Home Hygiene When dogs are switched to 2 meals a day. Feeding the puppy

When dogs are switched to 2 meals a day. Feeding the puppy

You brought home a puppy. You need to prepare not only for active games, walks and fun, but also for... food! Dogs grow very quickly and need a balanced diet to stay healthy and active. In this article we will tell you the best way to feed your puppy.

Age: 6-12 weeks

Once the puppies are weaned from their mother and sent to their new homes, they must eat several times a day. This is necessary for them rapid growth and development. Experts advise planning four meals for dogs of this age. You must form a balanced diet. It is best to use high-quality specialized food for a specific age. First it must be wet food(for example, canned food), and at about 10 weeks of age you can switch your dog to dry food. If you want to cook for your puppy yourself, be sure to talk to your veterinarian about your pet’s specific needs.

Age: 3-6 months

At this stage of your puppy's growth, you can reduce the number of feedings to three per day. It is best to feed him breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time.

When your dog is 3-4 months old, he will likely look thinner and shinier because he will have lost his puppy plumpness. This is normal, but if you are concerned about the dog's appearance, talk to your veterinarian and find out if the puppy is developing normally and weighs normally for its age.

Age: 6-12 months

Your puppy is growing into a teenager. At this stage, you can switch to two meals a day. At about 7-9 months, you can switch the puppy to an adult diet. Remember: dogs large breeds They grow longer, so they must remain on a more nutritious puppy food and the same feeding schedule for up to a year. At the age of one year, as a rule, all dogs are already transferred to two meals a day and food for adult animals.

How much food should you give your puppy?

Your starting point should be the rates indicated on the food you are using. Serving weight varies depending on nutritional value and type of food, so follow directions.

Monitor your pet's condition. If he grows up, but remains chubby. Like in childhood, it means he eats too much. If the dog leaves food in the bowl, the portions are too large and should be reduced. If you give your puppy a lot of treats throughout the day, the portions will also need to be reduced.

Consultations with a veterinarian will help you learn how to adjust portions and diet so that the puppy develops and grows as it should at a given age. Several meals throughout the day at the same time - best schedule. It helps spread out your dog's calories and energy throughout the day. As a “bonus” - with a strict feeding schedule, the dog will relieve itself according to the “schedule”, at approximately the same time.

Every dog ​​is different. The feeding schedule and diet must be changed in proportion to her age and needs. Follow all the rules to keep your pet healthy and happy. If you have any questions or concerns about feeding your puppy, be sure to consult with your veterinarian.

Proper puppy nutrition is one of the most important factors for the growth of the dog and the guarantee of its health for life. There are several dog feeding systems of different ages, each has its supporters and opponents, each has its own pros and cons. In addition, views on certain food products may differ widely. How to choose the most correct path?

When choosing proper nutrition The basis is to take the well-being of your pet and the characteristics of its body. Anything that allows the puppy to grow well and look good should be considered right and appropriate.

Every dog ​​owner has their own experience with individual dogs, which may be very different from your (or anyone else's) experience. Therefore, the opinions of dog lovers you know about this or that method of feeding puppies may be of no more than academic interest to you. It is worth taking into account the experience of others, but you should be guided by your own common sense and well-being your dog.

In any case, the puppy feeds on its mother’s milk for up to one and a half months. However, in order to accustom the baby to feeding on his own, breeders begin to feed puppies with other food when they are older. 3-4 weeks. The following can be used as first complementary foods: pasteurized cow's or goat's milk with the addition of raw egg yolk, kefir, calcined cottage cheese, unsweetened milk porridges made from cereals ground in a coffee grinder: rice, buckwheat or oatmeal.

All new products are introduced into the diet in small quantities and gradually. Aged 4 weeks You can give your kids finely chopped or scraped veal meat, grated carrots, stewed pumpkin or zucchini. Gradually, the proportion of bitch milk in the diet of growing puppies decreases, and by 2 months babies can be taken away from their mother. If this does not happen, then at the age of three months the bitch herself will stop feeding them, and the puppies will still have to completely switch to independent feeding.

Let's consider the two most common: home-cooked natural food and ready-made industrial (including dry) food.

Natural food

Meat should make up about 40% of the diet. Moreover, it should not be a tenderloin: it is better if the meat quite sinewy, with cartilage and connective tissue. It is better not to give bones at all - they wear down teeth and can cause digestive problems (especially in young dogs and puppies). Large beef bones are sometimes acceptable as chewing toys.

Diet at 3-5 weeks of age

At this age puppies eat often and little by little, because the stomach does not yet know how to cope with large volumes of food. It is recommended to feed babies every 3 hours. While they remain with their mother, the breeder only gives complementary foods in the form of milk porridge, tender raw food 2-3 times a day minced meat. All food is offered to babies in heavy bottles; no nipples are needed.

5-8 weeks

The amount of mother's milk decreases, and the share of other foods increases accordingly. Puppies grow rapidly and need a lot protein and minerals so that a strong skeleton and good muscles are formed. Mandatory in the diet at this age:

    calcined cottage cheese (add 20 ml of 10 percent calcium chloride per liter of milk heated to a boil, strain off the curdled milk);

    raw or lightly boiled meat (lean beef or veal) in the form of minced meat or finely chopped pieces;

    chopped greens, grated carrots with added vegetable oil or sour cream;

    stewed zucchini or pumpkin;

    well-cooked porridge from rice, buckwheat or oatmeal.

Puppies are fed 5 times a day. The amount of food depends on the breed and characteristics of the dog.

