Home Pulpitis Why do your ears burn on Monday afternoon? Why are your ears burning? Right and left ear

Why do your ears burn on Monday afternoon? Why are your ears burning? Right and left ear

It happens that a person, without any reason, physiological reason(and there are both scientific and medical explanations: diseases, temperature changes) ears burn. That is, they feel a surge of warmth, heat, or they even turn red. This can be explained using ancient signs.

Since ancient times, people have attached mystical significance to many physiological changes. For example, there is an opinion that an itchy nose means a heavy libation (in other words, a feast) or a fight, and if your legs are burning, a person will travel to distant lands.

So why, according to signs, do people’s ears burn?

Why are your ears burning: left, right, both

There are most general signs, associated with the condition when the ears burn. The most common of them is that the ears burn because someone is remembering the person at that moment. Many people who practice magic, and even those who simply believe in omens, believe that people, especially if they have energetic susceptibility, are able to understand from a distance with the help of instinct what is being thought or said about them. And this is expressed in changes in their body.

But there are subtleties related to what kind of fire it is and at what time of day it happens. This is what the old Russian superstition says:

The right ear is on fire - they are praising or telling the truth; left - false

The detailed meaning of this folk quote is:

Burning ear: usually not good

If a person is on fire left ear, then, according to popular beliefs, this happens because someone thinks or talks about him, remembering this person not with the best side. Perhaps at this moment gossip is being spread about a person or an unkind conversation is being held about him, or maybe ill-wishers even wish him harm. It also happens that someone is lying about a person at that moment - “making false accusations.”

It may also be that a person’s character or behavior has caused negative emotions in someone, and someone is now scolding him, cursing him, or simply remembering all the negativity that was caused by this person and his actions.

  • However, according to ancient beliefs, this sign has great importance and it is true, as a rule, in this case, if a person at this moment is still somewhat uncomfortable, he feels unwell.
  • Another sign that explains why the left one is burning does not warn of danger.
  • Perhaps in this moment someone from a person’s social circle simply mentions him by name, while the conversation about the person itself may not have a negative connotation.

Should I worry?

If a person’s right is on fire, then several interpretations are also possible here. Firstly, it may be that at the moment they are talking about a person, mentioning him with positive side: they praise a behavior or action, speak positively about it, or perhaps simply state true facts related to this person.

Folk ways to guess who is talking about a person suggest thinking about who it could be and mentally listing the names different people from a social circle: if a person guesses who remembers him, he will recognize the name, and it will immediately stop glowing.

It even happens that after some time these people meet, and it turns out that one really recently remembered the other, and the other one was burning.

Another version of the popular interpretation in case the right is on fire is this: someone wants to communicate with a person, but cannot contact him or find his contacts. Perhaps this is a person with whom there was an agreement to contact, but it was forgotten. And some signs indicate that this is a male person: a relative, colleague, friend or loved one.

  1. However, in the case of the right ear, not the most favorable interpretation is possible.
  2. Perhaps the one whose ear is burning broke his promise to another person some time ago.
  3. And at that moment that person remembers this and wants to discuss the unpleasant situation.

If both ears burn at once, this is an ambiguous sign.

As a rule, either the right or left lights up. But it is also possible that a person’s right and left ears burn at the same time. The interpretation in this case is as follows: someone is thinking intensely about a person, while the one who remembers has strong emotions, but positive or negative - in this case it is not clear.

If, when both ears are burning, hiccups also appear, this enhances the meaning of the sign. Feelings of heat in the area at the same time - ears, cheeks, the whole face means, according to popular belief, that a person is being passionately discussed by several people at once.

If both ears are burning, it is quite possible that a personal meeting will soon take place with the person who is currently thinking about the one whose ears are burning.

Dependence on time of day and day of week

Some folk signs are associated with a specific time of day and day of the week. Here are a few of these signs:

Why do they burn in the morning?

  • Ears burning on Monday morning means someone is very jealous of the person.
  • Ears burn on Wednesday morning - according to folk beliefs, this portends a date that a person has been waiting for a long time.

Why do your ears burn in the evening?

  • Burning on Monday evening - a disagreement or quarrel will soon occur.
  • Ears burn on Wednesday evening - a person will experience positive changes in his personal life: perhaps it will be a pleasant acquaintance with romantic overtones, or maybe the person will soon have a new romance.
  • Ears burning on Saturday evening is an unfavorable sign; some trouble will happen soon.

