Home Hygiene How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies, vitamins, and other methods? What is the human psyche or the black box inside the personality? How to strengthen weak nerves and restore them.

How to strengthen the nervous system and psyche with folk remedies, vitamins, and other methods? What is the human psyche or the black box inside the personality? How to strengthen weak nerves and restore them.

For some reason, older people tend to consider problems with the central nervous system and mental health as something shameful. They try not to talk about it, they do their best to hide their presence from outsiders. With the increased pace of modern life, they are as natural as acute respiratory infections or allergies. In addition, mental disorders do not always require medical intervention, sometimes a person can help himself recover.

Causes of mental and nervous system problems

Nervous overload and severe emotional shock are the main reasons mental disorders. The source of problems is situations that traumatize the individual. When under stress, the nerve fibers cannot relax and therefore do not receive proper rest.

Working seven days a week, lack of mutual understanding between a man and a woman can lead to exhaustion of the nervous system. In addition, dependence on the phone and computer has an extremely Negative influence on the nervous system and psyche.

The first signs of a problem

The presence of problems with the nervous system and psyche is indicated by:

  • apathy, chronic fatigue, drowsiness, weakness in the body;
  • depressive thoughts;
  • decreased level of attention, absent-mindedness;
  • causeless change of mood;
  • psychosomatics and functional disorders, sleep disturbance;
  • decreased appetite and weight loss;
  • decreased libido;
  • adaptation difficulties, manifested in irritability and nervous reactions when communicating with others.

Important! Unlike mental illness, when the nervous system is depleted, a person recognizes that something is wrong with him. He associates the signs of abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system and psyche with the traumatic event.

How to cure nerves and psyche at home

To strengthen the nervous system and psyche, it is necessary to reduce exposure to traumatic factors. Preventive measures include special exercises and techniques, as well as vitamins.

Attention! When deciding how to strengthen the psyche, you need to proceed from the reasons that resulted in negative changes in its work.

Exercises and techniques

Sport helps restore the nervous system, increases stress resistance and overall tone of the body. Morning jogging or cycling, swimming or water aerobics are effective.

In psychology, a change of environment, new places and new experiences are considered effective means of recovery from stress. Communicating with positive people also helps take your mind off unpleasant thoughts. Caring for and caring for a pet has a restorative effect on the nervous system.

Additional Information. Psychologists recommend taking a course of psychological classes, where a specialist will tell you how to heal the psyche and nerves through relaxation techniques: meditation, restorative breathing. This will develop the person’s skills of relaxation and restoration of harmony.

Means and products

Healthy lifestyle and regular classes sports with a properly selected load will be even more effective if a person consumes vitamin complexes. You can plan a diet that will contain sufficient amounts of vitamins B, C, E. An anti-stress diet should include chicken, pork, beef, fatty fish, dairy and dairy products, eggs, white and cauliflower, carrots and beets, green onions, tomatoes and potatoes, berries and fruits, dark chocolate, cereals, raisins and nuts.

Vitamin C improves mood and promotes creative thinking. Vitamin E normalizes sleep. For preventive purposes, it is recommended to use tinctures of lily of the valley and peony, valerian and motherwort. It is useful to brew tea with St. John's wort and mint.

If the traumatic event was very strong, then medicinal herbs may not cope with the task of normalization psycho-emotional state. Then they move on to the “heavy artillery”: antidepressants, sedatives. Although such drugs have side effects Therefore, only a doctor prescribes them.

Important! It is recommended to resort to medications only when vitamin-mineral complexes and herbal tinctures are ineffective.

The role of a strong psyche in a person’s life

A strong psyche allows a person to gain an adequate understanding of the world around him, improve himself and develop his natural abilities. The balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the nervous system allows a person to successfully switch from one type of activity to another. An indispensable condition for ensuring the successful implementation of a particular activity is the nerve connections in the cerebral cortex and their quality.

Strong nerves and a stable psyche allow a person to cope with stressful situations, quickly recover from a crisis period, maintain composure and the ability to think sensibly in critical moments.

How to restore the psyche and nervous system after life's problems

The conditions of modern reality are unthinkable without stress, which usually gives Negative consequences. At home, measures such as a hot bath with aromatic lavender or pine foam and a good night's sleep help calm your nerves and restore your psyche.

However, sometimes the stressful state is so pronounced that a person cannot cope with it on his own. In this case, you need to seek help from a neurologist and psychologist.

How to strengthen a child’s nervous system and psyche

Many adults encounter behavioral problems in children. They believe that the reason for this is errors in upbringing. However, this is not always the case. It happens that deviations in behavior arise as a result of weakness of the child’s central nervous system.

