Home Orthopedics Don't be offended: psychological techniques that will help put a boor in his place! How to learn to put people in their place: the psychology of speech attack.

Don't be offended: psychological techniques that will help put a boor in his place! How to learn to put people in their place: the psychology of speech attack.

A worthy response to an arrogant interlocutor may be a reflection of your integrity, as well as your ability to stand up for yourself. These are narcissistic people with an arrogant attitude towards others. They can easily ruin your day and overall mood. He is simply confident that he is superior to everyone and everything. How you react can affect your mood and your self-esteem. We offer 5 phrases that will help put an arrogant person in his place.

A brief description of this type of psychology:

5 phrases that will help you cope with the arrogance of a careless friend:

You know, one of my relatives or acquaintances too... (By humiliating, a powerful person tries to elevate himself in comparison with the people around him. You can stop him by hinting that one of your close friends is part of the group that the arrogant person describes. With this you are quite you can put him in , or even force him to apologize).

Did you know that there are other points of view? (This will show that there are other opinions and they should not be underestimated). Such a statement will destroy the existing stereotypes in the head of a “high-ranking person.” If earlier he thought that everyone would obey him, now a rival has appeared in you. Do not allow yourself to be provoked into any conflict.

- Tell me again, why are you better than him? (With this question, you can easily make him feel embarrassed. In this situation, you will notice how he simply begins to squirm and will not be able to give a clear answer. He will find himself in an uncomfortable position!).

- Shut up already! (The easiest way to end a conversation is to simply walk away. Finally, you can throw a sharp phrase that will make him think. Although they think too highly of themselves, despite clear evidence of their meanness).

“Do you realize how pompous you look when you say things like that?” (You are making it clear that you find arrogant behavior unacceptable. In addition, such people are often successful. And if under their influence falls weak personality, then he feeds on someone else’s energy).

As you can see, there is nothing difficult about putting the impudent person in his place. The main thing is not to be afraid, not to allow yourself to be manipulated. No one should sit on your head, annoy you, or show disrespect. Only you yourself are able to cope with your indignation and finally respond to the merits of your interlocutor with obvious delusions of grandeur. If you met on life path such a specific person, do not waste your precious time on her, but strive for success and happiness.

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Swearing has long been out of fashion, but some people stubbornly do not understand this, believing that humiliating an interlocutor with abuse is the most the right way prove your superiority. But for those who really want to emerge victorious from anyone, it will be extremely useful to learn how to put a person in his place with clever words. In this way, you can also increase your authority in the eyes of others.

How to put someone in their place with clever words?

To put a person in his place with words, you first need to accumulate a decent lexicon. And most of it should be scientific terms or slightly outdated words. An ignorant interlocutor will understand them from the fifth to the tenth and will immediately feel like a loser, not knowing what to answer. And there is only one way to stock up on smart words - start reading good, smart books.

What phrases can you use to put a person in his place?

To demonstrate verbal beating, standard phrases in which some ordinary words are replaced with rarely used ones are also quite suitable. For example, instead of the phrase “you make me sick,” you can say “your appearance causes reverse peristalsis syndrome,” and instead of “I don’t care about you,” you can say “your sentiments are indifferent to me.”

Those who want to understand how to put a person in their place with clever words will find useful phrases that represent idioms or proverbs. You can even learn a couple of such sayings in the original language - Latin. For example, to a colleague who constantly brags, you can say “Asinus gloriosus,” which translated means “boastful donkey.” And when a person starts asking what this means, he will dismiss it contemptuously: “An intellectual like you doesn’t even know? How unfortunate! Learn Latin, sir! This is guaranteed to put even the most scandalous

Sometimes in life there are people who can be rude or undeservedly offend. Some people are at a loss at such a moment because they do not know how to behave correctly. But how can you competently put a person in his place so as not to offend anyone and not get into an awkward position?

A person who finds himself in such a situation will probably want to get rid of it as quickly as possible, but often the aggressor, realizing that he dominates his “victim,” tries to hurt and insult even more. Of course, this situation is not pleasant, so any person who finds himself under such pressure thinks about how to put a person in his place with the help of psychology - a science that helps even in the most difficult cases.

