Home Prosthetics and implantation Method of visualizing desires. Correct visualization of desires

Method of visualizing desires. Correct visualization of desires

You can start working with goals from the first visualization. The main thing is to know how to build the process itself. Let's talk about this.


Before starting the visualization process, you first need to completely relax and bring your consciousness to the alpha level ─ a state in which the electrical activity brain neurons. Then the effect will be tens of times stronger than if you start working in the usual “crazy” beta state for you and me. Any method of relaxation is suitable: yoga, mantras, breathing exercises. Robert Stone, for example, recommends simply counting slowly from ten to zero. In this case, you can sit or lie down, the main thing is to keep your back straight.

All “teachers” recommend choosing goals that can be realized in the near future. Thus, the author of the book “Creative Visualization” Shakti Gawain advises setting down in writing goals for five years in advance, then for a year, for a month and for a week. Planning ─ both in business and in personal affairs ─ in general should become a habit - you should know what you want.

Once you are completely relaxed, begin to imagine exactly what you want. You can start with something simple (let's say favorite dish and its taste) – mentally examine it as carefully as possible. You may want to imagine something else - a landscape, a familiar person, or an entire situation. The main thing is that this whole process should be very, very pleasant for you. You personally must be present in these paintings - possess an imaginary object, be a participant in the events. You can hold the picture in your mind as long as you want, but you need to complete the process with a positive attitude like (“I love strifel apples,” “There is nothing more wonderful than a day by the sea,” or “I have a great relationship with this person”).


The most important thing in visualization is the process. Proceed according to the following plan.

Step one. Having entered a meditative state, draw a picture in your mind: imagine the object or situation you need with the maximum amount of details and details. Include yourself in the composition and try to think of what you want as having already happened.

Step two. Focus on it as often as possible – several times (as many times as you like) a day.

Step three. Give her positive energy. Repeat silently and out loud, sing, write down and sketch positive attitudes. You can read them somewhere or come up with them yourself. For example, "I have big house by the sea, and I am happy to receive guests there.”


Personal development experts advise thinking positively, thanking the Universe every day, and avoiding the company of negative people. Visualization practitioners have their own techniques for achieving their goals faster.

Vision board. Make a collage of pictures and words to help you focus on your goals. The composition should evoke strong positive emotions. In the center is your image or something that symbolizes your goal. The board should be in a visible place. You can supplement it, and after achieving or revising your goals, replace it with a new one. Feel free to use infinity symbols: shining sun, cross, Buddha. You can also use colors: if your goal is related to money - green, if it lies in the spiritual sphere - blue, if it is about feelings - pink or red.

Shakti Gawain suggests keeping a gratitude journal, recording your victories, various rituals and exercises every day. For your deepest desires and hopes (such as the dream of a family or the birth of a child), a “pink bubble” is suitable. It’s done like this: a clear picture is mentally surrounded by a pink bubble, which you release into the Universe to collect the energy necessary for its manifestation.

Stone exercise(in particular, it greatly improves relationships with colleagues or the boss). Enter a meditative state and imagine your ill-wisher. Now imagine an aura of light around you until you feel warmth. Let it embrace the other person too. Mentally say: “Your attitude towards me is not my problem. Why don't you change it?" Imagine shaking hands or hugging.

Richard Bandler's whistle. If you want to change something in your behavior, you can try the technique of Richard Bandler, one of the creators of neuro-linguistic programming. Your task is to create and keep two pictures in your head: the one that you want to change, and the one that makes you happy. Then place each one in a frame. First reduce nice picture and set it aside. Enlarge the picture you want to change, and then do the opposite. Try to hear the sound while resizing pictures and moving them, let it be a whistle.

A fair number of people, having barely heard about visualization and learned about some of its features, immediately want to try this method of mentally representing what they dream about, and in many cases they are faced with the fact that such efforts are fruitless. They are in a hurry to brand this method achieving their goals using the common word “charlatanism”, not realizing that in reality it is their own fault that nothing worked out.

