Home Oral cavity Severe redness of the child's cheeks. Red cheeks in a baby: can there be redness when a baby is teething? The child's cheeks turn red in the evening

Severe redness of the child's cheeks. Red cheeks in a baby: can there be redness when a baby is teething? The child's cheeks turn red in the evening

Hello, dear moms and dads! Your child’s cheeks are red, naturally the first question is why? Well, what could we have done wrong again? There seems to be no reason to call a doctor, but at the same time I don’t want to go to the clinic again. What should I do?

The first step is to analyze what is last days Before the child's cheeks turned red, there was a change in his diet and care. And in order to make it a little easier for you to understand the reason for such a phenomenon as redness of the baby’s cheeks, we suggest that you figure it out together.

The most harmless reason is that your cheeks are red after a walk in winter. After some time, this redness should go away, and there is no need to worry too much, just before going for a walk next time, lubricate your baby’s cheeks with a special baby cream.

Another, most common, cause of redness on a child’s cheeks can be diathesis. It is important to find out the reason for such a reaction in time and prevent the development atopic dermatitis The child has.

In general, a child may have red cheeks for the following reasons:

  • food allergies (diathesis);
  • weathered or from frost;
  • allergies to medications;
  • the child is simply hot.

If you are breastfeeding, remember what you ate over the past 24 hours and try to exclude new foods from your diet. Some foods may cause intolerance in a child.

Usually from such prohibited products breastfeeding, can be called: citrus fruits, all red vegetables and fruits, cow's milk, eggs, honey, nuts, chocolate.

It is also worth paying attention to children's cosmetics, washing powder for children's clothes and other household items that the child comes into contact with.

At artificial feeding Perhaps the reason is precisely in the infant formula. If you have already started complementary feeding, then it is possible that this is exactly the reaction to the introduced product, or that you were simply given too much for the first time.

In general, children under 3 years of age can react to food precisely by the appearance of redness on the cheeks, and most often the reason lies in baby food, so be careful. And be that as it may, the final cause needs to be clarified only with a doctor.

What to do if your child has redness on his cheeks?

If a child has a red cheek or even both cheeks, get ready for the fact that you will have to look for the cause by elimination. Without eliminating the cause that caused such a reaction in the body, the redness of the child’s cheeks will not go away on their own.

Be sure to watch your diet, and do not exclude all vegetables and fruits. After all, for the baby normal development and restoration of metabolism, vitamins and good nutrition.

Ask your pediatrician about medications for allergic reactions, urticaria and other manifestations of diathesis. For example, now there are special drops or gels, the name of which is best checked with a doctor.

Very important for a speedy recovery proper care behind the affected area of ​​skin. Good effect for redness, take baths with the addition of decoctions from medicinal plants: chamomile, string, dandelion.

However, before undergoing such procedures, it is also important to tell your doctor what you are going to do and whether such procedures are possible in your case. In addition, make sure your child’s hands are clean, because often the child’s red cheeks also itch, and introducing infection into the wounds will only worsen the problem.

Good luck in quickly determining the cause of red cheeks in your child and treating this problem. Be very careful when introducing new foods into your baby’s diet and do not overfeed your baby. After all, even the safest foods can lead to diathesis in large quantities.


What diseases can cause red cheeks in a child?

“Not a child, but blood and milk” - this is how they have been saying about strong men since ancient times, emphasizing a healthy complexion. Indeed, a light blush of a baby is most often an indicator of the normal functioning of the body and means that oxygen-enriched blood circulates freely, nourishing all systems and organs. But sometimes a child’s excessively red cheeks become a source of concern for loving parents, and for good reason. After all, the skin is one of the most sensitive indicators of deviations and failures occurring in the body. What are the reasons for the painful redness of a child’s tender cheeks?


The most common cause of red cheeks in a baby is diathesis. This special condition organism, which indicates a predisposition to allergic, respiratory and inflammatory diseases. Most often it occurs in children from the first days of life to 3 years.

The newborn’s body is still just adapting to new living conditions. The baby switches to a completely different nutritional system, so his work digestive organs imperfect: not yet formed protective functions intestines, digestive enzymes are not produced in proper quantities, and the permeability of the intestinal walls is increased. Foreign proteins, once in the child’s body, are not broken down and easily enter the bloodstream. The immune system reacts instantly by releasing antibodies that react with the allergens. As a result, excess histamine is released. This substance causes severe vasodilation (which is why red rashes appear on the cheeks), itching and swelling.

What signs will help determine allergic diathesis in an infant?

  • Red, rough skin on the cheeks.
  • Rashes in the form of small itchy blisters.
  • Possibility of wet areas.
  • Seborrheic crusts on the head.
  • Abnormal stool.
  • Nausea.

