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Potential foreign partners. Potential partners

Today we will talk about the people with whom we will work.

In one of our previous classes, we looked at what skills we need to have to work in network marketing.

Accordingly, if we are talking about finding a partner, then he must also have these qualities or have the desire to develop them.

First of all, we are looking for positive of people. It is pleasant to work with such people, because... we are freed from negativity, which takes up a lot of energy.

Positive people see the good around them first and foremost. You can work with people ready to change towards optimism and listen to your opinion of a more experienced person.

It is important that your potential candidate has the desire to fundamentally change your life and spend time and effort on it.

Not everyone will want to get up from a cozy sofa, tear themselves away from the TV and rush into battle. Some people will continue to dream about winning the lottery.

We need those who cannot live in the old way.

And the attitude towards money should be adequate. Your candidate should not be a freeloader, and understand that his income is proportional to the effort expended.

No action - no money.

He must understand that money comes as a result organizing trade turnover and helping other people solve their problems within the company’s capabilities, and are not the result of some manipulations and enrichment schemes.

Decide on age potential partner. Perhaps it will be easier for you to work with a certain age category. True, there are certain restrictions here.

Until the age of 18, a young person does not yet bear full responsibility for making decisions. He will go to his parents for advice. It is not a fact that they will support him.

People over 60 may not believe in their ability to do business. We often hear that it is too late to start. Do you need to convince them?

Your candidate there must be time for business. He will need to allocate time for training, communicating with clients and consultants, visiting the office, and working with the computer.

In this case, your potential partner should be ready to learn.

Network business, like any other job, needs to be learned. Yes, we learn as we work, constantly. And you need to be prepared for this.

It is important that the candidate understood the need to repeat your actions, could learn from mistakes, and torment you with questions and ideas.

Work with men or women- it's up to you to decide. Of course, you can invite both, but at first choose the category of people that is easier for you to understand.

It is worth noting that married couples achieve maximum results in online business.

It is advisable that your candidate knows how to use computer and internet. This will make your work much easier.

Everything we talked about today is just the main points. Everyone will have their own personal preferences.

The main thing is that you know exactly what you are ready to offer your potential partner to solve his problem. Together you will move towards your goals.

Having drawn up a portrait of a potential partner, we will understand where to look for him. It's yours the target audience.

It would seem that the ideal target audience is existing networkers who are dissatisfied with their position in the company with which they currently cooperate.

But! It is very important not to fall for those who are looking for the cause of failure around themselves. Such a person usually begins to talk about the lack of help from the sponsor, high prices, that the company should...

We may be interested in networkers who have active life position and understanding of ideas, but their company's potential has been exhausted.

In addition to networkers, we may be interested people of certain professions with the necessary. For example, teachers are used to speaking in front of an audience and will find it easy to teach others. It will be easy for doctors to work with products in the health and beauty category.

Leadership qualities are inherent in existing businessmen.

When we know what we are looking for, we will easily find it.

Our next meeting will be devoted to sponsorship, selection of tools and methods of work.

He is so strange, unpredictable, vulnerable... He has mental trauma after a divorce / death of a relative... He is going through a difficult period... She has a very complex character... She is so absent-minded, fickle, mysterious... She has a lot of problems with relatives / studies / work... She has / something happened to him...
Have you had or do you have to justify someone with similar reasoning in order to maintain a relationship with him? If so, you may be dealing with a Perverted Narcissist.

“Perverse” is translated as “perverted, false,” “narcissist” is translated as “narcissistic, narcissistic.” This phenomenon has been described in the psychiatric literature for a long time, but only in Lately Ordinary people, not psychiatrists, also began to delve into this phenomenon, since they encountered such people in life, some more than once. In general, the phenomenon has become frequent, and it is becoming more frequent; I cannot say what this is connected with.

Perverted narcissists are characterized by the fact that they get on their partners nerves throughout the entire relationship. From the fact that the Victim suffers, the Perverse receives pleasure and is fueled by energy, i.e. Perverse behavior is a type of energy vampirism. I will briefly describe the perverse cycle that can be clearly seen in all such “love” stories.

Testing. Two partners meet and get to know each other, one of whom is a perverted narcissist (this is his personal characteristic, which in no way depends on his “other halves”). First, Perverse takes a closer look and tests the Victim for suitability, that is, he conducts a kind of casting. The victim must be tasty - emotionally rich, open, sensitive, energetic, successful, attractive to others, socially successful. In general, possessing such a person should flatter the Pervert’s pride, feed his narcissistic ego, and give him a feeling of superiority over others.

Seduction. If the Victim has passed the casting, Perverse turns on the seduction program. Pervers are usually very skilled in self-presentation. They seem extremely charming, irresistible, talented, smart, active, attentive, sociable, persistent, romantic, etc. - victims evaluate this moment as “I fell in love without memory”, “fireworks of passion broke out between us”, “I was crazy with love”, “I’m lost, I’m in trouble.” In general, the Victim falls in love with the Pervert.

Probing and preparation. After the Victim falls in love, the Perverse begins small, barely perceptible, and then increasingly bold injections in order to probe the depth of the Victim’s dependence on him and the limits of her tolerance. At this stage, victims usually see small mistakes, dissatisfied glances, attempts at criticism, but forgive the beloved everything, considering them an accident or a misunderstanding.

The first serious scam. It could be a failure to show up for a date, a scandal at empty space, failure to fulfill an important agreement, or another clearly cruel act on the part of Perverznik. Unlike probing, in this case the Victim has no doubt that she was treated badly, disgustingly, disgustingly, from which the Victim begins to suffer. After the scam, the Perverznik usually boycotts the Victim, letting her stew in her own juice and suffer a lot. Then he gets in touch and pretends that nothing special happened. The Victim’s attempts to sort things out are met with either a refusal to discuss what happened, or the situation turns out so that the Victim herself was to blame for everything.

Big grub. If, after the first serious scam, the Victim remains with the Perverse, a long-awaited period begins for him when he can sophisticatedly torture the Victim and feed on her emotions. This period is the original hidden goal that Perverse was striving for. The victim is eaten until it runs away or dies. Of course, over time, the Victim becomes terribly exhausted emotionally and is no longer as tasty as before. Therefore, not yet waiting for the end of this “relationship”, but sensing its approach, the Pervert begins to look for a new Victim in order to have a spare lunch.

Perverse tactics

Perverse tactics are the behavior and actions of the Perverse, aimed, on the one hand, at tormenting (eating) the Victim, on the other hand, so that the Victim does not guess what is really happening and remains with the tormentor, mistaking his antics for love .

