Home Prevention Which hair lasts longer? Interesting facts about hair loss and growth

Which hair lasts longer? Interesting facts about hair loss and growth

Many men, and indeed women too, from time to time face the problem of hair loss. Some of them even turn to trichologists, who authoritatively state: up to a hundred hairs a day is a problem, and you shouldn’t panic if you lose about this amount of hair every day. The question naturally arises: how much human hair is there?

What determines the amount of hair on the head?

The main factor on which the initial amount of hair on a person’s scalp depends is the natural color of his hair. It has been proven that the thickest (and at the same time the thinnest) are light hair (light brown and blond), the number of which on the average person’s head is about 120-140 thousand. The next thickest hair - on average 100-110 thousand hairs - grows on the heads of brown-haired and brunettes. The smallest amount of hair on the heads of red-haired people is only 80-90 thousand hairs, but this is compensated by the thickness and strength of each of them.

Thus, if a dark-haired person loses 100 hairs every day, then almost 4 years will pass before he remains completely bald, and this is provided that the hair has completely lost its restorative functions. But instead of lost hairs, new ones grow at a rate of 0.35 millimeters per day.

If the amount of hair on your head is clearly decreasing

Unfortunately, sometimes hair begins to fall out with triple the force, and this process can affect both. Most often, thinning hair is a consequence of a stressful situation experienced a couple of months before or a banal vitamin deficiency. If neither one nor the other has happened in your life, you should consult a therapist: general analysis blood test can reveal the cause of hair loss.

If you've passed everything possible examinations, and the cause of increased hair loss has not been found, contact a trichologist. This specialist specializes exclusively in problems localized to the scalp and will certainly help you.

Hair is an ever-growing “organism”. This is explained by the cellular activity of the follicle, which serves as a storage area for the hair follicle. Over the years, activity decreases, the first gray hair appears, and hair growth slows down.


Mitosis (division) of cells continuously occurs in the hair follicle. They become mature, lose their nuclei and become keratized. Keratin is a protein substance that makes up hair. Over time, hair falls out, it happens natural process updates. But the follicles remain the same, just as they were given to a person from birth, they will age along with the body.

With age, fewer melanocytes are formed - cells that produce the coloring pigment (melanin). The pigment is located in the cortex of the subcutaneous part of the hair. There it mixes with air bubbles, which leads to loss of natural hair color. It becomes light, and then completely white. Gray hair is weaker and difficult to style. Such changes may occur due to age-related changes in the body, due to experiences stressful situations, disease, heredity. Gray hair can appear at any age; this process is individual for each person. But, on average, the first signs of aging are visible around 30 years of age.

With age, not only hair color can change, but also the rate of growth. It will take a long time to grow a long braid. This is due to the fact that they slow down metabolic processes in the body, in the follicle, cells divide less intensively. It is the pressure created in the follicle during mitosis that causes the hair to grow upward. To awaken hair follicles, you can use growth stimulants based on minoxidil. The drug should be applied to the scalp every 12 hours. It is not permissible to take breaks, because then the desired effect will not follow. This kind of therapy will take a lifetime.

As you grow older, the density of your hair also changes. It decreases by 10-15%. This occurs due to degeneration of the hair follicle. Dystrophy is caused by the hormone dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Over time, hair becomes thinner, its active growth phase is shortened, and normal hair turns into vellus hair. After some time, the follicle becomes overgrown connective tissue, and the hair stops growing. Susceptibility to the hormone DHT is different for everyone and is determined by heredity. For this reason, hair may thin not by 15%, but by 70-80%, which leads to baldness.

Tip 3: Can hair change its natural color as it grows?

Hair color depends on various factors. It has long been noted that it can change. But the color change does not depend on the length of the hair; its color is affected by the level of melanin pigment; the higher it is, the darker the hair.

Hair pigmentation

Melanin is responsible for the intensity of color, and saturation depends on the amount of air in the pigment itself. There are two pigments responsible for hair color - eumelanin and pheomelanin. Eumelanin is black and brown in color. This pigment consists of elongated granules. Pheomelanin is responsible for yellow-red colors and consists of round and oval granules. In combination, they give a certain range of colors, which depends on the genetic factor. Most pigments are contained in the center of the hair, and there are almost no pigments in the cuticle of the hair.

If the hair contains more eumelanin, then the hair is dark. If, on the contrary, pheomelanin predominates, then the hair has reddish tints. And when the content of two pigments is not very high, then the hair has light tones.