The impetus for the development of diathesis is the consumption of foods that can cause an allergic reaction:

  • cow's milk - if you are intolerant to milk protein or lactose;
  • Cereal porridge – for gluten allergies;
  • fruits, vegetables and red berries;
  • citrus fruits;
  • nuts and especially peanuts;
  • mushrooms;
  • smoked meats;
  • seafood.
  • If diathesis appears in a breastfed child, then the nursing mother should carefully review her diet, excluding allergenic foods from it.
  • Advice
  • Baths or lotions based on a decoction of string or chamomile will help alleviate the baby’s condition and relieve redness and itching.


A person has an excellent defense system - immunity. Immune cells struggling with foreign bodies with the help of produced antibodies, Sometimes for some reason at work immune system a malfunction occurs, and it begins to perceive pathogens that are harmless to health as hostile and produce antibodies to them. Among these numerous pathogens, the following should be particularly highlighted:

  • plant pollen, especially during the flowering period;
  • house dust;
  • animal hair, down and feathers of birds;
  • Food;
  • medications - antibiotics, vaccines, drugs in the form of sweet syrups;
  • chemical substances;
  • poisonous substances that insects or reptiles inject into the bloodstream when they bite.

Allergy symptoms are very similar to symptoms of diathesis. The child appears:

  • red spots on the cheeks that itch and peel;
  • lacrimation, pain in the eyes and conjunctivitis;
  • nasal congestion, sneezing and coughing;
  • swelling;
  • urticaria - a rash resembling blisters from a nettle burn;
  • headache and malaise.

But if diathesis is a temporary condition that goes away as work improves child's body, then allergy is a pathology that often leads to serious consequences and requires treatment.

To eliminate allergy symptoms, including red cheeks in a child, the first step is to stop contact with the allergen. Lubricate the skin with baby cream or Bepanten regenerating ointment based on vitamin B5. Assign antihistamines Only a doctor should!


Red cheeks against the background of unnaturally pale lips and the tip of the nose are characteristic feature pneumonia. This serious illness, which is quite often diagnosed in children and carries with it real threat life. Therefore, every mother must know the typical manifestations of pneumonia:

  • the child becomes lethargic and weak, refuses to play;
  • loss of appetite;
  • a very high temperature rises, which practically does not go down;
  • shortness of breath appears and coughing;
  • The baby complains of body aches, nausea and headache.

If your child has such signs, you should not hesitate for a minute - urgently contact a qualified medical care.

To avoid serious complications, treatment of a child with pneumonia should be carried out only in inpatient conditions.


Children's infection Roseola is also accompanied by a characteristic reddening of the cheeks. A solid red spot, upon closer examination, turns out to be many small spots with jagged edges, located very close to each other. When pressed with a finger, the spot brightens and becomes pale pink. By this feature, roseola can be distinguished from rubella and allergic rashes on the baby's skin.

Skin manifestations occur in the second stage of the disease. They are preceded by classic symptoms viral infection:

  • sharp increase temperature that lasts 3 days (therefore roseola is also called three-day fever);
  • weakness, lethargy, body aches appear;
  • There is no cough or runny nose with this infection.

Roseola is treated in the same way as any other viral infection. A sick child needs to be provided with bed rest, plenty of fluids, and symptomatic therapy.

A complication of roseola in young children can be convulsions caused by very high temperature. Therefore, parents need to constantly monitor the baby’s condition and give antipyretic drugs on time.

Worm infestations

  • dirty hands;
  • contaminated water;
  • poorly washed vegetables and fruits;
  • thermally unprocessed meat and fish;
  • contact with animals.
  • Roundworms cause a hives-like rash - small red blisters that spread throughout the body and are accompanied by severe itching.
  • Pinworms – provoke the appearance of large, swollen red spots on the face.
  • Giardia causes several types of rashes - from blisters similar to urticaria to complex dermatoses.
  • Tapeworms lead to severe intoxication of the body, as a result - extensive skin rashes with flaky areas, skin fungus.

To these unpleasant manifestations when helminthic infestations signs such as itching in the area are added anus, loss of appetite, weight loss, fatigue, pallor, gastrointestinal problems.


At the age of 4 months, babies begin to erupt their first teeth. One of the signs of this rather painful process is the redness of the baby’s cheeks. There are several reasons for this.

  1. A few weeks before the appearance of the first tooth, work intensifies salivary glands– this is how the baby’s body prepares for the process of digesting solid food. The baby has not yet learned to swallow saliva, so it flows out, getting on the delicate skin of the cheeks and chin. Redness skin– the result of irritation caused by saliva.
  2. To appear on the surface, a baby tooth cuts through the gum, causing discomfort, swelling and inflammation. Children begin to intensively rub and scratch their cheeks, trying to relieve pain and, thereby, causing irritation and redness.
  3. Redness is explained by a rush of blood due to the dilation of blood vessels and small capillaries when body temperature rises.