Perverse tactics really work - many victims endure them for a long time, considering them “a feature of this relationship, this love, this person.” “Yes, he is like that, not like everyone else, he is special, and the fact that I suffer terribly with him is my problem, not his,” the Victim thinks. Remember the numerous songs on the theme: love is impossible without suffering, love and tears are inseparable, if you suffer, it means you love, love = blood. “It’s impossible to understand you, it’s impossible to forget you, it’s very difficult to love you, because you’re abnormal.” “It’s a long road from you to me, from me to you - just call.” “Apparently there is no love, apparently you laughed at me.” “And I forget about everything in the world with you, and you are as cold as an iceberg in the ocean.” “Call me your girl, and then hug me, and then deceive me.” “I begged you to call me, but you were silent, I begged you to hold me back, but I didn’t.” Nikolai Kurdyumov, author of the book “Anatomy of Love,” said it well: why are many people afraid to confess their love? Because “I love you” = “you can wipe your feet on me.” This worldview, which has deeply penetrated society, has developed thanks to Perverse Narcissists and their perverse tactics.

Perverse tactics 1. Sudden change in behavior.
Yesterday your partner called you every five minutes, bombarded you with text messages and wrote messages online, but today he doesn’t call or write. Yesterday he chatted non-stop, shared news, discussed plans, but today he is silent, like an owl, and does not want to talk. Yesterday he was cheerful, gentle, affectionate, attentive, but today he is gloomy, preoccupied, busy, distracted. Yesterday he couldn’t live without you, but today he doesn’t want to see you at all.
A sharp change in habitual behavior is hidden violence, a manipulative technique that is deliberately used by the Perverznik. Think for yourself: neither well-being, nor mood, nor any problems can cause a sharp cooling towards a loved one, which they were not ashamed to demonstrate to him. Development of tactics: constant games of “hot and cold.”

Perverse tactic 2. Denial of the problem.
Normal reaction normal person to a sudden cooling - to experience bewilderment and find out what happened. The reasons, as a rule, cannot be found out - the Pervert cannot admit that he manipulates the emotions and feelings of the Victim and engages in violence. Therefore, the reasons are either not voiced at all (Nothing happened. Everything is fine. It seems to you), or they are disguised as something insignificant (Tired. Headache. No mood). Denying the problem or masking is an invariable continuation of the first tactic. The victim alone tries to “unearth” the true reasons either in himself or in recent events, i.e. begins to suffer and reflect.

Perverse tactics 3. Violation telephone etiquette.
You call your loved one, the subscriber is busy or unavailable, and then they don’t call you back. They promise to call you, but they don’t, and when you call, they drop you. You haven't finished the conversation yet, and your partner has already hung up. When talking to you, you are informed that someone else is calling, and your call is put on hold. They do not respond to your SMS or email.
Failure to comply with the rules of politeness, which includes “telephone etiquette,” even in relation to complete strangers, is an ugly phenomenon, but in love relationships it is deliberate, cynical violence.

Perverse tactic 4. Boycotting.
The loved one is offended by everything. It’s scary to live with him, it’s scary to be yourself. Any topic, any phrase, joke, word, hint, look, movement, action, deed, expression on the Victim’s face - anything can cause the Perverse’s mood to deteriorate. “I'm offended! It was you who offended me!” is written on this goat’s face, which a minute ago was a lover. At the same time, the goat’s face is also silent and refuses to voice its claims.
The Pervers simply love to make goat faces and go into silence. This is their favorite pastime. They torture their victims for hours, days and even weeks. In this case, it seems to be implied that the Victim must guess what the Perverse was offended by and correct himself in order to avoid similar mistakes in the future. And the victims really “guess and correct themselves” every time, which does not prevent boycotts from becoming more frequent and lengthening.

Perverse tactics 5. Failure to keep promises.
Perverzny has no equal when it comes to scams and setups. They are always looking for ways to deceive the Victim, and more painfully, so that she will directly choke from indignation and howl from powerlessness. That first serious scam, which I already mentioned, was just the opening of the curtain. The perverts make appointments and don’t show up. They promise to call and don't. They promise to give you a ride, buy, repair, meet, see you off, wake you up, find out, talk, decide, help out, etc. - and do nothing. Aerobatics - in some life important issue promise to arrange everything, persuade the Victim to refuse the help of other persons, place all hopes and expectations on himself, and in decisive moment disappear / fail.

Perverse tactics 6. Presentation of an opponent.
Perverts deliberately create around themselves an environment of competition for their own person. They present their mistresses to their wives, and their wives to their mistresses. To girlfriends - other girlfriends, anxiously awaiting the attention of the Perverse. The Perverts present their husbands and lovers with admirers breathing down their backs. They calmly watch how their own mother and wife squabble over him, their beloved, and enjoy the process.
The perverts keep love SMS and letters so that they can show them to someone. They put screensavers with naked women and men on computers and phones to annoy their Victim. They take intimate photos and videos to show off to new victims and to blackmail former victims. In general, they love to stir up jealousy and rivalry because these are very strong emotions.

The goal of all these tactics is to destabilize the Victim, drive her to emotions and, accordingly, receive wagons of energy from her. All tactics are used CONSCIOUSLY.

Personality of the perverse

Perverted narcissists look different; there are no differences in their appearance, manner of dressing, or habits. characteristic features, which would allow one to immediately distinguish perverse people from normal people. But they have a global commonality - personality, or rather problems with personality.

Perverznik - a person with pathological abnormalities. If you don’t delve into scientific terms, but try to simplify the portrait of Perverznik, then you can briefly and clearly define him main characteristic- this is a body without a soul, a shell without internal content, in general, a perverted narcissist - something like a zombie who walks, runs, eats, talks, but he is not alive.

People who for a long time pounded into the closed soul of the Perverse, trying to dig out something there and revive it, in the end, were faced with nothing - emptiness, vacuum.
Where does the soul of the Perverznik go, is he born without it or loses it in the process of maturation, or maybe she falls asleep deep sleep and sinks somewhere to the bottom - this question is not yet clear. One thing is clear - everything that depends on the soul and is connected with it is absent from the Perverznik.

Perverznik lacks very important quality, which, in fact, makes a person human - conscience. Conscience is directly related to the soul, it is a feeling of the soul, a divine spark that instantly classifies any event or phenomenon as bad or good, fair or unfair, righteous or false. Conscience is a measure of good and evil, a moral guideline. Normal people, not Pervers, even when doing something bad, understand that they are doing wrong, and this oppresses them, they experience internal discomfort - this state is called “pangs of conscience.” Repentance and returning to the “right side” reconcile one’s conscience and bring peace of mind.
Perversnikov do not have any pangs of conscience - they consider themselves to have the right to do what they do, and it is completely unclear to them what is wrong or bad here. Nothing in Perverznik’s chest hurts or aches, nothing makes him feel guilty or uncomfortable - it’s empty and quiet. The first-timer can talk about repentance, imitate repentance in order to keep the Victim, but he actually does not feel any repentance, because he has nothing.

