Home Coated tongue Complete horoscope for the year of Cancer. Zodiac horoscope for Cancer man and woman

Complete horoscope for the year of Cancer. Zodiac horoscope for Cancer man and woman

Sometimes it is better to retreat than to get involved in arguments and make a break. But 2016 forecast for Cancer advises doing the opposite, being persistent and going to the end. This is the strategy that will help you achieve success in your professional field, in love, and improve your financial situation.

Changes are expected from the first days of the new year. Many new projects will appear. Of course, you will have to work a lot and hard, but it will not be in vain, management will appreciate all your efforts, but this will happen closer to the end or the beginning of the new year. In addition, there will be interesting offers for part-time work. It will be very important to consolidate the image of a responsible person, and therefore do not delay with debts that have accumulated over previous periods.

In May, life will be in full swing, and romantic moods will be in the air. Married couples will once again be convinced how much they love and value each other. According to the 2016 horoscope, Cancer will have a wonderful opportunity to go on vacation or even a cruise with the whole family. But lonely representatives of the signs will be lucky enough to meet their ideal.

In June, you can start renovating and updating your home, so feel free to go shopping for new furniture and appliances. The role of a designer will be up to you.

July will be the time when dreams come true. That's why astrological forecast 2016 for Cancers advises you to completely devote yourself to dreams that will definitely come true. In addition, this is the time to look for a new job or start studying. Any undertakings will be easy for you and will subsequently bring success and material well-being.

Autumn will again require great dedication in the professional field. To achieve success and victories, it is important to defend your interests and be persistent. Above love relationships you will also have to work to maintain them, so it is important to demonstrate that you are reliable and loving person. As for finances, you need to be judicious in your purchases and not make unnecessary expenses.


According to the 2016 horoscope, the Red Monkey promises the strong half of humanity success in all areas of life. But it is worth considering several nuances. For example, at work you shouldn’t go overboard for the sake of your goals, so as not to make yourself a bunch of ill-wishers. Also consider the opinions and advice of your closest friends. They will not only give useful advice, but will also help you look at some things in a new way.


Women will spend the whole of 2016 in hustle and bustle, but don’t be discouraged. All these worries will be pleasant and, in addition, will bring many positive changes. Good luck will accompany you in all areas of life, the only thing you need to do is learn to control your emotions. In summer and spring, rely on your own intuition, it will tell you the right decisions.

Cancer love horoscope 2016, career, health, finances

The New Year of the Red Monkey will bring good luck and success, but much will depend on the person himself and his actions. Quite a few pleasant and useful acquaintances are expected. Love horoscope Cancer for 2016 promises harmony in the family, and a fateful meeting for single people. But what you should give up is long trips and big expenses.


Many new acquaintances are expected, especially in the spring. Lonely representatives of the sign spend all their efforts searching for their ideal, but at the same time they do not notice the person next to them who is ready to throw themselves into fire and water for their sake. If you already have feelings for someone, don't be afraid to take the first step. Remember you have to fight for your love. Relationships in the spring may begin with misunderstandings and small quarrels, but by summer everything will come to its senses. But in the fall you need to be extremely careful, because the Cancer love horoscope 2016 warns that a selfish person may meet along the way, so study people thoroughly. In addition, in 2016 it is better to refuse marriage; you must be 100% confident in your partner and your feelings for him. Therefore, the Cancer 2016 love horoscope advises you to listen to your inner voice. Those who are already happily married will have a calm life, without any global changes or troubles. There will be no problems with children either.


In the first six months you cannot make any major purchases; it is better to postpone this to a later date. The same applies to changing jobs; the optimal time for this would be summer. To achieve the desired level of finance, the most important thing is to work hard. Also, you should not invest money in large projects.


You need to be prepared for hard and routine work. And to achieve success you will have to give 200%, but don’t expect any special praise or results right away. But do not think that everything is done in vain, it is not so. With your hard work you are preparing the ground for career growth in 2017. In addition, it is important to hold on to your workplace, because the opportunity to find something new will appear only in the summer.


The most important point to follow is good sleep and rest. Because without this, loss of strength and chronic fatigue secured. In addition, be attentive to signals from outside thyroid gland and consult a doctor if necessary. Spend more time on fresh air and eat right. It is also important to be careful as the risk of injury is quite high.

Take the test

2020 will be the year of the White Metal Rat, a very difficult time for each of us. The rule of this wayward sign can turn everything upside down, bring deceivers to clean water and reward good, selfless deeds. In 2020, you need to be extremely honest with yourself and the people around you, and we are confident that reserved Cancers will cope with the task.

