Home Prevention How to write wishes to the universe correctly. How to correctly formulate a desire and what methods exist? What should you “order”

How to write wishes to the universe correctly. How to correctly formulate a desire and what methods exist? What should you “order”

All wish fulfillment techniques require that your wish be written down. And it is right. While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity.

It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, can the Universe understand what you want if completely different thoughts instantly change in your head: “My son brought a deuce again - the car is exactly the color I just drove and I want - I need to replace the heels on my boots tomorrow - don’t forget to pop into the store for sour cream - how great it will be to travel by car, and not in crowded trolleybuses - and Sidorova came to work again in a new blouse...” It follows from here:

Rule 1. The wish must be written.

Well, okay, you say, if it’s better to write, then we’ll write. Big deal, it's a problem.
Strange as it may sound, but it’s correct to write own wish– this is really a problem. Let's look at examples.

"I want to have my own home." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled for everyone. Only the effect will be slightly different from what was expected. Imagine that years from now... a person opens a treasured record. Hooray! Everything has come true! After all, he still wants to have his own home. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. It follows from this:

Rule 2. The desire must have an end date (period) for fulfillment.

For example, “In June 2013, I am buying myself a large LCD TV.”

"I'll buy myself a car." Also a mistake. And what is written will definitely come true. After many years, a person will still hope that he will buy a car sometime in the future. It follows from this:

Rule 3. Desire is always written in the present tense .

Those. instead of “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands,” we write, for example, “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands.”

"I don't want to be poor." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong!
Firstly, the Universe does not pay attention to the particles “not”, “no” or any other negative words. Probably, by saying “I don’t want to be poor,” you want to be rich, but the Universe ignores the “not” particle and perceives all this as “I want to be poor.”
Secondly, you always attract to yourself what you think about. When you say “I don’t want to be poor,” you automatically think about poverty, and when you say “I want to be rich,” you automatically think about wealth. As they say, feel the difference. This implies:

Rule 4. Using the particle “not” and other negations is prohibited.

Rule 5. Write what you want, not what you don’t want.

Let's practice replacing negative language with positive ones.
Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” we write, for example, “I’m healthy.”
Replace “I don’t want to be poor” with “I’m rich”
Replace “I don’t want to be fat” with “My figure is great”
Replace “I don’t want to be lonely” with “I am loved and love”...

Case from practice: One very good friend of mine prescribed herself the purchase of a car. Everything was formulated clearly and clearly, especially the phrase “just let it NOT be red.” Everything has come true! Now I often see how confidently Deo drives his cute little red car...

Go ahead. The boy writes “I want to become a great musician.” In fact, he likes auto racing more, but he really wants to please his mother, who has long dreamed of Stravinsky fame for her son. This is a fundamental mistake! It is impossible to deceive the Universe with a “fake” desire. It follows from this:

Rule 6. The desire must be sincere and important to you.

"I want to rob a bank and become rich." “I want my rich American uncle to die as soon as possible.” “I want my boss to get hit by a car and be appointed in his place.” Our World will not fulfill such wishes, because the World is ruled by love, not evil. It follows from this:

Rule 7. The desire must be ethical.

“I want dad to win the Jackpot lottery.” The right desire? No! As a human being, caring for loved ones is understandable, but the Universe has its own Laws. Desire should be directed towards yourself, your loved one. On your actions, desires, acquisitions, events.

Rule 8. Desire must be directed towards oneself.

Advice: It is useless to write “I want my son to graduate from school with a gold medal,” but you can formulate it like this: “I do my best to help my son graduate from school with a gold medal.” Do you feel the difference in the meaning of what is written?

By the way, do not try to deceive the Universe by violating the above Rules. It’s only in the movies that people succeed, for example, in trying to combine two wishes when you can only make one. Remember the famous “I want everything to be good for dad, but for me to be like dad”? It will not work.

It will be very correct if you use as many details as possible of what you dream about when writing your desire. If this is a trip to Haiti, describe at least general outline hotel and beach. If this is a new car, describe its main characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.

Rule 9. More details and emotions.

Case from practice: a girl really wants a digital camera. She doesn’t really understand them, so she buys an appropriate magazine with pictures, chooses the prettiest of the many models and writes her characteristics into her desire, pasting in her photograph. Pretty soon the girl is performing a serious favor for another person. As a token of gratitude, he gives the girl a digital camera of the SAME MODEL that was described in the wish.

