, the pet begins to mope, which manifests itself:

    • sudden change in mood;
    • irritability;
    • the desire to gnaw something from the owner’s personal belongings.

    With enough attention from the owner and family members, the collie will not bother anyone.

    Dogs are endowed with truly royal manners and a sense of delicacy. Therefore, they may be offended by a sharp shout or tugging on the leash. Despite their impressive dimensions, they love affection, love, and are ready to respond in kind. Collie is a devoted friend.

    They are obedient and do not do anything against the will of their owner. They do not attempt to run away from home, as they consider it their duty to always be nearby. They are happy to accompany you on any hikes and trips. During a walk, they do not tolerate it when they move a long distance away from them - this is how the shepherd instinct comes into play.


    Collies are endowed with strong immunity and rarely get sick. There are no congenital diseases, but acquired diseases are possible:

    It is important to get all the necessary vaccinations, as there are quite dangerous diseases that cannot be cured. A similar procedure is carried out three times a year until the age of one, then once is enough.

    The collie gets along comfortably both in a city apartment and country house. The main thing is to have daily long walks and company. Despite having thick and long hair, grooming is not particularly difficult. It does not roll into tangles due to its rough structure. It is enough to brush your dog once a week with a special brush. When shedding, the undercoat is removed with a slicker. Special attention Focus on areas: behind the ears, under the chin, on the chest and hips.

    Bath when dirty. It is advisable not to wash your dog too often - this leads to loss of stiffness in the hair.. Representatives of the show class who attend various exhibitions require more careful care. They begin to be shown at two years of age, since only by this age does the fur acquire the required length.

    Ears and eyes are cleaned with damp swabs. Excessively overgrown hair in the ears, which clogs the canal, is cut off. The claws are periodically trimmed using special pliers. Teeth are taught to brush from puppyhood, and in addition they are given cleansing dry food and special toys.


    The Scots are unpretentious when it comes to food, but adherence to a certain regime is necessary. The following feeding schedule applies to puppies:

    1. 1. Up to 2 months, feed 6 times a day.
    2. 2. At 3–4 months, transfer to four times.
    3. 3. By the age of eight months, there should be no more than three feedings.
    4. 4. At 1.5 years old, the puppy eats like an adult - twice a day.

    Owners choose at their discretion natural diet or ready-made dry food. In the latter case, it is important to choose the right formulations that are most suitable for large dogs. Don’t forget about long hair, which needs appropriate supplements.

    When preference is given to natural food, the menu looks like this:

    • chicken and pork bones;
    • boiled potatoes;
    • raw eggs;
    • lean meat: beef, veal, turkey, rabbit;
    • raw sea fish;
    • pasta;
    • cereals;
    • bakery.

    The emphasis is on meat, preferably raw. Fish is given twice a week in any form. Cereal porridge is cooked every day in water, mixed with chopped vegetables and other ingredients. Season with herbs and vegetable oil.

    Babies are additionally fed milk, but from 3 months they switch to dairy products: cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, yogurt, natural yogurt, kefir. The main thing is that the composition does not contain sugar or artificial ingredients. You cannot feed from a human table, as the dog quickly gets used to it and begins to constantly beg.

    Training and education

    Scottish Shepherds are endowed with high intelligence, which makes the learning and training process easier. A competent approach from an early age allows you to raise a pet that understands the owner perfectly and has good manners in any society.

    Accustoming to order and rules in the house begins from the first days of the puppy's appearance. First of all, they give a nickname and point to their place. Any completed command is rewarded with affectionate stroking and treats.

    During training, violence and rudeness are avoided. A severe reprimand is enough for the dog to understand its mistake.

    • After firmly mastering the nicknames, they begin to practice cleanliness skills:
    • at the slightest attempt, the puppy is taken outside to relieve itself;

    Accustomed to a certain walking regime: in the morning, after meals and in the evening.

    Punishments are unacceptable if a child urinates in the apartment. At this age, they are not yet able to control the bladder; the process stabilizes by 5–6 months. From 1.5 months they develop patience with, such as washing paws, cleaning ears, eyes and teeth, combing, drying. Training begins with elementary commands: “come to me,” “place,” “walk.” By two months they switch to more complex commands: “lie down”, “stand”, “sit”, “no”. During this same period, they begin socialization, which concerns communication skills not only with people, but also with other dogs. Otherwise, the pet grows up timid and overly cautious.