How to put a person in his place?

Often, a well-mannered and delicate person shows his weakness and is constantly upset because of such incidents, very much worried about being rude to him. Such a situation can drive you into a stupor, but there is no need to get lost! Inner strength, located inside every person, will help to fight back the offender, and forever discourage him from the desire to conflict, you just need to have the courage and determination to give a worthy answer.

It is worth noting that you should never respond to rudeness with rudeness, since such a dialogue can develop into a market booth. In such an environment, a boor feels like a fish in water, but a well-mannered person will always find it much more difficult and the chances of winning in an unequal battle will be reduced to a minimum. It is much better to get out of the situation without deviating from your principles, using wit, but in such a way as not to humiliate or insult the offender in response to his rudeness and not stoop to his level.

How to put a person in his place without swearing?

As a rule, aggressors and boors include people who have any problems, and with their behavior they simply mask them. If you find that very flaw in a person, then you can immediately understand with what words to put the person in his place. As a rule, these are insecure people, losers, envious people, or those who have little knowledge of upbringing and do not suspect the existence of feelings self-esteem. Due to a lack of education and a lack of cultural behavior, such people very often use obscene language to make their speech more aggressive and offensive to their “victim.” For an educated and well-mannered person it will not be difficult to find the right words, in order to subtly but clearly indicate the abyss separating him and the offender. You can compare intellectual and mental abilities and hint that no one is going to fight an obviously weak opponent.

If there is no desire to join, then you can avoid it by ignoring the attacks. Phrases like this: “If I argue with you, otherwise people won’t notice the difference between us” - always distinguish a person favorably against the background of rudeness and obscene language.

Olga, you are not faced with rudeness, or rather not just rudeness, but with a positional struggle for a certain resource. Perhaps your sister is simply used to solving all her affairs this way and doesn’t recognize any other approach, but most likely, she sees that your psychological constitution is weaker and you can allegedly be pushed through by rudeness. They also often include hysteria (loud screaming, squealing, deliberate inadequacy), just so that you give in, refuse, give up. Stand your ground and don’t refuse what is due to you by inheritance, but respond to her rudeness: 1) with humor, 2) cushion her attacks against you with supposed consent and tire her out with this. For example, she: “You’re a fool!” You: “I completely agree with you, dear, you have no idea what a fool I am!” She: “Well, how to talk to you?” You: “You see, how to talk to me?” And then, ad infinitum, just mirror it, literally repeat it word for word and confirm it. 3) Don't be afraid of conflict. They want to simply, stupidly push you, referring to “family feelings” and openly manipulate you. Don’t be afraid to conflict, get a HIGH from conflict! Meetings with your sister should not be feared, but rather anticipated, like sex. Be bolder.
In addition to these purely psychological things, consult an intelligent lawyer (there is psychological illiteracy, and there is legal illiteracy, do not proceed from the position “I know everything!”, We have a whole country of such “know-it-alls”, consult a lawyer and, in a conversation with your sister, rely on FACTS, that is, on rational arguments and the law, and not on her emotions and cheap manipulations).


What to do if a man, a work colleague, is rude, and he tries to mask the rudeness with rather rude humor. He does this publicly, some colleagues are already joking, suggesting that he is not indifferent to me. How to set boundaries in communicating with such a person?


A young colleague began to pester me about every issue at work. I communicate with my superiors normally, I’m almost the same age and found mutual language,young colleague at the beginning. behaves civilly and politely; as soon as you are left alone, he begins to twirl his brains. Because of my upbringing, I tolerate her, I don’t dare to be rude, but she’s still young. So what should we do with her?

Natalya, I didn’t “see” your situation, a lot of questions arise, you described it too briefly. What does it mean to “twist your brains”? Does she only act this way around you? Are you equal in status? Have you had such cases before? How do you generally resolve conflicts? There are many ways to solve your situation, but to do this you need to thoroughly understand the situation, realize whether it is attacking you or defending itself? I would recommend or order my audio course “Rudeness at work: how to remove rudeness towards you in the workplace?” or contact me for personal advice on resolving conflict at work.

