Home Coated tongue Epagnole Breton pugnacious. Full description and characteristics of the Breton Epagnole dog breed

Epagnole Breton pugnacious. Full description and characteristics of the Breton Epagnole dog breed

In the article I will tell the history of the origin of the Breton Epagnole, list the established standards of the breed, and consider the rules for care and maintenance.

Description of the dog breed

There is no reliable information about the existence of the breed, but most cynologists adhere to the version of crossing imported from England with French pointing dogs (setters, pointers).

The name of the breed consists of the name of the animal’s supposed homeland (the French Breton Peninsula) and the Old French word “epagnole” (“to lie”). The command was actively used when hunting with a net, allowing the dog not to give himself away to the game and not to fall into a trap on his own.

IN separate species The breed was identified at the end of the 19th century, and in the 30s of the 20th century, some representatives set foot on the lands of America. Second World War practically destroyed the Bretons, but the lucky ones from the States, who returned to their homeland after the end of hostilities, saved the species from extinction.

The painstaking work of breeders helped improve the qualities and skills of a hunting dog. In 1907, a native of the Breton kennel club participated in the first exhibition. According to established standards, epañol has:

  • hanging ears with wavy hair and rounded tips;
  • a rounded head and a muzzle of medium length;
  • straight or slightly curved nose with a color corresponding to the color of the coat;
  • deep-set eyes of a dark amber color;
  • short, square body with a deep chest, slightly sloping croup and wide ribs;
  • wide hind limbs covered with abundant fringe, muscular thighs and tightly pressed toes, practically without hair;
  • a short tail (not >10cm) or no tail at all (if the tail is excessively long, it must be docked).

Sexual dimorphism in Bretons is not pronounced.

Average height and weight range from 47-51 cm and 14-18 kg, regardless of gender.

The coat has a medium length, straight or wavy structure and high density. The dog has no undercoat. The hair on the belly and fingers is short and thin, while on the ears and paws it is long and thick. Acceptable colors are:

  • white mixed with chestnut, red or black;
  • Savrasy;
  • tricolor.

The average life expectancy is 12 years, but proper care and in the absence of diseases, a pet can live up to 15 years.

The most popular color is white with a hint of chestnut

Epagnole care is based on its external features. For the health of your four-legged friend it is important:

  1. Monitor the condition of your ears. Due to the structure of the ear cavity, a lot of dirt and moisture accumulates, attracting pathogens. Suitable for cleaning dirt special remedy, purchased at a veterinary pharmacy.
  2. Brush the coat every week and bathe as needed. The absence of undercoat prevents excessive hair loss, so maintenance is kept to a minimum.
  3. Support physical activity. Bretons are real hunters who need active games and a burst of energy. When living in an apartment, they need long walks and exercise (at least 1 hour a day).
  4. Don't forget to clean your eyes and teeth. The absence of breed diseases allows you to reduce care, but it cannot be excluded. Try to wipe your eyes as they become dirty, moving towards the inner corners. For healthy teeth Buy chew toys and special toothpastes designed for dogs.
  5. Help deal with overgrown claws. As a rule, the claws of epagnoles grind off on their own. Filing is only necessary if there is insufficient activity.
  6. Follow the feeding schedule. For puppies under 6 months of age, 3 meals a day are recommended. After this age, up to 2 years (end of growth), doses are reduced to 2 times, and after 2 years - to 1 time. Among industrial feed Premium and super-premium classes can be found in a separate line designed specifically for Bretons. The balanced composition allows you to provide your pet with everything necessary. Don't let your pet eat bones. They clog the intestines, and the sharp edges injure internal organs.

You should feed your pet after finishing your own meal. This trick demonstrates to the animal leadership skills the owner, acting as the head of his flock.

Animal character

TO characteristic features Breton epagnoles include:

  1. Attachment. Pets are good-natured towards every family member and get very bored when separated. Don't leave Breton alone. If you are on a business trip or vacation, try to take your pet with you.
  2. Good-natured disposition. The dogs get along well with small children and are loyal to strangers. The animal is not suitable as a watchman, as it is happy to expose its tummy to the first person it meets for scratching.
  3. Obedience. Epagnoles are calm, so they do not cause problems when moving around. public transport or when meeting other dogs.
  4. Lack of dominant qualities. Pets love company, so they get along well with other pets.

