Home Oral cavity Torsion gears. Devices for transmitting computer data over long distances

Torsion gears. Devices for transmitting computer data over long distances

History of development.

Experiments in the field of torsion fields, as well as with
some consequences of the Theory of physical vacuum G.I. Shipov and phyton
models by A.E. Akimov.

Since the mid-80s, defense departments and the KGB have financed
scattered pseudoscientific closed developments revolving around problems
communications, weapons, and non-medicinal effects on people. In 1986
unification took place various groups: they were included in the resolution of the Council of Ministers. At
The State Committee for Science and Technology has formed the "Center for Non-Traditional Technologies" headed by the General
director cand. those. Sciences Akimov Anat. Evgen. (in different audiences he
introduces himself either as a specialist in quantum electrodynamics or as
electronics physicist, or as a communications specialist). Since then it has been accepted
unitary "ideology" using the terms "spinor" or "torsion"
fields, sometimes combined with the words “bioenergy”. Actually,
heretical movements with three ideologists persist: A.E. Akimov, A.F. Okhatrin
and A.V. Chernetsky. In a report on the development of the Center’s work, Akimov talks about two
periods: 25 years of “fundamental” work and the last decade - active
implementation of “discoveries” into practice.

It is argued that a new
fundamental long-range interaction between objects having an angular
moment, including spin. This interaction explains all the common
fables about “psychics”, healers, UFOs and “poltergeists”, etc.
At the same time, the creation of a “unified theory of physical vacuum” was proclaimed
one of the types of polarization of which is the “torsion” field. Created and
Generators of these fields and radiation are supplied (100 thousand apiece). But
no receivers! These fields are recorded indirectly by their supposed biological
action and with the help of the same psychics. Simultaneously (which is several
inconsistent!) it is argued that the problem of transformation has already been solved
"torsion" energy into electrical energy and back with an efficiency of 0.95. Torsion bar
radiation is characteristic of all objects of living and inanimate nature (except for humans
in a dying state: the absence of a torsion field is a sure sign

Torsion fields are not absorbed or shielded, but can
focus, transmitted through fiberglass and copper wire. By using
these fields are supposed to be solved widest spectrum communication problems, defense,
intelligence, technology, medicine, biology, agriculture, ecology and
etc., see appendix. It is argued that by now
The following achievements were recorded:

A) “Addressed” communication over any distance in any environment.
Information is transmitted in the form of intensity modulation of the "spinor"
(“torsion”) radiation. Using a "matched matrix" radiation
"string flow" at a speed of a million times the speed of light
delivered to the addressee and only to him. (The addressee is a psychic, and the “agreed
matrix" - his photograph!).

B) Gravity compensation. It is stated that it was observed
controlled weight change.

C) Melting of ideally amorphized materials in "torsion"

D) Energy production from vacuum.

D) Of course, all healing.

Etc. and so on.

Committee of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on Science and Technology
meeting on July 4, 1991, considered the issue of ongoing research in a number of scientific
divisions of the USSR (at the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Academy of Sciences of the republics, in scientific research
structures of a number of ministries and departments) research in the field of so-called.
"non-traditional technologies", in particular those designated in the popular
literature and reports from a number of organizations as “spinor (torsion)” or
"microleptonic" fields.
As formulated by the members of the Committee, the specified
the circumstance gave additional grounds to the USSR Ministry of Defense,
Ministry of Atomic Energy Industry of the USSR, military unit 10003 Ministry of Defense of the USSR, Innovation Council
under the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR to create the ISTC "Vent" (its
A.E. Akimov became general director) and expanded financing
of these works in the amount of many millions of rubles. According to A.E. Akimov,
only on the defense line, the cost of projects amounted to 23 million rubles, and on
to his other messages the general allocations for the totality of various
channels, including through the Military-Industrial Commission under the Cabinet
Ministers of the USSR make up to 500 million rubles (these data refer to non-

Let's return from papers to real wonderful specimens

The design of Akimov's torsion generators

A large body of experimental results concerns the impact
so-called torsion generators for various substances and processes.
Torsion generators were produced by various organizations, but the main one
the mass was released at ISTC Vent.

"Now I would like to show you what the internal structure looks like
this generator, because its elemental base has nothing to do with
elemental base of conventional radio electronics and, if such a device came into possession
experts who deal with traditional technology, they would find
there are a lot of things that, from the point of view of a traditional engineer,
in particular, a specialist in radio electronics or radio communications wears simply
a certain senseless character such as a situation where, for example, two or three
output can be via internal circuits from an electrical point of view
short-circuit, but at the same time they give completely different outputs
sensory signals."
"Inside these double cones, exactly in the center, along the axis and along
in the center there is a special element, which is the primary source
torsion radiation. And everything else that is contained in this device is in
this generator are devices that allow the radiation that
creates in different directions in accordance with the laws of axial
symmetry internal primary source, put together and somehow
modify it. These devices that you see here, this cone and
the second cone on the opposite side and these triangles that
are located exactly along the axis of symmetry, along the plane of symmetry, they all have
golden ratio relationships. This cone has a height of 0.618 from
diameter, and the height of each triangle is also 0.618 in relation
to its base. As a result of implementing this design, we have
a series of tricks. The focus is at the apex of this cone, the focus is at the apex of this cone and
focuses that are distributed along the vertices of these triangles, in which
all the energy of the primary emitter, the primary torsion
According to Akimov and Shipov, torsion fields accompany
electromagnetic fields, and generators of Akimov’s design configure
torsion component, while shielding the electromagnetic component. This
the class of torsion field formed by the electron spin was called
electric torsion. Torsion generators of this type consume power
on the order of tens of milliwatts.

And this is Akimov’s portable generator.
Time passes and progress is not worth it.

This experience proves that it is possible for the Antichrist computer to control and influence chips (chipped people) from a distance..... Let me remind you that this radiation passes through dense matter (walls, for example, or the ground).
((((When exposed to torsion fields on solutions, it is noted
remote communication between solutions located in the coverage area
generator of torsion fields and beyond. The initial calcium phosphate solution was
poured into two fused quartz cuvettes, 50 ml each, then cuvettes
were separated into different rooms at a distance of 20 meters. To one of the ditches
was exposed to a torsion field. After about 60 min. in
in the second control cuvette, fluctuations in the viscosity of the solution were recorded,
similar to fluctuations in the viscosity of a solution exposed to
torsion field.
Solution samples taken from both cuvettes after crystallization
showed the identity of the crystal structure, which differed from the original one,
and was determined by the modulation frequency of the torsion field.
Experimental results show that torsion fields
influence interatomic, intermolecular and supramolecular

Biological effects

Torsion experiments were carried out on animals and plants.
The main effect was stated to be that the torsion field is “right twisted”
has a positive effect on the vital activity of living organisms, and the left field
twist" has a negative effect.
Many experiments on biological objects were also done
A.V. Bobrov.
Torsion research went hand in hand with psychophysical
research. Actually, the research activities of Akimov and many
his colleagues had two directions: work with torsion generators and
working with psychics. The main statement that he makes
defended: the influence of psychics has a torsion nature. Experiments,
indicating the influence of psychics on physical sensors, actively
conducted by A.V. Bobrov in Tbilisi, and then in Orel, G.N. Dulnev in St. Petersburg,
A.G. Parkhomov in Moscow. In all these experiments, special attention
turned out to be the release of a non-electromagnetic impact factor by
shielding of sensors and their temperature control.
All of the above plus some other experiments allowed
suggest that the psychobiological fields of psychics and fields from
torsion generators have the same, or at least close

Alternative methods for assessing PTS in Lately proposed
use some type of radioactive natural background measurement
sensor ionizing radiation. When placing a counting sensor in the STI zone
pulses (Geiger counter or solid-state scintillation counter) can be
make an appropriate assessment of the ETS. Everything else remains valid here
provisions mentioned above, with the exception of magnetic field calibration.
The sensitivity of the ionizing radiation sensor is several orders of magnitude higher
quartz, however, the latter is more stable compared to
all other types of sensors.
These results were obtained in the 90s. In recent years, among
researchers of torsion fields and manufacturers of torsion products have become
popular device IGA-1 (Indicator of Geophysical Anomalies), developed
Y.P.Kravchenko at the Ufa State Aviation Technical
University (http://www.iga1.ru/).
IGA-1 is an integral phase detector, i.e.
measures the phase shift of a background electromagnetic signal of a certain frequency
based on a reference signal. It is widely used for searching
geopathogenic zones, as well as searching for pipelines. Unlike
IGA-1 metal detectors are capable of finding any irregularities underground, and
this property is used incl. to search for bodies under the rubble and to search

The device allows you to register and evaluate even the smallest
phase shift deviations at two different spatial points...
The circuit diagram of the IGA-1 device itself is based on classical
radioelements and represents a radio receiver of ultra-weak fields in
range 5-10 kHz, but its construction (functional diagram), and also not
a very common shape and design of the antenna for this frequency range,
perhaps it allows you to fix the torsion component, i.e. antenna IGA-1
Most likely it is a torsion field sensor. The IGA device is built according to
radio receiver circuit (however, this circuit is not entirely ordinary; in the 50s there were
regenerative receivers, then they were replaced by superheterodynes, i.e. close to
Judging by the page of device users (about 150 are listed)
users in Russia, and 30 abroad), about half of the released
devices are used to search for geopathogenic zones, the other half - for
search for pipelines. The device is also used by manufacturers of torsion bars.
generators and medical and educational institutions. Experimenting with
More than 50 articles have been devoted to the device, the device is protected by nine Russian patents
For the first time it was reported that the IGA-1 device records torsion fields.
declared in September 2004 at the Kyiv conference (he sat on the presidium and
Academician Akimov, and in Russia these fields have not yet been officially recognized).
Then in Omsk, former military doctor Anatoly Aleksandrovich Kosov, veteran
The FSB, working with the IGA-1 device, found a torsion generator,
left over from previous cases and tried it, really the IGA-1 device
detects this radiation. For 11 years, we have been producing IGA-1 devices with
arrow indication, which shows the boundary and the presence of an anomaly. C 3
quarter of 2005, they began to produce devices with additional digital
an indication that shows the intensity in relative terms, and
from Omsk confirmed to us that digital display can be used to evaluate
the magnitude of torsion fields.
Non-electromagnetic component of laser radiation

In the work "Information torsion fields in medicine"
A.V. Bobrov considers a common method of therapy: laser therapy.
This method involves illuminating a certain area with a low-intensity laser
body area. As far as one can judge, laser therapy devices are widely
used in medical practice. The author draws attention to
paradoxical properties of this method:

Using a laser, they even affect internal organs, then
while the laser beam penetrates only fractions of a millimeter into the skin;

The effect is observed when exposed to a laser beam through clothing
and even a plaster cast;

The effect increases when applied to the irradiated area
drug (laser phoresis).

The author points out that existing methods explanation of the mechanism
laser therapy cannot explain these paradoxes, and concludes that here
there is a torsion component of laser radiation, the existence of which
was predicted by A.E. Akimov in the early 90s, and experimentally
found by A.V. Bobrov in 1997
Dry yeast kept in sealed containers was exposed to radiation.
steel containers. Their emission of carbon dioxide was determined by their
biological activity(an indicator of winterase activity). Experiments
showed that radiation is most effective at a repetition rate
pulses of the order of kilohertz, and that radiation passed through any
substance (“matrix”), changes the biological effect on yeast depending
depending on what substance is used as the matrix. And if
pass rays from the “Bobrov generator” through composite matrices,
biological action depends significantly on the order in which the elements appear
on the beam path: the most significant contribution is made by the last element, i.e.
closest to sample (38). It was also found that the effectiveness
exposure increases with decreasing wavelength of emitted light.
If we recall the results obtained by Kurapov and Panov in
metallurgy (where a plate of nickel or
magnesium), then we can talk about a new class of phenomena - the transfer of information about
substance through torsion radiation and the impact of this information on
physical and biological processes.
So, when treating a wound with a diameter of 12-15 cm on the surface of the body
animal approximately 20 minutes after the first information
exposure, we observed significant changes in exposed tissue throughout
its area. The pus, which completely covered it before the impact, remained in a narrow
perimeter strip; in the exposed muscle tissue over the entire area of ​​the wound there was
a significant influx of blood was noted, which caused its significant swelling.
This reaction can be considered as a result of local impact on
vascular system. From all of the above we can conclude: the reaction
organism on information impact with the use of a medicinal drug
occurs at two levels - genetic and tissue.
Method of therapeutic effects of incoherent radiation
LEDs are used in a number of medical devices along with other
methods of electromagnetic therapy of non-thermal intensity.