Helping a baby in this condition is to eliminate the inflammatory process in oral cavity and a decrease in body temperature. As soon as the tooth erupts, all symptoms will immediately disappear.

An ordinary teaspoon will help improve the condition when teething. Biting a cold metal surface will relieve pain and serve as a kind of massage for sore gums. It’s not for nothing that in the old days in Rus' it was customary to give babies silver spoons “for their teeth.”

When there is no reason to worry

Do not forget that a baby has red cheeks - this is the perfect norm, especially if there are no other unpleasant and painful symptoms. After all, the surface layer of the skin, which is responsible for its opacity, is very thin in babies, and the smallest particles can be seen through it. blood vessels– capillaries, giving the cheeks a bright pink color.

Are your baby's cheeks red? This is a natural reaction of the body to following cases.

  • Exercise stress. To deliver more oxygen to working muscles, the heart begins to beat faster, increasing blood circulation in the body. The more intense the load, the redder the baby's cheeks will be.
  • Long stay in the cold. Cold air greatly cools the skin of the cheeks. In response to this, the thermoregulation mechanism is activated, activating blood circulation in the capillaries to warm the frozen areas. This rush of blood causes redness. It is worth using a rich cream to protect your baby's skin from frostbite.
  • Exposure to sunlight. When warmed, the subcutaneous capillaries expand and fill with blood.
  • The child’s emotional reaction to some events is shame, anger, joy, embarrassment. The expansion of capillaries in such cases occurs under the influence of nerve impulses.
  • Increased sensitivity delicate baby skin that reacts to any irritants - friction, saliva or food debris.
  • Dry and hot air in the room. In such a situation, redness on the child’s cheeks and chin appears in the evening, and after bathing it goes away.

In such cases, the redness of the cheeks lasts for a maximum of several hours, and then disappears without a trace, without worsening the child’s well-being.

It is very important that there is always a sensitive, attentive and knowledgeable person, able to recognize alarming symptoms in time and provide necessary help.

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Why do my cheeks burn?

Why do my cheeks burn? This physiological process is so common that every person experiences it at least once in their life. This phenomenon has external and internal reasons. You can also be guided by folk signs.

Folk signs

When a person is not sick with anything, most often they either try not to notice this physiological process or interpret it according to popular belief. There is a saying: “When cheeks burn, people talk.” Folk wisdom states that if you run a gold ring across such a cheek, the following can be determined from the remaining mark:

  • a light trace means that good things are said about a person;
  • red - the person discussing the opinion is either neutral or has not yet formed;
  • a black mark symbolizes unpleasant conversations or judgments.

Some people attribute this condition to negative factors. Some believe that at a time when cheeks and ears are burning, someone is sure to remember the person. According to another sign, the heat of the cheeks symbolizes the possibility of impending disaster. In this case, in the old days, people washed themselves with holy water and read conspiracies.

Signs were also previously interpreted based on the days of the week. So, people believed that if your ears and cheeks burn on Monday, then an unexpected but very significant acquaintance with a person who can help in a difficult situation is possible. On Tuesday, heat in the cheeks and ears signals a major quarrel with a loved one. But people whose cheeks and ears burn on Wednesday may have a new romantic date. On Thursday - to do what you love, on Friday - to good news, on Saturday - to an unforgettable meeting. And on Sunday, cheeks usually glow with joy.

It happens that one cheek burns. This can also be interpreted according to some folk signs. So, if you are exposed to heat left cheek, someone strongly criticizes a person or “washes his bones.” The right cheek burning at the same time as the ear can signal praise, possible imminent embarrassment, a quarrel, or that someone will soon tell the good news.

But those who have health problems should not pay attention to the signs. Red burning cheeks with ears may indicate poor circulation, deterioration in the functioning of internal organs and other painful conditions.

Physiological reasons

From a medical point of view, this condition of the cheeks is called “blushing syndrome”; it signals the presence of any functional failures or diseases. So, red cheeks are a sign of the following conditions:

There are other factors that cause burning cheeks. However, if the burning sensation is felt every day, it is best to seek help from a dermatologist. Testing may be required for diagnosis.

Sometimes blushing syndrome may require consultation with a psychotherapist or surgical intervention.

But burning cheeks do not always signal illness. Sometimes this is caused by constant contact with an external stimulus or frequent stress. During emotional outbursts, the skin temperature rises and the capillaries expand, which leads to flaming cheeks.

In women in menopause Redness of the face is caused by hot flashes, the underlying cause of which is a change in the functioning of the ovaries and hormonal levels.

During this period, some medications (especially for cancer) can only worsen the situation, so before treating diseases, you should definitely inform your doctor about the onset of menopause.