Characteristics of Cancers

Cancer is a sign of the water element, whose patron is the Moon. The luminary has a great influence on people of this sign, softening them and making them more vulnerable. The water element also gave them compassion, empathy, and the ability to guess the thoughts of other people.

Cancer is the most emotional sign, however defense mechanisms do not allow him to show unnecessary emotions. He has excellent analytical skills, as well as caution and foresight, which allow him to achieve success and avoid failure.

The sign is best compatible with Virgo, Taurus and Scorpio. The Cancer man is a follower of logic, always achieves goals, and often occupies leadership positions. He is caring towards his family, but sometimes he can be too harsh. The Cancer woman is also very caring; the sensual component of relationships is incredibly important to her. He remembers his grievances for a long time and does not forgive betrayal. Rarely alone, finds loved one any age.

What awaits Cancers in 2020

The horoscope for 2020 for Cancer promises many new opportunities and important events. First of all, you need to decide what you want to achieve and what are your plans under the auspices of the Rat? Usually you have to choose between work and home, but this time both parts of life will require your full attention. In the spring you will have to devote more time to your family, and in the summer all your attention will be directed to work. You will be able to help solve the problems of relatives, as well as support colleagues in difficult situations.

In the summer, Cancers will experience new achievements; everything will come very easily. You will have to put your family on the backburner and devote time to work. In some situations, old acquaintances who remain in your debt will help you out.

At the beginning of autumn you will feel absolute harmony. You will have the necessary leverage and opportunities to implement your plans. Another zodiac sign would go over their heads and rise high in career ladder and sphere of influence, but you will not allow this. The White Rat values ​​integrity, so it will generously reward you for doing the right thing.

Already in October, work will take a back seat, and all your attention will be focused on your family. There are many celebrations and events coming up - anniversaries, weddings, even litigation. You will be very tired of the intensity of this month, so you will begin to lash out at others. Find an outlet or try a change of scenery, otherwise you will destroy relationships with important people.

Horoscope for a man

The 2020 horoscope for a Cancer man foretells many professional opportunities. You have never experienced such confidence as at this time. You can expect not only financial well-being, but also career advancement. You will be able to occupy the niche you have always dreamed of, doing what you love. The main thing is to make as much effort as possible and solve problems that arise in a timely manner.

When in mid-autumn, work and family demand equal attention from you, and you feel tired and approaching a nervous breakdown, switch to something else - take a few days off, go fishing with friends, learn a new hobby.
This year, family Cancer men will have to devote more time to their children. This applies not only to classes, but also to relaxing together. Unmarried representatives of the sign will be lucky in new relationships - perhaps in February you will be able to find your soulmate.

Horoscope for a woman

The New Year is preparing many temptations, but reserved and decent Cancer women will be able to resist them. They will bear all the gossip with pride and will not succumb to jealousy, and their family life will sparkle with new colors. The horoscope for 2020 for a single Cancer woman is no less positive. They will meet their love if they are not prejudiced towards possible chosen ones.

During this period, ladies will want to realize their potential and prove themselves in the professional field. The main thing is to keep career and family in equal balance to avoid conflicts.

Cancer women are very hardworking, accept life's difficulties with dignity and cope with them. They can give valuable advice, but will not impose their position. The Year of the Rat promises new acquaintances, which promise to develop into true friendship. However, not every new acquaintance will be a pleasant surprise; some will bring a lot of problems. In general, it is important to refrain from large expenses and distribute income. Autumn promises to be difficult financially, so it is better to collect money for a rainy day.

Love horoscope for 2020

The Year of the White Rat prepares a lot of emotions and experiences. Already in winter, in January or February, you can hope for romantic adventures. Singles will meet a person who will satisfy all needs, becoming loving second half. But to do this, you will have to throw away all thoughts and take risks, trusting your intuition.

Married women, as well as all Cancers in relationships, should be careful, not show jealousy and not succumb to provocations. Trust your partner and your relationship will move to the next level. Make an effort to turn this year into a second, longer one, Honeymoon. The stars favor you!

Do not remind your partner of old grievances, try not to think about the past and look only to the future. It's time to think about a more serious stage of the relationship. By the way, in 2021 it is best to combine yourself and your beloved person in marriage.

In the summer, representatives of this zodiac sign must restrain themselves and beware of easy flirting. This can develop into sexual adventures, which will affect family life. Such adventures will not bring anything good to lonely Cancers.

