Home Removal Organization of the workplace: the right workplace according to Feng Shui, tips, photos. How to advance your career? Feng Shui to the rescue

Organization of the workplace: the right workplace according to Feng Shui, tips, photos. How to advance your career? Feng Shui to the rescue

Every time I offer clients to set up a study table for a child facing a wall or window or with your back to the door, I immediately expect a question from those who have read books: “But with your back to the door and your face to the wall it is forbidden! Do you think that I don’t know what is written in books or taught in elementary courses? :)

Yes, you can't. But sometimes it’s possible :).

Since this question gets answered so often all the time, it's easier to write an article for everyone to clarify this. And even more so in the light of exams, admission to institutes or schools.

Let's look at the issue from all sides.

1. What guides us when we decide where to put the table?

The point is that when we decide how to place the table, we are guided by Not only condition “face/back to the door”, but also many factors. It's triggered inside our heads multi-stage analysis, which is expressed in the fact that we point a finger and say: “Put the table here.” But there's a lot of work going on inside.

Here are just some of the general factors we consider:

1. Favorable location

2. Favorable direction regarding the entire premises, room, person’s personality, based on formulas and calculations.

3. Following flow of qi layouts.

4. Following flow of qi(energy) by room, apartment relative surrounding landscape.

In apartments, it is often impossible to follow all the points at the same time. You have to choose what is more important in given specific conditions. Moreover, in each of this paragraph there are at least 2 more subparagraphs . For example, should I choose all this regarding San He or San Yuan? After all, they often do not intersect...

Of course, we are always guided by the rule “ form is more important than formula". However, in real life, everything is not so clear

2. Desk for a boss or a student? There is a difference.

The fact is that there is a difference between the conditions for placing tables in the office for example,

— director, sales manager, chief accountant or lawyer

— and a student student (no matter what age) Houses.

And between reasons desire to have a desktop at home. For example, let's look at the situations:

- You work at home, receive clients (for example, do a manicure), receive close clients in an informal setting;

- You just browsing the Internet to check traffic jams, play with toys, reply to friends’ emails;

- you are a child/adult, and you study while sitting at your desk;

- you are a child/adult, and there is a table for you, but there is no way to seat you at the table, anyway you will do your homework/work lying/sitting on the floor, laying out textbooks on the sofa or bed (believe me, there are a lot of them);

- you need a table just to have a table. What if you need...

- you need a table for prestige. The boss is at work, so he should be at home in his office, even if he doesn’t need to work at home...

Well, or other situations. Believe me, it is very important to know why do you need a table. His position also depends on this.

Sometimes you just need a table to have one, and you ask for a good place for it. Most often we have just one good place in the room. And we give in this case bed preference. This is more important.

But here if you work from home, then of course we will do our best to “dig out” at least something good In current situation.


For example, if you are looking for a place for a table in an office or in a house/apartment for receiving people, for work or to emphasize your status, then of course it is necessary that the table be placed facing those entering. Otherwise it would be strange, imagine if you somehow went to to CEO company, and he sits with his back to you...

Or you go into a company, and the reception desk has its back turned to you... It’s strange, you’ll agree. This is how to answer: “Get out of here, everyone’s got me.” That's why there is a term "boss position"

Whatever good stars neither were, for such a situation the “boss’s position” will always be on1st place V list of formulas, which we use to select a location.

PS " Boss' position" - this is the position of the table, sitting at which we “control” the entrance and see those entering. The best part is the part farthest away from the entrance.


What is important for the student? Study well. He does not need to receive guests or clients. Therefore in in this case I give preference (for apartments) to the Stars and sometimes, if possible, I combine this with san he (bazhai, 72 dragons, yin-yang regarding the environment, Academician’s Star). But this will not necessarily be associated with a “boss position.” This is not so important here.

3. Apartment or private house? There is a difference.

It makes a difference where we do feng shui.

