Home Children's dentistry What do they bring from Vietnam as a gift? Souvenirs from Vietnam: photos of what to bring from Nha Trang and other cities in Vietnam

What do they bring from Vietnam as a gift? Souvenirs from Vietnam: photos of what to bring from Nha Trang and other cities in Vietnam

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“What can you buy in Vietnam?”– this question can often be heard from tourists vacationing at popular resorts. There are a lot of souvenirs here, and their prices are reasonable. Here's what you can bring from Vietnam as a gift:

What souvenirs to bring from Vietnam

As souvenirs from Vietnam, tourists often bring national straw hats, exotic liqueurs with reptiles, clothes and silk.

Vietnamese pointed hats

What souvenir, if not a traditional straw hat, best conveys the spirit of Vietnam! Locals use hats in Everyday life– in hot weather they cover the head and shoulders from the sun, and in rain they protect from water.

You can buy Vietnamese hats in souvenir shops, shopping centers (for example, in the Nha Trang Center shopping center in Nha Trang), and sometimes even in small supermarkets. Prices vary, but in tourist places they are always more expensive. We brought hats to Russia that we bought in a supermarket for 25,000 dong (75 rubles); in the shopping center their prices started from 30,000 dong.

Tinctures with scorpions and snakes

Popular souvenirs from Vietnam are local infusions of scorpions, snakes and other creatures. Usually this is a bottle with a dark liquid in which some kind of creature swims. In Vietnam you can buy such unusual souvenirs almost everywhere.– in shopping centers, markets or individual stores. According to reviews from tourists, it is best to buy gifts in large shopping centers like BigC, so as not to worry about quality.

Keep in mind that some of these tinctures are more like drugs than alcohol - you can only drink them in very small quantities! Before you buy such a bottle as a gift in Vietnam, it is better to read about its medical properties and contraindications.

Vietnamese clothing and silk

In Vietnam you can buy high-quality silk clothes and traditional costumes - Ao Dai. The clothes are usually bright, light and light - fashionistas will like it. We don't like to haggle, so we often buy clothes in shopping centers. The prices there are fixed, the choice is large, and the quality is good.

Vietnam produces good silk, and some tourists bring it in the form of fabric. If you are planning to buy real silk, we recommend that you first read on the Internet how to distinguish it from fake silk.

In Dalat you can go on an excursion to see with your own eyes how the Vietnamese make silk:

Other souvenirs and unusual gifts:

  • Beautiful postcards (you can send them anywhere)
  • Coasters for mugs
  • Handmade fans
  • Flip-flops
  • Various masks

What else can you buy in Vietnam?

In addition to unusual gifts and souvenirs, more traditional goods are also brought from Vietnam - fruits, coffee and tea, jewelry, cosmetics, alcohol.

Tropical fruits

You can bring exotic fruits to Russia, but keep in mind that in large chain stores in our country you can also buy them (although their prices are inflated) - we saw rambutans, lychees and mangosteens on the counter. In Vietnam you can buy fruits at low prices. More about this:

In addition, it is worth remembering that some fruits are prohibited from being exported from Vietnam:

  • Coconut
  • Durian
  • Jackfruit
  • Watermelon

Coffee and tea

If you listen to the reviews of tourists, there will be no doubt - Vietnamese coffee is very tasty. Few people know that Vietnam now ranks first in the world in coffee exports, surpassing even Brazil. As unusual gift you can bring coffee varieties that have passed through the stomachs of animals(it is called both Kopi Luwak and, in the Vietnamese manner, Chon coffee). You can buy coffee both during an excursion to coffee plantations and in regular stores.

Keep in mind that there is very expensive Chon coffee - actually passed through the stomach of a Musang animal, and there are regular coffee beans treated with a special enzyme. The price of real coffee is $1,800-$3,000 per kilogram, while fake jeon coffee can be purchased at the supermarket for $45 per kg.

The Vietnamese love not only coffee, but also tea, and exclusively green. The selection of tea is very large. For example, we brought home tea with lotus, jasmine and ginger– very tasty, with a strong aroma! Reviews about lotus tea are conflicting, but I personally like it. In supermarkets you can buy both individual species tea, as well as entire tea sets - these will be an excellent gift for friends. We bought tea during an excursion around Dalat, but later we saw almost the same in supermarkets in Nha Trang. I don’t know if they differed in quality, but the prices in the supermarket were half as low - 35,000 dong (100 rubles) per 200 grams.