The second important lack of the Perverse is empathy. Empathy is another function of the soul - the ability to sympathize with another person, to empathize with him. Empathy makes us feel upset when we hear about sad events, even if those events do not directly affect us. We are able to imagine and feel the suffering of those affected by it. Empathy makes us cry when watching a movie or reading a book, sympathize with the grief of our friends, loved ones and complete strangers, and also rejoice at their joys. Empathy is pity for homeless dogs and abandoned kittens, for legless cripples and beggars, for burning forests and animals dying in them. Empathy - sympathy - makes people help out or save someone, participate in charity, do many things on which their personal well-being and well-being do not depend at all.
Perverted narcissists have no empathy. They feel neither pity, nor sympathy, nor compassion either for near or far. Everything that exists around relates to the Perverse insofar as it can be beneficial or useful for him, the rest simply does not exist, is not included in the field of his interests. Perverse - insensitive, ruthless and indifferent to everything.

And, since Perverse has a black hole instead of a soul, he is not capable of another emotional feeling - love. A perverse person cannot love anyone, no matter what he is. He would be glad to fall in love, but he can’t, and doesn’t even know, and he has nothing to do with it and what it is to take and fall in love. He only uses all his partners to satisfy his own ambitions and needs, to feed his narcissistic EGO, to fill the vortex voids that are constantly forming inside and outside him with someone else’s energy. Not a single one of Perverzny’s partners is valuable, unique, or irreplaceable for him (these are categories of love) - on the contrary, all of Perverzny’s partners in his eyes are of the same type, pathetic copies of each other, an accumulation of shortcomings and vices. They can only be used, they are not suitable for anything else.

We have dealt with the spiritual qualities of the Perverse, or rather the lack thereof, and now let’s move on to his conscious qualities.

Perverse - a person full of contempt and negativity. Wherever he turns his gaze, something that is unpleasant, offensive or disgusting appears before him. For him, people are all scary and stupid, the streets are dirty, the buildings are tasteless, the weather is bad. No ray of joy penetrates the dark recesses of the Perverznik’s personality. He criticizes everything, is dissatisfied with everything, is gloomy and depressed. He always feels bad, everything annoys him.
He considers himself the supreme judge, loves to judge and evaluate people, actions, events, phenomena, and attaches cynical, devaluing labels to everything. The categories of thinking and attitude of the pervert can be clearly seen in his expressions. For example, a person did not come for him, but stuck up, did not make a mistake, but screwed up, does not scream, but yells, does not complain, but whines, is not indignant, but is hysterical, does not demand, but blows his mind, does not communicate, but shows off, has not drunk , but got drunk, doesn’t go out for walks, but wanders around, etc. (Translate to the perverse “I came to a friend, we talked, drank, and then went for a walk”).
By criticizing, Perverse implies that he himself is pure perfection, a spool among ore, a saint among sinners, in general, he is “all in white”, who has a hard time among the shit, and because of this he suffers all the time.

Many Perversniks like to create the appearance that they are rare, sublime, gifted natures, prone to creativity, art and scientific research. “I am a piece of goods, everyone else is cattle” - the hidden message of Perverznik. To confirm this image, Perverzniki boast of numerous talents and exquisite hobbies. They hint that they read political and philosophical literature, have complex interests “not for the average mind”, understand poetry, music, painting, art and culture in general, play music, sing and almost write, compose, create poetry and music themselves , books and paintings - in general, a solid beau monde and bohemia. In fact, all this turns out to be a complete bluff. In fact, the Perverse are superficial, primitive and mediocre individuals. The “smart book” is never finished, the same poems are quoted to everyone, the musical “avant-garde” is one group with the same songs, and Perverznik himself is not able to invent and create anything at all: creativity is the sphere souls. If Perverznik promises to play “a masterpiece, but later” on the guitar, know that “later” will never come, because he simply does not know how to play.

Posing themselves as sublime, unearthly natures, the Perverse fiercely renounce everything material, which is also an appearance. In fact, all Pervers are money-grubbers; they use their partners not only energetically, but also for selfish purposes. The Pervers themselves are poor people who really want wealth, but it is not attracted to them (wealth requires its own, positive energy). Therefore, Pervers, in search of the next victim, always include material success in the list of requirements, hoping to tear off a fat piece from someone else’s pie, as a bonus to the main feast - energy.

As for the Perverznik family, there are definitely perverse narcissists there too (this is hereditary for them). The brothers or sisters, the father, can be perverse, but most often the mother - it was this narcissistic person who inspired her beloved child: “You are special, the best. Only you matter. You have the right to whatever you want, whenever you want. Everything around was created only for you and for your sake” and made him into that zombie who became a vampire.

Signs of the Perverse (grimaces of the beast):
Tense posture
Pursed lips
Wrinkled nose bridge
Cold empty evil look
Sullen facial expression
Asymmetrical face
Doesn't know how to smile (smiles unnaturally - strained)
Can't laugh (imitates laughter by giggling)
These signs, except the last two, appear against the Narcissist's wishes when he loses control, or when he thinks that no one is seeing him.