  • In an apartment (or house, office) where we cannot, suppose (but sometimes it is possible), change the entrance doors, move the walls, doors.
  • Or in a private house/building, which was already originally built taking into account Feng Shui recommendations.

The fact is that in apartments(and especially small ones), we essentially have no choice. Most often, we choose not from what is good and even better, but from what is “acceptable” under given conditions. This is something that is better than the other positions, but not the best that is possible in this house.

And since most often what is more important to us is what happens Here and now(it’s important that debts be paid off now, that a new project progresses now, that you study well or pass exams now), then I always make a choice towards the San Yuan system, in which what is most important is time. Whereas in San He there are no such time characteristics (or rather, they exist there too, but not in periods, but in some years). But that’s another story, a topic of personal preference, we won’t go into it :).

However when we design a house and choose a plot, then we take into account, if possible, both san yuan and san he. And then you can plan in advance so that the position is of the “boss”, and so that the “here and now” helps, and so that the movement of energies is in accordance with the landscape. No problem.

In apartments, we do something from what is given to us. A series:

“I made him out of what I had. And then, whatever happened, I fell in love.”

In the house - we do what we need.

It's like being a boss or a subordinate. In the apartment we are subordinates. There are bosses in the house.

Do you feel the difference?

Thus, it is possible to place the table facing the wall, opposite the door or with its back to the door when we cannot see the entrance.

But only if when it is due to reasons our analysis of the situation.

If you do not study Feng Shui professionally, but still want to somehow help your family without inviting a consultant, of course, take these rules into account and follow the visible flow of qi.

But when you start studying Feng Shui, you will see that you can follow it completely when you yourself create the following you need(sorry for the tautology) in order to combine both forms and formulas (everything is important).

Learn how to build a favorable home based on Feng Shui

" " and Master class "

Is your desk in a cramped office? Well, even in this case, you can perfectly equip it according to Feng Shui. After all correct location table in relation to windows and doors, its arrangement, color scheme can affect your work.

1. A work table cannot be placed under protruding ceiling beams, as its protruding corners will generate destructive energy.
2. There is no place for the table on the common line between the window and the door, otherwise you and all your best initiatives along with the money will be “blown out” of the office.
3. Do not sit directly facing the door - it is better to sit diagonally.
4. Do not sit at your desk with your back to the door, or with your back to the corner. Let there be a flat wall or a closed closet behind you.
5. It is best to place the table near the wall, with your back to it, so that you can see everyone entering. Let the light fall on workplace left.

Mirror and table lighting are well lit

The place where you work should be well lit. Place a lamp with an ordinary light bulb on the table, with a golden shade - the color of wealth and prosperity. She will be a symbol of good luck. You have to be careful with the mirror. Try to sit so as not to be reflected in the mirror, otherwise any of your endeavors will dissolve.

Chair in the workplace

It should be proportional to the size of the table. It is advisable that it have armrests and a comfortable back - you will feel support and support in your affairs.

Arranging your desk according to Feng Shui

The workplace at the table can be divided into Bagua sectors and activated. Be sure to arrange your workspace according to Feng Shui at home. It is very useful to know in which sector your table is located and in which it should be. If the work is not going well, it is difficult to concentrate, then the table is clearly not in the right place.

Therefore, using the Bagua grid, it is better to determine the sector in which you will move your table. The best of these are, of course, the fame, fortune and career sectors. Activate those Feng Shui zones that are currently relevant to you in known ways - symbols, plants, colors.

If you work in an office, then it’s unlikely that you had the opportunity to choose a desktop, but you can still arrange it in accordance with the rules of Feng Shui.

If you share an office with colleagues, tables should not be placed face to face. This is fraught with conflicts.