    At approximately 14–16 weeks, the puppy begins to show leadership qualities.

    By the age of six months, when the initial skills have been mastered, serious training begins. These dogs are easily given any science, including guard duty. Depending on the purpose, a specific course is chosen:

    • general training course (GTC);
    • companion dog (VN);
    • managed city ​​dog(UGS);
    • sport herding;
    • Frisbee;
    • dancing with dogs;
    • search and rescue service (SRS);
    • agility;
    • obedience.

    Buying puppies

    Collie puppies are funny, clumsy and not at all like the graceful adults. Only experienced dog breeders can recognize these babies Scottish breed. Puppies develop rather slowly, so they reach the peak of perfection only at two years.

    To buy a purebred pet, it is recommended to contact only experienced breeders or official nurseries. A conscientious dog breeder who breeds collies focuses not only on the exterior, but also on behavioral qualities. Puppies should be raised without harshness, so that the good nature of their character does not disappear.

    The estimated cost of puppies of this breed is $500-2000.

    Nowadays the Internet is full of advertisements for the sale of collies, but in most cases these are half-breeds. In a certified establishment, purebred animals are guaranteed to be sold with the necessary accompanying documentation and a veterinary passport, with a vaccination schedule. Here you can personally meet the parents of the chosen pet and evaluate the conditions of temporary residence.

    When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the presence of a number of indicators:

    • body proportionality;
    • lack of excess weight and massive bones;
    • evenness of paws;
    • a long tail;
    • high set ears.

    Healthy puppies should have thick, dense, silky hair. Excessive curliness, disheveled appearance and dull color are unacceptable. Rich colors are welcome, preferably dark shades.

    Scottish Shepherds are monogamous and immediately become attached to their owner. Co adult dog It is much more difficult to establish close contact. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase babies under the age of 3–4 months.

Collie – screen star, rescuer and friend

The Collie or Scottish Sheepdog has charm and acting talent, and has appeared in films and TV series. For example, "Lassie", which made the dog a world star. An intelligent, good-natured and devoted dog will faithfully serve its owner, graze livestock and take care of small children.

The question of the origin of the collie has not been fully studied. There are only a number of versions. According to one of them, dogs were brought to England by the Romans, and another says that collies already lived in this territory.

The ancestors of this ancient breed are considered Old English Sheepdogs, and in the modern sense a type of herding dog. Collies have been bred in their homeland in Scotland for a very long time as loyal and hardy dogs. The dog breed went through significant selection work until the twentieth century and now it contains an admixture of Irish setters and Russian greyhounds, which gives the dogs a special agility and elegance.

After participating in British exhibitions, the collie became recognizable and spread throughout Europe. The date of approval of the official standard is 1881. Clubs for breed lovers began to open all over the world already in the 20th century.

In Russia, the collie has gained recognition and popularity quite a long time ago. Representatives of the breed were orderlies back during the Russo-Japanese War, when they were purchased from the British. To the Great Patriotic War the dogs delivered important reports and searched for mines.

World fame came to the collie from the hand of the English Queen Victoria, who kept several of these dogs at her court. Her love for these animals was passed on to her subjects.

Description and standard

Collie is a beautiful, large dog with an unusual appearance. The graceful animal belongs to the category of herding breeds. The constitution is dry and strong.

The muscular body is built proportionally. The length of the body slightly exceeds the size at the withers. The line of the back is slightly curved. The tail is saber-shaped, hanging in a normal, calm state. With strong pubescence and a tip curved upward. The forelimbs with developed muscles are located close to one another. The hind ones are sinewy. The paws are round with closed toes.

The head is regular, wedge-shaped, elongated. In profile, the line of the muzzle and the contour of the skull are parallel. The muzzle gradually narrows from the ears to the top of the nose. The ending is rounded and blunt. The triangular ears are set high and laid back slightly. The dark nose is large. Almond-shaped eyes are painted in dark colors. Collies have a normal, scissor bite and strong jaws.

The coat is long, smooth and dense. With straight and coarse guard hair and soft undercoat. At the tips of the ears the hair is short and smooth, gradually lengthening towards the base. The front legs have feathers, and the hind legs only in areas above the hocks. At the bottom of the hind limb the hair is smooth.

The muzzle expresses a cheerful and at the same time cunning mood. The look is lively and a little mysterious.

The average height of collie dogs is 55-60 cm, and their weight is about 30 kg. Females are noticeably smaller than males. On average, representatives of the breed live for 20 years.