Can you imagine how many camera models there are now?! Do you really think this is just a coincidence?

It is very important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. For example, a person dreams of having his own apartment. It is unlikely that he will be happy to become the owner of an apartment if its previous owners, his parents, die in a car accident. It follows from this:

Rule 10. The wish you write should end with a phrase-amulet like: “May this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and everyone whom this wish concerns.”

I draw your attention to the phrase “or something more.” There is no need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. The universe knows best. It is quite possible that our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur. I hope you won’t object too much to this change of holiday destination?

So, the desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 10 rules are strictly followed. What's next? Maybe you need to constantly think about desire, vigilantly monitor the slightest changes in the situation, and constantly wait for the result with tension?

In no case! The desire must be calmly released into the Universe and even almost forgotten about it. Persistent thoughts and experiences will only create negative energy background, will interfere with the fulfillment of your desire. Therefore there is

- Lord, how I want chocolate!These were the words the border guard greeted us at the Santo Domingo airport. Local time is almost one in the morning.“By the way, I have one,” I say.I take off my backpack, unzip it and take out half a chocolate bar. While sorting out the refrigerator before leaving, for some reason I took it with me, thinking of eating it on the road, but I never ate it.- ABOUT!! – the border guard shouts, affixing an entry stamp. - That's for me? Chocolate! Thank you, I’ve been on duty for 10 hours and have no strength.This is what I mean. Requests to the universe must be formulated out loud and as clearly as possible. And the universe itself will figure out why the optimal way to deliver you a piece of chocolate is to carry it halfway across the Earth.© Tatiana KhrylovaInstructions from psychologist Evgenia Bright. You can consider it a fairy tale or the most valuable information in the world.For wishes to come true, they must be made correctly. So,

The best instructions for “ordering” desires from the Universe look like this:

1. There must be ONE desire at the time of “ordering”.

How do we most often desire? Here typical example: “I want seven million. For three, I’ll buy myself a luxury apartment in a prestigious area. For one - a cool car. For a couple more - I’ll go see the world, to....” Stop! This exaggerated desire contains a bunch of other desires that may not be at all related to the initial one. It turns out to be some kind of matryoshka doll. This multi-layer design does not work! In order for each of the individual desires to come true, you need to work with it separately. Why? Imagine that you are a parent. Your child comes to you and asks for one hundred rubles. Suppose a child intends to build a house for a hamster and he needs some boards, nails, a hammer... The child figured that one hundred rubles is exactly the amount that should be enough for everything he needs. But you, the parent, know that you already have a hammer in the house, you can bring boards from work, and you only need to buy nails for 30 rubles. Thus, the hamster gets a new home, the child gets pleasure from creative work, and you are satisfied with the economical solution to the issue. The same thing happens between us and the Universe, which is the main giver of all our benefits. Moreover, the Universe will always act in the most rational way. So, break your multi-layered, multi-component desire into components. Each component should be as basic as possible.

2. A desire should not be a condition for the fulfillment of other desires.

So, let's figure it out. Question: Why do I need seven million? Answer: To buy an apartment, a car, start a business, put the nth amount in the bank, pay off debts…. and so on. Now we need to work with each of them (apartment, car, business, bank, debts) separately. Let’s continue with an example. Question: Why do I need an apartment? Answer: To get rid of parental guardianship. Next question: Why should I get rid of my parents' care? Answer: To have more personal freedom. Next question: What happens after my wish comes true? Answer: I will... (what will you?) Once your answer is expressed in FEELING, it can be considered “elementary”, i.e. the very desire that needs to be “ordered” for fulfillment.