The main hair colors are blond, light brown, red, brown and black. There are about 56 hair shades in total.

What can cause hair color to change?

It is quite common for children aged 2 years to change hair color. Hair usually reaches its final color by age 5. But in some cases this happens during puberty. During this period, hair may darken due to testosterone entering the body.

Between the ages of 20 and 30, hair may begin to lose pigmentation, the amount of melanin produced decreases, and a large number of air bubbles form, which leads to the appearance of gray hair. This process begins at the roots, first the hair becomes gray, and over time it becomes completely white.

At what age gray hair begins to appear depends on genetic predisposition person. The appearance of gray hair can be prevented. To do this you need to eat right, lead healthy image life, use hair care products.

Hair color can also change under the influence external factors, which provoke a malfunction in the production of melanin. For example, due to stress or lack of nutrients.

Diseases that affect hair color

There are diseases that affect hair color, for example, albinism, vitiligo, Werner's syndrome.

Albinism is a genetic abnormality in which the hair, eyes and skin contain very low amounts of pigment. Albinos have very pale skin and hair and grayish eyes.

Vitiligo is a disease during which hair and skin lose color. The disease can develop due to autoimmune diseases.

Werner's syndrome can cause premature graying.

Why do some people have wonderful, full hairstyles while others don't? Do they have more hair, or are they structured differently somehow? And how many hairs does a person have on his head? Let's start from the very beginning. The first hairs begin to appear on the embryo at 4-5 months in the mother’s belly. At first there are very few of them. Gradually their number reaches the normal, statistical average.

What is it, normal? Experts give the figure 100 thousand. But she's very average. The actual number varies greatly. You can say, for example, how many hairs there are on the heads of blondes - 150 thousand (it turns out that blondes are the hairiest). And the weakest “hat” is the red-haired European, who has about 70 thousand hairs.

It's no secret that our “hairstyle” is constantly updated. The residue on the comb should not scare anyone, unless, of course, it goes off scale. A natural question arises: how much hair should fall out, say, per day? You can do some simple calculations. About 15% of hair is in the process of hair loss, which lasts up to 100 days. Let's take the average hair growth figure, which is typical for most brunettes (100 thousand). This means that 15 thousand of their hairs are going to fall out. If this number is divided by 100 days, it turns out that approximately 150 pieces should fall out every day.

Of course, no one will count how much hair a person has left on his head, because instead of the ones that fall out, new ones appear, and this process is continuous. That's why general form our hair does not change, unless, of course, we visit the hairdresser.

However, most women are not so much concerned with the question of how much hair there is on their head, how long the hair lives, how long it grows and how to make the hair thick and beautiful. It turns out that one hair lives in women almost 2.5 times longer than in men (five years versus two). And, by the way, this hair contains almost full information about our life during its existence. When the life cycle of a hair ends, it falls out, and the hair follicle “takes a vacation” for three months. Then, with renewed vigor, she takes on the task of “bearing” a new hair. One bulb can grow up to 30 new hairs. By the way, there is one more difference between men and women: women’s hair sits 2 mm deeper under the skin than men’s. So, the problem of baldness worries more the stronger half of humanity.

The speed of hair growth varies from person to person. The maximum figure is 0.5 mm per day, per month it will be 1.5 cm. On average, 1 cm per month is considered normal. This speed also depends on the length of the hair. The smaller it is, the faster the hair grows.

But, perhaps, it is not so interesting how much hair is on a person’s head as what affects hair growth. And, of course, I want to know why some people's hair grows faster and others slower. To do this, let's talk a little about Actually, the rod itself consists of 95% keratin. This is a proteinaceous horny substance rich in sulfur and nitrogen. Growth depends on how much of this keratin our body produces in the follicle. This is a pouch in which the hair follicle is located, from which it receives all the nutrients and building substances, as well as pigment. With age, less pigment, as well as substances useful for hair growth, is released, which is why older people don’t have as much hair on their heads as they did in their youth, and gray hair appears.

We can summarize: how much hair a particular person has on his head depends on age, gender, the speed of hair growth and, of course, on how we care for it. Don't neglect special cosmetics, which help hair become stronger, stay in the follicle better and grow faster.

And finally, some interesting facts about our hair:

  • The average female braid can withstand 20 tons of load;
  • a Vietnamese man who had not cut his hair for more than 30 years;
  • human hair can be stretched by 20%, after which it will return to its previous length.