Money horoscope for 2020

Private entrepreneurs will be lucky in finding new business connections, as a result of which an improvement in their financial situation is expected. This will most likely happen in late summer or autumn.

When you want to make a big purchase in July or August, think hard: do you really need this thing, is it possible to postpone the purchase a little? In the fall, you will face serious expenses, so it is better not to make hasty decisions.

When solving financial issues, rely only on yourself, do not expect help from friends and relatives. Even if there were some agreements, they were not destined to come true.

Avoid giving money to friends or lending money. They will come back to you later for a long time, or maybe they won’t come back at all.

In general, Cancers can expect good profits and a decent financial situation in 2020. It will be successful for those who decide to make investments.

Career Horoscope for 2020

Cancers involved in the business industry will acquire many useful business contacts. Remember that you should always demand confirmation of your words and not simply trust people. New acquaintances and potential partners may become deceivers. In the spring, some representatives of this sign may feel that their work is underestimated, and their superiors do not encourage success. Be very careful and do not provoke disputes or conflict with your superiors. In a few months you will be noticed, a promotion and an increase in earnings are possible.

If you want to change your job and look for a new place of employment, do it exclusively in the fall. This period is most favorable for changes. Be careful: if you decide to quit in the first half of the year, you may be out of work for a very long time.

At the end of 2020, refrain from conflicts with colleagues and risky behavior at work. Compromise in your affairs to avoid collapse. In December you will need to make the most effort, and then all problems will pass by. In this case, 2021 will start properly and bring new opportunities.

Health horoscope for 2020

The winter holidays will be fun and very eventful. However, health problems are on the side of Cancers. You will have wellness and a lot of strength for new achievements. However, representatives of this sign suffering from chronic diseases must be extremely careful. You should refrain from overeating, reduce the amount of alcoholic drinks and protect yourself from stress.

In 2020, the night luminary favors Cancer in sports. You can try to master new types physical activity, For example athletics. Turn your attention to swimming and running. This will not only improve your physical shape, but also improve your health.

At the end of the year, in November or December, problems with mental health and even nervous breakdowns. To prevent mental health problems, maintain a work-life balance. In the middle of the year, it is recommended to go on vacation and take a break. If you take your worries into account and learn to isolate yourself from stress, 2020 will be calm and successful for you, and depression will not threaten you.

Famous people who bore this zodiac sign

There are many talented and famous people among Cancers. We present the most famous world names who were born under this zodiac sign:

  • Gaius Julius Caesar, an outstanding ancient Roman commander.
  • Marcel Proust is a writer and philosopher originally from France.
  • John Rockefeller is an American entrepreneur, owner of a huge fortune and empire.
  • Princess Diana is the deceased wife of Prince Charles, heir to the British throne.

If Cancers learn to trust their intuition, then 2016 will be marked by only favorable changes for them. In 2016, Cancers will see an increase not only inner freedom, but also independence from external circumstances. Thanks to the development of their unique qualities, Cancers will become more self-sufficient and wise. Many people will have hidden talents revealed.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer: general forecast for Cancer for 2016

For Cancers, 2016 will begin with a surge of unprecedented activity, which should be used to strengthen their position not only at work, but also in the family. Pay attention to the children: talk about their problems, fears, experiences. Don’t push your children away with the usual excuses: there’s no time, we’ll talk later, and so on. This way you risk losing their trust! In March, work will require full dedication, in which Cancers will immerse themselves headlong, because a promotion and a significant increase in salary will be at stake. To achieve success, you need to develop a strategy where literally every step you take will be outlined step by step. From April to July, Cancers risk finding themselves in the midst of stressful, uncontrollable events, which can awaken aggression and anger in you. Most likely, this will be a generational war in which “the wounded are not taken prisoner.” If you are unable to calm the raging passions, sit the warring parties at the negotiating table and give everyone the opportunity to express their accumulated grievances. The second half of the year will be filled with bright events, pleasant emotions and interesting acquaintances. In August, Cancers will have the financial opportunity to provide themselves with a free, relaxed life. A passionate holiday romance is possible in September. The main thing is not to lose your head - this is just a passing hobby. In October, even if unforeseen situations arise at work, you will easily cope with them. The more confident you are in yourself, the more effective your actions will be. In December, it is very important to avoid “tails”, reconcile reports on time and control accounting.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer: forecast of the financial situation of the year

From a financial point of view, 2016 will be a successful and profitable year for Cancers! Financial investments will bring significant results: investments in large companies, real estate, promising projects. Those who will work in different directions will be especially lucky, thereby providing themselves with several stable sources of income. Also, good luck will accompany representatives of creative professions: recognition and success await them!