Torsion fields and technologies

The development of different countries of the world during the post-war period has shown that if the technological lag exceeds a certain threshold interval (for many technologies 8-12 years), then overcoming the technological lag becomes a practically impossible task, the country “lags behind forever,” as rightly noted in the famous parable about a visit by a Japanese delegation to one of the factories in the USSR more than 20 years ago. However, the only possibility still exists. If an extremely rare situation occurs and the development of fundamental science makes it possible to understand ways to create technologies based on new physical principles, then the country that has mastered such technologies suddenly finds itself at a qualitatively higher level. high level, becoming a leader in global development.

Such a situation can only come true as a unique chance that cannot be planned. Such a chance appeared in the fate of Russia. One of the RAS academicians wrote in 1988 that there are still “many blank spots on the map of long-range actions.” This figurative expression, however, quite accurately reflects the existence in physics of the problem of searching for new universal (in Uchiyama’s terminology), the same long-range fields as electromagnetism or gravity. There are private models from different authors that have not received proper development. However, one direction has stood the test of time - torsion fields (torsion fields), predicted in 1922 by the French scientist Elie Cartan.

Over 60 years, more than 12 thousand scientific works have been carried out on the theory and applied problems of torsion fields(the bibliography was prepared by P.I. Pronin, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, Physics Department of Moscow State University, and published with the support of Dr. Hel from the University of Cologne in Germany). There are many works that introduce torsion fields as a physical object in different ways. However, the leading direction was the Einstein-Cartan theory (ECT). Within the framework of the fuel and energy complex, torsion fields were considered as a manifestation of gravity and the effects associated with them were assessed as weak and practically unobservable. However, already within the framework of the fuel and energy complex it was established that nonlinear theories do not necessarily require small effects.

Moreover, works have appeared that connect experimental results with the manifestation of torsion fields (for example, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences Yu.N. Obukhov in Russia, Professor De Sabbota in Italy, etc.) The situation finally became clearer with the appearance of the works of Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G.I. Shilov on the theory of physical vacuum. As part of these works, attention was drawn to the fact that standard approaches, based on the ideas of E. Cartan, introduce torsion phenomenologically. Apparently the phenomenological approach gives rise to many difficulties in the fuel and energy complex. At a fundamental level, torsion fields are introduced based on Ricci torsion.

This approach removed many theoretical difficulties, and the creation in the early 80s in Russia of torsion generators - sources of torsion radiation - opened up unique opportunities, initially in experimental research, and later in the development of technologies.

At the first stage, the work was carried out under cooperation agreements with leading scientific organizations and scientists of the country (academicians of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.N. Bogomolov, M.M. Lavrentyev, V.I. Trefilov, A.M. Prokhorov). With the support of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers N.I. Ryzhkov, work on torsion topics was developed in the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR on the basis of a resolution of the Chairman of the State Committee for Science and Technology, Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences N.P. Laverov. Subsequently, under the Program "Torsion Fields. Torsion Methods, Means and Technologies", signed by Academician A.M. Prokhorov, A.E. Akimov and directors of other organizations, more than a hundred organizations took part.

All work performed was open, and the main results of scientific or applied interest were published. The most important initial goal of all the work being carried out was to create a set of torsion technologies that would allow Russia to reach a new technological level that has no analogues in the world.

The first technology that was patented and brought to the factory level was the production technology of silumin (AISi), the second alloy after cast iron in terms of mass application. When using the effect of torsion radiation on a silumin melt without expensive alloying additives, the resulting metal is 1.5 times stronger, 3 times more ductile, with greater corrosion resistance and higher fluidity, which is especially important when producing parts of complex shapes. Torsion technologies can also be used in the production of parts from other alloys. The development of some technologies is close to completion.

Torsion connection.

The refinement of the factory's torsion-bar transmission systems is being completed. Torsion signals propagate without weakening with distance and without being absorbed by natural media. Torsion communication can be the basis of global information transmission networks without repeaters and with low energy consumption.

Torsion medicine.

Basic torsion equipment has been developed that allows for factory production of water with recording of properties medicines. This will allow patients to stop taking medications and avoid the occurrence of toxicosis. Therapy equipment is being developed to correct the human torsion field using torsion radiation.

Torsion technologies for human protection.

Torsion methods and torsion means are being developed to prevent the harmful effects of left-handed torsion fields generated by electrical and radio-electronic industrial installations and household appliances, for example, some TWT electric motors, klystrons and magnetrons, as well as some microwave ovens, televisions and computer monitors. The development of miniature wearable torsion generators of a static torsion field to increase the body’s resistance to external negative influences is nearing completion. The development of wave torsion radiation is being completed with the possibility of creating torsion radiation spectra identical to the torsion radiation spectra of medications that have indications for the individual user.

Torsion technologies in agriculture.

Increasing the rate of plant growth when treating seeds with torsion radiation. Increasing the safety of agricultural products when they are treated with torsion radiation. Control of agricultural pests by treating fields with plants with torsion radiation modulated by the torsion field of appropriate chemicals.

Changes in the genetic properties of plants.

The effectiveness of the second group of torsion technologies has been confirmed experimentally and it is necessary to continue work to bring them to technological samples.

Torsion energy.

Experimental models are being improved to demonstrate the possibility of obtaining energy by using the energy of fluctuations of the Physical Vacuum. It becomes possible to avoid burning fuel.

Torsion transport.

Experimental models are being improved to demonstrate the possibility of creating propulsors by controlling inertial forces. There is a possibility of abandoning internal combustion engines and jet or rocket engines.

Torsion geological exploration.

Torsion technology has been developed and the equipment for searching for minerals based on direct signs - the natural characteristic torsion radiation of the mineral - is being improved. This technology ensures 100% reliability of deposit detection.

The only technology for which experimental work is still being planned is torsion technology for the disposal of nuclear waste and torsion technology for cleaning areas with radioactive contamination.

There is nothing unusual in the wide variety of applications of torsion technologies, if we remember how diverse the applications of electromagnetism are, including the abundance of electrical and radio-electronic household appliances, sources of electricity, electric transport, electromagnetic methods in metallurgy, a huge range of electrical and radio equipment, in scientific research, medicine and agriculture.

Like everything new, torsion technologies develop in conditions of support from some, misunderstanding from others, and malicious opposition from others. However, with the completion of the development of factory torsion technology for the production of metals, opponents of torsion technologies are likened to people who watch TV and at the same time claim that there is no and cannot be any electromagnetism.

The current situation with the implementation of the Program “Torsion Fields. Torsion Methods, Means and Technologies” is such that this area of ​​work, fortunately for Russia, has already become irreversible. Russia is inevitably realizing its chance for a technological breakthrough.

A.E. Akimov, V.P. Finogeev

Torsion fields of figures

Since ancient times, it has been observed that the shape of an object has a strong influence on its perception. This fact was attributed to the manifestation of one of the aspects of art in our lives, giving it the meaning of a subjective aesthetic vision of reality. However, it turned out that any object creates a “torsion portrait” around itself, which is a static (or dynamic) torsion field.
In order to verify the existence of the torsion field created by the cone, an experiment was conducted. In this experiment, a supersaturated KCl salt solution in a Petri dish was placed over the top of a cone. At the same time, the same solution was in a control cup, which was not exposed to the torsion field.
The salt crystals in the control sample are large and their sizes are different. In the middle of the irradiated sample, where the torsion radiation hits, the crystals are small and more homogeneous.
Currently, a device has been created for measuring static torsion fields of flat images: geometric shapes, letters, words and texts, as well as photographs of people. Results of measuring torsion contrast (TC) of flat geometric figures: equilateral triangle, reverse swastika, five-pointed star, square, square with loops, rectangle with golden aspect ratio (aspect ratio equal to D = 1.618), cross with golden ratio, six-pointed star, cross with fractals (i.e. with parts similar to the whole), a straight swastika and a circle are: -8, -6, -1, -1, -0.5, 0, 1, 3, 5, 6 and 7, respectively.
A special technique has been developed that makes it possible to determine the intensity and sign (left or right) of the torsion field of a figure.
Measurements were also taken of the torsion fields created by the letters of the Russian alphabet. It turned out that the letters C and O, which are most similar to a circle, create the maximum right torsion contrast, and the letters A and F the maximum left one. Shkatov’s device allows you to measure the torsion contrast of individual words, while the TC of a word is usually equal to the sum of the TC of the letters that make it up. In other words, the torsion field of a word is equal to the sum of the torsion fields of its constituent letters, although this statement is confirmed with an accuracy of 10-20%. For example, the TC of the word Christ is +19.

Impact of torsion fields on water and plants

One of the sources of static torsion field is a permanent magnet. Indeed, the own rotation of electrons inside a magnetized ferromagnet generates a total magnetic and torsion field of the magnet.
The connection between the magnetic moment of a ferromagnet and its mechanical moment was discovered by the American physicist S. Barnett in 1909. S. Barnett's reasoning was very simple. The electron is charged, therefore its own mechanical rotation creates a circular current. This current generates a magnetic field, which forms the magnetic moment of the electron. A change in the mechanical rotation of an electron should lead to a change in its magnetic moment. If we take a non-magnetized ferromagnet, then in it the electron spins are randomly oriented in space. Mechanical rotation of a piece of ferromagnet leads to the fact that the spins begin to be oriented along the direction of the rotation axis. As a result of this orientation, the magnetic moments of individual electrons are summed up, and the ferromagnet becomes a magnet.

Barnett's experiments on the mechanical rotation of ferromagnetic rods confirmed the correctness of the above reasoning and showed that as a result of the rotation of a ferromagnet, a magnetic field arises in it.
You can conduct the opposite experiment, namely, change the total magnetic moment of electrons in a ferromagnet, as a result of which the ferromagnet will begin to rotate mechanically. This experiment was successfully carried out by A. Einstein and de Haas in 1915.
Since the mechanical rotation of an electron generates its torsion field, any magnet is a source of a static torsion field. This statement can be verified by applying a magnet to water. Water is a dielectric, so the magnetic field of a magnet does not affect it. Another thing is the torsion field. If you point the north pole of a magnet at a glass of water so that it is affected by a right-handed torsion field, then after some time the water receives a “torsion charge” and becomes right-handed. If you water plants with this water, their growth accelerates. It was also discovered (and even a patent was received) that seeds treated before sowing with the right torsion field of a magnet increase their germination. The opposite effect is caused by the action of the left torsion field. Seed germination after its exposure decreases compared to the control group. Further experiments showed that right-handed static torsion fields have a beneficial effect on biological objects, while left-handed fields have a depressing effect.
In 1984-85 Experiments were carried out in which the effect of radiation from a torsion generator on the stems and roots of various plants was studied: cotton, lupine, wheat, pepper, etc.
In the experiments, the torsion generator was installed at a distance of 5 meters from the plant. The radiation pattern simultaneously captured the stems and roots of the plant. The experimental results showed that under the influence of torsion radiation, the conductivity of plant tissues changes, and in the stem and root in different ways. In all cases, the plant was exposed to the right torsion field.

Anti-gravity wing

Anti-gravity wing - a body whose material points move in an ordered or chaotic manner along elliptical trajectories relative to a reference system not associated with this body with certain linear velocities, at which a sufficient change in the potentials of a field of gravitational nature is recorded in the reference systems associated with the material points composing the body at all its points to form a resultant force applied to the center of the body’s mass and directed from another body forming this field.
An anti-gravity wing can be a material body of any shape, rotating around its axis with a certain angular velocity, or a material body in which the movement of electrically charged particles is recorded.
The most acceptable form of anti-gravity wing for technical use is a disk or a system of disks (any elements of the disk) in any modification.

