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The oldest cat today is Lucy. This most common animal was born back in 1972. When her owners found out about this, they turned to veterinarians. Experts were amazed at the condition of this animal.

The cat ate well, moved and even played. Doctors were unable to accurately determine her age, but reported that by human standards it was 172 years old! Even Caucasian old-timers do not live to such an advanced age. With an average age of 15, Lucy has outlived her brothers three times. Today she still catches mice in her owner's garden.

The oldest cat lives in the home of 63-year-old Bill Thomas. In 1999, its previous owner, who was Bill's godmother, died. There was nowhere to put the animal, so the man took it in. He could not even imagine that the cat was already at an advanced age, because she behaved like a healthy mature animal.

Lucy is a wonderful hunter. Under her supervision, the mice in the garden do not dare to stick their noses out. Today she holds the world record for longest life expectancy among cats. This turned out to be completely accidental when Bill's aunt visited him. She said that she remembers Lucy as a kitten 40 years ago. The family had their own fish store, where the cheerful kitten felt great. The owners, of course, knew that they had an old cat, but they had no idea how old it was.

The municipality took up Lucy's case, under whose supervision the necessary tests at veterinarians.

The oldest cat can no longer hear anything, although this does not prevent her from being in excellent shape, enjoying life and hunting. The mice in the garden are still afraid of Lucy.

The owners proved that she is older than the current record holder in this area - the cat Fluffy, who lived for 38 years. And the title of “oldest cat in the world” went to Lucy.

Later we found out that the amazing animal was born in 1972 in Llanelli. There were even witnesses who saw a funny kitten in that same fish store in the early 70s. Locals actively advocated for Lucy to receive this title. They think she deserves respect.

After the cat Fluffy for a long time no one applied for the title of oldest cat. Lucy became a real discovery for everyone. This natural phenomenon is worth studying, not to mention revere. Representatives of the press service of the Guinness Book of Records were amazed by this news.

The oldest cat, Lucy, is the pride of Bill's family. Sometimes there are amazing things right under your nose, unique, unique in the world. The main thing is to be attentive and be able to see the unusual in the ordinary, even in the simplest. Lucy is a symbol of how ordinary inhabitants of our homes become world celebrities who are revered by the whole world. And even though it’s just a cat, it has earned respect because it has lived for so many years, pleasing its owners and bringing benefit to their home. Now her name proudly appears on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records along with others famous records and phenomena. Perhaps the cat Lucy will serve the entire human society well when the secret of her longevity is revealed.

Since ancient times, cats have been quite mysterious animals. Their intelligence, abilities and character are amazing. Cats live on average 12–15 years, but there are a few centenarians who have lived quite long and unusual lives.

Age record holders from the Guinness Book

Most old cat on earth it is considered pet named Lucy. She lived for 43 years, which, if converted to human age, would be 175 years. She lives in the UK. Its owner is Bill Thomas. His pet feels great and catches mice perfectly. Her only drawback is that she has completely lost her hearing.

Lucy was born in the town of Llanelli in 1972, Bill's aunt told about it. She knew the cat earlier, 40 years ago, when she had a different owner. Bill has had a cat since 1999; he got it after his aunt died. After such an unusual story, the owner showed the cat to the veterinarian, who confirmed her record age. Veterinarians are looking for the reasons for the cat’s longevity, but she continues to enjoy life and catch mice.

One of the oldest cats in the whole world is Cream Puff, who lived 38 years. She was born in the town of Austin. Her record is included in the Guinness Book. She holds second place. The cat was born in 1967 and died only in 2005. She lived a long and joyful life. The owner of the cat is Jake Perry.

He believes that his pet lived so long thanks to a special diet that included natural products(broccoli, bacon, asparagus and eggs).

He treated her like a member of the family, with great love and affection. A few years ago, Cream Puff was the oldest cat, but the situation changed when in 2011 the cat Lucy became known all over the world. The story about it was described above.