Being in a stuffy room, as well as alcohol, can intensify hot flashes. fatty food and constant stress.

Child's red cheeks

Why do my child's cheeks burn? Red cheeks occur in people of any age. This may be an allergic reaction. Therefore, if such a symptom occurs, the child should be shown to a pediatric allergist or pediatrician. Doctors usually prescribe treatment with Zyrtec or Zodak, but in some cases the treatment tactics may be different.

In some situations, you can independently determine the cause of the allergy and eliminate it. So, a child may have a reaction to citrus fruits or bananas. In this case, the cheeks, neck, chin, and sometimes the ear turn red at the same time.

The cause of this condition of the cheeks may be teething. This symptom is usually accompanied by increased salivation and a slight increase in body temperature. If your child is very concerned about this condition, you should consult a therapist.

Sun rays can cause burns. If the reason lies in the baby’s prolonged exposure to sun rays, his skin should be treated with baby cream.


Why does the child have red cheeks?

Quite often, mothers observe such a phenomenon as redness of the baby’s cheeks. However, not everyone tries to understand this situation, attributing it to individual characteristics or simple overheating.

Why do babies' cheeks turn red?

There are quite a few reasons why a child’s cheeks become red. The most common of them:

  • sharp drop temperature environment;
  • diathesis;
  • problems of the cardiovascular system;
  • infectious process.

So, the most harmless of the reasons listed above is the so-called chapping. Often mothers, especially in the cold season, note that after a walk the baby’s cheeks become red. In order to prevent this phenomenon, it is enough to lubricate the child’s cheeks with baby protective cream before going outside. Also in Lately Cases of allergies to cold have become more frequent, causing the cheeks to become very red.

The phenomenon of diathesis deserves special attention, which in most cases explains why a child’s cheeks become red. In such cases, this reaction is observed after introducing a new product into the child’s diet.

In cases where a child has hot, red, or even burgundy cheeks, and they turn red in the evening, you need to think about the development of a cold. In this case, it is enough to measure your body temperature to clarify the situation. In addition, this kind of redness can also be caused by an allergic reaction.

A symptom such as crimson cheeks in a child may indicate the presence of a cardiovascular disorder in the baby’s body. This phenomenon is observed, in particular, with such a pathology as an anomaly of cardiac development - a functioning oval window, in which arterial blood mixes with the venous.

What to do if your baby's cheeks turn red?

When the baby's cheeks are red, the first thing the mother should do is rule out a cold, by simply measuring the body temperature. If it is elevated and is 38.5 degrees, it is necessary to give an antipyretic.

In cases where redness is caused by diathesis, it is enough to exclude allergenic product from the baby's diet.

If there are suspicions of diseases of the cardiac system, you should contact a pediatrician who will prescribe an ultrasound of the heart.

I think this situation is quite typical: at one “wonderful” moment you looked at your baby, and suddenly discovered that the child’s cheeks were red. Is it good or bad? Is it normal and a sign of health, or symptoms of an incipient disease? A “light blush” from fresh air, or the first sign of someone coming? Let's figure it out.

The reasons for the appearance of redness on a baby’s cheeks are different, and to determine the potential danger we just need to pay close attention to associated symptoms. Let's look at the 5 most typical cases.

1. The child’s red cheeks are not accompanied by any other symptoms.

The most positive and safe case. The appearance of redness can be caused by active games and walks on fresh air. There is another safe reason for red cheeks: emotions. Feelings of shame, anger, modesty or shyness cause the blood to rush to the face and the cheeks to turn red.

2. Along with the appearance of red cheeks, the child has a fever

Increased temperature causes the blood vessels on the face to expand. If after measurement the result is less than 38 degrees, then the use of any antipyretic drugs is not required.

To eliminate the problem, various natural, non-carbonated, caffeine-free drinks are used. The most popular, proven generations still remain fruit drinks made from raspberry jam or lingonberries, as well as sweetened tea with rose hips. But when promoted, caring parents immediately call ambulance, but the child is not denied a drink.

3. Redness of the cheeks appeared against the background of general weakness, fatigue and low temperature body

Fatigue or loss of strength, which may be caused by lack of correct mode day for the child.

As a result, he does not get enough sleep due to watching late-night movies, eats poorly, preferring sweets, or suffers from a lack of fresh air, spending all his time free time in front of computer.

Making your baby live according to a schedule will be extremely difficult. You'll have to show good willpower. 🙂 It will be necessary to gradually introduce restrictions on a reckless lifestyle: first go to bed at 21.00 (this is the most optimal time for going to bed for children and adolescents), then have breakfast healthy products(porridge, cottage cheese, etc.), limit the computer to 2-3 hours a day and choose the most optimal time for daily walks with the whole family.