Love horoscope for 2016 Cancer: horoscope of personal relationships

In 2016, many Cancers will be subject to alternating falling in love and disappointment. Fleeting romances do not promise a serious relationship, although they will leave only pleasant memories in the memory of Cancers. An unsuccessful search for true love and true affection will cause emotional instability in Cancers, which will be expressed in sharp changes moods. The horoscope for 2016 recommends that Cancers leave their searches until the New Year, which promises a long-awaited meeting with their destiny!

Main forecast periods for the horoscope for 2016 Cancer

The beginning of 2016 until the end of spring (the last ten days of May) will seem to Cancers to be a rather positive time. No significant problems or troubles, no situations that may require excessive effort. Your brig will confidently cut through the boundless waves of the ocean of life, heading wherever you decide to direct its graceful flight. Surprisingly, even large-scale and vibrant events happening around will not affect you to the same extent as they usually do. And this is good, because in fact, the enemies now definitely will not be able to do anything bad to you; your incredibly powerful immunity will be able, so to speak, to automatically cope with any external threat. As for you personally, at this time you will be absolutely free to choose your direction; not a single celestial object will have a decisive influence on you. This is a rather unique situation, but don’t rush to admire it. When one port disappears from sight, and the captain suddenly has no map with which to determine a new destination, the ship can easily get lost among the merciless waters. That is, it is advisable that you approach the beginning of 2016 with specific desires and goals that cannot change under the influence of circumstances. This will allow you to withstand any storm, even if the captain, excuse me, is completely drunk.

It is logical to separate the summer of 2016 and the first autumn month, September, into a separate stage, since it is at this time that a lot can change. It is worth noting that Cancer, being a very versatile sign of the Zodiac, is capable of simultaneously being carried away by a number of very diverse directions. Often the result is not the most positive ending, and we are not just talking about the “love front”. In 2016, dear Cancers, you will have to learn to control your desires, but not by reducing their number, but by harmoniously distributing available resources between them. Summer will become a kind of training ground where you will train until you fall exhausted (some on the velvet bed, others on the soft meadow grass, to each, as you know, his own). It is important that you understand what he wants from you the world. The situation in the horoscope for 2016 indicates that during this period the Moon will increase your sensitivity and this will be an additional bonus that will open up new horizons for you. Don't be afraid to be alone, for a while, of course. A forest, a fire and a starry sky sometimes calm and harmonize better than a month in the Maldives. By the fall, everything will change a little, and most of your attention will be focused on work issues, and not on self-contemplation and spiritual development. September 2016 will be an extremely productive month, but you Cancerian should not try to create a multinational corporation in 30 days. Don’t try to solve everything, so to speak, in one fell swoop. Don’t rush, before the end of the year you will still have time to debug everything and achieve ideal system operation.

Autumn and early winter will turn out to be a slightly more dynamic and slightly less positive time than the previous stages of 2016. The fact is that the Moon and Jupiter, your key patrons, figuratively speaking, will fade into the background, giving way to their place... and, in fact, no one will take this place. This means that with everyone current problems you will have to fight, as they say, one on one, in a far from fair duel. The point is that your opponents will not use the most open and fair methods, be prepared for this. And in no case “fall for” a dirty game, do not accept rules that contradict your principles and moral guidelines. Everything will turn out much more productive if you continue to follow a predetermined direction, without being distracted by some secondary tasks. And no matter how hard it is for you, never distance yourself from those who sincerely want to help you. You will, without a doubt, have such a desire, and negative situations will only worsen your perception of what is happening. However, the stars warn: you can even perceive all this as a kind of test, but under no circumstances “close yourself off.” It is clear that there is only one warrior in the field, if he is tailored in Russian. But we are not talking about some idealized situation, but about your life.

In 2016, the Year of the Monkey representatives zodiac sign Cancer will not be easy, although it must be said right away that all the worries and “nerves” will pay off in the end, and how! Difficulties will begin in the first months of the year, but the reason for this will only be your own miscalculations, so in fact, everything will develop quite naturally. In general, this year will be full of surprises, so you will be surprised more than once at how unpredictable fate can be. Don’t try to resist circumstances, don’t try to fight and resist what’s happening every minute of your life. Remember, the more effort you put in, the stronger the response from the world around you will be. Yes, that’s metaphysics... In general, the stars recommend that Cancer in 2016 combine periods of frantic activity and temporary stages that will be characterized by outright passivity. Of course, all this should not happen chaotically; in fact, you yourself will understand what and when you need to do.