If the ears burn on Thursday, regardless of the time of day, this indicates that the person will soon receive good news. Well, on Sunday - a very favorable sign, foreshadowing a quick replenishment in your wallet or even budget.

By the way, it was in the evening, according to legends and the words of people knowledgeable in magic, human body more susceptible to energy influences. So if they're burning in evening time days, it is more likely that the sign is true.

A person may also be bothered by other sensations in the ears. There are folk signs for such cases. So, if a person’s ears itch, folk signs promise a change in the weather, and how the weather changes depends on the person.

If the ears of a person who was born in warm time year - this means rapid warming, and if a person was born in late autumn or winter - on the contrary, cold weather will break out. Ears can also itch because a person will soon receive some news live (that is, directly through these ears). In case of ringing in the ears, there is this sign:

“My ears are ringing - someone is remembering dashingly.”

In general, the signs associated with why the ears are burning boil down to the fact that if it is the left one, most likely, it is associated with something unfavorable, and if it is the right one, on the contrary, it is good for the person. Indeed, since ancient times, many generations of people have associated the right side of the body and the parts of the body located on this side with something good, and attributed to it the ability to store favorable energy.

  • People traditionally associate the left side of the body with the negative, the bad.
  • Everyone knows the folk saying “spit over your left shoulder.”
  • This is due to the fact that it is on the left side, according to beliefs, that evil spirits, devilish entities lurk, on which one should spit.
  • On the right, a person is protected by good, angelic forces.

According to popular beliefs, there are ways to get rid of both heat in the ears and unfavorable conversations and gossip at the same time - you just need to wash your face cold water, “wash away the negativity.” However, if a person’s ears burn too often or there are other discomfort maybe he should apply for medical care, because this may be a consequence long-term stress or blood pressure problems. Well, if this is an isolated case, most likely, the signs will be correct.

Our body is the greatest mystery. Megatons of information are hidden in people’s subconscious and only the tip of the iceberg has reached the conscious mind. Until now, many cannot explain why their ears are burning - is it a sign or normal human physiology? Perhaps it has happened to everyone that suddenly one ear, or both, literally begins to glow. Over the centuries-old history, opinions on this matter have practically not changed... And yet, let's try to find out why our ears are burning?

Having become, a person sees his body, his earthly shell. However, besides this material, there is something vital that is always with us. This is an energy field charged with thoughts, emotions and mixed with the fields of other people. There are no distances for the energy field. For example, when communicating with a person tens of thousands of kilometers away, you still feel the exchange of energy. This exchange also occurs during one-way communication, even if only one person participates in the “dialogue.”

Each individual has a certain measure of sensitivity. Some literally other people, others have no idea about the existence of such sections of the world.

The ears usually warm up in those who have increased vital perception. Thus, at the moment when they talk about a person, even without his presence, he feels with his whole body, premonitions and ears that someone is tugging at him from the outside. At the same time, a person may have absolutely no idea about the reasons why his ears are burning, whether it is a sign for him or not.

The first guesses about such a phenomenon were put forward by philosophers in Ancient Rome. Since then, little has changed - people still believe that well-being, in particular the temperature of the ears, is the best transmitter on the line of vital vibrations.

Although there is only one reason for redness and burning in the ears, it can be both positive and negative. It all depends on the selectivity: which ear started to burn.

Why exactly this side was covered with a negative aspect is no longer understood - only the facts remain: if the left ear is on fire, then the conversation about the person is not the most worthy. Most often, what causes the left ear to burn is gossip. Such useless events are usually not carried out alone, because the energy from gossip directed at a person is a large, but not very powerful lump of substance that affects the personal spiritual space of the individual.

The other, less pleasant aspect is anger. This is much more powerful than the light vapors of non-concentrated gossip. That is why such a message can sometimes be distinguished from ordinary conversations about a person - it may arise:

  • pain,
  • fatigue,
  • drowsiness.

Thoughts are material and this is direct proof of this - a person can be tormented by anger. Fortunately, you won’t be able to completely burn your ears and the energy of an angry character is not endless, so the pain therapy of natural hearing aids not for long.