For mental strengthening to be effective, it is necessary to use A complex approach. It is recommended to review your daily routine, nutrition and daily diet. A growing body needs fruits, milk, cereal crops, meat. Most cooking products should be natural. The use of emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes and flavor enhancers is not recommended in baby food.

Nutritionists say that for normal functioning of the central nervous system you need to eat fish, green vegetables, olive oil, and dried fruits. If the child does not want these products, you need to explain to him their significance for the body, you can resort to tricks or use play moments.

Attention! Monotonous menu, lack of walks fresh air, sedentary lifestyle, addiction to computer games and late going to bed are detrimental to a child’s fragile psyche.

The family situation and interpersonal relationships of parents influence the child’s psyche. Parents should sort things out without minor witnesses.

To reduce the excited state, children are given a decoction of chamomile or linden to drink.

If disturbances in the functioning of the central nervous system take on the form of mental disorders, you need to contact a neurologist who will prescribe pills.

How to understand that outside help is needed

A visit to the doctor should not be postponed if:

  1. Feelings of hopelessness and depression constantly overcome, preventing the effective performance of work duties and personal affairs. The lack of desire to do what you love or meet with friends for 2 weeks indicates the development of depression.
  2. A person without visible reasons mood changes often. Something worries him all the time. He suffers from phobias. Thoughts about suicide appear.
  3. A person experiences visual or auditory hallucinations, paranoia.
  4. When communicating with others, a person is always irritated and overcome by negative feelings. According to him, those around him are hostile towards him.

All people tend to experience negative emotions. However, a person with a balanced psyche quickly copes with them. If for a long time a person cannot overcome a depressive state and cope with stress, this indicates a weakness of the nervous system. In this case, it needs to be restored or treated. Even if you need the help of specialists, you should not be shy about it.


Many people want to know how to strengthen the psyche of an adult and be emotionally healthy in order to feel full of strength and energy. They spend a lot of time mental development and they think that improving their well-being is quite simple. But they forget that the body and psyche are one, and if we do not take care of our body, then our emotional condition will not improve.

If you don’t know how to strengthen the psyche of an adult, then imagine that our brain is a computer, and consciousness is like software that performs certain actions. When you take care of yourself, you focus mainly on the work of your intelligent software. You study various techniques and do exercises to better manage your thoughts. The problem is that your mental programs depend on the state of your body. And if you don't take care of your physical health, then even the best software will not help change your emotional state.

Before you are ready to use new technology, you need to strengthen your body. Every child knows that latest games will not work on an ancient computer. The same thing happens to a person, we constantly need to take care of ourselves. When you start doing this, you will immediately feel the changes. This is one of the most simple methods that most people don't know about. Changing eating habits physical activity And good night, can work wonders. Today I will tell you several ways to strengthen the psyche of an adult, and what steps you need to take to do this.

I am sure that as soon as you start following these recommendations, your... When you start taking care of your body and mind, your mood will improve and you will have much more energy for life and work. Sounds attractive? I think yes, and it is quite possible to achieve this.

Why is it worth taking care of your psyche?

A stable emotional state can be a way to solve many problems that we could not cope with before, and also has a positive effect on our memory and creativity. A good emotional state makes learning easier and we become more productive. When we begin to take care of our mind, the condition of the whole organism only improves. Our mental health largely depends on our emotional and physical condition. But most people don't understand this and are looking for it.

Make sure you get good sleep

In today's world, we neglect the importance of sleep. It seems to us that we are able to stretch out our day indefinitely. However, this has a negative impact on our well-being. Sleep gives us strength and improves brain function. When we don't get enough sleep, our cognitive abilities, such as thinking, remembering information and focusing, begin to deteriorate sharply. Sleep cleanses our body and helps relieve stress. If we sleep too little, we feel sluggish and make various mistakes.

How much sleep do you need? This is already an individual question. But the average adult should sleep at least seven to eight hours, although for some, six may be enough. When we sleep less, we are more susceptible to mental and physical problems. This is due to the improper functioning of our brain, which simply does not have time to rest. We are living at a really fast pace these days. We process a large amount of information and are constantly in a hurry to get somewhere. All this affects the quality of our sleep.

If you want to take care of your health and understand how to strengthen the psyche of an adult, you must remember three key principles:

  1. Quantity.
  2. Quality.
  3. Regularity.

You already know that you should sleep about 7-8 hours - that's the amount. The quality of your sleep depends on where you sleep. Eliminate excess noise and keep your lighting in check so you don't wake up too quickly. Also, make sure you get regular sleep and try to go to bed at the same time every day, even on weekends.

A healthy body means a healthy mind

Oxygen is the fuel for the body. There is nothing better for us than regular exercise, which helps saturate the body with oxygen. Research shows that the brains of people who exercise regularly function much better, regardless of age.