It is very difficult to get rid of the perverse. Relationships with him are similar to drug addiction. A pervert, when he gets on his partner’s nerves, often pretends that he is ready to break off the relationship at any moment, and does not value them at all. But as soon as the Victim really tries to get out of the relationship, the Perverse has a death grip on her. He will never let go of the Victim, he will chase and ping ad infinitum. Some Perverts have been pinging former victims for years or even decades. As soon as the Victim relaxes and lets the Perverse come close to her again, to believe in his sweet promises that this time everything will be different, a new round of her suffering and humiliation begins.
Therefore, the perverts must be abandoned without regret, and this must be done abruptly and rudely, irrevocably, without giving any chance of pings.
Of course, the easiest way to leave Perverznik is at the beginning of a relationship, before, so to speak, you become related. Usually the Perverse quickly show their teeth: words do not coincide with actions, which is why the Victim experiences cognitive dissonance. The perverznik says one thing and does another. For example, he may say that he loves, plan a wedding and many children, but he himself refuses sex. She speaks poorly about other people, her former partners, while the Victim is told that “she is nothing like that,” special, ideal. Ignorance, failure to fulfill promises, and violation of telephone etiquette quickly set in. There is a refusal to discuss the Victim's feelings and emotions. If you observe all this already at the beginning of a relationship, leave such a partner - this is a perverted narcissist, and it will only get worse. You need to quit completely - refuse any contacts completely. Delete from all means of communication - on social networks, on your phone. Do not listen or read any messages from Perverzny - you will definitely be pinged intensely. It is best to block it so that it cannot reach you from anywhere. The blacklist will not help - the perverted one will text. It’s better to change the SIM card altogether and close all accounts (then open or create new ones). If you leave the Perverse at least one chance for pings, in the end you will not be able to stand it and start communicating with him again. Therefore, when leaving Peverzny, you need to go to the end. Change your SIM card, delete its number, all correspondence, block it wherever possible. Avoid places where you can meet the Perverse and general companies.
It’s hard to leave Perverse if your relationship with him has gone far, for example, you’ve created a family and have children together. However, it is still necessary to abandon the Perverse - otherwise, he will destroy you in the literal sense of the word: by remaining with him, you will die a premature death. Knowing who you are dealing with can make parting easier. Prepare escape routes and wait for the right moment to break with the vampire. While you are still with him, you can take some measures to reduce the suffering from the actions of the Perverse. These measures are:
- Don’t try to sort things out with him, shame him, reproach him, or wait for some changes in his behavior. He is who he is - and that's a fact. Make no mistake about him - he is a perverted narcissist, a vampire and your enemy. He hates you and CONSCIOUSLY harms you.
- Accept as a fact that there will never be a normal, warm, trusting relationship with him. He doesn't need them.
- Accept that he will never be normal telephone communication. Try not to call yourself, and don't expect him to follow telephone etiquette. He doesn't pick up the phone, and there's no need to.
- Do not count on the help and support of Perverzny in some important matters. Always have a backup plan in case of “kiddy” by Perverzny.
- Do not play his games with an opponent. If you are jealous, suffer, fight for him with other people, you will act according to the Perverse scenario. With the opponents you are presented with, it is better to unite against the Perverse - they are the same Victims as you.
And most importantly, prepare to break off relations with the Perverse. The sooner you get out of destructive relationships, the more intact your psyche, your personality and your health will be.

A partner's interests are a combination of various factors, each of which to a certain extent contributes to the achievement of the main goal - obtaining “long-term maximum possible profit with minimal costs and minimal risk.”
Sometimes we are not aware of what exactly motivates a partner when requesting one or another condition of cooperation. Therefore, we cannot always find a solution that will satisfy both parties.
What are the most common distributor requirements? This is a maximum discount, payment on sale terms, return of unsold goods. But let's figure it out: does the distributor really need the maximum discount in itself? So, if you sell fresh flowers at a kiosk, will you take cacti for sale, even with the maximum discount?

Most likely not, since you can only sell a few pieces, and only if you position them as “Roses for your beloved mother-in-law.” The reason is that your target audience is different from the audience of shops that sell potted flowers. Therefore, there is no point in taking up precious space and investing money in a slow-moving, albeit cheap, product. The situation will be different if you own a hardware store and sell in it, among other things toothpaste Colgate and Blend-a-Med. I believe that you will take the products on an advance payment basis according to the price list, without disputing the conditions, as long as the goods are in stock. After all, there is such a demand for this product that it sells out quickly, even with a good markup. So what does the company really need?
Not discounts on a product, but the opportunity to earn as much as possible on it, either due to a larger markup or due to volume, and preferably due to both at the same time!
Not every company, even an experienced one, can immediately assess all the benefits that one or another condition of cooperation offered by a potential partner brings to it. Let's look at some aspects of cooperation and the benefits that partnership can bring. Note that the benefits may not always be direct, i.e. giving the opportunity to earn money. Sometimes indirect benefits that allow you to save and/or not lose money are no less significant.