Elena, I advise you to order my audio course “Rudeness at Work” to cope with this problem. First, understand what goal he is pursuing? He gives you so-called “negative attention”, as a rule, this is just a sign of psychological illiteracy and a way of self-affirmation at the expense of others, sometimes there are other reasons. You need to set boundaries either in a private conversation by concluding an “oral agreement”: do not go beyond these limits. If he does not fulfill the verbal agreement “not to touch” you, socially punish you by harshly ridiculing and publicly humiliating him - hit him below the belt (“your wife didn’t let you in the morning?”, “he got overexcited at the sight of me,” etc. Make fun of him publicly, just not once, but clinging to him, go after him and bring him out with humiliations. Ask why he is so narrow-minded and unhappy, use your imagination, conflict with the light. It is possible that you have developed a pathological relationship “Victim-Persecutor” in which you have chosen the role of the Victim .


Hello. I have the following problem: I'm working on a rotational basis and I live in a dorm with two older women. They are friends, they got a job there long before me, one of them constantly shouts at me, insults me and accuses me of something I didn’t do. At the same time, having learned who did it, she will never admit her mistake, and begins to look for new reasons for insults and humiliation. It started with my night shifts, I tried to sleep, but they came during breaks and made noise, laughed, talked loudly. I asked them not to make noise, because I had been working since night night... she got into a pose and said that she had never caved in to anyone, if you don’t like it, look for another place to live. From that moment on, she began to “spread rot” on me. I’m not a scandalous person, I answer calmly, I ask you not to raise your voice, but that’s just her angry.


MY VIEW ON THOUGHT: The truth is that not all people can recognize and accept your merits and there will definitely be someone who will “itch” because of your success, independence, deep personal maturity and achievements and such a person will definitely want you morally to bite, to be rude out of spiritual malice and to belittle you and your merits in every possible way (being rude or supposedly belittling another person is always easier than growing up and becoming successful yourself, which is why rudeness exists - as a pathological form of satisfying the boorish ego). The last principle is the truest and best - grow personally.
I have long grown personally (both professionally and morally) from my director. But...I live in a small town where it is almost impossible to find another job. And why look for it if I chose my profession consciously and studied all my life and achieved success at a certain stage. And now the situation is killing me - it’s calling me out, and in the presence of a deeply devoted person at work, I’m still not being treated with anything, they’re belittling me. But the situation is further... Knowing my successes in grant work, they tell me that you have done nothing, except that you only won a grant. You promised to win another one, but you didn’t???? Stop feeding me breakfast. Before the conflict, I said that I wanted to participate in a new competition. And then “You must write and win.” Well, this is too much. It is clear that they win the competition. I can't win them forever. You can get overextended. There is no health anyway, not 20 years. Too bad I cried a lot after that.


Hello!! please help with advice. I was 30 for the first time in this situation. I am a very peaceful person, and I always said goodbye to people who started to be rude to me and put a spoke in my wheels without scandals. And then one relative (the wife of my husband’s brother), taking advantage of the situation (my husband stood up for his mother and insulted him in a fight with his brother), insulted me and, plus, also bills me for giving gifts. etc. accusing me of telling our secrets to her, etc. Frankly speaking, I don’t remember whether I told my husband about this or not, but I put up with so much from her (I put up with her gossip that she only counts my money because she was pregnant), did so much for her…..that you don’t even remember. She is not very far away... and I need to put her in her place. How? I’ve never had to do this, but inside I’m already burning with anger and I understand that until I put her in her place I won’t calm down.....