Collie varieties by coat type

There are three recorded varieties of collie:

  • Longhair

They are common in European countries and Russia. The animals are covered with luxurious, soft fur, which comes in different colors. The most common ones include marble, tricolor, and many red options. White markings are present on the bloopers, muzzle and tail. A white collar is a mandatory decoration.

  • Shorthair

The history of the short-haired collie dog began only in 1974. The species has its own standard, but is not recognized as a separate breed. Their coat is coarser and shorter than that of long-haired dogs, and their disposition is calmer.

  • American type

American collies are large and massive animals. They have a wide muzzle, and the color can be very diverse.

Color types

Three color options are considered officially approved:

  1. Sable with white inclusions. May range in color from slightly golden to mahogany. Light straw and cream tones should not be observed.
  2. Tricolor, when the base color is black with tan spots on the head and paws. Guard hair of rusty tones is not allowed.
  3. A blue merle finished in a silvery blue tone with splashes of dark spots. Possible dark red markings. The pattern resembles marble.

White markings are present in all colors. This may be a white chest, collar, socks, markings on the tip of the tail, sea and forehead.

What a character

Collie is the dream of a calm, obedient and intelligent dog. She gets along well with children and can replace a nanny and become the most devoted, kind and gentle friend. You can take your collie with you on walks and to the country house. An intelligent and cheerful dog adapts to its owner's lifestyle. Dogs are emotional and curious.

The dog becomes very attached to the family and does not run away from home. Responsive and sensitive Scottish Shepherds are able to predict the desires of their owner. Collies are well trained and trained, and have a good memory for remembering commands. Animals love to please their owner. But you can’t punish a collie. They have a highly developed sense of justice and pride. They cannot tolerate rudeness or loneliness.

A collie dog takes a responsible approach to performing assigned work and listens to its owner unquestioningly. Representatives of the breed do not have conflicts and get along well with other animals and guests. In case of aggressive behavior towards the owner, they come to his defense. They react to suspicious strangers by barking without showing open aggression.

A manifestation of the shepherd instincts inherent in the genes is that they chase passing cars. Collies are energetic dogs and need long walks.

Collies are naturally psychotherapists, so they often live with lonely people. The dog copes excellently with the task of a guide and is considered the best among other breeds in terms of intelligence. Representatives of the breed often perform guard duty. They match official tasks by intelligence and protective instincts. Collie dogs are also good shepherds and companions.

The breed is unpretentious to living conditions, which was passed on to it from its ancestors who worked on farms in Northern England and Scotland.

Collie is suitable for keeping in the house and in the apartment. The main thing is to ensure maximum exposure to fresh air. Dogs are resistant to cold and heat and do not need additional clothing. The undercoat retains air, which helps the dog cool down or retain heat.

The collie corner with bedding should be located away from the heating radiator and draft flows. You need to keep fresh water in a bowl nearby.

A dog's ears require attention and care. Ears become overgrown with hair that blocks the ear canals, and infection leads to complications. The coat needs to be trimmed and the ears cleaned with cotton swabs dipped in a special lotion. It is not recommended to use water to avoid infection. The eyes should be treated with eye lotion using a cotton swab.

Your pet's nails should be trimmed once a month and hair should be trimmed between the toes where dirt sticks. The dog needs walks, games and training.


The type of coat speaks volumes about the health of the pet. Ideally, it is smooth and shiny. The collie's luxurious coat requires regular brushing every week. A more frequent procedure can injure the coat. When shedding, your collie will need to be brushed more often. A fine-tooth comb, a slicker brush, and a dog comb will work for this. When combing, the hair must be lifted.

Hard guard hair prevents tangles and tangling. The fur on the chest, behind the ears, in the tail area and on the hips is combed more thoroughly. In these areas the fur is much softer and down-like.

When combing, the skin is massaged, which helps strengthen the hair and provide better nutrition. To facilitate the operation, the wool is moistened with water or conditioner.

The beauty of the breed is that it does not have the traditional, unpleasant “dog” smell. Only when wet does the smell of “wet wool” appear. You will have to wash your dog frequently with special shampoos designed to care for this type of coat.


From an early age, a pet must be taught to feed at a strictly defined time. After eating, the dog needs to rest for an hour.

You can use high-quality feed or natural food, but mixing them is not recommended. The initial choice made in favor of one of the food options must be adhered to constantly.