  1. Potential benefits of longevity supplier company On the market:
  • a long period of work on the market allows us to collect more information about the company and most reliably assess its reputation as a potential partner;
  • the long existence of the company, including during difficult economic periods in the country, provides more guarantees of reliable and long-term cooperation.
  1. Potential benefits of additional range:
  • more choice will bring larger number buyers;
  • will serve as a driving force for the sale of other goods;
  • it will be possible to purchase all products in one place and save on supplies and contacts;
  • an additional target audience will appear that the partner has not previously worked with (due to a different price category or a different product category);
  • the partner's image will improve;
  • the partner will be able to participate in tenders;
  • new products will appear more often;
  • The assortment will be updated more often.
  1. Potential benefits of a higher quality product:
  • the consumer knows that our product is of higher quality, and therefore having it with a partner will attract more buyers;
  • the number of returns and complaints will be reduced due to higher quality products;
  • the partner's image will improve;
  • it will be possible to store the product longer;
  • it will be possible to use the product longer;
  • Warranty service costs will be reduced.
  1. Potential benefits of lower price:
  • it will be possible to make a larger markup and earn more per unit of production;
  • the partner will be able to reduce selling prices for the same markup and make them competitive;
  • it will be possible to attract buyers from a lower price segment;
  • It will be possible to stimulate sales of a slightly more expensive product by making it “relatively” more expensive.
  1. Potential benefits of a higher price:
  • with the same percentage markup, you can earn more per unit of product and fulfill your sales plan faster;
  • it will be possible to attract buyers from a higher price segment;
  • It will be possible to stimulate sales of a cheaper product by making it “relatively” cheap.
  1. Potential benefits of improved logistics:
  • shorter delivery times will give the partner the opportunity to respond faster to customer requests and keep less stock in their own warehouse;
  • Regular adherence to delivery deadlines will allow the partner, in turn, to comply with the deadlines agreed with clients, which means not to lose them, securing the image of a mandatory partner; will also allow you to timely replenish the stock of products and keep a smaller stock in your own warehouse;
  • compliance with the agreed supply volumes will allow the partner to maintain sales volumes, image among clients, and retain large customers;
  • The professionalism of the logistics department employees and strict adherence to the procedure for placing and issuing orders will reduce the time spent on paperwork, avoid shortages, confusion with products, damage to packaging and products, and will also increase the speed of resolving emerging issues and problems;
  • the presence of a delivery system will provide the partner with products if he does not have his own delivery capabilities;
  • the presence of the company’s own transport will give the partner guarantees of timely delivery and safety of the product’s presentation;
  • the presence of free delivery will allow the partner to save on transport;
  • the possibility of self-pickup will allow a small partner to save money;
  • the presence of a warehouse in a nearby area by the company will simplify the delivery procedure - increase their speed, ensure regularity, reduce the risks of non-deliveries due to lack of transport, allow you to quickly resolve logistics issues, fulfill urgent orders, etc.;
  • the presence of safety stock in the company’s warehouse will allow the partner to save on inventory and not keep a large stock in his warehouse, since the risks already listed are reduced;
  • the ability to quickly supply additional volumes will allow the partner to earn money during periods of demand and retain an unplanned client.
  1. Potential Benefits flexible terms payment:
  • the opportunity to get a big discount (flexible system of discounts - for prepayment, volume, loyalty, etc.) and earn more or at the expense of a lower selling price, or due to a higher markup;
  • the opportunity to obtain a trade loan and not invest your own funds in the product (loan, consignment, deferred payment);
  • you don’t have to look for borrowed funds to purchase a product (loan, consignment, deferred payment);
  • a partner can invest more funds in the development and promotion of a company or product (loan, consignment, deferred payment, big discount etc.);
  • the partner may not risk his own funds (implementation).
  1. Potential benefits of supplier marketing support:
  • additional advertising of the product will increase demand for it and increase the volume and speed of sales;
  • advertising a partner as an official dealer of the company’s products will attract more buyers;
  • joint advertising funds will allow the partner to save on advertising without reducing its volume;
  • point-of-sale promotional materials (POSM) will help 11th generation vision 11th generational vision;
  • independent or joint promotions will attract additional buyers and increase the volume and speed of sales;
  • the work of trained supplier company consultants in retail chains will increase the volume of product sales;
  • special events for VIPs held by the company will allow the partner to save financial and human resources, which will facilitate product promotion, as well as provide the connections and recommendations the partner needs;
  • holding seminars/conferences/exhibitions by the supplier will help the partner establish and expand the necessary connections and increase the number of clients;
  • Direct marketing programs (telemarketing, email and postal mailings, etc.) will help stimulate product sales.
  1. Potential Benefits additional conditions works:
  • training conducted by the company for sales representatives of the partner / its dealers / retail outlets will help improve the qualifications of sales personnel and increase sales volume;
  • a “hotline” for partners will speed up the resolution of any work issues;
  • a “hotline” for consumers will relieve the partner of some of the responsibilities for explanatory work among consumers, saving time and resources;
  • does the supplier have its own service centers will help consumers solve their questions and problems in a timely manner, removing this part of the work from
    partner, which will save him time and resources, and also improve his image;
  • extended guarantees from the supplier company will increase product sales;
  • assigning a personal manager to a partner will ensure ease of interaction and increase the speed of resolving issues;
  • exclusive conditions given to a partner for the sale of products for a certain time will allow him to create a competitive advantage in the market (of course, when there is demand for the product) and develop more actively, single-handedly promoting the product;
  • assigning a territory to a partner will allow him to have a competitive advantage in this territory (of course, with demand for the product) and develop more actively, single-handedly promoting the product;
  • obligations to receive and analyze complaints from consumers assumed by the supplier company will allow the partner to avoid direct clashes with dissatisfied consumers and resolve emerging problems in a timely and professional manner;
  • the opportunity provided to the partner to return unsold products minimizes his risks of financial losses from slow-selling goods
A) Supplement the listed benefits taking into account the specifics of your
B) Describe the potential benefits for the distribution company
companies in each of the sin cases:
  • if the supplier has its own production;
  • if the supplier has an exclusive range;
  • if there is a supplier representative in the partner’s territory.
  1. We evaluate the significance for the partner of each of the identified interests
  2. We compare our own capabilities to satisfy the interests of the partner with the capabilities of competitors
These two steps must be carried out sequentially, given that both have the same disadvantage - the conclusions a company draws from these steps are quite subjective. To reduce the risk of misjudgment, it is recommended to regularly evaluate the compiled list of interests with the help of existing partners during the annual survey and during personal meetings. This is also necessary to review the terms of cooperation with existing partners. Assessing our own capabilities is entirely within our power. Assessing competitors' capabilities is a matter of carefully collecting information. Here the company can be guarded by only one danger - the risk of overestimating itself and underestimating its competitor.
I bring to your attention one of the convenient and visual ways conducting an assessment competitive advantage.
  1. Fill out the table. 6-1. Start with the “Partner Interests” column, adjust and supplement it in accordance with the specifics of your company.
  2. Give your own assessment of the importance of each of the listed interests for your potential partner.
  3. Assess the capabilities of your company and its direct competitors in terms of satisfying the identified interests of the partner.
  4. Give a final assessment of the presence of a competitive advantage by multiplying the numbers in the appropriate columns (see Table 6-1).
  5. Add up the final scores for each company and get one overall score. The overall final score will show you how much more attractive your company is for a partner compared to its competitors and vice versa. And also what parameters are the most advantageous for your company in comparison with competitors.
Table 6-1. Final assessment of the attractiveness of the supplier company for a potential distribution partner

Partner's interests

The degree of importance of the factor for the partner

Assessing the possibilities of satisfying a partner’s interest

Final assessment of the presence of an advantage

Competitor 1 Our
Competitor 1
1 2 3 4 5 b 7
Fill in the cells yourself Please use Scale 1* use Scale 2* Please use Scale 2* multiply the value of columns 2 and 3 multiply the value of column 2 and 4
The ability to satisfy more consumers due to the completeness and breadth of the supplier’s assortment
Opportunity to increase sales of other products using the supplier's product
Opportunity to attract additional target audience through the supplier’s product
Opportunity to improve image through supplier's product
Opportunity to participate in tenders with the supplier’s product
Opportunity to attract customers through frequent occurrence new products in the supplier's assortment
The ability to constantly attract customers through regular updating of the assortment by the supplier
The ability to attract and retain customers due to the supplier’s quality product

Continuation of the table. 6-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Opportunity to increase sales volumes due to demand for the supplier’s product
Possibility to reduce losses due to longer shelf life of the supplier's product
Opportunity to increase sales due to a greater warranty on the supplier’s product
Opportunity to earn more per unit of supplier's product
Opportunity to earn more on volume due to the supplier’s product
Opportunity to receive more from the supplier low prices compared to competitors for a similar product
The ability to attract buyers from a different price segment using the supplier’s product
The ability to reduce delivery times due to more clearly organized supplier logistics
Possibility of more precise adherence to delivery deadlines
Possibility to keep safety stock of products at the supplier’s warehouse
Possibility of large supply volumes
Possibility of small supply volumes
Having clear communication with supplier employees
Possibility of product delivery by the supplier
Possibility of free delivery of products by the supplier