Hello! I don’t seem to be a mumbler by nature and I’m a very positive person, but I get the impression that when I enter a store (deli or household chemicals, it doesn’t matter) a neon sign “Fuck me!!!” is displayed on my forehead. This is especially depressing when I have a small child, in front of whom I don’t want to expose myself in an unfavorable light for the baby and be rude, and you never know, more will happen)) I also have an attractive appearance, so I hear a lot of things from ladies over 40. and everything is typically feminine - Oh, this shampoo won’t suit you, your hair is thin!!!, “We don’t have nail scissors!” (and the display case is completely covered with them).. oh, there’s such a rotten smell in the store oh so much. which is really bad! These 3 variations are from one lady (although I don’t know her and none of my friends have anything in common either), and she first worked in 1 store, which I stopped going to, no matter how much I needed it, and now she I started working in another store, which I previously loved very much, but now I also have no desire to go to. and everything in front of the child, in addition, and there must be an audience, they are from the category of cowardly, as I understand it. I think tomorrow I’ll go ahead and make a complaint (but even without a child they refuse to simply sell me cheese or sell something, unless my husband is with me. He puts these madams in their place. My parents are already telling me that I’m always unlucky , learn to stand up for yourself. But, “A good thought comes later!”. When I encounter rudeness, it’s as if my throat is constricting and my breath is being taken away, and I can’t say anything from resentment, from undeservedness, only later, already walking away from the store, I’m figuring out what I should have said.. What should I do with this, how can I learn to stand up for myself? maybe memorize universal phrases?!


Let me ask for help. I work as an office cleaner. this moment“settled” or rather the company “transferred” it to a special company “D...” they specialize in cleaning everything possible - apartments, offices, offices, high-altitude work, etc. I work for 1 year. Everything suited everyone, sometimes she took the initiative, but with the permission of her master. I try to tactfully approach with a request, a question. A young lady appeared, communication was friendly from the first days, but a little “feathered” began to indicate who is who! Her husband, her boss, began to intercede (for half a year, working with the gentleman, there were no conflicts) “Gentlemen” indicate when to clean the office, (another 8 offices and 3 corridors) everyone understands perfectly well there is enough work, but the “couple” is trying to gain the upper hand. Thanks to the team for their support and respect...Yeah, if it weren’t for this situation, I wouldn’t even know about the attitude towards my little person. PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO TACTICALLY PUT IN PLACE!? I do my job - wiping, washing floors, general cleaning once a week. With UV. NATALIA (sorry for mistakes, emotions)


Hello! I have this situation. My husband is rude to me. He and I studied together for 2 years, but when we were studying, he asked me to date, I refused the first time. Then, when we finished studying, I myself invited him to meet. Everything was fine, we didn’t fight. We started living together. Half a year later I became pregnant. We agreed on the speed. When my daughter was born. Our life has become hell for me. He blames me for everything. He yells that I don’t do anything around the house. He talks to me rudely. He calls me a bitch and other offensive words. And as soon as I cry, he says no noah. I found a job, I don’t come home for weeks, I say that it’s difficult for me with my one-year-old daughter alone, and he says you want money at home or for me to sit low. Work then yourself. We haven’t had sex for months. And I’m only 20 years old. He’s 26. For any reason, he starts yelling and makes sure it’s my fault. He doesn’t understand that it’s hard for me right now and he doesn’t care. Today, when we were arguing, he said let’s get a divorce, you’ll be alone. Then 2 hours passed and everything was as if nothing had happened. And I’m offended, he never even apologizes for his words. What should I do? I don’t have the strength anymore. I have nowhere to go; we don’t know anyone in another city yet.