3. Desire should ONLY evoke feelings in you, and not thoughts about new desires.

So, what will happen to you after your wish comes true? Correct answer: “I will FEEL... happiness! Satisfaction!…" Or something like that. Let's go back to seven million again. “When I have “item A” (that is, seven million), I can also have “items B, C, D.” Do you see? No special feelings, except the feeling that something else needs to be done with this money. And this is the right signal INCORRECTNESS OF DESIRE. If only the answer were: “Oooh! I’ll put this money in this glass jar, put it on the table and every day I’ll be stunned by the sight of my seven million in the bank...”- wow, this is the right desire. But is this what you want? However, if you just want money, then order it. Why be ashamed? And at the same time you can order an apartment, a car, a business, debt distribution and everything else. IN PARALLEL! If an apartment is only a MEANS of getting rid of parental guardianship, then you need to order (ATTENTION!) - not an apartment, but a MEANS OF RIDING FROM PARENTAL CUSTODY. After all, you can get an apartment, but you can’t get rid of guardianship. Parents - they can help you new apartment get it. Even at the end of the world! So, consider the result of your desire - The Universe will embody exactly the RESULT. If you want to meet a prince in a silver BMW in order to marry him, then your desire is NOT to meet a prince, but to MARRY a prince. Do you feel the difference?

4. The desire must be “ecologically friendly”.

This means that no one should suffer as a result of your desire. How to avoid unwittingly causing trouble to others? Unfortunately, it’s impossible to completely avoid troubles in life, that’s just how life works. And it is quite possible that your ardent desire to get an apartment will result in you inheriting it from a relative who suddenly died. But! It is important to remember that in any case, everything is under the control of the Universe. Your desire will always be fulfilled in the most rational way, but taking into account the life scenarios of all the characters in the action. So relax and accept everything as it comes. That is, with gratitude! A few words about why you shouldn’t deliberately create trouble. Suppose you are overcome by the desire to harm someone. Suppose you even think that you are right. And that the “object” deserved to be punished. Now think: Is your rightness the most rightness in the world? And do you consider yourself to have the right to punish and pardon at your own discretion? When launching the boomerang of your desires, keep in mind that these flying devices have one nasty habit - they come back. So let your “boomerangs” be only good, so that you do not need to be afraid of their return.

5. The desire should concern only you, and not third parties.

Very often such desires arise: “I want my child...”, “I want my husband...” A familiar picture, right? So, SUCH desires DO NOT WORK! What to do, you ask? Is everything really hopeless? No, why not? You just need to change your desire a little. It should concern you, and not your child, husband, parents, boss, etc. It might look something like this: “I want to be proud of my child, who gets straight A’s,” “I want to do everything homework together with her husband,” etc. In a word, turn the “arrows” on your feelings in connection with the fulfillment of your desire - that’s all.

6. You need to wish to the maximum.

One good man said: “You have to wish a lot and often. You need to wish to the maximum. You still won't get everything. But the more you want, the more you get.” And it is true! If you want a car, let it be the best car, in your opinion. What are you saying? Don't have money for one? Is there any for the old Zhiguli car? Also no? Then what's the difference? Instead of wishing for something bad, wish for something awesome! The universe is vast and inexhaustible. And limitless, as you might guess. All the restrictions that you have in life are restrictions associated with the bad flight of your imagination. Well, then pull the elevator and soar up! 1. The desire should not be tied to time. Often we want to get something by a specific deadline. The desire, of course, is humanly understandable, but... Firstly, the condition of time creates a situation of waiting for the fulfillment of a desire. And the desire must be “released”. Secondly, the Universe will still fulfill your order the way and WHEN it is most optimal for everyone, including you. Give her this opportunity - relax and don’t get attached to a time frame. 2. Don't give up chances! How to distinguish a chance from a “non-chance”? Firstly: you begin to carefully monitor changes in your life, “accidents”, “suddenly”, “somehow by itself”. It's already a start. Don't cling to the past, embrace change with joy. It is the Universe that begins to unfold and shape events and circumstances so that you get what you want. Don't create your own scenarios. Do not stop the Universe from fulfilling your desire in the BEST WAY FOR YOU. Trust your feelings. It is very important! But since we have all been taught to trust our brains more, it will be difficult at first. 3. Start small. The larger your desire, the more difficult it is to fulfill it, the less faith you have in your own strengths, the more likely it is that you will miss favorable opportunities. So try it with nothing. Not a single artist begins to paint from a monumental canvas; everyone begins with sketches and sketches. By fulfilling your small desires, firstly, you will feel your strength, and this will give you confidence. Secondly, you will begin to trust yourself more. After all, if you can influence situations in small ways, you can do it in big ways. Third, you will have a special sense of “chance.” 4. No one can be free from the law of cause and effect. Therefore, when considering your next desire, try to avoid any negative feelings and actions. Especially feelings! For example, if it seems to you that a competitor is hindering the prosperity of your business, then you should not wish for the ruin of the competitor. Wish your company prosperity... What will happen in the end with your competitor is not your concern. The main thing is that everything will be great for you. If you have to write a test or take an exam in a subject in which you are not very good, then wish to get the highest grade, and not the teacher’s illness or a volcanic eruption directly under the building of your educational institution. 5. When working with your desires, do not chat about it with anyone! Remember that we all live at the intersection of diverse desires of diverse people. So, the less those around you know about your intentions, the less they can influence the results of the fulfillment of your desires with their own, reciprocal desires. 6. On record! For people who are not yet very experienced in the conscious fulfillment of their desires, in order not to get confused in their ordered and just preparing to order desires, at first it is better to write your desire on a piece of paper. Get into the habit of writing your wish on a separate small piece of paper. Store the leaflets in a special envelope and review them periodically. Or get yourself a special notebook for the same purposes. As you like. So, now your main concern is to want for yourself what your soul strives for. And how all this will come to life – let the Universe wonder. That's what the Universe is for! Don’t tell yourself: “I’ve wanted this for so long that there’s nothing to think about.” Even the cherished dreams of a rosy childhood need preliminary revision and reworking. Be happy! ????