Exercise also helps reduce stress. Sometimes when we come home, we don't want to do anything. We dream of lying down, watching TV or sitting at the computer. However, this is bad for our well-being. Sometimes it's better to get busy physical activity and relieve the tension we feel. I'm talking about regular activities. This can be aerobic exercise that is not high intensity, or walking outdoors, cycling, or running at a slow pace.

How do you know if you are training correctly? It's very simple. Aerobic exercises are best done at a pace that allows you to move freely. You need to find your pace. It is better to start with a lower intensity and gradually increase it. This is a workout for our mind and body, it is important that you are comfortable. Don't overdo the intensity of your workouts, but focus on regularity.

Research shows that 150 minutes of exercise per week is enough to improve brain function. If you exercise every day, you only need 20 minutes. If you exercise 5 times a week, you will need 30 minutes per workout. This is not so much compared to the advantages that open up to us.

The perfect diet for your brain

Our body needs the right nutrients. Different diets can be beneficial for our health. They should include fruits and vegetables. Also don't forget about fish, nuts and legumes. Poultry, eggs and low-fat dairy products should be consumed in moderation. We should avoid fast food items.

It is also worth remembering to limit the consumption of sweets and carbonated drinks. A properly formulated diet will have a positive effect on our mind and body as a whole. Remember to drink plenty of fluids. It will be best plain water or tea. You need to drink from 2 to 3.5 liters per day.

Do not overeat under any circumstances. It's better to eat less, but regularly. Remember that the signal that you have eaten well comes to us with a delay. If you finish your meal but don't feel hungry yet, wait a little. The brain will receive a signal and you will feel more full. Those who forget about this often have problems with excess weight.

In everyday food great amount salt and sugar. Try to reduce their intake in your food. Also avoid eating foods that are highly processed as they contain high amounts of salt. The most important thing is to maintain common sense, extremes are always unfavorable. So take care of your diet, but don't become a fanatic who can ruin yourself by doing so.

Your body will reciprocate your feelings

As we see, there are no secrets and magic pills in how to strengthen the psyche of an adult. If you worry about proper sleep If you start exercising regularly and eat right, your emotional state and physical health will begin to improve over time. Implementing in daily life good habits, you will feel better physically and mentally.

The brain is responsible for our mood and how we deal with emotions. It is also responsible for resilience, which helps to cope with various life challenges. Only by taking care of yourself can you improve your consciousness. Otherwise, you have no chance of making positive changes.

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One of the most characteristic features Modern life is nothing more than an increased impact on a person of stressful situations. They, lurking, wait for him in any area of ​​life and are always expressed differently. This could be a misunderstanding in the family, a delay in salary, a conflict with a negative salesperson in a store, a broken contract with a business partner, or some other trouble. But sometimes this is not what surprises us at all, but the fact that when they find themselves in such situations, some people instantly succumb to the influence of emotions: they resonate with a stressful situation, worry, get nervous, their mood deteriorates, etc. And others, finding themselves in similar (and even worse) conditions, seem to have long been prepared for such a development of events: they perceive everything easily and do not strain, maintain composure, and remain, if not in a positive, then at least in a neutral state. What is the difference between the two? Today we will talk about one of the psychological characteristics human - sustainability.

Psychological stability

Psychological resilience is the process of maintaining the most optimal mode the work of the human psyche in conditions of constantly changing circumstances and their stressful effects. The interesting thing is that this is formed in a person during his development and is not genetically determined. It depends on factors such as a person’s nervous system, his upbringing, experience, level of development, etc. This means that, for example, if a person, as they say, “has been through a lot,” then his psyche will be much more stable than the psyche of someone who grew up “holding onto his mother’s skirt.” But this is not the final indicator yet, because a person who is constantly exposed stress influences, will react painfully to every problem, because his nerves have become pretty frayed over time. These are two sides of the same coin.

In addition, psychological stability is not a 100% guarantee of resistance to everything. Psychological stability is more the flexibility of a person’s psyche than the steadfastness and stability of his nervous system. And the fundamental characteristic of psychological stability is precisely the mobility of the psyche in constantly changing conditions. Psychological stability, just like instability, always “works” according to a pattern.

How psychological stability/instability works

Psychological stability: First, a task appears that generates a motive that entails the performance of certain actions aimed at its implementation. Then the difficulty that causes the negative emotional state is realized. Then a search for a way to overcome this difficulty occurs, as a result of which the level of negative emotions and improved mental state.