Love horoscope for 2016 Cancer

In terms of personal relationships, success awaits Cancers only under specific, specific circumstances. The stars recommend that you change your place of residence, move somewhere, at least for a while. This will allow you to take a “sober” look at your current relationships, although single people will have clear advantages in this sense. Those Cancers who do not have relationships at this stage can count on many romances in the year of the Monkey, but not all of them will be bright. On the other hand, this temporary stage will bring you a lot of positive things, so that even the calmest relationships will develop exactly the way you want. It is not at all necessary that in the process of all these metamorphoses you will be able to find your “soul mate”. That is, you shouldn’t, as they say, rush headlong into the pool, especially in the first six months of 2016. There is a time for everything, don’t rush and don’t force the development of events, now haste can only lead to negativity.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (family)

In respect of family relations In 2016, Cancer will be able to achieve positions to which it has long strived. You will earn the complete, unconditional respect of your household, and you will become an absolute authority for them. This is an example, because each of us can have purely individual goals. It is important that now you come to the end of the work that you have already done quite a lot long time(several months, and possibly years). You will begin to find better (and most importantly, faster) mutual language with your immediate environment, and this will open up new opportunities for you. In addition, new sensations await you, probably associated with relationships that you have not encountered before. In this sense, 2016 of the Monkey will bring you a number of exceptional situations, in which, however, you will have to prove your strength and resilience. In other words, if you bend to circumstances, then you will not see any success in this area. If you manage (and this applies mostly to the summer period) to pass the test with honor, you will receive a well-deserved reward. The main thing is not to forget that you are not the only person who has his own, individual goals, which may radically differ from the opinions of others.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (business)

At the beginning of the year, it may seem to you that everything is happening extremely negatively. It is likely that some Cancers will even lose their jobs at the dawn of 2016. But in no case should you despair about this, the Monkey knows exactly what he is doing, don’t doubt it. Be persistent in your desires, and most importantly, think more often about what you yourself want. In terms of professionalism, 2016 will be successful for you; you will gain a lot of experience, even if previously it seemed to you that there was definitely nothing to surprise you here. By the way, self-confidence at this stage will turn out to be your main “scourge”, which, other things being equal, can really turn the tide of any situation not in your favor. Work to improve the well-being of your family, this noblest of goals will please the Monkey, and he will definitely reward you justly.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (finance)

At this stage, the financial situation of Cancers will directly depend on their success in their career direction. Many will say that this is obvious and natural, but in reality everything is different. When talking about astrological trends, it is usually worthwhile to be guided by positions that do not obey, so to speak, classical logic. But now everything will turn out exactly like this: the harder you work, the greater the influx of funds into your “home treasury.” But be careful, outright fanaticism will not bring you anything good; on the contrary, you will only unproductively waste resources that would be very useful to you in other areas. By the way, it is Cancer in 2016 who can fearlessly engage in various adventures. Of course, this should be treated with special attention, however, all other things being equal, even openly controversial events can bring you financial benefits.

Horoscope for 2016 Cancer (health)

2016 will bring Cancers a lot of changes in the area of ​​health, but this, let’s say, is only the most general information, which should not be used either as a call to action or as a motivator of any other kind. Now you should take special care of your throat, that is, in the first half of the year there is a high probability of diseases such as tonsillitis. As summer approaches, the situation will return to normal, and in the second half of the year everything will return to normal. Special attention The Monkey recommends paying attention to the hardening process, and this applies not only to Epiphany swimming in an ice hole. You can harden yourself even in the summer in thirty-degree heat, the main thing is desire. For your zodiac sign, it is precisely such processes that will now be most productive. And again, there is no need to take all this to the point of fanaticism, otherwise tonsillitis will be just the beginning. Act in moderation, act as you wish, ultimately health is an area where decisive factor is not perseverance. The desire for harmony, awareness of the need - this is what should serve as the ideological basis for your training.

Attention, the above horoscope for 2016 of the red Monkey describes only general trends inherent to owners of the Cancer zodiac sign in the new year 2016. Due to your uniqueness, general horoscope for 2016 for the sign of Cancer may not reflect real events. An accurate astrological prediction can only be obtained by drawing up a personal horoscope for the upcoming 2016. You can get an accurate personal horoscope by clicking on the link below.

Accurate personal horoscope for 2016 of the Monkey for the sign Cancer:

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