thank you author for the article. but I have this problem. My ex, so to speak, is rude to me. The thing is that we broke up and after 2 years I started dating his friend. He got involved in those relationships all the time—on purpose or by accident, I don’t know—but he did mean things, and if he had anything to do with it, he got away with it. but he tried his best to offend me. Now he is married and has 2 children, but fate brings us together from time to time since I live almost next door to him and the truck is a small town, so from time to time I meet him in social circles. I can’t not communicate with anyone - on the contrary, I want to make new friends - and he is a womanizer and a storyteller - you could say an actor in a burned-out theater and is always with girls and one way or another I know them, his friend we broke up and he seems okay with me became but this is when one on one. I even changed my attitude towards him. he even told my mother that he was a fool and that he was smart and that he was worthy bad attitude. then I started to wonder why I broke up with my ex, because he loved me so much, although literally a year ago he tried to humiliate me in the company of his friends, saying that I consider my boyfriend to be mine, to which I was furious, as if he didn’t count, he paused and added with an ellipsis that he doesn’t know...it was very unpleasant. but here it’s the other way around. Well, then he began to complain about his life because he didn’t love his wife - that it wasn’t her or the children that made him happy, and that he was leaving and didn’t want them. I asked what would happen without them, to which he replied who takes firewood into the forest. In general, it’s immoral. But recently I began to communicate with girls, they work next to me and he pursues one of them and now he began to be rude to me demonstratively in front of them. In general, even in front of guys, he shines with moments of aggression - at times he has such aggression and rage towards me, and this despite the fact that with girls he is affectionate and artistic - he is ready to demonstrate his supposed friendship and love with gentlemanly actions. when we met, he carried me in his arms and took off the last jacket when I was freezing, he cleaned my shoes, literally tied the laces, but it was all feigned, I assure you, I’m not the only one who was like this, and this is exactly what served as our parting. he was also consciously and unconsciously afraid that I would tell the girls his biography and most importantly that he is married and has children - in principle, I did this - because I myself went through very difficult times because of him and I don’t want others - even though he was married then I wasn’t. But these girls even seemed to become friends. I dated him for about 2 years - although we broke up a hundred times - but I loved him for almost 5 years - now I have no feelings for him or for my next ex - I was also with him for about 5 years. and when I met his friend, he tried to make advances on me more than once. I ask the author to help me - this story has been going on for 10 years. I'm mentally and physically tired. I don’t know how to get rid of it. It infuriates me to the point of trembling. I don’t know how to completely limit myself to him - so as not to cross paths in companies and so that he leaves me alone - he always leaves a terrible aftertaste.

Love, you have become fixated not on reality, but not on your past. In relationships with former relationship partners, you are now in the accumulation phase, that is, they are accumulating anger, irritation, hatred, resentment and claims towards you, and the same is true for you towards them (“he infuriates me to the point of trembling”). You demonize your partner, and he demonizes you in the eyes of others (spreads ridiculous rumors). You are now in the pathological combination Victim-Persecutor, where you alternate between the Victim and the Persecutor - that is, you either feel hurt and insulted, then you attack him (or if you don’t attack, then your frustration due to the situation results in auto-aggression, in self-accusation). This is where the emotional logic of “dogs in the manger” comes from, that is, I need hay, but I’ll sit here and “drink blood,” that is, in fact, you are dealing with psychological manipulations that come to you from there. That is why such “relationships” are called pathological, that is, incorrect, and that is why they hurt you so deeply. On that side there can be neither sincerity nor sympathy, on that side hand goes a game, perhaps even according to the principles of “let her get worse.” You are not very good at emotionally detaching yourself from this relationship, although it is actually possible, it is not the situation that you need to change, but your reaction to it. This is very short. In fact, this is a huge topic, and in order to qualitatively work out your reactions to this situation, you need to work with a psychologist, then all this will stop touching you so emotionally and calm will return to your soul. If you want, I can do this kind of work for you personally, I work with these conditions and conduct such consultations (including remotely), to do this, just write to me by email.


Help me please. Recently woke up. And I understood. That my common-law spouse is a real goat. Let's say he chews at my expense. He drives my car. He started to be rude and beat me. For every word there is shouting and fists. Recently I almost had an accident with a child... he came to fight me on the highway. I'm shocked. She told him to leave...threw things out of the closet. He beat me for this and held my daughter (ours) in his arm. In general, I can’t kick you out. I already tried to tell him peacefully... that I don’t need to be rude, call names, beat and humiliate. But everything repeats itself and he also justifies it by the fact that I then normal woman I'm becoming. I understand that I need to leave and I’m no longer afraid... I’m not afraid to be alone. I'm no longer afraid of anything. I’m already in complete G. But I want to get out of all this. Tell. What should I do to make him decide that he wants to leave? At any word or action of mine that he doesn’t like, he gives up. I don’t want to ruin his life. I’ll report it to the police. He will be fired from work. He's a cop. I want him to leave... his ex kicked him out for a long time. In the end, I called his mother and something happened and he seemed to leave. Should I do the same? But he will kill me.