During a hunt, Bretons are able to pursue a target for up to 10 hours without rest. Their passion does not depend on weather conditions, so in urban areas they can easily tire their owner with hyperactivity.


The first “basics”, which allow you to teach the dog the basics of behavior, are given as early as 2 months of age. A smart puppy quickly remembers basic commands, and after 7 months it is successfully trained as a future hunter.

Even a beginner can cope with training a Breton.

The animal obediently obeys all commands, hoping to receive the praise of its beloved owner. The nature of training should be gentle, physical punishment is not acceptable.

A pet allowed to hunt can:

  • follow the trail;
  • take a wait-and-see attitude when spotting game;
  • wait in a lying position when firing;
  • bring the shot target.

If hunting is carried out on water, then the wet animal shakes itself off only after handing over the game to the owner, doing this from a distance.

Health of the Breton Epagnole

Like most other dogs, Epagnoles are susceptible to dysplasia. hip joint. Preventative examinations with a veterinarian will help diagnose the disease at early stage without allowing it to progress.

How much does a puppy cost?

The cost of a puppy depends on its class and varies from 7 to 60 thousand rubles.

When purchasing a pet for your soul, pay attention to representatives of the pet class. For beginners who do not want to participate in exhibitions and frequent hunting, female representatives, who are famous for their softer disposition, are suitable.

The period of heat makes the dog unsuitable for hunting.

It is better to purchase show-class puppies in France. At home, there are more requirements for breeding, so the risk of running into deception tends to zero.

Breeding Features

When breeding Epagnoles, it is important to periodically mix in French blood, which is why breeders have to import studs.

To match the exterior, it is important to understand the inheritance features of a short tail:

  • 2 short-tailed dogs suggests the maximum number of short-tailed puppies;
  • mating 2 long-tailed dogs cannot produce short-tailed puppies;
  • a litter of short-tailed and long-tailed dogs will have 2 variations of tails in variable proportions.

In conclusion, I note that with proper care and sufficient attention, the Breton epagnole will fit into any family, and will serve as an excellent companion for an avid hunter.

Despite all the advantages of the breed, the dog is not suitable for people who often travel on business and stay at work for a long time. In this case, the pet will not receive the attention it deserves, and long separations will lead to destructive behavior.

Breton epaignol. Video


Despite their widespread use in Europe and the USA, Breton epagnoles are still extremely rare in Russia. A relatively young breed, which was officially recognized only in 1907. Before approval, it was believed that this was a breed of so-called “folk selection”. That is, the dog was always next to the person, but no one was puzzled by the exterior, character or other breed characteristics.

From the name it is easy to conclude that the animal comes from Brittany, which has become part of France since 1532. They have long been one of the best gun dogs. Even today in modern French Republic it is problematic to find someone more suitable for hunting game birds. Many people call Epagnoles Breton Spaniels, but this fact cannot be considered reliable. This breed is a pointer, which means it is closer to pointers, kurhaars, drathaars and setters.


In Bretonnes, the head has the shape of a “trampled shoe”, and this is a breed characteristic. The muzzle, expressive and “smiling”, makes up one third of the entire length of the head, the skull - two thirds. The ears are drooping, but set quite high. The dog is not large, but strong and sinewy. The coat is wavy, lying close to the body, and is usually longer on the paws and belly. Black and white, white and orange, white and chestnut, tri-color black and tri-color chestnut epagnoles are considered traditional. The eyes are dark brown or match the light colors of the Bretons.

A funny feature is their tail, or rather the almost complete absence of it. Due to the type of hunting activity, the extremity was practically reduced, which gives the appearance a special French sophistication.


But do not be deceived by such an aristocratic appearance of epagnoles. In fact, they are born hunters, indispensable assistants to people in this ancient craft. And this implies unique working qualities and incredible potential. For example, no one teaches these dogs to make a strong “stance”, which they take when they see their prey. It is worth noting the extraordinary endurance, incommensurable with the size of a dog’s body. They can track game very well long time, while developing speeds of up to 60 kilometers per hour.

Along with the above, Breton epagnoles are incredibly affectionate and obedient. All their attention is directed exclusively to their beloved owner, whom they never let out of sight. Considering all the advantages of energetic little cops, you can safely enroll them as companions and keep them in apartments without much difficulty, but without denying them long walks in parks and squares.