With a natural diet, vitamin complexes are added on the recommendation of a veterinarian. Main products for creating a menu:

  • Boiled meat or offal
  • Dairy
  • Eggs and vegetables
  • Various cereals
  • Fish and seafood

Health status

Collies are strong animals with good health, but certain diseases still occur:

  1. Eyes and vision are the most vulnerable
  2. Indigestion
  3. Dermatomyositis
  4. Hereditary predisposition to hip dysplasia
  5. "Grey Collie" syndrome, when puppies die before 6 months of age
  6. Genetic pathologies associated with gene mutation. Such diseases cause a deterioration in health, a decrease in cortisone levels, and sensitivity to medications. Genetic tests help identify and exclude dogs with such deviations.


The Collie is not considered an expensive dog. The price consists of a combination of factors that can increase it.

On average, they ask for about 45,000 rubles for a dog. You can buy a puppy from a private owner without a pedigree for 7-15 thousand rubles. elite nurseries set a starting price of 40,000 rubles, and small ones – from 20,000 rubles.

Dogs that remain without an owner for a long time are sold cheaper.

Watch also the video

A large herding breed native to Scotland. They showed themselves excellently as a search, herding, and guard dog. After a special training course, he becomes a professional guide for blind people. The film "Lassie" brought great popularity to kalia, about a faithful and reliable friend a dog who was able to find the owner he loves after overcoming a difficult path.

Interesting fact: According to the script, Lassie is a girl, but her role was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which means “Friend”. Pel's descendants took part in the following films. So, all 9 Lassies were males, but played a female role.

The reason is simple, the collie - the girl sheds at least once a year, shedding almost completely her fur coat. For this reason, she does not participate all year round. Males are larger, more resilient, and take longer to film.

Description of the collie breed and the FCI standard

The collie is amazingly beautiful, from the group of large herding dogs. Her proud posture expresses strength and activity.

Divided into two types:

  1. long-haired
  2. smooth-haired

  1. Body type: regular, proportional. When viewed in profile, the top line of the skull and muzzle look like parallel straight lines, equal in length, separated by a stop. The length of the body is slightly longer than the height at the withers.
  2. Construction type: dry, strong.
  3. Personality: affectionate, calm, loyal, cheerful, friendly.
  4. Head: Wedge-shaped, considered in relation to size. When viewed from the front or side, it resembles a blunt, clean wedge with smooth outlines. The point midway between the inner corners of the eyes is the center of balance of the head along its length.
  5. Skull: flat. The lateral lines gradually taper from the ears to the tip of the nose. The depth of the skull from the eyebrows to the lower jaw is not deep.
  6. Stop: light but noticeable. The center of a correctly positioned stop transition is the midpoint between the inner corners of the eyes.
  7. Nose: black.
  8. Muzzle: long, but not pointed, the end is rounded, blunt. Not rectangular.
  9. Jaws and teeth: regular scissor bite. The lower jaw is strong, clearly outlined by black lips. The jaws are strong and strong.
  10. Cheekbones: The zygomatic arches are almost not pronounced.
  11. Eyes: medium, almond-shaped, dark (in blue merle color, there are blue eyes or with blue splashes). The look is lively, slightly slanted, mysterious.
  12. Ears: small, pointed, set high.
  13. Back: strong, medium length, slightly arched.
  14. Lumbar: with a slight rise.
  15. Chest: Deep, wide behind the shoulders. Ribs with a clearly visible bend.
  16. Tail: long, reaching to the hock when carried down. When at rest, it is lowered down, the end is slightly bent upward.
  17. Forelegs: straight, muscular, with moderate bones of a rounded shape, close to each other.
  18. Shoulders: sloping, well angulated.
  19. Elbows: set straight, neither turned in nor out.
  20. Hind limbs: strong, sinewy.
  21. Thigh: muscular.
  22. Knees: at the correct angle.
  23. Hock joints: powerful.
  24. Paws: oval. Fingers clasped together. The hindquarters are less arched.
  25. Coat: straight, thick. The guard hair is straight and hard, the undercoat is soft and dense. The collar and ruff are abundant, the covering on the muzzle is smooth and even. The tips of the ears are covered with smooth hair; the coat is longer at the base. The front legs are feathered, the hind legs above the hocks are heavily feathered, the lower part of the leg is covered with smooth hair. The tail is shrouded in lush fur.