From one extreme to another - if left ear discomfort refers exclusively to negative aspects(and in some cases to neutral-negative), then right ear- a harbinger of happiness. Perhaps you served someone, did something nice, or a holiday was at stake. It is only for such reasons that the right ear warms up. It is unlikely that you will be able to determine exactly why your right ear is burning, but you can find out the degree of positivity directed in your direction: the ear may not only burn, but also turn red and itch slightly. The more sensations in the head area on the right, the better - expect good news!

What do scientists think about this?

The scientific world could not stand aside, so a whole mass of theories gathered around the burning ears. On the one hand, it is assumed that in a certain category of people, emotions, for example, fear, are transmitted through sensations in the ears.

An alarmed body secretes great amount adrenaline and if a person does not use it for its intended purpose (does not run, does not jump, etc.), then all this active mass of enzymes begins to be distributed throughout the body, including reaching the ears.

On the other hand, doctors explain “red” ears by changes in pressure in the body. However, this theory is not far from the previous one - emotions change the speed of blood circulation.

What if two ears burn at once?

If you can’t determine the priority ear, then there is another theory tied to the days of the week. According to this sign, in different days ears talk about different things, and not always positive:

  • Monday - there will be a quarrel.
  • Tuesday - breakup.
  • Wednesday - new acquaintance, meeting.
  • Thursday is good news.
  • Friday is a long-awaited date.
  • Saturday means trouble.
  • Sunday is a profitable day.

In many ways, the meaning of this sign depends on the person himself. Not everyone is wired the same way and it may well be that the polarity of your ears is completely different - the left ear speaks of the good, and the right ear of the rest is unflattering. A person’s mood determines his future: if you expect troubles, you will receive them soon. If your ears start to burn, you should always take it as good sign, even if a similar thing happened in and with the left ear. Man is the creator of his own destiny. No gossip or bad talk should lead you astray. If your ears burn, it’s only bright and for the good!

Customs and signs are an important part of any folk culture, reflecting centuries-old traditions and the established way of life. People observed the connection between processes occurring in the human body, comparing them with life events.

Among the many superstitions, there are folk signs that explain why a person’s right ear burns. For some, such phenomena happen almost every day, but they do not pay any attention to what is happening. For others, this causes rejection, as well as severe discomfort, and they have to be interested in the interpretation of this sign.

Meaning for women and men

Human energy perceives both positive and negative equally. Therefore, heat in the ears is equivalent only to the strength of the emotion, which is directed towards a man or woman. And individual nuances of the current process depend on what is said or thought. We have already written about the sign, why.

If a girl’s right ear is on fire, it means:

  • a certain young man thinks about her;
  • someone passionately desires a meeting;
  • the weather suddenly changes;
  • the girl will meet someone she has been wanting to see for a long time.

As for weather changes, a connection between 2 sensations is necessary: severe itching and heat in the ears. Moreover, you should expect colder weather if a person was born in winter, and warming if the birthday person was lucky enough to be born in the warm months.

If a man’s right ear suddenly lights up, it means:

  • the man is praised or remembered without an evaluative context;
  • acquaintances tell the truth about him;
  • good news is expected;
  • someone is trying to meet or contact him, but due to the inability to do this, they are very upset.

Why does the right ear burn depending on the time of day?

It matters whether discomfort occurs in the left or right ear. According to popular belief, if the right ear is on fire, then they praise the person and say something about him good words, they want to thank you for something. It is possible that he best qualities and actions can be quite exaggerated during a conversation. IN in this case the right ear will also be hot.

It has been noted that often at this moment the bosses express satisfaction with the work of an excellent employee, his relatives praise him, or his friends talk about the excellent qualities of the person. If the ear on the right side lights up at the moment of decision important issues, then say to yourself three times:

“The right ear is burning, the right thing promises. Protect and help, Lord!”

If your ear is on fire in the morning, then pleasant changes await the person. Perhaps this will be a promotion up the career ladder, a salary increase, or a love adventure.

If there was a fire during the day, then troubles and worries are expected, which as a result will bring practically no benefit.

Evening promises a long-awaited meeting, which may be of a business nature for a married person. For a lonely person, such a sign promises acquaintance and even a romantic date. At night the ear may burn for bad news.

There are other predictions. If the lobe of your right ear catches fire, then it is unlikely that you will be able to avoid a major quarrel, in which its owner will be the initiator. Moreover, a conflict can occur with the closest person and lead to a big scandal. Therefore, it doesn’t hurt to think about whether it’s worth starting. And it’s best to prevent the likely development of negative events by pulling your earlobe and spitting three times over your left shoulder.