Continuation of the table. 6-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Possibility of self-pickup
Availability of supplier warehouse in the area
Opportunity to get good discounts
Possibility of using a convenient payment system
Possibility of obtaining a trade loan
Possibility of returning unsold products
Possibility of payment for product advertising by the supplier
Possibility of payment by the supplier for advertising with partner contacts
Opportunity to receive promotional materials, souvenir products from the supplier
Possibility for the supplier to carry out promotions on the partner’s territory
Possibility of incentives for sellers at the expense of the supplier
Opportunity to receive assistance from the supplier in establishing connections with VIPs
Possibility for the supplier to conduct seminars/conferences/exhibitions on the partner’s territory
Possibility of implementation of direct marketing programs by the supplier
Possibility for the supplier to train sales representatives of the partner / its dealers / retail outlets in product sales techniques
Possibility of using the supplier's hotline
Possibility of using supplier service centers

End of table. 6-1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Possibility of obtaining exclusive conditions
Ability to forward all complaints and problems to the supplier for prompt resolution
Possibility of prompt resolution of all work issues

Overall final grade
Add the values ​​in a given column

"Shkpa I - scale of factor significance for a partner:
“0” - the factor is not significant for the partner;
“/” is a factor of little significance for the partner;
“2” is a factor that is significant for the partner;
“3” is a very important / fundamental factor for a partner.
Scale 2 - scale of opportunities to satisfy a partner’s interests:
“_2” - no possibility;
“-i” - the opportunity is significantly lower than that of a competitor;
“O” - the opportunity is almost the same as that of a competitor;
“/” - the potential is significantly higher than that of a competitor;
“2” - only our company has the opportunity.
  1. We draw conclusions by answering four main questions
  • How are we different from our competitors?
  • What benefits will ego difference give to the partner?
  • How significant is this benefit to interest a partner?
  • What evidence of benefits can we provide to our partner?
Table 6-1 will clearly demonstrate to us how we differ from competitors, and whether this difference brings significant benefits to the partner. Some of the benefits, for example, a big discount on a similar product, are obvious even to the least experienced partner. But such a benefit as the opportunity to attract an additional target audience through the supplier’s product requires justification. We must provide our potential partner with enough facts to support our statements. Moreover, the better, more consistent and more logical the facts are selected, the more confidently and clearly you answer the questions, the more convincing your proposal will look.

Potential foreign partners

Evaluating Trade Leads

Jeffrey P. Graham

Availability of information about potential partners is one of the most important aspects of conducting international business in the field of export-import. Until recently, for many small and medium-sized businesses, gaining access to reliable sources of information about potential trading partners was a time-consuming and costly endeavor. In the United States, the only source of this type of information was the Department of Commerce. Yes, there were several more so-called “sources”, but most of them drew data from the same Department. With the growth of business in the US, as economic development states became more and more tied to international trade and investment, the international departments of state governments began to look for ways to reach foreign partners on their own, independent of the US Department of Commerce. In both cases, merchants were forced to pay monthly for the right to access such databases. The development of the Internet has greatly increased the number of sources providing information about reaching potential partners, and therefore information hunger has ceased to be a problem. Another thing that remained unchanged was the time required to evaluate partners.

To any of us who have temporarily lost the ability to reason sensibly, the vocal champions of the World Wide Web will always explain that the more information, the better. The following premise in this statement is false (as, indeed, in all the hype raised around the Internet), namely that any Additional Information, caught on the net, can now be accepted by business and integrated into business without any costs associated with this process. And therefore, they say, an increase in the amount of information about potential partners that is completely accessible on the Internet and news groups easily leads to an increase in the opportunities of any businessman. Nothing could be further from the true state of affairs, because almost all information about potential foreign partners is more than doubtful.

First of all, to set the stage for the subsequent discussion of this problem, let me clarify what I mean by “reaching out to potential partners.” This is the “exit” - this is an offer to buy or sell a certain product or service, a request or offer to participate in a project. This kind of information is then distributed throughout the world, either through government agencies or through private channels. These types of offers usually involve some time frame within which the party making the offer would like to complete the transaction. It is this time limit and the desire to complete a certain transaction that is what distinguishes “reaching a potential partner” from ordinary advertising. "Outputs" can be divided into two categories:

  • government tenders;
  • general supply proposals.

1) When any government intends to buy equipment for a project it undertakes or engineering/design services, it issues a proposal tender for the supply of goods/services. Foreign companies that want to compete for an order usually pay a certain amount to receive information about the ongoing tender and the requirements for its participants. Most often, the fee for “access” to a tender is quite reasonable, however, taking part in several tenders at once can be expensive. Quite often, the participating company is also required to provide guarantees for the fulfillment of the contract. For those of you who think that English language is international language business, I recommend telling the government of any country holding the tender about this. You will learn that they are conducted only in the language of that country.

Typically, small and medium-sized enterprises do not know that almost all foreign tenders require the mandatory involvement of some local company in the process, as a partner. It turns out the following: often a lot of money is spent only to find out in the end that it is impossible to take part in the tender, although according to preliminary calculations it would be possible to win it. Information about the upcoming tender is often poorly covered outside the country. Until the last possible moment. Then the following usually happens: local companies write a letter addressed to a potential foreign partner - you, in which they claim that they are participating in such and such a tender and that they have an excellent chance of winning it with the help of your company. You are asked to provide a lot of different information to participate in the tender, you do this, and then you discover that you will have to fork out another 10-15% of the cost of the tender for the commission of the company that sent you the letter.

I once had the opportunity to personally take part in a similar episode. And my experience clearly demonstrates why participation in tenders abroad is not easy. Several years ago I worked as an export manager for a company. I was ordered to prepare documents for participation in a foreign tender, the status and prospects of which I immediately questioned. However, the new owner of our company knew nothing about the specifics of international trade and was sure that I was wrong. He thought that the most important thing in business was not to miss a single opportunity. The specifics of that tender were such that there were only three companies in the whole world that could supply the required equipment. Two of them refused to tell me the price of their equipment because they already knew about the ongoing tender and did not want to participate in it. Moreover, the export managers of both companies, without saying a word, said the same thing, they say, they, of course, would not refuse to work, because they are not present in the market of that country, but, on the other hand, their companies never participate in government tenders abroad, because they are not satisfied with the local commission system. The third company happily shared price information with me. They sent it by fax. One page was missing and I had to call them back and request it. The woman who answered me somehow unnaturally overly apologized for the mistake she had made and said that she was incredibly glad that I found out her mistake, because the previous ten companies that requested the same thing as me did not do so. In the end, the foreign government chose two of its own, local firms, which became participants in the tender. They both called the same company and asked for a larger commission, which they were denied. In general, the tender completely failed.