Jewelry made of pearls and silver

Russian tourists often bring pearls and silver from Vietnam - both can be bought here cheaper than in Russia. But it’s not worth buying gold here – it’s expensive.

It is better to look for jewelry in jewelry stores, and not in markets where prices may be lower, but there is a risk of purchasing a fake. There are a few simple ways to distinguish natural pearls from fake ones - we recommend reading about this before purchasing jewelry.

Phu Quoc Island is considered the pearl capital of Vietnam, but quality products can be bought in all major cities. In Fukuoka you can visit pearl farms:


Alcohol prices in Vietnam are relatively low, so many people bring home rum, wine, and rice vodka. We can leave good feedback about wine from Dalat(for example, Vang Dalat) - you can buy it in a supermarket for only 90,000 dong (270 rubles). Remember that you cannot export alcoholic beverages with a strength higher than 41 degrees from the country.

When returning from a tourist trip, we always strive to keep warm memories of it, bring various things and souvenirs with you to please your loved ones and friends or keep it as a souvenir.

Modern fashionable phones no longer have problems with firmware, as it was before. Russian language is displayed correctly.

Are in particular demand exotic alcohol tinctures. They are sold in glass bottles and are based on snakes, scorpions or lizards. Such drinks can be prepared even in the presence of a tourist.

To the girl

All girls love jewelry. That's why Let's immediately pay attention to the pearls. You can buy it in Vietnam good quality and at a favorable price.

They sell it on almost every corner, so you need to approach your choice very carefully. It's better to buy jewelry in famous stores - HungVuong, TranPhu, Nguyen Thien Thuat.

Here you can be provided with a certificate for the product, but you will have to pay more. In the tourist area, prices are cheaper, but the risk of buying counterfeit rice increases.

When choosing a gift for a girl, you should once again return to branded Vietnamese cosmetics, sweets, fruits and clothes. We will not dwell on them in detail.

To kid

What souvenirs to bring from Vietnam? For children they often bring different national souvenirs and toys made of wood and fabric, as well as fruits, sweets, tea, clothes. The markets sell a lot of high-quality children's items at competitive prices.

Vietnam is an amazing country with a rich culture, special life and long history.

There are so many different interesting things, souvenirs and gifts that you can bring from this country. They are still for a long time will be able to delight and remind you of a warm trip.

Vietnam is a charming exotic country. A tourist trip or a business trip here is an extraordinary event. And relatives and friends who remain in their homeland always expect some special, colorful souvenirs from such trips. You can't disappoint your loved ones. The main thing is to understand what to choose from and not acquire banal stupidity.

In this article we will talk about what can be brought from Vietnam in general, and Nha Trang in particular. We will recommend several places where you can buy souvenirs, gifts and something useful.

What to bring from Vietnam?

Obviously, the buyer himself, walking around the shops and along the rows of benches, will have an unforgettable pleasure in searching for what to bring as a gift to friends and family. It's always interesting to learn and learn something new. Such shopping, if you fit it into your schedule correctly, will not spoil your vacation - the abundance of interesting offers will make your eyes widen.

In order to understand what to bring from Vietnam, it is necessary to analyze each item in detail. So.

Tea and coffee

The coffee in Vietnam is amazing. It grows here the best varieties:

  • excelsa.

Robusta is considered the main one. Its plantations are the most extensive. In principle, coffee is inexpensive, although, of course, it all depends on the variety. The initial cost for 100 grams of coffee is approximately 150 rubles.

But if you wish, you can also find an exclusive one - kopi luwak (kopi luwak or, as it is called in Vietnam, “cafe chon”). Elite luwak is very expensive (from 250 to 1200 dollars per kg). This price is due to the “production” process: café chon is the same coffee whose grains are fermented in the stomachs of musangs (palm martens).

The semi-finished product, after “cooking”, is assembled by hand and undergoes a processing process on a specialized farm. Tourists are allowed here for tasting. You can also purchase ready-made grains here.

However, it is worth remembering that now they have begun to prepare such coffee on an industrial scale, and for this, animals are kept on farms in cages. In captivity, martens cannot choose the ripest and most delicious coffee fruits; they have to eat what is given. This affects both the taste and the cost of luwak.