Psychological instability: First, a task appears that generates a motive that entails the performance of certain actions aimed at its implementation. Then the difficulty that causes the negative emotional state is realized. Then there is a chaotic search for a way to overcome this difficulty, causing it to worsen, resulting in an increase in the level of negative emotions and a deterioration in mental state.

The main reasons for exposure to stressful conditions are the lack of effective ways to overcome difficult situations and the feeling of personal threat. Mentally unstable people often have this feature: chaotic behavior causes a stressful state and intensifies it, and this state, in turn, brings even more chaos into the person’s inner world, resulting in a feeling of complete helplessness in relation to difficult situations and one’s own behavior. Thus, the conclusion suggests itself that psychological stability is, first of all, self-control.

It is also important to remember that stressful situations can never be completely eliminated from life, because... they are its full component. And the goal of any person should not be to get rid of these situations, but to educate and cultivate psychological resistance to them.

Increasing psychological resilience

The main law of increasing psychological stability is the acceptance of the fact that if a person is not able to change circumstances, then he is able to change his attitude towards them. An example would be the situation with a barking dog: walking down the street and seeing a dog barking at someone nearby, you are unlikely to get annoyed about this, but simply calmly continue your way, immersed in your thoughts, right? Same with difficult situations: they should be perceived not as something that happens to the detriment of you personally, but as something simply taking place. As soon as a person allows events to take their course, without focusing their attention on them and without reacting emotionally, they pass just like that - in their own way; pass you by. If a person begins to “cling” to everything, then this also begins to “cling” to him. If you run to yell and insult in every possible way barking dog, then the likelihood that you will become the object of her close attention increases significantly. Of course, this is just one way. And it is not universal.

Increasing psychological stability is directly influenced by the conditions in which a person lives. For example, if a person is naturally reactive nervous activity, i.e. he likes an intense lifestyle, frequent changes of environment, increased activity etc., then, most likely, he will not be comfortable living in a small town or sitting in one place in the office without the opportunity to splash out his energy. In order for a person’s psyche to be more stable, it is necessary that his lifestyle correspond to his natural predispositions.

Systematic unloading of the nervous system is another way to increase your psychological stability. Constant pressure and doing something you don’t really love (which, by the way, is a striking feature of many people’s work) have an extremely negative impact on the human psyche. This makes him irritable, nervous, and constantly tired. Only proper rest can affect this. You need to regularly devote time to doing your favorite things, traveling outside the city, relaxing reading books, in general, doing everything that you really want to do. Or you can do nothing at all - just relax and relieve stress.

A person’s cultivation of a philosophical attitude towards life has a very good effect on psychological stability. Mental health a person is closely related to such qualities of his personality as humor, positive thinking, ability to laugh at oneself, self-criticism. Only if a person can look at the events that are happening and at himself without excessive seriousness, without considering himself the “center of the Universe” and the one to whom life or someone else owes something, only then everything that happens will not seem so painful and will stop constantly touch a nerve.

One more effective method For the formation of psychological stability is a positive self-image. What is meant here is that a person must cultivate a positive attitude towards his personality, accept himself as he is, and be a positive and positive character for himself. But you need to be careful not to cross the line that leads to self-pity and perception of the world with, otherwise psychological instability will only worsen.

In close proximity to a positive self-image is a person’s inner integrity. This question is worthy of writing a separate book, but, in short, a person must, firstly, live in harmony with himself, his principles, beliefs and worldview. Secondly, he should do what he likes: work, sports, recreation, communication - everything should be in maximum accordance with the person’s vision. Thirdly, he must strive for self-development and spiritual self-improvement, because this has a direct constructive impact on both a person’s personality and his life.

If we ask ourselves about the formation of psychological stability in more detail, we can note that a person should pay attention to the following components of his life:

  • Social environment and immediate surroundings
  • Self-esteem and attitude towards oneself
  • Self-realization and self-expression
  • Independence and self-sufficiency
  • Correspondence between the present self and the desired self
  • Faith and spirituality
  • Having positive emotions
  • Having meaning in life and determination, etc. and so on.

Naturally, only a part of those factors that have a positive effect on psychological stability are listed here. The presence and development of them in the life of any person will have a huge impact on his worldview, behavior, development, activity, mental state and mood. Their absence, on the contrary, has the opposite effect and contributes to psychological instability.

Of course, in order to learn to support all this, you need to purposefully activate every structure of your personality and always remember your goal - the development of psychological stability. However, despite the apparent complexity of this process, it has invaluable practical significance, because It is psychological stability that can give any person a state of satisfaction with life and a sense of harmony, normalize the psyche and increase performance, give new incentives, peace of mind and the ability to become a whole and strong person.

Write in the comments about how you improve your mental toughness, what helps you stay positive, and what you do when everything seems to be going wrong. We'd love to hear your thoughts on this!