4. Red cheeks in a child are accompanied by slight peeling or a small rash (not purulent in nature)

This is how childhood diathesis manifests itself - an allergic reaction, for example, to irritants such as excessively consumed amounts of chocolate or citrus fruits.

The success of treatment in such a delicate situation depends entirely on the parents’ ability to withstand a child’s hysteria or big sad eyes in which tears accumulate, as well as on the child’s ingenuity.

The most important medicine is a complete refusal of sweets: sweets, cookies, jam, yoghurts, cottage cheese, juices, fruit drinks and citrus fruits, plums, pears, red grapes.

The duration of treatment is usually 7-12 days if all conditions are met. If there is even the slightest doubt, then consulting a doctor is essential.

Due to the deteriorating environmental situation and sharp increase in the number of cases of development, pediatricians recommend using candida ointment and nystatin tablets even with diathesis. Medicines should be given to the baby only if he has itching or the rash does not go away on its own within 4-5 days.

5. Red cheeks, rash on the face or hands, accompanied by elevated temperature body, cough or difficulty breathing

This is how an allergic reaction manifests itself. Guessing what caused it is the most wrong way of behavior. The appearance of allergy symptoms after taking any product or contact with a certain object does not at all indicate it as the source of the problem.

Allergens tend to gradually accumulate in the body, and as soon as their number reaches a maximum, the child begins to show negative reactions to something that “previously did not irritate me at all.” The only right decision in this case is to undergo an extensive test to identify a dangerous allergen, exclude it from the child’s life, and only then begin treatment with medications prescribed by the attending physician.

In general, if your child’s cheeks are red, try to first determine what exactly was the source of irritation. Well, to be sure, still consult a doctor. It's more reliable.

Watching feature films of the last century, leafing through illustrations of children's books, you will notice that the image of a strong and healthy baby necessarily includes the presence of blush on the cheeks. A modern mother has at least once heard from grandmothers that the lack of blush on a baby’s cheeks is nothing more than a sign of malnutrition or some kind of “childhood illness.” In reality, things are somewhat different.

Fortunately, medicine is last years is moving forward by leaps and bounds, which means that any phenomenon can be explained. And, if earlier mothers were concerned about the pallor of their babies, now the question of why the child’s cheeks turn red arises quite often. The answer is simple: if any changes occur in a child’s body, the first organ that will respond will be the skin. Let's look at the most common reasons why a baby's cheeks begin to turn red.

For some reason your baby's cheeks started to turn red? This situation requires careful study and a serious approach, since blushing in a baby can be a manifestation of both normality and disease.

IMPORTANT! If a child’s cheeks turn red after active play or a long walk in the fresh air, there is no reason to worry. This blush disappears as quickly as it appears, and indicates increased blood circulation due to physical activity or emotional reaction (anger, shame, shyness). Warning should be caused by persistent redness of the cheeks, not associated with physical activity.

Why do my child's cheeks turn red? Teething.

During the eruption of a new tooth, the baby is not himself - restless, capricious, lethargic, without appetite. A baby tooth, making its way through, damages the gums, causing pain, swelling and inflammation of the oral mucosa. Often this whole complex of symptoms is complemented by an increase in temperature, as a result of which the child’s cheeks have a persistent blush.

What to do?

In such a situation, all measures to alleviate the baby’s condition should be aimed at reducing body temperature and eliminating inflammation in the oral cavity. As soon as the baby’s condition returns to normal, the pathological blush on the cheeks will disappear imperceptibly.

Why do my child's cheeks turn red? Allergic diathesis.

Plump, rosy cheeks are no longer considered a sign good health crumbs, but rather indicate an error in the diet. Children love various sweets, most of which can cause redness and peeling of the cheeks. In addition, red spots, rashes, and sores may appear on the face and body, which cause itching in the baby.

Chocolate, citrus fruits, nuts, honey, sweet soda are products that most often provoke the development of allergic diathesis. In children under 6 months of age, when the main diet is breast milk or an adapted formula, the possibility of developing an allergic diathesis is also not excluded. An error in the nutrition of a nursing mother, for example, the consumption of protein foods (milk, eggs, poultry) or red vegetables and berries (tomatoes, strawberries, raspberries) can cause reddening of the baby’s cheeks.

Remember, regardless of the age of the baby, responsibility for his health lies entirely with the parents.

What to do?

When a child's cheeks become red due to development food allergies, the primary measure is to eliminate allergens from the diet. In some situations, it is not possible to accurately determine the allergen product, so treatment consists of eliminating sweets, starchy foods, citrus fruits, and foods containing food coloring.

IMPORTANT! Allergic diathesis is a reason to consult a doctor who will diagnose accurate diagnosis and will give useful recommendations for baby skin care. Taking any medications should be supervised by a specialist.