The main producers of Vietnamese coffee are Trung Nguyên and Me Trang.

As for tea, you can choose a wide variety of it both in type (with various additives such as herbs, flowers and roots) and in price ( initial cost per 100 g. approximately 80 rubles). The Vietnamese themselves, like true Asians, prefer to eat green. A popular variety is Thanh Nguyen.

An original gift would be national Vietnamese sweets for tea - candies with lotus seeds. They contain no chemical additives and are made from coconut milk.

The option is practically a win-win. Adults and children will enjoy natural tropical fruits. Pineapples, mangooses, rambutans and other edible representatives of the plant world that are popular in this part of the world are perfect treats.

At the request of the tourist, the sellers will place the selected fruits in a basket and carefully pack it. We have some tips on this topic:

  1. You should choose undamaged fruits (no scratches or dents);
  2. do not take ones that are too soft, they may be rotten or overripe;
  3. It’s better not to buy in the markets, as they can be overpriced there, and the prices can be many times too high, with the exception of those sellers whom you completely trust.

Most of the fruit flows through our customs in hand luggage and luggage. But there are cases when customs officials confiscated products as prohibited for import. Some seeds and plants are not allowed to be freely transported across the border, therefore carefully study the lists of what can be imported or exported from the country.

Clothes and shoes

Vietnam is a country where the production of such brands as:

    Reebok and others.

This, one might say, is the second home of real branded clothing popular in Russia and Europe. And since the goods sold here were not destined to survive long, grueling transportation, their prices are much lower.

However, there are many fakes on the market. You can avoid meeting them by visiting only branded stores. If the target audience is lovers of fashionable things, then the question of what to bring as a gift from Vietnam is not so pressing.

You can find interesting clothing models in the market. The problem is that the Vietnamese, for the most part, are not large in size, so it is very difficult to choose the appropriate XXL size.

Those interested can place an order for tailoring. There is an entire province in Vietnam - Hoi An - where tailoring is practiced. This is the case when you don’t have to worry about quality. Local craftsmen sew quickly, but they take their work very seriously and use expensive natural materials.

In particular, the textile industry of this country is famous for its world-famous natural silk. The risk of being deceived is high if you try to buy it in a street shop. It is better to visit a specialized store.

In general, Vietnamese silk is a separate issue. And this great option souvenir for loved ones. The choice of products made from this material is huge, but since we are talking about clothing, it is worth noting the traditional one:

    Vietnamese pajamas “Ao baba”,

    and a silk tunic “Ao dai” (an original item, but it looks great on fragile girls).


Among jewelry, first of all, it is worth noting pearls. South Vietnam is famous for its farms growing this beauty. Returning home without pearl jewelry is almost a crime. Plus, pearls are inexpensive here (40 percent cheaper than in Russia), simply because there is a lot of it.

The most popular and inexpensive pearls are freshwater pearls; they are easily recognized by their imperfect shapes.

Also, a set of valuable souvenirs can be diluted with silver, precious and semi-precious stones:




You need to remember that in public places - in markets and beaches - they will sell low-quality pearls or even fake ones. Likewise, a deal involving pebbles may turn out to be unprofitable. You should definitely ask for a certificate confirming their origin. Such documents are provided in stores. There you can also check the authenticity of previously purchased products with specialists.

Leather products

You can bring all kinds of leather goods from Vietnam as a gift to family and friends. It can be:

  • wallets,

Most often, crocodile or python skin is used to make products, but there are also products made from ostrich skin. Such souvenirs are very popular, conscientious sellers and stores give a guarantee of 1 to 2 years, and the prices cannot be said to be very high:

  1. for wallets approximately 2500 rubles;
  2. belts from 3000 rubles.

Haberdashery - a belt, a purse made of python or crocodile skin - a gift worthy of royal blood, and even at an affordable price.


It is possible and even necessary to bring paintings from Vietnam. Their choice is very diverse, but I would especially like to mention silk and sand ones. Terrible beauty! And the prices are reasonable; they mainly depend on the width of the canvas and the complexity of the design.


Various tinctures are also popular, which, according to assurances local residents have miraculous properties. Often bottles contain snakes, spiders and other fauna preserved in alcohol. However, this is done more to attract attention than to enhance certain qualities of the drink.