The next place in the Guinness Book of Records belongs to a cat nicknamed Capitolina. She lives in Melbourne. She is one of the oldest living cats. Today her age is 34 years old.

Can't help but mention about the long-liver Kitty, who lived for 31 years. She lived in Staffordshire. Her owner was D. Johnson. This cat was quite graceful, but at the age of 30 she was able to give life to two kittens, which deserves respect.

And here Blackie the cat lived to be 25 years old, which in human age is 117 years. She also lives in England. Today she feels fine, but only her vision is failing, but her hearing is fine.

Champions by age in Russia

Russia also has its own rating of cats that have lived longer than others. The first place among long-lived Russian cats is occupied by Basilio, who celebrates his 26th birthday this year. He lives in Kostroma. He feels great, so he will soon be able to get into the Guinness Book of Records.

It should also be noted the cat Dymka. According to her owners, she is now 27 years old. She, too, has not yet been included in the Guinness Book, but media are talking and writing about her mass media. For example, Yana Rozova is already familiar with this cat and she really likes to tell the whole world about her. She took part in the Echo of Moscow program.

And he closes the top three centenarians in Russia mongrel cat Murka. She lived for 20 years. The cat was found in Star City, from where it came to V. Trunov, who was responsible for training USSR cosmonauts. Murka was a full-fledged member of the Trunov family. She had a very accommodating character and was easy to like.

Another Russian cat that deserves attention - Roxana. She lived for 19 years, which is a worthy result. She lived in the city of Serov and belonged to the Persian breed. Roxana appeared in 1994, and had a very presentable pedigree, which undoubtedly made it possible to accurately name the dates of birth and death.

And here Russian cat Chernyshka lived 16 years, which can be attributed to longevity. She was born and lived in Irkutsk. Its owner was Olga Ponomareva, who loved her very much. The cat had a very flexible and soft character. It can be classified as a “yard” cat.

Reasons for longevity

As you know, cats live very little on the street. On average this ranges from five to seven years.

It is worth noting that such a low life expectancy is not due to the increased danger that is present on the street.

There are quite a few factors that influence a cat's lifespan. There is an opinion that the breed of a cat, as well as its pedigree, necessarily has an impact on the cat’s life. Thus, Persian cats usually live several years longer. Although Siamese and british cats also have fairly good life rates.

However, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the opposite information. So, quite often outbred cats are long-lived. Although the list of the world's longest-livers proves that the breed has minimal influence on the lifespan of cats. But don’t forget about the pedigree, since good genetics usually has a positive effect on a cat’s well-being. They are usually with good health, rarely get sick. But this is not the secret of longevity.

Every owner wants their pet to live as long as possible. Of course, we all understand that nothing lasts forever, the hour of separation will come sooner or later, but in order to delay it, you need to take into account the following recommendations from experts:

  • should be observed correct mode feeding, be sure to listen to the advice of veterinarians (only an examination by a veterinarian will allow you to determine the cat’s diet, what and in what quantities);
  • it is necessary to make regular visits to the veterinarian, namely, it is necessary to carry out all vaccinations on time and do not forget about routine examinations in order to immediately detect a health problem and begin treatment on time (remember that cats are excellent at hiding pain, so even if there are no symptoms of disease, you should still go to veterinarians);
  • don't forget the meaning physical activity for a cat, regardless of age, even after 10 years, pets love to actively spend time with their owner - play catch with a toy or hunt for a fly;
  • dental health is very important for a cat and its life expectancy, you should regularly do routine dental examinations, as well as monitor their hygiene - brush using a special toothbrush and paste, remove plaque;
  • If you do not plan to breed, you should immediately spay or neuter your pet, because there is also a certain period for this procedure, which an experienced veterinarian will help you figure out.

Breeds of long-lived cats

Today on the planet there is great amount cat breeds. Some veterinarians are inclined to believe that breed has an impact on a pet's life expectancy. It is worth considering which cat breeds are long-lived.