Every stressful situation hits the human nervous system directly. The union of nerve formations permeates the body, regulates the work of each internal organ. Constant stress disables this structure, which affects a person’s mental and physical health. How to strengthen the nervous system and prevent breakdowns. Common methods are known.

The first step towards restoring the nervous system. To strengthen your nerves, you first need to limit yourself from:

  1. Alcohol. The body of a person who abuses alcoholic beverages is constantly intoxicated. This is due to the component of alcoholic beverages - ethyl alcohol. Ethanol rightfully occupies a leading place in the list of strong poisons and has a detrimental effect on nerve cells. After the first portions of alcohol enter the body, the nervous system is excited. With regular alcohol consumption, overloads occur that damage the nerves. Along with this, a person’s mood changes sharply, memory functions are impaired, and performance deteriorates.
  2. Tobacco. Smoking also has a detrimental effect on the nervous system. When ingested, nicotine and tar contained in cigarettes constrict blood vessels. This causes a lack of oxygen in the body, causing nerve cells to die
  3. Energy drinks. Contains taurine, caffeine and guarana extract. Each of these substances affects the nervous system, forcing it to work harder. Constant consumption of these drinks wears out the nerves: a person feels lethargic and apathetic, his performance decreases and interest in life disappears.

To normalize the functioning of the nervous system, limit the use of these substances to a minimum.

Physical activity, distributed evenly according to a person’s regimen, helps stabilize the functioning of the nervous system. For strengthening use:

  1. Morning exercises. 10 minutes after waking up, drink a glass of warm water and start doing exercises. These are squats, raising arms to the sides, rotating the body, lunges and other simple basic exercises. The duration of such charging is 5-10 minutes. This type of training is beneficial for the nervous system and the body.
  2. Physical education sessions during the working day. Five-minute breaks with simple physical exercises have a calming effect on the nervous system. This method is suitable for those people who work in a sitting position for part of the day. For example, you can get up from the table every two or three hours, stretch your legs, arms, neck and shoulders. Commit hiking, at least within the building.
  3. Walking before bed. Another simple one affordable way, which has a calming effect on the nervous system. Walking every night helps the body recover after a hard day of work. The pace of the walk is calm, lasting 30-40 minutes. It is better to take a walk just before bed, so that after it you just take a shower and go straight to bed.

Breathing exercises

Special breathing exercises have been developed to calm the nervous system. Here are some of them:

  1. Take a sitting position, close your eyes and relax. Then you need to close the left nostril with the thumb of your left hand and inhale with one right one. Exhale through the left nostril, the right one is closed ring finger. This exercise calms the nerves, but it is better to do it during the day and not before bed.
  2. Standing in the fresh air, take a slow breath, while raising your collarbones. The exhalation is also slow, while the chest is pulled down.
  3. Take a sitting position, straighten your back and take a slow breath. At the same time, mentally fix your gaze on parts of the body (starting from the tips of your toes to chest), holding for every 3 breaths.
  4. A standard breathing exercise calms and normalizes the nerves: inhale and exhale slowly, counting to ten.

Relaxation through breathing exercises often prevents impending breakdown, and also becomes a preventive measure to strengthen the nervous system.


This method involves regularly exposing the body to physical factors. When choosing a method, the hardening sequence is important. You can harden your body with:

  1. For beginners, a contrast shower is suitable: alternate dousing with warm and cool water. With each procedure, the water temperature is lowered so that it becomes cold by 5-8 times. Thus, during the final procedures, the person being hardened pours either warm or ice water, due to which contrast is created.
  2. The next step will be dousing cold water. To harden the body of a person who constantly practices contrast showers, you need to increase the duration of dousing with a cold stream by 10 seconds each time.
  3. For those who are not suitable for hardening with water, dosed exposure to ultraviolet radiation is used. In summer, this means spending 12-15 minutes in the sun every day; in winter, visiting a solarium. It is important to observe the measure, otherwise there is a risk of harm to health.

A person who regularly strengthens the body also strengthens the nervous system.

Proper nutrition

Sticking to the Basics proper nutrition also useful for structures human body. Products that strengthen the nervous system include:

  • Fresh vegetables, fruits and berries are a natural source of vitamins and minerals, fiber. Eating these products improves your mood as it normalizes the functioning of the nervous system.
  • Natural sources of protein. These include meat and poultry, dairy and fermented milk products, eggs, fish and seafood, which increase reflexes and improve memory.
  • Sources of healthy fats. These include nuts and seeds, olive oil, and some types of fish. Eating these foods increases emotional stability.
  • Sources of healthy carbohydrates. These are primarily cereals and legumes. Healthy carbohydrates are the main energy source for brain cells. With a lack of cereals, a person feels weakness, apathy, fatigue and headaches.
    The amount and balance of carbohydrate, protein and fat sources throughout the day correspond to the individual characteristics of the person.