Some liquids containing alcohol are sold as medicines. Various balms and ointments are positioned similarly. Their healing effects have not been proven. But, in any case, an ointment based on python or tiger fat is very colorful. A gift for which you won’t have to blush when presenting it to a person of any status.

Bottles with all sorts of strange alcohol-containing liquids are even more dubious medicines, and the taste may be unpredictable. However, this is an individual question. Such bubbles are purchased more as exotic souvenirs and are not to be immediately drunk among friends.


Choosing cosmetics is always a very slippery process. You may not guess the composition and components. And in general, products containing exotic ingredients may be allergenic.

It’s another matter if a mask or shampoo is purchased for personal use. But even in this case, you should carefully study the list of components, possible side effects and contraindications. Among locally produced industry products, the categories that are most in demand among women are:

Regarding the true benefit and effect, the opinions of tourists are divided:

  1. some write rave reviews about masks and serums,
  2. others find something to complain about,
  3. still others think the range is too small.

It is difficult to advise something serious on such a delicate issue. This is the path that everyone must choose and walk on their own. You can be puzzled in advance, study the market, consult with experts, and start with something guaranteed to be harmless.

The most successful souvenir may be an item that is directly associated with the country in which it was purchased. Vietnam in the imagination of the Russian average person is inseparable from the pointed non hat and flip-flop slippers.

An excellent and already classic option is figurines and boxes, made with local flavor and the use of specific materials:



  • bamboo and others.

Anything from a tablecloth to musical instruments can hit the target: to impress loved one and serve as a keeper of the memory of a wonderful vacation. Well, what if the gift is also applicable in practical purposes, then we can consider it priceless.

For those who still can’t decide on the choice of gifts, we found a video. Perhaps it will help you make a cool present.

Most often, tourists are interested in where to buy gifts in Nha Trang. We will try to help figure this out. To begin with, it is worth noting that Nha Trang has many places where you can spend money and buy something interesting.

Nha Trang Center. The largest and most famous shopping mall cities. The prices there are very high, but you can buy almost everything:





    clothes and so on.

A tangible convenience is the presence of ATMs.

Big C- one of the most popular brands Asian goods, and the supermarket itself is huge. The selection here is essentially the same as at Nha Trang Center. But a nice little thing is that it has its own bakery, so the goodies there cost mere pennies.

MaxiMark. The store mainly sells food, but there are a few clothing boutiques. Prices there are low.

Night market. It gets dark early in Vietnam, and therefore such a phenomenon as the night market is not surprising. However, it is worth paying attention to the prices - they are high here. All this was done on purpose, with the expectation that tourists would bargain.

Cho Dam Market. This place is sometimes even indicated on guidebooks. The prices here are low (comparatively) and the selection is huge.

Cho Xom Moy. This market has the most low prices in Nha Trang. However, it is aimed more at locals than tourists. The selection of goods is more modest than at the same night market. Mostly there is food: fish and seafood, vegetables and fruits, and so on.

Plus, there is a METRO hypermarket in the city. There, of course, you can walk for an eternity.

Shopping in Nha Trang: map

*Map taken from myfreeworld.ru.

Buying souvenirs is an obligatory part of the vacation of Russian tourists. Often one of the last days stay in a foreign land, and material resources are provided for as a separate expense item long before the vacation. These are the traditions of national holidays. At the same time, no one hides their drawers, balconies and mezzanines, where various gifts from friends who have visited other lands are stored.

A souvenir that has found its purpose and place in everyday life is a unique thing. Such a hit usually happens when the person making the purchase accurately identifies it with the taste, mood and needs of the future owner. This is what we should strive for when solving the problem of what to bring from Vietnam, so that the money spent does not seem like a waste.

What gifts should I bring from Vietnam? We are considering best options: souvenirs, coffee, tea, cosmetics, medicines, jewelry, fruits, clothes and shoes. Our selection is a ready-made solution for those who do not want to waste time on long thoughts and shopping trips.

Shopping in exotic countries is a pleasant experience, because it is always interesting to explore new products. However, sometimes choosing gifts for loved ones can significantly spoil your vacation - who wants to waste precious time endlessly shopping? Shopping in Vietnam is good (and the prices are good), and the abundance of goods on offer can make your eyes wide open, so we have written an article that will help you decide what to bring from Vietnam as a gift.