  1. Your desk should not be in a single line between the window and the door. Turn it around or change seats.
  2. Turn it around if you find yourself sitting facing the wall, otherwise you won't be able to come up with new ideas.
  3. Do not sit with your back or face too close to the window. Better
  4. It is not recommended to have your back to the door or very close to it. It's best to do it diagonally.
  5. If your job involves money, there should be no mirrors in front, behind or on either side of you.
  6. If you have to sit with your back to the window and there is no way to move the table, cover the window with a curtain or blinds.
  7. You can’t sit under the air conditioner - it will “blow out” useful thoughts, fresh ideas, and dissipate energy.
  8. Try to avoid stairs near your desk.
  9. If your door opens onto a long corridor, you should not sit facing it. Stay away from long corridors.
  10. Try to make sure that there is no passage behind you.
  11. If you hold a leadership position, your desk should be located as far as possible from the entrance, corridors and passages - this can damage your career and reduce the authority of your subordinates.
Black and white offices are in fashion now, but these colors represent stagnation and despondency, not creativity. Brighten up your office interior with bright accents. Warm yellow will symbolize prosperity, green - confidence and calm, shades of red - an incentive to action.

And the most important thing for a workplace is perfect order and impeccable cleanliness.

Feng Shui workplace- this is not just a table for work, but also a source of new thoughts that arise here and begin to be embodied in the real world.

Each of us has periods when we give up and don’t want to do anything, and a person’s ability to work largely depends on his attitude towards results. Good atmosphere, family relationships, general state health also has an impact on how efficient the work process will be.

Feng Shui desktop designed to change a person's worldview, assure him of his abilities and give him an impetus. When developing this technique, the founders of Feng Shui took care of comfort and tranquility. It is in such conditions that it is possible to concentrate the most thinking process on one thing, without being distracted by external factors.

Eastern sages were the first to understand the importance of Feng Shui in residential areas. But if the teaching has an impact on the everyday environment, then it will be appropriate in the workplace, that is, in offices and classrooms, factories and studios, garages and restaurants.

Probably, many have noticed that in work offices you can often see innocent trinkets of this type, such as figurines, figurines or oriental models. All these areas have become popular in our country.

Those who have tested desktop feng shui on themselves claim that they discovered huge reserves. Such people became successful at work, deservedly received awards and praise from their superiors, and were respected colleagues and partners. They want to work, and they really enjoy it.

Take advantage of this teaching too. After all, most likely, you are also tired of forcing yourself to get up in the morning, barely open your eyes and get ready for the hated job with undisguised anger. You will be surprised when you join the labor movement. You will love, and truly love, your desk, your office and your responsibilities.

The goal of any job is to make good money. Feng Shui of your workplace will bring interesting and pleasant changes into your life. Your financial situation will improve instantly.

Feng Shui workplace: design rules

In order to transform your workplace, you don’t need to read a lot of dusty books, you don’t need to ask teachers of Eastern teachings for advice, you don’t need to spend nights on the Internet. It is enough to allocate a couple of hours of your time, and life will forever take on a completely different meaning.

  • The first and main rule of all Feng Shui is cleanliness and order. The same applies to the desktop. You've probably noticed that when the table is clean, only the things you need are on it. this moment things and objects, work is just in full swing. All decisions come easily and fall freely on paper. There is complete confidence in the correctness of all actions. Therefore, carry out a small audit of your workplace every day. It’s better to get rid of the trash right away, so it won’t accumulate and cause trouble and inconvenience.
  • The next step is the boxes. Don’t make it a habit to fill them with damaged erasers or scribbled ballpoint pens. After all, with such items you only give freedom to bad energy; it reigns freely in all corners of your office. With unnecessary, and even more so broken, things, we bring rifts and troubles into our lives.
  • Never cram into a minimum sized space. The place where you work should be large and spacious. What do you think, if a thought arises and abruptly ends up in a crowded and uncomfortable, dirty and cluttered room, what happens to it next? She tries to make her way to the door to continue on her way, but at every step she is intercepted and returned to her place. This is how your thinking is affected by a sloppy and impractical desk. Even if there is a computer on it, try to make sure that it takes up minimal space.
  • Don't try to decorate your table with fancy new fashions. Feng Shui of the desktop is simplicity, complete absence decor and decoration. During labor, the mind must be cool and pure.
  • Wood and products made from it are assistants in work. This is the element that strains everything mental activity and forces each neuron to join the process. But metal products should not be used as decorations.