Why do my child's cheeks turn red? Allergy.

Emissions harmful substances into the air at work, exhaust gases, animal hair, plant pollen, house dust - the list of allergens that surround a child every day can be listed endlessly.

During development allergic reaction In addition to reddening of the cheeks, the child will have symptoms such as lacrimation, sneezing, nasal congestion, cough, general malaise, etc. Unlike colds, which are also characterized by the above symptoms, when an allergy occurs, the body temperature does not increase.

Allergies can develop suddenly or be the result of constant contact with allergens. An illustrative example of development is the appearance of a blush on the cheeks and other allergy symptoms in a child after prolonged use of medications.

Contact dermatitis is why a child's cheeks turn red. This is a reaction of the skin in response to an allergen, which is most often skin care products (soap, bubble bath, shampoo, moisturizer). In this case, redness will appear not only on the cheeks, but also on other areas of the skin in contact with the cosmetic.

What to do?

It is not possible to completely cure allergies, but stable remission of the disease can be achieved. Parents have the power to limit contact with the allergen. If there is a suspicion that allergies are caused by plant pollen or house dust, daily wet cleaning of the house and installing an air purifier in the children's room will be sufficient to alleviate the condition.

IMPORTANT! The selection of antihistamine (antiallergic) drugs is carried out by a pediatrician! Uncontrolled treatment can lead to the development of serious complications.

If a child’s cheeks turn red, most mothers immediately sigh in horror: “Oh, diathesis!” And the torment begins. However, most parents do not even suspect that diathesis is not a disease. In fact, the word “diathesis” does not hide a specific disease, but only a predisposition to some kind of illness or a non-standard reaction of the child’s body to stimuli familiar to adults.

If your child has red cheeks and you suspect an allergic reaction, it turns out that diathesis does not need to be treated. But you definitely need to figure out what causes such a reaction and make the correct diagnosis. By the way, this is exactly what the famous Russian pediatrician Evgeniy Olegovich Komarovsky writes about in his book “Diathesis”.

Medical science distinguishes almost a dozen types of diathesis. However, the most common form is exudative-catarrhal diathesis. It is observed in almost 80% of modern children. This is what every mother immediately thinks about when she sees her child’s red cheeks. But you shouldn’t be too scared. Under such a long and “scary” name lies only an allergic reaction of the child’s body to some irritant.

So, why does a baby have red cheeks? Komarovsky claims that in most cases these are external manifestations of allergic dermatitis. This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • reddened areas of the skin (most often on the face);
  • rash in the form of dots or red spots;
  • peeling of the skin;
  • sometimes ulcers.

In this case, the main task of the parents is to determine the cause of the reaction expressed in reddening of the cheeks. Dr. Komarovsky identifies three types of allergies:

  • food – the allergen is contained in food and enters the body with food;
  • contact – the allergen penetrates the skin;
  • respiratory - the allergen attacks the child through the lungs, penetrating with the air during breathing.

Most often, the cause of the allergy is obvious. Why the child’s cheeks suddenly became red is immediately clear. The baby (nursing mother) ate an orange or a couple of tangerines, the mother washed the bed linen with new powder, or the father and eldest daughter brought home a kitten. In such cases, parents simply need to exclude the possibility of the allergen entering their child’s body.

When there are no obvious reasons why the child has red cheeks

If the cause cannot be immediately identified, then more stringent measures will have to be taken. In this regard, Dr. Komarovsky gives the following recommendations:

  1. Completely exclude from the diet the foods that most often cause allergic reactions in children (citrus fruits, strawberries, Exotic fruits, chocolate, etc.).
  2. Write down what the baby ate during the day and use the method of elimination to determine the cause of the allergic reaction.
  3. Make sure that the baby does not overeat. The fact is that undigested food, lingering in the intestines, begins to decompose and the products of this process are absorbed into the blood. In an adult body, such “trouble” is easily dealt with by the liver. But in children this organ is not yet so active. Result: rash and red cheeks. So if the child has not eaten “anything like that,” then he should simply be fed less.
  4. Avoid contact of the child's skin with possible allergens. First of all, with chlorine, which is contained in water. It needs to be boiled, and the baby’s clothes and underwear should be rinsed very quickly. hot water(at temperatures above 80°C, chlorine evaporates). Use baby soap and baby laundry detergent for washing. The baby's underwear should be made exclusively from linen or cotton. Moreover, it should only be white– without dyes. Let us remind you that these extreme measures should be used if the child has red cheeks, but you cannot identify the cause - the allergen.
  5. Remove possible respiratory allergens, especially pets. Yes, unfortunately, you will have to get rid of your beloved cat or dog. This is the only way to understand whether the baby has aversion, for example, to wool or the smell of dry food. It is worth knowing that the number of animal allergens in the room will decrease no sooner than after 3-6 months. So for pet will have to look for new owners. In addition, you should not use air fresheners indoors, aroma candles and other “chemistry”. And perhaps you should stop using perfume products.
  6. Make sure that the child does not overheat. The fact is that in such cases children sweat a lot, as a result the amount of fluid in the body decreases and allergens are no longer excreted in the urine.
  7. Observe stool frequency. Constipation can cause dermatitis, since allergens linger in the intestines and are in no hurry to leave the body.
  8. Maintain cleanliness and order in the premises. The air should be moderately cool and humid. In addition, you need to spend more time in the fresh air with your baby to cleanse his lungs of possible allergens, and at the same time strengthen the immune system.