For visualization to be effective, you should not just draw a picture in your own mind of what life will be like after your dream comes true. You should add more colors and various details to such an image so that it comes to life and the lines between the world of dreams and reality are erased. It is then that the flywheels of fate will work in such a way as to ultimately lead to the realization by this person of his cherished goals.

It is better to engage in visualization at a time when you have a lot of time left, because recreating the “correct” image in your mind can take a fair number of minutes, or even at least an hour. First you need to turn an abstract goal into a concrete object or group of things. For example, if a person dreams of a large family, he/she needs to imagine next to him/her a wife/husband and a couple of children of different ages. If his dream is a car of a certain make and model, he needs to visualize just such a car in his favorite color.

Now remains the most the hard part of this process - detailing. The above image should be given volume and realism with the help of various small elements. What are the people wearing in this mental picture? What is the color of their eyes, hair, skin? What expression do they have on their faces? How do they interact with each other: do they make eye contact, hold hands, etc.? If we are talking about a car, then you need to draw all kinds of parts of the body and interior, literally imagine each of their screws and other elements in their places. The more detailed the image, the better.

Completeness of not only visual sensations

However, for the integrity of the picture, even such powerful efforts may not be enough. For proper visualization, you need to connect not only vision, but also other senses (ideally, all). So, you should not just imagine the object, but also feel it in your own hands, inhale its smell, hear the sounds it makes.

For example, if we are talking about traveling to any country, it is worth imagining in detail how the air there smells, how warm or cold it is there, what aromas are in the air on a busy street in that city or on an exotic beach (depending on where exactly the person is going) eager to go), etc. - and literally feel it on yourself, with your own skin.

If your own imagination is lacking for such things, it is not a sin to enrich yourself with the corresponding impressions. For example, take the car you want for a test drive (if it’s exactly what you dream about) and thoroughly inspect it both outside and inside, from the interior. You need to remember every smallest detail - including how much the seat upholstery and the interior itself bend under your fingers, how the steering wheel or gear knob responds to your hands.

Such impressions should be well imprinted in memory, and then used in visualization. It doesn’t hurt, as many people do, to build some kind of “dream wall” by pasting there images of things that you want to have, and pasting a photo of yourself cut out from the photo in the right places. In a word, create a complete feeling as if the goal has already been achieved.

Having sent such impulses to your consciousness, it will be important to get down to business. An inactive dreamer is unlikely to achieve the fulfillment of his dreams. Visualization serves as a powerful impetus to achieve what you want, but not as a replacement for the efforts made to achieve this.


How to visualize a desire correctly?

Have you noticed that wishes sometimes come true without any effort or action on your part? They probably did, but they didn’t attach any importance to it. But in vain.

- wrote Andrei Ivanov, a journalist for the magazine “The Path to Yourself”, in 1992. Below I quote almost entirely his article on how to correctly visualize a desire.

Just imagine, this text is 24 years old. How about more for you? 😉

Using the power of imagination, you can create anything- says the author of the creative visualization technique, the famous author Shakti Gawain. Shakti is confident that by using the power of imagination, you can not only acquire excellent health and certain character qualities, but also attract necessary situations to yourself, for example, making friends or getting money.

Of course, you will say that you often dreamed about something, but dreams did not always come true. But pay attention that you dreamed most often in this form: “But if I had...” or “But if I had...”. You dreamed, but deep down you didn’t believe that your dream could come true.

Important! In order for dreams to become reality, you need to be CONFIDENT that they will come true and adhere to some visualization rules. Well or

Our life in our perception has three levels:

  • being,
  • creation,
  • possession.

First level- being - we feel most clearly in meditation, which allows us to realize ourselves here and now.

Second level- creation, that is, movement and activity, which are based on the creative natural energy that permeates all living things and is the source of life.

And finally, possession, that is, your connection with the people and things that exist in this world. This is the ability to allow and accept people and things into your life, interact with them, and not feel constrained.

All these three levels do not conflict with each other, but exist in harmony. Usually people try have more things or money to do what they want to be happier. But in reality the reverse order applies.

You must first be who you really are, then want what you want to do in order to have what you want to have.

Therefore, you need to imagine that you already whoever you want to be. What do you already happy to have you already love that you already healthy, already rich that you are already get satisfaction from work.