If there are children in the house, then there is no need to be afraid, because such a devoted and safe pet for younger members of the household, still look. By the way, he will also get along well with other animals, as he naturally knows how to socialize easily and quickly.


Another significant advantage of the breed is practical complete absence any hereditary diseases. Animals have endured so much during the history of their formation: they have been so hardened by wars, hunger and cold that they have come down to us as if forged from steel.

All that is required of you is to vaccinate your pet on time and deworm it twice a year. It is interesting that with such endurance, the Bretons have a very fine mental organization. They are not afraid of cold or heat, nor of the dangers that can lurk at every step during the hunt, but the inattention of their beloved owner can hurt the little one’s heart. loving dog more serious than any weapon.

What modern hunter does not dream of not just a good pointer or gun mate, but also a good companion who will calmly spend most of his time in a city apartment, content with walks in the park, but at the same time will not lose his natural talents - there is such a thing, this is - Breton epagnol.

Features of the history of the breed and the character of the Epagnole

On photo epagnol looks like a large spaniel whose ears have not grown, however, this has nothing to do with spaniels. First mentions of Epagnole dogs date back to the beginning of the 15th century, we are talking about “everyday” chronicles, that is, a listing of everything necessary for organizing a large royal hunt in the territory of the modern French province of Brittany.

Also, these beautiful gunshots are immortalized on a huge number medieval tapestries dedicated to hunting scenes, the most famous of works of art, depicting French epagnoles, perhaps, are not tapestries from the Middle Ages, but paintings from the 17th century, belonging to the brushes of Dutch painters.

Then, in the 17th century, namely in 1896, Breton Epagnole breed was officially presented to the British Canine Society by one of the French aristocrats, and, of course, then received its first documentary description.

The club of this hunting breed, engaged in its breeding and improvement, began operating in 1907, in its official homeland, in Brittany, and still exists, uniting lovers and admirers hunting with Breton epagnols from all over the world, including the USA and Australia.

However, this charming creature may well not hunt, but be a simple pet and best friend for children, thanks to its character. Dogs are very kind, patient, curious and friendly. This dog can spend hours watching your little one build towers out of blocks or put together a puzzle.

Breeders have also repeatedly noticed the resourcefulness of Hispaniola dogs, as if they understand what exactly the child or the owner is looking for, and bring this item or indicate its location with a jerky bark - be it gloves, a purse or a toy.

The characteristics of the breed include the absence of smell and love for hygiene procedures, both conducted by the owners and independently.

Description of the Epagnole breed

Epagnole Breton- small, one of the smallest among other representatives of the cops. These are stocky, solid in appearance, but at the same time they give the impression of some grace.

These gundogs grow up to 49 cm for females and from 50 to 60 cm for males, of course, we are talking about height at the withers.

Average weight – from 13.5 to 18.5 kg.

  • Head

Regular shape, slightly rounded, with smooth transitions. The eyes are large, almond-shaped, rounded, the ears are triangular, constant movement, the nose is fleshy, not necessarily, it often matches the color.

The body is very proportional, the neck is developed, muscular, and the chest is wide. The abdomen is tucked in, but not sunken.

  • Tail

As for the tail, contrary to many misconceptions, it is not docked. Dogs are born with a very short tail, and sometimes without one at all. World standards allow the length of this organ to be up to 10 cm; at exhibitions, the ideal length is considered to be from 3 to 6 cm.

  • Limbs

Strong, without curvature, thighs are noticeably wider than the shins, which, in turn, are longer than the thighs.

  • Wool

The pile is slightly wavy and thin, with pronounced fringes. Color – white, with spots of various colors. As for the shortcomings or defects of the breed, they will be disqualified at any exhibition if there are:

  • defects in behavior and demonstration of inconsistency of character is aggression. Cowardice, lack of curiosity;
  • violation of proportionality and difference from size requirements, including weight;
  • sharp transitions in the lines of the head;
  • white spots around the eyes - this is considered a sign of degeneration;
  • bite defects.

However, if Epagnole Breton grown for hunting, these requirements fade into the background in comparison with the working qualities of his parents, and according to his heredity in this aspect.

Care and maintenance of epagnol

Not enough buy epagnol, still needs to be grown. In addition, you should clearly understand why this puppy is being acquired, what it should grow up to be - a companion, family dog, a star of the show rings or a hunter. This is what will determine from which breeders you should take a puppy into your home.