They usually live for about 14 years, but can live up to 20 years. It is Thai cats that are often long-lived. They are very smart, interesting and inquisitive, and they love to take part in all household chores. They are highly trainable and can even be taught to open doors without any help.

Thai koshi are rightfully considered an ideal option for a family with children.


This breed is famous in every corner of our planet. She is so loved due to her amazing character, as she becomes quite attached to her owner, while she can experience feelings of jealousy towards other pets.

Siamese cats They perfectly capture the owner’s moods and react violently when the owner pays attention to them.

Quite often they live to be 12 years or more.

Japanese Bobtail

This breed is often called one of the most ancient, because images of cats were found on imperial engravings, as well as on ancient temples. These cats are characterized by unpretentiousness, understanding and devotion. They are practically not prone to molting, which is worth noting as an undeniable advantage. Cats of this breed love water, love to swim, and can also go fishing. On average their age is 18 years.

They are quite rare.

Asian Longhair

Such cats are quite often pets.

They are very loyal to their owners. They practically never leave their side; sometimes such a strong attachment even begins to interfere with the owner.

Cats are characterized by increased talkativeness. They are attracted by the comfort and coziness of the home, so they are quite rare in the yard. On average, representatives of the Asian Longhair breed live about 18 years, although it can be longer.

Asian shorthair

This cat breed also has an average long life, which can even exceed 20 years. The peculiarity of this cat is that it gets along well with other pets.

This breed has short hair, which has a positive effect on the cleanliness of the house.

Pets are quite sociable, although they do not impose themselves on the owner.

From this video you will learn how long cats live and how to extend the life of your pet.

Every year, information about new record holders and their achievements appears in the Guinness Book of Records.

Cats are amazing creatures. Have you ever seen a cat with 2 faces, 28 toes or 4 ears?

Can you imagine a cat that can wake up its neighbors with its “motor”? If you're interested, let's take a look at the most unique cats in the world together.
There is hardly a person who has not heard of the Guinness Book of Records. But I think not everyone knows how many and what records belong to... cats! Every year for more than 50 years, these records have been collected all over the world. Anyone can beat them; it is free and honorable.

The loudest cat

found in the world the loudest cat. It has recently become popular, and this is not surprising: the purring of such a cat can drown out even the sound of a Boeing 737 engine, because it produces sounds of 92 decibels (a similar “loudness” is possessed by an airplane landing)! Its owners, the Adams family, are complaining about the animal. The namesakes of the famous movie family claim that their 12-year-old British cat purrs so loudly that they cannot hear the TV and cannot talk on the phone. Scientists conducted research and found that these “accusations” are justified, because Smokey’s purring is almost 4 times louder than similar sounds made by other cats.

Missy the cat

Why do cats need whiskers? Scientists answer this question simply: vibrissae are needed for touch, and not at all for beauty. As a rule, the length of the whiskers is no more than 7 cm, but one cat distinguished himself super-long whiskers. A Maine Coon cat named Missy, who lives in Finland, explores the world with the help of a 19-centimeter whisker.

"Mother Heroine" In the cat family, a cat named Antigone (Burman or Siamese breed) can be considered. The animal lived in the USA, and in 1970 the “mommy” was able to give birth to 19 kittens at one time. And here American cat Dusty may be famous for the maximum number of kittens she gave birth to in her entire life: this “heroine mother” acquired 420 offspring.

The most clawed cat, undeniably, is Jake from Canada! This animal has seven claws on each paw (that is, 28 in total!). Regular cats have only 18 claws - 5 on each front paw and 4 on the hind paws.