There is no deception in this, since the form always follows the thought of it.

After all, you first think that it would be nice to cook breakfast, and only then do you cook it. A thought is like a drawing. It creates an image of the form that attracts and directs the physical energy that fills the form. Thus, the form created at first only in the imagination is realized on the physical level.

For example, Shakti Hawaii says that she once imagined a check for one hundred thousand dollars for a week. In every detail. She imagined that the check was already on the table in one of the rooms of her house. After some time, she received a contract for exactly this amount.

How to correctly visualize a desire?

A visualization session should begin with relaxation or meditation, even the simplest one.

  1. First of all, you need to sit in a comfortable position or lie down and relax all your muscles (it is very convenient to do visualization before going to bed or immediately after waking up).
  2. Then try to stop internal dialogue, constantly sounding in your mind, free your mind from thoughts. This is a very difficult but necessary condition.
  3. Next, the purpose of the visualization is determined. To do this, you need to decide what you need in life now. Once you've determined this, consider whether you really need it. If yes, you can start visualizing.

You can do visualization anywhere, using any free minute: in transport, at work, etc. The more often the better. If you want to get something, you need to imagine it in all details, imagine that it already exists. At the same time, bring it into consciousness visual image not at all necessary (for many this is quite difficult). Enough to think about her.

How to visualize correctly? The answer is in this video

Important! Try to feel the joy that this thing gives you. Don't you know how? Don't know what will give you the most pleasure?

Imagine your friends expressing admiration for this item. The same can be done if the purpose of visualization is not a thing, but, for example, some abilities, character traits, people with whom you would like to meet or improve relationships, situations in which you would like to find yourself.

Pay attention to one thing. If visualization does not produce results for a long time, that is, your desires are not realized, then this may mean that over time the goal you have chosen has ceased to be truly important to you. By visualization, you can only get what you strive for not only at the level of consciousness, but also deep in the subconscious. (The trick here is about the same as in the Strugatskys’ “Roadside Picnic,” I think. Remember, one of the stalkers asked the Zone for his son’s health, and received a bag of money. Because what he really wanted was money.)

Sincere aspiration is the first important element necessary for successful practical application of visualization.

The second element is the belief that a given goal can be achieved.

And finally, the third is the willingness to accept what you wished for.

Another reason that your desire may not come true, or may not come true as quickly as you would like, may be that most of us need to overcome blocks of negative thoughts developed over many years. This can be done using a process called positive statement.

It is customary to end the visualization process with a positive statement; it seems to consolidate the picture drawn in the imagination, especially since it may not be clear enough.

For example, if you visualized a new interesting work, the statement can be confirmed fact having this job: “I like my new job.”

If you imagined new character traits, such as wit, you could end the session with the following statement: “My wit brings joy to my friends.”

By pronouncing these statements, we seem to be putting into our body a program that will create our future. In this way, we also free ourselves from those thoughts that are old, once acquired “programs”, but which nevertheless continue to influence what is happening to us now.

Here are some examples of positive statements:

  • I am the master of my life.
  • I have everything I need.
  • I love and accept myself as I am.
  • My relationships are getting better every day.
  • The more I have, the more I can give to others.
  • I'm healthy and happy.
  • The light within me works wonders in my life.

Rules for drawing up affirmations (statements)

  1. Statements must be positive. In other words, if your goal is to start getting up early in the morning, you shouldn't say, “I don't sleep long in the morning anymore.” It is better to say: “I wake up with the sunrise.”
  2. The shorter the statement, the more effective it is.
  3. Try to make the statement sound natural. Sometimes even a well-written statement causes internal resistance - this is how the “ego” resists internal growth. This can be overcome.
  4. When using affirmations, always try to create something new. Do not try to remake or change what already exists in reality, as this will cause conflict and struggle. (Here the question may arise: how, for example, to correct existing bad relationship, say, with relatives? Indeed, if you inspire yourself: “My ideas about raising a child are fully understood by my mother-in-law,” although in reality this is far from the case, you will not succeed. Try to visualize some new positive aspects of your relationship first. For example: “My mother-in-law reads books about unconventional methods of raising children.” Gradually, things will come to mutual understanding.)
  5. When using affirmations, try to convince yourself that what is being stated is true. Drive away doubts and hesitations.
  6. Statements that mention God, Christ, Buddha or other great Teachers are often very effective, says Shakti.