Friends! You have already familiarized yourself on the site with very effective techniques and rituals that help fulfill your desires. All of them require that your wish be written down. And it is right. While some thought is spinning in your head, it is something fuzzy and non-specific. But as soon as you put it on paper, the thought acquires completeness and clarity. Do you agree?

It's the same with desires. How, pray tell, can the Universe understand what you want if completely different thoughts instantly change in your head: “My son brought a deuce again - the car is exactly the color I just drove and I want - I need to replace the heels on my boots tomorrow - don’t forget to pop into the store for sour cream - how great it will be to travel by car, and not in crowded trolleybuses - and Sidorova came to work again in a new blouse...” It follows from this

Rule 1. The wish must be written.

Well, okay, you say, if it’s better to write, then we’ll write. Just think, it's a problem. Strange as it may sound, writing your own desire correctly is really a problem. Let's understand it with examples.

"I want to have my own home." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong! The problem is that such a desire is always fulfilled for everyone, even if the rituals and techniques are not performed as expected. Only the effect will be slightly different from what was expected. Imagine that years from now... a person opens a treasured record. Hooray! Everything has come true! After all, he still wants to have his own home. That is, desires without exact deadlines are meaningless. It follows from this

Rule 2. The desire must have an end date (period) for fulfillment.

For example, “In June 2013 I am buying myself a large LCD TV.”

"I'll buy myself a car." Also a mistake. And what is written will definitely come true. After many years, a person will still hope that he will buy a car sometime in the future. It follows from this

Rule 3. Desire is always written in the present tense. Those. instead of “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands,” we write, for example, “I’m going on vacation to the Canary Islands.”

"I don't want to be poor." Is it written correctly? Fundamentally wrong!

Firstly, the Universe does not pay attention to the particles “not”, “no” or any other negative words. Probably, by saying “I don’t want to be poor,” you want to be rich, but the Universe ignores the “not” particle and perceives all this as “I want to be poor.”

Secondly, you always attract to yourself what you think about. When you say “I don’t want to be poor,” you automatically think about poverty, and when you say “I want to be rich,” you automatically think about wealth. As they say, feel the difference. This implies

Rule 4. The use of the particle “not” and other negations is prohibited.

Rule 5. Write what you want, not what you don’t want.

Ours will teach you how to replace negative language with positive ones.

  • Instead of “I don’t want to get sick,” we write, for example, “I’m healthy.”
  • Replace “I don’t want to be poor” with “I’m rich”
  • Replace “I don’t want to be fat” with “My figure is great”
  • Replace “I don’t want to be lonely” with “I am loved and love”...

Case from practice: One very good friend of mine prescribed herself the purchase of a car. Everything was formulated clearly and clearly, especially the phrase “just let it NOT be red.” Everything has come true! Now I often see how confidently Deo drives his cute little red car...