So, tourists from Vietnam bring not only souvenirs, but also jewelry, clothes, shoes, medicines, cosmetics, tea, coffee, and fruits. Exotic tinctures with snakes, spiders and other representatives of the local fauna preserved in alcohol are especially popular. Tinctures are rumored to have a number of miraculous properties. More details about all this below.

The first and most important thing you need to bring from Vietnam is. Here he is simply divine! We are big fans of his. Arabica, robusta, excelsa and coolie grow in Vietnam, the main variety being robusta. The Vietnamese do not brew coffee, but brew it using special metal filters, which can be purchased at any souvenir shop. The coffee itself is inexpensive (from 30 thousand dong for 500 g) and differs high quality. The most popular coffee producers are Trung Nguyên and Me Trang. Coffee is often sold in blends - the taste depends on this.

The most expensive variety is elite Luwak coffee. The very high cost is due to a special production process: coffee beans undergo fermentation in the stomachs of musang animals (also civet cats), then the raw materials are collected and processed by hand on farms in the province of Dak Lak. Tourists go there on excursions and tastings. In supermarkets you can buy artificially fermented beans (Chon), such coffee in supermarkets costs from 200 thousand dong for 500 g.

Vietnamese tea is available in various varieties, there is pure tea from $4 per kg, and with additives - artichokes, lotus petals, jasmine, chrysanthemum, ginger, mountain herbs - from $6.5 per kg. The Vietnamese themselves prefer green tea; the most popular variety is Than Nguyen. For tea, you can buy Vietnamese sweets made from coconut milk or with lotus seeds, without dyes or chemical additives.

(Photo © Khánh Hmoong / flickr.com / Licensed CC BY-NC 2.0)

Clothes and shoes

In Vietnam you can buy good quality clothes. The sewing production of sportswear has been established here. Nike brands, Adidas, Reebok, and product prices are lower than in Russia. To avoid counterfeits, it is better to purchase clothes from branded stores. Local Vietnamese clothing brands include Blue Exchange and Nino Maxx.

The goods sold in the markets are also of good quality. The problem may arise with the correct size. Our citizens are taller and denser than the Vietnamese, so finding domestic sizes even 46-48 is quite difficult.

Tourists recommend that people who are overweight or have a non-standard figure search in Da Nang, Ho Chi Minh City, and Hanoi, where there are products in European sizes. If needed winter clothes, then you can’t find it in the south of the country, it’s always warm there, and down jackets and sweaters are not in demand among the local population. All clothing is sold strictly according to the season.

In Hoi An you can have custom-made clothes or shoes made; there are many workshops here. They sew quickly, within 24 hours, using expensive natural materials - satin, silk, suede and leather. Classic suit or a dress will cost 50-150 dollars, a pair of leather shoes will cost from 15-20 dollars.

It is better to buy the famous Vietnamese silk in special stores; in the market they can sell artificial silk under the guise of natural.

(Photo © hughderr / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)


The choice in Vietnam is rich, so tourists often bring them as treats for their relatives - these can be mangosteens, longan, lychees, rambutan, pineapples, durians, dragon fruit, etc. - those fruits that will withstand the journey well. You can also buy unripe fruits that will ripen on the road.

How to bring fruit from Vietnam? Tourists usually buy special plastic baskets, which can be seen, for example, at fruit stalls in Nha Trang. Sellers will arrange and package fruit upon request.

However, remember that theoretically problems may arise at customs - without special permits, seeds, fruits and vegetables are prohibited from being imported into the territory of the Russian Federation. According to , many people carry fruit without problems in their luggage or hand luggage, but it also happens that officers find fault and take the fruit away.

Check out the list (description and names) to choose what to bring home.


Many people buy pearl and silver items in Vietnam, as well as precious stones - amethysts, sapphires, rubies, aquamarines, jade. Pearls are grown on farms in South Vietnam, so there is a lot of it here, and it is relatively inexpensive. At the same time, as tourists write, fake pearls or simply low quality ones can be sold at the market or beach. Concerning precious stones, it’s still not worth buying them without a certificate or consultation with a specialist.