Some peoples have a kind of protection from a slanderer, which at a distance forces him to stop the slander. If you lightly bite your little finger at the moment of slander, then the gossiper and slanderer will bite his tongue hard. As a result, he still for a long time you don’t want to gossip about this person.

The meaning of folk signs by day of the week

Decoding by day of the week also involves taking into account the time of day when the ears turn red and burn.


If your ear burns on the first morning of the new week, then someone simply remembers the person. A process occurring in the middle of the day foreshadows problems with loved ones or a manager at work. You should restrain yourself in order to avoid conflict, suppress outbursts of anger even if someone specifically provokes it. Burning in the evening promises a long-awaited meeting and an important conversation.


If your ear was burning on Tuesday, a breakup with your loved one is possible. But you don’t need to regard the sign as a call to action and immediately start worrying. Maybe, close person just goes on vacation or on a business trip. On Tuesday, the time of day does not matter.


Morning redness on Wednesday foreshadows the arrival of long-awaited news or an imminent important meeting for which you need to carefully prepare. If such meetings are not expected, it means that in the very near future fate will bring you together with a person who will change your entire future life. Daytime heat warns of the appearance of an envious person or ill-wisher, while evening heat promises an unexpected acquaintance.


If your ear is very hot on Thursday, then you should definitely wait for good news. This could be news from a friend, relative, the results of an important interview, etc. On this day, omens also do not depend on the time of day.


Ears flushed on Friday foreshadow a romantic date, which should never be cancelled, especially if a person is actively searching for a soul mate. It is possible that the one who invited you to the meeting will be the only chance given by fate. If a person already has a life partner, then they will have a wonderful evening alone.


If the ear burns on Saturday, this portends bad news, perhaps even trouble. But you shouldn’t worry in advance, although you need to be more prudent and careful. There is also a more comforting prediction, which says that the omen on Saturday does not promise anything.


The right ear, burning on Sunday, promises that a person’s work will be fairly paid, and his material condition will improve. There may be other good news.

Why are both ears burning?

If both ears are on fire, then someone strongly scolds their owner, gossips about him and forces his interlocutors to reconsider their opinion about the person. It is believed that sensitive people capable of perceiving on a subconscious level what friends and relatives think about him. This is what causes this effect. For example, one person scolds, and this causes the left ear to burn, while another defends, as a result of which the right ear burns.

Another omen says that an old friend is looking for a person, and the process of “burning” will continue until the meeting itself. In this case, you can conduct a small experiment, sorting through the memory of friends. Ears stop burning when a name is accidentally guessed. There is another sign when a person owes someone, and the friend who borrowed him money remembers this and seeks a meeting with the debtor.

There is also such an unexpected and pleasant prediction for women as the news of pregnancy.

Ear and cheek burn at the same time

With simultaneous redness of the cheeks and ears, it is possible that a fairly active discussion of the personality of one person by a whole group of acquaintances is possible. To determine who is engaged in such gossip, you should start listing the names of possible ill-wishers and envious people. When the main source of negative flow is mentioned, the heat should increase, after which it becomes clear who is saying the bad words.

Often a person is discussed by talking about him in a positive context. To determine the direction of the conversation, looking in the mirror, run a ring or finger over your ear and cheek. A white bar will indicate a friendly subtext of the discussion, a red bar will signal negative targeted feedback and wishes. After the clarification has occurred, it is advisable to protect yourself from bad words by taking a bath with added salt. You can make an amulet with a diamond or rock crystal. If there are no amulets, then a simple pin pinned from the inside to the clothing will do.

Redness of the ears and cheeks is often a sign strong evil eye or damage. Previously, in such cases, people tried to quickly read the prayer and wash themselves with holy water. Our ancestors believed that the day of the week and time of day of such combustion played a big role. If there was no holy water at hand, then women wiped their faces with their hem, and men washed themselves with cold water, so that later they would not have to wash their faces with tears.

If it's on Right side face and ear, in most cases the person is discussed in a positive way. If it's on right cheek a girl, it is possible that a young man secretly in love wants to kiss her at this place. This is also evidenced by the lips that are involved in the combustion process.

It is believed that the cheeks are a kind of catcher of other people's thoughts, and the ears are a catcher of conversations. Therefore, you need to listen carefully to your feelings in order to know the opinions and attitudes of others.