Affirmations can be used without a prior visualization process. You can recite or simply remember certain statements throughout the day. The only condition: statements should not be repeated mechanically. You should put into them the meaning that corresponds to these statements, and, if possible, achieve the corresponding sensations. That is, if on the way to work you say to yourself, “I love my job,” you should feel joyful in the knowledge that eight happy hours await you.

And remember: it took you many years to create for yourself the world in which you live now, therefore, it will take some time to change it. Be patient.

However, do not despair - five minutes of creative visualization can sometimes help you get rid of negative blocks accumulated over several hours, days and even years. This, by the way, is one of the reasons that visualization is a great help in healing.

The state of health, Shakti believes, directly depends on how consciousness evaluates it. People get sick because they often believe in the depths of their consciousness that illness is an inevitable reaction of the body to certain situations. If you believe that swimming in an ice hole or, say, getting your feet wet will make you sick, you will definitely get sick. To be healthy, you must believe that such trifles are not scary and that you are absolutely healthy. Your consciousness affects not only your own health, but also the health of those people you think about.

You can love your sick grandmother living in another city and wish her in letters many years life. But if at the same time you agree with the concept of her illness, then you support her state of illness. Surprisingly, in order to positively influence the health of another person, sometimes it is enough to simply change your own assessment of the other person's health and create confidence in yourself that he is healthy.

(On the topic of health, read the Healing section, there are many useful articles there)

Moreover, he does not necessarily need to know about your manipulations with his consciousness. This is quite difficult to believe, especially for people raised to respect rational science and rational thinking. Even more difficult, having believed this, says Shakti, is to learn to use the principles of visualization in practice: changing your consciousness is extremely difficult.

Now let me give you a few examples of meditations and affirmations from the book Shakti Hawaii.

Healing Visualization

  • Sit comfortably and try to relax your entire body, from your toes to your facial muscles. Feel the tension go away.
  • Imagine a golden healing flow of energy around your body...feel it...enjoy it.
  • If a part of your body has been hurting, ask if it has a message for you. Ask if there is something you need to understand or do right now or in life at all.
  • If you receive an answer, try to understand it and do what is necessary. If there is no answer, continue the process.
  • Send loving healing energy to the part of your body that needs it and try to see and feel it. how she heals.
  • Imagine that the problem is solved and you no longer need energy. Then imagine yourself cheerful and healthy in different situations.
  • Finish with the healing visualization.

Affirmations or affirmations for healing

  1. I freed myself from the stereotypes of the disease.
  2. I love my body and it loves me back.
  3. I feel deep peace of mind.
  4. I love myself and therefore my relationships with others are based on love.
  5. I am open to creative energies.
  6. Creative ideas and inspiration come to me every day.
  7. I create my life according to my desires.

These are just some examples that do not necessarily need to be copied. You can come up with your own meditation and your own positive statements that are in tune with your inner world. Remember that the visualization process is a creative process.

After reading the book Shakti Hawaii, I received confirmation of my vague suspicions that we ourselves are the creators of our own destiny.

Several years ago I was a programmer and worked in the same “mailbox”. My attempts to change jobs for several years were unsuccessful. Now I understand why. Trying to get a job, say, as a translator, I thought that, on the one hand, it would be nice, but, on the other hand, this work also has serious disadvantages - in general, it turned out that I didn’t really want to become a translator. As a result, despite my efforts, I was not hired as a translator, and I continued to do work that I had long been tired of.

And a few years ago, my wife and I went on a boat trip along the Volga. In the library visitors' questionnaire, my wife wrote that I work as a journalist. Whether she wanted to see me in this capacity, or wanted to make fun of my unsuccessful attempts to get on the staff of one rather reputable magazine, I don’t know.