Parents can do all this without consulting a specialist. But in order to help the baby (when the cheeks are red, especially with itching), it is better to consult a doctor. The doctor will be able to relieve the discomfort of symptoms and reduce the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Well, in general, if a child has red cheeks, then, as Dr. Komarovsky says: there is no need to dramatize the situation. Allergic dermatitis is a temporary phenomenon. With the development of the liver, intestines and immune system, the baby’s body will learn to cope with such problems on its own.

So it is very important not to heal the child. It is better to adhere to the above recommendations and let the baby develop naturally, while at the same time accustoming him to healthy image life.

Redness of the cheeks in children is a symptom indicating the development of a disease. Most often, these manifestations in babies occur as a result of an allergic reaction to food, milk or external irritants. Similar signs may appear for other reasons. The tendency of children to various kinds of diseases is due to an incompletely formed immune system.

Many parents believe that flushed cheeks are a sign of health. But peeling skin, the appearance of rashes and red streaks on the face do not just happen. In this case, you should consult a doctor and not let the situation take its course, especially if the manifestations are accompanied by itching, cause discomfort to the baby and affect his behavior.

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    Causes of red cheeks in children

    These manifestations may be accompanied by alarming symptoms: fever, rashes on other parts of the body, behavioral changes, etc.

    If children develop a rash on their cheeks and chin, their ears and nose “burn,” or their body temperature rises, they should immediately consult a doctor. Under no circumstances should you resort to self-treatment, especially when it comes to babies. Children's skin is very sensitive, so the selection of preparations for both external and internal use must be carried out by the attending physician.


    Most common cause Red cheeks in children is an allergy. Reactions in babies can occur to food, medicine, household chemicals, chlorine contained in water, pollen and pet hair. Most often, children aged 1 to 5 years are affected by the disease. But similar manifestations are possible in infants.

    Red cheeks due to allergies

    If a child's cheeks turn red, this indicates development pathological process inside the body. And skin rashes are only an external sign of an allergy. This often happens due to the fault of the parents themselves, who overfeed the baby, as a result of which more food enters his body than he can digest.

    Infants have a developed sucking reflex. Babies being fed breast milk, are less susceptible to overeating and allergies, since they earn a feeling of fullness through diligent effort. Artificials put in much less effort when feeding from a bottle. They eat faster, and satiation comes only 15 minutes after eating.

    In addition to reddened cheeks, symptoms of allergies in children are: roughness and dryness of the skin, changes in its color, swelling, cough, runny nose, and watery eyes.

    If you ignore the first signs of an allergy and do not eliminate the causative factor, then diathesis may develop against its background.


    Allergic dermatitis, or diathesis, is caused by the child’s tendency to allergic reactions. In children, it appears as red spots on the cheeks. The disease can develop both at 3 years and in infancy. The crowded rash may spread to the neck, chest area, abdomen, and inner elbows.

    The manifestations are accompanied by itching, provoking the child to scratch his cheeks, which worsens the symptoms. Over time, the spots become crusty, begin to peel and become wet. In addition to external signs, children may experience constipation, followed by diarrhea, painful sensations in the throat, swelling, cough.

    Depending on the individual characteristics The child’s body and factors influencing the development of the process, there are several types of diathesis:

    1. 1. Allergic, or exudative-catarrhal. Most often it appears in children in infancy.
    2. 2. Hemorrhagic. Characterized by a pathological predisposition to bleeding.
    3. 3. Neuro-arthritic. It develops due to a genetically determined disorder of protein metabolism in the body.
    4. 4. Exudative or atopic. It is the result of intolerance to certain foods.
    5. 5. Uric acid. The reason for its occurrence is metabolic disorders during the formation and filtration of urine. Accompanied by a change in the qualitative composition of physiological fluid and its quantity.

    Atopic dermatitis

    This is a serious chronic disease that can occur in children at any age. After this diagnosis is made, children are registered with an allergist for life to monitor the course of the disease during periods of exacerbation. Many people identify such manifestations with allergies. Despite the close relationship, this various pathologies, which develop as a result of exposure to the same factors.