Many researchers mistakenly mistake the simplest aerodynamic effects for antigravity

Recently, there have been reports in the press that the rotating disk “acquires antigravity properties” and loses part of its weight.
So what are we dealing with? Is it really with anti-gravity? The sensation of the century or another delusion?
First of all, let's ask ourselves: does a rotating flywheel change its mass compared to a stationary one? Of course yes. It always increases due to the accumulation of energy, which, according to quantum mechanics, has mass M=E/c2, (where c is the speed of light in vacuum). True, even for the best modern superflywheels weighing 100 kg, the weight gain, perhaps, cannot be “caught” by any scale in the world; it is 0.001 mg!
But as for reducing the mass of a rotating disk, this effect is apparent. It is known that, while rotating, the flywheel, thanks to friction, “pumps” air from the center to the periphery, like a centrifugal pump. A vacuum appears along the radii. Below, in the gap between the stand and the flywheel, it only presses them together, and from above, where there are no surfaces, it “pulls” the flywheel up. The balance is disturbed and the scales will show a change in weight.
As you can see, in this case it is not antigravity that works, but ordinary aerodynamics. To make sure of this once again, hang the rotating flywheel by a long thread to the rocker arm of the scale - the balance is not disturbed. The vacuum at the top and bottom of the flywheel balances each other. Here's another example of aerodynamic effects. Let's make holes on the gyroscope body: on the top surface - closer to the center, on the bottom - further from it. By hanging it on a balance beam and making it rotate, we will see that the gyroscope has become lighter. But turn it over and it gets heavier.
The explanation is simple. In the center of the housing, the vacuum is greater than at the periphery (as in a centrifugal pump). Therefore, air is sucked in through holes located closer to it, and expelled through holes located further away. This creates an aerodynamic force that changes the scale readings. To eliminate the influence of aerodynamics, the gyroscope is placed in a sealed housing. But other effects may appear here. Let's say, we fix the body on the rocker and give the gyroscope rotation in the rolling plane. The position of the arrow will depend on which direction the rotation occurs. Why? The fact is that the flywheel electric motor creates a reactive torque on the body that acts on the rocker arm. When the flywheel accelerates, the body tends to turn in the direction opposite to its rotation, and pulls the rocker arm along with it.
This moment is sometimes so great that the gyroscope can become “weightless”. Which is probably what happens in many experiments. The rocker returns to its original position as soon as acceleration ends. And then, when the flywheel rotates freely, by inertia, moments of resistance act on the housing - friction in the bearings, on the air inside the housing. And the yoke of the scales turns in the other direction, that is, the flywheel seems to become heavier.

At first glance, this can be avoided by fixing the gyroscope on the scales so that the plane of its rotation is perpendicular to the rolling plane. However, in experiments at the Institute of Problems of Mechanics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, it was shown that, although insignificantly, by only 4 mg, the weight nevertheless decreases. The reason is that when rotating, the flywheel is never completely balanced, and there are no ideal bearings. In this connection, vibration always occurs - radial and axial. When the flywheel body goes down, it presses on the scale prisms not only with its weight, but with additional force arising from acceleration. And when moving upward, the pressure on the prisms decreases by the same amount.
"So what? - the reader will ask. “The total result should not change the balance.” Not certainly in that way. After all, the heavier you weigh the load, the less sensitive the scales are. And vice versa, the lighter it is, the higher it is. Thus, in the described experiment, the scales record the “lightening” of the gyroscope with greater accuracy and its weighting with less accuracy. As a result, the rotating disk appears to have lost weight. There is another factor that can affect the scale readings when weighing a rotating flywheel - this is the magnetic field. If it is made of a ferromagnetic material, then during acceleration it spontaneously magnetizes (Barnett effect) and begins to interact with the Earth's magnetic field.
If the flywheel is non-ferromagnetic, rotating in an anisotropic magnetic field, it is pushed out of it due to the occurrence of Foucault currents. Let's remember the school experience, where a rotating brass top literally “shys away” from a magnet approaching it.
Changes in the structure of metals under the influence of torsion radiation
After it was discovered that torsion fields can change the structure of crystals, experiments were conducted to change the crystal structure of metals. These results were first obtained by exposing molten metal to molten metal that was melted in a Tammann furnace by dynamic radiation from a generator. The Tamman furnace is a vertically mounted cylinder made of special refractory steel. The top and bottom of the cylinder are closed with lids cooled by water. The 16.5 cm thick metal body of the cylinder is grounded, so no electromagnetic fields can penetrate inside the cylinder. Inside the furnace, metal is placed in a crucible and melted using a heating element, which was a graphite tube. After the metal has melted, the heating element is turned off and the torsion bar generator, located at a distance of 40 cm from the cylinder axis, is turned on. The torsion generator irradiates the cylinder for 30 minutes, consuming a power of 30 mW. In 30 min. the metal was cooled from 1400° C to 800° C. Then it was removed from the furnace, cooled in air, after which the ingot was cut and its physicochemical analysis was carried out. The results of the analysis showed that the pitch of the crystal lattice of the metal irradiated by the torsion field changed or the metal had an amorphous structure throughout the entire volume of the ingot.
It is important to note the fact that the torsion radiation of the generator passed through a grounded metal wall 1.5 cm thick and affected the molten metal. This cannot be achieved by any electromagnetic fields.
The effect of torsion radiation on molten copper increases the strength and ductility of the metal.

Information and torsion interactions

Understanding Consciousness became possible only due to the fact that in the 90s science discovered the fifth fundamental interaction - information.
Professor V.N. Volchenko gives the following definition of information: “Substantially, it is the structural and semantic diversity of the world; metrically, it is a measure of this diversity, realized in manifested, unmanifested and displayed form.”
Information is one of the universal properties of objects, phenomena, processes of objective reality, which consists in the ability to perceive the internal state and influences of the environment, save the results of influence for a certain time, transform the received information and transfer the results of processing to other objects, phenomena, processes, etc. Information permeates all material objects and processes, which are sources, carriers and consumers of information. All living beings, from the moment they are born until the end of their existence, reside in an “information field” that continuously, incessantly affects their senses. Life on Earth would be impossible if living beings did not capture information coming from the environment, were not able to process it and send it to other living beings.
The accumulation of ever new facts led to the fact that information gradually acquired the status of an independent and fundamental concept of natural science, ultimately expressing the inseparability of consciousness and matter. Being neither one nor the other, it turned out to be the missing link that made it possible to connect what is incompatible by definition - Spirit and matter, without falling into either religion or mysticism.
Until recently, the Subtle World was considered a field of metaphysics and esotericism, but since the beginning of the 90s, when reliable theories of the physical vacuum appeared, a material carrier of information in the Subtle World was found and well substantiated - torsion fields, or torsion fields, the study of the Subtle World was closely taken up by the theoretical physics.
Today, many scientists believe that the generator of information is Consciousness. We can say that the phenomenon of consciousness is associated with the ability to generate information in its pure form without its materialization. Before the emergence of consciousness, new information in inanimate and living nature arose, so to speak, spontaneously, that is, simultaneously with and adequate to the random complication of the material structure. From this follows an extremely slow pace of evolution of the unconscious nature. The work of consciousness with ideal structures did not require such material and time expenditures. It is not surprising that the emergence of consciousness, as a powerful generator of information, sharply accelerated the pace of the evolution of existence.”

Amit Goswami, a professor at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the University of Oregon (USA), in his book “The Universe Creating Itself” with the subtitle “How Consciousness Creates the Material World” writes: “Consciousness is the fundamental principle on which everything that exists is based, and, consequently, the Universe we observe." Trying to give consciousness precise definition, Goswami identifies four circumstances:
1) there is a field of consciousness (or an all-encompassing ocean of consciousness), which is sometimes spoken of as a psychic field;
2) there are objects of consciousness, such as thoughts and feelings, that rise from this field and plunge into it;
3) there is a subject of consciousness - one who feels and/or is a witness;
4) consciousness is the basis of existence.
A similar point of view is shared by the famous physicist D. Bohm. The main and fundamental feature of Bohm's cosmology is the assertion that "the self-conscious Universe, perceived by us as integral and interconnected, represents a reality called the field of consciousness."
“The basis of the world is Consciousness, the carrier of which is spin-torsion fields.”
As a beautiful final chord in this matter, we use the work of the International Center for Vacuum Physics, carried out under the leadership of the Director of the Center, Academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences G. . He writes: “I assert: there is a new physical theory created as a result of the development of A. Einstein’s ideas, in which a certain level of reality has appeared, synonymous in religion with God - a certain reality that has all the signs of the Divine...

There is a certain Superconsciousness associated with Absolute Nothing, and this Nothing creates not matter, but plans and plans.” At the same time, G.I. Shipov emphasizes that “superconsciousness is part of the Divine presence.”
As a result of refinements carried out at the Center for Vacuum Physics in recent years, the structure of the Subtle World acquired the following form.
Everything is controlled by Absolute Nothing - God.
The creator of cybernetics, Norbert Wiener, in his book “The Creator and the Robot” on p. 24 gives this definition of God: “God is information, separated from signals and existing on its own.”
“I don’t know how this Deity works, but it really exists. It is impossible to know Him, to “study” Him with our methods.”

Gennady SHIPOV

Existing radio and telecommunication networks and complexes are a characteristic and integral component of modern information civilization. The rapidly growing information needs of society have led to the creation of ultra-modern systems for processing and transmitting information based on the latest technologies. Depending on the class and type of systems, information is transmitted using wired, fiber-optic, radio relay, short-wave and satellite communication lines.

However, in their development, radio and telecommunications faced a number of insurmountable physical limitations. Many frequency ranges are overloaded and close to saturation. A number of communication systems already implement the Shannon limit on the capacity of radio channels. The absorption of electromagnetic radiation by natural environments requires enormous power in information transmission systems. Despite the high speed of propagation of electromagnetic waves, great difficulties arise due to signal delay in satellite communication systems, especially in communication systems with objects in deep space.

They tried to find a solution to these problems by using other, non-electromagnetic fields, such as gravitational ones. However, for more than a dozen years this has remained only an area of ​​theoretical speculation, since no one still knows how to create a gravitational transmitter. There are known attempts to use a neutrino flux with high penetrating power for communication with submarines, but they were also unsuccessful.

For many decades, another physical object remained out of sight—torsion fields, which will be discussed in this article. It outlines the physical nature of torsion fields and their properties and, based on the results of experimental studies, the authors predict in the very near future an intensification of efforts to create and develop torsion communication means.

Torsion fields (torsion fields) as an object of theoretical physics have been the subject of research since the beginning of the 20th century and owe their birth to E. Cartan and A. Einstein. That is why one of the important sections of the theory of torsion fields is called the Einstein-Cartan theory (ECT). Within the framework of the global problem of geometrization of physical fields, dating back to Clifford and substantiated by A. Einstein, the theory of torsion fields considers the torsion of space-time, while the theory of gravity considers Riemannian curvature.

If electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields are generated by mass, then torsion fields are generated by spin or angular momentum of rotation. It should be noted that this refers to the classical spin, and not the magnetic moment. Unlike electromagnetic fields, where their only sources are charges, torsion fields can be generated not only by spin. Thus, the theory predicts the possibility of their self-generation, and experiment demonstrates their emergence from curvilinear figures of a geometric or topological nature.

At the beginning of the 20th century, during the early work of E. Cartan, the concept of spin did not exist in physics. Therefore, torsion fields were associated with massive objects and their angular momentum. This approach gave rise to the illusion that torsion effects are one of the manifestations of gravity. Work within the framework of the theory of gravity with torsion is ongoing. Belief in the gravitational nature of torsion effects especially strengthened after the publication in the period 1972–1974. works by V. Kopchinsky and A. Trautman, in which it was shown that the torsion of space-time leads to the elimination of the cosmological singularity in non-stationary models of the Universe. In addition, the torsion tensor has a multiplier in the form of the product Gh (here G and h are the gravitational constant and Planck’s constant, respectively), which is essentially a constant of spin-torsion interactions. This directly led to the conclusion that this constant is almost 30 orders of magnitude less than the gravitational interaction constant. Consequently, even if torsion effects exist in nature, they cannot be observed. This conclusion excluded for almost 50 years all work on the experimental search for manifestations of torsion fields in nature and laboratory research.