We all know that if an ear or cheek is burning, it means that someone is thinking or discussing about a person. And without knowing all the tricks, finding out in what way they are talking about you is not so easy. Folk signs they say if it's on left-hand side- that means they are discussing you, and the right one is praising you. But besides this, the day of the week on which the right ear burns plays a role.

Signs by day of the week

Since the right side of a person is associated only with good events, therefore, if you are bothered by a burning sensation in your right ear, you should not expect trouble. Usually, this means that someone is thinking or remembering you. But in fact, things are completely different and there are many other signs and beliefs in this regard. The interpretation of this sign depends on the day of the week.


If your right ear burns on the first day of the week, it means that you will soon receive news that will completely change your life. At the same time, if a burning sensation appears in the morning, expect good news; if in the late afternoon after sunset, expect bad news.

Sometimes the right ear can burn before a quarrel with loved ones. Try to avoid conflicts, do not react violently to comments, and then you will be able to avoid conflicts.


This day of the week is considered very difficult. If you experience a burning sensation in your right ear on Tuesday, this promises separation from a loved one. But you shouldn’t take everything too seriously and immediately sort things out with your significant other. Most likely, you will have to separate for a while, but your feelings will not cool down.

For single people, the sign promises a meeting. Moreover, if your ear burns in the morning, with the opposite sex, and if in the evening, with friends or colleagues. In any case, everything will go fine.


On this day all signs come true. If you experience a burning sensation in your right ear on Wednesday, it means that you will receive the amount. It could be:

  • salary;
  • find;
  • receiving an inheritance;
  • present.

The superstition comes true especially if the ear burns in the early morning. But if in the evening, an unexpected acquaintance awaits the person.


This is a great day for friendly meetings and solving important matters. If your right ear burns in the morning, does that mean? things will be resolved extremely well. If in the afternoon, a meeting with close friends awaits. If you don’t plan to go anywhere, it means that someone will tell you important news.


If in the morning you experience a burning sensation in your right ear, this day will be filled with romance and love. There is a high probability that you will meet your beloved on Friday. And if there is already one, wait for him a pleasant surprise.

Another belief indicates that if your right ear burns on Friday, then you will have an unforgettable romantic night with your loved one.


This day of the week is unfavorable. If they ask for a loan, and at the same time the right ear is burning, you should not give it, because it will not be returned soon, or they will even completely forget. According to other versions, superstition means that a person is in for trouble.

But in Rus' they believed that this sign on Saturday had no force at all. That is, if the right ear burns on this day of the week, it does not mean anything.


If you are bothered by a burning sensation in your right ear in the morning, expect good news or material rewards. But in the evening - Bad sign. She indicates disagreements with loved ones. On this day you should be more restrained and not succumb to provocations.

Why do ears burn and itch?

This is one of the most negative signs. If not medical problem, which would cause such discomfort, it means that the person will be disappointed. You should expect troubles from friends who are not really friends.

There are people around you who wish you harm, discuss you and hate you. At the same time, they smile in the face and seem sincere and frank. If your ears burn and itch frequently, you should take a closer look at your surroundings.

There is also a positive sign in this regard. If early on Wednesday morning the right ear burns and itches, this portends profit, success at work, and a promotion.

Interpretation of signs by time of day

If you are bothered by a burning sensation in your right ear in the morning, this is good sign. During the day, a person can expect good news, useful contacts, and receiving a reward. Expect a pleasant surprise from your loved one or good news from your loved ones.

If the right ear burns in the evening, troubles and conflicts await the person.

If your right ear starts to burn in the late evening, be careful the next day. The right ear, burning at night, says that you are being discussed.

Why do your ears and cheeks burn at the same time?

Often the ears begin to burn first, and then the cheeks. This sign indicates that a company of people is discussing you. You can find out exactly who is speaking about you and how. To do this you need:

  1. Start listing everyone you know. Take your time. Say each name and wait for a reaction. When you call the correct name, your cheek seems to flare up with heat. At the same time, say the following words: “Mine is mine, yours is yours.” If a person spoke badly about you and wished you harm, it will definitely come back to him.
  2. To find out what exactly they are saying about you, you will need a gold item. It's better if it's . Swipe it across your cheek. If a white mark remains, it means you are being praised or admired. A black or red stripe will mean gossip, envy, slander about you.

If your ears are, wash yourself with holy water. This action will remove the negativity. If there is none, use water with a pinch of salt.