    The causes of atopic dermatitis are still not clearly understood. It remains a known fact that the disease is genetically determined. That is why in many babies it manifests itself from the first days of life. Scientists have discovered a number of genes encoding the body's predisposition to perceive a number of chemical components.

    The body's increased susceptibility to foreign substances is due to these genes. The impetus for the development of atopic dermatitis is an acute immune response to a trigger factor, which can be various irritants and allergens.

    Atopic dermatitis has several stages of development:

    1. 1. Contact with an allergen, as a result of which immune system cells are activated.
    2. 2. Immune inflammation, characterized by the release of biologically active interleukins (proteins with immunoregulatory properties). As a result, inflammation is limited and damage to vital organs is prevented. This reaction causes unfavorable clinical manifestations, but performs positive functions.
    3. 3. Classic symptoms of the disease, accompanied by active inflammation and the appearance of the first pronounced signs. The duration of this period can vary from 7 to 14 days.
    4. 4. Go to chronic form. It is characterized by calming the immune system and reducing the amount of toxic compounds formed as a result of an allergic reaction. At the end of the period, which lasts 2-3 weeks, the skin on the cheeks and other affected areas of the body becomes clear.
    5. 5. Remission period. The child feels better. There may be a slight change in the skin.

    lupus erythematosus

    Another cause of red cheeks in children is systemic lupus erythematosus. Giventhe disease is caused by hormonal imbalances. Factors contributing to the development of pathology are:

    • solar radiation;
    • taking certain medications: tetracycline drugs, sulfonamides, anticonvulsants;
    • diseases of viral etiology.

    With lupus, signs of urticaria, erythema with exudate, and swelling appear on the skin of a sick child. Infiltrates (accumulation of cellular elements mixed with blood and lymph) with necrotic ulcerations and blisters may be observed, after which scars remain on the skin and dark spots. In addition to the cheeks, areas of localization of infiltrates can be: the chest area, arms and other parts of the face.

    lupus erythematosus

    Lupus erythematosus is dangerous disease, in which they are affected internal organs. Manifestations are accompanied by high temperature up to 40 degrees, weakness, redness of the cheeks. With absence adequate treatment there is a risk of the disease becoming chronic.


    Similar manifestations on the cheeks of children can be caused by an infectious disease called Roseola. The cause of its occurrence is the entry into the body of the herpes virus type 6 or 7. Transmission of viral infection occurs by airborne droplets.

    After it enters the body, signs of illness in the baby appear after a few days. Incubation period with roseola varies from 5 to 15 days. The disease is characterized by an acute onset, accompanied by an increase in temperature from 39 to 40 degrees and resulting convulsions. Three-day fever is most often diagnosed in children under two years of age.

    At first, no other symptoms are observed: the babies do not have a runny nose, cough, or impaired nasal breathing. A decrease in temperature in children is observed after 3-4 days. After this, the body becomes covered with small pinkish spots. In some cases, the symptoms are complemented by an increase in jaw lymph nodes.

    What should parents do?

    In such a situation, first of all, it is necessary to carry out a diagnosis in order to determine the disease that caused the redness of the child’s cheeks, do an ultrasound and x-ray, take blood and urine tests. In case of allergies, it is mandatory to identify and exclude the allergen.

    Diathesis in children in most cases goes away on its own. You can speed up the healing process if you use the advice of Dr. Komarovsky:

    • try not to overfeed the child;
    • completely eliminate contact with chlorine-containing detergents;
    • use only boiled water;
    • switch to hypoallergenic mixtures;
    • minimize the consumption of goat and cow milk;
    • do not buy bright textile items for your child, as the dye can cause contact allergies;
    • in the room where the child is, provide optimal conditions: air temperature should be within 18-20 degrees with a humidity of 60%; You should periodically ventilate the room and do wet cleaning in a timely manner;
    • do not allow the child to overheat and sweat during long period time;
    • try to avoid taking certain medications: antibiotics, antiviral drugs, herbal drops for the common cold, antitussive syrups and suspensions, since these medications can cause drug allergies;
    • to avoid constipation, monitor timely bowel movements in the child, especially if he is prone to allergic reactions;
    • adhere to a diet: exclude from the diet sweets, flour products, smoked meats, pickles, honey, nuts, cocoa, chocolate, mushrooms, carbonated drinks, red fruits, berries and vegetables, fish, seafood, fatty meats, broths and animal fats.
    • antiallergic drugs;
    • decongestants;
    • anti-inflammatory medications;
    • hepatoprotectors;
    • drugs with an antiviral spectrum of action;
    • glucocorticosteroids;
    • antithrombic agents, etc.

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