Regardless of the goals, raising a fur baby requires patience, care, free time, kindness and firmness, but not cruelty. If a person is busy all day long, but he needs a dog once a season to go hunting with comrades or for company for evening walks - Epagnole puppies There is no need to purchase, you should pay attention to adults who, for one reason or another, are given away or sold.

As for keeping the animal and caring for it, this dog does not require much. The main points in the content, in addition to feeding, of course, are:

It is worth understanding that epañol- attentive and quite active, of course, this animal will happily watch a movie with its owner, lounging next to him on the sofa, but before that you will have to walk with him for a couple of hours, and perhaps go for a run or ride a bike.

As a city dweller, this will be an ideal friend for those who go jogging and generally try to play sports outdoors. fresh air.

Price and reviews about epagnol

The cost will directly depend on where they are purchased Breton epagnole puppies. Of course, if a dog is purchased second-hand and without the appropriate documentation, this is one price, but if you go to France to buy puppies and sign up for their purchase directly at the Breton Society of Lovers of this breed, the cost will be completely different.

The easiest and most reliable option for residents to acquire a purebred purebred friend is to contact the Russian National Breed Club, located in Moscow (the legal and actual address, that is, the office, they themselves, of course, do not live there).

As for the reviews about the breed, of course, from the owners they are extremely positive. And it cannot be otherwise, because, especially, this is part of the family, and not a household appliance or a set of cosmetic products to evaluate it and write reviews.

A separate line is the opinion of hunters who keep several dogs and evaluate exclusively the working qualities of the breed. And in this case, according to numerous reviews on specialized sites and forums dedicated to hunting, there are a lot of benefits, they learn quickly and work great.

Also, according to reviews, epañols prefer duck hunting, most likely this is due to their love of water and water procedures. However, dogs also enjoy hunting partridges and black grouse.

Buy dogs Epagnole Breton from good producers, without going outside it is quite possible for 26,500-38,000 rubles, the offspring of “show stars” are more expensive, but excellent hunters are cheaper, quite paradoxically, but a fact.

Epagnol Breton at Dogcity classes

Standard° N° 95 / 05. 05. 2003 /

Group 7: Pointers, 1.2 section: Continental Pointers, Epagnol type

With working test.

ORIGIN: Country of origin - France, province of Breton. Currently ranked first among French sports breeds. Probably one of the oldest breeds of Epagnoles, improved in the early 20th century by various outcrosses and selection.

The draft standard for the breed was drawn up in Nantes, in 1907, and was adopted on June 7, 1908 at the first General Assembly held in the city of Loudéac (then department of Côté du Nord, now called Côté d'Armor). This was the first standard of the Club Breton Natural Short-tailed Epagnoles.

GENERAL APPEARANCE: The smallest pointing dog. Epagnole Breton refers to Braccoïde - short tailed or tailless. The build is harmonious, the constitution is solid, but not ponderous. Overall slim and lean, without unnecessary bulk, but at the same time looks quite elegant. The dog is energetic, has a clear look, makes an impression smart dog. Distinctive features breed is its short stature with energy, which during development retained the desired short-legged model, which was recorded by dog ​​breeders.

IMPORTANT PROPORTIONS: The skull is longer than the muzzle in a ratio of 3:2. The head is proportional to the body. The depth of the chest from withers to sternum is slightly less than half the height of the dog. The dog is square - the length of the body (from the corner of the shoulder to the ischium) is equal to the height at the withers.

BEHAVIOR / CHARACTER: The dog adapts to any environment, is friendly, with an intelligent and attentive expression, a balanced character. A universal dog, suitable for any hunt on any terrain, with a pronounced hunting habit. It is worth noting search hunting qualities, running, flair, terrain orientation, reaction speed and duration of the game stance, as well as fast recovery strength and learning ability.

HEAD: The head is prominent, dry.

SKULL: Slightly rounded when viewed from the front or side. When viewed from above, the longitudinal areas are slightly convex. The top lines of the head and muzzle are parallel. The width of the skull when measured between the zygomatic arches is less than its length. The brow ridges are not pronounced, but form a slightly rounded outline. The anterior beard and arrow-shaped comb are poorly defined. Moderate transition from forehead to muzzle.