It is believed that from the head healthy person About a hundred hairs fall out every day. A lot at first glance? But if compared with their total number on the head, the figure will not look so scary.

How many hairs are there in our hair? Many people think that their number is impossible to determine. In fact, experts have already done approximate calculations depending on a person’s gender, age and even skin color.

How many hairs are there on your head?

It has been established that up to 150 thousand hairs grow on the head of an average person. In order to count more accurately, it is necessary to find out their color. So, blondes can boast of the most luxuriant hair. On average, there are 140–150 thousand hairs on their heads. For brown-haired and brunette men, this number is somewhat lower - from 100 to 110 thousand, and nature allocated the smallest number to redheads - only about 80-90 thousand.

This diversity is explained by the thickness of the hairs, determined in accordance with the thickness of human skin. The rougher the skin, the thicker the hair and the fewer their number on the head. Redheads have the densest skin, and accordingly, their hair is the coarsest - with a cross-section of about 0.07 mm. Brown and blond people have thin skin, which is why their hair is very thin - no more than 0.04 mm in thickness.

What determines the number of hairs on the head?

There are many factors that influence the number of hairs. The main one is age. The child's hair begins to grow while still in the mother's womb. Birth number hair follicles in a baby it is about 600 per 1 square centimeter of skin, and as they grow older their number gradually decreases.

In the first year of life, a child has about 400 bulbs, by the age of 12 - only 320. Along with it, the thickness of the hair grows, making the hair look fuller.

The most thick hair Children aged 12–14 years have it. Over time, the hairs become thinner, do not grow as well and, most importantly, fall out more. Older people lose up to 120 hairs a day on average, and no more hair grows back in their place. It has been proven that women at the age of 50 lose about 20% of their original hair volume.

The second factor that affects the fullness of hair is gender. Women have thinner skin, which is why they have about 10% more hair than men. In addition, the body of men produces male hormones, causing them to lose about 120 hairs per day, compared to about 80 for women.

Another reason that affects the thickness of hair is the lifespan of hair and its growth rate. On average, each hair lives from 4 to 10 years. During the day it grows by about 0.4 mm, and during the daytime hair grows much more actively than at night.

They behave differently depending on the time of year. Best growth observed in summer and spring, and most severe loss celebrated in the autumn season.

Why does hair fall out?

If 80 to 120 hairs fall out per day, this is considered normal. If their number is much higher, you should think about it and perhaps consult a doctor. There are many reasons for hair loss. The most harmless ones are wearing tight hats or walking without a hat in frosty weather.

Sometimes a decrease in hair volume is caused by stressful situations, poor diet, internal diseases, and the use of certain medications. The cause of loss can also be heredity. Some young people begin to go bald even at the age of 18–20, which is associated with the same disease in one of their relatives.

How to count your hair?

Counting the number of hairs on your head is quite simple. For every square centimeter skin in adults there are approximately 270 follicles, and the surface of the head has an area of ​​about 580 square centimeters. Thus, on average there are 156.6 thousand hairs on the head.

To more accurately calculate the volume of your own hair, you need to contact a specialist. Some salons offer a computer phototrichogram, which allows you to determine the number of hair follicles per centimeter of skin.

“Even the hairs of your head are numbered” - this is exactly the phrase that can be found in the Gospel of Matthew. For religious people, the meaning of this statement is very deep, and inquisitive minds who are not interested in religious philosophy simply want to know: how many hairs are there on average on a person’s head? What life cycle a single hair and what does it depend on? So, first things first...

How to count the number of hairs on your head?

For obvious reasons, determine exact value is not possible, so trichologists (dermatologists specializing in the study hairline) resort to approximate calculation methods. An area of ​​one square centimeter is allocated on different areas of the head, after which a count is made and the average value (amount per square centimeter) is displayed.

It is interesting that the density of hair on the parietal, occipital and temporal zones varies significantly: for example, the hair is thickest on the top of the head, and the thinnest is in the lower part of the back of the head, while the amount of hair in women is usually 15-25% more than in men . Some scientists associate gender differences with different depths of hair follicles (for representatives of the fairer sex this figure is 2 mm greater).

The amount of hair varies from person to person, and normal values vary over a wide range. The lucky ones, to whom nature has given luxuriant hair, have about 350 hair follicles per square centimeter, and for those who cannot boast of thick hair, their number barely reaches a hundred.

The average area of ​​the scalp of an adult is approximately 540-580 cm2, from here it is easy to calculate how much hair is on the average head of a man and a woman, and how it grows depends on the genetic characteristics of the body.