Only with the advent of the generalizing works of F. Hehl, T. Kibble and D. Shima, it became clear that the Einstein-Cartan theory does not exhaust the theory of torsion fields.

In a large number of works that appeared after the works of F. Hel, where the theory with dynamic torsion was analyzed, i.e., the theory of torsion fields generated by a spinning source with radiation, it was shown that in the Lagrangian for such sources there can be up to a dozen terms, constants which do not depend in any way on either G or h - they are not defined at all. It does not at all follow from this that they are necessarily large, and that torsion effects are therefore observable. What is important first of all is that the theory does not require that they be necessarily very small. In these conditions the last word remains up to experiment.

Subsequently, it was shown that among physical phenomenology there are many experiments with micro- and macroscopic objects in which the manifestation of torsion fields is observed. A number of them have already found their qualitative and quantitative explanation within the framework of the theory of torsion fields.

The second important conclusion arising from the work of F. Hel was the understanding that torsion fields can be generated by objects with spin, but with zero rest mass, such as, for example, neutrinos, i.e. a torsion field arises in the absence of a gravitational field at all . Although even after this, work on the theory of gravity with torsion continues actively, nevertheless, the understanding of the role of torsion fields as an independent physical object, like electromagnetic and gravitational fields, has expanded.

In the modern interpretation, the PV appears to be a complex quantum dynamic object that manifests itself through fluctuations. The standard theoretical approach is based on the concepts of S. Weinberg, A. Salam and S. Glashow.

However, at a certain stage of research, it was considered advisable to return to the electron-positron model of P. Dirac's PV in a slightly modified interpretation. Considering that the PV is defined as a state without particles, and based on the model of classical spin as a ring wave packet (following Belinfante’s terminology – a circulating flow of energy), we will consider the PV as a system of ring wave packets of electrons and positrons, and not electron-positron pairs themselves .

Formally, if the phytons are spin compensated, their mutual orientation in the ensemble in the PV, it would seem, can be arbitrary. However, intuitively it seems that the PV forms an ordered structure with linear packing. The idea of ​​ordering the PV apparently belongs to A.D. Kirzhnits and A.D. Linde. It would be naive to see the true structure of the PV in the constructed model. This would mean demanding more from the model than the artificial circuit is capable of.

Let us consider the most practically important cases of disturbance of the PV by various external sources. This will help assess the feasibility of the approach being developed.

1. Let the source of disturbance be charge q. If the PV has a phytonic structure, then the effect of the charge will be expressed in the charge polarization of the PV. This case is well known in quantum electrodynamics. In particular, the Lamb shift is traditionally explained through the charge polarization of the electron-positron PV. This state of charge polarization of the PV can be interpreted as an electromagnetic field (E-field).

2. If the source of disturbance is mass, then, unlike the previous case, when we were faced with a well-known situation, here a hypothetical assumption will be made: disturbance of the PV by mass will be expressed in symmetrical oscillations of the phyton elements along the axis to the center of the object of disturbance. This state can be characterized as a gravitational field (G-field).

3. When the source of disturbance is the classical spin, we can assume that the effect of the classical spin on the PV will be as follows: the phyton spins that coincide with the orientation of the source spin retain their orientation, and those phyton spins that are opposite to the source spin will experience the influence of the source inversion. As a result, the PV will transform into a state of transverse spin polarization. This polarization state can be interpreted as a spin (torsion) field (5-field) or a G-field generated by classical spin. The formulated approach is consistent with the idea of ​​torsion fields as a condensate of fermion pairs.

The polarization spin states SR and SL contradict the Pauli exclusion. However, according to the concept of M.A. Markov, at densities on the order of Planck’s, the fundamental physical laws can have a different form, different from the known ones. Refusal of the Pauli ban for such a specific material medium as PV is acceptable, probably no less than in the concept of quarks.

In accordance with the approach outlined above, we can say that a single medium—the PV—can be in different “phase”, or more precisely, polarization states—EGS states. This medium in a state of charge polarization manifests itself as an electromagnetic field E. The same medium in a state of spin longitudinal polarization manifests itself as a gravitational field G. Finally, the same medium—PV in a state of spin transverse polarization manifests itself as a spin (torsion) field S. Thus, the EGS polarization states of the PV correspond to the EGS fields.

All three fields generated by independent kinematic parameters are universal, or fields of the first class in the terminology of R. Uchiyama; these fields manifest themselves at both the macro and micro levels. The developed concepts allow us to approach the problem, at least of universal fields, from some general positions. In the proposed model, the role of a unified field is played by the PV, the polarization states of which manifest themselves as ECS fields. Here it is appropriate to recall the words of Ya. I. Pomeran-chuk: “All physics is the physics of vacuum.” Modern nature does not need “unifications”. In nature there are only PV and its polarization states. And “unifications” only reflect the degree of our understanding of the interconnection of fields.

Previously, it was repeatedly noted that the classical field can be considered as a PV state. However, the polarization states of the PVs were not given the fundamental role that they actually play. As a rule, it was not discussed which PV polarizations were meant. In the presented approach, according to Ya. B. Zeldovich, the PV polarization is interpreted as a charge polarization (electromagnetic field), according to A. D. Sakharov, as a spin longitudinal polarization (gravitational field), and for torsion fields, as a spin transverse polarization.

For solving communication problems, the most significant of the indicated properties of torsion fields (torsion waves) are the following:
– no dependence of the intensity of torsion fields on distance, which allows one to avoid large energy expenditures to compensate for losses due to their weakening in accordance with the inverse square law, as is the case for electromagnetic waves;
– no absorption of torsion waves by natural media, which eliminates the need for additional large energy expenditures to compensate for losses characteristic of radio communications;
– torsion waves do not transfer energy, they act on the torsion receiver only informationally;
– torsion waves, propagating through the phase portrait of the holographic structure of the PV, ensure the transmission of a signal from one point in space to another in a non-local way. Under such conditions, transmission can only be carried out instantly at a speed equal to infinity;
– for the nonlocal method of interaction of points in a holographic medium through their phase portrait, the fact of signal absorption on a straight line connecting two points of such a medium does not matter. Communication based on this principle does not require repeaters.

Thus, as a first approximation, we can say that the transmission of information via a torsion communication channel can be realized over any distance and through any media using arbitrarily weak torsion signals.

To ensure the transfer of information from the computer to the communication environment, it is necessary to coordinate the signals of the internal interface of the computer with the parameters of the signals transmitted via communication channels. In this case, both physical matching (shape, amplitude and duration of the signal) and code matching must be performed.

Technical devices that perform the functions of interfacing a computer with communication channels are called adapters or network adapters. One adapter provides pairing with a computer of one communication channel.

In addition to single-channel adapters, multi-channel devices are also used - data transmission multiplexers or simply multiplexers.

Data transmission multiplexer - a device for interfacing a computer with several

communication channels.

Data transmission multiplexers were used in teleprocessing systems - the first step towards the creation of computer networks. Later, with the emergence of networks with complex configurations and a large number of subscriber systems, special communication processors began to be used to implement interfacing functions.

As mentioned earlier, to transmit digital information over a communication channel, it is necessary to convert a stream of bits into analog signals, and when receiving information from a communication channel to a computer, perform the opposite action - convert analog signals into a stream of bits that can be processed by a computer. Such conversions are performed by a special device - a modem.

Modem is a device that performs modulation and demodulation of information

signals when transmitting them from a computer to a communication channel and when receiving a computer from a communication channel.

The most expensive component of a computer network is the communication channel. Therefore, when building a number of computer networks, they try to save on communication channels by switching several internal communication channels to one external one. To perform the switching function, special devices are used - hubs.

A hub is a device that switches several communication channels and one through frequency division.

In a LAN, where the physical transmission medium is a cable of limited length, special devices - repeaters - are used to increase the length of the network.

Repeater is a device that ensures the preservation of the shape and amplitude of a signal when transmitting it over a distance greater than that provided by this type of physical transmission medium.

Information and computing network


In today's complex and diverse world, not a single major technological problem can be solved without processing significant amounts of information and communication processes. Along with energy and capital, modern production also requires information, which determines the degree of application of advanced technologies. The computer occupies a special place in the organization of new information technologies. The telephone network, and then specialized data networks provided a good basis for connecting computers into information and computing networks. Computer data networks are the result of the information revolution and in the future they will be able to form the main means of communication.

Networks emerged as a result of the creative collaboration of specialists in computer technology and communications technology and are the connecting link between databases, user terminals, and computers.


The information and computer network is being created to increase the efficiency of customer service.

The IVS must ensure reliable transmission of digital information.

Both individual PCs and groups of PCs united in local area networks can act as end terminals.

The transmission of information flows over considerable distances is carried out using wire, cable, radio relay and satellite communication lines. In the near future we can expect widespread use of optical communications via fiber optic cables.

Based on geographic scale, computer networks are divided into two types: local and global. The local network can be up to 10 kilometers long. The global network can cover significant distances - up to hundreds and tens of thousands of kilometers. We need to choose and justify the type of Global Information and Computing Network.

We will use the method of elimination.

Satellite connection. The first communications satellite was launched in 1958 in the USA. The communication line through a satellite translator has high capacity, covers enormous distances, and transmits information due to the low level of interference with high reliability. These advantages make satellite communications a unique and effective means of transmitting information. Almost all satellite communications traffic comes from geostationary satellites.

But satellite communications are very expensive, since it is necessary to have ground stations, antennas, the satellite itself, in addition, it is necessary to keep the satellite exactly in orbit, for which the satellite must have correction engines and corresponding control systems that operate on commands from the Earth, etc. In the overall communication balance on satellite systems currently accounts for approximately 3% of global traffic. But the need for satellite links continues to grow, since with a range of over 800 km, satellite links become more cost-effective compared to other types of long-distance communications.

Fiber optic communication. Thanks to its enormous capacity, optical cable becomes indispensable in information and computer networks, where it is necessary to transmit large volumes of information with exceptionally high reliability, in local television networks and local area networks. It is expected that the optical cable will soon be cheap to manufacture and will interconnect big cities, especially since technical production optical fibers and related equipment is developing rapidly.

Radio communication. Unfortunately, radio as a wireless form of communication is not free from shortcomings. Atmospheric and industrial interference, mutual influence of radio stations, fading on short waves, the high cost of special equipment - all this did not allow the use of radio communications in temporary detention centers.

Radio relay communication. The development of the ultrashort wave range made it possible to create radio relay lines. The disadvantage of radio relay communication lines is the need to install relay stations at certain intervals, their maintenance, etc.

Modem telephone network based on a standard telephone line and a personal computer.

A modem telephone network allows you to create information and computer networks over an almost unlimited geographical area, while both data and voice information can be transmitted through this network automatically or interactively.

To connect a computer to the telephone network, a special board (device) called a telephone adapter or modem, as well as corresponding software, are used.

The undoubted advantages of organizing an information and computer network based on a standard telephone line is that all network components are standard and accessible; scarce ones are not required Consumables, easy to install and operate.

The concept of a protocol.

A fundamental concept in the field of data communication is the concept of a protocol. Any data transfer must be subject to clearly established rules, which are known in advance to all participants in the transfer and are strictly observed by them. A protocol is agreements and standards that define the rules for interaction between layers of the same name in the network. Protocols define communication standards. The complexity of the processes of interaction between computers on a network forces them to be divided into seven levels located on top of each other. Each level has its own protocol:

physical defines electrical and mechanical standards;

channel controls the logical (information channel); a channel is characterized by a pair of addresses: sender and recipient;

network establishes the connection route;

transport controls the transfer of information from its source to the consumer;

session provides synchronization of dialogue and control of data exchange between interacting subscribers;

representative defines a single protocol that would allow any message syntax to be used;

Application provides various forms of interaction between application programs.

Semenikhin Arkady

A research project on the topic "Torsion Fields", examining the properties of fields and their applications.



District physical and technical competition

schoolchildren's projects

Transfer of information

using torsion fields

and their other possible uses.