Such foreign tenders often hide a very significant commission for local companies that are well connected with the government agency conducting the purchase. What are the prerequisites for the tender? Buyer, in in this case, a foreign agency, on behalf of its government, wants, as a result of the tender, either to reduce the purchase price or to obtain more favorable terms of the transaction for itself. It makes sense to participate in a foreign tender only as a subcontractor of the expected winner. Estimate how much it will cost you to complete the application, all associated costs for preparing documents, translating them into the language of the country, in general that's all, then try to get a guarantee of contract performance from the supposed winner of the tender if this company is from your country, or an open letter of credit in your favor if this company is foreign. These steps will eliminate all possibilities of wasting time for you if the contractor is not real, but fictitious. If the contractor is serious, there will be a guarantee and a letter of credit. Then, and only then, will your business be safe. If you already have a trading partner, a distributor in this country, and if this distributor wants to participate in at least part of the tender and asks you for information, then, of course, you must answer him.

Most foreign tenders are quite expensive projects and therefore, by default, they are not for small and medium-sized enterprises. The latter can ensure the implementation of only part of the tender. I think that small and medium-sized companies should not participate in foreign government tenders. However, if your company is already in direct contact with an established distributor in the market of the country in which the tender is being held, with a distributor who is either already working with your product, or as a subcontractor of the officially recognized future winner of the tender, with a guarantee of fulfillment of the contract in hand or with a letter of credit, then it’s worth taking a risk with such a partner. We understand that tender proposals often seem very attractive, however, do not forget that problems associated with tenders can only be resolved by competent international trade specialists. And as long as your company does not have such a specialist on staff, even evaluating a proposed tender transaction, without any hope of success, can be very expensive.

A note for foreign readers. Regarding tenders in the USA, government or state level, we can say the same.

2) General supply proposals are usually issued for three reasons:

  • simple advertising;
  • pricing pressure on local distributor;
  • the beginning of negotiations on the purchase of something or for participation in some business.

Before the explosion of websites and mailing lists dedicated to so-called “matchmaking,” US companies paid the Commerce Department for access to the database. Many companies that started exporting in the 80s were unpleasantly surprised by how sloppy and confused this database was compiled. Judging by my communications with businessmen from other countries, a similar state of affairs was observed everywhere.

Many “outreach to potential partners” contain much more information about general activities company rather than about a specific offer. Many simply ask manufacturers to send them price lists, contact details, and who knows what else.

Who places them, these advertisements? Foreign distributors know very well who they need to contact for a new batch of goods. They are not looking for new partners; Well, except in the rarest case. If a foreign distributor places such an advertisement, then he either wants to expand his contacts or is thinking about adding a new product to the product line. Most distributors state their goals straightforwardly, saying that they are looking for new partners. End consumers tend not to advertise their interest because they are competitors of distributors in local markets.

If you talk to those who have already established exports, they will secretly tell you that the best “reach to potential buyers” was the trivial sending of samples of their goods to prospective partners.

So that foreign businessmen do not be offended, and American readers clearly understand the message of this article, I will say that the “outputs” themselves can contain a considerable amount of important information. It just needs to be understood correctly. Moreover, I do not mean at all that foreigners or Americans are deceiving people by publishing their advertisements. Not at all. I just want to say that newcomers to international trade, having read a couple of articles and decided that they are ready to engage in export-import, are greatly mistaken. They are the ones who often make mistakes when responding to such advertisements. Finding a potential partner means something different for any experienced player on the international market who knows the value of a deal concluded on a foreign market.

The Internet, having essentially become a large dump of all kinds of information, has begun to pose a real problem even for experienced businessmen, for serious players in the international market. All this is due to the fact that an incredibly large amount of misleading information is being leaked into the system. The system itself cannot sort it correctly. The first problem is that it is extremely difficult to assess the seriousness of a company that has advertised that it is looking for partners. Twenty years ago it was possible to check the telex address and some details of the bank account of such a company. Quite quickly it was possible to imagine the overall picture: what market this company has been operating in, and for how long. Besides total there were few companies. If a company did not have its own telex, and it used a telex message service, this served as an undoubted and definite indicator of the status of such a company. Since 1987, generally recognized as the start of the fax boom, small companies have had easier access to international markets, positioning themselves globally and offering their services around the world. And starting in 1993, when browsers appeared and the Internet began to quickly turn into another trading platform, the changes were simply shocking. In the US, anyone can spend $18.95 a month for unlimited internet access (7 days a week, 24 hours a day). A fax worth $200, a computer worth maybe $1000, two phone lines in one room of your house or apartment, and here you are ready business.

In general, it is very unusual for people to just write and place advertisements looking for potential partners. These types of advertisements are primarily aimed at obtaining responses. These, so to speak, “companies” have no weight in the business world and cannot make a real deal, but their ease of access to Internet resources allows them to multiply and multiply all sorts of offers. Most of which are useless electronic junk. The problem is that many of these advertisements are handwritten by a master and offer fantastic opportunities. Such messages can force some companies to really spend their time clarifying the conditions, sometimes even equipping entire “expeditions” to go to the site. As a result, no sales, no deals, just some unclear prospects for the future.

Finding partners in 1997 means something completely different than it did in 1977; both here in the US and around the world. Newbies in international business one way or another face this problem, they should know that from now on it cannot be circumvented; Without going through a special training course, it’s easy to get into trouble. Some advertisements, especially sales offers, are valid for a short time. Advertisements for any used equipment are always fraught with a trap: how do you assess whether the equipment is worth the money asked for it? Has anyone developed a clear scheme for evaluating various types of sales?..

Here are my tips on how to evaluate so-called “outreach to potential partners”:

  1. Look for keywords that clearly show that this company she is preoccupied with collecting information about you, but she doesn’t want to buy anything. Always be suspicious of those companies that request information about the manufacturer of the product, the price of the product, without saying anything about whether they themselves are distributors looking for a new product to complement their current product line.
  2. Be wary if a company advertising that it wants to purchase a large quantity of goods cannot be found in the directory. Most often small companies do this. They ask for a price for a large batch of goods in order to receive a wholesale discount, but they will try to order a batch that is several times smaller in volume.
  3. There is no need to mislead yourself with the sophisticated style of the letter addressed to you. Many small manufacturers, in search of a reliable distributor, fall for this cute trick.
  4. Be careful with closed markets. An offer from there means a request for a very specific product. Your company may ask the manufacturer for a price, hoping to get a commission on resale, only to find out that the manufacturer already has a branch in that country, that it has been operating there for a long time, and that it has a distributor there whose interests it protects.
    Advertisements of this kind (from closed markets) constitute the lion's share all advertisements of this kind in general. Here's what they mean: a small distributor who sells enough to make a profit is trying to beat the main distributor in his local market and get the product cheaper.
  5. Ignore anyone who tells you they are just “intending” or “expressing interest.”
  6. Throw out posts about companies that claim to trade all commodities worldwide. Commodities such as coffee, sugar, urea, oil or gold are in the hands of established global companies. They operate in stable markets and do not need business partners.
  7. Also be very attentive to international scammers - they really need your money. A bell should ring for you if someone prefers to talk on the phone rather than exchange documents. Don’t even think about going to great lengths with some fantastic project that will quickly and without risk enrich you, an inexperienced businessman. Try to find out which countries and which areas of the world are the source of international scams and avoid contact with people from there. Never respond to business proposals that require advance payment for goods or services.