Desktop and Bagua Grid

The Bagua grid is used to determine the appropriate areas in the room. The table can also be divided into main sectors. It is worth approaching this issue responsibly, because professional success directly depends on the correct activation of a particular area of ​​the workplace.

Divide the desk space into central part, right side and left side. So, let's proceed to directly determining the meaning of each zone.

Center of the table

This is the place that has the greatest influence on work success. It helps to cope with difficulties. It can be divided into three sections:

  1. Zone career growth and prospects.
  2. Zone of scale of further plans and successes.
  3. Glory Zone.

The first two are directly in front of you and require complete freedom. This means no need to fill them with papers or folders.

Excessive fullness will become an obstacle to the advancement of prospects and success. It is appropriate to place a laptop or computer monitor in this area.

The far central zone is the zone that is responsible for your rewards. Here you can place a figurine that depicts some kind of reward. For example, an award such as an Oscar would be suitable for professionals involved in cinematography.

Left side of the table

This area contains zones that are responsible for important areas human life. This:

  1. Zone of wealth and material well-being.
  2. Health zone.
  3. Knowledge Zone.

In order for your work to bring not only joy, but also good income, you need to take care of the design of the upper left corner. Desktop Feng Shui says that wealth loves red colors. So use items of this color. A red piggy bank toy will do.

If you love plants, then you can use a money tree here. Decorate it with red ribbons and small coins (you can use an artificial money tree).

Just below the previous sector is the area responsible for your general health and well-being.

Folders with projects under development and current affairs should be stored here. This will give you the strength to work on them and keep you mentally and physically active.

The lowest left point is the Knowledge zone. What does knowledge symbolize? Of course, scientific reference books and dictionaries. Your job most likely has some kind of guidelines and rules. Put them right here. So, if you need them, you can always use them, and you will also activate the zone responsible for the success of your mind and thinking.

Right side of the table

If we analyze right side table, then, moving from top to bottom, the following zones are located:

  1. Creativity Zone.
  2. Zone of Family and relationships between relatives.
  3. Zone of assistance and mutual assistance.

You probably have your most successful work, which was appreciated by both colleagues and superiors. This is exactly where she belongs in the zone of Creativity. She will encourage you to work in the same spirit. One or two folders will be enough.

The family serves as support in all endeavors, so the presence of family and friends is simply necessary at work.

Of course, your family members won't accompany you to every meeting or report, but a photo with them is quite suitable for creating a warm and cozy atmosphere.

The last right zone is responsible for help and support. To ensure that you always meet only honest partners, place a telephone here.

All the famous and famous people adhere to these recommendations. The heads of the most famous global companies carefully design the interior of both the entire workroom and each table separately. And they get what they want in the shortest possible time.

And in conclusion, I have prepared a video in which Feng Shui master Natalya Pravdina talks about how to activate feng shui zones on your desktop to attract money, luck and fame.

Just click on Play.

Desktop Feng Shui for wealth (video)

That's all the rules feng shui for desktop. Nothing complicated. If you do everything right, you can really help yourself. You will become much more successful, and your financial situation will pleasantly surprise you with its changes for the better. Colleagues will turn to you for advice, as your progress will cause true delight among those around you.

Live according to Feng Shui!

Alexandra Kalashnik,especially for the site ""


Suddenly I wanted changes in my office. What is the most common and affordable way produce them? That's right, move the table to another place.

After 2-3 attempts, he took a non-traditional position - I had to sit facing the door, located diagonally, and with my back to the wall. “Oh, how well you placed the table, right according to Feng Shui!” exclaimed a colleague who came to evaluate the rearrangement. To be honest, it never even occurred to me to think about Feng Shui on my desktop.