Perhaps no one will be surprised by the fact that longest domestic cat A Maine Coon cat has appeared in the world. Stewie, a 5-year-old cat from Nevada, has a total length of 123cm (!), and a tail of about 42cm. By the way, the average length of a cat is 60cm, and the tail is 30cm. So Stewie is a real big guy! The owners decided to set the record after numerous comments about the length of the cat. They also have a dream of seeing a photo of their pet on cat food. Who knows, maybe soon we will see Stewie not only in the Guinness Book of Records, because he is really beautiful! Stewie also holds another record - the longest tail: 41.5 cm.

How old do you think the oldest cat living on earth is? Pinky (USA) was born on October 31, 1989. At the age of 13 he was diagnosed with cancer and had an amputation. hind paw. Despite this, Pinky today longest living cat(22 years old).Given average age cats (9-15 years old), this is pretty good. In general, the oldest cat ever living on Earth was Cream Puff, who was born on August 3, 1967 and lived until August 6, 2005 - imagine, 38 years and 3 days!

Connoisseurs of the Munchkin cat breed don’t even need to guess which cat was recognized as the smallest in the world (living now). Distinctive feature Munchkins are the length of their paws, which are 2-3 times shorter than the paws of a regular cat. Fiz Gol, a cat from California, was recognized the smallest (lowest) of all the living. Despite the fact that she is already 3 years old, she is often confused with a kitten, because her height is slightly higher than 15 cm (!). Fiz is as agile as other cats and has no trouble reaching the highest places.

The smallest cat Tinker Toy, a Persian (Himalayan) Blue Point cat, was recognized as ever living. The height of an adult cat was only 7 cm, and the length was 19 cm (!).

Guess which cat is the happiest in the world? The one who can buy himself any mouse (or toy), and more. Whoever thought about Bill Gates's cat was wrong! Ben Rea, host the richest cat, left him an inheritance of almost $13 million! By the way, this is not the first animal to receive this condition. Many people dote on their pets. That's why there are resorts, luxury hotels, and designer pet clothing. Who knows, maybe your cat will also receive a “golden” fish?

Another record was recently recorded - tallest cat(Savana Island Trouble) lives in the USA, his height is 48.3 cm.

The rarest big cat in the world is the Amur or Manchurian leopard (Panthera pardus orientalis). There are believed to be fewer than 35 left. They live in mountain forests on the border of northeastern China and Far East Russia.

The newest species of wild cats is the Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi). In 2006, scientists proved that this form is different from the clouded leopard. They weigh up to 25kg.

The most expensive cat was purchased for $24,000 in January 1987. The California Shining breed was first introduced in 1986. By nature they are active, gentle, playful and not aggressive, although wild in appearance. This is such a “domestic leopard”.

There is a rare congenital condition in which the entire face or part of it is duplicated. This phenomenon has also been recorded among cats. A British zoologist calls such animals Janus cat(Janus is a Roman two-faced god). The longest living cat with this disease is Frank and Louis (USA). 12 years ago he was brought to the vet to be euthanized. However, the nurse took the animal with her. Every day you live is a success, because usually the life of two-faced cats is counted in days...

Most fat cat, just entered into the Guinness Book of Records, lives in Denmark. He outweighed his champion predecessor by 1.2 kilograms and looks much more respectable. The cat's name is Tulle, he is 6 years old, and he has neither more nor less - 19 and a quarter kilos of live weight.

Tulle is absolutely healthy and has gained a record weight only thanks to his monstrous laziness. In the next house lives his twin brother, who is known in the area for his nocturnal adventures - also a very respectable cat, but twice as thin as Tulle. The champion himself cannot be classified as a ladies' man; you cannot push him out of the house. The owner, 12-year-old Tabina Pedersen, says that the family's favorite is incredibly calm, good-natured and majestic. Most of all, he loves to lie curled up on the floor next to the chair, absolutely motionless - and all the guests mistake him for an ottoman on which they rest their feet.

The owners admit that Tulle will never be able to catch the mouse.