1.5-3 months

Feeding 4-5 times a day. Can be added to diet eggs: 1 chicken or 3 quail per week. The yolk can be given raw, the white only boiled or not given at all. By-products can be added to meat: beef liver, heart, lungs, udder, beef tripe is especially useful for dogs of all ages.

Dairy products continue to be relevant (the puppy should receive cottage cheese and kefir at least once a day). On the menu boiled porridge turns on from rice with pumpkin and a spoon of vegetable oil, vegetable and fruit salads, porridge mixed with meat or cottage cheese, grated or stewed carrots. Wheat crackers or rye crackers can be given as a treat and for chewing.

3-6 months

The number of feedings is reduced to 4. Portions for each feeding are increased accordingly. In the morning cottage cheese and kefir are fed, in the afternoon - porridge and vegetables with meat, at night you can give meat, eggs, porridge. You should not feed before or immediately after a walk (not to be confused with!).

6-9 months

By this age, most dogs themselves switch to Three meals a day. The diet remains the same: with the inclusion of dairy products, meat, cereals and vegetables. You can add boiled sea fish.

9-12 months

At the age of 9-12 months, dogs gradually switch to an adult diet: 1-2 times a day.

Regarding the ongoing debate regarding feeding raw or cooked meat, in nature canines feed their offspring exclusively raw meat. AND digestive system adapted for digesting raw animal protein. Yes, there is a risk of infection with worms - but worms one way or another, with the exception of some cases of individual intolerance raw meat, preference should be given to this product.

Feeding with prepared industrial feeds

What are the benefits of ready-made food?

    they are balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates;

    they are convenient to store and use.

For puppies, special products are used, which contain increased amounts of vitamins and minerals, proteins and fats. Aged 6 months dogs switch to Junior age category food, and after a year- for regular adult food. In product lines of all quality industrial feed There are products for puppies, medium-sized ones and designed to suit the different needs of the body.

Dry food for small puppies soak warm water until soft, or use canned food for feeding. As the dog gets older, the proportion increases.

The main rules regarding dry food:

    Do not mix dry and;

    Make sure your dog always has pure water in free access;

Choosing a brand of food

Dogs are all very different, and sometimes it takes a long time to find the most ideal food. How to choose the most suitable brand of food?

    Choose only among class feeds "Premium" and "Super-premium";

    Monitor your dog's stool: this is the most informative indicator of how well the feed is digested. The stool should be well formed, dark in color and without a strong odor. If the dog poops a lot, the food is not digested. If there is a strong stench, the food is also poorly digested, and putrefactive processes occur in the intestines. When the right choice the dog is in excellent condition, its coat is shiny, the animal is active. Bowel movements occur twice a day in moderation;

    Watch for dog behavior: if the puppy begins to itch, shake his ears, if there is a noticeable increase in lacrimation, and rashes and red spots are visible on the skin, it may be food. In this case, it must be abandoned immediately. Greatest risk allergic reaction when feeding with cheap feeds, which include corn, soybeans, yeast, and chicken.

Feeding for a puppy is a very important part. But as you grow up, the number of meals decreases, but the portion itself increases. So, for example, a puppy up to 3 months must be given natural food 4 to 5 times a day, and after 3 months 3-4 times a day, after 6 months 2-3 times a day, and after a year 1-2 times a day. day.

But at the same time, if you suddenly remove one feeding and spread the remaining portion over the rest of the feedings, you can cause upset, therefore, you need to do it gradually.

In this article on the website “Around Dogs” we will tell you how to switch your dog to fewer feedings.

To make the transition smoother, let’s take as a basis the transition from 3 feedings a day to 2 feedings a day (this system is suitable for dogs from one year old, both on natural food and on dry food), you need to gradually reduce the amount of food in the second feeding, and increase it in the first and third.

For example, your dog should eat 120 grams of food per day, i.e. 40 grams for each meal, we begin to gradually increase the first and third feedings (in 1 day by 1-2 grams), and reduce the second by the same 2-4 grams. To be more detailed, let's make a table:

1st feeding 41-42 grams

2nd feeding 36-38 grams;

3- feeding 41-42 grams;

1st feeding 42-44 grams

2nd feeding 32-36 grams;

3- feeding 42-44 grams;

1st feeding 43-46 grams

2nd feeding 28-34 grams;

3- feeding 43-46 grams;

1st feeding 44-48 grams

2nd feeding 24-32 grams;

3- feeding 44-48 grams;

1st feeding 45-50 grams

2nd feeding 20-30 grams;

3- feeding 45-50 grams;

1st feeding 46-52 grams

2nd feeding 16-28 grams;

3- feeding 46-52 grams;

1st feeding 47-54 grams

2nd feeding 12-26 grams;

3- feeding 47-54 grams;

1st feeding 48-56 grams

2nd feeding 8-24 grams;

3- feeding 48-56 grams;

1st feeding 49-58 grams

2nd feeding 4-22 grams;

3- feeding 49-58 grams;

1st feeding 50-60 grams

2nd feeding 0-20 grams;

3- feeding 50-60 grams;

Etc. until your second serving is zero.

This is all done in order to gradually increase the dog's stomach to required sizes, without harming her, and restructuring the gastrointestinal tract from three meals a day to two meals a day (or whatever suits your pet’s age).

Some dog breeders claim that after a year the dog can be switched to one feeding - at night, before bed. Which on the one hand is true, because the dog will calmly digest food while sleeping, but on the other hand, this can harm your pet’s stomach, because he will be hungry all day (especially if you give him natural food- porridge and meat, because they are digested much faster than dry food).


You should never feed your dog before going for a walk. The dog's stomach is not secured, and during active games, the dog may experience a volvulus, which can lead to fatal outcome, without timely provision surgical intervention. So feed your pets only after a walk.

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