The main motive for such changes was the desire to disguise attempts to sometimes escape from everyday life and walk around with a thoughtful facial expression, personifying global busyness. social networks. No, no, abuse it, play solitaire, read articles about fashion trends It never even occurred to me.

I managed to do everything and was even considered a very promising employee in the office, but sometimes I needed a distraction, and a change of environment should have boosted my productivity. A colleague’s statement about Feng Shui in the workplace interested me; I wanted to decorate the table so that the beneficial energy of Qi would be a frequent guest not only in this office, but throughout the entire office.

Table position

Having become acquainted with the basic provisions, I realized that I had done everything correctly - the desk of an employee of any status should be located diagonally from the entrance. If you place it opposite the entrance, the Qi energy will not linger in the office.

It’s even worse if you have to sit with your back to the door or window, and you won’t lose your health for long. And the one who sits with his back to the door is the first candidate for dismissal. Sitting facing the wall means acquiring some narrowness of thinking.

Feng Shui of the workplace suggests that best protection- wall behind. It is advisable to hang a landscape with images of mountains on the wall, but only if they do not have sharp peaks. Any peaks or connections of straight lines are poisonous arrows that affect human well-being.
For the same reasons, bookshelves and filing cabinets should not be hung above your head or behind your back.

Desk - rules for organizing space

Before I started organizing my desktop according to Feng Shui, I got rid of the scribbled pens, unnecessary papers in the drawers, a broken stapler and a tattered computer mouse pad.

All things of this kind, broken and unused, should be thrown away immediately. One of the tenets of the teaching says that junk and old things are an obstacle to the circulation of beneficial energy.

Pretentious tables decorated with complex decorative elements, especially metal, with sharp corners and asymmetrical motifs are not welcome. Natural materials, especially wood, according to the fen shei of the workplace, help stimulate the work process in the office.

Octagon Bagua

Like many spaces organized according to Feng Shui, the desktop space in the office is oriented towards zones distributed along the Bagua octagon.

Its 8 sectors cover everything that is dear and important to a person. I visually divided the table into three parts: center, right and left-hand side, and then these parts into 8 zones:

  • Directly in front of the person sitting, according to Feng Shui, the desktop is located quarry area. This is where my assistant on the path to a career stands - a computer. It is believed that ideal order should reign here, and it is better to completely free this place from unnecessary objects.

    The desktop screensaver has important. I placed a picture of a waterfall there, because water brings money, and why do you need a career that is not accompanied by financial incentives?

  • Further beyond the career zone in a straight line is located future plans area, development prospects. I planned to continue working in this office, so I put a folder there with a plan for our working group for a new project.
  • Even further, and also straight - glory zone. The company's achievements in general and yours in particular, the company logo - that's what should be there. There are no such attributes, which means you need to put a jade pyramid there, which is what I did. And again, there should not be anything superfluous that obscures the perspective. Purity and emptiness are your sign to the Universe that you are ready for fruitful work.
  • Top right - family zone. Two children's faces with a serious dad between them smile cheerfully at me from the photo, adding motivation to work and positive emotions.
  • Middle right - creativity zone. There should be already completed projects or things that embody creativity for each individual person.
  • Bottom right - according to Feng Shui, the workplace should be occupied helpers and patrons. A work phone, a diary, a notebook, a business card holder are the inhabitants of this place. I have a list of phone numbers of business contacts in our office and beyond.
  • Top left - wealth sector. This is where a pot with a money tree or a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth would be nice. But as soon as I imagined the face of the head of the department looking at these attributes, I somehow didn’t want to bring the fat plant in a pot and the toad here. It turned out that they can be replaced with a table clock and a table lamp, and if these items are purple, a bonus or salary increase is not far off.
  • Middle left - health zone and physical activity . This is where what you would like to spend your energy in the near future should be – projects, articles, coursework, dissertation. Place them there in a neat pile, and the strength will appear on its own.
  • Bottom left - knowledge zone. Reference books or other items that are sources of knowledge for you are appropriate there. You can keep a notepad and pen there as a symbol of openness to gaining knowledge. If there is nothing like that, then a rock crystal would be appropriate in this zone.
It is absolutely not necessary to clutter all the tables in the office with crystals and pyramids with table lamps. The main thing is to choose what is relevant for everyone at the moment and activate this particular area of ​​the desktop.