Factors affecting hair quantity

The density of the hairline is largely determined by the color of the hair: the fullness of the hair falls in the order of blondes - brown-haired - brunettes - redheads. So, if on average blondes have 140 thousand hairs, then in redheads, by nature - no more than 90000.

Age plays a significant role: babies have the most hair follicles, adolescence the amount of hair decreases by only 3-5%, and then annually by 0.5-1%. After 50 years, hair density usually remains stable.

Interestingly, the thickness of the braid and the pomp of the hairstyle are largely determined by the structure of the hair. So, a natural blonde’s braid will always look thinner than a brunette’s, although the amount of blond hair is at least 30% greater.

How does hair grow?

Scientists estimate the lifespan of hair at 5-6 years. Of course, to determine this parameter, no one marks the hair, and the calculation is made based on the average growth rate. Thus, in a healthy person, hair length increases by only 0.033 mm per day (or 1 cm per month). To a first approximation, such a figure seems insignificant, but based on the average amount of hair on our head, every day we grow... from 2.5 meters(for redheads) up to 5 meters(for blondes)!

There are also unique ones whose hair length reaches several meters. As a rule, the thickness of the end part of the braid reaches only a few millimeters, but this indicates that some of the hair of the record holders has been growing for decades! Scientists are inclined to believe that genetics is the determining factor, and only then are subjective parameters (quality of food, water, environmental conditions, etc.).

A phototrichogram, a service offered by some cosmetic clinics and beauty salons, will help you find out the exact amount of hair on your head. A repeatedly enlarged image of a small area of ​​hair allows not only to count the number of hairs, but also to determine the stage of their growth.

There are people in the world who periodically complain that their hair is falling out. However, they probably don’t know that on average a person loses about a hundred hairs every day and this is considered normal. However, they are sure that they will soon go bald, they begin to worry and wonder how much hair there is on their head? Let's look for the answer together.

To answer this question, you need to find out the color of your hair. So, if he is red, then you can count about 80 thousand hairs on your head. Brunettes have a little more of them - about one hundred thousand, and the leaders are blondes, who can boast of a much larger figure - up to 140 thousand. Why nature ordered it this way, alas, is not known.

The outer part of the hair that we see is called the shaft, and the inner part, which is located under the skin, is called the bulb. Next to the bulb is a follicle - a hair follicle. Based on the shape of the follicle, you can determine what kind of hair a person has: curly hair grows from an oval follicle, and straight hair grows from a round one.

The hair has three layers. The first of them, the outer one, is called the cuticle. It is formed from scaly cells that cover each other. Then, under the cuticle, there is a second layer - the cortex. It consists of dead cells. Also in its composition you can find melanin - a substance that is responsible for hair color. In the center you can see the soft medulla (third layer), which presumably supplies the necessary elements to the two above layers.

By the way, do you know why your hair is so shiny? It turns out that the natural fatty lubricant secreted by sebaceous glands located in the skin. It is worth noting that lubricant also performs protective function. However, if there is too much lubricant, which happens, for example, with hormonal imbalances, then the hair becomes too oily. If the secretion is not enough, then, accordingly, dry.

About hair loss

Unfortunately, many people face such a problem as hair loss. Today we will find out the reason for this phenomenon.

  • In fact, there can be many reasons. Firstly, this happens due to stressful situations. So, if you are constantly nervous, have problems at work or at home, or have a difficult exam in the near future, then you are at risk.
  • Secondly, never wear tight hats that protect your head but not... However, you can’t go outside without a hat in the cold either!
  • Thirdly, watch your diet! Of course, we all love to eat delicious food, but tasty food does not mean healthy! Don't forget about the vitamins you can get from fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Fourthly, the cause of the problem may be any internal disease. It is recommended to undergo a full examination by a specialist.
  • Fifth, some people are affected by the changing seasons. So, if in the summer they do not experience problems with their hair, then in the winter the latter begins to fall out...
  • Sixth, antibiotics may play a role, as well as some medications. In such cases, it is recommended to change the medicine, this should be done under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Finally, heredity. It's no secret that many young people begin to go bald between the ages of 18 and 20. It is unlikely that this can be attributed to internal problems of the body, but to heredity - please, especially if one of the relatives also suffers from such an illness.

And don't forget that a small amount of hair falls out every day - this is quite normal phenomenon and there is no need to panic.

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