Right ear lobe is burning

The earlobe is the most delicate and soft part of the ear. For this reason, she is responsible for love relationship, romance and intimacy. If a girl is bothered by a burning sensation in her right earlobe, it means the guy is very bored. This often happens after a quarrel with a loved one.

If there was no quarrel, then perhaps your significant other is preparing a surprise or even a marriage proposal.

If a man’s right earlobe is on fire, then this sign indicates that a girl loves him. And if they are not together yet, she has already come up with a plan to win him over.

For married people, this superstition has a different interpretation. This happens when they are looking for them. This applies to old friends or relatives with whom they have long lost contact.

Neutralization of bad omens

Since most often a burning sensation in the right ear occurs when a person is being discussed, this can be detrimental to health. To avoid this, you should know simple rules:

  1. If you feel that your ear is burning intensely, do some visualization. Imagine that you are covered by a large mirror dome. It protects from all gossip and evil thoughts of other people. It reflects everything bad that is directed in your direction.
  2. The best protection is holy water and prayer. When washing your face, imagine that you are washing away the negativity. And at this moment, read the “Our Father” prayer.

A burning sensation in the right ear can occur for many reasons. Folk signs show a person the right path and direction in which to move and suggest what to expect in the future.

If your left ear turns red, you are being discussed right now. In the old days, this sign was interpreted this way: ears are burning, which means people are talking. Beliefs can reveal many secrets - find out the truth about what people think and in what way they discuss you.

In the article:

Why ears burn - signs for all occasions

Often redness of the cheeks, itching in the legs, arms and other parts of the body are associated with certain events.

When both ears burn at once, someone remembers you. And very persistently. In this case, it is difficult to say whether the words are good or bad in your direction.

It used to be that if your ears burn at the moment when someone thinks about a person, these two will meet in the near future. But again, it is impossible to predict whether this meeting will be pleasant or not and what the outcome of this event will be.

An old sign says: if a person’s both ears suddenly begin to burn, there will be a change in the weather. Most likely it will rain.

Our ancestors also believed that anyone who experiences such sensations will receive important news.

Sign by day of the week

Sometimes, in order to get a complete prediction and correctly interpret the signs of fate, you need to pay attention to what day of the week you experience this not the most pleasant feeling.

  • On Monday- problems with relatives or superiors are possible. Refrain from harsh statements, otherwise a quarrel will not be avoided. Try to suppress outbursts of unreasonable anger, and even if someone deliberately pisses you off, do not fall for tricks.
  • On Tuesday- possible separation from a loved one or loved one. This sign should not be regarded as a guarantee of a break in the relationship. Perhaps one of your loved ones is going to go on a business trip, on vacation, to another city, and that’s why their ears are burning.
  • On Wednesday- wait for an important meeting. If you have already planned a rendezvous with someone, then know that it will play a significant role in your life. Pay as much attention as possible to preparing for the meeting. If there are no planned events, fate will soon send a person who can change your life and worldview.
  • On Thursday- wait for good news. You will learn the results of an important interview or receive news from an old friend.
  • On Friday- for a romantic date. You shouldn’t reject a fan; perhaps this is a chance given by fate.
  • On Saturday- to unpleasant news. Our ancestors believed that itching your ears on this day meant trouble. Perhaps there is no need to be dramatic, but it is better to be careful.
  • On Sunday- your work will be appreciated. The belief promises material well-being and profit.

The left ear is burning - signs

Someone is discussing you or remembering you. Our ancestors were sure that in this case a negative attitude towards a person was excluded. Most likely, your friends or relatives remember you.

There is also a second sign, which states that when such a feeling appears, you can be sure that someone at that moment is telling a lie about you. But this only works if the left ear burns in the evening.

Also note, . Depending on this, the meaning of the sign may vary.

A very rare interpretation of such a phenomenon is found, which says that in the near future a minor quarrel is possible due to gossip spread by ill-wishers.

Why does my right ear burn or itch?

Be sure that someone is very angry with you, discussing, scolding and saying not the most flattering words.

Some are sure that everything is not so bad and a burning right ear indicates that someone needs a person and cannot get through to him.

To get rid of the annoying feeling, analyze who may need you at the moment and contact this person. Some variations of the sign indicate that if it is the right ear that is burning, a male representative (spouse, brother, father) is trying to find you.

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