Daily regime

Compliance with the regime is the main aspect for a person who has wondered how to keep the nervous system healthy. Daily sleep of at least eight hours a day restores the body and strengthens the human nervous system. Insufficient sleep has an extremely negative impact on the psyche. A person in a constant state of sleep deprivation is susceptible to stressful situations, since the emotional state becomes unstable.

Traditional ways to strengthen the nervous system

To strengthen the nervous system folk remedies use recipes proven over centuries:

  • Oregano tea, brewed to taste, will help relieve nervous tension.
  • A herbal infusion of raspberry and blackberry leaves (3 tablespoons per 0.5 liters of water) will help you forget about the stress you have suffered.
  • Mint tea with a slice of lemon will invigorate you.
  • Primrose infusion (4 tbsp per 0.5 liter of water) will help you wake up.

Thus, herbs are suitable for strengthening the nervous system, since they are natural components and do not cause harm. However, when treating with folk remedies, some types of plants cause allergies, so it is better to consult with your doctor before use.

Life constantly tests your strength. Dissatisfaction with the way things are going, accumulating and growing. Problems at work, conflicts in the family, lack of income. The meaninglessness and hopelessness of life. Everything is not the way you want, everything is wrong. It is necessary to figure out how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche, because constant stress makes itself felt - psychological problems:

  • anxiety, fears, panic attacks;
  • irritability, anger, intolerance;
  • resentment and aggression;
  • depression, depression.

Psychological problems quickly lead to health disorders. There is a whole spectrum of them - from skin rashes and tics to disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and heart function, from headaches and sleep disturbances to decreased vision and weight problems. Our article is for you if Are you looking for a reliable tool:

  • how to strengthen the nervous system and psyche;
  • gain maximum resistance to any stress and cope with it easily;
  • get rid of health problems that arise due to nervousness.

The “System-vector psychology” training will help you solve these problems in a comprehensive manner. You will find recommendations in each individual case, based on the symptoms, in this article.

Nerve strengthener: how to choose the right one?

Question: “How to achieve relaxation of the nervous system if I am constantly “on edge”, what is the best way to choose a sedative? I don’t really trust advertising, so I tried what people on the forum recommended. But so far the results are not good.”

Answer: Of course, you want to protect yourself from unfair advertising. But following the recommendations of other people is also wrong. The human psyche, like his body, has its own unique properties. Even the speed of nervous reactions and metabolism are different among us. What worked for one of your friends or relatives may turn out to be useless and even destructive for you.

Question: “Then we need to undergo a bunch of central nervous system examinations? Or can you somehow choose folk remedies yourself to cope with the problem at home? In the modern pace of life, it’s not really possible to sit in line to see a doctor for days.”

Answer: To understand what is right for you, it is enough to understand the structure of your psyche. What is useful for her, and what, on the contrary, is harmful. The psyche of each of us, on average, is formed by a set of 3-4 vectors (there are 8 in total). Each of them sets its own characteristics: both in how you react to stress and in how it is easier and better to overcome it.


Psychological symptoms: Anger, short temper, irritability, fussiness.

Skin diseases, rashes and itching, tics and tremors of the limbs, obsessive movements. In such cases, doctors usually prescribe sedatives, vitamins to strengthen the nervous system, and creams to treat skin disorders. However, if you treat only the body, the causes of the problems do not go away. Over time, more potent drugs are required. To truly solve a problem means to solve it on a psychological level.

Reasons for violations: The basic value of a person is the desire for career growth and high income. If you fail to realize your ambitious aspirations and have a decent income, this causes severe stress. Such a person cannot bear to feel like a failure. For men, this primarily concerns their career. A woman can have a very hard time worrying not only about work, but also about constant failures in a couple relationship.

Those with the skin vector are agile, dexterous, and love movement and change. Therefore, the need to do routine work or sit at home for a long time can also cause nervousness and irritation.

What not to do: Don’t fall for all sorts of online advice, where recommendations are lumped together. Not all of them will suit you. For example, a skin person will not get any pleasure from “sofa relaxation”. And all sorts of “anti-stress embroidery” or crafts, where you have to scrupulously pick every detail, are simply capable of driving an active and active leather worker crazy.

"Natural psychotherapy": Often we intuitively feel how and what we can do to relieve stress, at least for a short time. Those with the skin vector are usually drawn to a morning jog, breathing exercises, cold dousing, hardening. Anything is really useful to them physical exercise to calm the nervous system. Self-discipline and self-restraint naturally bring psychological comfort to such a person.