Nose: Large, with very wide, moist and wide-open nostrils. The color is harmoniously combined with the coloring - the same can be said about the border of the pupils and eye sockets.

Muzzle: Straight, with almost parallel lateral surfaces.

Lips: Well defined, not too large, relatively thin and tightly compressed. The lower lip is covered in some places by the upper lip, but the contour upper lip gradually bends towards the junction of both lips, and this junction is not too noticeable and is tightly covered. In general, no discoloration is observed.

Jaws/Teeth: Full set of dental formula. Scissor bite

Cheeks: Not heavy, the skin fits tightly.

Eyes: Slightly slanted. The expression is intelligent, soft and frank. Slightly oval, not sunken, with clear, clearly colored and tightly fitting eyelids. Iris colors harmonize with coat color, mostly dark. The expression of the eyes combined with the protruding base of the ears creates a truly “Breton expression”.

Ears: Set high triangular shape, relatively large and quite short (if pulled forward, the tips of the ears will be further than the body). Partially covered with wavy hair, especially on the top. The remaining parts are covered with short hair. Always active when the dog is alert or on the move.

NECK: Of medium length and well-muscled, has the shape of a slightly concave, but in no case convex, truncated cone. Smoothly blends into the shoulders. There is no dewlap.

Back: Straight, short and strong, well defined

Withers: Sufficiently long, not very prominent, not loaded.

Loin: Short, wide and muscular.

Croup: Straight, short and strong, blending smoothly into the tail.

Hips: Short, wide and muscular.

Chest: Descends to level ulna, wide. The ribs are clearly defined, but do not protrude. The sternum is wide and rises slightly towards the rear. The outermost ribs are long and curved.

Belly: Slightly tucked

Sides: Slightly raised and short

TAIL: Set high, extended horizontally (or slightly drooped) when moving, wagging frequently when the dog is alert or at work. The Breton Epagnole can be born without a tail or with a very short tail. When docking the tail, the ideal length is 3 to 6 cm, docked tail should not be longer than 10 cm.

FOREQUARTERS: Limbs well balanced. The joints are flexible and strong.

Shoulder blade: Movable, long (30% of the height at the withers), close to the body with well-developed muscles. Its inclination is between 55 and 60° to the horizon. The distance between the shoulder blades is 5 cm (2").

Shoulder: Dense, powerful and very muscular. It is slightly longer than the shoulder blade. humeroscapular joint 115 and 120 °.

Forearm: Muscular and dry. Slightly longer than shoulder. Vertically placed

Elbow: Close to the body.

Wrist: Flexible, slightly inclined (between 15 and 20° from vertical).

Feet: Round, tightly knit.

HINDQUARTERS: Seen from behind, well balanced and parallel.

Thigh: Strong with prominent, prominent muscles. It should be inclined between 70 and 75° to the horizontal.

Lower leg: Slightly longer than the thigh with lean, defined muscles. Wide at the top, gradually decreasing towards the junction with the tarsus.

The angle between the thigh and lower leg is close to 130°.

Tarsus: Dry, with visible tendons.

Metatarsus: Seen from the side, almost vertical.

Feet: See forelimbs. The peculiarity is that the rear ones are slightly larger than the front ones.

GAIT / MOVEMENT: Runs differently, with a light but powerful gait, evenly and briskly. The feet move straight, the body does not twitch or bend too much, and the top line remains parallel to the ground. In the field he most often runs at a light gallop, his stride is fast and of medium length, hind legs move back a little (selected light gallop).

SKIN: Thin, close-fitting and well pigmented.

HAIR: The coat is fine, but not silky. Close to the body or slightly wavy. Never frizz. Short on the head and front of the limbs. The back of the limbs is covered with thicker hair with abundant fluff, and along the length of the limbs their height decreases to the carpus (wrist joint) or tarsus (patellar tendon), and sometimes the hair goes down further.

COLOR: White and orange, white and black, white and dark chestnut, with more or less pronounced scattered white spots. Piebald or shagreen, sometimes with teak splashes on the top and sides of the muzzle or limbs. Similarly, in the case of a tri-color coat, there are tan spots (shading from orange to dark) on the top and sides of the muzzle, above the eyes, on the limbs, on the chest and under the base of the tail. For any color, narrow tan marks are desirable. Spontaneous coloring is not allowed.