Go ahead. The boy writes “I want to become a great musician.” In fact, he likes auto racing more, but he really wants to please his mother, who has long dreamed of Stravinsky fame for her son. This is a fundamental mistake! It is impossible to deceive the Universe with a “fake” desire. It follows from this

Rule 6. The desire must be sincere and important to you.

"I want to rob a bank and become rich." “I want my rich American uncle to die as soon as possible.” “I want my boss to get hit by a car and be appointed in his place.” Our World will not fulfill such wishes, because the World is ruled by love, not evil. It follows from this

Rule 7. The desire must be ethical.

“I want dad to win the Jackpot lottery.” The right desire? No! As a human being, caring for loved ones is understandable, but the Universe has its own Laws. Desire should be directed towards yourself, your loved one. On your actions, desires, acquisitions, events.

So, Rule 8. Desire must be directed towards oneself.

Advice: It is useless to write “I want my son to graduate from school with a gold medal,” but you can formulate it like this: “I do my best to help my son graduate from school with a gold medal.” Do you feel the difference in the meaning of what is written?

By the way, do not try to deceive the Universe by violating the above Rules. It’s only in the movies that people succeed, for example, in trying to combine two wishes when you can only make one. Remember the famous “I want everything to be good for dad, but for me to be like dad”? It will not work.

It will be very correct if you use as many details as possible of what you dream about when writing your desire. If this is a trip to Haiti, describe at least in general terms the hotel and the beach. If this is a new car, describe its main characteristics. And be sure to describe the feelings that will take over you when your wish comes true.

Rule 9. More details and emotions.

Case from practice: a girl really wants a digital camera. She doesn’t really understand them, so she buys an appropriate magazine with pictures, chooses the prettiest of the many models and writes her characteristics into her desire, pasting in her photograph. Pretty soon the girl is performing a serious favor for another person. As a token of gratitude, he gives the girl a digital camera of the SAME MODEL that was described in the wish.

Can you imagine how many camera models there are now?! Do you really think this is just a coincidence?

It is very important that the fulfillment of your desire does not harm other people. For example, a person dreams of having his own apartment. It is unlikely that he will be happy to become the owner of an apartment if its previous owners, his parents, die in a car accident. It follows from this

Rule 10. The wish you write should end with a phrase-amulet like: “May this or something more harmoniously enter my life, bring joy and happiness to me and everyone whom this wish concerns.”

I draw your attention to the phrase “or something more.” There is no need to limit the Universe in its efforts to help you. The universe knows best. It is quite possible that our World considers you worthy of a holiday not in Crimea, but on the Cote d'Azur. I hope you won’t object too much to this change of holiday destination?

So, the desire is clearly formulated and written down. All 10 rules are strictly followed. What's next? Maybe you need to constantly think about desire, vigilantly monitor the slightest changes in the situation, and constantly wait for the result with tension? In no case! The desire must be calmly released into the Universe and even almost forgotten about it. Persistent thoughts and experiences will only create a negative energy background and interfere with the fulfillment of your desires. Therefore there is

Rule 11. Don't get hung up on desire. Let him go.

Of course, this does not mean that after “hard and exhausting work” on correctly formulating your desire, you will lie down on your favorite sofa and wait for the weather by the sea. The Universe has no other hands but yours! A rolling stone gathers no moss! The Universe may provide you with amazing opportunities, but without your actions they will not be able to translate into the desired result. Therefore there is

Rule 12, the most important thing. Take action!

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Hello friends! I have prepared for you full instructions how to correctly formulate a wish so that it comes true

Why is it important to formulate your desires correctly?

A desire is something that you usually think about often in your thoughts. When you want something, you constantly think about it. And it is important to think correctly in order to speed up the fulfillment of your desire. In addition, the Universe has given us exactly what we want, we need to clearly and clearly formulate our order.

When we work to fulfill our desire, we write it down, re-read it as an affirmation, and if the desire is formulated incorrectly, we will not get the effect we need.