Reasonable diets, a healthy lifestyle, travel and a change of environment are also suitable.

The natural psychotherapy described above only improves well-being for a short time. You need to figure out the reason: why you can’t achieve your ambitious goals, why success doesn’t come?

Our psyche is designed in such a way that desires always correspond to possibilities. An ambitious leather worker has everything to achieve what he wants: dexterity and adaptability, quick reactions, the ability to instantly make decisions and act, innate logical thinking, relying on the principle of “use and benefit”. If all this natural wealth never brings desired result, then there is only one reason: there are traumas or anchors in the psyche that complicate this process.

For example, a scenario for failure in the skin vector arises when such a person was humiliated in childhood. Growing up, he consciously strives for success, and unconsciously aims for failure. And no matter how much effort you make, things just don’t work out. If we are talking about a woman, she unconsciously chooses a mate in which she is doomed to an unhappy life.

With the help of the “System-Vector Psychology” training, you can get rid of these problems forever:

“If earlier I did my best to avoid my main work, seizing moments to do something left-handed, now, in an unknown way, on the contrary, I want to do everything in the most creative way. +Unprecedented enthusiasm appeared.”


Causes of problems and ways to restore health and balance

Psychological symptoms: Resentment towards life and people. The feeling that life is unfair. The tendency to endure for a long time, and then to lash out violently, to show verbal or physical aggression. And most often at home - on those closest to you (parents, children, spouses). A painful feeling of shame and guilt after such outbursts.

Related health problems: Disturbances in the functioning of the heart and gastrointestinal tract, stuttering. Doctors usually prescribe remedies depending on the physical ailment. For example, blood pressure lowering agents. Or drugs to combat gastritis and stomach ulcers. Medicines may indeed be vital in the short term. But you can’t rely on them alone, otherwise your health problems will worsen.

Reasons for violations: The basic value of a person is family and children, as well as honor and respect in society. An unfavorable situation in any of these areas can cause severe stress. It is especially difficult for such people to experience divorce (since they are initially focused on the constancy of the relationship) or betrayal of a partner (after all, they strive for purity and fidelity in marriage). Children's health or behavioral problems can also cause great distress.

For a man with such characteristics, a difficult test can be dismissal from the workplace to which he devoted his best years, and expected that he would be appreciated in return. And attempts to get a job where flexibility, dexterity and resourcefulness are required only lead to failure. After all, the strengths of such a person are completely different: thoroughness, leisurelyness, scrupulousness.

What not to do: Your best friend's advice may not suit you if he has a completely different psyche. Therefore, from the variety offered, immediately abandon such methods of “relaxation” as trips, rearranging the house and other attempts to add variety. The psyche of those with an anal vector, on the contrary, is conservative. Change can be an additional stressor.

"Natural psychotherapy": Such a person feels relaxation and comfort in the circle of old friends. You can, for example, go to the bathhouse or fishing together. Manual labor will help relieve stress for a short time: repairing a car or household items for men, handicrafts and general cleaning for women. However, the long-term way is to realize those desires of the soul that are given to a person.

How to get lasting results: The psyche of carriers of the anal vector is ideally suited to realizing their desires. They are faithful, devoted, caring - best husbands and wives, fathers and mothers. Thoroughness, phenomenal memory, perseverance and attention to detail make them excellent craftsmen, mentors, and professionals in their field. With favorable implementation, such a person really has the right to count on strong family, and respect and honor in society. What's stopping you?

The burden of grievances can weigh heavily on fate. For example, if at work they were underestimated, “underpaid,” a man may become a “couch sitter” for some time. It is then difficult to motivate him to do any work at all, even around the house - although he naturally has golden hands. There is a special scenario when in childhood such a child is interrupted and rushed, and in adulthood this leads to procrastination.

If the offense was caused by a representative of the opposite sex, a generalization of bad experience arises. It seems that all “men” or “women” are not very good, there is no one to choose from. And it turns out that by nature the best family man deprives himself of the opportunity to create family hearth. These are just some examples. You can get rid of any problems that a carrier of the anal vector faces with the help of Yuri Burlan’s training.


Causes of problems and ways to restore health and balance

Psychological symptoms: Anxious thoughts and states, fears and phobias, panic attacks, nightmares.

Related health problems: Decreased vision (especially in children), excessive sweating, panic attacks. Doctors prescribe medications to treat anxiety disorders. However official medicine It is increasingly recognized that drugs fight symptoms and are unable to influence the cause itself: fear as such. Why does a person react nervously to even the most harmless situation? The answer to this lies in the psyche, not in the human body.