I've done the work:

Semenikhin Arkady


Student 11B class

MBOU secondary school No. 3

Project Manager:

Physics teacher: Plotnikova T.P.

G. Alexandrov 2012

  1. Introduction
  1. Justification of the relevance of the project and the significance of the topic;
  2. Goal of the work;
  3. Job objectives;
  4. Research methods
  1. Main part:

Project “Transfer of information using torsion fields and their other possible applications.”

  1. Theoretical part:

2.1.1 General information about the transfer of information;

2.1.2 Historical development of means of communication;

2.1.3 Information transfer currently;

2.1.4 Introduction to the course on the topic “Torsion fields”

2.2 Practical part:

2.2.1 Recording based on torsion theory;

2.2.2 Negative influence of torsion fields;

2.2.3 Torsion fields in medicine;

2.2.4 Properties of torsion fields, due to which the transmission speed will be almost instantaneous;

2.2.5 Transfer of information based on torsion fields;

2.2.6 A little in metallurgy;

2.2.7 Torsion fields and humans

3. Conclusion

  1. Introduction
  1. Justification of the relevance of the project and the significance of the topic.

Any society is different from anything else in that its members have the ability to communicate with each other. This means that a person will not be a person when he does not have the ability to communicate. If a child is born and he grows up among, for example, animals, he is unlikely to become a person, because he will not even learn to communicate! This is what distinguishes people from animals (people know how to think and the ability to communicate).

People have not always had and still have the opportunity to communicate with each other face to face, and therefore have long come up with other ways to communicate with each other. This means that one of the basic human needs is the need for communication. The universal means of communication in our time are communications that ensure the transfer of information using modern means of communication, including a computer.

The main devices for fast transmission of information over long distances are currently the telegraph, radio, telephone, television transmitter, and telecommunication networks based on computer systems.

The transfer of information between computers has existed since the emergence of computers. It allows you to organize the joint work of individual computers, solve one problem using several computers, share resources and solve many other problems.

That is why I believe that the topic of this project is relevant in our time, and its improvement is of great importance for humanity.

  1. Goal of the work.

Study the history of development and the basics of information transfer.

Learn about modern methods of transmitting information.

Study torsion fields.

To study the possible use of torsion fields in other areas of human activity.

Study the impact on environment devices we are used to.

Prove that using torsion fields will significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment.

  1. The task of the work.

Using the material found in various sources of information, prove that devices based on the theory of torsion fields will be much more effective and economical (this is why we should engage in a deep study of torsion fields, since in our time we have an insufficient supply of information to create new devices based on transmission of information).

  1. Research methods.

Studying literature on the topic;

Systematization of material;

Draw conclusions based on known experiments;

The use of measurements characterizing the speed of information transfer;

  1. Theoretical part:
  1. General information about information transfer.

In any process of transmission or exchange of information, there is its source and recipient , and the information itself is transmitted via communication channel using signals : mechanical, thermal, electrical, etc. In ordinary life, for a person, any sound or light are signals that carry a semantic load. For example, a siren is an audible alarm; phone ringing - a signal to pick up the phone; red traffic light - a signal prohibiting crossing the road. Appendix No. 1

The source of information can be a living creature or a technical device. From it, the information goes to an encoding device, which is designed to convert the original message into a form convenient for transmission. You come across such devices all the time: a telephone microphone, a sheet of paper, etc. Through the communication channel, the information enters the recipient's decoding device, which converts the encoded message into a form understandable to the recipient. Some of the most complex decoding devices are the human ear and eye. Appendix No. 2.

During the transfer process, information may be lost or distorted. This occurs due to various interferences, both on the communication channel and during encoding and decoding of information. You encounter such situations quite often: distortion of sound on the telephone, interference during television transmission, telegraph errors, incompleteness of transmitted information, incorrectly expressed thoughts, errors in calculations. Issues related to methods of encoding and decoding information are dealt with by a special science - cryptography.

When transmitting information, the form of presentation of information plays an important role. It may be understandable to the source of information, but not understandable to the recipient. People specifically agree on the language in which information will be presented in order to store it more reliably.

Reception and transmission of information can occur at different speeds. The amount of information transmitted per unit of time isinformation transfer rateor the speed of information flow and it depends on the properties of the physical transmission medium.

Physical transmission medium - communication lines or space in which electrical signals propagate and data transmission equipment.

Data transfer rate is the number of bits of information transmitted per unit of time.

Typically, data transfer rates are measured in bits per second (bps) and in multiples of Kbps and Mbps.

Relationships between units of measurement:

  • 1 Kbps =1024 bps;
  • 1 Mbit/s =1024 Kbit/s;
  • 1 Gbit/s =1024 Mbit/s.

A communication network is built on the basis of the physical transmission medium.
Thus, a computer network is a collection of subscriber systems and a communication network.

unshielded twisted pair.The maximum distance at which computers connected by this cable can be located reaches 90 m. Information transfer speed is from 10 to 155 Mbit/s;shielded twisted pair.Information transfer speed is 16 Mbit/s over a distance of up to 300 m.

coaxial cable.It is characterized by higher mechanical strength, noise immunity and allows you to transmit information over a distance of up to 2000 m at a speed of 2-44 Mbit/s;

An ideal transmission medium, it is not affected by electromagnetic fields, allows you to transmit information over a distance of up to 10,000 m at a speed of up to 10 Gbit/s.

Any communication channel has a limited bandwidth; this number is limited by the properties of the equipment and the line (cable) itself. Volume of transmitted information I calculated by the formula:

where q is the channel capacity (bit/s)

t-transfer time (sec)

2.1.2 Historical development of means of communication.

Human development would not be possible without the exchange of information. Since ancient times, people from generation to generation have passed on their knowledge, notified about danger or passed on important and urgent information, exchanged information. For example, in St. Petersburg at the beginning of the 19th century the fire service was very developed. In several parts of the city, high towers were built from which the surrounding area could be viewed. If there was a fire, then a multi-colored flag (with one or another geometric figure) was raised on the tower during the day, and at night several lanterns were lit, the number and location of which indicated the part of the city where the fire occurred, as well as the degree of its complexity. Appendix No. 3

We know from history that the first devices for transmitting information were probably carrier pigeons. In addition to pigeons, there were many other means of transmitting information, and it would take a very long time to name all of them, so I would like to skip and name those that are closer to our time.

The advent of the telegraph

The discovery of magnetic and electrical phenomena led to an increase in the technical prerequisites for creating devices for transmitting information over a distance. With the help of metal wires, a transmitter and a receiver, electrical communication could be carried out over a considerable distance. The rapid development of the electric telegraph required the design of electrical conductors. The Spanish doctor Salva invented the first cable in 1795, which was a bundle of twisted insulated wires.

The decisive word in the relay race of many years of searching for a high-speed means of communication was destined to be given to the remarkable Russian scientist P.L. Schilling. In 1828, a prototype of the future electromagnetic telegraph was tested. Schilling was the first to begin to practically solve the problem of creating cable products for underground installation, capable of transmitting electric current over a distance. Both Schilling and the Russian physicist and electrical engineer Jacobi came to the conclusion that underground cables were futile and that overhead conductive lines were advisable. In the history of electrical telegraphy, the most popular American was Samuel Morse. He invented the telegraph apparatus and the alphabet for it, which made it possible to transmit information over long distances by pressing a key. Due to the simplicity and compactness of the device, ease of manipulation during transmission and reception and, most importantly, speed, the Morse telegraph was the most common telegraph system used in many countries for half a century.

The emergence of radio and television

The transmission of still images over a distance was carried out in 1855 by the Italian physicist G. Caselli. The device he designed could transmit an image of text previously applied to the foil. With the discovery of electromagnetic waves by Maxwell and the experimental establishment of their existence by Hertz, the era of radio development began. The Russian scientist Popov managed to transmit a message by radio for the first time in 1895. In 1911, the Russian scientist Rosing made the world's first television broadcast. The essence of the experiment was that the image was converted into electrical signals, which were transferred over a distance using electromagnetic waves, and the received signals were converted back into the image. Regular television broadcasts began in the mid-thirties of our century.

Many years of persistent searches, discoveries and disappointments were spent on the creation and construction of cable networks. The speed of current propagation through the cable cores depends on the frequency of the current and on the electrical properties of the cable, i.e. on electrical resistance and capacitance. Truly the triumphant masterpiece of the last century was the transatlantic laying of a wire cable between Ireland and Newfoundland, carried out by five expeditions.

The appearance of the telephone

The emergence and development of modern communication cables are due to the invention of the telephone. The term "telephone" is older than the method of transmitting human speech over a distance. A practically suitable apparatus for transmitting human speech was invented by the Scotsman Bell. Bell used sets of metal and vibrating plates - tuning forks, each tuned to one musical note - as a transmitting and receiving device. The device transmitting the musical alphabet was not successful. Bell and Watson later patented a description of a method and device for telephone transmission of voice and other sounds. In 1876, Bell demonstrated his telephone for the first time at the World Electrical Exhibition in Philadelphia.

Along with the development of telephones, the designs of various cables for receiving and transmitting information changed. An engineering solution patented in 1886 by Shelburne (USA) is noteworthy. He proposed twisting four wires at the same time, but making chains not from adjacent ones, but from opposing wires, i.e. located along the diagonals of the square formed in the cross section. It took about half a century to achieve flexibility in cable design and insulating protection of conductors. By the beginning of the 20th century, the original design of telephone cables had been created and their technology had been mastered. industrial production. The shell itself was subject to the requirements of flexibility, resistance to repeated bending, tensile and compressive loads, vibrations that occur both during transportation and during operation, and resistance to corrosion. With the development of the chemical industry in the 20th century, the material of the cable sheath began to change; now it has become plastic or metal-plastic with polyethylene. The development of core design for city telephone cables has always followed the path of increasing the maximum number of pairs and reducing the diameter of the current-carrying cores. A radical solution to the problem promises a fundamentally new direction in the development of communication cables: fiber-optic and simply optical communication cables. Historically, the idea of ​​using glass fibers (light guides) instead of copper conductors in communication cables belongs to the English physicist Tyndall.

With the development of television, astronautics and supersonic aviation, the need arose to create light guides instead of metal in cables. The unique capabilities of optical cables are that one fiber (more precisely, a pair of fibers) can transmit a million telephone conversations. Various types of communications are used to transmit information: cable, radio relay, satellite, tropospheric, ionospheric, meteor. Cables together with lasers and computers will make it possible to create fundamentally new telecommunications systems.

̀ computer

The history of the development of communications and telecommunications is inseparable from the entire history of human development, since any practical activity of people is inseparable and unthinkable without their communication, without the transfer of information from person to person.

Modern production is unthinkable without electronic computers (computers), which have become a powerful means of processing and analyzing messages. Any message has an information parameter. For example, the change in sound pressure over time will be an information parameter of speech. Various letters and punctuation marks of the text are informational parameters of the text message. The sound vibrations corresponding to speech are an example of a continuous message. Any text and punctuation marks refer to a discrete message.

Transmitting messages over a distance using electrical signals is called telecommunication. Electrical signals can be continuous or discrete.

A telecommunication system can be understood as a collection technical means and the environment for the propagation of electrical signals that ensure the transmission of messages from the sender to the recipient. Any telecommunication system contains three elements: a device for converting messages into a signal (transmitter), a device for converting the signal back into a message (receiver) and an intermediate element that ensures the passage of the signal (communication channel).

The distribution medium for telecommunications can be an artificial structure created by man (wired telecommunications) or open space (radio system). Based on the nature of the relationship between the message and the signal, a distinction is made between direct and conditional transformation. A direct conversion communication system is a telephone system where electrical signals are modified in a manner similar to audio messages (analog). Conditional conversion of messages into a signal is used when transmitting discrete messages. In this case, individual characters of a discrete message are replaced by certain symbols, the set of combinations of which is called a code. An example of such code is Morse code. When conditionally transforming a message, the electrical signal retains its discrete nature, i.e. the information parameter of the signal takes a finite number of values, most often two (binary signal).