Immediately after returning from the trip, I did not become any kind of journalist. And only periodically I remembered the cute joke and, during half-oblivion, half-meditation in front of the computer screen, I imagined the same situation: I work in a small youth group that is doing I don’t know what, but something completely unusual... Almost a year passed. Shortly before my birthday and the anniversary of our trip, I heard astrological forecast, according to which people of my zodiac sign were soon to realize their secret desires and radically change their fate. And so it happened. I ended up in “The Path to Myself” (completely by accident?). And in general, I was not surprised by this. I believed so much that something like this was going to happen.

Something else remains surprising to me even now: I accurately predicted the age of the people with whom I had to work. And even such an insignificant detail as my current “office” receiving new premises (this happened shortly after I joined the magazine), and even my participation in the “clean-up work” for its final improvement.

“Know that incredible possibilities lie dormant within you, which can be directed to the fulfillment of any of your desires. Awaken them and direct them to achieve their goal..."

Napoleon Hill

Our internal energy capable of performing miracles. Don't believe me? Then you will continue to live in the same apartment, saving until you pay, trying to lose weight or get healthy. It's time to believe in yourself and your abilities! Let's learn how to visualize desires and how to properly materialize thoughts.

To make sure this technology works, I’ll tell you real story my friend Veronica. She couldn't get pregnant for 3 years. At first, my husband and I actively tried to make a baby: a healthy lifestyle, vitamins, a trip to the sea. But a year passed and there was no result. This was followed by examinations by various doctors. It turned out that Veronica and her husband are completely healthy.

And then our heroine plunged into psychology and began to study questions about how to learn to visualize a mental representation. The discovery for the woman was the fact that she didn’t really want a child. These were just words. True desire is always associated with an idea. For the first time, Veronica thought about what kind of baby she wanted to give birth to. Who will it be: a boy or a girl? What will his appearance and character be like?

Our heroine herself transformed her fantasies into reality. She had a strong feeling that the baby had already come into her life, that he was already nearby. The woman found a photograph of the baby she dreamed of and began to admire it at every opportunity. At the same time, Veronica stopped focusing on the days of ovulation, healthy way life. She lived every moment the way she wanted. I no longer bothered my husband with these questions. After this, relationships in the family became more tender, and a frozen intimacy awoke. After 3 months, the long-awaited pregnancy came, and then a baby was born, who was very similar to the imaginary picture.

Who is visualization suitable for?

Visualize means creating in your imagination the desired image of an object, object, or event. Most often in practice, visualization of desires and thoughts is used. The main thing in this process is the person’s faith that these events will come true. Let's consider the capabilities and limitations of the visualization method. Thanks to the material embodiment of ideas in life, a person is able to:

  • manage ongoing events;
  • fulfill your desires;
  • achieve challenging goals;
  • be healthy;
  • find happiness;
  • create and strengthen a family;
  • have children;
  • become financially independent;
  • achieve career growth.

These are extended results that are specific to each specific need. For example, to improve their financial situation, a farmer will not think about money, but will imagine that the cows’ milk yield is increasing, they are healthy, beautiful, and an excellent harvest of tomatoes and cucumbers is ripening in the greenhouses. It is easier for a person to imagine an abundance of products than a wad of money. And this presentation will provide much more than just a pile of pieces of paper. In addition, the harvest brings a lot of positive emotions and pleasure, and having money can cause fears (it will be stolen, where to hide it, etc.). Restrictions and prohibitions:

  • Loss of strength. This way of achieving what you want will not work if you are sick and emotionally exhausted. A person must be full of strength to create his life!
  • Eco-Friendly Rule. You cannot want something for yourself at the expense of other living beings. Before you make a wish, think about how your life will change when your wish is already realized; will its fulfillment harm someone in this world?
  • Drop the particle "not". Unconsciously, our intuition does not know how to distinguish between words and “not”. For example, you give yourself the attitude: “Don’t be fat.” The brain discards the first two letters, and now you have gained extra pounds again. You should choose affirmative words to wish for what you want. In our case: to be slimmer, more attractive, to gain beautiful shape.
  • Positive attitude. Your idea should cause you only joy, emotional uplift, pleasure, and happiness. If negative feelings arise spontaneously, then the desire is false or formulated incorrectly, it should be changed.