Organizing your computer desktop

A three-legged toad, a crystal and a jade pyramid are symbols of successful work.

Wise teaching is universal, like many things and concepts that have stood the test of time. It also paid attention to the organization of the computer desktop. Its screensaver will be selected in accordance with Feng Shui if it contains views of nature that have a perspective. A flat pattern is considered a deviation from the canons of Feng Shui.

Organizing your computer desktop - basic rules:

  • Clutter is not welcome there either; a chaotic arrangement of shortcuts without any system does not add organization to such a user’s everyday life.
  • All elements need to be arranged according to Feng Shui, focusing on the Bagua map. The top of the screen is the zone of reputation and fame, Bottom part– career and life path, Right side– family, the left side – creativity, the center represents health and well-being.
  • It is best to hide unnecessary icons in folders or delete them completely, leaving only the main shortcuts on the screen.
  • The “Trash” icon cannot be placed in the center of the screen, otherwise your well-being will flow into it along with your health. Its place is in the northwestern corner of the desktop.
To be honest, the chaos on the computer desktop was subconsciously annoying even without the teachings of Feng Shui. After spending half a working day, I put everything in relative order. Why does everything go back to normal so quickly?

One thing is good, there is something to strive for. I don’t know how to activate the necessary zones, but as for organization in the workplace, Feng Shui helped a lot here. It turns out that traditional teaching can also be used in the modern world.

In order for people to work fruitfully, it is necessary to create suitable working conditions. This should begin at the stage of planning office space; if this is not possible, then it is worth paying attention to the design of workplaces.

Organization of the workplace: important rules

To organize your workplace correctly follow these tips:

    "Quality furniture - more expensive than money» . If it is not possible to completely update the furniture, do it at least for the departments that work with clients and definitely for the manager. This will immediately increase the status of your enterprise in the eyes of people and accordingly increase your profits.

    “A table and chair create comfort”. The correct selection of this furniture will reduce staff fatigue. Considering that everyone is of different height, it is better to choose chairs with lift-up seats.

    "Clean table". There should be no objects on the work surface that are not related to work.

    “Every thing has its place”. All documents without exception must have their permanent place. At the end of the working day, you definitely need to sort everything out.

    "Use organizers". To avoid cluttering your workspace, store all small items in a special stand.

    “Clean where they don’t litter”. The administration should introduce some restrictions in the office, for example, ban smoking and food consumption in offices.

    "Lighting". A sufficient amount of light is a factor that has a positive effect on the comfortable work and health of the employee.

    "Fresh air". Fresh air indoors increases productivity and reduces employee fatigue.

    "Volume". You need to choose the best option for external noise that will not cause discomfort to employees.

    "Ambient air temperature". The environment affects the work of the entire team. Try to optimize it so that everyone has a good time.

For most of the population, work is an integral part of life.

People get different emotions from labor activity , to some she brings pleasure and prosperity, but there are those for whom work is a burden. In any case, a person spends most of his time at work, so you need to know how to make your stay as comfortable and successful as possible.

Organization of the workplace: the correct location of the desktop according to Feng Shui

Lately it's been great meaning when organizing their living space, people give feng shui rules. It is this science that optimizes energy flows, which increases the chances of success and prosperity. There is nothing complicated about it, all you need is to determine the correct location of the desktop and the objects that will be located on it.

Desk location according to Feng Shui: tips

    Between the table and the wall on the contrary it should be enough free space- it denotes your plans for the future. How longer distance, the higher you can move up the career ladder.