The variety of forms of presentation of messages to be transmitted has led to the independent development of several types of telecommunications, the name and purpose of which are defined state standard. Sound broadcasting and telephone communication are classified as sound broadcasting. Audio broadcasting provides one-way transmission of messages that are directly related to only two subscribers. Telecommunications such as telegraph, facsimile, newspaper transmission and data transmission are designed to transmit still optical images. These types of communications are called documentary and are intended exclusively for one-way transmission. The transmission of moving optical images with sound is provided by such types of telecommunications as television broadcasting and videotelephony. To transmit messages between computers, a type of communication called data transmission has been created and is continuously being improved.

The generalized block diagram of the electrical communication system is the same for transmitting any messages. To carry out telephone communication, you need a microphone and a telephone included in the device, as well as a telephone communication channel, which forms a set of a number of technical means that provide signal amplification. In a sound broadcasting system, distribution devices provide the transmission of sound programs that are received using a radio receiver. The medium for propagation of telecommunication signals in this case is open space called the ether. Characteristic feature messages transmitted over sound broadcasting systems is their one-way direction - from one to many.

To transmit optical messages, it is customary to use the following types of telecommunications: telegraph, facsimile, newspaper transmission, videotelephone, television broadcasting. Such types of telecommunications as telegraph, facsimile and newspaper transmission are intended for the transmission of still images, which are applied to special media (paper, film, etc. material) and are called documentary messages. The carrier is a form of a certain size, the surface of which has external light and colored areas. The combination of light and dark areas of the surface of the form is perceived by human vision as an image.

Data intended for communication between computers are messages consisting of a certain set of numbers. Such documentary messages are called discrete.

Depending on the medium through which signals are transmitted, all existing types of communication lines are usually divided into wired (aerial and cable lines) and wireless (radio lines). Wired communication lines are created artificially by man, while wireless signals are sent to a radio transmitter, with the help of which they are converted into a high-frequency radio signal. The length of radio lines and the possible number of signals depends on the range of frequencies used, the conditions of radio wave propagation, and the technical data of the radio transmitter and radio receiver. Radio lines are used to communicate with any moving objects: ships, planes, trains, spacecraft.

Humanity today has such a volume of information in every field of knowledge that people are no longer able to keep it in memory and use it effectively. The accumulation of information continues at an increasing pace; the flows of newly created information are so great that a person cannot and does not have time to perceive and process them. For this purpose, various devices and equipment for collecting, accumulating and processing information have appeared. The most powerful means are electronic computers (computers), which have come into life as one of the most important elements of scientific and technological progress. For the prompt and high-quality transmission of processed information, along with the development of means of processing it, there is a continuous process of improving the means of mass communications.

2.1.3 Information transfer at present.

Currently, high-speed wired communications are quite well developed, providing speeds of over 100 Mbit/sec. This speed allows for great opportunities for its users, for example, the Internet.

But even in our developed times, in many places the Internet is absent due to difficult access (the reason is the remote location). Therefore, various ideas for wireless information transmission began to be developed.There are already devices with which information is transmitted without the use of the usual wire lines, USB modems for computers. Their work is based on the same principles as mobile devices.

The very first USB modems of the first generation transmitted information at too low a speed. Further development of this technology for transmitting information began. Nowadays, 3rd generation modems are widely used.

Characteristics of the standard

Third generation mobile communications are based on packet data transmission. Third generation 3G networks operate at UHF frequencies, typically in the range of about 2 GHz, transmitting data at speeds of up to 3.6 Mbit/s. They allow you to organize video telephony, watch movies and TV programs on your mobile phone, etc.

In the United States, modems have already been created that allow transmitting information at speeds comparable to fiber-optic communications. But so far this device has not become widespread because... Huge investments are required for the production of these devices and mobile communication transmitting antennas. It should be added that these modems require improvement because have an adverse effect on the environment, mainly on vegetation and living organisms.

I propose to transmit information not by the electromagnetic waves we are used to, but by waves of torsion fields!

2.1.4 Introduction to the course on the topic “Torsion fields”.

Man is a part of Nature, his existence - life - takes place in interaction with other parts of Nature, which contribute to human life or complicate it, or even threaten it. For several million years (according to modern estimates of the “age” of humanity), human life depended mainly on terrestrial natural factors, and only rare large meteorites posed a threat from space.

At the end of the 19th and during the 20th century, two more coordinates of human life appeared. As a result of the rapid development of natural sciences, humanity has realized that in addition to earthly ones, there are also cosmic natural factors in its life. For example, ultraviolet rays of the Sun and interplanetary magnetic plasma. During the same period, man-made factors historically immediately arose. Terrestrial, cosmic and man-made factors formed the “three-dimensional” space of human life.

Man found an opportunity to reduce his dependence on natural factors (terrestrial and cosmic), but paid (and is paying) for this with a tragic imbalance in the ecological balance of the Earth. Suffice it to recall herbicides, pesticides, nitrates in agriculture, radionuclides from Chernobyl, nuclear waste, sea dumps of chemical weapons, ozone holes, etc. The situation is even more complicated when we consider that the environmental man-made imbalance has become so profound that, according to many scientists, it threatened the very existence of Humanity, the existence of the entire Earthly Civilization.

Having overcome the nuclear threat to the existence of earthly civilization, humanity found itself in a state of, if not shock, then obvious confusion in the face of the second global threat - the threat of environmental man-made imbalance. Behind the endless series of statements about the death of civilization and prophecies of the timing of its onset, no one in recent years has been able to indicate a way out of this global crisis situation.

In 1913, the young French mathematician E. Cartan published an article, at the end of which he formulated in one phrase what later turned out to be a fundamental physical concept: in nature there must be fields generated by the density of angular momentum of rotation. In the 20s, A. Einstein published a number of works in a direction close to this. By the 70s, a new field of physics had formed - the Einstein-Cartan theory (EC), which was part of the theory of torsion fields (torsion fields). In accordance with modern concepts, electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields by mass, and torsion fields are generated by spin or angular momentum of rotation. Just as any object with mass creates a gravitational field, so any rotating object creates a torsion field.

Torsion fields have a number of unique properties. Until the early 80s, the manifestation of torsion fields was observed in experiments that were not aimed at studying torsion phenomena specifically. With the creation of torsion generators, the situation has changed significantly. It became possible to conduct large-scale studies to test the predictions of the theory in planned experiments. Over the past ten years, such studies have been carried out by a number of organizations of the Academies of Sciences, laboratories of higher educational institutions and industry organizations in Russia and Ukraine.

At the beginning of the century there was an understanding that electromagnetic fields are powerful and long-range. Then the ability to generate electric currents and electromagnetic waves appeared. The combination of these fundamental factors has led to the fact that we live in the age of electricity, and it is very difficult to name the tasks of science and the needs of society that would not be solved with the help of electromagnetic devices: electric motors and particle accelerators; Microwave ovens for cooking and computers, installations for electric welding and radio telescopes and much, much more.

At the same time there was an understanding that gravitational fields are also forceful and long-range. But so far no one knows how to make devices that generate gravitational currents and gravitational waves, although attempts to understand theoretically what this is by analogy with electromagnetism have been made repeatedly since the time of Heaviside. It is the absence of this “skill” that makes gravity the subject of only theoretical research.

When it was understood that torsion fields are also forceful and long-range and there were developed sources (generators) of torsion currents and torsion wave radiations, then by analogy with electromagnetism it was methodologically permissible to make a cautious assumption that within the framework of the torsion paradigm we can expect equally broad and diverse applied solutions as within the framework of electromagnetism.

Such an analogy might not be valid even if various torsion effects turned out to exist. It could turn out that solving applied problems on a torsion basis is less effective than on the basis of electromagnetism. True, the unique properties of torsion fields, noted above, gave hope that in reality the opposite is true - torsion means should be more effective: torsion energy sources, engines, torsion means of information transmission, torsion methods for obtaining materials with new physical properties, torsion ecology, torsion methods in medicine, agriculture, etc.

For almost ten years since the above conclusions were formulated, theoretical, experimental and technological research in Russia and Ukraine have shown that torsion technologies and means are incomparably more effective than electromagnetic ones. The successes of torsion technology in metallurgy were previously mentioned. However, the issue on the agenda is no longer the processing of the melt during the standard smelting process, but the development of torsion metallurgy, which eliminates the smelting stage.

A serious problem is engine-based transport that uses burning fuel - cars, diesel locomotives, ships, airplanes. The transition to electric transport gives rise to the illusion of environmental friendliness of this “transport of the future.” Yes, the air in cities will be cleaner, but the low efficiency of power lines and electric motors must be taken into account. The global environmental situation on Earth will become worse due to the fact that some power plants are thermal and due to the environmental hazards of nuclear power plants. Moreover, in addition to the Chernobyl syndrome, there is another danger - the powerful harmful effects of left-handed torsion fields that are created by all reactors on people. At the same time, existing means of protecting nuclear power plants are transparent to torsion radiation.

Another global problem of our time is the problem of energy sources. Fuel resources, judging by the current rates of their production and proven reserves, will be exhausted in the first half of the next century. But even if we assume that new exploration methods will significantly increase the explored potential, humanity cannot afford to burn such an amount of oil and gas without the threat of environmental destruction. Even if nuclear power plants are made absolutely reliable and equipped with torsion protection (torsion screens), there will be no fundamental solution problem of radioactive waste disposal. Burying this waste is not a solution to the problem, but its delay, the price for which for our descendants will be the impossibility of a full-fledged existence. The analysis could be continued with respect to other energy sources.

Under these conditions, it would probably be advisable to listen to proposals to consider the physical vacuum as a source of energy, especially since nine International conferences have already been held on this problem. Regarding the possibility of obtaining energy from Vacuum, there is a firm, almost generally accepted judgment: this is fundamentally impossible. But, as often happens in science, the authors of such categorical denials forget to accompany them with an important methodological comment: this cannot be in accordance with modern scientific ideas, and not in general.

In this regard, it is appropriate to recall that the history of natural science, especially in the 20th century, is full of categorical denials, refuted by the very development of science and technology. Hertz considered long-distance communication using electromagnetic waves impossible. N. Bohr believed that the practical use of atomic energy was unlikely. W. Pauli called the idea of ​​spin a stupid idea (which, however, was later refuted by his own works). Ten years before the creation of the atomic bomb, A. Einstein considered it impossible to create atomic weapons. This list could be continued. Apparently, Louis de Broglie was right in calling for periodic deep revision of the principles that are recognized as final.

Key, basic problems of energy, transport, new materials and information transfer were specifically taken as examples of what is potentially possible within the torsion field paradigm. This does not exhaust the meaningful potential of applied applications of torsion fields, which, as already noted, is no less wide than the range of applied applications of electromagnetism. This means that the contours of the “sum of technologies” of the 21st century” (using the terminology of S. Lem are visible quite clearly. It is this sum of torsion technologies that will largely determine the appearance of the next civilization that will replace the current one.

Another cardinal direction of the torsion paradigm touched upon the problems of biophysics. In particular, a quantum theory of water memory was constructed, which showed that this memory is realized on the spin proton subsystem of water. Simplifying the real picture, we can say that a molecule of a certain substance, falling into water, with its torsion field orients the spins of protons (hydrogen nuclei of a water molecule) in the adjacent water medium so that they repeat the characteristic, spatial-frequency structure of the torsion field of this molecule of the substance. There are experimental grounds to believe that due to the small radius of action of the static torsion field of substance molecules, only a few layers of their spin proton copies are formed around such molecules.

The own torsion field of such spin proton copies (spin replicas) will be identical to the torsion field of the molecules of the substance that generated these spin replicas. Because of this, at the field level, spin proton copies of substance molecules have the same effect on living objects as the substance itself. At the level of experimental phenomenology in homeopathy, this has been known since the time of Hahnemann, then it was studied on extensive biochemical material by G. N. Shangin-Berezovsky and his colleagues, and a little later rediscovered by Benvenisto.