You must approach working with your thinking after a certain check of your state and intentions.

Visualize what you want step by step

In order for the result of translating thoughts into reality to come sooner, we offer you step by step instructions on the topic of the article. These steps are pretty simple. You can get what you want just as easily. Take action, don't put it off until tomorrow!

Step 1: Creating an intention.

This word differs from the concept of “goal” in its energy component. To intend is to be ready to do something, and to set a goal is to conceive, to achieve. In the first case, a person is actively involved in the matter, in the second, he thinks and analyzes more. Visualization works more on a subconscious level. Here, unnecessary thoughts will cause doubts and fears. You don't need it. Write down your intention for yourself in the present tense. For example: “I’m giving birth healthy baby“,” “I am the head of the sales department,” “I am completely healthy.”

Step 2: Immersion in the image.

Throughout the day, morning, afternoon and evening, imagine yourself in the desired image, paying attention to all the details. Sit comfortably, close your eyes. Imagine that you have already received what you wanted. What do you look like, what are you experiencing, where are you, who is next to you?

Step 3: Abstraction.

You can’t focus too much on your desire. Psychologists say that he should be released into the sky like a balloon. As soon as a person shifts his attention to only one dream, ordinary life is disrupted, the reserves and strength to fulfill his plans are lost.

Why is there no result?

Many are skeptical about psychological techniques work with inner world. Distrust gives rise to denial of the result, doubt. Let's look at possible mistakes in the process of materializing thoughts and ways to correct them:

  • “I won’t succeed!” Self-doubt takes away the strength to realize your dreams. You should first develop adequate self-esteem, and then start working.
  • "I'm not worthy of this." These are complexes regarding one's inferiority. If a person thinks about himself this way, then he will not be able to create an intention; there will be no clarity in the formulation.
  • “I want everything at once!” Such “in a hurry” must learn patience and acceptance that everything in the world is realized in its own time. If the Universe does not give you what you have in mind, then there are no conditions yet for you to wisely use what you dream of.
  • “Let them help me!” Shifting worries onto others is a sign of an infantile personality. Grow up, take responsibility for your actions and desires.

Clear confidence in getting what you want and the knowledge that you deserve it is the key to success!

Techniques for making dreams come true

There are specific methods for materializing thoughts, which we present to you with a list with a brief overview:

  1. Cinema. Imagine having your own cinema hall. What does he look like? Come up with one. In your cinema, you are the only spectator. Make yourself comfortable. A film related to achieving your desire will be shown on the screen. Look at yourself and enjoy. Invent different stories and watch such films every day.
  2. Ladder of achievements. Draw a ladder of 10 steps, where the first means the beginning of the path to your plan, and the last means the achievement of your desire. Notice where you are now. Describe your emotions and what has already been done to realize your thoughts. Think and describe what will happen to you on the next step. Do this work to the last edge of the staircase, where you describe your condition in the realized dream.
  3. Diary of introspection. Get yourself a notebook or notepad where you will make notes regarding the implementation of your plans. You don’t have to express the state in words, but draw it in the form of images. This activity will help you understand that you are moving in the right direction.
  4. Subject association. Once you have formulated your intention, find an object in your environment that will be associated with your desire. For example, if a woman dreams of having a baby, it can be not only an image of him, but also a keychain, a doll in the shape of a toddler, which can be carried with her.

Dear readers! In conclusion, I would like to praise you for your self-development and desire to improve your life. On our website there are many other thematic articles that will not let you get bored and stop the interesting process of working on yourself. Read, try the methods for yourself psychological work, share your results in the comments.

Perhaps the time will soon come when visualization of desires and how to properly materialize thoughts will be taught in school. Today we are still like children in this matter: we try, we make mistakes, we redo it. But the more valuable is the result of our efforts - the desire that we ourselves created and brought to life.

There is a world huge amount all kinds of trainings, teachings, ceremonies and rituals to attract people into your life material goods, love. But perhaps the most popular method of all is visualization of desires. Interest in this topic does not fade; there are constant debates between supporters and skeptics. Let's try to figure out what it is - a myth or a really working method for fulfilling your desires.