We can advise you to buy pearls and other jewelry in Nha Trang - there are many shops here that will issue a quality certificate upon purchase or can check already purchased products. For example, Princess Jewelry and Treasures of Angkor stores are popular.

(Photo © Andrew and Annemarie / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0)

Alcohol tinctures and medicines

Medicines that are usually brought from Vietnam are alcohol tinctures with herbal ingredients, ointments and balms. Very popular among tourists are the Vietnamese balm “Zvezdochka” (for coughs and colds), ointment with snake venom (helps with osteochondrosis and radiculitis), as well as balms based on tiger or python fat.

Bottles of live animals preserved in alcohol are sold in markets and stores in Vietnam, however, the quality of the alcohol and its origin leaves much to be desired. Cobra tincture with black scorpion is in high demand among men, as it is considered a strong aphrodisiac. Not everyone dares to drink this, so most often exotic drinks are bought not as medicine, but as an original souvenir from Vietnam.

Vietnamese cosmetics

Women love to buy Vietnamese natural masks with herbal ingredients, scrubs, soaps and natural coconut oil. In some cosmetical tools Manufacturers add whitening ingredients, so you need to read the ingredients carefully. As for the quality of products, the opinions of tourists here are divided: some write that it is wonderful, they praise serums, masks and shampoos Lana Safra, Thorakao, others are more restrained in their reviews. Some girls complain about the limited range of decorative cosmetics.


The most popular souvenir from Vietnam is the pointed non hat. Women often purchase a silk national costume (Ao Dai), which consists of loose trousers with a long, tight-fitting blouse, or the famous Vietnamese slippers. Products made from python and crocodile leather are in great demand - belts, bags, purses.

You can also bring the following souvenirs from Vietnam: silk paintings, porcelain dishes, figurines and boxes made of bamboo or mahogany, fans, ivory items, dolls and masks, bronze items, tablecloths, napkins, silk lanterns, wickerwork, boxes made of natural stone Various musical instruments made of bamboo and brass are bought not only by musicians, but also by those who want to decorate their interior with original things.

Introductory image source: © huongmaicafe / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

When shopping in Vietnam, pay attention Special attention for silk, which in this country is distinguished by its quality and relatively low cost. Dresses, scarves, textiles, ties, silk robes different colors pleasant to the body and create a unique charm.

Prices for silk products start from 100 thousand dong. Buy them a size larger: clothes may shrink when washed.

Embroidery on silk looks elegant and original. Don't skimp on beauty: clothes and accessories with hand embroidery will cause a sensation wherever you appear in them.

7. Fruit

Being in such an exotic country as Vietnam, it would be a big mistake not to try local fruits. It is also possible to bring several copies home. To avoid problems at customs, take care in advance about documents confirming the quarantine safety of fruits.

And one more tip: always bargain with sellers. You can often save a decent amount on the price of plant products.

So, what can you buy from fruits as a food gift? Rambutan - looks like a grape, choose one with green hairs. Noina, or sugar apple, take soft fruits. Star apple, or starapple - many people like this fruit, just try to make sure it is also soft.

In general, you can see pink, green, and white Vietnamese apples at the market and in stores. Longan, or dragon's eye, has a taste between melon and grape; choose a fruit that is slightly springy. Sapodilla (tree potato) - similar in appearance to potatoes, tastes like persimmon. Take soft and undamaged fruit.

And also carambola, lychee, mangosteen, citron (Buddha's hand), avocado, pineapple, coconut, breadfruit, papaya, etc. The list goes on. Take home with you those fruits that you will not find in other countries.

Buy unripe fruits: by the time you get home, they will be ready to eat. Plastic containers for packaging fruit are also sold. The sellers themselves will pack your purchase for the trip.

8. Exotic spirits

Tourists bring alcohol from Vietnam to their home bar for subsequent tastings: rum, wine, liqueurs. You should buy alcoholic drinks in large supermarkets or specialized stores.

The most notable are the Vietnamese winery in Dalat and Ninh Thuan province, where the best grape varieties are grown. The companies “Vang Dalat”, “Dalat Superior” and “Vang Phan Rang” have proven themselves well.

An unusual gift would be a tincture of snake venom: a snake or scorpion is placed inside the bottle with the drink. By purchasing such a vessel you will definitely surprise the guests who come to you.

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