  1. Practical part:
  1. Recording based on torsion theory.

A few words about what water is in the light of torsion technologies. Water is one of the most mysterious substances on Earth. Scientists are discovering more and more of its properties. But here we'll talk about magnetized water and its effect on the metabolic processes of the body. It is known that an ordinary magnet has torsion fields. In this case, the north pole of the magnet forms a right-handed torsion field, and the south pole forms a left-handed one ( Appendix No. 4 ). Water treated with a right-handed torsion field receives enhanced biological activity. The physics of this process is as follows: the right-sided torsion field improves its fluidity, the permeability of cell membranes and the rate of metabolic processes at the cellular level. It is known that ordinary water has memory. And the recorded information can be stored by its molecules for as long as desired. If you prepare an aqueous solution of any substance and bring the dilution degree to 1:10, and this is practically pure water, then it turns out that the effect of the solution will remain the same as before dilution. This means that water molecules record information about a molecule of a substance and store it. If you ensure that the information field of a substance is recorded by water molecules (the maximum number of contacts of substance molecules with water molecules is achieved by stirring and shaking), you can increase the dilution degree of the solution to 1:10 (the so-called imaginary solution). This method has become widespread in broiler factories.

By using it, you can save significant money on goods purchased abroad. food additives. Almost any materials can act as resources to be saved. This is how programs are being developed to create environmentally friendly resource-saving technologies, systems and means of non-traditional highly efficient energy supply, production of materials with specified properties, increasing crop yields and livestock productivity, and increasing the shelf life of food products. Highly effective use of torsion fields is possible in many areas of practical activity.

2.2.2 Negative influence of torsion fields.

When water is exposed to the north pole of a magnet, i.e., a right torsion field, the biological activity of water increases. When exposed to the south pole of a magnet, i.e., the left torsion field, the biological activity of water decreases. Similarly, when the north pole of the applicator magnet acts, its therapeutic effect, because in reality the action is carried out due to its right torsion field. When exposed to the south pole of the applicator magnet, the painful condition intensifies.

2.2.3 Torsion fields in medicine

The mystery of biophysical phenomenology is the technique of rewriting drugs according to Voll's method. The essence of the problem is as follows. Two test tubes are taken, one with a solution of the drug, and the other with an aqueous distillate. Then one end of the copper wire is wrapped around one test tube in several turns, and the other end of the wire is also wrapped around the second one. After some time, in a double-blind experiment, it is established that water from a test tube with distillate (an imaginary solution) has the same therapeutic effect as a true solution of the drug. It turns out that the length of the wire does not significantly affect the observed effect.

The assumption about the electromagnetic nature of the “recording of the properties” of the drug disappeared when it turned out that the rewriting effect persists even if we use optical fiber instead of a copper wire. The situation became completely incomprehensible when it turned out that if you place a magnet on a wire or fiber optic, the rewriting effect completely disappears. It was the last circumstance - the action of a magnet on a diamagnetic material (which, as already noted, is impossible within the framework of electromagnetism), indicated that the rewriting is based on torsion (spin) effects.

Let us pay special attention to a number of important consequences of the drug rewriting effect. The therapeutic effect of an imaginary solution - spin-polarized water - poses a new problem. An imaginary solution can have a therapeutic effect only through its field (torsion) properties. At the same time, it is traditionally believed that drugs have a therapeutic effect through a biochemical mechanism. If imaginary solutions are as effective as drug salts, then, perhaps, in the future, torsion rewriting technology using torsion generators will make it possible, on the one hand, to abandon the production of expensive drugs and make pharmaceuticals extremely cheap. On the other hand, the use of sham solutions reduces the problem of drug toxicosis, especially in relation to long-term drugs and, most importantly, drugs taken by patients for life. When treating with imaginary solutions, no “chemistry” enters the body. However, from these general considerations to mass application, certain efforts of scientists and practitioners will be required.

If an imaginary solution has a therapeutic effect through its field (torsion) properties, then, naturally, the question arises: maybe we should completely abandon the aqueous mediator (imaginary solution) and act on the body directly with the enhanced torsion field of the medicine? It is possible that at least in some situations this will be possible.

2.2.4 Properties of torsion fields, due to which the transmission speed will be almost instantaneous.

Torsion fields have unique properties and can be generated not only by spins. As Nobel laureate P. Bridgman showed, these fields can self-generate under certain conditions. We know, for example, there is a charge - there is an electromagnetic field, no charge - there is no electromagnetic field. That is, if there is no source of disturbance, then there is no reason for it to arise. But it turns out that torsion fields, unlike electromagnetic ones, can appear not only from some source that has spin or rotation, but also when the structure of the physical vacuum is distorted.

Most important properties torsion fields are as follows.

  • A torsion field is formed around a rotating object and is a collection of microvortices in space. Since matter consists of atoms and molecules, and atoms and molecules have their own spin moment, matter always has a torsion field. A rotating massive body also has a torsion field. There are static and wave torsion fields. In relation to torsion waves, the physical vacuum behaves like a holographic medium. Torsion fields can arise due to the special geometry of space.
  • Unlike electromagnetism, where like charges repel and unlike charges attract, torsion charges of the same sign (direction of rotation) attract. Let us remember that in esotericism “like attracts like.” The medium of propagation of torsion charges is a physical vacuum, which behaves like an absolutely solid body in relation to torsion waves.
  • Since torsion fields are generated by classical spin, as a result of the influence of a torsion field on an object, only its spin state changes.
  • The speed of propagation of torsion waves is no less than 109C, where C is the speed of light in emptiness, C = 300,000 km/s, that is, almost instantly from any point in the Universe to any point.
    Even the work of the Soviet astrophysicist N.A. Kozyrev suggested that impacts from objects with a torque propagate at a speed immeasurably greater than the speed of light. By studying the field that characterizes the flow of time, the source of which is stars - objects with a large torque, Kozyrev, in essence, studied torsion fields, but in a different terminology. “If we consider that N.A. Kozyrev emphasized that one of the main properties of the field characterizing the flow of time is “right” and “left”, and the sources of recorded radiation were stars - objects with large angular momentum of rotation, then the identity becomes clear the flow of time in the terminology of Kozyrev and the torsion field.” The possibility of superlight speed can be illustrated with this example. Imagine: you have a very long rod, one end of which is on Earth, and the other rests on the star Alpha Centauri. Let this rod be absolutely solid and devoid of elasticity. This means that if you hit the end of the rod, which is on Earth, then, due to the absolute hardness of the rod, this impact will move the rod as a whole, and the other end on the star Alpha Centauri will move simultaneously with the one that is on Earth. It turns out that the displacement signal covered the distance instantly, despite the fact that the distance is insanely large. The high speed of propagation of torsion waves eliminates the problem of signal delay even within the Galaxy.
  • Torsion fields pass through any natural environment without loss of energy. The high penetrating ability of torsion waves is explained by the fact that the quanta of the torsion field (tordions) are low-energy relicts. The absence of energy losses during the propagation of torsion waves makes it possible to create underwater and underground communications using low transmission power. In order to protect against the effects of torsion waves, scientists have created artificial screens.
  • Torsion waves are an inevitable component of the electromagnetic field. Therefore, radio engineering and electronic devices serve as sources of torsion fields, with the right torsion field improving people’s well-being, and the left one worsening it. Notorious geopathogenic zones are also background torsion radiation.
  • Torsion fields have memory. Any source of torsion field polarizes the vacuum. As a result, the spins of the elements of the physical vacuum are oriented along the torsion field of this source, repeating its structure. In this case, the physical vacuum becomes quite stable and, after removing the torsion field of the source, retains its spin structure very much. The spin spatial structure, invisible to the naked eye, is colloquially called a “phantom”. Since all living bodies have their own torsion field, phantoms are formed by both people and objects. From the stated positions, the eternal question is: is the invisible world real? - has a clear answer: yes, it is real. Real to the same extent as, for example, a material magnetic field is real. People imprint themselves in their phantoms throughout their lives. This allows a select few to “see” the past.
  • The torsion field has informational properties - it does not transmit energy, but transmits information. Positive information twists torsion fields in one direction, negative information - in the opposite direction. The rotation frequency of torsion vortices changes depending on the information. Torsion fields can become more complex and multi-layered. Torsion fields are the basis of the Information field of the Universe.
  • Changes in torsion fields are accompanied by changes in characteristics and the release of energy.
  • A person can directly perceive and transform torsion fields. Thought has a torsion nature. As G. Shipov believes: “Thought is a field self-organizing formation. These are clots in a torsion field that hold themselves together. We experience them as images and ideas
  • There are no time limits for torsion fields. Torsion signals from an object can be perceived from past, present and future objects.

So, it is clear that torsion fields will allow information to be transmitted instantly to any point in the universe. The advantage is not only fast data transfer, but also their low energy consumption requirements.

2.2.5 Transfer of information based on torsion fields

If we have a transmitter (emitter of torsion waves), a system for registering and receiving torsion waves, then it is natural to use them to transmit information. This way you can replace radio communication with torsion communication. In April 1986, the first experiments were carried out on the transmission of binary information using torsion signals. These results were published in 1995. Thus, the existence of torsion fields has been confirmed experimentally. Such experiments were performed in April 1986. The transmission of torsion signals was carried out from the first floor of the building, which was located near the ring road in Moscow in the Yasenevo district. The signal had to pass through a large number of buildings, which separated the point where the signal was transmitted from the point where the torsion signal was received, and in addition, between these points there were uneven terrain, through the thickness of which the signal had to pass. In this case, a torsion generator was used as a transmitting device, which did not have devices such as an antenna in radio communications that could be placed on the roof so that this signal could travel through free space from one place to another, avoiding all the obstacles that would have to overcome the torsion signal. In this experiment, the torsion signal could only travel in a straight line through interfering buildings and through the thickness of the terrain. Even if there were no terrain and only these buildings had to be overcome, then taking into account the density of buildings in Moscow between the transmission point and the reception point (the transmission point was located near the ring road, and the reception point was in the center of Moscow near Dzerzhinsky Square , the distance between these points, as indicated in the diagram ( application No. 5 ) was approximately 22 km) the effective thickness of the reinforced concrete buildings that separated these two points was at least 50 m of reinforced concrete. It is obvious that even if these buildings existed in the form of such a wall, then no matter how hundreds of megawatts of radio communication (radio transmitter power) we had at our disposal, this signal would not be able to reach the receiving point; it would be almost completely absorbed by these reinforced concrete walls of the buildings.

The power that was used to implement the transmission of the torsion signal from the transmission point to the receiving point was 30 milliwatts, which is almost 10 times less than the power consumed by a light bulb from a flashlight. Naturally, with such a low signal power, no signal transmission in the traditional sense from the transmission point to the reception point at a distance of 22 km would be impossible.

Despite the fact that the signal was low in intensity, it was stably received at the reception point. This binary signal was received in the form of envelopes, which were recorded as converted from torsion to an electrical signal.

First of all, it must be said that the very fact of error-free reception of a signal from this point to the receiving point seemed completely impossible. But this was a completely natural result, taking into account the high penetrating ability of the torsion signal, which should not have been absorbed by reinforced concrete buildings or by the terrain. In the second series of experiments, the transmitter was brought directly to the receiving point. And again the transmission of the torsion signal was repeated. In practice, these signals do not differ in intensity, which follows from the high penetrating ability of the torsion signal. Indeed, the torsion signal did not care whether it passed this distance of 22 km through these absorbing media, or whether these absorbing media did not exist at all. The signal intensity does not change in any way. Thus, the theoretically predicted property of torsion signals not to weaken either with distance or when passing through some natural media was confirmed. The signal actually passed through without any attenuation.

At present, these experiments have already grown into the framework of normal research work, which should culminate in the creation of factory samples of transmitting and receiving equipment, which should serve as a prototype for the creation of communication means based on the principles of transmitting torsion signals.

There is a long-standing dispute over who is the inventor of radio: Russian A. Popov or American Marconi. There will be no such dispute regarding the torsion connection. Not a single line and not a single patent on this matter has been recorded anywhere in the world to date. Russia will be the sole leader in this matter. However, not only in communications, but also in torsion technologies in general. As of today, no country in the world has even started work in any of the areas - energy, communications, transport.