Collie color

Collie full length - Scottish Shepherd stance

There are three officially recognized colors:

  1. Sable with white (light golden to rich mahogany, dark sable. Light straw or cream are not desirable)
  2. Tri-color (black with red markings on the legs and head. The rusty shade of the guard hairs is undesirable).
  3. Blue Merle (pure silvery blue, spattered with dark spots, reminiscent of marble. Bright red tan marks are preferred, their absence is acceptable. Large dark markings, slate or rusty tint to the guard or undercoat are undesirable).

All colors may have white markings.

The most common: a white collar in whole or in part, a white chest, toes on the paws, a white tip of the tail. A dent on the muzzle, on the forehead or along the head.

Character of the Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

By character, collies can easily be considered one of the most loyal, beautiful and kindest breeds in the world. She is very smart, sensitive and loyal.

It is a pleasure to train her; by nature, Kolia is very inquisitive; she will try to get praise from her owner by any means. With constant training and persistence of the owner, with the help of treats and encouragement, amazing results can be achieved. She is a wonderful companion for jogging, cycling, and a regular walk in the park and forest.

Does not tolerate punishment or coercion. Never shout or hit your collie, this will make her cowardly and unsure of herself. The Scottish Shepherd is an irreplaceable friend for children. She will be a wonderful nanny for them, showing her care and attention. He loves to play and frolic, and never misses a chance to run around and play active games with the children.

But remember, regardless of trust, never leave a small child alone with her.

Photo of a collie with a good character

Gets along well with any pets. Collie is playful, temperamental, and remains so throughout life. She demands constant movement and new impressions.

The main advantage is that she will never leave home.

Collie is suitable for keeping in city apartments, the main condition is long and active walks in the fresh air. Despite the thick coat, it tolerates heat well; the dense undercoat is able to retain air under the fur, thus helping the animal cool down.

With good heredity, there are practically no problems with the health of the Kolia; this is a generally healthy breed. The only most common diseases are retinal atrophy and joint dysplasia. Choose a place in the house for your collie in a secluded corner where there will be no drafts or a nearby radiator. There should be fresh water in the bowl at all times.

Collie care

Scottish Shepherd baby photo

Collies are divided into two types: long-haired and smooth-haired. The coat is thick with a dense undercoat and sheds, a process that occurs for many reasons.

There are several forms of molting:

  1. Seasonal, takes place twice a year, spring - autumn. If kept in an apartment with dry, warm air, it can last all year round. Please note that if the coat is dry and constantly shedding, consult a veterinarian and be sure to use a humidifier.
  2. Age (junior coat change occurs before the age of 1 year)
  3. Shedding in bitches after estrus and childbirth (this is due to hormonal fluctuations. After giving birth, bitches shed heavily, and during the period of nursing the litter they continue to shed hair for some time. The process is natural, you should not be afraid of it. The new regrown coat is more luxuriant than the previous one)
  4. Health problems (poor diet, food allergies, bad heredity)

Photo of collie face close-up

In order for your collie to look neat, well-groomed and attract the admiring glances of passers-by, you must provide her with proper care, regardless of the length of her coat.

Combing: Give sufficient hours and effort. You should purchase combs, combs and a powder brush. With their help, the coat will always have a neat and well-groomed appearance. By type of wool experienced breeder will accurately determine your health status. A healthy coli has smooth, shiny, thick fur, depending on its age and season. The breed does not have unpleasant smell“dogs”, only when wet can a slight smell of “wet wool” appear.

It is recommended to brush your collie 3-4 times a month; too frequent brushing will damage the coat. During the molting period, you will have to comb it more often. The beauty of the hard guard hair is that it does not get tangled, but the hair behind the ears, on the paws, on inside thighs, armpit area soft as feathers. Accordingly, it needs to be combed more often.

To care for the coat you will need:

  1. comb with metal non-sharp teeth (3.5 - 4 cm)
  2. comb with frequent thin teeth for combing during shedding (slicker)
  3. massage type brushes, without balls at the ends of the bristles, with metal, artificial or natural bristles
  4. regular hairdressing scissors (for trimming fur on paws and behind ears)
  5. thinning scissors
  6. sprayer (when combing the coat must be moistened)
  7. shampoo according to coat type
  8. air conditioner
  9. Anti-matt spray for combing tangles

When combing, the skin is massaged, which has a beneficial effect on strengthening and improving the nutrition of guard hairs. The wool is first sprayed with water or conditioner. Use a slicker brush to comb out the front and back paws. Behind the ears we use a comb with sparse teeth, blunted at the ends with a round cross-section. Using a massage brush, comb the fur on the chest and back, carefully strand by strand, according to the growth of the fur. During the shedding period, the collie sheds most of its hair and the grooming process takes longer.