“He is completely unable to take care of himself, and if we stop feeding him, he will die of hunger!” - assures the kind Pedersen family.
The fact is that the fat man is too lazy to even walk - he has learned to slowly roll from place to place.
In the near future, the champion may part with his title: on the advice of a veterinarian, the owners will send the pet to weight loss courses, where the sloth will first of all be prescribed daily exercise.

The fattest cat in history was the tabby cat Himmy, who belonged to Thomas Wise from Cairns (Queensland, Australia). By the time of his death on March 12, 1968, at the age of ten years and four months, Himmi weighed 21.3 kg and had a waist circumference of 84 cm, a neck circumference of 38.1 cm. The length of the cat with a tail was about a meter. He was so big that he could not move on his own; he had to be carried in a wheelbarrow. The previous record holder was Spice, a ginger and white cat from Connecticut, who weighed 20 kilograms. Text: Murkot
Photo: Getty, Instagram, Komarov

Cats have long been considered the most mysterious and fastidious animals that live next to people. What has not been written about cats, their character, their intelligence and abilities! Today we’ll talk about the fact that cats can be real long-livers! Yes, yes, cats! Therefore, we bring to your attention a rating of the oldest cats in the world!

1st place: Lucy

According to many cat lovers, the oldest cat on earth is a cat named Lucy. She was born in England in 1972. That is, today she is 43 years old, and if we translate this age into human characteristics, Lucy is an old woman who has lived 180 years! True, in old age the cat became deaf, but she still catches mice!

2nd place: Cream Puff

This cat was born in America and lived for 38 years. She was born in 1967, and left the human world forever in 2005. The cat was black with white spots and loved people, which is probably why she lived among them for so long.

3rd place: Kitty

Kitty is also English. This graceful little cat, who belonged to D. Johnson, who lived in Staffordshire, not only lived for 30 years, but also managed to become a mother on the eve of her thirtieth birthday. She brought two adorable kittens to her stunned owner.

4th place: Haze

The Dymka cat is one of the Russian cats. According to the owners, she was already 27 years old. And although in the Book of Records this cat is not included, but the media are already writing and talking about it. Thus, journalist Yana Rozova claims that she is personally acquainted with this wonderful cat and is ready to talk about her life again and again in the Echo of Moscow programs.

5th place: Blackie

This gentle white cat lived for 25 years. By human standards, this is 117 years. The venerable “old lady” is also English by birth. Her hearing is fine, but Lately Her eyesight began to fail, which is not surprising at her age!

6th place: Poppy

The English cat Poppy lived 24 years. This cheerful ginger cat was born in Dorset in 1990. The owners loved her very much, and when she turned out to be a long-liver, they widely celebrated her 24th birthday and got her name included in the Guinness Book of Books.

7th place: Murka

The cat Murka is our Russian cat of a mongrel race. This Russian beauty lived 20 full years(born in 1985, and died in 2005). She was found as a one-week-old kitten in Star City and given to be raised by the family of V. Trunov, who was responsible for training cosmonauts in the USSR. The cat's owners attributed the secret to her longevity to her accommodating character and the special place that Murka began to occupy in the house. And the cat became a full-fledged member of the family.

8th place: India

This cat was a real celebrity. She lived for 19 years and belonged to the family of D. Bush Sr. The cat was blue-black, bought for the twins of the Bush couple. The president's children claimed that the cat was their pet.

9th place: Roxana

Roxana is our compatriot. When she died, she was only 19 years old. This Persian (very purebred) cat lived in the city of Serov. And she was born back in 1994. Roxana had a very serious pedigree, which made it possible to establish exact dates her birth and death

10th place: Chernyshka

The cat Chernyshka is also a Russian cat. She was born in Irkutsk. She lived for 16 years (which is also a long time) in the kind and friendly family of her owner Olga Ponomareva. She was distinguished by a soft and flexible character. Its breed can be defined as “yard”.

Thus, we see that cats, despite the fact that by nature most of them are 6-10 years old, can live much longer than their biological age. An important role in this is played by the love of their owners for them and the care with which they surround their pets.

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