2.2.6 A little in metallurgy.

In recent years, much work has been carried out in the field of metallurgy. It turned out that by changing the spin structure of the metal (in the melt) it is possible to control its structure and properties. As a result, without adding any alloying additives, we can obtain metal that has better characteristics than alloyed metal. For example, it was obtained without alloying, only due to the effect of torsion radiation on the molten metal, increasing strength by 1.5 times and ductility by up to 2.5 times. None of the existing technologies in metallurgy make it possible to increase the properties of materials several times; usually we are talking about percentages. And no technology allows increasing strength and ductility at the same time! This has also already been achieved in metallurgical furnaces at Russian factories. The patenting stage has already been completed. It is expected that production of products from metals obtained using this technology will soon begin.

2.2.7 Torsion fields and humans.

One of the most complex spin systems is a person. The complexity of his spatial-frequency torsion field is determined by the huge range of chemical substances in his body and the complexity of their distribution in it, as well as the complex dynamics of biochemical transformations in the metabolic process. Each person can be considered as a source (generator) of a strictly individual torsion field. Due to the factors already discussed, a person, with his background (natural) torsion field, carries out (involuntarily for the vast majority of people) spin polarization of the surrounding space in a certain finite radius. His torsion field, which also carries information about the state of his health, leaves its copy (spin replica) both on clothes and in the Physical Vacuum.

The spin imprint of a torsion field on one person's clothing turns out to be significant for another person if he wears this clothing. In order to eliminate this influence, it is necessary to subject such clothing to spin torsion depolarization. With the help of torsion generators, this procedure is performed quickly and easily. The old admonitions about the undesirability of wearing clothes “from someone else’s shoulder”, it turns out, have a completely reasonable justification. These conclusions apply equally to other things, paintings, instruments, etc.

The overwhelming majority of people have a background right torsion field. Extremely rare, in a ratio of about 10 6 :1, there are people with a background left torsion field. The background static torsion field of a person generally has a fairly stable value. However, at the same time, it was found that with one’s own right torsion field, holding one’s breath while exhaling even for 1 minute. Almost doubles the strength of this field. When you hold your breath while inhaling, the sign of this field changes - the new torsion field becomes left.

These factors, as well as the similarity of the properties of torsion fields to those demonstrated by psychics, gave reason to assume that the long-distance influences of psychics are realized through torsion fields. The difference between a sensitive person and an ordinary person is that he can cause altered states in himself, in which he himself becomes the source of a torsion field of a given spatial-frequency structure. In practice, the sensitive does not use these scientific categories. He empirically selects the altered state in which a positive therapeutic effect is observed. Typically, a psychic, starting to work with a new patient, uses some basic altered state, characteristic of the sensory treatment of a given disease, which he modifies for each specific case. There is reason to believe that in the case of a priest, a similar algorithm is implemented.

In order to verify the correctness of the assumption about the torsional nature of sensory phenomenology, a large number of experimental studies have been carried out over the past five years. Many experiments on the effects of torsion radiation generators on various physical, chemical and biological objects were duplicated by a group of sensitive people - Yu. A. Petushkov, N. P. and A. V. Baev in studies based on Lvovsky state university. In all cases, their extrasensory effects were consistently reproducible and demonstrated the same, and often stronger, effects than those produced by torsion generators.

Studies have been conducted on the impact of sensitives on various biological systems. These experiments also observed sustainable results. Of particular interest was the objective recording of the impact of sensitive substances on subjects using an electroencephalogram (EEG) of the brain with mapping of the brain according to different rhythms. In this case, methods generally accepted in world practice and serial equipment for brain mapping using EEG were used. An example of recorded changes in the L-rhythm with observation intervals of 20 minutes. showed that the corrective actions of sensitive people ultimately, to use standard terminology, give a “butterfly”, i.e. a symmetrical picture of the left and right hemispheres. Probably the first domestic publication on such studies was the work of I. S. Dobronravova and I. N. Lebedeva (12).

An important point of these experiments was that the subject was in a shielded chamber (Faraday chamber), which excluded the electromagnetic influence of the sensitives, if it occurred.

The established torsional nature of the action of sensitives led to spin glass models used to describe brain mechanisms, beginning with the early work of Little and Hopfield. The spin glass model is quite constructive, although it has disadvantages known to experts (like any model, and not a strict theory).

To a first approximation, let us abstract from the macrostructure of the brain and the differentiation of its cells. We will assume that the brain is an amorphous medium (“glass”) that has freedom in the dynamics of spin structures. Then it is permissible to assume that as a result of acts of thinking, the biochemical processes accompanying them give rise to molecular structures that, like spin systems, are sources of a torsion field, and their spatial-frequency structure adequately (probably, even identically) reflects these acts of thinking.

In the presence of an external torsion field, under its action in a labile spin system - the brain, spin structures arise that repeat the spatial-frequency structure of the acting external torsion field. These emerging spin structures are reflected as images or sensations at the level of consciousness, or as signals for controlling certain physiological functions.

3 Conclusion

So, knowing this information about torsion fields, we can say with certainty that wireless transmission of information based on torsion fields is much more profitable than using electromagnetic fields: high speed, efficiency, and transmission over immeasurable distances.

Thanks to torsion fields, it is possible to invent engines based on torsion fields. Such engines can be used in cars.A distinctive feature of vehicles with torsion bar propulsion is the absence of external support or reaction of the thrown mass inherent in modern vehicles. As a consequence of this, the new transport with torsion bar propulsion will not have wheels, wings, propellers, rocket engines, propellers or any other devices. As a result, a unique opportunity arises for movement on a solid surface, on water, in the air, under water, in outer space without harmful effects on the environment. natural environment. A torsion bar propulsion system will prove itself most economically when moving in space. The efficiency of fuel use in this case will be 80-90%, in contrast to rocket engines (2%).

A vehicle with torsion bar propulsion will be able to hover above the Earth at any height, hover freely, and almost instantly change directions of movement. Such vehicles do not need launchers, landing strips, or airports. They will easily reach speeds close to the speed of light. Moreover, already now theoretical developments indicate the ability to overcome both distances and time by changing the topological properties of space-time. The introduction of a new method of movement will not only lead to a change in traditional means of transportation, but will also have a strong impact on social development and the economy (the cost of transporting passengers and cargo over medium and long distances on Earth and in outer space will sharply decrease). New enterprises with jobs will appear. The scale of use of energies that pollute the human environment will be reduced. The development of torsion vehicles and energy sources makes it possible to understand the physical principles of interstellar travel and the structure of those UFOs that are most likely messengers of other star systems.

In addition, we know that human thought in our brain is a consequence of the torsion field. It is a generator of torsion fields, but external torsion fields also affect its operation. This means that perhaps in the distant future our mobile phones will no longer be needed. We will transmit and receive thoughts at once. With the power of thought we will be able to control various devices. Moreover, now every person needs to study at school for 11 years to get an education, then to get a profession, they need another 3-6 years of study! Perhaps in the future, when torsion fields are studied, we will be able to instantly “teach” a person what we now spend the 4th part of our life on. This will happen simply, as if installing a program on a computer.

Also, thanks to the transmission of data over long distances, perhaps we will be able to establish contact with aliens, no matter how far away they live. Then we will understand that man is not alone in this universe.

  1. The information can be used in elective courses for grade 11
  2. The project is suitable for presentation at a scientific conference
  3. In ecology and physics lessons when studying these topics
  4. The project can be used to study the ideas and projects of Nikola Tesla.
  5. The project can be offered as an independent source of information for students to prepare messages.


Appendix No. 1

Appendix No. 2

Appendix No. 3


Slide captions:

Torsion fields and their application.

Project topic: Transfer of information using torsion fields and their other possible applications.

Project goals: To study the history of development and the basics of information transfer. Learn about modern methods of transmitting information. Study torsion fields. To study the possible use of torsion fields in other areas of human activity. Study the environmental impact of the devices we are used to. Prove that using torsion fields will significantly reduce the negative impact on the environment

Research methods: Study of literature on the topic; Systematization of material; Draw conclusions based on known experiments; Using ready-made measurements;

Relevance of the problem: One of the basic human needs is the need for communication. Therefore, various means of communication are actively developing. Nowadays, people are trying to find a way to wireless, high-speed, energy-saving, long-range communication.

Objectives of the work: Using material found in various sources of information, prove that devices based on the theory of torsion fields will be much more efficient and economical (this is why we should engage in a deep study of torsion fields, since in our time we have an insufficient supply of information to create new information transfer devices).

Information transmission Wired Wireless

unshielded twisted pair. The maximum distance at which computers connected by this cable can be located reaches 90 m. Information transfer speed is from 10 to 155 Mbit/s; shielded twisted pair. Information transfer speed - 16 Mbit/s over a distance of up to 300 m. coaxial cable. It is characterized by higher mechanical strength, noise immunity and allows you to transmit information over a distance of up to 2000 m at a speed of 2-44 Mbit/s; fiber optic cable. An ideal transmission medium, it is not affected by electromagnetic fields, allows you to transmit information over a distance of up to 10,000 m at a speed of up to 10 Gbit/s.

Transferring information between computers

Torsion fields. In 1913, the young French mathematician E. Cartan published an article, at the end of which he formulated in one phrase what later turned out to be a fundamental physical concept: in nature there must be fields generated by the density of angular momentum of rotation. In the 20s, A. Einstein published a number of works in a direction close to this. By the 70s, a new field of physics had formed - the Einstein-Cartan theory (EC), which was part of the theory of torsion fields (torsion fields). In accordance with modern concepts, electromagnetic fields are generated by charge, gravitational fields by mass, and torsion fields are generated by spin or angular momentum of rotation. Just as any object with mass creates a gravitational field, so any rotating object creates a torsion field.

Recording information based on torsion theory. The experiments were carried out by scientists on water. It is known that ordinary water has memory. And the recorded information can be stored by its molecules for as long as desired. Any substance is a spin system, and when an external torsion field influences it, a spin imprint remains on it.

Negative influence of torsion fields When water is exposed to the north pole of a magnet, i.e., the right torsion field, the biological activity of water increases. When exposed to the south pole of a magnet, i.e., the left torsion field, the biological activity of water decreases. Similarly, when the applicator magnet acts on the north pole, its therapeutic effect is observed, since in reality the action is carried out due to its right torsion field. When exposed to the south pole of the applicator magnet, the painful condition intensifies.

Torsion fields in medicine The mystery of biophysical phenomenology is the technique of rewriting drugs according to Voll's method. Two test tubes are taken, one with a solution of the drug, and the other with an aqueous distillate. Then one end of the copper wire is wrapped around one test tube in several turns, and the other end of the wire is also wrapped around the second one. After some time, in a double-blind experiment, it is established that water from a test tube with distillate (an imaginary solution) has the same therapeutic effect as a true solution of the drug. It turns out that the length of the wire does not significantly affect the observed effect.

Torsion fields in metallurgy It turned out that by changing the spin structure of the metal (in the melt) it is possible to control its structure and properties. As a result, without adding any alloying additives, we can obtain metal that has better characteristics than alloyed metal. For example, it was obtained without alloying, only due to the effect of torsion radiation on the molten metal, increasing strength by 1.5 times and ductility by up to 2.5 times.

Transmission of information The enormous speed of propagation of waves of torsion fields gives us the opportunity to transmit almost instantly. High penetrating power promises negligible energy consumption. Distribution in a vacuum and the absence of changes due to any interference makes it possible to transmit information to any point in the universe.

First experience in transmitting information. In April 1986, the first experiments were carried out on the transmission of binary information using torsion signals. These results were published in 1995. Thus, the existence of torsion fields has been confirmed experimentally. Such experiments were performed in April 1986. The power that was used to implement the transmission of the torsion signal from the transmission point to the receiving point was 30 milliwatts, which is almost 10 times less than the power consumed by a light bulb from a flashlight. Naturally, with such a low signal power, no signal transmission in the traditional sense from the transmission point to the reception point at a distance of 22 km would be impossible. Despite the fact that the signal was low in intensity, it was stably received at the reception point.

Methodological recommendations The information can be used in elective courses for grade 11 The project is suitable for presentation at a scientific conference In ecology and physics lessons when studying these topics The project can be used in studying the ideas and projects of Nikola Tesla. The project can be offered as an independent source of information for students to prepare messages.

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