Good afternoon, please tell me what to do in the situation that I have, my daughter and I have been going to children’s classes for about two weeks now, she is very shy and cries when I leave class, she can’t get used to it yet, but classes you can be with her, after class I usually talked with the teacher, asked what else we should learn, what to pay attention to, but yesterday the head came up to me, he usually accepts payment from parents for classes and solves organizational issues and says “I I need to talk to you seriously...” I come up to him and say that I first wanted to pay for the lesson, to which he responded with a joke, “Like in Georgia?” “I didn’t understand at first, and asked, “What do you mean?” he said that there is such a joke that in Georgia they don’t give change, but he gave me change, then he said in such a tone, like, what are you even doing here, “Are you having problems?” And he looked like he wanted to kill me, to which I asked him to clarify what he meant, to which he told me more rudely, “Tell me yes or no!!! I say Tell me more precisely, he says, Do you have a problem that your daughter can’t go to classes without you? I answered that I didn’t have any problems and that everything was fine, I didn’t say anything else because other parents were sitting there and I couldn’t find anything to say in that case, I was confused and left, in response he just didn’t tell me anything I laughed, please tell me, give me advice on what I should have done in this situation, what I should have said, and now how can I even go there and work with my daughter? Thank you!


Hello. This is the situation. I started taking photography courses; during the lesson the teacher didn’t like my questions (it was clear that he didn’t know what to mark). As a result, he began to openly be rude and rude in front of everyone. I am not a conflict person; in such situations I get lost. I’m thinking about going to the next lesson and putting it in its place (but how?) or just stop going, but I paid the money. After the lesson, I approached him, I thought maybe he would somehow realize that he had acted rudely, to which the answer was: yes, I am like that, I did it on purpose! And what to do in such a situation?


Married 15 years. Conflicts and misunderstandings arose more than once, but they always found a common language. IN Lately My husband began to earn good money (about a year ago our incomes were the same), but I was laid off at work, and my husband remained the only “earner”... although I didn’t sit still, looked for income and found it. At the insistence of my husband, I left work (although not willingly, I promised to pay for my going to the gym, and for my child too, including expenses associated with my treatment, but as soon as I quit, it turned out that neither my son, nor my health, nor The child (and we have three of them, and we’re only talking about one child) doesn’t bother my husband at all. Now he says that I have to earn money myself and take care of the children, and I don’t mind. It’s just that I no longer have a job (at the insistence of my husband, and finding a new one with three children is problematic) ... but these are, of course, my problems, I want him to come down to earth and remember his family in which he grew up (far from sugar) ... I can cope with difficulties myself, the main thing is for me , so as not to lose face in front of your husband, but to answer him with dignity for all his suffering, so as not to be a victim, but to be head and shoulders above!!!


I work as a pharmacist... I came to a new team. Where the manager, the shift supervisor and “a jailer-pharmacist who doesn’t have an ounce of decency or conscience... constantly yells at me, completely unbelted under the cover of the manager... swoops in and offers to fight, she spoke to the manager in on her side....just wondering how to behave when she swoops in and starts yelling and commanding me???


Hello. It’s just boiling over and I don’t know what to do. I live with my husband and 2 children (son 5 years old + daughter 11 months old). The neighbors don't give me peace. As soon as you walk around the kitchen, they immediately knock on the wall, saying they walked loudly. As soon as children, especially my daughter, crawl across the floor, they start knocking and making noise. At one time, in response to our supposed noise, they turned on music so loudly all day long that it was impossible to stay in the apartment. I received answers to my questions about what was happening: my apartment, I do whatever I want, I don’t like you and we will survive you, or you are just bothering us. One time it dawned on me that I got into a fight with their daughter because her son had just started walking and she turned on the music. If you go into the kitchen and God forbid you start talking, there will be 100% knocking. there is no way to relax at home. Because of this, she began to lash out at the children and repeat, don’t run, don’t make noise, etc. There is no option to sell the apartment and move. What should I do? how to learn to deal with them. They themselves have 3 children (a 21-year-old daughter + an 18-year-old son and an 8-year-old daughter) when they were growing up, I didn’t knock on them, no matter how much they ran. At one time I turned on my own to their loud music (our speakers are stronger than theirs), but in the end they turned off the light from the panel. This is complete impudence. Now the daughter is growing up and will begin to walk and there will be a lot of knocking and music from them. when they make noise I don't knock. Maybe it’s time to knock on them myself? Now I’ve spoken out and feel better. Children can’t stay in their room all the time and they need to eat and go to the toilet. what to do? be rude or what? I filed a complaint with the police and came and talked to no avail. help with advice please. At least go to a psychologist.