The film gives detailed instructions on how to become successful, happy and rich, a simple and accessible technique for visualizing desires is given.

10 rules for visualizing desires

  1. The golden rule of visualization is boundless faith. You must unconditionally believe in success. Expressions such as “I don’t believe” are replaced by the phrase “I am worthy”; You need to get rid of the attitudes of a loser. If a person is skeptical about visualization, with disbelief in the result, then visualization will treat him the same way.
  2. A correctly made wish is the key to success in this event. First of all, it must be purely individual. Making and visualizing the wishes of your girlfriends, friends, relatives is not comme il faut. The desire must be sincere, you must want it with every cell of yours. You need to clearly understand what you want. If you yourself don’t know exactly what you want, then the Universe has no idea.

    Therefore, the goal should have as many details as possible. For example, visualizing money will not have an effect if a person does not know exactly what amount he wants, in what bills and in what currency. You need to imagine in every detail how you hold the money, what color it is, how many bills there are. For the most part, people rarely just want money; as a rule, they are necessary to achieve some goal. If you need them to buy a fur coat, then it is more correct to imagine exactly the fur product, what animal it will be from, how long it will be, with or without a hood. IN in this case the goal is a fur coat, not money. And how it comes does not matter - the Universe will take care of it. Maybe you will unexpectedly get your debt back, get a new high-paying job, etc.
  3. The desire should be the only one. You can’t waste your energy on too many “wants.” You presented your desire, got the result, then you can move on to the next one. Beginners are recommended to master the technique using simple desires, and then visualization of wealth will be possible.
  4. Correct visualization of desires is a representation of the result, not the path to the goal. This rule is one of the most important; you need to trust the Universe itself to decide how to give a person what he wants. Thinking about how I will get what I want can create doubts.

    If your dream is to lose weight, then you need to imagine yourself as slim and graceful, and not how you puff in gym and die of hunger on a diet. How can I become the owner of an apartment worth 3 million if my income is only 30,000 rubles? This is a doubt, which will later turn into disbelief, and, accordingly, the collapse of visualization. Therefore, the detailing of the process is the concern of the Universe, and human energy should be directed towards the final goal, in which case you can be sure of a successful outcome.
  5. We can only visualize what will happen directly to us. You can’t involve other people in this process; maybe they don’t need it. You can do whatever you want with yourself, but making specific people participants in your visualization is regarded as violence. For example, if your task is to visualize love, and you want to get married with all your heart, then you cannot imagine what -That real person: It’s not a fact that your dreams coincide. You need to imagine the wedding procession, the dress, the rings, the feeling of your happiness. If the task is to find a new one high paying job, don’t imagine Bill Gates calling you. You can imagine in detail the office, reception area, meeting rooms, or at least the company logo.
  6. You need to be a participant in the process. You can, of course, watch your happy film from the outside, or you can take direct part in it. You painted it in your imagination for yourself, which means you are the main actor. If your dream is to conquer mountains, then you don’t need to imagine how some people climb rocks, because you are the bravest climber, and it is you who is climbing Everest.
  7. Emotions are an obligatory companion to visualization. When imagining your desire, you need to feel, touch, and hear. If you want to visualize a piece of pie, then you need to imagine its aroma, how you hold it in your hands, bite it, how it melts in your mouth.

    Attributes such as vouchers, tickets, marriage certificates, money must be touched with your hands. You should definitely remember the feelings that you experienced during your fantasies; they should bring pleasure. For example, if you dream of going to the sea, you need to imagine the spray of waves; imagine seagulls soaring in the sky; pleasant salty smell; how you swim in the warm sea, and pleasant bliss envelops your entire body.
  8. Regularity. Imagine your desire and watch your created video once ─ this is not enough. Quantity in this case is extremely important. The more often you watch the video, the faster the result will be.
  9. The ninth rule is to let go of the situation. It would seem that this point contradicts the previous one. And it consists in not constantly repeating to yourself: “Well, when? When the fulfillment of desires begins. Why isn't anything happening? According to experts, attachment to the result is the main problem for novice wizards. There is no need to wait for the result. The Universe itself will decide when this happens.
  10. If after a long time there are no results, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of thoughts. It is possible that some of them are blockers. It is necessary to find obstacles and eliminate them, and in some cases change the desire. Suppose a person dreams of starting his own business; but at the same time he is constantly overcome by fears and doubts that he will not cope with it and will ruin the business.