    The table should not be placed under the ceiling beams- they produce destructive energy. If this is not possible, place vases with fresh flowers, they will take away some of the negativity.

    It is forbidden organize workplace on the same line between the window and the door- you will simply be blown away by the flow of energy. Try to turn the table as perpendicular to these objects as possible.

    Give up table position towards the door face or back - best option diagonally. You will see the door, and your back will be protected from an invisible threat.

    If in the room huge windows, better stay away from them. On energy level they cause an unconscious danger. If there is no chance to change the place, close them with curtains or hang blinds. Additionally, you can decorate the window sills with flowers in pots.

    Don't sit under the air conditioner Not only can it cause illness, but it will also blow all thoughts out of your head and interfere with your work. If possible, move your desk to a safe location.

    For good and fruitful work there should be a lot of light above the table. The ideal option is a lamp with an ordinary light bulb in a honey or gold shade; it will become your symbol of good luck.

    The workplace should not be reflected in the mirror, all your efforts will be absorbed by him. Even if you like to admire yourself while working, try to give up this pleasure and sit away from the mirror.

    Chair near the desk has too great importance, his dimensions must be proportional to the table. It is better if there are armrests and a good back - this will give you a feeling of support and support. Don’t skimp on a quality chair; it will even add confidence in your abilities.

    For managers the best option will arrange your workplace, as possible further from the entrance to the office. A different location will negatively affect your career and even reduce your authority in the team. After all, it’s still according to the rules ancient world the leader always chooses best place.

    It is better for subordinates to sit in front of their superiors, this will provide him full protection and support.

When you get a job in a big office, then no opportunity to choose your own workplace. However, you can still help yourself by setting up a personal workplace according to Feng Shui recommendations, which will help neutralize negative impact from the outside and stabilize the situation.

To have wealth and success in your career, Feng Shui rules:

    the best location will be the northern part of the room;

    Place a “money tree” in the southeastern part;

    hang a picture of a turtle behind your back;

    the table lamp should be red.

We've figured out the arrangement of the furniture, now let's add everything correct position items in the workplace. This will become a definite talisman for achieving even greater success in work and harmony in relationships with colleagues.

If your desk resembles a mini landfill, don't expect to have a successful career. Feng Shui means perfect order, because without this, positive energy will not be able to circulate freely. To do this, you need to put everything in its place; allocate a desk or cabinet drawer for this. The first thing to do is use the "bagua" - energy map, which divides any space into 9 parts, each of which is responsible for a certain area of ​​life. Ask yourself what is most important to you in life and, based on the answer, organize your workplace in accordance with your preferences.

Arrangement of objects on the table according to Feng Shui:

    Place a lighting fixture in the far left corner. This place is responsible for financial well-being.

    Place your photo in the middle left your loved ones or a talisman that is associated with family happiness.

    Store books on the front left or other items to record. Add here some blue object to stimulate your cognition.

    The area in the back center is responsible for reputation. Place a red lamp or your rewards in this place.

    In the middle in the center is the place of health. Try to always keep it spotlessly clean, it is better if there are flowers there.

    Front in the center - career site. There should be a computer here. A screensaver that shows an ocean or waterfall symbolizes money.

    Back right - relationship zone. Place a photo of your loved one here, if there is no such person, then a red flower to attract love.

    Middle right - creativity zone. Place magazines or any metal or iron objects in this place.

    Place on the front right customer phone lists.

    Crystal pyramid in the southern part will be your assistant in overcoming all difficulties on the way to promotion.

    Success in negotiations will provide four-armed Ganesha. Its best location is right hand from yourself, from time to time turn to him and stroke him.

    There are others talismans appropriate on the table, which are responsible for material abundance are the three-legged toad, money tree and Chinese coins. The main thing to remember is that the last item should be hidden from prying eyes; put them under the keyboard.

Having done everything right, soon You notice positive changes At work.

The attitude with colleagues and superiors will change. The manager will begin to notice your merits and colleagues’ knowledge.

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