Here’s how to respond to requests for “potential partnerships”:

  1. Create an answer template in advance: describe your company and products/services in such a way that answers to the most general issues and all the necessary information has already been given. Moreover, in such a way that the party requesting data from you only has to make a decision: to buy or not to buy.
  2. Spend some money on Digital catalogue your goods/services. Such a catalog should always be at hand so that it can be sent by e-mail or on disk. Make two files: one price list, one graphics, you may have to edit them, but it is better to do this separately.
  3. Don't fall for simple tricks. If your product samples cost any money, always demand payment. The most minimal. Sending samples for free to anyone who requests them is simply unwise. Try to determine the status of the person who is asking you for information, make sure that it is he who makes the decision about whether to buy or not to buy.
  4. Understand that most foreign distributors do not jump to conclusions. The time between the first contact and the first order usually and most often takes from 9 to 18 months. Last but not least, it also depends on the price of the product.
  5. Distinguish between the purchase of your product by the end consumer, a one-time purchase, and the purchase of the product by a foreign distributor. Of course, it is more profitable for you to establish communication and relationships with the distributor.
  6. Determine who your buyer is!!!
    Manufacturers should be very wary of those who are willing to buy a batch of product right away. In some countries, one fact of selling a batch of goods to a local company can be legally regarded as official recognition of this company as your official distributor. What, as you understand, requires careful preliminary study: will such a distributor be granted the right of exclusivity by law?
    In general, determining the status of your potential buyer is useful in all respects. Some companies are in such a hurry to sell their goods on foreign markets that they have no time for buyers. There is no need to rush. Remember that if you responded to the request, and even more so sent a sample of the product, you already have the right to count on direct contact with the person who makes the purchasing decision. There are several reasons for this, the most important of which is why waste time?
  7. Do not respond to offers to send the respondent an invitation to your country if you have not previously dealt with him. Often such letters are just an attempt to obtain a visa to your country under the pretext of doing business. Such an appeal regarding an invitation deserves attention only if a really serious deal is at stake. But even in this case, you should contact the commercial attaché at your embassy of the country from which the request was made and ask whether you can arrange such a visit under your personal guarantee.
  8. Nobody canceled common sense. Yes, you need to be polite, but this does not mean that you have to spend ten thousand dollars, a week of your time on a trip somewhere and get an order for $600. Of course, everyone would like to see living people, those with whom they have to deal, but often this is not justified from a financial point of view. There is no need to rush to fly to where you received a very kind letter about the market prospects for your particular product.
    For companies that are just starting out on the path of international trade, sending a large number of materials on the first request means a waste of resources and time. Before you start contact, try to sensibly weigh all the components of the request: is it worth responding at all, and, if so, how exactly? Yes, I would like to answer everyone who is interested in your company. However, there is a difference between a real potential partner and a fictitious one collecting information for some of his own purposes. A company collecting information about you may someday buy something from you, but even with all the obviousness of this, this will most likely happen much later than you think. Only time and experience will allow you to clearly see the difference.
  • Article 1. Potential foreign partners

Competition in the Russian-language part of the network is growing by leaps and bounds. Every seven days, new information products are launched on the market, new releases are organized and future ones are planned. In order to earn good money, the authors of these information products must organize their own affiliate program and invite partners to it to promote their products.

As a rule, potential partners who have their own commercial resources to promote affiliate products constantly receive offers to join one or another affiliate program and for this reason analyze all offers quite seriously.

They reject many offers to join the affiliate program, but some of them are interesting to them and they begin to cooperate with the authors of information products.

This is where the question arises: “How to attract potential partners? How can I give them a reason to pay attention to my affiliate program and sign up for it?”

In order for potential partners to willingly join your affiliate program and actively begin promoting your information products, you need to give them a reason to pay attention to your affiliate program and join it.

What could be such a reason?

There are quite a lot of such reasons, but now we will consider only the basic ones, which must be present in your affiliate program.

1. A high-quality and popular product, product or service.

A high-quality and in-demand product, product or service is the basis of a person’s desire to become a client. What you offer to the market should solve customer problems and satisfy their needs. If this is present in your information product, customers will buy it, and partners will be interested in promoting it to the market and making money.

2. Line of information products.

Having a line of information products allows not only you, but also all your partners to receive more profit from one client by selling products of different price categories. A client, having purchased one product, will want to look at a second, third, then purchase a second, fourth and possibly a fifth. And this is all the profit that the product owner and the partner who promotes his information products receive.

3. No minimum payment level.

To pay affiliate rewards, you must remove the minimum payment threshold. The affiliate should receive all the money they earn by recommending the affiliate product, even if their reward is 1 cent!

The affiliate must always receive all money earned, regardless of the amount he earned.

4. Payment terms.

Payments to the partner of earned money must be made at least 2 times a month, say, every 1st and 15th of the current month. It is best to make affiliate payments every week, say every Monday or Tuesday. Partners will count on their earned money, as they will know the specific payment terms.

Knowing that money is paid within a strictly specified time frame, the affiliate will be more active in promoting affiliate products, since he knows that he can count on quick payments of earned commissions.

5. Two-level affiliate program.

A two-level affiliate program allows a partner to receive two types of income: active and passive. Active income is generated through your own sales of the affiliate product. Passive income is generated through sales of affiliate products, partners connected through your affiliate link.

6. Increased percentage of the sale of a product, product or service.

Not all potential partners to whom you make an offer of cooperation will accept your offer. There can be many reasons for refusal, but to convince them to cooperate, you can use the “last” weapon, which almost always works - increased percentage from the sale of an information product relative to other market players.

The presence of ready-made advertising materials in the affiliate program provides an opportunity for a partner to quickly start in the affiliate program using the principle of “copy, paste and sell!” The partner copies advertising materials, inserts his own affiliate link and distributes them through his channels, receiving a profit from each order of an information product made through his affiliate link.

If you correctly and competently present your affiliate program to a potential partner, he will not only want to take an active part in promoting affiliate products, but will also actively advertise your affiliate program to his business acquaintances, friends and acquaintances.

What else do you think could influence your decision to join one or another affiliate program, for example, mine? Write what you think about this.

If you want to properly organize payment acceptance on your own website, install and configure your own affiliate program, come to my online training.

The online training program can be found on the website

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