Height at withers:

Minimum 48 cm (18.9 inches) with a deviation of no more than 1 cm (0.4 inches).

Maximum 51 cm (20.1 inches) with a deviation of no more than 1 cm (0.4 inches).

Minimum 47 cm (18.5 inch) with a deviation of no more than 1 cm (0.4 inch).

Maximum 50 cm (20.1 inches) with a deviation of no more than 1 cm (0.4 inches).

Ideal height

Males: 49 to 50 cm (19.3 inches to 19.7 inches).

Females: 48 to 49 cm (18.9 inches to 19.3 inches).

DEFECTS: Any deviation from the above specifications should be considered a defect and the degree of seriousness with which such defect should be treated is directly proportional to its significance.

Personality: Shy, shifty eyes.

Head posture: With a slight tilt.

Nose: Very faint coloring, the inner surface of the nostrils is not colored.

Teeth: Pincer bite, teeth not aligned.

The Breton Spaniel, or Breton Spaniel, as well as the Breton Spaniel, as they are also called, are ancient breed pointing dogs, which appeared in the 18th century in western France in the province of Brittany. This breed was considered a universal hunting pointer and was used primarily for hunting game. The Breton's ancestors were used only for hunting birds and were called "bird dogs." Subsequently, blood was added to the “bird dogs” and, after which, the Breton Hispaniole was able to more actively pick up the scent and acquired its stunning hunting style. By the beginning of the 20th century, the breed was on the verge of extinction, but experts managed to restore it, although slightly updating the appearance of modern Breton. The breed was officially registered in 1908.


The Breton Epagnole is a strongly built, medium-sized dog with a stocky, but not massive, square body. The head of the Breton Spaniard is wide, with a smooth transition from the forehead to the elongated muzzle. The high-set ears are rounded at the tips and covered with slightly wavy hair. Light Brown eyes harmonize with the color of the dog. The Breton's neck is of medium length, his stomach is drawn, his back is strong, his hips are wide and powerful. The limbs are slender, long and muscular. The Breton Epagnole has a long stride - when he walks, his hind legs reach the tracks of his front paws. The tail can be straight and hanging, its length usually does not exceed 10 cm. The coat should not form curls and have a slightly wavy appearance. The color can be red, liver in combination with white and tri-color (white, red, black).


Breton epagnole is real hunting dog With high intelligence and excellent working qualities. He has great instincts, makes an amazing stance, and can work in all weather conditions and on any terrain. Epagnol Breton is obedient and has a stable, balanced character. This breed is considered suitable not only for hunters, but also for families with children. An affectionate and responsible Breton will become a real nanny for them, and will never show aggression. The Breton Spaniel is friendly towards other pets, and if he grew up with them, he will not consider your cat or parrot as game. At home, the Breton will not bother you with loud barking; he perfectly follows commands and is easy to train. To prevent an adult dog from becoming gloomy or shy, you need to accustom the puppy to communicate with people and other dogs with early age. The Breton Epagnole has a stubborn disposition, but at the same time it is easy to control and can adapt to any environment.

The Breton Epagnole is a very energetic and active dog that needs a lot of exercise stress, so a quiet and measured life in a city apartment will most likely not suit her. In cramped conditions, the dog will begin to get bored, whine and behave in an inappropriate manner. It would be ideal to keep such a dog outside the city, where it can splash out its energy and satisfy its hunting instincts. Once a week you need to brush your Breton with a stiff brush to keep his coat in excellent condition. Bath the dog as it gets dirty. If your pet is used for hunting, after each outing it is necessary to inspect the dog’s fur and paws, since in addition to burrs, ticks may be found on it. The Breton Epagnole is very sensitive to rough handling, even your scream can offend him, try to take into account the peculiarity of his character and explain everything in words.


Like many representatives hunting breeds, the British Spaniard can't complain about poor health- he is considered strong dog. Some representatives of the breed may suffer from hemophilia. This hereditary disease, in which blood clotting decreases, and even minor injury, can lead to serious hemorrhages. To prevent this disease, breeders usually do not allow closely related relationships and cull sick animals. Of the other diseases that can occur in the Breton Epagnole, the most commonly observed are hip dysplasia and thyroid hypothyroidism.

Video of the Breton Epagnole breed

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