You'll definitely recognize them when you see them. It's arrogant people with an arrogant attitude towards others that can easily ruin your day, unless of course you are armed with one or more of these 9 answers.

For some reason, an arrogant person is sure that he is somehow superior to you, although, in fact, we are all equal people, and the difference between us is completely insignificant. How you react to these people when you encounter them can affect your mood. Your response to an arrogant person is a reflection of your integrity, your ability to stand up for yourself.

9 phrases that will put an arrogant person in his place

Arrogant people have general features characters with people suffering from narcissistic personality disorder according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual mental disorders 4th edition, used to diagnose psychological problems:

They believe that they are special and unique, so they can only be understood by people with a special or high status, with whom they should only communicate.

They require excessive admiration for their personality.

They are in an unreasonable belief that everything should happen exactly as they wish or assume.

They carry out interpersonal exploitation, that is, they use others to achieve their own goals.

They lack empathy: that is, they are unable to recognize or identify the feelings and needs of other people.

Show arrogance through arrogant behavior or attitude.

1. - What makes you think so?

This phrase is intended to help an arrogant person understand that he is in captivity of stereotypes, that he is simply generalizing everything, as a result of which he will stop speaking in such a way. We hope such people can realize what they are saying bad things. And after this is pointed out to them, they will stop expressing such thoughts.

2. - Oh-oh-oh!

If they hurt someone's feelings, whether they are yours or someone else's, call it like you see it. We are talking about offensive expressions that are used by an arrogant person. And this exclamation will help them realize the harm they are causing.

3. - You know, my mother too...

An arrogant person is likely to identify groups of people based on race, sexual orientation, education received, etc., which allows him to express his negative stereotypes. The whole point is that by humiliating others, an arrogant person tries to elevate himself in comparison with them.

You can quickly stop negative talk by hinting that one of your loved ones is also part of the group that the arrogant person is trying to ridicule. In this way, you will let him know that such gossip is offensive to you personally and you are not going to put up with unfair slander. Most likely, after this the rude person will apologize, which will be for him the best way out from the situation.

4. - Do you know that there are other points of view?

You and everyone else have the right to your own opinion. But arrogant people should understand that their negative comments should not affect other people.

5. - Tell me again, why are you better than him?

Arrogant people think they are better than others. So ask them to explain why we should treat these other people differently. He can give quite interesting answers to this, but most likely he will just start squirming. And you will put him in a completely uncomfortable position if you say that he is not higher than other people.

6. - I would be grateful if these were the last words you said on this topic.

End this arrogant man's chatter as rudely as he started it. This phrase will put an end to his slander. But, again, an arrogant person, accustomed to hearing only himself. Therefore, you will have to say this in the most intelligible way for him.

7. - Shut up, finally.

The easiest way to end a conversation with an arrogant person is to simply walk away. And the best thing is if at the end you say some rather sharp phrase that will make him think. But it is quite possible that you will not be able to influence an arrogant person even in this way. They think too highly of themselves, despite all the evidence of their meanness.

8. - I'm sure you didn't mean for it to sound so arrogant, right?

This phrase conveys good intentions, even if you are not at all sure that the person is so inclined. This formulation actually gives the arrogant person a chance to correct himself, since he will be able to answer that he really did not mean to seem rude. She will also make it clear that you refuse to support his game of belittling others.

9 . “Do you realize how arrogant you look when you say things like that?”

Point out their arrogant behavior and let them know that you find it completely unacceptable. Psychologists who specialize in studying character say that modest people are not at all concerned with themselves, but arrogant people have an inflated opinion of themselves. Representatives of society with such a character are also characterized by manipulative actions towards other people.

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