Reasons for violations: The fact is that the root emotion in life is the fear of death. At the moment of fear, many somatic reactions arise: heartbeat and sweating increase, changes muscle tone- we are literally ready to take off to escape. The body odor also changes: it is very bright, this “smell of fear of death.” This is an ancient mechanism that, in cave times, allowed a spectator to warn the entire flock of danger through smell (pheromones).

Today we are not threatened by wild animals. Although the core of the psyche in the visual vector remains the same. But nature took care of how to adapt such special emotionality and sensuality to new conditions. The owner of the visual vector can direct his enormous sensory range into empathy and compassion for other people. Then fear for oneself turns into compassion for another, into a desire to share with him his sadness and troubles. And your own problems recede.

What not to do: Feel free to immediately discard any recommendations, perform affirmations, or persuade yourself in front of the mirror. They are not only useless, but harmful to the viewer. His nature is in spiritual connections with other people. It's about focusing on the other person's feelings. Any attempts here to focus on oneself: “I am calm, like the ice of the Arctic...” will only give the opposite effect. At first, the principle of self-hypnosis works, and then the symptoms return with a vengeance.

"Natural psychotherapy": The most sensitive area of ​​such a person is the eyes - they distinguish many shades of color. This gives the makings of a photographer or artist to a bearer of such properties. Therefore, at a short distance, we can happily draw and get carried away by photography. Yes, it helps - but not for long. The effect of intimate conversations with friends and acquaintances is a little longer. But it will only work if you focus on the other person's problem. If you “drain” only your sorrows to him, then again it will become a little easier, but not for long.

How to get lasting results: Sustainable results will be only with the constant implementation of its properties. For owners of the visual vector, this is implementation in the sphere of culture and humanistic professions. But if your work is far from these areas, then even more active communication will help, when your attention is completely focused on the interlocutor, his feelings, desires, and aspirations. Your empathy and compassion for those who need it can work wonders.

Full realization in the sphere of sensual connections with people finally allows the viewer to realize his innermost dream - to find an incredible mutual love paired with. In love, such a person comprehends his life, and when he himself becomes its endless source, a “fairy tale” takes shape. And the question - how to strengthen your nerves and psyche - is resolved forever.

It happens that psychotraumas, false attitudes and anchors in the psyche prevent one from realizing oneself. For example, when a child is visual, he cannot fully reveal them as an adult. Visual children are often targets of bullying in childhood, and such experiences also do not make them more open-minded as adults. In severe cases, the viewer may become an object of pedophilia or rape. But you can even get rid of the consequences of such psychological traumas with the help of the System-Vector Psychology training.


Causes of problems and ways to restore health and balance

Psychological symptoms: Depression, depression, lack of meaning in life and unwillingness to live. Life seems gray, dull, hopeless. A feeling of enormous inner loneliness... Withdrawal into virtual reality, various pseudo-spiritual sects, and in severe cases - into drugs.

Related health problems: Sleep disturbances (severe drowsiness or constant insomnia), lack of appetite, severe headaches, migraines. Attempts to be treated with sleeping pills and painkillers have no effect. Then such a person risks becoming a patient of a psychiatrist. But the treatment prescribed there will not solve the problem. in such states, one is sick in soul, not in body.

Reasons for violations: The sound artist strives for the metaphysical, for the revelation of the spiritual. Therefore, he feels deeply lonely among people who are only interested in the world of matter. Gradually his inner loneliness increases, he himself withdraws from the world, from people. But this only makes the situation worse. The inability to realize and realize one's inner desires is the main cause of suffering.

What not to do: The sound person is distinguished by a special auditory sensitivity. Sounds that are too loud are painful. Negative, offensive meanings in people's speech are unbearable. Try not to expose yourself to such influences. This also includes heavy rock music; sound producers often choose it themselves - in order to “drown out” mental pain. It becomes easier for a short time, but then the severity of the condition worsens.

"Natural psychotherapy": The state of psychological comfort for a sound artist is darkness, silence and... loneliness. The very thing that eventually becomes unbearable and painful. Therefore, in a short distance, if you are tired of the too noisy and intrusive world around you, you can retire and be alone. But the paradox is that remaining in this state for a long time is dangerous.

How to get lasting results:

The only cure for the sound soul is awareness of the structure of the psyche. It is through the disclosure of the 8-dimensional matrix of the psychic that the sound artist is able to finally know himself, based on differences from other vectors. And find your place, your purpose - which is not expressed by material, tangible values.

It takes off the hardest depressive states even from those people who “stood with one foot on the windowsill”:

The ability to increase stress resistance and restore one’s psychological health is fully given at Yuri Burlan’s “System-vector psychology” training. You can get your first results already at.

The article was written based on training materials “ System-vector psychology»

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