How to correctly formulate a wish so that it comes true

  1. The desire must be in an affirmative form and without particles “not”
    Our subconscious does not perceive the words themselves, but the meaning they carry. In your formulation, avoid words with a negative connotation - for example, sick, fear, afraid and others. Our subconscious does not perceive the particle “not”, since it thinks in images, pictures. What picture appears before your eyes when you hear the word “I’m not afraid”? How exactly are you afraid, right? So does the subconscious. This is what it will begin to embody in reality, and not what you meant. Formulate your desire so that when you say it, you have a positive image of what you want.
    Wrong: I stopped being afraid of failure.
    Correct: I am confident in my success

Incorrect: I lost excess weight
Correct: I lost ... kg
Incorrect: I don't go to work
That's right: I do what I love and get paid well

  1. Formulate your desire in the present tense, as if it had already become a reality.
    Imagine that what you want has already become a part of your life. How would you describe it?
    Incorrect: I will be a famous singer
    That's right: I'm a famous music artist
    Wrong: I can overcome my fear of public speaking.
    Correct: I am confident speaking in public.
  2. Formulate your desire in every detail
    Describe your desire in as much detail as possible. If you want to new car, indicate the color, brand, what kind of interior it has, how much power, how it looks, how it drives, etc. Want to new house- describe what it is like, how many floors, what area, where it is located, what is next to it - for example, is it a house by the sea or overlooking the ocean.
  3. Do not use the word “want”, as well as “can”, “will”
    Incorrect: “I want a new apartment in the center of Moscow”
    Correct: “I live in my new spacious apartment in the center of Moscow”
  4. The desire must be specific
    There should be no double meaning or understatement in the wording. There are phrases and expressions in our language, the meaning of which can be interpreted in different ways. Avoid such expressions. Your desire must be very specific. There is such a story. One woman constantly repeated one desire, she wanted to have real estate in the center of Moscow. And it seems like everything is clear to us. But the Universe understood her desire too literally, and one day she was paralyzed in the very center of Moscow. Here you have “real estate” and the center of Moscow... So be careful with your wishes, they tend to come true.
    Incorrect: I live in a new apartment in Moscow
    That's right: I live in my new Moscow 2-room apartment with an area of ​​56 sq.m. in the Skazka residential complex on the 4th floor with windows facing the courtyard.

Incorrect: I drive a black foreign car
That's right: I'm driving my brand new black Mercedec-Benz Inteligent Drive

Now you know how to correctly formulate a wish so that it comes true. Check your desire for each point and correct it, if necessary, by formulating it as needed.

Since a lot of questions are received based on the wording, I want to sort everything out.

  • We formulate all desires ONLY in the present tense.
  • The wishes that you write down in the wish notebook are best written in the form of gratitude. The wording is: “I accept with gratitude from the Universe...”. There should not be any “NOT” particles in the formulation (instead of “I am not sick” you formulate “I am healthy”).
  • If possible, instead of money, it is better to think of the purpose for which you need it. If you really want to make a wish in the form of a sum of money, then at the end you must add: May the wish come true for my and everyone’s good.
  • Regarding deadlines: it’s better not to set them. The Universe knows better than you and me when and in what way your desire should come true. But if you are confident in the reality of your desire, or it is already on the way to fulfillment, then you can set a deadline for your own motivation.
  • All your desires should concern you PERSONALLY, or your loved ones, provided that your intentions do not contradict the intentions of another person.
  • It is absolutely forbidden to make wishes to be loved by some person who does not actually reciprocate your feelings. If you are not embarrassed by violence against someone else’s intentions, then think about the fact that you will have the exact opposite result. That is, not only will they not fall in love with you, but they will also become disgusted and the person will disappear from your life altogether.
  • There are many questions on the topic “How to formulate desires for your husband to be successful at work.” It is better to formulate a desire that will concern the success of your family as a whole. And he can come just through his husband.
  • Formulations for the Glass of Water Technique - if you need to solve a problem - then the wording sounds like this: “Now I need to solve the question of how to (get a job, pass an interview, meet a soulmate, pay off debts, etc.).”
  • Desires for the “Notebook for 100 days” Technique - formulate as usual in the present tense. When describing all the steps to achieve your goal: if you have no idea how to achieve this goal, then make at least some attempt to find out. Try to notice the slightest positive signs.
  • If you use the wording “I want” in your desire, then this will be so in real life- instead of fulfilling your desire, you will continue to just “want” its fulfillment.
Don’t worry if you don’t even know how to approach the fulfillment of your desire. If you do everything right and with the right thoughts, necessary people and events will not keep you waiting and will soon appear in your life.

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