The photo shows a collie mother and puppies in different colors near the forest.

Ears: inspect, once a week, or when dirty, wipe with a cotton pad soaked in warm water. Be sure to trim the hair on the ears, this gives the collie a neat appearance.

Nails: trim once a month using a nail clipper for large breeds.

Paws: after a walk, wipe with a damp cloth and inspect for cracks or other damage. In winter, make sure that your pet does not lick the reagent or salt that is sprinkled on the snow from his paws, this is dangerous for his health. Vegetable oil (olive, corn, flaxseed) will help prevent the appearance of cracks; include 1 tsp in your diet. daily and, if possible, rub it into the collie's pads. It is recommended to trim and trim the fur on the paws; less dirt will stick and they will look beautiful.

Eyes: check regularly; a healthy colia has a cheerful and shiny look, without tears. In case of excessive souring of the eyes, rinse them with a weak brew of black tea or chamomile decoction. This procedure will remove dust, but will not help with serious illness. If inflammation is suspected, severe redness, tearing, be sure to contact your veterinarian.

Deworming: be sure to do it two to three times a year (a therapeutic and prophylactic procedure that rids the body of worms and larvae).

The drug comes in different forms:

  • Suspension
  • Pills

The dose is given in one dose, the veterinarian calculates it by weight, and the procedure is repeated after 10 days.

Ticks and fleas on collies

Ticks are carriers dangerous disease piroplasmosis, which, unfortunately, may end fatal. But this can only happen if the necessary treatment is not provided on time.

You shouldn’t be scared right away; fortunately, not all ticks are carriers of the disease, but to protect your pet from them, be sure to treat it with the necessary drug (Advantix, Frontline, etc.). Apply the product to the withers area, do not bathe for 10 days.

Always monitor your collie's health, activity and appetite. In case of lethargy, refusal to eat and drink, pay attention to some symptoms, and if you notice them, immediately seek help from a veterinarian.

  • Vomit
  • Dark urine (brown, brown, or red)
  • Yellowing of visible mucous membranes and whites of the eyes
  • Shortness of breath
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty walking (falling on hind legs)
  • Temperature 40 - 42 C or higher (normal 37.5 - 39 ° C, in small breeds up to 39.5)

The photo shows a Scottish Shepherd puppy on a walk.

There are two types of collie food:

  1. Natural food
  2. Dry or wet prepared food.

If you are a busy person, the option of ready-made food will be ideal for you, but switching coli to another menu in the future will not be so easy. A menu of natural products should include the necessary products, do not forget about vitamins and mineral supplements.

Healthy foods for collie:

  • Beef meat (boiled)
  • Boiled sea fish (without bones)
  • Liver
  • Seaweed
  • Seasonal vegetables (boiled zucchini with carrots, pumpkin).
  • Greenery
  • Low-fat cottage cheese
  • Unpeeled tripe is the most delicious thing for dogs (the smell, however, is mind-blowing, but they adore it).
  • Cereals (rice, buckwheat).
  • Turkey, chicken, rabbit
  • Apples, pears

Prohibited foods for collies:

  • Tubular bones
  • Raw river fish
  • Flour products
  • Potato
  • Legumes
  • Lard and raw pork
  • Sweets
  • Smoked meats
  • Chocolate

Approximate diet for a collie with 2 feedings a day

  • Cottage cheese - 300g, or meat - 100-200g.

Evening feeding:

  • Porridge with meat, vegetables and herbs, or porridge with fish, vegetables and herbs (1/3 porridge to 1/3 vegetables to 1/3 meat scalded with boiling water).

Showing care and love, he will always remain energetic and cheerful.

Remember, collies have a loving and trusting heart, so they cannot tolerate betrayal and give themselves completely to their owner.

Collie diseases

  • Pemphigus foliaceus
  • Vitiligo
  • Ectopic ureters
  • Congenital collie eye syndrome
  • Progressive retinal atrophy
  • Entropion (inversion of the eyelid)
  • Distichiasis (extra eyelashes)
  • Yeast dermatitis
  • Epilepsy
  • Degenerative myelopathy
  • Congenital deafness

Collie photo

Video collie

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