    And why then will the Universe give its business to a person who will earn only nervous breakdown? Or another example: a woman wanted a car only because all her friends had cars. She wanted to, but she doesn’t know how to drive well, she’s afraid to get behind the wheel, and in general, driving with her husband is much more comfortable and safer. Naturally, in this case, visualization will not give results. In this case, it is better to change your desire or get rid of your fears.

Execution technique

Having imagined your innermost desire, you need to close your eyes and completely relax. Then you should begin to mentally imagine a picture associated with your wish. For 10 - 15 minutes, completely immerse yourself in the world of your illusions. Imagine what is happening not in the future, but in the present, as if you have achieved what you want and are enjoying the result. Be sure to engage your senses, let go of your imagination and create your own amazing happy movie in your subconscious.

Some gurus and trainers recommend conducting such sessions three times a day. The time of day is not particularly important; but, according to “experienced” ones, the morning hours are the most ideal time for holding an event. And don't forget that prerequisite for successful visualization ─ this is complete relaxation.

Vision board

Sometimes a person imagines something one thing, but as a result gets something else. To prevent this from happening, you need to formulate your fantasies specifically and accurately. In such cases, pictures are ideal for visualizing desires. You can use photographs where the desire is outlined to the smallest detail.

From an energy point of view, pictures drawn with your own hand are much better, because they will be literally saturated with the artist’s energy. Before you start drawing your dreams, you should really evaluate your artistic talent. Otherwise, you’ll draw a lopsided palace without windows and doors, and then you’ll get one like that.

To make wishes come true, a wish visualization board and a map are used. In fact, they are not much different. The board is a kind of dynamic medium on which you can modify and adjust your desires. To create it, you can use cardboard, fabric, board, whatman paper. On the board - always in the center - there must be a photograph of its owner. Moreover, he should look happy and smiling in the photo. Pictures of wishes are placed around the photo of the owner of the board. It can be done in a chaotic manner.

The desire visualization map is static and cannot be modified. It is created for a certain period of time, and then replaced with a new one. Another difference between a card and a board is the location of desires. All photos are arranged in certain sectors ─ this is a kind of visualization of desires according to Feng Shui. The map must be made strictly on the waxing moon. A sheet of paper is divided into 9 squares.

The very center symbolizes the health zone. It is in this square that you need to place a photo in which you are captured happy.

Above the health zone is the glory zone; Pictures symbolizing success are placed in it.

Below, under the health zone, is the career sector. This is where they put the image of who they would like to become.

Wealth zone ─ upper left corner. Everything related to money is pasted into this square.

Below, under the wealth zone, the family zone has found its place. It’s easy to guess that pictures of happy married couples with or without children are pasted into this square, depending on the wishes of the owner of the wish card.

In the lower left corner, under the family zone, is the wisdom and knowledge zone. It influences the success of learning processes. Photos of diplomas or people radiating happiness while receiving an education are appropriate here.

The upper right corner is responsible for love relationship. It is allowed to paste photographs of loved ones or couples in this place.

Under the love sector is the creativity zone. Pictures of hobbies that you would like to take up are pasted here.

The lower right sector is responsible for travel and assistants. Photos of cities and countries are posted by travel enthusiasts. Images of saints are placed in this sector if help is needed.

Example map for creating a vision board

Before you make a map, you need to think about its dimensions. The larger the image of the desire, the faster it will come true. Vision cards and vision boards can also be made on a computer using Photoshop and online services. It is advisable not to show your creation to anyone, because this is a purely personal item. To make your wishes come true, it is best to contemplate the created masterpiece 2 times a day - before going to bed and after. After the wish has come true, you must carefully remove the picture, hide it in a special box and thank the board.

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